.J•I1fr1IIIIIIII1Iil1 f(,r",;)(f!; -- VOLUME VII.-No. 135. CHICAGO, THURSDAY, MAY 6.1Q09 areenPrice Two CalbLAIICH INTERSCHOI.ASTJCPI.IIIS AT BIG MEEDNGReynolds, Club Commission �omsArrangements for Big PrepMeet-Stagg Present.President Henry Appoints Member�ship of Many Committees-En- '­tertaiDment Plans Changed.Plans for the Interscholastic meet,June 12, were definitely and activelystarted yesterday morning at a spe­cial meeting of the Reynolds ClubCommission. All but - five membersof the commission and the facultyrepresentatives were present, and tookactive participation in the formulat­ing of suggestions for making the1909 meet the most successful andprofitable of any from the standpointof the Prep athletes. In completingthe permanent organization of theReynolds Club Commission, PresidentHenry announced the personnel of thefollowing committees to take chargeof the meet.Henry, President, ex officio; Shel­don, vice-president; Charters, secre­tary; Dean Angell, treasurer, ex of­ficio.Reception committee-Page, chair­man; Latham, Crawley, Lingle, Sher­er, Meigs.Souvenir committee - Wheeler,chairman; Elwell, Walker. .Publicity committee - Goodenow,'chairman; Sayles, Wilk.Press committee-Gass,. chairman;Stern, Newman.Entertainment committee-Collings,chairman; Cleary, Sheldon, Daniels,��NicRr80n.:_�:.:__, ;''''_'J:_ _Board and Lodging'" committee-s- .Richie, chairman; Smith, West. '-'Banquet committee - Gill, chair": 'man; MacNeish, Sullivan.These committees will meet soonto make tentative arrangements. Ac­cording to President Henry yester­day evening, the Entertainment com­mittee will assemble this morning at1(i:3O in front of Cobb hall informally.The Press committee will meet' at 2o'clock today at the Reynolds club.Preps to Witness Prom.The commission plans to dispensewith most of the entertaining featuresbefore the meet, especially the Fridayafternoon vaudeville which was a dis­mal failure klst year, and with theSaturday morning "open houses" bythe various fraternities. Both thesestunts proved impractical last year,and the managers of the Interscho-,Iastic will center their efforts onshowing the visiting prep athletes a100d time Friday evening, and afterthe meet.Besides attending White City enmasse, the visitors will be escorted totile Junior Prom, and thus be enabledto see two sides of the social oppor­tunities of the University. The factthat this year's Prom is set for Juneeleventh makes the plan of the enter­tainment committees of the Prom andof the Interscholastic coincide mostopportunely.After the meet on the afternoon ofJune twelfth, the prep athletes willbe entertained at a monster banquetiii Hutchinson hall, the special fca­tares of which will be the presenta­tion of several vaudeville sketchesand the a""arding of the cups andmedals for the winners of points andtrophies in the meet. Following thebanquet the Reynolds club will enter'"tain the entire body of interscholasticmen and their friends at dancing.A committee will ;J lso be appointedto draw up a new constitution for theReynolds 'club commission, the mem­bership of which will be announcedtoday.KaiinOftides C1u& Meets.The Mairnonides club m�t last e"en­ing in Cobb. The ide:. of the estab­_ lishment of a model, independentstate for the Jews in Palestine wasdiscussed by the members of the club. 15 III EXTEIIPORE CO.TESTJunior College Competitors to Ap­pear Today at 3 O'clock for Pre­liminary Speeches - Finals ComeMay 2O-Gorsuch Encouraged. ASSIII c.s PARTS'FOR "THE L RlCAL UAR"Fifteen Junior college students willtoday compete in the preliminary ofthe extemporaneous speaking contestswhich have been adopted by the pub­lic speaking department to succeedthe old declamation system and willreceive its first test on this occasion. The coaches of "The Lyrical Liar"The contestants as announced at have assigned the chorus men to theirtti� bureau of records is as follows: divisions, and the men are now beingA.'r.R. Baar, H. B. Franklin, H. P. drilled in the respective parts. Fol-Gr6ssman, W. P. Harms, Edward lowing are the selections:'Jennings, K. G. Karsten, Cameron T. "Maggie �[alol!�': chorus; boys,Latter, C: E. Lynn, Harry Markheim, Gardner, Harmon, Joice, Schofield;J. S. Moffatt, L. P. Payne, M. M. Sav- girls, Wheeler, Morrison, Lawler,idge, W. A. Warriner, Jr.; C. W. Moyer.Washburne' and L. M. Wheeler. • "Sun Flower Sue" chorus: girls,Thoughthe entries closed Teusday at Rosenthal, Hobart, Kay ton, Hoadley.noon, Dean Lovett would not an- Thomas, Coulson, Mac Clintock,nounce the names until yesterday. Daly. -Varsity girls, Wheeler Morrison,Contest Today at 3 O'clock. Lawler, Moyer, Watkins, Jennison,The contests today will be held in Watts, Sturgeon.Kent theater" The entrants are to be .. Beware" girls is same as "Sunon. hand at 3 o'clock to receive their Flower Sue."subjects. They will be given an hour Varsity boys, Wood, Kelly, Joice,in which to prepare talks on questions �_, Harmon, Blaylock, Grey, Benson,assigned which will be on engrossing Gilbert.matters and will be given out by the Cad ts BI· B ld idg Ke, ISS, - 3 r1 e, arsten,lot drawing process. At 4 o'clock Simond, �arriuer, Baldwin, Scofield,the fifteen will assemble and will de- Gardner. 'livir their talks, before an audience Dane ing Cats, Kay ton and Stur-of 'students taking public speaking.From those who 'icompete today geon.Tlie remainder of the chorus partsfour will be selected for the finals on.' will-be' announced in a few days. TheMay 20 when subjects Vl!1,"U again be above are the main divisions, and theassigned in the manner 'or the' first selections will be adhered to unless'contest. A longer time �:"'wilf be al-, changes should be made because oflowed for the preparation of.·speeches absences,which will be delivered to die Univer- Richard Little Witnesses Rehearsalsity and will be worked up i� a more ,', Mr. Richard, Henry Little, special'(()rinar manner t!tan at:�ft1�!