.."-:.�-:::-., if".". . .'J. vol.ullEl�I-No 118s.ta Are IDYiIfii to AttiiId�·.iDa at Re,DoJda ClDb TGiIDor-. row MonIiiC:"· ..�TIiB DAiLy.mOON, TUESDAY,·APR1L I], J9D9' , -s>:':. �..... ""'.... ... -, .... 0. • " .,... .'J�'� ��"""""""""""""�""""""""""""""���"",,,,� � .. ._ __ � .THE DAILY 'MARooN J.��� ill repnt to "What·:;h�ul�' 'DAVIS TO BB OUT OF-! �.t ,,' .�be:·a preface.'tO cOnai4;lle·. ';e TCid?''', IIBBT; GYII TBUI.BURT:. a-dI BJ.toq CIIIb will be ad- _ '. .dressed by Professor Francis Hall ot Chances of wlliDiDc T0arDe7 atWe�eEJl Theological Seminary in , .Middie Divinity. Subject: "The LiDcolDof�::'"b7 I.o.Episco�Their Place in Amer-,ican History.'" Tonight at 8 o'clock.Cbicaao-Peml SwimmiliC' 'lIeet­Tickets on sale today at InformationOffice. Meet is Thursday in BartlettTank. Prices,.SOc and 75c.University PabHc Lectwe --Mr.Lorado Talt' will give third of a series.The. nomination lists for this morn- of six lectures on "The Sculptor'sArt:.. Ideals and Technique." Wednes-ing's Senior Council. election furnish day- in Mandel at 4 p. m.among other things, ')'llDior llathematical Club will holdsome interesting side­ meeting in Ryerson Wednesday. af­lights on the persist-· ternoon at 4:30. A paper will be read Lo f pience of the class inter- by D. Buchanan oii' "Som� Proper- - . . ' ts 0 peo e. '_':': : '.estin spite of al. discour- ties- of- Continuous Functions.'" ne�er worry about style;�"} .:agements which it encounters in the jus'(�uy ,. .. - .. � '._" ,: ',' .University of Chicago. It;l. �nly two.' Junior CIaa .�ve Committee· _. .'._-.-,, "meets We�nesday at 10:30 in Cobb FOWNES .divisions. : the first .a�d., tJIe fourth, 7 A. . .-'._ ..', ,_. ::� .. ;�which represent the regular Senior '. - - . . . .; .:!:'U:'!;lLcb�:s.t�:e:;, ��eaJ!�' �;;itic�.� :b;;F:�i::s.a.tW1t'�I'ln'?_�b�em"�h��e�1i:d;""�_; , ' ,_�,.Q.�_��.D¥ES.J... :_.",.�_'; ::.�_...!�._�.quarter cJi�sjQ"s_ th,e .el�tion ��l.� _&«UIia ",au - _.� � .,.-�;. �:7�'iw::aJ���:s. �ther ��ere , WedDcsday,'" Lia!i�:oi. two minute';' , a!i\:�'1t, r.,.?:���i.�{&::::"� f, . ' '. -:Wb�re' �ID »i.e>' .: J. "�;���;:��O;:' :t':-:e7Z���i: ,-.! , � �t". �t' 'oh�;;'.�\Ir�.·;'i�.,c.:G�.,;�'return to the class system. Some-ex- ner Ames oil,�·aa.�r&;'..10;·=4uHtiOt& ; � � � 7.� 'VoiI:..:5 ..... :"" .; v ••. ;'. :. I .�;: .. __ . :.:, " . ',<7 ; --:.-.---. ����L . -/.:!:;a:::na:!r�e� s:r�.!! :t:�::e:: ::ece:;�gde:�li�� "�:� �:�e:�:: ,·Th8��.�'. ��:I.-16t�,ilt-: -;_- -T·B:B'�...1_,·�:,�-�.·',·:,;,_;.:;= ..�.:.�';��.:�.�iB-·�-��J�.�- �hichtJie CJiVisioii-'lists-were-p6sted-' .. . . I.... U .. .&8Dg& '.avo& ,a � ....... ......, �Persons Receive Reiigion" and is to· . .. �. '" -. . - ' ... , - ; - -\, ���;5!�:;:;?:·::��;:' �a::�a��;�"!r;!p:s 27�e:lf ':<R._Ullllll! " 'y'.' • CUIS��E��;o:k��6:: ";- ":': .'.,..candidates are distn"buteCt . 28�:t �::e:e:�lilni��t:e�inner in 111-1.17 RUiIOtPh" .i;et .� '�.'. " .. � .:.. �'\�RicBs .RBASoilABI.B::�J';.;'·�( � -.,.+:.-:,This is much more than a co�CJ- Hutchinson Commons� 6:30 Wednes- .,� '�:, '; -..:..:...:..,._. -- _':�: -� , . \,.·O��� Music...,...-y ��iiJ"'.� .'-:,,:'; >- , .. -.dence and shows' with considerable day evening. Tickets may be' pur-' .- : :THE: POPU[;AR !.""