..: ,.�'........ I··�·� - .", .-'. \... ,. )., � �:. ". ._., •.. ,."0-r: ... : -"': � *." ,f·-. ':0':O�·..•.-;' ·�. .... �. to _ " .... "', �". .- �-'.... '.� I ••"COLL'EGE' COURsES TOO DULLProfeaor' FJaaer Calla lDatractumill CoUece Too AbMrbed iD ._aearch-FoUow Subjects Too Nar­I'OWl� to be - Good: Te.cbcn..A vigorous attack on the excess ofresearch work carried on in the mod­em college was made by ProfessorAbraham Flexner before a large gath­ering of the faculty last nigt in Hutch­inson Cafe. Not only did he' denounce'the tendency to too much attentionto . research work. bpt said that theold 'methods of teaching were betterfor students than those u�d at, pres.. ent, He-lauded the University of Chi­cag(_) and said· that' its lack of tradi­tions .leaves the University free' towork for its own best interests. "We.may well be thankful," he said' "that'we are not hampered by the cus­toms' and traditions that literally tiedown' many older instituions. It isonly- because' of the' elasticity of theAmerican university that we are' abletodo what both the,Ge�an·.Univer­sity and gymnasium together'. are re­qui red to do.Raps', Resard!..The two faults the speaker foundwith the college system as' it existstocby were the narrowness of the'VOLUME Vil-No '114 CHICAGO,· WEDNESDAY, APRIL '1 ;. :."Two per cent of young men ofthis country go to college, and in theprison at Sing Sing two and one-halfper cent of the prisoners are collegemen driven there through high lifecultivated in college."The above statistics were cited lastnigbt�by Mr .. E.-e: Mercer in his ad­dress 'OIl� the eollege-' ;D1an's tempta­tious under the religious conferencenuspiees.: With other' equally start-·ling. obServations.: based: on practicalexperience- he, held· an" audience. ofmen i,,: Mandel deePly intere-�tea forover an hour, Numerous testimoni­als islJ':�ihet- way of. newspaper clip­.pinlJ.;i::pb�tographs and letters fromcol� D!��. gone' to ruin were di­vui�"" -. --'. : ·BIIiaDea .. PKalty."Ti!e fatik .... is· witb. the faculty. Yourbrains: are- crammed with knowledgebut · your moral side .is forgotten. men who are more interested. in re­What" the: college·· man today needs. search than the subjects they are teach-·is a little more moral training and iqg and the lack of an efficient prepa-less o!i.:.the· higher: education." .ration for profeS$ional' work.. �TheAfter Mi: Mercers lecture pir.ector_ .. preseI)Lday_.idea,� he said,� �is�thatStagg,., who- PRSided .. · spoke a few..·. ryth' h Id be' 1 . I h... � .h n._1 e,!e ," �g ,� ou, " Oglca , . t atwords to the. men, an. s ort taaa.:t. .... "- .h-.'.. ., . . . .' " ,d', . -. if �--!1to '.': '_ - J-.eryt �g ID.· a' COIU'Se' shoUld. be di-weremae��� D./·'... ' '.',''. '. -r. _".;_ -.;. _ -_ '__ ' - -'-".; .:..� "!.I'edly_- ,�e�ted_: to �tJae; �dy of., tbata.,��..,. .... ��.��. ,��:'tI-�,'',< �,." F. �-����"�,-'''''' _';"D':'L:�diYs1�' Ct': . .:.:,..-. -,._ _ .�"'., •... ' �vJ�� .. .IU� .. �. tue pro-'Dr. GPriMv- Speab:-'_'�Ili ,if:':: ;. :".: ''. ':.. ,'..,'. .'.' '. '�, '_�-" ;;� .. ':' fessnr felt no 'pangs of 'coDscienc:e ifDr. Frank W_ Gmasaums. >�c h� . d' ..:....-.... ... :. ,- ., 'h' " ,.' ,- .-, .'. .:� d·· .. ·.. I , .. ;",: t wan lI:TlC'U�lnto-·t e terntOry'abut-at the afternoon, meebD&-. we 1: .011". .' h' b-' . '.. -.' - ,,:' .,� _ .. ,.. '.; bng IS su Jed so that the study ofthe!, necessity Jor' distaDce-o. �", � Vat·'· I dtd h . h's ective in a ,... mnatio .... · of In Inc u, ,.:- .mne . anCIent 15-p �-=-app .. L..;. '.- '. tory, the study' of c:nstoms� and kin-a .great man;. ,�.I&g.! tlliAt It was . • • .'-. ,... -. ,dred. tOPICS.: �TocIay the. oppoSIte ISf':<r.edlent· for: Jesus' to 80,··:&$ It wa5'- .; t' ..., d 'th .'. I • h .h .. , ", th . ..L __ ,�· .I .: rue, a!, '. e resu t IS t at courses15 memory· n er UIiUI· Ule c ose . d"d' d d· - Th.f" h- '. . U· . .L_ : .are ry, ea an uninterestIng. econtact· 0 . IS" penon ty t_t was , '. .' .h. .' 'I "': - ,-k·-� "H ; cnt�non of the modem class roomIS gre:ll· epcy to man luu...� OW-,. I" - h . .... ;d h ' - .' ·I.�" - . - •. IS OglC were It ought to be on thegreat,' S.'I t e: speAJUa ID purs1llllg: .. -h b· "how -. AI- queshon of mterest. The college cant e �u Ject, Feat IS Ice·. ". . .. -. . .'., _. . not succeed If It depends upon re-Freeman Palmer . how. great is WiJI.; �. '._. '. . ,. .' ' . � : search work alone_ It must be S1llt-lanl Rame) Harpel now that tbey, ; .. .i t th' - d:":� .I of h'f' .,.