��!).�-t,,:; ..... � -,, I! !I •.,.,.................... , ...... �.,. ..- .. "��.,� . ,..�;:..,.. 1r�"• � :.� .. .s�., If ... �.=.,. �...,I - ... �..., .. ...... '_ '; ,".I··&:IJ.'"p.. �.;\:'C,''"'.It� .. ,e.... • '... ..- ..t. � .. � ...,:.;;VOWME Vll� 113.: �..." ............ _ __:Boak� J-.... � Uiii 7� .....fNID' Pea cal J)r.'&iar7.m--­.................... �J- to .Be ·U"_"'�NEW-·COIICBPiiOH· OJl' �8TllE"WEEIC� wiTH·.�··JOicg .IN. rr.Speaker at Retipw-, CoDfaeace To-.. aipt':WIIIl: ....... StoIT of 1IiiI·On' SEoiin7'�. A book that is oae"of tile most·im­portaDt contributions'to 'the interpre­tation of the New '.Testament that-baaappeared, in years. aacl·. that containsanswers to most of the .questions thatmany Ge'rDlan ScboW-S: some EnglishThe second of the' meetings of 'the . and a. few Americans have long beeaConference) . ·on., . Personat .. lteligiOn 'I straggling with. was ·issued from �thewas addressed by Dr. Gunsaulus yes- University,' Press last: Saturday.·.·itsterday afte�oon. He will' speak author being Dr. Heney Burton Sui-again this afternoon. while in the man. instructor in New Testamentevening;- Mr., C .. E.. Mercer·of the Y. history and ·interpretation. The wl-M.' C. A. will continue the conference. nme is the reSutt"of several yearr.ofDirector' Stagg-presiding: in a-meet- • the most searching :critical. study. ·.theing; im' ;the�.men\ of. -the: pm��ity.. conclusions of: which are bKely' toMr. Mercer will be one of the. prove' startling to maD� The methodstronge� speakers of the' series,' �� .followed is surprisingly simple. thehis. var:ied . and., stormy, experiences . various accounts,of..the,same. eventsgive a ,eculiar "message for college being placed side by side where it ismen.' He ... has ... ·been.. ,a., coUege .. man. - easY··to-pick·- 0ut-.-th�1:IDembrcrideEedhimself and�was 'prooDnent in many 'thread of tile·: original uarratim' lti.lines' Of�st1Sdent-"'activitY.:';'hite�at· the� �thi8 way the ..-author:,p�t "aosUniversity" of.Virgin� At1the�same' � neftrmd-manY'of"'the-tlaiDarHe �time, he .has, exp(:���� », _�!1�b . �f been -credited with •. that-·most of the.the seamy' and"degraded' Sl'Cie' of life. things on whose explanation tons !ofAfter leaving college - b� 'su�cUmbed printer's ink have been expended areto dissipatiOn and was cast off. by ', -'his� tJae.. work' of s1lbsequent; editors andfamil";:'. ; � , � . <: � .commentators. and as a re�ult of est-llaace· for·- CoDep�:..... . tiug- awaYlthe"obscuring mat� Je-+ C:' C:.C:- AQBII'r:WOlrLD'lIImL;Mr. Mercer has been much in de- sus is. made to_.stand . .oat as a...dear� 1CB")'OR"�'SIll'l"SR ._.uWadi't�Y�·�ollege�;di�,-.��i1.�; t.he, .. cu'-�. ecnsistene . his· to":""':-' . _I. _ _._ 1S"" .'of �- .. � � .JgIep"1TMe:-MwD�c: -..-.-!sto� of his 0.1� lif� an� . �o.n��rsi�n � J' ,who· ordered' his life in· a locica1 aadbebeved to -be' o! .�rticular-:,�lICJI to:.. t clear-sighted - tashiOD. . aiming tow�college men. He lSt�er«;,::frOlD_a ..se-... '::-a 'definite-bnt:�c:alt goal. and meet..;r iDg"..a.. complicated lituation..with .. �������IiI!!t������!.lt. -'m�CODS1IDJIml�-, ..... _ I ._ .... ,' :-,' � -.--� - .. �_�:Dib!!-.�PrN %"1'. �iL- _ ; ,!he �d .. ���� .�Q�(or������,,���r.�·'���_�"TIie-·T'eIIefI.i <C. c. �nTs ....... 11" waS .... i cert iD"J(.adcLB;a11 :aL4:OO p.:-;JD;;!... ing of JesUs About the Future." aad �to th .. u.iw .. _ '_�.�Jhe I'rb-f· .iM:xt Tue5daY" cbaVn. hi:tbe·,wte··off_.:' �==�:7:�;:, t:t���rmcl:;� ���:l1;:-;::;:1.}th�_.���-:�t:���.,�ftI' �. jbe ?,�'��r����tt -i�:be.:�J9J��,::?�·:�<) j:;--;!,:,�-:.', iIt�����·�h�, .. oaId_re�· t�.mt�iadldtp"'�t�' I r.�t:o:������� .'1to ieartIL AccordinC to the aoaIJsis J I � selliDg Ice for my 81ck BlS-t _, .•••.••.•_ •. ; •.••• � ••••••• •••· ... ;. ... ·:JIoArtf.ma.de· b�_ ».r. �an •. _three strata:. jter;, .��c4d.��·.��in-: "S7lDpbo�y' 8. i�- �,:.� (� . ;";or- mataTd-are ·c(u"tw.ecI 'in tbe Cos-; .: fbrmation... 08icL, "L woaId-1ike- to i fiuisbed) �.