r II.! i:1]f�I'\\ r,\. f, :;I. \.\,J:\.:I[• II•,-f•...ol-IE t- .:. �:' : <.:-:., � _..::'-, 'afl!'- ,UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SATURDAY. llAY 14, 1910,BOLD LAST MEETING'.� OF BAPTIST CONVENTION NEW CIIAIRIWt FOR CLUB FETE Price Five Cents.ALL�cLAssES pLAN BIG' "'. AERO nuB'S FUGHTWlSCONSIN.PURDUE DAY Will Try � -;;;er lIachine' on'-;::.; ':.. "' __ '"'_It. Fi-1�". ··-u Purchase"j_.... � ............. � I� �eti.li of· AD Oi,"" yesterdaJ AeroplaDe of That Model if Figh�.,...-- � . Started· " .. Is SucceafuL�� .SabriaJ, .J %1. MONDAY CHICAGO VS.ILLINOIS INTHlEECONTESTSTODAysi-=het .J tile ley. T. D. A.iel'lGll,tI.e leY. J. w. Br.Per'"Presideat E....,. Frances Herrick Succeeds Charlotte1Ierrill. Who Resigns Because e!Other Work-All Women' .. Clubs . Vanity Tuck aadBue ..... ad Fresh­to Be Represented Friday Night. mea Tuck T u.s Battle 'atC ... • .. ian.. I Realization of the hopes and ambi­tidris of the Aero club comes iil theAUTO.oliLEs ,. .m. PLAJ· ·PART news' that !li{)nday afternoon at .4 �OVERNOR FOLl DOES NOT COMEo'clock .on � lIarshall field. the - firstInteDc1. t9..JJ� Machines in �arad� flight with a real air. craft, w!Jl . be I Convention Just Over Is Biggest ofMecHcs and Lawyers to . held. '. llr. Barker. a local manufac- History-Pass Resolutions of. :Race Relay. turer of aeroplane of the Cortois Thanks to University.type, has consented to demonstrateThe real business of' preparation to the club the merit of his crafts. Speeches by the Rev. T. D. Ander-for the"'Vis�onsin-Pur"due day, llay Ie'the results are satisfactory to the son of Albany, X. Y., James Whit-;:-. 21, was begun yesterday at the meet- members, an extra large machine will comb B h f L ' 1 C 1-: . be ordered for their own use. roug er 0 os Ange es, a .•ings of all the classes,' which were and President-elect Emorv 'V. Huntheld at, 10:30 o'clock. The general Since gravitation is the only power Jplans drawn up by the Undergradu- used. by llr. Barker in the flight of of Denison university closed the thirdhis ships, either automobile-tow or an annual Xorthern Baptist conventionate Student. council and the execu-tive committees of the classes were inclined plane 'will be employed. If last evening, The Rev. James Whit-the .necessary arrangements can be comb Brougher substituted for theadopted at all the meetings. The gen-eral scheme for a class parade, in- made the latter method will be used Hon. Joseph Folk, who was unableaugurated with success last ''Year, will on llarshall field. The plans are to to appear. As pastor of the Templebe followed. "'and' present prospects in- arrange one' side' of' the bleachers' in Baptist church of Los Angeles, hedicate that Illinois day last year will a form suitable for the required im- preaches to the largest protestantbe surpassed. . . petus, congregation in America ..The color scheme adopted last year Money in Treasury. Opinions of the delegates voiced. '. was again proposed to the classes and' - The club's prospective aeroplane yesterday show the convention just. was accepted by all. _ The Seniors will witl cost· between $25 and $30. This over to have been nearly double inwear maroon. . At their session yes-" sum is already in the treasury. Each numbers what it ever has been be-terday morning. they appointed a< one of the members was assessed for fore. lleetings of a11 the Baptist mis-committee to- take charge of all fur-' an equal 'share of the expense. . sion societies in the country havether arrangements for : the class. O�e of the problems of the aero- been held since before the Civil warFrank Orchard' is the head, and the nauts was 'where they could store under the name of llay meetings.members 'are' Elizabetb-'Fogg�' Etta: their machine when it is delivered. After the war the same states repre-Shoupe, Caroline Dickey, Anne Marie' Director Stagg has come to the res- sen ted in the Northern Baptist con-Wever, M. T.' Price, R. T. Radford cue and offered the use of a corner of vention. continued the llay meetings.and Bradford. Gill. ",these' students the basement: in B'artlett: .separate from the south.are to meet �hortly _ to::settle the de-; Every student on the campus has The preliminary arrangements of.. __ ._._. .; ...:_..,._ -:t..•.. a.. ':e.�Ji:i�.:.�.·.. ·�.:�.�:iP:::;I�.�_.U��U-.·.I· J i!�;£J:���:��::;.:���:E�� � :�:�;�!:£?i:E���;�!�L- -.�. -ear -- - me 'rion)n1i-� :�eatbcr 'is � f�voribr�·- ---. of :N'ew"voar\\tas" eleCie(['-n�st . pres'i�'". '.:" field.' �.·,.�,th. �iU�_).1 s.. �heir.. �o.. ,.lo. !...... ::;J}le. . A• ••. dent, . The first 'convention was held. - .� BOCCER:,T.&UI-WILL. PLAY in' O' klahoma CI"ty in 1907. .'s· M, r,: .men WIll ;lnost ":hktly ''Wear' .bne over-' � -. ;"';1 d 'h'� .' - -'., '1'1"< hit 'OAK.P�THIS.AFTERNOON .. H. b.gh,cs was unable 'to Attend, Dr.. .�s an t e .women WI wear W 1 e, - .. . . _., - -., cr.. ·�lib· �bkte . sunbOnnets. AD.: attempt ::: . .; � � 0 -' ,�: '" Judson, vicc··president, occupied' the. . Second. A� at: N�. uniftnity chal·r. ./II.t th.'s . m' eetl'n'g Dr. Judsonwill.be Diadc to seCure.ali .automobde .'"\.o� 'tWo�. which will be decorated with Sport -Will. B� � Today; was elected president of the conven-the !flass \��iors!. :The' 'Qtei='ti'ng yes� on,� �PielcJ.· . 'tion, which held a meeting in Port-terd�y. was' too shQrt fpl- the wprk- In spite of the'. cold weather Coach land, lie .• last year.ing out of the details,: and a commit- Brady put the' s�cer .team through a Committee Is Appointed.tee w�'appoi�ted, with Baukhage at stiff "'orkout in preparation for to- At the morning session the flew1ts heaa�.:�!:<? take care of further �r- day's game. wiih Oak Park.' The president of the .convention, Dr.rangem·ents .. � ".', � .. : game will be played on llarsball field Emory· H. Hunt of Denison nnh·cr-,. Th-e S·oph·omore,. cla·s.s \\-ill wear, as at 3 o'clock. A game with Engle- sity,-gave a notice of the appointment,its di5tincth�e .. ·�oror', ·scllow. It' is 'wood i;; -t_enl�tively schec;luled f�r- the. of the .1911, com�ittee. on apportion­·plann�d .. th�(r .. tije.