r.; ','"., ....;' !I. II 1. ( \ .VOLUME VII-No.. uOIi;.� . . '.. ' , .... , . -. . .. . "IIAItATHOIJ 2Acs'PO.�1tD8"PAGE STAR IN NO-HIT GAII.E� · .. ·"S1 •. IEPIII.�. .-:_ '.' :::': :': .':.fit r_n AlmDai TniDiDc fot LoDe Gria4 .-� ,TiIIder .._ Ooit .,. Paa( IIEIIY r, �, DQ .... : .......Jrme WhiJe V.._. ..... ;Workt . 'J • •'MIette.. CDIDIII_: Pw...,..ai ' .•BriDp ill 4 Run' CIllo; '.1IeiP. Committee PiDisbea wed ,'_ will �. . .AlIa ShiDeL Rec:ommiaa' A6optiOIi. of mort._, . .' ,,'at NGt lIii·tiJIa., A marathon. raee. amDac the' �oldlNo hits-no rtlDs-but two men ongrads" wUl � made the �ture '.?f,bases. This is the story of the 'fate' U..�.StDIeDt·Bocb.wiIl Vote. the- track.meet on,' alumm day Inof De Paul at:-the hands of one curly: GD A-Tat.of Ryan,.,.,.. .June, acCording to·.Se·crdary Hauenheaded H. Orville Page, on 'Marshall: .�OD. � of the altmmi association. .e •FJeld ,.,.uriay.: It is rumored that· _em of the- Tbe last day of�practice of the,Var-� Whi1e P.a&e was tying the meA froID. 'TIi� :hOu�r systeDr. co';lIalHee, ap- old-timera .wilL euler: a. traiaiac, _- sit]'" SwiJlIme'rS'in� pr�jlaratiOli' �;�.Are you a boosterf the "orth side' into a large knC1t� �p-' • pou.te<l"to . prepare a. report on tbe. paigo. at oaee so' that tbey .... ilLIle Jist meet of the' seaso ..... �.tha� ..... �If so, be at the Reynolds elub at lain Meigs' nine sluggers rolled. four: ':ld-risability . of extending- th .. � system· able to withstaad the terrible. oU:Iin' Pean.yl ... oia touight; was here( ieji�ter� �10:30 this morning aad tak� a COD-runs across the plate. The game .. as: . he"'; yesterday cOmplcte� its state- of the 1""11' grind:.: T&ecclistalite: to.'be cIa,._ The swimmers. : ... d, polo .....signment of season athletic tickets to the cleanest that the Varsity has. ment which win be soh_ted to th.e. run has Dot yet.beeD:clctenniaecl,:1nat;c .. ue-all given a tight:wod'OIlt and �sell .played this _SOlI, a�: is, the ,,:,os.' . faculty at its· next meeting. and; .'f the time will.be: 3 o'cIOck;..J- ;15, . StrucUODS' by Coach Knudson, whoMr, Stagg addressed a crowd of decisive victory to Cblcago s credit, ,q;proved, win come: before the stu- and' the- plaCe Marshall Fiehl..· would say' Dothing abOnt the, chancesmore than a hundred men at the IIMtiDtI.E,....with Vaait:r- � d __ within the a_ weeli: or lw!>. Frmte ..._ at J_"'_ for a victory_. He realizes that theReynolds dul> yesterday aad appeal ... ·Keen battiDg and the errors of the cTbis joint committee of studeats This inaoYatioIi •. accOrcIiag.to Han- Easterners are strong and' 'that theto their loyally to Cb�· to he�p. De Paai fietders· gave fhe Marooas and faculty·will advise that th .. ques-c ..... is only one of the 'maily that thO' MarOo;' ..aier. mea are not as. fast ashim sell five hundred tickets this most of their-runs. The De Paul ag- lio,; he put. to th" studeats' and' .tha., a11111111i win mtrodUce. . k .• ri es · of. : they mipt 6C..' .spring. He said that he: had n_wIe gregation pJayed like a comer lot its adoptio rr depend on the vo� '.' Saturday luncheons win be' heldo. at; Th. opinimi of i1iose wbo hav e .fol�, .c an offer to the womea of the Umver- team after the first three innings and" Tbe report expresses regrets that the enion . Resta_t;:. ptaide.r.$rier low.!d' 'itte situation is that .it WitJI be'sity and would give them half on aUwas. far from threatening to wia at the Standard of 'bonesty iii eXamiaa�· by Theodore:Hincldij of�the:.ctu...of[ : a'iokr'itp; with boaors d'peit,"n.r�oi{tickets they sold among themsel� aay time. Eight of their men were tions at· Present iit lamentably Jow 1904. at wbich furtber pIaDS:· ...l1·� liow' th� ritck hreaks. Tbe r:i.�s . .'.�to go to tbe gymruisium fund. Tb,s fann'" and but two of them reached ... and that it seem. to be on· account or formmt .... � AiaoUIf. those ",ho are " prtitl'abt)' tki somewhat 'in' favd""ofc'�'ougbt to sell at least two bundr�d. lirst. Tbese were oa an error by . tIit lack 'of serious consideration oa. hackiag the "Iiuic:1ieoitH,-UId. 'are Burt P ..... ' � team; wlij1i:. • the _ i>9to �.He spoke of the suggested fraternIty' Meigs and a hase oa balls. the part of the students. Tbey ad- Browa Barker. :JohR- Hagey •. David. sliout4;' g.,::� :.�; '. '., . " .' .' .'.. JpJaa. that of starting aa iaterfratern- .Aside from Page. tbe_ stats for Chi- vise aa boaor system as a rem"'y, A. Robertson,' GeOi'se; ::NewcGIiib, TIte�,.� " '.C. '.' ',.:_ity coatest .. to see- .who· could .se� tbe: cago' were Meip 'and CoI1iags. Tbe' Tbe provisions of tbe .re!orm are George 0,. Fairweath .... ; . Pea::r' . B.,. � Ia . the-fOrt,.- aud- sixt:rc_d .• ...-. .greatest nllllJber. of tidtets. :nus he 'former made two�·bits, 'one'of them L Or part as fonows:, : Eckhart,. WalTt!l1' Ifehan iaad,:�les: : a warm Cou_is .. proiaiaed:.',,�LilIskr.oaid was already under way.. - two-bagger; wbile ·Collings was as;" '. tIIit8t< SigaeJlloq& . .. S. Eatoa. ." , ., .c:.'.: 'aD'r' _ ;:. '.WiJi' Ji!; .. iiitie,r:� :Cr..� ..DiRctor SIagg ..... AppoK .. asiiaf there with several stolen hags.. At th'; end of each' exalDiaatioa or. .: .. ' s- :o.q, �:. : :, , � �0CIi W.S;Sv#Stel';':uia tlii, �i"It iA a. serious matter with me," Sunderfaact"and-:Ebrltonr also' diet : whatever: other, ...:itt ... : .,;erc;.e th,; : ,The alumai: have' ,deciclcd: .... ' J.-, : � .triesi;'·fiVe mea 'wilfput up'ihdiI!d. ,said Mr_ Stagg at the meetiag. "Be-some good stick work. iDstrootor deems advisal!le,. ;.the._ 15. coavocation daY. as. tile da" .·f6r.. '�'aa e'iei.iiig-is _ �ent': "T!H!.fore r die tbis tbing is going to be a N'either tea.asCoR<! until tbe fourtb : cIeot mast alIii this .. �formula, "I . do: .their'reunion' also: "n iir�tfiitt : li ...... driCt:;a.a'_ • .;r;;;. �� .. �tO" be,:at(S1lCCCSlI. We Deed to seIl<.at!Qst five •inniag;. wb .... tlDciago broke the ice. . tiereby pl� _ boJior that·,! hawe : tbis cbaage' wilt,ilisu�' a: Iiu'iIei' 'ldi-: penD';; ':Th"'� �'Iti'"' .no- __ _hundred tickets and it depeads on you' Meigs started the fireworks witb a. neitber given 'aOl': rece;�':ii.d in thii. tendance' of: alumu;:'. thaD,: in ' �. to .