.: }.�I.' l•... . ...,!larnoulor. Vol. VIl. No. 79. CHICAGO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 19C<) . Price Two Cents�GO. ,:ASOIt·1:ARlNG Limbered and warmed by the com­petition of the First Regiment handi­cap meet, the' track team has settleddown, into the Iast stages of prepa­ration for the -d ... almeet with Illinois,. The date of the Senior Prom has Friday night, in Bartlett. The lllinibeen definitely set for February 19· 'have a team, of. considerable strength'This was announced yesterday, fo1- this year but Director Stagg is ex- .tolowing a .confcrence . with President peering .to trim his ;,lllen . into good � t;:.(:.r. I:Judson, where it was decided that the .enough shape to make the meet a t� - " .I. c. pBicts were not sufficient to war- close one. � ,,"/ 1"rant a holdover till Monday. This 'al- . The little band of Varsity and s �:-(.IlU& :.. _ •• ,: _ 'T ......... _- 1\so settles the matter for the time of Freshmen track men who competed ���.:.-=.:a--;:_::" :.:..� ;;.:..:.,,:., � I. 1 t I ' I k h F· R· t d 0lIl& .. �..... ............. ...... " .. "... ........... I. .doSlng, as tne wc ve-o c oc regu- at t e irst egrment mee ma e a.. = �'S-;;'i&��""t:.. � •• ::::."';.!"'_;,-:!.- Ii 1I ... vu,rn _ LLIt ".,...s..... uu,Jati9n will not be enforced .Frjday -Iair showing. against the liberal hand- :;;.:"'''"':'''''':'':''=''';;; �.�,.-":T :'::""�,! •. _. '! T �_ �,..A_ 'icen," said Professor Conklin, "to�ht. icaps .. given many .of the .athletes. III' - ;l.orify the common-place in showingTickets on Sale Wednesday Claire S. Jacobs was the sensation of 'hat natural , phenomena are the re-The tickets will be placed on sale the meet, when the little vaulter \ .-I� CiE.t.alfo AlfHU"l. 1ult of natural causes. At everyWednesday morning. They will cost cleared the bar at II feet 8 3-8 inches, ;. .,; , '; Sf���':ZHT�. stage scie�ce' has had to 'contendfour dollars as usual, with an extra breaking the w_9rld's record for the \ .. ', _j' '�-, � .. wt- ... .._�; ,"Vith supernaturalism, which, .drivencharge of one dollar the day of the indoor 'pole vault, -The mark .betters i =:' ,.- .' '�ack, step" by .step, at last' fou'sid re--. \ ' a...I ti.r .tl ..._,.. _"..- •, ' . I. .Prom. Harold I_ddi,�gs·,.�Jllark of last winter !I ' :.; . ' .' . �'uge in the misty mountain-tops ofThe taxicab system, once definitely �y just .one:-:half _n�h, .the ex-Maroon . Ii . ':":' .... �.��l -;��g��s. I,In' the co,�Aict witt.: 'mysti-• ailatl,dpned has proved practicable and track a41rll footbal] star: having made . i :: ���-' ..7::�::-_ "7 .::: -,.. -; cism, . there have been crises of irn-: I!I�" ,...,.... .. �.;.,.. ... ................. I.·will be used. The Auto Taxicab Com- the liar at II feet 7 ?,-8"i�ehes� DoD � 1.001( '-"'Ii. TN,S? o&!.;;;""::":::::-:.:'�.":- .;.;&..... ..11�nse)�po�tance 'to. mankind. Prob-pany, a concern which has twenty- ,J acobs had to �overcome .some l- ........ • •• nooooT.)· . :..:,: .. :_: •• !"::::- .• ::�., FULLe��, ably .the :m�st important of these �asfive machines for the occasion, .will mighty ,,}i!>e.(al h��i�ps in this .. " .. ,. ':he onc in which Charles Darwin washave charge. Arrangements should event, and. as a .result, did not even ';'ALK '0' Ii' 'O"RC' BES'. 'TIl MUSI' C �D uCE �SU· IP''AS'S'lS n .. nDDs ';ile .;c�ief ·,c��tendcr.be made at once according to the. ar- get a place..with . .his record-smashing • An \luau.. ,�vo�luti,on �f _Y.ast �mportrangements. The trips will cost from cap. .�. V�tY,-�with, '9 "1Joints, - - 1"Eyolution has ginn a new point$2:50 to.$3·50. took third -place 'at the meet. No�re ,.r. G. D. �unn wiD Interpret Men- �ffair 'for ,�enefit '�r 'Univer&;itY �t- )( yi��"t� scicn�e, art, ',and evenMore Decorati-:ns })romised Dame,�!c 'firs� :honors with 20 poi�ts 'delssohn' �o.