,f .•. ;j' ;I ! I; I!1 A dinner, with a. smoker to follow, Hoffman was elected Captain ofE. C. lIercer, TraveliDc Secretary of was announced by Chairman Her- waU Pa7 Some AtteDtiOll to Demands next year's basketball team at a ban-Y. II. C. A.. GIl Propam-Fac- schel G. Shaw of the 'sOc�i commit- of Class Work OIl Players' quet of the Varsity basketball menult)' llembcia Tomorrow tee before fhe Senior class yest'!rday TUDe. oil' J' at the Stratford last night. The ae-at a meeting. attended by fifty 1909 tion was unanimous and had been ex-'members. The pte .lias M-en set at The new system of coaching to be pected. Hoffman bas played '3, greatWednesday, April,14. Tickets 'will' used this year in preparing "The Lyr- gall!e at guard this year, and was one. . 1 L· H uneed d . f he men selee d b .The new system of marking aaabe issued by Shaw within a few days rea tar was announce yester ay 0 t e men se eete y, :Dr. "Raycroftby the management and is expected for his all-Western. He has not been grading which went fnto e&.:'Ctand a canvass 'will be made among last summer makes the fonowingthe men of the, class to "bring out a to do away with many of the evils a spectacular player, but he can al-f f �h' . b d . provision for the administrationlarge attendance. 0 ormer.) ears. J. e men 10 both ways e epended on to be in thet d h .·11 be i.._ • h I h· of absences:In its effort to. draw out a full at- cas an c oruses WI benefited, rag t p ace at t e nght time, and hefor they ·11 h t - t . h . t tl tId ·h· "Absences in Public Speak-tendance of the class. at the class WI ave 0 gave ess time as consis en y on p aye IS oppo-· .to the work. Formerly the reh I nents. . ing, Physical Culture anddance of the quarter on May 20, the earsa sran 0 I Iod d b tb Th h other courses required formembers present a. nthorized Shaw to ver a ong pen , aD � e. ose w 0 were present weretim f th f .- G 'P H ff graduation, but not reckonedget out postals for the a&air. leo e per ormance every man an . eorgen. >age, 0 man, Clarke,th h I -f f . . ' S h H H . as majors, must be made upWomen Also PJan.Uair. e s ow was a most sure 0 ailing c iommer, enry, ubble, Kelley,. in on f hi dies,' F Ik d D R in the departm ent in which. . b h . . Miss Mary Courtenaywill entertain e or more 0 IS stu ies,: u erson an r. aycroft. Afterpromises to e t e most tnterestmg. M H b rt th d . d th di h they occur."He was a student at the University the women of the class while the· men r. er err, e ramatre an e mner t e men went to the Stu-dance 0 h ·11· h·' hol d b k t D· F In other words, the system byof Virainia and' belonged to the Beta are having their smoker and dinner. c ac , WI gave IS : woe e a er 0 see UStlO amum ino· fi t thi h d -II h "C K· b .. which a student was allowed aTheta Pi fraternity'. 'While in' college . The plans for the entertainmen t are nne 0 IS S ow, an WI ave noth- ameo ir y.• 1 h - h d hil I. certain number of absences fromhe was prominent in athletics . and not yet laid, according to Miss Cour- 109 e se on IS an s w I e prepanng ----tenay. it. It is arranged that the time of M. V. L. GIVES PROJ!ESSOR 'any course without diminution ofother school activities. He played th h 1 will b ha: hlch bes '. credit was abolished.f b II d I be'· r. -Co, nsiderable interest was exhib- e re earsa set at w ich best MERRIAM WARM.. . SUPPORToot a an was a mem r 0 the suits the m mb f th . This' department, delaJed.:·inak.':'university baseball team that ap- ited by the class in the reports of the' e ers 0 e company.It ·11 I bl h .be .f ing·. a;:change in the plan of ad-d . he C 1 bi E . . heads of committees, which showed WI a so ena e t e mem rs 0 Report Calls Him. "C- ... d;. date �peare �t � e'. 0 urn Ian xposltlon the cast t .'. d··d I -- -- wnu ministering' absences. UIItil the sit-1893 H I d f I·f· h' for thJ..: most part that the' comm·lt- 0 receive 10 IVI ua atten- S-"or n...1:C-':_';''' .;._;_ :in . e . e d ast Ie ,10 tell; - 'd . __.- �---- � uation could' be studied ad·.anuniversity" and shortly after leaving tees have been doing work. An ap- tlon at 0 d hours during the day. If fuse Him � �ecL" . .' .college "he went to the bad" and be- peal was made for dues; much of the a man has no .class at eleven o'clock i!.'.. equitable scbe�e formulated. '. . f Mr. Herbert .can give him personal Beginning' With the' Spring'came a confirmed drunTcard. He was activity 0 the class being held up "No candidate in many years with 0 ..... .-.. :the .p·lan of ad ... ;.;;...... _,'in!!truction 'at that time without in _Il � -' -----disowned .-by,. h�s family, but aner a until it is seen how much' money the qualifications superior to those' of. ing a' bsen..... I·. n Ba-'-.