matlp aroonVOL. VIII-Xo. 59. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1910. Price Five Cents.HAVE ROOM FOR 3,000,000 BOOKSCONTRACT IS LET FORTHE MEMORIAL UBRARY MASTER COMPOSITIONS HEARD NEW MEN BOOST WATER HOPES ANNOUNCECLASS SENIORCO.-rrEESASKS COEDUCATION BEGIVEN FAIRER TRIALTheodore Thomas Orchestra GivesUnusual Concert in Mandel Hall­Five Excellent Numbers Are WellReecived by Large Audience. Prospects for Winning Teams in Wa­ter Polo and Swimniing Brighten­Rademacher Joins Squad and Makes"Twin Elephant" with Gerend.Chicago Firm is Givell Contrad to doWork OD Harper MemorialLibrary. Executive Officers of SeDior· CluaName FaD List of Commit-tees for the Year.EDeD C. HiDsdaie of MOaDt HolyokeComes to Defeue of Coedu­catiOD ill CoDeges •. \ large and appreciative audience Swimming season opened ycstcr-heard the third Thomas orchestraWOMEN ARE NOT T.&lfrN CARE OF day with a confab of all the men out CLEARY EXECUTIVE CHAIRMANconcert of the season yesterday after- ItAr. for aquatics, and the program for thenoon at :\landel hall. The program rest of the quarter was laid out bywas unusually attractive, and was en- Social Life and Housing of Women the new coach, Mr. J. H. White. The Name a Men's and a Women's Sociathusiastically received. Three of the Need Reforms. Writer Says men have entered their work with Committee, with Pegues andnumbers ginn were well known fa- in Article, enthusiasm and both Captain Collings Miss Dickey Chairmen.voritcs and the other two. while not and Benitez are loud in the praisesThe final step looking toward the belonging to the type of music usual- That coeducation in its forty years of the system of the new instructor. The executive officers of the clasbeginning of the construction of the ly termed "popular:' were at least cal- of trial has not been treated fairly is The number of men out is not up of 1910 yesterday announced the cornHarper Memorial library was taken culated to please the entire assern- the contention of Ellen C. Hinsdale to the hopes of the new coach. One I plete personnel of the Senior clasyesterday when the contract for the blage, while they carried an especial • of Mount Holyoke college, who new addition to the polo squad. how- committees. An innovation was introwork was let to Wells Brothers, con- appeal for lovers of genuinely classicwrites in the January number of the ever, is Rademacher. He is the big duced in making up the committees.tractors of this city. With the letting music. The program follows: School Review. The writer, in an ar- lineman who played last fall. and will. Instead of one social committee twoof the contract is a provision that the The Program. ticle, "Coeducation Again," docs not add power to the team. Radernach- committees, one men's committee andbuilding will be completed in 16 Overture, "Coriolanus," Opus 62- concern herself with the pros and er is a swimmer of no' mean ability. one women's committee, were ap-months. This means that the build- Beethoven. cons of woman's right to the higher Other men are coming out daily, but pointed with a general chairman anding will be ready for use in the sum- Symphony No, 2, D :\Iajor. Opus education. but with how and where there are still some big holes to be two sub chairmen.mer of 1911. i3; allegro non troppo, adagio non she shall obtain it, and with an at- filled up. The swimming squad will The committees appointed and theirFinal plans for the building were troppo, allegretto graaioso (quasi an- tack on the conditions existing in the be particularly weak in long distance members arc as follows:also announced yesterday from the dantino), allegro con spirito-Brahms coeducaional institutions of the coun- men. Executive Committee.-:\1. of Wallace Heckman, business Symphonic Poem Xo. 3, "Danse try, She says: More System This Year. Cleary, chairman; B. Gill, A. L. Frid-manager of the University. The Macnbre," Opus 4O-Saint Saens. "Woman's right to the higher edu- Contrary to the custom in former stein, R. T. Radford, E. P. Hubble.building will cost $600,000. The fur:--;·· "Traume" (orchestration by Theo- cation is no longer disputed, at least years the coaching this year will be J. J. Pegues, J. S. Sal key, H. O. Page,niture and fixtures will cost $100,000, - dore Thomas)-\Vagner. not on this side 'of the Atlantic. How', done. on the most systematic basis F.:\1. Orchard, \V. P .. Comstock,and an additional $200,000 will be put Rhapsodic Hongroise No. 2-Liszt. and where she shall obtain it is still possi"-1_�. Mr. White has a scheme of Caroline Dickey, Carlie Souter, Char-away as an endowment fund for the The overture to "Coriolanus"- a matter of controversy. Shalf it be his o�. The tank will not be ready lotte :\[erill, Elizabeth Fogg.maintenance of the building. somber and dark throughout and in- within the walls of that twentieth-cen- for the· swimming classes untii the Social Committee.-J. J. Pegues,·The building will be Zl6 feet by 80 dicative of strife and struggle. but tury convent, a woman's college, or beginning of next week. but the time chairman.feet in dimensions and will be situ- possessing nevertheless certain ryth- in a college affiliated with an estab- will be well spent. A program was Suhcommittee :\Ien.-J. J. Pegues..ated on the north side of Fifty-ninth mic and melodic qualities character- lished institution for men, or shall it laid out for each of the men accord- chairman; Raymond Penny, 1\1. T.street, facing south on the Midway istic of Beethoven-was the opening be within this very institution itself? ing to his needs, and each will be re- Daniels, H. O. Page, A. D. Hender-between Ellis and Lexington aven- number. The overture was followed The choice of parents in this matter quired to pull the chest weights and son. J. \V. llcNeish.ues. It will be of gray Bedford lime- by the Brahms Symphony in D Ma- will be influenced by traditions, per- do wind exercises. After the tank Subcommittee Women-Carolinestone and will occupy 18.000 feet , of jor, The symphony 'possesses a sonal prejudice. _ geographical and is opened the hours between 3:30 and Dickey, chairman; Carlie Souter, Et-ground space. The height of.. the wealth of lyric melody. particularly economic factors. and by tile charac- 4:15 o'clock will be given over to the ta Shoupe, Elizabeth Franklin, Annemain-b�lding...,-wiH':b�:.