o !I arDonPrice Two CentsVol. VII. No. So. CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1909 1!I1II\1!IJC PENNY RACERS BlEAK TAPE STELLAR PROGRAM FOR!Ast Lap Run ;;:-ntay AftemooD- CLUB SMOKER SAtURDAY Dean Small the Orator at CentennialProceeds O···er Five Hundred Dol- Celebration in Mandel, Thursday, I --concert Commemorative of Men- lars-Alumnae Lead with 1,100 Many New VaudeVille' Artists to Feb. II-Will Replace Chapel Ser- Director Stagg Announces Entries.delssobn Attracting Much At- Feet ef Co:ppers. Make Debut with Many Novel .. -:�es. I for Orange and Blue Dual <:;on-- "Stunts.' 'I test Friday Night.The last lap o� the mile of pennies Dct'ails of the Lincoln centennialMr. Glenn Gunn Gives Interpreta- relay race has been run. The last Singing by Glee Club, Sketches, and ceh .. hration on the campus were giv- Plan to Accommodate Large Crowdtive Piano Recital on Select crack of the starter's pistol has been Award of Bowling Prizes are en out yesterday, and show that the in Bartlett-Coach Gill HaaNumbers of Pro&rafn. heard in Lexington gymnasium. And Planned. utmost simplicity will be observed Strong Team.as a result of the finish, the women on the occasion, Thursday, FebruaryBefore an audience larger than have collected over fi�e hundr�d dol- The first Reynolds dub smoker of II, at 10:30 o'clock, in Mandet" hall. With the progress o! the -strenu-any that has assembled in Mandel iars for a new gymnasium. This the quarter' will be held next .Satur- Dean Albion Woodberry Small of ous training that Director Stagg ishall this school year, the Thomas sum far exceeded anything that even lay evening in the club theater. The t he graduate school of Arts, Litera- giving the track team this w eek, a�dOrchestra will pay tribute this after- the most sanguine had dared to hope .riginal date was set for Friday even- tu re and Science. will deliver the ad- the showing that many of the ath-noon to the memory of the great for. ng, but thi� was c�anged .to Satur- \drC�S on tl�c occasion '. In additior letes are making in the workouts,composer, Felix Mendelssohn-Bar- Finish Proves Exciting Jay, avoid conflict with the III i- to the oration, there Will be orgar hope is rising among many of thetholdy in an appropriate program. The finish was run off yesterday af- nois track m�et in Bartlett. • selections of a patriotic nature, with rooters that the meet with IllinoisThis is the first concert given at the ternoon in Lexington. Miss Dudley An extensive program .has been "inging' by the choir. The 'exercise!' !�iday in Bartlett will be moreUniversity this year by the orchestra, showered the floor with five dollars' arranged for the occasion. One of will supplant the regular: chapel ser- closely contested than .was anticipat­and it has attracted a great deal of worth of pennies, the gift of Mrs the features is that the participants vices for both Junior and Senior col- �d earlier in the season, /attentiun. The program, which is Charles R. Henderson, and the run tre all comparatively new stars in lege :ttudents., Stagg I�sues Entriesfeatured by Mendelssohn's "Midsum- ners representing the four classes University vaudeville. "The idea in giving such a simple Director Stagg yesterday announc-mer Night's Dream," is one of rare .md the alumnae, started in a wild Glee Club a Feature program and one in which one of our ed the entries for the meet, andbeauty, eompriaing- the most famous scramble to secure ,as great a num- Members of the Glee club will ] own faculty members delivers the stated that Coach Gill had 110t yetwo.ks of the composers represented. sent in his list for the lIIinois team.That every seat will be occupied TWO CHICAGO AND ONE ILLINOIS ATHLET� WHO WILL STA� I� FRIDAY'S M}4;ET The Varsity entries arc the follow-at the Theodore Thomas concert this inK: .afternoon in commemoration of the SO yard dash-No Tatarsky, W. H.one.hundredth anniversary of Felix Kuh, J.' 1. Schommer, A. Str�ub�,Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, is assured as J. J. Pegues, S. E. Earle, W .. Lewis,a result of the enormous demand for r. P. \V ill ett, E. Buckman.tickets at the Information offi�� __d�r- 50, yard hurdles-s-], J. Pegues, R-ing the past two days. B. Rogers, W. J. Sunderland, W. C.At the dose of business yesterday, Lorenz.all the seats had been disposed of ex- • 440 'yard nm-S. E. Lingle, K. P.cept a blcck of rather scattered ones, Shuart, W. S, Timblin, V. O. Whipp,Even with the student rate suspend-: E. R. Lon= N. Tatarsky,. S. E.ed, it is not expected that the supply Earle, A. Straube. W. P. Com5t��k.will last longer than noon. 880 yard run-K. P. Shuart, V. O.The Progrim \"hipp, W. S. Timblin, E. R. Long,'ll'd N' ht' D ea W. P. Comstock, M F., Ca, .rpenter,.I'll summer! Ig s r m .•......... . . . . ; : .•• Mendelssohn F. .1\... Gilbert., One and two-mile run�W. P.Comstock, F. C. Caldwell, D.' S.St,ophlet, l\{. F. Carpenter, F. A. G]I­bert, G. N. Simpson, W. S. 'Timblin,w. D. Dolan.Shot put-J. J. Schommer T. Kel­ey, E. P. Hubble.Running high jump-J. J. Schorn­.ner, R. B. Rogers, E. P. Hubbi�.Pole vau It-C. S. Jacobs, M. R.Cleary R. B. Rogers,Relay Race-S. E. Lingle. K. P."huart, W. S. Timblin, W. H. Kuh,\. Straube, N. Tatarsky, W. 