- ,v,om�n._ ClllPe.ar·in ·f�lI.owing Satur:day. Coach Brady' ment, to consist' of the following:��iJe, ����.ha(;;��e. m.' ·cn .. ,,!-�!-.r. ��t� said ):estcrday that he was well sat is- Rev. X� L. llorehouse, D.D .• Xewtrouse5a..':3t.....w.as-tbQ11gDt.;;.tJjjt· thIS fied with the work of the team. . York; Rev. F. F. Haggard, D,D.,�cristume "wou)d be: �istin�ii,,��·,num-: "In view ohhe inexperience of the llassachusetts; Rev. H. C. Rowland,:ber or-tbi· .cJ�ss·.roea1bel's:,\\:)jo. J1avc: '�en and the difficulty oi learning the' D.D., Pennsylvania; Rev. W. S. Shal-:autoPlobiles - 'haVe: �'oiuiite�r�d ibeif ·g;lme,". he said. "the "'ork done is enburger, Pennsylvania; II rs. Kath-machines for the afternoon. The mo- �rprisingly good. The defeat of En- erine 'Vestfall, Chicago; llrs. An-t01"s.�·iI1:· bC . decorated with yell0.w -glewood was espccially gratifying. drew llcLeish, Chicago; lliss ll. A.·and.;used to . carry the �omen of t�e since that school has played the game Green, R. 1.. ic1a_ss£�:Of a� .D1anI �� ��n be accom.- for several years 'dnd has developed a The Re,·. T. D, Anderson oi AI-:moda.ttd .. T!ie following committee good team. The work this year is bany, N� Y., spoke last night on "The·..va\ -�ppoin:c(J to work oui - .oth�r largely experimental, but judging Church and Social Righteousness."'-stunt�-: Scott Donahue, chairman; .from the ,,-ork of the team we ,,·ilI He emphasized the necessity of theRoy �:Carnt)'; Russell Stapp, Richard nave a goo,(l'team to sefid against It- den!opment of . spiritual ,'alues byTeicJigraeber and Dave Smith. 'Tl1e linois next autumn. the chur�h. He said in part:committee ir.tends to keep secrct . �'The lineup in tomorrow!s 'game is "The church should seek to makesome:: of the' novelties arranged for undecided, but the positi9ns will be good by emphasizing spiritual v�lue.until� -the 21st_ :�lIed .by A.· B�rron, J:- B�rron, E.' L lIen read values in relative terms......� in GreeD. (. ·Duck, E. H. Stein. S. Cohn, H. P. Life is the only absolute value. It. Th�' Freshmen. plan to. appear ,in Grossman H. Irwjn; �. Cummins, ll. is the only absolute value. It is the. . .. llarkowitz. C. Hetita'ge, �: Curry. H. only absolute possession. 'Vhate,,-ergrecn. _;.. As. yet .t, h.� .. class �as a.P��in. t-.- Hostetter, H. Hill, F. G. Fulkerson, is not assimilated into life is but aed n� committee, but one will be se- -.. . . C. Watts, Long. Irwin and lladdox. thing by thc wa"', and the end l'S ll'fe',lectedrshortly" to 'care for the:details J. . large, full. free, eternal.of tl(�arrangcments. It was planned. BASKETBALL liEN TO DINEyestefifay that the women wouldhave:some special stunt to perform. as 1909 Team WiD Hold PostpOIIedwcn � thc �tiree·Qu3'tters club: Odt: .� Nat Taaday.side :hf the . general details the classrloes;·not •. intend to expose any: of the llcn oi the 1909 championship bas-plans? tintil they are put int�· actual ketban team will ha"e a dinner at thepractice." :'. Blackstone hotel- after the Xorth-Thi. lawyers and ,the .medics are western bas�ball .. game Tuesday. Thealso- .'1nr on the an-ange�ent!'" and -shembers of th� team will .meet in thewill t�ke an a.cth-c J)art in t�e cele- .o·mnasium after the game and gogramm. The 'Iaw mC!1 d�cided· that .d9wn. town frQJ11 the1'e. Aite1' .the· they�'-�oukJ �t aiier the. iiicdi�s', .dinner thcre will' he a theater party.· scalp'} and 'be;i _: jhem.···in· the' relay Dr. Rayc�oft, Coacll. Schommer,,;· race,�)V���h·;�a��. �-1i:_iIJlP.romptu fea- �ptain Hoffman and Captain-electJ.ur�� �f; l����fs celebratioll; Djg. 1 ·.J'elly will all make speech�s. llem-ti�ctive • an.-a--· appropriat� . �ostumes' bers of other athletic teams will alsowill b� worn by both s�ctions, be there, Detailed plans for the annual Quad­rangle fete are being decided upon bythe committee in charge. The fete MEN IN EXCELLEftT CONDITIONwilt . occur on Friday night of "ThePseudo Suffragettes." which is also Director Stagg Predicts Close FightUniversity night. It will be held in' for Track HonorS-FreshmanHutchinson commons instead of in Team Loses StarLthe open air. as' was at first planned.The different women's organizations Chicago will fight it out this after-of the University will take the fete in noon with Lllinois at Champaign. Iorcharge. under the general direction honors in Varsity and Freshmanof the Y. 'Va C. L. Each organization track and Varsity baseball in what'wilt have a gaily decorated booth in promises to be the greatest contestthe commons. In these candy. ices yet held this year. Everything hasand drinks will be sold and fortunes been made ready at Champaign fortold for the benefit of those who go "Chicago day," and the largest crowdto see the Blackfriars' show. Booths of the season is looked for. Thewill be open from 7 to 11 o'clock. The three Chicago teams leave this morn-profits will be devoted to the Geneva ing over the' illinois Central and willsummer conference fund of the Y, arrive' in Champaign at noon.\V. C. L. It is the usual custom that In the . 100 yard dash Straube.,each organization take the money Earle and Kuh WIll run against Seil-,made by its own particular booth 'to er of Illinois.' Chicago ought to getsend one of its own members to the the first two places and possibly' allconference. three. The same men -will 'ni�et "i�Charlotte llerrilt, chairman of the the 220 and the �Iaroon men should:committee in charge, has been obliged duplicate, The quarter mile ·,i.