. �.,'" , ...�. ,'" , '."'a·.:,::··;·t'�;; l.I • J _.... .-w�.,..."",�_________ �Pr·icc' Two Cellts .::i./'j...Vol VIl. No. 83-, CHICAGO, SATUItDA'Y'j �I;�RU�R¥ 6, �I�."M'IOONS niSos: BAlJG!alaBOY.fdR GOODfTIME"ATVanity' Ezpcctcd' to &ave FiercC REYIOLDS' GlUB: SIDlE"Time Conqu� StrcmC WisConsinQuintet at 1i��BadCen' For�midable Despite two Defeats. PROMO.: liliiou ILL HOftY' AITEsTEii': litIa Suddenly' Stricken With �- '.' wi 'tlLili,' HES�=t!h=,= :���-:o� TA�.ilGifi:: 44' TO� 42pitat-Will Recover. -Var�ty, ,A#���., s�(e- .. Fia-ceiy_ Professor Harvey Foster Mal- for P�int!f with Coach Gill's' Band.President Dille AnnoUD� Excellent iory, secretary of the Correspon- f��� 'U��o'a;tock' �Program with. Many New Fea- deuce department, is in the Presby- Gr�t' F�� .---' . ..-:'tures and Original StUDts. ter ian hospital suffering from a se, -rious attack of appendicitis, w.hich 6ft PiAtE"iN.· 'EVEW·mrfrThe order of the program, as given carne suddenly Thursday morning ",,�out by President John Di:le last :IS he was getting ready to leave Timblin ,Gets Twonight, is as follows: home' for his office. He was imme-u.ately taken to the hospital and, op­Double octette by members of the crated upon as soon as preparationsGlee club. .:oul<J be made. I t .is the opinion ..f the physicians in attendance that_DRilL UBilRY FUID iIS FllALl Y COMPLETED-Gloom Left by Fire to be Dispelledby Many Merry-�eraTonight. •Jableriptiona Tetal ·�14.ooo" $14.000More than. Necessary to Get$600,000 from Rockefeller. Lineup at Madison tonight.Chicago Wisconsin.Georgen ..•..... L. F ' BirchHubble or Kelley RF '., SwenholtSchommer .......• C StiehrnHoffman R. G..... WittPage " L. G.. . . . . . . . . .. � oeTrained to their best the basket­ball teams of Chicago and Wisconsin,will clash 011 tr e floo� of the Badger�ymnasitlm in �hat promises to beth� hardest fought' battfe yet playedby either team. Although the Maroonfive has not yet met defeat this sea­son, and the Badgers have beendowned twice, the rooters of' bothteams are expecting a close contest.Dr. Raycroft is,' taking the follow­ing men to Madison this morning:Georgen, Schommer, Page. Hoffman.Hubble, Kelly, Fulkerson, and Hen­ry. Schommer 'and, Hubble will besomewhat tired after their participa­tion in the Illinois meet last nightand may play a slower game thanwould otherwise be the case.The Wisconsin five has a strongcenter in Stiehrn who. is second onlyto Joh� Schommer as champion cen­ter tlf' 1he -west. .: ,Wht, Wisconsin'srigllt guard, who will oppose' -CaptainGeogeen,. and. N oe" the �t:ir who willoppose Hubble or Kelly at forward-corner-stone to be �d at SprincConwcatioo-George Adams ofGlasgow to Make Address.Completion of. the fund for theHarpcr Memorial library was an­'ilounccd yesterday by' Mr. David A.iio�rtson, secretary to the Presi­dent, together with the informationthat ground for the library will bebroken· early in the spring, and the,corner:-stone will be l�id at the JuneJ:DDT0C3tion.According to the figures given out'Joiin D. Rockefeller is adding $600,.060 to the $214,000 made by others.More than 2.006. students, facultyaDd friends of the University are on•tb� list of contributors, of whom.�·t l;sOO are students and formertt18Cients, and 150 are members of thefatialti.Before the completion of the Ii·.�� interest 'amounting to $56,oocwill have accrued, and an additional--_ ...··... 01· $40,000 will then be contrib­, '.d�' ar-sp'ecified in a special bequest· made that it shall be added when theibuilciiiig is completed.Thus a sum of $910,000 will be at� tbe;:disposal of the University in pro- are strong defensive players and' held The Blackfriar Play Committeej miDg for the library. Of. this sum, the clever. for�"3rds of, the Gophers will meet next Tuesday night in the; � will.be us�d for. construction last Saturday to a lo'w score. Reynolds Oub Theater to try overj 'and equipment of the b1}ilding itself. &dgers ACcr�� FiChtUs· the newly chosen opera, "More Tha'n: .ud" the remaining $314,000 will be Rooters are expecting that e:ven �et_" Dean Linn has proinised tc. dred per cent.usee! for endowment fund. uch stellar block artists as Hoffman be present and wiil aid the authors· -- -Lay Coniei-:'sione in Spring' and Page will liave their hands full in getting the play into true Black-',' wil�'D: the' c�rner-stone is laid at against the aggressiveness of Cap- fri:-r style. It is the' plan of the REDS �� :��T�� GA��. thc spring convocation, Mr. George tain Swenholt and Birch of the Bad- \Vriters to go over the whole play' in': Adams of Glasgow will deliver the ger team. the next two Weeks and make all the ---., First of Series B Women's· acfcfiess. Immediately after the lay- Considerable importance in the changes necessary. They will add etween· ,iug of the corner-stone, work will be struggle for' t�e championship hangs some lines to the second act amI Teams ReSults in Even Score.' ��. on the great building, which .)n this game. As matters now lengthen the play. A new name for of S-5�, -iiI, p��p�tuate' the memory of the stand in the basketball situation, the opera will also b� sought�� *UD to whom. the University really Chicago is the only team in the Con- The is one that readly adapts it- The first game of the women'.;.:, owes its existence. feren�e that has not been defeated, elf to the needs of the Blackfriars baskethall class championShip seriesThe plans for the library have been and has played four games. Wiscon- and will be relatively easy to stage. played yesterday afternoo'n in Lex­'J made by Shepley, Rutan and CooI- sin has lost two, Purdue has lost The \:ostu�es wiII be mostly 'mPdern ington gymnasiu.m, resulted in a tie.