., ':'.lr. "'. " ---J_:�. _. :�. " .....plainness that the classes. at least the chased from inembers of Executive p�CE.rO �:AT. " , .. _.�: .': :. :':''-:;_;:'-::':'�,>.:Senior and Junior classes. are real committee. either befOre or after the theatre., tangible .rroups. The oth�r divisions, Reception to Senior Women post- We make a specialty of Club: as ·the nominations show, are little poned to' Thursday, April 22nd. and Fraternity ·Dinners. " - :, more tJiaD mathematical abstractions, U!'iveasity PubIic: Lec::tw�Profes- . ". .. '.:'. � :. , ,, and as a majority of the council is sor Turner of the University of Wis-: necessarily. composed of representa- consin will speak on "The West dur-: rives -froID these 1DOTC or less mean- jng Jackson's Administration."' Has-ingless' groups . of left-overs from o�e kell, Thursday' at 4 p. m. '. '.class' or 'advanced Students hom aD- '., 0 .. a a • s Temiis Toamameat'other it 'must detnct from its � btwil�Thursday, April 14th, inas' a representative 'body. It is the Woman"s 'Gym, 1:30 to 2 o'clock.old English rotten borough .� �c1t 'Toamaaaent begins May 5th.- again. & _- _:-�,7,-:-:�-"-- :; ! ;;; '-r =--j';. t-' --. " .-...........'De 0DIIaI- sn S ....11 , .. ��. ,�., ... - ... � ............w......� .. � •................ o....l. Ja�� .....•............ � .. -.� ""'�"'."'GI-eqo a...........,. .....1& � __ <"Mt·�· -........... dd7.� ......dQa ad MIYQ8 .....of tile OaIftnIIQ ,.... ..,' �· I ...r..a.... _' 1&' _�,--- -- ...P�r.� ........ m ............. YIJI .•• AD£II8 •••••••••• _ ....c. .&. .A&IIWIIi' ......&. L. ....,.iiwr ·........ -JI1sa Moille a. CarrollABIIOaA'rK ..,iMU.A. 0.. Whltaeld llaqraft .A. LoDeH. l'ebeDtIaal VaIl_ O. APpelBSPOa'l'-'II. 1'. CUpeater"oae. _ LeTltaD -W. B. LloJ"d .C. W. WulaburDe A. .LotJlB.�. �B. r. BDIaw. � .... uteRewa _tdin.tsO. � be 11ft at ....Ballor hCaIq ........... .. •• I ...TbeDaD,. ........."R�BoroUgh"in CouncilD.AJi.¥ BULLBTDf.'"Tbeodore Thomas ()n:hesUa willgive a concert in Mandel, today,' April.13th at.4 p. m. Members of the Uni­versity may receive a redaction slipof 25 cents after April 5tb at theInfonDation Office. Tickets $1.00, i'5cand SOc.Pb7*a CIab will be addressed thisafternoon at 5 o'clock in Ryerson byMr. H. Fletcher on' "Directive Wire­less Telegrapby." 'Mr. C.·R.. ProctOl'will alSo speak conceming �ariationof the Mass of an Electron."Religio11S1Wacadoaal C11Ib will holdannual banquet in Hutchinson Cafethis evening at. 6:15.. Professor Coeof NorthwesteJn will give an addresson "The Church and the PublicSchool." Open Meeting.Student Vol1lDteen will meet in. Lexington today� at 'I p. _ m� Dr.Sharman will discuss "The Mission­ary �Iotive."Romance Clab-Program WI'I begiven in .Cobb 2B at 'I :45 this' evening.,Associate Professor Pietsch win talkon "Spanish Etymologies." M. David OFFICIAL NoTICES.C�e of R�erman 2A and2B are to meet in Cobb 13C at 9:30a. m.Uadel'paduate Course Booksshould be handed in without delay atBureau of Records, Cobb 2A2.Claimants for Advaaced 8taDdiagwho have completed six majors andhave been two quarters in residenceare requested to leave their nameswith the clerk in the office of admin­istration, Cobb 6A.. ADaaal Coptest in Oratozy-Threetypewritten copies of speech not t�· exceed 2,000 words must be submitted·to the Dean of Senior colleges beforenoon April 22d.Fellowship Reports. for spring quar­ter 'should be sent to President's . of- 'fice at once�'ANNOUNCSII�.. 