��/�r.... ':. .CHICAGo. ,rHURSDAy. APRIL 8", •.,',VOLUME VII-NOa��. ,ONE OF CO�TRIBUTORS TO SUCCESS-OF PEN CLUBBANQUET", .; , ." .. -. ,-. - ". .. . .To Be·' GiWD� � of'�1Ia7 20. 21 .. ,aDd:2Z��"of·13. 14. � 15...'._:.. c.ptam '. aDd} 0tbCn PUsh-iDa Plan to HOla me Bieht· An�.... TCJaIIIaa.lt-F'int.lleetiq tobe BeI4 F'rida�. ,_uTwC,'OOJar Rate foi"AD'� �.... 'tQ; bL -rried.AuiD ..1rJIW.;_s..a..'---"--._.HenclenoD' Secairea PUt ,Of PDCt-:·lIeniD g' Place' of' Deutch,-.­Audi'q. wm'be Pat OD Sale ill Sb-ort·'I'IIIiJe.:­. Bap,: to. sen-. .�Y�'nHri:�.Dillet-w:iIl be iPveIl an­other' tryout when it meets the LakeForest Uniyenity: aggregatio.i onMarshall field. at .. o'clock this after­noon, . captain Meigs' men have hadtwo days'" practice since the gamewith Af1IIOUt· last -5&mntay. aDd, wtllbe.In better. shape. than .they-were·lastweek.. . .Page aDd Sunderland will be putinto the box. The makeup of the in:..field will not .�: finally decided by, Di­rector Sta". lIntil·�this afternoon. Asthe' Lake Forest men haft' a strong.team, the. Vanity team will be �through a severe test of its stnngth:--tiDa. Work yesterday.Fielding and laying down bantswas the program for Y"sterday's WORfor both the Varsity and the F�sh­men. The squad was diYided intotwo teams and each team was' givena tum at. making and fielding thebunts. Considerable skill was dis­played by some of the men. 'Under the tutorship of Fred Walk.,er, the. former Maroon athletey the.F.rnhman team·is-makiww gmt prog-ress. Baird. Steinbrecher; Stanton,Sauer and Boyle are showing goodform. PRISCO n� ORGAJiIzE'eo.t A.a ;. •• _ . ponaeci by PnMII'cdtmaD., '08.� .•. �t:of�Gnek.Art_: . IIIicl � 1ii ..... 01:· .. �� .i BIIdpr Pac:aIt7 Refaea to SaDc:tioa., Lc.c Stbeltille' "WOllEN. pRBSBIIT- AS .OCKSENATE VOTES ON' RIGHTS Lorado Taft delivercel, the secoad olbis' .series of six' lectures .• oa.:: -rile. SCulptor's,Art: Ideals and TecIlDiq_"�tercby_' aftemoon. in KaacIeI. '1Wl."befOre an mterested allctieDce... :: TheleCtu� was pr:ofasely, i11UStratCcl. with� simop�con slides of. tile' PadIMaoD.,aDd other famous Gl'eelc.. raiDs; of. 'A-'rious stageS in the development·, ofGruian scuJP..ture. Mr. Taft.�who.,is. oDe . of- the foremost.' COD�eaiporaryAmerican artists, desaibed tbe. ...premacy of' the Gmk. masterpi�es- .and' traced the dtvelop,aeilt. of .the·art throughout tlie Grecian �ri0,4.: . The proposed seven-game sehedale; for lhe. Uniftl'Sity.of Wisconsin:.was: vetoed by the faculty of the Bad�riastitution at its last meeting; and' no. hOpe now remains for more than fivegames. untiF 1910.: TIe. seftn-game: schedule War aWlo'ftd by die Ath·letic council,' and recommended for,adoption by. the Athletic board; but. tbe faculty tumed it· clown.I t was also decided .to send a mem­ber of the' faculty with th� crew tothe Poaghkeepsie regatta, so tbat he.can conduct examinations among thecrew men at the same time they are.oong held at Madison.Wisconsin will send her r�lay teamto the Pennsylgania games, this y�ar'sappearance being her debut. Studentsubscription wiD be. reqaiftd to main:up the necessary amouut. Morris.NotUrck, Mitchell' and- Ridr.lrds, fortile ftlay, and Osthoff in .. tbe weightennts wiD be sent. lin. Pea� T� Or.� .....Mrs. Peattie. gave an address OD· the"y ounger American .. Dramatists." Sherecounted the. gain:!!' of tbe professionand the. recent successes. Tempera­ment, she said, was esseutial to play.writing, and that it was not necessaryto experience in order to write. Onemust, though, feel the conflict...1t The Alumni at San Francisco are.must can out at night," she said...1t perfecting plans for the organizationmust say: 'Write me down.