�l�� .. ,�eet-.:-��_ �-.'th4(Lanp__tq_ur�!J moye2Knts, ter of the young woman concerned. swimming men and the time until Marie \Vever, Jessie Heckman.tower will be 138 feet high, which 15 the themes having been drawn from - -·tt the� fatber�· a�"w!.Eftglaftder,it'"' -.5.;J.5...wjl1.J>r. us.ed {�_r ,th«:+�<?.�� _·.�e!1. Class Day Committee.-H. 0,six feet higher than the Mitchell tow- ·the .German folk-song and elaborated will be either the woman's college or During this period no one but the:- -�ge"-c1rnitn\an;--Oscar--WorthwineF"er, 'which is at present the highest andamplified hy the composer. The the college co-ordinated with a foun- candidates for the teams will be al- Richard lliller. Elizabeth Fogg, Joebuilding on the campus, The build- three numbers which followed the dation for jnen ; but if he belongs to lowed the use of the tank. The new Sunderland, llamie Lilly, Vera will be divided into six stories. in symphony were all warmly applaud- the middle west or the farther west plans will give Coach White plenty of Bass. . .the main pan and into eight stories ed - by the audience. The wierd his choice will fall in most cases up- time to attend to all the men person- Class Gift Committee.-J. ·S. Sal-in the towers. "Danse �[acabre" of Saint-Saens, on the state university or the small ally. . -, : � key, chairman; ll. F. Carpenter; Per-There will also be a spacious base- which portrays the grewsome nightly coeducational college. 'When the Un i- Polo Men to Con���� ry Trimble, Lillian Beifeld, P. B. Hef-ment, which will be used as a stack revels of a band of spirits and ends versity of Michigan opened its doors "I do not want to waste the time," lin, R. C. Halsey, Florence Lawsonroom. The basement will be 15 feet with the first cock crow which her- to the first woman student in 1870, said Coach \Vhite last night, "until Pin Committee.-R. T. Radford,high and will have two floors of alds the coming dawn, is always a coeducation made a great advance the tank is ready .for classes, and I chairman; A. C. Kelly, George Simp-stacks, This stack room will be con- popular selection. The well known over the beginning that had been will meet all the men at 4 o'clock the son, Eloise Kellogg. Henry N. Gi�ler,nected by a subway with the Law "Dreams" from \Vagner's "Tristan made earlier by Oberlin and other rest of this week. I want to give Nina Yeoman, Helen Barker.library and Haskell library, which will and Isolde" was given in cornmemora- church colleges." them some special exercises that I Program Committee.-A. Leo Frid-be maintained for law and divinity tion of the anniversary of the death Answers Argument. have found specially useful in swim- stein, chairman; E. R. Hubble. Brad-students. The stack room will also of Theodore Thomas, founder and In reply to the statement of Presi- ming work. Probably after the tank ford Gill, Anne Marie Wever. Ruthhe connected with the libraries of the former conductor of the orchestra, dent Hamilton of Tufts college that is opened I will discontinue this as Delzell, Joe Glerurn, H. J. Ehrhorn,Philosophy. History. Classical and who accomplished the orchestration soon "the average young man will no far as the swimming men are con- Lucia Raymond. Art. Hoffman.Modern Language buildings, which of the piece. The appreciation of the longer attend a coeducational insti- cerned. The polo men I believe will Play Committee.-F. M. Orchard,will be built adjoining the library aft- audience was :0.0 hearty that an encore tution because he does not feel at need it right along." chairman; J. R. Benzies, Geo. C. Par-er it is completed. was demanded and responded to by home in the classroom with women," Polo Game Less Rough. ker, Eloise Kellogg. AI. Sabath, A.Room for 3.000,000 Volumes. :\Jr. Stock. Last on the program was the writer says: "It is not the pres- llr. \Vhite said last night that he D. Henderson, Etta Shoupe.There is provision at present for the Li5Zt Second Hungarian Rhap- cnce of young women that keeps the did not think that the squad would Song Committee.-Charlotte :\Ier-400.000 volumes. The ultimate cap- sody, which with its effective and in- men away, but the fact that the ceo- play the new game. providing for ill. chairman; Elsie \Veil, Carl Excel-acity of the library proper is 800,000 spiring conclusion is sure to arouse nomic conditions of the time are lur- goals thrown from the tank. "The sen, Russel Elwell. F .. }[. Orchard, T.volumes, but in connection with the the delight oi any auditor. ing the young men into the engineer- reason that this change of rules was . \V. Baldwin, Lorrnia Perry.library proper will be the �Iodern Next Progrcam. ing departments. At the same time made was to lessen the roughness in Reception Committee.-Phil Com-Language. Philosophy. History and The next program. which will be the pursuit of culture is left in the the game, but r believe that the of- stock, chairman; \Vebb Lewis, Harrythe Classical buildings. There are given January 25. is as follows: hands of the women." ficials are going to be stricter about Hunter, Helen Rudd, Paul Heflin,already built the Law school and Has- Overture to "Jessonda"-Spohr. Miss Hinsdale concludes that co- the rules and this will be sufficient. �Iiss Elmstrom. Beulah Armacostkcll hall. It is the intention, and the Symphony Xo. 6. "Pathetique," R education has never been afforded a The rules are strong enough, and ·theHarper Memorial library is so built. :\Iinor. Opus i4- Tschnikowsky. fair trial. The housing of the women only fault has been with their enforce-that the stacks can be extended in Xorwcgian Rhapsody-s-Lalo. and the social side of their lives in mente This will be remedied thisthe lower stories, so that the base- Finale irom "Das Rheingold"-ment of all these buildings will be Wagner.available for storage of books instacks in the future. and the reading .