'W�Iawn' ':Theater .· I (:uiilUwilif..w-.uawn-·Ssitb �� � ililld· BestMovi�g:P�u�'ShowThe Veatilation ·is "Pedect .NoElcuse'For buyiDg inferior machines be.­cause of price, when you can get a'NEW No. 3 ,I()C) FOX for '50,student price.With mE FOX, 110 hea\"y pushstroke; DO soiled, fingers; no type­wheel; DO guess �k. The bestof the standards, and Eaq �to you.... GEORGE STARRING. Aaeat,56 Middle D .. U. of C.H •. The chances of the Varsity gym­nastic team -received a hard blow yes­terday in the announcement that Paul'Da vis, one of the strongest membersof the six, would be UD!1ble to appearin the Western intercollegiate tour- .ney at Lincoln, Saturday night. Davis: has the mumps and will be unable togo. There is no one to take his placeand the team .will have to go incom­plete..The gymnasts have .worked hardall year and had hopes of taking thechampionship this year, but the ab­sence of Davis has destroyed allchances.Wagner Disappointed.Coach Wagner was gloomy yester­day and expressed disappointmentover the outcome of affairs."It is pretty hard on us," said he,"as the boys have deserved better.: 'Iexpected that we would take firstplace, but under the circumstances we.cannot do anything."Those who will go to Lincoln areCaptain Berndt, Dean Kennedy, LouisSmith, Charles Leviton, Frank Bart­lett and Coach Wagner.- "'1'Season tickets at Virginia PQly­technic Institute cost $3.00 for $7.00worth of baseball games. ...'' .... ,a'•• , ..... tcm I ... �.Ms$ •• lIlfl··CHOCOLATES •••• 'and fia� bonbons 'famous through­out America, put up iD �autifulboxes suitable for presen� at 25c,40c and 60c per pound."!fI.:.=n�er II dae best.18'S_212 STATE ST. I:.... � '.. ,i'} , j. A. ,"-,Gp'.�k'r. IIf .'II�·. eUijijij<:i. ,- ..... �:'! t.."."6ttt'·ittlt ., ��.iugs�.'�'" ��,"",J� 4' z-;. . '.. i . : �_ :,- <tuntn.fiii ·• •.• ...:. J •..• _._ _ .III aU .. 1IrtIIf.llt ..,. •• ;: •. �. IUIID' idaplapil at IQIf .. �,�f#tj .hitr 4DII-185 1IrarII&inf;'"CltJprago'.. ��.'_�.:_� .. '...• _ ... J ••........ .".. '.• aril1 &'. � tit �·,.·.;�id. et,,"-II � ... __ , ..... �. .: :�: .����:� ., :-:. : '.�.. .�AM (hrrmats -iii9lJt.lIarM fi:: __ :.·thdIs... � .q 11' .... &niiit�d. : , ' '&g1bdJ jIoruiag _ ... -.. 1Irbut. A�' ; . .,�::.�.- .. .t ,.� ..'AltDlthtr ��, �mmr,-,';.�'� mrldral21Jit- - . l -'.. � .:' , '.. � �SOH'ULZ BRO��" .:.. ' ," ';, .'. ., . ;� . - , .. ,.::- , -FaShionable '. Ladies" T .... or.. • :_". ". _":. . .��.� .. :�. . :- �.':: ,i, •... ': .. �� �.�y,��.��� ... :�-.- <'>.Sulte' 'a:3,� AudltOr:lUnI. ·1I1�.. " :J- .• '_ ""'-<1 :_, •. -"':!.' : -- .; �r\ ; .... :.-. _ •. -�14·;;'W.� ;.A�E");' . -' > -�:. (.�:. + ':: -'... �-�"-'.,. '. Ij', r'One .CoIIege :'$1la" after, .. other 1ias"'� tbat-.., just ·the kind he likes, adbas told his friencIa about tbeIp.TbuaM�rpew 1IIl­til tod8y "Fatima" are ��.��,""'e·.I·.... '.20for_lSc·· , ,;,i� �;""+", ,'it.\..,.!:.;� �">� ;�r' ',(',.'. ,;Ji . ,-' -'·�·:���3�... ,' �'"�:. � .... '"THE DAiLy MAROON. TUESDAY. APRIL 1]'19D9 ,.• I .....• ' .