� edge, of this city. As has been made two, Purdue has lost tw.o, Minnesota and of the campus style contrast to of 5-5. The Red team consists of� public before, the building will be one, Illinois one which includes all those of last years play: There i� member_s of the 12 o'clOck class; and{ situated on the Midway frontage be- Jf the strongest conte!1ders for the a festal scene at the end of the sec· the Blues of girls who play one day."t�ri Haskell hall and the Law champicnship. Indiana and North- orld a�t bet mcst of the color there in the 12 o'clock and another in the'; \ailding. In architecture it will be on western are considereo out of the will be furnished hy the co�ttlmes of • o'clock classes. The playing oft .. e general oider of the rest of the running. Chicago still has not the girls. A big production number �)oth teams was exceptionally good.'J campus buildings, though on a grand- played any games with Wisconsin. song entitled "Sun Flower Sue." I nand sholl·ed hard, conscientious:t '11' sc:ale and more beautiful. It will lfinnesota or Illinois, and has four this a large number of feminine chor- training. The Blues, however, had. t _ three stories in height. additional return games to play with isters will come dressed as sun the best team work, their guards, the,t Will Serve Mmy PUrposes the teams that have already been flowers and dance. �Iis!'es E"ans and Groman, making..: lu addition to serving as a librar�, met. Xext Friday the Gophers will The aut:i01"S are heartly in sympathy their passes ",iftly., tile executive offices of the University play in Bartlett. and the Saturday with re\'ision and will aid the com- Miss Peck, of the Reds, played her:�."1riJI be removed from Haskell muse- following the team will journey do,,-n nittee in every possible way. They .:us'tomary steady game, and manyt lID to the library. There will also to UTbana to meet the Illinois for are :owaroed the show on this con- times rescu�d the ball from the Blues.�. be se\'eral class rooms in the build- the first time.. But three more .of' lition and are fully living. up to their While Miss Chatterson and Missing that is calculated to �o away the games remaining on the schedule l'romise. The help gh'en them ,,·ilI Shcpherd played good individua', with a great deal of the present con- will be playeo at home, the Minne- he of the most practical kind by Mr. �ame!', they did not play well to·gestion and inconvenience due to the s(.ta game on the night of Lincoln's Linn, llr. Butler and Friar Hansen. �ether.l09tion of different libraries in dif- birthday, I1�inois on February 26, and All these men have had experience The lineup was as foJlo\\"S:fcrcnt buildings. \Visconsin on llarch 6. in practkal work, and will he able Reds-Misse!' \VilJowdean Chatter.to give tile sho'\\- all the coaching it "on and 7.ylle Shepherd. f,)rwards:The n'nth annual cable chess match wil need before it is ready for pre- llis� Ethel Pr('stol1, center; Mi�se�sentation. Helen Peck :lI1d Cecile Barnshack.Violin solo by Northrup.1\1 andolin solo by Joy Cla:-k. the promptness with which the op-IDodson and Davis in a musical eration was performed was the onlything that saved Professor Mallory'slifeI t was said at theand Br .. ndt in "To Be," night that ProfessorJition was good andby Baukhage, Benzies recover,This is the second time in twoA warding of bowling prizes. years that he has been' stricken with'S: 1\[. Raffie in' Ferrero imitations. appendicitis.'Myers and Clark will play ithe pi .Professor Mallory hav beensketch.Apollo octette by men in the Gleeclub. �ond�BumaTies . �ommer in Shot Put. �.Washburn wins in - Hili. .Jump.Events. Chicago.SO yar(j ilash . � ".so vard hurdles . IlUnoi.88II ile Race .•......... 8hospital last 440 yard rom .•....... 8Mallory's con- Shot put . '" , . . . . •. 4that he would 880 yard run �. 8High' Junlp '" .'...... 4Two M'il�' Ra'�e ..•.. 5'Pole V�uH: ..•. �...... 5Relay � 0Bowmana sketch.Original act,and Merrill.con­nceted with the University since itopened in 1892. At that time hewas a graduate student in_ SerniticsBLA�KFRIAR AUTHORS TOREVISE "MORE THAN A' POET". under Dr, Harper. 'He was a Fel­low in Sernetics in 1893-95, an secreA Few' cha!nt-e;,' aDd Additions to tary to the president during 1�7.