'VOLUME'VII.-No. ISS.FRlISmll CHOSEN TOHEAD DAlY IAROONFOR' ENSlII YEARBoard -at 6.miuaf Meeting Yesterday- AfternOOn Also Makes 'PfefferaDd Whitefield Editors..... �.SULLIVAN BUSINESS MANAGER,n.ee .. Reporters Ma�,- ¥embers ofBoard-Four New 'RePortersare ·Elected.--;_'--r''"The. Jlaroon Staff 1909-10.Abe-Leo Firdstein, Managing Editor.N. A. Pfeffer, News Editor.A. 9. lVhitfield, Athletic Editor.Cherles t>_Sullivan, Business :\Ianager.Associate Editors.Hargrave A. Long.Vallee O. Appel.'R. J. Daly.H. Felsenthal.H. C. Burke.M. F. Carpenter.Women's EditorMiss Mollie R. Carroll.Reporters.Miss Lina Gould.S. F. Bills.W. J. Fonte.R. C. Buck.W. B. Lloyd.Miss Susie SextonM. Levitan.M., Ii., Briggs,B. H. Lunde:' ,,. ·A. -L. Fridstcin, '11, was electedman;gi� e�ito;· �f The Daily" Maroon'. ro� 1909�lO'-al--tbe arintiaLmcCting __ of..'_ the:' Maroon,-B�rd. y�lioday .after­noon. -N. 'A� Pfeffer "l Iwas made newsectit�r·and Aleck G. Whitfield, '11, ath­letic ed'kor at the same meeting. Char­les L. Sullivan '11 was appointed bus­mess 'maaager at a meeting of theBoard of :.Directors.Thre� �w, associate editors, R. J.Qaly, H.' Clarence Burke, and M. F.carpenter were chosen fro� the staffof: reporters, and four new reporters,B.' H. Lunde, R. C. Buck, Miss SusieSexton' and Miss Lina Gould were"added to the staff:Has Served Three Years.Fridstein has been identified wi;hThe Maroon since. his entrance intothe University in the fall of 1906, hav­illg been made athletic editor for the'present :fear, and assuming the busi­ness management on the resignationof C. F. Nelson at the end of 1:t�:quarter. Fridstein was chairman ofthe athl�tic committee of the 19n9Cap and' Gown, is a member of theSenior Col1ege Council, and was ap­pOinted on the student commi:�e'�ch conferred with the facnl.y Oi�.-� estabtishment of an honor sys:em�e&er has been connected wi�h""fie Maroon since he entered theUlliftl'Sity in the fall of, 1907, l)('in�rapidly promoted until he reached t!�cPesiticm of athletic editor, which h�IaoWl at present. He was a ,membcof.the Pow Wo and of the Fencihles. ,.... bas been appointed chairman of,tile athletic committee of the 191Crcap aud Gown.1VJdtfield entered the competitionfar'the staff in January 1908, the sec­ODd quarter of his Freshman year. Heis • member of the Junior CollegeCoancil, chairman of Junior Day.theaaarer of the Sophomore class,master of properties in "The LyricalLiar," member of the Iron Mask. (Ifthe Blacldriars of the Pen Club and ofSiama Alpha Epsilon.Charles L. Sullivan, '11, the newlyelected business manager, is chairmanof the finance comittee of the Jl1ni01·Prom., leCl'etary treasurer of theTiger's Head, and a member of theBlackfriars, the Score Club, of theReynolds Commission, of Tiger'sHead, Glee Club, Order' of the I ronMask, and the Phi Gamma Delta.New IIemben to Attend Banquet.(Continaed on Page 4) "'a'.._ .. t'� 1:-)':'1"'.: . . * ...., "..i.••ar�onPEGUES IS BASEBALL CBiEPVarsity Nine Makes Shortstop Cap­tain of NUt year-a Team-Purdue 'Puts in Claim' for ChampionshipFigured on PercentageJosiah James Pegues'.2hortstop; OJ}this year's siurprising nine was electedThursday to captain next year's team.The choice is a popular one as thecotton topped infielder has played the,game of his life this-season. 'de'tetoIJ'ing into the, best base runner irr' the .'Conference and a good batter a ndfielder. His improvement over las:spring's work has been almost as sur-,prising as the improved batting andfielding of the Chicago team.,.Purdue in � �hampionsbip Claim.,.. .Purdue has called off its remaininggame with Indiana and claims thechampionship on a' percentage' basis. 'The Exponent, .of Thursday is.', notcontent inerely with the Conference 'championship, but remarks naively"The Exponent as the organ of the,leading Western college in baseball:'ignoring the fact that both' Michiganand Notre Dame have exceptionallystrong nines this- year.n is hard to see just how the- cham­pionship could be fairly awarded thisseason on anything but a series basis,The schedules have' been arranged in'I· an utterly unequal ratio. If in theAmerican league Detroit played fourI games with Washington and one or, two each with the first division teamsand then claimed the championshipof the world on a percentage basis(Cuntinued �n Page 4).,_" _,:,-1·;j. CHICAGO. SATURDAY, JUNE S. I� Price Two Cents.COIII1llES fDl '1_ :CArillO_'U_CED THREE-CORNERED' STRUGGJ.,EIN' CONFERENCE MEET TODAYPolicy of Startinc Work Early OnNat Year's Book Adopted b7.,Editorial BoUd. .�f,:: ' Chicaco, StaDfOnl' aad,. UIiDaia,Have Even Clumce forVictory. HOW OTHERS SEE IT.c.Directtor Stagg-"I must say 1fear we shall' be beaten, Stanfordhas a powerful team and has thebest show of winning. Unless someof our men make very strong show­ings, and some of theirs fall down,Stanford ought to win.. It is quitelikely that Illinois will step in andget first. .' ...Captain Lingle-,il am afraid ofStanford; but we may win. Wehav� an even chance with Hlinois""Dad" 'Moulton of Stanford­"Why, I can't see how anybody cansay I am going to win the meetwith seven men. We may get sec­ond but Illinois or Chicago oughtto win."Coach Gill of minois-··We havethe' best chance we ever had ofwinning the conference;' We teal­ize that Chicago and Stanf01"d Jra�great teams, but we have- semegood men on our string, and; W�shall spring some surprises.