� •. un ..... �. Schabert ��. ,.��s� .. f��. ,��� ... J� ... p� 'es�b1is���ballcb�1IeR at YOUrf �O�.,.adft4doi··: !. said;. secoadr .... .tJae.adiest ecna'S: UaD�tj� , �f � .caD. me-on! :., ... :�,c;oa ,1Ioto>; ,� ; of, the - GosPels tboaah� He:: said or� -6 tJaup.Oae.i: . r· em,-bei. m.c..' aay, ).mtation....to .the. Daace- ..... �.Wcber I: would like.,..to represeat. H�.a. sa,-' pla� aad.lUIy.time:. � Ir.anp aU aighL: i l/A��_ (� �) ': ••• � .�. Scldlbert j, j�Dg; and �tbircl.; ..... t 1iRr. eetoDl � I;: woDIddt i c:cJaR.I anJIIDct"1IDtiI�': JUly, ,·,Hmnoresker Qps �QJ.;.1·, ....... DvmH,. :thoaciat:t�it.·,bat·'.tc):,re;.rese��"Him asi ·�I�.�t:_'tfae�weather is.bot,aDd�.fo;; � "�s-"�� .. S�pboDiC1PDear.,;sa� ·Jesas· teaclDDp haft th.; the.:ic:e.bnsinev�'. 3 m.; •• � ••• : Lisztt·btaI�grUtlj·Dtisiuterpreted aDd hri!it-, Bd�re �g_h� sat dOWlL_and � . S ·,...--..';'-' '.' .� . uattiaewwaD4I: bdae�COIIiaiD ail: wrote as follows: _.' Tbege�DDJIlbers weft'.acreccl�apoDl, JEl. C.�·Jl£RCER . 'unusDany/Ia"'�DI __ -oI:e.mma.: �,G.� B.�P:- anew.. :au4kookl ,by_a Iaree:_vote�of, tberstadeat:-bocJT.,ri�" of· meetnigs .... ·at"Various� coli�ges. '. Comment,� m1lc:tr of- Wtncli 'is 'Rbjed ' ! coa� � c: ai� .. DOt! ....... rat-, i SchabCrt's SymphODY .,..'J almoSt IAt .tIIe· meetiug..yestmlay. ,afternoon. : to serious saspicion.. ID� IIIaII7 . caseS, , edt at� Be �u.ae! : UDaD�ous. :. Close. seeoadS to;. the:or .. GUnsaulli.··spoe· of.·Jesus as,·the,· ·tbe relilioas:thoaght:of.·th�-tiDie bas: ,1I1IIIl�. of.:..� �,......as" �D��.t.�:iwere.·BralulajSpa-·King �ondngs. 'He was accompanied affeeted'these reports:. ieph.aad odJerfrRDlls,;aIMf 'acqmimt-, �PboD7. aud. Hmapri:m �Dan� TIle!by some oLhis Cen�I.Claal'Ch:"c1loir. : ��"eac.! of the �" ... ol�: :a�' aDd. otIKri 'o� �".Pod; :procr.am.as..aclop� WU!�"to 'who re.-derd·; sevent-·seJfttions; ,docadieatS ami' writiDP-aIreadt m: l'eplltatioa,.,� ali" qa.i.�aII-· 1 Thf M�- last:" � . withf.mmor 'J- -mac of KiDP-P" .existe� �Te been iucorporatal.l iuP,�:I""'_ ",,,,,.1111-' lSa�tationS. Ticketse�D,� be.: SOt""We often fail�'tci'reaJike �that�tJae� FI"QID-:\all(:�:.c� �: J�.la"'lfH, �:truts... " ;75C..� "'OO.for;o� raDd:.2Sc:leadershit of Jesus is of.-a-�-�- �it�� �� ... �n � ff-- '. �.t_ 1IOt') � .. ;� •.• Ieu for stlldents.·.�� �..g,. a�� .. ��.�Cj�·�':- ,I.�_·t"""t,.,� : .dc.n- ·PtIftte'ehik �NOD" Partitoa. DOD-. :. �er hall.seat..a .. IaJa�·lIIIIIlher·8!�P.' '���f �.�atsqeyef: �se. Who_ . �'" aJ'· Q' wbtett &ft 1ntrod1lCi4: led. . Braadaa of IdDdrecI clabs start-. of' TOtes to. �haII, ) aad IIr.,...... " �.�-*.tIat .. w�,,�,.. . witJIawt.." R.tia. .. _ "... -eel iu 1905 in the 'Uaked states by a! . �yDe's �ce_""A800de4.,.with .• � :IJI ,,,oqtrt an4 iQ 'riJht�� have dncdon-Uae ttaddnp of Jesa UI weD .boo". heliMsi'S ..... promoter •. ,all last week. As.a.ftsalt ·o(,th.,ua- ."t", a� til", rapt �eFdp. H�" set fortt..hI the Gape.. haft ben.; philaDthropbl. aDd'" writer aacIer a � j terest tJi.. maaifa!ed by�- tile . st •.KiJl, of Jtt�p, creatl; lIIodiftecl or espaaded to coa- . lIOII de plame. Object--.ocial, basi-. .,cleats, dons are ..beiDa..,made-,to haw"W ...... ·• eo.N;nor bribt� him SlOP- .chilloa.' .t.�IICe�Widti..JIis raJ at.· ....... thledc, ,.tdotic. c4 ....... : . the �bestra come at .repiar timesban hlnchf hts approacb. Tllia.... tenncn.: Tbi. hu beea apedaDy; aDd· other iIDproftD.eats' of tIIem-· . eft17. year ..of. "hat death was In tbe ""orla:be- true of-RII teachinp about. the. fa- Hba-... AD npta'raervecLD Bur ••• to LectaIe.fore JeSUI came. ' At 'lut; Jesu met . tare. .. . Felix Borowski. tbe fam01ls.-masi-this Idn, of terron .nd ia:.e· contid (. DId �.. 'h.cb Patare TonDIIIt. Dr. Breb Pa,. ViIit. cian and critic, .will .h�e.a .lecture onwhicb tested the powers of life and It is farther declared that the say. rc. ' the nnlllbers of this procram,. Mon-&.n. JaIirm:1P: Bietz;! (01.&1); ia-· I· t d that most of theof death to their at most, .in hi' own ings which portray. hell and future' c1ay_ t.s ,expec e . 