� M'�e. to � Ready in He was appointed. secretary of th�TwO weeu: Correspondence study departmentthe following year and at. presentolds this pcsition with the rank ofAssistant Professor. In the teny�ars that Profesor M,al�ory has hadcharge of the department, its activoities have increased over' four hu�-ano during intermissions.mic Senior clas". The Ren Greet player� have start­ed on their round of the colleges.The Daily Californian of Berkeley,Ca. has appeard with a "Prosperityedition" in commemoration of its suc­tCc-ding in getting it�elf out of debt.The Daily Californian a year ago S'J­sJ)tnded publication for two weeksbttause of financial difficulties. After1S5uming a heavy debt it resumedpablication.. • b t,,'cen the American universities ofPrinceton, Columbia, Pennsylvania.Cornell amI Harvard, and the EnglishUniversities of Oxford and Cam­bridge are to be held on :March 19thand 20th. In the previous contests.each. side has won three times, theother t ... o being draws. �\1ard�.Rh1e�-�fi�ses I...uature and\Vhether or not Yale is to h:\\"e a ioy rorwanl�; �fiss �orton. centcr:Se .... ior College Council, similar to the �fis!'es E\'ans an.d G��man, guards.one at Chicago, WIll be decided nextMonday at a meeting of the Acade- I-5I5'4-45Totals .•....• � .•.••. 44Kel- . Fig'htinJc despe'riltelY for a!mo�tevery .point: th�' Va'rsity track teanr�ucce.(.ded: in' capturin;i(the dual nle'dfrOrR Tllin'�is. 'bi--'. 'tb"; DarrOW mal-ginoL-M-. to:�4?i pojnts. The ··eXpectation.;�htle' : roo'ter's were up's�t . in: n�arly"very .ev�n·t. Aml;;'"g' the surprisesof the meet we:te the' 'thirds taken byPe"gU'e� ;ina' Stra�be' in ·the-'- hurdlesand: 4� . ya�d da'sll and: the deleat -�f"��n!f�Jo1i�" "Sdrommcr ·ili . the highjump by' ·Wasbb·urn· of lDin"oi��' .', 'Nea�ly' a:' tli�rid' 5pectator� wit- rnessed the: meef and· 'cheer'ee1 the' :ltb:I�tes. histily: Lin'dberg, the hOpe 'oflIlinois'in the 'qnarte� was· humbl�dby' <:aptain' Li�gle. who led Timbiin'to. the t�pe: witli hiri(ah��d of Lin-dY." .The work! of' Comstoc:ic in the milewas all that was expecteo of him.Stophlet proved a surprise in .taking10.- ._' .... '"" 1 .•• . •_) .I�' •• , .'an easy second from Herrick of' IIli-n�i�" �h� was' fo'r��d' t� t:'k� a .slowthird.. B�t� ')n' .�he·, h�rdle; �nd � yar(1lash, the Sl�gi� point' capt�re-d bythe Vanity -...as' uiliooked for. Pe­:ues made a good race of the stick:ve�t,' a�d' was b�relY. for��d .to takehird to' McCord' a'�d B�rlo�" �i1(># ,�: ,; .,'. r _.,.... ',' ,;ot first and second' for Iliinoi�._St��ube m:lde. g�: with a place in�he So yard das� ,lJaCte &eat 'iii' �"Lindy�' Lirid't>erg' pro�c�t a false;tla� in the dassic qUarter mile' run.C;.aptai� .Li�gi� 'ran' a pretty race in:l1e �"e�t' a�d' easily took fi�st' in 56�econds, while Timhlin, th� Sopho­·"'rl' rC'cruit, beat Liri<lherg for sec-il.J. le;l\'ing the Orange :md RI\1�' a.. ing1c point.nurns of Illinois, came up from tht!d •• rk in the shot put, and forccd JohnScl�ommer to a tie witl� :t put oC J�feet 6 1-2 inches, �rcCorcl of l11inni:-;t:aking the third 'Jllac�:'Timblin Second in HalfComstock; not a bit pleaserl hy hi'\mile racto. �ame three �(',:"n,l... frn'"tying the Bartlctt rt'cord in winningth� half in 2:05 '-5, and Timblineasily annexed the second place,(C_tiDa_ OD .... 4). THE DAILY MAROON. SATIJRDAY. :fEBRUARY 6, 1909. -, ,�... ...--"-,.. ...uprOO1lOWM•Mn SPALDIlfG'., .otIidal 1909ATIILB'lIO 41.M' • .&OEditect byJAMES E. SULLIVAN�resident of the Amateur AthleticUnion.�lda Clab. -: .. 8Il10_. this w. A. A. PIq � ,for ,a� c-...a ..... _-!'qt. '� '., .. eycDi.._ For members ollly. \"auclenDe., _ to 30' minutes lcmc.a .. ....av ., a....;.. 'JDtemetJonat Club meets to- Use caD be made' of popular &in---------------1 Disht at 7:15 in Middle Diy� parlor. with criaiDal worela. Hud in befMe....... For members and those interested Feb. IS &0 Miss 'Marie OrtmayCr,"De lialyeaIQ ., � W __ • • th •ID e OI'gaDlzatiOn. LeziDctOD ,8J'DIIIUiWD office........ BowliDc Finals in the Reynolds 8opbomon ClaM· Dace in Rey-De 11'...,. 0cUMI' 1. a.I. club �oday,:lt 3:30 p. m. Sigma Nu ooIds dub, Friday, Feb. IS.. Tick-_'Die �.' �-.� 1101._--- ---- vs. Delta U. etS from members of reception com-- ....... _ 8 ... d';' Kau at De c:abp Y. II. C. .A.. Informal ReceptiOD" mitt��. _ ' .•� � IWMII. ..... . U. tonight. at 8 to 10 o'clock, in Hitch- E8peIaDto Clab meets for orgaoi-Uoa. ancler £do of·1IA.ra .. lI1I. cock, library. All members of· the utiOD Monday at 4 P. m... in CobbUDiversity are invited 6a. -; Professor Papot. president of Es-� ddIi, .... .....,.....;..,. UniYel'1lit7 Dames meet this after- peranto Association of North Ameri­_. b'll1u,., clarIDa tIane ..ua.. ., • noon at 3:30 in' Lexington hall, Pro- ea, will speak. - Everybody . invited.lJlllvesQ ,-ear. . . :fessor Starr will speak on "The Fil- EDtrie8 for Billiard and -Pool Tour-I·jiiIf! �r �Ii iII I·Ht· '. ..ITtie only publication in the worldthat p'ublishes a complete list' ofamateur' athletic best-on-records lidsectional records. The 1909 _A.Almanac contains a full statistical ft.port of theOLYMPIC GAMESIf 1908. Replete with photocraPhlsefore published. . ,ipine." nament (or championship of the Rey- BA\RGAINI ALL Ta. "nIDI­ooIds �lub will now be received. En: Relia�le Rebuilt Typewrit..... aUtries close Feb. 12. Tournament be- makes; rebuilt ill our 0 .. fact.ry;gins Feb. 16. "etter and cheaper thaD othen. ..·G. O. P .. CaIlCllS .. Monday at 3:30· ror yourselt The T)'Pewriter Ex�Elerybody come and save your seat, l"haDae. 319 Dearbona Sl A. J. �.Inyestigators'- Ciub meets Monday Manaaer. Telephoae Haniaoa·-'sat 3 p. m., in Cobb 3C. Mr. Wanderwill speak on "Marriage and Di-.... tlu'ee mOlluM.· .alMlcrtptl_ ncelyec1 at SWIMMERS WORKING HARD1M lInooi.- <MIce. II:W8 &aU. - at tM : FOR MEET WITH ILLINIhcelt7 .