\";� 'dramatic-writ.�r, o.f�!he' Record-Herald,aries. The two best speakers.will'be : was present at ,the rehearsal held'chosen and will reeciveiecvto�t5K�gin :, Tuesday evening," and was greatlychosen and, ,w, i_II, rec eive a' schohrrship pleased with the 'book and music ofeach.Gorsuch' Pleased at, Interes� : the play. He, slated that the rehear-sal went more smoothly than many"I am encouraged at the number professional performances which hewho have entered," said Mr. W, ,':f� 'has �een two weeks before their per­Gorsuch who has been largely instrti- formance. Mr. Little expects to bemental in working out the new plan .... ; out to a few more rehearsals arid to"And I hope that, the scheme will be ", be, present at the first performance,so successful that twice the number ',. t1t�night of the twentieth;will turn out for the contest next �.: Two Joint � Today.yeaT. I had rather expected that ,the Today the cast ...... � .. �orus will hold,students would be hesitant since, th� -�,two "joint rehearsals, the one in the af-plan is a brand new one, !»�t appar- ternoonat the Reyri'olds club, and inently it is one tbat appeals," .: � ... "., ' the': .evening the whole company willassemble for the first time in Mande",'han�, . 'this rehearsal will be held in �Ma .. aei in order tha-t the cast and�cho�� can repiate their words to'the ,�c()ustic properties of the hail,�he chorus men now know all theirspeaking parts, songs, dances;' and ex:-'its, .and entrances, and this first jointrehearsal -is : expected to run �:smoothly as the first performance." ...... ;111'" -ALUMNI TO AID IN MAKINGSUCCESSFUL ILLINOIS DAY'"Grads" Pledge Support at Yester­days Luncheon-Appoint Com­mittee to Get Men Out.That the success of "Illinois Day"is to be in no waf impaired by lackof alumni suppoht was assured yester­day at the weekly alumni luncheonheld in the Union restaurant.Coach Stagg was present and madea well received appeal for co-opera­tion in making the event a rousingfeature of spring athletics. The im­portance on the part of both alumniand the student body of exerting ev­ery effort was emphasized in as muchas Chicago is to be the first westernschool to adopt the plan of a stateday, eastern universities having longago proved the scheme possible.The additional fact that the Illinoisalumni is arranging for active partici­pation was pointed out as anotherreason for co-operation here.A committee composed of �le5sr!'.Clark Jennison, Hugo Friend. BurtBrown Barker� John Hagey. GeorgeOwen Fairweather, Norman Barker,and Secretary Harry Hansen was ap­pointed, and a thorough canvas of allthe city alumni is to be made by hothtelephone and letter.Daily Maroon Std, to Dine.The regular frotnightly� dinner ofThe Daily :Maroon �taff will be heldtonight at the l.ittle Hungary cafe,and will be attended by all membersof the staff. The hour of the banquetis 10 o'elock. Names of Men Selected for MaiD Div­isions Are Announced byManagement.R. H. Little of Record-Herald Com­pliments Progress of CompaDY­Two Joint Rehearsals Today.TIE "'POR- $200 CIVICS P�:'Jadges Decide to Divide Cub Awatd·,·Between William Duncan and H.P. Grossman, With Honorable Men­tion to' 'Praaklin' Fisher.'-' ,�After two 'examinations the politi­cal science - scholarship of $200 wasyeste,rdaoy, diyided b;tween H. PhilipGrossman a1]a William Duncan. Thedecision comes after a month's waitin which a committee Qf ProfessorMerriam, Mr. Arnold lfall and Mr.Bramhall ha"e been unabl� to decidewho the winner should be.Of the original contestants �ix Werechosen and the committee thought onthe first reading ,of the papers thatthey would ha"e to give all these asecond examination. Later, how�ver,they decided to give B. F. Bms, C. T.Latter, and Alice E. Hart honorablemention and have Franklin Fisher,Grossman and Duncan appear for anoral test. This was done yesterdayafternoon and resulted in a tie be­tween Grossman and Puncan and Spe­cial honorable mention to Fisher.The scholarship is an anonymousone of � in cash, awarded for thebest examination in Political Science,Freshman only being eligible. � LEAD PRO.)UJIB BLfiBlttIi: _ Pt;D. ClUb, Meets This Morning.-"'The..J�en club will=meet -this morn-.ing.at 10:� in Cobb -6A. 'Plans wilibe' discussed' for this quarter's work;and a date for 'the quarterly' banquet'will beset.: All members of the clubare urged to be, present. SopbOI:IICris Take Interest in ComingElection aDd Candidates Promiseto Taboo Politics.Class Votes Unanimously in Favorof"Dlinois D.". and Will Attemptto Outdo Others.Cap and Gown CMdiutes.Uanaginc Editors-Valee O. Appel;Roy Baldridge, Esmond Long, ArthurW. Wheeler.Business Managers-Ralph B. Cobb,Paul Edgerton Gardner, H. GlennStibbs.Literary Editor-Hilmar R. Bauk­hage, Ernestine Evans, Eveline MaudePhillips, Reno R. Reeve.Eleven people were nominated forthe five positions on the next year'sCap and Gown board at the meetingof the' Sophomore class yesterday at10:30, at which almost the whole classturned out. Nominations by petitionwill' be open until next Monday after­noon. The petitions must be signedby at least five members of the Class·and must be handed in to PresidentEarle.Hold EtectiOllS .May 19..,The ;elec'tion :will be held on Wed-'n�e'sday, :May 19,' in .Cobb hall, 1',,0'managing, editors, two business man-:agers arid one Iiterary editor will bechosen •. The selection of tellers willbe left 't�' the Sophomore executiveboard., ', .,_,Any student, with not less than-'t�. inor more than 21 majors to his credit': is eligible to vote or to serve on theCap and Gown board. . A list of vot­.ers will. be ,poste-" O!l the bulletin'-board ,in··Uo.nt-:�in.a_fc.w_�j�: _AD Sip', Pledge.The following, resolution ,silhilai' tothe pledge by the Re�olds cluJ) taD- 'dldates made last' 'quartet, has '-been:signed �y ail the 'Cap and Gown Doni- 'inees: ' -,'. - '"Since student elections' itt: the past·have been dominated: too