� in' Mandel To- tlement �as. �ger . �tte��ce re�igion. 1,t l>el,mgs to the nincteenthThe decoration committee ann�un- .. nd'·.C�ntl.:al;Y.: M. C. A. $econd with day- Concert Tickets' Are Half and Brings More Money 'than a �e�t·ury. Up' to' 1859, 'the origin' of,� a novel plan of decorating' the 19- ' Go!le, '. . Year' Ago. ',�'p�'�i�s .��s r�gar.ded as th� ��sterygymnasium. Everything ,�ill be c.om- --Menaul; ...the-_aIl�arQund �t;lr:_OC 'he .;..f mysteries, explainable only on _the-memorative of George Washington. Fresltman: �t�m ... ��k?�rst ;'place , in A lec�\1re recital on the program, to A. cJ�ar t>rofit �or t�e Settlem�nt· gr���1«(of �li�ac��I�l1S creation ... !?ar-Cherry trees, with hatchets, are to; th�6bot, :put :with;�an .. �c� ;putj of; J8 be; presentcd in, commemoration, of of over $300, a, good, ,tll�le for �'��i� .�ay Jl0t rave discovered the �he-,'�ove'one of the,·main ,features. '.feet,; w.hile ,��t�rl:th� ;giant. �re�h- the Mendelssohn ce�tenary, will :be people, a�d �ne of �he bes� da,nc�s.of oiy qfle\'9,\���on,Jmt,he.e�tabli��e� it.Thc supper will come bctween two man,atblete.,took.:d.Jird (��� a scra�c;h. gi'\'"e;n this afternoon at 4 in 'Man�el the year, were the ,�esults ach!e-ycd The 'effect of his pr.omulgation. of itspecial extras. The fourteenth and !put of..4l·,�cr.et 3 .1-2 i�cbes. Harris, 'hall by Mr. Glenn D�l1ard' Gunn. The by the Settlement dance committce �as .mary<:l.ous. ' ' .. �; .'.,fifteenth dances need not be reserved 311other! F.r.e�bP.lan .of n�te, ,9ptured pUI(��se of this ,Iec!ure is to enable Satu�day n�ght. "rile y.-qr:ld is indebted to him foron that account. ·sec,nd :in .the�ppp�lat: fort)':y;ard ��sh, those who hear the concert under- The .floor in Bartlett gy�nasi�m .�ore �h3n this. He contributed inbeing beaten by F1etcher of N�tre stand, the �um�ers wh!ch are to be was c')mfortably cr�w�ed' during �he' ��my �ra�!=�es. 1-1 e was a geologist'WOMEN; OPEN �A..���LL. p�ine,]he.star who won the meet �o� played. The le�ture ',will be in�er- entirt: fo�rteen d�nces. The Se�ior )f .note, a,le�rned bota�ist, a greatSEASON WITH A· .:RUSH his sch09l. and �as the best indi�id- pretive, and will be illustrated by the and J'mior Pr:oms have never br�u�ht �ooloWst. llis work on' the' (le.s�entual ;pe�former' of the day. I?!�no. so many' <!a�cers on the, !>ig �oor as d .�an c�ntributes largely to anthro-Mr. Gunn m.akes it his re�lar '",·.ere �here to aid the Settlement. pology. His work, 'Expression of theYOUNG-WOllEN'S -LEAGUE Ilractice to lecture on the progr�ms A�out 8 o'clock,all the wo�en p�es-' �m�tion�,' 'is �ii1l '�f i�porta�ce inTQ- ,G� AM.�p� ��NN� of the Th�mas Orchestra. He hqlds ent formed .in onc, long li�e to: rc- Rs�C;�qlogy. These indicate how, - regular classes every week in Ihis ceive the men. In this way th:e p,lan .l�O�(J "his mind wa�. Probably noThe initial game of the wpmen's �,Butler and Other. to Speak, at studio for �he purpose, of interpre�ing �vas to have all, present int�od��ed. scientific theory has aroused' "'\morebaseball series, yesterday, afte�noon,. ,.Fun�on this Afternoon in '0 his_pupils t�e meaning of the �u- Alas! A g�ntl<;man whose name, was ,Iis.<;ussion th�n that of n.:ttnral'. selec-resulted in giving the Blues the first Lezingtou.. ,si.c on the concert program. Smith when he started �'as g�eeted' :�on. It ,a_r<)�sed much oppositionpoint toward the champicnship. TJte . I Mendelssohn Recital Tomorrow fly those toward �he end of the ,line n thel,logical circles. Further�orecontest \\'as tame for the first two .The annual membersbip dinner of I J"he concert will be .given �omor- :IS :'Mr. Yokes." It was also ,rumored r'�� its �lature it was open to .