J)atlpVOLU:\IE VIII, No.3.FRESHMEN SCORE ONVARSITY IN PRACI1CEYearliap Crea Goal Liae .f Rea­lalan Oace Duiq theScrUmaace.DIlECfOR STAGG SHinS PLAYERSTries Ehrhom and Hirschl at Tac1de­Crawley Out but Does notPlay. aroonUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEOXESOA Y, OCTOBER 6. 1909. Price Five Cents.POSTPONE WOK ON UBIARYFailure to Agree on Interior Plansfor Harper Memorial Library CausesAnother Delay in Laying of Corner­stone.Another delay in the beginning ofwork on the Harper Memorial librarywas announced yesterday. when itwas tentatively decided to postponethe laying of the cornerstone untilthe spring quarter convocation nextJune. It is planned to have the con­vocation orator also deliV"er the ad­dress at the laying of the cornerstone.Xo definite plans for the exerciseshave as yet been made. Thev will becompleted within the prese�t quar-ter.Y. M. C. A. Booklet for 1910 Provesto Be Popular.The great demand for the 1910hand-book which the Y. �I. C. A. isdistributing this fall has almost ex­hausted the edition. This year's bookis bound in maroon seal leather andis stamped in gold with the athletic"C," enclosing the' numerals "1910."The book contains 134 pages and issimilar in content to last year's edi­tion. There are. however, more itemsof interest and information than inthe former book. while the readingmatter has 'been somewhat reduced.The daily dairy spaces, which lastyear included only three-quarters ofthe regular University year, have beenextended over the summer months aswell. The book was compiled bv"'\\V. Wheeler and E. L. Patchen. - .Let You ForgetWe Say it once More.Until October 9th, Sat­u.da, next, ,ou ma, .e­cure the Dall, Maroon fortlte ,e •• fo.$2.00OffIce In Elli. Hall. MANDEL TO BE SCENEOF BIG RALLY TONIGHTAuul Feetball Mus - Meetiq wiDI.e tIae�...t Eatlauiuticia Yean.;urfivERSm BAND WILL APPEARWill Discuss Rooting Problems­Many Speeches on Program, withCheering and Songs.To Freshmen Dean VmcentGet into It Wallie SteffenOur Chances Fred Walker1909 Athletics Director StaggFootball , .. Captain PageAnything and Everything ... " .•..................... The TeamThe plays of the Hoosiers began tolook formidable to the Maroon line­up yesterday, when the freshmenmade two scores on the 'Varsity byusing Indiana tactics. Although thescore of the scrimmage was 10 to 5 . The reason for this postponementin favor of the 'Varsity, no attempts is the failure of the University boardbeing made to kick goals, the fresh- of trustees to agree upon the interiormen made long runs and kept the reg- arrangements. The members of theulars busy trying to prevent their roll- board have been debating upon thising up a much bigger score. The subject for several months. but as yetyoungsters had the ball on Chicago's have made no decision. :\3 soon astwo-yard line and only a fumble kept the matter has been settled the plansthem from carrying it ,")Ver the line will be submitted to architects andfor another touchdown. contractors for bids and the contractThe 'Varsity squad was split up in- will be let.to two teams, one under Young, who To Have Been Begun Last Year.met the freshmen in the scrimmage. The library was to be begun lastThe other, with Page at Quarter. �ent June, but because of the incomplete­through signals. Two teams of fresh- ness of the plans, the laying of themen were put in -against the Maroon, cornerstone was postponed until thisone following the other, year. The new library, which will beCrawley was not in the line-up for on the south end of the quadrangle,the scrimmage but practiced signals. between the Divinity ·halls and theCoach Stagg still hopes that he will Haskell museum, fronting on the :\lid-be in the game Saturday .. ' way, will be in commemoration of.A change in a number of' positions former President William .Raineywas effected yesterday. Rogers was Harper. It will cost $800.000, and ac-tried at left end, Sunderland at right. cording to the plans for the exterior,Contrary to last Saturday's line-up. will be the biggest university libraryEhrhorn and HirschI played tackle. ,in the country. Six hundred thou-_. _.-:.1'!Ji� _w�_!�e� fj!�t. time �at lJirsch1 «, - sand dollars of the sum was donated, has played guard. Although he knew . 'bt" ]ohf'F""D:''itoclcefeller, -and $200,000the signals and work�d well on the by subscription ..Plan Classical Building.offense, he lacked experience" Rade-macher and Gerend played at guards. It also became known yesterdayBadenoch was put in at center, but that as soon as the library is finishedSmith was called in to take his place work will be begun on the Classicalearly in the scrimmages. Sauer and building, which will connect the Divin­Menaul were stationed left· and rig.ht ity halls and the library. One hundredhalves. Fonger went in at full back, and fifty thousand dollars of the $250,­but later in the practice Sunderland 000 needed for the building has beenwent o.»t and the former moved to appropriated. Dr. Goodspeed, theright end, De Both taking his place. University registrar, witJ begin t\leDirector Stagg Complains. raising of the rest of the money asThe fault that