'citadel where death had all the ad- torment are not from Jesus. and that. . stnIotOr in. hisllOl7.-:-at.ttbe .. UIiiWnity studeats wbo intend. to . �ttend thevantage.; . He'!' Oft'r'c&me bim.�'. . reference' to Heaftlll as.:a�place haft, and at present on tlie CorneD f.c- concert WIll ,go. to· bear b.Dl...... Coade to Womea. been considerably .. modifiecL. Pnc:ti- aity, was on the campus yestenlaj.The m�tinl.last ·night for women, cally aD the 1Iiteraac:a:�"'�"'b I Dr. Bretz,-il spendinC his 'Prine Ta-was addressed � Miss COnde� .. ho· . deoict the � off lticluwae� up. �atioa in Cfricaao.: . .is here alto .1 a pest of the V: w .... hown � COBII ;�IIOt· to.c i... SIIe was inttodfted. by. Dean �be'� ! .. .:r.. .. i�l .... u iBreckiaridp.; .. wIIo toId:of ,bet vahle· .JIIdce·'ud·tltef:�.iAtI_! U iof' the CODferenc:e}. \)-an is' fOlllMlJ,� .�� 5 t ililti ;M�. ��dem.de4 �yer';:pinl' ::�aes.- .·;N�'...�-r�st .. UIIiL:�;(C.... l_hp4) 0..... I_Pap4..).JI�1O .of_ !""'� UIiiYenil7-Di-:- Oiri-n"lo.CiI1IIi . )4iAa�� ..: I£'Iibaeateil;- Plfaa. 'mm AD7_ �'1 Any:o-pt·c s.,. Be'. Up AD I� 1Iml�VoIit. GlilPnipamt·to ·Bel;t .Gift.i . .:Jrmlt.� iD- .... aeL-.�-�.��_., .'nIe Coraell nine,is::1Iow\onr.an··ez­t�1ift pIa,mr' triP· thi'Oaalr' the. A biD �ri1Ic � .. �ts of!�. Uninrsit1 of lrnme.oaa to panthe - �t�' .... � euaiiuatiOii Wai-Idnedin tile lIiaaaota 1qisIa� .. University. of WashiDatOIi" women,• __ .:-mse: plap..r.lI'oaads i . now.aR .... : .. �.�. •�de'r const1'1lctioa' in Seattle.'" 'Stau Toda7_widl·cd··foraa.'L_a � .at�:IO.- ":TOm ·Wjune; •••• E4nrd\riyJmtra,Wo' P; 'Beary) Biid� Warde .- ..•... IrenSloW" SJierer;' .Frauk O�d!JacluStroDIJ •••••••• J •. R.:;P1l'sean;&I�PUryHosiah SnookS� .• H:-' R. Baukhage,choice; H. F. Liadler.:·a1ti1m*te.. POet- stseets •••.• A. D.L HeBdefioD;t, • choice; H. F. Lindlqj�te! Miss Gnrinmer_FranIiParket; ctib�;j• G. F�. BOwman. H. Deatch� altemates: Magia,M:-loue:�·Kemaed�,. d.aiceAndrey .... W. F. MetriU;< H�DiUidaJess' Hope .. Morrison� G� F� BOWiDaD'. Blacldtiar" tri:iJS. heJd�yestenta';; in;ltheL!&ynblds·dub""·theater were the; most· succasnil ) eftt' cODdddecf:by• � o�tiott; tJmt,. men :aPPeir- .I iilg for tb� cast aDd 'the same -mailberi fM tbt choms. '. : _. .., . TJie�' _tenal;! aCcofdiD� to. MaDa­'.' geI" Lighbl�r; � :·ih��··beSt··� ..as-eft� 'shbW"'up': ·�d---:the:"·� .... ·of.choices Was 1ID1ISUaHy"ditIicuJtJ:11i·'saine�'Casesi it -wis' -deCl�' to.) leave"ihe'- Pl&ces oPeD�-and;�OI� a·• definite' chbiee-tatei- ·8U;·1h��·t;'�a�iioD; � 'eiipiiWti "of;��.· .�., . _-. .'.1 ... �cp.s ... f ... ui: .. _t'.e:iiIst..;������:,�:;":�1i�oI.t�;;�.t.it$;.... e.··"ttJiat;-�tie����Coiadaes�;idlTecwa'ri�·���;ic��:·JidtiIt:.anamN:· are. �etf!it6-ccime���Nr-,r.Iae:ui8kc.:' . ' '.. : �, ':' ", '.. ':: ' ::.:..'r"::-t.�-'> !.CI1i fdI.�.'l �w&i!ti:'- '1:�.�;'!, .�.. TbiSj�� .. at- :� 1:0'dlek.:8barp�l·wiiI�&- a-;�ofcau .-·the c1aoras-iD the � dab: :._;uyoae ... :trie. �·tRi��sterda7 is:!��io-· be"��atthis rehearSal if he. wants to co8mIiaeiD the:sbcn;r. .. �ere is .still room for a' feW DiOre'm�: iI:». the cborllS. .-AIi thoR �wllo� w�nt to. go into. die� chorus' aad�C6d .;:t���?:=�����;��.The cast will hoe tJidr '6� ;eh�sal toniabt· at' T:3O-iD the IteyaoIdalchlh;l TIle 'seJectioD ·of·tbe�.·1riD(� aDd." more de&nite'iJr the·.est few.dQc" , .· .. --The' neW, pbiD·· of· �., aid·1IUaaer·Uclabler, -WOrked·__,. �and tbe wealtb-of-material tIIat ap-,�-apeea� ..,riMMI .. ...,_ TIle,: talk .ol:��:"asl __ "".""'"· TIae .... ole -contest · ... as � c0m­petitive,. and. DO.. fnorltilaa� ....,shOW1L."We .hope .. that .thOle.wIto. :wen-DOtsllccessful_ia� �ttiDa., �wriJI, ___01lt for the cboraL. It. was'�"'F./"cided after long ddiberatioll.to�""the selection of some (larts' to �t onthe ability shown at the -next few re­hearsals."Brown University baseball team willtake tile 'Iongest trip ever taJCm 'bYa 'aniversity team when it travel; ftoDaProvidence, R. I:, to Seattle to par­take in an intercollegiate t01lI'1Wlle1itat the: Paclfic- Yukon EXposition.A Cosmopplitan clab ill which. 