• : '.. • 4 ." ::' •• �. -W· E are n�w:. ready with ourSpring,Styl� Our new­, est and . latest importa­tions include- the finest and moststylish patterns that we could se­cure for Spring, Suits.We are making a SPEel � .rnns, .�COLLEGE S�T ,for University" The idea�,,nU. be submitted to theof Chicago men tot. ;'; ., "'� Junior' cobe,e�" for their approval, .. } -, at ,some fiitUre meeting. If there is'$3',. 5�OO.. ' a distinct' sentiment in favor of themeet, an effort· Will . be made to se- �in., all the Timecure faculty approva1� Tbe chief dif- Reliable Rebuilt T�� all inabs;ficult,y will be in distinguishing be- ,rebuiltJn our:.OJrn faC!OlY; better and:'tween the two classes..',· 'The, . idea . cheapq than others. See for younself.which' at present 'is' most favorably THE TYPEWRITER EXCBAII6E .. �. -received is on the: basis of residence. 3f9 D�m SL', .. . A.) .. COlJSE.-:14gi-.- ; ;'Ali 'men \vho'� have been in residence ;�, Te�;lJ� 4055 ';,:.� '(.:less than three quarters will rank· as Freshm�n.. 'AU who have been in'residence 'from three to six 'quarters153 :4' Salle s��· ':will be SOplio��jes..· ' , ... ., . "..,J�'.\ � ,,�' r .... ". � -�_ .... ---502�tionBJdg. Tel.Centra16198 FENCES IIAKB,_C� .. '.. lUI_III"<' _'_ .::\ ,�� .' ���� �,;��:."'Mr) �.�:�<� �� .8�·�.F�.ororitg OOeolate.. .�.Sat ID U7 addIeIr. oa IftCIaIt .. ,audeaJer". ,__ -s s two-ceDl .:aa,a law .......ud� .Yoa CUI bay tlle rr:ubr powIIl boza at.ll:MlqcScaJen-6O cmtI die pocnJ.Or fiend Sol tor {&:II pound boll: (c:raftE:IwIIhI.delif'!) and three a"Ia.· dapl� (It liM ........colon. ,_ adYcrtiIbaI:). 01 _r ,._ SonIdt7 GIrlbcMr'aU cbu&a,.r.L 'AddlalIOIIa7r.,W 8n&..eo.,.,311�"",Bdk..,.._- . Chicago' fencers covered thems�lves· wi� glory a��e: iePclPK· meet of theAmateur Fendng Leape of Amer­ica at' the 1liDriis Athletic dub. Satur­Clay nighL . In.the.foii event and thedueling. sw�r4 al' _ �de. clean sweeps.In the foil Kerner. Davis' and Bald-,. ridge. of, the Va.1'Sit7- defeated the:Chi� . 'When you see you�lf in .one.'·�gO r�.����,t�.:b,-the .�� .. "of our new Sprin£'OVerCoats, youof 5 to 4. The cont�t waa a dOle one, will be proud of the fact that itand well. foueht'::'throughoUL For was made in the ··Jerrem. sway."the Tu�Croener. V-an Pelt . ..:��. K;��i!li(.�!�_ . By' this. feat The .n��. Spring I@ttems and·. <tlie Vamty.wmil the 1unior champion. . fabrics for overcoats and suitings".. :sblp' ,of',lllin9Js,.' and-the, De Bauviere are here 1I0w-ready for JOU tochoose from •. �p.,.': -:;�� ��;.ai... ". Twille(J'fabries in greys and softl:Iann .... �. Mb add 'Ficlnnan alsO colors are the favorites this seasontook, eie�bina�in the rapier�' Han· The ultra fashionable thing isn.m win reCeive a auld medal. Mix ·to have your Spring overcoat and- �,"ver one, and Fichman a bronze suit harmonize. in both color and-0 •• ' . . , : weave.,. This is 'the iint time that the UDi:' : Whether yoil are thinking ofvenltY team·Ii .. :woa the De Bau.nere buyinK your c1othes'of us or nolcUp. It wUl retain possession of it' -you are cordially invited to callfor a .;:rear ,and if it wins the cup three and see this showing of the sea-times bi succeuion it wllJ become the" son's novelties.Permaaent possession of the Uni-' School Suits $30. to' '$SOversity. _ Overcoat� A .. � is beiDa started by