.:1 VOL. VIII-No. 65. mailp aroonUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1910. Price Five Cents.COM.mEES SUFFRAGmE CAST IS CHOSEN SENIOR CLASS VOTESFOR PROM IN SPRING"President \Vhiting of the Freshman The final selection of those whoclass has announced the appointments SUB-COMMlTIEES ALSO NAMED will don the sock and' buskin in theto the Freshman executive committee cause of equal suffrage was announcedas follows: Joseph Lawlor, Robert after the trials for parts in "How theHoffman, Herbert Wellington, Earl All Connected with Dance Will Meet Vote 'Vas Won" yesterday afternoon.Me Knight, Donald Hollingsworth, Next Monday Afternoon with Rehearsals will begin at once for theJohn Fry, George Kuh, Merle Reese, Mrs. Vincent. play, which will be presented on Feb-Howard Keefe, Dorothy Seyfarth, ruary 11. The following were chosenBessie Schumacker, Margaret Mit- Bradford GiIl has been appointed to take part in the play: Agitation for change in the estab-cheIl. chairman of the fi�ance committee of Horace Cole-:\Ir. 'V. P. Gorsuch. lishcd manner of running the formalThe members of the athletic com- the Settlement dance, to take the Ethel. his wife-Harriet Grim. promenades at the University reachedmittee are Thomas Kimball, Charles place of \ViIliam' Crawley, who re- Agatha. his sister-Helen :\IcGee. a climax yesterday with the action ofPierre Sawyer, Ray Sherman, Nor- !oigned. Acting on the suggestion of :\IoIlie. his niece-Laura Wilder, the Senior, class in formally recorn-man Paine, Harry Springer, Paul the general chairmen of the dance Mandie Sparks-Phoebe Bell. mending to the Undergraduate Coun-Karsten. committees, the committee, consist- Madam Christine. distant relative cil that the Senior promenade be heldThere will be a meeting of class ing of Miss Stillman, Latham and and fashionable modiste-Jeanette late in the spring quarter instead ofid 1 b officers and the executive committee Fridstein, which appointed GiII, has B tt in Februarv. as heretofore.The infiuence of English I ea s e- arne . .1 Y.� duri at 2:30 o'clock today in Cobb 6A. The also subdivided the important finance 'I' L' . \" ki C I • At the rneetina of the Senior classcame increasingly dominant urmg .\ ISS IZZle at ems, 0 e s aunt- ,.,H ' first class meeting is to be in Kent committee as follows: H . t B k yesterday the following recommcnda-the later years of President arper s arne a rer, .1 J ..f . next Tuesday at 10:30 o'clock. There Bradford Gill, chairman. \,,0 ifrer E h I· . E I· tion was passed almost without oppo-administration, and this plan �rL';_m- Il1I reu, . t e s srster-s- ve me...... :0 will also be a meeting of the exccu- General sub-committee-e-Wm. L. Philli ..dependent college quadrangle�; �>as I IpS. srtron :,_:.--z tive and athletic committees in Cobb Crawle ... o, John W. Mc Neish, Laura Lilli r , 'I' B "The Undergraduate Council:one of its manifestations. "(!1<g ••�;js, .1 I ie, malu-.\ mnette aum. u6:\ at 10:30 o'clock Friday, for the Wilder, Elizabeth Fogg, Esmond 'The Senior class has voted in fa-of course, no valid objection to -t�e Mrs. Thomas Lectures Today., . purpose of consulting with Dr. Ray- Long. Nathaniel Pfeffer, S. E. Earle, vor of a recommendation that theintroduction of aey foreign customs The ardent workers in the cause of. d croft on the plans for the interclass :\Iamie LiIIy. Mollie Carroll, Boyn- Senior promenade be held at or nearwhich can be profitably acclimated, contests. equal suffrage have secured ::\Irs. 'Voton Rogers. Herman Felsenthal, Rob- the end of the spring quarter, and thatonly we have to look out that we do There wil] be two informal Fresh- crt \V. Baird, Alfred Straube, Lina I. Thomas. who is well known for hernot get gyps"'o moths and sparrows . ork ] h iti . th' . the Junior promenade or some sub-with them. 1\1 an ,,0 of our best educa- man dances held on Friday after- Gould, Dorothy Buckley, Pearl Bar- w . ltl C an res ltl e city. to grve stitute he held at the time usuaIIy set.1 noons in the Reynolds club, accord- ker, Effie Hewitt, Alice Kanterowitz, an open lecture on the general sub-. for the Senior promenade.tional policies were made i.nhGermh�ny ing to present plans. The dates of L. H. Whiting, Albert Brokaw, H. G. jcct of social work and the relation "The Senior Class.and we imported them Wit not mg h that legislation hy women has witht ese functions have not as yet been Moulton. ,I "By Caroline Dickey, Sec'y."worse than beer. England gave U[·:"· d such acnvmes, in Cobb 6A at 4athletics, but could not give us thei:" I ecided upon, but will be taken up Law school sub-comrnittee-e-Wil- Suggest Interclass Hop.later. It has already been agreed, li�m P. :\IacCrackei;, Dewitt Light- o'clock today.palliative, the true spirit of amateur however, that quarterly dues should ner, Heber P. Hostetter, Harry Har- :\1 rs. Thomas spoke last year at Considerable discussion precededsport. At present Princeton, Har- G h II the passing of the Senior class reso-vard and to a lesser exent, Chicago serve as a means of defraying the ex- riman.. . reen a and later at SneII and Mid-. 'h E l' h • iti pense of the dances. l,' Iedical school sub-committee- dIe Divinity. and her lecture today lution and many opinions were ex-are taking t e ngns umverst res "W . . . . C"�" •__ •• • '11' f h . pressed. The suggestion was made',M. hi d J hns e want to make the actrvities Carhe B. �Jli .... , Wilham Hewitt, WI give urt er opportunity to those .. ' .for, �odelfs, asI IC Igkan hanG 0 ns� of -the Freshman class," said Presi- Wilson Hobart, Gerard Krost. interested to learn of the work in that the function which is to take the-Hopkins orrner y too t e erman. d, t ig· " � DO init '_ h ,I � ,:t � c mmitt which sh h t k h . 'place of t, he: S, enior ir_��_�n;ade�,' I,·n, ",• _h' " ,te •. ��!\�,... en . � me�, rs.. .I.':��I s. .... :!!>� ,.Qo.......-e.l.cIv���,0�m;r"li4��e�e-;;:i1p�a�r·i.�. :...::::.::e::...........,;;�,�.�.;;s:Iii�Sii3�n;;s��_:�_?4•. ...Ip�r�o!,�m�mQ:�n�t_=f •• ���� .. ;;���"_I.IiII��N�i����il�_ �q_e;!.