(:oach Fred Stone ,0( Jd.i:inri--'"Stanford has a cinch. You caR',beat those runners of theirs,' aDd k.'th�y will win .wjtbou� a ooubt � "Will Specialize "Joab" Section-NewCommittee Created to Take.C�e of It.., t. RECORDS TO BE GOODAt·a . meeting of the board of edi- Crawley, Stophlet,' Rogers, Wortb�tors for the 191(>' Cap and Gown the wine, Comstock and Relay tostaff·, and Jis� I()f committees were 'Score for Chicago. .'definitely decided upon. The editorsof next year's book have adopted' the With the weather man promising;,policy· of beginning work at oncehence little' delay has resulted in the a good day; and all the teams on theselection of committees. scene of action, everything is set forWith the committees appointed this the biggest, best and most hotly con-quarter, it is expected that a great tested meet ever held on Marshalldeal of work can be done before next Field. Contestants from more thanfalL ' a dozenschools in the West and Mid-As originally planned the commit- die west will compete (or the covetedtees were to be announced before the honors in each event, and some sen-Sophomore class, but the conference sational marks are sure to be maderally prevented the class meeting before the sun sets. While it is notcalled for yesterday morning. thought that many records' will beHew DepartmeDt Create.L lowered it is possible that same mayWith the purpose of making more be equalled. The only one which isout of the "josh" section of the book likely to go by the board will be inIlext year a new editorial' committee the two-mile, where Stophler, ,�f pushedwas created named the "Gargoylnte will probably go under 9:50, the markCommittee." Two of the most prom- registered, by Rowe of Michigan.ising humorists in the class were ap- It is seldom that the outcome of apointed to take charge of, the new track meet is as much in doubt as isdepartment. this one. Three teams, Stanford, Hli-, A complete list of the staff and com- nois and Chicago are .each urged asmittees for the 19to Cap' and, Gown the winners, and it is. practically afollows: 'toss-up to which will come out first.Managing Editors: Vallee 0.- Ap- Not only are the critics and dopesterspel and Roy Baldridge. differing as to which will be on top;Literary Editor: Ernestine Evans�'· �t .even the coaches of the .4�erent-, BasiDeSs )(anaael's(" -Ralpb ,:.Cobb . teams are unable to'_say whIch t,�a�aa�m_StiibS:�, ., .-r��:.>""r.- ',: .. ''- �«St. ",tl-,thrR-:1ft( ���. , 'Committee ••• ' .. 'at least 20 points, and .�t is agreedfhat29 points will win the meet,_ I t can!Jter:uy:' Arthur Wlrteltr; e)Q"�': ..then:- be. seen' that the,' victory wmman; E. Hilt 'Leith, Florenee' KipeT;' ,. probably be a a matter of a' secondMitchell Dawson, Edith PiiuctcmHe. place here or a third place. there. TheAth1e�: Natbairiel �elle��.·Cbaii- three teams will ikely go' down "t}1�line nip and tuck :up to tJJ:� ,relay' race, the hair raising variety.,Great Crowd lb:pectJecI. ".Judging hom the advance' sale' of "tickets up ,to last night, the races \\'if!be witnessed by a record tit�atitig .'crowd. In Bartlett gymnasium ar.-''';at Spaulding's store do��n the.. , . -. 's. we heeR' � out·continaaliy 'since �theY':�e 'fint!··�fe�, for sale. . S;toutd ,die c&T :iit;.:asOOf'fllte,' many more WiH'1H!'Mlcl:'" ;',the gates:" The rooting Writ ·fis�:'as mteresting a battle as- tilt �l G*the field. Chicago. lIliriOi$- aftCf W.· .consin will have' large croWdg.�:r�\:ers on the field, as weB'�a�·sevrial.fJf-;the other schools:' ·AfuMm·af,aMIfefftevery college represe�ed ;,iA w';_',the stands cheering thris:- :meu. .Picking the winners' ur each -egeat .is more or less fatit�." Not � i9 ithard to tell, how the':meu that afejtrcdl:known win perform toclaY,::'.' 'iii.:this case dark horses· from. a:.'�-:other teams have to be raicm iftt6� ':sideration. . .., .. ,Beach In· SirriatLJudging on general cOnditio"!.-; am Lpast records, Hench should; cf:imt out:first in both the 100 ami m: : Me�of :Miami will race him right- 'Up. ta·f'b�:tape in the century and :wil\.' probaMyget second, with Petti�.· ..... -,w..:hind him for the oth�r pfaa.'. "'«ttb­grew will: score three poiRb:' t.eir i� % ...:�. ' team in th� 220 where he- .ili � Mttr� "ond. James of Indiana look.:·� "for third.The quarter was the only f'Mfe- inwhich preliminaries w�re· nm � �s".terda,.. After (our heats tlkt 1000o"Jing men qualified' for the fiaRk-:' Wy�man and Mi11�r,- StanfOfd;' Hanley,Illinois; Heekin, Purdee; �,. �diana; Knecht, Michigan AgriculturalcoDege; Mitchen, WiKonsi«, ad"),Thomas, IOwa. The' hest 01 diiS bunchof course, Miller, W,..nan, Hanley andHeeJdn. These four ute" will- go iaiCltand Deck down to the home s"etc�It looks if Wyman should croft ,_tape first, with Hanley in· next 'aadMi1ler getting thit-d.., To Be Kacitbl ••Another beautiful rac:e \1tiB be' ti�half mile. Witb MilkT mtinw tbepace and men like Dome"" thespeedy young Badger, D:ma of NotreDame, and Rohrer of ll1inois tolto.-, iug him, there ought to be a fiwbtworth going miles to see. On dope,Miller is conceded first. Dohmen. be­cause of his record in the I1Iinois meetshould sbow second, while Rohrerought to be good for third.Any of haH a dozen men are pos­sibilities in the mile. Ahhough Doh­men is doped to get the first place, he.*h,=h will decide th� �eet. Shc)illdtbi� be the cas�, ,th,ose";��'ho pack the,bleachers in the field tomorrow willbe treated to as exciting an cxhihiLion·,of'1Unning as ever has been seen� ., ;I ' , \::Tbe three ��1:\r,!e?lms ar,� �bol1t. of:,"ewta ability, �ria 't'he 'finish_ wl,l1· be of; .. ',. ,(Continueci on Page 3)How Chicago Can Triumph . Apia AccordiDa, to TheStanford, 27 ; Illinois, 25.100-yard Dash220-yard Dash440-yard Run880-yard RunMile-RunTwo-Mile Run120-yard Hurdles220-yard HurdlesPole VaultHiKh jumpBroad jumpShot PutHammer ThrowDiscus ThrowRelay Race�ore : Chicago. 