\ Bowdoin student who rescued arooms of all of these buildings men- child irom a burning building wastioned ".i11 be on the same level with awarded a Carnegie medal and $2.000the reading room of the Harper with which to defray his college ex-lihrary. and as they wilt all be con- pen"t.'�.Tlccted. it makes a series of depart- �����������������mental reading rooms which are onthe same level and in ready access tothe main reading room of the Harper:\T emorial lihrary. According to thisscheme. when the above mentionedhuildings are complete. there will beSpecial in the stacks and in the depart­mental libraries for nearly 3.000.000,·olumes.I n the towers at either end arespecial libraries and a large numberof offices for the professors and in­structors, besides rooms which can beused for special literary work. Be-To Be Highest Building on Campus-Will Be Completed in Six­teen Months.Charles Alfred Hicks of the class oi1909 died at noon yesterday in theChicago napti�t hospital. :\Ir. Hickswa� an a�sistant in the department ofhacteriology. but was al .. o taking re­source work in the Univcrsity. liewa� wcll known tTl �tu(lent acti,·itieswlH'n ;111 tlnderr;!radtlate. having tak­e.n int('rl.'�t tTl \·ariotl� �t\Hkllt organ­ization... Ilis death will be deeplymourned hy hi� large number ofiricnds.:\Ir. lIick� wa .. a memher of theDelta Upsilon fraternity and wa� 2Jyears of ag('. His rcmain� wilt hetaken to Long Branch, N. J.. for bur­ial.H(' had hcen in the hospital threeweeks and wa .. !'uffering from inflam­matory rheumatism. He was attend­ed hy Dr. C. P. Small. the Vniver .. ity:)�y�jci:tn.C. ALFRED HICKS. '09. DIESthe educational institution has neverbeen wisely considered in America asat Oxford and Cambridge in England.Women Not Taken Care of."The mode of living which womenstudents arc still obliged to adopt inthe majority of coeducational insti­tution ... especial1y .. tate universities.leaves much to be desired. No suita­hIe provision for their col1ege lift"awaited their entrance. and none hasfollowed it. \Vithout traditions oftheir own. and without guidance fromeducational authorities, the womenmodeled their .. ocial life after that ofthe men. Side hy side with the fra­ternity and fraternity house sprangup the sorority and the sororityhouse. Seldom was a suitahle patron­ess placed at the head of this. but itwas rather left to the direction of the12 or 20 inexperienced girls who wereresponsihle for its c�istence. thoughnot one of the number could proper- year." Prominent Student Succumbs to At­tack of Rheumatism.TO ARRANGE FOR SETTLINGFRESHMAN TIE TODAYCouncil to Provide for Election of1913 Treasurer at MeetingToday.The Undergraduate Council willmeet today at 1O:.m to arrange theparticulars of the Freshman ('lectiollfor trea .. nrer ... et for Frill:-oy. January7. which last quart('r rc�u1t('d in a tie\'ote. The council wil1 decide uponthe time of polling. the judge� andthe place. and will name the twohighest pre\'ious candidates for re­cJ('ction. These two men arc \VillardE. Atkins and Otto Schnering. whola�t quart('r at the regular electionsreceived the same number of \·ot('�.Thcse two will be the only candi­dates at the second election. the oth­er candidates being ruled out of thecompetition.(Contmued ')n Page 4.BEGINthe New YearRIGHT--0--By . Subscribing for· THEDAILY MAROONAll the news of theCampus hot from thepress before breakfast.One Dollar the Quarter.(Contmued on Patte 4.)THE DAILY MAROON. WED�ESDAY, JA1\UARY 5.1910.THE DAILY MAROON VisitThe Official Student Publication ofthe University of Chicago.Formerl!The Uaiversi!>' 01 Chicago WeeklyFouodedThe Weekly_ •...• _._ .. _ October I. 1892. fhe Daily_._ •• _ .... _ ••••••••••• _ •••.• October I. 1902f.otcred u Secood-dasa Mail at the ChicagoPCMIof6ce. Chicago. llliaoia. Much 18. 1�3.UDder Ad of March 3. 1873.Published daily. except Sunday.. Moaday.and holidays duriag three-quarters of the Uai­• enity year... lSUBSCRIPTION RATESBy carrier, $2.50 per year. $1.00 per quarter.City mail $1.25 per quater. $3.00 per yeu ia� -advance.News coatributioDi may be left at Ellia Hall orFaculty Exchange. addressed to The Daily Ma­rooa.Ii STAFFA. LEO FRlDSTElN. . Manaeing EditorN. A. PFEFFER • . New. EditorA G. WHITFIELD. . . . Athletic EditorCHAS. L SUlliVAN. JR. Business ManagerASSOCIATE EDITORSH�.e A. 1..008. H. Felaeathal.R J. Daly. H. C. Burke.W. J. Foule. M. F. Carpenter.REPORTERSMia Lina M. Gould. H. R Baukhage.J. M. Houghlaad. B. H. Lunde.Paul D. Karsten. D. L Breed.C. W. Houghlaad. J. H. Gist.H. G. Wd.a. Elroy M. Phillips.Prell of McElroy & Chamberlaia. 6236 Cot­tageGro.e. Telephoae Weatworth 7761.,i; The aquatic teams of the Univer­sity are at the most critical periodthat has everAquatic Frospects. been the experi-ence of Chicagoaquatics. The coach who has gov­erned the destinies of the swimmingand polo teams since there havebeen such teams at Chicago has left.A new man has taken his place andthe outcome is in the balance. CoachKnudson made the most out of thematerial he had each year and was,on the whole. decidedly successful.Coach J. H. \Vhite is doubtless a-capable man. but it is up to every.rnan in the University with the faint­-est chance 'of being of use to the poloor swimming teams to turn out andshow the new man what they aremade of. There is a possibility of ourhaving a harder schedule of meets'this year than ever before. as. several. western universities have insrallednatatoriums and are coaching team�.The problem is. can the Varsitymake a creditable showing �hi.s year?The solution lies in t.hework .of every man in the Un�ver�ltyho has or thinks he has sWlmmtng.w bili _ Andability or water polo a I It�. .. further, these men who make u�ai���swimming and polo squad must.,. f all there 1Sfutly work and tram or.