1':.�"(....... .; ... 1Ir. � aroon�VOLU.ME V.u.�No. 156. CHICAGO. TUEiJaw.. JUNE 8, IQ09.;;����;;'_�----'_""�--�=��������"""'��-''''''''�����... co. APPBARS; BAS BUTS I J� � • �D CIIAIR ,COI1£6E :SmEI.;Dea VmceDt'. J� Clau De- j at.ada�IIiDtJI;in �w.-98� ilWes ill ... 'II�EJIIS___ OIl Aarora aDd 'Gets ·Oat '. I IC1loMD--� � "4lso �-TwelYe-Pqe AftemOOD N�! cana�"tUm�. V.At4;� .iIl·Bis ·Boan. I :J:c:op«taDt ,Ann..,cwmem , .. 4e .� ,.. ' .ma,"IIIItt o.IId ,-.. ]uclae julian W. Mack, professor �fl· ..Ill -:Statt �_. .the university.law school, ,md)l �illi-Seventeen more or less inexperid I . I· t . th 1 diclate for re-election ,as _iu4.ge on theeaee JOUI11a IS s, composmg e c ass -u....-a W.-.L-which under the tutelage ofDean 'Vin- ·All Ooaudit-. .nIN.U -:at \ lIP" � Democratic ticket, was yesterdilY re-rmat A.nancem_ta .. ..we., elected to. the bench with 90,000 votes.cent has been learning how .to run a.. 0b0MD ' cu.rer.newspaper, descended upon the City Judge Gibbons was highest with ·l�.-. of Aurora yesterday morning read)' 000, and :Judge 'Mack stod ninth when'Ia'.i a ... meet. full of heart-breaking The .work-.of:the JUSlu,r ;Pr(un:QC)Jll' the results of the judicial elections. . to put in' practical operation the .Ies- .d';streaks of liard: luck '�Chicago: finished " mittee: is I coming ·.to one ,In'ansi-::Qt;a ·yesterday were .announced late ·lastsOos.they.had.leamed. .Dean Vincent'third' to Illinois and 'Stanford meet ! this ;woeek, .whal all! tile �1MI �U'R�' night..aaC!:the·executiYe editors for the oclast :saturday� The Maroon score 'W" < :,i ma1ts '.are _being ; cemlu� ·�nd ! t!;t: Judge Jes8e A. :Bahhvin, one. qf .tbecasion had come ..down on Sunday t· ,.. 1 .. �21, while' the Illini annexed 36, and : finishing ·toadIes IJaid ',4M1. t.1Je !�\ trustees.o! t)le .W1\V�rsjU' ,:�PA!a :&@d-.StaD·tord.� .'. '. prepare the way for the force of re, .week is;aIw.ay.s tbe�b1l5ieit.Af·alJ.tM� nate of thed)Jdr.l1p'�ver�i,y �L ... GN�a-. pUttets-and 'copy-readers who, promp;.-t- �,LU.· ct. wa.s-as.'fnuch with IlIinois.as from ·tbeJindications,� -to dat:e �lten go, ,<Wa5:.also elected. I� 'l!tOQ�!�r-ly at \bilf ·'Past . eight swept· down r....:II.. .it was against. Chicago. Every time the _grand, march .&.atts: next fr. .. ,,�,;)' teenth with 80,000 .�q�e�. ,_�Qt I of �Broadway,' and 'down Fox �Street to .:30 ha .. 1.._misf.ortune .. overtook .Chicago men, - eyening-;at:B· ! S fP: � Itatr�neues J·udges, elected. -J.u.dge J.lr�n�o .�a!>... the Island ancfthe o'flice of the Aurora .Illineiswasbenefired just so mach h' of:the function.haye- an �tt»ni\YtW re-elected to .�e S.upedor "C�,�rt.Beacon, whose staff had stepped' aside '�....Jit. W.hen "Stophlet went to. N".ces i:"l see sa bri1liaD.tly-apP$ABtcJlaa�:lar�y Judie :M,ack, ;)II'�_O ,is .pf(,)�iqel}t)n.,.- for the. occasion.the t'Wo�h.e�nd "Bill"·,Crawley fell atteaded:Prom. the work of social r,�op.n.iJl.tbe ��Q'.in the 'low hurdles. '111inois was en For ',five .bours after. that the town �The:.:most :itIM>�rtAftt: a."..��t ·and , is identified ...wi�h many' phikin.·was sco'ure'd ·for news, the twe1v� . f h k· h h d h .' h C··h:··�··�';"able(l"to�dd'sev�tarp()ints;to;its tb�i\1. 0 t e wee IS t at t e gran .�� th�opies .thr�g out·... ����' ... IS a" Not all, however, went;.against."thi- available.,p,ages.w(re filled and a. good �i11 begin promptly-at. half past eight �eDtber of the ,fa��1ty of �he la.wstart on this afternoon's paper W.--:S 'I Ie. Th' .. "'�.. A I d dca.g�:_ ��he rema�abl.. e, vistor!es of Al _o c OC :. IS .III-'NntUtye .eqK school, and has a r�a y m� e :an �n-Strane:�· N�learte .. in ttte.ad�"ht"� made with the':copy which had to' be will be:carried ·�)1Jt.to·.t:Ite',k-U-er' in or- �able record on the bench'i H'is e�ec:'• 'lr..... he'ld over. . B�':"hre' e .o'clock the work I d h Pdf h '. ,mad� ltl·IMk"for-:a"WlRle"s i£tcbic�o . J 1 er to assure t e_ r�mena ers 0 t e tion was opposed' by the ·party··· ma-had tH�:. Dlec£ ctiiCbe'd.·· �g-s :s.m8n was done and: the. staff watched with maximum of: enj.oY.ll1CULs.o. ial'.. as.1.Wle chine," but the ind�pendent' �oters'.'. remainid'iri!tJre!te:id;vWi\h "'Sl ..... d intere*tttbe .. process'of; making up the' is conc;emC(l. bailots pulled "him through. Judge ',The main idea in the modifi�ati'!.n,.;� :d6!e -1IP""e�41ntlil tbe:.bst events . forms .�nd .. st�reo�y�ng, then. wai.ed Smile7..;,to.!F ........ r Mack's hQlDe '1s '4830 Kenwood' ave: acoormn.g to those members of· the· '.: 'Witbi�llhtOist.,j..L.;nfto.· pite. �p points ..aDXiously.for.the . .first.cQpies from·the Th h' f S ·1 nue. '. faculty �ho have ,been �ost closely� e c olce c -eaterer ml ey . to in touch with the matter,. is to retainittifb a�h:�lte ',"c�bf Stephen press. . serve' the' Pl'em:·:foa,1s"",}ias,.mettiwith Judge I'Baldwin" the.·seczond .. of i�be ., . ..,itht.llilni!d !be: i{Stte j for�l'iJie..lJitm The paper was on the streets by . the heartiest, ap�.val....of .. theJ.nriou!t successful Universit)'.candidates�vgcad- the administrative advantages a�ord-� paign= team: 'St:litfOrtd f�ugbt';a-plucky four o'clock, :t. good half bour"before members of, tbe;;precn .. -cOOldlitleesJ.He uated: from· the-:: formerl University. �f ed by the s�all col�ege el_!ln; �nd· at. �. '" h B' d C k 0 1_p k h' the 'same time to refrain' from com-,�b>3ttl�;buf 'did 'not' have en.ough-nten t e eaa>n s· esteeme. contemporary. will,sene a;;four,.cotlrsei�unela-.nntiat hicago, and ma es a� a r. Is-res- ".,J, th N d -l-h h h .... ,b f pelJing the ·students to keep· up any�,to-get nrst: ',Two oftheir,men[Craw- e: ews, an wen· t at ·9 eet: ap twelve ,o'ClOCtk 1d,attn in !.HutllbinsOn idence. His-son.is-a-metn er 0 the "'. ,t f h . -r form of social organization which theyford aDd'Miller: had 'lridividuili honors peared· some 0 t e Important ne.ws Hall, the :611al: arrangements! asuSO "be Fresb,man class �£ .t�e..l]pive��jlY- .... .. ., ., " ..to • . f d I .t . b _.s . do not desire .. ' �'We'oo not, wish ·to� J to.'.thm.s�.l. y',e. s,. �a. ch:g'. etting ten points. s nes :were. aun .a so: 0 e scoop. menu· .audl the time)�ha"'ug "'-on. OOD- . '.Th .d· .. . 91· VIC fo�e any sort of social orp'niZation. ;'.;'.�:'."J ..�.� 1...�'L.- .u:ict·· o·r:.·' ' e lea 109 story, contalOmg warn- chided.'wit.h;'.bim·'·ye8ter..a_·. :.-should DVC!I'PODvl·'lAYVnTT.D1iII�-I'�. h d .h' h' -t'h' d" t.i:�' gu.