&.A. �II ',be, ._ - _ any way interfering with his class -� I(�n wuastormy life in New Y�r� he was con- treasurer Will ,have. This 'is espe- work. Merriam has gone before the voters' as follOws:verted at a mission, and since then dally true of the 'class gift, 'which is. Plan ,for Reheana1s. in any Chicago ward·;. bears' promise . L Exc:ilSes,fo_r absences dae tohas become an active Christian work- to � a clock for the Harper Memo-· of highest efficiency and usefulness." , sa· -,I-. ess' may L- _. 1.--..-d :1. .... ;_.. � difference is also to be made in �. IJI'IC ""1AiU.... 'V7_er. For -the last·-eghteen. months- he· rial library. _ 'I'he .. class' . formally Thus is Professor Charles E.. Mer- plving' at .the: 'oftice imm..A:- ....... ·.d ed h I k f ··f the general arrangement �f the r� J--�has .heeia .. touring_the, co_untry. in .the. a opt t e c oc or ItS ga t. Chair- hi. _ nam endorsed·by the ..... unl·a·pal Vot' a'fter -tum-Ing to .. the Una·.......'_.•. . . ... . - � ,. . . '.' - '.' ". earsa penods. Dunng the week of .. .-. .. .�, .. ,- "--J'i���braDch of .t__'��" �.�n. sl.�. ����er., .;�l�.��!� a d�_.·. ''::1 1: ..• ".e_ .k Qf.· •o. ts. e' . ers League _as•. candida. t.e..£. or alderman � Absences doe to other causes .Y. :ti:�.c.::'k.,' �:----:.' .� '-�.���!",-.�.�::.;� ;�gn .• �.;u.e:�;sooa.....�.� .• \.;:;j; ... � . �����_Y(�:-= ... � "1"'!-�'-':"_' .. :->llf-tlae-'-1lMlm""" .Hwcat'to JM, 1aUI' .,",T· - ' .. , . . -�- .... ' 'W lti"�M-: c .... '·.. "iliib··t':"'::' ,� ,an� coPlestof tbe:song5 WID. be.. dis- . '·T·· ""'f'.f .• , '�'Jr: .,. "-' , • �·4.:'�a.."�_·:cns-·:··-!:-ed':-:,,�·.':':a·:-t·;�""�tt:��-,±�.·��-if�.�.. �.·:::.,_·_·�T.. ;,""'�,:.-�'-'���'_""1dhe speakers:-at tomo�w!·<�c:et-:. ". "a ... r.,� .���.�. ;;.:.1 � �"'�-:- tn"buted among the men selected for n�t _uesday._; I� IS feltlo�:.the:�:- � DC.UIIIQ:· •ing wail �',Pr�sl�Dt Ju!lson;' Dean ,pie of the class .pm whIch he recom- ',-':'. ' .". pus. that aside� from, beipg .3,. recftllP.., . ca;"-d; b-·, COD. ..I:':�.: that.'-_." ';',:. ;:;.. '.. ..d.-..l -;Th . - ':""":'1 '-- 1 ' tl!'[;� cast, and the song choruses· Will _ _ .. . '•. :: . '. "!"&-,,' -- - J UI� ---MacCliiltock, Mr. ':MacVeap, Profes::' .men � . e pm" wu IJI'IC ess. expen-. ':. '" ",,' . .'',' c"� '.' ,. m_tioD o� -faithful.seryJces; the' recom-. ted the .bsetic. ". .: '."_' •. '• th ·th 'di be.:banded out to the chorus mea. Mt '. _ . .' - i ",., ran . a .e;, .. : : :. ·r_ .::: .• : .. sor S�u"�,:�n 'Jobnson'�of:Um�' '�lVe .�n e:'or Da? one adopted kei-bert�. ,. ',"" -. . •. men dation �Jt have �o..- .�rac�. . b. ;lhde·� bywark OIItsi4i�o('·_·H: Sch 1 d : .. ;;� Co' d. In 'former .vears. Chairman Kenned be abseDt from the CIty I .. '- " -,.,.. .' ..verst." .u:-. 00 .. an ..IIIU:ta, n e... . . J ,... ' y ib' £, II .' . k. d cia - . ·va ue. ". ,'�:. - class' by "arraDgemeDt, at�·��-�,"- .On ,Mri.iday: �o.·�tiDp���l "be" "of uelprogram' COmlnittee��d the _e. 0 oWlng;w� .�, .: � that Professor' Merriam has' no '�p�_ fice.·. sUch: WOI'k··to. be. " .-A', .. _:::�.. .,. ..' . .' I. . £,' time every·man Will, be expected to _. .�r.n-,held--one at. four .m . the aftem�n, at. c ass to, Slgu up or programs, a sam- I' . . h' . li" . .. -:. , tion ·to cause him 'any worry as to. when, done" to the.· instnlctor· of.. '��;;;' _.'• C' .'- dd" h' . I f h- h 'h h d..l_ earn IS nes and songs and be- h· .' . '�whlc� r��. _, ,�saulus .�II � .. , re�.� e P e 0 w IC e a,. �e�t�r":,,y._. come well a�q�nted with his part, IS cha_nc�; _HaVIng dispos� of. his the' class in which the statleut is�';·,·:student�.'::a�. one fm.:'.- �e ... wo��n . of.. " .... . .� _.. ; .. :.." or�:if in the cborus . With : his soil' ; R�ubb� opp�nent at the primaries, registered... ' . .the UDiversaty. at 7:30 lD Haskell Hall'. \RliOUR TO B�-�YEn' CaD to �an. IS- Dr. Me� wall hav.�'easy':sai1ing on 3. Four:(4) or-more 1IIlesctlSe4.'addressed by Miss. Conde. With ·the: .'.' .: : AGAIN, TBIB AFrEluiOON "Tb 'Ia'f' h �._,_ " ·d the politiCal seas.. absences' in a "Yell quart. er will:- f - • .II h ' .' e new p n 0 re ea.-::NWf, sal 0 � .. -exception 0 thiS meeting, a. t. e 5eS-:-_ M . Li-i;. ,,- , .d .' �.. ne J.��re .. that cansed_considera- reduce a st1ldeDt'. s·credit for-thai• f C -�- .. ·n· ._. h Id' aDager aaamer, IS expecte to bl . " ,... -slons 0 the olU�e. WI be e -d 'th '.' ,-,' '. h h" Th'" .it'I' e.��� �n:the campus was the . qnarter.. ... .. ..:.-del· , &.. .Prabmaa_ .. WiJl .• eet_.Crane�in Car- ,al e men. m t e s ow. ere wa ta't ... '1 ... '- t Prof .II .to .-.u , ..-:-, -tam Rai8er�PaCe to Pitch fo�' be no mo�e 'reb�rsa1s set when prob- ! emen�' ,"'� .'essor ::. erriam (Signed)On'Tuesday afleanOC'm, ·Dr.-Gao- ' .... -."""-'; . ,. , bl' ", ' "'has Ia .d held several college records." He JOSEPH-.ll· RAYCROFT,I -'': d w�, ddr .' 'V��' �.,' -'. a y every man a c 55,' an no h "--' z.···· C---d .-san � apin WI� ... ���� an � .. �, more ttelays 'lM:caase the coach fa.,s �s u;=�:.�onl� ,�,��" II�-: ',. '.' :�or the' Department..and an the �. �r- Mercer WI"lI t 'h" '. ", . nam, �Dfer�c:e quarter· miler.give a. talk . t� ,the m� �f the. Un!