'Wlin,S-\.-.Ma­DCISOc.- VOL. VIII�No. 118. DatIl' arenn ..- UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY. APRIL 12. 1910. Price,S Cents."Babe" Gerend will be the heavy­weight wrestling representative onthe University team that goes toYinneapolis Saturday. At the post­final held between him and White­side in Bartlett Saturday afternoonGerend won falls in two bouts, win­ning the place on the team. In the"Wanted-By the W. A. A .• com- matches held Friday night White­posers. poets and authors of an oper- side won a bout and two others wereatic turn of mind." -draws. To get the decision a manThe ·W. A. A. hung out its "'want- had to get two out of three falls ored" sign early this quarter in the hope win on points. The men were soof attracting general attention to the evenly matched that a decision oncontest which was tentatively an- points could not be made, and it wasnounced during the winter. Instead necessary to postpone the heavy­of the vaudeville stunts which the as- weight contest. Gerend has not hadsociation has been accustomed to put much experience at the game, buton the stage every year. only a small holds a great advantage in weight,costume dance was given this year. coming around 220 pounds when inin order that all the energies of the training.members might be given to the am- No definite decision has yet beenbitious comic opera which the wom- made"'-as to who. the middleweighten are to stage next fall quarter, representative will. be, but UllmanThis opera .is expected by the as- will 'probably be the man. He issociation to take the same .. place in barely abbve the welterweight class,University events of the fall' that the but is the best man that i� eligible.Dramatic club takes in the winter and Lauer has so far shown himself to bethe Blackfriars in the spring quarter. the best man eligible for the light­I t is the first large public perform- weight position, A. Barron may makeance of the sort ever attempted by the place if he can get rid of an en­University women, and will have the trance" examination in German, andcharm of novelty, in addition to its Alexander may come out. Alexanderother merits. was the lightweight on last year'sSeek Play ,Mannsnjpts. team. - winning second place at theintercollegiate meet..The association's chief concern.. -r: .• �eDI�:aHM..,.�r-a�'�........... L-- ... '�-_�gQl-U!:�L�j�-�""'J:thor, an�;ii.usiciaD . among the. wo�en . With. ·the- wrestl&s' will' go . die' fiveto write' the required mnsjcal come- �Dastic- m� 1lIfbo secured .a defeatdye .: _.\ few have already announced ovffr'tJi'e 'Illinois team last. Friday.their intention of writing a play,_ but Encouraged by their success, the menthe committee in charge of the pro- will put i� a hard week with Coachposed play is by no means satisfied Wagner in the hope of perfectingw.ith the, number that has volun- their- form sufficiently' to 'get awayteered, The lists will not ibe closed with the championship title. Whileuntil August 25, when the plays sub- Davis is expected to do most towardsmitred will be gwen over to' a judg- piling up a big score, - the other men.ing committee of faculty and W. A. Kay ton, Bartlett, Rosenstiel andA. members, but the committee is Wisely, will also annex several pointsanxious that all prospective authors in their events. It is thought thatbegin work at once, so that the plays the team will make a better showingwill not be marred by hurried prepar- this year than at any intercollegiatemeet ever, held before.It has not yet been· definitely de­cided how many fencers will be sentto the carnival. Lyon, \Vheeler andLevinson all fought good boutsagainst. the Pennsyh'ania men, but itis not likely that all will be sent.Just who will go will be <1eterminedtoday or tomorrow.W.. A. A. SEEIS WOMENTO CO�E OPERASA ........ W .... Mere C ,e"""- A.atetIr AldMrellel f.rnt .A...t Ce.ic Open.WILL STAGE SHOW MEXT FAUThree ProducUoaa Are Under WayPlay Committee Announces Endof CompetitiOD August 25.·ation.The opera will be staged in 'Man­del about the middle of November,with the help of a professionalcoach. and rehearsals will begin im­mediately on the opening of collegein October. Scenery. costumes andorchestra will be the best obtainable.The play will be of the usual two­hour length and will be given a twoor three night run.Three "Playwrights" at Work. -Isabel Jarvis, Florence' Catlin andAlice Kantrowitz are working onplays at present. and Edith Heming­way and Betty Burke expect to pro­vide musical settings. Miss Catlinhas had some experience in the writ­ing of plays for amateur production.lliss Burke and lliss Hemingwayare well kno"'n figures in Glee cluhand former 'V. A. A. entertainments.