-. ,�o e In .. lUna needs t e stu-are' gone' rom us.: '. '.T '. L_ ._j�, . . dent and to the structure of societyurmq to ..... � s�aucu� departure', d ·1 - d' h·f th U· 'nit Dr C' I·· an untl It GeS t at It cannot fulfillrom e' � y, -' 1IIIA1I 1IS. its largest work. .. ·&aid: UlJ'be best�thiq tbt:a; _"er��!t:,: can do for a-.1t1Ideat �is ·to· makehim strong eu011p, to staaeS: aloDe'after he· bas left . its: anT; walls."·Gifts StarttiDc· Pi_Pres' ill' 'Spadl toShow Ho.- UDiftnil7 ·lIeDHelP Yill PriaoDs.Blames FKU1tieS for Cnmming"LeanaiDC Without lIonJity"into StadcDts.12 PItBSBIIBH .BMTB1t.POR.CNo;·OO..........-r;PIOZB·c.Ia Award of._ Ihpet to PInty_ S .......... Liat Still. 0,...With a dozen, FresJamen· eateredfor the examiaatioa: is civil govern­ment to be held" Saturday, competi­tion for the newly founded cash prizeof $3)0 is exceeding the anticipationsof Professor C. E. Merriam.The donor of the scholarship,which is to be given every year forfive years, has imposed the follow-'ing conditions:· The contestants musthave been in residence at the Uni­versity at least two quarters, musthave not cxceedi�g nine majors ofcredit, and must have obtained an av­era� grade of C fot class work. Thewinner IlIUM obtain a mark of atleas� .'per cent, and may Jaa� hiswritten eXamination' �plement� byan onl t�st. Urps Vocatiaaal CarricaILHe expressed the'· opinion: that the: 'preparation for professional workwas . not : special enough and that cur­�'ncula should be provided for those:. going into medicine, law and specialwork. The idea that useful studiesshould IM= encouraged, he, said, wasright and he u� that· a completereconstruction of the college sougalong this line' aad according to v0-cations be undertakeu at ouce.Dr. R .... 011 ..... 8torIea,In Senior Chapel YHte1'day Rev.Dr. Henson pn a second talk on thefaces of the �st· found in the bookof EzekiaL He discussed the char­acter portrayed by the face of a manor the humane type."y ou have seen the faces of menonly," said Dr. Henson, "but youhave never seen the face of a man.The faces which you see are eit"efof men fallen from their true 8� «we accept' the oJ" s�, cw of """who have ftqt ie� �,tai1ae4. to tbtl.true glory, if ",e take the idea of evo­lution. " lAKE _,.iiicD· FIR·C1Sllf lYllit lIARThe Ym81 Selection. 01lB OF. TBB ,GUEST OF THEPD CLUB 'fO..B1GBT� ,CoacM. of BIKk&iar. Open liakeup .1IiDda 011 Ymal llake-upof CompaDy. PIa_ Wid· for. 5O .. at- Foan!r' .A.Jaa.IToaia&t-Li�. NotalMa,.as Guata;.Cast to Beem Rcbcaruls Tonicht­Man,. Candidates for Chorus 'Re­spoad to CalL IIisa . VOir Voliea" to rlecite -rr.eMatinee ;cHrl'!-Y� �,�"erson. Roup. ,Arrangements for the fourth all­nual "Ladies' Night" banquet of' th�Pen" Club are' complete for the big�gest affair of. the dub yeu. toDight iDHutchinson Caf� The club: 1riD: eir­tertain . some' of the' best khown-- Iit-· .erary people of Chicago:Plates-.wil! be laid for' fifty� �eO-' '. pIe .and the Cafe will be tasteftiilt'dtc:.;orated with' banners and ftowet'� for'the oecasion.: .Above is the' �;t for "The Lyrical One of the most interesting. features.·.Liar," as selected in the final tryout on the programme will 'be:ti1e!ftuderl.:'for parts held last night at the Rey- . ing of "The Matinee Girl,": tiy., Mias:nolds club. In some instances it was Ella Van Volkeuberg. 'this monol�gdiffi�1t to make choice; as the con- "when:given':at;a,publiC-·�tul'Obt·i testants were so' evenly matched. of the down-toWn Itheateri:.jat lffllter' .; Bowman: and Merrill. are urged to' was pronounced by th� draDia�) crit�� come out for the rehearsals, as two. ics as the most- hnmorotls 7 and.. witty.: minor girl parts which have' been: . dramatic'. prodbCtiOD- of the; �D. .' .:, made' from some 'of, the chorus parts 1I0000JoRae TIIe:"P�� :: :! are open to them. As the cast is now . Miss ValiVoliceuberr.'Whb�WiUI�e·: complete; the m� 'can begin' master- ; this .. monoloif,: POSRsS� a'��,��arbhU-:, ing their: parts, There will be' a re- .. memOry; : xn: hert �tenal u; �., hearsal of the' cast in the' club tonight : directly; ftolD the'stl� and., :Dtet-·.t��-at seven .o�c�ock, and all members 'EMERSON HOUGli� . .!�n�;a perfomrailCc:"d'the��Mmust: be present. . -' , .. ."." .' � sh;:is: able. to reprod� tft-Cbinpi�Chorus 'A(lplKiDiS:P1eaSe . cOacbeL.. i MERRIAII . WINNER BY 3,000' . play with: stage-1nlsiftsS'Uci:cIialOIai!;'�ere �ere forty' out .for the' cho-' . directly;. ftblil- memb�; . Es-": ''\t'u' .'ras 'yesterday afternoon, and they : . ,,:V:0�be�!.JiU:,� �.:�.<'. tOQ�:'�7"the."song$.