�.�. ��� �.. ��" �� =:?MEtaJ·, ery �%t1iruni""�i11ip G. VanZandt, Clifford'Groov- � ........ 4. . .kl!:: ��We borrowed from the German UnI- • -'_ • J h B P 11 .;:al dance. which sha �lnanage "versities their. educational ideals, to partake 111 all that the class sug- er, Albert Saunders,. 0 n . eng.e yo It was announced yesterday -that "";by all the four classes. It was also.which were those of freedom and gests andkfurthermore do all that he School .�f Education �b-�ommOI��ee the \Vomen's Glee club will co-oper- suggested that this affair be. made less'. . W b can to ma e the year's program stand -Mary Nichols, Helen ug es, Ive ate with the women's minstrels. which elaborate than the proms have been�eq�htYfand mhdusEtrY·I.� h e �re .t�r- out strongly. It is desired that every Bickell. are to precede the presentation ofm t e ng IS UnlverSI les eliminating the supper and lesseningrowmg. ro.' member of the class attend the meet- The purpose of this subdivision is "How the Vote 'Vas 'Von." An add-th . . 1 . daIs hlch are those of . the amount of decoration, thus mate-elr socIa Ie, w ing to be held in Kent ne t Tu d " to make the work of selling tickets ed attraction has been provided for1 . and aristocracy and x es aYe rially reducing the expense.exc uSlvenessTh . 1 th' more thorough, it being thought that the evening in the person of ':\Iiss Jo- The Council will meet again this-leisureliness. e partlcu ar mg GOOD SCORES ARE MADE the members of the various sub-com- sephine Baum; a student of a Chicagoth t mo�t anxious to get from morning and some action will .doubt-a we are IN BOWLING CONTESTS mittees will cam'ass their sections dancing' school. who will mve a fancyO f d d C b I·dge their separ o· le�s be taken on the prom question.x or an am r, -more thoroughly than the members Spanish dance between the acts.·d t· I II . what the The Maroon secured interviews fromate resl en la co eges, IS Delta Tau Delta WInS from Psi Upsi- of one great general committee. :\[iss Baum has been well receivedreformers in these universities are lon-Phi Gams Run Ahead h h a number of students on the campusmost anxious to break up. They fear Heads of Committees Meet Friday. w ere\·er s e has appeared. rda"tive to the proposed changes onof Debs.that if they do not succeed in. getting The heads of all the committees the Univer!ity proms. Some idea ofit very materially modified before Delta Tau will meet with the general chairmen GETTING INTO SHAPE FOR the student sentiment on the matterDelta proved that they ., 1 k' C bb fl·long, a parliamen'tary commission will Friday afternoon at 3 0 c oc m 0 NORTHWESTERN GAME can be obained from the 01 oWll1gwere better than Psi Upsilon yester- . f h .do it 'by force. The younger Eng- 3A. The chairmcn 0 t e various quotations:day afternoon when they took twolish universities, like London, l\{an- committees wiII be asked to make re- Expressed Opinions.out of the three games away from Sch W king Bask ball Sq dchester and Leeds, envy their vener- ports on their work and to make sug- ommer or et ua Alvin Kramer-CIT am not in favorthem. The high scores of the after- t Ob • S� B f F·able rivals many things. but they are gestions to be incorporated in the 0 tam t""""U e ore 1I'St of making an"" change in the pres-noon game. were 192 and 187, both G Satu da .1glad to be free from the college sys- F plans for the dance. arne r y. c:it system. The same people attendmade by onger. There will be a change in the han-The scores were: h.:.th proms and T do not thing that, Delta Tau Delta. dIing of the finances this year. It Speed wa� the main consideration oi;pensing with one would add great­has been decided that no money shall in last night"s basketball practice. ly to the othero I personally like the-'Villett 1� I� 1� be spent without the authorization of The fa�t Freshman team put up a i�l:1 of continuing to hold the Wash-W lk ·118 the chairman of the finance commit- stiff game against the regulars and ington prom in the winter quarter.a ocr 161 105 .tee. and that no cash shall be used I'n d fC were only scored on a few times in ] .hink that with efficient an care ufatron 178 130 102 makl·ng pa"'·ments. Checks "·1'11 be h f fi •G f' d 62 .1 t e course of 45 minutes. management the success ul nanclngT o.tt �Ie 1 162 132 used in all cases. These checks are The coaching of Coach Schommer of both affairs is possible, and itnm Ie 0 ••••• 182 167 150 to be sl'gned onl,,· b ... • Gill, the hcad . . d.1 .1 and Dr. Raycroft is gradually round- seems to be that the UnIversity oesof the finance committee, or by one ing the team into shape. Hubble is not have a surplus of social func-of the general chairmen. It is hoped playing a much 'Jetter game at center tions."that in this way expenses can be and is speedier than he was at the' Bill :\[acCracken-"£ither concen-kept down, as one man will know ap- heginning of the :;:eason. Sauer, who trate upon one elaborate affair byproximately just what has been done. is also trying out at center. has shown putting the Senior prom near the endThis will also be a sort of check upon 0 h· f of the SprlOng quarter with a series ofInlpro\'{'ment over IS ormer play-all expenditures. ing. but his berth ,m the team seems social affairs, fraternity receptions,Will Have Tag Day. to he at forwardo Kelley's all.around glee and mandolin club recitals andAs .:>utlined in yesterday·s :\[aroon. work. and especialIy his basket shoot- :"0 on immediately preceding the greatthe plan for selling tickets this year ing. make his a strong contender for function and generaI1y make the oc-i!' to ha\'e a tag day like that last one of the fonnrd positions. There casion worth while. or continue theyear. The people tagged, howe\"Cr. can he little impro\'ement made up. present system."wiI1 not be asked to pay for their tag. on the playing of Page and Hoffman Harry Latham-UDo away with theas it will be attached merely to show at guard. Junior prom and make the Seniorthat a person has been requested to prom something out of the ordinary,It is reported that the lineup forpurchase a ticket. This is don(' so a !'ocial affair for the Unh'ersity tvSaturday·s game against Xorthwest-that the same people will not be ap- be proud of. 