� •. -'",.'J:' ".,,;t t:;.. io#-VOLUME VII-No. 150.Edw*d'Sl� Holds That Wolver.,iaes·Aie Not yet Ready for8elt"'GO"emment.Studmt· COUncil 'Has Little Powermd FacU1ty,is Un1ri11ing toTrust Students.(Contin .. OIl Pale 4) CHICAGO. F RlDA:Y • MAY 28,' I�,TO PLAY BADGERS roKORROWL.t Bueba1l Game OD. IIarshal1 FWdto Come Oil Tomorrow-I)ircctorStag Writes 0It Championship·Prospects of Leaders. Oat of Doon Procram Pint ol laS.KiDcl in HistoI7 or 1be' ,u�ProfeSlior 'Geoqe A6mS"SIititb;!'of'GJ:upw; Will J)eJher, tile'CODvoc:ation .Adctraa.. '.(Cootin .. on Pap 4)18r;ILLDIDEFEATVanity Team Wma �. '.ouit ofFour in smgla' 'md', Drab EVeDIn- Doubles-Garda.er is ,IndividualStar. VUliton Almoance Procram' for GleeClub for TolDOlTOw Nicht­,lImdoliDs to;' Play.noon.THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, M�Y .28. 1909. -....The Freshmen concluded their workyesterday for their meet tomorrowwith the first year team from Illinois.The men have been putting in somehard sessions in the hope of obtain­ing revenge for the two defeats of theindoor season. The men have. how­ever, little hopes of winning out un­less the 1I1ini team breaks down in anumber of events.Chicago witl be stronger' on 'thedashes than indoors, and it is believedthat Davenport will have an easy timewith the 100. 220. and the quarter. Thecentury is the only race that should"The real problem of the great uni-bother him. In the other two. heversities . is how to reach the sub-should win in a walk. The other twomerged -nine-tentbs and .stars, Smith and Baird. are scheduledNeed for to give them a little .to take part in both the mile and half.Missionary share in the. voluntary ..Work student activities," This, . FRESHMAN GOLF VS. U. HIGHis the con c 1 u s ionreached by Edward Slosson alter re- Expect Close' Match iii Jackson Parkviewing statistics that show 176 stu- This Afternoon.dent organizations at the Universityof Michigan while only one-tenth of The Freshman golf· team composedthe students take ariy part in any of Kof W. K. Hobart, R. J. Daly,. .them, fraternities and organizations of Lindsay. H. Felsenthal and J. H,students from . different· sections of theSwanson will play its first game of thecountry being .. left. out -of-the-calcula-year when it meets University High'stion. " , .' . ; champion team this afternoon' at theThe situation presents just 'as real Jackson Park links. It wilt be ex-a problent at the Univer.sity of Chi- ceptionally close because U� High bascago as itid�s at·�i���;. ;A small. the-best high school teai1l:'irr the cityProportion." of the StooeDts 'undertake' h h . Iand because the Freshmen ave atthe responsibility for keeping' the .var-very little practice. U. ··Hig}t;s· 1i�eup .ious student enterpri!{e� �tiv�, '�Il<l. the will be:' E. 1- Lazear; . (captain), K.:vast inert .fnajority sits slee�ily.�y: a�d:; Chandler, A .. Cummins, E. Pietsch and.does nothing, T�e.en�rget.�'����.tY.�:. D Ingram: •. ;finds itself. between the devil.,and the '.' . ._deep sea i� :doing .it.,ci.ty.hY· .the or-rganizations for.,whose . .&uccess.-it :hasassumed ·t"esponsibility, ' and. at the . .. Former University Instructor Here tosame time' doing I�S duty by it.s _'st1:1d- "Wed Miss DavidsOn.ies. MeanwhUe the majority .goes p�a-;cidly on d�ing ac�epta.ble work; get­ting praise al1d ev.en .hon9_�s, all withonly a ;small part of t�e work andworry of the others.'.