�;�;)l -'�'�'-.� -,--, -;., �."�' t � ._". -(... ..�- - . ..,�"" . ItO"'Ott"-. .... . ' -. .':.... .1.... . . ." "�. .' ." ',.. """ . ...... ,.. . . .. .(' :" _I_JIll SUS GYUASl'ICS' VICTORY ll�lT:==1IE 1 OPD SIWiOB WITH AJUmIJR··:·:···,;····�::_),iiIEIsrn _ c.:::��= =E:E::: v:='G!e�:=ec;�T=•• ,., • ;.. �f ___.�Piifat' � :�th ... _ in �� JIca-CaD_ Dated for ��-=-� -All., c:...didales to Get into. Plq. : w.:.t a::.-:s S:��Jr' ut.;', D-:..'�,'-". �"�-·:u'-'---'- ., Armour Institute· will. oppose the .t ........ � � - ..... � Other Parts of City. ...·Womm'. Dormitoly.of � Members· of. the Varsity gymnastic Varsity 'nine on Marshall Field today'.� t'; .,',' ;, �'-.' team are looking to the annual meet Collep Theater Offen Best Propo- in the first formal game of. the season. IOverso.. from. UDiYer8ty Hich. to.lDIPecta Rom·nee Department- at Lincoln, Nebraska, with the great- BiuGa Seek CcaseDt of FK- The "Tech" men are said to be strong';'. '*TbiDIi:a Baildjnp Beautiful- est confidence yet manifested in one er this year than last.ult7 Cast·EDtria Low.c;nr. Lecture 011 UBI CUI." of these events. Captain Berndt in Director Stagg put his men through a,: �';;':�: ... ' � --- summing up Chicago's chances yes- The management of the Blaekfriars .stiff workout yesterday. in prepara- I Plans- made public. yesterday- inm-senoi- 'Menendez Pidal thinks the terday said he felt confident of vic-opera is now considering plans for tion for- this contest. The squad was I cate that two important extensions inUniversity· .of Chicago "magnI6que.... tory. giving several off-campus' performan- divided into two teams, "Billy" the form' of a- new dormitory for .. the'The noted. Spanish philologist in- The men comprising the team are: ces of their play, "The Lyrical Liar." McGill . and Cohn pitching on the: women of the University, and a new.', spedMJ.:the departments of Spanish, Capt. O. N. Berndt, Dean Kennedy, A committee has been investigating second division. and, "Hal" Latham recitation. hall for the. students ofGe�_ �rench and English with Louis Smith, Paul Davis, Frank Bart- the prospects for some time, and now for the regulars. Though all the men' University High .School �iI1 be' mademuch 'interat yesterday, and after- lett and Charles Leviton, who. will that their report is in and the manage- hit heavily; Steinbrecher .�roke the in .the .near future and will be ready.ward eXp;essecl his opinion that they meet teams from Nebraska, \Viscon- ment has all the' necessary Informa- record when he nearly put the' ball for occupancy by the beginning ofeq�d ·any�. be' had-ever visiteo:- sin and Minnesota State Universities. tion, they can go ahead with the over the right field fence. ClearY, the summer quarter. The dormitory� ". SenOr. .. ��i speaks .no English, but Besides the trophy given to the plans. I Sunderland and- Collings each' toox plans are. still somewhat unsettled, as'.. '" wbiii�! app;.Qach·ed by a' representative team making the greatest number ot Various downtown theaters were three b��es. on some- stiff wallops: the matter has not. yet received'. the'of -The Daily Maroon, who was for- points, a silver loving cup will be - Todal"s game not being on' the reg- o ffi'cl·· .. I: s' an' ction of th .... board . o'f trus-investigated, the ones that -seemed to d.. U .,-tifi�d by three majOf'iJ of }l'rencb, 'be- presented to tbe individual who en- offer the best inducements being the ular schedule, Mr. Stagg ... ill give! tees and: the. president. As' they.;:: . gf�w�e)1ttlusiastic jn his praise of the- . ters all the events and makes the most of the candidates a chance to stand. no� the ap artment bUI·I.I:·ng at.. Na.tional, Studebaker. and the College ." .._.... wUniversity. From .what he had seen highest score. . get in and show what they. can do. ��n36 Greenwood Avenue' WI·II: betheater. The College theater is most uu.:JV-and heard he .. said, he.' would rank "We .have never had a gymnastic The results of their work' win' count d d U'favorably considered at present, for remodeled an used permanen y as'it with (tbe· ...... at.· est universities of. team that won first place in -an,y" f considerably in the determining the. .... hom- for: some of: the wom-- Th·I·s' Q-... it is far enough removed rom· the .....' ...__the worid:' "Of'the external appear- meet," said Capt. Berndt, "but I think University to afford' a new field-Into . lineup at the first scheduled game. will fill a need for more! suitable:alice of the/.University, he exclaimed: this team should carry off the hon- which to work. It' has a clientele of . Sunderland will protiably open the rooms. that has' been .. growing rap-."Oil. tbe.·bUildings are splendid. They ors at the coming meet .. This' is its own which will make the advertis- : game on the sial) witH Page pfa;Yjag : idlYl As. the summer: quarter :is; the.af���i1g: the most beau�i(ul I have without question the best team that . A f ! second, the plan being to reverse ihe most crowded: time for: the- w'--_' •.- ing problem easIer. per ormance - uuu:u ...ever seen. They are-;". but at thillo.. the' University has ever put out. - l men later in the pme. Steinbrecher 1-.lls,. every . .