'belie\·c that ,,·ith oneern will be a!' follows: Page andproachcd twice. TT ,.." nrom �"rt th;!t C0!n!!1f: nc�:- the do.;.:.'.c!rm:m. gU:'ri,:; Hubble at center .The next step in the preparations of the !'pring qt�arter the attendanccff· ·11 b aN! Saner :md '-lark as fonvards.for this annual a aIr WI e a meet- and intere!'t would be greatly in-The uncertain part of the makeuping �'onday afternoon for all the va- crca!'ed and the prom �econd to noner('� in the forwar.k It is likely thatriou!' committees and their chairmen in the colIege worldo"K(.lley ",iII he gnoen a chance duringat the residence of :\f rs. Vincent. 5i37 Bradford GilI-'" believe that onr:t;e �:.mc. and Sauer and Hubble may('xC'h:l1 ge places. (Continued on Page 2.)DECLARES SEGREGATIONHAS BEEN A FAILURE'SIoaoa Takes Up QaestiOD of Coed.­catioD ill Article OD Uaiftr-aitJ of Chicaao."STUDENTS WORK HARDER HERE"Says Honor Point System Has In­creased Scholastic Standards De­manded of Undergraduates.By DR. E. E. SLOSSON.This is the fifth installment of anarticle written in the Independentmagazine by Dr. E E. Slosson on theUniversity of Chicago. The next in­stallment will appear in tomorrow'sissue of The Daily Maroon.tern.The undergraduate body in ourgreat universities has become so largethat some new form of social group­ing is necessary. and this is likely tohe based on the house-unit. The fra­ternities have so far been must suc­cessful in solving this question bytheir chapter houses containing asmall but diversified groupo In theUniversity of Chicago fraternities areaHowed. but not sororities, a curiousdiscrimination since, as I have shownin previous articles. 'the �ororitieshave been mostly free from the rec­ognized evils of the fraternities.The Unhoersity at the start estab­lished residential halls or houses in!'pite of the prejudice against them atthat time prevaHing in the west. onthe ground that they mere medieval.British :md aristocratic institution�.These houses have gone throughmany viciS!'itudes, but on the wholehave justified their existence andproved themselws valuahle. even in­dispensable factors in university liFe.The svstem might h�vf" hf"CT1 extend­ed and many more of them have beennow in successful opcration if theproposal had not been made to applyto instruction as well as residence, and(Continued on Paste 3.) NAIIE FRESHMAN GILL MADE CHAIRMANOFANANCECOMIDTTEEClass of 1913 Makes PreliminaryPlans for Year's Activities-FirstMeeting to Be Held Next Tuesday,Morning. W. P. Gorsuch of Public SpeakingDepartment to Take Leading Part-Mrs. W. I. Thomas Will GiveSuffrage Lecture Today.Is Appoiated to S.cceed Crawley uHead of Settlemeat Duceeo..ittee. Pau Resohdioa Reco .. eadiq toCoucil Seaior Pro .. be Ginaill Mayor Jue.INTER-CLASS DANCE PROPOSEDStudents Interviewed on ProposedChange-Council to Take Action.at Meeting Today.766 766 6252 3159 131131131139 112154 157107 Hs7690 718Psi Upsilon.1Kern 123Lindsay 0 •••••• 127Orchard 0 ••••••Hunter •.......... 123Adams 0 ••••••• 158Fonger 192i23Phi Gamma Dclta and Delta Kap­pa Epsilon roIled an unfinished gamein the evening. One man is. still toroll for each side. As far as com­pleted the Phi Gams have two of thethree games.Today Sigma Alpha Epsilon willmeet Chi Psi at the same time BetaTheta Pi is roIling against Phi DeltaTheta.Tomorrow's schedule is Phi KappaSigma vs. Sigma Nu; Kappa Sigmavs. .-\ Ipha Tau Omega. (Cont!nued on Page 4.)"�.t-iA:I�:IF..t�I':·;k,1:��(�' :JIt·r�:.�.":'" (,, ,\ "t '. I'.':.:1:, Ii THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13,1910.THE MAROON Fast Trains.DAILYThe Official Student Publication ofthe University of Chicago.Formed",The UDiyady ol Chicago WeeklyFoUDdedThe Weekly_._ .•• .. _ ... October 1. 1892fbe Daily--_ ..• - •.... _ •... _ .. __ October 1. 1902F.ataed as Secood-c:Lua Mail at the Chica&oPOIID&ice. Chicago. lUiaoia. March 18. 1903.UDder Ad. of March 3. 1873.Publiabed daily. except Suodaya. MoodaYIaod holidays during three.quarters of the UDi­yenity year.SUBSCRIPTION RATESBy carrier. $2.50 per year. $1.00 per quarterCity mail $1.2S· perquarter. $3.00 per year iDaciYaDc:e.News COatributioDi may be leh at Ellis Hall 0Faculty Euhaoge. ac:ldreaed to The Daily MarooD.STAFFA. LEO FRIDSTElN. . M . Edito. N. A. PFEFFER . . . . � EditoA Go WHITFIELD. • • • Athletic: EditoCHAS. L SUWV AN. JR. Buaioeaa ManagerASSOCIATE EDITORSHargrayC A. LoIl8. H. F daeothal.R J. Daly. H. C. Burke.W. J. Foute.REPORTERSMia l..iDa M. Gould. H. R Baukhage.J. M. Houabland D. L Breed.I>aul D. Kanten. J. H. GUt.C. W. Houghlaod. Elroy M. PhilliH. G WCllia&tOD.Pre. 01 McElmy & Cbambcdaia. 6236 Cott.aaeGroye. Tdcpbooe WCDlworth 7761.Any activity which tends towahealthy, good-natured and harmlrivalry between the clasInterclass will foster that mysteriAthletics. something which so rnaof us are constantly askfor-class spirit. Along with thecial and administrative reform ofcolleges and classes the possibilityintercollegiate games and teamseliminated and the new system ofterclss athletics has been drawn uThc:':.h.J:$tit_Uti�.,�..jUost �udone and .:.iIfWserve a good purpIf the classes all take part in the cpetition's as they should, a keenhealthy rivalry and interest willsuit.'Besides the promotion of classit the new system of interclass tewill give an opportunity to manyof enjoying the pleasures and bfits of athletic games, who havesnfficient ability to make the Vasquads.. •The only possible evil IS that waccompanies so many well meandeavors namely, that it will falllack of support. It is up tomembers of the various classes tthat their class does its share 0work of making the scheme acess.DAILY BULLETINEqual Suffrage League meeCobb lecture hall today at 4 p.Short Story Club ,,·ill :eday in Lexington hall, roo4 p. rn..Le Cerc1e de Conversatlon. . Spelman Hoeaise WIll meet IDday at 4:30.Church