� Witli'S� , .,: . ;'" c..,.:' ,whether we can do it. I t has always two-bagger; Sunderland f.oU�wec! _�� :- pre. paration of thIS paper.." : -rs�, At 6:301 in: the . enDinIPlcdiil. _ _ Ho . ,,"n.ott'of' tJic .� lriJl'tiaYe; "beOa of the sad tbipp ia my tile. Witb '" pretty single •• sen�!ag,.�e __ ;. A j,dicial hod:r .",?",�_ of," �b� ;..-;: ...11 be gm;;,'Jn'HutCbiason .......... , ",o.� 'in 'tti .. :IiJiD,.: fo(ofiij:� .:',th.i cmild not' set . a. respectable" bome/ Ehrborn 'fen mto :Imer"'!'th a student councilors IS provtde� fo�. � moils Ther. will be DO let lpeedles,.; taltCe.' Ife is' .� .. �:,;.�":, ':.:::�, ."_'crowd'; ';;'t:' for. the .&ilrinlt 11"...... . doubl., 'but. Sunclcrlaml·:...ras-: c:ittgbt : Which' aJ.tatf conSider vi�latioa'_ oft!!is • and :b.tlct. deti��,her; ij-ii-r .-, __ :tlie cOt!ntr7 .aaac-IS:£aro. . ad_.; ' ... ",ThiA is a. thine that ought to be rem- trying to steal bome. �is. ended tbe ; pn;,,!�n l!fou�: to:: '� �!!':�:.!!'_.!!:; 1"o,=iaiiiit� �'1i'Iii;:', �a.inIaI' �e-: i ai.7,0Ji�. or' iii.' Cilia .. " 'rep�ia�, . . ;� ;:;'1edied and it is up to the pu�hers in "orins. In the next lD!llDg.· !<!w.e·l; �e�:-����� ��eommen�. : mee�ng' will follow, ap4·.tlie-�s\ j �T'Ji�'\ia��'_" �: :;.!����; �;� �·;L'5;rtjt���; .. " .'.: :'-:�'fi�the sch�l _to do it. �e.f!."'I!.e. �_to_ !he .·w�n�t� first 9�.�"�; �.. �'� '�Ie amoron tire �A the fae-. � acti'fitie!nnllc'ondade.with:'thedaJii:e, e _. IS &.s;;:-._ -J' , '.. -",-(,_team •. a ... t�. theU�. ,f tIuak C·IICM;' "" .... lIiowe.'"""" 'll QD a_ber . ally. .. .. ''. .; in �the Reynolds cia.. ,: �:-." .' . ,.. ." t. COocti . �'i·';.q;,iU( '��, .. ' \. ";�:'.n,�;tbal�� man_ �in. the UDi_...,nity erioi.� Aitotber run was macle. iQ th,,� , ;..�. �·th."'''.ill be'lIIJ :a�Pt, i ... .: .'. .. :. . c�, :-:,,'0; '.1 i ..as' �idr� �:ifltllf��r;!0i.tl;_at..1east •. two .;.oIoIIaJ!o....u.. -tbe- 'l'IJiu!'in1 'in' the .1Iil<th-.""c!, m, 1Ii� 1Cr..� - �.tet>_"'I'� '''':;: i RUSH.TO BoY ;W.>!&:Al .. �1 practice .... d _ .. __ -rl N ". :.� ,'.<�_,.,sprinc- .. If,.yoo can do tba.t. yoa can . eighth when the Ia,t.��·w� ���: � fJlD�.. ntlQf ;thel���:.b� ... ��_.��, ; ,,::-: .:: . �', ; ''':�'�l:- . .',_. ._: .... '::�,.:..I leiD�'��.�iiD� int.":���� _;- .. �a�:::.�� .. ":�.,'j,�i��(;.... ...'1:.1_. ti k t. Peo- ..cl b t th IS deomtNJ, __ .�. , •. " •• :.�� ._ .. :.. .. �J •• s:&�•. £:'a!!.1:��.J v..:!.;.:ft; .•.. ::. ':;.' .. n .�-:,;:o;�'I:........ 40,� u'a_ c e� . s.:o.e I»' inlliap:, � :Iow stu �ts II, ... ''. iW_ LaIaIi ,f*:)CIlM-.'·- ,�.,�I!<"Ir.�.'�,�",_"!'. '''i�'"''''-'';'';�-:;:<0;�pie ... i ��, �.!,ot:"'''' � : cruc2P '-�-;, �.;:�O_t)' 1 1"1 0 I"'_' �"'."-4.��' adoPted" as, -- .�. " '_�wi!.�:: '" �,-:; 11 .. ,.:_ ..rtlle .Cliiu" .' , : "'.,. " . �<.,,�spirit,;'�·:'!hT.do-� tJmr � .Dci:l'auI.·-_. __ �.",O 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0-0 ; aa'Jt ... :�sJ>edi<nt.to,dO � " . 'c. . �,,: . .- .'" .' -: _ ::.:, .,; ":�'.' :',< i,.!"·s·��t!'.<�.;::�.�.J�tJi�"�':;'��'�';'�"... ::'!�·'�:.�.��.�..'!.:r.��.�,._�:.!.e:.�,t:.. _ ...._ .',_"'_)!.__ �.'��... �.'.�... �.,�.� ..�.�;.;_�..:�to .t!Mi;.:� lI'I'!'eL .,� r .'-' .that· ,. rw';:'baSe: Jtib:,..Mei ... Sanderlaad. ,�,_"!'ittee,,,.;n, � �e:qges-� All � .... 1i,far.1iCIoetS Rm� --:-Q, �.... � �" .. ,."1� .'. � _ <t!''''"�-:iU!d''�. """,", � the:r . Stol"" �� Pcallea. 1l<>w,,: .- .... bef�.tht; stuoleaIs "" �.�, the. W Ac;A; play. _.� iGIki;oraI: 'oiJtCo1ae or' e,·meet.:we�!!O some .�.' f.>:'<l:':'Dn. no a booster. -a this year Cleary.' 3. Struck .out-By Page 11. tJu;ollllb,.tho .. colttIDllS' of, Tlie::DaiI�. the _._.of'.,tIIeir SaIe!"_" ; cIiocr' S'.iii'iI;;reii, 'jUU{'a"iiiiP17�1iO"ciJ: . �. '.fp:we'll wipe ont the. b!�t.�t �!ODIr .. by'W"lthoit,'a '�e OD. baI�ff ; M� d 11 try to.get """�. terday. The entertainment �_.hor. i.,' porJ���ti·�mv.:;;iiaar.'t.'.·e:.tb._:.J.��.:>�.�,:.:.:j)....;,�._q.�.�._ma.n.l.)_�'.�.!�rwm.���,:� .. ,� ::.:.�_.'""��.�.!.,.j�_.�.;.'stood against our SPnDg II"!"""- . , Pale". 2: :olf Witholt, 2. Hit by ",tch- pr�SIO": o� �ati"'""�' bef� the.:�r. tri-: _trow: .. Digftt ilHbotillgtoa � � _ .......� �� '0 _ ., ;.-'Iltadoata 0Irer � '" - - .. �-Tin= 2:OO:--Umpi....... Is � ,� the pIan :�tands' at P.R".:' .,....__. .Whether' the . ......e. fu>i,! ; This Will' lie' oar'Jast"!JIiI �.DJe:d. . " �_">"AmODg' the. �.tuifents. ,!ho �d. Meyers.. . .. ent, they. wilL..- out. halli,>.ts at. tlte sadd�spart: was � desm,'ioie,,"; i ot'th. 'fi;ir':m\tit �d' .... & tiS: ill , '. _ :�.:::tsuggestion were' 'AlVIn KramPaer. c)Jape1 and cvety,one .thCll<, WJI1 hi '!e- done the.Iight'for .";-'-I1:1III 011. �.'! f,tteloL.����.;�;. �·.::W.: �";�.' � '��.-�·;.:.Oa.�'.).-.J"�'�.�J.""�:�.; '. -�".':';:c�.�.��.'�'�""."'.,Hincbl.Shaw. KeaDed:r. and Pa� 11'"' SBNiOllS DIRJI: ARD'PI.AK TO givea a chaace thea,·to _..... ....� .cariooIit:r :fo::wiIDess' tIit Cas ;jet:im<IiS- .._ � :. _ ,It is espected that a large hoc!:r of GET' JlIb iBit ACQUAJIITBD> self.closed. features of� tbe JIIOIInIiI coaId: . Diitctor LStaU 'u"ptepariDi' lor, a •"::d:ts � P�:;:,�;,:r.: ...,; ...... Will .G ..... bt TapdJer 'W:Aitt IIASmW.I: COACHBS ao�,,: ::::�: �that their �r��:!:It!�:��·.��. :1c_wiII'_and taft tlie . PiDd Oat Who·.�"""" llOR SBTl'LBIIIi:II' TBAIISplay aaiF:_ts'wiIIIIe:in", far.J.-mattel'-apc 'l'icftts will be - sale at. .. . . '. rW I'ieItI �- .-a perfect proc!uetimJ- after the dress i �..'. " .' .. ,. ,�.': ;��� . :n�,�.... �IafonaatiaR.� aad� the ........ of. --'- � . ....;,;.r.. ',,",Ii �B' ...... _ rehennal tbis afternoon. The""""'_all who.'--. : .. m be posted. and pub- I Th- m"'; of' the Senior class· ptb- '�.to-"1IeD Of'1Jiai.ei&l�)' 0Jv0r- h-�I..-!II be:beld at·. o'�;ancl :. '1'; -� .... _. .•..•. tiUiIi.-.. , �. B...... 8.: '� ••.. :,.lished in-th. e Daily Mao:-'- I ered:1';; banquet talJl,dn Hatchiti- .• ....,.-.....,.�: th:1i':..':";ractice far the ._, will: �'. _.II __ ''_' __ 'yOlti',;'. _.There will be two special days _d,,!,- I ... take place at 6.c,.. ....: '�_c' ..•.. ..'i"" the �, One will. be. IDiaOlS � ca�. .!ast c Dipt aad ICS!> v.