'Po:omstock, S. E. Earle. W. J., Lewis,�. T Sturgeon, W. J. Sunderland. V." Whipp .Coach Gil! Has Strong Team·,·1De• Joe,,,---..:D.lDGE. ,AND[Elf'l'St .4epllt-at 0_MIGHT1110 for,ted -ill ...... Co.ich Gill has a fl.rmifl:lhle hunchf the last year l"eam clown theier of the coppers as possible. The I fUrl,i.sh' the chief, . for the � address," -explained :\lr. D. A. Rob- rate anrl a number of the Fresh-pennies soon disappeared. even��g. They ".11 sing several crtson yesterday, . is that we inteur' ncn more than make up for the lossImmediately, after the race, the reo numbers, and the' Appol]» double to have only those of the University If stars of the I� team. The lackU1r�S from the different classes were ocreue, and a special octette will also present. We are merely contribut- d material on the Varsity squad at.epcrred. The alumnae lead. having I warble a number of college songs. 'ng our share to the general celebra- :-hicago is partly made up for by thecollected 1100 feet of pennies. The Baukhage and Benzics, ,last year's ricn being given throughout the city .voup of star performers in severalJuniors. with i91, the Sophomores B!ackfriar stars, together with �{er· 'lnet are not endeavoring to attract f the events.orchestra. witl; 5'4, the Seniors with 511, and! rill, another comedy artist, will put -utsidcrs 0 shese exercises." 111 the hurdles, Illinois is likely toIn disc\1ssin� one of the numbers F I f II •. I' I k h TI t f h I h k . J kithe 'rC'shmen wit 1 400, 0 owmg III -m :I Itt e 'i etc. ie arrangcmcn 5 or t e ce era, ':\ (' three pl:.ces, WIth en ms,lIr. Cnnn paid a high compliment to th� order nf"lmed. The total amount· lfyers, Clark and Northrup will don h:we heen made by Professor A �:lffHI'('r and Peniirew. cOllsiciert'c!llr. Steck, the conductor of the .. d to 3346 feet, or 535.36. give instrumental ducts. Another C. �lcL:.ughlin and Associate Pr(l' I,:tt ...·r than Pcgftcs. Ro�cr:;, Sunder-Thomas Orechestra. "Mr. Stock," Women Elated Over SUccess numher, which "'ilI no douht creatc iCf.,sqr Francis W. Shepardson, hot 1. 'and or Lorenz. :\fay an(l Jenkin ..he said. "while conducting. always Thue is much exultation over a big sensation before the "Reynold!' d the history department. arc ('onccdcd first and second in th�managc!' to intcrpret the m-Jsic as �he s\1('ce�sf\l1 outcome of the club smokers," is the character mon- fortY-Yf"Ircl cla� h e,"cnts aJ{ainst tlleh Id 1 't done In Basketball Fives to Playt e ccmpf_)�cr wou lave I . affair. The gcneral feeling is that ologue, billed to be given by Georg(' 11cq that can be done hy Ktlh, T;t,his rfi'ort to do this, he hides his own with the short time that could ,be Sardam. Two picked teams of "'omen will tarsky, Lewis ancl Ruckman,personality entirely behind that of uscd in the ,,·ork. the results were Efforts are also booing made by thc clash in a bask('thall contest next Schommer and Jacobs Sure Firsts" more tllan cO"I(1 have been reason- '. Friday afternoon at T :25, in Lexing-the compo!'cr. .. entertainment committee of the clull Schommer, compcting for the la�t:thly ('xpccted. The campaign for a ton, The lin('up of the teams i!' astl) ha\'c Dr. H, T .. Willett make an 5eason for the Varsity, will capturenew OV, mnasium has only started, address. foll.,,,·s:,.,J the premier place in thc higll jump.Three·Quarters Dance March I· and it is expected that ntw pl:ms will ,For"':lnls-\Villowde:lIl ChattersonMay Award, Bowling Prizes. I EI' K II t EI and Htlbble i!' figured to take thebe heard of shortly from the dire�. an( olse e ogg; cen ers- J ea-Three.Quarters club will have its If h bib �econd po�ition from Gill's best,tion of I.exington. t c ow ing contests can e run 'lor Frennd, Z. Shepherd and Er-I ' F 'd 'I h 12 \Va5hhnrn, 'V:lt�on ancl Ritchf>Yannua fiance on n ay, �� arc . off and finished before next Sattlr- nc!'tine Evans; Guards-Helen rcck .. h AII'c" Jaeoh� shoulcl take the pole vaultIt .. ill be held in the evelllng at t e Kappa Sigma announces the pledg- day, the prizes for these c:onteste �Iamic Lilly Lois Norton and ..Reynolds club. in� of W. A. Thomal. ,will be awarded by President Dille. Groman,LARGE AUDIENCE TO HEARTHOMAS ORCHESTRA PLAYtention-Seat Sale Large... Overture.Nocturne.Scnerzo.Fifth Symphony .......•... BeethovenAllegro con brio.Andante con moto.Scherzo.Allegro.Bacchareal from Tannhauser. WagnerOverture from Tannhauser ... WagnerMr. Gunn Gives RecitalThe lecture recital by Mr. GlennDillard Gunn yesterday, was onewhich will, doubtless. add much tcthe enjoyment of today's programby these who heard it, Mr, Gunn'slecture book took the form of at LINCOLN EnRCISEI 5_LI EXP.ECT flUIOIS MEETWILL BE A GU)SE'-FI&HT(Colltin.ecl 011 pase 4)interpretative piano rendering of thesignificant parts of the program,witlcommcnts on the composers and theensical Jaws which regulated thecharacteristics of their work.In doing this, he pointed out, withmany illustrations on the piano, thethemes and melodies of the fournumbers which will be played by thelTHE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3.1909SPALDING'SOfficial 1909ATHLETIC ALMANAOEdited byJAMES E. SULLIVANPresident of the Amateur Athletic"WH;AT EVERY CO-ED KNOWS"POSTPONED FOR A YEAR .,.. DAILY B�ftII SOCK AND BUsKii(·ASSIGNSPARTS IN "THE pIPERS PLAYThe "Sock and Buskin" Dramaticdub of Philosophy College fs pre­paring to