M. DeBaa;kft:"to sedct Hamnam, aDd Ker-......... fCJDw"bly:S01iae otbers to NewYork: to the national junior champion-·ship neftts, which will be decidedApril 23:MAY BAW CLA88'1IBBT8PIa' ill oil Poot to 81ibatltiate P'reIh­__ -Sophomore Track Meet fewJ-- CoIIep IIeet - Bade ofSopbomora ()riaiDator. Street tht could secure these picture..Thursday neniq. April 15th. theywill give a speCial Vaudemte show.One of the features will be the "winRossiter Trio," ,.composed of WillRossiter of the Will Rossiter MusicCo., Frank Gage and Jno. Baxter,"The Man Behind the Voice." ..... .,.'Carver &: Wilkie 185 Dearborn St.Have any of the boys on theca�pus told yo¥ about .(,0" dothes?'Watterson, i ..« Southward., An innovation in track athleticscomes in the plan .to run off a Sopho­more-Freshman dual meet either asa' substitute for 'the present Inter­. College meet on Junior day. 0t:. as aspecial event on some other day, inthe, spring. The plans are in c&aree· of President Earle of the Sophomoreclass. who is making strenuous ef­forts to push the scheme."I t is' well known," said Earle."that there is no strong interest, inthe preseQt cdUege meet. It is al­ways an effort to get men to com­pete, 'and when they do come out. itis to run individual honors insteadof for their college. No one is. en­thusiastic about his college but wecould get up some good class spiritover a dual meet,"To Have a Cup.An effort will, be made to raisemoney to purchase a cup for the high­est point winner. The Sophomore.,�lass at 'pre�ent has a balance in itstreasurY. which could be appropriat­ed for the purpose. The Freshmanclass could contribute any equalamount to purchase a good cup.There will be nDbons for the var­ious events so that there will besomething ahead. for everybody who UNIVERSITY MAGAZINELEADS IN ADVERTISINGYapra Sbow it 8mpuIea Otber Col-• 1I000tblies ill NIIIDberof Ada Carried.The University of Chicago Maga­zine is glorying over the fact that ithas the distinction of. carrying moreadvertising than any other publica­tion of its kind. The last edition ofthe Magazine contained exactly forty­four pages of advertising. Accord­ing to comparisons made with theother college and alumni magazinesof the various Universities throughoutthe United States. this volume of "ads"far surpasses all others.Benjamin Wille, manager of theMagazine. is. much. elated over thisgreat showing. "This goes to show:'said Wilk, "that the men �ho arelooking for profitable advertising real­ize in the University of Chicago Mag­azine, a substantial and productiveadvertising medium. We are increas­ing our amount of advertising, everymonth, and we shall not be contentto stop 'until we surpass DOt onlythe college monthlies but also' othermonthly magazine publications!'FULL· DREss ;��SUlts ..To : Rent' " ;,:�·.,IT.e.SCHAFFNER78 state 51. ....... ee.traI.t8'J5TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo Stores: 131 La Salle S� aDdand 44 Jackson Boulevard.We make ridinK breeches.This week at.r.-the WoodlawnTheater, 383 East 55th Street, t"�l'. La... II,' PIll-I'�1rare showing all new pictUres th&t ...were just impo�ed from Eql'o.