� What of 'an alumni club in tbat city.. does not have this genuineness will. I Frank)1. Hultman '08 who is prae-: be strained in the play andmake it ticing law in San Francisco is' the', weak." prime mover in the orpnization. .'nUs will' make t be second al1lmDiclab' on the coast, the other· being': Snttle, Wash. The ahnmli at Sp0-kane, Wash., are also tallring of form-'ing a new club.With the Equal Suffrage Leagueas gaests and the priYile�s of floordebate ,unlimited. the mock senateplans one of its big meetings of theyear for next Monday. The ques­tion on the calendar IS the advis­ability of putting the woman's suf­frage clause in the constitution ofArizona. L. C. MacNemar of Illinoiswill lead the party in faver, white C.A. Bales of Tennessee will oppose.Four meetings remain for this quar­ter, the final one to be in Mandelhall. Efforts are being 'made to getmore members into the body. Appli­cations may be made to F. D. Bram­han, Mr. A. B. Hally C. S. Cox or R._ Jt. Mix. . A basketball game will be played on:May 7 at Princeton between tile edi­tors and reporteTs o� t�e Dally Prince­tooian and tbe Yale News.;t����;��:��. -.>, .: �. ',.iiIrI! J1J! 40-'-',:" ...... ("1",. .....� 'THE' DAILY MAROON, -:THURSDA Y. APRIL 8, i9o-J't. "', , .. . '. "..,}I.r," ••THE DAILY MAaOOtj:. ,�: fTbe��"Aprii' Fool": ani-ouacement, ." •• •• :.. I "';;- .:,: \ ...... : . • that: only 'three aits in gym w�e tobe allowed at the University has. been'accepted. in good faith by the PurdueExponent.Theodore Thomas . Orc:hestra' will. give a concert in, Mandel; Tuesday,Undergraduate faculties all over the April 13, at 4 p. m; Members of thecountry. an incidentally that of the University ma.y receive reduction slipUniversity of Chicago, of ZS cents after Aprii Sth at the in-were subjected to two formation, office, Ti,:Jcets at Cobbsimultaneous broadsides 'Hall, $1.00, 7Sc, SOc.Wednesday night' when Esperanto Class postponed untiltwo critics, one speak- Tuesday, April 13th. '. ing to the University Household Administtation Club-faculty and the other to the men stu- Dr. 'Chester W. 'Wright will discussdents, charged charged them with 'the subject, "The Family," Emmonspaying too much attention to the Blaine Hall, Friday" 4:00 p, m.training of the student. The interest . Political EconOIDY Club will holdof the instructors' in research, and too meeting Friday, 8 p e, m., in Cobb 3C.great emphasis on pure erudition are Mr. H. E, Downey will speak on '78 State st.the' charge's, laid" to the door of the "The Teachin� of £.c·onomics in the ---------------teachers, the first being made by Pro- Secondary School," 1:fessor Flexner and- the second by Mr. Sophomore Clasa o' meets Fri4ayE. C. Mercer ohhe.Y. itL C. A. . morning at 10:30 in Cobb 6A. .The need for a closes relation, be- Claimants fot: Advanced Standing. tween faculty and undergraduate than who 'have cimpleted six majors andat present' exists has been felt keenly have' been, two' quarters in residenceat Ch'ieago" as it ha's at.' every' other are requested 10' leave" their' namesinstitution that has grown .beYond.the�- ,wit:l the clerk in the office of adinin-small college stage. Chicago bas istration, Cobb 6A.sought to answer the, p.ro�lem by' her JUDior CoDege Comacil will meet � .:Junior colleges with very debatable ,Friday, 10:30, to eleCt. chairman�... 1success: . Other universities and over­gr�wn colleges have tri�d other meth­ods' sucii as Princeton with her system. of �recePtors. It is a difficulty whichevery instit�tion must meet spuarelyand decide ac��rding t� its particularsituation.In some universities the studentsare taking·the· initiative,' and mincing. no wo�ds in demanding that they begiven ,3: treatment' more nearly ap­proa'ching that given by one man toanother. The student who is made tofeel that· he 'is an' interloper stealingthe valuable time. of a man whosemain interests are elsewhere has aJegiti�ate . grievance. This has beenvoiced in Cornell by the CornelJ Sunwhich .denounc·es 'certain teachers inthe department of physics in no un­certain terms for thetr unpleasant anddictatorial· attitude �owa�d' the stu-dentL."The lately appointed grie�nce com­mittee o'f the Unh-ersity of Chicago ·isan important advance in methods forthe solution of 'the' problem. If it isconducted intelligently it can domuch toward arriving at a smoothworking agreement between studentsand faculty.'