·�uchir.nings, the Blues having a clear field. the Young Women's Christi�n -I'OW a;ternoon at 4 o'clock, in Man- rhat some Freshman had remem�c;rcd :mateur disc�ssion. .Bat the Reds picked up and' fO\Jght League will be held tomorrow af�er-: del. hall by members of. the Tho�as to speak to al1 the. women he, -pct. ���ks .on Theory Unfairtbeir opponents ill a ·plucky manner; noon· at " 5�30 -�-,in - ..Lex�ng-f Orch�<;;ra. Aitho,ugh �rimariIY' in hut he could not he located after a "Tn re'cent times there have beenwith the result that at the close of ton hall." Amon.g the speakers: 0 :c:elebrat�on, of .the .. ).Iendels:;ohn �en- prolonged scarch. 'ven m��re rabid attack from scic�tist�the last inning the Reds had nine to the . QC�JOn .�I be Dean N��an- Jenary, the program, '\11,'i1l also. com- .Pr()�si�ns. in Favor �\�'hich it i�' difficult to excuse. M \tclttheir credit against the 16 p'ited up iel-Butl�r; � ... W.rren P. Beha-q �nd, '!"ise .�uD1bers' by, other �ompos�rs. And the pro\'isions were '\1I,'el1 re- .f· ii is l1nf�ir tn D:trwin. Few f1by the Blucs. "rs. ; J�l1!es LYman of Eva�s�on, I Thc scats which are on sale at. the ·:eh·cd. Apples, very· soft cider. :lis .fnll,)\Vers have heen as catholicScnsational plays were freque�t, chairman 'of- the Illinois st�te .com- , Information ��e .will be disposed of .10ughnl1ts and c01:;kies, were in de· :111<1 hroad as he. It i:-; another tcs­and gave the enthusiastic fans prom- mittee of the Y. W. C A. M.lss Peck,.l to students ,at prices 10$er than those. mand at all times. Two desks ,were !imony to. the greatne�s of Darwinise d an exciting series of games to president of the League, will act as i for non-members of the University. 1)laccd close to the door where tick" ,t�lat' ,men arc coming hack to his ori­fo11o".. Bculah Armacost and Lydia toastmistress.. I if bought some ,time. tC'day. ·W. A. cts entitling the hearer to purchase� g�nal ,�xpression and a�crihe �\'olll­Lte each distinguished themselves by This affair, occurring each yea.r, IS: Payne reports, that o\'er 700 tickct:. I)f 'h·c cents each werc di�tribuh�!1 tir f1 not to one hut tn �e"cral ca,,!'es .. ..&tillful catching in the field, whi�e a pr�minent [��t�re of_ the. U;m�'er-; Jla\'e already. been s9ld. :\bch of thc money taken in was r(" I'rt,,�.",:ent Judspn was pre�ent and�fargard S'!.llli\'an did hc.nor to the sity's social progTam .. ,It IS hmlted: ct'i\'Cd there. ,mtrruluccd Profcssor Conklin,Blue h ... · �('()ring the highest number to members of the League. members: f b'dd IJ " .-\ It IVlUgh programs were or I en B,:,hemian Students Will Form Clubf s of its, advisory co�mittee and': in- ; SA V E b k f ho run,. "I \r !hc committee. the olC 0 t (' In Qrder to form a l)("rmaIHult nr-The Ijl�l'l1P: vited gue�ts., .•�f�er .J.hc banquet and i • k I 1 . f I' 'IC 'cts prove! to JC very SOliS ac- gani?:ation. nohemi:1ll �ltHlcnt� <If theReds. Blues. a few toasts of sparkling humot, a: r. I." r. " 5." k Th'I rr.1 au r8 .1 '.or)' to cep el1gag.ement� on.. o�c !University will meet tomorrow mnrn-1.lildrcd Dana ..... P .... Alice Hcr.rick social hour is enjoyed, college songs, .. ,.....,. .' . 1 t d I thl",., W 1(l werc no 111 u g1l1g In ' 'ing at 10:.�0 in Collh 1):\. :\� there areA..Iel:lidc Roe C Marg. Sullivan a. re S\.mg a,nd other stunts are' �dded : . f' b r f� FOR THE ;1ractlce were ew 111 num e . in resiflence this quarter fi tecn .. ttl-Elizabeth Hurd ... 1 R .... K. Siaught which go to make up a successful'Sectional Divisicns Fail dents frllm Bohemia. stcps will heJulube1 Walker •. 2 B. .... B. Ar,macos\. social!�ve",�g. rw",_JiI.'.. ,A.. eK ....... E��. 1 I 1 f 'd' h' 1&-,.. &W" I. I The muc 1-tonte< p an or separat- �aken to prm'l e <;om(' way In w IC 1Rotna Vo!