29; Maroon'. Prediction.Hench, PurdueHench� PurdueWyman, StanfordMiller, StanfordDohmen, WisconsinStophlet, ChicagoCrawley, ChicagoCrawley, ChicagoRugers, ChicagoWashburn. Illinoisjohn""on, Indiana.Crawford, StanfordCrawford. StanfordBrundage, minoisChicaeo McCov� Miama Pettigrew, 111inoisPettigrew. Illinois james, IndianaHanley. minois Miller, StanfordDohmen, Wisconsin Rohrer, IllinoisDana. Notre Dame Comstock, ChicagoTillotson. M. A. C., Freeland, IllinoisRichards. Purdue Hinchcliffe, KnoxBarney. West. Reserve johnson. IndianaScott, Stanford jones, JIlinoisRitchie', Illinois Engstrom, IowaEngstrom, Iowa Stolz, StanfordPortmann, West. Reserve Horton, StanfordWorthwin�, Chicago Gannon, Purdue'Stutsman, Iowa Portmann, West. Reserve. - llIiaois Stanford . :.. ,I, .: "$ .....·""1 ..;� -»''; 5' �". .,< ,• 't,-'/��rf�·;:r #-!,III·i: II:tl; .;,r.. ' THE ��LY MAltOO�, ..... �'I'�J?�y!.J�P:. S/i909.�· ':--:.... ' ..• THE DAILY MAROONTIle Olrtclal ltadeDt PabileatiOD of the. UDlTerslt7 of Cbl�o.Formerl,.T", Valftn1&7 of Qleaco WeeId7.FouDdedThe Weekl,. •••••••••••••••• Oetober L 1892.The D.II,. ...... � •••••• � •••• Oetober L 1902.Eut.red .. 8econd�"_ )(aU .t the Cbl-eaco Poetofrl� CbleaJ[o. III1Dol.. Kareb18. 1003. uDder Aet of Kareb a. t813.PuhU.bed dall,.. ex�pt' SUDda,. .. Mon­Ija,.. and boll�7. durlD« tbree Qu.rterslit tilt" Unlversl" ,.ear. 'S.�r1ptl.� �rlee. 1So00 per 7.�· 11."for tb.... mo.tIM· •• bwrlpUOD. reM'''' atThe llaNO. OIr1ee Ell" BallP�E8TON F_ 0.&88 ........... lDC EditorIIEL\'IN � • .&q&JI8 •• �, • .:j.� •• Ne�. IC4Ito�N. A. PFEFF ::.:.:.:; • .&thletlc EditorA. L. FIUDSTIUN JiaaaprTKOS •. Eo .IL�B ••••••• ClrnlatloD lIcr.WOMEN'S EDITOR.Mlu Moille R. :cuTo".&880ch.&TE EDITORS.A. O. Wbltfteld Hart:rsT� A.. LongH. Felaentbal : V_nee .O. AppelBBPOBT.EB8.M. F. Carpenter'Moses Levitan 'W. B. Lloydc. ·W. WashhurneMorris H. Hrigg,_s H_._C_larence BurkeA. LotbR. s. DalyB. F. BUlaW. s. FouteNews contrlhutioD. ma,. be left at ElllsHall or FacDltJ' Exchange. addressed toTbp nail,. Maroon.DAILY BULLETIN.Intercollegiate Conference Meet i ..to be held at Marshall Field this af­ternoon 1:30 o'clock, .Conference Tickets may he obtainedat Mr: Stagg's� �ffice. ' , \. ,International Club will hold han­quet today at 6:00 p., m. in, Hutchin·son Cafe. Election of officers for. theensuing year.Signers. For Conference report to·day a� 12:15 at Bartlett"·Tennis Intercollegiate Announce­ments are postpontid .·u�til· Wc<ines· .day�., J ... � • �ANNOUNCEMENTS.:Junior Prom. will he he1d June 11th.Railroad Tickets inc1uding sleepingberth, and trup� .. ,�e�ks ... 1Jl.�Y .be ... Oh:tained· at the ,lnformation . Office.'.Senior C�' Programs . a'nd all­nouncements are on sale in Cobb co·r·.ridor d�ily frb� 9:30 to 11. 12 t� i."and 3,�to-4 o'clock. ..:e:o.mnonwadth .Club will hold im·.p�nt .�nd &nal meeting of' <tua�t�rWednesday a.t 10:30 a. m., in CobL.3A. . Election cif ·officers. . r..Cap � � Subscribers may ob­tain, their copies between the hoursof 9:30 and 2 o'clock in Cobb hall cor·. ridor. '; The price to others than stlh-scribers is $250: .University Religious Semce willbe held in Mapdel, Sunday at 11:00 a.R-everend Professor George Foster isto, be. Unive�sity Preacher. OrganRecital by Mrs. George 'N. Holt at10:45 a. m. 'Y. II. C. A. wiil hold devotionalhour Sunday afternoon at 5 o·clock.Janior College Chapel will not heheld Monday but both men and wo­men :will asse.,nble at JlInipr -etassexercises Thur'sday in �fandel :tt· 10:30 :L m. � ,.,;..· Student Volunteer Band will meetTuesday eveni�g at ·7 in Lexington.Dr. Sharman will leaa conference onmissionary work. Open meeting .._____�--.·_I '. : .TOURNAMENT NEARS FINISHi'Handicap BiUiarf. and P� �ourpey "· To Be �C!ed TueSday' .,. !\..... . ' .•; The Reynolds c�ub associate handi·�p billiard and pool tournament .i�nearing its end. The finals of the1>001 tournament were won by Cl1�ti ..L. Green wllO defeated Lt'o DcTray.will meet in the finals of the hilharclC�' L. Garnett and A. C. :\lcFclrianotonrnament Tuesday evcning,· :'Thc' winners of each �port will ht'presented with a box of ci�:tr�. Thi ..will be the last tournament of • ill' ,year .Ex·pr(' .. iclrnt Eliot '(,f llan'cm} ,Ie··lh·ered the commencement oration tothe zraduated cJa .. � oi :\1 i�souri last\Vednesd:1j.'.:1. Patron:ze Maroon advertisers.'1: ' . Nama of Gnduatea Omitted byllistake to Be Addedto Procram.WRESTLERS'PIGHT WAYTO PIN ISH IN ·KAT BOUTS �BXTRA PAGE ADDED TO.SEMIOa .. CLASS 1»ROGUIIRECORDS MADE BY MENENTERED IN TODAY'S ��Cootesta for UDlftnity Champiou­abipa to ,be � Poacht­"';'Wumers Show CJasa.Line on Performances to Be LookedPor This Afternoon Fumis¥tJ,�by : Statistics. " IAlthough they cannot by any means. ·Following the completion of the Owing to a mistake in. the Dean'sbe taken as a fair indication of what most of the semi-final mat bouts for office the complete Iist of graduatesa man can do in a big meet like today's the wrestling championships of the of the Senior class was not printednevertheless teh records made by the nniversity, announcement was made in the annual Class Program gottenbest competitors in each event may • that the finals would be finished on' out by the Seniors for Convocation.give some idea as to the results. WedsendaY of next week. .However, another page has beenThe results of the different men The finpl matc�es w, i1� be. i?teresdrig printed which 'will be 'inserted in :tll. _atte in c�petition ·-tllis- Y!flr,a,e., as from sta.t to finish; as t1;ie: cream of' the programs .t1<>t s�ld to dat�: Thi-,'!o'ows::;F't .