� Cobb BalL.Scrimmage and Formation WorkKeep Po1o Team Busy-DlinoisReported' Strong., ...... .1·U.:-l ,1.'. uASB.;-vpn ..... __ •"'YIR I.' ��'N�· .....A.BS LEO FRIJ>8TICllIf,. � B41tor.OSWALD 11'. NEL8O!I. B __ ........ Price 10 CentsAt all newsdealers and&. G. SP.&LDIBG ,,_14' Wabash Avenue,Cbic:aCo. mWe Have No Branch StudioTHOS. E.. MI.t.LEa. etrealatiOil JIaD.qw IWith only two more weeks be- vorce."fore the I11inois meet, the swim- Physics Club meeting Monday inMetra coatrlbuU .. � be left at. aalla ming and polo teams are straining Ryerson 36' at 4:30. Papers by Mr.Ii&II « ...... u1Q. SzcIwIp. � &0 ev�ry nerve to get into the best pos- W� H_ Kadish and Mr. H. R. Hal-... 1MB; IIarooIa. sible shape before meeting their old sey. _.rivals. Polo practice is taking the Dr -. SYdney Kuh will give the first� 0tIce Before 8 Po � sw. aau. form of scrimmages and formation of a series of six open lectures Tues-, ...... Q. 'rei. JIlclWQ '100. After 8 Po' work. Coach Knudson is working day at 4 p. m., in the Law building,... .uu� PI'-. 474 .. Atla ,8tnec. T .... I the men hard in the �ontests between north lecture room. Subject: "Some1IJoc!,e PUk IG8L.' . two squads. Practically the whole Problems in Forensic Psychology."------------.---- team, with the exception of Captain Professor A.. p •• Mathews will de-Kahn is composed of men who have liver an address in Kent theater Tues­The track season opened auspic­ never played a game before, and day at 4 o'clock, in honor of theiCY.1Sly last night. with Chic;ago's de- much work is needed to prepare Darwin centenary. Subject: "Bridg­feat of Illinois .in the them for their initial contest. ing the Gap Between Living. andTime for o.nly_ in_.d_ oor ,meet that .. .. odThe swrmmmg team IS m go Lifeless."the Rooters will be held in BartletttoA-'-�- shape The entries in the present Y. W. C. L. Vesper Service inw___ Dir_ector S. �" has done events '11 b d'l- WI not e announce untl Lexington hall. Tuesday at 4 p. m.w.onders With the small just before the programs' are made Miss Elizabeth Fox of Northw�st­squad of men. who have come ��� f?," up, but a few men are practically em will speak.the team, an� hope for a repetition'of sure· to appear in certain events. Mr. William Slater will give theJast year'_s brilliant record· is much Lidster will appear in the hundred, sixth of a series of eleven lectures,stronger than it has been duri,ng .the, the back stroke and the relay, and on '�Schopenhauer and Nietzche," onp&!ti. fc:w weeks of training. : Captain Cary will swi� in the forty, Tuesday .. at. 4 P. m'l in the 'Law. It is �W' high time for. thQ. root- sixty and relay. 'b:Jilding' we�t.lecture room. Subject:ers to realize that somethmg IS do- The reports from Illinois indicate "Schoper.hauez:."ing. in athletie:s. ,In �k�tb� ��. that the State University will send Germanic Club meets Tuesday'.;': trilck- ·�ez:e .�e_ vi���.. �� .�. �o*�. lip' � �:' st��ng' aWegation. Thei� evening, at 8 o'clock with �ofessor: � th� pe�p�e �n' �'-Sld� li��.can pOl() squad' is composed: entirely of Cutting <>f 5423 Greenwood avenue .. :': �. �it, part. . There, is .. r�� � f�r �eterans,' and the same'· team �1I Papers. by �r. Kroesch and Mr.: ,. :.mu�· u.np.t:0!��nt in ,,:th� . �ee�- co�front the Maroons as . last '. year. Kracher.. .'_�Ieading ·th�t .has ��in:.e��nc� Sfl Bell, their forward, is considered, one Y. w. C. L. regular meeting Wed-:��,��"��.�e_�������r������rs��n�Qu��,����gt�I � ���\�B��is.������*�������b��th.� M� �� ��� � •••• 4�H�� ••• 4�����._.4������"W.'� :ball game. All the cheer· ,leaders swi�ming team. ..speak., . shvuld be there, and the rooters, and Professor Williston will deliver an: . wa� up with some real Chicago address in honor of the Darwin cen-'ydls, equal in vobme and enth�m You can't say whether or tenary Wednesday, 4 p. m., in Kentth f the football season. not a aloft is economical .Ph 1 "'to ose 0 .. tbeater. Subject:" y ogeny.tiD it's .om out. Trythe wear of Religious' Coafereace under theauspices of the Y. M. C. A. Subject:"What .can the Sciences Contributeto Religionl" Professor SalisburyWIll speak on -Geology," Wednesday,7 P. m., in �askell assembly room.UDivenity Chapel Assembly.. inhonor of the Lincoln centenary,....................... Thursday, in Mandel hall at 10:30 a�m. Address by Professcr Albion W.SmalLEqual Suffrage League meeting,Thursday at 4 P. In.. in Cobb 00. Mrs.Ella S. Stewart, president of the Il­linois Equal Suffrage AssociationwiD speak.BALDWIN-MADE FraJunan Law Banquet .. TuesdayPIANOS ancI PLAYER PIANOS evening, at the States restaurant.A Product that1I0la tbe World's Highest HODOra FRESH liEN LOOSE STARSThe cost of Baldwin-made instru- ON EVE OF ILLINOIS MEETments is no higher than is oftenpaid for inferior makes. Qual- Coach Barker of the Freshmanity considered, tbey are by far track team, will journey down theThe Most Moderately Priced IDStnI- state to Urbana this morning, withments in the Market. a Iittl� band of cleven yearlings, toOur Terms of Paymenta do track battle with the first-yearW"dl Also Please You. team of the University of ntinois to-Please pay us a visit of inspection night. The Chicaiio Freshmcn havebefore concluding a purchase else- had a larlIc chunk of gloom addedwh�re. to their outlook by the loss of Prath-'1'BB B4T·DWIR OOIlPARY er, the giant star shot-putter, and1Immfac:taren l\Ienaut_ the all-around stellar per-• 1,...1, W. b •• II A... former of the 6nt-� team. Get your Cap 4 Gown Pic� atmnibnsitp .