� '''1 • £ th di I"fat"·' .... •.•. . A -3 �& A-a �'"C'f"""�,",'f� on t e stu ents w lC .. ey' o· no"'hi • I '. mgs.o . e· re .0.. �a'ltmg .urpra. ;the'evenmg· oii�e)·p.,m.tbo,inbleDulD\ �F L'AT � .... t::!. .... UPI' .&.TTnus . " .'� �go S' pO nts"tame"l0 the hun f h tt ttl ;."" 1.o",-...,..,..,r .&..,..,..�. AN".f" want," said, Dean {leorge; ·E.� Vincentdred.\ high "btarilles, .,ole'vault. 220. rom er a· erop s, 0 as.sess Icen:;e --a. 'pOSsibilitY .ltbat,.evet!)'oae euapt _� r... in discussing the matter yesteFdaYl.�'If, �hfgh.;jtidip. :�rr tJ*()w' ';lnd th('· ·fees- ?U-'seersland)�hsaye�� w�s_ n.e: tbe-.tUi�"cabbie'S"!..areip·n)lliog.i.MJUllllOt Conf��Aq ililce the stUdents want'to carry on their· �:" I'relay: Al;_�$h-a���_·.. e�tJ�t'. C�lcago . c��:�� �cl.��4:t.o,.ry. ,The .Ide:>, . ha__ppen, a 100B awtiing .ill bc'8U'MCh-.' , ... � __ ... ,...·011 "_aa1 Rank d ...... ..: .. , ath�ti·c _cHnt ... s,ts aud ��e. Jike .., .. ,.-�::.:..r..rr_ "r·';;; ...··.··a·:'lt··t.- --·--o·f·'·VIIi:=_� ....... t·. _ .. __ Ad"L-...:,...L:......;. ,.lL_ ... ��.. " ..... :._,.- .. $.'�-:�:._.-.. ........ .If..�.... --, •. - .,.. �� ...,.t I .,41\,..:KiUIWJ __ +.. .�::JD� -� _''''':'JIIo�aauu.c:I'H.i. �;�w- . .-cu;....-r.�� .. ....:.�.m _\0 __ .. ..: .. � •• � ' , -.. � , '. . ". �:r'� E"': � .. - .�-,-' .� .. � ..... "J,.. 0_- .. I cJraWit },y'.'GeoIrge.. :.,... Sheldon· of' .lb.. " ........ �. ·.;;:;-..-._.; .... ft ... -". " }s· O··11.LI..... - ... --:-..... .. ," " �;�-:.'� ���'�ecela��·,��r.&1fri1��r·��: . �.hD'·.'�cCc»i .. ·t.bbee.��ute,a'·�mi: UA:" -.;o-Q& D 11� I�' , • 1, •• / th . h to '" t" under tb __ .� • ' . ..�.••..·Iai... ·.cIt ca. nRd.. :the.'., ide.. '.j.. 0. fl.iccnt.-,:". c'L.�"':-��o;a' "'o·l�i.""'pOJll· :.&..l".;. ••• niu·,rv . -... \.. .. ey;-;was. ""a,,,!�.�.,�mP, . e-./. �: �le'��to;'tbf j<J.Y ;of� reqiapaetlts of'e-r. ia.ot.ti.et"... p1Iti.hc nU,I- ': to�thel.l- ";-'-�:o·�Q-o.J�'''''''''J�.tI�es-:'::' ·ne ��"�·r:��tee.; f:h�, �e. of, th�ir .classes they are ��.I)-,.�-.. ', e ·.boon-support· �s "by ',' -ttl·ng,· u.uK3�e ..... '" "twl ... aua -- nlul,-d·�v--' �S,tO..;anvUR·, .. t"'r.. � I f do Th 11..... "",-_t.Jl. ,"' •.•.. eo,: ... �.-nces·suc:hr"u'lWarers-.of_.blg ha.:s. _,. 'e. �,aa� __ si.l:'��·'ti·=:�r. ·, .. e�y.1 ��eto .. so .. emal!fr,,��.· �'i ·b. d ,,+JM:; 'lef�t; �f. Htnch a�d!_1»et-; book.apu�"'l:fans,.locomotive . ent. emDPtmtJoo. :. � .. �fIl.. :Y -'P. J.'WflS .be C;�ti�y: ,up. to the, studeq,ts. ��d-�. t1i��o :were: tOllfed. to gebfirst i whistJes�alldrlliclitl"sbow�.haTkers. . If· the--mmDltis'pteasant, bow"er, �t:QalhO:JA1�n�lDJ�����.o( •. �q_n� m.inistra��eiy J.h�re..;��l��llot be muchT': Ii·t.,.D.d .tbird� •.· -among �b� ... day:,.s �great i. L.�' '�J�efttiings :.re, tlle�inei-s -t�ts ��t1f�n !'th��.��nf�r�pCe;.�nJl.l�r:- change." . '.Tb � I f "d The eo11ll8DtlOI �1IeaciOtl·; Ligh:s··· '11 -"- d h Iri··· d &;i_A __ .I .- ... 11 t d ' J'" . .'.' . .., � e � was e�s 0 'a:' ope! . . WI W4U .. till er t e open s �s w--an .81� 1WfU'�eaes.,p'u �I_ e, Olf "C:Las-. "_11- c:; ·1. Un liM .,-' . Jae� u-Hcmch:and Pettigrew took! which is a regtdar·.feature of the mid from the gymnasiuJD, aJld a large item sociatiQIL ;Tbjs�ma��ItJJa�,�CMip.m;d . � ... �- .. tfmC:r- ..:. r·�rSt,�:Rtond. 'The'Ma'rOoll"cobnIin I' die -of:front,page:-�isbed.tbe, .great-' 0' expeuse...1ril1 ilhu�.be;.$Clved. some trou�le, in .. �f1e! .P�t,. and has ·An attempt .to de�mioCl tb� .. ;atti-:� '(�-itiv���llOt�� POi'll �hen �Ie est s�ope .. forqtJie �;i3 of the class .'!Tak:ab·!.tes"t�"d' �� tb�ten� �o��o so �pin, ��a�se of tude,of.the.atlldenfs.toward,the..:imel1·� � .. _.;..& ·th· d·' h- . I some Of the Par.igraphs:�Ontairied be the recept des;pe. '9f Waba·.sh. an� ,oth.. er college system was made by·the.Jac:- ':;� '�.. I.r '10 t IS ·event. .'. i" ....> "The arrangement with "the "Auto .. � ..'t""'_.J· '1 __ ,--.l.!ba-d -J.L ., log as foD�:.. '. ..... . uon-conference instituta'ons to 0_ ,tTI_ ulty -last, quarter, ,��d \ a lfJpmt;(l�Rm-• • LDC' m1 � ,"ulnn �'I:' ''''''",nller. pOint; . Taxi-cab Company to furnish c:on�ey- ,. .... �. . (" .......: ·:ifO:tbe· tGte whl!ri'- ClJIhstock 'ran' :t!. �e.. Atkiarid 'ChanceUot: .D3Ytr:e• :mc:es to and from 'the Prom, at rrick- pete;with those. within _the .confer��ce mittee.of)the J�!1ior:a�4�����,�n-� 1'6i.1Itiful rxe and got. third. . ·D,oh· ! ·tumed to ·America -·.by, the'. �.�� boa:. bottom' 'pn. ces irhkh.1-as ..... neaMed without obeyillg ,in _full, the c�n.f_er.���e eils was, appoipt,ed t� c���r\.:w�lh ,'!�!te. •1 t, w· ,- h d' '1...:_ . I i Look;out fOi":a:.new:-·-c. omic 'opera -en _'I__ faculty. :.R.ecolJ1men\lati�ns:��e.;.l»y.�:1IIleD. .0 IkOn SID. as' a &iceD eX-: last-week"is,the--easy.and,.ebeoan-osblu- �• .. 1..1 d· dd' .. _:....u'Ja d .... bl i ..... 1.: • fi ;. ti·d ..... d··"Tbe '�trap�o' f·Syracu·"se." It' thiS comlDlttee .. lDc D,,� ,_:pn ',� .. m5»n.,II''"''�II:OUo. a no troa e Ii lilAlnlt· I'st.1 �.;:JiII ti'on of the . .-ns--..t:-.n •. p·r;;.,L. • ..:..:...., ,�. a...a.: ofi.Cp�.• �• .�. I U. ... ..... _"'" UUIeIII to ,the changes :u;aade.�t�.r:9ay ... JP�tmS{·wriile-:Bau,barely beat Co�toC� to: whether the weather be good or·bad. ":Ia. reprd·.to �bc:pJa"t.er,,·.twollis.ts for a. cou.neil made .•. up .of .. a:epre�ta-('t� tape.. .. DITERSCIIOLAS1'lC"JlC)U The :r.ates>.Wbich·the� haVCslplOHcLfor .were:,pr�par� Ithoifirst;,�f: tnQSe ,in- tives from the .classes,.i�tead .. oLthe';'. � - , Crawlq WIDS aDd I.:o.a... '-ARJ)" BD:ft'ORS·A't�CLUE the; bcmefit,()f, tJIose.J�u)J atunw dae stitutions.� wJa�h ·.are,:d�ljned�.Ols ;�f c:oll�ges, and .. h�ding·:.·p.ffi.�·�)�r;��e�. •· ...1i'ihMeyi·s�id�it;�day;!in: ,___ Prom. are �s foJlaws:·Fiit31 �nts;.f6T rank eqaal. to,·,eopferenc� CQI1�gcs. year .. instead .of .. �wollq�t:'ters":.fls;.t=Lthfiae s_p�·bY""IritmiIIgl'?f1ieii"fIi1Jhh ... br- the first mile;-and forty�cents for each TIaese';lIlDSt observe!: the: �£erfPce present.· This. �t �ast f�c,)��e ,p.r:es-��, �tlily. �ofn·ltbe1�hrWrtmt\tteSl""e additional mile after the first, and.Jhe nle-ia.fu11:iLthey;desire �Q.cmJJPC:te ent •. will not. go,into·�lIcct.·'j�'-,tiiat:f.''''atIcl'1ostHris! strid��n -distances . are. to' be reckoned only with�the c:enfeljCn.ce."Qiversit�s.�'l'his�the first,�wl·_�s. �ardsf!ttJ�. l when the patrons of the taxis are ac- list. ,comprises �Aal�s,: DJ;a,ke".