:;..� ',�..>, ..�. CompetitiVe. try-outs' for parts' inthe Blackfriar' com'ic opera, "A LYri- .'eat' L'iar/' :w�n -be held' 'in' the, Rey-"nold9 club theater, Monday, AprilS;at 2 p. m. In' 'order that' the trialsmay rea fly 'bri� out the be�t blentavailable in the, University for comicopera purposes,' the manager of thisAssistant Basketball Coac;h �A1, year's production, DeWitt B. Light- ..:lioughton 'yesteliJ.aY -.m -Id. 'se_- ner, has arranged' that each, candidatedons 'for 'ihe Ah-lJ!li";d8ity}basJtet- for a part in the show shiil demon-ball 'five. As 'Houghton :'has 're� strate his 'ability':bY .giri�g a short�all the games in .the, �ionship Sketch, not longer than three min--. 'b' n Iifi d '·ck () I , utes, Every candidate may also sing'spell defeat. '.. '. senes, , e IS we qua e to .Pl _ " Ul' '� ',_ .. ,,:.;.. '" . -�'Th '11 b ' •.•. - tb't 'star lt2m. _ � . :," (� ,- ' a song of his .own selection as an ad- . ..,_e team WI e mate�,ly . . ,. II ditional' recom�endatio� :f�r" himself. "strengthened by the addition of�Craw. OWIng to ,·the wealth of good � D" .. ' .'. ." -" .' : �. . .. . . . U.. . ',' ramatic ablbty wdl be the maID con- ",. 'ley, who Will be ebgtble this quar- �I, the picking of the AlI- Diversity. • ,.,• .- ... __ ': �.O..... .. :"..r .-.:..� d - :-..:.. _ -'''''.:.:: sideration, and the lack of a good" . . -.ter. CrawleYW3s'the star point:,win-' ndt.team .... ptb� a bar taS�.;:�.l.DC· ,_ �! •• " .' '..... .. •• .._._ •• .- .' j<;. .. '." .,: �"' . r ,lit.: �LA.........:>'-=-I. � "," vOice will not prevent an otherwise .. ',,.,ner of the Freshman team last year, �bllttsts �DIS 'j'e:tr lor �U� ftI�, c.. � -";" '-'• -,,;",-' . '.:.. ..' . II ha··' 1 i ',' - - '" � " successful candidate. from cinching . '. _.:i,taking twenty-seven tallies ID the ibml - lege and JUnior., co ege c ,mpsOD- :. ,. '. . ... --- _ .. ". hi .. ... , ."�'. :' , '-,;;;• • • . . . .• " . , '. .• ' •. .,... .,.' � . IS, part. Students intending to try . .)' �meet With the IlhnOis first year team ships brought out die best plaYing m'" ._ c<. •• - -, "" '• r •I' - ... , ... ".' '. ..., - .. -;. '- -:. . . • ,. ,'. ' - ·.L::t 'MoIiilf 'm." - - .-'. .-- -, -" _. - - _', _" .. lor p aces In the' CODllC opera are re- . ,_. ���In the lIigh 'burdles he should be goOd' the -mtb, -atkl makes �FaI meo-.�" � CLUB STOCK COBdglT PROGRAII KLIICTIVZ . - '. . �'. .. . -' ." � '.. � . : .: .. ;,-. • ; Io._... � I calibe .'. . '� .. ! � _.-'-" ". • ' -', _. - -., - quested to .glve their ·names, preVl� " ... ,"'Cfor a first In all of the dual meets' auuut,'VS equa I r. ' ", �_ .,:.---"--"-. , --, -,- .... , ... 0' ,-�. .,._ - -,. � ••• �I. • .,;,�, _,. _. .. �-. ��. '" '. ...• ." _ _...., , ous expenence _If any; and ,the, pan. _' ..' .- :',�He IS also strong In-the 'shotput, dis- :sdIIace WIlllREpJuwtecL � -�& ... ,'l'biua&h IDinOlS aDd StDdeDts to �_ ��mas On:ba- "f' . d' . - _., .:.,; ...... y'!"', -- ....... �. '_' --, ,'.:;. ' .. ..;.:___;;_ "� _�. • .' . pre erre to ·DeWltt B .... lglitne�·� .' " ... <cus and broad jump. ,On the first team 'the champion auwa" ..... ,< ...... ben to PIaJmiag lra Selectioaa Sample Programs. F' i' � b ':... ... .. ,. :-. .,,, -, - .. �.;� C j • " ',' _. .-., ;,':Prepare for PCIlD � " .'Sci-ntists �,_ r_"r�ted by three .. �'tb-'� Coast Hest S�Borow8ki � Lec:tlirCOD_ ada��'��A"z!',:c-.cI'�d.�·gc:,· .o� �_r,��f?��':��-'lj. '.. :--2'/<-··z.t.. ... '" -r _ .. ,. .. " -'·'·)'ft_.r-"· �J _. ur y pn 3· .,.../ "",-".The first meet will be. the 'Penn-' meh. .A1tt:Uld is easily the choice for ...... ',:', . '., Program Day.'DaOR, ,Conceit., - "" . ..... .��( .. : ,_".\. :.. �:. . :. ,�"-f�l:I . " !i. • ",'.' ... - -- , ....,- - • -. .. . .. ,()peIl.to·.EveI,bod,,: -- .. " '1sy vanta ,games .on,the.,twenty-fourth .. All-tJliifasit,",.ceoter .. AI&.Iaouah ... he.. : '\;. -,-',-, .::': ;':_: _,-,,-.-,-, . ..' '.. --. - -". ! '''',' t' � ;--. ;,:<;:�,�:s-of th�. ��,�.th .... J?irector �tagg. �n. played in only five games be scored ,'1\' ��fui "ttiur_ ,'of over 1,000 "���. T�eodor�. �ho�s - ���ert Tbe,comp.��on��,!�I':,.t!'���t�c::.��>.:�;;:'send a mile relay, team to compete' 36 field g�� and ..,w' e� the -best" miles �roa,ab Illin�',and -Io� wa� w .. � � �e gl�-���-!�%:-f!�)!'-'� _ ":'" _� .rI�.'���� _rs:�.;.t�! .. :;>��_. :'::.:-::�:�;�.;>��there, as has -bee� .done during, the . Boor worker �d guard of ,U,the �._ ������Gke:.� ��-�u . y� ." A�r: 3tlf·j .��,: . all,:�en:!:s��'llP." •. �e:'�¥F���.-: :;�!�::,:�i;;�S�Y.'past 'two� ... q, ,.' .' .. $ ... '-:.� '-sCanail:4a •. w_.�._ -C'b 'ret1iineG.tctt.�� .thiS being unl$lue :j,J;tu_!:;OlS'-' �e, ,e��ctive pro- .��.;:ar-:'.Leli�b�;,f��lIWr.:;�·t;: '.:::, �"'�'-J'�Y"�;'''�-_�. !Lis: tbe�n!o�,_�f�)�����'� Z.4a���..,:::a�jpr,�.�. �·t.r;�nt �triP·=�irti,7�;-tTnii�,fY.�o, ��:, . J ••wh��:���!_iI .e�,� ?,..' " �'.' ." :���n1ft1t���ti��:*�', �, .. -����followe<t�e�';�?r�s':,of tb� EaSt�z:n, :�ough' the Law' maD bad �e ad�" o��zation o.th�r ,th� ':at�I.f:.tic: f�r V��ver.si��.�II,.�.