Director Stagg had soon as work is begun upon the li­to find with the practice was that the brajy, It is planned to have themen did not know their places in the Classical building built within theplays. He has taught the squad next two years.about 3S plays, and he said that he ------would not give them any more this GREAT DEMAND FOR BOOKS.week. The line was not as strong asit was hoped it would be by this time.The backs are worked smoothly aslong as the regular men are in, butas soon as a substitute went in itseemed to break up the whole com­bination.X 0 forward passes were tried andthe onside kick that was tried failedmiserably, "There will be more for­ward passes tried later in the week,"said Coach Stagg last night. "Theboys have the plays, but they havenot put them in use. I think thatPage will be able to handle thembeautifully against the Hoosiers."Freshmen Improving.The recent scrimmages in which the1913 squad has taken part have con­vinced the campus that the team isstronger than last year's freshmenbunch. The eleven is well balanced,combining linesmen of the heavy fasttype and the lightning fast shiftybacks demanded by the new rules. Bythe time Coaches Russell and Schom­mer pick their team, an eleven of un­usual power will be pitted against theregulars in addition to the regularscrubs.Yesterday's scrimmage brought outthe fact'tlnlt in Wilson the 1913 ag­gregation have a punter and drop-Continued on Pace 4. SIDE UGHTS ON THE CAMPUS THIS FALL.COMMONS ADVISESThe �larooD sleuth uncovered forthe first time, after a long and almostfruitless search, a Sophmore-singu­lar-whf) last spring Quarter in threemajors earned eighteen honor points,This is the line-up for the monsterrally in Mandel hall at 8 o'clock, whenone thousand men and women stu­dents will desert fraternity houses,dormitories, homes, libraries andstudy rooms to participate in the big-The Reynolds club starts the year gest annual football mass meeting thatwith the CO"! efficient equipment has ever been held. Managers of thewhich has ever ushered in the club's meeting were enthusiastic last nightactivities since its organization. ac- over the interest being shown in thecording to a statement made by Win- affair, and estimates of the crowd areston Henry, its president, yesterday.Everything has been put in good running to wild figures.shape and no expense has been spared Band to Be Out.for repairs and new equipment for the Another attraction was added tobowling alleys, dilliard tables and the the program yesterday when the mem­rooms of the club. bers of the University band consentedThree hundred dollars has been ex- to give a concert during the evening.pended on the new promenade, which •��J�J1..sIL-r�P- tlJ& � ���� This will be the first public appear-the club windows on the second floo·v..llir""'''''''�ctonliel)a;dtjiFsYeir:·-X-sanum;.·and on the roof of the Commons. ber of new members have joined theThis new feature of the club is about organization and the repertoire of mu­SO feet .'n width. The roof has been sieal selections has been increased, acovered :with a board floor extendingfrom the walls of the club and Com- good concert is expected. The baUdmons to the parapet on the west and will also furnish the music for thenorth. rendition of the nnmer.()us 'VanityThe promenade is to be used at the football songs.dances of the Reynolds club. It is A fea.ture of the cheer' and yellalso expected to furnish a place for practice .will be the first ·trial of Win­the men to go at any time. It will be stoo Henry'S "For the 'Varsity," thefitted with benches and the intention song which scored a hit in "The Lyr-is to hold sings there next spring. ical Liar," last year's Blackfriar play.Plane B� ADC7L Under the direction of one' of theThe bowling alleys- of the club have -eheer leaders the words of the songbeen planed for the first ti�e' in five will be learned and will then be prac­years and are now in excellent .condi- ticed with the assistance of the band.tion. New balls have been purchased Other songs and all the yells will beand a new device is ready to be in- gone through at the beginning andstalled which will save the wear and the close of the rally.tear on the balls when they are re- Will Consider Plans.turned. This device is a "loop-the- Not all the evening will be spentloop," the use of which will prevent in speechmaking and cheering, how­the balls from hitting together when ever.' Several minutes will be spentthey come back. This device will be in discussing plans for improvedput in place some time this month. cheering. The call of Director StaggThree hundred dollars has been ex- for suggestions has met with success,pended in furnishing and the new several plans having been' proposed.equipment for the billiard room, part Among the- most promising plan hasof which has ben spent for new bil- been that of forming a rooters' club.liard balls aJl!l cues. Seventy-five new It has been proposed that as manycues have been secured and four sets men in the University as can -be se­of balls. The tables have been re- cured be made members of the club,covered and recushioned. The whole with