- . Armou; j�stitute this afternoon will 0.. ; :w up_.11 be f • b ed Besides' Professor. .Merriam, the The a�ve official statement, pre-versity� .. Mr.; Staa':wiD preside' at get an:oP��ilitY to i-ed� itself b' th � ,n.�.�en WI. f�!_ten University is indirectly represented pared y�sterday 'for �� na.ly )la-. . � � V :y e . seeDlIng.:- severity 0 un:; try- . h �- -th fi I d d fi' -this meetin& an_d. �� �ll ,be some �?r its ��Ieat � �h.e. arsity nine ouU:, � '� in" this i�' m�1y to-In t e ���Ing aldermanic election by roon, represents e na an e_ BIteshort talks by variouS students. On yesterday, when' the' two teams �eet .' h" . .'h I. � .' Robert .F. Mix, who wiD be the Pro- iulings of the athletic departmait iaWdnesday eveniDg the � conference again at 3:30. this af�rnoon on Mar- IIV� � .e n� m��w WhOse q�.thltiestha�e hibition. candidate' from the Twenti-• ' .�'. � "'. . , unlUlOWD an equou C ance WI ose .. . the" matter of cuts, aDd . incidentallyWill dose by ao addreu by Dr. Hen- shall ·field.', The game wiD, be pre- h .biJj'_ - 1m' " eth' ward. . Mr� Max IS the lather 01 takes most of the groUnd froaa 1IIMIer!;on, the Uniftnity Preacbel-. cede� by � � . contes�'- �tween. the w ose � ,"J IS own to us. Robert" R. Mix,· RepUblican leader' in' those studeits who bad become IIIIIdI�., .. � .. � "";r. . Freshmmft and . �C� " Tuh higb the.m�k·seuate, and a warm support- excited �r the sapposed injustice' ofFOOTBALL BTOC" BOOIlING school, wJ.ich is sc.'i�uled for 1 :30. COSMOPOLITAHS TO GIVB er �f Professor Merriam. .'the .Dew rules. ,Any stataneiats I"e-.A long lp,r:H:lke' �� held yesterday .SOCIAL' ENTERT� gardiq the rales to be enforced whichTwehe Oat' � � � afternoon, and the chanCe was taken W'lq(JHT lIEN DO' W()JfDERS may have been given out pre-nous to..... .,..... ._ 8bowiac. by . i>ir�tor Stagg to point out to 1Dtemati.... CIab to I Bold 8ocia1 'III PRACTICE 'tHROWS this in any classes or' elsewhere werethe men' the· faults of their play EftIIiDc Hat � ,�eclared pranature and unofficialThursday. Both infield all4 oUtfield Propam of Nati� K;..n- "l"bnnn n:..- �eB � 110'were dnlled on team work, and Pase �WOitb���cI EDclenor is to Be Pair.and Sunderland were allowed to· warm At a meeting of the oficers of the Habble Do wea' . Director Stagg said yesterda� thatup after the r�lar squad left the International club' I'Ield yesterday tb�' �epartment of ph�ical culture isfield. morning, it was decided to open tbe en4eavoring to be fa!r .in the matter,After practice the "Old Man" an- activities of the organization fo'r the Track prospects �oolfl� jump· yes- and' in his opinion ,no justifiable com-nounced tliat he would make several quarter by holding a social evening tcrday because of the good wOl'k. of plaint can be found witb the rules as. changes in the lineup in this after- next Friday,. April 9th. The, affair Kelley with tlte discus. He has been set forth above. They provide for ab-noon's pme. Charters will go in at will take place in the parlor of Hitch- working steadily, and has shown great sences on account of sickness, andright field in place of Cleary, and cock hall. The meeting will be open ability with the Greek missile. He also for any other causcs that are im-Kassulker, a Freshman, will be in lert to aD members of the club, and any has 5uc'ceedcd in throwing it well over portant enough to warrant a cut.in place of Ebrhorn. Sunderland will 'of its friends who care to attend 110. feet.. With the {our weeks of They also allow for making up anygo in at second, and Page will be in A committee of three, consisting of practice' which remain before the first cuts beyond four which cannot be ex-tbe box. ,. _. • "., Wander,' Benitez and Raftie, was ap- dual lricc't,' he will undoubtedly be cused on either of the grounds pro-Fot: tbe Fre;r.Tes,""S'fiDtoii wm most pointed to draw up the program 'of able to bother anyone in the West vided for. It is only the' man �holikely be the �\ _a,,!� .and Stein- the evening .. They wJ11 make the en- in this nent!. Ketley�lias been show- rcpeatedly cuts for no assignable rea-brecber will be � the �L ' tertainment a cosmopolitan affair, ing good fonn . .lth the shot, and .may son, and does not care enough about. Cbicago's lineup ..11 be as follows: and will attempt to have many of tile be expected to'improve upon his' put the regulations to try to make up forC01lin� cf; �.-r, If;' sGnder- nations represented on the lIIembcr- of forty: teet 'at . Champaign. it who wm receive less than full cred-Janel, 2b; Pag�,.P.i:if�JJ�;.�ecaes, ship roll of the club, represented on .Worthwine bas'�n working stead- it, and there is no definite fixed num-ss; Rowe, 3b; P:aal;'l:;' �rters, rf. the progiam �Iso. jCootin�ed � Paae 4} (Continued an Pap 4)- � , .;.. .... _ ...."(>.'4: tll'"'0'"'ll-''" - .. '. ' .'.' ,:_ . , ,:,' : �.: • �, ....... , �. .,. .. ..... : Y, ,.,...,...... _ .... "".' '. ,-:,:" ,';::; .. '_.', 'r .: .' '. ", ...: '.VOL. VII-No:' 112 ..