-!t····3 B. .. F. Scharfenstein 'd f ..I·ft f 1 1 . d. ing thc res I ents 0 "I cnnt parts o. they may be more c (':tr y Unite.Ell R II R SS S Camenish ;n"rkman Leavitt. a Freshman at, Ia usse. c_ f1I.leago Vs. ml-DOis I the city for the home"'ard trip failed, O�ccrs will he cle("ted and moreF1 Cl k L SS �nn DeVries Co��ell, met d�ath suddenly. by touch" �orencc ar., j The posters nC\'er appeared, and, at complete plan� m:lClc at tl'ITlOrrow',Lydia Lee R.F F. Lawson ng ,live electric wire while returning i 1----------------• b od I BARTLETT AT • P. M. I (Continued on pace 4)Irene Hastings .. 1.. F ..... �I. Wilhard from a wal:t in t e wo S., t -I. 'Announcement Made' Following Con­f�rence with President Judson-, Tickets on Sale Wednesday. p�GnB.�I�I����·_���T_W_E_ro_R_�_T_�_L_AS_T_W_�_K���-�USU�II.UaT�TOF MOIEAN SCIENTISTSV8J'sity 'f�ck ,T.e-.n� �� ,.(Ut�rJi'irst ,��ent.��� .WP1�JJ�d ffJr' D9� - ��Smaa.be$ �.ole,. Vaultip.&,Recorda. I Formulator of Evolution Theory'1 .. Glorified at qpening .of Centen-nial Celebration.i10ntile :SEIIOR PROM DATE ISSET FOR FEBRUARY 19prpfessor. E. ,G. C,onklin Sa1S "Ori­gin of Species" Blaz,ed Way of-Newer, .Thought.. T�b System Arranged for-No­ve} Decorations Planned�\lpperExtras Added to Program.h_ .J n the first of the lectures in . cele-lAIiT' )rat,ion of the Darwin centenary,Prof,c�sor E. G. Conklin of PrincetonUniversity, last ,night declared that')arwin stands unique among allmodern scientists, and it is worthy ofthe highest place among those of allrime."The �reatness of science halt)LSl_-:slues Defeat Reds 16 to 9-Miss Sul­-Jjvan Stars for the WinningTeam.tmeetiT1�s.r-it";t_. ..,i."_ir�I11!�lrt..._--'1 .. , ... la"" .. u · unive�ity c�n have la�ctioncd sueb� .� � an erroneous stateDl�nt al 1v.aS �dein the Record-Herald. Does she not... UAclal litucleat· PUi.arc.tt_ 4 .. proudly accl�iDl. in her adopted longCalnrait)' of CbIap. her love of honor, her "faith thattruth shall make men free?" Shall weTHE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1909.;SOphomore Clu. Dace. ba �-th. �'FeDdble Club Tiyouta_ today, �,atReynolds club. Friday, Feb. 15th. � p. m. Juniors invited. .JUDior CIua EXecutive Committee Darwin AJmivenUy Celebratioll inDleetin& at 10:.10, Wednel�7. in Cobb Kent theater today at 4 �'clock. Ad�hall dr�IS by P.rofessor Mead on "TheSophomore ClaD Dance in Rey- World of Thoug� Before and AfternGids club, Friday, February is- the Publication of Origin of the Spe-Dual Meet - Illinois-ChiCago, at cies,"Bartlett gyDlnasium, Friday, Feb. Mr. Glen Dillarel" Gium will give a5 at 8 p. m. lecture recital on th� concert pro­Glee Club Rebeana1 is called for gram to' be ajv.en Wednesday for theWednesday at 3 o'clock. :Mendelssohn centenary. This after-The Three-Quarters Club dance an- noon at 4 o'clock, in Mandel hallnounced for the 5th, will be held on. Mt: William Slater will give anFeb. 12. open lecture tdoay at 4 P. m., in theSenior Class Social Committee will v est . lecture room of the Law build-.·ormer17'rke 'CIlITeraltl of CIaIc:ap w.-s,. not always deny false statements-nomatter howdetrimental to herself, forthe time being. such denial mayseein? Shall she, the youngest uni­versity in the West? She, who owns".. lind .,.8ec:OIld·ctu. KaJ.{at tM aalc:aco such Kt'eat virtues, not always ac-PaKoGlc:e.' Chlcqo. lUlDoli. IIardl 18. knowledge her short comings, striv-'; 1803, uuder Act. of Karel .. 18TL ing rather to. remedy at the earliestpossible moment than to bide? ShallPub11ahed dal17. except 81lDdQa. IlCllldQa she not always trust in "breadth of. All. 110111la),,, duri.q three ,Garten '" tM charity?" Shall not' she to all men,��I1'eraltl lear. at all time, prov� herself "Most wiseo fall that wisest be, most true of all• u_rlpt'on price, ,3.00 per lear; '1.00 the true?"f� three mODtba' aw.crlpUon rec:eln4 atn. )(&rOOD Omce. Ellla Ba1I� or at tile GIRLS SCORE BIG SUCCESSI'acQI'7 Exc�e. Cobb BalL IN ISSUE OF DAILY MAROONFolllldeclTile Weekll. October 1_ lD1Tile Dal1l. October � li02.hold a meeting Thursday at 10:30 a .m. in Cobb lob.1'hoDias Orchestra Concert, in com­memoration of the Mendelssohn cen­tenary, Wednesday, at' 4 o'clock inMandel hall. Tickets at the informa-U.WALlJ it'. lSEUiON, B� ........PUB·rON Jr. GABS, Men,"DJ Ultor.