l.I...�:e. to. Daill'UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1910.VOL. VIII-No. 114. Price, 5 Cents.PED TO IIEET FEIICDIG TEAll FINAL CAST TRYOutsWILL BE HELD TODAYTO STAiT FlATEIIIITY BASEBALL AIIWIGE TRYOUT TOUIIWIENT GOOD PROGIWI CLOSESSEASON OF CONCERTSATHLmCCAUIVALATBARTLm GYM FRIDAY Pint lleetiDc of Repraeutatives ofEach Pratemity Will Be Held To­da>--Teama W-ill Be Placed intoFour DiYisiODL Golf Candidates to Hold TOUl'lWDelltfor AU Undeqrad .. tea April 15and 16 at JacboD Park-Linda1Elected Captain.F-a." ........ ... G,....aicIIeeb H • HeW atSa.eT.-e. .d Ie •• ,,. --. GiYea ia Last�efn..uc.-cert ,.. Year.yestenla, o.t, Yeices·. C_N*,Were ...... ---Druudic Sbtda-I f ·--b f h es na Aften ...nter ratermty base all or t e Golf started off with a rush yester-spring quarter will be given a start day, when the names of 112 candidatestoday, when the captains of the nines TO HEAR CllOIUSIIElITO.OUOW were handed in to Dr. Raycroft at SCllUIIAIOt CENTENIIAL NElTof the 16 fraternities will meet to elect '--- the first meeting of the season. Plansofficers and appoint a committee to Coach Hemelt wm Be Here AU for the whole year were brought up,draw up the schedule of games for Week-A New Spanish and it is more than likely that inter-the season. According to the consti- Song Introduced. collegiate golf will again appear intution of the Interfraternity Baseball --- the University.Bartlett will be the scene of a big league, the president of the Reynolds The initial tryouts for the cast of In order to get a line on the menathletic meet Friday night, a triple club has called the meeting for today, "Pseudo Suffragettes," the Black- and to pick the Varsity and Fresh-ring show being scheduled to come the second Wednesday in April. man squads the candidates decided toT f . d friar opera, were held yesterday aft-off at that time. The fencing team he 16 raternities will be divide hold an all-University tournament onwill cross swords with the fencers of into four divisions. Each team of a ernoon in the Reynolds club. It was the Jackson park IS-hole course Fri- Glenn Dillard Gunn's promise that thethe University of Pennsylvania, the division will play the three other decided only to try the voices of the day, April IS, at 2 o'clock, and Sat- concert would be the best of the segymnastic squad will contest against teams, and the winner of the divi- candidates yesterday, and to conduct urday morning, April 16. at 9 o'clock. ries was more than fulfilled, and theIllinois and the wrestlers will tryout sion will qualify for the semifinals. the dramatic trials this afternoon. be- Eighteen holes medal score will be appreciation of the audience was madefor the team that goes to lf1nneapo- The winners of the semifinals will ginning promptly at 2 o'clock. The played both days. so that the men conspicuous by the prolonged and in-lis. then playoff the final game. The judging committee tried out the voic- may be able to have a thorough try- sistent applause accorded each num-The fencing squad of Coach l-1. de first games will be played some time es of 34 contestants. A number ot out. This tournament will be open ber,Beauviere witt have to be on its met- next week and the contests will con- those who had signified their inten- to all undergraduates, who may enter The program of yesterday's concerttle, if the 1'eports concerning Pennsyl- tinue until the last of May. The win- tion of competing did not appear, but by handing in their names to Dr. had a logical division into two some-vania's team are true. They have had ners of the series will be presented these will be given another opportun- Raycroft. what sharply defined parfs. Thea _very successful season, being the with a banner by the Reynolds club. ity of appearing this afternoon if This tournament witt determine the first part.. consisting of the "Leonore"intercollegiate champions in the east Play� Are Out. they come early. makeup of both Varsity and Fresh- overture ,and. t�e .�chumann.· ��n�in all dual meets. They secured third For some time the empty lots. Thi f . ·1' b . ·1 man squads which will each be lim- phony, was distinctively classical I-.. IS a ternoon WI. e prrmarr y. .' h hil . h Iour selectiplace in the" intercollegiate, and were around the varrous fraternity houses d d h d . . 1 E h ited to eight men The men quatify- c aracter, w I e m t e our se ectronsJ o· .. evote to t e ramatrc trra s. ac . .. hi h f II d he-] ..beaten only by the Army and Navy, have been filled WIth candidates for ·11 k h f mg for the two squads in this tryout w IC 0 owe t e intermissron Mr_.. contestant WI put on a s etc 0.. S k . ld d h bli d dwho specialize in tbis sport. The the teams. who Wish to get rounded h '. 'd . h b h WIll not necessarily make up the team . toe yre e to t e. pu IC eman. . . .' tree minutes uration, were y t e .' f . f h ed'. .Pennsylvania captain. Wendell, won· m. to good form before the contests . d ·11' b bl . d h d because every member of the squad or concert musrc 0 t e so-ca.lI'. JU ges WI. e a e to JU ge t e ra- " I·' Th I hthe . individual championsh ip in the begin, Although all have been rather . bifitv' f h . may be challenged by the unsuccess- . P.opu .ar type. e resu t was t at. . he materi I matte a I ity 0 t ose contestmg. .' h . di h hdu�l meets, and lost only one bout in conser�atlve m regard to t e. m�tena. Since the sketch·· .is of such short fu.1 . candidates to play 18 holes, the tIe. endtire dau l�nficedwasI ,! 