�,fte�""""" __ ........ , ..De w __ �� :� 1. ...Tbe � •• � •.• � •••• �.�� •• ����.1. ...EDtenc1· _ at .. CId-,eqo PCllltomee. CIdIIqe. .1&' � __ Mt. .... � .. lID.PabuaW· .41a117. aeept � ___dQ. aDCl � ..... tine .....of tbe UDl't'enIQ ,............. · �i ....for u... _'lu"lh ..........� __ .;� .• .-m. ....� :r.c.IV .... t .... .w.. .....P�1f w. 8AM � •••• -"" ....IlBLYI1f .,.;-£D4IIII ___�. A. P� •••••••• �.A&IaIetIe �A. L. 1"IUD8'rB11f ...... Bu'-. ......THos. .. Mp'KR ••• a....... ......A88OCIA'rB Jmft'Oa.A. .Go WhWleld BarpaTe A. Loq.H. 1I'el8elltbal Vallee O. ,AppelJmPOBTBIULJI. 1'. �ter\10" LeTltaDW. B. Llo:rdC. W. Waahb1l1'lle .L LothJL ;T. Dall. B. 1'.' BUlaW. ;T. FouteNewa "colltrlbaUou aIQ be Jell at ....gaU or I'aealt:r BzdM .... ' � '­The Dal17 IIarooL •Bow theFacultYRegards the­StudentsA chapter of Alpha Sigma Phi hasbeen established at the University of\Visconsin with eight charter mem­hers.Syracuse Varsity basketball fivewill play an all-star inter-fraternityteam.. The 'staff of the Daily Princetonianwill play the writers of the Yale Newsa haseball gamc at Princeton on May7th..' A chapter of the Phi Alpha Deltalaw fraternity has been established atYale with 23 charter· members. -Developing, Reducing. FacialandScalp Massage.' .'-:'Electric Light, -Steam and HotAir Baths.We cater to Professors and studentses�l1y. _. ,Hyde. Park.Hygienic .. Institute, IM. LINDEROTH. M. G .• Manager.-- "- - Phone H.- P.· 4454:.432 E. 55th St., Cor.' LexingtonAve .• and FIQC?r.The Badger baseball squad held itsfirst outdoor practice Monday.Eighteen. fraternities at Wisconsi�.have .entered nines in the interfrater­nity baseball league.QaiJ� . BaIIetiD.ihree-Quartaa Club will meetthis morning in Cobb 6A.DiYiDit7 School' Public Wonbipwill be conducted by Mr. Joaeph Mun­son Artman this evening in Haskell,70"dock.Professor Starr will lecture on "Sa­moa and Fiji" this afternoon' at four.in Music Hall, 203 Michigan avenue.Students get half rates at Cobb SA.University Public Lecture under the. auspices of the College Equal Su�­frage League will be given by Profes­sor Thomas this afternoon at four in .Cobb 6A. Subject: "The Relationof Woman to the Present Interests ofSociety."MUIDIJI£J1S will meet today at 10:30o'clock a. m,Pre-MinIsterial Club meets thismorning at 10:30 in Mi�41e Divinity. WR.IGHT & DITSON'Manufacturers aDd Dealers iDHlp Grade Athletic: Suppli,,'SLan Tinn,ls. Foot BallBaSI Bill ··Bas:ket .Ball. Hocke, Golf GoodsIn B.at Styl •• and QuaUtle.ATHLETIC·1JlUFOIUISA SPECIALTYIt is generally -con­ceded that the clubsequipped by Wright&·Ditson. have thebest looking. bestfitting, and mostdurable suits,ANNOUNCEllENTS. •The WRIGHT &: DlTSON SWE.-\TERS arceasily the fiDest. . Made of choice 'Worstt.'1i. wt:llmade. perfect fittintr. NothiDIr like ODe of our .Sweaters. CATALOGUE FREE.lNRIGHT&DITSON344 W uhington S1. 18 West 30th :)1.Boston, Mass. New York76 Weybosset St, 84 Wabash AvenueProvidence., R, I. Chicago, 111.Harvard Square, Cambridge, Mass.FULL DRESS SUITSTo RentT. c. SCHAFFNERPbone Central �5O�IC� NOTICES.·Political ScieDce 3C will not .�meettocJay- but Friday at 3:00 p. m.