• ':">,THE. DAILY IIARO<?N. ,SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1909STIITFII11I•·· ... 101.11Dr. Ra;rcroft Pnpua S ......... f_IIarooa of .Ralea of Ath1dic ne:Partm-t Reprcliaa Oats., , -.HOP'FIIAR TO CAPTAQI PIVE,Is IIuch IIiIder tb.a Ac1vuce NoticeiaWhich Inatnlcton in ])epartmeDt· 'Ha4 'GiveD Out.BANQU� PoR' - �IOR MEN :-TD I.III£II_',DF.ans :11' RIAI'_ Star Guard Will Lead Nat ·Yeiar'..Vanit7 P'iYe Cboice. u. ......-Pla,en Rae BaDquet aDd AtteDcJTheater.AJfair to. be, Pollowed � ...... OIlApril l�Womm.to c;ne ..a-­taiD""";� IIab RePOnatoC ..... Coach HedJert Will AftaDp Rehear­Ala to Sait CaDYeaicace oflIemben of cUt.Sis Jieetblp to· DiKau PenoaalRelicioD to be Held During. Week.The fourth annual conference onpersonal religion to be helel In theUniversity will start tomorrow even­ing in Mandel Hali lasting urnil Wed­nesday, April 7th. There will be .;series of six meetings at which manymen prominent in local religiouscircles win be present. Mr. E. C.Mercer. traveling secretary of theY. M. C. A .• will also be on the pro-gram.Of all the speakers Mr. MercerSince the opeiiing of th� quarter!lpring football practice has made a!lpurt. About twel¥e men come outevery ·aft�oon noW, and AssistantCoach Steffen is putting .the· ment hrouah ,bard practice. He is drillingthem principaDy in fonnation, forwardpass work, and position. Most· ofthose comins out are recruits fromlast. HalOn'. freshman team, and theyare showina up well."The men are doing much bettcrthan the, did during the early partof this spring's practice," said Mr.Stagg, who viewed yesterday's work·out, Hand they seem to be getting'mach Rood oat of the work. Theyare improving in their formation andforward pa.u work,' which is !'O es­sential in the present. style of playing.The outlook is wry encouraline.".. _.:, -'T�E�lctMl����'��!i���)'���.·�.:�.�.:-- ••••�•• �.-.�.'���.··.�j.-.�i.·.'.�.���.;_ ��.ne otndai' ·iIl ... ·· -p.wket:i1W'., 1Ii.., 'mission of' the State" of Arizona with . . the University� of-, Wisconsin' at' the, - . �'. KNOW' 'YE.,1-. . I< OIllftnlt7 - el. � a cLAuse allowing women's suffrage. same meeting. . Professor A. C. Mc-'V--'7 'The suffragis!s. will' be' led by L. 'C. Ul1ighlin -of the University - will read. T. bit our -:stOck.· of FOreign '..... U......_ .t � ....... ., McNemar' and the' opposition by Clar':' a paper on "What' Changes Should, POU41e4" ence Bales., All the members will be Made -in the"Report of th� Com-' and Dome$dc. >'WpQl�s, ,.I-s::'Tbe·Weeld7.:'\: •• '•••••• :. •• ;.0ct0a.. � J-. . r "'::: .. 'f '.. ' i' b "M .. 'Tile DaIl7.� •••• ·•• :: •••••••• � I. 11&, participate. There, is eonsiderable mittee 0 . �ven, a ter w IIC r. no� 'compleie �rid. ���races',doubt concerning .the outcome of the,. Marcus ·w. 1ernegan of the' Univer- all 'th'e "':'0" c ·w: '·(:'-s·I':Ii"·a=d· e·.s:·,· '�n:'d'bleNd· .. ' 8eeoDtI .... IIaI1 at * GI-' • • "11' d' • •-eaco POlltotllce. CIt.Ieqo. 1m.-. IIaIeIa vote, a� there is strong OppoSition to sity WI _ give .a I&CUSSlon on It.lS, _ ueSer £et el IIaIeIa I, lID. equal suffrage. The meeting yesterday was poorly colorsattended, mainly because it bad notbad enough advertising. The mem­bers of the Association extend an in­vitation to every student of the Uni­versity to attend the meeting to beheld this morning at the ReynoldsClub.Publ18be4 4aI17, uc:ept 8aD4Q8. ... -0,.. uti 'bolldQa tlarIQ � C..n.nof tbe UDlTentt7 7ti&r. .'8 u.ap �J .....'or tIa� tM· ..T_ JI:IUa ...'fte hctII&7 kcMap •• � ......PBB81'OK .F. Q.A.I8 •• � •••• '-"" .....IIBLVIK r. ADAIIS ��. A.,·PPZPFBa .••••••••• AtIIIetIc .......A. L. .FBlDSTBIK .._._THOS. .. MIT.! _ ••• CIIetIIa&Iea ......ASSOCIATE EDI'I'OBS.A. G. Whitfield Bargrue A. LongH. Felseuthal Vallee O. ;AppelBBPOBTBBS.M.. F. Carpenter\lo� LevitanW. B. Ll07dC. W. Washburne A. Loth. n.. �. »allB. F. BUbW. s. FouleNew. eontrlbuUoDII IDQ be left at ...Ballor Fac:ult7 Bllelwa&e. a4� toTbe Da117 IIarooL .With the choosing' of next year's, ..basketball cap.t:iiri and the' firial fare:", .. '. ;.;: well.': or: '. ex-Captains:Major-, �:'�'<'. : ',Georgen- and 'Schom-:"C's":.:for. :,: .mer,: who: have: played'Basketball - . :;$o::large �a. part - in . the<cbampienships ; '. of, " thelast two' years: the .question of makingbasketball a ; major sport, and theaward of major "C's" whethe� theteam: makes' the' championship or not,is being seriously discussed. The gameitself has made a remarkable advancein popularityand general interest, andat least 'during' the last two years hasbegun to -approach football in the ex­citement- it has aroused, .The.