.'. ,"�to'.' .) .'. t, '", : .•. ',' �,., -•r- ;. WItI_'ICO_ TAIirIPP:B1&LAll. SI.llDEllD;, . �-.. .:: ....11· . : Bai-t ,. 'ia·u.....·Ca8-'.�I ,_· dT Ca at- :r6 ·GiI--- ..... DI: .". C" .... Calia QIOIie'WOIM:II' la' G7ai� .. PImd v�· A&i1adoD·Ua •• I�'·': .',,)PIa'to'p,tIIe'Limit'With . � .r-;A broken nose sustained by Cap- BIImt Codt·B1dIibitioa. The· attitUde of'. �-iowardtain Nickerson of the Literary team tariff rHisiOa' was' die ohject:-of:_'put an end to the basketball game 'To sul' Some ,�.8aap, Real attaCk·yesteru;.-bJ' Dr. c: W.'·W"'t,·bctweeo SciCIICC and "Lit" for the ",I.M-.':,�"JDd :.-A-'-lI- instructor in political ecOao..T.,·ia ,.a'championship of the. Junior colleges � n.",.h;:� ,lecture in·' Emmo_'BWae� Iia1L . Ac- ..ycstercby, after ten minutes of play. . � corciiag to' Dr.' W� dae·.�e. Coach Knudson aDDOIIDced eotdcs AI. Literature did not have any sub- � 'wiSh the tariff 'to be'''OWerecl'��' PWas� fOr�';tbc' new JiuiiOt',;cOiIweyesterday for the Penn-Chicago stit,:,tes, the Science men were willing A min:strel &DOW; the. real thiDC, bill now �,�:.'c�*4d;' 'C?!1�t .. �II�.�crLi'��'Aquatic meet next Thursday nipt to postpone the game till next Fri- will be ODe' oCthe features of the raising it. . ':' " 'wen;a.uOiaiicecl'.1es '. .' ,'bX ��:W,! ...at Bartlett. The easterners have en- day. W. A. :A. .vaudeville, according to "The bill is 'dec� '.1Irf-Wit . P .. Garnda:ahhe.Pa.blic,s.a'rina�'tered all of their stars" as. was shown T�,. score whco the game was elaborate plans .bciag. made. If the c'The first time One. ,._....:...:.�..·,oyer.� partmeut. This CODtat- is'aIl iaDo .. 'by the names received' here, called was' 4 to 4, and the strenuous plans oUtllacd are, carried out this it impreSSes. quite-fa:::;;:" bat;; tiOIr Dr UDiYersity·. cirdes; ami' p� .There will be seven events: the playing between. the teams proved will . doubtless. be the best' number on. on more minute inspeetion one 'sees it isa"to �: muc:'h' iirteri8t- here�aiII"40, 60, and 100 yUd s.ims; 40 ba.ck- that 'the championship' 'pme will be the' prosnm. wtl1 �ery likely raise iiistead of 'tower: ; eJeeWh�,.,.�:.of.prc;;;;';iiic'set­stroke, plUnge, relay and polo game. hard fought at the next meeting. There wi1t:be:�'company of. fifteen, the tariff.. .' : "'""ati� asl hereto�r,,: � .�::'.In the first two, cary of Chicago- It was during'a fierce mixup that with LiWima Minei' as mter1ocator cOmiDeata __ --IIm�: C' ' �� � will be giv�a��will probably take first, wkile Shy- ; Nickerson reOeived the injury which and Flotence Catlin �.and ,DOrothy uFor instance, �'m two msu;-: I time to pr�.� ()Il his Sub-rock, the Penn star, is a sure winner di�ua1ified him from further partici- C,lark. as� 'end .'�inen." The whole 'cCDt clauses in the biB W!iidi,wm .• ' � j�! �d � be reqwred ,to speak,in the hundred. The back--strolCe . pation'in the game. It is expected sketch wril' be ·&tii 'of 1�I, bita-' aDcl' ,doUBtedly nise"� 'i2n£ Tiie .fiist·, : entir.ely extemporaneously. ' , ,event seems to be a toss-up. that'be wi11 round into shape by next the sonp' wili be takec;«s on, the prOvides that a mati' fitt· .... :.:� ! '7IJe·.�dedamation conteat.·· .. hidiIn the plunge. however, there is no Friday. ,UDiversity. '.' .pJa.ced on an.. y imports'fiom'�: . �en;.preYioJDly gi�eD in the'I1IIiior'd b h th P h· Th f tho . cOD J', . 'baye been abo�':'li-"" "'''d' . f. ".Jou t t at. e enn men ave It e names 0" e songs,are con- tI7 which has eSpoTt:�ciaties' •• t ... �..._ .. am �... sup-cinched. The big event, the polo WILL PLAY RIVER FOREST sidered, significant.' Miss Clark will ,ob;ect.. This wiD: d'eCt'�;taiitF on' �� �rtJ:ae �IIS sq1e.'game should go to' Chicago. The TEAll THIS AFTERNOON sing uWhen tilt '�dway, Flows with : colfee· : because 'we- pi;, oft!' : 71' 'per' TJae!� will ....... bI ... bC; carrieid.,addition of Bca � Ba4aloch to the Standard Oil" �u titles that were 'cent of our coffee from BrUa\:'«: in�' the Senior eoUe .. raad'.&l �\Maroon team hi��'�iDa'easeci cOlifi:. ::a..llhD .TeiasD _ Up . � Hard suggestccl;�:��,ca6Jpions"of the' ,BrUit bas:a' duty on that �.' . test-of tlae-laIIle aatun: 'may be"held-dence. . - PropoaitiGD in Contest with West in "l!asebaD" '(Conuc), "Too -ne' seco..ct itmOeeut c:base iii the' tbae.u. __ ,.:u:. �.tbe;-jcaiipr: . .cOl-BDtrics for Meet. ,-"":'" CoD- s-- Much Judson., ," . .,; .....� :.�t�: too fast' '.' biD'" ;:n'ow' :"':_";;"';'.'·,d;.--'H· .�..L...: � ."',. r�'•• '," '4O-yard : swim - Penn.: Shyrock &"---- .... - lIA&_a Gait for ���T�� , 'that a du-;';t� ....� a;;;-;;: ',:: q.' .. ,;.;r_:;e'.' ···s'*·· ...and Graha;;'·. chi�: . Lidster. .ne. hardcSi::kst,�f.the .&eaSOn.fOr.. '1Iia. a.... o.ce. Jaid:on;aD:iinports._';"" fi_".aBy'� ,-WcHixpect-;:dIee;�::to\·_Lindsay.and Cary. �.. the VarsitY.,nine.wiU,�ome this aftu- Dorotby .. }�k;ri1 end the show which gifts';prefileJiCe··� �� o(:·aRat�·PAdiCal Itilae&t. .. ·'sUIi.�.. :�(JO.yanL' '�PemLi'� Sb7roc�� ,�.DOOn·.