-.x.TI� J. AnAllS. N ... 1I4l&_.. tee".: <:oDtrlbuUona m&J be �eft at SUIa11&11 cr l<·.cult)' ExchaDp, a4� toft. �I �arooll.Alas .. If7werebutTrue Itor, :':)1" medical advisor,swimming instructor on� anthropo­mctry r , .u, two others-averaging16xI feet. FOWNESOffices in Lexington: two, measur­ing roxo 1-2 feet and JOXI0 1-2 feet,shared by director, 3 instructors,clerk,.and students during physical exami- GLOVESare Dot cheapest. batthey're leat apeDIift.nations... Almost" as commodious. well-equipped?We cannot believe that a Feat Patroaize Maroon advertisers. ing. Subject: "Schopenhauer,".... We are making a Special Offfor 60 days of our $10.00 Sephic Pinum Photos for $5.00 per dol. to lJof C. students.ROOT STUDIOMEDICS PLAN BANQUETPre-medic Club Arranaing for Din­Der for Freshman M. D-LUnder the auspices of the Pre- .z4J Wabash Ave.medic club, the Freshman medicalclass will �ve an elaborate banquet Get your Cap Be Gown Picture atat the Tip Top Inn, Friday evening,February IQ. This will be the firstDUSS surraTO BU'l'T. C. SCHAFFNERHE NEW CENTURYGROCERY and MARKET CO. ,8 State StreetPhone Central4875. 1WM. J. Thomas, Prop •. Fresh Fish and Oysters, Poultryarid Game. Fresh VegetablesReceived' Daily. Prompt De­livery. TeL' Hyde Park 1361.452 East s5th Street TBB UNION BOTE.AND RESTAURAlrl111-117 �dolph S�LASSWELL,PBOTOG�_B. THE POPULAR PLACKEitk",r before or aIMr ...neater.231 E. 55th StreetExtra attentiO-D Paid to Univer­sity Work. w. make • SpeaaItr ef ...aM :J'rat8l1li� DiDa ....WILLSON & HARVEYPAINTBRS a: DECORATORSFULL LINE WALL PAPER, GLASS AND PAINTERS'427 East 5sth Street,. Telephone Central 6872MELVIN H. / SYKESPHOTOGRAPHER,0 State StreetOpposite Marshall Field & Co.Chicago.STEEL VAULTS. ELECTRIC LINEDCENTRAl·HYDE PARK BANK55th Street and Washington AvenueBurglar Pronf. Fire Proof._ Absolutely Security.Boxes Three Dollars Per Year Less than a Cent a DIJw. K. Young (, Bro •.Phone Hyde Park 997 •Picture attp�bo�campusicago,te H.P.IBurrir'FBElrm.NThltnetPLACI1'.& CQ..trcct":IC LINEDNKecurity.Cent a DI1 ANTI-RENT PROPOSITIONTo rent a typewritet is to putmoney into a losing proposition. First-It helps pay several prices for onemachine, Second--It does not securethe use .of a new �c:hine# but gen­erally a heap of old iron.Why this wastefu1n�? Ultimatelyyou will want your own, machine.Bqin now to buy the best, THEFOX."I've found a 'way." Let me showyou how, to huy_ a NEW machine atShoes. when I sell judging committee, and comprise the half price. Add a.little to your pres-the same Styles ami following plays: ent renting terms, and OWN a Fox.Leathers at only "Nixon, '99." book by Bernard I. A $100 machine for $50, and new atBell. music by Earl Bowlby. that. - Only $5 down. Call and see"The Lord of l\Iakow," by Karl sa�ple.Keefer and Herbert Keller, with mu- George Starring. Agent,sic bv Gordon Ericson. 56 Middle "D". Hall, U. of C."Maroonland," by Carl Burton,with music by George Garrett., "More than Poet," book by HowardBlackford and Hurnard Kenner, mu­sic by Charles Willard and RichardMyers.HanSen Talks of ,OperasHold Another, �ecita1 of Music thia•. AfteJ1)QOn-eoDUllittee to lIake. Final Decision ToDiih� "CLUETT, PEA.ODY • CO... "K£RS 0 ....... OW COLLA". Abbott ��aw_ yestes:.�y ,; called an­other reeita! of the mUsic of the Blackfriar plays for this afternoon - at . 