0droug Iythe intercollegiate.; . of their respective teams, It 15 ru- 1 h· ·11 b h' wmner to remain on the squad p ease an sans e. 1. IS oubtful.Th '., •. ·1'- d thO t·t be f for engt It WI e ,necessary t at one I· . l·k!l.. h V··· .whether 'an program played h re.'. jf team that comes here WilDe I:_lore ��_ .. �UI e � nu� .. r. ? d'· . -shall be selected .'that 'will show to t IS quite lei".. t at arsrty games hi :b y o:-b -. ec.onipo.· ��d "of We�dell�-Parker and, mer P�unk stars are recrnrte ID. h b d ' h .:; I b·': f will be scheduled with the team from t IS year as met �lt so genume and, - .- .'. .. " .. '. ..' t e est a vantage t e "'ea a llIlty 0 . . h '.'. .f ...?etc;rsil.n, .\\:Ith Fisher as; ·-manager. _ t�e �nks. ��;�ome. a��;.��4't� possess the candidate: Each. one will be giv- WIsconsin and �11inoCs, and possib�y �a�y a re�eptl�n rom the audIence'niey���et' the. University of :Cincin�.. e�.. �.-:J"�. .f4:sslonal. �'\D�mg, m.asm�ch. en a fair" tnal before:'tbe committee,- .... � .. �o.nfer��c:� .���e_ �a!.\.�.e�f�d... _ ./�� dtd .Y��da�.-. � .. ';;;:�-9-f:="::+":'--��:'::'D:di·.:Tii1D-sday·' night.. C1ii�' 'Friday as�.t�c;�:!av�, at., �9h�l!t.�erc;d� tq: -'e.Nfti,o - ct7�m-5�' nfa;'-:'. ·�e ·PreS1imab-:-teanrwflt-'bave-1fo�:dir:' .cI'. ·��ture: JIVat.; ..,..... �i·�-���: -: -;: .. �> .�;. - .-�. '.f h� -Rfiid'_·:· itSldLe·Ht� �ase� .:-" ager, ::d abbot The tri�ls will be ficu�ty in. arranging match�s w.itb the . The "Leonore:·' ov�, ]i.o. 3,. by.... "'SatWaay mglit. ." - • j. -:,.- down or tee :. over at xmgton conducted in privacy,' the various vanou5. hIgh school teams JD the Cook Beethoven opened. the prognm. It.. ' :�,:�:';��'Not to � .�. g.)'1llnasium. contestants not heing allowed to wit- County Golf league. was Joltowed··by the' Schumann' sym··-B�i�d.��. not '�ing able to e#ter Freshmen of promising ability areness the performances of those con- c;e�rge Li�dsay �as again ele�ed phony in D· mino";' Thi� symphonythe., cOntest· on account of his recent also now being. given th-:' chance to testing. capta�n of ·the VarsIty team by the. for some reason is heard rather in-. .'. .. - ..' demonstrate how. they "did it" on the m. em.bers of last year's squad. The frequen' tly. The orchest·ratl·on of t' heinJ·ury will be a se· nous handl·ca·p t·o S· h· f .·11 b·'prep" teams. mce t IS a ternoon WI e occu- I t· . f h F h . ·11 ..the University team" but they e�t pied in the selecrion of the cast, the' e �c Ion 0 teres man captam WI piece is marvelous throughout, am�to give the ,'isl·tor,;: a warm fight. �s f h h h b ta e place after the tryouts next some critics go :;0 far as to call it� ALUMNI COUNCIL MEETS tryouts or t e c. orus men ave een k Th fl· .this will be the first -intercollegiate . again postponed tm tonwrrow after- wee. e 01 owmg nme men re- Schumann's masterpiece� -fencing meet ever, held in _Chicago·' if TO DISCUSS BUSINESSnoon at 2 o'c1o("k. when they will be ported for the regular squad yester- A brief intermission was followedshould attract a large crowd of tho�e .,' ---held in the ,Reynolds club theater. It day: George Lindsay. captaan; Ken- by Goldmark's overture to '''Salmnta':'interested in fencing. ; Take Up �=nj l�oDC=t!e Heldis the present intention of the man- neth Linsay, Raymond Daly. Paul la." The overture was warmly en-The bouts will be four minutes long, Formed. agement to select 32 chorus men, but Gardner. \V. K. Hobart, Ned Earle. cored, as was also the Scene Religieuseeach man meeting all of his oppo- . "there is a possihility that more will �erman Felsenthal, Frank Coyle and from "r es Erinnyes." The violon-nen'ls. The contest will be decided by Business of th-e-A-I-umni aS50ciation be chosen. Each man who makes the F arr: Hunte·r. So far only three cello ohligato by Bruno Steindel,the number of bouts won. The fenc- chorus and is reguhr in attending res men have reported. They. are which formed a part of the latterwas taken up yesterday at the meet- Paul Hunter Kent Chandler and Ed b fing wilt be under the rules of the· A. the rehearsals ,,-ill be �ure of the trip' - num er, was one 0 the most aUrac-F. L. A. The officials will be Wil- ing of the Alumni council. Plans in ,,·ard - Lazear. tive features of the afternoon. The. outline were discussed for the annual to lfadison on llay.28. the night on d·iiam Grebe. Ott Hauer, Dr. Tyler and -... ·1...!ch the Frl·ar,;: wI·II stage thel·r pIa'" au lence became so demonstrative, reun,·on, to be held this '\.'ear on June •• IN '" J GLEE CLUB TO PREPAREWilliam Eckhart. oJ after llr. Steindel"s performance that13. Theodore Hammond. '84. the au- under the auspices of thc Haresfoot FOR ANNUAL CONCERT 'r SWhen Illinois meets the gymnastic I b f W· . . ., 1". tock consented to a repetition.thor of the Univer:;ity yell. wilt be c u o· IsconStn.