�Iost of the women will be inexperi­enced in the work, owing to thescarcity of opportunity for such ac­tivities among the University wom-en.The \Y. A. A. committee in chargeof the play is Frances Herrick, Eliz­abeth Burke. llollie Carroll, IsabelJan·is and Gertrude Perry. All in­quiries as to the play will be an­swered by the chairman, Miss Her­rick.Tennis lien to lleet.A meeting of all candidates for theVarsity and Freshman tennis teamswill be held in the office of Dr. Ray­croft at .f o'clock today for the pur­pose of inaugurating the spring sea­son. c......... ef AtWetic, 0n.aIic... SeciaI Ey'" t.1Iark It- Spriq 'ntna_ All reservations for tickets to, "Alpsburg," the comic opera to beTRA«X IIEET AID IAU GAIlE produced by the Haresfoot club of--- Wisconsin in llandel hall FridayPurdue and WUCODsm. lien to Be night. will be placed on sale today atGuests at Blackfriar Show I o'clock. Already a great number ofaDd BaDquet. seats have been purchased, many or---- ders having been received by mail.llay 21 will be. a red letter day The Chicago alumni of the Badger .- 'Vith only a little over a week befrom many points of view. On �Iar- institution have reserved a large fore the first Conference game. theshall field there will be a double ath- block of seats, and they intend to llaroon nine is fast rounding intoletic program; in the Hutchinson cafe welcome the players from their alma mid season form. The two last prac­the Alumni association wi11 hold a mater. The various fraternities, clubs tice games of the season will bereunion; in the Commons there will and other organizations on the cam- played this week, when the Varsitybe a spring Purity banquet to Purdue pus have made reservations with the meets "Jiggs" Donahue's Red Sox to­and Wisconsin athletes; and in Man- intention to make the night of the morrow afternoon, and the Mutuals,del hall the Blackfriars will present performance a social affair. Seats another of the fast local semi-prothe third night of "The Pseudo Suf- will be on sale from 10 to 11 and from teams •. Saturday afternoon. BothIragettes." With this combination of 1 to 2 o'clock every day in Cobb hall. games will be played on Mar�ha1tevents scheduled it is expected that "Alpsburg" Scores Hit.. field, and tickets can be obtainedItlinois' day wilt be eclipsed. The first free at the Information office.D· S d b performance of "Alps- The' '.Iaroons· will play -Wisconsinirector tagg yester ay egan burg" was staged in the Fnlter 'opera -,preparations for the athletic end of house at Madison last Friday night. in the first game at Madison nextthe program. He. is considering some The managers of the play report that. Wednesday. From all, reports theprogram which will make the dual it was a great success. Every seat in Badgers have one of the strongestevents on lIarshalt field. Something the theater was taken by University teams they have had in years, and wiUsimilar to the- program given on Il- people, all of whom seemed greatly give Coach. Stagg's men a hard tus­Iinois day last year mav be attempt sle. The following Saturday the Var-- - - pleased with the. production. Judg-ed .. At any rate' something wiU be ing from the applause, Emmet Donel- sity will play Northwestern atdone to get a large crowd out to see ly, playing the part of Bill Richstone, Evanston. and expect to' come outthe baseball game with Purdue and was the star of the cast. Bill Kietz- with the large end, of the score.the track meet with Wisconsin. Both d hi Val'Sl·_ n..z-ts River Forest, 5-2.man acte IS part well as Franz ·1 Iggaof these events may figure in the de- Heinricr "Vetter. The music and \Vith a patch.ed'lineup the Varsityciding of the Conference champion- songs are catchy, and harmonize well was able to' defeat the River Forestship in baseball and track, and will be with the local atmosphere of the play. team Saturday atternoon by the scoreas closely fought as any event of the "The Tourists," a chorus appearing of 5-2, largely . through the efforts ofsprmg. ....(. in th fi t t d ral Page, who struck out 13 men. gave. ,� D�-'-Ui"'"O_.;f,,��-� �_e r5 �ere en::-co'""'r.... e'!:-'_s.-e ....'!.,...e""""'::�,_. o... n"""',..y-.�tw:---.o��':!'p�aCl_·-5�"lif�.: "�Affe-.·-sbc-. ·W Md". times by the audience: "Tn-the. second . I. '" U .ft. ...., After the baseball game and track act "The' Spooks of Rei h tein," hits off his delivery well scattered.. .. • h . IC ens em, a, hmeet there wtll b_e. � • dinner m t.e song accompanied by a chorus of Chicago was largely helped by t eC?mmons for th� vrsrtmg team: T�llS spooks, was the star number. errors of the River' Forest infield.wl�1 be the first tlm� tha! anythmg. of So well was the opera staged that getting three runs i�· the �third with­this �ort has been grven m. the s.pnng Professor T. H, Dickinson of the out the sign' of a hit, RIver Forestand ItS de�e.e o_f p_?pulanty wtll be English department of Wisconsin, got their two runs in the .sixth on hit­,,:atched WIth interest, After the who is the author of several plays, ting and good base runmng..dinner the men from Purdue and said that the opera ought to be ro- Lange.: the River Forest pItcher,Wi.sconsin will be the guests of t.he duced professionally because of pits fanned' nine, gave out one pass andChicago teams at the Blackfriar excellent qualities. The scenery kept the lbroons without. a hit un­show. Part of the lower floor �a� al- which the "Alpsbnrg" company will til the eighth inning, when Robertsready been reserved for that night, bring with them in a special car is pounded out a home run in a tern-Alur�lDi will also b� out in full �orce the product of the Pabst theater stu- porary hitting bee. Score:!hat mgh!. They will. hold a dinner dio of llilwaukee. The first act pic- l[aroons. R H P :\ Em Hutc���on �nd \��. ·the.71 :tte;d tures '''Die Gruene llaus," an Alpine Collings, cf ..