�Y� J.�:�.a�,s.����:���� � p;�,.:-;tlit.'������r:������:· � <�':::�:'>,>��ilI�te� .. ��t �.IC:a�o sta�,ds a ��r.;. :;.�ge O!er, Nickerson in �':' .. �,_�, '., ,t�.�st fiye���rs.' ,The t"!P was:so' of.wh�t:,��::PJ,?�P,.I;s:,,��:.�._���.<; �el�t;�men_�:�e�r�r.��:;_�: "'>::"> ?�':J���f,c�ancer'� .�he mile "e��nt _�nc'_.on' :. Ku��_ the � .. �:. "�:,, 'satisfactory I� every;�. that,�e, al1.v���g:���.}��ld���:at?��� �'�:' : �IUb •... :!:,h_�)�te.-mne.��� ��';�., -1,.-,�,.�._, r::)-e4�either .�e �!io"or:f!>���.c .cc;otest. ',chosen�ib f6rward"���D�:brhis 'chab:'� ��, to :dr���'�f:a' �� pr?��:,�u��l!e� �:�e_"�: ���d� �tw�J�e���. �the.���;� •. � :.:'�,�:::f�:,�.�,��;Seve�al of the distance men have scoring ability and' 'bis Boor work. that witl extend as far as .1h� Pacfilc of _tb�:���h�s!� fr���w��c� �h.e .����'. �s. - bjl�, o� .whom., .. ,nB, -: ��,��,��� .. _.', -� ��-;=�been anxious to have Chicago enter The choice of the �cond forward coast fot' n� year;- although there, dents ���.,.a,s��d;,t� .ta.k�.; ���� ���:)1c«:�: girlS.,,_ ,-.: � . ': .• ', '.':- ,._ ;;. ·o.:�t- .: :.���;:�a team in tbe-Iatter in ..an effort, to �as not so :easy, but ��n�n of the is:�nothibg 'definite as to this at :pres- are as follo�s: , ,. . . .. Sam�-�'-�' . . " - ".::r:�defeat Michigan, whiCb: has ·won the PhDOSoph, tMm _s"���ia 'prCfer- eDt. �ple ,� The:'summary :oLi»arts, is''aS:'f�l� ';.' ��:long relay for several years, but Di- eri�e to Cohn and Boyd on account .The club� consiSting of twenty-four I.' lows, ·and: candidates:,:sbould 'ch�: :, ;��:�rector Stagg has practi_�l1y _decided.. of his. superior work as a floor man members, left for Rockford a' we;ek Ove�ture to ""�e 'Magi�,' F��t� -",,�. .. their sketch ,to _ show ·their ability for .. <��to send a team of quarter milers. 'and feeder. Cobn, however, showed ago Monday at '7 'a.' m. �n the Alton. ..... � .....• � . � .•.•• ,. .• •• M��rt, the desired part: '. '. ,,-,'good head work an4 ,� a .reliable They sang that ,afteAloon at Rack- Synlphony,. No!. ,8. (unfinished) ,.... I. Miss Gr_ummer-The)� maid� __ '.:PROFESSOR STARR TQ TRY scorer. ford <:Ollege �fore a 'large crowd of •.. ! ••••••• � .• �= ••.•••••• Schubert en aunt of Audrey� ,Has'"a w�esS:. "IIOVIHG PICTURE LECTURE' ;;'Smc1a aad'StaIpoD -o.nIL college .girls. The reception after Invitatb:t to the Dance ..... _Weber for cats and poets.; The' tyPical fussythe �rt·was,cut·sbort on acc01lnt (Orcb�·stration·.,y F�li� W�i�-'" old 'maid, eternally butting, in.: Oneof - the meti ha�ng to catcb a train,. gar:tner.) "song.' ,Mail ot medium: height.- ",,:- Ifot Freepott. 'that eVening" they Dreams ......••...........• , ••• �a��r. 2. Tom Wyrtn�The .bero. . 'A.-.typ-.ga� 'a cobtett'befote nine hundred' (Orchestr�tion by' "heodore,Tlloma�)_ ical cOllege man,"good looking, 'co":,;; 0teachers of a teachers· institute who Symp�oni,c J»oem,. ":Les: .Preludes"� .. ' liden,t, and'with good poise. Not ��;.;.w«e meeting. at . the Freeport bigh .. • .•••.• � .•.•._ •.••. , ••, •.•" ' •._ Lisz_t.. essarily ,',athletic.' ,M�st be a � gooci:.:. 'sc'Ool" �e next morning the du�, ' ,II� .. lover. : Four songs,: including' daetS..',,� ;�:'traVeled to Dixon, wbere they sang Overtu�; ,·�c.oriola�us� .... Beethoven 3. ':Hosiab. ',Snoo�A . professOr.�.:�'-in·the· new high SChool Mer'the Symphony, E Minor •.••.•.... Brabm�, l\krries-�the:soabrette.,Not the�.�:'eatlcert tbe girls in tbe town gave 'Int�rmission back '.tYPe.-:-.-but one.. of the 'braDd ·of ,:.tbem : � reception. , � same evening Par.sifal ••... - ••••••.•••• -- Wagner "live" profe�t1rs. ,Jus� ;.eDoagh'�.of: a'!:: -they gaft a" concert in the opera �ct I��ocession' of the Knights.' 'genias t01 be ;a; little' � Oae song. >house at Stiding.· Artbur Wheeler, of the Holy Grail ' Straight . C()med� � .. ':a Uninrsity stade-:a��nt�ined them �ct II�Klin_gsQr9s . Magic Gar- .... Jess· H�he soabrette. Flirts·'at his bome with a smolc.el' and lap- den and the Flower Girls. with, everyone and marries" Snoou.'per. 'nIe eta1, ... as to leave Stirling Act I1I-Good F.riday: Spell and 'two s�ngs. The life of the sh01! •.for Rock I�land the next morning at GI�rifieation. Small. ,active man preferred..five o'clock, bat Bowlby and Stark III! 5. Audrey-The heroine. Missmissed the train and bad to take a O�ertu�, c�Spring" •...... Goldniark_, Grntnmcr's niece. In love with Tomfreight train whicb put them in Rock Sympbony, D, Minor •••..• Franck against the wish of her aunt. A dig-Island at one o·clock that afterftoora:' Intermission nified, 'simple, sweet college girl. TwoThe rest of the men stopped 'at Clin- Hungarian Dan�es .. (17-21) .• Brahms songs. Medium height.ton, had luncb abel refreshments in, (Orchestration- by Dvorak) 6. Jack 'Strong-A college athlete.Davenport, and arrived at Rock Is- Th� Bee .......•........ Schubert In love with Jess. Two songs. Goodbnd early in tbe afternoon. Here Humoresque ........