- 011With : the: op.niJqr Of the -.roo.. Tic:kds are still on sale auhe I.. . ftc'�. dab clieia" iill .m.:Day. May 15th. when IDiaois WIll mipty d ..... for the. remaiJ!ing !,ia� ...... a ..... rts are being made by the fonnaiiOn 08ice' fOr 350. Air seats re-' auaf dCciiOit . c;( olli«iS ;:e.ie�:�;meet us 'in �c1t and' �seban. K!'. � wee� of �t;;�r' �olleSe life. : The. 'iDen� University settlement te get. mea froDl sened.. _. .. . . .. ......"�" be �• • _L _L_ of 1..--- the RCyuolds- clab- at 10:30.... .1 .. �:Stag 1I0pes tllat·tJIae _0&'. �VIU. '. ,,10 ·attelide.s: the �'wa:e:ai�n: the Unlvel'Slty to laAe 1I,;IIiIrge u;gc-._'._ .r�ur to five thOasaud people oat. "�.' ': � e�iaice:1bt � prO .... i: _t ball and": (raett" teams composed' 'of TAn Gl'lBS.. ''.' TBiitD � � � was elected president; A.'.Vi;)'other day WIlt boo the I� --tiOYa ..rtlie � Otoc:icysnIS 'district. .WIt1eeIer; �p�i;' a::: Witi;.'which will be beld on Manba11 FIdd,' .... clapl�ted in another uaiversity in. The work wbich baa been _tin .. 1� •. ai;d '8. 2:. £a"lii, �:,1bne 12th, and an equaO� brae crowd' ··the··�Ir7.n.' A .�_. ?". by N� II: R0wi]'ka1nson;be''th"bO is.i�· geDo' � '�aau.tes �:.. � "Tlle dab at its �� '�'��ted ..should atten. d them.... . -w� we re you a �nlor eraI'�; .' e anaDgidg ...., ..•'h· f t to,. a..--nt tile in. vitatioa.:exteaded; J.y.'..... tL- ---don on· - ODe.". Iips", schedules and the c:oac lng 0 eams.--r' .....- 1Ie,_ _._-.,_..a thai 1.0'-00' T·aft delivered the tJrinI! of . ALe Cb----- AssoeiatioDl of CoInIBeM.-MI&rWRU AIm ORCIIA.II& . '. ancl,' th'oaeh'- almost eve- one knew' Hobnsoa ,atenla,. ·statcu..UI -�.RI�C�KEL-':::8H·0·W ATl'RACTlOWI. •. -.al ia addition to· aidinlr at tIIe� settle- .his: series· of· six· tectares·· OIIL:�' to atteacl a�_"';ttft'.meeting�giyellevery' one' else there; it was m?st' m-n. mAn wL- _L '.ap dail.. work wi11' �'_Iptor's; .A:rt: . ·'deals. a. lid .T�·2&' Ii Thb-..a L_..a ...... ... IIU � �;uby it on Wednesday� Apnl .� etbe 6nt time the� .......... ocCUlOn: pin a valuable bo"ledge of social niqae" )'esierday afte� iil'.K'lI1Idelr"Bic II1II" to Tell ........ B_ � to' idmtir,. thrmclren as IIteIIIbers ,0(: 'COIIdiIions; a. that part of' the· city_ ban before an interest... alHlirnc:e: matter of cIiOosia8 ali .... blem ........ .. .,_.. illtire sam.,. dau. T1iaooe inteftsted are. asked to com· The lecture _s proFusely ittaStrat- left: _ antif tin. next meeting:CttIILWays and means of brinling the. municate with- HobDSOIL -... witll' stet'eoptiCon . .-;.... showing C1ItIf BeaItia 'iIiInf Tar or BocioWmembeB of· the' cbs. together on ev- the nriOtls' staps of development of This election .�rks the beginningery' possiWe- occasion' darins the- rat· SURlPltl8B" POR SOPHOIIORES sculpture during the fourth, third andof 'the tJaird �ear of the Commercialof the qauter .... the subject of tire second centuries B. C. Mr. TafUlIn..chtb's existence. During tbe palt tWoeveniDa, .and Dean Ansell, the p.est 1I�.ioaa 80 ...... '1· to .. RneaJed trated the difference between tlie goodb at DIIDce MCIII4IQ and poor sculpture of those a�s. years tbe club has been most success-of honor, carried it further y urgmg '.f ,.. T -t •full.n.it.s purpo"e nam-Iy, getting. tho ethe' men to keep- in touch with the Next Wednesday a temoon .mr. al.� ...Univ.enity 'after they become alumni. The Sophomore executive commit win speak on sculpture during the business men of Chicago in closer.Ati....ra".e in a bod:r - at tbe field : tee promise a tbnlJing smpriR, Renaissance period. touch with the Uaiversity' studeats,cia, on )fay J5th· '!U oue- of' t�e 'which the�· are keeping secret, bUlaDd. vice' Yel'A. By. rapid strides the.things agreed on. The clast WID ,which. thq. claim wiD be. worth at· John T. McCutcheon"; WI'11" give a. clab bas- grown' both- in size and in'IIIftt at· tile· "C"" beneli· and :inarcli- ! tending the dance to find out. Ev· lecture tomorrow to .the. studentS of. importance. Besides � large roD of.over if the- pia",' �ed· are caP .erytlrhag has been- arraased for this Missouri: McCatcJieon'-s. drawings acti.e- manbers the following' arerIed- OUL A trip' ........ 'dte-�. ,alia!. Monday;. .. were produc'" in tlie pahlication of among the honorary members: Pn;s-of the Chial'D Aisoebilluai' of' Com· .A novel poster, desiped' b� Misses Purdue when he was a student there.. ident Jadsonp Professor Laugblia,;meree to nearh7 manufacturing cities . Kellog. and: Coartriabt has been, re-Dean Batler aad. Wallace Heckmaa. ..' It'ai sagelted ror lOme" Satarcby, produced' on the ca"mp6s, ad'veitising Dr. Sh�ile� Math�s also is at Mis- The associate members are: Davidand -lI1 be d-:d-..a at the class meet- the dance. The sale of tickets hasd A. Robertson, George Owen Fair-WII ".... 'C'\Ih d f h soari where he addressed the stu eats�:.��orrow morning at 10:30 in =�Iaced in tbe an sot e com-last Taesda:r_ weather. and Trevor ArnetL:-:.:, .• :.,;.�;���:.f.��{\'.All WiDiDa to Help Director .Stag. ill Ticket Sale c-., .... Get-AmmaaitlGli ToIIaT-P'ift B1IIIdred Set _ "..mnmm Sale-Dinctor· ..... AppeaJ. to .Lo7a1�of S�The president of the Senior class,di:sed, --:....1- the !lta� name- of H;Sew. UIIUC'TP. JracCnclcen, ASlociate in PIIilos­op',; U. of c., is to enlighten theForty=third Street neigh�rhood to­niaht on the IU"jm of sponges andthe manner in which they fish fort'em in Cuba. He is to be assisted.". Fnak Ordaanl, alleged to holdthe oRice of UniverJity comedian anda 'Univenitj qaartct wbich· remain.nameless in the amnce 1IOtic:H...,.., entertaianaeat k·. to be- per­petrated at the' Hannon� .Theater onFol't7..t1dnl. Street an� as the handbIQs atatc,' HAn' ta1ent i, famished .bytIIit .. University of ChialO." Mac-- Crackeb i, to be aided in hi, lectareb� Dlo.u.a pic:tafts. . '\. "' .. �v,',.,,' .. �..','.� .,... ..... _..�. ,r,�..�f�.f.�!�..��f�·:�.�0{,:�i,�;.;�.tr: :.;��:.:��':�!�.":�::�-��:)' _�.': ::.:>.':r:;Y �� ,Y>;;�!:�.:���·u:_:�· ::A�:". �':'.::_ 2_���" " .• "'-_ "> ��',� -'4!.. L... \, .......� _,r.;.,.:'-A... _,.. ftI&.... , .�.,.". �&.'.�•.. -. �._" •• ��." '. '.' .�... S'. i�.ti ,'�,J5 •. t�.•. ,:",:.' ,".' �',� . "'., .' ..... .': :�'� -, � �� :Y""'"�"" ,.