--- Th D I·hteam at the same time. it will also be eel es "Sylvia" suite, with itsone of the speakers. Other speakers Coach HeTbert H- Today Marie Rn--. El-ed to S eed d 1 bl .. .the first intercollegiate gymnastic �.... -a--- �L ucc e ecta e plzzlcatl and its inspiringwill be chosen and the program will Edith Hemm· �y as M ·caI Di .. meet ever seen at Chicago. This is llr. George Herbert. who will di- a--- USl - tone pIcture of a scene of Bacchana-be taken up more in detail at the next rector of Club. I· I·the first year Illinois has had a gym- rect the opera. arrh·ed in Chicago yes- Ian reve rYe came next. and followingmeeting of the counci). --- h· EI 'nastic team. and Coach \Varner's terday morning from Indianapolis, t 15 gar s . stately military march.Secretary Hansen of the associa- Practice for the annual concert of ,·\V· h PIC·squad is looking forward to winning where llonday night the Harlequin It omp am Ircumstance:"tion reported that 24 alumni clubs the \'romen•· Gle club ·11 b .. I d hthe contest. They are training hard club of Putdue staged "City Chap;' >\ �. e WI cgm m c ose t e program.have been formed. He said that pro�- carne -t thl·· k ·th thfor the meet. the newest product of George Ade. � � wee -.' WI e concert Regular Season Over.pects are almost certain for the for- All this week llr. Herbert will he only a month off. Some delay in bc-Six Gymnastic: Events. mation of club:, in Omaha. Buffalo ginning work has heen suffered on ."'c- The season of the Orchestral as so-here arranging for· the preliminary .. . t· .. . h hSix different events will comprisc and Cincinnati. Letters havc also count of the club's leader, Edith cIa Ion IS now over. wit t e excep·rehear5als and conducting the try- 1" f th S h . Ithe work of the gymnasts. These are heen tecei"·ed fro:n John Simp50n Hemingwa'\.·. who was ohligcd last Ion 0 e c umann centenma pro-outs. He seems to be well plcascd oJ h· h· b d f·the horizontal bar. paral1cls, side Abhott. "O�. dairy and food commis- week to lea\·e the Univcrsity for gram. w IC . IS to e arrange or. with the outlook for this spring. AI- th I f J Th .horse, rings, tumbling and Indian sioner of Texas. saying that alumni some time on account of hcr moth"r·�.' e ear y part 0 une. ree arttstsrcad'\.· he has formulated mo:'>t of his ... f ·11 h 1 f hclubs. Each man wilt perform three of the Lone Star state will get to- J illness. llarie Rogers has hcen ap-. 0 renown WI e secure( or t atPlans for the chorus effects. \Vith . Th h h hexercises and the three judges wilt gethe-r at a mecting:n Dallas in thc pointed to tak..: lriss Heming".ay·s occasIOn. c tree w om t e asso-.• nractically six weeks inten·enin� hc- . t· I .mark him independently on the basis ne:tr future. A meeting oi the grad- place in directing the work of the cIa JOn contemp ates securmg are. fore the first production of "P�et1Clo 'I S h H . k 'r Z . 1of· ten' points for a perfect perform- \1ates lh·ing in Springfield. 111.. wilt cluh. II iS5 Rogers is a ncw membcr .\ me ... c umann- em •. \ me. �els erSuffragettcs:' llay 19, he has amplc 1 ·th . I· . .ance. b(' held April 8. A!"50ciate Professor of thc club. She has studie(1 mtlsic an( el er a VIO Imst or a strmg quar-time to turn out a finishcd product. t t b hI h Ch· S·. The judgcs will be C. A. Cobe11i, A. J. G. C. Troop oi the English depart· T at the .Unh·ersit.v of Iowa and I·".•"'t l" • pro a y t e Icago trll1g quar-here has been one change made ..t tH. Glazer and T. A. Gross. Fol1ow- ment will be the speaker or the even- prescnt stud.ving with a Chica .... o in- c .in the Rlackiriar opera. :\ new song. '"' T ..ing are the event .. and contestants en- ;ng structor.. he program �in'n yc�tcrday aitcr-. . ··Leonore:· has hecn suh .. tituted iortcred: '\ The Alumni Dircctory. which is to The club numhcrs at pre�c"t ,""I)otlt noon wa!' as iotlow .. :one of the othcr numbers. Thi .. new ..H· t 1 hIlI·· S 1 be out in the near future. was also '0 • r· h 1- . Ior:zon a :&1"- mOts: tyes, :,ong is expected to make the hit of .J .'·omen. 0 w. om I wcrc mastHoll '" d G .. t Ch· D· di .. cussed.:\ larcYe numher of sub- ,·c""r·- orcYa· t· Th .m .. n an uelS . Icago: a\"ls. � the play. It i.. a Spanish air and ." � � IlIza IOn. elr part asR rtl tt ""n I \,.. I· scr:ption:' has been rt'cei\"ec1. and ei- chortl- gl·rl t· hIt h .ha c .. ( \ Ise y. wilt he accompanied hy an appropri- :'" soc oco a e ue m t eP II I III· . ·t I H II forts arc to he made ·b.v thc council to -tlffr"" .... c m· t I I I F 1ara e 5- mOls:,;:) yes, 0 man atc Span� .. h chorus and (lance. Thc � "f" ms re s lOW a�t 'e )ru-t G . t Ch· D· B t enlargc this numher. Letters are h",· arv h"'" I, th . I 1 t·ane \leis. Icago: a\"ls. ar - !'oong has a pleasing !'owing. and its '. ":,,, een Clr on y PU) IC ap-I tt I I.. t incY sent out to all alumni. The di- p""'r""llce thOe all< "ay on. f" words arc c1e"er. �" " I.. Year.Sidc hor .. e-I11inois: Styles. Holl- rectory will hc published by the Un i- Thc pro�ra';' to he givcn at thcman and llatthcws. Chicago: Dayis. versity pre!'s. Hareafoot Manager on Campus. conccrt wi11 includc a rathcr longRanlett and Kay ton. The manager of thc Haresfoot club. cantata. ·'The Lady of Shalott:' theRings-I11inoi .. : Styles. Hol�man Thc frcshmen enginecrs at Iowa llr. Baird, ,,·as on thc campus yes- ··\\·ater Lily." thc "Dusk \Vitch" and.and Roarke. Chicago: Davis. Bart- hazed one of their number recently terday to make final arrangements a group of Xeapolitan folk songslett and Rosenstie1. becam.e he refused to cut classes on with thc Friar .. , undcr whose dircc. sung by the entirc club. Othcr songsTumbling-ll1inois: Styles, Holl- St. Patrick's day. He was