••, ..... Dvorak looking man of good build.they 1ft1'e entertained at a reception, (Orchestration by Frederick Stock) 7. Bud Warde-The y�ung host.and afterwards 'S�t the afternoon at Symp�onic . Poem, "rhe 'Moldaa ".. The activc, wen groomed, g�od look-Dr. 'Craig's. The eonc:ett in the e.en- '• . . . • . • • . . . . • . . . • • . . . . • Smetana ing �ollege man. Three songs, witbing at tbe Harper House parlors was In yoting one may choose any of duets.- .made a distinct society event. The the three above programs intact, or, & �Iaggic Malone-The Irish cookgirls of tbe town afterwards gave may vote for any. substitutions or al- The type-, of the· indepcndent, over-'a dance. Early Thursday morning . tentions. The final program will be dress�, tYrannical, attenti�n-de-the club set oat for Pontiac, Iowa, publisbed 'next Tuesday .. The tickets m�nding cook. Man of short, �Ockyand stopped at Peoria for' hmcb. At wJ1l be on sale Monday, the prices build. One song. Fine part.Pontiac in tM aft�� l.q nsitecl, for'the public being SOc, 75c, and $1; 9. G. R. Sheets-A young poet. A�'! .�-P.p4) , ........ (ContinftdQD_,.. .. )- (�-P .. 4),." ." .. '., �r���:::r:�:if !r.:�!���.j ;:i::". !�,.; :/ -... 'i�� .�. ,.- .;.�!·Y��:f'�.��f: ��: .;·tf�;�'·:··�.��' P* Vam_ 1'01'­� TIMk',Work, to Go iatO--'-Crawlet •. EJiaibJe. � to·beH� PaiDt WIIIIIeI'-Work forPCDD Games.Chicago's Conference. chances 6uf­fcred 'from an early frost yesterdaywhen it was announced that ClaireJacobs' 'will not be in sebool in' thespring quarter, Business, interestshave made it necessary for him to goto Muskegon .for a time to,', takecharge, of a factory there. The losscomes 'unexpectedly, and" seriously'affects -the team's chances __in all theout-door meets. Jacobs' presence onthe team-means a certain five pOintsin every contest, and the loss of thefive points, in the Conference 'maywm Gift Hew Idea· F'� Test inSeries of' Talb to Stan', -nn.ncta�.An idea new' in illustrated lecturbwill �t its first tryout at the handsof Associate PrOkssor FrederickStarr of th�, department of antbro­pology, wben be Will-give a series ofthree lectures at MuSic Hall on coun­tries be has visited. .The talks will all be illustrated bymoving' pictures. The fi�t will bedelivered Thursday afternoon 'on thesubject: .. Mexico of Today." Theremaining two will be given April 8on .. Samoa and Fiji," and April" 15on cc The Panama Canal."cc This is really a novel experiment,"said Professor Starr yesterday.•• There have been lectures to tbe'accompaniment of still and movingpictures, bui, as far as I know, no­body bas gone through an entire talkwith no stilt pictures at all to aidhim. When I go to Jaran I shallmake up another Set on �cenes there:Years of work by Professor Starrin collecting pictures of abnonnalmembers of the body' have been re­warded -by Ward's Natural ScienceEstabtisbment, wbich has made' thir­ty-two, casts of �oulds taken fromlife. 'The casts are now being sap­J.li�d to I1l1ISe1l1l'lS all OWl' tbe eoan-'trY! Pidt :T--.LeVinson, PIiI'osophy. :Riaht fonr.NKuhns, ,Science ..••.••.. Left f0nn.MAurand, Science �Stur«eon. �tft'ahlre ••••• Right gIIMdHruda, Science . .: •...... Left 1rt*MIM. Cohen, Literature .. Right forwilrd'Boyd .. • . •• • ••• •• • .. •• Left f�Mcilrath, -Law .........•..•. tenterLightner, 'Senior Rigbt gu&dMehl. Science .' ·Left gaUd . �'' ... �The fast playing of Hroda,-andSturgeon 'entitles them to positions'as- guards' on the all-star team. unidaplays all over the Boor and can, 'be, i-eiied upon to connect witb the· bas­ket Oceasio�l1y. Only four basketswere made by StaraeOn's' oppOnentsin' the five games :that 'he plaJed.Mebl, of Science. and Ligbtner, otthe Seniors, were the choice forgual-ds on the .econd team. It wastbe fast playing of tbe btter thatprevented tbat Law team &om tie­ing, Science for tbe inter-coDegechampionship. Moore, of the Lawteam, abo made a Kood record atguard, but did DOt play in eaoqhgames.Other men who were given creditby Referee Houghton for good workin the inter-college games are Sutb­erland, Raley, Harriman, Herger andDifrord.Tomorrow, tbe captains of the Lit­crature, Philosophy and Science bas­ketball teams WI'1 meet to arrangethe playing off of the tie for the Jun­ior college championship.A baby boy, as yet unnamed, isthe latest arrival in the StaR faanly.Tbe baby was bo� Thanclay, Karchl8, aIICI is the tbird chUd. • - '1.' .• 4';': - � ."' ""', 1 ., ".. -... �.� t � ;. •• • . .!Competition . Balled , oa.IIerit,SbcnrD, ,in 'OriciDal· Sketcbes-OpeD: to' .:AI1'��� MaL,J'_'_,.. ') ��.......\1 ��.�'" . ._.i; .. ��. :" " :': "','.:, ," .,- . - .:, .,. �",.'.";'''''�': ..:'THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, MARCH. 30.,1909:THE DAILY MAROO�.�� 17........, ., � • .....,.,I'oudedTIle W_IdJ' ••• � •••••••••••• os.a.. l. s-.'!'be 1MIl7 ••••••••••••• � •••• os.a.. l. �Dlterecl .. 1IeeoD4-ea.. IIaIl at tile ad·eqo � � :uuaoa.. IIudl18, uoa. ader M:t ., ·1Iudl· I, 181&.P1IbUabecI daDJ'. ucept 8aa4Q11. .....dQ ... 4 1aoU4Q. 4ar1q tIane qautllnof tile UDl� J'eU...................... ,... ......'