-no' rt.. I·S. being' ...... de -toor two at this theater is now· being . ..... . llil ICU _. poi·nt., . die .protessor's� intense' desire Kermedy on the rings, Smith on : will' be the .other lialf of tlie 1:»atterv. .L_ h II db" th £' tim .considered by the Blackfriars, provid;. ._, �t: twc . new, a � rea y. Yo a e�to show .his appreciation of. his ViSh the horse, 'Davis in tumbling, and � Captain' Meigs wilrbe at' his old place wm· "._�_.lI __. 75 to: 100.;, ..ed the consent of the' faculty is o�· � ....here carried -him beyond the report-· Berndt on the parallel and horizon- tained. : on first, Hrnda and Rowe will ,take 'The: capacity: of, the new. halt.baSoera speed �t� in-:French; and., from' tal. bars are counted on to take a As far the performance here at the . turn� . at holding. down, third- base.' "amy' �D. estiinated;,. �;tb:s� Will- .e;;,the rapid' ��.' of speech the. Maroon.' plurality of th� �ints: ! University is concerned, things are ; fir tbe· out�eld .wilf tie Cleary,' Elir': i p-end on whether: mea1s� ar� seried iir.. representative could gather only· that mo�ng along smoothly. The' public- ! ho�, ami' either Collings or Charters.. I the: building;. which: lias Dot been·. de--;(:: ;Ii�':' thought.it all "magnifique." BADGERS -WOULD ENTER. itl' department is now at work on_. 1 � as:, Yet.' It will. proba�l" ;u: ...r:;.,: . '�w�: � . TEAll m-PBNN RELAY. some new 'ideas which _promise to : WILL.RECOIIIIEND DAHeE i cOmmDcIate.betweemsevemy..five:.amI: ..' : ·His ,1ecbir�On "El Cid.'� which ··waa .. .. sed FOR, SOPHOlIOn'D . .,.y .. DD. ',_ L...;,-t.r---l. ". �e.' L....!ldin· er' :'_If : ....--- . bring· good results in an lDcrea -at� - A.D � ..,_ DUuu.u:::u. .L.D UDJ D' IUROI ...liven· .j�terday afternoon at four Student Sabscriptioa BeiDc Taken at tencb.nce. The- . costume chairman is i . .. tbe property, Of..; tbe. University" 'and�_.!(.sr:'; __ ,J�._�b""�:��a1t,.under, _. . .V"CfiMa Hi ''1:. ·:lIay- Also ; bu�y' with t�e �utliors in designmg ! 1'� �e. Committee �� 10· is·:a: double: ;t�ree-story:: brick; �!.J .', .... :,·J.�.nJ��"���iZ\;�., .... �rt:::.;", � ... ": . ..: '. �.�����t. "iIOstumes which 'pl',?misp.: �o eclipse ;. Ccm��Quaned�I��� <" ture of twelve..apartmen� �e�li�adJ;-' ..... -��'.:' ��·.������t:..; �.r:.:--��:';':,'� . ...,.�.�: �-.),�.-.� .-�- .. _' __;.�.�'hi·mr.__ ,� � .. es.;te.-4n lbndeJ : '.- .. ' M,,;,; ..... ��.- .. - .' I af:the:DewihaJl:hu.DOtbeenichosa., -.-�'?:��·'-1"'�--�RAI":::�·�;·';· ·1I:"....:.I'.i3rf,����-:r.·� ... .I.-�,�.:�f�aA:-.·"': .... 0cp.."'�.a...:;::'.::..���._ .���-.- . ;';" ,.'- -,�' '."" .·r'·,...··· 1;'... � ... _.' .; '. ... . r ' ..... '.' .:.:,.���,.:.:v"q�:tr :.�zr >�- �e.�O!'(nf�t.��:.�e.� .' team batt· The�()_i:her'-.e .. � .. �ot-�· n·���\.J.m�_t"..- .. �""lM"': -"':�:�"!�_.���i�,�:,n..u_:.��,., .. --t�· .... �:��.�...;.-". i h -�, ,.;S,��,.;- ��'. ����, ..... '·.:were }ut� �y��",,�,� �te- .show conim�e: ate_ .bqsy � i April wiD be teCo��ded 7� ::� tcr.�Uj�·ia1:tJje�'�!fi����;"-:' :,Z' '�\"':�' .. ,-,,:�{.�� �f(�;�����' .�.;�.�tJie·:�y·.��t.aarand. th.e preliminary amn��ts. hut . are- i·:app��.. of:_th��9.1�.�Jtyrthe ex- .. ��Itii�thi�.said·BGalr,��:�: .. :-:?t �:.. ���r.��� ���:;.I���e, :lIichi� �1j tht��th WiSconsin.- unable to do' anything definite unb1 : �CDtiV� i::om�' ·Tlie, :eiathaUasm"; terday, :�_�1ia�,pla'ns'; �:hieiue � . �;�i��. ��, .� ... c�tical :�ppr�tion �f . and .1Ii'��n �l.�. repres�nted in' .the rehearsa1� begin. : maJlifested at- die'··last· dus, . atfair.- I f��<�' .b�·wometi'�:.dcniuitol7;{� "'tt��.early Sp�Dlsb. epIC wntlngs, .15,. the' mile relay at Phdadelphla April "The number of names handed ·in. : was�so eilC01II'agiDc:,that,the.com� I iliey,:haTe DOt. Jxeu:appmVecl-·so:(ir.; .':'I.��!".'.�rth��: '.�".. 1!n.. I��rs. i,ty. cir. d. es." 24th ... Th. e :.�le quartet.. �t Michigan for the trials so far has been rather. . tee, feels. immediate. -adios. will,· � I � 40. _� f!ftD: .. �oW w&ere:.�. e:. bail�:�er a'��f ",tr�uc.tlo�,o� .. t��:�u� wUl.probahfyhe entere� Instead of a disappointing," said 'Manager Light •. � favorahle:'By in�g.the.�priD&.daa� "D�::� ���Ir. o�'�:.Jdn..cI:;:�_Jectr �� �Jlal ��e .�. ��I�� of two-mile� and' in a�dition to a four- ner yesterday, 44 but we are expect_ ,early in the ·quartet,. the: coaamittee- I needed, tlioap. and there will�d�!the- rO"!"T'·:1' anct th�nid�o�t,� . mile' ieam_ . 'ing many more within. the next day ; �opes.' to, plan, another. faaCtiOn for I less be· no,. troulile in getting.oliciallbow 1iO�� �I"e' �f' inUter- ReportS 'fro� Ami Arbor indicate or two. We. want it understood that . the first .week in. Ja1l'e. A bunchr I sam:tion�"' _ _ "piece�),"·�"'tare..·, .He,. iDusttited that' the-'idea has not passed beyond the plan of competition, as oat1iued, : party or. a'· picnic' are the most fa- i 'The .othd baildiDg is the-apa�;'his � .,nth �umerous readings the contemplative stage and may in tbe Tuesday edition of The' Ka- . VOI'ed .suaestions made� so· ·far. ! b1iiIding; �t- 5827. KiD;lbark Avenue,; �S() ih«: :DonritbstaDdJng' the reiative have no-serious results. The Daily roon, will be strictly carried Olat. The coming dance' will be by· sub- : tween: the' manUal training �unfa�J1j)< of Ibis.' audience' witb declares that .nothing will be done Those who have leamed a sbort se- scription, . as: heretofore, as· the: trea- i md, the- B()� Club. This Wll1 .