. ,. ;�.:: II, il, -'." �A student mass meeting will be held PROF·AMeARIAM: .in the Reynolds club at 10:30 this .. 0tJ.f -.\ :morning for a purpose that is DOvel �!1 .. �.in Chicaco mass meetings. Instead of .� ....I Ilisteniftg to the 'athletes, the affairs ;jjuooeA· . ':"wiU'be .eondaeted by undergraduates. Dm.ioa LThe purpose of the meeting which E. L. McBride (Councilor).:has been called by Director Stagg. '�rge M. Bliss (Alternate).will be to lay plans for the pushing of DiYiaOD U.tbe sale of season .tiCketL The meet- Dean Kennedy (Councilor).ing will be presided over by the "Old Division m.Man" himself. All students have Paul If HeBin (Councilor).been �sked to attend, as the athletic 'Dhisioo V •.department is amt�us to get the voice Ricbrard C. 'Miller (Councilor).of the entire student body on .the Jerome N. ;Fnnk (Tied for Alter-. proposition. nate).A letter was sent yesterday by Di- Hany O. !Latham (Tied 'for Alter--rector Stagg to all the fraternities nate).Wiscomnn.· asking their attendance at the meet- �F. M.· King (Councilor).ing and their efforts to further the :H. O. Page (Alternate).Mar- seat sale. The letter was the same in Division VL'-substance as the statement made by A L .Fridstein (Counci1�r).:the "Old Man" in The Daily Maroon Senior college. elections. yesterday.Mar- ..yesterday. It set forth tile conditions famished three 'walk�ways ;ud:.SOllle"Manhall' .. at p�te .. t and 'asked that all loyai : intere!lting 'contests; '. The fight· Was'ChicalO men mike it 'their duty to . ; particularly severe iii' Division v�Vanhall 'find :a' :sOlation . for the situation. The . where King defeated Page by' onecommunication bas .tirred up consid- : vote.:· . ..erable interelt and it ;; believed that �"Ct!5 'TIle tostumary·tie 'for alternate, ap-as .a .result .prinK-.athletics will re- M,"�"IL-' peared in 'DiviSion 'IV, whete FrankI�De .Paul at' '](ars�1I ..:eeive a Itimuhtl �whlc:h thc:y have $HO'" and Latham Will have'a secODd ·elec;·. never felt 'before.;": . tioa 'the' UDCertairi� in regard 'to-1laDj' PIaDS Proposed. .: divisions led; 22 'stadents' ·'to ·,wUteSeveral .plana hue.. ·.· . aIr_;�.Y�"been : tbeir:hallots:.'by '-casting them in the�.. wrO�g group. :No·contest-a� ill,suggeSted by the maiI.f. of different··orgamzauons. � � �t ;i' student ilOoiI :na�'lIASEBAJ.i·: ! CHOosB :8LACKFRlAR!cBORiJa in DiYisioSs"II, 'In; 'and -VI;-' aa4:ac­'committee be aPPointed. to take care' . . .:.; '. .,. co��ngly no �Iternates. aWae �ehoHa_.of the tickets. Anoth�r is:.that they . �_q�..e:.".:,:":::",,,--- to·_--.··.'_- � \ C'eiee_ a.·_.·� ': .• � .�... _ ,,�.. : '.�. : :�ethvte�Lthe'r��I��ng in �v-. . .,. . � --� "aIIP' - � ·_uu '-&1& lIlIII: ; JSJ�n'l ··�:�'�:1ater •.• ·Mar"__Anansu at lfarsbaU Field . be placed on sale �� the- '_'�r;�� ofli- "cM1e- 'alt· rtdiaoll-llllilt·. . .. n-.t 'Jato BIlow Gida.iia • V.ew . _ ' ., .... __,: 'f' � .... _:.\ . .�; M.·������_;.!i�_ .. �: .:c:es;�t �,��Uec� �eti.�!'Dd as ',�'7,?, 7 �.-o.. �.; I ·Weebt-PlIst R', .. r-;r�. '.�9_:t'i1&��� :,.·s _� . .Max l�l�at �_mpa..!&l! - � � as possable. TJaS4IIO� .. � ....... .,. .. � ... :........ ',J". -- '- .Jkftpywp . ". -- .�.. '��ldN 1M w. .. � A; ftay . ... JI. " laliili���.t··�:.�:· ,.' : .. _ ���p";��7� -, - ;:-' -:-����--r�. >-:;.:t;:,_.: .� J :: '. -�.;'���.;� .� -.�., ;;i';:'" �� � .; .• �."�, ��. � -::. ��." ':�jt- .... " ... ,_ . .- . � .-- ,--.- ...... · .. �d: .• " - '. _.-·�1nIt"'fo�a·�·�gethel"; �,··tiiterfiili1idl:F�_�·.at!! :'The ·dI�.for -Phe � Liar.�· . ".�.;'_ �� ... : ' :..:..:.:.: ... � _. ";�' . . 'r: .), ��;:c·• � with all others th t be Sec( • t ::,�::,�: .. J...:..r::;,_ ... -. 1�.,' •• ,"', i· ta.· . ..- "",, . .1£---� 2 . � u...._. � ,Jlay 15-� �T��'<"'� ,.' •• ' •.• �. a �y •• : PJ'C!PO , �� soo�.�c��!I;t.�:��·�:, thIS �s � ckfriar play was c...,..·: .::� J�"'---:W"""'''_'''-''�';-''.--::' '-"�:"-;-:"�Kay 18-NCftthweMem ... � .. �,;rI ���, s:ud .�r •• �ta� .�e�l� y� .• :� .......... :�n:: Iast.�:aiaht.;�{&er:�·f�·: �f. �oatS.. :.' -:. : .... :'IIi •• iCL·:t:: ':':': ':.'. _. ..:::;1�iel4 '.' ":"'�':.".:- �;�t:�tl!is ... m�g .WJUre�lve t��; �he-�,I�:d1ab;,���of�' Forv:� �·.b.e.ased.if�tbat�y ,.�' ·.t .,,' .:;',;.-;- .. " [. :_-��· May 21-IIIiDois at o .....liD.�r /' ·MIPPOrt-:of .. �he. student body. It �: :rep�·�:fr_.'ithel.�eS:: of thoSe selected .Be eUaa�e.: This lJf-yoarhftit'Yean.sfOr'&ivoli�;. f _. .' ...... })lay 2Z-hrdIIe·-lIt·:'" , r�:-� :=-- �1Dilh�,�ty of e�ry Cb� , �met with- ... �t' Wm .... ·8enry;:' wiD make tludaraest dlorus ·that the .' -FOr: pJ' and':'·siMarkliri« :jotlity;l�!',2... ,.· __ I ..... ��.Y�, ,� .. �.a�d-��y.��· .. ho does ��; ��edfoa-����,�ch··i �lac�rian '�Ye. ever.had. .. FoDow- Fordance,andfan;andto�..,. »-'W'. • lit: ·11 ....... 1:: . ��Da.:tO .• � � DOt have the I�: �d·_; .... for the ,���. mg IS the list of those who were :' Aac"eaptivatia«'��>':FaeN. terest� of Jail. eoUeae at· heart." 'Follotiinj _ the�:· . chosen. by the Coaaies: K. G. Kar- 'Foiget 70-' 'troubles '01': a �• J " •• ' '.' TIcbta.o. TodaJ. ... �D. - i:_.P.h� .:� . 'SiIrmar.: sleD. CliarleS GiIbert,·=t.' 'IL 'Wbe�i�r, ',; Belien ,tllat 'dIey'II ·come oat· ...SP.aIIIG-..ACJ:IVn:'MM . .PJ..AIIJIKD, . TIle tickets.wiU:,p�y be oat.to-: .Alpha.:.a' ... ;Omep. ;S�"- N .. �d:: M •. 