distinctive emblems for each.room has received a general renova- Regular meeting would be held dur­tion. ing the football season to perfectNew scenery will soon be purchased cheering. This and other plans sub­for the theater on the third floor. mitred will be discussed at the rally,This will put the stage in good shape. "I need not emphasize." said Di­In addition to the magazines received rector Stagg. "the necessity of hav­by the club in the past southern and ing every man and woman present to­far western periodicals have been add- night. Problems of vital importanceed to the list. to every loyal Chicago student will beLarge Summer Membenhip. discussed. It is up to every studentThe summer membership as re- to come tonight and start the seasonturned in actual numbers by the stew- right."ard shows a total of 167, which breaksall previous records, the highest mem­bership heretofore having been -136 in1908."The Reynolds club is in betterContinued on Page 4.WAITERS REYNOLDS CLUB STARTS WELLIssues Handbook Full of Hints andRules-States Purpose of the DiningRoom-Makes Excuses for RedTape and Complications. Large Expenditure and Enrollmentof Members for the Quarter Fore­tell Good Year-Promenade onCommons' Roof New Feature."The Commons is run by the Uni­versity of Chicago for the purpose ofgiving students of the University goodmeals at moderate prices. It is runon strictly business principles." Thisis the "Last Word" in a "Handbookfor Waiters in the University Com­mons," which has just been issued. Itis a little pamphlet of ten pages, in­cluding in its contents advice andrules for the waiters." Th� first section has been headedAdvice to New Waiters." It con­·taios a .brief. des�n.c�qf_�tbe ..Com::.­mons' system. "Th� Comons is runon a system," according to the book­let, "a somewhat coreplicated system,too, it will seem; but system and redtape are necessary in every large busi­ness."The sections following are devotedto an explanation of what the :waitersare allowed for their work and howthey are to comport themselves inthe kitchen. The waiters are told thatthere are two cardinal points aboutgetting their orders' out of the kit­chen: First, that they should be asquiet as posible, and 'second, that theyshould be as quick as possible. Thewaiters are also advised as to the bestway to serve a meal. what should bebrought in to table 'nrst an'd what itis essential to bring right away.Some hints are al(o given as to theway to serve various orders, but"serving in a place l1ke the Commonsis mostly a matter of common sense.The essential of a good waiter is thathe should be quick without appearingto hurry."To allay the allegations of some ofthe "knockers" against the Commonsthe following is reprinted: "When­ever there is an order left untouchedit should be taken out to the kitchenat once. Xever sal-e. anything that isin any way used."The waiters are also instructed tosome extent in good manners. Theyare told that they must not lean overa chair when talking to a customer,but must do their talking standing up.The policy of the Commons as re­gards the exchange of orders is out­lined as fololws: "In case any cus­tomer complains about the quality ofhis food the waiter should report itimmediately to the head waiter. It isour policy to allow any order to beexchanged for something else, if ithas not been coooked to order and ifthe customer has not yet touched it."The book is full of don'ts and ad­"ice for both new and old :waiters.The opinion has been exp�essed thatContinued on, Page 4. ." .... �'I:;�· �I;· �· If,�- ...· J, t. 1'1�,('d, �, ,'1"� , New and second HandTEXTT.HE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1909.STOPHLET, CRA�K RUNNER. _WILL MOT COilE BACK.THE DAILY MAROON•••••••••••••The Official Su;dent PUblication ofthe University of Chicaco· Cross Country Chances ReceiYe HardBloW' at LoSs ofTwo-MUer.ANNOUNCEMENTS.EDclish 46-Moved to Haskell 17.History la. c and d, and 2a meets at11 o'clock.'Public Speaking 2a at 11 o'clock hasbeen discontinued.Political Economy 10 at 11 o'clockchanged to Cobb hall, room lOCoMathematics Oa at 11 o'clockchanged to Kent hall, room 20.German 262 and 268 at 4 o'clockchanged to Cobb hall, room 15C.House Administration 42 at 11o'clock changed to Cobb hall, roomlIC.Romance 1£ and Ig-Students regis­tered for this course see deans at The chances for a cross countrychampionship this fall received an in­jury yesterday, when it became knownthat Donald Stophlet, last spring'sstar two-miter. was not in college andis unlikely to return at any time to. Chicago. He had been counted on asa .big factor in the race this fall andin the winter and spring track meets.He was certain of a place on the crosscountry team. and those who had ob­served his work expected him to fin­ish among the first in the intercollegi­ate race. Stophle t's whereabouts arenot known.Stophlets will be greatly missedwhen the regular track season starts.Last year re had the best record inthe west on the two-mile, and was theuniversal choice for victor in the con­ference event,- but he startled trackfollowers by his Iailue to place. whicJtwas a had blow to Chicago. Indoorshe showed that he was able to obtaingood results. His place will be hardto fill, as he was practically the onlytwo-rniler on last 'year's squad.Sec 1Id-o.... 11.11 at the ChI­Entored..!:toHa!. Chao .... 