-e. _ Eeat ssa streetThe Dramas and Comedies ar, ,�- .ceptionaDy fine and haft to be -.en ... :, ...... � .. �$I.IO.,__to be apprec:tat04. , '. \;CMDe &ad see them.This" .. ·tIM· on., . Theater oa ,55th -.' f . CIJIIES -. lIT" .1Aii·1It mfm"•. --":. A prominent well cIreaed U. of C Pn!f�r �e .aid;: th� in a,Chapel talk before the Graduate School. ,. ., ."Belote I paa judgment upOn'an applicant for a poIition. no matterwhat his reconl maybe, I must lee him; I mustwitneu his ft,,' of ex. .'preuing himself, his deportment. his manner of drea. DIal is � 0&eD 'dilreprded by University men. You owe it to yOurself to dresS in gOOdtaste and as well u yOu can afford..... " , , .Take thou heed of this and Yisit our college departnien't now .Jillethe assortment is lUge. '. .As to prices our range is within the college man', pane-4]S.oo&ncl up.ADAMS EXPRESS BLDG.-"::,: ......'. ,. � ..�::. -.2000"SpringStyles - ..- ��. '.,., .. ��and Summer .Now' ,lteady.Suits $25 to $50�m. )erm..s' Sonscu." ARD AD "as STltEE'l'S. w� Pa;J.� '� � A. F. L. A­.� � '. ' 'TOiiIiliiaaeut: 'at L A. Co;.�,- .. ';"� ..RBWPlCiU_ATWOODLAWN55di ...... Theatft imports I'i1ms-8ecare RoIIiiter ior V.-.me. S. SClllmUt. Pres.. A. c.. Sc1IUKACllBJl. V.·Pre.. F. A. wu.cox�·JClothes fC)r the CoDege. ManOn the campus and in the class room. .men o� refiried taste are sure to wearKO[MAN � -::� CLOTHESIn these garmentS are embodied the higher ideas in co.Ted cIJ:ess, individualityof �ie ;:!ld exclusive �ttenis. . Cut, fitted an� tailored by � in garmentbuilding.1D our own work rooms, by our own tailors.' Fit.� fabric-cuar.mte�.Kolman & . COmpanY,. 266 �borD stM + ck Block" .7Jullder.6 of '':/nfl Clo'tblnAu. of C. Representative, 'David Ande��D. Medic Class 1910TO AMY BBLP-BupPORTIN.G STUDBMT •'We can put � ill toada with. dipmed method Of iac:reasiq JOIIr.revenue-. m��od that is'. d� aDd 'rut 1 inyolYeS a ml';;"""" iDcieae 01 .incom� at a minimum a,e.ditIft Of. ,tUne. The plaD has aJrady prneI " '- .its elicienq ill othUt.Uaitel ... ·� seU-� leIf-MlppOl'tiiC..... ..... "deats haft tabDap 0IIr;1Mthod _:tIa�·eXd ... D Of othen:ij.qa(e ...... ;�·· .: '". �d tIoeir &aaaciaI �iit;�;='i"l�.;���'i�;":i;',.�.. � -ti·4.-.a.:L.l ..... � J! ··�""tif· te1iiP1aODi·-CililiafN'--.o;· -....., -ii:� �"� ���');:'�i ,';.'> ·�·.l : : � .r::" ;,:,: '::";' ' ... :.; : '!.l:.!'�>'"·"!::::·,..., f.... .'';·r .t·:·,:; �'" ,':i ��:'� :,.-7� :�.'l H":'�:;"!��;. I'.. ...... :.PAiNTER!t AND' ,DECORATORSFaD Liae W.n.·p�, � ..... P...... ' Sap ....�. .',4Z7 .�,,,��,· The. King . Piano.of- Them All""King271 Wabash Ave. HarIiIon 2571.... '---Tel�e 1049 Hyde ParkARTHUR E. BQURGBAU, .��i-ato.�_all Paper. Pamu.Oi'oI af_lllO' .. oI. Pamt.,..,.Sapp'i". 218 EMt 55th Sbee&� �ing q�OD ot:. yOUr Spring clothes, Mr.C�· man, must be SEITLED SOON. .... •p •-Do you know . that I 'am a specialist at satisryinethe desires of CoIIep M_?-That I can make a suit for you that will be ,....suit-•DIFFERENT-DISTINCT-STYLlSH?At any nte it is worth your while to see me. CLoT'HE.5''','.' :·eENHAM-. . - ,'"c:"··1·- •. ,.'The COil Man�.· Tailor., ai.A�r «inl SiraeLf�f�?,�;TF�::; '.:·c:r :: ::, � ':, r;::: '::;� -�,,�, --;'. .; -. .. ' <:� L�.�� \ .r�. •w .. � ,��-.:'. � - �. tr---= .I.iI.II;.'j'i. ,.'. k ."'1 .. ...... r "\ .;• .... .. v ..."-I. ,� •• RuacJaI''W'''���:;�U'�' �""1 " � � -:."�'. j. :"l!�;'T:,>�: l· ...... ·� '.