•........ 0 0 2 0 0the Blac nar s o�·. IS �I e t e mountain inn. The second, scene de- Pegues, ss 0 0 0 2 �biggest day on t?e alomm pr�gram picts the feudal ruins of Reichenstein. Ebrhorn, If I 0 0 0for the quarter, .Wlt� the exceptIon of The ideas embodied in the scenery Kassulker. If 0 0 0 0 0the annual reumon 10 June. result from a trip taken by the au- Roberts 2b , 1 1 2 3 0thor of the book to Switzerland. Sunderl;nd, Ib ·· I I 8 0 0. Blac:kfriars Rehearse Today. Sauer. 3b .. , 0· I 0 I 0,The tentath'e cast and chorus of Cleary. rf 0 0 1 00 0Teichgraeber. rf 0 0 0 0Members WiD Repon on Progress of "The Pseudn Suffragettes:' whiclllBaird. c , I 0 13 0 0Contemporary Clubs at were selected in the tryouts held hst 0 0Other CoUeges. ,,·eek. witt rehearse this afternoon in Paul. c � � � 2 0the Reynolds club at 3 o'clock. Tbe Page. p � _management urges that e\"eryone hepresent in order that the rehearsalscan begin in earnest, During CoadlHerbert's ab!=ence Gordon Erickson.the mu:,icli director. witl drill thechorus and ca�t in their songs. Thecast witt conduct line rehearsal ...:\Ir. Herbert will return on April 25.and on the 26th the competitive re-'hearsal will be held. at which finaltryout the permanent cast and choru ..will be !=c1ected,GEIEIID WIltS PLACE ON TEAllwm Represent Chicago as Heavy·'Weight Wrestler in Athletic Car­nival at Minneapolis Saturday­Gymnasts and Fencers to Go.TWO LECTURES TO BEGIVEN THIS AFTERNOONProfessor Tonks of Princeton to Talkon ItaliaD An-Professor Coulteron Books of Botany_Two lectures are to be gil'en thisafternoon. one by Professor Olh'er S.Tonks of Princeton unh·ersity at 4o'clock in Haskell assembly room. theother by Professor John :\Ierle Coul­ter at 4:30 o'clock in room 13 of theBotany building.The subject of tile lecture by Pro­fessor Oliver S, Tonks is "TheGrowth of Xaturalism in ItalianPainting: Fra Angelico. Filippo Lip­pi and Bottice1Ti:' The lecture isgiven under the auspices of the Chi­cago society of the :\rchaeologicalInstitute of America. and will be il­lustrated with stereopticon ,·iews.Profes!=or John :\Ierle Coulter,bead of the department of botany,will talk on "A Re,·iew of Recent Lit­erature." Tbe lecture will be del h·­ered to the members of the Botanicalclub of the University. ProfessorCoulter will consider the good andbad points of recent publications onbotanical subjects with a "iew toshowing what i .. hest among them. MAY 21ST WiLL BEQUARTER'S BIGGEST DAY IESERVADONS OM SALE-TODAYTo Sell All Scats for "Alpsburg" Be­ciDDiDc at 1 O'Clock-WisconsinOpera Successful in First Perform­ance at Madison.AERO CLUB WILL HEAROF WORK OF OTHER CLUBSReports from aero clubs at otheruniversities will he read at the nextmeeting of the A�ro club in Cobb 8Btomorrow at 10:30' o·clock. Someimportant plans for the future workof the club will al .. o he brought be-fore the members.At the last meeting of the club itwas decided that the best informationthe club cot1ld get on how to carryout its work would be from similarorganization.. at other uni\"(�rsitiesthat ha,'e already had practical expe­rience. Two members were instruct­ed to corre ... pond with contemporaryco11ege aero c�\1h�.The er.thusia ... tic members of tbecluh arc anxious to begin work im­mediatel" on the con ... truction of amonopla·ne. arguing that the practi­cal experience gained thereby is thething the beginners need. X.othingmore has been said about the import­ing of a monoplane model fromFrance, hut the idea wilt probably bebrought before the club again at themeeting tomorrow. Maimonidn Club to Meet.The :\Iaimonides club. a cluhJewi:"h students. wi11 ha"e its firstmeeting of the year tomorrow morn­ing in Cobh 138. Reorganization willhe effected by t�e election of officers.:\ program of lectures will also bedrawn up at this meeting. The lec­tures are an annual feature of tbework of the club.Epsilon chapter of Phi LambdaUpsilon. a chemical honor fraternity,has been installed at the Universityof Washington, llembership is lim­ited to graduate .. and advanced under­grac1t1ate�.The Yale :\ero club has selected a\Vitteman glider for the experimen­tal use of the club. BASEBALL TEAM F!STROUNDING INTO SHAPEDefeat IiYer FenstSatanla,5 to z-·PAle F ... nirteeIa---1leIterblucba..e ....\PLAY TWO GAllES THIS WEEK.lleet Red Sox Tomorrow and Mutuals Satur�y-Freshmen LoseFirst Game, 3-1.To:al� 5 3 27 8 0Rh.er Fore�t. R H P A EB. Hage, 1f, 1 2 I 0 0Harmon. Ih .; 0 0 8 0 0L. Hagc. 3h " 0 I I 0 1Boujois. cf ......•..... 0 0 2 0 001012Cros�, ss .Schulte. rf , 0 0 I 0 0Groze. 2b. 5S ••.••••.• ,0 0 I 3 Io 1 001Heile ·n. 2h , .0010 0 0\Vihon. c ., "I 1 0 1 0L'lnge. P .of Totals 2 6 24 5 5_ 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 *---5:'\Iaroon� ,.0 2 0 0Rivcr Forc-t 0 0 0 0 0-2Stolen hasC:'-Collings. Ebrhorn.R. Haf,te. L. Hage. Wilson. Thrceha�e hi::"-Saucr, Lange. B. Hage,Homc run-Roberts. Douhle play­pcgtle�- Robert s-Sunderland. Struckout-By Page. 13; by lJange. 