-.weIi Tbis_ ��.�'S&owriDCJ.APi ... F :��rolt·to·.,�iciao:.�tlr .... _��:,; .'.,aft.�Ir,a�tIi .. ��aDothe.:·clio:.u,re..':· : .... oPPoaeat in A:)den;.;'';c·o."ipeip- "':Tt, :I��:�,,�_.�:��� ., hearsal :�i11 be held in (th�Reynolds ��� on 'Pl.n 0( W�, -ba' : � le-: varlOUS'l da�.�i8. ��te'��� .I b. A th h L_":__. d fi ._..." .J time woald:-DOt2.aow.roJier"ur,::�" ."c.u s yet ere as �,no e - the City·CouDciI.·. '. ;: \ ..' .. � ,; .. , ," , .. ; :- � .. ,.:. < .;�......nite selectioa.�f� the chorus,.so that �. entire ,Ciru.··� -lib �-each' 'maD.· .. has� an, equal opPortunity. __ . ,ed to' gm�. "The; �� . G�":·. '-: � ·"The-.: applicants- for the' chOruses 'Elected with Q plur3Ht)r of aVer 6,-' - .1In..:.Peattie!.I'�, ,'"are the best singers th�t have' ever 000" Associ3te . Professor: C. E_ Mer� 1'� o�'l.t;:· : �Jia;: -.._v': ��.� .. �ther .�.come out bat· we need more tenors" tUm yesterday set a p.eW record' fo� '. e evenang, Will sptiak. on. �said Ma.:ager Lightner last night. the Sev;rith' ward at the . aldermanic' y�)1I1l�er AmericaD:��'<"�.'''Now that the cast is picked the men contests.· Never in years . has: a' Can�" Peathe's �k,aa:a:ilOft�aDctl� :;.' ,will be given their. parts and will be. didate be'en voted in by the ward wi�b story .. writer has· giyeD'! hU .�.' [�:.' .expected to know them by the time s�ch acclaim as yesterday. 'Dr. Mer� place�iiJ;.the Iiteriary· .... o�ldi �hile'litr;·::Coach Herbert returns on the 19th. riam also holds the distinction of: position' as· criti� 011' the-:' .��.By then we expect to' be able to re- bringing to the polls a iarger contin?' should make' her' opinioas� oa·· tJW:ihearse the whole show without the gent :0£: the registered voters than younger:.dramatist�; 0(; vaI� �i._use' of a book." have ever been counted before. terest. .' ."The management is well pleased Of the votes cast, 7,700- were for Another guest: of' fame' as' a' ��with the material that has come out. Professor Merriam and l,mo for Mc- ist is' Emerson Hough�' who' lias- ap-We used the elimination process of Keown, his ·Democratic opponent. A peared before·the·Pen c.ab mtiae-� .selection, having, held several tryouts, few scattered 'votes went' for the Pro- :md'is known· to the- older- iDeiaben-.·each time weeding· out the poorer ma- hibition and Socialist candidates. Other guests of bODOr oldie; �ing Will be' 'Miss; Clara· La- Iib· ..:......:terial. We. trust .that those who did' Dr. lIemiua Tells PoHq; iIUUnot make the �s Will give their Professor Merriam declared his ex- Mr. aad.- Mn. Homer J� CUr. .support to the' show by coming out treme satisfaction· at being hono1:ed Tire' members Will) meftt '08' tilefor the choms." with the position. • second 8001' of the ReyDOlds; ChItii-"I am greatly gratjfied,� he said last the dinDel'" to begia ·at 7 o'dOck.· .BAN OR. CLUB JIiKB1iNGS night. "and I hope' I will not disap-,. I CALL.IiBETJNG·OP·II1JII •• _·iN BlTCHCOCK PARLORS. point the· people who put me In .have no definite program framed up StIIcIIbta: of' lIodera' Dr.. . ., ....Work To-IIOI"f'OIIIt.:Tom Wynne W. P. HenryBud \Varde Renslow Shere"; Jack Strong Ed. Parry·Hosiah Snooks H. R.' BaukhageAudrey Warde H. DeutchJess Hope :. .. J. W_. MorrisonMaggie Malone Dean Kennedy· Miss Grummer Frank Parkerat present."Two points are to be' emphasized.First,. that an aldennan' should behonest, and secondly, effic:ient and in­te11i�nt. It is better to emphasizegood sense and good judgment uponmeeting problems than to go in withsome wen-defined plan."· eo.mopoutaDa at Opea BDtertaiD­..... ts � to Be .GheD'Ii1IIe. The MUlllmen� wiD meet- too_";row morning in Co�b c._A. to plaatheir course for the remainder of the.quarter. The organization bas losthalf of 1fs members and is now with­out 'the leadership of Dr. JlartiaSchutzc. The work of the Mummenis the- study and writing of mode ... ·realistic plays.Members of the'lnternational Clubwin enjoy the indulgence of Dr. e.P. SmaD. new head of HitchcockHall, in the use of Hitchcoch par­lors, for the last time Friday nightat. their entertainment. Dr! Srnal1, ingiving permission to the �o.mopo1iaansociety yesterday, statecl that the priv­ileges of Ule .