�be-earlY' Spi�i.h literatqrc, he held his ,unless. there is a strong cbance of lection will naturally stand a better surer and the executive' committee remodeled to accommodate' the- oyer�", .. ,,)j'�. �:;;.. int""e't, and .p,� victory. chance than thoSe who come nnpre- 'have found this methatLentirely sat. : 80 .. clas ..... from' University Hip'. \.J :�.ar... . . �t;lg rcfgtal of cntICS'_ At Wisconsin, students have start- pared, for the coaches will be better isfactory. As soon· as the Sophomore' 'School and a·. few from the School 0[;·�d'di_ J '" -of "£1 Cid." .ed a: sabscription with the intention abl� to judge :their ability. The se- class approves the pl�n or' its com- 'Education. 'As yet tbe building per'--�·���t�1!l.!:ri�;.�, Co1llltl7. of reimbursing the team. Dr. Hutch- lection may· be of any nature, and mittee for the dance April 19th. tick- mit; has not· been olmrlned.�:, Ii",.;" 'rJIa1 i •. tonring the United ins is q1l!>ted as declaring that if n""d not be of any speci6ed length,w, 'ets will be printed. and distributed,':: _,' .. ��� I�c!ures at variOus col- Chicago can send a team there is no "We hope that every man in the COUNCIL NOT SATISFIED'�":'.':JJ�:' IS the Tumbull lecturer .reason why Wisconsin should not. University, who- has..-any ability,.will. EIfDOWIIBNTS. IIARIt ERA WITH. SALE OP'-C" PIHII:' :�� Hopkins Universjty, and bas Natwick, Morris, Richards, Juergens have his application handed. into 115. ��:�ecf .Harvard, Pennsylva- and Mitchell are the �en who will before Monday.".. : <;or�bia,. cornell, Michigan and go if the money is' raised. If pos-Cb� . TIle eminent SPanish schol- sible, Captain Osto& will be taken.. �iSJ.�IiUtla6iiil:) 'of iDtemational rep- to co�pete in the special events...... :ij.. .. SpaaisII philology and There were rumors at the begin-ea:dt literatare, aDd for his distin- ning of the indoor season that IIli-., .... �.,�tdlibatiolis ;to learning bas nois would send the runners who'biea "ft. a member' of· the Royal won the Conference relay last year.. '�bisfi �cad�'. .There have been no furth.er reports,. -:.' �and it is thought probable that theDR. VDlCIDf+B .OTHQ DEAD defeat at Madison has soured the 11-..,-, ..- '.... ,THE DAILY MAR�ON� THURSDAY; APRIL. 1, 19Q1¥.','1'Mr. Bowen, Cal» Social Senice ofWAL,cER PRBSHIIKII COACHMr. Abraham Bowers of the rn­Famoas Vanity Star awe. HiDe. . formation office addressed the Y: 1I.Pint Workoat. . C� A. last night concerning va1'ious--- .I phases' of social service in wliich fieFred Walker has been' 'appointed 'lias been. intere�ted�coach of tbe Freshman baseball can- "I date the. beginning of OVIC re-didates, and yesterday took charge of form and social service of' recentthe squad for its first workout. �e years' trom : the University endow-was assisted by John Schommer. ments of the early nineties," saidWalker sprang into the limelight Mr. Bowers. ..� soon as universi-recently when he received and turned ties placed professors at researchdown the otIel' from Comiskey to work we had tbe beginning of theplay with the White Sox this season. great education�1 reform. From thisWhile at the University he starred sprang thC! great civic reforms.in both baseball and football. He '4Fol1owing these criminal' reformspitched on the 1905, 1906 and 1907 began to be initiate�. Today one ofnines' and played halfback and end the newer movements is the work ofon the eleven for four years, being the Y. M. c: A. to assist the for-a mem.,er of the championship team eigner..1t is found that after theof 1905 which defeated Jlichigaa foreigners reach this ('oantry theyAfter leaving. college' he' took. up have been swindled most scandal':'coaching work in Utah.' oasly."lini on the scheme.· eo-�at·l ....... , Ou.-:Barial iD New York.Taboo -sbocldaa" Preach NOft'"Because French novels which theywere required to read were entiretytoo risque and "terribly shocking,"senior girls in the University ofCalifornia went on a strike, and asa result the objectionable readingswere changed to others more sedate.Word 'came from Dean Vincentyesterday dtaf his' mother, the wireof Bisllop- John H. Vincent, died atI nd_naPolis .Tuesday- nfght. Pro-f�1Y Vincent has � in that �tyfor sevenl days, being called thereby her' Critial condition... ,{'''Mm Vm«nt's :'body ·,.,11 . be .taken;)' \J;�ttew,·Yol'k '(or burial, . which will� tomorrow. Qean ��� will re­tum to the Uliiiersity Monday.· I The faculty of the University of. Illinois masical college recently gavea successful concerL rraee Two Cents! lUll Tr.·lID 'FlAl_. FtI-1IIEISITYBe Accommodated at S827Kiinbuk· Avenue.Appeal to· Stadeats fOl' SappOn Cite;s.laterat· Kmifestecl' at OtherCoIIepLThe Senior council is not satisfiedwith, the attitude of' stadents towardthe new· HC" pins. Jadging from: th�'sale: thas far, not· enough interest bas, been taken, according to a member. of the Council"The pins are certainly d�stinctive."said President Stem, "and show thatthe wearers are University students.Most of the coJleges have pms, es­pecially Michigan and Illinois. Themajority of the students at these ani·versities wear their pins. There isno reason why the majority of thestudents here should not wear them.The council' would like the co·opera­tion of the students in making thepins as popular as the official em­blems of other colleges."Educators· in the state of Michiganare meeting at Ann Arbor this week. l.