3o'clock, in the Reynolds club. Thecommittee will hold a meeting to­night, and it is expected that thedecision can be announced at a Black-f dar meeting, probably tomorrowmorning. The decision, the membersof committee say. has been delayed,owing to a wide divergence of opin­ion among them.A recital of the music was held forMr. Al Butler, the musical critic, Sat­urday afternoon ip the Reynoldsclub, but owing to_ the inability, ofGeorge Garrett to be present, and thefact the manuscripts were unavaila-ble, another recital will have to, beheld. The books are now in theLOST�One corn cob pipe, at theAmerican Music Hall, vai\1ed as anheirloom. Liberal reward for re-turn to J. L. "Mack."LOST-Between 6020 Ellis and Lawlibrary, Jan. 30; gold- watch; openface; Elgin;' ribbon monogram, E.pO. B' Please" return to above ad-dress. ' Liberal reward.--------------WAnTED-A young 'lady to - take. meals dn n private: family for' pur­';'p6se of, companionship. ' Rates rea:'-; sonable.r Mrs. E. -0: Jacob,' 5457Jeffers�' A-ve11ttt.FOR RENT-33 .Hitchcockfor rest of Winter quarter.R. S� - Radford. .. -'F� DaDt�'loitiations: Banquets;-FOJ:, theae' �\I'll .n"·" Dr:ua Suit 01'. TuzecloTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE '"AND STORAOE -CO�HY_ 'Ph.n.� ,Hyde Park 571 Kimbuk Ave. aad s8tII ...The 'Cleaneat and ,B .. t Kept Stleraa.- Warehouse in the Ci� •••••.Furniture and Piane. Movecl, Stored, PacM4 _Shippei .to all paru of the world. 390 Pri�a .. �aec Rooms. Large Parlor hclusively fer ......Rooms 1 for Tr11Dka and Wheels. Lar.e B... _�aFa; Buaaies and Sleigh.. Trunk. t. ...from �11 Depots. _ Local Tran.fen for: .�FurDitlire, Packages, etc., at short lIetic�', ''8� att.aell Kina tID Ulliveniq .�.' . � � � ,. 1 , ;AN EXCLUSIVESHOP for WOMfNDon't pay $4.00, $5.00 hands of Professor James WeberLinn, - the faculty member of theLOST - On campus yesterday.small gold watch, closed case, mon­ogram V. B.S.; reward. Returnto 5661 Drexel A ve., 3rd floor.FARCE BY WOMAN STUDENTRECEIVES RECOGNITIONThat men of the University haveno monopoly on dramatic talent hasbeen conclusively proved by the factthat two large women's institutionsin the east and west are reproducingthe work of a Chicago woman stu­dent.The play to receive recognition is"The Fate of Phyllis, Fresh," a mu­sical comedy p written by Mary LouiseEtten. It will be presented in thencar future by women at Vassar col­lege and the University of Iowa. Thecomedy was given by the W. A. A.last Quarter, in K�nt theater, andcored a - decided success.This is the first time that a womanof the Uni .... ersity has receivcd suchan honor, and Miss Etten has heenreceh'ing thc congratulations of herfriends.McBride Circulator �f MagazineThe Unh'crsity of Chicago Maga·zine has appointed Ed"'ard 1- Mc­Bride to thc position of circulationmanager. He is to take up his dutie:;immerliately. McBride was chogenfrom six men who applied jor tllC'position. .. Dear Mabel:_I really :want' to KO to that Formal Dance, but C'&Il'", because 1 haven't a dre�s suit, and don't, care to borrow oae. Hadto 'lose oct' on three dances and a banquet thil season, because .,.::his deficiency in my wardrobe. 1 limply must order a dress suitand tuxedo tomorrow. Yours, Jam.P. S:-Ain't it awful. Maben"II You will draw bid. to Fuli Dr_ Main rilh. Will. lor tIM .­i. hero-read Jim'. letter.Order your Suit Earl,..Our prices are within every Colle", man'. r .. c:h.CaJVer l!J WDkieTAILORS 1151. D.,..,. s .... _ fIeoI'JTO .ANY SELF-SUPPO l.TING STUDBHTWe can put you "in 'touch with' a dignified method of increasing your rey­enue-::i method that is clean a�d that involves a maximum increase .,income at a minimum' �xpenciiture of time. The plan has already pro.,."Its, efficiency in other Universities where self-respecting, self-sup�students have taken up our method to' the exclusion of others, they anpleased, and their financial b�rdeii' is solved. We can do as much for yo&Call any time during business hours at 39 Dearborn St. or telephoneCentral 5114, and ask for Mr. Gold blatt.cheap,Applywon their successamong collegemen elJtirely ontheir merits.Their sales grew88 smokers "foundout" how good'they are. Their001 y advertising� was the per­-.....