dressed in tion "Alpshurg:' the Badgcr opcra. to be sung hy the quartet ba,·e notfantastic garb and paraded through bcen decided upon. Esther Tarking-the streets. (Continued on Page 4.) ton is the club·s soloist.lDinois to Meet Gymnastic Men­WrestHnc Ymals Also toBe Held. UDivenitJ'a lloat Successful. Year.from lluaical Standpoint IsBroacht to FittinC Close.The sixth and last Thomas concertof the University season was playedin lfandel hall yesterday afternoonOvcrture. "Leonorc:' Opu; i2, � o.3-Bccthonn.Symphony Xo. 4. D ll1nor. Opus120 (introduction. allegro; romanza,schcrzo, finalc)-Schumann... O,·erture, "Sakuntala"-Goldmark.Scenc Religicuse from "Les Erinn­yes"-llasscnet. (Violoncello obliga­to by lrr. Bruno Steinde1.)Suite, "Sylvia" (prelude, Les Chas­scresses; intermezzo et ,-alse lente;pizzicati; Cortege de Bacchus)-De­libes.llilitary llarch. "Pomp and Circum­stance.'· Opus 39-Elgar.(Continued on Page 4.)THE DAILY MAROON. WIEDNESDAY. APRIL 6.1910.THE DAILY MAROONThe Official Student Publication ,-'ofThe University of Chicago.NeW.' c!oabibaIioa. ... , .he It1t .t "EIIia Hdl orFaad, Ez,.J, .... � to Tbe.D.iI, Ma-fOOD. _ .•. "STAFFA LEO FRlDSTElN. .• M.auciDR EditorN. A. PFEFFER • • • • • NeW. EditorA G. WHITFIELD. • • • AtbIdic EditoreliAS. L. S� AN. JR.. Bu.iaea MaugerASSOCIATE EDITORSHa.pft A. Loag. H. FeI.eathaLR J. 1>aIy. H. C. 8...dte.J. M.. HoUPJaad.. W. J. Fouae.REPORTERSKCDDdb Beebe. D. L. Bceed.P .... D. K.aIm. . £boy M. PbilIipLC. w. HoaPIud H. c. Wdliaatoa ..Mal W. Reae. H. L. Keaaicott.C. Y. T .,Ior. RaG Rctic:ker;Ma.jorie Hill.PIe. 01' McELoJ � Co ... 6236- Cot-hF Cane.. TeIepbaDe WeaIWadh 7161.,Save your nickels. The Cap andGown is coming o.ut (sometime),Is there any particular reason whythe University has no seal? (Chorus:4'No!") .If by no other sign, you can tell bythe weather that the baseball seasonhas started;. ).,';' .'-,,' "'.--- � �-:It rained ·Yesterday. 'List of casu-alties, one coat of whitewash and fourspring hats destroyed.If the building inspector would vis­it Kent theater during some of thepublic speaking classes he might in­sist on more escapes for that build­ing.For four years the custom of greencaps for the Freshmen has been ob­served at Chicago. ItGreen Caps has proved to be a mostfor Spring. commendable part ofthe campaign wagedtowards promoting a greater fellow.ship among members of a class. Ithas served to unite and harmonize theclass in its first year in the Univer­sity, and a most desirable result hasbeen accomplished. .The Freshmen are now consideringthe question of whether they shoulddon their verdant headgear for thespring quarter. as well as wearing itin the fall. This is in the nature ofmore of a good thing. I t is a case ofa little wearing of green caps is goodand more is better. By a11 meansmay the Freshmen decide to resurrecttheir last fall's headgear and wear iton the campus all this spring. Thecustom stands for that kind of ac­tion and co-operation most desired inthe student body. It is useful andcommendable that everybody . knowwho the Freshmen are, and that theFreshmen know each other as well.Wearing of green caps throughoutthe year is a common practice amongthe Freshmen of many colleges in thecountry, and should be inaugurated asa permanent tradition now and forall tim'e at Chicago.DAILY BULLETINAero Clab wilt meet today at 2 inCobb SR.Y. W. C. L wi11 meet today at10:30 in Lexington.CaptaiDs of later-Fratemit7 Bae­baD Teams wilt meet today at10:30 in Reynolds clabolin. W. Wood-Simoas will speakon "Socialism as an International'Fac.tor" today at .. in Cobb 6:\.IIr. W. II. Salter will lecture on TO SPEAK ON COLL&GEMAN IN BUSINESS LIFEFrancia T. Simmons Will AddreesCommercial Club at BanqUet To­night-To Elect Officers.Mr. Francis T. Simmons will ad­dress the members of the Commercialclub at their first banquet of thespring quarter to be held tonight at6:15. in the private dining room of theCommons. Mr. Simmons has somedefinite views of the college man inbusiness, and the members of the clubpredict a' particularly interestingrneeting. •S: E. Earle. secretary of the club.said yesterday:' ":\Ir. Simmons, aschairman of the .Lincoln Park com­missioners and vice-president of theInterstate Division of the ChicagoChamber of Commerce, has had agreat deal of experience with menfrom different colleges, and he is in aposition to give us a good heart-to­heart talk on the obstacles we mayexpect to meet when we enter thebusiness world. and how we can bestprepare for them:'President Bowman announced thatafter the election of officers tonightplans for the ensuing year will bediscussed. The club will hold its usu­al banquet twice a month. and somelively talks are promised from thespeakers who have already acceptedinvitations to address the club. Thelast meeting of the spring quarter willtake the form of a tour of several ofthe largest manufacturing plants inthe city. followed by a banquet. Atheater party will climax the event .."Xietzche's First Period," .todayat 4 in Law building, west room. .Baseball-Chicago vs. Gunthers to­day at 4 at Marshall field. Ticketsfree at Information office."ANNOUNCEMENTSSenior .. Class , Meeting Friday at10:30 in Cobb 6A..' Junior Class M�g friday at10:30 _in Kent, west room..Short Story Club will meet tomor­row at 4 in Lexington 15.Skull and Crescent will meet to­morrow