-arlon fecal1ed for eventsof allirincts hereafter.The en,erlaiDment will be open to. men'and'woman, and Wl11 consist of aProp'alll in which f()1'eigners will givePerformances characteristic of theiraatIoaL Commercial Club tonight. TheCommercial Club will banquet thisevening in the Common Cafe. Mr.Courtenay Barber, «cncral agent forthe Equitable Assurance Society,. winbe the guest of honor and' win ad­dress the dub members on --Life In­surance." After the dinner the semi­annual election of' club officers Wl1lbe held. Mila Yoaaa, a..ea, C.IIIC"'�Miss Edith Young' was chosencouncilor' by the women of J:'td1�phy College yesterday. There WU'a hard fight for' the oIice, a1Id' )Ills',ouna defeated the ot1m' two DOIIII­netS by a narrow IIIUlPn-r,:��:.�;"; ,,"'�� .: :, ....r� ..."� �-.;; ...Frank J. Reed. Gen. Pass. Agt.E. P. Cockrell, A. G. P. A.Chicago�.' I .-THE DAILY �AROQfi,".... ,,"'_"��1J"."""" � .. ....,.........� WeeIIIJ' 0etieIIIir Ie J-.2'M n.IJJ'. �. � � ••• � � �. � ••••• 0etie1IeI' � ...�,"�""''''-IIaD.'''�.eqo, � CIaIeqo, ....... IIaftIl1& uoa. ..... Mt .. ·1IaftJl I, J.ID.,hbu81ae4 daIIJ'. � ....4QII _4 .,.._. 4.- an. , �..n.nof the VIlh'enIt7 �..�""'''''''''7eMJ''''r _ •• bill .� ..TIle __ ••••• .JI:IIIa ...'rIIe� .. t ..... � .....auroK :F. _GM8::� '-"" ___IIKLVIX or. AD ___•• &. .� •••••••••• A&IaIetIa .......&. L. :rJUDS'I'BDl , __ ......THGS. .. MDJ .,......,._ .....Aasoou.'.rB Drr08&A. Go WhWIel4: JH. FelaeDthal �"A.·Lo ...Vallee 9. �pelBBPO:aTBBS.Il. F. CarpeDter\108e8 LentaDW. B. Ll074C. W. Wuhbume A. LothB. s. Da)JB. F. Bm.W. s. FooteN .... a»Dtrlbatlo IDQ be left at ....BaU or I'aealt7 By np. a4� toTbe DalI7 IIarooL1 iIl II I!iI !IIIIII:1 We . will probably get used to call­ing him Alderman M'erriam in thecourse of time.At Wiscon'sin they are now con­sidering a scheme to make a com­bination ticket which will admit thebearer to both the athletic contestsand debates in the hope of side track­ing some of the audiences that cometo football galI_les and track meets.If they would decide to distributesome of the prize money among thelong-suffering and more or less pa­tient audience they might have morehope of filling' the seats.�il-IIIi Chicago has the material for a win­ning baseball team this year� and ifthe University does not. make an excellentshowing on the dia­mond, the blame can belaid at the door of thestudents, where it ,!iII belong. Withthe best of material there is little' en­,couragement for good work with anaudience of two or three coaches,some substitutes and a half dozenpeople who have paid to get in.There have been nothing but minorgames so far, it is true, but the tend­ency 't� neglect baseball which basbeen painfully evident in past seasonsseems to have set in already.The students to a man ought to getout behind the team and boost for achampionship as they have done infootball and basketball Chicago basthe baseball men to do it this year.They ought to get out in numberssufficient to warrant the presence ofthe band and the cheer leaders. It isan .opportunity for Chicago to re­triev� her baseball reputation, if thestudents will give a creditableamount of support.Up totheStudentsrI,t, �. LITERATURE WOllEN ELECTChooSe Secretary-Treasurer aDd Ex­ecutive Committee at lleetingyesterday., .Miss Alice Lee was elected secre­tary-treasurer of Literature college ofwomen at yesterday's meeting. MissLee succeeds Miss Geraldine Brown,who resigned immediately after herelection last week. The executivecommittee follows: Miss ElizabethDickey, Miss Ellen MacNeisb, MissElizabeth Hurd, and Miss Irene Has­tings.The chairman of the college, Miss'J azel Stillman, was elected lastweek.i'I 1I 'r- :t I• I"I"�f, DR. �"\BACK PORLECTURES ON PAR EAST,'Abaeat for Y4f8r lind Half. WiD Re­IIUIDe TAlb UIlCIer EzteuiOllBureau AuapiccLDr. 'royokichi Iyenaga, who lec­tured here from 1893 to 1908, hasjust returned from- a year' arid a halftrip to Japan, China, Macedonia andthe Philippines, and next quarter williregin a series of lectures. under theauspices of the University ExtensIonBureau,Dr. Iyenaga is one of the most en­tertaining and witty, as well as schol­arly, lecturers on the University ex­tension staff, and his .leetures are ex­pected to meet with great success.The topics on which he will lecturewill be: "Oriental Capitals: TheirSocial and Political Significance;""Progress and Problems of the FarEast;" "Japan: Her People and In­stitutions."WILL AID W. A. A. CAMPAIGNGirls' Glee Club Votes to Join Causeof New Gym by Giving Concert, on April �Women Militant. .Determined to keep their plea fora new gym sounded until answereddespite the faculty's official discour­agement of the project, the Women'sAthletic association yesterday an-­nounced a concert to be given by theWomen's Glee club in Haskell as­sembly room on the night of April 