give' "The Piper's Play"by Margan, ' Cameron during the\Vinter Quarter The cast is as fol-10w8.' , " - 'M�ry Clarke Eveline PhillipsEvelyn Evans .. ' Betty BurkeMrs. Chas, Dover Ernest. Evans The only publication in the �orldMrs. J. Burton Elizab Kimball that publishes a complete list ofFrida Dickerson Elizabeth Rich amateur athletic best-on-records andMrs. Herford Carr .. Gertrude Fish sectional records. The 1909 AthleticKati� the Maid .. ; ... Susie Chatfield Almanac contains a full statistical ,�._ pert of theWILL PRESENT OPPERETTA OLYMPIC GAMESIN VAUDEVILLE' OF W. A. A. .r 19(>8. Replete with photograph,__ sefore published.One of the features of the vaude­ville to be given by the Women'sAthletic Association, is to be a shortplay, which will be selected in a com­petition now starting. Every wo­man' in tho University is entitled tosubmit an operette. The committeein charge is extremely anxious thatas many authors as possible maycome forward in order that the piecechesen may be exceptionally good.'The ,following rules govern theversity public will, it per card are' to be issued to the - " -contest •is hoped, hint to the management of members of the Senior class, accord- Brownson" Club meeting" Thurs- I. Plays are to be musical (pop-the orchestra. that the University is ing to a decision reached by the day, 4 p. m .• in Cobb 8b.' ular 'airs of the day may be used withfollowing Oliver Twist's well-known Senior executive' committee. The W. A. A. Play Competition for a Jriginal verse).example and wants some more. The five dollars are the class dues, and vaudeville, 20 to 30 minutes long. 2. Plays are to be from 20 to 30fact that the concert is in celebration the cards will indicate that the hold- Use can be made of popular airs minutes in length.of "the Mendelssohn centenary, at- er is a member in good standing of with original words. Hand inbefore . 3. Plays must: be in -no laU:r thantracts doubtless, particular attention the class of 1909. This is a new Feb .. IS to,�¥.�'�: .:"Ma���. ?,rt�ayer,. February' IS .. ' :.' ",:" THE UNION HOTKLto it, but the famous orchestra can idea in, theycoflection of class dues, Lexington ,�naSlum . office. ' '. ' ':4-" Plays may· be handed: to M. AND RESTAUB.AN'fbe almost' certain of a crowded! hall and if it is successful may be gen- Sophomo�,".�tion Committee Orrmayer in Lexington gymnasium.whenever it chooses to appear at the erally adopted. meets Friday �t; :I�:30. a, �:, in 'CobbUniversity, The committee a·t its meeting also 6a. Complete, attendance necessary.It may be' argued that those who decided to hold a dance on the af- Senior Prom Reception Committeearc earnest enough about it can go temoon of February II. It will be meets Thursday at 10:30 in Cobbto the twice-a-week concerts in Or- held in the Reynold's club. The rrb,chestra Hall. Doubtless they can, members of the executive committee Interco11cgiate Socialistic SoQetybut they do not, and they lose' by �t will act as ushers. Class notices meeting Thursday at 4 p. m., in Cobbone of the great cultural advantages will not be posted on the bulletin Be. Subject; "Trade U�jons and In­which the University's location in board. but will be sent out by mail. dustrial Education."Chicago has to offer. To many peo- Sopbomon Clasa I)ance in Rey- -"':'�------------...;....----------------pie about the campus a trip dowrr- GIVES NEWSPAPER� ORIGIN nolds club. Friday, February IS- '- -: =- ..:.. � - - - - -': -:.. - - ::.. - - - - - ::..::..::..-town is not something to be under- -- Dual Ke:et, - Illinois-Chicago, at WlLLSON & HARVEYtaken Iightly, It means a half day Dean TbompSon Tells Pbilosopby Bartlett K)'IDDasiuro.' Friday, Feb. I I P AIN'l'BRS &: DECORATORSor the workin� half of the night Men Romans Were First Yellow .5 at 8 p. m. " , '.. I I FtJL 'I f musi Jo--,,:;.·;'1:...... • The, TL� n.. Club dance an- I. L LINE WAL, L PAPER, GLASS ci PAINTERS· SUPPLIESgone. Many genuine overs 0 music UUaA&A�� ��- .....fecl th�t they cannot afford this much - nounced for the 5th, will be held on; Telephone Hyde �k 3667 427 East .ssth Street,'Cbica&otim�, at least as often as they would Philosophy Coliege heard an ad- Feb. 12. ; - - ::. :.. - - =- - - =. : -=- - =- -, - - -=- � --:, -- � � �wish. dress yesterday t10rning by Dean Senior ClUa Social Committee will '; •••••••••••••• - ••••• � ••••• ".A iew concerts by the Thomas Or- Thompson. on "�e Ori�n of the hold a meeting Thursday at 10:30 a. 11 I Telepbone 1049 Hyde Parkchcstra in Mandel hall would do Daily Newspaper." m. in Cobb lob. ARTH.DR B.' BOURGEAUmud to round out the University "There has been a natural curios- Wdfred T. Grenfel" II. D., will give I / DECORATORyear: -I' t!!ese people, and would give ity or eagerness for news," said Mr. an open lecture ,Thursday afternoon, j I WALL PAPER .. PAINTS,PILS AND GLASSothers who mi�ht otherwise go Thompson, "since the civilization of at 4 o'clock, in Mandel hall, under the I � Painters' SuppUesthro'l['l t ih� University without it a man. Especially during the old :luspices of the Christian Union. I I 216 E. sstb Streettaste of music that is worth while. wars, this eagerness prevailed. Then Subj�c:t: "Seventeen Years of.. Work :... �:- - -:. � .:..... -:. .