·:CcJasuIu' . �tudents : inter­ested .. in preparing for' the consularservice are requested to meet. thismorning, April 8,. in Cobb 9C, at 10:30with Professor Merriam .Propioeed AmeDdment to the Capand Gown constitution: "To substi­tute the words 'associate' editor' forthe words 'literary editor' whereverthe latter words occur in the textof the constitution." To be voted onby class of 18911 on Wednesday, April14th.Ammal Coatest in OratoQl-Partiesmust register with Dean of Seniorcolleges before noon, April 8th, whilethree typewritten copies of speech notto exceed 2,000 words must be submit­t� before noon Apnl 22d. $35.00Athletic carnivals for the fin:lDcialbenefit of various branches of sporthave been held at De Pauw Wiscon­sin, Texas, Purdue, Pennsylvania.Tau Beta Pi honorary engineeringfraternity established its twentiethchapter at University of Iowa.GLOVESmay be right and not beFownes, but they can't beFOWNESand not be righL I'�-----_I W··., .. � E are now rE-ady' with ourSpnng Styles. Our new�'est and latest importa­tions include the finest and moststylish patterns that we could se­cure for Sp�Dg Suits...We are making a SPECIALCOLLEGE SUIT for Universityof Chicago men JOr ..Have any of the' boys on thecampus told you about \#ua d\)thes?Watterson«Southward153· La Salle St.502 Association Bldg. 1:'t l. Central 6198 It p&ysto buy the best. .The DameFIonbeim is your ....-aDCe claboe yalue.PATEMTEDBAND AI\"OB'O SOliDOES IT Made owerl!peCial � SUpe Iaata­FIaabcim 0UaD .. aaOIt coadad.lble.MOlt Itrlo $5."nORSHEIM S.· CO.75· Jackson Blvd.Betweea Slate aDd Deubona Sta..ABSOLUTELY NO BULGEIF it' •• "., .. ,.""MAC-HURDLE"FULL DRESS SHIRTu..w SI.Irt & CoIar Co., (MaUn) "f..,. tl Y. Lasswell p�. ,�1 East 55tb StreetMakes.Good Photos $2.60 Dozen'Come and see them.THE NEW CENTURY'6roceO' & Market Co�,WM, J. THOMAS. Prop,Fresh Fish and Oysters." Poul� and'Game. Fresh Vegetables received daily.Prompt delivery. Tel. Hyde Park 1361452 East Flfty-Rr,1I Street.Th-i, Rorrre,- .bli. TaMe OiRDb('·soc.-7sc-$ r , ooIncluding WineAlso a la Carte ServiceOpen Daily and Su n�a)'s from 1 � a. mt09 p. mSPAGHETTISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITALY.146 State Stt'eet JS�ond Floor.-- "KNOW'YE! '.That our stock.. of Fo�igoand DDmestic Wool�ns isnow complete and embr�cesall the . new shades and,colors iIOORE & HI_TOM CO.Tailors441 East 63rd St.Bct. Kimbark &�odla\Vn Avc_Let us F ash ion yourapparel and demonstnte toyou, our knowledge of Sar­torial An •. When you see yourself in oneof our new Spring Overcoats, youwill be proud of the fact that itJ,was made' in the �:Jerrelt:Js wC!y.JIThe Dt;W Spring patterns and·fabrics for overcoats and suitings'are here now-+ready for you I to- choose from. .Twilled fabrics in greys and softcolors are the favorites this seasonThe ultra fashionable thing isto have your Spring overcoat andsuit harmonize in both color andweave.Whether you are· thinking ofbuying your'clothes of us Of. nol-you are cordially invited to calland see this showing of the sea-son's novelties.' .. -School Suits' $30 to $SOOvercoatTAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo Strires: 131 La Salle Street anda�d 44 Ja��son Boulevard.We make mun'g_breeches •./ ----Make your selections atREEl & K.at CO'S"The SatWac:ta.T'1111* III hilt H_Cor. Wabash Ave. and Lake St.CHICAGO. '.� .1,'l'. ," �I." •. ', 'I·]./. / LITERATURE WINS riRST '.OF CHAIIPIONSHIP S�Philosophy BuketbaU Team BeateD.15 to 10 in Semi-Final for JuniorCoUece Title.The first 'of the .two basketballgames which will decide' the' tripletie between Science, Philosophy andLiterature, was won yesterday by the"Lit" team from Philosophy, 15 to 10.Although the score at the end of thefirst half was 9 to '0 in favor of Lit­erature, the game was hard foughtand exciting throughout, and provedone of the best games played betweentwo college teams this year.Captain Nickerson of the Literatureteam proved the star of the game byregistering three field goals and onefree throw and holding his opponentdown to no baskets. Cohn, of the Lit­cr:lture team, and Diamond and Lev­inson, of the Philosophy five, alsoplayed well.Literature will play Science on Fri­day to decide the Junior college cham­pionship. Should Literature win fromScience, Philosophy will probablyplayoff the tie for second place withthe Scientists. Lineup:Philosophy LiteratureLevinson ...