··\No student is g��ting the most from.bis,college life who does ,not have atI�ast one intere�t· outside his' class'work. Extremes are always unwise,and . many students beyond doubt.spread themselves' too �hin and failin everything because they try to dotoo much;' but if �tudent entervriseswere' the enterprises of the wholestudent body instead of being the un-dertakings of a small fraction of �hem, MANY HEAR BAND CONCERTthere w.ould not be the same, t�mPta-tion. There is pressing need of mis-Give Good Program Before Largesionary work among ·the submerged Crowd in English 1.nine-tenths of the student body.THE DAILY MAROONTbe Olllelal Stadeat PablleMloa of tMUDlYen1t7 of CItJeqo.1'0"""T_ u�· ... � WeeId7."OaDded ..Tbe Week17 ••••••••• -••••••• Oetober L t-.Tbe DalI7 •••••••••••••••••• 0et0ber L IIOZ.EDterecl .. BeeoDd-e ... ·KaI1 'at tile' aI·cap Poetomc:e. CILieqo. IlUao", Mareb1B. uos. uDder' Aet of KareIl- a. 18U.Publ1abed dal17. e:lteept 8DD4Q1I. 1I0D·dar. aDd bollcla1 •. dart .. tJaree QuarteJ'8�r the UDtYenlQ '1..ear..s.beaIptIea P 7eM"1 ..t ... tIane ·� a&or.. .PauTO!l P. cuaa ·� �MZLVIJi J. AD&M8 .......N. £. P� ••••••••••• AtIiIetIe MIter.&. L. :nuD8'1'.ur ......THos. 11:,;' MlII � .. '- .0 Jmft'Oa.:w.. lIollle IL CUrGILA8800IATS Jmft'O ...A. O. WhiUleld Harpaft A. 1.0 ..H. FelaeDtIaal· Vallee O. Appel:aKPO.T ....II. 1'. Carpeater)(uea LeYltaDW. B. Ll074C. W. WulaburoeMorris H. Briggs A. LotJaIL s. Dal7B. 1'. BOlaw. s. I'outeB. CIueDe8 BurnNe.. eGDtrlbaUoD. mQ be left at BlUeHall or Faeult7 lbebaDce. a4� 'to'Tbe Da07 lIarooo.DAILY B�L�IN.SeDior Class meeting today at 10:30a. m. in Haskell.'. An'" C�llep (women) will give. aplay and danc� for the Junior collegesthis afternoon at 4 o'clock in theR�ynolds club .. ;�. School will hold ge11er.l1meeting thi� evening at 7:00 o'clock.Senior Programs are on sale at theInformation Office from 9:30 to II,and from 12 t'o I o'clock.ANNOUNCEMENTS.Junior Prom will be held June 11th.Ushers for CoaIerence lleet mustplace names in" Box 52. Faculty Ex­change. by June ·Sth.U� 0( California Glee aDdlIandoliD cI* are to give a free con­cert in Mandel Saturday evening at8:00 09clock. . .U�t7 .. � � will be held Saturday afternoon between cu­cago and Wisc:onsin at Marshall Fieldat 4:00 o'clock, .. Pen dub Author-. Reading is to begiven by Hamlin Garland \V cdncsdayevening, Jun� 2nd. in Mandel at 8:0()o'clock. Everybody invited.Rush Medical College Convocationis to be held Tuesday. June Ist, inMandel at 3:00 p. m. Pr�si(ient Ed­mund J. James will give the address.Subject: "The Governmental Func­tion of the lledical Profession ...'-ILLINI-CHICAGO FRESHMANIIEE'!" COMES TOMORROWMaroon Yearling. Have Poor Chanceto W"m-Are Weak in Spo� ..CHAS. HuEsTON 'ON CAMP:USMr. Charles Hueston. formerly in­structor in English and debatingcoach at the University. and at pres-· ent connected with the Leland Stan­ford University faculty. is a guest ofMr. D. A. Robertson. :\Ir. Huestonwill remain in Chicago t1ntil JUl)e 9· when he will return west with MissMargaret Davidson 'of the Engti�h de­partment as his bride. He declared· yesterday that Deal HaU's com'oca-· tion 'speech at Stanford wa's consid-· «ed tbe best ever heard there.A large attendance marked an ex­cellent concert by the University Randin English 1 yesterday afternoon. Thefavorable weather brought many whohave not yet been out this year to thecerts. The concerts served as a sert'n­ade for the crowd that watched theChicago-Illinois tenni5 matches on thenearby courts.TO CHOOSE SENIOR SPEAKERImportant Meeting of 1909 ClassCaned for This' Morning.Seniors will hold their regular met't­in� this morning in Haskell at "10:30the !!pecial busine!'s being the election(If a �peaker to nply for the class atthe alumni banquet. Chairman Sherer('\f the gift committee will make animportant report. Dean Kennedy willannoance the appearance at the tn­lormation' . Office of 5(X) c1as's 'pro-crams.Patronize IbrooD adftl1Uen. GYM CLASSES COMPETEIN BASKETBALL GAilE11 :15 Five is Victor· in One-sided Con­test-Score