.r� ...... _ •• � ....... _..............................'Dae hnI&7 ......... a... .....paa'l'OK Jr. 0&88 - a ....IIKLVIM J• .AD� •••••••••• K ....�. A.. P�BB •••••••• � .A&bIeUo BdUerA.. L. .. BlDST&DI.... ........ Mar.THOS. .. MQI'I!R ... � ......ASSOCIATE BDITOBS.W. A. Weaver A. O. Wbltael4R. B. OwenBBPOBT.Ba8.H. .lI'ellJentbal Vallee O. AppelC. A. Karaten W. ;J. Boutew, B. Ll07d C. A. WuhbunaH. R. BaukhageNe .. eontnbutloDII IDaJ' be left at BIUaHall or Baculq Bxc:haa&e. ad4reae4 toTbe Dall7 Maroon.The Daily Maroon is now able toannounce the completion of plans forthe establishment of aThe women's departmentWomen's with headquarters inDepartment Lexington hall. Someless carefully plannedattempts of a similar kind in the pasthave not met with marked success"but The Daily Maroon has groundsfor hoping that its present effortsto give the women a fair proportionof its space will meet with a favor­able 'response,To add interest and increase theusefulness o{ the department a con­test will be held for the three posi- 'tions to be filled at present-s-those ofwoman editor and two reporters.Every girl in' the University is eli­gible. The positions will be offeredto those who turn in the most andthe best written material concerningthe girfs, for the space . of threeweeks. Ofti�e hours are in the Lex­ington League Room" from 1:30 to 2.Dopesters at Illinois have madethe startling discovery that the Or­ange and Blue athletesA are for the fourthRare consecutive year Con-. Discovery ference indoor trackchampions. Followingis the 'inimitable statement of thefact, as taken from The Daily Illini:,'. Illinois for the fourth successivetime wo� the Western Indoor Inter­collegiate Championship. Althoughdefeated by two points in tho. firstmeet with Chicago, Illinois so clearlydemonstrated her superiority over theMaroons in the second meet thatthere is no question as to wbo wonthe western dual bonors."The Urbana students fail to takeinto account that last year tbe Var­sity team won the dual meet in Bart­lett by a score of 55 to 31, wbicb,coupled with the llIini victory atChampaign, made the season an evenbreak.As to this year, the result is againa tie. Comparative scores do notcount. For that matter, Captain Lin­glc's men could have won the relayrace in Bartlett, thus making thescore 49 to 37, had Director Staggdesired to run. either Timblin or Com­stock in the event.Dickens Readings Great Success.The four Dickens recitals by Mr.Frank Speaight of London in theFine Arts Building during the lasttwo weeks, were a great success fromcvery point of view, according to Mr.W. A. Payne. The house was filledall four times, the audiences provedwell satisfied, and financially the re- citals were amona the most success­ful ever given by' the University. Thereadings were from David Copper­field, A Christmas Carol, PickwickPapers, and other favorites...,DU1yBaUedn.Hand·Painted Easter Cards, someof them imported, on sale from 1:00to 2:00 p. m. every day this week inthe Lexington League Room.Announeementa.Y. w. C.' L. meets in Lexington,Wednesday, 10:30 a. m .Y. II. C. A. will be addressed by:Miss McDowell on "Social Religion."Haskell Assembly Room, 7:15 p. m.Public Lecture-Professor Don Ra­mon Menendez Pidal of UniversidadCentral, Madrid, will speak in Frenchon "Le Cid et Chimene." Cobb 6A,4:00 p. m.Public Lecture by Mr. Lorado Tafton "The Sculptor's Art: Ideals andTechnique." This is the first of sixlectures which are to be demonstrat­ed in clay modeling.Intercollegiate Socialist Society andEducational Club will hold joimmeeting on Thursday afternoon, 4:00p. m., in Cobb 3C. Address on "In­dustrial Education" by Dr. KatherineE. Dopp.Political Economy Club meet'S! Fri­day afternoon, 8 p. m., in Cobb 3C.Mrs. E. H. Downey will speak on"The Teaching of Economics in theSecondary School."Initial Rehearsals for W. A. A. OperaCalled' for This - Afternoon-33 in Ballet.Thirty-three additions were madeyesterday to the "Releevema inGreen" cast, when the gymnasiumchorus was announced by Miss Fran­'ces Herrick. It was also stated that.-�ther ebo�s, the butterfly ballet,�will be selected soon.Work on the play, to - be givenApril 14, wiII begin this afternoonwith the first rebearsals. The gymchorus is called for practice in Lex­ington gymnasium, while the anar­chist chorus _will rehearse in Kenttheater at 4 o'clock, The principalswill get together tomorrow afternoonat 4 in Kent theater.Following are 'the women who willmake up the gym chorus: Nova Beal,Beulah Armacost, Marjorie Christen­sen, Ruth Delzell, Virginia Fitzger­ald, Margaret Gilles, Margaret Ford,Elizabeth Halsey, Elizabeth Hurd,lsa Jarvis, Alice Johnson, BereniceLe Claire, Elsie Barnes, ElizabethBarnsback, Beth Fogg, Alice McCke­vey, . Josephine Roney, Susie Chat­field, Frances Thomas, -Margaret Sul­livan, Ethel Wbite, Miriam Cole, F.Ames, C. Ames, Elizabeth Harris,Florence Fanning, Katherine Powell,Myra Reed, Laura Verhoever, Marga­ret Haas, lone Bellamy� and NancyHarris.DR. SIIALL HEADS HITCHCOCKSucceeds Dr. A. K. Parker, WholIoya to QuadraDcle