• R. F. . M. CohnDifford L. F. E. CohnWorthing C NickersonDiamond R G. WilliamsLevitan ., L. G. SturgeonField goals-Nickerson, 3; Dia-'mond, 2; M. Cohn, 2, Levinson, Will­iams, E. Cohn •.Free throws=-Levinson, 4; Nicker-son, I. .Fouls=-Literature, 7; Philosophy, 3.HITCU IN ELECTION OFJUNIOR COUNCIL HEADSpecial Election to be- Held Tomor­row-Other Officers AreChosen.--At its fi:st meeting of the quarteryesterday, the Junior College Councilran into a tangle over the election ofa chairman. A special meeting will THIt· DAILY MAROON •.be held tomorrow morning to elect a'permanent head. The other officerswere chosen without difficulty. Theyare: William Crawley of Science,vice-president; Arthur Wheeler. ofPhilosophy, treasurer} "Anna MarieWever of Science women, recordingsecretary; and Mary French of Artswomen, corresponding secretary. Theother members of 'th� council areMary Phister, Edith Young, AleckWhitfield, and Esmond Long. Thereport of Roberts B. Owen, the out­going chairman, was accepted.SOCK AND BUSKIN ELECTS;SARAH WILKES PRESIDENTDramatic Club Chooses ·Margaret.Ford vice-President and SueChatfield Treasurer.Sarah E. Wilkes was yestefday elec­ted president of the Sock and Buskin,the Philosophy women's dramaticclub. Margaret Ford was made vice­president and Sue Chatfield treasurer.A committee headed by Edith Sex­ton was appointed by the president toselect a good "college" play for thespring quarter. Since last fall, whena play was given, the women of theclub have not been active;"PHO�MIO" CAST IS 'SELECTEDTitle Role Given R. B. Owen at ArtsTryouts. .Arts men held tryouts yesterday for"Phormio," the Latin play which they.plan to give soon, and rehearsals willbegin immediately for the production.The cast is a large one, consistingof eleven characters, the title role be­ing taken by Roberts B. Owen. K.G. Karstang also bas a. prominentpart.The full cast follows:Phormio, R. B. Owen; Geta, K. G.Karsten; Demipho, F. ·C. Hecht; Anti­pho,·E. R. LOng; Phaedria, M.'E. Ull­man; Chremes, B.·· Hartley; . Davus,. Link; Dorie, Bauman; Sophrona,Nausistrata Atwater; Prologus, Whiteside .• ,'I'Ht)RSDA Y. APRIL 8. 1909·ONLY ONE.IIAH IN.JI1PTYA.SUCCESS. SAYS BARBERTeUa lIembers of Commadal Clab:&IaeDdal Qualities to RUe inBusiDesa.The inability to grasp opportunities·was advanced as the cause for failureby Courtenay Barber, general agentof the Equitable Life' Assurance Soci­ety, in his address before the mem­bers of the Commercial club lastnight. The speaker discussed thequalities of a successful man in anyline, and spoke of the insurance busi­ness in particular."Not one man in fifty," he said. "istruly successful. No man can be suc­cessful who has not used the oppor­tunities which have presented them-.selves, and used them to the best ad­vantage. This is the cause for thefailure of the other' forty-nine.. "Business is a profession, and the�ssential elements to success in it. arecharacter, self-confidence and belief inone's business. By intuition one cantell whether or not a man really be­lieves in his business, no matter whathe says.'"The semi-annual election of .officersof the Commercial club will take placenext Wednesday at a meeting to beheld at 10:30 in the Reynolds dub. AU'.members have been asked' to attend.' -Sophomore Class Meeting Tomorrow.. A meeting of the Sophomore classwill be held tomorrow at 10:30 in. Cobb 6A Instead of. next Wednesday,as was previously announced. At ameeting of the reception' committee .this morning the plans of the execu­tive board to have a dance on April9th were approved. The tickets forthe dance will be given to the mem­bers of the reception committee atthe meeting Friday. and they will havecharge of their sale.'.The latest : thing in advertising at'Syracuse is a smoker given to thestudents by the Regal 'shoe store. Re­·freshments were served and' souvenirswere given to everyone there.,. � -At the U�versity; of 'Oregon�1-the·. faculty does' not believe in . poli�cs, .