Results 21 to 4.'rhe 11 :15 gymnasium class yest er­day defeated the 12:15 men in basket­ball at Bnrrlett. The .score was 21 to4. A feature of the game was theteamwork of the winners, who byshort and snappy passes outwittedt hcir »ppoucut s at all stages of the�aml".:\11 the men on the winning team!,�tI' �d in the score, Smith leadingwith four baskets from field. Hergerdropped three goals. A pretty throwwa- made hy Admiral from near thecenter oi the field. All the points oftire losers were scored by their center,Heritage, who also out jumped his op­ponent regularly .PRESIDENT JAMES ORATORAT RUSH CONVOCATIONExercises of Medical College to BeHeld Next Tuesday in, Man'del HallThe Annual .Convocation exercisesof the Rush :\Iedical College will beheld in Leon Mandel Assembly Halton June 1. 1909 at 3 o'clock p. m. Theaddress will be delivered by PresidentEdmund J. J�mes; of th� Universityof l llinois , H is subject 'will be:' "The(�o\'ernmental Function of the Medi­cal Profession."'£RRI£ ,,'ott (INC) � S,rORMER'_V.���£5• "'"ONE�16�!' FLOOR MENTOR BLDG.. COR. STATE & MONROE STREETSCHICAGO' I.Have: you .read our ad in the. Maroon regarding aSuit of ac;th� Which We.·are'CoiDe to. Give· You Free? .]f not better Iook it 'up. ·For-'·"got to mention that Students' areallowed only one guess.When sending in your estimatebe sure and give your address- .Have you bought your SpringClothes? 'Why not look at our, stock before ordering?100 EngraVt.-d Cards of your name $t 25in correct script'. including plate II. I. 300 BISlless or Cillilg Clrds $1.00HYNSON,Pa .... er HouR LobbyPhone Central 61(11Bargains all the TimeReliable Rebuilt Typewriters, all makes;. rebuilt in our own factory; better andcheaper than others. Set' for yourself.THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE319 Dearborn SL A. J. COUSE, Mgr.TelephoDe HarrisoD 406SLasswell, p ......UI bst 55tll StreetMak. Good Photoa $2.50 DozeDCorrie and see 'them.'CAPt............. " ..Made with "Easy TieSlide" space and "Pat­ented Lock Front." .QUAItTIIl SIZES.0..." •. PUT A PIN HERE-0--3ZSIIJP ......... c.-...c­an elf.*- Allc ...... aMILB •• i ••• � tt •••..... C ... HaD7Ac. H. BESL Y & CO.trle CUT BRASS t�lpe15·17 ·19· 21 Clinton St. Chicago, U. S. A.Send for our new 1908 illustrated catalogues of Machinists'Fine Tools. mailed FREE on application.A Most .Popular Place to DiaelTheW oodlawn Cafe63rd St. and Cottage Grove Ave.There is no Cafe on Chicago' s South Side so elegantly appointed. ,CUISINE UNEXCELLEDPnces Moderate Music 'Every EveninglIi� �iL· ·._ _.I �I �11ISchrader��Cand,erSFancy lee Cre�",·rcn 'Vain1Y Lu"che�.116 E. 43n1 St. 241 E. 55TH' ST. 695 E. 47th:&.·II�I------------_I&-------�'�------�I._------_.I�----.I--------_' ...TEACHERS' AND STe­DENTS' REVIEWS FORALL EXAMINATIONS U;CHICAGO.Bralden ex '10 U. of ,c.Cor. £Ilia aDd 55th St./�e:ct.. C A- F E :-�cCHOP SUEYMATHEW-S & CO.INC.; Geo. H� Fiedler, Sec.Alben Mathews, Pres.iThe Tailor ShopMakers 01 cloth�s for man- "The Individual99156 Wabash Avenue ChicagoDeveloping, Printing and En larging.t:ameras and Kodaks Rentedand t:xchangcd.Cameras, KodaksPatronize liarooD adnrtiHrLThe Union Hotel andRestaurant111·117 RaDcloIpb StreetTHE POPULARPI .. ACE TO EAT:ither before or aft� the theatre.We make a specialty of Cluband Fraternity Dinners.._.and ....Photo S�pplies. Cantral Camera Co.T.I .. lD •• ua Ce.traII1J N'U \U .,..,:.. C.i[e AGO , ! ."tIITAXI-CABS CHEAP FOR. P20MTHE DAILY. MAROO�. ,FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1909.SWIMIlING FINALS TODAYBooksThe largest =--tuck in theUnited States of rhe Booksof other publishers.EngravingCards.Invitations.Anuounce­meuts, and Programs (or alloccasions, in Iaultless stylesF