at 6 in the Commons.."Alpsburg" Tickets on sale dailyfrom 10 to 11 and 1 to 2 in Cobb LA.Senior Class Smoker will be heldFriday at 8:30 in the D. K. E. house.Junior Mathematical Club will meetFriday at 4:45 in Ryerson, room 36.Preministerial Club will meet Fri­day at 10:30 in Middle Divinity. par­lor.Tiger's Head (old men and cubs)will meet tomorrow at 10:30 in CobblOB.Le Cerc1e de Conversation Fran­caise meets tomorrow at 4 in Spel­.man house.Masonic Smok�r will b� held Sat­urday at 7:30 in Hitchcock. All Uni­versity ;'tlasons invited.Baptist Young Women studentsleave -zheir names with Mr. Bowers�t thc{ Faculty exchange.Professor Small will lecture on"The Relation of the Social Sciences"Friday at 4 in Cobb ·16C.Mr. C. E. Kremer will lecture on.. Admiralty 'Law" tomorrow at 4 inthe Law building; north room.Official Class Lists are posted onCobb butletin board. Anyone inter­ested consult these lists before peti­tioning.Mr. N. J. Ware wilt speak on "Hud·son Taylor and the China Island Mis­sicn' tomorrow at 7:3O.p. rn. in SouthDivinity,Graduate Women will meet Fridayat 5 .in Lexington hall, room IS.�lection of officers. All graduatewomen invited.Civil Government Prize Examina­tion will be held Friday from 2 to 6in Cobb 9C. Candidates must handtheir names to Mr. Bramhall bytomorrow noon.Junior Contest in ExtemporeSpeaking.-Those eligible must havemore than 17 and less than 36 majors.Register with the dean of the Seniorcollege by next Monday. Prelimin­aries wilt be held the following Fri-day.VARSITY BOWLING MATCHTO FEATURE CLUB SMOKERIllinois and Chicago Bowling Teamsin Return Match at ReynoldsClub Smoker Saturday.The five bowling champions of theUniversity will meet the bowlers ofthe University of Illinois in a returnmatch at the Reynolds club smokerSaturday night, "and will win,". asPresident Sullh-an puts it. The eventwill be the chief entertainment of thee\·cning. leaving 'out of considerationthe cigarettes and cigars. which, willbe there in abundance. Stung by the�ereat which they received at Urba­na, the University men will do theirbest to rerrieve their honor and gaina victory for Chicago-.A unique feature of the smoker willhe the' fact that it will be open to allmembers of the University .. whetherthcy are members of the club or not.A record-hreaking attendan�e is ex­pected. in view of tbe. great: interestwhich .is being exhibited in tbe bowl­ing contest between the two universi­ties. The two teams will be as fol­lows:Chicago-Gaarde. Curry. Sunder-land. Coyle, Teimble.Illinois-Atwood, Bannister. Bitt-.ncr. Cann. Morrill.IIarooa ad.em.eR are tile depend­able ldaeL We don't .u .pace toIn,. other ftriItJ. Maroon Want Ads Bring Results.Dr. Charles Hadden ParkerDENTIST4002 Cottage Grove Ave.Discount to Students.Telephone Aldine 703Fast TrainsDay andN i gl h ton the-M 0 NON R 0 �T!�Best' ServiceB�CHICAGO. LAFAYETT�INDIANAPOLIS, CINCIN­NATI. WEST BADEN andFRENCH LICK SPRINGS.LOUISVILLEFRANK J. REED Gen. Pass. Agt.B. E. TAYLOR, Gen. Mgr.202 Custom House Place, Chicago.Be Strong· and WellRED-BLOODED HEALTH,VIGOR. STRENGTH ANDSUCCESS-all yours for theexpenditure of ten minutes aday.SEND NO MONEY. Simplysend for free printed matter con­cerning my. metbod. wbich hasrestored 30,000 I1In-down per­sons to VIGOROUS. RED-, BLOODED HEALTH.lIY'System tells womeo _ howto become more beautiful in faceand fi� more .... ceful in car­riage and repose. It aids tIleDsuccessward by aboma thembow to de.elOJ) gene force andbrain power. Tear out this acLand write your name ud ad­dreu OD the aaaqia ud .... il tome, and I wUl be &lad to sendyou a complete a�temeat of IDJsyatem.SYLVESTER J. 8IIION,II QaInq 8tnet, .CIdcaplIaroon ad,e, t:isem are tile depeacl­able meL We don't MIl Ipece toIn, other variety. Did y� buy your �. yeltenlay?ALPSBURGOther loyal.Chicagoa�s did.• •• BOWMAN DAIRY COMPANY ...•Milk Milk :: Bottled- Cream :: Dl :: �. :: Country.·Buttermilk'Butter- -Do our W!IOII! lel'Ye you?Why not' have the best·?4229 State Street'. • � •CHICAGO :,. OAK·4221EVANSTON PARK.. .Chemical. Playsical. Electrical uadSarPcal Glaaa Appuabu. X-RaJ' ..... Ultra-Violet Tabes.M.carial Air p ........ Etc.Boehmw. J.171 Randolph St.ChicagoPhODe Maia 2700.Hardy Bros;.: '.. Joster&eo •.TAl LORS'Amaoaace • CompleteAucwtmeat ofMedium weight fab­rics for earl, Springwear, as well . as,lighter· material for '.Summer' weather,. are here . in: aInind�"anee. ., � : · � .�:- '.�'" :-:-',SUITS AND .'OVER­COATS·$30 to $50404 ATWOOD ..._an ........ Sts.Telephone 3920 �CHICAGO( ,"Start Right and You Will End Rigbt."Get Your Breakfast at the• University Men'sCommonsl .. The � ,:,,�Ini. 1�..... -------.,' , ......SILK SCARFSSpring i. CominlOar WooIeaa for ,1910 are hereCD? • 7i ... ofT�W __ateda aad Seqea.Tweeds, the roaaher .... teriaIain ............ oIlft!J'ancIcecIar IIrcnna are in de­...... ..,. IIDUtchI .....DIIT:-' ... taIare.I in thet..tablea .... pricea.. _1 w _ t.!..:-$25to� •IfICDLL 'Ihe�llor..,..,....... ....c.LAItIt AND ADAMS S"IS........ ' .' .' .' ... ' .' .' ... 'The Real PIa� to Eat:-: HOLMES :-:Has alwa,.. atoocI f. the Bestand will coatiDae to do _0. 0-.. are '- TaYe O"Hote. EftIliaa3S call-S 10 8 p... s..day 50c:aII---' 2 10 3 po ..CAFETERIA FOR WNCH-II L •• to2p. .. eo.e ... �,....af. We1Mb. wr owa � Cood..1317 East Sidy-Third Street..... , ,., , .IIaroOD ad,e, dars are tile depend­able ldneL We don't HI1 tpaee tolIlY other ftriet7.I)D.s·ab­ing·asfor181',1Dd�";:$,:-!'