��1'\sas.�=� hal��fr 'the e&1ft"Se'.f1e. �n .�ol --- tDI1y inside the conv�yance. . This )lalli_He,; MidJigan .,.Agri�ult�al,i-ts .... e• ... d«'WttltL. dtnhl. '." AIt4t0�h! :rhe interSchOlastic �. fobs _.' for this ··fat1lre.,. �d" with· the, announce- IlisaDari;; Notre. J>.me, ·.Ne�a.ska,.�St.llluf.·6anuw1y.-escaped;4iting'erlad OVer I �s event"-,WUet pJacedA;n �Sale at ment·tbat.tbe.taxismay . .M.or.deredby Louisaad W.as�n. ! A..':CcqneJ lis.:·�.b,t._e.ofld1e.otfR"'�9o-fte�:o.nel' I�e :.R�1ds dub ··Yesterday. Inas- Ball throach the Faculty Exchange was. pRJ)8.red . of,· CQ)leges. wbich,;.,wi1l. l)br1ritbo'at'�nyinj'ary. "McCuttbeon maddI�,as .a�larwer�JiaJDI,e� �of: .bigll to the Maroon bftic�, or at 'the Daily be allGw;ed •. tG. ��pete, ... on: c.qndition;.�. cIat�1horse from the U�v�rsity of Sdaobl Dien are �cied to-attend the )laroon oIice itself, has met with a ,that.they .ob�.r:ve�t.he .FresJunan,J;Ule.• '�JI)rado; nn· 3 pt�tty ·nce aad\W'onl . comiog-,mCet '-than. were. here last lIrarty raponse:ftoiD. all the .. men in- TJaia: jnc)qdes .A�9.ur, �e19jt. __ Dt:f"1itst; � Beck bf 'Iftmois took' sec-I -)ar':UI'ex!ra'sUpplyild �o OI"dffed terestedin bow to eet to·the Prom. Paill. De� raJaw, l{n.ox,.J�.ke: F,oreslODd. . .' II SO as to meet'the increase-in: demand. �teea Meet: �' •• , aad.,Waba$h.Mi1I� or SQ�foht.fJad liitle diffic:ul- III�:dlis�r's..foh differs. from �. Since the middle of last week the .s.Mish �:,,�.J��ts.17 'in· the bU· mile.· ... bere h� :Ied hi!', tbat·of·.last YNr'id'�ing oval instead CDmmittees in charge of 'the PrQm. '. In «cIer ·tG' avoid. :difficuJ,ties ,;.andfield sevent yaros. -'"Hull of "llinne-I of··4tiamoiad shaped. aDd' the material bave been IlleClin, .ev.el")l .. day to fur- possible. dispates, , the �lcommiheesota and· Rohrer . of Illinois fought, is bI'ass instead of copper. This thet the- -alTllllgemmts' for, 'he decor- �eed. O()n a . .uniform .orMr: of. track,.rd ." lQrd for second. and the for-I "cIwage : in matetial was m�de by· the arion and maiialrement''''or'tlie ·dadce. ·nentl' for .. dual . meets. �The .regula-mer secured the three points. ! • h ha h d h .II· Car h·j COI8IIIIiUee- •• o. ve a .t �.maaer � ISS ey. w 0 IS the chairman, of lion -order:·in-:the:,future . will .be· as..';�, ·Rot,.a.:e. in :cb&rwe'� Rc:aase' it . is: -expected tha.: the decoration' committee� 'has bten .. follows:: tOO-yard ·dash,. mile .·�n: -220,Th� 44O"was·:tbe'·�Tett�st race o� . the brass w111 'I'daill' its natural ap .. kiDg.:ltftIID01Isly .. with her a�;st- yard dash, 13l-yard,,burdlcs.·.�y;ard.. 'the'·-d2y. -At'the- start· ,Wyman "and: pannce all throach the year. The.. mts;n·-order to··ban :�bing.'in _(RlIIp-two-mile..run. 23}.-yard hurdle�.MiJJer of Stanford and Captain Han-I' f -price of the. � .is .twenty c:ents. . .ftHioess., (or .. the .�verii;'''�and. -Chair-. ..880-.,7ard ,r:an. • .In. add.ition, the rulesley of miaoiJ''J)olled: awa1 �ff'om th("! Two sets. 'Of;· poflers have beer.' � maD,. Crall'lcy of the arrang�ments· in regard to Freshmen making uprest of the field: The California team·1 pnme4 aDd also two 9Orts> ·of. button�.:. : committee has---beell equally as dili! - conditions. were· madc-Iess slrenuott�,'mates': had· the plucky' ,Jllini boxed: -Oa.one.of.&bese buttons.arcthe words : gent. .. alld·tamis was·recognized as a con-� ·bat'he'lUc:ce�d�;jn'beating''<1bt Wy�· ,"Oh. �iaterscholutic.", Trh�se.wi1l.'" . 'I }ueuce sport.;,manl: for ''Second'''wbile' ;Miller·. 'Wa� .'-be giftn to anyone, wh()llapplie9� for The.II09tar Board :Club at! the Uni� ------first. :. them at tbe .clab. ! The others I"e:ld \' versity of Wisconsin bas the honor The ,honor. "system is to be intro·,;Eif !Hdbble"surpm�d :an by tyini "latUSdiobstic"·(bladc)'.,'lbe.therc. of beinl''Per_aps'tbe�,first ,Hldent so�.· :' duced into all departments of WiJI·with Ritchie 'of Illinois;' Engstrom of for' .... Oaieago... (maroon) '-June' 12"', : eicty to 'give a scholarship. >1'bis : ia� and II • ..,. COllege. It has been inI� ande-MarJcley �"'lamNor sec- "(w.Ck).· � scholarship is awarud to a girl in tbe .�opei'ation iii leYeral:..departments forODd. 'tWa • ....,..added: fivrt)oint� 10 ·.Eigbt·lnItldredtoftbese baMons have 1 Junior class. . 'sOme time.lIJi�".ota"��t.lfdiftlf.tle bar at ......__ .'.�� _-�. .� .. � . .ec1IrCQ. .. iIIIQ. .... 1I .be given to5 � 10 incIIes... diose who sign:· .the· lists signifyinrScott 'of, Sr_f�d· and "Bunny" Ibm iDtntion.. to"attend ;the .·meet'Rogers engaged in a pretty duel in Both sets of buttons arc about anthe' pole vault. which lastea almost an inch and a half in diameter and have.(C M.dI Be. on Pap 4) a IIIU'OOD border aDd stripe. . '{I."" ..•••••. p/,.at.. -�.. �.� .. __ CE 18 �1IIIIs·'. ,.:. � . .all 'II·IIID PUCE:V.mal�Score stud., I1IiDoia 36, Stm­foreS' =- Cbicqo 21-HardLuck MarOODS' Fate.."!. ' 'ttn.iftaIa. of .Dope Feature of 'lIeet-Straube aDd Earle Get Points i I.in . the- DMhea.:, :.. .' .• ' 0' t:. ...A change- .. �h, is ,to' go:_:into;cf-.feet in the Yale law and:, .. �dical-tdrools' tint ..,.ear- will··be ·t&-·reoqwiretwo years of college work for en­trance. -;. A biD is pend�nl: in the Wisconsin.Ieaislatare which if passed win pro­- ·M.·lor a-tlaoroagh- investigalion. ofthe secret societies in the state uni­ftJ'Sit}'..... :!.., Price Two �nts.llKUlt, Acta OD RecolJUDel1daticma, ofJoint ·Faculty and StudentCommittee.Seeks to Refrain From Forcing Any. F� Sociai Organizationoil the Stu4ents..Coll�ge meetings will be held here­after. only. on special call of the dean'of the college, instead of the weeklyassemblies with required attendancewhich have been on the University'sprogram· for the last four years. Ac­tion to this effect' was taken by thefaculty on Saturday, and Followed an�a1lStive investigation' of the excel­ience and deficiencies of' the divisioninto .colleges .which has been in force; for' four years.'.... At the, same. time it was decided todivide' th�-. stUdents i,n equal, rium�ersamong the eight col1eges, instead ofattempting to group them accordingto curriculum as has' been .d�e�bere-. tofore.• •••• 1ALUlllfAE TO: BREAKF.AST ,. ·IIEXT· SATURDA YlMORNUW:Women of .Seaicw C"_lllrited. tQJBe, Pnseat at,AiIair.iD·.,Quad-. raagle' ·CIIlb.