·ill <be'to 'resi�n on account of other work. easy for Davenport: . He wilt have asFrancis Herrick bas been. appointed his opponents -Hanley and Richards,head of the committee in :Miss Mer- who have not done better than 51 2-5rill's place. seconds. Davenport will also run theMiss Herrick was manager of the half mile after the quarter, but vwillfete two years ago, so that she will have a rest of 45 minutes, between thebring practical experience to the two races. In the half he will be pit-work. The committee is made up of ted against Rohrer and should finishrepresentatives from the Mortar a few yards to the good. Gifford,·the·Board, Esoteric, Quadranglers, Sig- other . Chjc�go entrant: in ·the half;ma; Wyvern, Chi. �hoc'��i�a, - Pi. Pt:��· [Jh9W� . .,'�Lth��:;PJ��c;-;_. ,.�� .... �.:".-.ta Phi, Phi Beta Deita, Deltho, Spel- ... .. SIioaId"Win-IIile..man house, w. .�. A.� the School of . With.- Stophlet '. running the . mil�Education; 'the' four .Nei�bOrhood �icagc··ought· to :get· first and sec':clubs and the women's halls.. . ond places •. if Stophlet does. not run .this' race LOllg wiUprobabty 'get firstALUllHI TO. WEAR CAPS AND and Gray has a good chance for thir<lG9WNS.AT CONVOCATION In. .the'two miie Stophlet and Carpen.:ter ought to get first and third. TheyUnique Plan to Be .. Part _of Jane 1... will be up against East and Redhead, Program-Expect to Carry of the Il1ini team .Out Idea- Annually. Crawley and .llenaul wilt probablyget the first two places in both )lig!tThe unusual feature of alumni and low hurdles. Ste"enson of Illi-. nois has not. been tnaking as goodin these events as either of the Chi­cago men. . \Vashburn of lJ1inoispra�rically has the -high jump cincr-ed:Crawley and llenaul may he able toget second and third from llorrell.Illinois also secms to havc thc firsttwo places in" tl':e broad jump withsuch mcn as Graham and 'Yatsoncompeting. Chicago ,,·ill be repre-.sen ted by Davis, Gill. Fishbein andBrown. llurphy and Graham of 11-lir:ois will likely get first and secondin the pole ,,·auh. with Roger�,- of Chi­cago ·third.Great Fight in Shot Put..There will be a great fight in theshot put between uo of minois andCrawley, llenaul and Rademacher ofChicago. Leo. showed excel1ent format lladi�on la:,t week. and all three�hicago men have been doing �en .It is II1inois in the discus, Craw­ley, llenaul and Gercnd will oppo:,�Jordan and :\lcCord of Illinois, Thehammer ought to �o to \Vorthwinc,who has bcen do:ng fine work duringthe la!'-t weck. Gerend and Rademach·cr wiJ1 bc the other Chicago men.They wiJ1 hc pitted against Rurns andDallenbach of lllinQis,"l11inois looks to be the strongcrteam:' :'oaid Director S:agg, "and�cems to have the hetter chance (,Yvictory. Chicago is handicapped bc:,cau�e they havcn't cnough men COll1-pct;ng, Ii we win it will only be bya narrow margin:'Freshmen Badly Handicapped,The Freshman track tcam wi11 en­ter the held today against the l11iniy�arlings with two of their be!'-:(Continued on Page 4.)._. . . , ...-- -._�. - --.-marching in the Con"ocation proces­sion in cap and g�wn. is to be addedto the festh�it:es on Convocation day.June 14, according to plans out1in\:dlast evening hy the Alumni council.In view of the fact that Convocationday will reatly be a big alumni celc­bration, especially as large numbersof alumni will be present for the lay­ing of the cornerstone of thc new li­brary. is was decided to marshall t!1ealumni in cap and gown and· makethem part of the procession. and tomake this an annual event.Stacy llosser "'as named a mem­ber of the Alumni day committee totake charge of this part of the pro­gram, and a number of the alumnipresent at the meeting pledged them­selves to come and wear' gowns. as"'ell as to bring several' friends. Anucleus is assured,. and it is hopedthat these ,,-m"lead' m�ny more totake part.Dftelopa Public Opinion. SIMOND WITHDRAWS;DYMOND ENTERS RACEFOR CAP AN'D GOWNBy �mphasizing spiritual ,'ahlcs ,,·c(Iuickcn and develop the mo:,t po­tent and constraining force which so­ciety kno\\'s. The state may compelby fot:ce the social instrumcnts whichare its creatures, but its influence!!cannot extend so far as the publicopinion ,,-hich the church de"elops,by insi�ting on the superiority of mo­ral quality to material quantity. Thefirmest ground of encouragement fur­'nished amid the disbeartening rcnla­tions of recent �'�ars is the evidenceof an exalted moral sen:iment and The withdrawal of :\Iaynard E. Si­mond from the racc for the office oflitcrary cditor and thc a(h1:tion ofJamcs Dymond to the candidates forthe same office were the only chang­es made in the nominations for Capand Gown editors yesterday. Sincethe time limit for changes expircsllond�y morning at 9 o'clock, it i:'onot likely that there ,,·iIl be any morechanges. The tellers wi11 mect Tues­day morning in Cobb JA to arrangcfor the election, which wilt be held:\Iay 25.(Continuf'd on Page J,)ijIIII .� , THE DAILY �OONThe ,Oticial Student Publication of: The' UniversitY, of�·Chiea.o. �'.SUBSCRIPTION RATESB, aaier. $2.SO per JeK. $1.00 per ....Cia, aail $1.25 per qtMder $3.00 per JeK ia.m...ce.STAFF. .-A. LEO FRIDSTEIN. .,'�: EditorN. A. PFEFFER • • • • • NeW. EditorA .Go WHITFIELD. • • :-:- AIbIdic Editor0iAS. L SUWV AN. JR.. BasiDea Maa.aerREPORTERSKeaaetb Beebe. D. L. Breed.Paul D. Kaatea. H. c. WeIIiDatoa.c. w. HoaghIaad " H. L Keauic:oit. �'Mer! W. Reae. RuIh Retidter. .Co Y. T .,Ior. Marjorie Hill.DAILY BULLETIN.Score Club Dancetoday at Rosalie hall.,Social Science Club Unioa' dinnerand symposium today at 6:15 inHutchinson cafe.ANNOUNCEIIENTS.Glee Club will meet Monday at 5 inthe ReYnolds club.Blackfrian "'iII meet llond;lY at10:30 in Cobb IOC. 'Y. w. C. L. will meet Wednesdayat 10:30 in Le"ington."Pselldo Sdraeette" tickets on saledaily ftom 10:30 to 2 in Cobb.Baseball-Chicago \"s. Xorthwcst­ern TlJesday at 4 on llarshall field.Bot�cal Club will meet Tuesdayat 4:30 in Botany buiding. room 13.Cap an,d Gown Tellen for election".j1J m�et Tuesday at 10:30 'in Cobb3A.Season Tickets for spring track andbaseball are on sale at a spec,ial r:at,eof $2. ,JuniOr Extemporaneous IpeakincFinals will be held Tuesday at 10:30in }(ande1.Semitic: Club will meet Tuesday, -- THE DAILY IlAR.OON. SATURDAY. MAY 14. 