-,.. .4" I� ,.� ... ..�"" ··.:TBB,DAlLY MAROON. THURSDAY, 'APRIL 1� 't9o!J .THE DAILY' MAROON..'. fte Omelal ................. ., .. :tJDlftnIQ of �. Wormer17'fte 17 .. ",,- ., a.-.. ......Wouded. TIle WeeId7 •••••••••••••••• � I. J-.Tbe Dall7 •••••••••••••••••• � Ie �_£Dtere4 ... &eeoD4.da. IIaII _ tM ad­HaO Poetolrlee. CIaIcqo. IIUMb. IIUda18. 19O5. UDder· Mt of lIarS It· JIll.Publ1lJle4 daIl7. ucept 8aDdQII, ....48r. aD4 hoU4Qa 4ar1q tJaNe Qad8nof the UDlYenlQ' 7tH.'8Uealptlep ............... PUJ ....,_I' tIane· u.· � atT __ ...T �·y � ....Pa&8TON]I'. OASS ......MSLVIM fl. AO&JI8 ___� • .A.. PFEFFEB •••••••••• AtIIIetIe .......A.. L. :FBQI8TEIN •••••• a.w.e.. ......THO& B. MIIIEB ... CbaIa&Iea ......ASSOCIATE EDITOBS.� G. Whitfield Hargra.Te A. LoDgH. FelseDthal Vallee O. ,AppelBEPOBTEBS.11. F. Carpenter'\loses LevitanW. B.. LloydC. W. Washbnrne A. LothB.. ;1. DallB. F. BW8W. ;1. FonteNew. eonbtbnUou IDQ be lett at BIllaHall or Faeult7 EzehaD&e. ad� toTbe Dall.,. Maroon.Whether or not last year's experi-:merit of issuing season tickets 'admit­ting holders to all theA Test of . baseball games andthe Students' track meets of the sea-son and sold at a re­duced rate is to be repeated this yearis a matter now under careful con­sideration. The doubtful factor isthe student body of the Universityof Chicago. Director Stagg is notopposed to the issuing of such tick­ets. If he were certain that therewould be a respectable number ofpurchasers for them he would be en­thusiastic. On the whole he is in­clined to take the risk and trust. tothe loyalty of the stadents.It will be' a severe indictment ofthe students of the University if itis decided that they cannot be tnist­ed in this matter. It will be a dis­grace to 'them if the, risk is .takenandthe students fail to respoad. Theyfailed to' do so last year, but it isto be' hoped that it was' because the­scheme was not put into operation'until after several baseball games:. had been played and .there was' nottime to give them a fair Icnowledgeof the plan. There will be no suchcomplication this year. Nothing' wiU'stand in the way of a test withoutfear or favor, and the students shouldwelcome the opportunity to showthat they realize there are contestsother than football played on Mar­shall field.Let the students be given a trialand if 'they fail to respond the dis­grace will be on them. The DailyMaroon believes that they will notfail. It believes that Chicago sta­dents h�ve already demonstrated be­yond question that whenever theyhave fully realized that a demonstra­tion of their loyalty to Chicago'steams and Director Stagg is neces­sary they will always be enthusias­tically on hand. Now is their oppor­tunity. They should await the testeagerly.Owen Chosen Chairman of Arts.Roberts Owen was elected ch�ir.man of Arts college of men ·at themeeting Tuesday, and Esmond Longwas chosen as councilor. The exec­utive committee elected was J. S.�Iofiatt, F. A. Gilbert, B. H. Clark,and K. G. Karsten.Purdue has followed the exampleof the University, and now holdsspring football practice. A largesquad practices daily under the di­rect supervision of Captain Egge-m:m.'.-. '\ ..-, � 'Iii.uetift.�� "by Prof� F.-ederickStarr in MUsic Hall; F"me ArtS build:­ing. this afternoon at ,,:00. Subject:"Mexic:� of Today." H:ill��t� slipsmay be .obtained by members of theUniversity in. Cobb SA. Two moreaddresses will be given April 8th and15th.. FrabmaD Frolic is to be held inWomen's Union Room at 4:00 p. m.All Freshman girls are asked to bepresent.IDteiDatioaal Club officers willmeet at 10:30 a. m. in Cobb 98.AlmOUDCemcDtLEsperanto Clasa meets Friday,April 2<1, at 3:00 p. m. in Cobb 88.Visitors are invited.Political Econom7' �Meetingpostponed from April 1st to April8th, when Mrs. E. H. Downey willspeak on "The Teaching of Econom­ics in the Secondary School."Glee Club will hold a businessmeeting in Cobb lOB, Friday, 10:30a. m.Senior Class will hold a meetingon Friday at 10:30 in Haskell.Skull and Crescent meets at Rosa­lie Inn, April 6th, 5:30 p. m.MOVING VIEWS FOR LECTUREProfessor ,Starr to Attempt Innova­tion in Talk on llaico TodaJl­Half Rates to Students in Cobb-SA.Associate Professor FrederickStarr of the department of anthropol­ogy will deliver the first of a seriesof lectures, and incidentally try outa new experiment in the way of il­lustrated lectures this afternoon atMusic Hall, Fine Arts Building. Pro-.fessor Starr's subject is "Mexi�o of.Today," and instead of the custom­aryvmethod, he will use moving pic­tures entirely as an accompaniment;. Though this lecture series' is u.der the. auSpi� of :the· UniftnitN�'I the" Le.cture- a9SOc:iatiOQ . .in .