ureignLanguagesAn incomparable stuck of. the New and StandardWorks in French and 'Ger­. man, also lIl.my others,Spanish, Italian, Esperanto,etc.Monthly, Bulletin:A monthly descriptive list,with illustrations of everr.title received in our retailstore. It is impartial andcomplete, and is very valua­ble to book buyers and Li­brarians. Sent upon requestA SYIIBOl·" OF QUAUTYBALDWIN-MADEPIANOS ANDPLAYER. PIANOS• . A PRODucT THATHOLDS' TilE. WORLD'S HIGHEST HOIORSThe coat· of the Baldwin·madeinstruments is no higher than isoften paid for Inferior makes.Quality . considered they are' by..far the Most Moderately PricedInstruments on the market.Oar TUIII. \ of . P�YlDe.t will also. Please You., P.lease� us a \'i�it o(.:�� ". -... . U�)Il belOr� concludmg apurchase ..' . ·eTsew"ere.· '. ." :", .Tbe··.:.:·:BaldWin . ,Co.,MANUFACTURER267�269 W ........ Ave.FA..QT TRAINSDAY AlID BIGHTON IrH£�- -MONON ROUTE________ _J/Best ServiceBetweenCHICAGO, INDIANAPOLIS,- CINCINNATI. OA YTON,LA FAYETTE LOUIS·VILLE AND POINTS SOUTHFrank J. Reed, Gen. �ass. Agt.E: P. Cockrell. A_ G. P. A_ChicagoCity Ticket Office .82 S. ClarkStreet.Telephone Central 5487All trains �top at 47th & 63rd Sts,Chocolates ...and fine bonbons famous through­out America. put up' in beautifulboxes suitable for presents at 25c.40c and 60c per pound.It A ple a sed customer is the bestadvertisement . .,GUITID'S CMFECTIOIIERY212 STATE ST.Have y01l .paid your Spring sub­�riptioll? Low &"tft by Automobile Cor.:.;:mInaure Solution of TransportationProb1em-Carriaces Never BeforeSo Cheap for Social FunctioDLAuto taxi-cabs are now the thing.Horse-drawn vehicles are no longerappropriate for social functions at theUniversity. The days of the hackdriver are past. Xo longer is .the stu­dent to be "held up" in polite fashionand made "to deliver" to the knightof the whip and cab. Xever again willthe Jehu of the lash apply the screwto the lean pocketbook of the under­graduate in the effort to extract there­from the price of a carriage. Autotaxicabs have solved the . financialproblem.Special Rates for the Prom.Instead of being looked forward towith uneasy anticipation and manymisgivings. the transportation- problemof the Junior Prom is for this year atb-ast cheaply and easily solved. Notonlv is the question "What?" solvedby the answer "Taxicab" but the ques­tion "Which costs least?" is 'also an­swered by "Taxicab."The finance committee of the JuniorProm has concluded arrangements for Ithe Auto Taxi-Cab Company of Chi­caao for rock-boitom rates for thebenefit of those who intend to attendthe Prom.T .. xi-« abs to convey four. personseach will be furnished at a studentrate of fifty cents for the first mile,a rnl forty cents per mile thereafter.:Y (l' only is this rate the lowest thatstudents have "-'fll:r been able to obtainhut the dist?- 'Ifill be reckoned toand from the -J .nnasium, accordingto the distance actually traversed by. the dancers.Many .Tm-cabs Ordered,The unusual reasonableness of therates for the transportation to andf rom the Prom ensures a large de­mand for the auto taxi-cabs, and themanagement has promised to providean ample number of the machines forthe use of the students.The only. request that 'the managersof the taxi-cabs have .to .make is 'thatthe students order their carriages earlyso that- plenty of machines may beprovided for the rush.For the present, or until other ar­rangements are- announced, ordersmay be placed with the InformationOffice or with the business managerof The Daily Maroon.A constitution was adopted and afinancial report showing $78 in thetreasury was accepted at the banquetof the University Glee Club last night.David A. Robertson and Gordon Er­ickson responded to toasts,' H. G.Stibbs acting as toastmaster. An earlyadjournment was made to attend theconcert of the California Glee club.The officers for next year will bechosen a week from today.GLEE CLUB HOLDS BANQUETSingers' Organization Adopts Consti-.tution and Hears Fa�orableFinancial Report.Ministen to Dine Today.The Synod of Illinois United Pres­byterian Ministers will have a lunch­eon in the Commons cafe today' at12:30 o'clock.The students of the Carnegie Tech­nical Schools have a dramatic associa­tion called the "White Friars."