·,All women· graduates of,. the Uni­versity as weI], as the women .of t.heSenior Class are· invited to be .presentat the annual breakfast of the- ChicagoAlumnae Club at lQ:30 ·o·c1ock: Satur­day June 12, at the .Quadrangle. .dub.This is the only gathering :of Chic�gowom�n at Convocation. timc, and. isone of thc important meetings of :.thl·spring exercises.· There wilth� � spc­cial progTam Saturday and :tall�s hyMiss Talbot. Miss Breckenridge ... :l� r�.George Sikes" Mis� Ortmayer. lli:,sRoth and Miss A11in.All women arc urged to attend allllto send their names to· Miss Louisl'Roth, 224 Warren Avenue. by. Thurs­day, as reservations wi11 have .to hemade with th-e club steward .by�.thattime.A special car is to he run.f_t'Qrn: �l'\\"Haven to Chicago on June -22 in ,�rc.lcrto provick accom()dations Jor, Yalemen coming home.A new cbapter of Sigma,C�i ir;.ler­nity has bcen installed at WabashCoJleger.... Indiana.� ..... :. . '" r. �\.. : ........ : .... y':',,', '",- . -r '\�'r-" ,�'1'11& 'DAILY MAROON, ,�AY�, ru,Nlt. 8, ,191». : ."1THE DAILY MA�OON,'fte' Olndal 8tudeDt PabUeat1o. of tbeUalYenlt7 of CIa1eqo., . Wormerl.� 17a1wenIQ ., Qkap • ....,.1'0aDdedTM· W_kl7 •••••••••••••••• �ber 1. um.Tbe o.n.1 � ••••••••••••••••• October 1. 1IOZ.EDtere4 .. 8eeoDCl�'" IIaII at tbe CIll·� Poetolftee. CllIeap. IIllDO'" llareb18. � uDder . .Aet of IIarda Ie una.Publ1abe4 4all.. ueept 8ali� IIOD-da". aad bolldQ. durlq tbI'ee qauten.. t tbe UulTeralt7 "ear.a.beel'lpUea P .......... pel' 7 ; ,LItfor &lane u... aaIIeedpU he4 .aTIle Gmee ••••••• :alla BallpaUTON F. OA88 •••••• -....s-. Sdltor�VIN J" AD&II8 ••••••••• �Ne •• E41torN. A. PFIm'.-&a ••••••••••• A&JaJeUe lI:4Itol'A. L. FaJD8TSDf •••••• B ....... ---..1'THO&. B. MlLL!a ••••••• CIn1ii.tIo ......WOIlBN .... BDloro ..wU lioil�' R. CarrolLA880CIATB BDITOas.A. G. Wbltfleld '. OarKraYe A. LoacH. Felaeathal Vanee O. Appel. IlSPOaTSIULII. F. CarpeD1er A., Loth110_ LeTltaD, R. �. Dal.W. 8. Ll07d 8.1'. BUlaC. W. Waabburae W. s. FoaleMorris H,Brigg,_s o_._C_lareaee BurkeNe •• eGatributiou. ma,. be lett at EIll.­Oall or Vaeult,. Es.ehauce. addft:ae4 toTb� Dall,. ·Maroon.Occasionally 'the optimists' justifythemselves, and Judge Mack·s. re-el--eetion to the circuit benchJudttt �! IS one' of the· occasions.Ilack'IS ". Chicago did herself dis­mec6ori! 'tin'ct credit in returningJudge Mack, while his de­feat would have cast no discredit up-on him. 'Judge Mack has made. his namestand as that of one of the most ableand most fearless judges on the bench.The city would have felt a distinctloss i�.his retirement, and if his Hy(1ePark and University friends accom­pUshed anything in their efforts to aidhim they are proud of their work.--_11I,IiUIi.1� I" ';I WJailie;� ��� �Dges, in- undergrad­uate organization which the student.. -...... ,�, ::'commiitee' on the 'matter� h�d. ady.ocatcd wer� n�tSteP In adopted by the faculty last'Ad� Saturday, most of the re-- strictions, on student initia­tive iii:, this respect have be-en re­movect.:�arid;:h remains for ,'the' stu­dents to make plain the wisdom of thef�er modifications which they de-sinl.ost important of these is thec:baSlge advocated in the student coun­ci1s'by which they shall represent 'theclaases and hold office for a year in­stead'!of the present representation hycoliege, '-divisions with a two quartertemL The ·Maroon believes that thisfurther modification is inevitable. Theelections til tne senior Council held atthe beginning of this· quarter were aclear enough indic�tion of this. Thetwo divisions whicn' contained all theregular' m�mbers of the Junior andSenior' classes furnished keen compe­tition for office, but .three of .the othershad : but one candidate apiece, and thefourth.1iad 'only 'two. Representationon such a basis' does not mean much.The council is .further hampered bythe constant changes in personnel andthe continual reorganizations causedby tlle quarterly elections. Thus eachquarter of the council's work mustbe complete in itself, or be begun allover' again every quarter. Most ofthese deficiencies would be remediedby a council representing classes andwith members holding office for ayeM.The faculty has probably acted withwisdom in doing only a little at atime, but the next step is inevitahle.·DAILY BULLETIN.Fencibles will hold election in �ta­roon Office today at 2:00 p. m.Junior 'Day Medals may be seen atthe. Information Office of the Rey-nolds club.Blackfrian are to hoM initiationand banquet tonight at 6.30 in theGrand Pacific Hotel.Student Volunteer' Band will met'tthis evening at 7 in Lexington. �r.Sharman win lead confere�ce on mIs­sionary work. Open meetmg. -POSTPONB vaTs 'ON HONOR.8YBTBII TILL N�T yEAR'.'StlMlmta Ba� ;;Yet Had Tune t�GIft Qaeai_ Proper Con-, . .weratioD'., ho��r Sy;;:;:'m ., � vot�don today. as was. originally planned.ADnouncement was made yesterd�ythat consideration of the question willbe postponed until next year. T�eftUOa gino was that students lJaveDOt bad sufficient time to give thematter consideration, and the risk ofha-ring it voted down is too greatUDtiI more agitation is ,worked up overthe constitution. :"We feel," said one member of thecommittee yesterday' "that our con­stitution is not yet perfect by anymeans. We are constantly being con­..meed that changes should be madein the constitution, and more will sug­gest themselves with longer consider­atiou. We want to do this thing right.Once the 'question is put up' to. thestu�nts it should be in such shapethat it will receive practically unani­mous support of them. At present itcan claim nothing like that. All in all,it is too big a matter to be settledwith SO short a time spent in deliber-ating."·11 .'Prom"AHHOUHCBIIBNTS.. J1IDior PrOm. will be held Friday.Glee Club will hold election w-e­nuday morning at 10:30,ConvocatiOll Tickets may be se­cured Thursday afternoon.JUDior Dq EYents will take placeFriday morning at 9:00 o'clock,'Seaior Oratorical Contest takesplace Wednesday at 8 p. m. in Kent,SodoloU Club meets Wednesdaymorning at 10:30 in Cobb LectureHaIL..