·wI)ea· it lines 1Jp'-agaiast> the with an ,��f fancy claDces. tet's to auy··fofti8B c;ocWt.i·-cmrtbe-- -eon.da;·,�aud diq;-..wt:�_\,Graham' a:od S7i'l'eSter; ChiCa�:. ·iItrOq� asstePtion. from River FOr- TIle girlS?WiDtu'f�ened' 'up :iiDd UnitecfStates. �'TIiiii wiiriiB�' �·�mC8lber-_;Of4laeiJ...uor coDcps.Cary, CoJw.P and, Lidster. . est on Marshall field at 4' o'clOck. dressed .'�n'. �l'PrOp:iate costumes. ly affect the claty on l.unbcr 'sUKe�' ,TIle eDemPM. __ :"! ot.: "tOO-yard swim-Pean..: Shyr.ock. Captain,M��' 'men wi11be:u. palr.llinst· Maay jokes·· ..... ;bits·will bc-inc1ad- Canada is ��-oe:';":;""�t ;iag.:is::-.ore·:DcarV: ...... i .Sylvestc;r and Dalrymple. Cbi�go: the Ior.m�-;;tlcge stars of the �-;;un- ed. ", . 'Britaill in '.-:"�.�;:; .�.' : ..ia.. .... ;1116:::�'" .i.·'ia-':�:�!lergerson and Parker. . try, and if they pullout a victory it "Yes," said·...-... :· Frances Herrick, .� « l'nItat·'Va..zaaaa..l!- . � � � meat:�l ...... ·tIttidaIt tliIaa�4O-yard ba.ck-stroke s�Pam.:' 'willllleaD that "the.chances f� the "it is.going�to·�':a repIar miDitrel· .. Dr.Wript:also statea tbt itie Oat-', 'is::tbe:4edaalatmt; :,W.e; . .JCQDtt_J:'.�!e.r�s. .chicago:' 1Lidster' and : Ben- . Conference' championship' have 'some show, ead me� cork and all the fix-, cry' which, is beiIIC·� " ;. .. :s.C' . � AIIpOIIae·.:&aar dae _"'j'b4 ia:ltez.. ' ...- " -". i datio· . ings� ·MiSs.. ,�.'�.QD,' ��ce':awfitUy, p!'0p0_ecd_.'" tariff: On-. 1tO'� Ud ' tile ,�tiOD: for .'",... .... ,_ -,-�':I���������}:����i�.��:�U�����.� � ��·�-�M:��v�r�a��;=�����.������-�·.·��.__ ���"�'�����-�"������roCk.. �l�. ,S,t�_ancr-G�:': ,':.-'-Hildemand� tbi--Star,twirier from, do not cxactly remember the �me of', : of the.:QSe.'warnautL .{ '''. � i': :.Ik�� ��_;;��' .�ham. -'Chicago:-' 0Iry,:' rJdSter, Cot-' PrincetoD will be in', the ·bt!,x-'pa�:·{of' .'the song that:::Miss:'Ciuk :�':iing: � - ctWh.en the. ,bill goeS'to·.��saIa� f�wiDgjala.:Atm.n.Dp-·�)itJU:�:lings, Lindsay, .. Bcait�,,�� �er�" _the"pDic-" 'He "no 'be�!relieved by: : but I.think t�t"l �ve it right. Any- ! the Pldtlic SIioa1c1 tiea1l'tfae�iiiftt:· � �.�r'" 2' , nt.: wdIidrl JIiJl;son.' 0 .' .:. ".� -' -- '", •• ,. ',.' 'Bils1ck ofminois'and SkiDon of Dart- how we·aie-gOiiig'-tO Ii .... e-·some.g.ooo 'aDd: attait1Ve �to eacJi':'item1 bcc2ae. ;Scw.iai • .'1COD�:.t: ·�··�t ,.' :_,. ,�Plunge-Pcon.: Hopki...i:::.OIii-, �1II01Ith. '" ,CrOwley:, ',of' De Paul and', local. bits."'._ :'J . it bas � the-. � �,.t. IjodT': i . L ;TIN::;JXlDtat;·� _d�Il:; 10ca,go: . LincisaJ, and..lbxwelL._, .. _ .. ' ' . Gaarde...captain. of the ".Maroon ,team in past -'years. to ·raise '-rattier than ; a1I.�"";'i"""rs<:LoL"'e; J.,r,_ aeae. �Polo game _,P.aua..: Feastman.. -of last year wiD· be behind· the bat. BEFORB.�T1JRB lower all tJie-� biIIL- ,��t·�.tJaaa.� . ..;c,..i"':_, "y et'kes, Borde ... ·ItodaschiW.� Wricbt·, : ·The olller,· members· .of the nine are . ,,' -, ". : � eJiaitiIe.'; fOl', ..wIIic:., ..... � .: -and Graham;:,��'BIodt.and .. also.Gi�·c:aJiber·aDd·'will·�ke Prof... FftSld ....... � to:.--':-- �� CLUB �-JO�, �f?�1!B �:!:!!·'���.' __ i:�e.l!t� .. Loneberton. Claicago: Kaha, g., :-up against as strong a team as bas : &.., ........__ . �:�I ... ;.Jtmior de ... ::Hi�le, l:".g., Fa.-on, r. � Bea-· ever been met on Marshall field. '. field for � of Charter. : .Cmben . .no bit-U .... tD:c.o,ea .... ·. WOEe- ;o£_MOetIQ�· KaiJ. ,itez,� Badenocb� r. t. and' Beverley, .. F� Cbicago·Sunderland will prob- --' , with.·, I!,:".-:"._ � at U'�,,. __ . ,�::�: wiIl;�:Worc,L f.; substitutes, Pea�. Maxwell ahlj start in' the box. and Page will Professor' Ernst-,·Freund returaed Jtat �-�T.n" . .c;;;;: tIIe.� oi,.;pab.Iic: ...... tk-:and Cary. go in at second. yesterchy morning from Springfield thia Qaarm-. . , par1lDeDt. at a ...,; ;� .. oa ' �.:.Tickets for th� meet w111. be placed The line' up of, 'the visitors will be where he appeared before. the j1ldi- May. 6; ia lCeat tJaea� At �'_,on sale T.aesdq' 2t -tile, Infonnation . as fo�s; catchers, Cro;,ley, De- cial committee' of' the 'State Le8UIa- Meinbers of- the Glee Clab ,.Hier- tIIere 1!riD:.be .usipcd JD � eadl; .:,__.�office" and' may '.,e purdiaSed up to 5 paul, and Gaarde of Chicago; pitch- ture to plead the cause of the pro- day expressed enthusiasm over t!ie. testaats..hylot or otlle:rJrise-.a�·o'dock ThanJda,..·aftenaooL ers. .. ·Hildebrandt (Princeton), Busick posed charter. His main object in male chorus of 100 formect: £or tile. of � fttal «:popalar .. iJaterat._ ,(Illinois), and Skillon (Dartmouth); making the trip and others planned �'�f sinains on tbree-oc:cuioilS ·4. .. 0oe.; oo.r:: later, . �lItestaJIts,IIISS TALBOT DBMOUIICBB 1st .• b.. Harmon (Williams); 2nd b., for the ncxt few weeks is to explain dunag COD�ocaticni week. .� wiB ,.� _: the .;SQjeds. .........Pl'OIIAlNE PoISQR STORY McNerney (Notre Dame); 3rd b. the terms'oi"the charter. Stibbs will call a,meeting cIuriiIs:the, 'FG. atadenta,wiII.� dIoeen for:tIIe,Wet»er (Denison); s. s., Richardson Professor Charles Merriam, .. ho early part Of'� week,"to 'Iirp.'the fiaaIs;' , .'. .. . '. . (Dartmouth), L f., Eckersall (Cbi- with Professor Freund is a member men to join -the 'Dew orPnizatiOn. .;5.;. Oa May .3), the feur .c:eatat-Grall HaD Gida Dot" PtCiWtec1 by -cagon.c.. f." Ray (Illinois); r. f .. War- of the city charter committee" wiD une chol"1lS WIll not mtafel.e with' uta for the. fiaaIs. wiD appear. --.:oJDa.' &am: AtteacJilc' .