-I De �111II!�. BIlk Ct.I 18-26 E. VaD BareD St.,CHICAGO, - IWNOlS..I Books on Psycholology, Scienceand Theoso�h'y'.CIRCULATING uBRARY.The Place for Home Cooking-TheVarsity Cafe474! East 55th. Near Greenwood• Condudinc Events of Series For All­Around University . Championshipto Be Held in Bartlett This After­noon.\Vhen the two swimming contestsremaining to be swam this afternoonare over, the University swimmingchampion will be known. The threecompetitors who stand closest for thecoveted title are Ralph Lidster, cap­tain-elect of the swimming team, Con­rad Benitez, captain-elect of the waterpolo aggregation, and Ole Bergersen,the Freshman aquatic star, are in thestruggle closely matched; and the out­come of the series is a considerablequestion. I t is expected that Lidsterwill 'continue his high-class work byhanging up a new natatorium recordin the 40 yard swim, any style; andthe new life-saving event promises tobe thoroughly entertaining.Knudsen to Be "Saved."In this event each contestant mustcarry the supposed drowning personthe length of the tank as speedily aspossible, and points will be deductedfor each time the subject's face is sub­merged, and for slow time. CoachKundsen of the swimmers is the "sub­ject" to be carried. The stunt is anew one for University circles andmany spectators will probably bepresent to watch the work of the as­piring swimmers."JOHN AND JOHN" TO HAVEBOARDS AT. CLUB TODAYComedy Sketch to Be Presented byArts Women This Afternoon­Have Last Rehearsal"John and John," the comedy sketchto be presented by the Arts collegewomen will have the boards in theReynolds club theater this afternoon. "The cast held its last rehearsal yes­terday and 'proved itself letter perfect.The cast is as follows:Maggie, the maid--Ray GoldsworthMrs. Belmont Levina MinerMrs. Witherfield Alice. Herrick,Pouy! Winthrop. �' Matilda FenbergLouise Parker ... � _ .... Lina GouldWepdell Phillips Dance june 5th.The Wendell Phillips Alumni willgive their annual dance at ShotwellHall on the evening of June 5th.Those on the campus who are on thedance committee are KatherineFrench, Harriet Sager and ArthurO'Neill.President judson Back Sunday.President Judsofl will return to Chi­cago Sunday morning, according to atelegram received yesterday. Dr. Jud­son has been in the east for two weeksattending religious and educationalconferences.Harvard House in Stratford-on­Avon, the birthplace of John Har­vard, founder of the university hear­ing his name, has been converted intoa museum.,..c , .. -­.... "'._ ..e,!:'--YCUSHIO.IUTTOICLASP__ .- ..................... &.,__ r-AL•• " EAS'�_� A Bishop Specialwhich will appeal to your Ideas� A styleappropriate to spring. Colora to pleasean.: Hatters' service unequaled.209 other styles, colora and proportions.CBICAGO·SLARGEST LINE$3 $4 $5 $6Specializing Knapp - Felt, Roelof andStetson productions.A;"-BISBOP & CO •B .... I'1Irs. Gloves. StlekliJ_d U.llrellase.t. 1160 156 Slate SI. eat. 1860 S3 � .. 1%.' '3185 Dearborn Street."Light Flannel Trousersand Blue Serge Coat"A Warm Weather WIDDer for the College Man with a Taste.. for Seuoaable COmbiDatio .....We want to show you the New Line of Flannels to be worn thisSummer-Alone worth a special visit ... Prices always within the College Man's purse.