=.: :. -- -- - =- - - - - - -- . -,.the people were. anxiou.s to hear from in La�rndOT:' - - - � -AW ARD COMSTOCK FIRST the ·armies. Durin� one of these Professor Moulton will lecture on"c" FOR CROSS COUNTRY periods in the Roman republic, there "Cosmic Evclution," Thcrsday, 4 p.\vas erected in Rome a bulletin m., in Kent theater. in commemora­board on which ,,-as posted news of tion of the Darwin anniversary.the various encounters. This was Soc:ial Science CIu'. Union meetsthe first news board, from which in Hitchcock library, Thursday, at 8'gradually developed the newspaper. �'c1ock. Departmental papers and"During the 16th century, the discussions. -Venetian senate issued daily dodgers, German Club mftta Friday in Lex­printed sheets, giving current news ington hall at 4 p. m. Lecture by Mr.from the front. These sheets were Stockhardt on "Rudolph Baumbach,called 'Gazetta: hence our word His Life and Works."'G"zette.' In :\Iay, 163f, appeared Mathematical Club meets Friday.the rirst current weekly paper called 4:.10 p. m., in Ryerson 35. Paper by'The Gazette,' printed by a French- Mr. Miles.man. The newspaper flourished dur- Senior Class Dues are now due anding the Thirty Years' War, and sti11 payable to the treasurer.more in the French Revolution. By International Club meets Saturdayli93, !here were many daily newspa- ':' t at 8 p. m. in Middle Div. parlor.pers i�sued in all the principal cities For members and those interestedof Europe." in the organization.Reynold. Club Smoker postponedPatronize Maroon advertisers. You to Saturday evening on account ofwtI tlaereb7 .how apprec:iatioa. the meet Friday night. Telephone C�tral 6872Philoaophy Women to' Eaact MusicalFarce-Date of the Event i.Uncertain.De UIkJ&l IJtadat PMlIce". � ... w. A. A. CoDliidered Too Bic a Political � ,Club meetslialyen1t7 ef CIaIc:a&'e- PropoaitiOD to Handle in Limited today' at 8 o'clock in Cobb 3c.time. Mr. H. E. Miles, chairman of the..... .,_ Tiriff committee � of the NationalTile liDlyerat·· of ""''-- W�'-. M f t ' A . t' will., - - On account of lack of time fbr anu ae urers ssoeia ion,l'oaa6Id preparation, the Women's Athletic speak on "Tariff Revision.".'U.!'! WeeklJ'. October l� 1.s. J·· ... :or 1'1_- 'C' ti C ·tt'Association has decided to hold over - � ,",xecu rve amID! ee'J'b� DallJ'. October I. IM2. ti t 10 3 t d . C bbthe presentation of "What Every mee u.g a : 0 a. m., 0 ay, an 0.... .--1 •• 8eeoGd.dua Mall at u.. � Co-ed Knows" until next ye�r. This hall.Glee Club Rebeanal is called forPoe�oIlc:e. Cblcqo. IlllD_ � Ie. play, which was written by MissI�I, UDder Act.. of Ilareh .. 181L Mary Louise Etten alid provided for3 cast and chorus of one hundred and"ubllahecS da.uJ'. ueept SWl4Q.. 1l0DdaJa ten, was planned to be given in Man­ad bollda7 .. durlq three quart .. cal tIM del hall for the benefit of the W 0- today at 3 o'clock.Thoma Orchestra ConcUt. in com­memoration of the Mendelssohn cen­tenary, today at 4 o'clock, inMandel hall. Tickets at the informa-men's gymnasium, but it was foundthat it was too great an enterpriseto swil.g without the aid of profes­sional coaching and extending timefor rehearsing. The regular vaude­ville will be given in its place.Miss Etten was the author of "TheFate of Phyllis Phresh," which wa�given at the annual Freshman frolicin October and has since been usedfor public presentation by the girlsof the University of Iowa. Thesketch will be given again at Smithin the near future. tion office.Junior llatbematic:al Club meetstoday in Ryerson 36, at 4:30 p. m.Paper by Mr. Niles.�eligioua Conferenc:e,unde,r the aus­pices of the Y. M. C. A.. Subject:·'What CAn the Sciences Contributeto Religion?" "Geology" by Profes­sor Salisbury, this evening in Has:kell assembly hall, at 7 o'clock.Bobemian Students will meet toorganize a club this morning at10:30 in Cobb.y. W. C. L. Annual Dinner, thisafternoon, at 5:30, in Lexington hall.Limited to League members, advis­ory committee' and invited guests.Basketball_;_Science vs. Arts this.Q�rlpt·oQ price, '8.00 per leu. '1.00for three months' aubecrlptloD rec:elnd attile Maroon omce. Eliia. Bali. 01' at theruultJ' Exc:ba.Dce. Cobb BallO.WALU B'. NEUlON. BualD_ ........ r.PRXiTON Jr. GA88. I4aD.aclq BcUtor.ICofLTIlC J. ADAlI8, N ... IDdltor. Competition is Started to SecureShort Play-All University Wo­men Eligible.Iol.... eontrlbuUona m&J' be lett at KUlaIIalI or FacultJ' £Xc:haDp. adctn.ecJ toft. 1JallJ' Maroon.IIdltorlal omc:e--Before 8 p. m.. BUIe Ball.e.:"enit7. Tel II1dwQ 800. After S p. MEMBERSHIP CARDS.... MarOOD Preu, 47-& m. 55th Street. Tel. FOR SENIORS AT $5 PER-.s. Part 1681. • -IExeCUtive ColDlI!ittee of Class ofThe rapidity with 'which tickets for 1909 Hits on New Method ofthe Thomas Orchestra concert this Collecting Class Dues.afternoon have been -bought up by the Uni- IMembership cards at five dollars _. _' AlOIOUKomotrrS _afternoon, at 3 :20, in the gymnasium.1\I,ilEncoreBARGAINS ALL THB TIII.-Reliable Rebuilt Typewritera.:. allmakes; rebui�t in our OW'll' fact�l'7;hetter and cbeaper than othen.' Seefor yourself. The Typewriter .Ex­('hance, 319 Dearborn St. A. J. CDaae,"anapr. Telephone Haniao. _J., Union,Price 10 CentsAt all newsdealers andA.. G. SPALDING & B181147 Wabash A venueChic:qo. 111.Get vour Cap & Gown Picture Ititnfbtt�itp1&botograpb �bop .Nearest Studio to CampusBeSr'" Work in Chicago.397 51th Street. Phone H. P. 1666 TEGFa:RIiDUSS sumTO llD'lT. C. SCHAFFNER78 State StreetPhone Central4875. ,1I.1�1l7 Randolpb I�THE POPULAR puaTO KATEith"r before or after ...Theater.w. make � specialty of ..an. P'�tenuq DUm\.... · ,- _-1MELVIN H. -SYKESPHOTOGRAPHERAthletic Board Honers Star VanityRunner for Vic:t01Y in ADnualRace..7O.