- Railroad Tickets including sleepingberth and trunk checks may be ob­tained at the Information Office.Intencholaatic will he held on lbr·shall Field, Saturday at 1:30 p; m. Ad­mission SO cents or a season ticket.w. A. A. Banquet will be held inLexington gymnasium Thursday at6:00 p. m, Tickets are ROW on sale.Sizth Annual W. A. A. Banquet inLexington gymnasium 6:30, Thursday,June 10. Tickets on sale at Miss Dud­ley's office, $1.25.SeDior ClasS Programs and an­nouneements are on sale in Cobb cor­ridor daily from 9:30 to 11, 12 to I,and 3 to 4 o'clock.Commonwealth Club will hold irn­portant and final meeting of quarterWednesday at 10:30 3. m., in Cobb3A, election of officers.Junior College Chapel will assembleat Junior Class exercises Thursdaymorning at 10:30. Attendance of menand women is required. .Cap and Gown Subscribers m�y ob­tam theix:. copies between the hoursof 9:30 and 2 o'clock in Cob hall cor­ridor. The price to others than sub­scribers is $2.50. Get�'_'"" Junior'Very many students who .Are behind in their wo�kCan turn the.Summer to' ..AcoountbyTaking Clrr"I •• 11C1 ClnsIn desired subjectsOffered by the UII,.n1ty. lctNow! ! ! Haye as Make'Yoar Dreu Sail"WE KNOW HOW"100RE & IlARlNGTON CO.Tailors.,441 wt, 63rd . StreetBetw .... ·WoodIawQ &. KimbarkAvesHIGH SC.L ..COUISE COURSES. John Drew said:" If anything can be a ne­CeMity - aDd a luxury at thesame time-it's good clothes:ClotheS tailored by ��NicoU . Systemare a luxury-at the price ofa necessity. '.One-balf the Work for a Bach.eIor Degree .ma,. be doDe.,,. Correspondence. ..... uintThe University of C_,Cobb HaD. 7 A. CHICAGO. w..The Place for Home Cooking-.' TheVarsity Cafe474 \ �iI·· '':\5th. Near GreenwoodCALL OFF GAME BETWEENVABSrrY AND EVANSTONLoss of Twirler Necessitates Actionby Northwestern-Will RemainTlip1e Tie in Conference. .J. G. COLVILLE S A. DUNLOPThe baseball game scheduled thisaftemoon betwen the Varsity and theNorthwestern Univer.sity at Evanstonwas yesterday, called off. Jacobson,the star twirler' of the Purple nine ha:.left the team and consequently theyare badly .erippled, This match wasto have been, played early in the' sea­son. but was postponed, on account ofraiD. As this : would have. been the,.last contest of t�e :year,. t�� S�ilSOR. �s:4D���g 'i� .t��·:C��e�� ��iJI:�n:main a triple 'tie .. betweeli � J.>.urdue, .•Chicago and Illinois, as it· is. n()w tOD.;late to attempt play.i�g, off this: tie:Mr. Si..iIl" will a�w C deiefmine . tll�: '•. '." Iaverages of tht;, .vari��s:. ���e�. oj ;. the team, and this will be publishedlater. , . ..., WILLIAM ..IERREMS· SONS.CLARK' AND ADAaS STREET�.MAKERS ,01: MES'S CLOTHES.Spring. and Summer, Suitings and, Overcoatings BOOK BARGAINS. Just issued. Mailed Iree on requestcatalogue 01 bot -ks. Mostly' second-hand-some new- SUOIC scarce, � AI. desirableincluding Americana and Miscellaneous.LOUIS DANZIGER; ". 3106 P�irie Ave •• Chi�gQ,. :TIlt; Book' H'unters Reson. OpenE,venmgs.. .WOMEN ATHLETES TO DINEBanquet of W. A. A. Thursday Prom­ise to set Record-Jlany. FacultyMembers Interested-Emblems WiltBe Diatribated. In all the newest s�drs and co� arenow.displaYe4 at our headc.uane;'Suite 400-185 Dearborn St.; :'�r·" • OUcago ' . .�e \rili.�· pl�: ,ri show �. t�' �riu\. ". '.':';. .' '!Spring O.en:.OalS. Light Dark;or Medium'Suits. Fancy Vests, EteningDress; r,'. English Morning Coats,. , Prince Albens,Trou.�n 'A�� Ihtulop. Ulailor. 'Pbone·Ce,ntnal2168 .. � . ; � � ,IN AND SEE US BE·FORE IT IS 700LATE TO BE sA TIS­FleD.The WonteD;!; Atlifeirc: A��iationwill give their eleventh annual ban­quet in Lexington gymnasium Thurs·. day night at 8 o'clock. . On this occa:­sion the cup, medals and baiulers: wi.'� presc:nted to the successful'tea�,and individual medals will··he;;· pre;"sented to those women who :have wonpins in four consecutive years.'Teams That Profit.The cup will be awarded to the bas­ketball team, and the banners tri thehockey and baseball teams. To allwomen who have been successful inmaking any of the teams pins will bepresented. Miss Mary Heap 'OS, Flor­ence Chaney 'OS, and Helen Peck '09,wil be· the fortunate recipient of in­dividual medals for having won, pinsin four consecutive' years, the firsttime this has ever been done.Among the guests who have beeninvited are Dr. William G. Andersonof Yale University, 'who was-.presentlast year, and several faculty ·member!'and their wives. These include Pres.­ident and Mrs. Judson, Director andMrs. Stagg, Professor and Mrs. J. H_Tufts, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Boynton.Is Cloee of Athletic Year.The W. A. A. banquet will ma·rk theclose of the women's athletic activitiesfor this year, and will bring out alarge number of the alumnae. The af­fair has always been a success, andis thought certain to be one this year,An evidence of its success is the factthat at the first banquet, but fifteenguests were present, while last yearthere were one hundred and five. Aneven greater attendance is anticipatt'don Thursday night. LET USnlVE YOi.]'THE ADVANT-AGE OF oUR EX-,Senator Aldrich, having. pUlled. t.hewool schedule over the eyes of hisc;oUeagues, is now engaged i.ii· .raisingcotton. . . - . ,Bargains·. aU.'the·: 'timeRel�b1t; ,:Rebuilt Typewriters. all makeS:rebuilt In. our own factory; better and'cheaoer than others. Ser for yourself.THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE319 Dearborn SL A. J. CQU8E, Mgr.r.Te�.H.�D"'o; PERIENCE-. DROPThe class returned to Chiago onthe four thirty car, arriving in 'the 'cityshortly after six o'clock.Congress is trying to decide whetherto do the country by a duty. .. ()r, do aduty by the country.A STliL. OF QUALITY_BALDWIN-MADEPIANOS AND 112. Eo 'PLAYER PIANOS /-/ � ,ntIS ut .i.u.r.iiiis, IOII1S 'The-Union Hotel 'andThe coet. of tbe Baldwin·made R t tinstruments is no higher tban isoften. paid fo! Inferior inakes. 8S auran .Quahty c:onside� they are by D_...LL.LCarthe Most Moderately Priced 111-117 � StreetInstruments on the market.To assure yourself of tile best,treatment buy. of Daily Marooa a� �Yerti�s.FOWNESon the clasps means quality, in tbe II OIir Te,... .f Pa� .. 1It .10 al ..PluM V_.Please pay us a visit of inspec­tion before concluding a pun:&ueelsewhere. THE POPULARPLACE TO EAT:ither before or after the th9tre.We make a specialty of Cluband Fraternity Dinners.GLOVESThe Baldwin Co. ChocOlates..�MANUFACTURER267 -269-- Wabash Ave.·Sans Souci Park Theatre. ��for= 25,50 75c i :'tr-."3.� 25 SOc_ ::�In.