Club.Announcement was made yesterdayof the appointment of Dr. CharlesPorter Small as head of HitchcockHouse to fill the position left vacantby Dr. Parker, who has removed tothe Quadrangle Club. Dr. Small hasbeen connected with the Universitysince its founding in 1892, and hasserved as University physician dur­ing the period. He is a graduate ofColby University, and took his M. D.at the Maine Medical School in 1889.The new head moved into his roomsduring vacation.H� Gopher Buketba11 Captain.Captain "Christ,." Hansen of theMinnesota basketball team was "gainchosen to lead the maroon and goldquintet for next years race. Han-sen will complete three years of play�ing next year, and will have a strongsquad of players out of which to forma team which the Minnesota rootershope will put up' a championship bat­tle next year.FOWNESGLOVESAre not cheapest, but Ithey're least expensive .-IBISHOP'SSPECIAL$�'An inter�ting .fact w'bi�hshould always be considered whenthinking of your- HAT: PUR­CHASE is that;'when' yOu;;.Ir.tid�with us you s��. the- :�:.' �:.LARGEST ·AND MOStCOMPLETE LINE·\.::which Chicago: presents" and: thisenormous showing is ·Ilandl�d bya force of �.x�r! salesmen whoseonly aim is not only to fit the headbut fit a hat that is exactly properin shape. color and Correctness (oreach individual customer, afeature so different from the ordin­ary Coge/-'''�-money IuZt stor«, "We cater to the J'oung dr�ssyman who is most exacting in histastes and never disappoint. asour stock always con/ains the71rdJes/ creations.In fact we haveA HAT FOR EVERY HEAD$3, $4 $5, f6A PRICE FOR EVERY PURSEor _A. BISHOP " CO.Ills, fill, 8II1II, Stlcb '1IIkII111Est. 1860 tS8 Stale Street Est. 18602000SpringStyles and SummerNow Ready.Suits $25 to $50�TA'Hm. Jerrems'Sonsa.AR& MD ADA.S STREETS. 20 for 15c_�' .... ,." , ""Ciillette Safety RazorClean sha vjng is part of the college _'s gos­pel. lt goes with the exercise and outdoor life-­with good- spirits and good heaith.Five �inutes a day spent with the Gillette Safety Razor keepsthe face Shipshape. The skin is soft and clean.• A man can't wash his face really clean with a stubble of beardon It.:rhe Gillette Safety Razor bas a big following among college menThe best shaved men on the campus use the Gillette.rhe GILLETTE !s kind to the face-the keenest and smoothests�vang edge �ver dev�sed. Any man can give himself a dean, satis­fyang shave with the Gillette - despite tough beard and tender skin.r .The GILLETT� is handy-no stropping, no honing. A savero ume and money -$36.00 a year and tips.There's no razor like the GILLETIE or that will do the work ofa GILLETTE.The Gillette Safety Razor is sold everywhere. A man can getblades anywhere on the civilized globe.Standard sets, $5.00.Gillette Sales Company. 603 Kimball Building, BostonNe."" York, Times Bldg. Canadian Office, 63 51. Alexander 5tChicago, Stock. Exchange Bldg. . Montreal, Que.Factones: Boston, Montreal. London, Berlin, Pans.-Where to Dine.'lShe .Woodlatvn Ca.fe,63rd St. and Cottage Grove Ave.THE FIBEST AIm MOST ELEGANTLY APPOIBTED CAFE ON THESOUTH SIDE. 'CUISINE UNEXOe'LLEDPRICES REASONABLE.Orch�tra Music every evening.. The . King Piano• !"King .. of Them· All"2�1 Wabash Ave. Harrison 2571I _. / 1, /Have tou notic� diat .nthe college men are .smoklngf�!!s��... CIGARLTrES �To have become so popular amongcollege men without any specia1 ef­fort to make them known showsthat Fatima Cigarettes deserve theSUCC�3 they are making.Smoke a few, and you'll knowwhy Fatiznas have made .such a hit ..�. �/,.IjI-i THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1909.,Make your selectio�s atKEllEN & KUHNERT CO'.S"n. Satisl�'",�_":. , The swimming meet with Yale,�..., � ; I_ wpi�h was to have been held Apn"lWall Paper and Pal-n't jd in Bartlett' pool, has been calledoff by Yale. Word was received fromNe� Haven last week to the effectHOUSE 'that the Eli swimmers would makeCor. Wabash Ave. and Lake St. no western trip this year, and wouldCHICAGO. therefore be unable to meet the 'Ma­roon team.Coach Knudson's men closed theirWestern season 'March 20 in the meetwith Illinois, which resulted in a tie-23 to 23. The Illini won the pologame by a score of 2 to 1 after afierce struggle. The first half endedwith the two teams even, each hav­ing scored one point. In the secondperiod the Maroon water men al­lowed their opponents to score, whilethey were blanked.The swimmers are now preparingfor the meet with Pennsylvania,which will" be held April 17. TheQuakers have a strong aggregation,but Captain Cary's team is deter­mined to take the victory from theWhen you see .yourself in oneof our new Spring Overcoats, youwill be proud of the fact that it 'was made in the "Jerrems way."The new Spring patterns andfabrics for overcoats and suitingsare here now-ready for you tochoose from.Twilled fabrics in greys and softcolors are the favorites this seasonThe ultra fashionable thing isto have your Spring overcoat andsuit harmonize in both color andweave.Whether you are thinking ofbuying your clothes of us or nol-you are cordially invited to calland see this showing of the sea­son's novelties,SchO���c�!