�teS�Opposite. Marshall Field & Co.r-------------------------------------�A NEW BOOK BY M. M. MANGASAR JANTHE TRUTH ABCUT JESUS. IS HE A MYTH?A bof\k of 300 pales and more than SO Ancient Illustraticns showiDCthe evolutions of the Christ Idea. '2s-page appendix, answering orthodox and liberal dercn 1 ...-t h . - lIIo·ca ""-:onen !: on t e poSItions taken by the author .What d:'\ contemporary profane writers say about Jesus?What do modem clergymen and critics say about Jesu ,Cloth $1.00, paper cover SO cents. At Bcok Stores. or s.Book Department. Independent Religious Scciety,300 Wabash At.�--------------------------���-• I -The first Varsity "C' e,,·er awardedfor crosS cot:ntry performances hasLl'e� ,"otcd "Phil" Comstock by theL. ard of Athletic Control, in recog-1':i.ion of his "ictory in the annualintcr-co::cgiatc crosS country race,N('Ivcmbcr 14. Comstock capturedthe cvcnt by twenty-five >:ard9 fromKiu!;cad. tile Purdue star.Comstock who wiI: run for theVar .. ity ag;inst Illinois next Friday,it c(msidcr�<t t11(-i fastest man in theConference colleges in both the mileand the 880.. ._ This a\\'ard recal1s the granting ofOle" emblems to the IgoB basketballteam for winning the national titleJas: year from Penns)".-=-t.\. Chica�o.--- ....... -�RAOI\NAthleticthe �orldlist 01cords and9 Athletictis�ical rt.�slotographsand; Billue--­:>icture atp�bop.ampusago.: H.P.lfiiBlJI!I'BIIILITlnetof ...�'rpPLIESet, 'Chica&o... �-JAN�YTJflI, showiJII�cal co1D"Wabash At. - �, ,[,THE.DAILY.MARooN. W:EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1909E c .IWOORE.�FLOR'ST ••Seniors. Philosophy.BI4ss � .. ' R. F.. . . .. DonahueDavis 1.. F Levinsonl'Vishcr Co .. ' , . DiffirdwilIP!Mlli.,Jyou�/..L W'I R G W thi..... n.m... lhne parr. 01 _:a::�!!!JtI' 1 son .. . . . . . .. . .. ... . or lPg.ordl� auapen� Lightner L. G.. . . . . .. HergerWe},l,lnS lnlmltabte. PatchinQ.ualt,� unvarytn"BuHooJwlea tnde6tructlY.. Field goals: Donahue 5, Levinson.E..iJ.y�q.tecL.aI'c&.eJ..l4r.e 2, Visher 2, Bliss, Davis, Herger.� genulne palrhaa.... I�CB. 6UYOT- STAMJIEI)� Free throws: Visher 3, Difford 2..50�a�. .irat�.--� Fouls: Philosophy 10. Seniors 6._01-_ �-O ..... paIL���� FASHION TO THE RESCUE cided yesterday to make the recom- Itmendation of a clock as, the 1909 class IUniversity of C� Magazine Fea- donation. Nothing but favorabletures Men's Fashion Department comments have followed the tenta- I t--Causes Big Flurry. tive decision of the committee last I IIf the women of the University week, and so it has been formally thave harbored regrets over the re- put through. Chairman Renslow I S'!'ARCK P I AN 0 8-Replar prica '3S0 to '7So, atcent election of Senior College Coun- Sherer will recommend that the GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 6.T THIS SALE.1· clock be presented' at the June con- Icillors, which has almost e iminated THIS COUPON IS WORTH A TEN DOLLAR BILLvocation. Itheir authority in that body, if sun- I. Cut i out at once. Doo't throwaway money. We not only SAVE I I, In this presentation, the Senior tlry small things have indicated an Iyeu over a hundred dollars, but permit the smallest payments EVERclass will be contributing a doubleattitude of favoritism toward the men , I known <as low as $1 a week)·, a.k no' money in advance and give Igift. It will add to the Harper Mem-the leader in the February issue of you $10 :0 boot. Can you beat it? I II University Magazine will not orial fund. and. at the same time I It ie Ou�-of-town�patrona are invited to anJl themulv.. of th ...serve to allay their suspicions. To offer something specific, to the gener- I MOST liberal inducement&.al scheme of the library.the surprise of many of its subscribers tand the evident gratification of ,the I'"T�FF, E�T .TO TALK �It 'CUT OUTI THIS COUPONt GOOD FORI Ten Dollars.Established 1879 by the world-renowned Hans Bal .. tka lPOSTAL 'CARD BRINGS CATALOGUE lI I WRITE TODAY Iar.··llm D R. C H R. F. B A L A T K A, D ire c tor. IFOR :���h ': Diplomas Recognized All Over the World :for rest of Winter quarter. A;;r; I Special Rates to Students of U of C. IR. S. Radford. I .Address AU Communications to IUNIVERSITY DANCING CLASS, I BALATKA MUSICAL COLLEGE :Rosalie Hall, 276 E. 57th Street. t 'Handell Hall 40 East Randolph Street ... IClass Thursday afternoon at 2:30 I� ••• _. _ •• _ ... _. _ •••• _ ••• _ •••to 5. Admission 25 cents.of J8 to 12.At 'the end of the firsttribute Time-piece-To Presentit at June Convo�tion. e..PH:ri.OSOPHY,.BEST8� SBtUORS WGN O� HARMONY. 