�' � .. � J the wres.ing t3i�n't 'of thc'/mdergraU:·· (l'ext�"page w.iA���)D ha'nd this n�,(,).rn-lOO-yard dash: uate student body will be on hands ing in Cobb hall and those who h�\'t'Kohl, Iowa, :10 1·5. to fight �ut the questions of sup rem- already purchased programs may ob-COoy, l'iiami;ii:.l0. aCY. l : ,'... .... tain it upon application.Hench, Purdue, :10 .. � _ ...... .....JI� to Be in Finals.:; :.:. TbC?se, whose. nawiis were ornitte-! ,Pettigrew, Illinois, :1&-1-5: - ._- _.' ,1ft �·heavy w�ightj·eventc. dai1o� . were :·'fhe followin�: Grace Arnold.22O-yardAash: way wrested the ho'nc)r�r-.in the' Senior Harrie-t'lF. Baker, William J. Bauduit.Pettigrew,'lJ1inois. :22. .:. . c�l1eges ifrom. Elliott in' a. bitterly John W. BaumgardnervAnna A. Che�ilench,-Purd6e� :22 3·5. ' fOught bc)ut, lasting tover' twelve 'min. not, May T. Clark, Winifrod V. Cobb •Reed, Stanford, :23 1.;.5.:, ::_, utes of actual' contest, which,' 'with in, Helen 'Cramp, ,C��heririe A. N. Dixon ..James, Indiana. :22 3.'5. ,H', '.! ;". "mals fdr ·rest;"made 'a \otal of over . Allen W. F��ld, George E. Fuller.44O-yard run: half an �our. Elliott was almost .in- .rlJafnes·· .. B. Furrh, Edna 11 ...... Gould.Wyman, Stanfo�d. :50. vincible 6n' defense, and put up a: gale' Hugo P. Goodwin, Jo�n l\L H. Hcu-Hanley, I11inois, :50 2·5. lant figh� but Galloway proved 'slight- mann, Walter R. Jones, Florence L.Miller, Stanford. :50 2-5. .Iy the better on the offense, and final- Ketcham, Albert M. Merrill, Ada' E.Bushnell, Michigan Agri., :52 2-5. Iy succeeded in winning out. Gallo- Milam, Helen Monsch, C. C. McCol·Heekin, Purdue, :52 2·5. way will meet Woods, who by win� loch, Charles F. Nelson, Georgia R.88O-yard run: : ning' � over Whiteside yesterday won Renau, Margaret V. .Rowbotham.Miller, Stanford, 1 :57 2·5. the Junior College championship, 'next Jessie M. Snyder, .Marion 'Stinchfield.Dohmen, Wisconsin, 1 :59 4-5. Wednesday for the University heavy Jessie B. Strate, Frank S. Wetzel,Dana, Notre Dame. 2:02 3-5. indoor. weight championship. Hurley T. W!att, and Aram S. Yerct-Rohrer, Tllinois, 2:02 4-5. ' Bartlett, by. defeating Owen in 'theMile run: Junior college light-weight class. 'willDohmen, Wisconsin, 4:28 4-5. meet Wheeler in the finals. The win':Herick, Tllinois, 4:34. ner of this. match will' have a; set-toComstock, Chkago. '4:33: ,�>�.' witli'eith�r:Easton or OIds •. wh6 wereDana, Notre Dame. 4:37 3-'5. indoor, unable to decide yesterday. Tlii� 'finalKinkead, Purdue, 4:44 1�5.: c�nte9t :will be for the light·weightTwo-mile run: ':'" ._ � Ii � i chai!iPioiaship. Watkins arid HomanStophlett, Chicago. 9:05 ... ' .are in... the semi-finals.' in the middle:Tillotsin, Michigan Agri., .10:09 .. , weight event, "and the winner. of theirRedhed, Illinois� 10:13. i�(loor.·· .. ;.� match will meet ·the winner' of' theConnelly, Minnesota. 10:26. Hilderbrand-Wilson go for the }llid-120-yard high hurdles: ,., .. , 'J. dle":eikht champio�ship: '.'McCut'cneon, Colorado: :15' 4-5. .. -'. d'ac1t Featber.'"Wei�t Fight. .Harmon, Minnesota, l.� ;4-5. ....: When Shiro Tashiro from the landHBirichc1ifi'We, Knox'R:15 4-S: 16 of Nippon and·'''JC?��ie.7,·F.-aIl�is. �h� '·C··' RED. I' "T' Sarney, estern eservc.: , Snell Hall bantam, meet for the fea-�rawler, C�cago, :16� �-5. ther-weightj cbampioris�; ·th�'tont�5t' 'I. ',! " .�-y�rd lo\� hurdles:,._ c...' ._w�l1 .. J>.e ;l .• battINoyal. for the two' con, . Very ma.ny stU(fenf.S .. who�.�.ck, Ill�noi,�, :25,2.5·�i�h,:t. ';YJ�d ... :��e��e.t�t_are nearly· equal' in,'weight. A.,re behind in f;h"e�l'� work'Barney, Western Reserve, :26. and are' Unown ,to be unusually -d�ver. , II,! ff>; �cCutcheon,. Colorad�, :26. in the wtestling ar�.;· '. ,-,:,!;,;,� T' Om,turn trle Bu'�-mer toCrawley, Chicago, Chicago, 26 3-5. In the: welter-weight· event:i'taatr ���ti.nt.by �7High jump: and Quigiey have won' their �ay int� +, .. ,.Crawley, Chica�o. 5 ft. 7 in. the finals. and are awaiting only the '. aking �rrespll"ce CGBSIS"Washburn, Illinois. 5 ft: 11 in. whistle of the referee next W�nes.· !In d�irekl stlbje�ts�>rutlichie, Illinois. 5 ft. 8 in. day to settle the question of their suo Qffered by the U".rsilJ. ActPole vault: premacy.� ." . ,.Jones, Illinois, 11 ft. 8 in. "Now! ! !Rogers, Chicago, II ft. 4 in.Scott, Stanford. 11-.ft. 4. in.Broad jump:Johnson, Indiana. 22 ft. 11 1·2 in.Stolz, Stanford.' 21 ft. 10 in.Markley, Miami, 21 ft. 7 1·2 in.Shot put:Crawford, Stanford, 44 ft. 5 in.Horton, Stanford. 43 ft. 2 in.Ostoff, Wisconsin, 42 ft. 8 in.Portmann, Western Reserve, 42 ft.6 1-2 in. ziam.President' to ;Hold Reception... President and Mrs. Judson will holda'reception on ,Wednesday June 9that the Pre5ide�t's house, to the can·didates for the"bachelor's degree.'1 ..---..,--.:;,.'; :.'You can depend on Maroon' adver­tisers.If ite: a(h'ertised in The Maroon·th:t�� ;i'n you need to 1mow,_. "- .... HIGH se_ l1liCOLLEGE COURSES.. •..• ��De Tennis Match.T.be contest between Mis�' Mild�J' . ". i;­Dana, tennis ·cha�pion··, in- '1908;'· ahd' .'.' c· �'Miss Margaret Bell, th� charrih1o��itiT: I"� the Work for a Bach-1909, . which was to have "beetr' held em De,rree may be cIoDeyesterday, afternoon bas been inde' hy Correspoacleace.finitely postponed.' .' ...• ' �.�.- �'-'t.r. '.� .. \1IIinIsQ If a..,T.f its' advertised ill The� ���:;i.. ':, . �. .