-' 't�'!'.l1.':'H'" <�t'\ .. � .,;. ,..�l.:�'.)o (....... .r·.�·'.·: ""':'.' '�:�"", :-;_-rY;' tl";:"�� \.:,�::.'\ :01' PRBlHIIAII.DEBATBRi: 'f"It ..L�"';_" .� i-.TWe 8 ,,"?I" Todq aad TOiiIOD'o*' PRmllC8' f�it1ii ti: 'rtce�Uy' ariiY"ecs'� • to Pit Team for front· Pari�' :o�s boatd' and ��bi�", �Ie :PridQ. at!· cOlivenlences. . Alitaud' de juoy, .6232, Lexington' Ave�'1ft dia .iot· tobsldei' m�tr"'theverf:·:best. tailor in .this ,to""n. for .Th Freshman' delating. : team to­snaPfy "erirn(' c:01lit�:'men .bo . '. h e.--!u b-'d • 1 ... L._," ·th .k k-.!" .!' ... '·.l1I-t·1i : ·· .. :�·"I···.1 'ld' : tn: t TflU UI ·a tntl u�..,.. � W1 ano� .• �t �� � .. � ate. �� , team of Sophomores 'at the Pow-wownot �ke ,up YOU! ��. ,. � it IS 'Y�\I ' ,meeting. 'Another and: a fiilal' prac- .�n � ybUtielf� �,gli(� good tum tiee is called for tomorrow beforeIf yc* will step m at my' place and . ... S h i hlet . sli'" Otr 'b' kiil'Ct· 'r ";'�,j,,,-,, , ,tile debate' Fnday night.. uc IS t e� . o� y. teo aoUieti pr.ogram of work elit oat for . theI am. btuldmg for fellows .who want "Ii before th"·.r'· con' test with'the best. '*lid 'iii . rices are: .itlii year ngs ore ...On • y p n Northwestern at Evanston •.any e s means. a strong effort-will be made to-have :�,larg� att�ildai1ce. Ptans' are under '. A nall._ t J. V •• �� . way to have the Pow-wow and theft-o _ h ..... � Fencibles attend :in. a body.. It. is. _-.-. felt that the' chances 'of the team will$i W� St. be strengthened, by the presence of abody of loyal rooters.The' reports' 'from Evanston indicateH'· ,. : I M that not only has Northwestern afa e .a rlOn team of unusUal strengtlt. but thatV _ !"., i . .: ;;: also' it is working desperately for' re-vcmge for last year's failure. POR SA&liLA"!Oott Blitk�tl�e�r'. typeWrite� ·at .,. baftt;lht. ' Frank A.Gilbert, 572S Monroe �Ave.LOsT-On Campus: Two �tten ad­dressed to, Misa· Co� Souter.WANTED-Four or five· room fur­nishec.� apartment on �r'�: Mief­way •. froDi. May Ist,till December.Communicate.Dd Prado 359.. .•. . _...,..........w�iie&� . men' for at,_line su�mer :proposition pa7in& $30to $60 'a week. Pleasant work. dotboob. Address Daily' Maroon�W.A:._._.,,_.(2) cottages'o£eiglit aiithliiit- rOomsfully furnished� ami s�en' (1) lotseacb 66X166 ·ft. o� Lake Micbipn'ih'beautiful �ch woods; tm Dllil�from ''white' Oatt,"as a' wbole t-rseparafeJy to desitable' C1ISlo61e�for CUJi'eidJo. ;Adclress IlW:'FrllnlC:Hagil M'ohliiOm�� 55(8 w()ocnaWnAve., Cbieago. TeL H. P. �S4� .There seems to be some troubleUnder New �meRti'" to get th·e·ituctent�· at Chit3ko'to b'by, .. ' .': .-. .. the new "Co. pint .lirth the senior� ... X ,� .... : 1es*lIr : c:o���il are so entlilisia!tleally sop-I .,..I� .:r:r� . portmg.-Purdue Exponent. . ..... .�.:.liIti� ';,ciiitbl" �.c:,w'::'t�:::it:n!:���yth;:il s:::�out entirely.HouSe ia steam Heated,. h. �., 1..,.; _'. ..,. , •. '.-aetily papered aDd painted, hot ��cola water in rooms,;.- iD'-fact,�every­tbijg in � class condition' ana' 3lpoPular nites.� .. _.,_._.StlliltiUs .rtak'e' fr()�' '$3.00' to $10.'00:·a· day' :Wllile atte�dirt'g scboo't OD�. stu�l at· UniVerSity o( ehl�o ii!acf�. Wlie'nl.aw��nce A. ��el1 becomes . $l,mtOO 'in awe' �r.