1MI _ MOCK S_ATE PARTIESJunior CcJJeae Five H�l� U�·per._� by is to 12Scon. The dawn Qf a new era-s-this wasthe prediction made by Mock SenateIn 0; rough game, marked by manyfouls on both sides, the fhi1oso�J1y. college basketball five yesterday de­ieated the Senior team by the SC01'escore - was 9 to 5 in' favor of the Sen­iors, but the star basket throwing ofDe nahue saved the day for the Pail­osophersr Visher and Lightnerplayed well for the Seniors.This afternoon the Arts 'five willAfter further debating, it· was decidedto reconsider the. bill first thing next IImeeting.GIFT COMMITTEE DECIDES ION CLOCK AS DONATIONWill Advise Senior Class to Con- IThe Senior class gift committee de- .,. It. 5Sth Street.Tel. Hy" Park 31.LASSWELL,PHOTOGRAPHER IIIIIITry OurS300 Kenmore Piano IITHE NEW CENTURYGROCERY and MARKET CO.WM, .1. Thomas, Prop.Fresh Fish and Oysters, Poultryand Game. Fresh VegetablesReceived Daily. Prompt De­livery. Tel Hyde Park 1361.452 East 5Sth Street231 E. ssth Str�etExtra attention Paid to Univer�sity Work. masculine element,. the magazine hasadded a very complete fashion de- H. E_ Miles to 'Speak Before Politicalpertmcnt for men, which was given 'Ec:cnomy' Club Tonightprecedence even to Dr. Foster'sJearn�d address on "The Development Mr. H. E. Miles. chairman of the()f International Law" and "Tbi�s Tariff Commission of the' NationalNot" In' The Curriculuin" by Dr. Association of Manufacturers, hasIThompson. Since the appearance of been secured by' the Political Econo- I Ioods, but just now w'e. are, simply this edition the magazine office is re- my dub to addresa its meeting this Iported to have been besieged by men, evening at 8 o'clock, The tariff ques-reducing our $3S suits to $301 in ". Many important decrees of style tion will be the subject of his talk.rder to close out our Winter and conventions are revealed in the Mr. Miles has been testifying re- Ioods, Here is an opportunity to eight pages, which further contains ccntly before the Ways and Meansve money on a winter suit,if you illuminating illustrations' of "elastic Committee of Congress, and will reve not ordered one as yet. ribbed silk evening dress mufflers," veal some valuable' inside informationThis reduction in price is made_ "dinner jackets with shawl 'collars," on the tariff situation:"full skirted double breasted satk The meeting will be held in Cobbto University of Chicago students coats;' and "outing coats, with ace- 3C.only. ordian extensions under the arm pitsWe are now closing out our win­ter p�tterns and getting ready forSpring.It is not the custom wj.th us, toLet us hear fr�m you. LEE CLUB PLANS CONCERTSto give free tone' of movement wh�ng lfing" The fastidious gentlemanmay learn in these columns that "thedictates of fashion require that a di�- tIn your own home. make sure that it JUiu you tI In every particular. When )"OU are so satisfied. It$165 IIWatterson 6 Southward Encouraged bv the success of theirconcert given' at' the Chicago Com- IIIIIn �)" wa)" )"OU like. even as low as$1 a -vveeK. IIIItIner coat must be worn at any enter- mons, the University Glee club istainment at which ladies are present;" looking forward to its series of out­that "either poke collars or wing col- of-town concerts which have beenlars l1;a.; be worn with formal even- arranged for Saturdays and Sundays.ing dress, but if the latter, the tabs Nearby places, such as Hinsdale, LaI should be very small and have round Grange and Lake Forest, are on thel I corners;" and that "either one or slate. and others may be added. II 5 DaY ABD mGHT I two studs' should be worn In the bo- Twenty-five men made the trip toI II I t som of the dress-shirt." the Commons and sang several Chi- tI ON TH E I t There are some complaints, how- eago songs. in addition to their regu-II I t ever, with regard to the new depart- lar programs. Joy Clark contributed tPI ment. The blue flannel shirt has a mandolin solo, and Gordon Erick-1,_,,111.111;1311111', ' be n entirely ignored, and so it is Im- son. director of the organization, a...__ possible to discover whether "fashion vocal sold:I dictates" that the collar be turnedAssociation BuildingTel.. Central 61gSFASTT&AIRS r-----------------------------� III '10 FREE CmIT DUE BILLIIPII Best ServiceBetween One of these Coupons SOoc1 as.FIRST PAYMENT III smartly under the ears or lie downgracefully over a red string tie. Surely the fashion editors must have over­looked the green hats which are keep­ing the campus verdant even in themidst of "the chiily gay season" ofI ice and snow, Doubtless the nextI issue ,,;11 remedy these defects, how­I t I eyer, while the fund of informationI which the present article furnishes(O�. the subject of formal eveningIIIIt'dress is iust in time to dispel theChicaco. ;doubts and answer the perplexed in-..._... �-.......-.. -..... -...- ..-...-.. =... I 'q.liries of those who have lined up--- - - ---for tile .....CI!Il:AUU, lIUJlANAPOLIS,IDAYTON, CINCINNATIAND WEST BADEN.FRENCH LICK SPRINGAND LOUISVILLE. towards purchase of one S�ck I IPiano at this sale, at 20.4 WabashA. venue Chicago, III, '- I IPiano. Shipped to Any Part -.1 the United StateaOD Th... Lihenl Term&. Write for FREE Catalop ... ;P. A. STARCK PIANO CO.;Itt -.-a06 Wabuh Avenue. Near Adama Street. C!d�o. t� ..... - ..... �.- .. - ..... --.-Irwin, Brothers CompanyIIII}o'rank J. Reed, Gen. Pass. Agt.II E. P. cockrell, A. G. P. A. LOST-Between 6020 Ellis and Lawlibrary, Jan. 30, gold watch; openface; ElKin; ribbon monogram, E.P, B Please return to above ad-,dra.. LiNra1 reward. CHICAGO ,582s State Street449 to 451 State StreetLonK Dist, Tel. Harrison SI6-SJ7. Long Dist, Tel. Wentworth 517PRIME BUJ', PORK, VEAL'AND MUTTONWrite. for Spesial Hotel Beef and Poultry Price List.Specially Selected for Hotel, Rest:;.urant, Club and Dinin, Car Trade.Fancy Cuts of Meats for this trade given particular attention.