9.Ba5e� on bans-Off Pagc, 2; offLange. I. Wild pitch-Lang�. Hitby pitcher-By Lange. 1. Tlmc of'game-I :55. Umpire-Hoffer.Freshmen LoIe First Game.The Frl!shmen lost their first game�(Continued on Page 4.)!•:l·It:f, l!"· THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY. APRIL 12. 1910.AD reservatioDa � � opeaed to "ale todayFRIDAY---15A1psburg---Get your, _& 'n�w.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .The Real Place to Eat:-: HOLMES :-:Haa a1ways.tood f. the Beatand will continue- to do 100. DiDDen are iDe Table D·Hote. E�3S c:eIIb-S to 8 p. ID. s-day 50Cftb.·.12 to 3 p. ••CAFETERIA FOR LUNCH···II .. ID. to2 p. III. eo.e..d � �. Wemake .. CNr 0W1I aea., Coods.1317 East Sid7.ThinI Street.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .lIaroon advertisers are the depeac1-able kineL We don't leD space toany other variety.SUBSCRIPTION RATESB, c:aaier. $2.50 per Jar. $1:00 per qauter.a., ..a $I.2S per c...- $3.00 per leal iDedYaDce.New. CCMIIIibaboiiI .. , be left .. EIIia Hell orF.-, &ch... eddIe.ed to The o.a, Ma-IOOL 'STAFFA. LEO FRlDSTEIN. • M.....a. EdiIorN. A. PfEFFER • • • • • NeW. EdiIorA Go WHrrFIELD. • • • Adddic: EdiIor0iAS. L SUWV AN. JR.. B...me. MauaaASSOCIATE EDITORSH.p.e A. L.oaa- H. FeI.eaIhaLR J. tw,., H. C. Bmle.J. M. Ho.&L .. nd W. J. FoaIe.REPORTERsKe.aeIh Beebe. D. L Breed.p..a D. � £I:oI M. Phillip..C. W ............ nd H. G. WdJiaaIoa.Mal W. Reae. H. L KamicOit.C. Y. T ayb. Ruth Rdicker.J. H. Gi.L Marjorie HilLLet's ALL get together and see if'we can't get' fhat seal.The "forty lov-ers" are beginningto take possession of' the campus.Perhaps a -Tit'tle more rain willmake the. green cap's sprout in great:er profusion�' ,Read the �exit signs in Cobb and besure you· .know where the fire escapesare. They, may, be, handy during ex-arninationweek., _ ,,', '" ,,' ,- :. - � --r � ........ - - --- - - -From ,',tJit'pr�;en:t ,:-�utlo�"k, the :'):earwhich ,began with a -poor." footballseason is going. to end with, a goodtrack and baseball season. Xo?George Ade has taken enough -timefrom his occupation of creating newforms of slang to, tell us what to dowith the football rules and why.Clipped from a western agricultur­al college paper r "The girls at Chi­cago University have passed an un­written law, which none of them willbreak, staling that" they will neveragain have anything to do with anyman who wears a mustache:'Note-Will some one please shootthe man who started that story onits endless journey?• A few weeks ago a call was madefor candidates for a soccer footballteam. Thus far butFor More Inter- few men have re­est in Soccer. sponded. Yet soc-cer should appealto a great many men of the Univer­sity. There are hundred� of ablebodied. well muscled men in theclasses in graded gymnastics whocould, if they would, make fair orgood soccer players. These �enwould derive far grcater physicalbenefits from the outdoor sport thanfrom the simple and unintercst�1\gcalisthenics of the graded gymnast�c5.Socccr would be immensely more tunfor most lh'c American college. men.Soccer offcr:" them an opportumt): togct rid of their required gymn.aSt\1�lwork and havc a lot of fun domg It.Y h 1··.. ..urpri .. ingh· smallct t ere �", " -number of mcn in the socccr squad.DAILY BULLETIN-SkaD and Crescent will meet todayat 10:30 at Rcynolds club.Botanical Club wilt meet today at4:30 in thc Botany building. room 13.Student Volunteer Band wilt n:'cctthis evcning at 7:15 in 'Lc)tmg-ton.HPseaclo Suft"ragettes," cast and Dr. Chari. HaddeD Parker''DENTIST4002 Cottaae Grove Ave.DiacoUDt to Stwleata. ,TelepboDe AIdine 703Y. w. c. L. will meet tomorrowat 10:30 in Lexington.Maimonides Club will meet tomor­row at 10:30 in Cobb 138.Score Club Dinner tomorrow even­ing at 6:15 in the Commons cafe."Alpsburg" Tickets on sale daily,from 10 to 11 and I to 2 in Cobb 1A.Senior Class Seal Committee willmeet this afternoon at 1 o'clock inCobb 3A. Important.Baptist Young Women studentsleave their names with Mr. Bowersat the Faculty exchange.Mr. C. E. Kremer will ecture on"Admiralty Law" Thursday at 4 inthe Law building. north room.Commercial Club will hold a busi­ness meeting tomorrow in Cobb 98at 10:30. Election of officers.Le Cercle de Conversation Fran­caise 'will meet tomorrow at 4 inSpelman house. Rehearsal of play.Mr. C. E. Kremer will lecture on"Nietzsche's First Period" tomorrowat 4 in the Law building, west room.Dean A. W. Small will give thethird of his lectures on "The Rela­tion of the Social Sciences" Friday at4 in Cobb 6.-\. I HAVE SOM·ENEAT AND EXCLUSIVEPATTERNS FOR NOBBYSPRING SUITS. LET ME SHOWTHEM TO YOU.THE DAILY MAROON chorus, will meet today at 3 in theclub. "The Official Student Publication, of Profeuor Coulter will speak on "AThe Unh'ersity of Chicago. Review of Recent Literature" to­day at 4:30 in the Botany buildingFaa.edy room 13.The U��Cbicaeo Weekly Professor O. S. Tonks. Ph D .. of1M We:eUJ Octoba I. 1892 Princeton will lecture on "The Growth, n. o.a, October 1. 1902 of Naturalism in Italian Painting"F _ s- Md d.. Mail .. tbe cmc..o; , today at 4 in Haskell.p ow.... IIiDoia. M.cb 18. 190)."__ Ad. of M.Id. 3. 1873. ' ANNOUNCEMENTSl __ J JU Start RlIId and Y. WiD End RiPt.