largely bymethods of professional : politics; 'and'"Since this tendency bas worked'tin.;. ,fairness to both eandidates and Yot-,ers; and; ' - '"Since 'iil the- recent' Reynolds clubelection's the 'non..:combination 'aglft­.ment' served to, remedy this undesir­able condition' of affairs; and"Since the best interests of Chicagolife require the ptomulgation of this,reform;Therefore, we, the undersigned can­didates for the 1910 Cap and Gownelection agree that we will combineneither 'with each other nor with out­side influence, and that we will do nomore than attempt to engage' the ac­tive interests of voters in the presentelections."Take Up Dlinois Da:r.The matter of Sophomore participa­tion in the Illinois Day parade wasdiscussed at the meeting with muchinterest. A committee was appoint­ed to arrange the stunts for the par­ade and to tag all Sophomores. Itconsists of Misses May Carey, Ger­aldine Brown, Dorothy Buckley, EdithYoung, Ethel Kawin, Mollie Carrol,Anna Wever; and Briggs, Bowman,Gottfried, Long, and Baldridge.Many suggestions were offered bymembers of the committee for spe­cial stunts to he worked by the Sophsthemselves. President Earle saysBriggs will have something good tooffer.A meeting of the Sophomores willbe held tomorrow at 10:30 to com­plete the arrangements for the llli­nois Day event. It is the intentionof committee to tag as many Sophsas possihle at that time.The great inter-c1a�s exhibitions atSyracuse were held on uMo\;ng UpDay" May 4. The important featurewas the parade by the Freshman classin costume. "..Canaban's :Meo Score Twice on Ma­, � �Eaors-Page and Pelliter ift��g Duel-Pegues Scores­Paul and Collings Do, Good 'wOrk.:- L9gan .Squares, 2; Varsity, 1. The'hot :miiUn�et- . weather just suitedtwirlers:: P3ge :_and Pelliter; and but'for .battery.and fielding errors neitherside, would ,have scored. Listless and, marked by: little hitting, the game' was: a languid one.. , .In no inning were the'! hits : bunchea;, and the unusual heat,j afttC�dJie:: work of both teams.: '.'PrOm: a �Cbicago stand point the: real feature' of the game was the fine': throwfrig"9f�Paul. Time and again!.th( sp4te(ly"base runners of Callahan's: team 'We� :h�aded off by low accuratetbrows:: tb· '�econd. Collings at thirdalso surprised the fans by his snappywork, taking everything that came hisway without an error.Do Scoring in Second.All the Logan Square scores camein the second inning. With one downPage passed Pierce, who took secondon Ehrhom's muff of Vick's easy fly.Howard forced Vick at second, andboth Pierce and Howard advanced abase on Page's wild pitch, scoring onPelliter's single. Pegues made Chi­cago's lone tally in the fourth whenhe stole second and thircl. and �coredon Meigs' out.Both teams went out in almost onetwo three order until the eighth whenCharters who had gone in for Kas­sulker stung a neat single on the firstball pitched. Page sacrificed but Pauland Collings were easy outs ongrounders. In the ninth actor-center­fielder Jimmy C.,lIahan hit a twistingtwo-bagger which lit exactly on thefoul line. Flavin struck out andPierce hit an easy fly to Chaners.. "Zuck" Kassulker made a gracefulcatch from a sitting posture in the(Continued on Page 4)r-\.\... ;,�- - _--- 1'8& DAILY MAROON. 'tHURSDAV, MAY 6, 19M.THE DAILY MAROONThe Ofrlclal Studeot PublleatJoo of theUoJverslt7 ot Cblcaao.Former17Tbe 17al""ltT .1 � WeeId7.FouodedTbe Weetl7 •••••••••••••••• Oc:tober 1. 1812.The DaU' •••••••••••••••••• Oc:tober 1. 1102.Entered as Seeood-clau Mall at the ChI­cago I'oatolrlce, Chleago, Illlool8. Kareb18, 1903. under Act of Mareb' a. 1813.l"ubUabed daU7, except Sunda, .. Moo­dl1Y8 oud boUda,. during tbree quartel1lor tbe Unh'el'8lt7 ,ear.SabKrlptio. priee. ts... pel' Teer I ,L"for three moaths' .ab�rlptlo ... nc:elVN atTbe "1'00. CMrIce. � ••••• JW..Ia IIaIlPRESTON F. OA8S Bdltol'MEL "IN J. ADAJI8 •••••••••• Ne.. Bdltol'N. A. PF�EB:: •••••• _ •• AiIaIetJe Bdltol'A. L. FRIDSTEIN •• _ ••• B ... lDeu ..TIIOS. E. lIlILLEB ••••••• Clrealatlo .WOllEN'S EDITOR.11188 MoUle R. CarrolLASSOCIATE EDITOBS.A. G. Wbltfleld Hargrave A. Loog11. Felseuthal Vallee O. AppelBEPOBTEBS.11. F. Carpenter A. LothMosea Leviton R. �. Dal7W. B. Lloyd B. F. BUlaC. W. WOBhlmrue W. s. FouteH. Clarence BurkeNews contributions mal be left at EW.Hall or Fucultl Exchange, addreued toTbe Dall, Maroon.The agreement entered into by thecandidates for the Cap and Gownboard is an importantEliminating step forward in im­Politics. proving the standard ofstudent politics. Whenthe candidates for Reynolds. club of­fices signed a' substantially similarresolution last quarter The Maroonsuggested that this be used as a.precedent in the Cap and Gown' elec­tion. I t is of course gratifying thatthe idea met with favor. It is to behoped that the custom will be retainedas a feature . of all future electionsand that a sentiment making p�liticaicombinations and other undesirablemethods impossible will ·be built up.Hereafter such an agreement 'by thecandidates should be taken as a mat­ter of course in any elections whichafford a chance for political c�mb:na­tions. There is little opportunity ofthe sort in council elections, but inclass elections, in the' Reynolds club'election and in the, Cap and Gownelection, definite steps for preventionare needed.Nothing can have so baneful an in­fluence on any student enterprise aspolitics and efforts for its eliminationare correspondingly, desirable. Thosewho have the success of student un­dertakings at heart will realize thatthe movement now going on is mostimportant.QAILY BULLETIN.Pen Club meets this morning at10:30 in Cobb 6A.Historical Club will meet today at8 with Dr. J. P. Warren. Mr. Allen B,Pond will speak on "Development ofItalian Architecture."Dramatic Club holds importantmeeting this morning at 10:30 in Cobb8B.Junior Day and Junior Prom Com­mittees meet today in Cobb lOB at10:30 a.m,Dramatic Club meets