-----------------------------------------------------------...=-......-.... -... -...-...... -......-..... 4-....-=.� •• _ ••• - ... •·BALATKAMUSICAL COLLEGE'MENTION The DAfL Y MAROONWilen Trading With Our Advertisers- ..... ",_ ...__ ... - _._----------- -----.---�.--._ _ ........... ....- .... _, --,("orillthemi!�hlR�tmtClltS BUlNS rnD ExPB�:f�i�:.BTi>IQ�� . ".''':� � '� �o� the opeaiD��'�' Wmter Beuon at no IDr. Millikan Sa�zie. Now in. Ule 'H�� . P�1i: HYc�c 'InstitUte, where 8dmtific Maaaaee of all kinde:.. iJDf�ouid Co�" Work (�lnuea fforll i.ae I)' will be 'liven, .a well as Electric Licht Baths .. Steam, Hot Air aDd�aitie ot EaCli Co�'OSira . ,., ." ..... '... 1. aU ands of MEDICATED BATHS. SlWnpocinC Facial and sw,'.. with case� anct 60 Bunny" Rogers \till Muaap. The new Radiant Licht, Etc. 'Remedy. come mitb'ty close to getting Scconsl ALL ATTEN. DANTS GRADUATES ,FROM STOCKHOLM,SWEDENin that event froin anYOne th.t Illi�That the present marking syste� Daii bs. . lnapection ,Invitedis decidedly unfair, and that each Captain f:.intle; supf,orted by ea�l H Y D B P A It K B, Y G I B * I C INS TIT U T·.course should yield college credit �s Shuart, Timblin, Tatarsky, Whipp', H. IJnderoth, if. G., Mra. A. Wassburc, Manacers.nearly as possible corresponding Io and Comstoek Will fight fot the ho�� Phone Hyde Park 4454. 432 E. 55th St. Cere Lcxincton Av. :ad Floor·the actual average amount of work 'orS' iii. the quarter against Lindbergrequired for the' particular cou,�sc, is and Gardiner, the strongest of th�the opinion of Professor Robert Illirii in the event. Lindberg looftsMillikan, associate professor of Pliy- like the best man foi' the quarter oysics. At the meeting of Science men the basis of his past perfonnanc:e�,yesterday morning, Dr. Millikan ex- and should capture the first plac�.pressed this view, and asked the Shuart, Whipp, Comstock, Timblinvote of the college upon the plan and Long Will be Mr. Stagg's stand­which he suggested as a substit�te ard bearers in the half, against Cap..for the present system. The recent tain Hanley. Hopkins and Bloom­innovation in methods cf marking field of Illinois.was admitted to be superior to the Varsity Strong in Mile and TWO Mileprevious regulations, but to be still Comstock is conceded the mile forunsatisfactory, and in need of im- Chic�go, Dolan and Caldwell w;liprovement, oppose Butler, Herrick and Freeland"A major," said Dr. Millikan, "now of Illinois in the race for second andmeans five recitations a week, re- th 'rd in the mile. In the two-mile,gardless of the amount of outside Stophlet should take first and leavetime put on the subject. You all the competition for second and thirdknow that some of the subjects re- to his team-mates, Gilbert, Caldweti,quire three times the work neces- Carpenter and Simpson against Il1�­sary to others, and that in spite of nois' best in the persons of Redhedthis, you get the same credit for the and Freeland for the visitors.easy subject as for the hard one," In the shot put, "Long John" agai�Suggests New Plan is figured an easy winner with Hu�-"1 would suggest," he continued, ble and Kelley left to struggle with"that at the end of each quarter :,(cCord and Burres for the remain­blanks be handed out to the students.... non 00.""".................... pressing its opinion, and remindedthem that the student body was thesupreme judge, and that it was'. through their opinion only that thePATEJnED system could be changed.BAJIO) AND, • 0 SOli TICKETS FOR MEET ON SALEDOES ITI .A CLASSIO IIINo P.!!'! T2!���'!c.. �aI�;Y; MIXTUREwill prove far more enjoyable. It \is exquisite in Bavor, cool, ar0-matic and leaves no unpleaaantaftertaste. ITry' it. and if you are Dotpleased, we will cheerfully' refundthe money.I.l I"I). 3 OZ.-40C 4 O.z. 75CS OZ.-$1.50 I lb. $3.00We will mail to your addressUpon receipt of price.NATIONAL CIG.AB. STORE(Inc.)Firat National Bank Building.Chicago, IIINot Connected with the TobaccoTrust.$1,000' POOLTOURNAMENTBetween the World's Champion,'j'homas HuestonANDClarence SaffordState ChampionFeb. 1-.3-5-6, at James O'Leary's.4183 Halsted Street.Feb. 2 and 4 at States Billiard Par­lors 213 and 215 S�te Street.. Commences at 8:15- Tickets atabove pl&cea.-�-�-�.,BOSTONGARTER; t TR[ R£COIIIDD ITUIUI..... 1 .��!"�! CUSHIOIIUnOICLASPUts FUTTOTIIILEI-lmRsUPS. TUIS IOlUJllfASruSJ'I �I, I"•__ ".ALWAYS EAS'�_..1\I'if- ......'_'ABSOLUTELY NO BULCEIF i,·. " "., ... , ...'tiAC-HURDLE!FULL DRESS SHIRTu..&sa-t &. c... c...