History C�ub dinnehe held in Hutchm50n caday at 6 o'clock.ANNOUNCEMENTS cils ofsch oolsin CobbTickba sketb10 :30 totic ketssale.S OPHPDecidemeroThework \cxccutiat theyesterdr The n. of Mised lastclassr time.r Thering thbe helafternto haon Ole'danceuntilnouncItcardspa. twospeakof th- ('verybe giquartholdrdess Joses theous Gowny year.ing by tso- beenthe ferof systwas' samin- Cc r�. ..,2l>1e.. o'lU��:J learom- wnrand ..!"1'1re- \\ �Iclc ..spir- towams ciamen anene- wh.not�ity nemihicht en-fromthe Foseef thesue-kah0ts in tm. taet to- ti15, ataFran- ause to-cr will .fe to- \morr owlmitt ee�in Co bbs stu dioo'cl ock� �tom or-ical lab-be heldhom e ofGerman Club will llwct toat 4 in Lexin�toll hall.Chairmen oi all dance con\ ... ill meet tomorrow at 10:303:-\.Blackfriar Picture at Root'Sunday, January 16, at 10:30sharp.Mathematical Club meetsrow at 4 in the Ryerson physoratory, room 32.Neighborhood Party \villtomorrow from 4 to 6 at the:Miss MacNeish, S630 Drexel.Class Ezecutive Committees, coun- SCHQOLMedical, Law and Divinitywill meet tomorrow 'at 10:�6A.eta for Northwestern-Chicagoall game are on sale daily,2 in the gymnasium. Seasonfor indoor season are now on SENIOR CLASS VOTESFOR PROM IN SPRING Nico8'. Way of KeepingTheir Good T ailonBusy. Day andN i g h ton the(Continued from Page 1.) That'. tlae Priaaar7 ReuoD for tIaia offerThere's twice the wear in asuit if you have an extra pair oftrousers. Make the experiment-find. out for yourself. Here'syour opportunity-A Suit andExtra Pair of Trousers for theprice of .uit alone. Trousers ofthe same material, or different,just as you prefer. This offerholds good on OUf entire stock.Prices S25 to SSO for suit andextra trousers. Made to/it_youperfectly-A T OUR RISK.NICOLL The Tailor• ��ZIIllZM5" SOMac.LAR.lC. AND ADAMS STS.Headquarters lor the NicoU SystemClark & Adams Sta. BranchesiD all Large Cities.big prom would be preferable to twosmall ones. This of course from thestandpoint of a Senior. I should liketo see the big prom of the year as theculminating affair of the Senior year."Hargrave A. Long-"Personally Ithink we should have one prom-aSenior prom instead of a Junior prom.It should take place some time inApril or early in May at the latest.There is certainly a growing senti­ment in this direction."Paul Davis-"I am in favor of con­tinuing our past custom of holdingtwo proms. I think. however, thatby doing away with the banquet,which is usually a feature, a much de­sired change would be effected. Ibelieve there .is at present a decidedsentiment in favor of this move,"Joy Clarke-'"The two proms shouldbe continued by all means. I am in­clined to thing that the student bodyin general favors holding the Juniorprom in the winter and the Seniorprom in the spring."Esmond Long-" I, am not in favorof abolishing either prom, but I thinkthat it would perhaps improve thingsif the Junior prom were made a sim­pler and less expensive affair andadded emphasis were placed upon theWashington prom, which I believeshould be held in th� spring quarter." ---------OMORES PLAN GOODROGRA'M FOR QUARTER Best Serviceto Hold Two Dances and Nll­us Entertai91ments-To HaveClass Tickecs. B�CHICAGO, LAFAYETTE,INDIANAPOLIS, CINCIN­NATI, WEST BADEN andFRENCH LICK SPRINGS,LOUISVILLEFRANK J. REED Gen. Pass. Agt.B. E. TAYLOR. GeD. Mgr.202 Custom' House Place, Chicago.Sophomore r lass passed or. thevhich has been planncu hy theve cornrnictee for this quarter.first meeting of the year helday at 10:30 in Kent theater.ew officer s , with � he excp.ptnns Helen Foster, who were elect­quarter, took the affairs of themto their hands for the firstClothes for Formal Wear---class ,.\';11 give two dance" <!'J!'­e quarter. The second one willd in the Reynolds club Fridayoon, February 25. The first wasve taken place January 21, butcount of the Juniors having aon that date, it was postponedlater. The date will be an-ed Friday in The Maroon.was also decided to have classprinted with the date of thedances and the names of theers and the dates and subjectse class entertainments to be heldtwo weeks. These cards willven out upon the payment of theerly dues, and will entitle theer to attend the dances.Want Cap and Gown Men.y Clark explained the situationbusiness managers of the Cap andn have found themselves in everyThey are usually handicappedotal ignorance of how things havedone in the past and have to suf­accordingly. He urged that theem be put upon somewhat of thee basis that it is at Princeto�.neon and 'Michigan, where certamthe Sophomores' work as assist­htt�ines� ",mariagers in order ton the workin'gs thoroughly. Thek of each man is taken into con­eranon and at the end of the learcn the Sophomore class mee+s r-:-r buviness managers for the �\)�--ing � ear, a report is made to ':l'!ss by the old business rnanager s.d the class usually selects the r.:t'r.L' rave done the best work.This matter will be taken up at thext meeting of the executive com-ttee. are now a serious consideration for all college men. The de­mands of the winter sociaf ,season are rapidly increasing.We are eminently capable of making that �ull dress suit foryou in a manner satisfactory in every respect.FRENCH42 Madison Street. 208 Heyworth Bldg.Unlverslt7 Repre.entatlv_Wm. P. MacCracken.PRACTICE SHOWING UPGOOD WORK IN HIGH JUMPMenaul Clears Bar at 5 Feet 8Ya Inch­es-Crawley, Hubble and Sun­derland Strong. Hungary" To-NightVisit "LittleHuapriaD Cafe aDd ReatallJ'aDtSouth_eat CorDer Clark aDd Monroe Street.MaiD EDtraDce 184 Clark Street TelepboDe ,CeDtraI 1029Famous HuqariaD Gyp.,. Band CoDceita 5 p.m. till 1 LID. aIaoSUDda,. MatiDeeD. L.FRANK, Manag.r &..dl.a· So..".nlra .tt.r Th.at,..Uttl. Hungal7 Catering Co. 5 .. cl.1 R.t •• for Partl ••Of all the track events, work onthe high jump is perhaps progressingthe most phenomenally. Last nightAustin Menaul cleared the bar at Sfeet 10 inches on the standards. Thisis a net height of at least five eightand a half. Menan! is a new man atthe high jump, and has been workingon the event this year. The showingthat he has' been making has beenmost encouraging to' Director Stagg.Hubble has been doing good workin the jump and will compete for theVarsity this quarter. but after thattime will be graduated. "Bill" Craw­ley is working out here also. He canbe counted on for a good leap, andwith the addition of' Sunderland, whois doing creditable work in the event,Chicago should give Illinois a strongpull for places in' the coming meets. 