� $30 to $50TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo Stores: 131 La Salle Street andand 44- Jackson Boulevard.We make riding breeches.THE NEW CEfn'URY6rocery & Market Co.WK, J. THOIIAS, Prop.Fresh Fish and Oysters, Poultry andGame. . Fresh Vegetables received daily.Prompt delivery, ,Tel.,Hyde Park 1361452 bst Flfty-Flr,1a street.-Developing, Reducing, FacialandScalp Massage.-Electric Light, Steam and Hot.Air Baths.We cater to Professors and studentsespecially.Hyde ParkHygienic Institute,M. LINDItROTR, M. G., ManagerPhOne H. P. 44S4432 E. 55th St., Cor. LexingtonAve., znd Floor. FENCIRG TEAll TO GETSBCONDAllY MC" ON IIBlUTVani� Peacen WID CbampioaIlUpin DueJiDc Swords at Statelleet.As a recognition of the suceesswhich has attended the adoption otfencing as a University sport, sec­ondary •• C's" will be awarded tomembers of the fencing team. Thbwas the decision reached at a recentmeeting of the athletic board. Thishas been the first time that any sporthas received this recognition after atrial of such a short duration. Thissuccess can be attributed to the ef­forts of M. de Bauviere, who hascoached the team. This will put fenc­ing on a par with cross country run-. ning, swimming. tennis and golf.According to the requirementsmade by the board, a member of theteam to get the "C" will have to ap­pear in at least ten meets and win40 per cent of them. He will alsohave to show faithfulness, hard workand loyalty to the team. which is de­manded of all candidates for Univer­sity emblems.The Varsity fencers won a victoryduring the vacation, when they tookthree places in the dueling swordevent at the 'State meet held underthe auspices of the American Fenc­ing League of America. The firstthree places in the event went toHannum, Mix, and Fishman. As thiswas in competition with experiencedfencers and was for the championshipof the state, it makes the Chicagofencers champions of Illinois.YALE CALLS OFF IlEETWITH CHICAGO SWIMlIERSEastern Team Not to Come Wcst­CoDtest with DHnois aTie.Easterners.GYllHASIUII CHORUS ISNAIIBD FOR "RBLBBVEIIA"EXPLORE TRANSFORIIBD GnIWomen Ialdated to "Bddp . of...... " aDd "Alma."Reside�ts of the east end of thecampus are now fairly convinced thattheir cry for a new gym has not beenanswered, but rather hushed, by theaddition of a few shower baths anddressing rooms to furbish up the 014ones.For all through vacation, while thestudents have been blissfully reapingthe fruits of examination week, manyhands wielding hammers and sawshave been busy preparing five showerbaths and twenty-six new dressingrooms-not commodious, perhaps,but still gratifying to those who havegrown to regard even Pullman berthsas spacious quarters when comparedto the old gymnasium' lockers.All day' yesterday groups of explor­ers went up the new stairs, overacross the" Bridge of, Sighs Of-sighsfor the receding dream of what theyhoped to have-and �n into "TheAnnex," where they peered expect­antly behind curtains and doors onlyto find each locker a faithful repro­duction of the old dressing boxes,even to the regubr four hooks onthe wall. A Remincl. fOl' CoIIqe Men-·, Select Your Spring Suit EarlyAbraham Lincoln once said: "I don't carehow much you say, providing you say it in afew words. "We want to say tt) you in a few words that ourearly arrivals ,in Spring Suitings and Overcoats arehere-the earlier you come in the wider is your choice-you may order now if )'ou wish, for delivery four tosix weeb hence. This IS of mutual benefit because it�ves you the choice of the best and allowsour tailorsplenlI of time. Better drop in and see the advanceline of Suitings and styles at College M.en·. prices-135.00 up. •Carver & WilkieTailors185 Dearborn 51.tSPANISH"PROFESSOR TOGIVE ,LECTURE IN FRENCHSenor Pidal of, Madrid Will SpeakTomorrow under Romance De­partment AuspICes.Senor Don Ramon Menendez Pi­dal, professor in the UniversidadCentral of Madrid and a member ofthe Royal Spanish Academy, will lec­ture in French tomorrow afternoonat four o'clock in Cogg 6A. His sub­ject is .. Le Cid et Chimene." Thelecture is held under the auspices ofthe Romance department and is opento all members of the University ..Professor Pidal is at present Turn­bull lecturer at Johns Hopkins Uni­versity. He is also lecturing at Co­lumbia University at the invitationof the Hispanic Society of America.He has appeared during the year atHarvard and Pennsylvania.Senor Pidal is the author of sev­eral important works, which have puthim in the first rank of historians ofSpanish literature and have given 'himEuropean reputation. His latest pub­lication is an elaborate reconstruc­tion of the oldest poem in the Span­ish language, the .. Poema del Cid."This work has been crowned by. theSpanish Academy.TftEARROW, : � t ;t. SE'TS THE PASNION Ii.:',COLLARS15c. each-2 for 25c.ChleU.Pcahody d;(",oJIaken., Troy.l'i. y-Lasswell, P�atqnpIIer231 East 55U1 StreetM akeaGoodPhotoa$2.0 DOZeDCome and see them."WeDDressed"Means more than style;It means fit, quality of material­TAILORING.We build your suit with theexperience of fifteen years be­hind us.Such clothes "dress" a man.They fit and stay fitted.HERZKAB�OS.TAILORS112 Eat 53n1 Street Taxicab Rates Reduced N,.!ffbleThree or four people pay no more than one or two whenriding in one of our Taxis.Telephone Calumet 2798, Day or Night.50 Taxis available Competent service assured.AUTO TAXICAB -CO.2441-43 M.chlgan Ave.UnhJ.,..dty PatrOflaB. Solicit."The Illinois Warehouse and Storage Company...._ IbM P .. 