·l&botogr8Pb -,�.Nearest Studio to CampaI •B� Work in Chicaao. 'I397 57th Street. Phone H. P. JfI 'Facilities for. eYCQtbinc inPhot°&r3PQ.Phone Central fiog .,�We are making a Special Offerfor 60 da7s of our $10.00 Sephie Plat­inum photos for $5-00 per doz.. to u.of C. students.ROOT -STUDIO DU ..'1'0 man-243 Wabash Ave. Phone Har .... T. C. SCHAFF_II,8 State Street.:Phone C en t ral 4�75,.I, ..Ii THE UBIOH BOD!.ABD USTAUB.AIft111-117 Randa .- ...: ", - �):::• , THE PO:PULAlt PLA.'Imitated in shape, but the "Pat- TO ItA T. '�.�.:;."ented Lock Front" which Doids 'collar sprading, can be had ..., in Eitla"r before ... ....... ����t. �n�rs-. w=-. --- ol�\. � � UI' "ra� Bi ... "'��1UlI11DsmuCc:eu.aaa..�.�.LY. 1,------------ .... •I,I j: :r\.... �- - .. - ��. '. '_;,_Telepbone 1049 H7de Park . .n�& It BOU&GBAU/ DECORATORWALL PAP�. PAINTS OILS AND GLASS��es .216 E. sstb StreetJUIHOR COUNCIL.WILL'CONTINUE lIarro CONTEST FOWNES-Decides . it.. I(ovemcat. Sboald be. Co�tinaed lDdefiDi�To KeeplIatter Before S� GLOVES ..... "':-The qoestion of the policy to bepursued in rc:spCct to closing the'motto contestp was taken up yester­day by the Junior College Coun�,and it was decided to continue themovement until a motto of. such es­pecial merit as to be a�c?table sha�1'be iound. No time limIt at all .sset c:' d the matter is to be kept be�ior� the students. For th_is purposea joh! f " "mmittee from the Juniorand Senior Colleae Coun�ils bas been Telepboae CeDtral fiI,aMELVIN JI./SYKESPHOTOGRAPHER..... ------------------------70 8tat. StreetOpposite MarshaD Field • Co.Chicqo.chosen.'fh� matter of making the Juniorclass day exercises more interestingantl representative was also report�on by tl:e committee. The councill1as as yet taken no defiriite actionon the matter. A NEW BOOK BY M. M. MANGASARIANTHE TRUTH ABOUT JESUS. IS HE A MYTIl?.'. ,A bonk of 300 paps and more than SO Ancient IUustraticna, ahowillthe evolationa of the Christ Idea.:IS-pace appenctis, anawerinc orthodox and liberal c1eqicalmente on the positiona taken by the author.What d� contemporary profane writers say about Jesus?What do modem derilw and critics say about Jesus?Cloth $1.00, paper COftl' SO cents. At Book Stores. orBook Departmeat. IDdereDaeat ReJi&ioaa SociCt7. 300 W.balb At.j'Uapaid billa _ ..... JptioDa forthe � IIarooD ,_ Aataam aDd\�,imer ...... .. DOW 0""P.... pq at aace at .... o.ce."'_BaIL•, I,� ,t.ANN-UAL . IssUEs LAST. <:Au. 'iruSiIIIEN 'PLA� 'NAP�Y.ILLEMWau 'TIIE 'un - ....":' ,.:.. .... . '-.;.. _ :., ... ·;OP YOUR SUIT.' .: Editor. for �-aDd.·GowD ill HIan7 YearliDp Get their iru.t TrJOut'TO-:'ibCre's twice the wear in a .,!it, if ,_ iIaterial,' DiCbt ApiDat '1IIiDoia.,oa' have an extra pair o( trouacn. • '.............)lake the' expuiment-6nd out for "Th� '4ead -Iine- of the Cap and The' Freshman 'basketball team1()IIdC1f· Gown i&:_':not.· aOi�g to: be set again, will play their .first out of town. lIere's your opportunity-A but the board will hold tiP publica- ga� tonight with the fast Naper-fill} extra pair of tro ...... for tion as long 'as it can fo,.,' late ma- ville college team at Napervi�le Illi-pace of the 1Uit. terial, Clubs .who 'wish t�' have their nois. The first-year men are favor­trousers of the same material or me�bership ,iist's and social ealen- ites on account of their recent. show-diferent, just as you prefer. dars in, should send them immCdiatc- ing in their pmes.This offer holds aood on our·..an Iy.· All class' officers '�nd other eel- Coach Corper took a large squad:.ock. , ebrities whose photos are to be pub- with him. Those who went are:We war:t t6 keep our aood. tailo.:- iished, - !hOllld send them- to. us �t Sauer, Swanson, Goldstein, Edwards,. baSY between seasons.. That'. tIM their. earhest opPortunity.,: The Sen- Aurand, Gerend, 'Paul, SeemannfrlsDary reason, for this Offer. . ior Jlj�tures are not coming in as and Boyle. .The squad 'reported atComing in today? rapidly as they should, and the board Bartlett at J2� and left on the 1:20Sait and Extra Trousers-$JO to $6e. makes an especially urgent request p. m. C. B. & Q. train at 'Union.Yes, we make rid�na breech... that the prospective graduates saeri- Station.fice � few moments of their time toprovide the annual with apP!opriatelikenesses ,of themselves." This isthe way. Carl Iambach, managi-:tg­editor ,of the annual, expressed him­:>elf yesterday.'TAILOR FOIt YOUNG __ "The editors desire to make the.\. N. Jarema, IIcr· book' something more than a com-r- .tora:' 131' La Salle .at.... pendium of statistics. and a chron-.44 J� � olegy of events," he continued, andfor that reason urge 'all who can to:sIt'is not the cuStom �d. .115, to; reductions ill order to sell• but just DOW we are simply.our S3s auits to $30, ,into· close out our W"'mterHere is an opportunity tomoney on a Winter soit,if younot orderect one as yet.1'IIis reduction in price is madeUniversity of Chicago students. '.-.&0t\N 'Athleticthe -OrwliJt·cfcorda lid9 .�thIttictistictl ft.lotoaraph,. ,. .:and,_,rebijp.iUDpaI.810. 