�n (Williams). undcrtake several visits to Springfield our plans :either tlriS yQr, or 1ICX't, if' fone the: mClDben of, the �-_. t� aid them in the figbt for' the DeW it decides to continue." said 'Stjbk of:pablic: speaiina. wlten SII� will'."Grossly exaggerated" was tbe com- CIVIL. GOVERRIIENT PRIZE municipal code. "We Stitt aft 'Several'cOncerts to apia be: asai&:ned as befOJ!C. .mcnt of DeaD Talbot, bead of the BXAIIniATlOIi FOR TODAY Dr. Freund, declarccl 1IpOD.·iuS re- ��'m m.-dei-'to-Testore· our fiaancial' . PJau for tile', iuaJs wiD lie .ute.Green hall, in ftPly ;to the story in, . _. turn that the solons were non-corD- eqaib"briam and famiSh the 'mea with at; that. time.. A :iOQ8Cr period ·wiII_a morning paper yesterday, that twco- mittal as -to 'bow they liked· the· Dew emblems for their Work..". ' ahea: for .lIIIbjecta.. and ... JpeedIesty residents of' tbe baD Jaaft.eea . ".m c.b Tempts IIm7 F'rabmea charter, and that' be coald "Dot teD :' The club bad inteaded to' disband. delDereci in a iIIOre 01', Icsa iormaI.as-kept -away ftoRi daeees ."... ptoeeiee. 'to CoqIete-Prof __ Mer- what its chances of paning .are. fOr' � �:at t�e'beliuuiac of this se;.� __. :"-.. �..::-..._.poisoning from foods served in tbe riIIm WeD Plelle &I. . u. ,;& IIC .... v - ........ ........quarter, tiiat Will gift. -the. � est ill the __ :will ada nceift, adining room. NO NOIlIR&'TIORS 1M 'DftR concerts first. A"It is true that MftIaI, of the aids..... The Freshman eumination in civil.· ....SEldOR C�B�cOu.cu. sclrianllip for ODie qautcr.were incapacitated" bat not seriously government for a cash prize of $200 .� .Farther details as to leaatla ,ofcnough even to keep them'away from wiD � held in Cobb 9C at 8:30 tbis ._ PROPBSSORSTARR AlISDT. spceebcs" de.,.wiD � siwa ,eMIt .0.classes. W'IId1Ier the· blame is 10 IJe momiag UDder the direction of Pro- IDteIat 0... � � Bwi- May 3. .laid to the food 'or not is sometlains fcssor Charles E. Merriam" of the deBt � Ita A""""_Lat Iatema1IoaaI CIab ..... froaI ...we haft Dot :Jet been able to de- political 9Cieace department. Tweaty . a.- M-dQ. . 'Alta.h' •te...me." .' Fresbmen have announced theirMiss Talbot denounced tbe "story'" in�ention to compete .for the scholar­declarina that it gave a false state- .Iup, and other contcstants may en­mcnt of tbe case that w"ouIcI reada ter before tbe bour of tbe examina­every cotner of· tbe C01Intry� and show tion.tbe Unmrsity in a wrong light. The terms of tbe scholarship pro-. vide tbe following conditions: Thecoatestants . must bave been in resi­dencc at tbc University at least twoquartcfSy must bavc not exceedingnine majors of credit, and mqst hav� .obtai� an average pd� of C forc.ass WOfk The winnf' mu"t ob­tai" a � of at lout lI) per Cent,anct ma, have hi. writtcn examina­tion supplemented b7 aa oral test. .,••o· .'•••� ':""'."6.U"':'.• .� .".,.... : -, .� .: .� ;"__ .-.- ( �:.. -:, .:�;,_,t.::·.... -,. .. �"... .,.-", ..... -; ....... , '., ... ::,_ -;" .;,..'," ��·t •.. �•'.' "_-•• STIIS illEID'.��. liIsm:_uNOSE BROKEN: GAIlE STOPPEDcaa-a Nic:keI... of Lit Pin. Buf­fen Acddeat After 10...... ofPJq aDd 8ettlellMSlt· of, ""''''''11-8bip is Deland. .AImoaDc:e.811rim1Mn wIIo will C0m­pete ill Daal·,,, 'k.c- ....ill ButIett, �"".,Cbicaco Appeua Stnaacr ia ShortRaces, RelQaa4: Palo se ...EYeD .. CardccL....... DaDce April 19.April' 19 Was accepted by the Sopb­omore class for' tbeir next dance.The daace will be by subscription,t.� � as- tb� Ia�t one" an" the�rj qf the ��n �tt�aJe alftac17 .,..,,. Ctietn".ttni· 1hetick,ta. The rusb to nominate for thc Seniorcoll�ge council was conspicuous byits absence yesterday, the Seniordean's officc reporting that no nameswere banded in before its closing.I t is rumorcd that se� "titiQQShave been vigorQlII11 �r�bted. andth;at �b�r� will bet an abandance ofcandidat" in the field by Monday at.. wben nominations dose. .Elections will be held at Seaiorchapel Tucsday on banots prmded.for tbe occasiolL·· PalCE' JP08' DDAUVIItRB -CUPV� ._ BDten4 ApiaIt 1WD-." .... T ... 'T�' ::Owing to tbe absence of AssociatcProfessor Fftclerick Starr, the .guestof tbe evening, the IntematioDal Clubmeeting last night, in Hitchcock par­Ion was poarl7 attendcd. ProfessorStatT, who wat to bave spokcu on bisAfrican experieaces, bas been i11 sinceThursday, and was forced to absentbimself from the gathering ill hisbonor.The remainder of the proaram,which was announced in yesterday"sMaroon, was well received, and was,felt to be w�rth'y �f _ a larger at;.'tendaDce . thaa it .... . The Unmmty fencing]unior tamcomposed of Roy Baldridge,' Dni4 :Dnis, and Robert Kerner will' cam- 'pete tonight for tbe cup offeTed··by;M. DeBauvierc to the champion ama-·teur leucing team of Chicago. Therival team consistins of KoeI1ins. Van:Pelt, and GrOencr represents tbe Chi-:cago Turilgemeinde. fti. contestwin decid� tbe final St2ndiDI of ae:.:',U .. � among the fencers wIIo! line 1Iefti' :bdore. won medaIa."� ......... '\ ......10. "-",'" .