-LL,.�.u_n �<'. �� .. :;ral bl ' ....... ', ..... �._....7A:.. ,'. �nft,;AGO.�,,1:1 e. ;', ,,'<� ·�.!ti.·' : . ·�z ,"'.::: 'fN:omen's ,Hockey Oft � ... ,�'U f�d. , r'. ._._ :fe.' G •. �.OLV1L�E .....:_.� ••. J.: :,: : � �. s,'� D�;.oPThe second 'of the series - of chinn- .' .. =. ....pionship hockey games between Jun-!-'. � ; " �; ,S� . � ��, . ,ER� OF ME�'S CLOTHESior and Senior Colleges will be held .. ;_j.' .on llarsnall Field. Monday. Jund7. �.����t1 can �)l.lth:«;.'J!rice of .,.:�. :·�""�'�.�'f:pg .an. ,4 Summe( jat 1:40 p. m. If the J��i��s win 'thiS FO�I11U. rs . .t- .. t;'.::�c- they .'�il(he champio!,s )fi;ptl . I yy ,,1:. '_, ,',' .. ',�'� SUltln,gS .. andthe sports or l�, having already I .won the title in base-ball an.d b:l�k.et- ... ·.t:.' .-�.,� GLo�rr,C! I"" .9vercuatings'ball. ." I.,: �7"':)� IT� rA:J . '",.. .,.,'".'i �. -' : � � I �:�'� - not' . F "$I: 'hi all the newest'shadrS and cOlorS, areA meD:lorial libra9� has '���(i!. �l r:: � I!or !!��� ... �e1 1t} ,) :�;��plaY¥d afour �ead�uaners .pleted at Purdue recently and �';trl"" : �J\'�. : ., .. ,'. ""Suite "�1� Deatbom St.cated to the athletes c;f that in!lotitu. ' �. _ '.. ChIcagotion who lost their live, in �'r:\ilto:ui •. ,' .-accident in the fall of 1903. ..:._'.. r . W_e wi" � pleased 10 show them to you. I #.Crawley, Chicago. 40 ft.Spring Overcl.ats, Light Duk or MediumSuits, Fancy Vests. Evenin, Dress,English Morning Coats.Prince A lbens,.Tiou!OensSans Souci Park Theatre. �;:rH VIRGINIA D � 2S 50 75cARNE ::�A � 25 SOc 1Alrxanhrr Dunlop. mailorPhone Central 2768Bargains all the TimeReliable Rebuilt Typ_ewriters, all makes;rebuilt in our own factory; better andcheaoer than others. � for yourself.THE TYPIE1I1IITER EXCIIAN6E31i Dearborn 51. A. J. Cow., Mil'.Te1epboae Harri80a G5ID the P�erfal Toistoi Muterpiece,"ANNA KARENINA" Sea"alP.n_L�.�.Ned Week-IliA a.n-t ia""" Daac .. GirL" Prom"Get.,...q ,_ ..."Junior. "W:�:;:w·I'MOORE & .. GlOM CO.I Woodlawa'7::barkAYea ' "The· RolDa"Hall. Table O'HoteSOC.-75c-II.ooIncluding WineAlso a la Cane ServiceOpen Daily and Sundays [rom II a. mt09 p, m,SPAGHETTISUCH AS ON E GETS IN ITALY146 State StreetSecond Floor.John 'Drew said:are a 11IDlIY-at the p�e,ofa necessity.WILLIAIl .tERRE_S· SONS.CLARK 00 AD .as STREETS.BOOK BARGAINSJust issued Mailed free on req�est.c.ttalogue of bottb. Mostly second-bar-d'-some new- some scarce. All desirableincluding Americana and Miscellaneous_,/ LOUIS DANZIGER,/ 31(16 Prairie Ave •• Chicago.1"h� BooJ[ Hunters Re!On.: OpenEvenmgs./ ", '.rO LOOK YOURBEST ·AT TH·• .../ ..LET US GIVE YOUTHE. ·ADVANT·�AGE ()F OUR EX­PERIENCE" . DNlJPIN AND SEE US BE­FORE IT IS 100LATE TO BE SATIS­FIED.To assare yourself of the besttreatment bay of Dally lIarooa ad­ft11iHn. .},..'. ", ,./",.' THB.DAlLY.JIAROOlT .... S.AT_P�Y. !'trNE 5, 1�., . ',:�TBRBB COlUfBRBD STRUGGLE.III COllFERDCB IIBET TODAYTie Sale ,starts, next Thursday. , ' soc;: , TIe. at, c .. 29C,··aDd 25c. (Continued from PaS!e I)'U�ive·�'t.Y· an(f all colors.Big line Soft Shirts just arrived.Large assortment Sweaters. Duckand other Trousers:', Suits and Shirts to order.Big Shirt Waist and Jabot Sale.now on. will have up against him Dana ofNotre Dame, Comstock of Chicago.Herrick of Illinois and Kinkead ofPurdue. The oracle at Delphi wouldhave to go into several trances to pre­dict the results here. Dohmen is thesurest inan. He ought to get first ifhe can repeat his past performances.Dana is, scheduled to get second. butthere is' a chance that he may fizzleout. It-,:is said that he has not 1>��n'J wning�uP' to '(orin this year, a?d.IWmay yield to 'Comstock of Chicago.The latter will have the time of hislife winning from Herrick of Illinois.> t. '.J" . Herrick has beaten "Comniy"'; this" yea�,.�, the latter is in b�tte� shape'now dian he 'ha sever been before, andshould have a little' over his rival. IStophlet Sure Winner.,Chicago gets five sure points iii' thetwo mile. If there is a little fightagainst him, little .Stophlet will makesome time that �i1t: make the 'westernintercollegiate world sit up and takenotice. His nearest competitors willbe Tillotson of the Michigan Aggies,Freland of Illinois and Worthingtonof Stanford. Tillotson is the best of,the three and should take second.Freeland and Worthington are abouteven, but the former should win outfor third.Ten points will be contributed tothe Maroon column in the hurdles,where Stagg's warhorse, "Bill" Craw­ley will perform. "Bill" looks the bestof the field for the two first, and un­less there is a violent upheaval ofPhone Midway 2271.........You are, .cordiall Y' invited ,todrop in on u�c.J'ay.� Of specialinterest is a-large showing of­Flannels in the smart shades ofgray and blue . .'�t' .J! L "� ,These ftannels"a� 'between thelight weightoutings and the usualworsteds. '. They are light and cool_':'yetcontain enough body 'to take thetail?ring. $30 to $50Prices,Remember we are offering aspecial tine of �oolena �redinto ,well-ma.de School awls for$30.Come on in-today.Two stores., He Will Get 10 POiDb."' -. ,.",. ......FOR UDIES 'AIm", GEl'. �Lnlll. -. �. ::r.'. : .', _,o, "" ..Hours:. q,�IllI��.�nr �aily ,at all hours. [a(lres. 8 a. m ..t09 p. m .. !;$u��.8.1�:-aJ·'.}� I .�. 111; .. ,IT maynot 'n;�k� any differ­ence to you what your Clotheslook like but the chances arethat YOU wilnt '�5 much 'style­as much character - as muchquality- as. 