'E. Simond, JoSeph �Lawler, Pa� .: ·riPt· . .day� The,. entitle th�. �fet' to a� l .Delta. -UpeiIoD. . '.. "_� \. : � IIcClintock, Ralph Rosenthal.- Roy An� -08 ·the ·other 1Iid&.� .8eaion ... .n--.Iq»oa .. t.__ proldmately sixteen events. i!lclqding: . DiviJiOll z-;'Chi' p� �:'SipIa,.� Baldridge, V. F. Long� �ott Dona- The Women·s Athletic as8oclatioirare at ..... ToaiaItt- the Interscbolastic:. -.The7, are. the; .Delta· Tau-· Delta· ;� -Plri . Delta': InIe. c. II. Joice, 'L. R. �ortlmap,· yesterday aiopted the above';jg 1aeart. .... _ ".�ear,� Jtiad they .. .'.Theta. .:.. Paul 'Gardaer, W. A.. Thomas. Ra,.- sttape,' as the first . display. of tlleir'. --. . :'. ,: �aiiir�'� a"'1ICIt�':�man Division .l-AJpha Delta Phi, Psi mond Daly, E. T. ·Stal'�, ·Cllarles. foDow-ap·system of ad�ertising.to auT�e SenIOl'S wiD dllC1lSS a ........ • "�'�.-.1tefon:'._-' :.: :"-' , .-up.iloa. 'Beta' 'Tbeta Pi ad' SipIa· Grey, ,0. C. Baaerson. 'E.·:C-H�d- a'� atteadallce at the' play;_'of �portan� plans of class � ''9bis,��-wm� to the Alpha £psiJOD. . ley. WiIsoa Hobart,·R. E. � C. vndeviUe next Fn.lay:night. TIlefor � .Sp�g quarter: �t.� �. mea aP4 �Of s.e·DDlftfsity as . Division 4-Phi Gamma Delta, D. Wood, J. N.� IleagJaer, .Frank managers of the . pia,. '''for the caaenel' � .. H1It�h. ; JIa!I·�.'1 ... .,.at ��. , .. :-.' .: Delta· .�pa Ep.iloD, SiP- �hi and Coyle, G. M. Bbss, W. �dc:luua, of the new --om" -aDlIOGIIced yester-6:30. ,.Baa � ::iiIIII besi.nf'�I'··�· _:"�l Pohit of; Phi Kappa Psi. , Beatf)n Moyer, Harold Kayton, day that they wiD spriag a few moreWiDiam ,.. �� , F �_ ��. ...,," ' •• I:;:-Xaiis"'· Barker, Hany: Cowwittee'��:� DiIpIIteL. �rles Watts, Kenneth LiDdsay. just as uniqae today or tomorrow.the _en. ., ..' __ 0IijIit':_ � a.asOn rick- • Henry appoiated.a -committee COD- Pliny Maqu, J. C. Scofield, C. D. Miss' FranceS - Bemck,. enersetic� .��. �: - �'.�' .:.'.. 11' ii·_�:a tio. tof getting; sisling of Dame YotIIIg, �.Bow- Kelly, R. ll. Harmon, R. .F. Jen- press agent, gave an: inteniew '-iiipart � .• � � ....... linC·�. �: f. two.. We are: '1IWI, ·Paul· Garda« ucI: PnIIICia 01'- nesoD, R. Anderson, C. L &selsen, Which she Usaftd the IIien of· theI.���·as.! 'Da� "�.� e.': ---...w1o:..ne:'_'_ adrial games ch�:wIIida ;WiD*l� 011 ,eJiipWlity, W· A. W�niner, ·P. ·G. Ho�n, ca. ... dlat·tbeir preseace ia�""P.'P;;;-"- � �'�.� P"t-- .. �rr; ·_JiR stu�' forfeitures aDd ncb other matters as Harold. '.�' J. W. IIGmIOII, ."ated·Friclay:mpt; daK t'e pb.7' is.tei!f�� � ·el. � �: Alient":_' to _' : - We are Diay'be broaPt ap. r • Lyle Watkins. There 'wiD 'be a � DOt for women oBIY. Tickets are. 011'� ...... �ci .. 1ridI ' . iiot co.i& .. .i. 'WI'� 'to tile un- The pro .... � for the playing hearsal of 1he chonas in the Reynolds a1e' at the Infonnatioa 0Iiee -at :sse.ell.-...: :. . _. j.: ............. We __ ·after of th� ,p�w::r pmes .'."" May �ub tamon-ow aftemooa 'at 3 . TIle play ana:the vatldm1le: ....ifpr.!;I!� � � die �e •.. , ::6e gra� aJUI.ahInnU and we look 15tll, 'the:�fiaaJs lIa_y 224ft .... the oclock.. fit forprodactioli. Tbe , ... ftIIeanaIsot:'" ..,.., a.."!!!IeiII cI6" :!for a rqW ........ _ . '., finals May - 29th. Three pales wiD. AD the ·cast attd ehOl1l8 'haft t.een wiII·1te held toIiaorroW afteidoon, tile��.IC!.J1I!�-; � . .,.. are�� 1 .. be playe4 ia' eada diYiaioa"the first ct.men,.:md the'mea are·DOW lam- pby at -4 o'-clock lad the stIaIts ateftry �,. to' � �.." -". . . .. . beine betweea�1 aDd 3 aDd �� ud 4; iDg their worcb and parts. Coaeh 6-ia wllida 1ft 1aaIted iIIIpoI .. t fae-'" lIPRDniMt �� � mmIf the BeC01I4I·betweea I aD4 4, .. .2 aDd Rabat ..l1 � lI""y, aDd 'bytoneS, by. tile �� of tile � ._- . 3; and the thW·betweeal'" 2, and that tilDe -will - expected to bowad the Seaiors propose to tab ODe. I.IPt ;;rIi;';;" _::IlIa- 3 ... 4. . �.. ·his wonts, 1081' etataBca, an. aits,of *- trq. ia a bod7. .. _,.< * � .;.. .-.. .. ftCU'I •... Poit �UBT Beaimaiaa· witIa Iris retvn the re-·Por.tIIe fellows who intend to en- ,.�./. ����:7"' ,- - '. ,' ;. � .. ' ; heanals .ill be beld without use of- • '''., -.. L" said President Me- The �c:k � . COIItewt8i itself � � &psi .teII T""'_ books, and the chorus' wiD be taughtCrackm yeSt�; ........ will tJe with ...... WOrk ,atmlay on xcount : .'8Iiow a_ Prauam. the dances.a big treat...· .�, __ .. _ .... - -- -----of tile contillued col. weather. The-Candidates for the nhy team werepat throop Sprints to gift. themspeed.• CO.sideft1lle·:intere'!t "was :arousedby the tnal.· for the Hyde Park and...unlvepi •.. � -School .Beta,' teams·�ich:""'t. CIIIIItett Saau ..... In theHyde Park ·ftCEy LleweDen, .. Forbes,·:s.iIitJi -_. '$b� iinWheti Ua the.... _met· bt, .S. ;;;; UIii�it7Rigta SdIeol�·..... won: byCampbeD with Shiveric�- Kuh-- andWhyte taking the remaining three Iplaces. The time was three-fifth. ofa RCOIId s10wer than that of the HydePark I'1IIUIerS.� • '€ •· ...afO····O· ft,···... "," � .';! �""_-�,,' ........., .:., l'� .:. ' • .-.(1" "" ...4•� '�·��4"._'i� _ ...CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY,. APRIL � 1909PifteeD BaebaIl Gamea to be PIa7ed• � V�· ... 1-'· ·� NOVEL � IlEETING TODAY.atDI1mta. Wut �. ill JtesraaIda CbabTbia lIomiDc to .a.c- .. ofSeaon Ticketa-.... :Ps-. are� � -.s I .. IS '.'! �.:'..