-ER--b.laiD))-:FSAU11·......_I• "1r.':;:.• de-.. -t.ce 01Var..00.().-ingthereDr-mtbe•llorIS- THE DAILY �IAROON. W.EDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1910.QUAYLE ·CO; ·CHlCA90Steel �n·gr.&.vers.. �M��ufac:llaliD� ..:.J e�elrYDtei .714 - 716 ScJaiIler BaildiDc.Clau-Society P-ma, ptGiiiu.es,Invitations. Etc. .. -Etc. ... •... '\" -.-. -_, .:�SAVES ·TIME.. TO BUY OR SELL. �THEBOSTOaARTEBWe cater to people who ap­preciate dean homec:ookina.IROQUOISCAFE1110 E. 55th. near Lexincton.U I ... Homl RESTAURMTWiD w � OD two loonWiD W • IpeCiaI Aher.1'be.DeMe.Wi! W SpIe.did SemceSernDg ODt,. tbe Best tbe Market Alfords:n.e.t Olelle ....... Cit,.Hotd YODr FraterDlt,. aDdA1DIDDI D1D�rs Herelll-ll7 Ra.clolph StreetWASHINGTON COACH SAYSRULES ARE SATISFACTORYCoach Gilmour Dobie Finds Faultwith Forward Pus Replatioo­Will Hamper Otfense.. ' �"Th� n�'" regulation wilt make itmore ·diffi�cu.!t .to advance the batt.and until the committee has passedon the- forward pass it is hard to saywhether or not the game witt re­solve its�lf into a punting duel be­tween two elevens, The future ofthe game seems to rest with whatthe committee wilt do with the for­ward pass, It is possible .that. sincethe offense has been made more dif­ficult, the committee will take offsome of the. limitations on the for­ward pass, in order that the ball may.be advanced more easily by this route."'nt--e' .requirement tl-at the ball, incase of an 'on"i"e kick, mUR strikethe ground ·at least 20 yards beyondthe line of scrimmage will do a,,:ay. with iniuries. as it witt prevent themass of players charging on the ballafter a short kick.."The removal of the . requirement •that the player - "�hp receives', the ballfrom the 'snappef":b�ck run five yardsto either. �ide;J:>efore advancing; willincrease t'h·e.�ffi�ien(:y o.r.th�:- quarter-:�a��.�;��1�r·l:it��i���;�make littie 6.iog"fe��·thr�u�ii;. the linewith the: nQ��u#iii1g, n�pull��ig rulein force." '�..:<. �.. '.. : .TO DON GM��·:·��f::·:�,YEARLiNGS ··CONUD�SPRiNG HEADGEAR"Shall the Freshmen resume thewearing of green caps this quarter?"This was the question put before theFreshman class by President \Vhitingat the meeting in Kent yesterday.The majority of those present votedI:n favor of establishing this custom·for the present and all future Fresh­man classes of the University. It hasbecome a tradition in many of theeastern institutions, and has tended tokeep up their class spirit, as \Vhiting( ,:plained.The program for the quarter wasdiscussed. and several social events�ecided upon. They are an afternoondance April 15 in the Reynold.5 club.the Freshman show on the e"ening ofApril 29 at the theater in the Rey­nolds club and a banquet for the men�Iay 6 in some do,,-ntown hotel.TO DISCUSS PROIIIN WEEKLY IIEET-..,'ING THIS . MORNINGThe Undergraduate council willhold its weekly meeting thi� morningat 10:30 o'clock. At the last meet­ing there was a preliminary discussionin regard to the prom. Nothing wasdefinitely decided. howe"er, only afe,,' ideas ha"ing been suggested. To­day the council expects to decidewhether or not there ,,-ill be a Juniorprom this spring. From' present in­dications there ,,·ill not be a prom. ashas formerly been held, but someUninrsity dance ,,·m be substitutedin its place. The nature of this dancewilt probably be decided this morn-ing. NEWS OF THE COLLEGESDifferent views on the· reforms re­cently . proposed at the meeting ofthe football ·rtlles committee are ex-... pressed- by .CQ�a!=h- Gilmour Dobie of-the. pn�·e�j.l;: ·-of· Washington. Al-Wl&UIWITak .• �."!= .. .. . .... t�C?��ii�he·:·crit�cises minor points. heA n h·r:tfl�·�·"'�'": :. ._ .. �-; � ,.;_.' .. �:b.el��,yeS �h��,:t��.. ) ru��. are. as a whole�q� -'.". : ', ,satlsfactory.'·:·· .-�> , -ivw..�",il:·s"e: ; .>.::. >.::- ... ::. "�he .. six. :-amend��nts, :,announced,,�-��.:. ,;.-: -. �.- - by the rides committee witt make noFOR. SUMMEit· '�� for ._- material change in the autumn game.loo1m-1ow eDouahforcomfortud. with the exception of the rule whichpIeD�ofroomforthetieto.ude ID. . �r�qu:res a man to carry the' batt with­CbIII&.r.W��·c�·U��Cdl.IIc.;_r. -out the assistance of his teammates,"says Coach Dobie. "This change mayrevolutionize the game, but no onewill know just how it witt work un­'tii it 'h�5 been thoroughly tried out. on the gridiron.Off�se D!fficult.WATCHING FORTHETDIE,....� Wad..".? We � 100.SeDp" ... __ die � rill..,. 10.... die � ...... ill iI_, be""H'_..e"'lObe._.dIe�Gift die Jew.h7.No tilt .. JII'!" 10. eJ4.ue 10� E..-..- a.L It it �_ I .... ..- ..... ,! .....IIarooa ad.alden are the 4epeDd-1 G. W. BROWN,able Ida4. We doa't ..n Ip8Ce to Pboae IIidwa7 IJO._,. other ftriet7. 6Z49 IIacti8cm Ann_'Eighty candidates answered thefirst call for baseball men at \\. estPcint.The French club of Cornell pre­sented "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme"recently.