�·pnie . should .not be : encour-:aged .to slide back into any lowerplace :than it holds' today. All theenthu�iasm . of a whole year should notbe monpoli"zed by football, and bas'::ketball as a game to cheer for istreading on the heels of football. Themen have a long hard season, thegames draw big crowds, and. the game. bas certainly won for itself an im­portant'.' place among the athleticevents of the year.eAFE TO BE GARLANDEDIN HONOR OF'LADIESRoy, �dridge to Have C1Wge of the. Decorations for Pen ClubBanquet.Roy .Baldridge, the well known um­ve.rsity artist, will display his abilityin decorating the Hutchins�n Cafefor the Pen Club banquet. The othermembers of the committee are Es­mond Long, Walter Foute and E. G:Leith. They will obtain banners fromthe mcmbers of the'dub and will haveflowers for each lady. Between fort,and sixty arc expected to sit down tosupper..Several ex-Pen club men have sig­nified their intention of attending theh:lnquet, so that the affair will be aTl'tmion as well as a treat for the ladyfriends of the scribes. Jack Meador,now reporter on the Chicago Tribuneand recently spccial correspondent onthe Bn!'iness Mcn's Trip through thesouth, is among the number. MarkGooclenow, city editor of the Gary'fri1lunc, will also be there.,l·1Open Meeting of Senate April 12th.Postponement of the open meetingof the Senate was announced ycster­fl:ay. The meeting will be held in theLaw Building on April 12th insteadof next �ronday. It is open to all themembers of the University, . and the .. '",." ...... .;.'... �....IE & IlABlGTOIi' CO.Tailors.DaUyBullctiD.Aasociatioo of Teac:hen of Psychol­ogy in the College Normal Schools ofthe North Central States will meettoday in Blaine Hall. fourth floor.Sessions will convene 10:00 a. m., 2:30p. m., and 8:00 p. m,"North Central Teachers' Associaticnwill hold conference in Reynolds Clubtheater. Students interested are' in- 441 East� 63rd St.ATHLETIC BOARD TO ,MAKEIII:'P.oRTANT DECISIONS Bet. Kimbark & Woodlawn Ave.Season Tickets and Baseball Scheduleto be Takcn up in Meeting. - Today.'vi ted...Announcements.University Religious Service-LeonMandel Assembly Hall, Sunday. 11a. m. University Preacher, the . Rev­erend Poindexter Smith Henson, D .D., late of Tremont Temple, Boston,Massachusetts.Political. &:onomy_ Club-Meetingpostponed from April 1st t� April8th, when Mrs. E. H. Downey willspeak on "The Teaching ot Econom­ics in the Secondary School" .: skUn' and Crescent m�ets it Rosa-lie Inn, April .. 6th, 5;30 p, m., Fourth :'l\nnual Conference on Per­sonal Religion 'will hold' first: sessionin Mander hali, Sunday' at 7 :p. m. '. Score Club Dance at Rosalie H a lI,Aprii 10." �', '.'. ,.Sunday Class· of Professor Willettwill not meet as scheduled in Has- .kel] at 8:30 a. m.Mr. Barber to Address C()IIlIDeI'ciaIs.Mr. Courtenay Barber, . General .Agent for the Equitable Assurance'Society, c�mOlJ.ly known, as ,thel'--:Eqtiitable 'Life,' will be entertained by .the :�eiribers' of the' COnllne'fClal Clubnext Wednesday evening. -He willspeak' on 'the general subject of LifeInsura�ce. Mr. Barber is a man whostands at the' top of' his profession.and is' eminently well fitted to talk onthe subject.After the dinner the members ofthe club will hold their semi-annual Let US F ash ion you·r·apparel and demonstrate to.your know ledge of' SartorialAn.The B�ard of Physical Culture andAthle'ticr �ill meet today to take upseveral important questions. The mat­ter of issuing season tickets for $2.00will be taken up and decided. Thebaseball schedule for next spring willalso be P';1t up for ratification. Amongthe other subjects discussed will bethe awarding of' "C's' to the mem­bers of the basketball team. ::.J1 •,. ,�?, : ...... �. ..:The PiilnoSigma Alpha 'Epsilon announcesthe pledging of Charles Dana Higgsof Oak Park. "King of Them All"One authority on basketball has se­lected .on the all-western five four ofChicago's team and on the ail-east­ern the entire Columbia' five. 271 Wabash Ave.. I� The way they're made has� a good dea! to dp ,�i_t� theway the wear. �"� , :r .• Taxicab Rates.Reduced. �t!ff� .- �Three or four-people pay no more than one o� two when,riding in one ,of our Taxis.,_ ,, ,FOWNESGLOVES...-----.1 Telephone Calumet 2798, OaY. ,91-1 Nlght'-, �'50 Taxis available Compet�nt se�ice. assured.T-AXICABAUTO CO.2�,41-43 ,Michigan A�e. 'UfthJ.,..dIy 'PGtro-we Solkh.4election of officers. THE NE� �TURY6rocery &,Market,�.WM. J. THOMAS, Prop.Fresh Fish and Oysters, Poultry andGame. Fresh Vegetables received daily.­Prompt delivery. Tel. Hyde Park 1361.t52 East FIft7-Flf.1I Street. ' ._GLEE CLUB PLANS BANQUETAND FOUR IIORE CONCERTSApril 22' to be Nat Public Appear­ance of New UDivasitJ�OILThe Kercher Bath Go.324 W.!tasll Ave.. Cor. CoIiiwNsS St.·The most Mcde�, Pratticaland Luxurious Institution(or Baths and Therapeutic,,-\&.1,,,..,'" Treatments in the w.est. ..FOR LADIES AImGBBTLB.nHours: Gentlemen, dailyat all hours Ladies, 8 a. m.to 9 p. m. Sunday, 8 a, m.to I p. m.Four more concerts for the Gleedub and a banquet for the memberswere planned, yesterday morning at ameeting of the singers in Cobb hall.April 22 the dub will entertain atthe Woodlawn Baptist Chllf'ch, andlater in the quarter an engagementwill be filled in Austin. The exactdates of the thf'ee concerts subsequentto April 22 have not' yet been fixed.The Glee club also decided to holda banquet soon, at which each mem­ber of the organization will be pre­sented lit silver watch �harm as a me­mento of the year's association. Thearrangements, .