• --: _IIdIrMIe. .JIiIa. _ w-_. G.Itia C_Ult_ �-Vote.iIl W_ ,SectiaaA WE·EK·ON THE MIDWAY ITie for AiterDate Between PnDk __aDd Latham-Default GetsBeitba . for 'Three.The athletic schedule 'for:thc :springquarter was announced yesterday af­ternoon by Director Stagg. It wasfurther stated that tOday's gamewould' close t� ;preJimiaary. scOeduleand that after today admission wouldbe charged to. all the. games andmeets. The --dates·aft as lOllows:Tnck.April 17-Philadelpbia relay trials.ldarshall Field.April 24-Pennsylvania relay.games.Philadelphia. - .May 8-Chicago vsMadison.·May 15-Chicago vs. Illinois.shall FieldMay 23-Chicago vs. Purdae.shaD Field. .. ' ..Jane s.-eOlif�e "eet.. Field -June 12-Interscholastic.FielcL· :. •.AprilFie.ld.April 17-River Forest at Marshan'Field. ..' ApIi(. 21-Logan Sqnares at lIar-·'sli�l.l��ld...· :'-.' .' .'April �Indiana'at·Vmlr.llt :rleld' .April 28-Northwestern at Evan-.ston, ..A .. lIIfttiag wU W 'at PaIlS,&­vatlia die put week attelidecl by reP­ruentatift5 of twelve of the olc:leSt·co11ese :mteniities' to take actiOIi·apinst tlte sweepiag anti-fraterailya8tertions made ." ·David Starr Jor­dan of Stanford Uniftrsity.Diwcc II BillIe ill 8cbooII.In an address to the Reliaioas Eda­cation Club last night, Professor Coeof NOItlnvestem UniTemty discasaedthe :use of the Bible in the pablicschool.. He decbred that DOt OIIlyhad it been )anished from tbeaD, batthat it was tbe cIaty of ·the daarchto accept this fact with clteerfalness... to teaeh the Bible itlell 'n.echurch. . in the opiaioa of the profes­.1Or.is better' able to .do.this becaase. it ia &ee t. make use of the reliaiouand ethical' teachings of the Bible.while the school can only treat it asliterature.Members of the Senior daas ueca­rive committee Wl1I today' institutean energetic campaicn to dispose oftickets to men of the dan for tbebanquet and smoker in Hatehin.ontomorrow, night at 6:30 o'clock.Claainaan Hachel Shaw' of 'he so­cia1 committee- wiD a_oauce the pro­. gram for the smolrer this aftenlooa.-He atated:7atenlay diu a pl'Oll8iueutnmnber of tile faC1llty aDd a bIIsinHs.maa of the � will Ipak .at thesmobr� and nlat fseftra1· n1l41n"111eam ..11 abo. be aiftll.Ticket. for' the dinner aDd smokerWl11 be .oW at SOc. The llas1c and Wig dramatic clubof Pennsylvania is completing theerection of a large dormitory baiId­ing for the use of members of theassociation •Dr. Barlaer a&lftISCCl" t'e .semar;Conese chapel yestentay- on .th·e re­IUItS of IftiMiORal7 ·etroru in' . the' .'na� state of Upm1a in'" Africa.�e· find here a state, althoallia -it .isunder. natift """', iait . Dr. Arker."in' whic1a ftCI).6C1e tIICft a.schoo1-1aoases, c:altlwM .1hMs.�_the .-.nuuap of ....,. indastries, altate in whkh' a majority of the·in­habitants can read and write, • statein which there are the begiuniap atleast of ehl1iDtioa." . 'nte mock Senate of Chicago hasa foDowing ill' a similar OI'pnizatioftat the UniTersity of Texas, whidleyen goes so far as to con..-me at thesame time.The comer stone of the new JohnHay Library at Brown will be laidApril lOth., . � .... � .... ".��?D'�\�}t' i:�,�;;::::\':��" ,o��»."'�: ..: ",-" •... >,'k'�' � ....;i: � ... :' .' .: < ... ; � .. .... • i"" :-. - � .;- - ".. 'I� .... -�E��ct�'�i.���w�����'��'O�M����i:� ·t'����------�'·�·:�:���������-�-���_,,� � .',: �':c. �:.. '::'::t If=pe�'::;�:rZ' .��:' � ;;;�t�' :.il;ii':� ,": •. .-_. _ � . .,... , J, �':. '. _.' .cu1iarly 'suited, to .our circum�nces this mommg at'lO:30 in Cobb 9B.c.. • as students. - -. - --. -.- '.. .' . 'v!njnoaM1e8 Clal,'wiU hold 'meetingIt comes. -and-strange to relate- tonight at 8 o'clock' in Cobb 12B.'. �'.�� ".I�� _����.. i� confronted wfth'brge areas of'euip;;' :Addraa·oD·"ldeals and Methods ofe. 1I' ....... �� •••• �� ..... .' •• 0IIIIIIIIi.� .� 11' seats. Our students. are not there. the Y. :M. C. A." wiD be given byDe, ....., ••: ••••• ��!�.� •• ��� Ie '-, Why? . , . . President Frank H. Burt at 3 o'clock......... '.. -.uiit.zj' ...... :_ ,,'GII- HaYe1l't we -time for - ennobling this afternoon in.Haskell 26.. This.............. �............ recreation'of: this sort? Maybe not. is the second meeting, one having been• -.' .... ��., .... ....... But if that' be' true, what a pity! held Tuesday. .Too high prices? rthink not. Not.............. --,' � all the cheapest seats were sold yes-._,. ... WNQa ...... u.......... terday. .., tM U""_ ,... , . Too many 'concerts? We've had.,' .. lIlii �I but two Thomas' concel1s this sea-, __ , Ia" son.Programs too classical' for thefte .... .; ..........masses of the students? Not with"The Invitation to the Dance," "TheBee" .md other favorite numbers onit. I h'ave heard men who calledthemselves "musical barbarians" giveSchubert's Unfinished Symphony'..�. :r. ea........ .;. ___1ISL'YIII6._� •• � •••••• __ .....c. A. _ �AaIe&Ie �.... L. �"., •• _ '_ ......�.OL" MII._ .e.G ,'oS ......WOII&K'8 BDrro ...lila 1I0111e R. Carroll.a.ocJAmI ..,ftO ...As '0.. WIaWIeIcl Barpaft As.1..toqII, l'elIIeatllal, . .' 'Vallee O. .APpel-...oa'raIUL .