1111 ... 10. 1I0000h� 1 803. uncl�r Act .f lI.rch 3. 1873........ In. Edlt.r• H.w. Edlt.r• Athl.tlc Edlt.rA. Le. Frld.t.ln •H. A. PfoHor •A. G. Whltfl.WCh.rl •• L. Sulll".n. Jr •• Bu.I ..... lI.n ••• rThere is doubtless a number of per­sons in the University who wish thefootball team all theAnent the success that anyMass Meetinc. eleven can have. To-night they will havean opportunity of expressing thatwish by their presence at the annualf 11 mass meeting in :\Iande1 hall.a.Many of these well wishmg personsmay and may' not hbe. on :\larshatlField Saturday. What t his mass. meet­ing is intended for is to crystallize theabstract support o� the. team into aconcrete desires which Will lead to. rheticket window in Bartlett gymnasmm.Members of the team, an alumnus,the coach and some of his assista�tswill tell the assembly what they rhinkof the team and the prospects. Y e�lsand songs will be practiced and re­hearsed. Old students can tune uptheir rooting 'Vocabularies, and newones may accomplish their own roo} .......ing education. At any rate. there Willbe a place for everybody 10 Mandeland everybody should find his orher place there at 8 tonight.From the arid plains of � evadathere comes to us an expression .ofthe meaning of college spir­College it and a student's debt toSpirit. traditions of his Alma :\Ia.terthat is well worth Quotinghere. The sentiment voiced by ourwestern contemporary in the columnsof the University of Nevada Weeklymay well be taken to heart by stu­dents at Chicago. Particularly do thefreshmen have need of careful perusalof the following:"College spirit is one of the thingswhich tend most to make ! collegeeducation worth .while. - Loyalty- toone's college, and the subordinationof one's desires to the furtherance of-her ends, help to promote in thegrowing generation an allegianc� towhat is believed by it to be the rightthing, a fidelity to principle and con­sistency of action invaluable to theformation of character. The 'idea ofgreatest good for greatest numbersurely finds its most shining examplein the devotion of the modern (not tomention the earlier) college studentto the ideals of his community. N 0-where else, save only in the serviceof one's country, is such punishmentendured as in support of the fairname of our colleges, on the footbattteam and crew, as well as in othersports. For no other cause do youngmen "run themselves blind:' than toadd to their Alma :\[ater's crown oflaurels."And this is at it should be. Theyoung men who forego the pleasantlymild dissipation of their kind. to bein better trim for some endeavor togain fame for the institution they at­tend, are the progenitors of a genera­tion of highly principled, self-sacri­ficing workers in our public life:' once.University Dames--Saturday. 3 p.rn., in Lexington. 'Vives of all mar­ried students urged to be present.Public Speaking Ie is added course,and meets at 11 o'clock in Cobb hall,room 6:\.. :\[r. Gorsuch will be theinstructor.University Settlement Lecture willbe given hy :\[iss :\[ary :\lcDowell andMr. \Vitliam Scott Bond in Mandelhall, Sunday morning. October 10th,at 11 o'clock.INTEREST IN FENCING GREAT.Mr. DeBauviere Secured to. Instruct.. Fencers-Acth'e Work BeginsfwyFencers-Work Begins Thursday. PROFESSOR GREENE TORECEIVE WELCOME ATHANDS OF DIVINITY MEN.Students of the Divinity school willformally welcome Prof. Benjamin Al­len Greene, a new member of thedivinity faculty, tomorrow afternoonat 4 o'clock. when Professor Greenewill deliver his inaugural address inHaskell hall.Students of the Divinity school arepreparing to turn out in great num­bers to greet Professor Greene. Thesubject of the address has not beenannounced. Professor Greene enteredthe University at the beginning ofthis Quarter as professorial Jectureron practical theology.I nterest in fencing, which was un­precedentedly strong throughout lastyear, has been considerably height­ened by the announcement that A. M.De Bauviere, last year's instructor inthe gentlemanly art, has been securedto take charge of the fencers againthis vear. Mr. De Bauviere last yearcoached the fencing teams which se­cured first place in intercollegiate cir­cles and manifested unusual strengthin other competitions.:\1 r. De Bauviere has been ratherseriously ill the past fortnight and isas yet unable to undertake the dutiesof his position as fencing instructor.Announcement was made yesterday atthe gymnasIum, however, thidie willbe on hand Thursday of this week tomeet those who intend to devotethemselves to the foils and mask. Nomeeting of the fencing class will be·held today, but all those registered forthe courses under Mr. De Bauvierewill assemble tomorrow afternoon atthe fencing headquarters in Bartlettgymnasium for the first work of thequarter., MR. KOREN NEW MEMBEROF FACULTY-TO BE INECONOMICS DEPARTMENT.John Koren has been appointed pro­fessorial lecturer in statistics in polit­ical economy and