«:\."",-� '" ... ,�'.I, .: :�t-7'!-'. �... �., �LY MAltOON,.�.SATJ)RD� Y,' APRILf"i� : l�; .��.T�E ·b.�iLY MAROOi�t�,:·Be CNIIdaI ...... .......... .It � ... .�� eladeIip.--:·'· .'-'.. �'.' '�':::'��-:-''''''''''';;'-.- '.'. De U"""'_ .c' '*-P ...........•... ;t·',w...w .'.�W�.. �� .•....•. ·;,.�.� J.� .... -� � .... " ..... �/ .•.... ���" ��'U-"".dM. ·at * eM-eqoP a....... ...'18. lIGI. :Mt .�. � It JII&PabUablMl' tiiIIi.·� ..._., ......,.. aa4 .......,.. 4 .... tIana ......of tile Dial .... ,... .•• te..- .....,_ �. ___. .h nee· .�' 0IrIea.· ...} ...... rOir ... GM8 ........ · ....... ·IIJU .. YDI· 6. ��.�; ••••••• ____•• .L' .� AIMI&Ie ......L.L. �'rBDI ••••••• _'_ ......'rHo&. .. MD J ..... rirwh.fep.. •.&88OCI.&'rS ..,� ...s: Go WhWIeId Barpaft A. Lo.B. lI'el8eatllal Vallee 0: A,ppel... 1'.' Carpeatel'"oeea !.eTltaDW. B. '.�:rJl, r;,.­c, W. Waahb1l1'De A. LotJaIL s. DalJ"B.··r. 'BDlaw. s. l'oDte·N ... eoatdbatSou IDQ at', .. ·Ball or' � b · � toT .... ·DaIl7 IIarooa.The .' pleasure. a' very. large num­ber of people take in being shocked.. .. � at' .. what is' taught theUniversities .defenseless, InnocentAs They ... a.n.d .:. unsophisticatedAre Painted. . youth in the. Americanuniversities· is pl�nlyshown by the. avidity. with which thenewspapers play :up . any phrases .thatmay come: fro'm the .lips of a facultyman.. It is. however, more out of the.every daj current for a great month­ly. magazine to cater· to the same'taste,. and, as an .article)� such amedium may. be taken. more seriouslytha'n similar material i� a' daily .news­paper, itjs·.WQrth. while, analyzing themost re�t �s�ecimen ... which has justappeared'in ,t!te' M'ay.:. Cosmopolitan; '.' ,I The ·article eiititled' "Blasting at the� Rode : of. Agesr. is. cheap, and. sensa- .tionaHn tone,· but its method is cleverin gaining the' effect at: which. it ai.ms.By . gathering: . together. the newspaperheadlines . of 'sentiments alleged to. have been. eXpressed by members ofuniversity, faculties, and representingthem '. as the dogmatic teachings laiddown as ,law in the class room, aplausible account of :a scandalous. condition of affairs is worked up withcomparative.: ·ease. ,No account istaken of ·the 'conditions modifyingthis. In the· first place the senti­ments reported 'are the 'personalopinions of faculty men delivered out­side' the class rooms, and those fa­miliar with class room methods in aunwersity know that such opinionsare not .laid down as law after thefashion of the dO'gmatic methods ofteaching unquestioned', facts emplojedin high' schools and grammar schools.No less effective iii. giving an en­tirely unintended meaning to a phrasequoted is ihe method of taki�g it .en­tirely out of its context. For Instance,in the article: before' referred to, apicture of Dean Shail.er �athews ofthe Divinity School IS pnnted, andunder it the words iia quotation marks"We go into. fami.ly. re�tio� withthe same sang-froid that we go on apicnic." This is' evidently intendedto give the impression that DeanMathews is describing the aims andlnethods of the Divinty School, thea�tecedent of the "we" beilig con­veniently clipped, off for the purpose.It is, however, a mildly ironical ar­raignment of the present day tcnd­ency to attack flippantly and shal­lowly existin� things simply becausethey exist. .So long as large numbers of peopleenjoy seeing the college professor be­ing represented as either a freak, afool or a dangerous charact�r, themisrepresentation will go on. Thereis little use in protesting and exclaim­ing but it is well for the undergrad­uat�s to u'nderstand the methods bywhich gTeat universities are paintedas centers of dangerous and de!truct­ive teachinp.IiI,II.�i: ...j:! .• OFFICIAL -NOTICES.--. CIiauge of 'R�erman .�A and2B are to meet in. Co�b 13C at 9:30a. m.U� Coarse Booksshould' be handed in without delay atBureau of Reco(ds, Cobb 2A2.Claimants for Acmm�. Standingwho' have completed six. majors �. ndhave been two quarters in residenceare requested to leave .their nameswith the clerk in the office of admin­istration, - Cobb 6A., .'AnDual .COatcst in Oratory-Threetypewritten copies of speech Dot' toexceed 2,000 words must be submittedto the Dean of Senior colleges beforenoon April 22d.PrCJPC*d AmeDdmcDt to the �Pand Gown constitution:, "To s�bsti­tute the words 'associate editor' forthe words 'literary editor.' wherever.the latter words occur .. in the. t�t. of the constitution}' To be voted on·by the class of 1911 o� Wed�esday,April 14th. ._RELAY 'lIEN TO RUN 'TODAYFirst trials' for the relay team whichwill go to �hiladelphia will be heldthis afternoon at 3 o·clock. Furtbertrials will be. ran during the comingweek. concluding on Saturday. Someclose races are expected for the posi­tions. Among' tbose who will tl')'for the positions. are. Captain Lingle,.Davenport, Timblin, Comstock, Shuart,Bresnahan, Whipp and Canouse.The continued cold weather pre­vented any fast work yesterClay, butmany of tbe team were out to takelight jogs.