•.. ." .: t. �CARVER & WILKIE,-: TAILORS :-Adams Expreu BuilcIiDg.A DEUGHTFUL PLACE·TO EAT .Diffel'ellt-DiatiDct .THE ORiENTAL REsTAURANt.N. PROTOPAPAS. Prop..JOHN COCOLIS. "&Dacei'Sec...t Flow at 58oa Stat. Stnet. a.-.. '1Ii!'�:.1h·COuig�'Mtiiit$�'- ,. '. ,.Ben4.en1oa.· . 'I." . •'. _" '. 1,�Fn.d.. T�I""".' � .FRANK L BENHM\The Co II eKe .Man�s Tailor­S19A East 63n1·Street.You men of the University want clothes of .YOUR OWN. The kind that are made up forthe AVERAGE man don't fit YOU. .'You are not looking for extreme and ultra­fan tastic capers. You as a college man art theBEST DRESSED not the LOUDEST dressed,Quality, design, workmanship and price. tosuit the college man. These' are 'the facts' aboutmy clothes.A DRESS SUITIt ought to become you-whether you are tall of stature ornot. If it does not you have either borrowed it for the occa­sion. or it is ready made, but not well. made ..Lindsay Brothers, TailorsHave won great distinction in making Evening Clothes. Itis their specialty. If you want to be picked out from thecrowd at the Junior Prom, as one of the best groomed men.have Lindsay Brothers make you a dress suit. .49-51 Jackson Boulevard.Third Floor.JOHN R. JANSONJDqlOrltng ilallar175 DEARIIORN STREET--e:..ir .......Special Young Men·s Depanment opened this seasonSuits to Unh·ersity o( <"n� Studtnt5, hs..eoPhone Central )86z.....THE �ILY MAROON� . FRIDAY, MAY 28,·1909.Amusements.ILLINOIS. �i::�;DI··TI1IIIiII s •••• "James Fone.. Aatbor 01 '"TbeCboru Lad,.."S�o.!...::,·ca .... SIIIa, £ .. 111B'EVERL... YOF GRAtBTAKAS--- ., ................... '.(j ��!!��.nnan FarceTHE BLUE MOUSE! MABELWlEllRRlSONEve, & Sat. Mat. 50C to--I1.50. Wed.J4at Soc. to I ......CO·LONIAL=.First time at 11.50:Last week. Going Soon.. �Merry WidowSUNDAY. JUNE �THE SUIOUR SHOWRICHARD CARLE ..... T...,.., TeaicHDlSELF 'TM H __ c-.t7' GirlPOWERSCHARLES FROHMAMPresentsAN ENGLISHMAN'S HOMETbe pia,. tbat oearl,. .caa�·a·war.c- Opera K�:' Mr •. Henry- E.. ,Dme,:I. TIa. Mi.tdIe Wed � ."MARY' JANE'S PA.-tt'Star Attncd.a' of aac.... ..McVICKERS.The Biggest and Best DruryLane McJocliam .."THE SINS. OF. SOCIEIL".No theatre ever housed a show 10 bigWHITNEY ����B. C. Wbltbe;. Sole PrOprietorMR. CHARLES CHERRY� ·I�1HE BACHELOR�' c;,.:�'itch.._Princes� TheatreLAST TL� ��"WQIt_ . a...:: c rua;c..COIIDIQ- ' _1. .... u:.,.;.bt�EN_ UJ1.� .I 0- ........ _ . 'IGIRL Willa � ·Woodnaff.L·' aSalie' Theatre .' .·The Golden.GirlMoving to the Princess Sunday,atA��"'.: MATINEESItUID1IUIR . SUN. WED., AN'D SA-T�..... Seaoa-. Bealt.��=�_11IE ..BALLNUIIBERALI.SIIIt ��OFAMERICAN =��Wabash Ave. and Peck CourtThe Only Thing New Beneath the SunTWO BIG SHOWS A DAY. 'MAJESTIC.CONTINUOUSVAUDEVILLEPrices I ;-2S-S0-7SC. T�lephoneCentral 6480.--------SAIIS� '.111110VIRGINIAHARNED'SMA�� tR'IS.Seuatioeal Price. 2Sc, SOc. 75c. Mats.Wed., Sat., Sun. 2sc-SOC. ReservedSeats on sale at Lyon & Healy's.If its advertised in The Maroondia�s all yoa aeed to bow. C'OlIVOCATIOR' EXERCISESIN HUTCHINSON COUH(Continued from Page 1)grees and' titles witt meet in CobbLecture HaU .10:45 a. m. The Procession.11:00 a. m. The' Convocation Re­··liMious Service. �fandel Hall, TheConvocation Sermon by the Reverend'Jose:>h A. Milburn.4:(;(, p. m. Vespers,: A MusicalService. Mandel Hall.June 14. Monday.Class Day.10:3(; a. m. Flag Exercises. FlhlfPole. Address, Dean James Rowland!An�cl1. H;,i�:ng 1909 Flag. Edwnrd'.1.. ,McRride.II :(1() a. m. Class PI;IY. Mandel'Hall.12:(',() m. ��!lior Frolic. "SleepyHollow."12:PO m. Luncheon to Doctors ofrlu- University. \,.)ml<!rangle Club. Ad­dress by Professor Charles H ubbardJudd, Director of the School of Edu­cation.1:00. p. m. Senior