·and has threatened to expel any�'stu­dent voting in� the coming: inabiclpalelection. .The Kercher Bath Go.SU .�Ita ... Aft..· Cor .: �� .. st.·The most Modem, Practicaland Luxurious' .. Institution .for Baths and TherapeuticTreatments in the west.FOR LADIBS.&lID .GBBTLRVRIIHours: Gentlemen, dallyat all hours. Ladies, 8 a. m.to 9 p. m. Sunday, 8 a. m.to I p. m.: The Union Hotel'andRestaurant·111-117 •• adoIph StreetWe deliver the. goods Free on 30 days. Trial litlilut One Cent Dlwn THE POPULAR.PLACE TO EATeither befOre or after the theatre.We make a specialty of Cluband Fraternity Dinners.the Goods"THESTARCK· PIANOand defy 'anyone anywhere in the United States to place a piano alongsideof the • 'ST ,\RCK" to beat it.Bargains always on exhibition.at our ware-rooms, as follows: Emer­son, $90; Kimball, 198; Knabe, 1110; Chickering, $125; Hardman,nearly new, 1145; Stei n way, 1100; Fischer, �5 and '145, and manvothers.Out of town correspondence solicited.is used in the most elaborate homes by people with a high musical trainingand ample means to buy the BEST STARCK PIANO or any otherhigh class piano, and the: "STARCK" is alsoused in the -��t m�esthomes by people who have more good judgment and taste for good musicthan they have money. WHY? Becauserst, The STARCK PIANO SURPASSES ALL. UPRIGHTPIAN?S IN NATURAL SINGING TONE QUALITY ewing to itsSounding-board construction, (it being built along the lines Of a violin,,) .and, It is delivered by the ManufactuM direct to the homes withouta middleman's profit either for cash or on any easy payment plan desiredby purchasers. ..P.A.Starck Piano Co.Manufacturers204-206 Wabash Ave., Chicago, U.s.A. ..: .. f i.t."W 0'1·. e' elverSororityPanelTalE.: Witta ft.,�·Made only byESMOER The Piano•.'King"King of Them All"271 Wabash Ave. �D2S71.�--- .'\�• • JTO ANY 8BLP�UPPORTING STUDENT.. We, can pat. you in touch with. dignified meth� o� 'increasia8 70lIl' _reY�nae-a meth� that is deaD aDd that inyolftS .; m.,mm.,.,. iIiCreue' ·0Jt '.':income at a minimum cxpeacIitare of time. The piau hU._aJreaq pl'Oft4its efficiency in other U�ftrisitia where self-resPeCtui& �....ppO�" .. ..: ;.dents have taken ap oar' method to.the exclusion of othenithqarepleuelan4 their �cial burden is solftd. We Can do as much for' jO& CaIl- '.any time during business boars at 39 Dearbom::S� 'or _ telePhone eeati.1''5114, and ask for 1Ir� GOldblatt. - .' - .. .�-.:. . a , � •Three or four people pay no more than one or lwQ when' ..riding in ODe of our T� .• !Telephone .Calumet '2798, Day or Night.. so Taxis availabie . Competent service .assu� •. :AUTO· ·:·TAXICA�B ,CO�··,_ ,':- i. . .... _, ,.' )' o· ,.' .. ' .,' . '.t.2441�43 .1ftlchlga .... ;·:Ave.u,.,.".....",·:PaIro .... �s.;,idI;;, . '... .... .... -'. "'.� �� .. � � �................ .'A'hinder'b'� �i. �.: \?' :;':'�' ,:.. SeleCtyo�.SPriDg·�ui���i�." Abraham Lincoln once said: ul dOn't care:ho� .. mucl.. you say, providing you., it in a'few words.'�We want to say tn � in a few words that'oar 'early arrivals in Spring 'Suitings -and.OYen:oats·are -s-,here-the earlier you come in the widet � your chOice �-you may order now if loa wish..Jor . delivery four 10 .six weeb bence This is of mataal beOefit beca:_ ·it;pn. you the choi:e of the best and aIlowaoar!ai1on.plenty of time. Better drop in and see the adnnce� ... hrie of S.mmgii � styles at College lien'. prica-. .: 135.(J<tap.' . �' .. ';.•• .• ':-c'� '�';;"�er' .- Wilkie·� .. - ..... -�� .�. .TaiIon\\ : �.-� .: .; :/;185 De.rbom St.-�Ooeolate.��,.,;'. SdI 10 aD,. � OIl � elf ,....· ... w. ...-c .",1 S I.� t:::mpt ' .. r poIIIaC..... plld:inc.• Ynu aft 1liiy Iloe rr:ubr poun.l bolln at IeMiIIc.� t'mt'l� poo ... L:. Or 1IIentI�llor r.n �boll: (�:*-ip) aM dllft Inll:,' tlutliatn (11 :1124 ...... 11jcolon. ., adt-miflhc) of OIIr fa".,.. SoNIb GIrli........