30.The glee club has declared its in­tention of turning over its net re­ceipts to the cause of the new ath­letic home. A tentative program in­cludes readings by Misses Kiper andKimball, a soJo by Miss ElizabethBurke, and several chorus numbersby the women of the club.. PRQS���IVE COlfSULS �EETThose ,Interested in New SchoolCaUed by Professor Merriam.The recently organized consularschool of the University, 'of whichProfessor Merriam is the head, will,probably take on more definite shapetomorrow when a meeting of all thoseinterested in the courses offered willbe held at the request of ProfessorMerriam, who desires to discussmatters connected with the newschool. A broad invitation has beenextended all students interested inconsular or foreign commercial serv­ice to meet at 10:30 in Cobb 9B, andit is expected that twenty or twenty­five persons will be present.RAIN STOPS' GAIlE ·WITHBANKERS IN FOURTH INNINGScore is 0 to 0 at Cloee--PagePitches for theV�.With only four innings played, therain yesterday caused a postponementof the game with the First NationalBank team. Tbe score when thegame was called was 0 to 0, neitherteam baving been able to solve thedelivery of the opposing pitcher.Page was on the slab for the Var­sity and pitched a good game up tothe time when it was called.NOTICESCohsular Senice-Students inter­ested in preparing for the consularservice are requested to meet Thurs­day, April 8, in Cobb 9C, at 10:30with Professor Merriam.Propoeed Amea4ment to the Capand Gown constitution: "To substi­tute the words 'associate editor' forthe -Words 'literary editor' whereverthe latter words occur on the textof the constitution." To be voted onby class of 1911 on Wednesday, Aprill.fth. ' •• ���'.' • _£:� .. -'- .. � .... - ...That our stock. of Foreignand Domestic Woolens isnow complete and embracesall the new sbades andcolors FAST TRAI.SDAY AlID BIGHT.ON '�£'}bst ServiceBetweenMOORE & HARRIGTOIL CO.Tailors441 East 63rd St. CHICAGO. INDIANAPOLIS.DAYTON. CINCINNATIAND WEST BADEN.FRENCH LICK SPRINGSBet. Kimbark & Woodlawn Ave.Let us Fa s b ion yo u.rapparel and demonstrate toyou, our k.nowledge of Sar­torial Art.When you see yourself in oneof our new Spring Overcoats, youwill be proud of the fact that itwas made in the, "Jerrems way."The new Spring patterns andfabrics for overcoats and suitingsare here now-ready for you, tochoose from ..Twilled fabrics in greys and softcolors are the favorites this seasonThe ultra fashionable thing isto have your Spring overcoat andsuit harmonize in both color andweave.Whether you are. thinking ofbuying your clothes of us or nol-you are cordially invited to cal1and see this showing .of the sea­son's novelties.,'School Suits $30: to $50Overcoat·, .TAILOR FOR YOUNG .MENTwo Stores: 13i La Salle Street aridand 4:" Jackson Boulevard.We make riding breeches.PATENTED.BAJQ) ANDBOSOMDOltS ITWhere to DiaeI'TheNewest RoomThe Indian RoomTheWellinlloD HotelOpposite the Illinois Theater ., -Developing. Reducing, FacialandScalp Massage. .-Electric.. Light, . Steam and' HotAir Baths.' �We cater to Professors :and students:especially.Hyde. ParkHygienic Insti�te,M. �lNDEJtOTP. M. G., Manager:Phone H. P. 4454432 E. 55th St., Cor. LexingtonAv¢., �nd Floor. .A r�OD�CT THATHOLDS TIE W'.LI'� .I'R.EST IO�ORSThe �t of the �Idwin madeinstruments is rap higher than isoften paid for tnferioF makes.Quality considered they are byfar the Most Moderately PricedInstruments on the marttet. ,/ I IOn, T....... ., PI�__ wit, al ... ;p"a .. YtttI.Please pay us a "i�' Of inspec­lion before concluding .. pprctla�elsewhere. THe "EW CUTURY6�rylMarket Co.W ... J. THO".\S, Prop,Fresh Fish and Oysters, Poultry andGame. Fresh Vegetables received daily.Prompt delivery. Tel. Hyde Park 1361, 45J bit FlftJ-FI"" St""'.The Baldwin Co.MANVil' ACTUIUtR267 ·269 Waba.h Ave.-iThe King Piano"King of Them AU"271 Wabash Ave. Harrison 2571 ;I. .iI Do You Wanta Clean HomeCookedMeal.,•COME DOWN TO55th ST. �NDGIVE USATRIALTHE VARSITY CAFE4741 E 55th St.COMMUTATION RATES1350 FOR bOO THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY,� M»RiL 7. �- ;._.,WOULD ABOLISH TITLE,OF LITERARY EDITOR. Cap aDd GoWll P_tioo Deemed allilDomer-8ophOlDOl'e8 to Pus .Jadcment April 14.An amendment to the Cap andGown constitution, abolishing the p0-sition of "literary editor" and substi­tutiug that of "associate editor" may, be proposed to the Sophomore classat its meeting Wednesday, April 14.The reason assigned for the changeis that the literary editor under