Luncheon. "Eng-lish 1."2:00 p. m. Band Concert. ·'C··Be.tch. "2:30 p. m. Class Bench Exercises.Senior Bench. Address of the Pres­ident of the Class. William :\lac­Craeken,Class History, Katherine ·Slaught.Class Oration, Walter P. Steffen.Class Poem, Winston P. Henry.Presentation or: the Cap' and Gownto the Class of 1910. Mary Courtenay.Response-for the Class .of 1910. Eliz­abeth Fogg.Presentation of the Hammer to theClass' of. 1910,. De Witt Lightner.Response for the Class of 1910,Mansfie d Ralph Cleary.Presentation of the Senior Benchto Class of 1910, Harry A. Hansen.Response for the Class of 1910. Har­lan Orville Page.Presentation of the Class Gift, Ren­slo,,' P: Sherer.Response in behalf of the Univer­sity, President Harry Pratt Judson.Class Song. Words and Music byHarcy A. Hansen.,"Alma Mater.". 4:00 p. m. Fifty-eigcth Meeting ofthe. University Congregation. Con­gregation Hall, Haskell Museum.6:00 p. m. Annual Dinner of theDivinity Alumni Association. Quad­rangle Club.9:00 p. m. Convocation Reception.Hutchinson Court.Guests of Honor: Profesor GeorgeAdam Smith, A.M., D.D., LL.D .. Mr.and Mrs. Andrew MacLeish, Mr. andMrs. Harold F. McCormick.Jaue 15_ Thursday.Convocation Day. 8:30 a. m. Ma·tutinal for Candidates for Higher De:grees, Quadrangle Club.1,,:30 a. m. The Seventy-first Con­vocation. Hutchison Court. The Pro­cession. The Convocation Address.by George Adam Smith. :\.�1.. D.D ..LL.D., Professor of Old TestamentLanguage, Literature and Theology.United Free Church College, Glas­gow.The Conferring of Degrees.The President's Quart�rly State-ment,The Recession.1:00 p. m. The University Lunch­cvn. Hutchinson Hall.3":00 p, m. Alumni Track �fe('t andRase Ball Game. �Iarshall Field.6:30 p. m. Annual Dinner of theAlumni Association. Hutchinson HaJJ.KQton-. Condition Improving.Harold Kay ton. a member of theFreshman class, who was severely in­jured in an accident at the gymnasiumTuesday evening. was reported to her('s·ting easy yesterday at the \Ves·levan hospital where he was removedTuesday night. Kay ton. whose homeis in San Antonio. Texas. has beenrooming in Snell Hall, and is wellknown among the members of thetw.: lower classes.To assure yourself of the besttreatment buy of Daily Maroon ad­yertisen. WRITES OF' CONDITIONSAIIONG IIICHIGAH STUDENTS(Continued from Page 1)garded the proceeding with suspicionas unauthorized and irregular.Student Council Has Little Power."There is a student council, but ithas little power, and that little is notalways exerted on the right side. Itsineffectiveness in a crisis was shownlast year, when a mob of a thousandstudents wrecked the Star Theater. anickel moving picture show, whoseproprietor had offended them by put­ting out a disorderly student. On thefollowing night they smashed in thewindows and demolished the pianoand furniture. The Mayor, the firedepartment and the few policemen thetown affords were powerless in thehands of the students. President An­geli was sent for and made a speechto the students, but they paid no at­tention to him. Dean Hutchins. whois as highly respected as any professoralso appealed to them in vain. Thetheater, an adjoining saloon and thefire department claimed damages tothe amount of $3,500, but a settlementwas finally made for $1.000 and thecriminal charges dismissed. The stu­dent council raised a large amount ofmoney for the defense of fifteen stu­dents arrested. some of whom werequite innocent. but it made no attemptto search out the more guilty parties.and has done nothing to prevent ther.'c·urrence of such an affair in thefuture.Shows Lack of ControL"Of course, theater disturbances arenot unusual elsewhere, being estab­lished customs in some universities.and the anticipated damages paid forin advance. but the lack of official con­trol and of self-control points the wayto a needed reform. The studentcouncil having failed to ameliorate thefall rush, the faculty senate took thematter in hand, and among the regula­tions, provided that it be held in thedaytime, whereupon the student coun­cil passed a different set of regula­tions. 