6ftnationalities are represented hal re­cently been' formed at tbe Universityof PennsJivania.'. ,�P"'I'O. :r. ow.:: ... ··_ ........IIKLVIlf J • .&D.AJIII; •.•••••• � ......... ..L. ����:� •••••• ,��� .» :� �'r.BIN ••• � •• Be., ............:moe. ... MU.I,WJR .. ·�j�.. ., ;(-' ..A.asOOiA'rB BDI'rOItS.�,.o.: WbWleld .T.. .. HarBraft::A.tLODCB.' Fe18enthal Vallee O. �ppel- �- .,.':: . aBPOBT.Ba8 •.. ".11. .1'. Carpenter., ��.:���n._'.'1V,;�;,���" .,': �:'Y� .W;�bu�e .. -: A. Loth, .:.� � -. DaIJ� .,B.. F. BUlaw. s. Foute1 '11! .', _. -. I�:'·:"'J.(mi;�trll;auO'" mQ;ii;e:1eft :.t;DJac, Ban., or :ranl� B:r .......... �c1' i' to·��DaII7� .. ·: •. '.• ; '. ." ,': •. •. , .!)No one in this university commu-!;.ni�y:,,�;�, iSi:� voter isctco .busy to',: .... -, ;_ t�ke_,time to east ;thisSo�l'� �l!ot !today. "TherC[. is· Doing_ .. nothing. neither clflss; '��, . ;:. _ .. ,,:w�t:�'- . �es�,aic.�,· .. porstudy, that. is of, s�ffi-:;,;ic;!l! iJ1llP�rta�,c� "to .,ju�!ifX'4 a .Jpiluret� ���it �he� poll.s ..som� time. betw�en-six .. o'clock. this morning and . fpur�'cio·��uth.�\af�f�9q& �;,v _-; i, :l__ ��c::��c:t _�hat Professo�. Mer�am's.' clec�.,?n )�n, thi�/'" war� ) is a .. �oregqne, ,copS!u�io� �s., no j�tifiabl�: ��_ Jor.. �!!g��.�.�ins. t\,o;:��!��_,. I�; ��.di!ipr;l:yto!th�. ,���i���'i& ,_q!- gj�ng�Mr •. : )leiri,:',· :�� _� � �,nd�o�e Jliu�Ii�Y.· .!h�r� . ·a .. ���the��!��u���t���� i.O�:of.,d\cs�;.,i�, �.,n�p�iJ! t���culoJi�, sa�jta­· .s:il��._ T�et�.��� Joz: .• �s> i,ostitutiOQ. isIl�H9��#�n�� 3:n� it." sJJRflI!l! �9h fail..J�r)�c�,.�:YQt��".>'.j�"'" .;;The frequent decla�atioR.: that .themain d����J�.:i!.WitIlJ! ·t�:i American· go-n��ijs tAe �;1Pk tbe lion- :: �t .. and : disinterested: .voter : ca�. be_�,i�pt:9'Hed ".i�()gnIY-J �e waY.loA uni-. _lJe[s!�YtcComDl1:lnity' should be � first1!0 . ��S· ��y ,'!te� !9�ndatiQD � the5£�ar�� . .- Zlr'" A te� tn8rb d�y� br(��ather like��s�et-da'Y's �nould- '('i�spiti the' em­. pl�yes; .of the' b'ui�dirigs and' grounds.' �epatfineni to get out and' tear up afew sidewalks. . ,'1 ; ',-! � •. G 1::; -:;) it VI::!, h'� j .:-, 'i r�� .. � � �'l' :1: ,J.':\ l.' :1' !:t)� :'l... P�of�ss�.r !�«;� �.Q�s the recordof the .�,!!v��;YIp'f tl�W", .in .the 440'and 880 yard runs. If there is any­,thing ·in the infiuence. of early train­.ing he �h���� com� ,out strong today.'A Chicago man bas' advertised inthe· columns' of' a :daily p�pe�' asking. tha this: Wife's friendS:' �top' -gossiping-aoouFhim.: ··Might··il not be' 'a 'goodidea for the Unive.rsity to place '�n ad�n': all the Pa'pers requesting them tokindly stop 'printing stones about theUniversity that are either five �earsold, fakes, or' both? .,Daily Bulletin.Pourth Annual,Confeunce of Per­aonal ReJiaion-The f�urth of a se­ries of seven addresses, ending Wed­nesday,.. will be given today by Dr.?!. W<qu����l"�: 'in� 'llan4��,�t 04:00p. m. .: ��'", .....skull and Crescent will hold meet-• # ","","' ., .'. ...jng this afte!"�on i_!l RQ.salie Hall at5:30., lleeting for ·lIen in Mandel at i:30this evenin,g. Mr. C. E. Mercer of'.' .. � .. �:.:. � .Fourth Ann�_ .Conference on Per- .sonal Religion--Dr. P. S. Henson willdeliver an 'address oil Personal. Re­ligion. in Mandel, Wednesday at 7:30p, m. This is the last of seven dis­cussions held by the Conference onPersonal Religion. . ,- -)' .: Theooore Thomas Orchestra wili WOULD. ; "YOUgive', a concert in- �andel. Tuesday. pa,"one hundred dollars forAprit'13, at 4 p.' m. Members' of the a standard '. typewriter or lessUniversity may receive reduc�o�;slip for: an inferior machine.::-:=-ifof 25· 'cents after' April- 5th at the in':' -"YOln:ould get the best of theformation' office. . Tickets .. at Cobb,. standards .at ' a splcia! priceHall, $1.00, 7Sc, SOc.;. ., ,. " �f,-'SO,-t�me payin�nJX: .Y. w. C. L. will be addressed by;' . 