=�-; ""'--' �." -, - �� �'." .,�, �,:-- .. ,..." .... 1- ... t,r -.._ 'J<'" •• ' � f � �''''I" ............ .,.. ...... �·�I:·. ,..� ....... '_; ..... i::� .... -1 ;:r"":"''' .\.#',: .......... "�'?1:� • .. tT ... � ......... �"', -, .'; " '. . .... -, ...... 1.:" ",,.,'1 ··t··� \.:', 'f.:,i ··ft.:' ��. h;'ie'�' Nsf tercIa,. th&tT.lle:couFDOtrcet :liad.«THE DAILY MAROON ti· ,�tiO�·,.,. �.:J'" .,.!' .. " .• -: a;��;'" ":-'-t.··H: -�. A,;p...:.i� .�, ..-.. ..... �,e ";.�. '�'�'" .� �, • � � -'�:!""":);';'��·1'�t-·. StadeDt.wlaO·at:�,.:�e.,put.s,�UI'W"'�' "w�� .', e; ':"" � � �� '. .ftt .... :� .• 2M � "... . an;' pretensions' �o 10�y sh�d be:" C:pect� to � � the 'top ••. , ,It IS:'J,.,._.'". '--��.,._ �,_.". 'f�e�m. ��.-�.,�!Jh4!�����-�.����'-,. �. ;'�����t1i�t�i�;�"i�-: t' :. " • '.. AinlOUJIcBJimiTs.' It h:ad heeD'thought that he �d Dot··:...... S .... ..._.: ....... ""�,' ....... � .... � ••• ' H· ••••• _ "recover'from'-'his 'attack�of' mUlDp�'s 0#. -;. ..� !� ,.... .' � � 'l ' t:: , J-:- . ...,___ E:aoec:aIiYe Committee: but he' WI.·O:� out at. pnctice,' todaT •.�.w...... � •••••••• _.J. •• �.��. - � ..�. � ••.• �.�.����.;:: ............ :� .... ' �eets Friday at 10:30 a. ,m.. ,in Cobb The meii are':to be ,resPonsible :for·9C. �'" . their, <on :; sUitS" . and: it � is essential....... _:.I!ii. $' .t .. �$ UIIiftni� J-ab1ic Lecbll'e-Profes- that theybe at'the station at'"the ap--- ........ � .$Or Turner of the Uniyersity· of Wis- pointed time. 'I&,:"�."" Mt. .e ,·�consin will give an adress on' �he......... : .... � •. � .......... .West during Jackson·s AdminisFt�- STARR TO CONCLuDB TALKS..,. ... .....,. ...... a......... tion," Haskell Assembly Room, n-� 1M U...._ ,... daY at 4 p. m. ..--------,-. -'-'---. UDiweaait7 PabIic Lecture - Mr. -rile Panama CaDal- Sabject of .0.-.. ' S II �.... : Justice Henry ·V. Freemen of the ��- iDe Picture Lecturo Todq.,_ - , "17 ... nois Circuit Court will give the sec-� --- � ••• .-.ond of a series of five lectures on Associate Professor Frederick Starr....no. w. .. I..... Friday in' Lecture . Room of Law of the department of anthropologyIISLYDI £ �................ . Building, at 4:3Op. m. Subject: "Legal will conclude his series of three lec-.. .a. AaIIII&Ie --- Ethics." .. , tures �ith motion pictures accompan-·.a. L. � ;. .. n ....... Reception' to Senior- WOmeD post- iment this afte-rnoon, the subject: be-_ ............ _ a - of poned to Thursday, April 22d., ing "The Panama CanaL" The lecture&_- .. ... - Re,noids' Club Informal will' be will be delivered at 4 o'clock at MusicWOJmllr8 BDI.'J.'Oa... held, for ritembers only on Saturday,' Hall, Fine Arts building. '11188 lIolUe IL CarrOn April 17th. _ The talk. today is the only one of. A880CU211 ..,:mo... . SoatherJl Club will give a sOcial in the series With which students on the.A. .0. WIaWIeI4 1IUp. ... .A. Loq Hitchcock I.ibrary, Saturday evening�B. l'ebimtlaal Vallee o. f\ppel' at 8 o'clock. All southerners in:"...o� vited.IL jo •. CUpeats .&.. LatIa Sophomore DanCe will be held in,,_ Lftu:u IL �. DIaJl . Reynolds dub Monday. afternoon atw •. B. uOJ'4 Ii. ". BDI8 4 o'clock. . "'.c. W.:w...., ...ElBott IIaka WeiaJat.The choice of Elliotty footbaDguard, as Varsity heavyweight wrest­ler caused a renewal of hope in theV;rsity camp. It was fea� antil yes-. DAILY BULLETIN •..... � IIA_ ....Ball _ ....,. _ ell dI.1 ..Tbe DaII7 ---- ChicacO-PeDJI Swimming lleet-To­night in Bartlett Tank. Tickets may. be . purchased at: Infonnatl�� . Office.·. Prices SOc and 7Sc. �, : '.. :'. "IDvesaigator's Club will' ��old ,b1isi':,ness meeting- this 1Il0ming-,:-in Cotib3C"at 10:30. .... � ... -Preministerial Club will' meet· ' In: Middle Divinity this. morning at .10:30. :. Franklin leads a discussion' on Milton.: , .. � .BrcnmsOn Club' will' have important\ meeting in Haskell 26 this afternoon:.'at 4. . '.Bladdriar R�Cast meet�,at '3 o'clock this' ,�fte�09n; ·cbo�. a� ..,7 this morning. . .''! '.. " •. ,;;... .. Score Club meets today at 10:30 .a. .m. in Reyuolds clnb., '" "Glee' Club business-meeting at 10:30tOday' in Cob); 9B. � Important.,' . ��­CoasaJar Club will organize at 10:30this mo�ing in CObb 9C. .. :,.UDiversity Public: Lectui�Prof�sor Turner of the-University of Wis­consin will speak on "The 'West dar":ing JacDon's Administration..": Ha�ke1J, both today' and' Friday .at 4 p.m. .W 0 man • s Tennis TournamentDrawiDp-This afternoon, .April 14th,'in Woman's 'Gym:, 1:30 to 2 o'clock.'Tournament .begins May ·Sth.' 'W. A. A. Dress RehciarsaJs will beheld today, play at 4 p. m., and stnntsat 6, in Lexington. .The establishment of an 'honor sys­tem at the University will soon be,.made an· issue' amongBaDring the students if �he coun-the. ci1s .are snccessful incribbers. their ·plans. They' have•I submitte� a tesolutionto the faculty- recommeiuling thatstudents be required to : sign examina­tion papers wit�. a pledge that theyhave neither given nor rtceiveci ".aidin the preparation of that paper. Theadvisability of such a scheme will bepresented for' the consideration 'of the'genem . student public. �d will, with­out 'dou�t, cause a great deal of dis­cussion. .. ',Of the �ting situation there' canbe: no .tw� opiniOns. A great deal of.'cribbing' goes on each. quarter,. and. no'one'can successfully contend that cri�bing is 'anYthing but' immoral and dis­honorable.. The effectiveness of themethod prOpoSed for stopping it isthe� question. up for diScussion, andthis should be' carefully gone overand' considered by. every student.The . value of the plan which has.been . proposed lies in the fact thatit takes two to en" in most instanc� .There are few students �ho hav� nothad tbe concrete problem put be�ore,them. 'A neighbor in distress sendsout a signal for help. �h� is gener-­ally an UDcomfo�bl� �omen! .. forthe :persOn whose aid IS• sobClt�d.TJie' impulse of the moment. IS to givelhe help, and thi� is' r����d onlyby an' abstract . p�.ciple which tomany students is rather misty at best.The force of this principle needs tobe brought clOser home �nd the' p�nput forward - gives promise of domga . . 