'I:H.P ... · ,!lIB NEW CENTURY... '; GROCERY and MARUT CO.WM. J. Thomas, Prop.Fresh Fish and Oysters, Poultry:.!_ and Game. Fresh Vegetables'. Received Daily. Prompt De-. livery, Tel Hyde Park 1361.452 East 55th Street' ...et .',4�75-. LASSWELL,PHOTOGRAPBBR'.'��'. '231 E. 5 S t h S t r e e tt .Ema atteD�on Paid to Uni�er­i I. mty �ork .... - . . .rII. ":.:rTItnea .... ". � - ��::::.A._"". �� ,"- .:·1......���.,.J�.. · .. =-MFAST TUlRSDAY AIfD B1GJI'lON THE--- .. __ ---MONON ROUTE.----ica1 CHI'-=Auu, UUJIANAPOLlS,DAYTON, CINCINNATIAND WEST BADEN,FRENCH LICK SPRINGAND LOUISVILLE,.Prank 1. Reed, ·Gen. Pass. Agt.E. P. Cockrell. A. G. P. A.Cbicqo. TO .AlfY SBLP-SUPPOXTlHG ST1JD� . '." .�We can put 70U in touch with a dignified. method of in�easinc 7C:»ur ��enue--a method that is dean and that involves . a maximum increase' .,.ncome at a minimum expenditure of tune. . �e plan has alrcad7 P�·ts efficiency. in other Universities �'hes:e . se�f-respectinc, aclf-:sup�students have taken up our meth� 'to the exdusioa of other., �q_�pleased', and their financial burden iat�oIv� '. We can d� a. much few �Call any time during business h�'- at 39 D�a��� St.. or te}�h�n,,:<:entrat . 5114. and ask' for Mr �' G01�,?:lati; .,. ,C1DQAGO oPKR&,.OU".I __ � ������ ___. WALKER WHq.F�IDEIn ZaqwiU'. �eat Play, •THE IIELTI:MG POTcontribute their humorous attemptso� poetic endeavors. There is stilllots of room . for clever stories andlocal incidents. Nor should the artwork of the annual be confined tothe hands of a few people, For that.reason, the board solicits any con­tributions for either full-page orhead and tail prices. Cartoons ofprominent people are especially de­sired, The Cap and Gown of I�- is a hurry-up book, and the materialis needed D�W." r ••• .A •• I ••LULU GLLASER-:-in-.MLLE. ldISCHIEF "Dear Mabel:'!"I rcall,. .iUl� to ao to tbat Formal � bat I call"because I haYeD't a dre.. .wl. aDd dOD't care to ,borrow OM. Hadto ·loae out' OD three dances and a "'qad dais' .... oa. becauae·"this deficiency in IDT wardrobe. I &impl,. mut erder a clrca a&aitand tuxedo tomorrow. Your.. J ...P. S.-AUa't il .w&al. Maklr-'.You will dri. biU to Pull nn.. dain. riPt aIoq. for" ......• I�' ..Ie � Jim'. .....1;_,Order ,.our Suit Bar17.Our prica are within "fI!rJ CoUecw maD'. r..ca..�er6WDkieTAILORS .... �� .,.._ sa. ...... ".,-£.u ••••• .,11-• .,v .... .A •••WILLIAM FARNUMI n Paul Armstrong's New PlayTHE RENEGADEILLI •• I.Charles Frohman presents theGIRLS OF GOTTEN BERG Irwin Brethers C",mpanyG&&HD OPERA SOU .. ·ARNOLD DALY-in-.THE STRONG�PEOPLECAM�ANOLOGY LIBRARYAT PRESIDENTS OFFICE POWD8JOHN DI{�W,In the gayest 'Comedy Success,JACK STRAW..• -. t·· .. ; ,- > .• C�ICAGO sibs State Street·gllt :·Volamos Received' and � be��� .... Amq "Students',' ' �'.,' Iu.terested. 448 tn 451 State StreetLODK Dial. Tel. Harrison SJ6-SJ7. Long Dist, Tel. Wentworth 5[7Eighr books 00 Campanology were, yesterday received at the President's'office and will· be circulated among-lthOs_e stud�ots who may be interest-ed in the-art of :Chaag�ringing. . The • C VI 0][. &11books treat of th'e subject compre- Klaw It Erlangu'. Micht7"'\hensively, their contents being. both Production •.PI actical ·for present-day �sage. and THE ROUND UPalso historical. I-r-B-.-A-.-.-I.........r-."""""""'.�I�.�.�FoIlo,,!ing are the volumes that THE, NEWLY WEDSmake up the newest library of the' 'AND THEIR BABY .University: 60 -People- 60Grennhorpe: Oocks and Watchesand Bells.Snowdon: Double Norwich CourtDob Majer.Gatty: The Bell.Lomax: Bells and Bell Ringers.Troyte:' Change Ringing.Curiosities of the Bel-Wigram: Change RinJring.Shipway: Art 'of Change-Ringing, WHIT •• YThe Big S�ccess�A BRO�EN mOLNith Otis Harlan and Beauty ChorusAMJOUCAIf IlUBIC HAJJ..(Formerly the Garden)MAUDE ODELL.SEVERIN T'HE GREATand other biJt acts . -'-�MAJ'BSftCCONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE12 Big Acts This WeekPried 1S-2S�7S . Write for Special Hotel Beef and Poultry Price List. . ���Specially Selected for Hotel. Restaurant. CJub and DininC Car Trade:'Fancy Cuts of Meats for this trade given particular attention.HOLD IlEBTING TODAY TO.DISCUSS NEW DWELLING- . SPECIAL PRICES TO FRA_TElUfITIES 'AND SORORITIESI make a specialty of aD 4faips of Sorority aDdFraternity Pius, Rines aDd Poba.Designs submitted free of cbar&e. and ample � famiabecJ to r.�DSible parties.I also do all kinds of Watch aDd Jewelry �. Diamond,�.and lIanufac:turinc at the cheapest poaible �ca;- I � the, maar. �desiper : of the Igo7-igol Dai17 .11.-0011 POI& .OLYllPIC IlUSIC JIAU.FRENZIED FROLICSAND VAUDEVILLES aoItiIw PenaitteclA special business meeting of theInternational club has been calledfor tonight before the Reynolds clubsmoker. Several questions of vital1--------------------------importance to the· club will be dis-TI;e matter of securing apermanent home of the organiza-I tion will be taken up, and there ispromise of a lively debate concerningt'le ad\'isahility of admitting womento full rnernbersl:ip.The time set for the meeting is7:1:;. this, early hour having .beenchosen in order th_at members mayattend the Smoker that evening,Notice to sabKriben-AJI anpDtIUbacriptiO. for A1ItaIDD aDd' Will­tel' caaaner. mat be ... lit 0DCe. WHERE TO DINE.THE VVOODLA.VVN CAFE63rd S� and, Cottap Groft AftaaeTHE FINEST AND IIOST ELEGANTLY APPOINTED". 