this morningat 10:30 in Cobb 8B.Three-Quarten Club_ will hold meet­ing today at 10:30 a. m. :\11 membersof Freshmen. Sophomores, Juniorsand Seniors are to present.Pre-Ministerial. Club . meets thismorning at 10:.10 in llicldle DivinityDehate: "Should llan Marry?" Car­penter vs. Fishman.Entertainment Committee of I nter­scholastic meets this mor�ing at 10:30in front of Cobb.Press Committee interscholasticmeets this afternoon at 2:00 in club.ANNOUNCEMENTS.Class Meetings-On Friday Seniorsmect in Haskell 17; Juniors in KentEast; Sophomores in Kent West; Freshmen in Kent 'l'heater.Pbilo.oph, . Dace - Philosophywomen will give a dance to all Juniorcollege members Friday afternoon inReynolds club at 4 o'clock.International. Club will hold smokerand election of 'officers Friday at 7:45in Middle Divinity.Reynolds Club will hold an informalSaturday.B1acldriars will present "The Lyri­cal Liar" in Mandel, Thursday, Fri­day and Saturday, May 20, 21, 22.Tickets 2Sc to $1.50, at Informationoffice.....GoU-Candidates for the Varsityand Freshman golf teams meet nextSaturday morning at 9 a. m., at Jack­son Park, 18 hole course, May 7. Ceo.Lindsay, captain.Reynolds Club will hold smoker on"Illinois Day," May 15th.University Public Lecture-Mr. Jus­'tice Henry V. Freeman, of the Illi­nois Circuit Court, will give the fifthof a series of six lectures on "LegalEthics," in Law building, Friday, at4:30 p. m.Board of Medical Affairs meets inHaskell, Friday afternoon, at 4:30.Mathematical Club will hold pro­gram in Ryerson, Friday, at 4:30 p.m. Associate Professor Dickersonwill discuss the topic, "Weiestrass'Theory of Pairs of Bolinear Quadrat­ic Forces."TRACK TRYOUTS PROMISINGClarke and Brown Go Over 20 Feet9 in. in Broad Jump-- Timblin andStraube ·Make Good Time-EntriesOut Today.Track tryouts which were held yes­terday in some of the events causedprospects for a victory from the Bad­gers, Saturday, to look a little bright­er. Joy Clark in the broad jump went21 feet 1 inch and Brown registered I20 feet 9. These distances are but alittle below what. Osthoff the Bad-·ger jumper can do, and it is possiblethat Wisconsin may be ,relegated tosecond in this event. Crider is athird marr who ca'n be 'figured on inthe jump.Timblin, the crack half miter went8ro yards in 2:07 2-5. He pulled upwell at the finish and had plenty ofstrength left in him. It is believedthat if he will be pushed he can bet­ter this time several seconds. Tim­blin has again gotten well into thehalf mile stride after his long seigeof practice in the 440 before the Pennrelays. Comstock, the other distanceman who was on the championshipquartet, has been working like a Tro­jan on the mile and he is in excellentshape. Those who witness the meet'Saturday will be treated to a racewhich has rarely been excelled whenComstock is pitted against Dohmen.The latter is rumored to be a whirl­wind and the Wisconsin enthusiastsclaim first in the mile for him. "Com­my," however, is worked to his primeand will make Dohmen use all thereis in him to win.Others Work Out Well.AI Straube was given a try-out inthe hundred yard dash for the firstlime this season. He made the ccn-, �t1ry in 10:4 and showed good speed.Scophlet went two miles again yester­llay, and though he did not try fortime he made the eight laps in 10:134-5. Stophlet is expected to do bet­ter this season than he did in indoortrack and will give Drew a merrychase Saturday.Director Stagg has been notifiedthat he will he allowed only two en­tries in the hurdles. The track at�Iadison :ll1ows for only four hurdle:,and since the officials are opposed toholding the event in two heats. onlytwo men will be :lllowed to competcfor each school. Director Stagg stat­ed last night that in. all probabilityCrawley and Hubble will be the twomen. Crawley has proven himself tobe a crack man and Hubble has beensurprising all by his speed and en­durance. Joe Pegues and Sunderlandwho showed up so well in the indoormeets will prohably be Ot1t of it. asthey have not heen practicing becauseof their baseball work. IlANY IIOVE TO NEW HOliES. Fraternities Catch Ma,. 1st Spirit andSeek Better DweUinp.The fraternities' of the .Universityhave caught the spirit of moving day.For some time the Greek letter menhave been on the trail of real estateagents and residence owners of HydePark.Yesterday the Phi Delta movedfrom their present house at 5532 Mon­roe Ave. to the Webbe residence.5831 Washington Ave. Scarcely aPhi Delt could be found on the cam­pus hut arrayed in jumpers and over­alls, they were following the movingvan and hoisting furniture.The Psi Upsilon fraternity has re­cently moved from 6158 Ellis Ave. toa beautiful new horne at 5824 Wood­lawn. The Kappa Sigs have beenoccupying their new home on Kim­bark Ave. for some time.Publicity Committee in Meeting.Members of the honor system pub­licity committee met yesterday andplanned an energetic campaign to in- •terest students in the sinstallation ofthe honor system at the University.According to President Stern, a con­stitution telling the program of thecommittee in its work will be readyfor publication this afternoon.The Senior prom at Yale will beheld on June 28 after the commence­ment concert.Have you paid your Spring sub­scription?, the wear of� You can"t say whether ornot a glove is economicaltill it is worn out. Try.�FOWNESGLOVESWant to Make MoaeyThis S..."",.,..?You can do so and"njoy your.,acationjust tM same tr.av·t·linlt for us. Wewant acents every­where to sell our.. ALADDIN"lC.erosene MantleLamp. We offera n exceptionalmoney m a It i n Itproposition. The.• ALADDIN·' pro­daces liabt fromKerosene e:lcell�ooly by SUN­L I G H T. leisfar superior to gasor e I t! C e r icity.Lamps actuaUypars for itself in aft..... months in !laV'ing of oir. Odor·I c s s • Noiseless.Simple and Safe. Ahillh class lilfht forstore. office or home. Call and see us or WTite for particulars. THE)I.