'h.The key to the situahon IS t e manwbo gives the help. The man whoasks it is already .desperate, a�d . hewill not go much lowe� by pefJunnghimself in a' signed statement. A stu-.dent is mach less. likely, however, toperjure bimself merely to save aft'lD�ing classmate�------H ·5 �ft honor for which everyere I -- • r ·blstudent in tbe University IS e Igl e.. No 'ability to get votes,SeDing and no inftuence' is need-Seaoa ed. Every person who be-Tickets. comes a sales agent. !orseason tickets and JO.IDS. Stag"'s campaign for filhngDirector & k d tthe bleachers is thereby mar e ou,student concerned for the goodas af C·bl· cago and ber students.name 0 , .The tam-out for yesterday 5 meet-·. -ramn"- bat tbe real testIng was e ...... "- D· D' •will come today when the bctets aredistn"bated for seDing. There wUl bea sbarp line between thotel! stal d-:ntswho are willing to take a IItt � bm,eand effort to help redeem Chicago s Undergraduate Coone Boobshould be handed in without delay atBureau of Records, Cobb" 2A2.OFFICIAL HOTICEa'. ELLIOTr.. AND DAvts. 'GOIRGFootIJaIl Star Gets under 165 PotiDdS'IIDC1 Captares Beat,wei&bt Wrest­IiDc Bertb-G)maat Ower M1IIIIPS�Batria Amloaaced for Meet.Varsity repre�ntatives in the inter­collegiate gymnastic, fencing andwrestling tournament to be held atLincoln, Nebraska, Saturday. nightywere cbosen yesterday. On the listare Elliott in wrestling and Davis ingymnastics. Dr. Raycroft issued in­stractions to them to meet tomor­row night at 5:45 o'clock under thedock in the lower waiting room ofthe Union depot, .Canal and Adamsstreets.T.he Varsity gymnastic, team willbe composed of Berndt, Bartlett, PaulDavis, D. M. Kennedy, Charles Levi­ton, a�d L D. Smith; the fencingteam will be represented by D. F.Davis, and Mark Alexander and R. D.Elliott will appear in the mat con-tests. campus are not more or less fall\ilitlf.Incidentally it is �pected to be f�Uof surpri�es, as :rrQfe�sor Star-r isknown to have·' decided opinions on, all . �ederal government projects.IIIt�s aFOWNES.. '. Tha� s all you. need:to know about·'"GLOVEs • ... ·au tIIr. __ � .... � . ..h 'utDd.- an..... lqrh at liar .�.ttlIltf 4IiD-IB5' ...... ra kClJpragit&,ring •• r� -·lii!lllt. IIarIt itt ·.,hbma hits...... ']1,.18; �ltbag, lin ...£t.gJIBII � ci1oat.1IriDU AlbtrbIAltxanbtr Ihtnlnp* mailnr1IJpmt CIndrail' 27&8 ,"King of Them All"·When you see: ;yo��if . i� oneof, Qua: new SprinK Overcoats,iyou. wm�.� proud. Q(.,the, .f�ct that itwas made in· the .. Jerrems way.", Tile new·· Spri�K '. Patterns. and. fabrics for' 'overcoats, and' 5uiting5,are-.·here now�ready" for you. to:choose from.;" :,:. .;.� i :T"jUed fabrics·in greys and 'soft .colo� are the favorites this seasonThe' ultra fashionable thing"'isto have your SfJring overcoat andsuit·harmonize in bOth color and 27l Wabash. Ave.' . I,: HUrisOn 2'571.. - ,_. I ::.Telephooe Hyde Pm WI. . .TO AllY SBLP-BUPPORTDIG STODBIIT.We can pat �_ m. .� � � dignified method. of iacreasiq )C*rreyCll1le--a method that is. deaa aad that in�lftS a marinnnn iac:ftue' aIincome at a minimam apeaditare of time. The. plan .... � pnnedits etliciency in. � UDi,:euities "ere seU-respec:tiiqr.�� ..dents haft 'ta� uP �'metW to tile exclasioa of othen; tJaei are plcaMand their financial � is 1Olftd. We caD. do as mada for,.,.. CaDaD7 time durins b1llil"eU � at 39 �rD � or -telep.on� �tftt5114, aacI ask for Mr. � . � ;;:/-..� /- .STEEL VAULTS ". .ELECTRIC LINED,, :�tralHyde Pat�. �<• J '. " • 55. st. ... W .......... A.ft. .. 'Baq� PnioL' Fue ProoL Abeulut�Security�.Boxes. Three Doll:afs Per Year' .·Lea than a cent a dayw. �� YOUNG �. BRO.I m." -= tIIlITYBALDWJN.MADEPIANOS AND·PLAYER PIANOSA .aOD1lCT THAT.llS TIE .IU'S IIIIEST ...The eo.t of the Baldwin-madeinstnunents is no higher than isoften paid for ...... makes.QualitY conticJered they aft bftar the MOlt' Moderately PriceaIMtramen� on the market.OIIr T ...... , �1It wID ........... y ...Please _pay us Ii .ail 0( inspec­tion beroreconcl� a pardIueellewberi.co: . I,c.Taxicab RIteS Redo. ;NT�, ." . I�Th��roarPeoPlepayDo�than. ,���hen:.. ridiDg in oae four axisol ...Telephone C8\am� 2798,].D.; of ��Night._so Taxis available Compaeat �ce assured..AUTO . TAXICAB CO.2441-43· Mlchlssn Ave.UfIIftNII, ..... ...,. s.l1dt ../.• � .... ��.. A�DEUGH1'fUL PLACE TO EAT.. DiIf-wt Diiatiaet,::THE ORIENTAL RESTAURANTIt. JIIlOTOPAPAS,..... M:. 17Ie fAUc. Ma'sJOHN COCOLlS........ R�.............. en...' ..... T ............._ ......... al-cl.. .SIaVICE•••••••••••••••••. weaye.Whether you are thinking ofbuying your clothes of us or nol-you are cordially invited to calland see this showing of the sea­son· s noveltieS�Sch���: $30 ,� $50.TAILOR FOR 'YOUNG MENTwo Stores: 131 La Salle Street andand 44' Jaekson Bou�.We make ridinK b�hes.The• .l1lUPM:TtJaaa117:..211. "'� • ., Aft. .. - ...·r· .170:<>' '-',:-.� .. :..• • '0-. .... • f. I. ,," :1rl';r"��";If�'�lo,/.� :'1(._. ..... �'"• J •••• _.: ... t,.�J.I'.I<i'�:�� .. "��-<1," � ""�""'._ "" ...� '.. r.... �;�.1 :�: ... ".... tI 4� �.'\" ·�1 .• t.:,"·"'·,,(� ': #If".. " '.. -: :;'" -s- j., -t" ' .. "" �....�. '" -(. f' ..... ,....':--ti,, .-.' _ ..• ". : •. ','; .: _ '. :'..:,�.. .!.4,....... �., i. =: . � ...... .:'.,;' �:. '1\' • '. ',",:', ".;'"",�.. • �.:-. .,.. '.,., • ' •. '•• '.:__ , ,:,:,...�., .� :.; l' "��: ... :�:� �":.�;7: TlIB::DAlLy,:'IIAROOlf.�� 'J.'H�DAy�,.APJUL.,.S.'���/;·i!'��' "�!. ;�. ..� "': .. � �1� ",' " .:--�: •• ' r' � •• ��,;.. .... \�.����_ ............-...,.,;, ';"'_.,: �..d.' _.,"4( ���� _ _ �. w.,.,.. _.... 11,.. ,..,.�� ...., . ...,..,� --·�.l4""''' .---�"'''' .. -- .,,_ 1'..,' • .,., , """'/' ',,.- _ -:"" .. -::"_' �. .,..,. A>'r'"-� � '_ ',;-.� .. �." ," , "'� '", -�'-' • ':.- :!"'"""�-;. -,"'_- . . ,� •• , -', "';{ '- •• .,..-.., ";'..-.. ' '.IIATIft IBBI- UIIlVBll8ln. " ' . for AtlaDta. ·Geor8ia. to 'attend a. se� .: f ','.: ; ... ..;,• �:. '", •• ; •J� :.. .' s.>», .,': ("-� .�:..' ;:;, ·:4. . ,,:. .r ......... ; ."�,'.... ..".,......................... 1tiI ......... , .... --._............... 4or'Oowo r • _... � .. _ - _ ........ � �-. . .._." •. • .. -.��...-, • \. '. _.. •• �". :{,.