sociology. Mr. Ko­ren has had a wide experience in thisfield, having served as special expertin the United States department oflabor, and later as expert specialagent of the United States census bu­reau.DR. BURTON TO TALKON JAPANESE PEOPLEBEFORE BUSINESS MEN.HIGH CLASS FURSProf. E. D. Burton, who recentlyreturned from an extended trip in theorient, will deliver an address thisafternoon on the Japanese people be­fore the members of the Chicago As­sociation of Commerce. ProfessorBurton's address is of significance,since it follows so closely the visit ofthe japanese business men in Chica­go.Dr. Burton will tell of japanese peo­ple. customs and manner of Iiviug,H is address is looked forward to withinterest, as it will be the first oppor­tunitv of the Chicago business mento hear opinions on the orient ex­pressed hy a man who i50 fntimatelyacquainted with conditions. \ C. HENNINGI 86-88 STATE STREETCHICAGO, ILL.Helene Hat Shop1010 East 83nI street.Exclusive Milnery ••••••••••••••••DAILY BULLETIN.Mass Meeting today at 8 o'clock in:\Iandel hall.Male Chorus today at 5 p, m. inKent theater.Choir meets at 3 p, M. today inKent theater.Tuition must he paid today or apenalty of $5 will be charged.Daily Maroon Staff-:\l1 membersand candidate!' meet at JO:30 today in�Iaroon office.Lecture, "The Univer-sity Man." byProf. j. M. Coulter. today at i o'clockin Haskell hall.Freshman Reception-A receptionto all freshmen girls \\'ill he given bythe W. A. A. in the women's gym. at4 p. m. today. All old girls are urgedto come. TELEPHONECENTRAL3525FORMER UNIVERSITY MANIS HONORED IN CHINA.Dr. Eckstein Appointed to EstablishScientific Department at PekinUniversity. Ttli. SII •• R ........ d forLOEB-KAHNWEILER CO.Diamond Merchants & Jewelers11-11 Eat ,_ ... StrwtCIICMOT., •• ".no H ........ n 3U53Dr. Oscar Eckstein. who three yearswa- research assistant in chemistryat the University, has been commis­sioned hy the J mpcrial University atPekin to establish a department ofscience at that institution. The im­portance of this appointment lies inthe fact that the: I-;tablishment of sucha department minks an innovation inChinese higher education.Advertise in the :\Iaroon. Advertise in the :\iaroon. - BOOKS.All Kinds ofSTUDENT SUPPLIESThe University of Chicago PressRetail Department"ON THE CAMPUS.'"Visit To-Night"Little Hungary"HuqariaD Cafe aDd ReataUI"aDtSouthweat Corner Clark and Monroe StreetaMaiD Entrance 184 Clark Street Telephone CeDtral 1029Famoua HunaariaD Gypay Band Concerts 5 p..m. till 1 a.m. alaoSunday MatiDeeD. L.FRANK, M.n ••• r L.dl •• • Sou".nlrs .H.r Th •• treUtt'. Hung.17 C.t.rlng Co. Spocl .. R.te. for P.rtl ••HARVEY WILLSON&PAINTERS AND DECORATORSFull Line Wall Paper, Glass and Painters' Supplies.Telephone Hyde Park 3�7. 427 East 55th Street, Chicago.Come and .ee your Bakery Good. Made •BAKERY PRODUCTS1022 E. 63rd Street, Old No. 567.aetween G .. enwood and Elli. Avenue. Phene Midway 2058Gilbert Wilson & CompanyMake a Specialty ofRepairing Gas StovesTelephone Hyde Park 1160.1307-11338-42 55th55th Street---New Number.Street---Old Number.Applicants for Popular Favors:The Up-to-Date D,rug Store ofP. DEWEY / & CO.A.935 East 63rd Street, Comer Ingleside AveTO THE STUDENT BODY we say caD in and see us wbether youbuy or DOL . We want .Tour good wiD, afterwards your .patroL.age. . Everythiag uauaUy kept in a fin.t-clau Pharmacy.E. c. MOOREFloristTel. Hyde Park 38 1377 East 55th St.WHY NOT COMPLETE YOURFALL AND WINTER SUPPLYOF CLOTHING Wl111 ANARTHUR $2� HAT?AlL SHAPES AND SHADESAR111UR rtlLCHENfW)TWO STGRES81-83VAN'OORIN STRttT183 DfAR80RN s'l1(EETOPEN £Vf:NINGS 11LL NINEExclusiveHat Store'... _ .. ' _ ._ _ .....•.. __ .. _._ _. ".tlE .D�ILY MAAOON. WEDNESDAYJ._OCTOBE� � .. 1��_ _ .Bryant & StrattonBusiness College -.EubWbed 1856Business andStenographic Courses•••••• OAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ••••••,I..,.""'lIt,. Studeab lDay euler at aDy time. Write for cat •') .JosUe. '.' ..11-13 RANDOLPH STREET.Oppolile Public Library.Save all the' Tr�uble'and Discomfort ofTravel by our SpecialService.We will Deliver to your Home or 10 the Cam.pili Without Em. Charge your 'TbiOugh Bag-1... Chcch. with Railway aod Sleeping CarTic:ltets over Every Road out of Chicqo. WeTransfer Baa. to all Parts of the City.Tulcalts. Cabs and Clnilps For HIre:Phone aDY South Side Office or our MainOf6ce. HarrUoD 482. 43rd St. I. C. StatioDPhone Oakiud 414. 53rd St. l. C. StatioDPhone Hyde Sark 3548.· 63rd St. I. C. StatioD"PhoDe Hyde Park 3549. 63rd aod Wemworth.Eoglewood StatioD Phoee Wcotworth 3741.63rd aDd Wallace. C. and W. I. Phcne Weot­worth 922.Frank E. Scott Transfer CompanyThe "ARA-NOTCH"makes the "BELMONT"anARRowCOLLAR. sit-perfectly ..15c." 2 for 25c.Cluett. Peabody & Co" MakenARROW CUFFS, 25 cents a pdrGIU,;:-LEMEN I...... "::,-=t.-......BOSTONGARTER.... �ITII ... �...........=::'''''YCUSHIOIsunOlCLASP__ ",.