��INGNed s..iay ..... t FAaa w.a.c. ....... �"Seab at 'Lyea • a-IY .. and fine bonbons famous through­out America, put up in beautifulboxes suitable for presents at 25c.40c and 60c per pound."A pleaseCI customer is 1M bestadvertisement. .,DI IJlpll_1d BIlk CI.,.' Not IDe.la.z& E. VaaSlIra 51.,CHICAGO, • IWNOIS.Books 0.. Psycholology, Scienceand Theoso�h"y'.CIRCULATING uBRARY.If its adftniHd ia The Maroonthat'. aU 7CMI Deed to bow. 212 STATE ST.THE.DAlLY.MAROON, TUESDA�, JUNE 8,1909 .... ·�YACAnoN.IS ;i". good time in which topay .for a ty�"·ritei·. Makearrangements with me forany machine you wish '-I can save you 25 per cen tto 50 per cent on type-write�" zir. _ " - .My �p�cjalty is the FOXTYPEWRITER, NEW.ISSOto *75 .. ,' : t!.·: .__ . Medals for the Junior Day HandiC' ., S·.., � ... -:--. -� '.. ,.. 01 c_- cap Meet, the entries of which close:eo. tarrmg, ::ACENT today, are on exhibition at the luror.56 Middl,: Divinity Hall "mation Office and the Reynolds club.'.'{:jj There are eighteen of them and they'1':::' 1 :', ;� :e�:r��u��:r��l�)I�:�:/la::�!.- -lt� - . fat, men's race. The prizes made of- bronze of the victory design with :1round emblem bearing the Chicago"C" and the inscription "] unior DayL I Meet 1909." They are without doubt------- ... ----.. the best medals that have ever beenl00-yard dash, 22(l-yard. dash, 120,yard high hurdles, 22O-yard :low' hurdies, 44O-yard dash, 88O-yard run, I-t, ; --. ,. _ _ .�. ,.; • mile run, shot put, hammer throw. dis-.. !.�AILO� FOR YOllNG MEN' eus throw, pole, vault, running highTWQ Stom':' I � I L, Salle Street, ' i-u;mp, running broad jump, half"':�ile, . aAfl 44 J.tcksnn Boulevard, _ relay race between the classes of 1911and 1912 (4 men on a team), fat tn'en's . -Check events you wish to enter onthe left. Place your best perform-· ances in the events checked, on the, right. If you have never performed in: any of these events, ·state what youthink you can do.In case an attempt is made to. mis­· lead- the handicapper, the entree will'. be thrown out and the fee forfeited.�yo�:. A fee of 5 cents will be charged forFor .each entree over two.All those who have not been -in col­lege three quarters (summer' ��'�rte�'excluded) will be classed as . Ftesh�I'm� .All those who have been .in ccylegemore than three. and less th .. " six.quarters (summer quarter excluded)will be classed as Sophomores:--Beautiful bronze medals will be giv­en for first place in each of the events.including the relay. Bar ribbons willbe awarded for the second and thirdplaces. '"Track and field events will start at9 a. �.,' sharp. Contestants m�st.��e-·port to the Clerk of the Course notlater than 8:45 a. m.Yuu are cordially . invited todrop 'in 011 us today. .O� specialinterest is a large showing ofFlannels in the smart shades ofgray and blue. .These flannels are between thelight 'weight outings and the usual.worsteds.They are light and - cool-yetcontain enough body to take' the ':tail�rill�. $30 to $50Pr1ce�, _ ..R� we· al'eoffering •special line- of woole:l1Sc tailoredinto well':'ma.de school ;auits for$30. . ,� Come on in-:-toda}' � .'Two stores,IT may' not make-any differ­ence to you what your- Clotheslook like. but . the chances' aret�at vou.want. asmuch s,ty.le�as much, ,c;:\f�ra�ter - as . muchquality- as 'much' all aroundworth in. your clothes as_ allother College men.-That being the caseshou,ld'callon,us at once.y�u " ,,'\"e feature a ..: .($35 ·SUIT.";. .Watterson.«Southward.....REAL TAILORS....... ::153 La Salle �I.t- .:A double-header: suppon The Ma­roon by 'patroni�ing Maroon adftr-titers. ' ENTRIES F()R JUNIOR DAYBAN-DIcAP CLOSE TO�IGHTEiabtecn Broaze lIecJala Now on Ex­,hibitiOll, Will � Given forF'snt Places. HOCKEY- SERIES NOW EVENWITH SENIORS' VICTORY--'_Juniors BeateD in Stubbc;mly Con­tated Game. 2-1-DecidingCluh Friday.Senior women yesterday put a stopto the selfishness of the Juniors in try,ing to monopolize championships. 'Theoccasion was' the second hockey gameof the series. The Juniors were con­fident on account of their first victorythat they would humble their OIUClrivals again. The Seniors for theirpart-well, they won, 2 to 1.At the end of half number one Jun­iors led 1 to 0, the goal being madeby Miss Ames. Then the Seniors gUlbusy and ran their opponents off theirfeet, scoring two goals, through t hework of Misses Rowbotham and Ir­win. Meanwhile the Juniors failed toregister.The final game of the series, whichwill be at the same time the most ex­c:\ting and keenly fought, will beplayed off Friday morning, Junior day.Many of the fair rooters are planningto be on the field to : cheer the con­testants on.This is the season for' the annualdisplay of Horace Greeley's Tribuneoffice sign, "College graduates andother horned cattle need not apply."BARGAINS IN STATIONERY100 sheet Theme Tablets, 10 cents'each, two for IScSets of four College Posters, cutto •• .: •• � .•................. ,SOcUniversity of Chicago bond tab-iets •••••• _._ ..•...•. 10c and lOcEmbossed Stationery, U, of C.per box •••.•...•............. 3ScHandy Outfits, 200 cards, index. and box •• _ .••..•.. � . .45c and SOcThis is a great saving,THE LITTLE BOOK SHOP4J4 East Fifty-fifth St.'New Line of Arts and Crafts Jewelry.AiG.Spaldi�g &. Br�s, cue the LargestTHE, Man ufacturersSP ALDI HG in the World ofTrllle-Marl OFfICIALEQUIPMENTi ......... .-..a-w_.Names Will Be Added Up to 5:30 P.II.-H.ncticap Ready for AnnoaDCement Soon.FOR AU.ATHLETICSPORTS ANDPASTIMESIF YOU ��cH��:ed an.'thletic SPOrt youshould hue a copyof the Spalding c..:ata­loeue. It's a com­l!I�h' .'ncyc1oPt-dia ofWIld'. New ia Sportand is sent Iree on_______ ._. request.S ... of. QaIty.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.147 W ..... A...,CIUcaao-100 Encr:a'",.-d Cards of your Dame �1 25in corl'Kt script. incladiDIf plate -II. .300 .. sllIIS IJ Cillill ca�s $1.00HYNSON,Palmer HOU8e LobbyPhODe CeDtn16107I f its advertised in The Maroon itsreliable., given for the Junior contest and, wi .. hthe addition of sixty ribbons that willbe given for all places and 'for thewinner of the Girl's Hockey match., make the day's games worth going.In­to.Handicap Closes Tonight. : ' IEntries, for the meet close 'at S :301p. m. tonight and all those who ha venot already entered must do so t04ay,:The entries may be given, to a�y: �'f'the members of the athletic c�nllnit�tee or be sent to Box 0, Faculty Ex­change. The list of handicaps wiifbcmade up by Mr. Stagg and N' ormanBarker and. will be posted as },00l1 aspossible. .::." , ',. ,The following is the form oLthG ..