1910.evening at 8 with Professor Breasted.554$: Lex�n&toii. .> :" r ..•, � :" ..:� . , ,. " ".r. _. ..... \. 4',J •: 'llemodal ,.' Scnice ," for � ProfessOrRic'L:etts wilt 'be held" to�oiTow at3:30 in Mandel., Pea Clab DiDDer' will, 'be held, WednesdaY ':at 6:30 in 'the commons.Mr. Shuman of the Record-Heraldwill speak.Varsity Basketball Team will beentertained by Dr. Raycroft Tuesday.Meet in gymnasium after the N orth­western baseball game.IIr. W. ... Salter ,,·iII lecture on"Nietzsche's Second Period-Ethicaland Social Vie"·... Wednesday at 4in the Law building. west room.Cosmopolitan Club Peace day exer­cises will be 'held Wednesday at 4:15in Kent. The Rev. Jenkin LloydJ ones and Professor Shorey will giveaddresses.TWO TENNIS MATCHESTAKE PLACE NEXT WEEKWill Meet Northwestern Tuesday andMinnesota Thursday-:-Ct!nf�C!lce.Tournament Later in Week. WOllEN ENTHUSIASTICOVEll COilING' CONCERTGlee Club, Coadw1 .b7, ,lin. KobI­aut, Expects to Scan: a Hit, in 'Approachinc. RecitaL'The Women's Glee club has re­sumed practice for the concert whichwill be given this quarter. and thework is showing improvement, 'Forthe remainder of the quarter the clubwill be directed by Mrs. Philemon B.Kohlsaat, "'ho is director of the Gleeclub and orchestra at Lewis instituteand has had much experience withwomen's choruses in the city.Mrs. Kohlsaat praised the work ofthe local club very highly. and as­sured the' club that with the goodvoices in it now a concert would besuccessful. A new enthusiasm hasbeen suffused into the club. and re­hearsals are progressing at a livelyrate. The date and place for the con­cert will be decided upon and an­nounced in the near future."We are very hopeful about ourprospects since :\Irs. Kohlsaat has un­dertaken to drill us for the concert,"said Lucile Jarvis, president of theclub, yesterday. "We are going towork just as hard as we know howto make this concert. the most suc­cessful work we have ever done."NO DRAMATIC CLUB PLAY?NO ACTION IS TAKENAnnual Spring Performance WillProbably Be Discontinued lorFirst Time in Years.For the first time in years nospring play will be given this year, itis likely. Although no definite an­nouncement to this effect has beenmade by the officers of the club,' noaction has been taken. by them in thematter of choosing a play, and asthere are only a few weeks left to the'quarter it is not thought that thereis enough time now for a 'play. 'There are' rumors on the campusto the 'effect that _the faculty has put'irs l()ot;: do�n ;oii -th� 'proposition' bfgiving another play' 'ihis :year� 'Wbe'th;.-er--tbe ,inactivity 'of -rhe-elub 'is' due -to:this -or otlier - reasons"w�tild "nor- be'discussed ',by .H, '�" Baukhage� .the:c1ub's president. He refused to make:a statement of a'ht 'kind, ', APRIL MAGAZINE IS OUTProfeSsor C01i1�s ConvoCation 'Ad­dress 'and 'wllliUDs' �e.The April number of the Univer­sity of· Chicago Magazine" yesterdaymade its appearance on the Univer..;'sity campus. The convocation ad;dress of Prof. John �. Coulter i�featured. An article is also writtenby :Mr. Wardner' Williams� forme�director of music in the University,and now president of the' Rockylfountain Alumni club. The title oflhe article is "The Relation of a Uni­versity to If usic.", The president's report for 1�9and Professor Marion Talbot's ne�book, "The Education of Women,"are reviewed in the April namber.The remaining, space is devoted to"The Soutb End Center:� tbe' Uni­i-ersity record 'and appointments forfenow�ip� ,for the year 191�.NEWS OF THE COLLEGESCornell has a training table for themembers of the lacrosse team.Four sorority girls of llichigan �f­feeted the' rescue "of two professorson the Huron river.Cornell fraternities are for�ulatingrules regarding the rushing of fresh­men.The president of the University ofOregon is urging the students toform a canoe club.Cornell has a baseball· league inwhich the' faculties of the' seve�l'col,­leges are represented.Ad.e.tiw:. TIle IIarooD. 'M--�':_-, ',,j JUSt' Arrived from Paris ;IPure Silk Hose GCIl '50 Cents the Pair :cG i� Positively a $1.00 Value. ... ,63rd AND ELLIS· AVENUEJudge' a SCHOOi. by ita FacultY� ,Judge the FACULTY by,Results.Judge, RESULTS by the Boy.The School ? -Modeled a&er the heat Preparatory Schools of the Eut. 'The Faculty? --Gr.duales from HuTard. Columbia. Priacdoa, Michipa-all tbomuah teacbeaTh. Results ?--Our gmdaata pauWitb eue the college eutraDce "emin.hom. aDd euler withaddiIioaal credib. ' 'The Bo,.?-A maoI, fellow. "-,Do J!MI �..:. _�'p� � IOD uader such iD8ueoca) .Addrea: AllEN HARMEN CARPENn:R. Head Muter <:oIJcae SchooLKENILWOR11-l, - - - lWNOIS. jJA Complete Line of Post Cards,Stationery, Souvenirs, Univer-sity Jewelry'��'��'� � :"�4:'�._:���i�'_��� :• �4• ;r� '"... ,'_, '<;0:-;,0' '.�.:t}:� t I��r":_ .. ""'_ ::""':_.::1..1_L ... .2::..:i1��_�Intercollegiate' tennis will" be �nfull swing next week. The scheduleincludes matches here with Korth­\"estern'Tuesday afternoon and withllinnesota on Wednesday afternoon.The culminating event will be theplaying off of the western intercolle­giate championships in singles anddoubles on tb� Uni\:er�ity courts onThursday, Friday and Saturday. ,Xorthwestern's team is a more or"PIal 01 M�1 P� Co .. 