�or this banquet will bemade by the executive committee ofthe club, and will be announced later. 2000WILLSON &. HARVEYSpringStylesUHIVERSITY PROFESSORS. PROJlIHENT AT MEETING and SummerReady.. 1 Full Line WaD Paper, Glasa aDd P"ten' SapplieaSu��5�,O\T_�_�H_�_��_7 ���-�-�-�-�The IDiDoia Warehouse and Storap CompanyNow PAINTER� AND DECORATORSHistof7 Aaociation Invite Stadents toAttend Their lleetiDl at Rq­nolds C11Ib Toda7.....1bt1e .... snKiaabuk Aft. aad 56tb 51.The Cleanest and Best Kept Storage Warehouse in city.Furniture and Pianos Moved. Stored, Pacbd and sbip�to all pans of the world. 300 Private Storage Rooms forTrunkS and Wheels. Large Room for carriages, Bug­gies and Sleighs. Tnmb tn and from all � Llc:alTransfen for Baggage •• �umiture, Pacb� etc.. at sbonnotice. Special attention given to University OnIeri.At the North Central HistoryAssociation meeting held in the Rey­nolds Club last night, Dean Small andProfessor Paul Shorey of the Univer­�ity entered into a discussion on "TheStudy of the Present as an Aid in the �m. Jerrems' SonsCUR" ARD ADA.S STREETS. �'.?t>'.; ,...� :. t:i! II Iio, II/ - Wh;�--Y�� see-�:;U-;,� �: ������ '::::��i.;'BVEiriS· PaR :, "", �; W� �of our new Spring Overcoats. you. TAN� MEET WITH PENNSY'" : ' The U�i�ersitY��f:Paii� bas an en-will be proud of the fact that it . rollment of 16,009 students. This' iswas made in the' "Jerrems way." RelayaD4t Polo G.me Likely to De- equal to the'regist.rations "\; the threeThe new· �p�, p,�tterns Aln�' . �. � ·��-lIaroon: ctWxes 'largest American universities.fabrics for overceab .arsd 'Suitings,� ;'.' .. ' '_:_f., .·,_.t! <GoOd.' ,�.are here now +ready for you tochoose from. '.Twilled fab'i=ics,in greys: and 56ftcolors are the '(avori tes this se�n .. The' ii!tfcl ,f�h,�nable-' ihin.;: ",i,to h'av�Yo'u·r 'Spriilg 'overcuat ari(Jsuit harmonize in both color andweave. "", :: "". -. , ' ..,.Whether you: �re � thi�in�g of 'buying your clothes of us or no1-you are cordially invited to calland see this showing of the sea­son's novelties.SchO����!� $30 to $50We make riding br�eche�.:The The events for" the P�n�,yl,,,ani.aswimming meet.were, announ,ced yes­terday. 'They are, to c�iJ�ist 'oi'the-, forty, si�y :and, �undre.d 'y�rd swims,the plunge for distance, the relay andthe polo game. The back and breaststrokes . �re ;o�ftied.- Tbe' dope fromtile East' would indicate' that Pennsyhas the plunge for> distance and thehundred nailed, while Chicago has thebest CJ1!li1t� J!J �be. fo�t.Y-r and sixty.The reports' 'from . the Pennsylvania-Princeton', .dual�;: meet: show thestrength of the' Red and Blue team The retiring cabinet of the,!. W.C. L. gave a .dinner to the womencomposing the incoming cabinet' last '. night in Lexington Hall, Miss Helen, Peck is the outgoing president,' andM iss Geraldine Brown is her succes-sore Several informal toasts were re­sponded to. . About twenty-six werepresent,The faculty of Dartmouth has be­gun a new custom in the East. T:�c.yhave prohibited Freshmen from par­ticipating in athletics on the' varsity, ,."close .. meeter: :t'hat·,will by' ri�lther tIe",thumb .. nor_ temper15c.�2 for� -':A'Re:�'f�r �:.'M�'�'·�, . ,'-!. " ," ""if seteCt'Your Spring SUitJEarly'Abraham 'Lincoln once said: �II don't carehow much you say. providing you sa" it in afew woros; ,.We want to say til you in a few words that ourearly arrivals in Spring, .Suiting. and Overcoats are ;here - the earlier you come in the wider is your choice:-you may order now if )'Oll wish. for delivery four tosix week. hence. . This .. of mutual benefit because itgives you the cboi:e of the best and aUowsour tailorsplentI of time. Better drop in and see the advanceline of Suitings and styles at College Men·s prices-'$3500 up. ",, . CarVer & WilkieTailors• 1J:1 � 185 Dearborn SLMANUFACTURER267-269 Wabash Ave.-Developing. Reducing, Facial andScalp Ma�gc.-Electric Light, Steam and HotAir Baths.We cater to Professors and studentsespecially,, Hyde ParkHylienic·' IDstitute,M. LnllD".oTR. M. G., Manager:. Phone H. P . .w54432 E. 55th St., Cor. LexingtonAve.. and Floor. . ,.,.