'putting the rush in the evening.as formerly. Athletic affairs are stillin confusion, in spite of or because ofthe facl llaat students, alumni, facultyand regents have in turn tried, theirhands at rules and management. Mich­i�jJfl withdrew from the Western Con­ference a year ago because of dissatis­Iaction with the eligibility rules.Fairweather Given Bachelor Party.Sigma Alpha Epsilon gave a dinnerand smoker to George Owen Fair­weather Wednesday evening at thechapter house on Monroe avenue. Theaffair was in the nature of a "Bache­lor party" and was occasioned by Fair­weather's wedding which will occurnext Tuesday. About fifty guests werepresent including alumni and Messrs.Johnson, Van Sant and McClelland ofthe University of Colorado who arein the city to attend the wedding.Patronize Maroon advertisers.c;m_GTy�riting and ste�phy done atreasonable rates. �pply Daily MaroonofficeLoIIt. In Jackson Park, a KappaAlpha Theta pin. Letters on back, L.Campbell, Alpha Theta.POCKETBOOK FOUND-May behad at the Infonnatio n office uponidentification.FOR SALE - First class pianos.Thfte standard makes. Apply Bus­ineas Manager,. The Daily Maroon.FOR SALE--Scholarship on FirstBasme. or Musical . College. Ap­pl�, Dail7 Maroon Office.FULL DRESS SUITSTo Rent.T.e.SCHAFFNER78'State 51. NEW POCKET EDITIONGillette Safety RazorThe college man's outfit is not complete without thenew Pocket Edition Gillette. Compact-will slip easilyinto the waistcoat pocket-vas handsomely finished as apiece of jewelry.It is made on the the time-tested Gillette principle,but is a Gillette improvement-neater-more workman-like. .The new Gillette is the last word in razors for anyman who wants a quick, satisfactory shave. No strop­ping. no honing. The blades are fine.Pocket Edition-Handle and blade box triple silver orheavily gold plated in cases of gold. silver, nickel or gunmetal-plain or embossed - with a dozen New ProcessGillette blades (24 cutting edges) 15.00 to �.SO.GILLETTE SALES COIIPAKY603 Kimball Buildillll. BostoaNew York, Times Bldg. Canadian Office. 63 St. Alexander 5tChicago, Stock Exchange Bldg. Montreal. Que.London "Office-17 Holbor n Viaduct. E. C.Factories: Boston. Mon:reaJ London. Berlin. Paris.In the "TREMONT�" t1ierehas been successfullyprodueeda collar combining. comfortwith smart a ppe ar a nee..1,5C. each� for liSCo CIaett. Peebod� • eo.. ......�cu'11 £nd Arrow Cds just � &oocS as Arrow CO�2sc. a':""DO YOU PAYmore ttmn.t22Qfor a hat?Lots of merchants are sellinghats for$2.22,But-Arthur3t2 gghaare worth lllaMIlIJR FflI.DtEIII'D.D81-83 VAN BUREN ST.�_ .... - AND 183 DEARBORN /�Irwin Bros. /d,mpanyCHICAGO 5825 State St.449 to 451 State St.Long Distance Tel.' Harrison S.�SI7 Long �. Tel. WeDtwonh 517Prime Beef, Pork, Veal.· and .MuttonWrite for Special Hotel Beef and Poultry List,. Specially selected for Hotel Restaurant. Club and Dining Car tradeFancy Cuts of Meats for this trade given special attention.Visit "Little Hungary" To-night·Hunprian Cafe and Restaurant .Evening Table D'Hote Soc. Noon Luncheon 40CSouthwest Corner Clark and Monroe St.Main Entrance 184 Clark Street Telephone Central 102qFamous Hungarian Gypsy Baad Concerts S p.m. tillt a.m. also Sunday MatineeD. L. FRANK. Special Hunearian Cat .. rer Ladies' SouYf'nirs after Theatre. The King Piano"King of· Them All"271 Wabash Ave. Harrison 2571 _-:'-----:...