·�Get Your Breakfast at tile(univerSi��}t�omrnons)Benedict Wald,1445 E. FIfty.FIfth St.How About Your Clothes ?Stop a minute and consider the val­ue of having proper clothes. Clothesthat are distinct. individual, snappy­without being loud. Clothes that lookas if they belonged to you-and feelthat way, too.Making distinct,' individual, snappyclothes is a specialty of ,01lI'S-aDd atsensible prices. Drop in some dayand we will be glad to show you theSPRING and SUMMER FABRICS.An investigation of our EnglishTweeds, Serges, Scotch Cheviots andBannockbums will convince you ofthe exceptional values we offer in Col­lege Suits at 30, 3S and 40 Dollars.REV. DR. KINCAID LISTSTHREE KINDS OF COURAGE TaUor for Yo_� Me.STORES 131 LaSaIIeSb'eet, 44 Jack­aoD Blyel.TeUs Junior lien What Sort of Spir­it Is Needed to Attain Nobil-ity of Character. RelianceA little of the animal courage and Medical Collegebull-dog 'tenacity which distinguish, ",' __' ,priz�ghter� and, -other pro,fe��ionJl' _. �-G' h'athi�tes: was recommended to su un- -0 nres, High �c 001 work �ordergraduat� students by the Reverend students pre�"!lg for Dentist­William ' '�[.' 'Kincai'd,' University' ,ty. Law. MedlclOe or Pharm�-h h ok to member' of cy. SO per cent of the work ISpreac er, w 0 sp e :. laboratory' work �gtIl nowthe Junior college at c�apel y.ester- All evening tDOrk. Write fo�day. He, however. qualified his ad- tal.. .ddi . hat " h ca ogue. ."ice with the a rtron t at too muc: • .of either of these oualiries makes one ,Reliance MEDICAL CoDege,, :-s" .' 807 W..w...toD BlYel., I"L:-_:_ DLa brute." --.v."Jt is by a combination," said Dr.Kincaid. "of three sorts' of courage, H ' R 'I ·physical, intellectual anti. moral, that ea t ego atlGnone is able to attain to a" true nobil-ity of character. Many a man .hasnot the courage to put himself where ,The Johnson ",.u,matic, Systemhe belongs in society. For such aperson a little of animal bravery ishighly desirable. It will assist himto come into his rightful possessions."Intellectual courage is the abilityto think for one's self and to formu-late one's own opinions regardless IDtIIIIII II till III ...." .. CIIII:III .......of those of others. Courage for fol-lowing the truth. wherever it maylead. that is intellectual courage." � s,..... .. II ................The "ecoan� StandardPLAY FIRST INTER­FRATERNITY BASEBALLGAMES THIS WEEK Hot Weier T_ RepI.IaaRedaci.a vam. for Air, Wiler. SnaCOIIIIol of HaaidiIyI' 'According to the schedule. the firstgames of the inter-fraternity seriesmust be played on or before Satur­day. April 16. Some of the gameshave already been arranged for thebeginning of the week. providing theweather is sati�faclory, while otherswill not be played until Saturday.Each team will play against anotherteam of it� di"ision this week andfor the three weeks following untilthe cha'mpion�hip of thc divi�ion i:"decided.:\Io�t of the teams ha\'e hccn prac-ticing and have been getting theirteams into shape. According to therules. no man ,,·ho is competing- foreither the Var:o-ity or Freshman base­ball squads or who has pre\'iouslywon his numerals or "C" is eligibleto take part in any of the inter-frater­nity contests. JOHNSON SERVICE CO.H. W. EllIS, Mar.Chicap Office, 93 Llile Street.Rock RiverMilitary AcademyDixon, III.Adveniae in The Maroon.Maroon advertiRn are the depead.able kind. We don't leU space toany other varietY. Patronize Maroon adYertberi. Acknowledged the Bes�LOOSE I P NOTELEA F - ;lOOKSFor Class UseYour dealer wiD supply you­insist on having the I � P, ,, Hardy Bros.Foster & Co.'TA I LOR S'AamoaDC8 a Complete,Aaaortment of,Medium weight fab­rics for early Springwear, as well aslighter material forSummer, weather.�e ' here ," in abund­ance.· .:l' "" t:' ,'. ':. _'':StJITSINDlIfER .. -",,COATS$30,:'to $51),_. ".404 ATWOOD ....CIIIIl ........ Sts.Telephone 3920 MaiDCHICAGOPLAY, BALL-: SPALDING'S :­=. G U IDE 1910Co.pIete.­Ac:anIe,34th YearI The &..l�� ........ ��/ tbe �Came.�tb:!__ , .» -nero Proh.e-Iy iI.InIed. New fe.i.es; � aaticIes;tdeWa. ad the.m.d NEW RULES.P.I�B 'I'E!Ir �ENT8F��·. New AIIddic Spocts c...IosaeA. G.' Sp.ldlng Be. Bro.In W ...... Aft •• ClaltoapSt. Alban'. SchoolFor BoY ••Knoxdle, DIinoia.r..IIdda..iDddie!I'.- THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY. APRIL 12. 1910.._CONcbRD' EVANSTON,,�.. wtIIl. n t •.. :( TIlE NEW .'.ARRow'cOLLARSFOR. SUMMER. Blab eamp fOrJoob low eaoaab fewcomfol't aDdpIeD� olroom few the tie toeUde ID.a-...w,.��.-� Cda.tIa...IIHnoiSTrOSt&. '-1-.d�d· ;D�'_-,_.:. �!��DII.I�CAPlT AL .ANI); Sl1RPLUS .SI3.«JO.OOO.ooLa Salle Sbed ad J .... � CIaicipThis' BaDk 'LOansEsdusively . OD Collateral aadis Conservative ia ita ·Methods.CORRESPONDENCE INVITED.Patronize IIaroon advertisers.H. G. SCHMITZAccurate DruggistCor. 55th Street and Momoe A ...Phoae Hyde Park 526A faD line of Post Cards.U I .. HOmi RESTAURAITWiD &ad RaIaaraab 011 two loonWiD 60d a ipeCiaI Aim· n.e...eMe-W... 60d SpIeadid SemceSen-log 001)" the Best the Market Afford.FI .. , OrdIeetn I. tile Clt�lIold '[our Fratemlt)" andAlumlll Dinners Here111.117 Randolph StreethId iii"�AD ..... �IO .... Iar-....eor�"'.