'THEN !D()NT�1)(j n.:Miss .Conde in League Room -of- Lex- Lamselling thebest standardington,;.�ednesday. 10:30' a. in. -.. .\ machine--NEW--af $50.'SophomOl'e Recepti�·' Committee .. :. � Oiily '15 downj' time pay-me�tS'. .in Cobb ;6A,: Wednesday, 10:30 . 'ment:'" ": .' .. '. '. . .' , '. : '.;::'W'C\N' YOU' � BEAT"rr:"., Everybody :.lcN�ws THEFOX. .N;k\ my 'customersabout theirs.' Free instruc-t tion to purchasers.! -. Salllples.;':at'l"oom;56IMidiUe;n: Hall.', Geo;' StarriIlg, 'Ii: of C AaLa.·m� .. _ ..... - .. '. JUnior Mathematical C�Associ­ate Professor-Bliss- will speak Wed- .nesda�;_ "!:3(t_p. m:!)� ��.e�s!>n.' .. �,· ....i .; UDiYersity� PabHc'� � . underauspices of the C01lege Equal: Suf­.. Ir�ge· League;:'.Raoin ·6A,· Cobb��at 4� p, �",:Wedn�$d'_" .. P.r:ofessor..: ·ThOmaswill. discu��s '�The ,Relation, of. Woman.to' the' Pr�sent··Interests. �f 'So�i�ty!'DiviDity Schoof' -Pab&c' wriipwill be conducted -by Mr. Joseph Mun­_so� Ar.tm�, Hask� ·7; p.<m. , �.�•. :1' . �: .. ' .'. I _, �- \ .. - .: : 1: : .� �-t •• _. '. I .. :'. - � , � -:_ .�", . . '"G::",.. � ., to'::' .:.. .meUil' �kht gloves­'.. so.. buy Fow-nes and sax�,,: .:'.{. �w:o,..�le� :"'. :<; > ,'; ;.-: '.' .��': .."':':'E-n'�B&IE"'S":' .'.� �.. ·_C·\J:YY·:l-' .. '. �-' .. :... :. .... : � ," .. :: " ',':" .: ..... '·�f?:�:···'1'" IBaseball Candidates GiftD New' Workby' JlUectK��oar'Be&tm� .. .in .. Secoad .. Game. .. &.l---FresbmeDWm BroDa; Crane.· .'.. t .. �.· t:.·.t _-_ ..;'.{ ..�� � .. � .. ,'TilE NEW CEIn1JRY. (jfo(ecy" Markef:Co.'. " .. w.M• J: THOMAS; ·PrOp� . ..Fresh Fish and Oysters, Poultry· and. 'Game:. "Fresh VegetableS receh'ed daily.Prompt delivery.··· !el. Hyde, Paric 1361� �t Flft7-Ftf'" S.r;iet.". . : �With ideal baseball weather for thefirst time this year, the' baseball squad• .was given. the, regular work�ut· yes­. terday�. A feature of the'practice was, the .base· running.. :The men were alldrilled in· stealing, and getting to firstI.quickly., Seve.ral of the' men needconsiderable· training 'in this depart­ment of ,the game, and' much atten­·,ion. will �be, paid to it 'Within- tJJe nextfew .. weeks.... \.' 't".:The infield was given .. a vigorous' . � .. ! ........ AYeo. Cer. � st:wQrkoilt .. by ,the, "Old' Man." Collings . <: �? •:•. ; :;: T1ae me. .adem, �tdcal:·was given a� tryOut, at short with' Joe : and ··Ilaxurious : Institutionfor Baths and Therapeutic· Pegae&r, and; in the .absence �f �P.- ' . Treatments' in the' west.,taiil.,Meigs, ,�HaJ. Latham' 'was' iii '. �t: , ',:: ',_'.:U'DDS'AlQ) �('first.�.:Page 'at sec�d aniR�we' at: ::!c:GD'fI ..... _'.'l�·third:comp(ekd the infield ne �e�', ·:goiars: :"Geritr�:;;''dailystill lack certainty ·u ... · th,eir �hdlin�' ': ;atall,hoara. ladia.'8�a'. m.to 9 p- m. ��ay. �;\+�.,of .difficult grounders, '�ut are sho.w- , .. to-I p, m..iag rapid iinpro'RIDent. _ I t -.,• :, - .... "{ .!:.': The· complete- schedule for the, s.ea- 2.0". 00'" \'son has ·not: yet been announee4. It'will be· taJcen up by the :athl�tic boardat· its' next· meeting and made publiesome tfm� next week. In the mean­time it is probable tha� practicegames will be arranged witb local .lbelefchar Bath Co •Spring and S�p1merStyles' Now:' Ready.teams.' :.Beat Armour Again.Orville' :Page's pitching, the fatalsixth inning. 'and the wildness' of Ur­son, the' Armour twirler, combined togive Captain Meigs' nine a secondvictory over the Armour team Satur­day by .the, . score of 6 to 1. Bothtwirlers pitched good ball the first fiveinnings. In the sixth . Kassulker,· Sunderland and Meigs .in,led, Ursonbecame wild, and six runs were Rl­lied. This was the only inning inwinch 'tbe Marooas scored. The Ar- ,_! '�. I �';t:i :'_Suits·$25to�O... I�'.. ��. �Je.m.-s' Sonseun '�D �DA.S mEETS.! .' ,.,' • '.... -:-:--�_;'·-�';"·"_-:"""---���t-� .. ���·� - ... � That � r s� 01 Jtea:igo-·"'�·and'··DOiiiestic-·-ycio�rs�, I· � ',. \,.. • , -. ;' <' • .., Ii � \ .... � -:........... -'10.' •i now t cOmplete ',:aDd� em1;�C:ai���j a.gj:t�.