• them The candidates are there, am· d d d a greatfew more men are nee c ,�n . •e adeal of faithful practice Will l�sur f•d ood .. howms orstrong team an a g .the new coach.'Ii j:� ,',.: .�"", *.�I 1 .•.:1.,:: � .'r :,; .� ....-:.IDAILY BULLETINGlee Club witt meet to­Women'sday at 4 in Kent.b '11 meet today inDramatic Clu WICohh 3A at 2 o'clock..Skull and Crescent Club \\"111 meetd - t the Revnold� a) a. ?Bl kfriars wilt meet today at .. p.ac1 lIb roomm. in the Rcynold� c u ). cu. .'M ' Christian ASSOCIatIonYoung en s _will meet today in �tandc1 I.h Track Team cand1(late�Fres today at 4:45 in the gymna�1lIm.Varsity Track Team cat1diclate�meet today at 4:15 in Bartll'lt �y11lt1a-sium.Three-Quarters Club will 111ed to­day from 10:30 to 11 in thl' Rl'yno1d�club.Neighborhood Club wilt meet to­day with Miss Herrick, 55.�5 \\"a:,h­ington avcnue.Young Women's Christian Leaguelecture at 10:,lO in Lexington hall.The Rev. W. P. :\Ierril wilt :o.peak onthe topic, "ls the Bihie \\"unia \,'hi;":?Why?".,. ANNOUNCEMENTSFrench Club will meet tomorrow inSpelman house at 4:30.Course 25. Introduction to the Studyof Art, is limited to 50 students.junior Mathematical Club will meettomorrow in Ryerson physical labor­atory, room 36, at 4:45. �I iss Bed­nar will give a report.Course 27, Venetian and SpanishPainting (also a general course adapt­ed to needs of beginners). is limitedto 30 students. Sec notice in Cobb7B (Art library) .TRACK· SQUADS TO HAVEMEETINGS TODAY IN GYMVarsity and Freshman Athletes to BeAddressed by Director StaggThis Afternoon.The Varsity and Freshman tracksquads will have meetings today toline up the men and talk over theprospects of the year. The Varsitycandidates will meet in the Varsityroom. Bartlett gymnasium, at 4:15,and the Freshmen will meet at 4:45in the Freshman room.Director Stagg will gin' bothsquads a long talk, but will centerhis attention mostly en the older men.It will be pretty difficult to line theFreshman squad up. as there are somany men who are good in two orthree events.At present most of the work is be­ing put on the Varsity dash men.Davenport .has been practicing atstarting for the last .veek and is mak­ing a good showing. Crawley cameout -last night for the first time thisseason and showed good form in lim­bering up. Up to date Baird hasspent his time in the sprints and inthe quarter-mile. Next week he ex­pects to get down to hard training fort l-e half and the mile.The most promising of the Fresh­men who have been out so far thisyear are Donovan, Springer, Wilson,Kuh and Whiting. Donovan is a dis­tance runner and is especially goodin the half and the mile. He won themile in the Interscholastic last Juneand 'came second in the half. Spring­er is training for the fifty-yard dash.and is also good in the shot-put. Wil­son was captain of last year's cham­pionship University High track team,which won the Interscholastic. Heis good in the fifty, the hurdles andthe shot-put. Kuh is also from Uni­versity High. His specialty is thehigh hurdles and the quarter-mile.Whiting is training for the half-mile.COUNCIL TO ARRANGEFOR SETTLEMENT DANCEAt Meeting This Morning Will ElectPresident to Take Badenoch'sPlace-May Change Proms.The most important business to betaken up at the first meeting of theUndergraduate Student Council thisquarter witl be the appointment ofcommittees and the arrangement ofplans for the annual Settlementdance. This witt be-the first time thatthe council has assumed the directionof this event and it has done so inorder to make it more of a successhoth on the social and the financialsides. The committees appointed willhave entire charge of the affair. Tnorder to make the dance an all-Uni­versity function the var ious organi­zations and associations in thc Uni­versity wjll he called upon to givetheir assistance.The council will elect a new chair­man. the post being left vacant bythc graduation of the former pre­sidin� officer. R. H. Raclenoch, whorecei�'ed his degree at the la�t com'o­cation.The council will al:,o discuss the ad­visability of a change in the "Prom'·�chedulc. There has been considera­hIe talk ahout doing away with oncof the hig iormal dances. or holdingthe Senior Prom in the spring andthe Junior in thc winter. It is pos­sihle that there will he no \Vashing­ton Promenade at all.Patronize Maroon Advertisers. DEEATERS WORK HARD FORDUAL CLASH JANUARY 21Cut Short Vacation to Prepare forMichigan and Northwestern­Meet Three Times Weekly.The l'ni\ er sity debaters are atpresent ill the midst of some of thehardest work the Varsity representa­tives have ever done in preparationfor the annual contests with Michi­gan and Northwestern, which takeplace j auuary 21, two wee�s fromFridav. The members of the teamwho live out of town cut their vaca­tions short in order to return to workwith their colf cagues .J U5t before the holidays a formalpractice debate was held. .\loUltOll,who was on the '07 team. and O'Don ..nell and Hoover of last year's teamtook the negut ive against the teamwhich will uphold the affirmative forChicago this year. These men andEisendrath, a former debater. havegiven the team a great dea.l of as­sistance. �Ir. H. P. Chandler, for­mer coach of the debating teams, hasalso helped. The old men have beenable to show the newer men faults in'their form of delivery and in theircases.The teams are meeting now regu-larly three times a week. but\lcElroy said yesterday that. begm­ning soon. there would be four prac­tice debates a week. The teams meeteach other in formal debates. Themain speeches are practically com­pleted, and the work now is on formand rebuttal.Advertise in the Maroon.RAGS AND TATTERS INREYNOLDS CLUB PARTYjanuary 14 to See Stupendous Dis­play of Poverty-Stricken atHard-Times Party.Furs and turbans, close-fitting col­lars and woven ties and all other evi­dences