------StDdeat Coacert Rate Cl.a Monday.In order to get the advantage ofthe special reduced rates for theIThomas con��rt it wiD. be necessarY_, .for University stDctents' to get theirR-dinC Professor S. H. Cbrk tickets today or-Monday. Those ·in. Will �give : a: i'eadiDg· of' "ParistatN In charge 'are. particularly anxious: thatMandel on Sunday afternoon at 3:30. the 'student body understand this soCaafen:DCe o(.p� of Scbool 01. -that there. may be' no difficulties aria­'£dncation wilt be held iJl Blaine Hall, iog from the desire of. some to get17,' at 5:00 P. M., Monday. itetkcs after the time has expired. .Lectare Recital will be given byMr. Felix. Boro,na, Monday after- TO CJ;OSE ENTJUES APRIL 15noon at 4:00' o'clock, on the .eoneertof the Theodore Thomas, orchestra Auociate and RecuJar Club Joum�which is to be given Tuesday. , Draws Li� Interest.New Testament Club will meet withAMistant Professor . GoodspeedJ 5706Woocna�� Ave.: on Monday at 8:00P. M .Theodore Thomas Orchestra willgive a concert in Mandel, Tuesday,April 13, at 4 p. m. Members of theUniversity may . receive. reduction slipof 2S 'cents after April 5th at the in­formation office. Tickets at CobbHall, $1.00,' 7Sc, SOc.Ph7siCs Club will be addressedTuescJay at 5:00 p. m., in Ryerson,by Mr. H. Fletcher and Mr. C. R.Proctor.Religious EducatiOll Club will holdan' ann�al . banquet in HutchinsonCafe, Tuesday, at 6:15 p. m. Pro­fessor Coe of Northwestern will givean address on "The Church and thePublic School".StDdeDt Volunteers will meet inLe�ngton at. 7:00 p .. m.,.Tuesday� Dr.Sharman will discuss "The MissionaryMotive." . ..Romance Club-Program will be.heldin Cobb 2 'at 7:45,. ':fuesday _ev�n­ing. �sociate ,�rf?fessor Pietsch willtalk.Chan:h History. �Iub will be ad­dressed by Professor Francis Hallof Western Theological Seminary inMiddie DivinitY, Tuesday evening at8:00.. . .University pUblic I.ectutt-LoradoTaft will give the third of a series· of six lectures on "The Sculptor'sArt: Ideals and T e c h n i·q u e . � 'IWednesday in Mandel at 4:00 p. m.j�Qr: .JbthematXaJ· Club will hold· meeting in' Ryerson Wednesday af- .· ternoon at 4:30. .A paper will be. read. by .D_�Bucbanan. ..,:.,; .cbiCag�P�: .:S�:.·:ticket�·will.'::be on y'le -at the ��nformation·offi��' TueSday,· Wednesday' and''l:'hnt:sday. ¥eet .is T�ursda�.The Collece Man'. Tailor5191. East 83n1 SIr.at... , ..... " .i....._The entries for ·the three cushionbilliard tournament for regular mem­bers and the 'pool and billiard tourna­ments for associate members at theReynolds club will not be closed to­day as at first· reported. StewardEnglish of the club decided yesterday,that on account of the few names re­ceived up to date, he would postponethe tourney until next week. Entriesfor the matches will close April 15.So far only three men have put intheir names for the tournament forthe regular members, and only sevenassociates have signified their inten­tion of competing. . � '. .J.. all lilt atIIIfst 1IIJUr. ah tobin. artt10iit btaplagrb at our lIrahqaartrr.httt 4DD-185 lItadwlt &t.GlJprago., mill br plturb to sIptat. ,....·to 11'"&pring ""oats- �tgIJt. IIark ·or.bbuu ·hits.auru 'I,sts. &tnbqJ.: �.... :&gli8lp � ataata1Iriiut Albtrta.FOWNESGLOVES AltDttbtr Ibmhtp. ··mailnr.. JIiPinf Glrnlrat 21&8 .. :win Fashion's races"hands down"�---.. ---1 -Taxicab Rates ·Reduced· No-�uble'. '.. '.. Tariff.Three or four people pay rio more than one or two when'. riding in one of our T� '.J..;tnutt lUI. � tIJt aiak�bqr of gaur. &pring' hitJ. I .",or �m�<. '.';: j •�. ::��'.,gour :� "jjI : 8J111i1irb..' ..-....n ����,� CIILmaihtts Telephone C�u��t 27�$�. pay _ or' Night..so T8ltis available . . Com�t bee �red., '.' . .•. � : .. � . T �'. '_.... • ., '-'.AUTO· . TAXIOAB�·· CO�'"4 _ .�. • I •• �1· 2441·'43 Michigan �Ave.· .. '. ....., . . .Unlder.dly.�. �1dI_"SCH.U·LZ:·BRQS., .. '·- • _o.441 £ui ald·· th.br.."...ooblaam �J;imbark A ••Slits $30.00 ta, $50.00 FASHIONABLE' LADIESJI TAILORS• •• .' '. • ... �.' - ....... ,. _o' ••Our· Spring and Summer Fashions andFab�C8 'are. �ow here for inspectionSuite 83, AudltorlulTI ��d�! .'.DO. YOU un ..,CHOCOLATES •••• The place known as the Midw�aDi iog Room is now under newmanagement. It has been thorou v 'renovated and re-stockedand offers wholesome. homeJlike mea 3.t 'a m�riCe.. Table _'Hote LabcIi aDd •M1JIic.MIDWAY DINING/ROOMi57th st. aad EI&. Aft. .��and fine ·bonbons famous through ..out AmericCly put up in beautifulboxes suitable for presents at 25c:.. 40c and 60c per pound. '-. "A plea'sed customer is the - bestadvertisemenL"'" -. "'S. c.EC-.oy212 STATE ST .., ( . .....---'. Telephone ,049 Itjde Pa� • // '..ARTHUR .E.· BOURGBAUI / .; '.DecoratorWlall Paper. Paint". Oil" aft" GI... .,. Pamter'"3.",,1; ...218 Eut 55th Sbeet ".NorthwesternUniversityLaw School VAR5ITY CLoTHE5The leading' question of your Spring clothes, IIr.College man, must be SETI1.ED SOON.-Do you know that I am a specialist at satisfyio.the desires of CoIIeae Mea?- That-I can make a suit for you that will be ,...suit- r ".DJFFERENT�DISTINCT-STYLISH ?At any rate it i� worth your while to see me.11aree year course leading to thedegree of Bachelor of Laws.Foar year course leading to the de­gree of Master of Laws.pe... year course leading to the de·gree of Juris Doctor. BENHAMFor CatalO111e addressSecretary of Law Scbool,Rort,.est.... Ualyerslt� Saiki ...CBICAOO .. -1!