6219 �t- less unknown quantity, but is expect:"�� Telepboae Midw.,393S. ed to give Captain Gardner andr hismen a good fight. The �{jnnesotaTo be what you are and to .mean squad is considered to be powerful.what you say, or, iQ other w�'.:ils, i� including; as it does. "Bi'lI·· Adams,be sincere, does present holder or' the western inter-�incerity-a , not seem, l(? be collegiate ritle.. The championshipScarce Commodity. the universal pol- event will attract teams from the ril3,-icv among most jority of the Conference colleges, :.n,:�f us. There is too much of kind of eluding :Minnesota, Illinois, Wiscon-i�ilowship that is pleasant ;nd friend- sin, Northwestern, Purdue, Iowa an'd4i... in daylight and mean and back- Chicago. ; : �'J*ing in. the' dark. As college men 'The men have, been practidng,� women, ... w,e ,a�.e c?mmo�ly:"l �c; .;:. s��a�ily . si��e the: concl!lsion of �:cUsed of kl"mg; lrigher.-ideals of-� : tdtmtamtnl ar.d are .expecred to �!i1 conduct, of ethics of character ,in ,�xcelle�t. t�im, for their matc�l�im are found among: persons of less ::T.he· tea�·'wdllp'i'.ohabIY. be comp05!dfprtu�te, �t���i�: ,��:X�t-'·!.ig�.:,)��: �.:9f ��¥,�;l1? q.�r4,�;�r� ����:�.�.!�f.�}l.. r:: Chiago' ,: one" meets . scores - of' "·Raro1d Gifford -ana Paw 'McClintock.-"friends" who are hale fellows- wen - - Besides the+sehedule- arranged- formet to one's 'face and deceiving and next week· other matches W!�L beantagonistic behind one's back, played, ?�,e ha.s ,�Ire.a�y, �e ..� ar-Members of the faculty Wh9 Aeal !'lnged With the I1hn�ls" tenl)ls', menout vengeance in the shape of low for June 3 at Champaign.honor marks while pretending to beinterested in a student's work-and �ENT. - �ONVOCATIONthere are such; students who shake Fifteen Childreo of Immigrants Arehands cordially with" some of their ' Graduates of Citizenship' SchooLfellows, while cherishing a dislike andventing it in underhanded, waYS;"all' ,0, Fifteen ,,_ children of immigrantssuch insincere one�, ,they �re th� pe�- . :' w,eJ:"e gr;lduated from the, Y�ivcrsitysons wh,o are th·e, '\>amplres' of the' settiement's' school of Citizenship' atcollege man's Jif�,", ", : the settlement last night. Miss lIc-Let us cut oUt tne "four':'8u56," the ,Doll'ell, head of the settlement, pre-bluff, the false front, and be'- our- sided over the exercises and Mr. Shu-selves. eve.n if it hurts. maker, head of the federal depart­�ent 'of immigration, 'm�de the ad­dress."The faculty is gratified by thewill be held signs of progress shown in the con­vocation exercises." said lliss llc­Dowell "'hen asked about the successof the school. "because, while it wasnot mentioned. the e\'ents of thee"ening ha"e sholl'n us that the 'mell­ing pot" is a living factor in a com­munity made up, as ours is. of amixed class of people:'MEMORIA" TO DR. RICKEmWill Do Honor to Scientist WhoDied in Mmea.:M�morial' sen'ices for the late Dr.Ricketts will be held tomorrow after­noon in �fan'del hall at 3:30 o·clock.Students and members of the facultywill unite in payir:g tribute to Dr.Ricketts. who died in the sen'ice ofscience.Pre�ident Judson will preside o\'crthe meeting. Among the speakerswill be Dr. Henderson, Universitychaplain; Dr. Ludwig Hektoen, headof the department of pathology andbacteriology and president of the.. �femorial Institute for Infectious Di­seases, to represent which Dr.Rick­etts went to llexico, and Dr. 'Vild­er. The Uni"ersity choir will sing. AT THE UNIVERSITY BOOK :STORE58th Street, and: EIIia Avenue.'Dr. Charles Hadden ParkerDENTlST'4002 Cotlagei(;n,ve ."'ve.·Discount to Studenta.TelephOne Aldiae '703OFFICIAL· BOOKSnat ·CoDe" 'Stud�nts· '. SIi.ld HiveOfficial' H�ridbook of theInter- Collegiate Asso­ciation of Amateur. 'Athletes of,Amer­lea,' 1'9,1 o.PR ICE, 1 0 C E N TS •Spaulding's' 0fIic:ial Athleiie. Alman- ,ac for 19Uhc __ • ,-a.compIc:te:Iist:oia *M da bat-oawecanJa;'·�'ate, swimming. intencbolastic, Eng­Iish,' Irish. Scotch, swediSh; COntiDen­tal, SoUth African, Aastralian; DUma-­GUS photoS of individuai athletes aDdleading a�etic teams.PRICE 10 CENTSA. G. Sp.ldlnl • Bro.II., ...... A .... CIIIeapNOW ON SALE Jf1'IS b' :, ,;',, ur rug,s :}� ",�"ArCadia MiXm..-.:·... ....a.bc cIeIicacy wiI"'" ,.. "h is the IDOII peded bIead Of �• • the Jaiibaa:.:. � '!.:.:":n-';- ibdf� ,Kiaa 0I1DDbns.For sale' it ail' pad shops on the. 'Cam� \The Surbrul Co., 81 De, St.,I. Y.CIIIcIp OffiI:e, 34 ..... 11IL.For $30a SuitAbout 500 pattems of Ene­Iisb Worsteds and ScotchTweeds reduced from bi&her'1iDea to even up oar lItock.' ,Early visitod" -WiD haveJarpat assortment to choosefrom. FOREi.�'.u, We ,JtOCk aD tile leadin& for­eip � as aooa _ they an, pablilbecl,' ad tile prices are,...,n.iDcly low. Catalope 01fonip boob oia IIpplicatioa. . I,IIIICDLL· 'u.�lor'.- .....CIIAPKAN8AIMMS S'ISlIarOOD adYertisers are the depend­able kind. We doa't _D space to&117 other ftIiety. .' .�. \ - ... ::::-,:_ .. -_ .... - ..... ·H�:�����_ stem\, iii the: ,�� � caD,' 6DaU orden for ,� or ..,..plemeatary riadiq, _ well _general bOok orden" witboatthe delay of �._oat �. tilecity.We carry a faD line of CaDl­eras, Developiul Machines anclKe11eral accestories. and we arepn-pared to deftlop' aDd printpictures fOi amateurs.IIiI'OOi iCI •• dwaa .. tile .IP ....able kiDd. Vie doD't HII .... to&117 other .ariety.1I1J{11I/ " ,nnrOODnIt_OODB.U8WOODGLl.YWOOD'WZlUnfOOD,"rZ.&.KWOOD:a&PJ.ZWOODEre.YOU WILL FIND WHATYOU ARE HUNTING FOR.�- ..COL·LAR.S2 F 0 It 2'$ C E N ,T STHay A.aa III caaall Boxa.Made by EARL 6: WILSO'N,,- .. GJt£�Why. stay-Home? EUROPEYOU CAlI '10 TO' 'oa the DeW.... twia-eaew oae-cJ.. c:abia...... oItbe ",FRENCH'UNE$45 TO $62.50MeaL ad bath iDcIaded.U you waalliD Pa, � .. about the·, G1-CANTIC TWIN-SCREW rLYERS.M. W. KOZMINSKI. Geaaal Watem A-.., 71 Damom St.Passion PIa,. at Oberammel'g&1I,Ma,. 16' to Sept. 25� .• • • • • • • •. • • ... e .•.•• • • • • • •.• • e '• -. •The R�','_Pla�. 't�, Eat:-: HOLMES :-:... a1ways.tood for the Bestand will continue to de.: so· F��;�·Traj�",-.·. ,'. �.Day·:and,_..... N:'ig.h:t.,�,. ..- ··.. :.3 .':. (r'-'-------MONON ROUTE--_- -- --- - --,' .... '..CHICAGO.· LAPAYB'l iE.INDIAHAPOLIB.. �IHCIH- "HAT!. wBaT BADBII ..FRENCH'LlCK SPRDlGS,.LOUI8VILLB,RANK J: REED OeD. Paa. Act.� Eo TAYLOR, OeD. JI&r. .2oz- CaItom B__ PIKe, CIIicap..': Patroaiae IIarocIia �,ertlllr .. THE DAILY MAROON, SATURDAY. MAY 14. 