�.:,:��� :)��� ��d, colors - --,: . ."--�.". -- : • ..J :J..,. .._a • 1\ j...). ..-.I_···&:·�_'·CO�' •••.• } -: _J_':":''' (_" ' ..-. i·,:TaiIors.441 Ea·.t···S3rd St.:: •• • •0 •• !:. ' ..., :BeL.,' .Kimbark & Woodlawn Ave.;. :,� ,,' l : .-: .' I;' .71 h .. I I. 'Let. US F • s b ion' ''''ou'�'-' • • -.• • C'" � -:apparel ani!'.. .. 'dc.noPs_.rat�, . to -ll:0u:nlmowiedge:;of.;,SartOrial:.... ': "'\ •.. � • ,-� tt" .' _ . ,r .'rn-.l • .." .) -... • ... ,# )�., •. ' ,- .•..�: •. . -:i!:- .. ',�:! ..'(i.1aJi1ab rates'ReduCed'�f�ble��': . j��}tri�· or four people' �y no 'mp� t)!'!! .<1�e .. or. �WQ _wberi'"!'n � '7!r:-:��u�� �aCJ -r ndm-.;.bi one oro�i taxiS. �,.'1!_ II �., ".. ;)�I.>n�w,,!) � �d 'S'V�n j.,; 2'-i;:;�I-'" I ' . u r,», �\'lC .: •. ". :�. ,: �;�l.�!fe ��!u��t: 2798, �Day� or ··Nlght.·I d .:..... : so Taxis. -available, " �ompetent"5er¥ice' assured. . :'��":Aumo:· ;�!�,T;AXI'C'AB·�. :,·GO.i:�v� ��.�'�1-tf�1���· Mlbhl�ah :��e. �:�""'H:' _ _; i:l:'_ '_,;i.�ifJ"id�� 2»�aI.·So"Idte,,· ." '. 0-:1i ."-y "" j'n'''e I',. "'"'" -6) ,. ·'Z· I 4 J l.; .. � ,�S_?:�t$ __ �i.T..."�ry.. '�tj�.�(� __ .. �s.··.� .......t ...... __ ..i tS t: S! � r - ,n.)� ::hl( t· .....,..-: �� r.., ',., _ .l�"�. <, .,,( ...: Tel�p� l049'H;ae p;..k ''''F,' •�- .:ARTHUR·E.· BOURGBAU. '=i.. 1••. � .!.� i c;� ,��:� D�"cot-.tor·) ,�: ') '.-YdGII'"Pap-ir, p�m�:,. �;_'f �"41?1� ..... 'f!�q.t�<'.$..a�p,; ....- �U���.t $$�,�'l f �:.t·; e' '1 t T'--' ,t"l,i f- ,I-,,\�L'C 'A; ,-.: " '. -;', ....The lIIbtoiS WanhOa" .- !to ..... c-n,...,- .... (... :\'''�'''' - '. ��"'...,.an...� ,�.� .. A,.. .... � .. _St. ..The CJ�n� and., Bat Kept Storage Wafthoate in �it1Furniture.and PiaDOS Moved. Stencl, Packed and ship�to an p;i1:lS of the WOrld: - 300 Prime � Rooms forTrona and Wheels. Large ROOm for ca� Bag­Ria and Slei� Tnmb to and from all � Loci)Transfen for Bagg� Fuminn, P�a, etc., at abort: .. notice.. :Spedal attention· aiftn to Uniftnlity Orden. �"r!\;" , ..: • '"", r(t I ,,�', /1 �'\.t •• tE',: I, jI ,I·c;::·�·,: .:.... ', ".f... �,.� I .: � .... ,,'.. j\... .� 0" � .��t .......!Jj�, -"�''''''' _ ... � .�.-�,,�. ,- -. n.sIIII . _" 'C8;�75JacIaon ById.·· .'"Betw_ Stat. .... �� s..... , Indians to an � score.- 'Y". "_' - .... � �,. " :,.� •. ,,::� .. 'f... ' ..,_,._o.,; _:,�_ , J-.-' _.10 .. _. . .,.:. ......IlANY WlLL.,TURN OUT-TO·. .- SUPPORT. IlERRIA.· TODAY............. � - ...,.._."" - -....- -." .... ::-�outi'cal �eIlC� Professor w��,.,> to_�o�_ B�I���_ ".!.�().�.: .,�J- .. :s, .. � TJajk R�. --'... 1 l . ,; ' ..... ...;. ., -.A..t9fttIJ -II' ·th Tt' , '. . '. Elc�tlollS for aldcl'm�n, city treasu·�.-'IJ't � I � • � �, ��. :'�f'al1d dlj .. c1cl'������·:b�ld._t9.Cla>:.:R.eliallle Reboil, TYP._eWrilen\ a!'. ma_j .- The- <=ont�lt thl, spring is on� of u�rebuilt in oar own factory; oeuer ana usual inter�st.... to members of thecheaper than others. � for·yoanelf. .U.iv .. nit_.:�ause 'of th� candida�TWE TYftftITEII DCIIAWCe ..... 3 -I31� Dearborn St. A. J. Coos., Mgr. J of. ·Associate· Professor Charl�s' E.Te1epboDe Ram- 4065 M�rriam. Although Prof�s90r Mer-riam is c����_�U�!!����!i.�.�---- ---- .... - --. . - ---- ------- .. . -_. ,------_.,._ ........ ":. ..!' .... . •• � :. � �., , , ,t I.,. ....The Syracuse Daily Orange' pre­. diets that· Harvard' will win the' east­I ern 'baseball.. championship ..Manager Mufr 'of 'Uie . Minnesotanet team}' plans iseveral 'dual matches·this· spring. . .:I------------------�-----.. , ... ,,:, 1f I did not 'constder myc. 'self the very· best tailor inthis-townfor snappy orit­leal ��l��)ne'n: who .knQwwlui.t . good olothes "are, Iwould nQt-: take. up '19 �. time'" .,, ., A� i,t 'is. y�� can do. ':Y9Ui-8elua mighty good turn if.you:will.step in ':'at �·my.-placeand.let me show . you' thekind of clothes I ani build­ing for ·fellows -who ·wantthe be8t�' and . lily· prlcea. are within· a:o-y Qne's1DMnsa.--���lFt:II/IfII)!IIJI!�.'_"1IO,ipj_"_,,-0Re: t:.< .... ', .