�.deII....... . cti51CIco�.-•II--------------�GEoRGE �DSAY �E'�; ... ,: �AIH OF GOLF TEAll. ,�, ,. . Jut. to .Iatro-\ d ace Sororttr, .-' '... . . Cbocolates-· .. �71o ... Jlade°o-:to.be few .'", who have aot. yet eDJoJ'ecl',tbem-.e°re '.mAkiac· tbis special··0��0(��1�:�·to",��,� ,_,_ororitg Oo�'-.·. ....". : ..- : ,(', . �. '�,::.. ':�; .: \. '.: .-. .". ��,.Salt .;, '''F �.� 00 I I'tCdIt 01 ,_..deakr"1 . __ aD4 S t • ...- CIIlJ;le foe: ..-cc .au.! p.xkiD£ ..., •\'O&i ClUl bur tbe rr,:ular Po-1 bUUs,'u �dcak� ('Cllts the POUIiJ. . .:. :,,_ >•Or I'C11d ft tor full pound.box (�ftawllblp�u) aA4 tbree'.ltUa· duplialra (l1s24 la.. fullcolo.... DO" adnn!linz:) of. our 'ta-a Sonadt)' Girlbead.-al1 c:barzea PaId- Addiaa tDda,. •TaY'ori��'31,,.... ........ ' .... -.:.1'" ... > .. .1.,- ;. ; ... : t) . �., � . ".:', I� .." 'J�A S�IOL" IF tuUTY,. ' 'J; .BALDWIN�EPIANOS'IND ' "PLAnR� PIAtfQS. ,A PROl)utr THAT .�. '-;'"IOLOS TIE WIlLI'S IlIIEST •• IISThe coet of the Baldwin·madejnstra�ents is no higher than isoften Paid fOl' 'Ialert ... makes.Quality',c:orisidered .i1tey aft byfar the MOlt Moderately PricedInstrum�nts � �� �rkeLOnr Te..... .f �1It _10 a .......... y ...�Iease �y � a � 01 ,inspec­tion before concladmg a pard.ue'elsewbe�. IThe D_I�,' • Co...... wm., •M AlWPACTUlllla267-269 W..... Aft. <�jjnctid .... choose Last y�. Var­, .. ,�t7 ChampiOll - Fayor Givin&"" Sport- Coafereace Recognition.; , � .- George Lindsay, last ,year·s Univer-'sity champion, was elected captain of't�e . golf ,team yesterclay at a' meet-­ing', of -the- University, squad, Candi-'dates for' the Varsity and Freshmentea.. ms, gatbered in Dr. �ycroft's of­fice.�' also discussed plans' for 'thisseason .LiDdsay and Frank Coyle were the· only men suggested. for captain, and! LinCJsay' was,' '�n'animously, selected.The election of a Freshman captain,was, 'deferred,Conference Tourney Fayored.The' proposition of having a golf· tournament under the control of the· conference. i.1W�S hrougb.t up.. Theteam . winning this tourney is to re-1 ceive a' trophy, and, if possible, the in­-dividual .team members will get somesort of trophy. No, definite stepswere taken.Dr.' Raycroft declared himself in· favor"'of 'haVing the' Freshmen "meetother teams in regular matches and, asid that if, such events could be ar-. :f ra-!!:'td:i�t.�� .. JJ�,�;-�QU1cJ_R�ob�bl� re-cerve, their=class numerals. The menwho "a�� oiit'for' the' 'University teamwere assured'-thaf ifihey play matcheswith I11inois and .�isconsin they will',get s�c9ndary _�'.C's"�._, : . - '· ."' . .....!.!\ t.... .. ,,... � ;. The rushing s"lem' by fraieniities'at the' bni�ersrty- of 'Nebfas1ca willl be r��secr Soon: One fraternity favorsthe' "year-rule,"· only' sophoinores tobe pledged, but the consensus !Ofopinion· is. that' the ·�shing. season.. wii�, ,�� �ut: ffo� six ,�eeks to two or. three •. �. , .: "----- ...... �;.... �. TROP�Y RO,OM FOR ILLIHLDireCtor Md U ..... Retiam of mi.­'tone AthJetic Relica.'A trophy room to display foot­balls and baseballs used in games won'by the University of Illinois is theambition of Director Huff. The Illiniha ve not up to this time kept a col­lection of such trophies of victory, .the various, athletes and managershaving retained possession of theballs; but if the present efforts ofMr. Huff are successful, the down­state institution will gather a largenucleus for its trophy room.Personal letters have been sent outto all former Illini athletes, managers,and other persons eonneetd with ath­letics 'at the University of Illinois,erquesting them to make earnestsearch for such athletic relics and tosend them collect to Director Huff.Williams College to Name "Songfest.". Williams "College has a novel plan; for stimulating the writing of college, songs 'and - training students in chorussinging. A singing contest : betweenthe different" classes is held everyspring, the songs chosen being thebest musical and literary efforts ofwhich the class members are capable.Gophers FoUow D6ni Custom.Minnesota follows the same customas Illinois, in electing the editors' andstaff of the Minnesota, Daily by thepaid-up- subscribers. .1'he editorialboa�d ,Qf the Monthly is similarly-chosen., , A Remjnller ,_ Cd'e .. M_Select Your Spring S.Utt EarlyAbrabarD Lincoln once said: "I don't' carebow much you say. providing you SIJ� iJ ia afew words. " .We want to uy tn J� _in a few words that our "early arrivals in Spring Suitinp and Overcoats arehere-the earlier you come in the wider is your cboic:e'-you may order now if 700 wiIh. for deliy� four to· "sis .eekS hence. This IS of mutual benefit because it, �vcs you the choice of the best and alloWSOW' tailorsplenq of time. Better drop in and lee the _vancehoe of Su!tinp and styles at College Men·. prices-13S.00up.Carver &: WilkieTailors.j ,,t_' :t� '��'.The .1tIjnnc#sota, tennis' team willmake a' strong bid for 'Conferencehonors this spring. Muir, runner-upto, Ross ,in 1908; Potter, Muir's team­mate in doubles, and Adams, runner­up to state champion, will form the. nucleus of the squad. 