'much all aroundworth in your clothes. as , allother College men.That being the case youshould call on 'us ar once. Foryou we feature assssurr..Wa ::'er.sOi'l&Southwa� figuring �e ��1�. do so. H e will be" raced Jb tile tipe by' Richards of Pur-l. due isr tie high h�rdles,. w�9\ 8���t. ,rto get second over H mc,hc1il'e' ofKnox.: III the low barriers Barney ofthe Ohio school looks good for sec-_. ��, whi� eit��r Be�� C?f ntino�� '3�:." JobnsOD fjf IndIana ought to com� J,'}.next. '. The preference: is gi"en tnelatter •.Roceft to Wm Pole Vault?"Bunny" Rogers still looks best inthe pole vault, despite rumors of phe­nomenal l�aps by the other men en­tered. Scott of the Palo Alto insti-I tution and "Jocko" Jones of the llIiniare the otber two men. Either mightb�at oat ;'Bunny" but because of con­sistent work, the Chicago man hasthe shade. Scott will probably getsecond and Jones the other point.Illinois' stronghold will be the highjump. It is almost impossible to seehow Washburn and Ritchie can bebeaten and they ought to get first andsecond. Engstrom of Iowa is thenext best man.Jonson of Indiana is almost a sure� TAILORS.- ',153 L� flrlll�I,:St.50l A�tio.:'nldg. nl.�tra�6198LaSSie',,: .�231 Eat SStll StreetMa!Iel Coed PIlatos $2SO Dozen('""me' and l'�e thMn.The Place for Home Cooking-The,V;tt"$'W Cafe474 \ � . �th. Near Greenwood\. . . .. , � , . ..." .. ' -.-.,-A d�lI1)le-headcr: sappon Th� Ma­roon' by 'p2tronizing Maroon adver­bsen. .wiDDer in the broad ju�. The nextbest marks have. made by Engstromand Stolz, "Dad" Moulton's entry., The weights will be fought out hard.A new man shot· into the lime light.\yesterday in the person of Port mannof Western Reserve. ,He has some"phenomenal records . in all threeevents, and calculations. may receive,an upsetting. The shot put is the onein which the greatest difference ofopinion exists. Crawford is rated thewinner, with Horton next. The lattermay dash to Calif�rnia school's hopes. by losing out. Portman.�, ought :t�,�o.beUc;� than, Osthoff .. of. I �i�onsin! andget third.Crawford, Worthwine and Gannonof Purdue will be one, two,' three in, t�e hammer. Some say �ha� the &ta.�ifos:d man is erratic and falls down.If'iJe does, the Maroon 'team will havethe'team cinched.In the discus Brundage. ought toscore. for' Illinois .. Stutsman of Iowais a probable second,· and Portrnannaga�',a,-third " " .The 'relay will be the most excitingrace of the day. Since the l\iaroonquartet will have tbree' fresh men,Lingle, Timblin and Shuart, and Com.'stock not very tired, its chances arebest. Because of Reed's poor con­dition Stanford will :have to be con­tented with third.INTERPRATERNITY LEAGUEDRA�NGTO A CLOSEPsi U-Sigma chi Game' Wednesday-Wmner to Play Delbi U', ' ,. _For' Championship.Psi Upsilon and Ei�a, C�L .willplay their game ot the .. semi-finals in:the inter-fraterni,ty,' baseball'. leaguenext Wednesday afternoon. . ,Tl;le:game will be played at' four o'clockat· 'Washington Park. Both'·or' theseteams :'piayed well in the pr�ii�inarycontests, and a close" match betw�en'tlMm -'t anticipated, . 1 ..' ,. ';:-Delta vPsilon,' which defeated Phibelta "'theta, iQ: the': seuU-finals 'of.. their �Qisi�ns., will··play the �inl)erof the :I_l,ove game for the fraternityChampionship. The final game will'be playdl the morning of June 12., The customary banner wil be awardedto the ·Victors. ' ,'..The pu"''blic speaking classes of -nn.nois gavc a Kipling recital. last weekin which,'all the songs and recitationswere taken from the works of Kipling., The', Vniversity - of Leip�ig, Ger- ';, many, ':Will be five hundred' years oldin July.A.G.S alding&Brosare. the Largest IM'a n ufacturersin the'World of,TIESPALDIN··IfIII·JMFOR ALLATHIEnCSPORTS ANDPASTIllES'" .�-. -_;. : .. �i.:: .... �J .!. i�� ........ ,"y I.... -,.�GIll.", , 81111J.� f -_ are iD·, : II �rcst·d iD. Atlaldk .5por;t . Jpa.... .. 'fQft • cap,of tbe Spal4u.. ..:aaa.10Ir1Ie. It'. • COlD'Dlete �Iopectia ofWW' ...........aDd is WIlt flft OQ_______ � ftqaeatoA. G. SPALDING' Ie BRos.147 W ..... A".;CW�-BARGAINS IN STATIONERY100 sheet Theme Tablets� m' cents� � f� ••••••.....••..... 15cSets of four College Posters, cut to SOcUniversity of Chicago' boftd tab-� ••••••••••••••••••• 1Oc and 20cEmbossed Stationery. U. of C.,per box •••••••• � ••••••••..•... 35cBUd7 Outfits, 3JO cards, indexaDd box ••••••••••••••• 4Sc and SOcThis is a lRat snina.TBB LITTLE BOOK SHOP434 East Fifty-fifth St.R ... Liae of Ana ad Crafts Jeweby "Light FlanDel T rouser�and Blue Serge Coat"A Wann Weather WinDer for the CoIIeae Man with • Tastefor Seuonable CombinatiODLWe want to show you the New Line of Flannels to be worn thisSummer-Alone worth a special visit.Prices always within the College Man' 5 purse.'I 'CARVER WILKIE, .• 1""IJ.t.-""".-�----------------------------------------------�'Visi� "Little Hungary" T o-�htHUDgarian Cafe and Restaurant '.Evening Table D'Hote Soc. . Noon Luncheon aoc, "Southwest Corner Clark and' Monroe St. .';\lain Entrance 184 Clark Street Telephone Central 1029Famous Hungarian Gypsy Baad Concert! S p.m. till! a.m. also Sunday MatineeD. L. FRANE. Special HUDKariaa Caterer Ladies' Souyenirs after TheatreYour Last Chance to setA Dress Suit for theJunior PromIt takes time to make a Dress Suit, whicli FITS, aDd Fda RIGHT.We Make DO Others.Lindsay Bros., Tailors, 49J��evardSCHULZ BROS ••Fashionable Ladies' Tailors�ulte 83, Auditorium Bldg._ � .�.!.:. .'.. :.'