�:Z'"' PASI' TR4'.8 •... ;. '!' .;' ��I �R � �� TIIIB� ,.sioo'· ;of.' �e .SoUth� Educational'� ., . / ,., l:�t.)n�::j;ff.!.tt·:�.: .. ,���Ki.� '" ... -b�Y�-��GBT:-<.�·�� �����'�:���J.;.- ,_�. Board.� '. _:'.. :.'" �'aI1IES',lIr,III:_'1IE'_�1IT TIEIJllli"� �.��. ':!�,;. - ,., ,. .Bael 8i.beS -aDd JIII4 Paddles . CONSuLAR CLuB pLAKs' , , .�� .. �._.,o��&,. ,� ,'::��.J�'ia� ." .�.,.. '" ,.• .... _". " ." > .� ,:<:;�� •I ... ' .i ; , ; � :�, .. " , • � '.' '. .' ".-,. \. • •: � " • '1. : •.::..... ,.. ;�. ',. '''� , , ••... ""., ,. ,.� -..., - MeetiDc. tbiII .0IIIiDc·� 8tndents Ill- A proau·nent well dreued U. of C Professor oaCe said 'ibiS � .,� .... , . ,"Wb&t bUildings are these?" asked � iD' 8enice-Report-a "midcl1e:=aged Sightseer' of-Tbci 'Dail, to be.... Chapel talk before the Graduate School.,Maroon reporter, pointing towards the __ �Before I pass jucigmeJ)t upon an applicant for a position, no matterReynolds' club,' Hutchinson. ,ball. ,and A committee apPointed last week what his record may be; I must tee him; I must witness his wa�' of ex-.. the Bartl�tt: Gymnasium. "Seeins like" .to draw. up a :constittition lor the new pressing himself. his deportment, his manDCr of cIrea. Drea ia too often '., ).I don't remember ·having 'ever seen .ConsuIar dub. wl11 repOrt· .,tOday· at' .disregarded -, by University men .... You owe it to yOUrieU to draa in gOod .�th� before." ·IO:30:.iD·.Cobb 9C.:ueLa .permanent taateanduwellu,youcanaffont." ,:' ....��Univer5ity buildings-the Univer-: :.o��i.,;";iion' effeCted "OSicers will. Take thou heed.of. this and visit our college department now while. ,·0- the ai.ortment is 1arg� , . - .:. ..sity of Chicaco�"··was 'the prompt re- be elected. .'apoUe.' "Are you a stranger in the J. B. Plasmon was chosen' tempo- AS to prices oar �nge is within the College man's pane-lJS·oo.� , �.CIty,. rary chairman at' the meeting held L' •,"No, sir-ee," replied the sight-seer.. last week' by' students interested in earv-er· ,Ii 'wilkie,"I was bom and 'raised' in Chicago, the new consular school of the Uni-but this is the first time I have been versit)", and the committee which willout io this neighbOrhOod since these' report is composed is Davis, Heilin,buildings, were put up. I,t's been a and Rowe.loog time since I was, out here. Anold starch factory used to be out yon- Indiana was defeated in baseball by'der"-=he' waived·' his' band vaguely' Illinois 9 to 0 and 8 to O. in the first· toward the ·southeas�"and all this' two games of the season last week.land was covered with scrubby. hazel· bushes and puddles of standing water A SO' HO'EN' ., the last time I saw it." ..•. .' . ."Let's see, this is the Standard Oilinstitution, isn'f it? Well I guessJohn, D.' has certatnly done a good,job!� be continued, as he looked· a.r.uri at the handsome buiidings ofthe Tower group "Didn't 'Mr. Harperuse ,to be . your president here? Bythe way, who's the president now?""Harry Pratt Judson:"�Tbaiib, I, badn't:beard. He's ·a'· .pZ;d.��good uian�Jor;'you; I reCkoQ.�'. Athle·t·lc , .. Alman, Be , ..�A1rtbis-'niay souDd�fiUln,. to ',.ou.;'yoang::manr'.��:'Yisitor. 9iel: to, -�e.;� . Edited bj"Dai1,.�:.�Maroon.; tepOrier, ·-�t . It'.· �atl JAMES E�, SULLlY:AN,true.revecy"worcJ. <-'I've"live.. 'in "Chi- .... ,- , ,. �ent of the Amateur Athletic Union.cag({for.�ft,.:yearS sio:W'; �mtJ;bavcJit Th I pub' •lica' •'" . ,...., ..'. ..' -' eon y lion myet �t.��1Ja!!:'tect_:W1� all ·�rts �f., the world that IIP!1blishe8 athe cl�y ... �I ve.:.h�rd at.lot about thIS" comp·ete list of amateurinstitUtion :'o� . here" - "at - never � saw: athletic !Jest- on - recordsit �'until '0 todaj; " I.': tOok :.a - few ' clays and secuon� records The• ,. .. ._.'� -.'" , '.�". 1909 Athletic A I ma nacoS: ,thIS �eek �o see. s��_ �.�.� s1g11ts �tainsaf'll1 statistical re-.of ·the C1ty� .and· this. IS Obe of ,them:�'� " port of the .·"No,.:than!C:·YOl1,· I ,c;an't 'Very well '.01 .... G. spare tb�. tf�e:".,:�d!> �;th�Ougb .' the. . ym pIC amesb 'Idi _. II- .�:-.��., . ' .w. �gs'� ��J:..l� .. �-' .. ef .. �" Replde .nth pbotogrolphs nev-bu!.: ,so�e Clay.} �-. �u:a�� �ln" het'e, , er'before published. .: .agalD_-�d�>lc��*y,yqlU' VlUve�t1 '.�,ver. ;,' ." . " PRICE 10 CERTS� ·I,lt.1s malDi�C#trr,::t'�·,�::<,L�'=ii'i.�,·�·" �'r ":�::._ ,�t �I.newsdeal�s aDd ,', ', . ·;'Well,.I.JJa.� . .!o,h�&Y.,.-.a."��o�: A··':G �'I'3:S"'.' &'8"" ._ .. r:.' ',' "_"" ,.,.... ' ... � •• "PIBlWng ro.·awfuHj·b�,,.oa,kaOjJ:.··sreat itlac� .'. \ .. '; " , .... '.. .BonY I cUda't see �t' loOOer--seocHack .147 Wabash .Avenue. ; ..to=.��_����:� '.. ":;,a�d: .,: Chicago. ID.tbe· echo of· hiS· VOIce-: craclaal1J �cliecl'; •" ". .away as the-Man Who Saw 'the Uni­versity . FOt:" tbe�·. First ·'·Time . disap-pear�d J� :t��: diataD�',-" MONON ROUTE-� -_ -�-- --Bast ServiceBetweenCHICAGO. INDIANAPOLIS,DAYTON. C1NCINNkhAND WEST BADEN.FRENCH LICK SPRINGSFrank). Reed. Gen. Pass. �gt.E. P. Cockrell. A. G. P. A.Chicago 185 Dearbom St.,.' :ADAMS . EXPRESS �LDG.- .. :,.. ..Make your selecti� at. "R- ,'<I.·to'S·unae:�:'�'III Paper:"_ H_Cor. Wabash Ave. 8nd.t�ke:SL·CHICAGO. ._ ... .... .. . ...;'"WRIGHT & DITSONTha Union Hotal and Ho,tel Maroon"Restaurant ' . '.,. .: ... e ; � : -; ���. :�.. '58th . .. ''_,. ', -t·111�li7;.��··.·� '.: Sbeet�I)raelA�:/�. .--THE· POPULAR. PLACE'TO EAT. eiJher before or after', the' theatre.We m�e a specialty of Cluband F ratemity Dinners.GERMAN'LANGUAGE CLUB .. "'UT.I'LE CEItiIANr 'For the stady' 01 GenDan 'by most apDl'OftCl. method. by least dort with least tilDe aDd. least1DODeJ'. It is tbe tIliq ,ou :are lootiD .. for. $1.00per moath. Write for oarticalan to tbe praideat.PIIOF. CHAS. WDOaIC CU'I'IIAJIIN.'112 26 Van Buren St.. ChicagoPri .. te l.eseoDs for CODditioaed atadeats. . ' llaaufactarers aDd Deaiera iD. Hiab Grade Atbletic SappHea . .Lao, ' TIllis FIDt BillBaSI Ball Baskat Bail,·.Hockey 60n GDIIs�In B •• t .tvl •• and Qualltl ••. .. :.' �' .; .,l£TBLBTIC ; .,1JlIIFORIIS,.Asp�n�!!:Jilia�! cl��equipped by Wright'. &. DilsOn, nave the'best .,Jookiog, . best ::.fi�, "::and';�mOSt····dufable'SuitS. '. -�;� .. WRiGHT a: DrisOM�;s\\-EATER5:�easily the 6Dest. " lIade oI .. cboice ,�wonted. .umade. perfect fittiD •• _· _M�J:e ODe of oarSweaters. . CATALOGUE ';'.' ,;.. lNRIGHT&DITSON344. Waahingtpn SL' '. 