�Iichigan is soon to have a $200.000auditorium. The present hall is muchtoo small.The Cosmopolitan club house at theUniversity of Ittinois was destroyedby fire recently. The loss is estimat­ed at $25.000.:Michigan freshmen can have nomore banquets, unless the rules gov­erning the contest which precedes itare modified.J. J. Hogan, captain of the 1904Yale football team, died recently iroman acute attack of uraemia broughton by Bright's disease .At a recent meeting of the studentbody at Stanford a sum. of almost$20,0G0 was raised for the erection ofa club house on the campus .The faculty of Michigan has recom­mended to the trustees that the stu­dents on the Daily be given collegecredit 'not to exceed eight hours.The Building of Fine Arts of theA. Y. P. exposition has been turnedover to the University of Washingtonand is being occupied as a chemistryhall.G. Hurley. Brown '07, at· present}: olding a Rhodes scholarship, in writ­ing to the Brown Herald, says that al­though the game of rugby is a good-one, it should not be adopted "in to­to" by American universities and col­leges.Three races· have.. already beenscheduled "'fOl'�-the ·-Xnnapolis crew.These regattas, with their dates, are:Harvard, April 23; �olumbia,. �lay 7;Syracuse, llay 21. Pennsylvaniawants a date in May and will prob­ably get May 14. In that case George­town will row the Navy on April 30.This would mean five races withinfive weeks.I:Iosiety import­ed Silk LiIIe. ia allabe· DeW ad pop­.... c:oIoa. tIueepain few $1,00.EftlythiDg inabe CIOI1ed dress fewewaau. war,,,well .. 8elDi-draaaad aqIip.T eIephoae 4168Hyde Park1111 E. 63rd St.Nat to Pos'o5cr .H. J. HANSEN & -COMPANY. Noble D. SoperII ...... Tailor ...... 1I175 Dearborn Street-Comer Monroe•••••• Second Floor ••. � •..Judge a SCHOOL by ita Faculty.Judge the FACULTY by Results.Judge RESULTS by the BoyThe School ?-Modded after the bat Preparaloly Schools of tI.e Eut.The F acalty? --Gr.du.tcs from HarTud. Columbia. PriDc:etoa. Middpa---aD thOIOuP te.cberaTh. Reaalta?--Ouz gmduaaa puawdh eue the c:.olIqe eIItrUce eumiutioai. ud eater with.dditioaal aedita. .The Bo,.?-A IIWlly fellow.Do JOU � _ �.P� � IOU UDder such io8ueDces}Addrea: AU.EN HARMEN CARPENTER. He.d M.ta ColIqe School.KENILWORTH. - IWN�IS. .Acknowledged the Best . r."LOOSE I p.N-OTE .... -.�� .. '�.J>LEAF - .. BOOKS··;�·-:·;- -. .� ..For Class Use .Your dealer wiD supply you­insist on ·having the_ I-·P . - ; " � ·1�. �"; ' .. ":T c:.tnI2D12. 1liiie: 11 a ••• til 1, ••. ; I p ••• til : -�.• O!Before and after the Show meet your fellow-students �_:.and friends at theFort Dearborn .InnRestaurant .nd .Buffet> ·/:··n f{.,High .: Class Catennl -to: ClubFraternity Parties.LElSTER.& .Ell,Ptoprleto ... 134 E. IIonroe Street ,,­s. w. Cor. C ....... d M� ....GOOD FOR Over.study, Under-Study, or· No-Study"Irresistibly DeIic:ioaa" "WhOIeiOIDe" Bread and Butter"FOR SALE ON THE GROUNDSRobert Staeclter Co.155 State �. :-: :-: Chicago, DL-: "':<.�::.z:'Phoae Central 53M. � Betw_ Madiloa and Monroe Sta.The best IiDe of aew Spriq Sails, �ta, Skirts, and Dre ....at popaIar prices. AJ.o tile Lat •• t Mod e Ia.· .in oar MiIIiDer7 .. lieD.-: GET OUR PRICES ON � FURS.:-THE DAILY MAROON, "'EDNESDAY, APRIL 6,1910.AIIUSEIIENTS ATHLETIC CARNIVAL ATBARTLETT GYII FRIDAY FINAL CAST TRYOUTSWILL BE HELD TODAYILLINOISIIaest c-.IJ lilt .. T..., , ... ,7 DAYSSIlICiII Cat ... ...... ..... (Continued from Page 1.) (Continued from Page 1.)man and Gueist. Chicago: Davis,Bartlett and Wisely.WrestliDc Finals.From among the large wrestlingsquad of Coach Stearns a strong teamwill be selected Friday night to rep­resent the University at llinneapolis.April 16 in the western intercollegiatemeet. A heavy, middle and light­weight will be sent.A few preliminaries will be calledThursday night, but the final bouts arescheduled for the following night.The bouts will be ten minutes longunless there is a fall. In case of nofall the referee will order a third boutor decide on points. Only pin fallwill be counted. and the twisting toehold. strangle hold, hammerlock andfull Nelson will be barred.Coach Stearns will referee thebouts. The following men have signedup for the tryout:Heavyweights-Whiteside and Ger.end.Middleweights-Langhorst, Peter­son and Kierstead.Lightweights-Lauer, Sauble, Loth,Barren, A. Barron and Ullman. will be staged in Mandel hall thenight of April 15. Already a largenumber of tickets for this perform­ance have been sold, a great numberhaving been reserved by the Wiscon­sin alumni of the city and the variousorganizations of the University. Theseats are now on sale in the corridorof Cobb hall.LA SALLETHEFLIRTINGPRINCESS..MRS. SIMONS TO TALK TODAYCOLONIALto Blautiful.-.J:: Benee InTHE SILVER STAR Will Give Lecture on "InternationalAspects of Socialism."SAM ZOELLNERfor 7 yean connected with Sylvester J. Simon is now incharge of thePhysical Culture Departmentof theNew Monroe BathsII rs. llay Wood-Simons, assistanteditor of the Chicago Daily Socialist,will be the speaker this afternoon at4 o'clock at a meeting to be held inCobb 6A under the auspices of theIntercollegiate Socialist society. Mrs.Simons will talk on "The Interna­tional Aspect of Socialism." Manystudents in the sociology and politicaleconomy departments, as well as oth­ers interested in socialism, will at­tend.'A UDITORUM.F. W. Neuman AnnouncesGRAND OPERAFour Weeks' SeaSon.Metropolitan Opera Company.AMERICAN MUSIC HALL....... ...,.VIo'at Fulton'. D ......."AFTER THE OPERA"MIDDlETON, SPEU...MYER & CO.VI. McMiUu.. W.aameIoa Cids.80aaDDJ T IOUpCMilt. Dally-25e and 00e. ETes.