571Kimbark Ave. ancl56th St.The Cleanest and Best Kept Storage Warehouse in city •.Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed and ship�to all pans of the world. 300 Private Storage Rooms for, Trunks and Wheels� Large Room for carriages, Bug­gies and Sleighs. Trunks to and from all DepOts. Loc:alTransfers for Baggage, Furniture, Packages, etc., at shortnotice. Special attention given to University Orden.SCHULZ BROS.,FASHIONABLE. LADIES� TAILORS·Our'Spring and Summer Fashions and'Fabrics are now here for inspectionSuite B3, Auditorium Bldg.\NILLSON &. HARVEYPAINTERS AND DECORATORSFaD LiDe WaD Paper, GIau and PaiDten'SuppliesTelepbone Hyde Park 3667 427 Eat 55da ser..t. a.-..STYLE, QUAUTY, DURABIUTYFor One FiftyThat's what you getof the Goldman HatGOLDMAN, 24 CLARK ST �tt.tIa ., ..... Sinet.Others ask $2 and more. Come toTelephone 1049 Hyde ParkARTHUR E. BOURGBAUDecoratorWlall Pa".,-. Paint". Oil" and Gla.u. Painter.T Sappliu216 East 55th StreeTO ANY SELF-SUPPORTING STUDENT.We can put 10U in touch with a dignified method of increasins �revenue-a method that is dean and that involves a maximum increue ofincome at a minimum expenditure of time. The pl;.n has already pl"Oftdits effici�ncy in other Uniftnitiel where self· respecting, self-supportincahl­dents have taken up 01U' method to the exclusion of othen; they are pleue4and their financial burden g 101m. We can do as mach for 708. CaDany time during buiness hoan at 39 Dea�bom St., or telephone Caatral5114, and ask for IIr. Goldblatt.��'.:�:�:�: .. . ": : � ...� :...IIiI·! IiiIi1III:1il� .:1I !!11I! ..� !:,'C.,, ,Ii I ".THE ,DAlLY . MAROON, , ·TUESDAY. -MARCH. 30, ,1909.,.... W· ....,LL1NOIS.I, Olga .NethersoleTO WRITIlIG OB THE WALL.5T�·D.EBAKERDustin FarnumIn "Cameo, Kirby"By Booth T;lrkington and Harry LeonWibon.THA�lay?!!�!�!From.a novel by a Cbic:agoanTbe�Great JohnGantonWITH ,GEORGE FAWCETTCO L�a::IE�;'�.Mighty Musical ComedyLittle NEMOGran d Opera HouseADA LEWIS 'InTHE HEAD OF THE HOUSE.POWERS.THE FAMILYPlay by Robert H .. Davis. Direction ofHenry Miller.C��J!�thProduction;Via Wireless.'Last Two Weeks.McVICKERS.Henry MillerIn his Most Dominant RoleThe Great DivideThe Auditorium,, Marvellous MotionPictures of theBurns- Johnson BattleSeats 25 aed 50 Cents.WHIT��lSaturday NightTha Boy and the GirlRichard Carle's New Song Show.. .princes� Theatre1111 PliI:e If �T.·1I1PtM,usical Fantasy with Henry Wood­ruff and Georgia CaineLaSalle TheatreThe Golden .Girl. Spectacular Musical PlayMatinees Tuesdays. Thundays, SaturdaysAMERICAN MUSIOHALLWabash Ave. and Peck Coun'The Show Place of ChicaJo and alwaysa Show of Quahty." .TWO BIG SHOWS A DAY.MAJESTIC.1 1 CONTINUOUSVAUDEVILLE12 Big Acts This Week. PricesI ;-25' 5O-75C.Olympic MusicHaIlTwo performances dailyland8 p. m.ALL STAR VAUDEVILLE BOOSTS :GLBB �CLUB'8 'STOCK' CONCERT PROGRAM ELECTIVE(CondDutd from Page 1)the State Reformatory. The clubgave :a concert that evening at theopera house and were afterwards en­tertained at a. smoker and supper atthe. home of Gordon' Erickson. Theywere also entertained by Miss Har­riet Bradford. the daughter of thePostmaster, at a dance and supper,and arrived at the hotel at 3 a. m.They arrived at Joliet, the last stop,Friday noon, and put up at the Dun­can House. By masquerading as so­ci�logy students they were permit­ted to visit the State Penitentiarythat afternoon. In the evening theclub gave a concert ill Joliet highschool.CAST AND CHORUS TRYOUTFOR OPERA ·NEXT MONDAY(Continued from P.age I)typical, long-haired, absent-minded. poet. The butt of all the jokes. Nosongs. Character part.The chorus will consist of 16 menand 16 girls.BASEBALL CANDIDATES INFAST OUTDOOR PRACTICEDirector Stagg Worb Out Entire. Squad-Team Getting IntoSpring Shape.Baseball practice was openedbriskly yesterday with about twentymen out in uniforms. The time wasspent in fielding balls batted. by the.. Old Man" himself. Both the in­field and outfield candidates weregiven a good work-out, which lastedall afternoon. Although it was achilly day and the ground was soggyfrom last week's rain, the men dis­played considerable speed, and thework satisfied Director Stagg.Although it is too early to proph­esy, Captain Meigs is of the opinionthat the team wilt be in the race forthe championship. until the finish.Most of the men out for the nine areveterans, and are' in better form thanever- this year.In the infield, but two ".C;' menare