- ALW.ft EAs'�_. TEST BRAINS BY MACHINES.Stud,. of Educational Problema Is toBe IIade by Graduate Students ofthe School of Education with Aidof Photography.The University has established alaboratory in the School of Educationfor the study of educational problems.The work will be carried on by gradu­ate students of the institution. Thedepartment will play doctor to stu­dents who are not making properprogress in their subjects. study theircases. diagnose their ailments and pre­scribe for' their cure. All, .however,wil] eventually be put through thepsychological laboratory to learn whythey do not do better work.First the patient will be put througha series of writing exercises. He willbe given a pencil and paper and willwrite in as many. ways as he knowshow. The doctors will time the per­formance, notice the ease in the scriptand make calculations as to the per­formance. The whole thing wil berecorded and tabulated. Next the sub­ject will be made to read from eachof a set of books printed in differentsized type. As he reads a doctor willtake photographs of ·the movement ofthe eye and the eyeball. The sametest will be used on different stylesof type. Then the fatigue caused bythe various readings will be noted­if the patient becomes tired readingone size of print and whether anotheris .rnore appealing to the eye.The next process is the testing ofthe memory. and here it is expectedthat the greater failings will be found.Absentmindedness will be readily dis­covered and a psychological dissec­tion performed. If a student's mem­ory works best on things that he hasactually seen he will be made to ex­e�cise his mental power in remember­ing things that he has heard. If heremembers those things best which he. has felt, his prescription for his cra­nium caapcity will be along otherlines.Professor Judd, head of the schoolof . education, says: "In this fashion, �we fflOPC -to diagnose many- individual:cases and cause great improvement. along psychological lines, and I hopeto see the project a great success."There have been carried out in re­cent years in psychological labora­tories many investigations which have'had very. close relation to educationalproblems, but ·the movement towardthe development of a separate labora­tory for such studies is relatively new.Such laboratories exist in Europe.The equipment of this laboratory atthe University of Chicago will insome respects resemble the equipmentof a psychological laboratory. butthere will be special devices for in­vestigating writing and reading, andthe other forms of mental activitywhich are developed in school work.The organization of this laboratorypromises much for the development ofa science of education."Prof. Charles Hubbard Judd. headof the School of Education, was veryenthusiastic over the project when ap­proached yesterday. "The whole pur­pose of the department is to placepedagogy on a scientific basis as med­icine is at the present. By this meanswe expect to be able to know the ef­fect of a given educational method asdefinitely as we now know the effectof a specific drug."DR. COULTER TO LECTURE.First of Series of Y. M. C. A� I.ecturesto Come Tonight.The first of the Y. M. C. A. seriesof lectures will he given this eveningat 7 o'clock. The speaker will heProfessor Coulter of the hotany de­partment, who will have as his sub­ject, "The University Man." Pro­fessor Coulter is said to be a speak­er who has always appealed to stu­dent audiences, and the officers of theassociation believe that his addressthis evening will be worth hearing.The meeting will close in time to en- .able the hearers to also go to themass meeting. ' BIG W. A. A.. RECEPTION TOFRESHMEN COMES TODAY.-UT.I87.·_• Gf.T THE. BE.ST"gO E.MADISON ST.TRIBUN� BLDG. StetsonHatsOperaHatsAll kindsof HatsatLowestPrices.SabKn"be NOW for tile IIarooD.Old Women to Welcome New Stu­dents and Beain W «it forNew Gymnasium.The \V. A. A. will this afternoon at4 o'clock in Lexington gymnasiumofficially greet new women students ofthe University in their annual Open inreception. Officers of the \V. A. }have arranged an attractive programfor the amusement of their guests.A feature of the entertainment willbe a basketball game between the Gi­ants an? the Pygmies. The formerteam Will be composed of tall girlsand the latter of small ones.To Launch Campaign.The �. A. A. will also t'ake ;hisoPPOrt.Ulllty of launching their newcampaign for raising money for thenew :wo�henT's gymnasium. .By agree­ment wit he Daily llaroon, it hasbeen arranged to give to the. gymna-sium fund a percentage of the pro-ceeds of all subscriptions to The Daih'Maroon secured by members f } -. • 0 t lCas�octauon. Committees will be ap-pointed to Scour the campus for allstudents who have not subscribed tothe paper.FRESHMEN MUST DOFFRATS, PUFFS, FRILLSSAY BARNARD SOPHS... No rats, puffs. transformationsswitches, curls or bangs may be wornby Barnard college Freshmen," bv or­der of the Sophmores. This i� theedict that has caused a. monumentalconsternation among the ranks of theBarnard college Freshmen girls,The Sophmores, anxious to inventa new method of refined and ingenioustorture for the entering Freshies, havehit upon this above idea, which is ex­pected to revolutionize the society ofthe college. Only an unusually �velldeveloped imagination can conceive ofthe probable appearance of the Fresh­men class when this order goes intoeffect.The Freshmen angrily attribute theorder to the fact that the Sophmoresare trying to destroy competition inthe heart line. They fear the effect'on their admirers when their actualhead measurements are revealed tothe rude gaze of the public., �. .. '. �. . ,. ."