�".u ....... DiE.. WIUTING,MAOIINE COMPANY. 1\e T� Ea­� Bc.cIa. 3191o-t.. St.. a.a.. WOllEN'S BASKETBALL.. -- - "'-CANDIDATES GETTING BUSY'Ammal JUDiOl'-Seaior Games Stir upMuch IDteRst ill LainctonAthletic Circles.The interclass games of last quar­ter and two weeks' practice in thisquarter have "rounded the women'sbasketball jeams into promisingshape for the annual contest betweenthe Junior and Senior colleges. Theresult of the winter games demon­strated to the Seniors that consider-; able ilDpro\'em�nt would be neces­sa;y in order to win the Senior col-.Iege championship. "Tommy" Law­son at center is the best all-aroundplayer possessed by the Seniors, al­though lfary Chaney and Irene Has­tings are putting up a good defensivegame. Eloise Kellogg. a reliable bas­ket shooter, and Etta Shoupe audFrances Wrench also stand a goodchance of making the Senior team.Three of last year's players, ZillahShepherd at center, Laura Verboevenand Elizabeth Rich were members ofthe winter quarter Sophomore teamand seem fairly certain of a place onthe team that will be made up thisspring from the Junior colleges ..Josephine Kern, Eva Goldstein, Hel­en McGee, Mary Ann Whitely andGertrude Mills are Freshmen whoare' working up in good form. Thesquads will probably be picked thisweek by :Miss Heap. Miss FrancesKeller, an experienced coach. will di­rect the practice.JUNIOR BANUET TO BEGIVEN ·NEXT· TUESDAY, ----'Men 'of 1911 to Hold Dinner Down­town-To Give Class DanCe',' �'-:'-:",o.. �ay _13. .QUAYLE CO. CHICAGO.Steel Enarners, ._'ICIIi·1111 J .... , .7M·J15 ac.r ._1101 IMTATIGIS, .ED­; AI.$, a.iiES, ETC., ETC.IIarooa lICIt .. "'. an tile depend­.,... IdDcJ. W. dOll't ..n space to.�odIer�_ NEWS OF THE COLLEGESThe University of PennsylvaniaKennel club has arranged to hold adog show in the parlors of· Houstonhall.The Cornell and Han'ani musicalclubs have made arrangements togive a joint concert at Boston onMay 28.. The medics of Indiana' appearedlast £riday in blood-red caps, bear­ing a. white skull and cross bonesemblem.The llinnesota School of Mineswill take permanent charge of all thetechnical work ill regard to the oretonnage of public lands.The student actors from Cornellare reported to have dOD!! well onthe road in their presentation of Ib­sen's "Enemy of the People.""Singing on the steps:' the customof the seniors at Princeton during thelast three months of college. willcommence next Saturday -, evening."His Honor. the Sultan," the playof the Princeton Triangle club, waspresented in the ballroom of the Ho­tel Astor in Xew York last Friday.Thirty-four teams have entered theCornell interfraternity baseball league.which wilt be divided into six divi­sions. Provisions have been madefor four more teams.JDere·s a World ·o�. Comfort.. In clothes that really' fit you andgive you an individual style.. You know how You cling to a coat.when it feels comfortable and looksswagger and stylish without beingloud.That·s what makes our clothes sodesirable and so economicaL . You'llwear a NICOLL suit twice as longas ordinary dothes because you'll en­joy its comfortable fit �d good style.TWEEDS AND RO'!!Og CHEVI­OTS in gray and blue mixtures andsoft ones of browns are the PRE­DOMINATING FEATURES. BlueSerges, Irish and Scotch·· Homespunsand Outing Flannels.Prias-SwtorOvucoat�.��$35 and upwards.NICOLL The �llor..... JDaZICS' 80IUc.a..ARK AND ADAMS SISPolakoffRU'Ran CigarettesWhen dcnm toWn caD fara free sample.RUSSIAN ART STORE,12 w ...... A ... (0pp0.iIe F".dds)We carry a full line of Cam­eras. Developing Machines andseneral accessories. and we are,,",pared to develop and printpictures fOi amateurs.Having the largest retail bookstore in the world, we caD �all orden for a,ecial or sup­plementary reading. as well asgeneral book orden, withoutthe delay of sending out of thecity.fORB. alSWe stock aU tbe leading for­eign boob as soon as they arepublished. and the prices aresurprisingly low. Catalogue offoreign books on application.KODAIS AND ACCESSORIES ' c.IaI 2112. ..: 11 L 1 ; 1 .... e aad after tile SIIow III8t JOUr felew-studelltsand friends at tileFort Dearborn 'InnRestaurant and BuffetHllb - Class Caterlnl to Club andFraternity Parties.LEISTER & .ELL. 134 E. Monroe StreetPl'Olirietors. s. w. Cor. Clark and Mon ....MEXICAN INDIAN BLANKETS.nIE NEWEST lHlNC foe your CoIIete Room. Dee, ' .. 'Library ee Millie Room: foe Cuoes. Rap. Couch CoYeIIo .,Podiela ad waU Decoraboat.Go ... eoaa Color Effect.! Beautiful De.ipa!Sdcct your Fayor1te b.ckpouDd Color:CrimIoa. Blue. Red. CreeD. White. Black7&. 8ia :It 3&. 10m. • • • • • • $ 5.006ft. SiD. :It 3&. 4iD. • • • • •• 3.505&. 4ia. :It 2&. 6iD. • • • • •• 2.SOThe 8d of three (ODe of e.ch me) foe 10.00 PRICE $10.00.SENT ANYWHERE. CARRIAGE PREPAID. ON RECEIPT OF PRICE.ORDER TODAY. MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT.MEXICAN BLANKET CO.. ACUASCAUENTES. MEXICO.SILK SCARFSTHEWOODLAWNCAFEHIGH-CLASS BILL OF FAREPOPULAR PRICES .. 