of prosperity will h� strictly"passe" at the. Reynolds club hard­times' party announced for January14. Rags and tatters must character­ize a11 costumes upon· that occasion.according to the committee in charge,who announce that refreshments willbe served on the principle that "hewho is not unpresentable shatl noteat." As the refreshments are to in­clude five kegs of cider, reported tohave been made by the grandfatherof a prominent student the day beforehe was drafted into the Federal army,and hot doughnuts made for the affairby the culinary staff of the girls' ha�l.there is little fear that anyone Wiltcare to defy the mandates of thecommittee.In preparation for the function,which will be limited to club mem­bers, the committee is sparing no ef­fort to make even a more unique andpopular affair than last year's party.The party will be the first enter­tainment on the club's winter quar­. ter program.Patronize Marooll Advertisers.TEN CANDIDATES MAKE1913 FIVE LOOK STRONGFreshman Basketball Players to HaveCoach-Schedule of Games Soonto Be Out.Ten Freshmen are out practicingfor the Freshman baskethall teamthis quarter They are Kimball, Car­penter. Hoffman. Sellers, Paine, Shcr­man. Cunningham. Raker and Free­man. All of the men are experiencedhigh school players and they givepromise of making a good team.The Freshman bnskctball schedulehas h�en made out. hut will not be'announced until the Freshman coachis named by the athletic hoard. Twoor three namb have hecn mentionedas possihle coaches. The board willmake its announcement in a couple ofdays.Subscribe NOW for the Maroon.Sub�cribe NOW ior the Maroon I "Little Hungary" To-NightHuqariaD Cafe ancI RestaaraDtSouth_eat Conaer Clark aDd MoDrOe Street.MaiD EDtraDce 184 Clark Street TelephoDe CeDb'al 1029Famoua HuaaariaD G,.p.,. Baad CoDcerta 5 p.m. till 1 a.m. abo SwuIa,. MatiaeeD. L.FRANK Manag.. Ladl.a' ... tt •• Th.atreUttl. Hunga� Cat •• lng Co. S .. ela. Rat.a for Partl...Acknowledged the BestLOOSE I P NOTELEAF - BOOKSFor Class UseYour dealer will supply you­insist on having the I - PA'll You Can Askof any hat-style-fit­wearing quality-in theArthur $� BatARTHUR FEILCHENFELDOpen EYeninp Till Nine81-83 Van Buren St. 183 Dearborn St.THE SOCIAL SEASONWill soon open---the Senior Prom. and the host ofminor social functions will begin to come in rapid suc­cession with tba opening of the winter quarter. ITHIS MEANS A FULL DRESS SUITNo tailor will make that suit better than we. Be wise and secure it earlyTAIL.DRS42 Madison Street. 208 He:rworth Bldg.Unlve .. lty Representatl,,_Wm. p_ MacCracken.Bryant & StrattonBusiness College. THAT EXTRA PAIROF TROUSERSEablisbed 1856 A Black or Blue Serge orCheviot Suit with ExtraTrousers of the $30same or stnpematerial.: : : .Business andStenographic Courses••••• DAy AND NIGHT SCHOOL ...Studeots may eater at any time. Write for cat-alogue. TAILOR FOR TWO' STORE:YOUNG MEN 131 La SaDeSb'eet44 J.cboD BITd.11-13 RANDOLPH STREET.Opposite Public Library,A.H.McGrew SAVES TIMETO BUY OR SELLTHEBUSTOBARTERLATH,LUMBER,MOULDING,SHINGLES,ETC., ETC. WORN ALL OVERTHE WORLD_WITH �iP:._�-CLiSPIF lIT IElU!, 1.1I1nEco ...... " •• 0IaIa. ID. ....JoIalled OIl 01 PriCII64th Street and Madison Avenue.CHICAGO.GEORGE FROST CO.� �.onCMOVER 30 ·YU". THE STANDARD... .. ---ALWAYS aAST •Advenise in the Maroon. J:-T IIy.e or.xtra�Oo18IYBODYrER)�It10ttBUTTOMliP11IIEIE.. -.. ....!PriceOST co...,-C*"DARD- WRITES OF FRENCH SCHOOL'rHE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5,1910.THE Label in a�SHIRTis your guaranteethat everything inthe shirt is right.All you have to lookfor is the pattern youlike. $1.50 and moreIn white or in color.eLl: ...".,MAKERS PEAllODY & Co. Barrett H. Clark Sends InterestingLetter on French Universities.Barrett H. Clark, ex-'12. now study­ing at Sorbonne, France, has writ­ten to The Daily Maroon the follow­ing article on his impressions inFrance. Clark was prominent whilehere, having taken part in the Dra­matic club and other organizations."From time to time there appearsin these columns mention of t he Sor­bonne, in connection with lectures orUniversity students or a new book.To a great number of students theword Sorbonne calls up little but theidea of some school for higher learn­ing in Paris. I t is my purpose to saya few words regarding one of themost important institutions of learn­ing in the world."The Sorbonne takes its name froma certain Robert de Sorbon, an eccle­siastic at the court of Saint Louis; hefounded a sort of boarding school orhostel for poor theological studentsin 1253. I t was not long before thehotel for poor theological studentsgians acquired a great reputation forlearning and students, as well as greatscholars, flocked to it. A few yearslater it was graced by the name ofthe Sorbonne, which has been re­tained up to the present day. I twasin this way that a large section ofParis on the "Rive gauche" becamethe Latin Quarter, because within itsbounds Latin was the spoken and uni­versal language. The Sorbonne hasbeen a great factor in religion andmaintained through many centuriesthe severest of Catholic standards. Inthe feverish period of the Revolutionit was abolished. But in 1808 it wasmade the head of the University ofFrance. In 1896 it became once more. the University of Paris. Properlyspeaking, however, the University ofParis comprises five "facultes"-let­ters, science law, medicine and finearts. Now the Sorbonne comprisesonly the faculties of letters and sci­ence.