7'1'THE PARENT�THE· BOY-THEminoisTrost&�� ''fr� O���:�_�d�tF!�!! INo. 421--Va-SEASON TICKETS ON SALEew Sold on First DaJ'-Ezpect Big­ger Demand Today.Sale of the season tickets for bas­etball and track opened yesterdaynd a few were sold. The number,owe ves, was below the expectationsf those behind the movement, buthis was accredited to the fact thathe innovation was not given sufficientdvertisement. The sale will be con­nued today in both the gymnasiumnd the Information office.Plans are under way now to makesystematic campaign on the tickets.The winter games, next to football,are the most popular of the year, and�Ir. Stagg expects a big ticket sale�'hen the new plan has gotten started. La Salle Street aod jacboa BouIeYard.. ChicapThis Bank LoansExclusively on Collateral andis Conservative in its Methocla. tic:.I File ....�fw 20 ••000 Idle... Co.­ItnIdPd eattiR­lyuSOLIDOAK. &.iabedeither CoIcIea OfW�Price$13.25�Bad. Mahatu7$15.50. Writefw c:a&aJo. ··C'Of lee JOG' Ita­bo.r. No' 555 $22.00 DEUVERED.1Nn:REST ---Allowed Oft Current Accounts,Certificate of Depa.it. SaYings Deposits.SCENERY FOR CLUB THEATER Boad. FOre9s ExchaD� and Trust DepartmentsStage Improved by Garden View andNew Lighting Effects. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED.WNOIS TRUST SAFETY DEPOSIT co.SAfE DEPOSIT VAULTS No. 421. Solid 0ak$13.2SDd�. _The Reynolds club theater has beengreatly impro\'('d by the addition of�ome very attractive scenery, appro­priately illuminated by a modern the­atrical lighting system. The sceneportrayed is of a garden. the back dropcurtain representing the terraces of aFrench chateau. The painting wasdone by �fr. Bartlett, a nephew ofthe donor of the gymnasium. andthrough him the scenery was secur.edat a greatly reduced rate. Otherw1se5ou�h scenery would ha"e been ah<lve The � Manufacturing CompanyQUAYLE co. CHICAGOSteel EngraversMauufacturingJewelr�men714 • 716 ScbiIIer Baildi ....Cau-Society Pins, �,InYitationa. Etc.. Etc. 98 Union Street. MONROE, MICHIGAN.WILLSON & HARVEYPAINTERS AND DECORATORSFull Line Wan Paper, Gla •• and Palnte .. ' Supplle.T elepboDe H,de p_ �7. 1141 East .... Street, Chl_ ...Subscribe NOW for the Maroon. I-eaer:U8:llCIf::..c..1Y--�y.....:::».n ••... THE DAtLY MAROON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13,1910.to involve the segregation of thewomen on a separate quadrangle.As originally presented the propo­sal read:"Will the Senate advise the trus­tees of the University to accept a giftof a million or a million and a halfof dollars. to be used in erecting. ona separate block of land. dormitories,gymnasium. clubhouse. assembly hall.recitation halls and laboratories. tobe used exclusively for women. and,as concerns recitation halls and lab­ortories, by women in the Junior col­leges?"The financial part of the proposi­tion was subsequently eliminated be­cause the president and trustees cameto the conclusion "that a mistake hadbeen made in coupling the questionof a gift with a question of so mucheducational importance, inasmuch asit was feared that some might actual­ly believe that the University hadpermitted the decision of an educa­tional question to be influenced by theprobability of a gift for that purpose.which might not be secured for an­other purpose." It must be con­fessed though that co-educationalistswere rather illogical in resenting theform of the question. The womenhad to buy their way into Cornelland Johns Hopkins Medical, andthere was no reason for them to beoffended. even though. as they toohastily assumed. this hypotheticalproposition were an -attempt to buythem out of Chicago. After a hotdiscussion and several reversals and.reconsiderations, such as facultieseverywhere are prone to indulge in,it was finally voted to have mascu­line, feminine and mixed sections inthe Junior college courses.The plan has been in operation nowfor five years. and probably both par­. ties wonder why they got so excitedover it. The ardent young misogyn­. ists from the east, who supported themovement in the hope of soon free­ing the' campus from the taint of��ence_baYe ;.,_�cu.4isap'­pointed. So have the champions ofwoman's rights in education. whofeared that this was the enteringwedge which would split the Univer­sity in .two. The segregation move­<merit has made no progress. In fact,the .proportion of segregated wo�khas declined from year to year.N either the young men nor the youngwomen show any marked tendency toavoid or to seek the mixed classes.They take what studies they wantwithout much regard to who are in��=�=��=�======�, the recitation rooms. Only about fiveper cent of the Junior college stu­dents have all three of their coursessegregated. About one-half of thefirst-year students and a very muchsmaller proportion of the second-yearstudents are affected by the system.These take from one-third to all ofwith the Ara-Notch inplace of the bothersomebuttonhole 15c. each-2 for 25c.Cluett. Peabody & Co •• MakersARROW CUFFS. 25c. a PairSAVES TIMETO BUY OR SELLTHEBOSTOGARTERliDWI TO EYFRYBDDYWORN ALL OVERTHE WORLD_W1TK �;P:._..-_CLASPIF lIT BElLEI, IIIIIEIE....... h .• O"" ... a1I. ....MaDe4 oa B.ecIIIl of PrIceGEORGE FROST CO.r: IIAICU8. B08TOHOVER 30 YEARS THE STANDAR�.... ALWAyS EASY •.