� 1', CUpeater: As LotIa"-- Lnltaa" B.. s: �W. B. Llo74 '., B. 1', BIDaC. �. WUlabariae W. s. I'oate._ ·eaaidb � be left d ....Ball· _:r.nIQ ...., I'"Tbe�1IanGL"There .win be a meeting' in theReynolds club this morning at 10:30o'clock. I am askingAD Eagagement every student who isfor 10:30 interested in �remedy­� MomiDc. ing a condition which: __ ' . mor� than. anythingelse �srepresetns . the college life andloyalty of Chicago to be present atthis meeting."A. A.. STAGG."There should be no question of thehearty respense.of.the studen� to Di­redor Stagg's appeal.��r: tno're loyal.support .in track. and baseball . Thenecessary step is. �t Itbey be given,a .fuU knowledge of the situation andthe' resPo�sibiUty--TeStiDr upon�' . eachindividual for ;impro�g ,i� T)l� onlypracticable method. ,is. for every stu­den� :to . illter�st himseH in: the prob­lem . and instill a little ginger in his�riends. .-Chicago students ·are on trial. Fivehundr:ed: is a very mod�rate estimate(or the sale of season ticket� and ifany smaller numbC:r is disposed of it. will' be serious reflection on the stu­dents� 'Every holder of a student of­fice, should·be at this momin.(s meet­ing:: Jtvery. student. who has any in­ftuen�: 01' has any· interest in the rep­utation -of the 'University should bepr�en�' ':It is on t"em that the suc­cess :of: the camPaign rests.".COIlllUHlCATlON.To the Editor:The students at· the University ofParis, :in order to get to the nearestsymphony music, have to CO halfway across the city ·to th� concertsof the Orchestre Colonne where theypack the 2-franc benches in the al­most perpendicular fourth gallery ofthe Theatre du . Cbatelet--benchesthat almost break one's back.In old Munich, when the Royal Or­chestra gives concert� Universitymen form the bulk of the audience inthe suffocating standing-room, andthe two rows of rude bencbes in ·thehighest (4th) gallery of the antequat­ed Court Opera. Price 2 and 3 marks.J n Berlin, Leipzig, London and so­forth the Auditorium conditions at thebest concerts are fully as uncomFort­able. and prices are fully as high.Harvard students make the tripFrom Cambridge to Boston to hearAmerica's oldest orchestra.But in Chicago, where our pro­gressive gait is elastic on account ofour abounding energy and our eman­cipation from the hampering bonds oftradition, we dare and do manythings which are impossible in olderand more rigid surroundings. For in­stance, we bid a symphony orchestraof a standing which is recognized in.. ,;.. .. rapturous praise.Too popular, then? Hardly,Too far away? '--Too near? ·Ah, maybe that's it.Perhaps these magnificent concertsare so near our doors hi such an idealtheatre, and at such avail;able prices;that we have cealed to' priz� them.GEORGE PULLEN JACKSON.ANNOUNCEMENTS.W. A. A. PRy and' VaudeYme inLexington Friday to boom new gym.Tickets 3Sc at Infonnation Office.Reception to Senior Womep post­poned- to Thus:sday, April 22nd.Uidversity Public Lectute-Profes­sor Turner of the University of Wis­consin will speak on "The' West dur­ing Jackso�'s Adminiitration." Has­.kell, both Thursday and' Friday at'4 p. m.. .W 0 m a'n • S . Tennis . TournamentDrawings-Thursday, April 14th, inWoman's Gyin, 1:30 to 2 o'clock.Tournament begins May 5th.Reynolds Club Informal wilt· beheld for members only on Saturday.April 17th� ,,' ",: .�. -;�;� ;',.\ ;:�.Southern Clnb will give a social inHitchcQCk Library, Saturday evening,at 8 - o'cioc� All southerners' 'i'n-··vilea· �-- .. ' _.- ---.' ,., ".W.·A. A. Dress RehcaisaJs witt:beh�1d to�o�o�, play.' at 4 and'·· st,ilDtS'at 6, in Lexi�gton. .DAILY BULLETIN.Director· Stagg . will· .speak t� menof the University on the season' ticketplan in the Reynolds club at .10:30today. .Commercial Club wilt. elect offi­cers at its meeting at 10:30 today intbe Reynolds club.. Y. W. C. L will hold meeting thismorning at 10:30 in Lexington HaU.Glee Club will meet at 10:30 inCobb 9B.Uuivasit) Public Lecture --- Mr .Lorado .Taft wilt give third of a seriesof six lectures on "The Sculptor'sArt: Ideals and Technique," today inMandel at 4 p. m... Jaaior ·lIatbematiCal Club will holdmeeting in Ryerson this afternoon at4:30. A paper will be read by D.Bucbanan on' "Some' Properties ofContinuous Functions.")1Iaior a- Sxceutite Committeemeet6' this morning at 10:30 in Cobb7A.IIaIe Chorus practice postponedfrom Tuesday to this afternoon at 4o'clock, in Lexington 15.DraDlatic Club Fmals will be heldtoday: Limit is two minutes; no dia­lect permitted.Y. II. C. A. announces three :td­dresses by Profcssor Edward Scrib­ner Ames on answcrs to questionscon"ceming religion. The first lec­ture will deal with "How DifferentPers�ns Receive Religion" and is tobe givcn this c\·cning in Haskell at7 o'clock. April 21st and 28th arethe remaining dates.Senior' Ilea will give a dinner inHutchinson Commons, 6:30 tonight.Tickets'may be purchased from mem­bers of Executive committee.Chicqo-Pean Swiauniac lleet­Tickets on sale today at Information __ .� .' The' ·V: ... �GIUhTLEMIEN. . '" .�.::::.-...-=-.. "Kin"'... .. f' Tb . AD"',BOSTON ,'., go", em .,GARlER.: , . .- .. -.- .... : ...• _CI i" l1li __................ . ...,;W.·.......:fe��&III fUT1I"'�1DEI................ II1IIOFFICIAL NOTICBL'U�. Coara. Book.should be handed in without. delay atBureau of.' Records, Cobb: 2A2.CIauDaDt. for ·AdvaDced staDcJiDCwho have completed six majors andhave been two. quarters' in residenceare requested to leave their nameswith the clerk in the office of admin­istratlon, Cobb 6A.. Annual .Contest,in Oratory-Threetypewritten copies of speech not toexceed 2,000 words must be submittedto the Dean of Senior colleges be-fore noon ,April 22d. .FeUowabip Reports for springquarter should be sent to President'soffice at once.The . government has authorizedCaptain E, W. Lewis' of the militarydepartment at California to nominategraduates of the University as thirdlieutenants for service in the Philip­pine constabulary.The Kappa Slama fraternitY baamoved born its former: Ieeatlon, 6040Ellis Ave.. to 6032 Kimbark Ave." -. ............................ &..t .. __ �.L.A'SEAS'.� __ �,MIDWAY TAILOR.6001 Ellis AnaaeI SY •• ·• IF IIALITT. BALDWIN-MADEPIANDSANO'·PlAYER .IINOSA PRODUCT TRAT�lOLlS tiE Walll'S • ...m .IISThe eoet of die Baldwin·madeinstruments is no higher than isoften paid for Inferior makes.Quality considered they are byfar the Most Moderatel. PricedInltw:umenti on the market.Oar Te.... .r Pa� .. 1It win a ...PIuMV ...Plea5e pay us a \PM of inspec,tion befen c:oncluding a purcbaseelsewhere.The Baldwin Co.M""UPAcT·uaItR287-269 W..... Aft. �. .�• •� f, pring-�r'�'• r'. . ., .� (tutrtnatbtgsIn aU tilt unarm .1pW. ad. nalan. 8ft� _lagrh at smr IIrUqaartrr.httr 4Dn�185 Biarlumt ...ClJprago• 'atill bt ',lrasrb to .... ulna to 1JOIIftpriug (hrrmat1l-liiglJt. IIark or.bima htt&':'aurg .rlds. EUlnug Ilmm.&g1i111J aombtD Q1Ats ..JriIitf AIbtrt&mr01lJfIll .AltnUbtr 'Iunlnp. mailnr'.JIIpmr �� 2768PianoHarrison 2571'. . ',�.-. "JOH,N :·R� jANSONJaquirtiag iIaiIorS�al Y�ung Men·s Deparb_nerit ope.;ed thisseason :Suits to University 01 ChiCago Students. $3S.8O ,. �hf� ne Central ]802,Ii"/-:?_,/...TremontThe one markedly distinc­tive style of the season.�OWCOUARSIS&� ,. ·�sc·/iI��.! :�!. 'iI , ; "�:i' ': � :.·'.�,'�,.�.'�.;,:,'�,',�.�t':f'�.·THB:·DAU.Y,IIAIlOO� ,WE.DNESDAY. ,April 14. 19ofj� ,:.� \, �: _r ...::::::::::::::::::::::::::����������������������������������� .. ��� ....•. �.�·��,.,.�r�'�� �� ���BU8DIBiIi IIIi:H couuP'iOiiS . worir.'-jbin;';'; -.tiab.··wbidl " ,";' � ,,<- ',' -.. ," ' "., - .. . .. , .. ,. .'...'.. .." -"'""'�- . ; ';;:'i.���:u-=-:,� :Q�"::.:n:;:::gt:f� . 'W'.,' t8�·-.�<� I" e�>_·I·IV·,-;, >C;"I�;r" t-:;n'�7�' I �,iG"h'_:"':' 10''''ds'�_',�'.:" '.,'�-LiDia' GIl Sc:hoIanbip--An lIeD a knowleclCe .and appreciation of the .,.LIre Baaor S,.tem. , best writing, the best music, the bestin everythiJig."A third opportunity ,is the workof the professor in helping studentsto establish a connection betweentheir college study' and life."Dacribes StDdeDt Life ill Rome.Miss .' Susan' Ballou - 'of the. Latindepartment'talked to Arts women onher life in Rome while studying inthe ancient maDuscript libraries' of, the .vatiCan. Being a woman-a sus­picious character in ltaly-sbe wasobliged to do 'all her work in theante-room where the cloaks and um­breilas were kept instead of' in 'theregular work room.Miss Ballou will continue her talkon her experiences' in Italy at. thenext college meeting."It has been the business intereststhat has .caused boss rule in thiscountry. The business men are will­ing to p,ay for special franchises andspecial legislation and as a result theposition of 'boss' has been instituted.But the business intere�ts must have, persons in the legislature' whom, they,call bribe and' they therefore, exert;. aD means to have such persons eleet-.ed, . Most of the, voters are willing;to vote for the candidates' that aresupport�d by bnsinessmen; 'and as aresQ_lt,.. the corrupt· politicians get the; ::Offi� and the �orruPt business menare 'able to obtain what they wish.'" ,Linn TellS, of &hoJanbip.' ,Dean James Weber Linn·:·told themem�r� of Literature": mlleg�:' ���yestetd�y· what sOri cjf work:::tbey haddone' during the' Winter qUarter asmeasured by the honor . 'points and:compared .the scholarship of; tb� .past'. '. quarter 'Witn dial_·:, of.; the ! autUmn 'periOd. '. .: � � .. �- ... -. ''There''were' sf students' in the cOl­lege ta:�t, ciuarte�;'; -�id ri�an Lbi��'�nd tllre� of: these ·were creditedwith min� honor. pointS., .. five .menreceived no points. at all and 8. mademore' than . three. That. is a totaf of16, an average of less than C minus.This is twenty per cent .of the col-lege., '"Twenty-seven members of. the col-,lege, r:eceived fewer, points than tbeactual minimum for graduation; 34 re­ceived an average grade of less thanB. while 20 averaged a grade highenough to entitle them, to .. bonorablemention:� One man' rcceiv�� 18 honorpoints." . ,�Pnor HOllOI'. S,ateIL �.Arb lDen-at their .meeting .yester­day, expressed "entbusiasm .over thenew �onor system proposed by thecommittee, to be submitted to theatudent body for a vote soon.Report, was made, to tbe collegethat the ·Work on . "Phonnio," th�Latin play. to be produced is pro.gressinc fast. ' '.... Talbot LQ8 Dowa RaIeLDean Talbot gave the',·woinen ofscience college a code of campus etl�quette which she advised them to ob­serve in and arounel the University.The rules are, aCd)rding to MissTalbot; do not come to chapel after 1- ... ------------­.18 minutes of el� �'en, for then thedoors wJ1l be closed; do not converseduring the services; do not loiter inCobb corridor �r us�)t for socialp�rposes;� ¥�n�on Mi. the sphereof women's activity i� t)';i!l �irection.An�e Matie W�v�r, w�s ma�e tem­porary secr�tary of the college. Miss. TalbOt rccomrnende(l that a differ­�n, secretaI?' be a"PQint�" for �achmeeting.BoJQtOft 011 ProfestOr'. CaIIinc·Mr. Percy H. Boynton of theEnllish department in bit address toI .. iterature women sought to vindi­cate the profession of teaching. e!