.1:·i·, ." ···· 306 Wabash AvenueJOHN R. JANSONJmporttag ilailor175 DEARBORN STREET--c ..... I1�S�al Youllg Men·s De�ent opened tbis seasonSuits to University of ChicaflO Students, $35.00 .Phone Central ]862A Most Popular Place to Dine!The Woodlawn Cafe63rd 51. aacI Cottqe Grove Ave.There is no Cafe on Chicago's South Side so elegantly appointed.". ----:- , ·,CUISINE UNEXC\£LLEO'" :Prices Moder�te Music Every Evening11ae '1IIiaoia Warehouse and Storage CompaDy............ 571Kimbark Ave. aad 58th 51.The Cleanest and Best Kept Storage W�rebC,� in �.'Furniture and Pianos ;\lO\'cd, Stored, Packed and sbip�to all pans of the "orl.l. 3:X> Private Storage. Rooms forTrunks and Wheels. Large Room for Carnages, Bac­gies and Sieigh·s. Tn!n� tn and from all Deoots. LociITransfers for Baggage, F�milure. Packaget, etc., at Iboftnotice. Special an�ntiun given to University Orden.Irwin Bros. CompanyCHICAGO449 to 451 State, St.Long Distance Tel. Harrison 5.6-517 5825 State St.Long ()i�. T�I. Wentwonh 517PrimB Beef, Pork, Veal 'and MuttonWrite for Special Hotel Beef and Poullry Lis�Specially selected for Hotel Restaurant. Club &and Dining Car tradeFancy Cuts of Meats for this trade given special attention..�.�=--=--.�-�--�-----�----����====�THE DAILY KAaOON:, SA'ri.mDAY, JUNE S, 1909.AnluselDents.ILLINOIS. ����iThe Traveling SalesmanBy JamL"S P'orbt"S. Author of "The Chorus Ladr;'STUDEBAKER, BEVERLY, �!IrPKClMeriulb tic aacI ..... rtaiDia. all tIIIe tllllea �I�s���:a��eniian FarceTHE BLUE MOU� E- \\"I'J:H 'Eve. &MtatBr.�. ���,RJ�:;'N Wed. I_____�_1 a_t S"C. to $-1.COLONIAL'Thiatre' I��xt Sunday Evcn'ng Beautiful IThe Summer Show IRICHARD CARLE la the Tuneful TonicHIMSELF The Hurd,. Curd,. Cirl75 People=-Girls ! Girls! Girls! ISeats on Sale Thursdav.Regular Pricc-s-5OC" 75c *1 '.. nc.l 51.511pO ����:OHMAMPresentsAN ENGLISHMAN'S HOMEThe pIa)' that ""arty COlIJ!<l'd :t war.Chicago Opera HouseMr. Henry E. DixeyIn The Middle West Comedy"MARY JANE'S PA."Last Time Sunday Night, June 6.Beginning next Monday �e:lts now.�mu�ia "KEEGAN'S PAL"An Original American Plavby Paul Wilstach,M cVICKERS._3 Last Weeks'The Sins -of Society'Engagement Positivelv Ends Saturday INight, June, 19. �------W�!.�h�'��,����� tMR. CHARLES CHERRY IN ITHE BACHELOR CIYdt�vFitch. IPrincess TheatreThe GoldenGirl YEAR'SMUSICALSENSATIONMATINEESSUN. WED.AND SAT.The Season". Beat Musical Novelty.THE ill THE SNOW-:I BALL NUMBERAlaskan ',I �s...�G��OFAMERICAN\VCib�8h Ave. and Peck Court'!"he Only Thing Xew Beneath the SunTWO HH; SHOWS A DAY.MUSICHALL'. IIMAJESTIC. IICO�TINUOUSVAUDEVILLE I'Prices I ,'25 50-j:;c. TelephoneI'-Central 64S0. I----, IS�"G���!".!!!� I. Better Than EYer Greater Crowd.VEsSELLA'S BAND M�SI�ffksWonderful Rides-Shows to Talk AboutSan. Souci Theater SEAr�OR IH VIRGINIA 0 E!ftY 25 50 7Sc IARNE ��;�:! 25 SOC Ila the P_en.l Tol.toi Maate�ieceC& 'Anna Karenina " Seat. at, . L70n at Hea'�'.N_t Week-Mia Harned in .,.... Dancin. Girr,I- COMMITTEES FOR 1910CAP AND GOWN ANNOUNCED(Continued (rom Page 1)man; Ralph Kuhns, Frank Paul. Pau.Gardner, Will Crawley, Ralph Lid­ster, Joy Clark.Student Activities: Hargrave Long.chairman; Ned Earle, Leonard Fox.Mollie Carroll, Junius Scofield.Art Editor: Bess Courtright.Honor Societies: Aleck Whitfieldchairman; Geraldine Brown. EdwardSturgeon, Boynton' Rogers. MayCarey.Dramatics: Eveline Phillips. chair­man; Richard Myers, Ralph BcnziesFrank Parker.Gargoylette Committee: HilmarBaukhage, chairman; Albert Heath.Womei's Athletics: Laura Wilder.chairman; Elizabeth Halsey, Rt1�1.Dean.Faculty: Reno Reeve, chairman;Gertrude Fish,' Ethel' Kawin.Classe: Hary O. Latham. chairman:Esmond Long, Caroline Dickey, JamesLane.Music: Edith Hemingway, chair­man; Earl Bowlby, Elizabeth Burke,Society: Jeanette Thiclens, chair­man Elizabeth Harris, Charles Sullivan, Alice Kantrowitz.Law School: Richard Rowe, chair­man; DeWitt Lightner, John W. Lap­ham.Divinity School: Floyd Willett.chairman; Donald Grey, Frank Gil­bert, LeRoy Baumann.Medical School: Erwin P. Zeisler.chairman; Charles Burkholder. EdgarAllen, Clifford McCullough.School of Education: FrancesMeigs, chairman; Minna Hoskins.Margaret Campbell.Staff Photographer: Conrado Ben­itez.'We feel that we have an excellentcorps of committees," said Roy Bald­ridge yesterday. "and in choosing eachone we have tried to get the verybest. Upon these committees reststo a great extent the success of nextyear's book and every member andnot only the chairman must do thework assigned. Removal from thecommittee wilt absolutely follow reofusal to work. I am certain that nextyears annual wilt be the best yet. \V.'have started work on it already.":JOINT BANQUET TONIGHTCosmopolitan Organization"s Fin:llAffair in Commons-ProfessorStarr Will Speak.Tonight witt witness the final ban­quet of the International club for theyear and the election of officers Iornext season. Besides the local or,ganization, the Cosmopolitan club ofNorthwestern University will be pres­ent. President Varga of the northshore organization assured the loca'officers yesterday that his club wouldbring down as many members as p� .. 'sible-probably thirty altogether.This with the thirty or forty mcrnbers of the University who will at­tend wil bring the number up to :11most enough to fill the Common ..cafe, here the event will be held.The chief speaker of the eveningwilt be Professor Frederick Starr, whohas consented to attend." Others w'�owill be heard from wilt be Northwcsc­em faculty members and business m-nfrom the city. The names of thespeakers could not he procured: yes­terday.SIGMA CHIS GIVE DANCEEn t e r t a i n Representatives" 'FromJ Other Washington Ave. Frats.The Sigma Chi fraternity gave .aninformal dance at the chapter houselast evening. About thirty coupleswere present. 