-.u cMqa paW. A4Idftllloda,i r.,w ..... c..,.. �n':".,. ......... ------.....T-. ...t���?":· ," '. , =;'" - ,'� •�.;,! .'"",.r•M "'.... ' ,..fi " .. � ..... � ' .. i ....... '1" � ...... -•.. ..... _' •••• f! '" _. � " ,�. ... .. I .... -l .... �" .. � ". . '.' �Amil�ien&f" -·APJtD;��:S�joDAY------------'" �--.I ItL-I"l�t01S�.Olga NethersoleTIIB".�G OB'TBB WALL.S·-TUD:·�BAK¥=RDustin F arnum,'in ,"Cameo Kirby!'By Booth Tarkington and Harry Leon" �:.A tribute bas� been paid the Uni­versity by the Rev. Marion Balcells,S .... J! of Toitosa, Spain. In an inter­View: giverr iu :Bbston, Father : Bal-;cells· saicl-· .. .. . ... '.: "Harvard' college. is .not .spoken of. so highly abroad as some years ago.- Today the University of' Chicago en-DQtW"ERS. .joys' the-prestige -that· Harvard form-r ,- tHE:. JiAMtt. y 'erl:at�"BaJcells�is a SpaDiard .. o£ theJesuit order, and is a scholar of con­Play, by. Robert .. H •. Davis.. I>irec:ticxulL • siderablc ,anti" iit Europe, He was,.- Hemy Miller. formerly a clvil,C!nsi.DC!eF and, astron-.Iii .� H� : omer aud,bolds the:-poaitfOlt1of diree-C C.�.ur::t! � . 1 tor ·oFsolar. pb.ysics".at: th'e:·UitiversityFrederick Tbomp_son's Mammoth of Ebro in Tortosa, At present he is .ProduCtion; a: guest 'at· Boston college but expectsVia Wireles5� " to Ieave- 'soon for Chicago.. , ��""< •Em'est t DeKovcm �flln8Wel1 will.'. arrive. i� ,.Se,a�!�e J�Y ",.��!e, he, 'Y'�lmake p.rep�rations for his - tour, .Into: tNe extreme' nortli" ·to . O;plore theeoastss He: is: being '.sent . on this tripby. the University and .. also by thei hydrognphic:al office of the UnitedStates government. .The trip.·will occupy two years and• win·start· May 1 from Seattle, as soonas M'r; Leftiingwell outfits his boat,mn t. erna.. tiona,.l. i' _ : the' Argo. He will leave Seattle May! 1; and - wiD 1 bead his boat thence to� Sat� &1:-, AIr •. 11_. t Point Barrow and Flaxman island,.......... , IiIj r.- I.�'_'s'·: .which . lie will make the headquarters1- n_ ... ·of: his, prospective trip. .'; ." Tbe Workl's Seasatiaa- 'I'RY' '1'0' ..... -. Prices50c 10$1_ 1Ia1S. Saa_ Wed.� Sat�·c�. 'pTinc�; ,[h�e- : ;'��G, De PI_II '1·_ ; �""'ta make from $3.00 to·$IO.OOMuskal Fantasy with He!IrY.' Woed. a, �y while. att�inl sc�ooL Onendfaad·Georgia.CaiDe:- sta4eot·at�URlvenlty.of Chacago madt� $1,000.00 in. one year. Another atChampaign maJL.es· $1&00. a". Wftic.TWenty-five. ·ingenioas. plaus tliat youcan'worT ript now'sent for-25 centscoia t or st3mps-.. A�dress� M. C. Stu­dent's· Aiel.service, 3123:caJinnet Ave.,CII�-.THE GARRlCKA play of Chicigo.lf"r Chicago.fmm a novel bygaS,Cbicagoan·TIle Great JOJm,GantODIIHcVICKERS· ..J.'� . 'Henry" Mi'ner-In his Most:�t'lR�"The Gr.eat Divide:W'HrTN�,. Richard �rle's Hit.The "'Boy and tile. {rlcrRicb.ud,Carle's: Ne_w· SOaz. Show.LaSalle Theatrej' De Golden·GIrI;,Spectaai&r: Masical"PIayM'atineesTuaays, Th�'Saturda�.,. .,:; ..j AIERICAN. =�f:W.baab AYe. and Peck- CoaIt'The Show Place of Chicajo and alwaysa·Show of Quality."TWO BIG SHOWS'A DAY.MAJESTIC.1 1 CONTINUOUSVAUDEVILLE12· .. Acts This Week. Prices-:-,' I ';-2S-50-7SC.O·. Iympic Music HallTwo performaDces daily2 andS p. ID.ALL STAll VAUDEVILLE It .... · �'CaInocatioD 8peec:bof � ... Shon,._commeata:OD' coUeP 8,.um.The April niunt»er of the Univer-. sity of Chicag� �a�ine. appears. oncampus this" -morning, Amone theleading articles' is : the' concoction' ad­dress on; "The.- Spirit of the Univer-.. sity of' Chicag�," bY' Professor Paul--:-Shorey.. President Judson's Quarterly' state­ment·on-the- conditi01t"or' the' Univer­i. also contained .. CoUep S"'_ DiscuuedWhether the, colleges .or classesare to be tlie rule at the Universityis dlseussed in an. editorial which. considers the progress that has- been.. made" in the University Ul1<ler· thecollege.' system.CHICAGO RATED ABOVEHARVARD �y SCIENTIST'!'be Rev. Balcells of Spain Speaks inGlowing Terms of University..; LImFIHGWBLl;. m. SBNr.rDEF�R T�UR TO FAR �ORTH. To.Baepue.for �v.rm-lhplea­.tio. of Alaslraa... eo.. WIIic:b, S�. Kay. �l:-:. .:WA1ft'BIJ-Colfege men for new1iDe..sUmmer propositioa paJing. $30to $60 a week. Pleasant work, DOtbooR A1Idftss: Daily IlaI'OOll,W.A;�""Ib'"TIleNewat··_,.' �he' ladl"'� Reom•......