• "There is-no exact parallel betweenthe French and American educationalsystems. In France. however, thereis an institution called the "lycee" or"college," which combines our highschool work with that of the firsttwo years in our colleges and univer­sities. It is in these that what weunderstand as "college life" is expe­rienced. There are sometimes tennisteams, less often rugby teams. andthis is nearly all the athletics that areknown in French colleges. Thereare, of course, clubs, musical and lit­erary, but they are exceptions. Thestudent receives on graduation fromthe "lycee" a "baccalaureat," which,needless to say, is not equivalent toour degree of the same name. Thishe usually receives at about 18 or 19years of age. It gives him entranceto one of the universities, which cor­respond to our senior colleges andgraduate schools. The methods ofteaching are' radically different. Thestudent goes to the office. pays 30francs ($6) and gets his course cards.and that it all. He may take as manycourses as he chooses, and whateverhe Iikcs, He does not have to at­tend classes. nor hand in papers. noranswer questions. but-he must paseexaminations. which are held annual­ly: that is his sole requirement. Itmay seem peculiar that the fees arcso small, but one must remember thatmost institutions of the kind arc sup­ported by the state; indeed the gov­ernment has its hand in everything.According to this arrangement thestudent may take his degree when hewishes. The system for degrees ismuch the same as in America. Thestudent writes a th('sis.hut is oblig('d to defend it oral1y be­fore all the prof('ssors who hayetaught him. �'aster's d('grc('s areginn in various suhjects. hut there isnothing corresponding to th(' Amer­ican doctor of philosophy. Th('re arc.howe,·er. equiyalents. such as doctorof letters. doctor of scienc('. etc .• etc ."Of 'coll('ge life' in the Sorhonnethere is none-no athletics. no "spirit:' It is simply a larg(' in­stitution of high('r l('arning. open toall. "'hethcr they wish d('grees ornot."Patronize Maroon Advertisers. I 'f� Office Equipment For YOUBelong to the Holiday Season andare appropriate as gifts. Made inall styles and to fit all purses.Full value in every pair. You'llneed some good ones to use in thenew rink. Better look 'em up now.Write for our catalogue and orderthe kind you prefer, . through yourdealer. BARNEY & BERRY,272 Broad Street,Springfield, Mass.MAGNESIACOVERINGSTHE divideud-eaming capacity o( a Iteam plantis grcatly increased through the use of Carey,Coyeriop OD Iteam pipes. boileu and CODDec­bolll.Carey., Coyeriop will keep the heat inthe pipes-DODe ii lost through radiatioD andcoodemation. They greatly reduce the amoUDtof coal DeCCSIIUJ" to run the plaot. because ex­ceaiTe 6rioa is obviated.Carey·, Coveriup are Dol harmed by the ex­� or CODlradioD of pipeJ or by vibration.. -I bey Jut 10agcr than·, other coYCriap. They .will iocreue the capacity of the plant by ddiv­eriug dry steam to the eugmes. Eodoned andused by the United State. Na.,.. War and StateDeputmeub. Recommeuded and apeci6ed byan:biteds and eagiDeen. Recommended by. tedmica1 ioatituboaa. .Write for caIaJogue and fmther padic:ulus.The Philip Carey CompanyGeueral Offices: Sta. R. cioc:iimab. 0 .. u. S. ABranches F acaoriesIn all large cities through- l...oc:kIaod. Ohioout the UDited St.tcs Hamilton. Oat.Canada and Mexico. Plymouth MeetiDg.PaA. G.-SPALDING & BROS.�Gtil"SIta:: CHAMPION;.OQ USEDBY" ALL-HOCKEY>s::s­aog:-(t PLA YERS.-0- WEST TO DISTANCE EAST.SAYS PROF. ZUEBLINFormer University Man Tells NewYorkers Chicago Will Soon Sur­pass Eastern City. The Faliq <.:aIUet or Oak iUllltlaleJ � C&D be fumiabed with aay �.biDatioa cf DiDe kiDdI cf i1iaa drawen to meet with the � of YOURbuaiaeu or prof-iou.No. "21--Ver­tical Fale baa acapacity for 20.-000 Idten. Coa­lbuctrd eDtiJe­Iy cf SOLIDOAK. fiaiahedeither CoIdeD orWeatbeftd. PriceS I3.2S ddiYered.BUch MabocuySI, Writefor caIaloc "e"or tee your lta­tiooer.$5.00PER PAIR.-0-Send fo� Professor Charles Zuehlin. former­ly of the sociology department of theUniversity, startled Xew York in anaddress delivered there at the Wal­dorf-Astoria by declaring that theeast. though now further advancedthan the west, would soon be dis­tanced by the latter. "The west isstitt a large tail to the eastern dog,"he said, "but the tail will wag the dogCatalogue.A. G. Spalding & Bros.147 WalNlsh A" •• , Chicago.QUAYLE CO. CHICAGOSteel EngraversMauufactUringJewelrymen714 • 716 Schiller Bailclina.CI�� Pi��mes,Invitations. Etc.. �AD makes • � to sail aD, for 1eDt. HIe01 ezchate. Sal � of taPPIia fOl..n lUChilles, 11iE AMERICAN WRI11NCMACHINE COMPANY. The Typewriter Ez.-cbaaee. Braach.!319IDearbona St., Chialp soon.""T'he east is old and the west isyoung. Youth out there is written onthe landscape as well as in the facesof the people. Too many easternerscontent themselves with a trip toEurope. a country of past ages. Atrip across the American continent isbetter than a trip abroad."In the course of his address theprofessor compared the senators. rail­road service and social customs ofthese rival regions, and spoke atlength concerning the commercialconditions of New York as equaledby those of Chicago."Chicago is dirty and ill kept incomparison 10 this clean and splen­did city," he said. "But Chicago isahead in a great many other things."Chicago was backward in provi­sion of a park system, but when thepeople a woke they provided them­selves with the finest park system inthe world. They are preparing nowto improve the lake front as NewYork has improved its water front." No' SSS S22.00 DEUVERED.��� Complete Office on Legs.Pattem No. SSS COGtaiDilwoamall aDd one arae .ton� drawen. one letteri1e.--capacity S.OOO Ieaen aDd one drawer for ... SOO 31t) cards. Top S2K28iDChea. Either this patt.em or your choice cf aDY combinatiOD of Dine �iada cli1ina dra_ for documeDb. Index Carda. Leuen. EIectroe. Leaal Blaau. Etc .•at this ptice.Ou. c:ataIocue "B·' .henu a axaplete line cf aectiooal bookcases. Either roboth cata1ocI- aerat h.:e on request toaether with deakn DUDeS who handle ouraooda in your city.No. 421. � Oak SI3.2S At prices ®C*d aboYe __ _lIIqIaY fmsht on orden cl $10.00. or oyer. toDdiYeRd. railway ataboaa iD WInD aDd Central States.The�Manufacturing Company98 Union Street. MONROE, MICHIGAN.THEWOODLAWNCAFE63rd ST. ANDCOTTAGE GROVE AVENUE.HIGH-CLASS BILL OF FAREPOPULAR PRICES.COLLEGE GREAT FACTOR INSHAPING LOWER SCHOOLS Is the Finest and most Completely Appointed Res­taurant on the South Side.SELECTED ORCHESTR"AL PROGRAM EVERY EVENiNG.Writer in Schoo! Review Tells of De­velopment of LowerEducation. WILLSON & HARVEYPAINTERS AND DECORATORSFull Line Wall Paper, Glass and Painters' SuppliesTelepboae Hyde Padt'�7. 