1\5 guests the SigmaChi's entertained a representative• from all the fratcrnitic .. on \Va:-ohing·ton Avenue.The house was tastily decorated inJapanese style. :\rr. and :\rrs. Dorseyacted as chapcrones.Patroni1.f' Maroon ac]v�rti,�"·: FRmSTBIN ;CHOSEN TO,BEAD DAlLy'IIAROORFOR ENSUING' YEAR(Continued from Pace 1)The three new members of' theBoard, Burke,' Carpenter and Dalyhave been faithful and efficient in theperformance of their duties as report­ers, and have abundantly earned theirright to promotion. It is probablethat some other members of the reoportorial staff will be promoted nextfallA.,ligbt departure from custom W:lSmade this year in holding the elec­tion before the annual banquet, whichI will be <held tonight. It has beeni usual to hold the election at the ball, quet, but .the innovation was made topermit the :presence. of the new menr­bers of the Board :it the big annualdinner given by The Maroon.PEGUES' IS BASEBALL CHIEF(Continued from Page I) .a situation equal to this year's wouldbe presented. .Majority Fayor Series' Basis.The only logical method of deciding, Clhe championship' of the Conferencein baseball as viewed by all the mem­bers save Purdue is to decide matters.by a series basis in which case Chi­cago, Illinois and Purdue, since theyhave broken even on their season'sgames with each other are tied forfirst. It is argued that, if Chicagohad had two games with Illinois only.Both of them would have proven, vic­tories· as they did and the pennantwould have come to the Midway. Pur­due can consider itself lucky to obtainan even break as" the Boilermakerswere outplayed in every departmentof the game in their.wisit to MarshallField. 'START PRELDUNARIES OFFENCING CHAMPIONSHIP_,'_'-Foil lien Have Opening Contests­Other Matches to Be HeldNat ·Week..In the fencing preliminaries run: 011yesterday only the foit men competed.and though they were unable to finishthey will do so next week at the' sametime as the rapier and broadswordmen. The preliminary score as far,as it was run off yesterday stands inorder as follows: Kerner, won 3, lost0, Davis won 2, 10stO, Baldridge wonI, lost 0, Karsten won 1, lost I, Lc�cano ·won I, lost I, Bliss won 1. Ios.3, Shereskowsky won 0, lost I. LyonsWOD 0, lost 3.Patronize Maroon advertisers.C�GTypt"writil1Jit and �lclI .. gr�'Vhy done atreasou .. ble Yates. AV.,ly I).lily·· MaroonofficeBraiden"s restanrarst, 55tb and Elli�.is dosed for repairs. Wiu open' Sun­day. JUDe 6th. Under entire new ·man.agement.POCKETBOOK FOUND-May behad at the Infonnatio n office uponi�entificat�,o�FOR SALE - First class pianos.Three mudard makes. Apply Bus­mess Manaser, The Daily Maroon.FOR SALE--Scholarship on FirstBaiDea or Musical CoDcle. Ap.pI,., DaU,. )brOOD Office. -Wanted: Student agents to sell anarticle of real merit. Strictly honor­able and legitimate. Write Box 999,Bloomington, 111.FULL DRESS SUITSTo Rent.T.r.SCHQFFNER78 Slate St. Wanted For work in the Middle Westthis Summer. We pay salary orguaranteed salary on commissionbasis. We had twenty collegestudents last year who averaged toearn *20.00 per week each duringthe Summer months. Those in­terested will do well to address or, call to seeThe M .. aziDe circ:alatioD Co.26(} Dearborn Street.Chicago, liliftoi�Fifty ;�CollegeStudentsTaxicab rates reduced-s-uo more double tariff. TIU'f�·· or(uur peoplepav 1;0 more than nile or two .�hen r,uin2: inour Taxis. Firty Taxis available, Lom\,e'tt"llt serviceassured. Univen-isy patra"a�t> sol.cired.AUTO TAXICAB CO.2441-43 Michigan Ave.Have YOu' Heard the N.qws:That's Going 'Round?'Plaone::-rTete._. IIaia 4655 aacI 432Tohe Old Quincy }Vo.9N. w. Corner Randolph andLa. Sal-le Streets, ,The finest appointed Cafe in the l..oap DisuidPrivate Banqueting Room for Fraternity Dinner.;58-60-62 La Salle Street CHICAGOt,illinois College of Commerce'..... ' .''\ FarRlerl"ATHE·NA·E;·,UM18 to 26 Van Buren StreetI IYoung people qualified in our Shorthand and Business depart­ments in the shortest possible time for positions that pa., atonce from $35 to S60 a month. Individual instruction. Dayand night sessions. Enter any time. Call, write or phoneHarrison 1110 for catalogue. Positions for graduates. 37 yearsof uninterrupted success.SA�UEL 8, WILLEY. LL. 8." Superintendent.You men of the University want clothes ofYOUR OWN. The kind that aremade up for'the AVERAGE man don't fit YOU.You arc : not looking forextreme and ultra­fantastic capers. You as �/n)lIege man are the'BEST DRESSED not the,A'.OUDEST dressed. .Quality, (It''siJ.�n, u.n;lm��nshipland'·,p(rice 'tosuit the college man. These are the facts aboutmy doiiies.:FRANk L'�'BENHAMA_�The College Man'�-TElllor519A:�': Eaat,i«fn1/S�t., / /III\ �� .. ,"�A DEUGHTFUL PLACE TO EATIfdrererat-Oi.tiDdTHE ORIENTAL RESTAURANT... '''' , .. ,....._.....N. PROTOPAPAS. Pnp.lOHN CUCOLIS .• bulrerSecoa&I FIeor at ..OD Sta .. Stnet, CIMcqo • The·CollegeMan'sRendeZl'OlISGreeIE, F,...,. T ...........SEIlVlC&--ro' AMY SELF-SUPPORTING STUDENT.rWe can put you in toucb with a dignified method of incrasina JO'II'revenue-s-a method that is clean and that involves a maxi ...... iacreue ofincome at a minimum expeaclia.n of time. The plan has atread, proYetit� efficiency in othu Uniftl'Sities wber� �elr-respectinlr. HU-Rpporti ......dents haft taken up oar IIIdhod to die exclusion of otbers; dRy aft1»leuetand their �nancial barden is soIftd. We can do as III1ICh for'__ CaDany time during business boars at 39 Dearborn St., or teleplaone CeaaaI5114, and uk for IIr. Goldblatt. �- (-"