thepresent arrangement does the workof an associate editor, while the lit­erary work is performed by thechairman of the literary committee.It was learned that, according tothe constitution, this recommendationcomes just six days too late to be,binding at the election this year. Theclass will be asked to suspend rulesfor this occasion.The amendment reads as follows:"To substitute the words 'associateeditor' for the words 'literary editor'wherever the latter words occur inthe text of the constitution." SCORE ,IIEDICAL PESSIIIISTSWh� be DoWDhearted OYer a IIiDicJDBacteria? Aab Dr. It,...Why be pessimistic over a few 1Dl1-lion bacteria? This was the questionasked by Dr. Preston Kyes in aD ad­dress to Arts college of womeD. Whynot take the other extreme and becheerful over things medical?"You see, many pessimists .amongthe medical profession,H said Profes­sor Kyes, "who frighten 'the timidwith tales of the death-dealing micro­organisms in everything we eat anddrink. They forget that we have acomplete and extensive mechanismwithin us that destroys or vitiates alldisease-bringing bacteria."I AM now showing,equisite styles inthe spring's - dic-:tations in ladies' tailor­ed suitings. I havefashion's smartest de.crees in the latest di­agonal English sergessoft finish stripeworsteds and men'swear cloth.' Fabrics.' in all the' newest ideasof colorings.�-� WitJi� "my :twenty - yea� ofexperience catering' _ t2-!!lsclothes tastes of Chicago' 5well dressed women,:1 ameminently capable of rend­ering the highest possible ser­vice to the fastidious tastes ofthe college girl. Futher Iam making garments at aprice suited to the means of';-of the college girl.Northwestern &-:UniversityLaw SchoolThree year course leading to thedegree of Bachelor of Laws.Four year course leading to the de­gree of Master of Laws.FlYe year course leading to the de·gift of Juris Doctor.For Catalogue addressSecretary of Law School,"ortll.esten UIIlversity Balldln.C:B1CAGOA.SCHOENI IMIDIAY TAILOR6001 Ellis A .... aeBa.._iins .11 the; TllQeReliable RebU11� T�el'Sr an makes;rebuilt in our own factory; better andcheaper � others. see few YOQrself.'"' 'I'YPEWII1TEIt UCIIARSE3J9 Dearborn 51. A. J. COtJSE, Mgr.'J'eJepbooe B.m.o. 4065 • COLLEGE FIVES TO STARTTIE SETTLEMENT TODAYLiterature and Philosophy Teams toMeet Toda,._Wmner to Settlewith Science.Literature and Philosophy basket­ball fives will meet today in the firstof the' two games that will settle the. triple tie between Literature Philos-,ophy and Science. Today;: �in�'"will meet Science team on Friday t�settle the championship of the Juniorcolleges.. ."As Literature and Philosophy haveeach won one game from the other.. the result of this, afternoon's game� _. _!s ,�o��!_ful,; and �.3:D : .exciti�g contest, fis expected by' basketball fans.Rates � .Democracy High.Professor Starr W. Cutting, headof the German department, told Litmen of the construction and functionof the German univel'sity and com­pared it with our A�erican institu­tions, outlining the growth of univer­sities both here and abroad."The present German university is'extremely democratic," said Dr. Cut­ting. "This democracy traces back tothe time when a university was asort of independent community., "The influence of the medieval uni­versity is evident in the freedom ofthe student to study what he pleasesand the right of the instructor toteach the truth as' he sees it." 1 would greatly appreciatea call at my new quartersA. C. Chimberoff603, 604, 605· Handel �.IIAt Number Fony R.Ddolph_:�t.- �lREPEATING RIFLES FOR HUNTINq'Ko matter wbat, you h'lnt for or where you hunt. the answerto the queatioD -'What riSe shall I take?'· is__ Wine�eater.Wb'Chat« Repeating RiO �8 are made for all atyla of cartridges,from .n to .SO caliber. Whichever model you select you will fiD4it aD accarate shooter, reliable in action and strong in cooatruction.Ir'IIIdIntn Gas at! � R_ W BrGlllf-ar .... 'tW·'" --.WINCHESTER R .... nNG ARMS ee., NEW HAV.N.OON ••Urges Value of Field SchoolThe need of a field school, partic­ularly in the department of geology,was pointed out by Dr. Wallace At­wood yesterday at the meeting of theScience college men. The speakerurged the members of the col1ege todo anything in their power towardsecuring the establishment of such aschoolLima Reads from BIVWDIac.Dean Linn entertained Arts col1egeof men with selections from Brown­ing at the meeting yesterday. Thecollege voted to send a telegram toDean Gale conveying' its sympathyfor his recent injury. Frank C.Hecht was elected fourth member ofthe executive committee and trea­surer,The Univcrsity of Minnesota is toreceive 1,080 volumes of valuablebooks from the German govemmentto replace a loss by fire in the mainbuilding there, .Thc electrical stadents at Pardueare to make an extended trip in in­specting the electrical plants in thevicinity of Chicago. BOSTOIBARTER.... n.e u...... �r I E.......,.., c..1Ie..... _ fIII ...................................... 