# �A 'bitter class' fight is on at Mis-sonri between th'e SCIJior. and Juniord�s� _girls: in ClIiistlan' COtI�ge. One, ,girl climbed a rope to bang her col­ors from an attic.., ','Northwestern's new gymnasium isto 'cost between $2,SO()1�L ;md $3,.;. _000,000. Bring' your lady with youif you like (we have amost comfortable place)and let her help you makeyour selection. ROUGH .. RIDER qUARD,IStyles for young men, oldmen and old young men.You'l1 find your Bize;(V ..... .,..)Come to-da,! ' .., .I MOSSLER CO. I. #:a.....,_ T....... ·50 _ B .... The Rough Rider· Lawn Guard is thelatest and most efficient device of itskind on the market today. Built out of"Angle Steel." it is put together stronglywith an aim tor .strength, durabllity andneatness. It is satisfactory in every re­spect. Call and inspect samples.OUTMAN BROTHERS'.,..." II '. . ,206 'wt Fdty-F� StreetPhone Hyde Park 2428Hardware and, House Furnishing Goods •. Tin and Sheet. Metal Work. GeneralJobbin� an� Mechani�� 'York.TO AMY SBLP-SUPPORTING STUDEIIT.We can put Y01l in touch ,with a dignified, method of increasina yourrevenue-a method that is deaD aDd tbat in'vol.es a maximum increue' atincome at a minimum expenditure of time.. � The plan· bas, already provedits efficienq in other Universities wbereself-respeCtinC.-aeIf-supportiqata­dents have taken up 0111' method to the exclusion of others; they are pleasedand their financial buntea is solved. We can do as much for:you. CaDany time darinc business boan at 39 Dearborn se, or telephone CeDtnl5114. and ask for Mr. Goldblatt.CLoTHE5The leading question o� your Spring clothes, Mr.College man. must be � ��.-Do you know that I am a specialist at satisfyingthe desires of·CoIIeae M_T .-That I can make a suit for you that will be �VAR5ITY suit­DlFFRRENT-DISTINCT-STYLlSH?At any rate it is worth your while to see me.BENHAMThe Collelre Man'. Tailor519A East 63n1 Street.FULL DRESS SUITSTo RentT. c. SCHAFFNER• Stat. 5t. ...... CntnI.t875 Lasswall, ,._ ,tu231 East SSt .. 5tlfttMak..Good Photoa $2.50 DozeaCome and see them.��: ': ::'.::(' ...�.. ""'. .',' ... :- •-r ••.. --,,'.. '-I",. .. ,..-..�'�'.(�"'�-::�'�:;:';.;����".'. ;'CUT··itiiiD ...... TiiU;·:.�·.�·.·�·.�usemenuh .: .. OFFICIAL PLAir ANNOUNCED.. .,.... - .' ': .�'. ".:' '. -t .. '. ,. (Cooun�'�'Pac� I) :.ILLINOIs:.. ··- .. .: ·,�··o(.�-beyond whidl no credit:. ' . wtll be giVen. •Olga. Nethersole Protata'LiIel7 to.P_.se·AWQ.. . Any' student protests which wereT�. WlUTIIIG OB 'lBB , WALL. put under way Thursday and �ridaywili . probably disappear rapidly. .asthey have no ... support in the officialrilles. Just . where the instruCtors whoannounced that· three unremoved cutswouli take half the quarter's creditind six of them would au nul the whole .quarter's work� got their information,remained an unsolved mystery yes­terday. In view of the actual pro­visions, however, it � become a mat­ter of small Importance .S'TUDEBAKERD'ustin F arnumin "Cameo Kirby". , �.)t Ie .Bys BoOtIl Tarkincnon and Harry Leon'5 wCUson.THA:lay�!!�I�•·rom a novel by a-chicagoanThe Great JolmCantonWITH GEORGE FAWCETT<l ra�d Opera House;. ADA LEWJS ..InTHE HEAD os THE. HOUSE.pOWERS ....�. THE· FAMILY.� ..PlaY'by Robert H. Davis. Direction of. Henry Mi.ller�C .. OlIn House ..Frederick Thompson"s MammothProduction;Via ·Wireless.I..a:t Two Weeks.McVIC·KERS.. • Henry' Miller. ;. In his MoSt Dominant Role'Th{: Great pivideThe AuditoriumMarvellous MotionPictures of theBurns-] ohnson BattleSeats 25 aed 50 Cents.WHITNEYThe Boy and the Girl- Richard �rle's New Song Show_p�incess TheatreDe PI_ If II-IPIMusical Fantasy with Henry Wood­ruff aD� Georgia CaineLaSalle The�.treThe Golden GirlSpectacular Musical PlayMatinees Tuesdays. Tbundays, SatunIaysAMERICAN MUSICHALLWabash Ave. and Peck Coon'The Show Place of Chicago and alwaysa Show of Quality."TWO BIG SHOWS A DAY.MAJESTIC.1 1 CONTINUOUSVAUDEVILLE12 Big Acts This Week.I j·2S·SG-7SC.Olympic MusicHallTwo performaaces daily2 and 8 p. m.ALL STAR VAUDEVILLE V1GoROUS;:WlPAiGN�FOR'; .. ,---.,-: ------,-. ,-",-.-,-. ---------.-.,-'-.-.---_.I!r. .:-: ... . StiBSCiuPriONS .O�AY.. r T '... , '. �. .,.. .; ,. ,"c.p 'and .Gcnm 'to BeciD �,List' .o.w.�Book Qut "7.tst.WEIGHT ... DO WODERS..III PRACTICB THROWS(Coabnued . from Page I)ily at the hammer and should improveon his record of last year. Crawleyhas a record of over 110 feet with thediscus and is counted on as a certainpoint winner in all of the dual meets.Hubble threw the plate over 100 feetlast 'year, and should improve. Withthese three men up to form the fol­lowers of the dope do not considerit too much to hope for a .slam in'''This even'i"agarnsl-Wisc-orisiiiand'Ptir�"due, and probably a place in. the Con-ference..�Rademacher and Gerend ,of theFreshmen have been working 'on theweights. Gerend is having difficultywith the form in the' hammer andmay not be able to get the advantageof his' size and strength. Radema­cher has had difficulty in the discusin getting the thing out of his hand., Gerend has a good record in the eventfrom his prep school experience.Rmmera Work Outdoors.The runners' have done no hardwork as yet. and are 'content withgetting used to�rthe outdoor trick. Thefirst 'tryouts for Pennsylvania will beheld probably on Saturday, the 10th.'The number' of .the candidates hasbeen swelled by recent additions to afo'rmidable 'total, Among those eli­gible for the first time this quarter:is Bresnahan of last yearYs anel thiswinter's Freshmen teams. Bresnahanhas good records in the half and