·Cobb SA·• is a�s.DS by·ut&ring ··ticketS at baIt, price -to sbadeats. � ." .., .lDienated· in Maico .The subject�of 'JIczicO' is Profe�sor StarTs·� faYorlte'; one.. He hasmade . a deeper study of. conditions; ·tJtere .than in any' country . of the; many be' bas visited.·· Amonir the': views whicb he' will' show are nu­! merous . oaes that have never before,been produced by him."Samoa and Fiji" is the subject ofnext ThursdaY's talk, while theThursday following Professor Starrwill give views and opinions of "ThePanama Canal."BAND TO BEGIN PRACTICEWeekl7 RebeanaJs to Start NatWeek-Plan IIaD7 CoDcertLThe University Band will begin itsweekly rehearsals next week, andwill earnestly begin preparation fOJthe concerts to be giVen this quar­ter. Professor Blanchard, director orthe band, expects to make quite agood deal of the free concerts thisspring. Several public rehearsalswere given by tbe band last quarter,bat more will undoubtedly be giventhis quarter than last.The band will be composed ofaboat tbe same men as last quarter.Gift Speik ,1,400 SaIar7.The Pardue athletic' associationpaid" Coach Fred A. Speik $1,-400 forhis services last fall, and will raisehis salary for the three months offootball in 1909 to $1,600. The asso­ciation also ·pays half of DirectorNicol's yearly salary of $2,000.The custom of greeting tbeirfriends with kisses is thought to betbe cause of an epidemic of tonsilitlsamong girls of Wells coDege. TIl!!!r!.!r�!!!J!!1 " KingThe most Mcdem, Practicaland Luxurious Institutionfor Baths and TherapeuticTreatments in the west..': :FOR LADIES AIm .GIUITLEMOHours: Gentlemen" dailyat all bours. Ladies, 8 a. m.•. to 9:� m. Sunday, 8 a. m.\ , ... \ ,-:to.. I p. m.,CO'·) BOB; JI1VB8' PLAY OWTRIPLE. TIE HEXT WBEK, .Buketba11 .TeaaiiI of �a.opb7, Lit­aatare ad ScieD.ce ColIec- Wall .DePde SupremK7 ill Two GameLThe 'tie between Philosophy, Liter­ature and Science colleges, for theJunior college basketball' champion­ship will be played off next week. Ata meeting of the .team captains yes­terday afternoon it was decided thatLiterature should play the Philosophyteam next Wednesday.The winner wi'U play Science nextFriday. The team that wins thisgame will be champion of the Juniorcolleges. The other two teams willthen play of the tie for second place.The results of the games aredoubtful and should prove excitingstruggles, as each team has alreadywon and lost one game from theother.Are a �'good thing to haveon. hand" and all gooddealers have them on handFOWNESGLOVESI .. � ..-2" O"'�·OO"·'· ...�"'!' '_.... •• -....."t--. • .-:'_.. . -',Spring_ :and Summer. Styles Now:.' Ready,Suits $25 to $50�TA DR.�m. )errems' So�ClARK DD AD Aas STREETS.WRIGHT &, �I"'SONMIIDlIf:acturers and Dealers iDHiab Grade Athletic SuppliesLIII Tillis Flit .BallIIIsI Ball Baskat BI'IHICkI, GIH IDldsIn B •• t Sty ••• and Quallt •••, ATHLETICUlOFORKSASPBCIALTYIt is generally con·ceded that the clubsequipped by Wright& Ditson, have the, best looking, bestfitting, and mostdurable suits.Tho WRIGHT & DtTSON SWF..\TF.RS arceasily the finest. Made of choice wonted wellmade. petfect fittinJk _Nothin� like one of ourSweaters. CATALOGUE FREE.\NRIOHT&DITSON344 Washington 51. 18 West 30th St.Boston, �aa. New York'16 Weyboaet St, 84 Wabash AvenueProvidence, R. I. Chicago, ilLHanard Square, Cambritlge, Mass. .._ 10' J ..' ". ' ,�, .'� f .... : 'A Remi"·"'. fOr C.iiae M.. Select Your Spring Suit Early .Abraham, Lincoln once said: ,ail! doo't carehow much you Say. providing you 1117 jJ ill afew words. ,t. _ ..We want to say -t·, you in a few words that ourearly' arrivals in Sprin, Suitinp and Oven:oata arehere-the earlier you come in the wider is JOU' choice-you may order now if)ou Wish, for deli,,� four tosix weeb hence. This .. of mutual·benefit beCause itgives you the choi:e of the best and allOWlOU!' taiJonr.lentI of time. Better drop.in .and �ihe adwancene of Suitings and styles-,at Coll�e Men". price8-·13S00up.· , '..Carver & WilkieTailors185 Dearborn St.The Monarch VisibleA Typewriter Par Excen�ceSee the New No. 2 Moaarch.of ·Them·AllV.Service, Durability, Mechanism, unexcelled.Machines sold or Rented at Chicago office,: .... ." ! -25 Madison Street, ·Chieago::,'·,< .Piano." .The271 Wabash Ave. . Harrison '2571:'• :_J'. ".• , .. :" -,1• • -.. __ .,J � _ -s •.. • •. •• • -. .. • .,-t." � . ..o:the Goods�'.THE·STARCk·· ,PIANO I'�. . ,,is used in the most elaborate homes by people with a high musi� trainlngand ample means to buy the BEST STARCK !PIANO o� any otherhigh class piano, and the "STARCK" is � used) in the mOst iJ:aoCksthomes by people who have more good j��ent an� taste fOr good musicthan they have money. WHY? , Because' / ..1st. The STARCK PIANO"'-SURPASSEs ALL UPR.GHTPIANOS IN NATURAL SINGING TONE QUALITY Owing to ,�Sounding· board construction, (it being built a1�Dg the 1iaes of a Violin;)'"2nd. I t is delivered by the Manufactured direct .to the homes without.a middleman�s profit eit�er for cash or on any easy _paJ.:lll�t .plau �by purchasers. I � / - •• .We deliver tIIe;'loois)re{ol 30 dlyaTriallitllout OnB Cent Do.and defy anyone anywhere in the United States to place a 'piano' alongsideofthe • ·ST. \ RCK" to beat it.Bargains always on exhibition at our ware-rooms, as iODows: Emer­son, $90; Kimball, t9S; Knabe, 1110; Chickering, $125; HErdman,nearly new, $145; Stein way, 1100; Fischer, I9s and 1145, and' manyothers.