1.ALWay, EISY T�IE.. B R EWE R Tr._\Cl-IERS·== .-\ G E \. C y� -- .' " ... >-_ _ ', � \;J ....... l.3 :. \, 1 I : �r.. "1 .�J' :"_' • '- ,. -, ,'," :) " l!l;l,l,()STATESRestaurant.. E. co •• STIIJ'E liND JlD�.$ '5�W.OH.O. POll as '.EII' •• D sHOPPDS-l1.ao" ..... � �' ntien .... loll........_,8-COURSE TABL.E D'HOTE, WITH WIME.' at SLDQ"SUlDA Va. a To. P. M. DALY FROM. TO. P. Mo. -............... IIII� •• """"_"'.,,'" 2.,., P••• "'0 i'iI. iii.••• NIGHT III1IJDEII.LLE.hAl ! 'll) ia.Sbicd,r. ' 5 �! - -: .,I " .1... ._The mule Ia aoocL the Vau4nllle acta, are re1bae4 .. d brIaIat. It'. _ "-'e' Tr� .'"tbat woald do creait to"7 theater. .'. ' . ,-New •• aa--Te-NItIIIL· A 'w, �- ..... ......,�t• ..."..... .. h A4"PIIICe..-' .' , . r.'STATES REST �URA."T.- «:"The .Monarch ,Visibll�'< ':, ," -"t,' ,".,'A.Typewriter Par ExcellenceSee the New No. 2 Monardl.·Service, Durability, Mechanism, unexcelled.Machines sold or Rented at Chicago office.26 �n Street,STEEL VAULTS ELEcrRIC LINED, . Central Hyde Par" �55th St. aDd W ........... Aft. :Burglar Proof. Fire Proof. Absolute Security.Boxes, Three Dollars Per Year Lea than a cent a day\AI.' K. YOUNG & BRO.Telephone Hyde Park �7..• TO AllY BBLP-BUPPORTlHG BTVDDT •We can pat 10'1 ia toadt witIa a dignified method of iacreuiq JOIII'revenue-« 'method that is cIeaD ad that inYOI� a IIIUbimm iac:reUe ofincome at a miDimam ,apeaditare of time. The plan hal � proftIIits ellideDC7 in other Uaiftnitiea where self-respectinc, HIf-lappo� ltD-" dents haft lakeD tip oar method to the exduioD of others; tbq are pleuelaDd, their &aaadal bardea & 101'ftd. We caD do as anacb for',... CaDan� time d1lriDc 1nuiaeu lloan at 39 Dearbora St., 01' teleplloDe Ceatnl5114, and uk for Mr. Goldblatt.CLoTHE5VAR5I -Ty The leading question of your Spring clothes, Mr.College man, must be SETI'LED SOON.-Do you know that I am a specialist at satisfyingthe desires of CoIIep Mea?-That I can make a suit for you that will be,oarsuit-DlFFERENT-DISTINCT-STYLISH?At any nte it is worth your while to see me.BENHAMThe Colleae Man'. Tailor" ·SIIA East 63n1 Street..'-�{��:: ':.:". ; ','!::'" =.l�: ':(.:.: : "'",! .• I; !I •: I, j. i .: .. ' ..., I1 THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7. ��. '",,�:,.....,.:�,. -·�·�-�,;=�r;-._J""�.H ._ ,... .� ... ..:, ....; 'l"ipE'.·1Iad meets at 10:30 today'bi"Cobb9 B. . .I Y� w. C. L. ";m be addressed by.Miss' Conde in ,Leape Room of Lex­ington . this - morning at 10:30.SophOlDOl'e ReceptiOll Committeemeets in � Cobb' 6A . tOday at 10:30 a.m,JIIDiol- MathaiaatimJ Clab-Assoda­ate .Professor Bliss will speak Wed­nesday 'at 4:30';p: m, in Ryerson.Fourth CADimal' Caafereace on Per­sonal :Religion-:-Dr� P.-·S. Henson will'deliver: an address on Personal, Relig­ion -in' Mandel 'at . 7:30 this evening.This is the 'last of: .seven discussionsheld ,by the-Conference on PersonalReligiotL . ..Pen Club: DiDDer tonight, Hutch­inson Cafe at 6:30.'Hand Painted EastU· cards on salein the Lexington League Room from1 to 2. o'clock.Arts CoDege-- Dramatic 'Tryout to­day,.3 p. m., at Ellis .. Prepared piecesnot required.Commerc:i8l Club meets tonight inCommons private dining room at6:30.Y.·lI. C. A. . meeting . will be heldtoniglit at 7:15 in Haskell. hall.SOciology Club will be addressedat 7:30 o'clock tonight in Cobb 2C,by. Mrl A'£ Rigby.I·LLINotS. ". bl�· NethersoleDB WRlTIIIG'�. TBB WALL.,c.-:. TUDEBAKER�. 'D'usti� Farnumin '''Cameo Kirby"B� �� l'arkiC� �Harry �T�:�y��!!I�From a novel by a!lChicagoan. The:Great-:JobnCantonWITH GEORGE F�WCETTCOLONIALKia .. & Erlanger's .Migli'ty MUsical COmedyLittle NEMO,Grand Opera HouseCharles DilliDRbam Presents-: !,,·MeB�-���c!TIO'� ... 'r-"� .:J..L: '1'E...THE. 'RED .MILL; .. : _.: ,a. .. ei,!e � conc�. in. Mandel, Tuesday..April 13, a� 4 p'. m.. MembHs of. theUniversity may receive reduction slipof 2S Cents after April 5th at the in­·(ormation office.