· �::XiioUi�r '�t'. president 'of Harvard, to which posi- . Champalgtt . 'mak'd � $19.. ,12" ,1tt-ek.:tion 'hi hat 'tiee�-C!�; he intends to . Twenty-five ingenious plaas' that ·you" institute· many new ellanfJes, chief of . can work right now sent for 2S centswhich .are the plans to .groQp .. the . coin' Or Stlmps:., Ad4tess ... t:. .Slui.:freshmen all in one. ball and to .do· dent's Aid Service, 3123· Calumet Ave.,away With snap courle�. . Chicago.' .. .- -- - -" .' .. �� �E'-'.... j" .' ··N·OTIC i�;�?'i .ViDciDt� .. Visit "Little. �qarY�' �T�.·r·'JI ........... ·CUe --,,,,,,,,,,,... ., Sou� Conier,Clark and 'MonrOe St.')bib J:'ntra�·I'8.t 'Oailt 'Street. Te'ephone:C�ntral Io!i,Famous Hungarian Gypsy Ba.d Concerts .'. • �.p.:di.lIH 1 a� d.D.LF1lAR1t.�I"aDPriaDCat� . "IAdWa!��""'. _,._.... ' ... GAW •• �6rocery I Market CO. '. W., J. TtIOIIJIS, ....Fresh Fish and �e.... Poultry andGame. "Fresh Vegetables recei\"ecJ dany.Prompt deIiYery.. Tel Hyde Park 1361..a52 East Flrty-FIr, .. str.t.AU'l'OThelircbar 81111 Ga.3U .. W ..... An.. Cer. C •• .,... 5t.'The most Modem, PnctiC.1ancl Luxurious Institutionfor Bath. and Therapeutic11.\wI�1I T�tment. in the W'eit.I'ORLAD_£nG.�"'Houn: Gentlemen, claJl,.at .. n hoara, . Ladles, 8 •. III. .t09 p. m. 'SancIa,., 8 a. DI.to I p. In. Thtee or faar people ply no more than one or t.o 'wht!ll .ridillg in Ofte of our Taxis.Telephone CalUme1 2798, Day -GI' Napa.. so Taxis availatile tompe�t service _�.T�AXICAB:' CC1k2:4�1-43 ;Jnlch'ssn A�e.:� � ,. U"IWNII, ftII •• ,.,_ �.;, '.'..- .... . . .,J." Clean shaving·i •. pad of'tthe�ooI1""iDUi'8_1»et� n .goes: With ihe 'exerCia8- ,and ·oUtdOor life:-'-'·:WlW·good.:�����:.�.:����·�',:.·. � .. '.'.. Five miiWfi:s a CIa" ... 'Twitll tIM GDlette 'Safet . It .... keep. ,the � "'ipdape:' � II -.oIt iInd c:Iean. " ,� " .. ,'. '; Aman'cu'ths!i'1iIiIaCe'lUIly 'd-a ........ �·oi""'". '011' it. ' ..., . .' ,.... . " '. ,. ," .,'· The Gillette Safety Riaiar .... � fol1owinl ....... col'. BleD' .:.�; Tbebest.ftd"enGntheampu.Ulethe.OP� __ _ .'_. The GILLETTE'iI Idad to tbi fIIce -the k� and unootbat.... edge e"eJ'-d�.;. �maft an tift,,,,,,,,. d.-an. ....·tying �ve with tJie Gillette -c1espite'�h beard and �er skin •. -. The' ��Ll$TTE is .liandj� ·ttropPin,. nO bOiiing. A saVercof time aricUQOftier�t36� �r'.bcI tipL ;_. '.. �.� .....· There'. ftC) taW'hb' tJi"'G'Lt:E1TE or .... i wuf10 the work of;.' GILLETT!:.;· -. . _ '.:'.' Tbe'GUI.:s.reti IW::..-Iil -'cI; ·ey�. ·�A mau can letblades an,..h� Oft the drilbed globe. .. .� .;.' Standanl Rts, 15.00.Gillette'. Sales Ohitipiny'_ ,.... eoa .............. �'-- .;' ;.· 'Ne- Y,Ork..1im� �. .. Canadian Office,. 63 St. Atesancler 5t· . Cbrc:ago; St()t)t· E*dWi� � ..' . ' ...OIIIIat.�e:' '-,. . Fadoriei:' BoStOn:. "tftat. LoJndon. Be��. Pans;' '��.. ..� . .:�' .. '.-. , U. :." . ,! ·t('. .... '_ ,.ii� .•. �': '.-';' .... ". c·..... . '.Qt»&n.. ',- -r�;' ..... i.' ._',>··.�.�illt�l.'-. - ." .. ' .. ." '.-J - • • . �A·Jld;.wam:-.�:fiiiijndk'nof-fb :�� �. ���������,��.... -.�i�··t: .. -;": .. '.. ; �", ...M'IDNIGHT··'VAUDlWIl'Lt: .' ,.'II P. 'M. '10 I A. M.,.A Varied -Program of G"� .mI· 'PGpalir 'lfiiIa�'�InclocR ..:E� SlngI ... of Latest-UlUstmed Song :SUcceuelTelephone HarrisOn sitl. . \" ......_! I. .'II •! � ,"