-\NTLE L.UIP CO. OF AMERICA. �p'tU. o( C .• 72·� N. May St •. Cb'cqo.WR.IGHT & DITSON)I anuracturers and Dt_'alers inHilfh Grade Athletic SuppliesLan TIllis Flit BallBaSI Ball BlSket JailHockey sin -In B •• t Style. and Quanti ••ATHLETICUlUFORIISASPBCIALTYIt L-; generally con·ceded that the du bsequipped by Wright& Ditson, have thebest lookir.g, �tfitting, and mostdurahle suits.The WRIGHT & DlTSON SWF. \TERS arecalli))' the fin,.�t. Made of choice wonted. wellmad... perkct fittinjt. Sothinlf like one of ouri �",·aters. CAT.-\LOGUE ""REE.I WRIGHT&DITSON18 West 30th �t.• New YorkS4 Wat-.,h AvenueChicago III.CambrHIee. 'M us.,3.$-4 \V "l'hington St.Boston, Mass.76 W e"hosset �t, .ProVidence. R. 1.Harvard Square. ..... ..-ce ia ......"ecl b)oTHE CORRESPONDENCE-STUDYI>eputmeDt - Cobb. 7 A.The PianoKing"King of Them All"271 Wabash Ave. Harrison 2S 71"PumpsudTwoBaitoasII 'M.Ie GIU special -NDraI SI.pe"a.ts-abq .... the LeeI ad ia.tep.Jl.0SI .. ,tu 15MnoRSHBM SHOE CO.7S Jackson Blvd.&etw_ State aad DeuLo�The Union Hotel andRestaurant111-117 Randolph StreetTHE POPULARPLACE T() EATeither before or after the theatre.We m.ske a spe- ialty of Club. and Fraternity Dinners.GERMAN LANGUAGE CLUB"LITTLE CEltllANY"For tbe stady of German by most approYl-dmethod. by least effort wilh lealt tilDe and Irastmonry. It i. thr thinlf YOd are lookinlf for. $1.00Per month. Write (or oarticulars to the prtosidt"nt.PROF. CHAS. WDORIC CUTMANN,711 26 Van Buren St., ChicagoPriute Lessons for conditioned students. .The Rorrre,nail. Tallie O'HateSoc. -iSC-�I.ooIncluding Win�Also a la Cane Sen'iceOpen Daily and SUl1days from 11 a. mt09 p. mSPAGHETTISUCH AS O�E GETS IN IT.\LY146 State StreetSecond Floor.Patronize Maroon advertisers. r.c.S£ R R 1£ ��.�'--'�. (INC) '3FORMERLV*��_ONE�IS"'.!' FLOOR MENTOR BLDG.COR. STATE & MONROE STR[ETSCHICAGOFancy Vest FreeWe want your trade and in orderto get you started with US we willmake you a .Fa.ncy VestIree o( charge with every suit ofclothes hougl\t of us between April19th and Junel� 1909.A beautiful line o( fancy suitingsalways in stock, Before you order'let us show you sometl�in.g, nobby.. To assure y_ourself of the best"treatment buy- of Daily Maroon ad­vertisers.You can depend on Maroon adver­tisers.Mention The Maroon when you, buy.Stand behind The Maroon adver- '.tisers.Patronize Maroon advertisers.BooksTIle largest Stock in theUnited States of the Booksof other publishers,Engraving-Cards.lnvitations.Anoounce­ments and Programs for alloccasions, in faultless sfylesFureignLanguagesAn incomparable stock ofthe �ew and StandardWorks in French and Ger­man, also many others,Spanish, Italian, Esperanto.etc.Monthly BulletinA monthly descripth'e list,with illustrations of everytitle receh'ed in our retailstore. It is impanfal andcomplete, and is "ery valua­ble to hook huyers and Li­brarians. Sent upon request- -- -_ -- .. - - --------- '-'taB DAiLy MAtlO(JY. i'HURSDAY, MAY 6. 1909.--��pmg.Reducing,FaciUandScalp Massage.:-Electric Light, Steam and HotAir Baths.We cater to Professors and studentsespecial! y •Hyde ParkHygienic Institute,M. LINf)EItOTH. M. o., ManagerPhone H. P. 4454432 E. 55th St., Cor. LexingtonAve .• and Floor.Lasswell, pbotogratDr23. East 55tb StreetMakes· GoOd Photos $2.50 DozenCome and see them.A SYIIBiiC'¥ OF QUAUTYBALDWIN-MADEPIANOS ANDPLAYER PIANOSA PRODUCT THATHOLDS THE WORLD'S HIGHEST HOIIORSThe cost of the Baldwin·madeinstruments is no higher than isoften paid for inferior makes.Quality considered they are bytar the Most �1oderatel" PricedInstruments on the market.O.r Terms .f Payment will alsoPlease You. �Please pay us a visit of inspec- .tion before concluding a purchaseelsewhere.The BaldwinMANUFACTURER267-269 .. Wabash Ave.2000SpringStyles and SummerNow Readv..;Suits $25 to $50"11m. JeITems' SonsCLARK AftO AD "as STREE.TS.NorthwesternUniversityLaw SchoolThree year course leading to thedegree of Bachelor of Laws.Four year course leading to the de­gree of M .. ster of Laws.F"1Ye year course leading to the de­gree of Juris Doctor.For Catalogue addressSecretary of . Law School,"ortll_estern University BuildingCHICAGOHalf Soles SOcRepairing Done WhileVOlI \VaitUniversity Shoe Repair ShopIt. MOOR .... Prop.554 East Fifty-fifth Street.A double-header: support The Ma­roon by patronizing Maroon adver­tisers. Co. BUSINESS liEN INTERESTEDDean Butler Says Chicaco Commer­cial lien Watch the Procresa ofthe Members of the UniversityClub.London tomorrow on business, madea farewell talk and told of the valueof the club's work to him so far, andof the greater benefit which he ex­pected it would have after he had re­turned to his native Japan_After the dinner, a business meet­ing of the club was held, at which twoimportant plans for University activ­ity were discussed. The precise na­ture of these plans was not announcedbut the officers of the club gave outthe assurance that they would be bigthings, of great importance to thework of the Commercial club in con­nection with the University of Chi­cago.Patronize Maroon advertisers.IIUST ATTEND TO HEATHENSSays West Has Destroyed His Re­ligion and lIast Give Him Another.In an address before the Y_ M. C.A. last evening Dr. Willett of theDivinity school di5('tl:C;�CO«1 the spirit ofmodern mssions. He 'held that it isno longer a question as to whetherthe west will leave the heathen aloneor evangelize him, as it has refusedto leave him alone. The west, he heldhas destroyed the religion of the. heathen and is in duty bound to fur­nish him with something better totake its place."I think." said Dr. \\t ill ett , "thatno one who takes the Christian lifeseriously can doubt that the task of amissionary is the great one of ourday. that it is the statesmanlike thingto do. The will of God in this gen­eration is unquestionably the evan­gclization of the world, and the mis­sionary is endeavoring to accomplishthis task."UpPatronize Maroon advertisers. Entries Not Yet