'F.lTHER THE. NO. 3 FOX'i ":'�TYPEWRITER ,WHICH IAM -'OFFEIUNC--AT $SO� IS 'BEl fER :rHAN ANY.: O11IEll::'$IOCJ_CHINE· .� OR rr IS NOT.,�' � caD be be DO arp..eDt; it is a qwatioII"of • .eta. to be �iaed b, J'oa iD JOU oaiceaDder yoal' coaditioDs. -. •" l'be SSO price has ..obeiriD1' on ita comparatift- 'Vahle. becaase 'his lDIICbiae is tbe �lar SIOO DO� .. 3 that bas beea aac:casiall, sold all OYer tbe• wodd for the past 12 yean..' Efta thoap J'OU areDOi"1a tbe aaarket for atJ'pewriter jut now. 'it will pay ,oa to ba, this. ,$100 typewriter for SSO aDd pat it OD yoar shelf.,.ahl ,oa DO. aM ft.' � •'" I am DOt entirely Ollt of machines. bat I canaot-tell how loulf this price will eadllre. It is oaly ate.porary affair •IF YOU PAY S3 A MONTH RENT FOR AN-OLD TYnWRITFR IN THE FACE OF THIS�FFERITIS.ADJUDGEMENT.BECAUSESZ A MONTH MORE FOR 10 MONTHS BUYS· A $100 TYPEWRITER,Yo. are .et.allJ'_bayl.,. the best $100 typWriter,in the world for S.D a. compaftd to the reatiatrl»rol)OSition. and then rOD are aial' a Iood ma·: chiDe ia perfect conditIOn instead of a half won.. oaL_achllle. that is TeDted to J'oa b«aae it caa.... :aot be .ald.· ,The term. 01 .. Ie are S5 down aDd SS a aIOIatbaM YOU TRY THR MACHINE BEFORE l'OGIICCepI it. Let me haft J'O'II" a6Iftss aDd rekr­eaa:s tCHSay.B. II. BAIURDC1HARR'1ISS 299 DEARBORN ST.Note-Samples OD ahibitioa at 56 Middle Dm1IItyGEO. STARRING. UDfftntty°Rep. 185 De8rbom St.'11' here to Dine.f5he Wootllabm CaTe.63n1 St. aad Cottap Growe,AYe., ,THB FIlOST AlQ) MOST BLltGAIiTLY APPOIlITBD CAFE OB THESOUTH SIDE.CUISINE UNEXCE�LEPPRICES RBAsOBABLB�On.bestra' MUSic every eYeDing. _ .. J ,.'PAINTERS AND' DECORATORS' . -'FaD Liae WaD Paper. � aad PaiDten· Sappliea" ... .Telephone Hyde Park 3861 -.' ·.;"ar!��.�,t"f;t"�" , , �:�:J! .. ". "',The Piano-'. .... sn: KiIDbuk Aft. 8th St.. � CIeaDat and Beit K� 8to1age �areboaIe in cityFamituie and Pianos Moftd,SIored, Pac:bcI md_�to all pans 0( the world. 300 Priftte Storge Roami ...Trunaand,WheeIs. 1_- Room. for r.;-....:- ---_-.• and Sleig!Is. T�5;' and from all� a;:.Cen fo(B__agpp, Furniture, � etc., at IbartDOIic:e. Special attention,.Pen to Uni .... r.&t,. OnteJL'LA,lNN 'GUARDThe Ro.p Rider Lawn·�· is .thelateSt and __ efIicieft\ ... of itakind on the market today. BaiIt oat 01,NAngle Steel," it m pat � 1InJDaIy'with an aim lor strength; clarability a.aneatness. It is atisfaC:tolJ in "� .. re-8pect. Call and inspect samples. 'OUTMAN BRonIERS. .... .206 East FIfIi..F'" Sb..aPhone HJde Park '2428 ,Hardware and Hoase Furnishing Goods.Tin and Sheet Metal Wort. GeneralJobbing and Mechanical Work.1M .... far Hcae CooJrin •The Varsity Cafe4741 Eut S5da St. Near Greenwoodt1�:�·�>���":·,:�'�· <. '-��--::: : .- •• ,�.:t:�' ." '�� .. '''''''' ,II.II I • "I -:;�'t.'�E.�.��ILy.,�9Q�,.sA.Tp.ItlMYi'APIUL ,iCt,:".I� LLIN.OIS:.· ,., .: ... Olga . i'ieth'e'rsoie'4.tTlJD EBA·KER�.�, Dusti'n Farnum.,.' i�>"�atTieo' Kirby",8y" Booth Tarkin&too and Harry LeonWilson. 'TH:;lay�!!�I�. !rom'a novel bY:a .ChicagoanDie Great JohnGaBIODCOLONIAL'KIa .. & Erlanger-. .. Mighty Musical ComedyLittle NEMOO·· .. ·randOperaHouse.Charles Dilliqham Preseata'. 1_11111, & Stane�• • ••••• IN...... .THE RED MILL.�=Ri_YPlay by Robert H. Dam:' Direction'ofHenry Miller.c .. ··· ... :·H-. !rederick���ctiP.SO?'S MammothCIUUU on;Via Wireless.· In his :Jtf_ Domininf·.ROie. . .•Tht: Great DivideW·-\ H·I·TNEyRichard Carle's Hit--...... . .. - ..... -The Boy and the GirlRicha.rd �.U'I��s �e ... S:>n� Show.IN.ltERNATiONAL· StIdII& SIt.'. Eti.·, ..... .1 11�.1ft1rDI'1iI FIiiI lleter's. : . i'be :World"s Seasatioa. '. --: 'lilY TO t1ET ... -. PriceaSJc·t�$l.OO. lIata.San •• Wed •• Sat.. : princess Theatre· Dt l'IiIe II, '.1_Musical Fantasy with··Heary Wood­ruff� � CaineLaSalle Theatre. The Golden GirlSpecta�1ar Musical PlayMatineeaTueadays, Thundays, SaturdaysAMERICAN =�t�W.bub,Aft. and Peck Coun'The Sbcrir Place of . ChicaJO and alwaysa Show of Qua_liiy."TWO'BIG SHOWS A DAY.n AJ�!I�;�USVAUDEVILLE12 Big Acts This Week. PricesIj-2S-SO-7Sc.;'Olympic MusicHallTwo performances dailyZand8p. m.ALL STAll VAUDEVILLE oW.oWAY. WRBSTLDIo' STAR" .... - .... --.--.'---".-.�-'--. -�.-�.-. ---� -' -.".-'--.--"-".- - --.-.-- ........... -- ... '-'-�.. ._. �. "", .. ,... .:.. J . ..".. , , .. � r-'" � ...J'OHN R. lJANSON• I,... ' ..'.11, ",,",�.,'.iu D&Aftoaw'SI"'i� &n ....... _,"': ...'f•I V.... til1IHI-at-. �COLONIAL DAllES- BXAII.TO :BB:,IIBLD ON 'MAY, 29·Sub�·iS Dij,ioimtic'Risto., of theu. a Between 1800-1815. Prize: ,fcif Womer is S2OO. . FrabmaD IIe4ic ...._' llatd.. atTijoiata.-'" BinchL. Wrestling' tryouts for tbe Varatyrepresentative at· the inter-coliegiatewrestling tournament' to be held atNebraska next Saturday brought' out.:1 dark horse yesterday in T. C. Gallo-way, who will probably be selected to '-._ "II!'II. _ ..... __ .... __ �--- ........ -- __ -�compete for' the Varsity by CoachStearns.·. ,Galloway who is a graduate of theUniversity of Idaho and is now inhis first. year in the medical school,won all his inatcns'j,n'i� c� lowerthan J�. pounds. '1.'he· biggest stir­prise was hili victocyover . 'MMC'Hirschi' iil ·two·�ig1if rall�. ."'