�ntry bank and may' be cut out andused for entrance:Events.race..; ;_ . '. .... '4,.· Instructions for Filling' Entry Blanks.President Jordan is surprised that.Professor Foulet resented. the state�ment that France;. is decadent: TheCalifornia educator used the term in -a complimentary, Pickwickian sense.'CAPS AND GOWNS I .� ·LEAVE YOUR ORDER AT OUR' SOUTH SIDE STORE,411 EAST 57TH STREET,i) No advance payment required. Reservation will be made in accordancewith your measurements.he-dl -Oil/filS It) OrtUr. Ask }or In/or",alit)n..THE W. C. KERN' & COMPANY,IIRLaf»dWI •• e6c..,., Go .... and HoodsFact.y", W"'a ...48 Wabuh Aft. - Light Flannel Trousersand Blue Serge Coat".'A Warm Weather WiDDer for the CoUetre MaD with a T ....for Seuonable CombiDatioaa.We want to show you the New Line of Flannels to be worn thisSummer-Alone worth a special visit.Prices always within the College Man's purse.CARVER & WILKIE,-: TAILORS :-Adams Express Buildins. 185 Dearborn Street.Visit "Little Hungary" To-nightHungarian Cafe aacI Resta1ll1lDtJ�\'ening Table D'Hote Soc. Noon Luncheon 40CSouthwest Corner Clark and Monroe St.Main F'ntrnnce 184 Clark Street Telephone Central 1029Famous Hungarian Gypsy Baed Concert! S p.m. till! a.m. also Sunday MatineeD. L. FRANK. Special HUDKarian Caterer LadiH' SouYeDin aftuTbeatreYour Last Chance to 8etA Dress Suit for theJunior PromIt takes time to make a Dress Suit, which FITS, aDd Fda RIGHT.. We Make DO Oth ...Lindsay Bros .. , Tailor., 49 Jack-=�evanlSCHULZ BROS ••Fashionable Ladies' T ailoraSuite a3�. Audlt�rlurri 'SldK.306 Waba.h AvenuePnces Moderate Music Every Ev�piD'A Most Popular Place to DiDe!The Woodlawn Cafe63n1 St. aad Cottage GroYe Ave.There is no Cafe on Chicago' 5 South Side so elegantly appointed.CUISINE UNEXCELLEDThe D6noia Warehouse and Storap Com ... �..... Ibde P..k snKimbuk Ave. aad 56th St.The Cleanest and Best Kept Storage Wareboase in �Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed and .... �to all pans of the worlJ. 300 Private S�e G- . 'TrunkS and Wheels. Large Room for. �J[ies and Sleighs. TrunkS to and from all De.,...Transfen for Baggage. Furniture, P�a, etc., ialbortnotice. Special attentiun given to Univenity Orden,.TO ANY SELF-SUPPORTING STUDDT.We can put you in touch witll • dignified method of iacreuiaa Ja.rrevenue--a method tbat i. dean aDd that invol-ves a IIIUimma iacr E. ..income at a minimum expeDclit1lre of time. The plaa .... ..,... proMits efliciency in other Uniftnitin where self-respectiDc. MIl ...". __dents have taken up oar metbod to tile exclu5ion of othen; � ...........and their financial burden i • .aIm. We can do as ID1ICb for,.... c.aany time during business hOUR at 39 Dearbom St.. or teIep'oae c..traI511-1, and ask for IIr. Goldblatt.The Karcher Bath Go. I want to introduce myself tothe Students and Faculty of theUniversity of Chicago who do notalready know me. I have an ex­cellent...• ORCHFSTRA ••••32' W.buh Ave .• Cor. Congres. st.The mc»t Me d�rn, Practicalar.d Luxurious Institutionfor Baths and 'Jh�rapeuticTreatments in the ,,·est.FOil UDIESAlmGBBTLDlBBHours: Gentlemen, dailyat all houn. Ladies, 8 a. m ..to 9 p. m. Sunday, 8 a. mto I p. m. and furnish music for all occasionsespecially dances; abo militaryband music.ORCAR J. MARGULIESOrchestra1404 Oscood Street� Chicaco.Pbone Lake View 2722.�atronize MarOOD .d'ftl1iaer ... ,� .•i'! TA E OAIL Y MAROON. 'rUESl>A � JUN'E 8, '1909.CONFERENCE .TO 'ILLINOIS; ,CHICAGO IN THIRD PLACEhour. Scott succeeded in clearing IIfeet 10 inches, which was narrowlymissed by Rogers, who had to con­tent himself with second.The relay was a sensational race.although Illinois held the lead threeof the four laps. Chicago was aheadin the second lap and Comstockgained ten yards on Rohrer. This wa­lost in the next lap and Captain Lin,gle although he gained a few yard-on Hanley could not overtake him.Stophlet Loses Two-Mile.The two-mile was the .en·llt itwhich Chicago's hopes went �li.rilH.'�·ing. Stophlet start cd out in the k:i'and held it until the sixth lap. wl.c:Tillotson, the Michigan Agriculturncollege entrant, took the lead. Stoplilctried to take it away from him in thnext lap, but failed. At that time i:became apparent that something h:'ligone wrong with Stophlet, and hdropped out shortly after. letting Tillots on romp home alone.The summaries:Mile Run-Won by Dohmen. Wi­consin; Dana, Notre Dame. secondComstock. Chicago, third. Ti,l:e--4:34 3-5.44O-Yard Run-Won by �Iiller. L:land Stanford; Hanley, Illinois. second; Wyman, Leland Stanford. thirdTime-O:51.lOO-Yard Dash-'Von by Straub;'Chicago; McCoy. Miami. second:Earle, Chicago. third. Time-O:IO 1-5,'l20-Yard High Hurdles-Won B)Crawley, Chicago; Barney. \V cstcr rReserve, second; Miller. Knox. third.Time-O:16.Discus Throw-Won by BrundageIllinois; Osthoff, Wisconsin. secondPortmann, Western Reserve. thirdDistance, 127 feet 6 3-4 inches.High Jump- Washburn, l1Iinoi:-­first; Hubble, Chicago. Richey, l lli­nois; Engstrom. Iowa. and �Iarkle}Miami, tied for second, Height.:feet 10 inches.Shot-Put-Won by Crawford. 'S�::nford; Osthoff, Wisconsin. scccndHorton, Stanford. third. Distancc-46 fed 10 inches.Pole Vault-Won by Scott. LelandStanford; Rogers, Chicago. seconJGraham and Jones. I11inois. tied f.")�third Height-ll feet 10 inche:"o,Half-Mile Run-Won hy �Iiller. L··­land Stanford; Hull, Minnesota. Sl'Cond; Rohrer, Illinois. third, Time-2:00 3-5.Two Miles - Tillotson. �Iiclli� l'Agricultura.1, first; Connelly. �li1ll1l'sota, second; Frceland. I11inois. th:d,Time-l0:00 2-5.22O-Yard Hurdles - �lcCu:c:a'nColorado, first; Beck. 111inoi3. S('(':1:11)Gardiner, Purduc. third. Timc-O:2:4-5.22O-Yard Dash - Hench. Punh·,first; Pettigrcw, Illinois. second; Earll'Chicago, third. Timc-O:22 3-5.Hammer Throw-Crawford. S�:':l­ford, first; Railsback. minois. sl'cn:d:Worthwine, Chicago, third. Di�t:l:1C", ,STUDEBAKERBEVERLy c�u-\ � , ,;.! n J' •• ' I'.. . STARIC.a...rflllb ..-..tic'" .... rb ... aUtMtt8e (Continued from Page I),THE BLUE MOU� E- WI1'H-.- - -.. ...,-: .. MABEL BARRISONEve. & Sat. Mat. 50C to $1.50. Wed._____M_a_t_5uc. to $1.t M cVICK�R_S:.'- -- '" 2, Last Weeks"TheSins -of Society'Engagement Positively Ends Saturday:-';ight, June IQ.'W'Hl'rN'EY OPLRAHOUSE, .. '" B� C. \\ hitriey, Sole Proprietor�R.