Cho.m.Director Stagg up to a late hourlast night had not picked his entries.He will choose his men this morningand send them to Wisconsin beforethe close of today. I t is also expect­ed that Dr. Hutchins' entries will bereceived some time today. The Bad­ger athletes are working to the limitof their endurance as they feel thatit is "anything to beat Chicago."Their defeat in the indoor relays heldin their gymnasium last winter and atthe Philadelphia carnivals is ranklingin their breasts and they are determ­ined to turn the tables.While their elders are battling atMadison the Freshman track teamwill go to Culver Saturday to hold adual meet with their old rivals, the\nilitary 'chool men. With Daven-port, E. Smith, Baird, and severalothers they hope to give the Academya. sound trouncing. The yearlingshave a stellar bunch of track menand have been working hard. Frompresent indications the yearling ath­letes ought to keep up the good workthey have done in athletics all year,and pull off honors in track.be Out Soon."SIX MORE FRATERNITYBALL QAMES THIS WEEK"__ -_-;!Six. more games in the Interfr.itern�ity baseball league are to be playedthis week.Beta Theta Pi will .play Sigma Al­pha Epsilon this afternoon in JacksonPark. This promises to be one of thebest games of the season as bothteams are evenly matched.On Friday afternoon Phi Kappa Psiwill meet Phi Gamma Delta, AlphaDelta Phi will meet Psi Upsilon, ChiPsi will meet Kappa Sigma, andDelta Tau Delta wilt" meet Phi DeitaTheta.Delta Kappa Epsilon will play Sig­ma Chi in Washington Park Saturdayafternoon.The fact that the Senior oval atYale is passing into disuse is caus­is causing considerable agitation atthat institution.Patronize Maroon advertisers.It's worth your while to be in style .It':s money in your pocket to informyourself about the big measure ofadvanced fa.,hion style which I givefor little money. I build only snappyc1.othes that make a young man lookhIS best; the kind of togs you'JI takea pride in wearing; that will be acredit to me and a satisfaction toyou. My prices attr a ct the eco­nomically minded,August J. Kuntz87 Wuhiaatoa 51.CHICAGO CLOTHES DO IIOT lAKE THE I0Il BUT THEY HELP• "lAKE ."A prominent well dressed U. of C. Professor once said this in aChapel talk before the Graduate School. '. "efore I pass j 11" n � ,: 1) n 1'1 applicant Ior a p .Hitio 1. no matterwhat Jlis record may be. I must see him; I must witness his wa" of ex­pressing himself. his deportment. his manner of dress. Dress is too oftendisregarded by University men. You owe it to yourself to dress in goodtaste and as well as you can afford."Take thou heed of this and visit our college department now whilethe assortment is large.As to prices our range is within the college man's purs�-$3S.ooand up.Carver & WilkieADAMS EXPRESS BLDG.185 Dearborn St.-Phone Midway 22'71508 East 63rd Street.We respectfully desire to callthe attention of the Students andFaculty of the University ofChicago to the fact that we arenow prepared to offer a completeline of the following goods:Women's and Girl'sShirtwaists and TailoredShirts, Real Lace Jabots,Skirts.Ribbo�NunesDreu­es, Servants Dreues, Combs,Belts, Jewelry, Hosery andNotio ....•• Men's and Boy' a ••Shirts, CoIIan, Caf&, SoftShirts, $apporten, TIes, Ath­.Ietic Onclerwear,. Caps, Ho-e. aeI'y, Fancy . Vest., FaJicy. Handken:hiefs. Jewel r y,Gloves, Paris and BostoDGarten, and_ TROUSERS_.That the business men of Chicagoare keenly interested in the men ofthe University who are members ofthe Commercial club and that theyrealize that the plans which are nowbeing laid for a Greater Chicago willprobably be carried out by the menwho are now students in the variouscolleges of the country was the en­couraging' message of Nathaniel But­ler in an address before the Commer­�ial at its banquet in HutchinsonCommons yesterday evening.In telling 'of his trip through theSouth with the committee of thirty. of Chicago's business men last fall,llr. Butler, who is an honorary mem-.ber of the .. Commercial club, and in­directly connected with the ChicagoAssociation of Commerce, said:Business Men Fine Lot."One of the main objects of thetrip was to. get acquainted with thebusiness men of Chicago and of the 'cities of the South which we visited.· 'NOVEL PLAN IS ADOPTEDI want to say right here that I never TO PREVENT INQUIRIESrealized before what a fine lot of men :the business men of Chicago .are. We· 'Salkey of 1909 Cap and Gown Famewere royally treated everywhere we Assures Students Book "Willwent."1\1 r. Butler emphasized also the �f-fect of the proposed plan for the "It will be out soon."deepening if the water ways of the This is the inscription printed on aSOL1th. He told also of the .interest neat card that is being handed out towhich the wide-awake business men students who inquire of Managingdown town are taking in the men Editor J. Sydney Salkey. at what fu-of the University who are themselves ture date the '1909 Cap and Gown willworking' along commercial lines, and make its appearance on the campus.said in this connection that most of Sal key is- giving out a little insidethe business men today realized that information- about the contents of thetheir plans for the future w�uld ilt'�ll' much 'looked�for book. It will containprobability have to, be Carried·;._()JJy�bl.'· 'si':x::� hundred pages and. will be thethe young men now in colleges ��«(: large��" annual ever published here.- just beginning in" business :-enterpris':' :. If �i1f�".be profusely illustrated withes. No� .�nly. the • d�p-�waterway�_� ,pidtJ�of �mpus life-�; � mak�plan, which affects the whole coun-. a. specialty of athlet�� snapshots.try. but' also the purely local interest . Nearly: IJalf of the book .