(M.a.n)T,.."H.Y., ,, i On those blanks, let them writewhat ..... they consider the work value ofthe course; that is, about how manyhours a week they had to put intoit. In this manner, the instructorcoul.l determine "whether he is giv­ing altogether too much work for thecredit allowed, or whether- the courseshould be made more comprehensive.The blanks would then be put onfile in the dean's office-a record ofthe kind of work the student is do­ing. 1 t seems to me that this wouidremedy the unfairness by making thethe present unfairness, by making thecourses count for what they areworth, so that, for instance, the cred­it one would get for a course in Eng­lish, where he had to work fifteenhours a week or more, would betwice that derived from a snap coursewhere he has little more to do thansit in class five times a week.College Votes in Favor of Scheme"N'Ow I wish you would answerthese questions frankly," he conclud­cd.; "How many of you thinkthat a good mean of the work valueof a course could be obtained in thisway? The vote stood about thirtyto ten. "How many think the pres­ent system unfair?" Every hand wentup. .. And, finally, how many thinkthe suggestion I have made woulddo away with this unfairness?" Againthe vote was unanimous. Dr. Milli­kan then thanked the college for ex--Director Stagg Booming Dual withDlinois, Friday.Scats for thc dual mcet with Illi­nOIs III Bartlett Friday night wilt beplaccd on sale today at the Informa­tion ofllce. Director Stagg is espe­cially desirous of drawing a largeChicago contingent to the contest,and is booming it more than everbefore in the history of indoor ath­letics.Students see at lcast an evenchance for a Varsity triumph, and in­tend to. come out strong in �upportof Captain Lingle'S athletes. ing honors in the event.The outcome of the one-mile Ielay"ill depend upon the .condition of theother men. on both teams at the timeof the race, and how necesary the fivepoints for the winner may be to win Ithe meet for either team.Expect Large AttendanceThe meet with the Illini will be the •only dual meet. �t, horne for the in­door team this wiriter with any.othercollege. There are only two otherdates on the schedule, the returnmeet at Urbana, February s. and theC. A. A. meet on February 20th.Preparations are being' made to ac­�ommodate a large' crowd for Fri­day. Chicago alumni of the Uni­versity of Illinois.' �1l' meet in aluncheon at the Boston OysterHouse Thursd� noon, to arousesome �nthusias�, and have requestedthat 200 tickets be sent down to bedisposed of at the restaurant..�3REEN Rooli: TO pRESENTSKETCH "ENGAGING JANET",-Literature College Dramatic Club ..Coached b7 Richard Davis, toGive Initial penonDance'The members of the Green Room.assisted by Mr. Richard :i:)avis, aformer member of the D�amatic Clubarc busy rehearsing a play to be pre '.sented in the near future. Thisplaya one-act sketch entitled "Engaging Janet" is a farce in which . theparts are well taken. This is to bepre s�nted in . Lexington . Hall, sometime in February in connection witha dance given by Literature women.Cast of characters.Janet Clark, who is looking for, acarrcer Mary Cheney�I iss Buggs- of the .Amalgamatedr.harities Ruth Reddicher�fadamc Maude, with a linc of ToilctRC()\li�ites and Talk ... Louis KennedyMiss Bumpers of Bostoil- a LiteraryLight '-Haz�l Stillman::\!iss Spike-rcpresenting the TeachersTraiJ1ing Trust Ellen McNeish,l\liss Biggin's- from thc Woman'sEmployment 'Rllrcau Christine PosseBridget ("'ho' helps). Florencc CatlinHelen Foster and Madeline Kaiserhave been pfedged to the Sigma club. e.­Vol. VIeILLINOpress IList.. folDiretto:FewAlth(Directomeet wbut se'21 starare excome Imeet jof thebeen tbut thl�ni\'t:iis as fTHE COLLEGE MAN'S TAILORi clAim. by richt of yean of aperience with the college man, tohave the only Varsity Tailor-shop hereabouts.fIYou _ will always find me with exclusively different fashions andfallrica; never the "same," despite that they contain all the GIN.GER anel SNAP.tr I bbe leamed to choose my styles with Two eye5-0ne Opaliot the SMART CHAP. the other for the MATURE MAN-andthe contrast shoW. how little I have let "the right eye know what theleft eye deeth,"BENHAMVARSITY CLOTHES 519 E. 63rd Street.50 yeira, IHurlow, ]SholHigSperr:PolcnacheOUR COLLEGIATILINE OF YOUNGMEN'S TOGS ARETHE'SWELLFlST ANDNIFTIEST GARMENTSEVER PRODUCED.\440ards.:Hal..RchrcMilkins.TwRohnReiPet isHerrLirin eli!madebe ateamwhetto hLindthreandseasthefeltAIU:medprotis IiTarcap:PetIIU.53- :STRUT. CHICAGO.seerfor11011areMcBr;!A . Man's FaceMatten NotIf HisClothes are Right. WE BEGAN MAKING CLOTHES MANY YEARS AGO.WE ARE KAKING MORE AND MORE EACH SEASOM... .BE ONE OF THE MANY STUDENTS WHO ARE WEARING., ItOUR. CLOTHES. I !YOU WILL EXPECT TO PAY MORE THAN WE ASK.OPEN EVENINGSJ. C. LYNA&, L. C. WIUCBf9The C;ollege ShopIh9 Jluonic Temple/A Specw Line of Fraternity 2nd CoUege Leather wall dec­orations; � and Craft ·Jewel-y. et� We have Just whatyou want for 70ur room.CaD and See Us.lDiDois CoUege of - COmmercePormer17ATHENAEUMII to -' VAN BUREN STREETY01lDl . people qualified in oar Shorthand and Buinaa depart.menta in the abortat poaibl� time for positiona .that pay at 0 ..from $35 to $60 a month. IncIi�duaI intaruction. DAY and NIGHTaeaiollL Enter any tim.. Call. write or phone Harrison 1110 farcatalope. Positions for aradaateL 37 yean of uninterT1lpte4 laCcaL SAIlUEL B. WILLEY, LL. B., Superinted_TO ANY SBIaP-SUPPORTING STUDBHTWe can put you in touch with a dignified method of increasinc your �enuN method that is clean and that involves a maximum increase "income at a minimum expenditure of time. The plan has already pro",Its efficiency in other Universities "'here self-respecting, self-supponillstudents have taken up our method to the exclusion of others, they ..pleased, and their financial burden is solved. We can do as much for JG&Can any time during business hours at .'lQ Dearborn St. or telephoDlCentral 5114, and ask for Mr. Goldblatt.