'CAPE ON THE SOUTH SIDEC1JI8I1U UBUOJ!LLDPRICSS REASONABLElIasic-Sic. Ferrante's. O,dIeatI. of IS Pieces ia.Grand Prop-am Coacert Eftainp.DEAl.ERoS ISPAROY AIm STAPLEGroceries and ·Choice Meats436-438 East Fifty-6fd. StreetComer Lexington Ave.MENTION The DAft Y MAROONWilen Trading With Our �dverfisell "._ "t'j--r. ··1""1t "t._----- ,._'_ ... - _. -We bee' to asmOance �,opcaiDc of the Winter 8eUOD aL 6."H�. Park _ BnieDic ,IDStitate," where DeveJopiDc � or Red�M .... Ce, Facial an4 Scalp-llaaaCe win be civen.. Also E1ectdcUa:bt-Batbs, ISteam-Batlw,. Bot-AiI'-Manicurins and ChiropOd,.s . The DeW Radiant Lichb aDd vibrationa, etc. lDap':Ction hnit-leel Come_ and sec OUE place. ,1Ian and lady attencSanta. ,WE 'CATER ,TO PROFESSORSed STUDENTS ESPECIALLY.BY:D'. PA:B'� BYG'IBBlc;J IlfSTI'f'U-r'j', IL LiDd�th, II. G., liUa&er. ,Phone HYd�' P�k 4454. .32 B. '55th St. C::r. LexinctOn Ay. 2ci Fbr:BOiLY CO�BsTED' ItEET Kuc!k:illT,iiUS:;{ O\1ER' IlKET'.,. ... �.-.. ... _ .... _ .- '. __ . f.,.� ,JLLINOIS ,GOBS ,WITH TURNERS,'WEDNESDAYTO �CAGO, 44 to .p' , ..", "�'Tbree-CoI'llfft4 AthletiC CarnivalPromiMa :,BscitemeDt for Spec­�Teama WodDDc Haret.l�vihC Illinois to contest berseU with' __;._anotli'u singl� point. Final arrangements are practicallyAnother surprise' to the rooters complete for the three-cornered ath­was the performance of Washburn of, letic meet of the ' Varsity fencing,Illinois in beating Schommer with wrestling and gymnastic, teams witha jump of 5 feet II inches, while Jobu the Vcrwaerts Turnverein, to be heldcould get over only 5 feet 10 inchc:s. ... in .Bartlett gyinnasium next Wednes-• H ubble beat our \Vatson of Illinoi. day, evening. While a record of thefor third.• points made _ wDl be kept. there willAnother First in Two lIile be no banners awarded and theThe long two-mile grind added oUt- meet w:il be entirely inf�rmal. Theother first to Chicago's score. Littl� object of the meet is to give theStophlet coptured the pace in a Varsity men a chance to appear ingame run that brought the crowd to public. this being the first meet of_ '. _,'. its ieet at the finish. Redhed and its kind. The meet will also be theOUR MIDwDtLtBR SALB Vreeland annexed second and third b'a's1s of determining whether it willrespectively for Illinois. Cald�ll be advisable to challenge other col-failed to finish. leges to similar meets.It 10000ked at the finish as if Chicago There will be three sets of eventscould not lose with only the pole fencing. gymnastics and wrestling.vault and relay left. Jacobs, of In fencing; Monsieur de Bauvierecourse, annexed premier place in his feels confident that his men will makeP.et' event, and Jones and Rennacher, a good showing. This is their firstSuit and Trousers for Price �f sUit. both of Illinois, took the rcmainin* appearance as a team. and there is' apoints. possibility of nervousness among theRelay a Hot Contest new ,men., but the coach thinks thatDop'e was almost completely upset they will be equal to their opponents,in the relay, when in the last lap There will be two events, the broad­Captain Lingle was barely beaten by sword and the foil.about 18 inches by Lindberg.- giving In the gymnastics, Captain BerndtIllinois the race. but Chicago had tile and his team are expected, if not tomeet by the score of 44 to 42- win their evtnts�· at least to take aS.Jmmaries: number of individual' places. The, ,SO yard dash: First heat, Won by Turners are experienced gymnasts.May of IlIi�ois; Pericra, Illinois. sec- and the contents in' this department�-�·:ond. Time. 5 :5., are expected to be hot. There will", Second heat: Won by Pettigrew of be events in horizontal and parallel'illinoi�; Straube; Chicago. second. bars, rings, and the horse. The'ririte. S 4-5. Turners have n6 tumblers, hence the, Final heat: Won by May of Hli- Varsity will get all the ,points in this�ois; Pettigrew, Illinois. second; event. D�v'is o'f the Varsity team,Straube. Chicago. third. Time. 5 4-5· \\:i1l give an, exhibition, to fill the50 yard high hurdles ; Final heat vacancy i� the tumbling' competition.won by McCord of Illinois; Barlow. In the wrestling department, theIinois, second; Pegues, Chicago. 3d. men from the Turnvercin have the, Time, :0']. advantag'e of outweighing their com-Mile run: Won by Comstock of !>e·titors. B'ut the Varsity team, iiChicago; Stophlet, Chicago. second; light is f�st. and Coach Stearns hO�5Herrick, Illinois, third. Time. 4:47 ior several places on account of this.""':"" ...... _-_ and 2-5. , A large crowd of on-lookers is ex-FIrty-1'IFtH ST. DAIRY '440 yard dash: Won by Lingle of peered for next Wednesday night.S. EDMARK'It CO. Chiag�; Timblin .. Chicago, second; Seats will be placed' in the running, -Dealer � Lindberg. Illinois, third. Time, :56.: gallery for their usc. No admissionP U � E II ILK AND C REA II � Shot put: Schommer, Chicago, and will be char&ed.329 E. sst h S t r e e t Bums. Illinois, tied, 38 feet 6 1-2;McCord, Illinois, third, 3i feet 7 1-2- SENATE COMMITTEE MAKES,High jump: Won by Washburn of ARRANGEMENTS FOR SESSIONIllinois, 5 iect II inches; Schommer,Chicago, second, 5 feet 10 inches;Hubble, Chicago, third, 5 feet 6 in.Pole vault: \Von by Jacobs of Chi­cago, II feet 2 in. ; Jones, Illinois andRennacher, Illinois, tied for second,The mock Senate will have an im-to feet 6 in.Two mile run : Won by Stophlet,Chicago; Redhed, Illinois, second:Vr(-eland, Illinois, third. Time, :10:z6 4-5.FOR RENT-33 Hitcbcock cheap. SSo vard n1O: Won by Comstock of W()rk 'of the session has been c1ear-[or r-�t of WI·nter qu'art A I -C . 