�i1J be. takenin a Greater Chicago, the. City Be;lu-'; up with 'news-and pictures of. the var-. tifnl, said Mr. Butler, would have to ';011S' student organizations,be left to the future to carry through.to a successful completion.Sugita Bids FarewellYosaburo Sugita, a Japanese mem-ber of the dub who will leave 'for ODe- Gallie to be Played Today. Fouron Fri4aY and One·Saturday. A CourteousTreatment Assured.·THE· LONDON,SOB East 63nI St.I WiD Pay You aSalary'DURING Your VACATIONIf you want to earn a salary eitherduring your vacation or during yourspare time at school, doing specialwork, write me today before yourterritory is covered, You can de-. vote as much or as little time to myproposition as you wish. E. M.NOLEN, Room 967. 151 WabashAve., Chicago ..Bargains all the TimeReliable Rebuilt Typewriters, all makes:rebuilt in our 01110'11 factory: better andcheaper than others. Set' for yourself.THE TYPEWRITER EXCHA .. 6E319 Dearborn St. A. J. COUSE, Mgr.Telephone Harrisoa 406S We want you to callon us and give us anopportunity to showyou what fifteen years ofclothes building experiencecan do. Added to the ordi­nary qualities that assuresatisfaction is the fact that weare situated near the campus.You can afford to pay us a visitat least, and see for yourself.WERZKf\1I laROJ'IIIIIIT .A. I LtOR.aS=112. E 53 liD 81.- & _GTOII CO.Tailors441 East 63n1aStreetBetwee.WoodlaWn & Kimbark AveaaeaSuits S30 to $SOThe Kercher Bath Go.32" W.basll Ave.. Cor. CO .... es. St.The most Modern, Practicaland Luxurious Institutionfor Baths and TherapeuticTreatments in the west.FOR LADIES AImGERTLB.EBHOUr!l: Gentlemen, dailyat all hours. Ladies. 8�. m .•to 9 p. m. Sunday, 8 a. mto I p. m.FULL DRfSS SUITS..,.- �TO"'�Rent. T. CySC�H·AFFr,I.�R78 State 5t. ...... QiIitnI.ta7S,!"'I:11"".",'I:!!t:L _ AmusementLB,. Jaml's Forbes. Autbor of "TbeCborua Lad,.."The Jury is in and their Verdict Reads:"GREAT,'·S'TUDEBAKER, "The Catspaw."T�!'G;:ARRICKPopular Matinee WednesdayDe Wolf Hopper ) n the Brilliant'Operatic FantasyThe Pled PiperIkKillnintMonda';.. )4a,. 10th MAR\, MANNER.·ING in 3 new ,)13)' b)' Emma Beatrice Brunner.THE INl>EPENDENr MISS GOWER. C 0 �rs�!:a� �50�Going Soon.�Merry WidowPOWERS T.·oWeebOnlyCHARLES FROHMANPresentsEthel BarrymoreIn Her Most Successful ComedyLADY FREDERICKC�He����ff.rsMr. Henry E. Dixeyin the Big Comedy Drama"MARY JANE'S PA"M C �.IB�����ryLane Melodrama,"THE SINS OF SOCIETY."14 F..nomlou� Scenes 250 PeopleSuperb CastWI:! �.'!:��:Pto;Y.�: .BeJriuninlr.MoDda,.. Mav 10Messrs. Sam and LecShabert (lne.) 'IYrt'SCnt MR. CHARLES CHERR.Y iD 'THE BACHELOR C"dt'b�tch. 'Scat. on sale MoDda,.. lIa,3.princess Theatretile PI_ If TI-Ni&ldMusical Fantasy with Henry Wood- :ruff and Georgia CaineLaSalle TheatreThe Golden GirlChicago's Pet Musical ComedyAMERICAN MUSICHALLWabash Ave. and Peck CounThe <>.nly Thing New Beneath the SunTWO BIG SHOWS A DAY.MAJESTIC.1 1 CONTINUOUSVAUDEVILLEPrices I ;-25-50-75C. T�lephoneCentral 6480..G�!AJ.li��������Last weekTHE ALASKANEasily the best Musical Comedy ever."The Wise Come Early."WO�DLAWN THEATER55th and W oodlawn55th Street's Largest and BestMoving Picture Show,The Ventilation is Perfect. PRESmENT JORDAN SPEAKSIIaba Plea That War RuiDa Nao.'.Propa� - Sa,. BreediDc FromWalE is Rcuon for Downfall ofAll NatiODLPresident Jordan of Leland Stan­ford University made a plea for uni­versal peace' before the Divinitychapel yesterday morning, his groundbeing the terrible effect of war onthe generations yet unborn.He argued that war kills off all the__ strongest and bravest men and thatwith the weaker stock at home therace has to be perpetuated. The warsof France have so ruined the Frenchpeople that the stature and strengthof the whole race has been noticeablylessened.War Desolates for Years."You can not breed a strong raceout of weak stock," said the educator,"any more than you can raise goodcattle from a weak herd. It does nottake long to make a hardy race if na­ture is allowed to remove the weakmen. Neither does it take long to re­verse the process and make a strongrace' into a weak one."What is true of France may betrUe of other nations. The wholetragic ,histo_ry. of Spain is containedin' the words, 'This is Castile, she'l'iiak'es' men and wastes them.' Rome'grew large and the people grew weak.As one of their authors says, afterthe period of terrible wars, 'Only thecowards' remained and from theirbrood, came the next generation.' Thesame thing is true of Greece. Trulythere are Greeks, there are Romans,there are French, who are descendedfrotn strong ancestors, but the greatbody of these nations is not of thisclass. .Accounts for Japan's Strength."The marvel is not that Japancould defeat Russia, after a seasonof two hundred years of peace; themarvel would be if Japan could do itaftei such wars as have desolated thenations: of central Europe. The wholehistory of the degeneracy of nationsis to read in this biological fact fromthe unfit. When these facts have allbeen realized, we will see the truthof Benjamin Franklin's word, 'Thewar is not paid for by the generationthat wages it; the bill comes later.'"ISSUES' CALL FOR GOLF MENCaptain UQdsay Orders Players to�eport Saturday.George Lindsay, captain of the Var­sity golf .team, has issued a call forall Varsity and Freshman players tobe on hand at the Jackson Park linksSaturday morning at nine o'clocksharp. The first tryouts will be heldthen,Captain Lindsay has been busilyengaged making out a schedule for theFreshman team and expects to get anumber of games for the yearlings.As yet, nothing has been done towardsmaking out a schedule for the Var­sity.The squad has not been able to gctout on the links very much as a re­sult of the weather. The main linksat the park have not been opened un­til this week. Since then a few menhave been out.ATrRACTION AT WOODLAWNNoable Performers on Bill for Spe­cial VaadniDe Tonight.Another special vaudeville bilt ofunusual merit is slated for the Wood­lawn theater for tonight. An attrac­tive stunt in the nature of featuresong and dance act will be performedby the "dainty xlimpled darlings' theFries Sisters. Arthur Higgins. theeccentric comedian, wilt execute astring of his mirth inspiring acts. andEddie Low Kramer, "the tall slend­cr fellow who dances to some extenton roller skates" will complete thelist of headliners. In addition tothese performers an especially inter­esting group of pictures witl roundout the hill for tonight.