....,. .T. TOSTESENLadies'and Gents'TailorMakes a Specialty of U ni­versity Jtrade.Pressing, Cleaning, Dyeing,at lowest prices.Old No. 516 E. 56th St.. New No. 1005 1-2. "Phone Midway 863.E. A. HOLMEsThe Place to EatRestaurant,Bakery,Delicatessen,Cafeteria... __ ml tal a.. StrId •.. E. a.. 1trM..... .,.. .. 3_Drexel. Pharmacy. • • • A FairDeal- WithEachHat55th and Drexel Ave.The home of pure drugsToilet Articles andSundries •••••••A III III " StaaIiii, ...... , • .., .......Subscribe NOW for the Maroon.Subscribe NOW for the Maroon. We can supply every want in the drug line.We either have it. will get it, or it isn't made.JOHN J. McCLUGAGE; Ph. G.PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTPhone Hyde Park 1351140 East 63rd Street N. W. Cor. Lexington Ave.Have you noticed that anthe college men are smokingf�TIJlI4III CI�:rES -9To have become 80 -popular' amongcollege men without any special ef­fort to make them DOwn 'showsthat Fatima Cigarettes deserve thesuccess they are making.Smoke Sa few, and' 'you'll knowwhy Fatimas have m;ad� such a .hit.TremontThe one markedly distinc­tive style of the season.A D ROW·COUARS�"'-& �IS,.--2/tJr 25C•THE DAILY MAROO�, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1909.AmuSements. REYNOLDS CLUB .'.. " '. STARTS WELL-ILL I NO I S-THE THIRD DEGREESTUDEBAKERMONTGOMERY & STONE'''The Old Town," by ide and Luders.GARRICKLOUISE GUNNINGMARCELLECOLONIALTheatre Beautiful LAST W££I(HITCHCOCKRAYMONDThe MAN WHO OWNS BROADWAYPOWERSMR. J. E. DODSON�TH E HOUSE NEXT DOD RGRAND OPERA HOUSEFOREIGN EXCHANGE:McVICKER'S. THE BARRIERWITHTHEODORE ROBERTS. CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE;MADAME X�AUDITORIUM:THE AMERICAN IDEA. WITHTRIXIE FRIGANZA:------------------------------:WHI·TN.EYTHE CLIMAX:.==�======��lftomERN;'� MR. LODE OF KOLE"'=������===�BERT A.WlWAMS;GLOB.E.. T HEW 0 L FOLYMPICTHE QUEEN .::fE MOUUN ROUGEMAJESTICContinuous VaudevilleAMERICAN MUSIC HALLCON S U L G REEA TOoly F..dac.ted Chimpuzee Mand.MutewH�PAULINEDndop' Pri aad�. Camer-as aad K=t R:� aad �Cameras, KodaksPhoto SuppliesCentral Camera CoT ekphone 5963 Caltral179 WABASH AVE. CHICAGOSubscribe XO\V for the Maroon. Oar Home-mede Btald. Specidy. EftlJ'hiaa made 1a oar'" 1iaN KiIchea. Sudwichesaad IaDd.a � quickly. Come ill aad lee .. '1019-1021 East Slxt,-ftrst' $treet, near Ems. I,1FRESHMEN SCORE ONVARSITY IN PRACTICE StudentsStationery . forTHE LITTLE BOOK SHOP55th Street, Near Lexington Ave.100 Sheet Theme Tablets only 10 CentsUniversity Note Books 10, 15 and 20 CentsPENNANTS. POSTERS. PICTURES.Continued from' Page 1. Continued from Page 1.kicker with few superiors. He getshis punts away for 40 and 50 yards.\Vilson is playing end at present, butis also good at half. With Young atfun, Petersen and Springer at thehalves, the freshmen offense is strongon the ten-yard lines. Kuh, theUniversity high hurdler, is proving b'isability '3t quarterback. Although helacks experience he directs his playswith good judgment.Morrison SkillfulMorrison of Hyde Park. althoughhandicapped by his midget stature, hasa rare football head. He runs well inthe open and is adeadly tackler. Hehas been working at quarter and end.Lawler, also of Hyde Park, is gettinga trial at quarter.Two prominent candidates for theline are Carpenter and Sherman oflast year's Lake Forest Academyteam, which was champion of threestates. Carpenter has a giant's phys­ique and his team mate is remarkablyfast and aggressive. Hales, a ham­mer thrower from Oak Park, shouldfit in wen at guard or tackle. Othercandidates for the line who are show­ing up well are Charles Brown, aguard from Hyde Park; Goetter, Weil�nd Sellers of University High.Thompson of Indiana and Hoffman ofCrane. The latter man is a double ofhis brother, Art Hoffman. of the reg­ular team. He is heavy and fast, hav­ing been shifted to the back field dur­ing the last part of the high schoolseason.In a week the large squad will havebeen boiled down and a regular elevenpicked. The men will then proceed tolearn Illinois. Cornell, Minnesota andWisconsin formations.shape than it . has even been:' saidPresident Henry. "The usual renova­tion in the matter of needed repairsand varnishing have been supplement­ed by increases in the equipment andin added features of the cluh. A newlighting 'system has been installed inthe barber shop and all possible meanshave been taken to add to those thingswhich will make' the club one of thebest of similar organizations."The membership for the year asshown so far is good and bids fair topass way beyond the membership ofprevious years. The club. accordingto custom, has been put at the dispo­sal of new men during this week freeof cost. This period will close onOctober 11 tho \Ve hope that manynew men will join us for the year." OPEN T A. M. TO 9 P. M.Newand Second HandBooks ;'1� ":..