� ..; 1, BIIong to the Holiday Season and·�are appropriate as gifts. Made 'in.:�I styles .. to fit aU purses... Full value in every pair. You'llneed some lood ones to use in, ,tbenew rink. Batt. look ·em up now.Write for our Cltarallle and order1IIe kind you pm... through your4ealer. BARlEY & BERRY,712 Iroid Street,Sprilllfield, Mass..u 111011 HOTEL & RESTAUIWITWill 6Dd RaIaIDIIb OQ two 800aWill 6Dd • special AIle - Tbe.IreMella .WiD.1iad SpIeodid SerriceSemag o.Jy abe Be.t aLe Muket AlOIdsrmat Orcbema iD the City.Hold Ya. FrIIlerDCy aDdAluami Diaaea Here111-117 Randolph Street. . '"'_ .. -)Biermann'sPrescriptionPharmacy'Cor. 55th St. and Lexington Ave.Phone..,... Pn 429Patronize Maroon Advertisers.AI ..... prices to ... ai, for real. sale- ac:h.p. Bell ._ 01 � lor.t. aechiDls, 1HE AMERICAN WRI11NGMACHINE COMPANY. The Typewriter Ez­.... Ba.ch. '31910-b0n. St.. a.a.o DECLARES SEGREGATIONHAS BEEN A FAILURE(Continued from Page 1.) proportion of men failing, wholly orpartly, is twice as great as of wom­en. At the top of the class. as at thebottom, the women. stand higherthan the men. getting twice the hon­ors to which their numbers entitlethem. This was formerly accountedfor by saying that the few womenwho went to college were superior inambition and ability, while the youngmen were the average run, but sincePresident Harper, in his argumentagainst co-education in the Junior col­lege (1903, vii. 1, c), said that condi­tions had changed in this respect,some other explanation should besought. One often proffered by pro­fessors, that the grades do not reallyindicate the proficiency of the stu­dents, is interesting as a confession,but hardly adequate as an explana- Ition.An ingenious system of marking hasjust been adopted at Chicago for thepurpose of raising the standards ofscholarship. Although the studentsprobably work harder here than atmost eastern universities it is felt thatthey were not doing what they should,especially in the College of Arts andLiterature. Hereafter a student willhave to do more than passable workin his studies in order to pass. Hemust accumulate "honor points" todouble the number of his courses.That is, 36 majors and 72 honor pointsare required for graduation. Thescale is as follows:Grade, Significance. Points.A. Excellent... 6B. Good 4C. Fair '.. _........... 2D. Barely passable....... 0:E. Conditioned -1F. Failed _ -2This is in accordance with the scrip­tural principle that "unto everyonetebat hath shall be given, but from himthat hath not shall be taken awayeven uhat which he hath." If a stu­dent : does not do fair work on the·average he will find himself a minusquantity, being automatically gradu­ated out of the University at the bot­tom. One effort in the same direc­tion is the greater strictness in en­forcing the requirement of making upall Junor college work before enter­ing the Senior college, or "the ruleagainst ehe forward pass," as it iscalled in st�dent vernacular. 'Therehas been a continuous tendency fromthe beginning to curtail freedom ofelection until now a student whowishes to make a professional schoolin the shortest time has practically tofollow a rigidly prescribed course.The University, of Chicago was for­tunate in starting unencumbered with-the student customs of our boyishgrandfathers There has been practi­cally no hazing, class-fighting, face­painting, hair-cutting. kidnapping,. stealing of chapel. bell clapper, mob­bing of professors or similar studentactivities, and there are. I believe, noorganized associations for the culti­vation of hard drinking an-d the pro­motion of vice. Nevertheless thestudents seem to be as contented andhappy as anywhere, so perhaps thesethings are not so essential to colle­giate life as they are elsewhere sup­posed to be.COSMOPOLITAN CLUB MEETSWill Hold Informal Meeting Satur­day Evening in SnellMembers of the Cosmopolitan clubwill get together for the first timethis quarter Saturday evening in theSnell hall club rooms. President J.Y. Lee completed arrangements forthe meeting yesterday and will sendnotices to a11 members of the club to­day. The meeting will be informal.X 0 program has been arranged, butsome impromptu numbers will ·beginn by different members.Considerable business will be trans­acted at this time, as it is the firstbusiness meeting for several months.The subject of giving more nationalnights on the order of the recent Chi­nese night will be taken up. Someimportant committees may also benamed at this time.Patronize Maroon advertisers. CLUB TO CONTINUE TRIPTO LOCAL. INSTITUTIONSSociologists to Visit Places of Socia­" logical Interest-To Hear Talkby Mr. HawkesThe Sociology club met yesterdayafternoon to discuss business mat­ters and to arrange the plans for the·quarter. .It was decided to continue'to make trips to those places of soci­ological interest. The llunicipalLodging House, the Illinois steelworks and the state prison at Jolietare to he visited in the near future.The idea of the club is to learn. thereal life of the people and not to getthe mere visitor s' impressions.I t was announced during the meet­ing that ::\Ir. Arthur Hawkes, a com­missiouer oi immigration in Canadaand correspondent for the' LondonTimes as well as several continentalpapers, will speak Friday, February 4,on the subject, "The Man with TwoCountries." It is the immigrationproblems that he will deal with, andone that he is particularly well in­formed upon. It was also given outthat Professor Small would give aseries of lectures on the "Relation ofSocial Sciences" in the near future. E • D • MELMAN1012 E. 63rd St.LADIES TAILORINGDuring our dull season wewill make $45.00 man tai­lored suits for $30.00 and up1400 Samples to Select fromTel Midway 2539.St. Alban's SchoolFor Boys.Knoxville, Illinois,Prepalf!l for Buaioea or College. Diplomaof Graduation acc.epted by leadio.l_ CoUqes andUniversities. Athletics. Manual Training, Indi­vidual Atteutioo.Winter Term bqioa January 6th. 1910. Send _for Catalogue.Lucien F. Sennett, Head Muter.Save all the Troubleand Discomfort ofTravel by our SpeCialService.We will DeliYer to your Home or to the Cam­pus Without Extra Owie your Through Bag­� Chech. with Railway and Sleeping CarTICkets oyer Eyety Road out of Chicago. WeTraoafer s.. to all Parts of theCity.Taicabs, Cabs and c.maps for Hire.Phooe any South Side Ofbce or our Maio� Huri.oa 482. 43rd St. 1. Co StationPboae Oaklaod 414. 53rd St. I. C. &.boaPbeee Hyde � 3548. 