18 West 30th st.· 'Boston, "Mus.; ' .. New,Ym:1t, �.'l6 WeyJx.let 8t;: .84 Wabash AvenileProvidence, R.I. '. " ,Chicago UI.:,;! ';,Hanard. Square, . CambrMlge, MaE '.. � .. : '. :.. ..cold water in 11]0� ; .i� �� ���.thing in first clasS condition' a.ia�Iii·- � � - � ......... ..:..')., " • • • -, A'>-o,pop� rates. . '. ' . �We want you :to c'�l�Il us �nd�give �s 3:noppo��i,ty to .s��iY�you what we c,an do�. We' want to: :showyou . tha� we :: �·�ci�� :build' your �J9�1)�80 88 to m8.ke the� jo�clothel'. Notice our loea-.... ;tiOD.ChicaIO Americaa LeapeBall ParkOPENING HO)fE SERIESWhite Sox vs. Detroit TigersApriI21,22,23.14;'T8ilC,rs"��t.if��i �����Two: �.4�"-:-_' .... ,< ,',' ,�.:�, ' 'T'7�at"t()choose inem�r. to the'•• .'.. -9, " two vacancies in the Dramatie dubffaJf' �So1es"�$ Oc ··U p.: .. � !t:!�:i:�:�;l:��!ii ;�!=1:��!�. Repairing Done While before the judges tomOrrow afternoon.. .' You Wait. :at 4 'o'dock in Cobb 6A. . , �Uai ... liti-ShOe R...- Shop,: .' :Tb!)te c��'w�:'" Mar�' Ben,:� "','�.' H •• ociU: Pro.,; • (.. , .�. "Helen Cody, &fitll' ZabriDp_r, J. J{_'.554 ·East Fifty-fifth StreeL .. �Ha� Paul M�c Clint!Xk anel' E. �Wi�a.: ,, ' .'Manager A. D. Henderson' statedyesterday that as yet the play to beprelcnteel.. bT; ,the dab on ,Jl1�ior .dayI. andecidecl. Ii wUl be a liaht com";edy to acree with tbe C1IItom of the. club at its Jane p.roductions.It's worth your while to be in style.I t's money in your pocket to informyourself about the big measure ofadvanCed fashioo"style whiCh'1 give'for little money: I build only snappyclothes tha� ,make a young man l()Ok-,his'·beSt;�tbe ltind c of tOgs you'lltillte':a pride in wearing; that ;will be acredit to' . me and . a satisfaction' to 'you�', . My pnces. ·attract the eco-'nomical1y minded...4�� J .. ·K.untz:.. :8'l.WaabiDpmSt.. ;'". '. 'CHICAGO� �,,- .- ....Good Tailoring and Your��sf�tioR "i� �88�. . ." .. :' -.J ;: I;;t$ -���,,;".; �'1Y.�". ,Moore-:,&HClrdiitOif"_co... '..- ."... • ..,. adoIr.'w. OIl nocdpt cf ,_................ 5 � � .. for ...-.c..,�:.. baJ ,he n"::1Ibr pond bosa at'"� caq_lII"In4.Or " � f.a f"nd 1In {��.... , � (1hZ4 ............. _ -*"' , cI wr fa..- aor.IIF Girl.................... �.....,r.,ror .... Ca .. ..,'Rr.,., .............. MIDWAY TAILOR6001 EIIia AYem.eSPALDING'S'. "Official "1909. ;.. � .."Wby ��Y. ��t,'. " F�·. '�Tivewiit,W�. F� only· $2. more a month you' .. ''c.n soon own a Dew _chineA 1100 NO.3 FOX TYPEWRITER� fOl' 150.00. �:.oo dowIi aDd .s.oo' a .month. This means that if youare nOw =13.00 a IDOIlth rentin .. ten • by- paying $Z.oo.glare a moo� yOa will own a 1100 .'. typewriter. ' .Yoa aJ.oha-.e the ad- .vaDtaJC 0(' �aIi .. g: a fiDe' newmachine instad 0( a .. .ecood. bandone.You caD see one 0( these machines, by calling upon • . .Ceo. s..m.... u. file �56 .1IidclIe· Divinity HaDNarIhwesternuliil-ity'"'.'LBw kb.1BJrl'BRTADf 16 JAPAIIBDArraR TOUR OF CAllPUSIlls. J .... Re&:elfts Fonip V.... w1Io Dedaft 'l"Iwawelv. .'Imp. lJIll wltII Valva_t).Sixteen JJpanese commissionerswh'o are vi.iting Chicago were enter­tained yesterday at the President'shouse by Mrs..Judson who, in the ab­sence of President Jadson,' extendedthe privileges or the University.The reception at the President'shouse lened as a conclusion to thetear of inspection which the Japan­ese took of the University buildings.They expressed themselves as muchimpressed with tbe size and beaaty'as . well as the system here •.President Ja�so� left Tftsday nigh� 'Dane year course leading to thedegree of Bachelor of Laws.F .... year course leading to the de­gree of Master of Laws.r... year coune leading to. the de­gree of Juris Doctor •._For CataJoaue addressSeaetiry Of 'Law School,Wert .......... 'VIII, •• , ........CIIIC&GO......TB£..DAILY IIAROOH. THURSDAY r APRIL .lS. 1909Amusemen�.ILLINOis ..DeI-iIIS--s, James Forbes. Autbor of "Tbe Chorus Lad,"'"The Best LiDeof PlaiD Lo1'c aDd Fane, LauKh.,ou'll aret. tbis seasoD."STUDEBAKERDustin Farnumin "Cameo Kirby"By Booth Tarkington and Harry Leon, Wilson.THA�bY�!!�rlc�ca�From a novel by a • ChicagoanThe. Great JohnCantonWITH GEORGEIFAWCETTCOL�::IE!;".Mighty Musical ComedyLittle NEMOPOWERS.THE FAMILYPlay by Robert H. Davis. Direction ofHeary Miller. .-------CIic!!'H.�S�V�ff.rsMr. Hem:r E. Dixeyin the Big Comedy Drama"MARY JANE'S PA"M c�I�����UryLane Melodrama''The Sins of Society"I .... 'Enormous SCeDS 250 PeopleSUperb-CastW!!2!!.�HYThe Boy and the GirlWith "JIMMY" CALLAHANI NTaRNATION'LDe Bit F,. Rector'sThe WorJd's Sensation- .TRY iTo GET ." -P.ric�SOc to $1.00. Mats. SuD •• Wctt •. Sat.princess TheatreDe Plilce of TI-lIig1dMusical Fantasy with Henry Wood­ruff and Georgia CaineLaSalle Theatre. The Golden GirlSpectacular' MUsical Play .Matinees Tuesdays. TbUl'ldays, SaturdaysAMERICAN MUSICHALLWabash Ave. and Peck CoonThe Only Thing New Beneath the SunTWO BIG SHOWS A DAY.MAJESTIC.CONTINUOUSVAUDEVILLEPrices I ;-25-5<>-75C.Olympic MusicHalI. Two Performances daily2 and 8 p. m.ALL STAR VAUDEVILLEWoodlawn Theater55th and Woodlawn55th Street's Largest and BestMoving Picture ShowThe Ventilation is Perfect CONCERTS UP TO STUDBIITS...... pj,_ Dedarea Daire IDII8tCome from Them if Return of Or­chean . is Arnnced--Jlrs. JudsoaOffers Aiet.The future of Thomas concerts onthe campus is now in the balance. Ac­cording to Director Payne of the Uni­versity Extension bureau yesterday,students will have to demonstratetheir desire for. the orchestra's musicin Mandel before. other concerts,particularly the series planned fornext year, are arranged."We were considerably encouragedby the enthusiasm shown at theMendelssohn centenary," he said "butthe edge was taken off our joy whenall too many empty seats greeted theorchestra Tuesday. The reason wasnot so much the poor attendance,however, as the fact that any studentsmissed the chance to enjoy the con­cert."Mr. Stock and his men will notcome out to the campus again uponany vague assurance we may offer. Ifstudents do not appreciate the