1148 East 55th St .... t, Chicago.An interesting criticism of recenteducational development is containedin an editorial printed in the currentissue of the School Review. Thewriter .points out that two greatforce= influencing the secondaryschool-the elementary school frombeneath and the college from above­acting as the -"upper and nether millstones."Of the college the article makes thefollowing comment:"The college has undergone a greattransformation. especially within thelast quarter of a century. The move­ment has been i� the direction of anunorganized and piecemeal enlarge­ment of the curriculum with a con­sequent loss of definiteness of" aimand method. There has been a ten­tative formulation of an optimistic be­lief that somehow enlarged freedomis an adequate substitute for the re­sulting loss in definiteness. But evennow this confidence begins to wane.It is idle to quarrel with the collegebecause it would have its freedom towork out its problem. as the elemen­tary school demanded and got itsfreedom. and as the secondary schoollongs for but does not get its free­dom. This was a necessary stage inthe march of progress." The NEW Cigarette of QualityQualite SuperfineEXCELLENT IN TASTE AND IIANUFACJlIREBUTLER-BUTLER INC.Excl usive r;.;;;;=;;;;$�i===;;�p'�§1Hat Store StetsonHatsOperaHatsAll kindsof HatsatLowestPrices.A FairJUST PUBLISHED 1I."'s Jmr DlTElllAnOKAL DidiearJ, I(Go • c. IIerru. c.., s,. .. r )..,._ utWl.... aceeiei ib JR'" . Ea .. iaQief, Dr. W. T. Ibrris, ,..... u. s. e-el EncatioL 1M""--'''ft I.e. re-MrapI-..,&Iied. 'Be ef teras.,.. .. I.e. ft1. 1\e ElJ...leu. .,..,.., pi :ial,,"ft n­aiM ......., KWart,...... ne Iaa­pqe of UaIisII literablre f ... nr ana,cabries, tile ta .• lal1 of the .ta _;1Ciaas tlte eftrJ.aJ speed of sind. I..." d. are praaletl willa fall-,_:a .. deantu. b aize of ncU.Iuy, ill'ricI.taa of caa'cl _....... _ ia CC�- �'t'ftiace of �tm., tile ... lela • .w;....�iD�.400,000 wonls ad pIarues.. 6000 ilhastratia-.2700pqes.@ DealWithEachHat -EaT.'�-«GET THE. BEST"gO E.MADISON ST.TRIBUNE BLDG.SWEATER VESTSUNDERWEARFANCYWA 1STCOATSSHIRTS HATSSN A P PY LIN E -_. QUALITY.We can supply every want in the drug line.We either have it, will get it. or it isn't made.JOHN J. McCLUGAGE, Ph. G.PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST.Phone Hyde Park 135N. \V. Cur. Lc::AiiigtOii A.-c.THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5,1910.NEWS OF.THE COLLEGESASKS COEDUCATION BEGIVEN FAIRER TRIAL CONTRACT IS LET FORTHE MEMORIAL LIBRARY milling of lumber and its manufac­ture into paper pulp.AMUSEMENTSWisconsin medics have organized anew fraternity, the Nu Alpha.ILLINOISDoa't Ills tile CIIaace to SeeC. P. HUNTLEY :�t�o��:-IN-" Kim GREY" (Continued from Page 1.) (Continued from Page 1.) Mr. Charles M. Schwab, formerpresident of the United States Steelcorporation, has accepted a seat inthe board of trustees of Lehigh uni­ oversee a home. Here the 'hop' ofthe 'frat' house and the society lady's'afternoon' are attempted, with theexpenditure to be covered by sacri­ficing some ordinary propriety ofhousekeeping. Xot yet does theAmerican father treat daughter andson with financial impartiality; the'woman's century' will be far ad­vanced before fathers and husbandscease putting the question regardingthe ten cents of yesterday .Housing Is Problem."Xot unt il the question of residencehas been much more wisely consid­ered than hitherto will coeducationhan' received a fair trial. State uni­ver sit ies should provide houses forwomen students, where nice personalhabits and the graces of social lifecan be fostered, and women of cul­ture and social position should pre­side over these. At Oxford andCambridge. the halls for women arein the care of ladies of very high con­nections in the social, political andliterary world. It does not answerthe question to say that a state gov­ernment cannot afford such expendi­ture; as soon as fathers and moth­ers demand it. the appropriations "'illhe forthcoming. The creation of theoffice of dean of women is a begin­ning of the needed reform. thoughprejudice has sometimes accordedscant courtesy to women's deans.Presi�ent �an Hise of the Universityof Wisconsin has expressed the wishthat the young women in coeduca­tional colleges might borrow an inde­pendent social life from the collegesfor women alone. With proper pro­vision for residence and social over­sight. they might do so."The Woman's College.I n the concluding paragraph thewr iter discusses the educational andsocial aspects of the woman's col­lege, which, without a stronger re­sistence than at present. will changeinto a new sort· of finishing school."However, the social life of thewoman's college is not altogetherperfect. That such an institution isthe best place for many girls is true.Nevertheless a close examination ofthe 'college life' there shows too greata leaning to the boarding school. Thesocial side of the woman's college isthreatening to overshadow the educa­tional, if it has not already done so.Not long ago, a prominent . lady inone of our cities. herself. a collegegraduate and a person of fine schol­arship. said to the writer: 'I wishmy daughter to have the college life.but I do not care whether she learnsanything from books or not.' " sides these the most modern facilitiesfor the staff and librarians have beenmost amply provided for.The especially monumental andmemorial features of the library arethe main entrance hall and stairs lead­ing to the Memorial reading room.These are treated in stone, the read­ing room having large arched ends,which have spaces reserved for anappropriate mural decoration. Thewindows on each side are of the fin­est Cothic tracery, and it is hopedthat classes in the future will givefitting stained glass.Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge are thearchitects. The professor of a Chaucer class atllinnesota allowed girl members todo sewing while listening to his inter­pretation of the Anglo-Saxon poet'sverse. Michigan students ordered 4,000yarn caps from a factory in Lansing.Mich .• which employs stirl workers,and when the caps were deliveredabout every third one was found tohave an ardent 10"e note attached toit. The notes were written in manydifferent languages.A petition requesting exemptionfrom the June examinations for thosewho averaged above 80 per cent intheir class work was presented to thefaculty of Syracuse university by sen­iors, but was refused.LA SA�LETHEFLIRTINGPRINCESS. ;.The Bureau of Students' Self-Helpat Princeton university attends to thehauling of baggage for students whogo home during the holidays. Acharge of thirty cents is made fordraying trunks, and ten cents forsuit-cases. Candidates ior reportorial positionson the staff of the University ofWashington Daily are given a writ­�en quiz to test their efficiency. Theyare required at such examination towrite a simple news story. to tellsomething of the scope of their uni­versity and to give the names of itsfaculty members and their addresses.COLONIALTPleatre BeautifulANNA HELDIN"MISS INNOCENCE."STUDEBAKERH. B. WARNER"Alias Jimmy Valentine"G�RRICKHlDo People, People HeUo! !J A S. T. POW E R SIN HAVANA. CbASSIFIED;ADVERTISINGPurdue students are to hold wrest­ling matches every two weeks. con­ducted in accordance with the ruleswhich govern professionals. Officialreferees will be appointed and con­testants will 'be' obliged to weigh inbefore they enter the ring.FOR RENT-Xew residence. 5730Kirnbark Ave .• after Apr il I, forone to two years. Many univer sit ie s inflict penaltiesupon students who prolong their hol­iday vacations beyond the openingday of the winter term. Cornell givesdouble cuts. At Wisconsin any stu­dent who does not appear on the ap­pointed day is subject to suspensionby faculty action. Harvard penalizesits late students $5 and Yale also im­poses a money fine.BOARD AND ROOM suitable fortwo. 6102 Ingleside . Ave., l st flat;llidway 2228.FOR RENT-Two furnished modernrooms. 5704 Jackson Ave., flat 1.FOR RENT-2 pleasant rooms,steam heat,' electric light; privatefamily. Near I. C. and Elevated.$2.50 and $2. Call 6522 Monroe:he., _-\pt. 3, or 'phone H. P. 5296.PICTURE FRAMING-Pictures. col­lege posters, art craft goods, artnovelties of every description atThe Dudley Shop. 1130 E. 63rd St. Xine seniors, members of a class inforestry at the University of Minne­sota. will spend a month in the north­ern lumber camps of their state. gath­ering data relative to the cutting and, tI, ;'G RAND OPERA HOUSE. i,THE GREATFOURTH PLAYESTATE·THEMcVICKER'S."PAID IN FULL";t, .,�. '..�: :� The University BuildingsOLYMPICTHE FORTUNE HUNTERWHITN�YThey Loved: a Lassie!" .,!,.: 'Iare built of "Old Hoosier" Stone fromthe celebrated "Hoosier" Quarry, ofthe Bedford Quarries Company, thelargest and best quarry of Oolitic lime­stone in the world. A century hencethey will still be a- monument to thoseunder whose direction they have beenerected.By Test andComparisonis the only sensible plan to decidefor yourseH whether our work isbetter than what you may behaving.q 'Twon't cost you· much to findout. We dam your socks, mendyour clothes and sew on but­tons withoutr extra charge.CORT"THE KISSING GIRL.".,:: �'J' '. ,.:�Ida FullerFraak Fopdy .Amy 8dIer & BoysT. WiJIoo & HeloiseCaYaDaKiaodromePhooe CemIral 6480 DRAMATIC CLUB TOHOLD POSTPONEDMEETING TODAY /The Dramatic club meeting whichwas to be held yesterday has beenpostponed until this afternoon at 2o'clock in Cobb 3A. The tryouts forthe play will not be held today. as hasbeen previously intended. Paul H.Davis. business manager of the club.said yesterday that no definite deci­sion had been reached relative to thewinter play. but that it was the inten­tion of the club to select a piece assoon as possible. As in previousyears, there has been some delay anddifficulty in the choice of a suitableplay. but it is hoped to make up forthe delay by securing an unusuallyappropriate play for this year.i. AUDITORIUMBOSTON OPERA COoIa. FortllPt IfGrand Opera�oiiH£RN The Bedford Quarries CompanyPeerless Steam Laundry Co.4432-34 - State Street,Phone Oakland 3945.Chicago Office: 204 Dearborn St.New York Office: No. l,lIadison Ave.Cleveland Office: 818 Euclid Ave.Quarries and Mills: Oolitic IndianaSUCCESSPHENOMENALMARIE DRESSLER" Tillie's Nigbtmare" Be Strong and WellAMERICAN MUSIC HALLIIatIMe Dally.SIDNEY DREW & COMPANYMe WanetS & T)'IOn Ral�h JohnstoneJOSEPH SHEEHAN CHAS.1t. SWEETFRED NIBLO RED-BLOODED HEALTH,VIGOR, STRENGTH . ANDSUCCESS-all yours for theexpenditure of ten minutes aday •SEND NO MONEY. Simplysend for. free printed matter con­cerning my method, which hasrestored 30,000 run-down per­sons to VIGOROUS, RED­BLOODED HEALTH.UNION HOTELI RESTAURANT My System tells women howto become more beautiful in faceWill 6ad RetlauraDb on two Roon and figure, more graceful in car­riage and repose. It aids menWiD 6ad a..-ial Afte -Theatre successward by showing them-r--- how to develop nerve force andMella brain power. Tear obt this ad.WI'O L� c::-.t--ljd Senice and write your name and ad-PDQ "'J:IKUY dress on the margin and mail toSeniag Only the Best the Market Afords me, and I will be glad to sendFiaett Orchettra in the City. you a complete statement of myHold Your FrlltA��DinDell Here \ I C:YC:SYLVESTER J. SIMON, I ,111-117 Ran dol phS t r e e t __16_Quin_O_q_S_treet, C_h_i_c:ac_0 __:..•\ Patronize Maroon advertisers.pRINCESSThe GODDESS OF LIBERTYGLOBE THEATER.Wabash Av. and Hubbard Ct.THE NEWLYWEDSAND THEIR BABY HARRY HERRMANN,THECOLLEGIATE TAILOR91 Dearborn Street, Chicago.Tel. Central 6803Patronise Maroon Advertisers.1Adverrise in the Maroon.