. 1The subject for the examination inAmerican history for the ColonialDames' scholarship, to be held May·29, as announced yesterday by As­sociate Professor Shepardson of theAmerican history department. will be"Diplomatic History in America be­tween 1800-1815." Entries for the ex­amination will be received up. to theday before.Up to -this year the custom of the'Colonial Dames in :the state of Ilti­-nois 'was to provide annually a schol­arship yielding the amount of $300 tobe awarded to the student who hasfinished the work of the Junior col­leges and. has passed the best exam­ination in American history. Thisyear. ,however. only $200 will be. awarded. This; will be ditided intotwo parts. $120 for tuition and $80in cash. -�piag.' R�uc:iDC. Facial and:Scalp Massage. -E1ectri�� '�team aad HotAir Baths.' .We cater to. Professors and studentsespedaUy.'Hjde�PUk>H' ". ieDic InstitutJ'Ki?, .' '. e,II. LUlDuom. M. G .. Manacer -Phone H. P. 4454432 E. SSth� SL; Cor. "�onAve.. 2nd Floor �58di !beet'_' DraeI:A ·UndcrNew� . .sEVENTS OF THE DAY.UniversitY of- Chicago Dames win' ':meet today in Lexington 15. Mrs. '1Kern �f College of. Education will I:speak on "Songs for Children." Mrs_'House is to be hostess. Boese is � Heated. bas' beea�ly papered aad paintecl. 'hot aDd�,SQUIBS.popular rat�t .President Taft has expressed hisregrets, to the University of Virginiaat his inability to attend their ath­letic meet with Yale. '_:-WANTED-Four er fivo fOQm fqr­nished 'apartuJeut-oD'" or- n�ar Mid- 'way, from· MaJ--lIt 'tUi Deeemb'er.Communicate Del Prado 359�W�lleBe .:.mfiD· . for" newline summer propositiOn pa,.mg �to $60 a week. Pleasant work;' Dotboob. Addreas·DaiI1.Kar�W.A.. The strike of students at RuskinCollege •. Oxford, on account of thedismissal of their principal, DennisHurd. lasted for ten days with the. final 'defeat of the student body.All classes of engineers at Minne�sota have gone on a strike on ac­count of the hard work given themin their courses. '-. "FOR SALE.;-MicbiUinda, Mlch' .. ''tWo .(2) cottages of 'eight and nine rooms .fully furnished. and seYen (7)' lotseach 66xl66 ft. on Lake Michigan inbeautiful beech woods; ten minutesfrom Whit� Lake, U,:a . ";lio1e orseparately" to desirabl�" CUstqmers "for cab 0Dl7. A41dress Mrs. Frank�ugh·Mulltgomeryt SS48 Woo4la��Ave.', C�ica.go,:. ':fel.H -::p.: 135.4. "A student theatre is 'to be erectedat Yale by. the dramatic associationthere.The prospect of western competi-:tion at Pennsylvania this year hasexcited great interest there- . �'-'... StDderitS make� from' $3.00 to $10.00 .a day· .while .a.ttcndiu&, -kboOl .. Que 'student' at Uni�eiSity ofCbiealO·made-;$1,000.00 • in one': year� Another .at .Champaign . �akes $1&00 a wec;k.;Twenty"five ingeni9us, plans that �you :can work right now . sent 'for' 2S cents'coin or stamps.. Acid��� II •. c. stu­dent's Aid Service,' 3123'Calilmet Ave.,',Chicago ..The baseball team of the Univer­sity of I1Iinois has repeatedly met de­feat at the hands of the MilwaukeeAmerican Association team.Seventy-three prep schools have en­tered for the' I1Iinois Inter-Scholasticmeet. ·'f ••t�-,�,�,�,-,-"",�Z Illinois .College of Conunerce I(!II .. or .... rly· . II� ATHENAEUM .�I 18 to 26 Van Buren Streer· !.,.. Iments in the shortest possible time for positions tbat pay atI once from S35 ,to S60 a month. Individual instruction. Day3nd night Sessions.. Enter any time. Call, write or phone� Harrison 1110 for catalogue. Positions for graduates. 37 years �I of uninterrupted success. '.� SAMUEL B. WILLEY. LLB.; SuperiatendeDt.�W'�'�:-"IJa''''��'1: � When you;� yoa!gelf·· in ime 'BarpmS' aU the Time. of -our new SprioK'0gereoats; y.oa' . ,will ·be proud of··the- t--.that';t Reliabl� RehaiIt·T�.aU makes:-... ... ftbuDt in oar own f�; better andwas ·made in tbe uJ� way� U daea.- :u..', CJthen. s.;. lor 'JIDIII'Rlf.The Dew Sprine- 'PJIIIeins and. TIlE TYPEWRITER UaiuRfabrics for overcoats . ._ suitiaas .1 Dearborn 51. ..'. A. J. Couu. Mgr •;are here n�. rcad7�ou 't,." I T ..... :��.choose from.. • .- / <,fTwilled fabriesu.\reys and'ioft / ni •• � c:EinV.vcolors are tbe faveita Ibis � . . . .' . '.The ultra' fasbionable thinK i. 6�ll1arket Co.to have your-Sprlla .overcoat and / WII,.J:Tllo� h,p.suit ha1'll1Oiti&e· in. 'bOth. colo .. aDd Fiala F1Ib and ()y:Iten,' � andweave. . Game. ¥n!IbVqebdJhs leceifed daily.. "Whether ',ou are thintdnlr of Prompt�. �el H,.te Park 1361; !buying your clothes o. f us or:! �/e.d- FI��" StrMt. : /-you are cordiallY'iavited :to H -a,nd see this -showioK' .of the. - I � ISOD'S ·novelties.. . � I .../ / 2000-Sc��=, � �._ .'r�;;tr:'"I ES�i��I!��� wo�p����?!:tka �., Postal Card brings Catalogue. Writ� to-day..• DR. CHAS. F. BALATKA, D'r�to'.I Diplomas recognized all' ov� tho World,.B Special Rates to Students of University of ChlellloAddrea All Communicatiul\I to Spring�1es and Summer'Now R:e�y.Suits $25 II $50TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwoStora: 131 La Sa11eS� aDdaud «1'acbon Boulevard.rWe m�� � b�es. .@1If;J...YiQj-Nm. )em-,'Soas�LAlIt AD A'.'S .'In',., .BAiATKA MUSICAL COIJ.EGEHandel Hall. 40 East Randolph Street.,.,,.,,�,.,,�.,,,