-----Out of town corresponden� solicited.P.A.Starck Piano Co.-. �- -,Manufacturers·204-206 Wabash Ave., Chicago, U.s.A." .�!���� :� . :,: t ...I,tJ: i,�_'-:r�- � ,.,:..t ..'"I, I: /: iI 'V:-. .� •. ,-_.. .... I.· �:�;WRD�YOti�i\'ourself. in -oneof our new· Spring 'Overcoats •. you.m be proud .offhe fact that it.as made iii "the' • '·Jerrems way. '�.. ' �TIi�. ne\'!'.i�Spring i��tterns andf�brics for �yen.:oat$ and suitingsare here now-ready for you tochoose from.. Twilled' fabr:lis. i.Q greys and softcolors are'; the favorites this season'The 'ultra fashi<)nable thing isto have' your Spring� . overcoat andsuit ,barmonize .. � in·· both color andwe&\ve.· � .Whether y�u. are thinking ofbuying your clothes of us' or 1101-you are cordially invited to calland see this showing of the sea-son's novelties. -School Suits "$30 t':.. "$50Overcoat· 0TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo Sto��: �jL'� Salie Street arid'and 4tJKttson· Boulevard.We makeriding breeches. ,THE DAILY MAROON,LORADO TAFT IlAKESSTUDIO OF MAN.DEL HALL� Tells of Midway Plans.His exhibit of the first models ofthe already famous sculptural designsintended for the Midway aroused agreat deal of interest in his audience.He .declared that this project and thework he has done on the groupswhich are to' be placed along' theMidway are' matters nearer to hisheart than. anything else. In dis­. cussing the art . of the sculptor' heMake �our sel�ctio�.�:ol� � .' • said that it is all drawing, but is, R - K .C much more satisfactory than draw-.'�. �r._ � '; UHIDT.;to D'S, ing because the material is so much. more plastic. In discussing methods:'. ' ....... SaIisI· :..... ." '. . .'. �'.: 1_ .,wry he said: .:.' �.�.; . '-.. -.' -, 6' � . ." The. sculptor should not make-';Wab"!'':'�r'/Hd, a��lD·:-'t�·� mer�ly �iI: �Xact .rep�od�ction of·tlte .�!. . n'c. :��Ilt �., _ � :.'sUbjec.�!:_��t.·S.hO�.l�.�.O.th.si.m.·.�li!y ��d :. ;.._ ." " ". � ". OUSE:-.�.�,: ':. -, ,c': : e�gge�te� ... �e. sh�1:l1d �Imphfy ,the•. <>: .' "'_'. -'. mID or details and bnng out the more.1. ':�:l��� �ve. andLake St. 'empliatical�y. the e�sential character-. :'. "�;':'! ,f;·. CJ"�C�GO.'� . , istics :that m�ke for in�ividuality.��v-. . erything in the treatment" depends>; '!. '_:::'f ;; ':', !.\: upon the .Io�tion of the 'finished�-7 .. ' .. work. The Gothic sculptors had an,<: . t � �} � , '.) ;�.I ',.' �:" . advantage over those of today in do-;T·h'·8 jUIO· o'.Ho'=" tel. and ! ing their work just where it wouldstand through the ages.". ":"'Iaitaurant -;:111�lt7':"'�� ·'·S�:"'�".;'.:.:": : : -.' - ,I •=.. ':. -'.! t·:;: .. ' THE' Po"PUI;A.R­PLACE TO EATeither before. or' 3fter the theatre.We mak�. ;;spechdiy of Club<:.... and..Flalemi� :Dinn.�.Lau.U::"__- ..: 2it�� s�i ..... i.GOod .... $Z.50·DozeDCome and see them. Sculptor Tc1la J..arce Audience the·Secreta of His Art-Models Buston Stage.Lorado Taft, the great Chicagosculptor,. carried a large Mandel hallaudience enthusiastically with himyesterday afternoon when he gave ademonstration. of all the processes ofhis art. Mr. Taft' proved to the veryevident satisfaction of his hearersthat he' is not ouly a modeler ur mare'velous skill but a most entertainingspeaker. After a short introductionwhich he did in a frock coat, Mr.'Taft put on his work apron, rolled:up his sleeves and set to work. He'modeled a bust of his assistant in avery few minutes, explaining· hismethods as he went along. He un-.veiled a bas-relief in wet clay of theface of a beautiful young woman ofMarie Antoinette's time, and by dex­terous changes made her face ex­press all the most subtle degrees ofemotion, from placidity to the mostacute suffering, and then graduallyaging until she became a toothless,wrinkled old hag. Mr. Taft also il­lustrated the process of making aplaster cast from a clay model, andof making the final stone reproduc­tion of the model.Local T8Ient to' Perform.University dramati� talent willventure into the professional Iime­light this evening for "University· night" at the Woodlawn theater onFifty-fifth street. Frank Orchard,· who has appeared once or twice pro-· fessionally, will give a black facemonologue and several songs. Ben­zies, Baukhage and Merrill will ap­pear in their original sketch, "Self­Insurance," that. made a hit at theReynolds Club smoker last quarter.The third performer on the bill haswithheld his personality so far, butit is understood that he is a 'cellist�{ more or iess renown. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 19C»COUNCIL 'PASSBS RBSOLV­TlONS ON WILSON'S DEATHCopy Sent . to . PareDta of POI'IDI:fMember-PrcsideDt J .... AI80 ".Sends TeJecraaL·The following resolutions regard­ing the death of A. R. Wilson werepassed yesterday at the meeting ofthe Senior council:"Whereas, It has been the will ofthe Abnighty to remove from ourmidst our esteemed fellow student,Arthur Roy Wilson; and"Whereas, In his death we. s.ufferthe loss of a faithful and able mem­ber of this council and a true andworthy representative of the studentbody; be it"Resolved, That the Senior College. Council hereby extends its deepestsympathy to the bereaved relatives;and be it further"Resolved, That these resolutionsbe sent to the. parents' of the de­ceased, be published in The DailyMaroon, and be placed in the peima­nent 'minutes of the Senior CollegeCouncil,"President' Judson sent a -telegramof condolence to the father of Wil­son .yesterday. . TAKE,... ..' ..NOTICE!;. And wam_YQurfriends not topay 12 for a Bat. sTYLE''. . . ,'QUAUTY, .Durability !THE GOLDMAN $1.50 HAT. ALL UP-TO-DATE STYLES, COME TO24 CLARK ST., NORTH OF LAKE ST.. .Taxicab Rates Reduced NT 2iffbleThree or four people pay no more than one or two whenriding in one of our Taxis.Telephone Calumet 2798, Day or Night.50 Taxis available Competent service assured,AUTO TAXICAB co.2441-43 Michigan Ave�UnhJer.dly PatroftGI. SGllclt.tlTO AllY SELP-8UPPORTIHG STUDENT.We' caD put 7011 ill touch �tIa • digiUfied method of increasing yourrevenue-a method that is dean and that involves a maximum increase of". /. income at a minUi:aum expenditure of time. The plan has already proyedt its efliciency ill other Universities where self-respecting. self-supporting stu­.�ents have taken up our method to the exclusion of others; they are pleasedand their financial burdco is solftd. We can do as much for you. CaD'a�y �e. during . businesa"� at 39 Dearborn se, �� telephone Central5114.i �d 'Uk for 1Ir. Goldblatt:(.close meeter fhatwill try neither .tie,thumb nor femper15c. - 2 for 25e.SPALDING'S, Official 1909Athletic Almanac"Edited byJAMES E. SULLIVANPresident of the Amateur Athletic UnionThe only pub .liOltion inthe world t�at_bliShes a· comp ete hs. of amateurathletic best- nil - records· and sectional records The1C)09 Athletic A I man aceontains a f·.11 tistic:al re-·port of the -:'Olympic Gamesof 1C)08. Replete with photographs nev­er before published.PRICE 10 cENTSAt all newtJdeal� aDdA. G. Spalding & Bro. I147 Wabash AvenueChicago. ID. .Notice to Subscribers.THE DAILY MAROON continues' sending the paper to its subscrilrers during the following quarter and charges the subscription price tothe subscriber, whether or not it has been ordered for only one quarter.It will therefore be necessary to notify the office of any change of ad­dress or desire ·to discontinue, Any instructions may be put on theslip below and left 'at the Faculty Exchange. Made only byESMOERNorthwestern-.. . .� .. �.- � .-. - .".. �UniversityLaw School THE: NEW CENTURY; 6roce rY& Market CO�WII, J. THOMAS, Prep, . .._ .. ,Fresh Fish· and Oysters;· Poultry. arielGame. Fresh Vegetables recei\"ed daily.Prompt delivery_ Te.L Hyde Park 1361.sz East Flft7-Flf.1I Street.=-Developing, Reducing, Facial andScalp Ma-tSagc.-Electric Light, Steam and HotAir Baths.We cater to Professors and Studentsespecially.Hyde ParkHygi�c Institute,. M. LINDE.UTH. M;G., Manager­Phone H. P. 4454432 E. . 55th St., Cor. LexingtonAve.. and floor.Name .•..••...•Present Address .•••••••..•..•••••.••••••• � •••••••••••••••••••••••Remarks' •••••••••••••••••••••.'New Address .•••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• TIane year course leading to thedegree of Bacbelqr Of Laws. .Foar yfW course leading to the de­gfte of M.ster o! Laws.F... year course leading to the de­gree of Jury DOctor�For Catalogue addressSecretary of Law Scbool,Rortll.est .... UIIlvenity .. Ildl ••C:B1CAGOFULL DRESS SUITSTo RentT.·C. ·8CH.�FNER,. State SI. ' ...... ee.tn18'JS FAST 'IRAlBSDAY AlID BIGHTON THEFMDN 0 �(R-O UTE--------- -- _/B.lst ServiceBetweenCHICAGO, INDIANAPOLIS.DAYTON. CINCINNATIAND WEST BADEN,FRENCH LICK SPRINGSFrank J. Rt·ed. Gen. Pass. Agt.E. P. Cockrell, A. G. P. A.Chicagol':'\',... ,,: .. -.,'1&. ........ tI .: : ..... LLINOIS·.I 'Olga NethersoleTHE WRlrIKG' OB THE wALL.STUDEBAKERDustin Farnumin "Calneo Kirby":By Booth Tarkington and Harry Leon• \\,ilsou. .T HA�I'Y?!C�'�}�ka�From a novel by a ChicagoanT�� .Great JohnCantonWITH GEORGE FAWCETT·COL�a::IE�!;.�S 'Mighty Musical ComedyLittle NEMOQrim.d Opera House.ADA LEWIS·InTHE HEAD 01- THE. HOUSE.II!I1i·I.Ii� POWERS.THE FAMILYPlay by Robert H ... Davis; Direction ofHenry Miller. .C�Ck����mmOlhProduction: '.Via Wireless.Last Two Weeks.McVICKERS." Henry MillerIn his Most Dominant RoleThe Great DivideI:i The. AuditoriumMan'ellous Motion-. Pictures of theBurns- J uhnson BattleSeats 25 aed 50 Cents.WHITNEYThe Boy and the GirlR:ichard Carle"s New Song Show..p�incess TheatreTIle PriIce If 11·11_Musical Fantasy with Henry Wood,;ruff and Gt."Orgia CaineLaSalle TheatreThe Golden GirlSI)ectacu 1ar Musical' PlayMatinees Tuesdays, nlursdays, SaturdaysAMERICAN MUSIC·HALLWClbash A'·e. and Peck Coun'Tile Show Place of (hic<lgo and alwaysa Show of Quality."TWO BIG SHOWS A DAY.MAJESTIC.1 1 CO�TINUOUSV AUDEVII .. LE12 Big-Acts This Week.I ;'25 5<>-75c.Olympic MusicHallTwo. performances daily2 and 8 p. m.ALL STAR VAUDEVILLE Please pay us a . visit of in spec­:.n�fu�ro���a���� I ..... _�_��------�-�--���·��-·���������.�<elsewhere.·- . . .the women's halls, President's house.. Tb. e Baldwm. Co.' :,'.'. If I.' di.d. B.ot. con�.ide.r. m.•1.: ;_. =In b�Y.iDt7.. <0Ur_�',a:'· .. :��l1,· �.-�4\�::.'."buildings and grounds office, gymna-!,I •. , • • self; the v. er_y., bes... t.ta. llor.;ID... �'.' � . of course .6.L!-':_';'�,:.a1lllA, ,,1."