� sooal recom­mendationof friend tofriend.20for15c Ii�'��I1l�;,I:1 l�, )J,1'J\.J��1t�(the musical end oft the contest, has Work of Mary Louise, Etten to behad long experience with comic Reproduced at Vassar andoperas. He has been - musical direc- Iowa.tor for several important plays, and$2 and ,2.50Dent take my word for it,but come 'and look at them.THE STATES SHOE SHOPSecond Floor. 195 State StreetOver Peacock's Jewelry Store. : Chairman Hansen of the play com-Open Saturday Evenings Till i mittee, said yesterday that the reason--._;.. ..;_.# .no' decision has been arrived at, is.............. _ _ .. � 'because the p��ys are uniformly ofthe same - character,He'said:<�l' have heard alI:the mu­. sj� �v.era' " ti���� ,��d there: is' !:mu�h� t ':-- '\ � J ,�.!, J � ,-. � •. 4 ,, tnaI T 'Iike in enh' play, and some.parts that I do not: lilce: It is' the.: same- way with��ch _m�mber of thecommittee. It' was suggested iastlweek that the, Friars take th, e be, st ofeverything and make a- play out of, it; but I don't believe that any au­thor will stand - for tbat;, it isn't fairto, him, beca-ise he gets nothing butJ honor out of the play. There aresome pretty melodies., and rousingfootball songs.' We shall recommend.however, that the play selected bechanged somewhat, which I think theauthors will be very glad to do:'Mr. AI. F. Butler, who is judgingWe are now closing out our win­ter patterns and getting rqady (orSpring.It is not the custom with us, togoods. but just now we .are simplyreducing our $35 suits to $30, iiigoods. Here is an opportunity tosave money on a winter suit,if yousave not ordered one as yet. 'This reduction in price is madeto Uiliversity of Chicago students. only.us hear fr: m you.Association BuildingTd.. Central 6191downtown theaters, and at presenthas a number of songs on the mar­ket. Among his newest compositionsare the intermeezoa "Ivanhoe" and"Vinita," written in collaborationwith Van Alstyne.FAST TRAIBSDAY ·AND mGHTON THECOURSE BOOKS DISTRIBUTEDMOH[]N R[]UTE,-- ----_/. "How many honor points did yo';get?"This was the universal question or.the campus yesterday, and the uni­versal answer to it was expressed inseveral degrees of disgusted disap­pointment. The occasion was thedistrjbution of course books, with therC!'Iuits of thc aut·1mn quarter's workp()�ted in them.That this "'as awaited with moreth":tn usual Vint('��t hy the undergraduate�. was'- evi{len'ced by the factthat. "'hile heretofore the deans havehad to make several announcc:mcnt�before the students could be pc:rs'lad.cd to get their course books" yester­rlay there werc two long lines in frontof the offices of the Senior dean andthe rf"corder, where the books wert'distn"buted.Best ServiceBetweenCHICAtiU, 1l'flJ1ANAPOLlS,DAYTON, CINCINNATIAND WEST BADEN#FRENCH LICK SPRINGAND LOUISVILLE.Frank J. Reed, Gen. Pass. Alt.E. P. Ccckrdl, A. G. P. A.Chicago., :\1 aroon advertisers are reliable anddeserve your patronage. WHERE TO DINE.THE WOODLAWN CAFE63rd Street and Cot��e Grove AvenueTHE FINEST AND MOST ELEGANTLY APPOINTEDCAFE ON THE SOUTH SlDECUISINE UNEXOELLEDPRICES REASONABLEMusic-Sig., Ferrante's Orchestra of IS Pieces in JGrand Program Concert Evenings._------.... �." '-2H BOlRd"�'IT£S JO' ALLOWSEYER FOOTBALL GAMES"'.&E.