· Tickets .at CobbHati '$1.00, 7Sc" SOc.. �. �� Pablic Wonbip. will be conducted by Mr. Joseph Mun­son Artman, Haskell, 7 p. m.Kammen will meet Thursday ilt_.10:30 o'Clock in Cobb 6A...Eapennto C.... postponed untilTuesday. April 13th.Three-Quarters Club. will meet·Thursday morning in Cobb 6AProfessor Star will lecture on "Sa-moa and Fiji" Thursday ai' 4 p. m­in Music Hall, 203 Michigan avenue.Students get half rates at Cobb SA ..CbASSIFIED�AM'RTISINGWANTED-College men for' newline summer proposition paying $30to $60 a week. Pleasant work. notbooks, Address 'Dany mroon,W.A.100 EnRl'aYed Card. of Jour 12ame·." 25"in correct script. includiDrilatc ....380 .JlaaiDCSS or' CalliDR Cards n .00HDISO!I;_. �·Palmer Hoase LobbyPlay by Robert H. Oavis.'iDirection of,... . Ht!IUY'Miller;'�l����mmothProductiOn; .,_-- Vi�i.;Wir.eTess.�, .. ,Last Two �eeb.. �. ··cVICKERS .. � . Henry· Mille�·In hiS Most Dominant RoleThe _G'reat DivideW��e�!The Boy and. the ·Girl .Richard Carle's,New:5c:>oE Show,'. .1(oternatioI:lal Theater. Wabash AT. � Hab�CL. Startlll Sat. ElL, � ••• '1• SEATS NOW SELLING FORDe. Gil. F•. 'lIdIr's'The Wortd's SeeatioD-TRYT08BT"'­PricaSOc to Sl.OO. lIats. Saa .. Wed.. Sat.Princess TheatreDe';"." 'e··1IMMusical Fantasy with Henry Wood­ruff and Georgia CaineLaSalle Theatre; TheGoldeo'G'lrl•Spec:taallar Musical PlayMatinees Tuesdays, ThuJ'ldays, SaturdaysAMERICAN r�'i�tW.buh.Ave. and Peck Coun�-The-Show Place 0( �icaJO and .. waysa Show of Quality."lWO BIG SHOWS A DAY.�:AJESTIC ..1 I CONTINUOUSVAUDEVILLE'12 Bi� Acts This Week. Price15-2S-SO-7S� 'SILLSfor 'the Spring Quarter are now Due and: �hould be paid atEllis hall-or address The Daily Mar�n Faculty Exchange.-L SYSTEM" CIoIbes aodyou . folow. the leaning ofFasbioa.HI you Lave "uppisb� notioos -t, SYSrEM". Ooebes forrepdag dr� ."LSYSTEM" . spriag me '"re8Dy. traljw'coIIegecIOtLes for Spriug bring abso- I doIbes. They rdIect the Ia!aIlute· exdusiveaess 01, cut. color "tOpe in the·tpeat ..ateiiilies 01aod doab.. tLe CGUmJ.It"s:1hebe.lbebiDdlLebaud· NUdUg � atthat COUIdS in tailOring. '1. • fashioaPatq" aLo.t them.E.cIa ...... ' is &ted to •SYSTEM" taioa put. bead, as IH� .a.bIood model. That ••wei as hand" weft· into ead. why it jolt ... with Jile,.pnnent; It"s basted with brains. . pace aDd iiiiIiDebJ.IAok for the"L" labeL It·.:JOflI Look far 6e .. L SYSTEM-wmaDl of wodb aad 0flI' pIedae of WJeL h·.)Oar 1nIIIIII cI warda ....� .. .-.ofpeh1il'For easier we have a complete line In alliis what the "L SYSTEM �...as. for. The,fie highest inQuality. St,Ie�-and T ailoliug. Lean: Onsbades and styles up to the minute.LANG'STHE HOME OF THE L SYSTEM CLOTHES104' Eo MADISON, ST �Near' Dearborn. Phone Central 4773Hartford Build ioltTAitE···NOTlCE·.!'. srna,-QuALrrY,-DuraliiilJ:!\- ", �..... ,. ,.... -.And warn your. friends - n:ot)� .pay S2 for a Hat .lHE GOLDMAM· $tro . HAt. ALL UP-TO-DATE �TYLES, COME TO24 GLARK ST., NORTH OF LAKE' ST.THE:STARCK PlA-NDis used in the D:'ost elaborate. homes by people with ahigh mUsical trainingand ample means to buy ,the; BEST . STARCK PIAJIO'- or any otherhigh class piano, and the "STARCK" is also used in the 'most modesthomes by people :'ho ��e more good judgment and taste fci�: good musicthan they have money. WHY? Becauserst, The STARCK' PIANO SURPASSES, ALL .. UPRIGHTPIANOS IN NATURAL SINGING TONE QUALITY owing to itsSounding- board construction, (it being built along the lines of a violin,)znd, It is delivered by the Manufacturers direct to the homes withouta middleman' s. profit either for. cash or on ,any easy payment· plan. desiredby purchasers.. .,, , .1..1We, deliJer tb, goods Free OBi � I! fays... loat lithout, Doe -Ceot Do •and del, 'anyone-anywhere in the United States to place a' piano alongsideofthehSTARCK" to beat it. "Bargains always on exhibition at our ware-rooms, as follows: Emer­son, $90; Kimball, '9�; Knabe, tIlO;. ChiCkeriDg,' 1125; :�, ilaidiDan,nearly new, $145; Stein way, '100; Fischer, Igs and '14S ... �� manyothers.. Out. of town correspondence solicited.P.A.Starck Piano Co.-Manuf�;·204-206 W'abasb,A�, �, U.s.A.- '\N·OTICE.I .I!Prof.' Rowden's' Academy of Dan� andlA"""'ueameets eve17 Thursday evening at_JJle-:trnity Club IHoulle,3140 Indiana Av�nue. ; /. -I ;'/'/ '.. Day and niB�t clare for �nnet'8. at 321 Kimball'Hall, Jackson and WabaSh Avenue.Special AUendon to Students.E. c.Florin326 West 63rd St.Tel. Wentworth 2038 272 East 55th St;Tel. Hyde Park·38·Lass.1I ,....,lIIIIu FULL DRESS SUITS:BI eaJ SStil s_ To RentMabaGo.l ...... sz.soDoaa T. C" SCHAFFNER-Come and see them. 78 State 8\; ....... ·�.4111 ... f,..... .;;. o'r J.,: .'?.". . .:..... _.::