·-CHAIu.Es CHERRY I�,THE BACHELOR CI)'dt�I\'Fitch.Princess T'heatre. The GoldenGtr· I YEAR·S. MUSICALSENSATION------ -----MUSICHALL, I', ,;W�bash Ave, and Peck CourtThe Only Thing � ew Beneath the SunTWO HH; SHOWS A DAY.n.. ·, A)-ESTle.,CONTINUOCSVAUDEVILLEPrices 1,;-25 50-75C. . TelephoneCentral 64�O.s���!�!�!� IIt'& real j07 to mix with. the patronaof thia:JNII:k -the elemeat of clan. VES- i, s£.U.A: . aDd hia BAND-simply ,great. Ia Sho .... Rides and RESTAURANT --also I) of cIau. \• Sans So�c:i Theater SEATS FORi �;25'Soj5cI�&:�==255Oc I: 8.0'11\ THE !AMCING I... Her� iD ,il blRlNext S� Nigllt-Edna Wallitce, HQaper in. • Florodora.:· Seats at Lyon'f d .... ealy's.'FULL DRESS SUITSTo. Rent.T.· c'. SC'H'AFFNER STEEL VAlh�TS ' '�. ,. 'I-:u:c" .. he LI � J- U£entr�) �Hyde �'Park Bank '. ',55th 'Stl�a W .. hinatoD Av�. ''nur.:lia;'Pro.:,r. It-ire Proof, Atls .. lute Securitv.U X�. Th",e��IJ\on�.�"r'e�_V�,�t, I.�� th ... ; .. l:�nt a dayIN. K. YOUNG & BRO.,.Tel"ph"IU' J.t�A� 'p�7 ..-...,.- ...• �,�·.I�"" • _,. ���;e>fl#th-138 feet 83-4-indies .. 'Broad Jump-Stephenson, l llinois.first; Johnson, 'Indiana, second; '�to·z.Stanford, third. Distance-'22 feet 61-4 inches.WILL HOLD NQ ANNUALSAFTER 'NEXT 'SA'rURDAYSupply So Limited That lIan�enCannot ReserVe' Any 'BoottAfter Friday.Next Saturday morning all th.copies of the' Cap and Gown 'that 'h:t\'(.been held for subscribers will be puon sale by the managers: according ,r,the announcement made 'last· night byHarold Latham. The sale far exceeded the supply that 'the managershave ordered and it is only a mat.crof a few days before all thc copies w ilbe gone, if the sale continues' as briskas it was yesterday. and they arcforced therefore to put reserved' booksinto ithe general fund. •More than twenty copies were soldyesterday morning besides the ordersthat came in from Alumni. The'R:,a'd­uates of the University havc : takenmore books this year than ever bef.ireand this has' hastened thc exhaustionof the edition. About seven hundredand fifty of the annuals have beendis­posed of, more than fifty of thcm a:two dollars and a half. Thc last ofthe lot will doubtless' go 'before theend of the quarter, The managers' arcin Cobb .distributing copies from10.30 to 1 :15 daily,•••••••••••••••••••••• 6&Jc�--' r G • POCKET EDITION'� Safety RazorTtie'college!mah;� outfit is not completewithout -the'new 'PbCket'Editibh Gillette. Compact-will slip easilyinto 'the waistcoat 'pocket-a!» handsomelyfinished as 'apiece' ofjeweliy.'It is made on the 'the time-tested Otltc!tte lpripfiple,��t is ta Gillette Improvement - neater -ltifdre lWaftl�an-like. ' .,The newGillette is the!last word tib :'m%bi's l(tfr any: in'�� .��q �.�� t.� a 'q�i.��. :scitisfactory, '�h�e. �b -strop­pmg. ��,,��lllD�: ... ,!lie blades are fill�' " t •••• � ._'�. PocketlEdltlon-;-Handle and bla(Jc;tb()�'{np'e-:'!llver or'heavily �old I>lateq'ln' cases of gold. silver, nicl<el or gunmeial�prain'oi'.ernhossed- with a dozen New, Process; Gillette blades1c_i4' ciHtihg edges) SS.OO to $7.50.'GILLETTE SALES 'COIIPABY:&03 KiDl�h Bulldlag. BOston'N'e- Y'''rk, Tr��lm'''g. Calla'dian' Office' 63' 'to f\ lexanderStChicago, Stock Exchanze Rfdg MClntrf'al. Que.�d(/[I.(lffice-17 Holbor n Viaduct. E C.'Factories: -Uc"tSton, Mon:real uJndon, Berlin, Paris.Typewriting and �teri�,gr.lp'hy':ao'ie· atreasonable rates, ' Apl,ly' 1J�,ily MaroonofficeBraidcn'.s .restaurant,: 55th andEllis, is closed for, repairs- .WilIopen Wednesday,· June Yth. Un­der en tire new .management.·.pOPULA� MEtHA�ICS' CO. ha:a liberal proposition to m.ake to s�u­dents desiring summer employm�n�,in selling a set of 5 books, recentlyissued on mechanical. subjec�s. Thep'ii'ce is' very' reasonable for boob:of this character, and the agcnt"::commission so liberal that the sal,of a few of these sets a day. ne.::a neat s�m for t�� a��nt:, Q�lechanics �r shop-�e�., ����lP�r�h��e., �h�n'on SIght. If tnterested. call or wr:.li1 ' '. ..,' �to Managcr of p'ook' 'D'ept., Popu�atMechanics Co., i2s' W:'=shington S� ..Chicago."POCKETBOOK FOUND-May h.,had at the I nformatio n office uponidentification.FOR SALE - First 'Class pi:tno<:Tbree standard makes. Apply Bus­iness Manager, The' D�ily Maroon. -I Phone,Calniiiet" 2798 •",., " DayaadNiahtSerriceHave You 'Heard ''the 'News -t"That's dGoing ;�RoWld? !T.iXic�b ratt'S' r�u�ed ......... no:more aoubl� t;,riff. 'Tlup." h !, �'111 .1" 01'1t."'· p:tv 110 in"r�:thcln:olleoi' two "wht"n r cling in. . t,(lur T .. xi�. Filty 'T.ixis available. C .. in,,�lt"nt �n;ice""s�lIrect. Univt"n-ily' pQtrona�e ' sObci,'etl. ' \'AiUTO TAX'ICA:a ,GO.i-• - I244:1�4a ,Michigan Ave. l- 0," .... ,,:. ,I :-1, ;oJ._ .. '�1 .The finest :appbil1ted·t:'�fe)� the ��p' Qistrkt. Private 'Hanquiting: ROODl fur Fraternity Dinners.?' ' /58-60-62 La Salle Strcet lii'CHICAGOJ!FOR SAL&--:Scholarsbip. on FirstBuines5 or' MusiCal College. Ap- I:ply. Daily Maroon Office. ============================j'------------------------------------------- .. �--�I r Ybu 4"merfbftthe Ul,h'erSity want 'Clothes' o( I-YOUR' OWN. The kind tha��re m'ade'up (or"the AVERA'6E man don)�firYOU;"""I '. : 'y�u ar�:iiot� iookin� for �Xlreme and ultra-l .fantastlf:",ca�. ' You as!' a' coltegc man 'ai'� the.J REST ,l>RESSEil not th� LOUDEST dr'e�d.Quality, design, workmanship' and price to, .suit. th,e college man. Tht'se are the facts aboutmy clothes..?� �t.te._5� Get Your Copy of the190'9-* \�09t) ,:-'� leap and Gown1�: .. 5����,�=�;.��,�G IWhile They LaSt! IlIa\'c you ,read our ad .in, thcMaroon regarding aSuit of Clothes Which We are,Goins to Give You Free?'If, not. ' bctter'look it up. For-go't :to mentiqn that Students' areallowcd only one guess.\\1hco .sending in your estimatebe' sim� an<hRite your address.,Hrie you bought your SpringClothes.? Why not look at ourstock before orderinlit? ' not 'l5he ,8-1d ;tlu'incy lVo. '9'N. 'W:'Corller Randolph ;'l1cl'FA;8 .. ,I1� �tr�et�FRANK"L.-8ENHAM,The Collelte Man's Tailor,; 519A "East 63id' Street.) e IA·DEUGHTFUL PLACE TO'·EATDiff.ent-DiatinctTHE ' ORIENTAL RESTAl1lMNT .;\On account of the unprecedented demand for"this year's Annual copies for subscribers'will not', be reserved after Friday,June 11th. The supply willhold out for· lendays 'longer. I/.(1II� P1t()�APAs. Pnp.lOHIII COCOLIS. ".Q��·"".t'll- Sta .. Stnet, CWcap •. , ,The College .d"s fRendezvoDS SGMlE,F� T ............. i.... VICE II