63,.. ST. ANDCOTTAGE GROVE AVENUE.Is the Finest and most Completely AppOinted Res­taurant on the South Side ..SELECTED ORCHESTRAL PROGRAM EVERY EVENING.WE LEAD THE PROCESSION'when it comes to a matter of jewelry.If you don't know wby t.bia is so, avisit to our store will show you.OUR JEWELRY IS DEPENDABLEWhat we say about it will be foundtrUe ill every particular. No misrep­resentation of any kind is permittedhere. Our guarantee of quality meanssomething. and we are particular thatthe jewelry will sustain it in actualservice.G. W. BROWN,Fine Watch RepairiDcHOIiery Impoet­ed Silk I...iIIe. in allthe DeW ad pop­.. c:oIaa. tIm:epain for $1.00.EYerJth.. inthe correct draa forefta.. wear. aswd _ .a.i-clmaad�Tdephoae 4768Hyde P.1111 E. 63n1 St.Naa 10 POIIo6ce.H. J. HANSEN &: COMPANY.": lIembers of the social committee<'f. ·the Junior class. will today begin:";n active canvass of the male mem­bers of their class to arouse enthusi­�in' for the 'first·- annual 'banquet to__ � .given byUbe .. Junior men j.;ext.; ifuesday e;en��l·- T'icketsh�ve' ''been.printed and WIll be on sale today..�hey can 'be purchased from any' of'the following members' of the .com-:mittee: Richard E. Myers, Joy R.Clark, Vallee O. Appel. Calvin O.Smith, Harold C. Gifford. NathanielPfeffer, H. R. Baukhage and WilliamRKu� ,Definite decision as to the placewhere the banquet will be held willINTEREST-ABo.ftd. 011 -CmRat . Ac:coaaIa' be made today or tomorrow.' TheCedifiaIe 01 n___:. s....-. n_.__:.__,._ -..-... � University club, .the Grand Pacific.hotel a�d the Stratford hotel. are un­Bood. FCftip Excbaaae ad TnIII �e... der consideration. A program oftoasts will also be drawn up in thenext few days.Friday, the 13th, has no terrors forWNOIS TRUST SAfETY DEPOSIT co. the class of 1911. To show it. theSAP! DEPOSIT VAULlS members are going to give a danceon that day in May at the Reynoldsclub. This will probably be the onlydance of the Quarter and will there­fore· be made a feature on the socialprogram. Some unique numbers arebeing planned for this affair. E. D. MELMAN1012 E. 63n1 St.tADI ES TAILORING...... our IIuII season WI.. lIRe $45.00 _n hi-lind suitsfor $30.00" up1400 SalDples to Select ,....Tel Midwa,. 2539.SCHO_O'SS�uvenir Chicago BeltsNo. on Sale atWOODWORTH'S BOOK STORE(pormerly Hewitt's)1302 E. 57111 St. lear limbark AYI_PRICE $1.00.lIIcheIi's Famous Ill ...Restaurantand Cafe.TIIIII D· .... 5Oc. wItII WillI,... 12 II 1:30 p. II.... II CII1I. • • • •SpIpettI and Ravioli a SpecialtyLOUIS E. MICHEU47 E. HlnisIn Street,.........................TII.1IInisII118. CIIICMO.llarooa adftrtiRn are the depead­able kind. We dlXl't seU space toany other ftriety.-----------------------THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, APRIL 12. 1910.A II USE II E N. T SILLINOISIIaat ...., lilt .. ''''-Yian I7 DAYSSIJICIII CIIt ... " ........LA S�LLETHEFLIRTINGPRINCESS·!..lCOLO"IALTbeatre BeaatifulIIADAIIE SHERRY·A UDITOR�M.F. W. Neuman AnaouncesGRAND ·OPERAFour Weeks'Season.Metropolitan Opera c.pany.AMERICAN MUSIC HAll...-_.MOlt 8eaIIIifaI WOIIIaD oa Earth.ADELINE BOYERCIuaical. 8udoot Daaca�Co���""'�E� Co.Cooper - Mayo - T - CooperCa. Campea.· Broa.JOSEPHINE SABEL .Mat. Dally-25c and Me. ETe8.--roc. 75c. $1AUCE U.OYD. the Idol of Two CoatiDaaAT 11iE WALDORF-Wdh 25 Siagea ud Comedians.LYONS & YOSCO. the Malical Sa-tion.The McNaaabtoa'L Lewis . Mc£o.d & Co.DUFFIN REOCA Y lROUPE.CLARK"S SIMIANS.And Otba Sterliag NoYeltics..Prlcee 15-Z5-A-7k. Pbo_ Ceatral ....CORT ..The Sensation of ParisTHE GIRL IN THE TAXIPRINc:ESSMiSS Nobody from Starland�M·CVICKER·S- Walker Wbiteside inTHE MELTING POTOLYMPIc:THE FORTUNE HUNTERGARRIC::K.Mabel Hite in"A CERTAIN PARTY."WHITNEY".1111 IIonis inI1Y CINDERELLA GIRLSTUDEBAKERTHE GREAT PLAYTHE FOURTH ESTATETo-Night!Dine in theNEW INDIAN ROOMof theWELLINGTON HOTELw • .,. ... A.e. &: J.cboD Bhd.I To-Night!Depew Orchestra.H. DEPEW, MIl ......Tel 1917W_t. 6542GreeaSt.Music for aD Occuio ....Adveni!e in The lI.rooD. NEW READING CLUB ON BASEBALL TEAll FASTIIISSIONS TO BEGIN WORK ROUNDING INTO SHAPENew Orpnized AuociatiOD ArnnccsPint Procram for ThursdayEftDinC in LezinctOD HalL (Continued from Page 1.)of the season to Hyde Park Highschool Saturday by the score of 3-1.The yearlings, were unable to con­nect with Bacon's curves, who struckout 1'2. gave two passes' and allowedonly two hits. The one run that theChicago men were able to get camein the ninth on a walk and Kuh'stwo-bagger. Score:H. P. � ... O 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0-3-7-41913 •.... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1-2-2Batteries-Carpenter and Kuh; Ba­con and llcRoby. Umpire-Goyle.The first meeting of a recently or­ganized reading club on missions and'related topics will take place Thurs­day evening at 7:15 o'clock in Lex­ington hall. The organizers of theclub plan to meet about three timesa quarter to. hear reviews on booksread by members of the association.The books chosen will treat of thestatus of foreign countries physically.socially, politically and religiously;the international relationships ofthese countries and the effect of mis­sions established in them.The following program has beenarranged for the first. meeting: "lienand Missions." by Ralph Cleary. \Vil­tiam Stephenson, Joseph :\7eff andJoy Clark; "China and America To­day:' by A. Barron and Roy Bau­man; "Autobiography of the Found­er of the Chinese