missing, Fans at second andGaarde behind the bat. Stein brecherof the 1911 Freshman team is devel­oping some star backstop form, and. appears to be the logical successorto Fred. For the position at secondthere are a number of aspirants. andSunderland in particular is showingup wen. He was also a member ofof the 1911 yearlings.On the slab this season, little Page,who is just as good as ever, will beassisted by H ruda and Latham, andperhaps Sunderland, who is alsosomething of a pitcher.The candidates for the Freshmanteam for this year are also showingup in fine form, under the effectivecoaching of Fred Walker. who is as­sisting Mr. Stagg for a while. Themost promising man on the squad isStanton, who gives promise of de­veloping into a good pitcher.PLAN BILLIARD TOURNAMENTEntries for Three-Cushioned Handi­cap Cto.e April 10.Entries are now being received atthe Reynolds Club for a three-cush­ioned handicap billiard tournament.The entries, limited to twelve, wiltclose April 10, and the tournamentwill begin on the 12th.The games wilt be played only inthe afternoons, for the evenings willbe taken up by the associate handi­cap pool and bittiard tournament,which will begin April 15. Twenty­five will be scratch and twelve thelowest handicap in the three-cush­ioned matches. The winner win bepresented with either a cue or silverloving ClIP. On the campus and in the class room,men of refined taste are sure to wearSHilliNG IN LONDONA 'QUARTER HERE(Continued from, Page 1)for the ,University students, twenty-five cents less.."BDrowaJd to Lecture.Felix Borowski"the famous pianist.composer and critic�' will lecture- onthe program adopted the day before .the. concert, Monday. IApril 12th. inMandel Hall, at 4:00 p. m .. The' lee­ture will be free to all, and proba­bly will be very well attended. THE ctII.I.EGE FAYOIIE·PALL MALLNED MERRIAM ENGAGEDTO' HARRIET. WILKES FAMOUS CIGARETTESConference Champion and 1908 Grad­uate to Wed.in.Fall After LoneRomee.During vacation the engagement ofMiss Harriet Wilkes to Ned Merriamwas �nnounced by Miss Wilkes·father. They announced that theywould .bc married in the fall and willlive in Texas, where "Ned" is coach­ing ...Both are well known on the cam­pus. Mr. Merriam was the captainof the 1908 track team and for threeyears was the Conference championin the quarter mile. He went to Lon­don last year and _ competed in theOlympic games. In 1907 he and MissWilkes led the left wind of the Jun­ior Prom. Miss. Wilkes was gradu­ated in 1908. She is a member of thePhi Beta Delta club. Merriam be­longs to the Sigma Alpba Epsilonfraternity. S. ScHRYER. Pres. A. C. ScHUMACHER. Y.·Pn.'S. F. A. WILCOX. Sec',.Clothes for the College ManKOLMAN �e ���5 CLOTHESIn these garments are r-mbodied the higher ideas in correct dress, individualityof styie .. nd exclusive patterns. Cut, fitted and tailored hy artists in gannent. building, in our own work rooms, by uur own tailors. Fit and fabric guaranteedKolman & CompanY, '266 Dearborn St.MoaadDOCk Block7Ju;lder.$ CJf Fin" . C'o-thinaThe KercherBalh Co. U. of C. Representative, David Anderson, Medic Class .1910324' W�bash Ave.. Cor. Congres. St.The most Modern, Practical and Luxur­ious Institution for Baths and Thera­peutic Treatments in the west.Far tadies' ami .Qentt.en NOTICE.Prof. Rowden's Academy of I tancing and Assembliesmeets every Thursday evening at' the Unity Club House,3140.Indialla Avenue .:Day and night classes for beginners at 321 KimballHall, .Jaokson and Wabash A venue.Hours; Gentlemen, daily at all bourseLadies, 8 a. m to 9 p. m. Sunday, 8 a.m- to I p. m.,. 1 f ,I did not. consider my­self the very 'best tailor inthis town for snappy crit­ical college men who knowwhat good clothes are, Iwould not ta.ke up yourtime.A-s it is you can do yourselfa mighty good tum if youwill step in at my placeand let. me show you thekind of clothes I am build­ing for fellows who wantthe best, and my pricesare within anyone's means Special Attention to Students.R. V .. BRAIDEN,.ex-'lO,-U. of C.522 E. 55th St.Commutation Tickets S3.50 for S3.00-' �.Try our Chile COnc;Une.Open untifr A. M.Best CUp of Coffee iri Chicago, ../-STEEL VAUL'Central'J:"Iyde1»;"it �RIC LlNEU55th St. ImcI W uhiDaton' Aye.Burglar Proof. Fire Proo(. Abs .. lute Security.Boxes. Three Dollars Per Year Less than a cent a dayW. K.· YOUNG & BRO.Tel. phone Hyde Park 997The UniolHotel andRestaurant '111·117 Randolph StreetSalt to an,. addTft.4. on n'ftfpc cf 7'OIIftlealcT'. name and 5 t .. �t a:�mPl for �aDd packin!.!.You can 001 the re-:ubr pound boxes at IeaIIinc� C'C'Illithe potInJ.Or !lend fI lor full pound tin (mftr.nalllhipcIeIip) and three ani.,' du�Ik;1:n (11 x 2.. lA.. fallcom,., 110 ad,'mlsmr) of ol;r tal'lOaa ScmIIb GirlIac:acIr-.ll cbarzcs pU4. Ad4reselOda,.r.,ror Bros. CoIIpCUl1311iQiDr .......B.tIk end..... fULL �·,DRESS SUITS'To RentT. e. SCHAFFNER78 State SI. ...... c.tnI.a75THE POPULARPLACE TO EATeit� before or after the theatre.We make a specialty of Cluband "'raternity Dinners. ..,\.:''C, ......./; .i