'd Iy marked out by previous decree�..... er. pp y Chicago; Timblin, hlcago, secon ;R S. Radford. Hanley, Illinois.. third. Time. 2:05 and, by the steering committee.The first business of the calendar4-5. This breaks Bartlett gymnasiumrecord, which was 2:05 4-5.UNIVERSITY DANCING CLAsS, Rday race: Won by Illinois: Han­Rosalie Hall. 276 E. 57th Street. ley. Pettigrew, Lindberg. Richards;Class Thursday afternoon at 2:30 Chicago: Straube, Shuart. Whipp andto 5. Admission 25 cents. Lingle. Time. 3 :23 2-5·THEAf(RtJWSETS THE" ,AM/OiiN 'COLLAIU15c. eaeh-2 for 25e.CONTINUED DURINGFEBRUARY. NEWMEDIUM WEIGHTSTOCK INCLUDED atREDUCED PRICESWm.. Jerrema' 80naClark and Adama Sb-Mta ';\� t'l!'�,; ��,. ;':.,,; ,piJr;� �'11- If.!:; i'jrt ....:..T�. .�n::1,.I,:.I:t •... :.�i,'�" Ii;L��; ',''}"\".. IL') ,!; ,�� ;:t. MISS EDNA p. NICHOLSDRUGGISTFormerly at comer of Lexinetonand E. 55th se, has moVed to426 E.' 55th Street.Phone Jlid....ay 2105DQaftl .. ··". l CoadDued &0_!D paae I,>'WANTED-Good mixer.. to solicittrade for dining room, in exchangefor b0ard. 5iJ6 Kimbark Ave.Anyone seeking tenant for furnisbedhot'se or apartment during Springqt:arter may find ,it of advantage tocommunicate with Box 21, Facult7Excbftnge. Pbo- Central 1054ALRED- PrAYS & to.-Foreign and DomesticWALL PAPKUABD DBAPBRD8LO�T-Between 59th and 63rd and I­K:, "'1rk to Ellis; amber beadnecklace; reward. Addtesi..s. Eo6m St;.:et. Jrd Sat. 144- 41 Wab •• b Aye.ail .... -Meeting Mond8y to be Full of Ez­(,:tiement-resOlutions and Pres­idents Message on Program.portant and interesting meeting nextM�nday. It is expected that the de­bates will be some, of the hottestthat have teen held so far. Tile\\;11 be the consideration ot. the Har­riman bill introduced a� the lastmeeting. This will probably befinished up at this session. Aftertbis a resolution by Senator Balesto investigate the power of the pres­ident in conductin.r a libel· suit ,against newspaper editors will betaken up .l'cfore the business of the daythe presidents message, "'hich is"unlorcd to be about a foreign treaty,will be read. It is also probablethat President Bramhall will an,nounce the election of Dean Hall asChief Justice o� the United State!'at the same time.For'the Dail7 Maroon for the Au.tumn and Wiater qaarten, aubscrip­doria. 8boaIcl be paid at the .. aroono8ice ill Ellis HaD. at o�. - -�THE COllEGE IAN'S tAIlORI ciabn. b� n&!ht' of' '_' of' .ence with the coUcce man. tobav� the' oDly v�ti Tailor-aboP hereabouts. ',tIYou will' alwaya &ui me with exclusively different fashiona aD4fa .. rica; neva. the "same." deSpite that they contain aU the GIN-�ER and SNAP. '4i I ,have" �ed ,to ��. my sty!� with Two eye$.-one opeafor the �� CHAP. � other for the II�TURE MAN';_aathe contrast abO .. bow Uttle I baY. let ''the right �ye know what'tWleft e7e etceth. ..BI:N IlAM'vARsITY CLOTHESm.roa\LL EXAMINATIONS D�--CHICAGO.40 ,E. R�NDOL�,": S'! •• <;:HICAGO ,/c. Henry J�cobseDSCHOOL OF THEART 01' DAltCIRG AND ABSTlDtdDEPARTMENTSAesthetic G}'IDDa5tics- Preparatory Course ia .., art of acquiring elegance, poise. grace and rytIua.the Poetry of motion. the delicate and winged �sion of the beautiful and the dramatic"S�emsh Gymnastics, Gymnastic DandDc .�-:Physical Education. The Art of Bod ily M��he ,hjghest degree of Health, Strength, EiteiiJ � IEndurance._ ,Naticnal anet, Folk, Danct:& � Dances of History." Fashio�":let., Dancing. Classes are not open to the public. References R 'Court and Social E�Beau tiful ensemble numbers arrauatd 'Jperas. Mu�ical Pantomimes and Dramas for all occasions. ' ' 'This school is known for its sup erior physical . discipline. �and practical instruction, culture and refined surroundings. ESb�1888. AUDITORIUM BUILDING, Wabash Av. En� 8th k"The Fore�ost School of Dancing in the �est."llUinois' College of Commerce_ . ,Fonnav'ATHENAEUM18 to 26 VAH BUREN STREET p!::�Yo� peo� � � oar Shorthand and BasiDeR ....menta an the �� '��lde time for politiona that pay at'� '-ifrom �35 to t60'. moDtb/�Yidaal,iDtsnac:tioD. DAY and MIGIt:sessiODL Elata- ani ,(time. ,Ca11fn'ite or phone Ham.on lilt 'Icatalope. Politiona for pllduateL 37 � of aDinteil tel �c:ea. ulaJ'BL B. WILLEY, LL. B., � .1...THK- ILLtROD WA�OYSB AND, STORAGB COl .. "- .'.,. - - -. PIaoae Bjde_ Pm 571 XilDbuk Aft. .... I'." 'ftIe CWmeat!ud Beat Kept S.rap.' Wueboase' ill die a.r .....�l'Dit1lre i aDd PiAno. Moye4, Storecl. ""'J;: �''" to an' pans of the world. 300 PriM',... Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusi.el, f. iiiRoom. fOr Trunks &.lid Wheels. Larae'"Caniqea, Baniel and Sleighs. Tnub itJfrom aU,' Depots. Local Transfen for ....Farait1ille, Pacbcn, etc:.. at sbort aotice. ,,!Ittedal .t�"" p... to U .... _, -...:J. C. LYNAS. L C. WIWThe College ShopI"" lluonic TempleA Special Line of Praterni� and CoUece Leather waD ..oratio_: Arts and Craft Jewelry, etc:. W. have )1Dt ,...'ou want for �111' room.CaD aD4 See Va.