-Me, 'me, $1 104-106 East Madison Street,and is prepared to give The NewMonroe Quick DevelopmentSyatemofHealth Building for Business MenFor Appointments Phone R.adoIph 3012WM. TAYLOR, MeR.Short Story Club ·Meets at 4.The first meeting of the quarter ofthe Short Story club will be held to­morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock inLexington 15. The officers of the clubdesire the presence of all members.It is an ,mportant meeting, as theelection of officers for the quarter willbe held. The following offices are tobe filled: president, recording secre­tary and corresponding secretary.The present incumbents of the respec­tive offices are Clara Alexander,Ruth Reticker, llartha Whittemore.ORATORICAL ENTRIES INManuscripts for the Senior oratori­can contest, for which entries closedyesterday, will be due llay 3 at theSenior dean's office. The preliminar­ies will be held on or about llay 17,the exact date to be announced later,and the finals on or about June 7.These announcements have beenmade for the contest, which is openonly to students having between 27and 36 credits. The orations must beless than 2,000 words long, and mustbe original. The prizes for the twohighest men chosen at the finals willbe a prize of $100 and a second prizeof $SO., .. I ADMIs. F� CIIII'"S._, V. I 8. • nt SIst.rI�Willie PruUer & Co. Boy. ia Blue..HadaD, Kaigbt & Co. Mile.. BiaDci & Co.!_)oLerty SilteD. Ral lie Nice..P....... Miller & Lyle.Kiaa BIOL Motioa p-�Prkee 15-ZS-M-':k. PhODe ee.tral Mae That's AU There· Is T 0 It.CORTThe Sensation of ParisTHE GIRL IN THE TAX!pRINC�SSMISS Nobod, .. froID StarlandMcVICKER'S.Chaunce, Olcott inRAGGED ROBINLYRIC� 8Iat 1IIItIIInI.Lulu Glaser inJUST ONE OF THE BOYSOLYMPICTHE FORTUNE HUNTERGARRICK� Frances Starr inTHE EASIEST WAY Maroon advertisers are the depend­able kind. We don't sell space toany other variety.CbASSIFIEDADVERTISINGWANTED-Students who can draw,to make cartoons for The DailyMaroon. See the Managing Editor.OST-Lady's gold hunting-casewatch and fob, vicinity U. of C.Monogram E. C. McB. Return to1225 E. 54th St. Reward.A number of men have entered forfhe contest, but more are still expect­ed, so that the names have not yetbeen . made public, They will prob­ably be given out either today or to-L-5-C-11eeEmorrow.COSMOPOLITAN CLUB TOMEET SATURDAY NIGHTCanadian ·Members to Give Program-Business Meeting to Be HeldBefore Program. LOST-On the campus, a black pursecontaining a check and large sumcf money. F'nder- please return to43 Green hal! and receive reward. MixerThe ShowerInghamCosmopolitan club members willhold their first meeting of the quar­ter Saturday night in the club roomof Snell hall. The entertainment forthe evening will be furnished by theCanadian members of the club. Thenumbers have not been announced,but Chairman Kierstead of the Cana­dian delegation has promised someunique features.There will also be much businesstransacted by the club. since this willbe the first business meeting heldsince the middle of last quarterPreparations will be made ior the annual Peace Day exercises, which areto be held llay 18. Ambitious planare being made for this occasion. andthe members hope by it to establishthe club as one of the principal student organizations on the campus. is so absolutely simple that it seems almost ri�iculous toI think of its having completely solved such a big problemas the perfect control of wat{er temperature for showerbaths. .:JUST watch an Ingham Mixer i.loJX!ra�onand youwill instantly perceive how thoroughly this simple appa­ratus "delivers the goods."NO loss of time to adjust temperatures.NO change of temperature when ,����, the InghamMixer is regulated.NO change of pressure due to bathers operatingother showers on the same system.THE Ingham Mixer has many other advantagesbut these are just a few illustrations of its completesuperiority.ASK for booklet" The Luxury of Shower Bathing."ROOM-Single .or double, with orwithout board. Also board perweek. S822 Drexel Ave., first floor.WANTED-A second hand golf out­fit in good condition. Address M.P., care Daily Maroon.FOR SALE-The following Cap andGown trade at greatly reducedprices: Photographers, Gibson ArtGallery and Esmoer's; Tailors, $15order on Harry Smucker, to applyon $3S suit at $11; $10 order onHardy Bros. for $7 Scholarships,Gregg school, Bryant & Stratton,Sheldon school. Chicago Businesscollege. Apply at Maroon office.'WHITNEYWiDlam Norris inlilY . CINDERELLA GIRLSTUDEBAKERTHE GREAT PLAYTHE FOURTH ESTATETREVETT THEATER&3nIand Coltall Grne.Cbu. Ledepr. �1DeS W ....The La ... HoaeCo eaaiap & Reof1ew.lee BeaD & Co. .. CiIy �HeaDi. Lewis lie HeaDiDa.Neall lie EIdted. T�.25 and SO Cents AERO CLUB WILLHOLD SECOND MEETINGTHIS AFTERNOON The Imperial B�ass Manufacturing Co.The Aero club will take definitshape today at 2 o'clock in Cobb 8Bwhen the second meeting will be heldOfficers arc to he elected and a definite organization formed. Steps wialso be taken to further work on thaeroplane which the members of thclub hope to construct. 446 S. Jefferson 51. Chicago m.THEWOODLAWNCAFETo-Night! 63 .... ST. ANDCOTTAGE GROVE AVENUE.Dine in theNEW INDIAN ROOMof theWELLINGTON HOTELw ..... Aft. • Jaeboa BmI. STUDDlTS! 1I0nCE!HIGH-CLASS BILL OF FAREPOPULAR PRICES.la the Finest .nd moat Completel� Appointed R.a.tIIur.nt on the South Sid ••SELECTED ORCHESTRAL PROGRAM EVERY EVENING •1225 East Sisty- Tbinl StreetIIIIt II .II.... .............. ......,.To-Night!