�.;....r·_!...._ra..Woodworth's Book StoreF...tr lIIwItt'sNext to Comer of Klmbark and 57th Street.All Kinds ofUniversity Supplies,. Medical Books, Law Books •.Open Monday and Tuesday Evenings.NOT ENOUGH RELIGION,SAYS DR. HENDERSON.University Chaplain Makes Plea forReligion in Lives of CollegeMen.A plea for more religion in the lifeof the college man was made by Dr.Henderson, University chaplain, in hisaddress to the first senior collegechapel of the Quarter in Mandel yes­terday."I plead for religion:' said Dr. Hen­derson, "not as one of your electivestudies. but as a regular and perma­nent part in your college life.""There are two great interests inthe life of each one of us. the specialand the universal. You are sometimeslead to forget the universal interestsin your immediate special interests. 1am not declaiming against such inter­ests. They are essential, for everyonehas the duty of the 'hour which hecannot neglect. As a matter of fact.the particular interests -absorb thegreater part of our time and energy."I know the thought that comes toyour mind when 1 speak of religion­how narrow religion often is. Thatis often justified. You must be big­ger than any sect or creed. But thesect does not limit religion. I pleadfor a place for. religion in your life,not so much that you give a greatamount of time to religion, but thatyou make' the mental effort to culti­vate the power of holding communionwith the Power that rules the unt­verse for righteousness." HARRY HERRMANN,THECOLLEGIATE TAILOR91 Dearborn Street. Chicago.Tel.' Central 6803Kee & Chapell Dairy Co ..COMMONS ADVISES WAITERSContinued frlm Page 1. SUPPLYif the waiters live up to the advice andthe student customers co-operattr withthe Commons management in doingall they can to. help the waiters, theservice will gradually improve inspeed and neatness. The Freshest and PurestTOC·bASSIFIED_�RJlSING THE FRATERNITIES:THE QUADRANGLE CLUB,AND MANY OF THE PROFESSORSHOMESWANTED-A number of students torepresent us in the sale of our nat­ural Window Ventilator, which hasbeen pronounced by experiencedmen the most attractive and ef­ficient on the market Liberal com­mission. . Acme Ventilating Com­pany, 1700 Fisher Bldg., Chicago.WANTED-Experienced advertisingsolicitors for business staff of thellaroon. Apply to Business Man­ager. RELIABLE·MISS McDOWELL AND BOND.TO TALK ON SETTLEMENT. Investigate our method of handling milk. You will be Sleased­Milk bottled in the Country. Phone Oakland. 188 .4540-42 Champlain Avenue.Head of University Settlement and___ Erominent Ahmmaa·toLecture SUDday.TELEPHONESUse the same judgement in buyi� g a teleplone as you would in pur­chasing a cream separator or a team of horses. Buy only that telephonewhich you are sure you can depend upon. In other words, buy onlyThey are absolutely reliable-they can be depended upon for the best.of service day or night-good weather or bad-in emergencies or for ordi­nary business.To increase interest in the Univer­sity Settlement, Miss Mary McDowell,head of the settlement, and WilliamScott Bond. '97, for many years pres­ident of the Alumni association. willspeak in Yandel hall Sunday morningat 11 o'clock on "The University Set­tlement."Miss McDowell has begun a cam­paign for more workers in the settle­ment from the ranks of Universitystudents. and to further this end willexplain the nature of the work in heraddress Sunday.Bond has been connected with thesettlement since his undergraduatedays. He will tell of the benefit stu­dents can derive from this kind ofwork. WANTED-Live men and women foreditorial staff of the :Maroon. Ap­ply to News Editor.FOR RENT-Newly furnished rooms.Kitc,hen p'rivileges. 5716 Kimbark.ROOM AND BOARD in private fam­ily with no other boarders; homecooking, outside room, steam heat,gas and electric light. 6102 Ingle­side Ave., 1st flat. 'Phone llid"'ay2228. Western Electric Rural TelephonesWestern Electric Rural Telephones are of ·the same high quality as the-4,000,000 "Ben" telephones in daily us e, and are made by the same manufac­turers. This means the most reliable and economical service possible.\Ve have an interesting Bulletin. telling all you want to know about ru­ral telephone lines. Write your' name and address on this advertisement-s­mail it to our nearest house and we will send you a copy free.STUDENT' WANTEDTo take selling agency of FurnitureX ovelty in great demand for students'rooms. Dignified position, liberal re­muneration. Can make entire colle­giate expenses in short time.Folding Wardrobe Company,43 Exchange Place, New York. Western Electric"Write 001 Nearest HouseXew York •. Boston, St. Louis, Denver. Philadelphia. Pittsburg, Kansas City,.Dallas. Atlanta, Omaha, Chicago. Cincinnati, San Francisco, Seattle,Indianapolis, llinneapolis, Los Angeles. Salt Lake City.Xorthern Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd .• "llontreal and \Vinnipeg."MakeIYour Garden Glad."PLANT NOW ---TULIPS, HYACINTHS, DAFF ADILSCatalogue Free"Wintersons Seed Store, n4S Wabash Ave. - Chicago. University Bakery.Subscribe NOW for the llaroon.Advertise in the llaroon.Advertise in the Maroon.Phillips' F all Showing 338. East 55th Street.MEN'S HATS AND. FIXINGS