63rd St. L Co SIatioaPboae Hyde Park 3549. 63rd aod WerdwoIth.EagIewoOd Station Phoae Weotwodb 374163rd aDd Wallace. C. and W. I. Phooe Weat­worth 922.Frank E. Scott Transfer CompanyBEGINthe New YearRIGHTPEN CLUB ELECTS TWOADDITIONAL MEMBERSKeefer and Breed Elected Under the"Almost" UnanimousBallot.Karl F Keefer and Don L. Breedwere elected to membership in thePen club yesterday at its special busi­ness meeting in Cobb hall. On ac­count of not being eligible by thequalifications for majorjty vote thesetwo 'men came up for considerationunder a ballot which required that allbut two. of the votes cast must be infavor of the applicants. . Other names\\;11 be taken up at some future ses­sion and anyone may hand his nameto a member of the club before suchsession.Besides the first quarterly banquet,which will take place next Wednes­day evening at 6:30 in the private din­ing room of Hutchinson Commons,there will probably be another ban­quet in the same place two weeks aft­er on February 2. No speaker hasbeen engaged for that evening, butPresident Owen intends to have some­one there who will speak on the mod­ern novel. The picture of the clubfor the cap 'and Gown will be takennext Saturday morning at 9:45 in Es­moer's studio on 55th street. 'FIRST REHEARSAL OF"GOLIATH" THIS AFTERNOONCast for Drama··c Club Wmter Pr0-duction Will Be Completedat Rehearsal.The first rehearsal of "Goliath," theplay chosen Tuesday by the Dramaticclub for winter quarter production.will take place this afternoon at 4o'clock in Kent theater. Both thetemporary cast announced in yester­day's l[aroon and those who tried forthe various parts are expected to at­tend this rehearsal. when the play willbe read."Goliath" calls for an extremely va­ried range of acting, but presentstypes familiar in everyday life. Be­cause of this fact it has been impos­sible to make a definite choice of play­ers until a few trials in line readinghave been held.Tn speaking of the staging of "Go­liath," �Ianager Davis said last even­ing: "While it will not be necessaryto put as much money into the scen­ery of this playas was used lastspring for 'The Fan.' this year's playrequires an even more complicatedsetting, and we expect to begin an ad­vertising campaign immediately thatwill assure box office returns that willjustify the expense of putting on afirst class production."Advertise in the Maroon. .--0-By Sublcribing for THEDAILY MAROON .-0-All the news of theCampus hot from thepress before breakfast.One Dollar the Quarter.A. McADAMSThe StUdent'sFlorist.53rd St. and Klmbark AvePhon. H�. PIIrk 18Bryant & StrattonBusiness College.E.tabliahed 1856Business andStenographic Courses••••• OAY AID liGHT SCHOOL ••.•their work in classes divided on sexlines. Above the second year there isno segregation, except such as re­sults naturally. from vocational elec­tion. As the matter stands now thestudent, who has usually been pre­pared for the University in co-educa­tional schools from the kindergartenup, has for part of the first two yearssome classes from which the oppositesex is excluded, and then passes on tothe Senior college, where no such dis­tinction is drawn. It is questionablewhether this small break in trainingis worth the trouble and embarrass­ment it causes, and whether it doesnot create the evil it is supposed torelieve, that is. sex-consciousness andconstraint. I was told by one of hisclose friends that Dr. Harper shortlyhefore hi!' death expressed his deepregret as haying been persuaded totake up the segregation policy, andsaid that it had caused him more trou­hle and annoyance than any other actof his official career.The character of the work done inthe segregated and mixed sectionsshows no important differences,though there is the same differencebetween the sexes in the quality ofwork done, as there is everywhere.In the Junior college. as a whole. the s.-... .. y eala 8l uy time. Write for cat­elope.11-13 RANDOLPH STREET.0pp0.iIe Public I..ibary.THE DAILY MAROON. THURSD.\ Y, JAXUARY 13. 1910.AMUSEMENTS "WHAT WILL YOU WEAR?" ISQUERY AT REYNOLDS CLUBLA W PETITION GRANTEDFriction Bearingsor Ball Bearings­Which?Law School Freshman ExaminationsPostponed to January 24.ILLINOISBlunt CoIMdJ bit Ia T.m, Years !7 DAYSSpeciII cast IDd PndIIcIioa. Rumors of Imported Costumes toMake Hard Times Party MoreCosmopolitan.The petition of the first year lawclass to have the examination in tortspostponed from January 22 to Janu­ary 24 has been granted by the fac­ulty of the Law school. The reasonfor the petition was the fact that fourmen on the debating team would havehad to take' the examination on theday following their contest, and thattwo members of the class are on thebasketball team, which is scheduled toplay I ndiana the evening before theexamination. Seventy-six membersout of the class of 90 signed the peti­tion.Professor Clarke Butler Whittierof the Law school. who has been ill,will leave Friday for the south, wherehe will remain the rest of the winter.He expects to return before the be­ginning of the spring quarter. TheFreshmen of the Law school havetaken up a collection and will pre­sent . Professor Whittier with somegift as a testimonial. )Ir. Whittier'sclass in contracts will be continuedunder Professor Pound, his class inEquity I I will be taken up by )Ir. H.P. Chandler. former debating coach,and the equity pleading class win becontinued under }. 