Educational Com­mission," by ll. Price; "Korea inTransition," by S. Richardson; "In­dia," by Floyd Willet; and "The lIis­sionary and His Critics," by S. Tash­iro and H .. G. Kopald,.In addition. to this the club pro­poses 10 effect a permanent organi­zation. A literature committee willbe appointed, which will recommenda choice of reading material, but thedub expects but very little readingfrom the individual members.The books to be reported upon willbe brought to the meeting, and thoseinterested in the club are asked tocome early, so that they may lookover the books and the recommend­ed lists. In cases where it is not pos­sible to bring the book itself. a shortcomment on the book in writing' willbe submitted by the reader for thebenefit of the others. DESIGNS FOR HARPER1 IIEIIORIAL WINDOWS ONEXHIBITION IN CITYThe 12 art-glass cartoons whichart to be utilized as windows in thenew ·\Viltiam Raney Harper Memori­al library are now on exhibition inthe Art institute. They are there aspart of the exhibit of the Architec­tural dub of the city.lluooDWmtAuB�Ram�FOR SALE-Edison StandardPhonograph French records, new.Address Maroon office.WANTED-Students in the advertis­ing field, to cover their home towns,home counties. or any unassignedterritory during the summer vaca­tion. From $30 to $50 weekly 'canbe made. Address for particularsH. A. Hopkins. Secretary MichiganPress Association. St, Clair, Mich.FOR RENT-2 light. pleasant rooms.all conveniences. W. H. Hageman,5432 Lexington Ave. Hyde Park4486.CLUB INFORMAL SATURDAYFirst: Dance of Spring. Quarter to· BeGiven Then:. WANTED-Students who can draw,to make cartoons for The DailyMaroon. See the Managing Editor.LOST-Lady_ gold hunting-casewatch and· fob. vicinity U. of·C.Monogram E. C. McB. Return to1'225 E. 54th St. Reward.Members of the Reynolds club witthave their first informal of the quar­ter Saturday. night.' As there' hasbeen an inten:al· o-{ - �i�o�t twomonths since the last informal dancegiven by the club.' members are look­ing forward to this one. There wittprobably be no deviation from theregular program' for the informaldances. If the weather permits. thepromenade on the balcony will beused between dances. Decorationswill be made.The smoker ginn last Saturdaynight wa� a success, although thebowling team lost to the Illinois five.The match was exciting and the root­ing of the audience for the Chicagoteam was good. .The IlJini. however,were too strong for the Reynoldsclub bowlers. LOST-On the campus. a black pursecontaining .a check and large sumof money. F'nder please return to43 Green hal! and receive reward.ROOII-Single' or double, with orwithout board. Also board perweek. 5822 Drexel Ave .• first .floor.WANTED-A second hand golf out­fit in good condition. Address M.P., care Daily Maroon.FOR SALE-The following Cap andGown trade at greatly reducedprices: Photographers, Gibson. ArtGallery and Esmoer's; Tailors. $15order on Harry Smucker, to applyon $35 suit at $11; $10 order onHardy Bros. for $7 Scholarships,Gregg school, Bryant at Stratton.Sheldon school, Chicago Businesscollege. Apply at Maroon office.Maroon .dvertisers are the depend­able kind. We don't sell .-ce tomy other variety. STUDEIITS ! NOnCE !MISS IIcOOIIIEI.L'SRESTAURANT AND CAFE1225 East Sizt7-Thint StreetIIIst IIIIIbMI ..... .. ••• 8_. PrIca........ - ........ ......,.Fast TrainsDay andN i g h tootlte Save an the Trouble.nd DI.comfort ofTravel byour Specl.1Service.We wiI DeImr to � Ho.e or 10 the ea...,..�=-��=sc:LOftIEftlJRoed 0.- of a.� WeT.-Ia s..... to. P- of the CiIJ.'--, CIlIa .. CIntIIa f .....Phoae .., s-Ia Side 06c:e or a. M.ia05ce, ....... 482. .4W s, L C. s.-.PI.o.e o.u..d 414. SW s.. L C. s.-.Phoae � s.It 3548. 6W s.. L C. s.....PI.o.e HJde P_ 3549. 6W W---.� s..Doa PI.o.e W 3741.6W ... WIII.ce. c. .... W. L PI.o.e W ...WOIIIa 922-FI'IIkLSCItt T ..... C •• .,�M 0 -N 0 N R d UTE- - -----Best ServiceBetweenCHICAGO, LAFAYE'M'B.INDIANAPOLIS, CINCIN­NATI, WEST BADEN aDdFRENCH LICK SPRINGs,LOUISVILLEFRANK J. REED OeD. Pass. Aat-B. E. TAYLOR, Gen. M",-_202 Custom HoaR PIKe, CJDcap. SAM ·ZOELLNERfor 7 yean connected with Syiveater J. Simon is DOW incharge 'of the-·Physical C�ture Deparbnentof theNew Monroe .. :Baths10�106 East Madison Street,and is prepared to give The 'NewMonroe Quick ... DeyelopuientSyat __ of . .Health Building for Business MenFor Appointmenta Phone Randolph 3012WM. TA\1.DR, MeR.GOOD FOR·' Over-5tudy�" 'Under-Study� 'or NO-StUdy"lnesiatibIY DeIicio� f�. '''Wholesome as B� and�"FOR SALE ON THE GROUNDS :_� j; ..TEACHERS' WANTED FOR SEPTEMBER· BY THE ALBERT'TEACHERS' AGENCY, 318 WABASH� AVE., ·CHIC_.We aze DOW iD die DlIrLt of tbiBRs. daily 6IIiac FocI � iD � State NcaaalScbooI.. PabIic ScbooI. ad PrinIe Scbool.. If you waDI pCDODa( . .mce. -,nile... 8.000 po.i­toaa lied .. � this �. Addrea or caB oa C. J. � •. 1IaDaaer.• .' t". •Smoke. Reminiscences. Qever stones.All good fellows. Cigarettes in order.Of course they're Fatimas.The . mild flavor climaxes the climax •The ; rare blend of Turkish tobaccojust suits. . The mellowing processhas made it perfection.The package is economical and JOGget teD extra cigarettes.nIB AIIBRICAN TOBACCO CD,