1910.".(COntinued' from Page/l.�:::,: Wells Brothers'� Compal1YBuilding Contractors'Suite 1014 1I0nadDock BuildingCHICAGOEnded at the UDiYenity ofChic_ao:MaDdeI HaDlte7aalda aubMitchell TowerHutchimlMl CommODIScbooI of EducationIn Coastractioa :Harper MemoriAl LibraryOther buiIdinp already erect­edee in proceu of coDitructionin this city and in other cities.(SEcOND HAND BOOKS II - - � e buy and sell Second­Hand Books of all KiDds.I Woodw�!!!y H�k1302-E. 57th 5t. Near Kimbark St.. ore.1Ave.SAY YOUN·GDid you vial lhe ·New Woocllawn Fmn? If DOt. why not?Oar Had. Sc:bafaer & Max sails are awdl. Come in ad take. Iook.t them.FamDbiap} s.e... Aad cIa.y at tbat.. c.n uouad ad we will Le gt.dto .bow them to yoa. ..T elk to .. as about JOUr doIha.. F.. espaieac:e Iaaa ... as the )'OIID8 .1DaII·. t..ae.Robert ·Staedter ·CO.l55 State Street, . .:.:PhoDe Ceatral 5334. Between Madison aad MoDl'Oe $Is.-. .The best line of Dew Spring SuitS, Coats, Skirts, and Dreueaat popular prices. Also the La tea t Mod e"in our MiIIineIy section.-: GET OUR PRICES ON STORING FVRS. :-Be sure you don't mis5the U Pseudo-Suffragettes !:'Latest comic opera, About life on the Midway!. : Clever and entertaining!�.Keep the date open ;!:'or it's 'your chancer to have a good laugh!Refte ... t on what you �,If you don't see the .'�Suffragettes" May 19, 200r 21,At 8:1&:� Mandel Hall, .- ,,-RiPt on the comer of 57thand Lexington Ave.Send �r order DOW for .alOod seat. PricesS.SO-l.SO, '" ... by Mill. c-.Ie E-. V...s.aaIav, S2A Ado � .•_ c .� _ i iO·. How About Your Clothes?Stop a mimIte and consider the val­ue of bniDc proper clothes. Clothesthat are distiact, individual, mappy­witboat beiDa load. Clothes that lookas if tbq beloqed to � feelthat way •. too. .lIekiDc distinct, individual, snappyclothes is a specialty of oan IIIId atseuible prices. Drop in some dayand we will be glad to sh.Ow )'011 theSPRING aad SUliIlER FABRICS.An investiptiOD of our English .Tweeds, Serpa, Scotch Cheviots andBannockbama will convince you ofthe ezceptiODai values we ofrer in Col­lege Saits at 30, 35 and 40 Dollars.......... f •• Y._ ....STORES 13'-Las.ileStnet, 44 Jack­_.BmLIIaroon actv. tiselB are. the d.,..Mt­able kind.. We d�':._.u apia to-7 otber ftriet7., :.:' /,�Oar DiaDea are &.: Table D'Hote., EYeDiaa . . "Jos .. W. Folk"35 ceala-5'to 8 p. 111-. SaocIay SO :'·Tlie'··�{arious··�peikers "Je�;the pres-c:ab--12 .10 3 p. m... idem-elect, Emory .Hunt ,'of DenisonCAFETERIA FOR WNCH-II L III- to2 p;�' -eo.e. aDd· �:JOUDeIf- We. university; .the. Rev. T- D. Anderson'liibaUodl� B*:.y Goods. »::, of .:\lbany. ",�: y;('� i:j1� Rev.: F�··. W.1317 East�. $z.ty�� . �t. I Pade)fo;d of' Massachussetts, the-- Rev. W. C.- Bitting. of SL Louis, and.' .� �. '; .'. '.. •• '.,.:" .'.�" '.. •• • "::.r· J � ; W4\�c;��b '. �rC?��p� ;of Los . A�-. ':.' :-.-. .'" " - :geles, Ca1.._.Eresid..eIlL�.llar.r):. .. :PrauO·IIIOII .. TEl& 1IESTAURAIIT· ,J ��si�,,:.a.c;!��� as cha!i-��n. _. T�e_ .fi�.�lWill &.d R_".... .... -GD two Ioaa' ,�p.�� ·f� :1�� enro�h!1e�t co����;+ : l' . -. ' .. � ; " �- _', . . showed:r' tOtal enr�ll�e�t of �ele­wilr W • � AIIer-1lanae gates ·to:J��.'.2,34Q;:,vJ?J��rs, 6lS; and.'" �.,' spec�ar gue�l�; .�. " �a���g a total of. _'. 3,001_ A' beautiful Ieature was theWiI.W SFI-did Senice ·-finting:orth�-�1iiin·eS: a� the'Vasr-as:.� 0al7 tile B.t tJIiI KuIEet Morda . seinblY-stooo-Widi:·1)owed lIeads-= fol-B���;:: :::i:'�··.:.: ., ·lowirig'the;closlng.�pF3yet;:·v " - ',, ._ .. ...s. DID_ ... B� . -:� :'WoritSulimied:Up:': .,1"1-117,: it'(:"'�c).olp·h_ ·S'tu�·� . The addi-;s�·es·which'wcre deliveredwere in the eature of a summing upor the work of, th� conve�.tioi) and� �b��plan�tio� of the significance of the'mee!ing.� �w.J!. h�y� _1�een given a bet­ter urider�i�nding of each �ther," saidthe . Rev.' Bro�gher of. Los Angeles."We have been given an inspirationto go back home with a new spirit 01devotion and zea1." The speakertalked with an' '.impassi90ed enthusi­�sm that ty·pified· the' a-t�ospliere thatprevailed. His ·stand for enthusiasm,,·on long applause and .�nghter whenhe said, "I like the church that cantoot its own horn when the .pastor-vets out of breath." . The significanceof the convention he further showed-to'·lie in the· "broader view it gives usof· our' mission.yo He closed with anappeal for a unified effort on thepart of all loyal Baptists, "not on apenny basis,"· to evangelize the world.During the meeting there was readand approved a report of the commit­tee on resolutions acknowledging thesincere appreciation and gratitude ofthe convention to the President ofthe Unh·e.rsity, the board of directorsand the students for tlie use of Bart­lett gymnasium. llandel hall. theReynolds dub and the other build-. ings of the University.aiADUATiilrWMtATKIIS, ...ALS,ITI.�, ETC., ETC. ·HOLD-�IIBBTDlG . �� ..... - �SYIlPOSIUIl· oir�-VIEWSOF BAPTIST CO�TIO. AT SOCIAL SCIENCE DINNERRepl'eseDtatiYa of EftIY SocW Sci­eace WD1 TeU of 'CODtribution'Made by Each.lofty public opinion among \he peo­ple at large."But we must do more than .empha­size spiritual values. We must teachmen ho,,·· to realize and to conservethem. We must lay on the, membersof the church the obligation to makeuse of our various social organiza-tions and our various civic institutionsin attacking evil and advancing right.:.eousness. As' the· individual haslearned to render his bodily members.as instruments of righteousness untoholiness so must individuals organ­ized socially, learn how to. attack en­trenched evil with the' mIghty impactof social and civic institutions."Folf Not Present.Characterized by a. new spirit ofenthusiasm and loyalty to the causeof the work.