thequarter, and should prove -of value 'inbolstering these events.PROFESSOR JUDD TO SPEAKAT PSYCHOLOGY MEETINGHead of School of Educatioo Willcae CoaftDtioa Toaigbt--An­cell .1Ikes Address.Final sessions of the Association ofTeachers' of Psychology will be heldtoday at 'the School of Education.The C�nference which opened lastnight wil( be wound up with meet­ings at 2:30 o'clock and another at 8o'clock.At the afternoon meeting 'one ofthe addresses will be delivered on"Art and Conduct" by Miss KateGordon of the College of Education.The evening session will be taken upentirely by, an address on "SocialPsychology" by Professor CharlesH. Judd of Yale University, whoseappointment as Director of theSchool of Education was announcedat the last Convocation by PresidentJudson.Dean J. R. Angell represented theUniversity at the convention calledyesterday morning, his subject being"Conflicting Ideals in the Teaching ofPsychology."Forty football men arespring practice at Iowa.. out forThe b2seball team of the Universityof l1Iinois has been thrice defeatedby a team from Milwaukee. Th�, business manager of the Capand Gown �i11 begin a SUbscriptioncampaign f�r-·this year·� book Mon·day. 'The' bOOk has' gone to press this ..year earlier than ever before. Withinten days it will leave the press andgo to th� bindery. It will appear .onthe campus May lst, two weeks ear­lier than the 1907 edition and sixweeks earlier than last year's issue.On this account it is 'expected thatevery copy will be' sold before the. end. of the year. It will contain 512pages. 'and will make a specialty ofstudent pictures. The editors havetried to .. prevent it being simply adiary and '�chedule of the- year'sevents and have tried to make it trulycharacteristic of the University. The Ieditors have also endeavored to carry. through . �� scheme of . having asmany pictures as possible 'Pertaining:to the different articles �: the bock,The, subscription price will be, as us­ual. $2.00; other th'an subscription,$2.50.c�AkGLOST-A suit case taken from. CobbHall, marked H. S. Holloway. Fiud­er .please return to; Information of-:fice.Th.e .. ·Roina.. ftali.:TaIe O'HIII'soc, �7sc--$(.00Including WineAlso a la Carte ServiceOpen Daily and S�ndays f�m 11to9�m . .� t� .. t,� r� _ ..THE COJ.I.E�· ,FAVORITE:PALL ·MAt:L.FAMous CIGARET�rESsHiiiING IN 'LONDoNA. QUARTER AERE' .. "-. •!;Wbere "10 Dine. "75h'e 'Woodiabm rCo,e •THE FI1IBST AIID .OST BLBGAlITLY APPO"TBD CAFE OK TIIBSOUTH SIDE.. CUISINE UNEXO�LLED ..... _� .PRICES' RBASOBABL,;'O�e5� Music eve� ev�!ng •.� ..', <: "J onathan. 'Apples, 30e' 13ask�t27c can Peaches, 15c' ,'.10 lbs, H-E Sugar 48<: .:.. GfC!.pe Juice, quart bottle 30c. . ,, 2 ·Pkg.· KdloggsCoi�n F.la�es 15tCHAS •. IN·� RICHTERPb�� ��de � ;II�. �rocery .�d =�;��ifu�;E..��� .. � - -. . - '.. ',. _" - "_ -..A. C. ChlmiJerOff803, 604, 805 Handel Hal.AI Number Pony ......._ Sc.a.m, I Hotel MaroonSPAGHETnSUCH /5 C�f 'G:ETS IN J1"'LY146 .State�S�Second' Floor.Bargains alJ the TimeReliable Rebuilt Typewriters, all makes;rebuilt in our own .factory; better andcheaper; than others. See for ·yourself.THE TYPEWRITER EXCHAR6E .319 Dearborn St. . � J.·COUSE, Mgr.Te1epboDe HanisOD 4065 .Salt to any ,.dd� aft � of .,-nardea�. Dame and' S 1"�C'r.II e:amps .or �"'paddnr. .'v_ c::an blt1 I�oe !!':abr pound bou, at �� «nil Ihe poun.1.Or _. 1-1 I", rull 1'011,", IImr (m',,;uN1lI,cJaIp) and Ihrtt ,nl",' dupiic';.:n (II liZ. In.. fallcolora. DO "'�Wnd of _r famaa 5onII'kJ GirlIIeMr-aII dIar&a p.... Mol,", IDola,T.,for Bros: ��7IT""""......... . 'I:�': "AM�·����·.$h�Wip·�·• • '. equisite :�iyl��;; �i'ther- spring's die­tations in ladies' tailor­I haveUnder New ·Management_Iu .. � .. RestmItaII'\ia 1:1' k ed suitings.fashion's .smartest de,crees .in the' latest .di-. ,"1"·agonal' English sergess�t . finish. ��r.j.p,e,,:,()rst�s, and' .pte� swear cloth. F abrics, _... .in all, the newest idea�/ . --..... ..-.-.. :of color�.,·.--�./ .�. ,,/House is steam Heated, has beennewly papered and painted, bot andcold water in rooms; in fact every­thing in first clasS CODdilioo aDd atpopular ra�es."' �;., �} 2 8�e'RooID8For Ren�"�' 2 DotiJ»le Rooms.A Call is oonv�Dcmg i-- •. .: IWE are nO'! re;ady. �h oarSI)ring Styles;' Oor new'.,.�. and lat� importaJlions inclUdf. the 605 and moststylish patterM that we could.cure for Spring Suits.We are ma\ing a SPECIALCOLLEGE SUIT for UniftlSityof Chicago men tor I _..With;': my' twenty years ofe�perience / �tering to ,theclOthes tastes· of Chk.p'swell dressed . women, I aID.eminently ·capable .of �nd­ering the highest possible ser­vice to the ·fastidious tastes ofthe college girl. Futher I.' am making garments',. at aprice suited to the, means of- 'of the college girt. :$35.00·Have any of the boys on thecampus 10ld leu-about "u. clothe?,Watterson& Southward153 41_ �_I� St •502 A.oc:iation Bldg. Tcl.Central6198 I would greatly appreciatea call at my new --quarters "" .. ,: !t .'