­pedally of literature •"The process of watching peoplegrow. human gardening," said Mr._I .. 'S _ Boynton, "is inten!ely interesting.�s-212 STATE ST. pecially if one can have a part in the , Yesterday's Thomas Concert sur­passed the expectations of even themost enthusiastic supporters, in thematter of music, although the. at­tendance was considerably below whatMr. Payne had reason to hope for.The two numbers by far the mostpopular were perhaps the two mostwidely different-Weber's' "Ipvitationto the Dance." and Mr. Stock's or­chestration of Dvorak's �Humor­esqne," " L'Abeille (The Bee)' wasalso .highly- appreciated, .and ,�. en':"cored, as was also .the last haJf of the',HU�9resqae.·· -, '; The selection perhaps which showedthe' :g.:eatest ',eft.iclency �of com�rana :orchestli' 'was : the' un6niSbect .S.�h�nY �o •. 8 ·�f'�b�bert's.·' ;.�e ,',exquis�te' tecliniqae' dis�1ayed ia'jbedevelopment·, ofe the :Cc:ma�ratiVeJy' . _:!��!tJ,=�::��...}t=;: ��2.� W��, Ave., onc.go�. Y.$�:,:��:"{S�h!z,'!:b"les,rev;:,.'�!.j,��:" , ' ,.. ,'" .,; ":�::a 6ttinc cloie-�tO�'tbe: ;�'�em�" ,:- __ -=_ ... � ...;. __ ...·...�-· ..,�IIIi, ..r ....."',iI!r.,'bracing in its devclopmmt'fD.� ,ev- 'V ;. -c. �, ',.' ',S''''erythina from simple md�'J� the "The leading question of. your. �pring 'clothes, Mr�' "�,�'most complex harmony. � �l,:.;· College man, 'must t>e SETI1.ED SOON� ":, ':-�1 .'.-1': ' A -Do yo� know th.lt·1 am a speaat�' at satiSryine .' 12'�' .. "HOftl. BiDden fOl' "-'I_;';.,��DIIiJies.,'''', ', th d' f ,.._.._ -_. ", ,:. , ':.'� e estreSo �D&CIU . ,,:' �j. R -That I ...;. make a'suit lOr y;,.. that .• rill be � O�5 suit�JFFERENT-DISTI�CT-STYUSIl;;;:: i �';T<�+ At any TCENT iAMe, l±I:'�Y The Colleee Man's Tailor519A East 63�'StreeL S· �0' .... _ ••....... " .. � _ .. "'·f .. _;". FAST TRAlBS.,. ... ,.-r-. �y- :"�.. ..DAY; AIID , B1GBTTHOMAS ORCHESTRA PLEASESAadieDce Small, Bat AppreciatiYe­Music UlI1ISUIIl1y Good -' n.onkand Weber Favorites-lir. PayneDisappointed by lleager AtteDd-ance.The Reynolds club bas, adoPted anovel method of binding' the 3 collegedailies, which tbey receiv�:;&om thelarger universities. On� - die i reaclliagtable they have two' 'large:�.:leatlierbound, loose leaf �inderS" one for theeastern and' one' for' the western pa ..pers. In the eastern folder can befound, the Harnrd Crimson, 'Prince­tonian, Cornell Sun, and Yale News,and in the western, the WisconsinCarmDai�' Parda� EXponent, IndianaStudent� :MiiulesOb 'Daily� MichiganDaily, and' the; Daily llIint Thesebinders are' made of heavy, maroonleather, and on the outside of eacb isprinted in gilded ,letters' the namesof the . papers it! contains.The much talked of Roosevelt pro­fessor for the Uniyersity of Berlinbas been chosea in the penon ofBenjamin Ide WJaeeler who has beenten years president 'of the Universityof California. '."THESTARCK PIANO'is used in the most elaborate homes bypeople �ith a ... ig� musical trai�g,and ample means to buy the BEST' STARCK PIANO or any otherhigh class piano, and the "sTARCK" is also used in the most' mOd�homes by people who have more good judgment 'and'taste fOr good muSicthan they have money. wHY! Because .rst, The STARCK PIANO SURPASSES ALL UPRIGHTPIANOS IN. NATURAL SINGING TONE QUALITY owing to itsSounding.� construction, (it being built along the lines of a vlolin.)and, It is delivered by the Manufacturers direct to the homes withouta middleman·s profit either for, cash or on any easy payment plan desiredby purchasers.We �eli�er. the· !oods Free on. 30' daysTrial lithout One Cant ODin'· .and defy anyone anywhere in the United States 'to place! a pian� alongsideofthe ··ST.\RCK" to beat it. : "Bargains always on exhibition at our ware-rooms, as. follows:, Emer-. SOn, $go; Kimball, 198; 'Knabe, IIIOi Cilickering, $125; ,Hardman.'nearly new, S145; Stein way, 1100; Fischer, '195 and'I'45,and':InanY,, athers. ..� , . ', " .Out of town corresponden'7 solicited •.P .,A.Starck PtanoCo...........ManufacturerS ' '.-r--- ,011 .TH&� �-:�hh1¥.�?�- .. -_ ...Made with cc� TieSlide" space and "Pat-'ented Lock Front."QUAIl1D SIZII.�"I- Where to Dine.fShe Woo"/� ��f-e.83nI 51. .... eoa. .. Gnne AYe.. '.'lBB lllllBST AIm .Q$T BLBGAfti.y APpOlftBI) cAn oli'_'.. SOUTH SID ..OUISINE UNEXCELLEDPRICES RBASOBABLB.On.bestra Music every evening.- - -_M 0 lLq � RJl4TL .Tbat corrupt business men are re­sponsible for tbe bulk of corruptionin. politics in this country today wasvigorously asserted by Mr. Arnold B.Hall of the department of politicalscience in a speech before the 'phil­osopby college of men yesterday on"Boss Rule in America. H•. "Boss rule practically began 6ftyyears ago in ,New York, when bUsi­ness men of that state 6rSt bribedmembers of the legislature in an at­tempt to prevent- the passage of acertain bill which would affect in­surance ' companies. Since that timethe politicians have dictated the termsand the business men have bad to ac­cept them', if they wished their votes."T�e corrupt business men of to­day," said Mr. Hall, "who by theirwholesale bribery corrupt politics inorder to gain fortunes, are the worstenemies to American civilization thathave ever been produced."Fault of Voters..