· the third annual conven­tion of the Northern Baptist associa­tion held its final session last eveningin Bartlett. .The speakers of theevening were hastily appointed owingto the enforced absence of JosephFolf, former governor of :\[issouri,who. had been placed on the programas tli�"�uest of honor .. The follow­ing telegram was read from the ex­governor: <"I t is with much regret that I findit impossib!e, to meet ��th and talk'to the converltion as I had hoped tobe able to do in accordance with yourkind 'invitation. I trust the splendidgathering of representative Baptistswill result· in, yet· greater .enthusiasm.Ior Christian priqciples, and .that each.one ir..l attendance will. draw inspira­tion for further endeavor in the worldwide : movement 'for the -betterment, . .DLmankind. __ ... The quarterly dinner and meetingof the Social Science Club union thisevening at 6:15 o'clock in the Hut­chinson commons for the purpose ofgetting the various ideas of the mem­bers on. phases connected with thesocial sciences will be heard. Cer­tain speakers have been selected torepresent the si" departments of thestudy in a definite discussion whichwill be the principal part of the even­ing's program. In this discussion thespeakers will endeavor to make plainthe actual contributions that theirparticular branch of the science givesto the study of social problems ingeneral. Dr. J. H. Tufts will preside.Dr. G. H. Mead will speak for phil­osophy, Dr. C. H. Judd for education.Dr. J. Lawrence Laughlin for econo­mics, Dr. E. Freund for political sci­ence, Dr, A. C. :\lcLaughlin for his­tory and Dr. A. \V. Small for socioto­gy. A general discussion wilt fol­low the speeches.COSMOPOLITAN CLUBTO MEET MONDAY TO:QISCUSS PEACE DAY:\Iembers of the Cosmopolitanclub will meet at 10:30 o'clock :'.Ion­day morning in Cobb lecture hall toinsure a large attendance of the mem­bership at the Peace day exercises tobe given in Kent theater Wednesdayafternoon at 4:15 o'clockCirculars announcing the exerciseswere sent out yesterday to all Uni­versity organizations and to all clubsand churches in Chicago. A largeaudience outside of the stude;'t bodyis expected to hear Professor Shoreyand the Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones intheir addresses on the subject of uni-versal peace. .Maroon ad� are the depend- ,.able kind.. ·.,We ,dmi't .�. aPace to .Bny;Ofbei.,ftiiei7 •. :,:. '. , .SPEND· YOUR VACATIONIN 1HE GREAT NORTHLAND OFONTAlU<> •.A � cc J •• 11Dar0ftr the CaacI. TraDit aDa ian- ..... aad Nodh-m Oa-..no RaiIwaJa IInoaahHighlands of Ontario,Algonquin Hational. Park.Temagami Forest Reserve.Cobalt, and the Silver COUJ!.lrY.EDglebard. and Pulpwood Region,Swastika, and the �ld Fields,CochraDe, the en�. of . steeLc...-. c.oe 10 .w.. Bay.AbiIiIai Labs. ..I .....Bay � owa _ me..&ge winIa- &.la 01 Ihe.-al· ftIietiea. -........1oIaII .................A PmdicaI "'-s wit he ia cla.aeol........ ; _wilhe""''''_�ad ...... _..-. ....,.,ed- &ca.­ed by the c--. •• a ...For booklet and applicatiODbIaDk addrea:ALCONQUIN & TEMAGAMI. CUIDING t\CiENCY.'-- ........... ' ......St. Alban's' SchoOlFor BoYI •Knoxdle, IIIiDois.GLEE CLUB liEN TOELECT OFFICERS ATMEETING ON MONDAYYc:mbers ·of 'the Glee club ,,·ilImeet· in 'the Reynolds club �fondayafternoon at 5 o'clock to elect of­ficers for the ne�t year. . Arrange­ments will also be made for two con­certs, which are· to be ginn later· inthe quarter. The qoestion of givinga banquet is also being considered.'P:IE ��LY �AR6oN" SATU�DAY, :MAY 14, 1910.CHICAGO Va. ILLINOIS IN··:·THREB·CON� 'lpDAYA_USE_EilTSI, 'LLINQ,IS :(Continued from Page 1.)........ 1 1. -IIIC SIIInIJ .. '" .., men, Cow4ey .and 'Skinner; : missing.THE THIRD, DEGREE These' two' men' ivere' al�ost sure of. �: " ..... .firsts in the mile and quarter mile re�COLON IAL specrively, and as a result t�e. Chi-cago men will be greatly' handi-Tbeatre BeautIful capped.MADAIE SHERRY The Freshmen who will competeare: \Vilson, Kuh, Springer, Ford,AII.ERlCAN ........USI....,CHALL.' Paine, . Donovan (captain), Reed,Reedy, Whiting, Hales. Goettler,Kimball, Baldwin and Young.JOE WELCH & CO. OF FlFIY Baseball Men Right." E L' LIS I S LAN D. IIWith the lineup in great trim theSophie Tuer ReiDe o.yiea baseball team is :looking forward withAcldaide & Co. Lieb ia "Dope"MONTCOMERY &. MOORE confidence to- the big game againstllat. Dall,.� aDd liOe. EYeL-:iOe, 'me. '1 Illinois at Champaign this afternoon.Scarcely any practice was gonethrough by the players yesterday, asevery man is being kept in the bestof shape. Xo more "bear" storieshave been circulated in the trainingcamp.Page will be on the rubber today,and if he displays the speed andcurves that he possessed the last timehe pitched, will have the state teamguessing. "Pat' has the headwork.as well as the arm, and can be re­,lied uPon never to make any balloonascensions, whether the' bases are fullGET BUSY WITH EMILY orI��;�is will put in Busick to op-pose him. Although downstate en­thusiasts say Busick "heads a peer­less team as the real pitching phe­nornenon," in the last game the Var­sity got 'seven hits from his delivery,and that with Collings and Peguesnot on the batting list. This, togeth­er . with the fact that the team hasbeen steadily strengthening its bat­ting eye, puts the batters into an op-" MADAM BUTTERFLY" tim is tic mood.Good Chance to WID.0' L.YMPIC. '. \Vhile Illinois has had six victories, and no defeats so far, only three of'. these' have been against strong teams.TH� E �FORTUNE HUNTER Some of their games have been won· . =. • '. on a very narrow margin, the 6 to 4. . N EY . Northwestern game being one. TheirIIIH IT '. ' .. ' . , . victory here was over a crippled team,¥ ". w-�� ���s in but today they face an . unbrokenMv· PINDEREL' LA GIRL lineup. To sum it all up the' cO'n-'",;,._-� ,... _ �., .test today: should �c:. a. v�ry closeSc',TUi)£SAKER': r " ", one, but it l�ok.sas If Chicago �as an"r. '"_ '. . • •. • .' '. - • even chance. 10' carry off the big end-. - ..'" .. ',: � .:',-of.:���The Iineup: .