spe­cial advantage which they havethrough getting the orchestra here, wemay have to dispense with it."Mrs. Jlldson Wants Series.Mrs. Judson took a more optimisticview. While expre&iing herself as dis­appointed with the poor attendance,she declared her determination. to aidin arranging the proposed series ofconcerts."The Thomas orchestra. perform­ing at Mandel Hall, is an opportunitytoo great to be dispensed with, as­serted Mrs. Judson. "The communi­cation which appeared in The Maroonstated the facts here and elsewhereadmirably, and I hope that the stu­dents will take its' implication toheart."CRAWLEY FAST IN HURDLESTravels 120-Yard Event in :16 1-5 atFirst . Attempt.Following the sensational perform­ance of "Bill" Crawley in the highhurdles yesterday track enthusiastsare already figuring on him to cap­ture first place in all the dual meetsand possibly in the conference.It' is probable that Director Staggwill take him to compete in the Penngames in the hurdles and' weights.Though yesterday was the first timeCrawley traveled over the high sticksfor the entire distance he managedto run the event in :16 1-5.Reports from Illinois indicate thatCoach Gill is still in doubt as towhether his world-beating quarter­milers should be taken along to com­pete at the carnival. He expects toenter "Jocko" Jones in the pole vault.MUST WAIT WEEK FOR $200CIVICS PRIZI! DECISIONEighteen Freshmen Take Knmina.tion-Choice of WlIUler LiesBetween sa.The eighteen nervous Freshmanwho ,took the examination for the$3)0 civil government prize will haveto wait a week before the winnei' willbe announced according to Mr. F. D.Bramhall yesterday."The winner will be announced nextWednesday at the latest," said Mr.Bramhall yesterday. "Only one ofthe three judges has read over thepapers yet. Six of the papers seemto be so good that it will be necessaryto give each special attention."The following took the examina­tion: F_ S. Benson, p. F. Bills, F.Blodkin, R. C. Buck, E. D. Caron,Ethel Dow, A. G. Duncan, F. Fisher.R. V. Fonger, P. Grossman, ElizabethHalsey, Harriet Hamilton, ElizabethHurd, E. R. Hutton, C. 1\1. Joice. C. T.Latter: R. B. Salmon, Maude Sperry.and J. A. Woo1f.Funkhouser, ex.-'lO, £ncaaed.Announcement has just been madeof the engagement of George A.Funkhouser, Jr .• ex.-1910, and MissHazel Mearick, both of Dayton, Ohio.Funkhouser is at present paying teller of the Winters National Bank of Day­ton, and his fiancee is a graduate ofLaSalle Seminary, of Boston. Whileattending the Univellity, Funkhouserwas vice-president of the Three-Quar­ters club, secretary. of the Y. M. C..A., and a member of the Blackfriarsand Score ·clubs. He is a member ofthe Phi Gamma Delta fraternity.Q�LOST OR STOLEN-Will the partywho took a purse containing a goldwatch from the Ladies' WaitingRoom of Cobb, between 10:30 and11:00, Wednesday, return it to In­formation office and avoid any un­pleasantness.FRENCH family recently arrivedfrom Paris offers board and room,all conveniences. Aillaud de Juoy,6232, Lexington Ave.FOR SALE-A good Blickensderfertypewriter at a bargain. Frank A.Gilbert, 5725 Monroe Ave.WANTED-Four Or five room fur­nished apartment on or near Mid­way, from May 1st till December.Communicate Del. Prado 359.FOR SALE-Micbillinda. Mich., two(2) cottages of eight and nine roomsfully furnished, and seven (7) lotseach 66xl66 ft. on Lake Michigan inbeautifUl beech woods; ten minutesfroni White Lake, as a whole orseparately to desirable customersfor cash only. Address Mrs. FrankHugh Montgomery, 5548 'WoodlawnAve., ChiCago. Tel H. P. 1354.Students make from $3.00 to $10.00a day while attending' school. Onestudent at University of Chicago made$1,000.00 in one year. Another atChampaign makes $18.00 a week.Twenty-five ingenious plans that youcan work right now sent for 2S centscoin or stamps. Address M. C. Stu­dent's Aid Service, 3123 Calumet Ave.,Chicago. . ': .=-Developing; Reducing, I- acial andScalp MCbS3gc.- Electric' Light, Steam and HotAir Baths.We cater to Professors and students'especially.HydeP�kHygienic. Institute,·M. LINDE&OTB. M. G., ManagerPhone H- �_ 4454432 E. 55th SL, Cor. LexingtonAve;, 2nd Floor.TheKarcber Balk 00.� ....... An.. Cor. C ••• rea st.The most Modem, PracticalaDd Luxurious Institutionfor Baths and Theiapeutic, ... ,,\tPlL.: ...... Treatments in the west.POll UBDS ADG •• n. ....Hours: Gentlemen, dailyat all boars. Ladies. 8 a. m.to 9 po m. Sunday, 8 a. m .:to I p. DL·2000SpringStyles and SummerNow Ready.Suits $25 to $50 .Nm.!JerrmlS'Sonscu." AND A8 A.S SDEETS. VISit �'Little Hungary" To-nightH ........... Cafe aDd Re.ta1ll'Ult·Southwest Comer Clark and Monroe St.Main Entrance .84 Oart Street Telephone Central 1029Famous Hungarian Gypsy Bad Concerts • . . 5 p. m. tillt a. m •D. L FU.It. SPKiaI HanprJa. Catere!" Ladies' SoU1'enin alter Theatre .•f5he OIJ Quincy No.9·N. w. Corner Randolph andLa Salle Streets58-60-62 La Salle StreetThe finest appointed Cafe in the Loop DistrictCHICAGOE. c. MOO'REFlor;.&t326 West 63rd St.Tel. Wenlworth 2038:fIJLL .DR�S SUITSTo. :R�ntT.C.SCHAFFNER78 State st. PIIo_ Catral 4875Lasswell, �231 East" sst .. StreetMakes GoocIPhotoa $2.50 DozenCome and see them.b. B. STIMPSON, Manager Telephone Harrison 517127:! East 55th St.T!!�. Hyde Park 38THE NEW CENTURYGrocery & Market Co.w 1\1. J. THOMAS. Prop.Fresh Fish and Oysters, Poultry andGame. Fresh Vegetables received daily.Prompt delivery, Tel. Hyde Park 1361452 East Flfty-Fiflb Street.100 Engra1'ed Cards of your name $1 25in correct script. incJudinR' plate •I 300 Baslless Of Callilg canis $1.00.. HYNSON, .Palmer House LobbyPhone Central 6107Bargains all. the. Time. Reliable Rebuilt Typewriters, all makes;rebuilt in our own factory; better andcheaper than others. See for yourself.THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE319 Dearborn St. A. J. COUSE, Mgr.TeJephone Barriaoa GSStates R�staurant.·ENTRANCE 52 ADAMS -STREET9-Course Table D'Hote with Wi��- $1.006 to 9 P .. M. 'Daily /'I to 9 P. M • SundayMIDNIGHTVAUDEVILLE11 P. M. to I A. M.A Varied �am of Classic and Popular Numbers,Including Ensemble Singing of LatestlIIustnted Song Successes".• :f.;