'V. Simonton, whoreceived his LL. D. here in 1967. "\Vhat are you going to wear Fri­day night to the hard times party?" isthe query heard on. every side in theReynolds club this week. Since theclub librarian has discontinued sub­scribing for the Delineator and thePictorial Review, interest in costumeshas waned considerably among th e"rough neck" contingent, but sincethe announcement of the old-clothesdance, interest has picked up consid­erably, and from the fireplace in thepool room to the bowling atJey noth­ing is heard but excited discussionsof the latest in beggar garb.While the majority of the costumeswhich will vie for the prizes Fridaynight are being kept secret, good cluesas to quite a number have been re­vealed, It is rumored upon goodauthority that Ralph Cleary wilt begracefully attired in a genuine Turk­ish beggar's costume procured at con­siderable expense from the far east.Lest there should be Imitators. JoyClark has practically announced thathe wilt appear as an Egyptian chim­ney sweep of the sixteenth cl_Y'I<isty."Bob" Baird had Juliu:, finish cuttinghis J:aid today and will bossorn out asNumber 9009 from Joliet. "Jimmie")fc)liJtan has consented to makequite a concession to the character ofthe affair and will appear wearing acollar of the vintage of 1{)()6 and abow tie. Hal Latham was extremelyreticent about giving the Maroon re­porter any information about hismakeup. but it is reported upon goodauthority that he witJ come as a )[a­roon rooter after the Mmncsotngame. :\Iany other interesting andvaried habiliments of poverty w;11 hedisplayed tomorr rw right at thedance, so that the partr bids fair t')be even more successful than itspredecessors.,LA SALLETHEFLIRTINGPRINCESSIIi The ordinary friction bearing will wear loose. Eachrevolution or vibration grinds out a small portion of thebearing surface. After a while it wabbles-adjustmentpermanently ruined.COLONIALTheatre BeautifulANNA HELD -- ·111"MISS INNOCENCE."STUDEBAKER. H. B. WARNER"Alias Jimmy Valentine"GARRICKHello People, People Hello! !J A S. T. POW E R SIN HAVANA. The New �odelL C. Smith & Bros. Typewriteris fitted with Ball Bear­ings thrcughout. Everyvital wearing part-type­bar joints, carriage, andtypebar segment-has thekind of bearings thatthousands of operationscause to run evensmoother than at first.AJltheWritiq­Alway.iDSiahlSend for tile Free BookGRAND OPERA HOUSETHE GREAT PLAYTHE FOURTH ESTATEMcVICKER'SIN OLD KENTUCKY6000 Times in America Friday,Jan. 14, Souvenirs for the ladies. ALFRED EAST OF ENGLANDVISITS THE UNIVERSITY L C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER. CO.Chicago, Ills.143 Wabash Avenue,President of the Royal Society ofBritish Artists HereYesterday.Alfred East. :\. R. .. \. 1899, R. E., afamous landscape artist of Englandand president of the Royal Society ofBritish Artists. paid a visit to theUniversity yesterday. escorted by Mr.Ira N. )Iorris, head of the packingfirm of )Iorris & Company, and Mrs.Morris. )Ir. East is a cavalier of theOrder of the Crown of Italy. honoraryassociate of the Royal Institute ofBritish Architects, associe de la So­ciete National des Beaux Arts ofFrance and honorary member ofMeiji Bijutsu Kai of Japan.The artist is an author as well,having written "The Art of Land­scape Painting in Oil Color." Mr.East's visit to the University wasmerely one of sight seeing, and withMr. and Mrs. Morris and others hevisited most of the buildings on thecampus. The Most Convenient, the Cheapest, andthe Best Place to Eat is theUniverSity Men'sCorrimons. ( . Special Attention . ). to Private Parties.� �' ��-- ..OLYMPICTHE FORTUNE HUNTERWHITNEYThey Loved a Lassie C�bASSIFIED .�enmRTJSINGFOR RENT-Two good rooms onfirst floor at 6024 Woodlawn. .'CORT"THE KISSING GIRL." FOR RENT-New residence for oneto two years. Call 5730 KimbarkAve.WILL PAY ten cents each for DailyMaroon, issues of Dec. 7, 1906, andFeb. 6, 1907. The University ofChicago Press (H. L. Leupp). The University BuildingsGILL MADE CHAIRMANOF FINANCE COMMITTEECONTINUOUS VAUDMULVirginia Hamed & Co.' R. C. HerzImogene ComerHyams & McIaIyre Apes Scott & Co.AJtois Broa. World & KiaptoaSoler & RoRer. The McCr.dJs.Muoa. WiIbar & Jordan. Lucille LaagdOa.Prices IS-25-50-75c. Pboae CeutraI 6480AUDITORIUMBOSTON OPERA CO.Ia. FortIIiPt ofGrand OperaNOiiiiERM P::��LMARIE DRESSLER.N U Tillie's Nighbnare"AMERICAN MUSIC HAllII.u.. ....,.4 Headliners. Festival of LaughterBrausby Williams. Four Mortons.Sidney Drew & Co. Cenaro & BaileyPolo Team. Sharp & Mo.mery.Five Other Stars. FOR RENT-Single room in Hitch­cock. Splendid location. InquireRegistrar.(Contmued from Page 1.)Lexington avenue. This witt be the.first meeting of an the students whohave been appointed to assist in mak­ing the dance a success. Generalplans are to be discussed and the lead­ers of the movement win tell whatthey expect to do and what they ex­pect the various committee membersto do. FOR RENT-New residence, 5730Kimbark Ave., after April. 1, for'one to two years. are built of .. Old Hoos�ei;' Sto, fromthe celebrated "Hoosier" Quarry, ofthe Bedford Quarries Company, thelargest and best quarry of Oolitic lime­stone in the world. A century .hence_/"- .they will still be a monument to thoseI .' /under .whose direction . they have beenerected.LOST -A Phi Beta Kappa key.Highly prized. Return to businessmanager, Maroon.WANTED-Candidates for assistantbusiness manager of The Daily Ma­roon. Apply at Maroon office.Short Story Club to Organize.The Short Story club will meet forpermanent organization and electionof officers this afternoon at 4 o'clockin the League room, Lexington. MissRuth Reticker, who is active in pro­moting the club. has issued a requestto alJ interested women to be pres­ent at this meeting. BOARD AND ROOM suitable fortwo. 6102 Ingleside Ave., 1st flat;)Iidway 2228.FOR RENT-Two furnished modemrooms. 5704 J ackson Ave., flat 1.FOR RENT-2 pleasant rooms,steam heat, electric light; privatefamily. Near 1. C. and Elevated.$2.50 and $2. Call 6522 MonroeAve., Apt. 3, or 'phone H. P. 5296.PICTURE FRAMING-Pictures, col­lege posters, art craft goods, artnovelties of every description atThe Dudley Shop, 1130 E. 63rd St.-:THAT EXTRA PAIROF TROUSERS The Bedford Quarries CompanyA Black or Blue Serge orCheviot Suit with ExtraTrousers of the $30same or stripematerial.: :: .pRINCESSThe GODDESS OF LIBERTYGLOBE THEATER.Wabash Av. and Hubbard Ct.YAUGHAN GLASERI'll"ST. ELMO." Chicago Office: 204 Dearborn St.New York Office: No.1 Madison Ave.Cleveland Office: 818 Euclid Ave.Quarries and Mills: Oolitic IndianaI.,"Patronize Maroon Advertisers..TAILOR FOR TWO STORE:YOUNG MEN 131 La Salle Street44 Jackson B •• d.Advertise in the Maroon.J