=: RiCllini carie-'i" +: '_;-,.-.� : �(;ti�. ';:""-' . '. IUinois .. T H 'E E :'C K '0-" "_ - Panlv c •........... ��ff.' Page 0 •• p BU::>lCkSauer .. o.o ••• o •• lb 0 •• Bunn.. Roberts •..... oo.2h 0 •••••••• � RighterPegues ss \VeberBoyle _3b 0 QuayleBaird lf ButzerCollings cf llcClearyCleary rf ThomasFreshmen Win Again.The Freshmen team seems to haveturned into a winning streak. Theygot another game ye5terday, down­ing the llercury Athletic cluh. 4 to 1.The fielding of the' yearlings showedan improvement over their formerefforts and they are rounding into a.better team than ,,·as first expectedof them ... _W�i� pi�ched the glme, andnot only held the visitors down totwo hits, but with t�e stick securedtwo wallops. The tcam puts up amuch better appearance since it hascome forth in the new gray and ma­roon 1913 uniforms. The score:R.H.E..Frcshmen .. 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 *-4 8 4ll. A. C .... l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 2 6,Batteries- \Veil and Edmund:Cohn and George.ARNOLD DALY ADELE RITCHIEAND COMPANY PRIMA DONNAThe Twentieth CentUry �:,:I::!Howa.d & No.th Thurber & MadisoaArcadia Freeman & Dunhaml..ama:.:..;. � & TOlD Carl LaoPricetl15-zs-a.7lk. Pbo ... CeDtnl taOj, pRINCESS '· MABEL HITE INA CERTAIN PARTYMcVICKER'S'Mom Grand Opera Company.1, :; !, ', 'I,I,I:iI:It, .. :� ;.I . ,The Pseudo - SuffragettesMandel. May 19.' 20. 21.TREVETT THEATER63n1 and Cottale Gme.ROSE & ELLIS THE WORTI-ILEYSI-IaIIipo & Wud 5--Masical Silten-5Remick'. Hits No.. 6 . Sam HoodEd. CalJ.aher & Co. in' the NaYal T raftIIJ· .. THE BATIlE OF BAY RUM"Duoy. & AmoId Loctie Maya25 and 50· Cents. LEAR" TODA-NCEWEEKLY DAllCES THURSDAY AIDSATURDAY.Bep.ea aa. . 7:30 to 9 hdoIe the Recep­boa "._., ... s...d.,.Wood.' Orchest ...DISTINCTIVEBUT NOTLOUDThe Kind of COthea­Gendemen' Wear· �.. . ...Benedict Wald,1445 E.' F.jtj-Fiftli .St.Advenise in The � '.. :�: of., . :' Advertise in The .1Iarocm.STUDEITS GIVE US A TRIAL. ..Q.UEEN CAFETWI 8IIcb East .f . ..,. .... s Club':1320 East FiftJ-Snentll St.L_H 2Oc. __ 35c.�. ... :,',) ,i'J:.�,;.� ,'J '�;: "" OLD RESIDENTS OF SNELL'WILL D.ANCE TONIGHT.. Donmto.y. AnDuAt "CooIe'r'r �eW-Ill Be QiVeD in ·ReyD'olds .Club Tonight.-_._.Snell hall residents' for the last tenyears will be present at the annualSnell "Cooler" dance in the Reynoldsclub tonight. The committees ap­pointed by the Snell men have beensending out invitations to all the al­umni and have received many accept­ances.Among the former heads of thehouse who will be at the dance areDr. A. B. Hall. Dean Henry G. Gale,llr. David A. Robertson, Dr. JosephE. Raycroft. Victor G. West, thepresent head, will be master of cer­emonies.The committees in charge of theaffair are as follows:Arrangements-Fay Fulkerson, \V.G. Kierstead. J. H. Rogers, VernonFrieze and C. H. Viol.Reception-\V. D. Reeve, C. J.Primm and R. G. Xabours.Patronize Maroon advertisers.CbASSIFIED:,sraJfi'Ji)'JJSINGWANTED - Advertising solicitor.Large commission. \Veekly schoolpublication. Phor.e Hyde Park3691.WANTEB-Ten good men to do so­liciting during summer vacation.ltinimum salary $2 per day; maxi­mum, $10 per day. If interested callat my room any afternoon thisweek. H. B. Reed, 5755 DrexelAve ..PRINTING and developing, Kodaksand suppldes. The Dudley Shop,1130 E. 63d St.WANTED-Experienced· job print­o ,ing solicitor; few hours each day."Call llonday, 6052 lloriroe Ave.FOR PICTURE FRAMING try the1 Dudley Shop, 1130 E. 63;d, near. Lexington Ave.GRADUATE STUDENT and wifewant 1"OOffiS and board, or wilt di­vide expenses and care of a nice1\at. Have own furnP:ure. Ada.dress C. L. M., 355 W. 65th si.,City. I ;n:m=�":if:Junior PERFECT-SIIiPLE �iL"'�>':" ��,. :. 'D�mestic". ..... � ,"ONE UNIT---NO VALVES--NO CEARS--NO PuN'P--Np: WEARlNC p�For Jao.es. cJu.daes. ICbooIa. Iibruiea. o5cea ud �.'�'etc. Ueecl' by . theU.eni� of CIUcqo aDd .... her of other aaiYeailiea.coUqa aDd.diaolL· (FreeBookIeta apIaia air �) , . .::: '. .CHICAGO orncs, SUITE 456 MONADNOCK BLOCK,Home Office, Famu,rs· Bank Bldg., Pittsburg, PL AgeDcies in aU cities.Hansen for thatin Men'sOur line isnow com­plete in ten­nis and golfshlrts,collara1.tachedand detach­ed, also theCluettMarathon.1, .1.50.and $2.00.A beautiful line of wa.htie.· ha. Just ar:rl"ed •. Th.,a.. exce",lonan, fine forth.·prlce, 25, cent ••H. J. HANSEN " CO.,: 1111 E. 83nI St. "It II tile p. O.H. N. FOWLERWILL MAN\:1FAGTURE ANDMARKET YOUR INVENTIONSIF MERITORIOUS.Auto and' Boat IAmpa MUl ... factared..... Repaired.Bra. aad AJ.. __ F�, Mach. Wad:P--.-�,�.till Fowler lIIIIp , 11ft Ce.,2�� s� �� Wabuh Ave.Phones Calumet 2428 and 2429. F. H. Raw.oa. PIaideat. H. H. T 0WDIt 5eadaIy aDd T�. . E. A. KieIt. �erTHE ILUNOIS' WAREHOUSE AND srORAGE CO�ANYOffice aDd Warehoa.e N. E. Cor. Fafty-SiDh Street � Kimbarlt Aye� . � ". :Tdephoae Hyde park 570 and 571.Starace. Moqiaa and � TI'UIIb to and from aU depota. We caDY a full Iiae'of� � for � aDd M� Etc., which are for sale at � raIea. Special at-taboD pea to UIUYCDIIJ work. .' . '.. , '. -_ .. :sAM . ZOELLNERfor 7 years connected with Sylvester J. Simon is . now iD'charge of thePhysi�, Cul�e Departmentof theNe.w ·.M·o.nr:o.e:. Baths104-106 East MadisoD. Street, .: .anci'� pre.,.. to_ giv�'�'NeW_Monroe Qpick D!velopment�_ .. , :.. , .. ,!:-.:S��.,f·.· .!'... _ .. �'.. ..,Health Building !for Q�in�.· ·M� �.� F�·,Ap�Imea�p�·lWHI�p�: ,�oi�. '.'.. '". '_:/', .� 'TAYLOR. M� ._., "_ '-�..IIGOOD ·FOR Ov_-Stud,., �Undet.stadY;· _�r' .��y"lITuittibly Delicious" "WhoIe.ome .. BreadaadButter'�FOR SALE ON TilE GROUNDs -, ". .. �. .THEWOODLAWJ�' _'-'A' FE�r', ••. r83 ..... ,.. ANDc01':t'��� _GJ!Ol!I: _VENUE.HIGH-CLASS BILL OF FAREPO.,_uLA R. PRICES.I. the Flne.t .nd mo.t Completel� Appointed Re.·_Jlr.nt.on th, So'mh S ..... ·_· .,'. . --- � .SELECTI:D ORCHESTRAL PROGRAM EVERY' EVENING. '