�', � ,Service,. BetweenCHICAGO. ·.INDIANAPOLlS,DAYTON, � ,CINCINNATI·AN'D"WEST BADEN,FRENCH LICK SPRINGSFrank J. Re�, Gen. Pass. Agt.E, P. Cockrell, A. G. P. A.ChicagoDo. Yeu Want'aOeanHomeCookedMeal?•.•. r;'::: '0:'-dbM�l�,55th: ST� AND_{"·:'·::'hjVEo�·U�"A:f�....... ,._ .,_, :_TRIAL:THE .. VIISIIY . CAFE, 4741 E. 66th S1.COMMlirA"tION'RATES13-50' FOR 1300Official·, J 909Athletic. Allanac'. ·:Edited b.j. .J'\M� � $VLUVANPresident, of th� ��' Athletic UnionTIle.:a pub' licRtion inthe .' that �blishes acomp de list of amateurathletic best- � recordaand RCtionai The'1909 Athletic I ma nac"""tainsa f'llI tistic:al re-port of theOlympic Gamesof 1C)08. RePlete with photogrdPhs nev­er befcwe pnblished.... ce.CEJnSAt all nCW1ld�ale·. and�� G. Spalding & Bro.147 Wahash Avemle. Chicago. 111.CHOCOLATES ••••and flne bonbons famous through­out America put up in beautifulbo�es suitable for presents at 25c.40c and 60c per pound.., "A pleHed CQStomer is tbe �, _'wertDement. .. MATHEWS & CO.INC.Geo. H. Fiedler, Sec.Albert Mathews, PrH.The Tailor ShopMakers ot clothes for man- "The Individual"156 lVabash Avenue Chicago'* .1. _,'Jt�.�.;�.:r::.,.} .. � . -,.. ,�: ' ". '.' ' .. '.: .', ". . : .., . .::.·� . .({i:t.:·�L.t;·:�Mi�\.I..·=',.;.[".:·:,·� .:r�l)rt:· A�.'1�.if..(�:.·P�.·�· ,:',r, "':"'"-_ ��..._...-. .... _--....-� __ �II� �_"!'"'.�':" ...... _ ....... �.�B& ... DAILY OOII.��AV,.:A,.riI��. '.' , ..... ,;. .. �·;:"":' .. ...:....· ..- ..---�-.,.......�7_-.-,��_":e-_�,�.-- r -.•,_,......-,-.�.. ,"'-.• ""!'•• --�-..�:""'.["!':'.,,..I\ . ..,.."'...� •.,-�.-•. �-, ...�... ...,..�.!��.. � .. - --.�.- - ... ",_-' - -. - .. : ... ··r.. ·�\ .. ·��,_ •• ·.t ,. "" .".;: "_.'The dormitory for college women,administered as a large household, and. the rHideatS as'members 'of one large�wDi1y,:is"the � �rtr3yed by Dean,Marion Talbot in :·an.· article con­. tamed in··the April iSsue of the Jour­nal of the Religious' Education Asso­ciation. Miss Talbot, who is Dean of. women and . head of Green hall, hasbad large opportunities for studyingthe subject presented in the article.. . -Co-OPcr&tion the EaeDtiaL·"The college hall is not at its best," FOR SALB-A aood Blickensdeder·she writes, "when it is 'a mere mosiac typewriter at a bargain. Frank A.of shaq;ly.accentuated personal units.' Gilbert, S125 �onroe Ave.The organization of the group; livingin the hall should be such, then..as to LOST-On Campll5: Two letters ad-bring all Into relation with. all aneJ to dressed to Miss Corlie Souter.have all realize the privileges' and ob­ligations which must be recognizedif the life is to bring adequate re­sults. I do not mean by this so-called'student government.' The term 'gov­ernment' seems to me. to have: nomo,� place in such' a group than itdOe. in a wen-organized family. There. is no questlon there of government'POW'ER': S . in all ·tht eouatles s . deta�ls .whi�h. :'." •. .make up the sum oLthe dady life. -It. THE F' A. .•••• V is co-operation, mutual underljanding,.. .. ftl�:. . sympathy, generosity and thoughtful-Play by Robert H. Davis. DirectiOn of ness. In the crisis, the SOITOW, and.":. -... H�ry MjUer. '.. ...the problem, the greater experienceand' wisdOm of the parents are drawn......".: .=a.-.. H_.'.. .upon, and likewise in the college-homeC�· vpiI. ther-e must be some authority or per': ..Mr. Henry W�'Savage ofters manent directive power ready .to act. Mr. H� E. Dmey in. emergencies and to guide. the com-in the Big Comedy Drama plex jroup.. For complex i't must and. �:"11�¥ JANE'S ."P.-\" indeed sheuld be;: and there shouldTIte�:wIIol--.e •. +.uerI",·a __ estWe . never··be. 'any' aUempt to, grade. or��tbe:_D..' . " . ctUsify'. students in as.iinin� themM-«: cV.IC. KER.S. .' '., to COlle.g.e homes. 'Older and young­._ . . . er, grave and gay, cultured and. crude,, . THE. BIG O�E�G� '.' I : .ex.,erienced and immature, gathel'ed. Wednesday 1i!yenmg Apnl 14 in one group mutually give and take(and all performances tbefeafter) . . .. . .' f bl f II" '" .. " 6 • . .'" in ways which �eact avora y or a.- -��.. �:::'''P'' �1�. Qf ,�ety . :if the ri8�t lipiritprevails.. .-}fciadVac:eIaPriceL-' '- '25c.:� 7Sc6:'UO ·_:ImPoftpee of HosPitality. ."The mean I 'by which 'this corporate'life may be . developed and moral re­sults secured from it are very simple,and· again are such as . characterize�utcessful family life. One of thepteasantest and most effective is the.. exerci.e of hospitality. Here ,the-' whole household may be brought to-INTS.RNATI.ON'L gether, eac:h member·witha sb�-:e in." ' 1'..... If-far's the preliminary preparatio_ns,. each. J __ I r._ ..,... jointly responsible aa hosteSs, �nd, theoccasion may be so planned ,as to af­ford opportunity lor the use of in­dividual gifts in music, acting, decor­. ation, . busiuess arrangements, or so­cial grace, and, what is still m�re im­portant, to serve as a means of' edu­cation in., these direction. for mem­bers of tbe group who have' had littleexperience or traIning. Intra-haD so­cial gatherings, large and small, alsoserve to bring out strong feelin�s ofmntual interests and obligation."IDteDectaal' Equality Of Women.. Spec:tamlar MusiCal Play The attitude of the University to-MatineaT.JI,adays,��ys, Saturdays ward the woman student is most im­portant in her environment, accord­ing to Miss Talbot's analysis."If in any institution the W()menhave less than fult recognitio'n in theintellectual,privileges," she says inthis connection, "if there are notwomen in faculty and administrativepositions of high rank, if the attitudeeither of faculty or of men studentstowards the intetIectual. life of thewomen is patronizing instead offriendly, neither cotIege halt nor anyother device can make good the dam­age so wrought. Freedom in thegenerous restraint of family life cancontribute to intellectual self-respect, •it can never be a substitute for the S·U·its• '$25 to' ..