�Ir .. _�1IaIIel()ppoIite. the IUiDoiI Thater Do'- You' Wailta. Clean, Home.. COokecl�Meal"_?'•caME· DOWN·· TO,�th ST. ANDGIV;E: US A.TRIAI:.4741-- E 55th 5t.I. COMMUTATION- RATES1350 FOR'I�()(rI AM now .. showing. exquisite styles, inthe- spring's: dic­tations. in-ladies' tailor �ed .suitings. .J havefa�hiQlIj' s. .smartest: de..crees-, in. the: latest- di .. ·.agonal English serges.soft firrishi ·,·stripe.! worsteds and men's; wear cloth.. Fabrics:: j'n all the. .newest ideas. of colbrings' .With my twenty years ofexpenence catering to theclothes tastes of. Chica,o's·well i dressed women, I amemin�ntly .capable of rend.ering the highest possible ser­vice to .the fastidious' tastes ofthe college airl. Futher Iam making garments at aprice suiteci'to the means ofof tbe. college girl.J would greatly appreciatea call at my new quartersA. C. CliimberoffI: 603, 604, 605 Handel Han1 At Number Pony Randolph SLA.SCHOENI ,.IID·11111llOR..,. rae ""uaw FAST. TRAlBS.. DAY. AIm BIGHTIbst -ServieeBetweenCHICAGO� INDIANAPOLIS.nAYTON. CINCINNATIA�D WEST BADEN,FRENCH LICK SPRINGSFrank J. Rt"ed. Gen� Pass. Agt.E. P. Cockrell, A. G. P. A.Chicago'WOULD' YOUpay one hundred dollars for.. a standard typewriter or lessfor an inferior machine.-if� you couldget the best of the'standards at a splcial priceof lSO,-tinie- payment?1HEN OONT' 00 IT- ): am Selling the best standard· macbine-�NEW-at $50. :.Only 15' down; time pay­· ment,CAN· YOU' BEAT' IT ..' Everybody ·kNows· THE· ·FOX. : Ask' my customers'about theirs. Free instruc­tion to purchasers. Samples· at room�56 Middle D. Hall.� St.arring;. u, of c A.t-··;····��REMbN:T"·�10 .' - ". .' •the style of the'season-it's an. zs ceats eac:Il- 2 ror 2S ceattI.Cluett. Peabod7 a Co., .. akera" AnvwC .... �25ceata.pakARRowCOL.I.ARI SY ... C\VI If QIllRT /.�/. .BALDWIN-MADEPIANOS· AND.LAYIIl PIANOSA PRODUCTTRAT' I I _,.llS TIE ."'S _EST _US• •. / . IThe aGel of the BaldWin m:acJ.einstruments·is no higher than'isoften· paid for Inferior makes.Quality Considerecl"theya1'e byfir the MOlt Moderatel, PricedInstnJmen1S on the market.GIn' TeI1IIS ., Pa�1It will al ..Plea .. V ...Plea� pay us a visit of inspec­tion before concluding a purchaseelsewhere.The' Baldwin_MANUFACTURER267-269 Wabashr 'Ave.Co. 2000 "Spring . and SUmmer'Styles Now Ready.�. !tN�. Jerrems"SonsCLARK' AND AD Aas STREETS.-In buyingyour Sprlng.suit,of course there are, certainthings you have aright toexpect.-'rhe are style, fit, work­manship, .quality of fabric'and prlces ill accordancewith value received .... . ....-These . qualiflcationa areabsolutely guaranteed inbuying y<,ur suit of us ..HERZI(A. BROS.,& a.TAILOllS,''112 Eut:'5ard Street.1 ;." .or" .I f I did. not consider mjie.f thethe very best�:taiIodn ·.tbis . town forsnappy critical college men whoknow what good clothes are, I wouldnot take up your time.. As it is youcan do yourself a mighty good tumif ·you .will step in at. my place andlet me sh�w you the. kind tof clothesI am building, for fellows who wantthe best, and v my prices are withinanyone's means."August J. Kantz.87 WaaJimctaa St...'�ins all' the TimeReliable· Rebuilt T� aU makes;rebuitt in our own' fkctory; better andcheaper than others. Se.; for JOUIRIL.: THE TYPEWRnER EXCBARSE319 Dearboin.st: A.. 'JJ COllSa; Mgr.��H.m-.G5· ._Three year course leading to thedegree of Bachelor of Laws.Four year course leading to the de·gree of Master of Laws. .FJYe year course 'l�ding' to the de­gree of Juris: Doctor.For Catalogue addressSecretary of Law ScbOoI,Nortliwest .... UIII, .. lIt� ........C;BI�OO, r. ,'. '0