�Wa�bin�l� �"'"'When .you. see.· .yourself .in oneof au .. ' new Spring Overcoats, yo';''will . be proud of. the' fact that .it"wasmade jn'·.the '.;"lerrems.w�y e • J.�. :The' new Spring patterns· andfabrics "for .Qvercoats and' suitings-are 'here now+-ready (or you to. choose (rom. .: Twilled 'fahricS in' greys and 'soft"colors are: the favorites this'seaSon .:.: . 'The : ultra' fashioii�ble i tliing' is� .to : have: your .Spriag: -overcoat arid.suit, harmonize. iD: both color 'and:� weave.� :.; . t.:'- .' :, . -.. Whethelh ·you·: are ; thiqking of 1buying Y9�! clothes ()f us or Dol,-:o:-you are cordi�ly invite4 .to;call'and see this showing. of the sea-'sOD' s· iu:;vetii��� ;: ,. · . � ."' ." _. .:.�'SC�8����!( $3() ·-tot $50., � .. � T � ..::. , , • .... I .' ••TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo Stores: -131 Li � �tree� and� .. : and 44 JadtSoii"" 'BoUlevard •.w_� ma�e. ri�.ini·� ����., .: . " Gillette Safety" Razor�ea.n sh��g',is � of::the�oollf)�-�;S gos-pel; . It goes With. the ',ex�cise and outdoor lif�-'�·.with good 8p�rits"�� �,heal�.:' .. '. . './.. F:ive minutes a day .�t ��e Gillette Safety r Razor keeps' . �.. �e'face shipshape. The � is 80� and clean. .... '.: . : ,;-·�it�·�·t�·��ce·4Y .. ��·.'.��.: •. ,:�b���·O��';·:· .:The Gillette Safety. Razor bas � big following amODi college men ;. Th� best shav� men,� the c:ai:npas use. th� Gillette. . •.. The GILLETTE is kind to the face-the k� smoothest.' '.:-; Shaving 'edge ever devised," Any man .ean give himself a clean; atis- " ;.. lying Shave willi the Gillette..;..despite tougn beard and tender.�'·' :_ '. The. GtLLETIE is handy-� stropping, no .honing.� � Aver .. of bIDe and mooey-:-l36.00 a year and .tips., . �\ l:� .1 '''7. >" .;.;: . '.I·' . There's 00 razor like the GILLETrE or tharwni �do tile 'WOrk ofa GILLETTE. ,<". ' .. :1 '.:'::: ... ! ;. ' ,. __ ··i-Tbe-GilfetteSafety Raznr is del .. ev;erywJ:?��.,. A: �, CIf:1 get ",bI�des ��.on.�e.civilized globe: :' .... 4'"l. 'stiiidard=·!. '';«-nn. �".L_ j '!. . '.. -e.. � ,., �.�� .. ' '. -i....... .r r:« -, � ;t .... , \ .3.Gillette·· Sal�-:_C.�m�nV. . • - . '. >', """,, n··� -:TP. ..... Jt-t'1' � .. ,",-\ ''3jc ' 603Kbii11al"Ball���.;r.;· � 1, .i :._::' "J.:'��.-, New.York,.Tames,Bldg�:: '::; ea.��6.i�e._.�.:.�L.�l�a:.St ..�cag9,S�.Esclwige,Bldg. "I '. -- ��iRal,�e. ":! '. j". Factories: BostOn. Montreal. LoOdon,.Berlin, �ana¥"_". -l.. '.:. ;., " .. ",-" ...... �.'" $ ,,-.� .:.):�.• ' .1.. . , t.' ,_ ......J\. .•.!'" �ke Y�r: �\ecli� at'·, .R-.'·,·:·X_fCO'S··• ... /Msf.J'�.I.I,r,... rIQ_:'ailt,HOUSE":.�.-W.""·Aft.�aad LalreSt.'CHIcAGO. "" .i'f • � ••, ", .. - &. • ....!.$'.Y,!... Y",,_": ::·t :-.. :-� fI.� TO..-AIIY 8BLP-SUPPORTIHG·8TUDDIT� .. -r .'.::, '�I... .t: ....... �". � Jr" ....... :.r ,. ... 1.'_ •• _. � .".. �We 'can P'!t �'iII �.Wid. a dignified method of .. iacrasiq �.reVeDu�:'methOd thalia deaa aDd that. iDvo!-vd.�. DP,u.m;n.iDa_"P�at:___ - .. , ;. '. ',. . , •• -l ." •_ •. ', ·�.\a .. inco�e .at a,.� espeaditare of ���' �eiPfaa��1� �;its efliciency in o�her UDitasitiea wbere seU-reSpectiq.leJf�tiaa ...... ." " �... !.- . .' .'� •. ' r - , -� "!' >C � ....•.. dents haft tabn.ap oar method to the exdusic:ID w,dthen:�UepleaeI;1·. �' '. .. _. .' .< •. '. . ." '. ., ._;, �� t!&eir &�� '-dea • Iiohed. vy.f.t� d�,�,,���01';� � �anJ' time clariDc hasiDess boan' at 39 Dearbora Sl. or telepboae CeaiIiI,.' ..' . . . I: �l1����d, uk for -Mr .. �u: ..I f i �'.. " ';II ; •••• .: I' � • t * • :- •The· leading qUe!itioi( _of your. � SpriDg clothes, Mr.;·College man, must � s� SOON. I!. �DO 'y� .kn�w, that: �,I am a � at satisfyina .'the desires 0( c.."M..? I. \. .. ,.��That'l caD make a suit for �.� Will be.:��t-, :DIFFERENT-DISTINCT-STYLISH?. .' .. ." ....-At uy rate .it 'is worth your while 10;_ me' c·L-:0:'THE5·,BENHAM,The Colle&,e Man'. Tailor519A East 63n1 SINeL'( . � I (" ii1iJ.J.' � 1WILLSON &. ·HARVEV. . .. pAINTERS' AND ottORAroasF. u.. WaD Paper, GJa. UiIj ........ SappIiw, Telepbooe H,- Partt3l61 ar EIIII ........ �.2'�.�����:��:��-� -, , =... 'I�'�.�; ': ',_,' � .fit ................ ..:. �J � ',.,........ .,. .. .",. \ " ...... .... �' ....... , "':' .-. ' 1 i2 East'&Sid! Sire"" :: Phm tOJ Gift'". Play' -in --dC]. battF"md They, Can·t Get PeiiDiSli�'C'omplete:Caat- bJ .C!iOkt:. of ....at-: Ittdles.!"". "With' 'the, selection' of l the � b�ttcrfly I, chorus.' tbe;' east': of; "ROIeeTOIQa in I: GreeD:,', eo be given: Apftl16: i. eom-',plete., The women, .arer disappointed::. bec:ause they 'will be> forced, to' pre-sent, the- opera· in �Qaton "pmila- ,: ,iu� blltead of Mandel Hall, as ori-ginally , planned.,t 'Those�who wui compoSe··the- bUUef�'fly chora.:are: Edith,Youn" Helen ICodT, Marjorie Day", Dorothy Clarke"Besl Courtright; Helen Peck, Itllle:.. Ef�tndfatti; Margaret R'owbOth8m.'J To Ghre'·TWo·JP&fbn.lMrtell·As : at' present--: arran�d; two· per- '� formances will, be given-the. first, tostart at 8 o'clock. and the second at!r 9�15.' 'The play, will be, preseDtect:'�twic;e. but -the- stunts .will be-di.erent.,A fantastic, stage devic)e,thatds-�ex-', pected , to,', prove: a- hit. wiD, t �bow a i'�il �����g � asleep, and: dreamili., o�; ,: her impressions, of" the:·Univeisit1. .i mostly" humoroaS.�, At! that-: momeat i; a, spotlight 'will: beithrOWRion1t'e.tiUt-..terflies of, the chorus as tft�·, go Il through � th�ir,: Mallell'ftrs: "..�" OD' Siile.,t '-nckets"are" now' on' sale, and- the' 'l'- women- will ,btgin an energetic '�_'paign before the end of the Week·i to- diJ;poser o� many colipons at 3S!\cents apie�e_ They 'ar�determiDed' to.demonstrate to the faCulty that sen.timent � on the cam�s :is strongly in,I fa ... or ... ·of> "th�, new"&)'IDa:asium.\ Posters" of,. tile... J)lay. drum by IHelen Jacoby, will' appear� on the!. campus today.,,.'PLAY, BAIIlt£JUr. NINE TODAYVanity' to Meet � Clerb GIl IIanbaDPiekL. ... 4..Captain ,Meigs' niDe will line:' upapiQst Jb� First, National BaDk team, at. 4"o'c'oek tbls, afte�' on :Ma,­shalf field.' n" bank"" will" faa,,·_vacation today 011 aeeoaur of ""­tions and' wall be able" to lead· theirbest men on tbe field. LUt Jar'the;captured second place in the Banke'"league. Sunderlancl_' WIll start tbegame. 011 'tbe slab: for tbe:Vanit7; :paR:'�HI· 'Wtant',to COftIGlmd·:tO'-YGU-'a 'eer­. tain type, of, cbaacae.,..... ... t· oft tlte. patient· OX,- He- P2tielltly . dOes bis! tasks: 1IDtil t.e�' day's: wort' is, dOne.:,The pabeuce- of, the' ox "is; a qalitT,wbicb we need in thi.·rime of bUrry;The 'tlliDgs of greatest worth .are t'eI thiries'of'sJowest growth. As I6ttlDe;I , went: thhMI .... ,two' colleaes,.: but Idon't lenow liow much' 'of lhe colleges; went, thl'01lgh': me. The raeer i: . notto the swift· nor, tbe baHle to the,strong, but to the patient."ne bnlliaat men in college. are',n� the- oaes"who make the bigJ suc­cesses in tJais worleL' Whtm I rwentbaek' to visit my college, I wafnold': with �at· pride of t�e S.ccess of,. some-ol, 'm�·clanmates-whb' were 'con­sidered slow. When I asked aboutI the� bnl&ant � Dlen ad, tlte� gHiues,:no one lenew about them." One' hundred ninetT-fi.e instita-­tions haft entered the' Penn atbletitcarnival.I "TREMONT": the style of tHe!season-e-it'sanA ���''''I�'COll.AIl C�IEDA\� t1§lNG,WAII'l'BD-COilege\ men fOr' new'liDe' s1lmme1"�ropositiOn �yinl �to $60' a week.� Pleasant 'work, notbooks. Address' Daily Maroon,W.A .Micb_" I SUIMI�, pft ... a success­ful glee cJub-:-concuv 'I:,,',}, ,2., SiDgle"Booms. For.::Bent- "'2, Doubla:.Booma� ��C�Llri�' 'oouviDcIDg . ' '� , '�21l���... fOE. ,-;'::t5�" ��.f' ';c :�. ,'" 't,�-: z ... :;1'AK'E',N()D€S!�. ,'-�_,';' _.".;.' .A'Dd·�watnw J01Ir' ,fiieD" DO'�to',pa712'for&�litALL up.'fO.DAU snus; mlU'TO '24 CLARK ST., NORT-HOF LAKE: fi"�."b.,.•. tG Dln�.,t;iJe lIfGOdfatirm Cafe •.a ........ Ceaap � A��� .....�.-rI,A8 . ..".·..wr.rr,y DI'OD'tBD cB.B o .. �" 8531& _ '! ' ��.e-XCEI!LED�[' , - '"., I·.�"�_, ,-�.- eftIJ enaiIia.