•..self-control and dignity growing outof the realization on 'the part of theindividual that she shares with fulland equal freedom in the intellectualwealth of the group of which sheis for the time a member."No claim is made that results ofgreat value often analogous to thosedescn'Ded may not be secured in theprivate boarding house or the soror­ity headquarters, and in many insti­tutions which have failed to realizeST8a\!�:!in ".Cameo Kirby"By Booth Tarkin�oo arid Harry LeoR'. WiIIoQ..T· HE .GARRICKA play of chlcago.-f« Cbi�go'From.-a-ooyel by a . Chicagoan"The: ··Great John···:Ganton. WI",H·GEORGEFAWCETT'wt!�"�'_ ·.'IT--N·E· Vt·l...-:. - --. ", ......:: . : �1Hcharcl carte·s Hit' ,.�:.� • .,..' :--......,.__.: ;..' . ': '.. 1(:he;,Boy' and tbe:Girl. W'Jth �IMMy"'CALLAHANThe WOIWa SeiIatioa.: -:TRY TO�.--·- .. ; Prices9ae to $1.00. 1I.b. SaD.. Wed.. Sat.. .- �,' ., 'L�'"- aSalle,"Theatre� :��The 'Golden{iirlIMERICIN . ���f· ,w.... .A�and.Pec:k Courtmae ShoW Place of � ana always·a Show 0(- QaaIiiy." .· TWO DIG SHOWS A DAY.r\. AjESTIC.CONTINUOUSVAUDEVILLE12 Big Acts This Week.I ;-25-50-7SC. PricesOlympic Music HallTwo perfOrmaDCIeS daily2 and8p. m.ALL STAR. VAUDEVILLE" Woodlawn Theater. 55th and Woodlawn55th Street's Largest and BestMoving Picture ShowThe Ventilation is Perfect th. �t7 in dak'''�':these " ,substitUtCa . bawe' .bcai ,of ,...eatservice; . bat :the :asaamptioD. Of thisduty 'bi the cpUege � of. coiane tile·001,. way in whicb the le�o.JlDellt;ofthese privileges can be aalUftd ,l4) an,.considerable : number . of ihe . stadeatbody. �nd particularly to those whoare .most in. need .of it.. ..P'RBNCH .family .recently arrivedfrom Pari. ofters board and room •all convenience ... AlIlaud de "uoy.6232; Lexinston A ve,WAN�Four or ,five room fur­nished apartment on or.near· Mid­way. from May. 1st .till DeCember.ComllUlDicate Dd ,Pi-ado· 3$:-W ANTED-College men for: newline summer proposition paying·�to $6O.a week. PIea5a$lt work, ·notboo��Address·DaiI,. M�W;- .., '. . . -. . 'r·:·FOR SALE-Mlchnlimla. Mlch�, two(2) cottages of eight and nine rooms'full,. famished, and seVen (7) lotseach 66,t166;ft_'on l..ake·Michigan inbeautiful beecli·:wOods;··ten· minUtesfrom. White . Lake, as'a ''-wbole -er, separatel,. to: desitclble' . CuStomers:for caSh oaf,.. Address Mn. Frank'Hugh IIontgome..y;:SS4s -woodlawn,A�, '.9'�gc); TeL 'H: P: 1354� .---Students make from $3�OO" to ';$lo�ooa day wliile;,attending school Onestu.�ent-at University: of4 Chicago '�de$l,ooo...OO·{in, one,�year. Another 'atChamPaip' :�akes.· $18.90 a :week.TwenlY�fi ... e 'ingenious 'pians diat. youQn 'woiknpt 'now' sent' for '2$""centScoin or· stamps. Address ·M. -c. Stu...:dent's Aid'Service, 3123'CaJiimet Ave .•��go.:': .' ',' I.;! . _, .- ,.:._:. I : '.1. :.'. ., . __T1te18Jellarla1ll:GI.3U W.Ita .. Ay .... c.r� c ...... 51.The most MOdem. Prac:tic:aland Luxwioua 'Institutionfor·Baths and·' Therapeutic:T�' ill-the wat.na ··LADDaI·dJ)·,8 • ..,......HOUftI: .�. dan,at all how1I. L8dia,8 a.·m.t09.p..I0.· ·Sanda" 8 a. m.to I ,p. m.2000. SpringStyles and SummerNoW·Ready.*m.J��·&.s,.·CLAIIK •• D.as .......... ,� _..-:,+ .. / -_,�' �,� ..."" .'� .... -.,: ,-,' ''' ...or" _::' ••:�t �A''. . 4.: .� .. i .. l�':·· ;_ ".' ,.'.:. � '_: c .. "Tba:.>lbnarch,.:·Visibla·... A Typewi-iter ..ai-.Ex�See die. NeW No. 2 M0ii1lld..Service, Durability, Mechanism, unexcelled.Machines sold or' Rented 'at Chicago office ..'25 Madison Street, . ChicagOE. �nO·'RJi;.I. ........ :U -- �;�Florin,'326 West 631'd St.'Tel. Wenlworth 2038 272 East 55th St.Tel. Hyde 'Park 38 ''THE,'" calUIlY ;f-� �#... '' ..6rocery'·Market·�} WM.,J:tioltKs!'Prop. :. '.' :;.:; Fresh' FISh 'arlct' <>YSte�" poUitry"ari4'Gamt!. Fresh Vegetables receiyed dailJ�.. Prompt delivery: Tel. Hyde Park: 1361'", '.. � .452 East Flfb-FI'U. StN¢· . � .. '", .,.',.' �Bargains rall., the '.Time.... . �_!. : .. � �.·.1 _:. • ...' .!Reliable _ Rebuilt.T'y� all �rebuilt, ,.in '. Our own factory; better . aDd.cheaper than.· others.; See. for yOUl'lldL. THE TY�ITER �ClWHiE. J319 Dearborn �. .: A. J. Coosit, -Mgr� •T ............... - '.", -', -:. ;. � ; �. _", .�. " �; �-:-.� }States'ENTRANCE 52 ADAMS,STREET ". :. I' ; '. 'L�' ". '. ;�'. ':.' .9-Course Table D'Ho� _ �Jae .$1.00 '. .6 to 9 .l».i.t na�ly:" ."/, �' .. 1.:'0 9 P; M. SUD�IYMIDN'IGHTVAUDEVILLE·11 P. M. to 1 A. M.A Varied·�Program of Classic and Popular Numbers,Including En�emble Singing of LatestlIIustnted Song. SuccessesO. B. STIM PSON, Manager Telephone Harrison· 5171 ......�;� .-:� ....;�.�� ,��y)"\�!'.��:.';.... ..;.'.. ��C;, >>t...�;'.".. ... � ..1 .·Z·,.... '..... ;. f•!i II. I