-Adv.Patronize Maroon advertisers. LOSE 1'0 'LOGAN SQUARES 2-1(Continued fro� _Page 1),fourth ,whi,ch. brought down thebleachers.Score:Logan Squares R H PO A ETorrey, 3b ... . . . . • • •. 0 1 0 4 0Meinke, 5S �.......... 0 0 2 2 0Heisman, 2b .......•. 0 2 1 2 1Callahan, c ..•.......• 0 1 1 0 0Flavin, 1 b •••••••.•.•• 0 1 16 0 0Pierce,. If . . . • . . . . . . .. 1 0 1 0 0Vick" rf 0 0 0 0 0Howard, c •••••.••••• 1 0 4 1 0Pelliter, p ...••••...•• 0 2 2 5 0Total ............• 2 7 ZJ 14 1Maroons R H POA ECollings, 3b 0 0 0 2 0Pegues, ss 1 • 2 2 ,Sunderland, 2b 0 0 4, 2 0Meigs, 1 b 0 0 8 0 0Ehrhorn, rf 0 0 1 0 1Cleary, '!=f 0 0 2 0 0Kassulker, If 0 0 2 0 0Page, p -.............. 0 1 1 2 1Paul, c 0 0 7 3 0Charters, If 0 1 0 0 0Total 1 2 27 11 2Bases on balls-Off Page; 2; 'off Pel­liter 1. Struck out-By, Page 5; byPelliter 4. Wild pitch-s-Page. Doubleplay-Pegues to. ,Meigs. Umpire­Meyers.By innings:Logan Squares. 0 200 0 0 0 0 0-2Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1BEGIN BUSY SOCIAL SEASONCampus Organizaoons to Hold FourDances this Week.'Despite the advent of real summerfour dances have been scheduled forthis week. There are to be enoughsocial events to suit the, most aspir­ing in the social ladder.The first event comes Friday, after­noon, when' Philosophy college (wom­men) will IPve a hop for the' men ofthe same college. This affair will bebe followed Friday evening by an in­formal in Foster hall. There willthen be a recess until. Saturday even­ing, but to make up for this inactiv­ity two affairs are to be held then,and anybody trying to attend bothwill be kept on the jump. Green hallis going to get even with Poster byhaving an informal" 01 its own. Themajor event, 'however, is the danceat the Reynolds club. -This is the sec­ond informal scheduled for the clubthis quarter.cm&GFOR RENT-Pleasant front room,5702 Drexel Ave., 2nd flat.LOST-Round gold pin. about halfinch in diameter, set with two dia­monds. Return to Daily Maroonoffice.FOR SALE-Hunting Lodges andlake shore lands in the wilds of theWisconsin lake region. Altitude1,600 ft. Phone 2836 Midway. Of­fice, 338 E. 57th SLTHE IIARINETrE ASSEMBLIES'will hold their Cloeiac Receptionand Pennant Party, Friday evening,May 7th, at Calumet hall, 63rd St.and Jackson Park Ave. Every oneattending will be presented withtheir choice of one of the follow­ing pennants: Cubs, Sox,' Prince­ton, N orthwestern, Chicago, Wis­consin, Yale, Iowa, Michigan, Tlli­nois, Harvard, Cornell, Hyde Parkand South Chicago High schools.Extra penants sold for 3Sc each.508 E.6j1'd SL Phone Midway 2271300 Shirt waists just received-AllSize, Prices and Styles.EzdtC3i� handler of Hi,." madeT(ciloml Shim. Visit "Little Hung�" T o-night. H ......... Cafe aDd RedaurantSouthwest Comer Clark and Monroe St.Main Entrance 184 Clark Street Telephone Central 102«}Famous Hungarian Gypsy Bud Conceru. • • • 5 p. m. till 1 a. mD. L FaARIt. Special HUDPrlaa Caterer Ladies' SouweDira alter Theatrea... W. DeiIWiIr ...........ohe Old Quincy]Vo.9N. w. Corner Randolph andLa Salle StreetsThe finest appointed Cafe in the Loop District58-60-62 La Salle Sf reet CHICAGOI THE ���P�;:��TIN. PROTOPAI'AS.Prop. .IJC! The College Man'sJOHN cocotas, )lanalrer RendezvousSecODd F� at 58 -Greek, FreDch, TarIdab, ItidiaD0. State Street, Claicqo SERVICESTEEL VAULTS ELECTRic LI�EU.Central Hyde Park Bank55th St. aDd WaabiDgtoD Ave.Burglar Proof. Fire Proof. Absolute Security.Boxes, Three Dollars Per Year Less than a cent a day\AI. K. VOUN� & BRO.Telephone Hyde Park W7Taxicab Rates Reduced N,.!ffbleThree or four people pay no more than one or two whenriding in one of our Taxis.},'Telephone Calumet 2798, Day, or Night.SO Taxis available Competent service assured.AUTO TAXICAB co.2441-43 Michigan Ave.Unld.,.dty Patronaa • .soliclt.dTO ANY SELP-SUPPORTING STUDENT.We can put you in touch with a, dignified method of increasin8 �ourrevenue--a method that is dean aDd that involves a maximum increase ofincome at a minimum expenditure of time. The plan has already proftd. its efficiency in other UniYersiti� wh ere self-respecting. self-supportin8 stu­dents �aye taken up oar metbocl to the exclusion of others; they are pleasedand their financial burden is solftCl We can do as much for 1'011. CaDany time daring business hoars at 39 Dearborn SL, or telephone Central5114. and ask for Mr. Goldblatt., /. ',' /.When you see yourself in one': F. G. COL�LEof our new Spring Overcoats, youwill be proud of the fact that itwas made in the "Terrems way."The new Spring patterns andfabrics for overcoats and suitingsare here now.- ready for you tochoose from.Twilled fabrics in greys and softcolors are the favorites this seasonThe ultra fashionable thing isto have your Spring overcoat andsuit harmonize in both color andweave.Whether you are thinking ofbuying your clothes of us or not-you are cordially invited to cal.and see this showing of the sea­son's novelties.School Suits $ :I � to $50Overcoat � 0,,1 S. A', 'DUNLOPMAKERS OF ME""S CLOTHES.-.r ''-Sprlng and SummerSuitings andOvercoatingsIn all the newest shad-s and colors, arenow displayed at our headquartersSuite 400-185 Dearborn St.ChicagoWe .. ill he pleased to show them to youSpring Overcoats, Light Dark or Medium�tlits, Fancy Vests, E,'ening Dress,English Morning Coats,Prince Alhens,TrousersAlrx.urr •• lop. maUOrPhone Central 2768TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo Stores: 131 La Sane Streetand 44 Jackson Boulevard.We make riding breeches. If its advertised in The Maroonthat's all you need to know. '� �.,; I'"'lI',