-,sinm, �eynold's� club; Snell HaU and" II&&GU � _v �the power' house." .. -t r 267'2��\'U;::b::b Ave. �his to� for' snappy .�t-,' t�iDiJ8 foU have; a·riRJI.f�leal college men .who.��· ex}Md.. : .. - "'l � � �in�n�:: :��e o!;:::�l!f:b::�l�' . - . '_.'. ��.at ��. cloth�$ ;�,. I, �-�ey are style, fit, 't'��at the University of Missouri. T.hrow-,' WE are now' ready with our . �ould not tak�. up,_y�r. man8h��� ��-�tr���ing and kicking but not running with -• 'Spring Styles, Our new- time. �d pnces'-�'_l���e�the ball are' allowed:. est a nd latest importa- As it is you can do y�u�Ir:, WIth value" _... _. ,_.�...... ;1...·��.1;.�tions include- the finest and most .f &�..,� It �stylish p .. ttern= that we could se- a migllty good turn i . yOJl� !_Tliese qUalftl� ·t;;Pt.eure-Lr Spring Suits. will step3D_.at. my place : _ absolntelv: .. �.�� t-'�<Inand Iet.me-show you-the! 3_ '1 ��r}l·C(��.�G:;��Ii torss.�;e�� . kind of clotheS' I am build- I lDyiJig y.�ur ,8�t·� ���\.of Chicago men for ing for fellow�' -w:ho want .': .I. $35.00 the best, and my pri�are within any one'emeane 'Have any of the boys c n thecampus rotd y ou about .. _. ",.)(h",,? �_'-Wa·t ter 50n� . ''''''_''_-,�-- .87 W•• bi�jl_ 51.& SOuthward153 L8 Salle -St.Prices WOIIIIer Aboat ... xWri�pr' •IlJaerioas' ED.,.h,ment. bat·�. 30 Stroac.Miss Adela;de Kleiminger and MissEdith. Gordon invite you to attend abene.fit (!!) for Foolish, Flirtatious,Frivolous Freshmen at 5131 Jeffer­son Ave., April 3, 1909, at 8 o'clock."Thi:;' is the m}�terious im.itation thatis causing the Freshman girls on theCampus no end ,of conjecture anawonder ... That can't be for my benefit,"said one fair Freshman who was therecipient of one of the invitations... Why? Well, I'm not flirtatious, norfoolish, nor frivolous even if 1 ama Freshman. Wonder why'l cameto 'be invited, then?"Miss Kleiminger, at whose homeon Jefferson avenue the party will"be given, was overwhelmed withquestions yesterday from her invitedguests concerning the affair. But toall questions not an inkling of thenature of the party was given in re­ply. The only hint given out for pub­lication was that this benefit woulddiffer from the regular every-day ben­efits, in that it will not be of' a finan­cial character.In response to the "R. S. V. P."which appears in 'one corner of theinvitations, about thIrty" acceptanceshave already been received,SUNDAY SERVICE RESTOREDCampus Operator- to- Be OD' DutyAfter· Two y��: �riment.A reverting to the. old plan of Sun­day campus telephone service is nowin vogue. For the past two yearsno operator was on duty in' Cobb onSunday, . and' �onnection betweenpoints' on· the- campus', cOUld' Dot bedirectly obtained. The telephones'that couldbe. reached. were: those .. in ...A deficit of $47 was incurred fromthe basketball season at Iowa; therecord being the best ever made there.President William H. Taft· was re­cently initiated into the law frater­nity of Phi Alpha Delta.Cb'ASS:JFIED- .'�e;WJi'Rrl<?JNl3LOST-A suit case takesf frOaa> CobbHall, marked H. S. Holloway. Find­er please return to- Infonnation of­fice.No,, EXcuseFor buying inferior machines because of price, wlien you can-get· a,NEW No. 3 lu)C) FOX fOr $50,student· pri�.With THE lOX, 110'. hea\'Y pushstroke; no soiled fingers; no type­wheeJ; no ,guese work. The �t'of the standards, and � M�to you.GEORGE STARRING, Ace.,56 f Ilidcl1e OJ, U. of; C. � Sbape .. Iasts-that·s whyM.'t StJlel.· $5.00nomElI SHOE CO.75 Jackson Blvcl.BetweeD State.... DeubonaTSYiBOr�. OF QUAlITYBALDWIN-MADE'PIANOS ANDPLAYER PIANOSA PRODUCT'THATHOLDS THE WORLD!S HI6HEST HOIORS:: The cost of . the : Baldwin made.- instruments is no. higher than isoften paid for inferior makes:Quality considered they are bytar the Most Moderatelv PricedInstruments on the market'O�r Tends of p�ya.e .. t will alsoPlease You. ',502 Association Bldg. T .. 1. Central 6198 ••• • � •• l.. -It _". _"'-... :, ....; ....... ' :....:..4 .... _.I ..... _. ••••: .' .:PALL MAtttFAMOUS'"SHILLING IN LONDONA QUARTER HERESTEEL VAULTS ':ELECTiHt Llt:El>Central· Hyde. Park Ba��- .. ': i .. 55th St. aDd Waahiqtoa,A� / .. .; ")-,�?� ','i .Burglar Proof. Fire Proof. Absulute SecuritY. \. � .i" .. :.. 'Boxes, Three Dollars Per Year reSs than a ,cent j dayIN. K. YOUNG & BRO •., .:;: .... �.�.-. - Tel .. phone Hyde Park W7� v. BRAIDEN; ex: ...tlO, t1.·�Ci '.. .. �:,,. - 522' L: 55th St.' '" - /r·· .:. �',�.I;': . '(:Open until I A. �.�- . ;. ... . ". ,;. � ��:�, .'�t--Cup:of' e;,ff�·�bi��t'·."J .. ' '.. .-:./. ..� __ :,:,,"� .. �:�: ��'1_ "I." � :tt" �;ofTAILORs- �.; '. r '" .'- -11�;'.' nt· SIN��""'I·t./�. � ./ - -� ./....,Baniatn&-" all.·_ TIlDe' .Re�bl1. Reballt Tj .... '_I ..·on -=rebuilt m· oar· own· �;. bdter.cheaper. tIaan otben.. S. lor,.....'IE , aCIIiIA"JI.o.rIJan. St A. J. COun, "",.Te_IepboDe a.- .. ,·A •. SOHOEN"UIIIY iAI LO R_·· .. 1 1IIia. A. __Sal 10 ..,. � on � ., . .,...4cakI" • ....c ... S t .. � t:.1:J1P1 .01', ......... p!Iddq..-Yoa en baylhe �br poGM bosa _ ......� CftI'I I� poenJ. •or 11m. It lor (lin 1'O'IM bn (� ....sr.> ... tlUft .nUb" 4laplic2M (11.24 "hllcolan. 110 �) elf'.,.; fa __ � CIIl.....-.u MImI...,r.."... CI .. ..,-�nT .............� .. "".... I;. )!