·TD W8OF YCniR: aut'i'.There's twice the. wear in a .aic.. if: you have an extra pair of tt� .;Make the experiment-6Dc1 6t ..: yourself.Here's your opPortwUtJ-A ....t and extra pair of tro..... lor." Tea'ring along in championship: price of the suit. form, 'ihi Varsity basketball team Gd- IlliDDia'Added to Liat ....... Northwestem.Trousers of the lame material car ded another scalp to its belt Saturday :1DdlaDa and Pardue Liliely to .different, just as you prefer. in trimming' the Purple five to (the ' Fill Slate.This offer holds �ood on OUl' eidn melody 'of 28 to 4, at Northwestern's,stock, own gymnasium. The National cham. - Approval.of the maximum of sevenWe want to keep our 1(004 laIIbn pions alloW'ed the home team, ,but one g:un�s was the- surprising action taken. busy between seasons. That'. tile point 6blil'IRar the "'6t bfthe·gatnc, by the Board of-Atb1etic:Control atprimary reason for' this offer. when Ross tossed a basket for: his its session, Saturday morning. AI-Coming in today? team and followed with a free throw. thougJi the playing of -seven games isSuit and Extra Trousera-$30 to. $60. Hubble Stars at Forward not a certaintv until a -majority of theYes. we make ridins breech... Hubble, who was sent in at right ·'Bi.:! Eight" colleges have approved,forward, proved the dark horse star there is little doubt that the actionof. tfte contest, getting six. baskets. as allowing seven games for 1908, whichmany 'as all the rest of the 'Chicago passed last year. will again be' passedteam together. 'T.be: play of 'the by the Conference, as the only changeMethodists was marred by injuries to f -sentiment- 's that of 'Chicago, whichtheir 'men, Heren had to be taken still further weakens the -opponentsTAlLOR FOR YOUN. -- out of the game with a sprained of the larger schedule by one vote.A. N. Jarema, -.Tw. atores: 131 La _ _' ankle, and Swift was replaced by Actio.n Surprise to Rooters,44 Jacimea • ali ... Thompson on account of badly hurt The action �f the board came as a. ''te. . welcome surprise to the students whoOllm'F--1I-0-U-S-AND--'--OO-'-.-"-.'·-0 F At the 'end of t.he fi�st half, .the 'hailed the decision to' play sevenI11J ! '...,_ score was 8 to' 1 10 Chicago's favor, games with joy. The only action inand in the second period there came' regard to the details of the schedulepeOL TOURN�· one . of those whirlwind finishes for taken, was the official approval of a.which . Chicago teams have become fa- game with Illinois, in addition to themous, and which inevitably make: the thre games with Cornell. Wisconsin'Between the World's Champion, score-boy- 'Work fast. Hubble began and Minnesota already carded. The. finding the "ring. and .was dropping request of the Navy game was re­them -in regularly, while Schommer fused, as were the applications fromap_d Georgen were helping the work Brown, Iowa, Nebraska and Drake.along, ' Mail Vote to be TakenFireman Cools Players The .. ction of the board, en the ba-:A -firernan . who -appearedion the sis of last year's sentiment, on. the. playing floor early in the game, in- question of the number of games,·Feb. 1-3-5-6, at James. 'O-LearT.,·: sisted : that the fire .escaping facilities makes seven games a certainty this4183 Halsted Street., of. 'the building were not sufficiently year. Last year the board . ruled � in'It' b' d S .. • adequate",and. to alleviate matters.ihe favor of but six games, in spite of the- e • 2 an 4 at tates 'Bi.1lianI Pall- insisted '.Jpon leaving one of thedoors fact that the Conference had approv-, Iors 213 and 21S State Street. d'. of.the .building open. As a result, the' e of the larger number. A mailedceol :biasts from the ·storm 'outside vote w'Il be taken 'on the seven-gamemade the atmosphere so cold that question at once by Professor T.; F.the game might as well 'have been Moran, chairman of the Conference:_____________ ............ __. , played 'in -the :open. and it is thought that, the longer slate::: rnLe -Ii ........ p.. will again receive a maj ority of favor-MISS EDNA F. "NICHOLs Ii ,�I "'"-.0: Chiqlgo. Northwestern. able votes.DRUGGIST lGelley. Hnbble .. R.. F ....•.•••.•. Ross'. Georgen 1... F ; oWossling: Schommer •...... C.n •. Culbertson. Hoffman .....•. '. R.G.. . . • . • ..• .HerenWells', ' Page 1- G ..•..••.•• � . Swift. Thompson 12 o'clock sharp, the -crowd disap-Baskets from field: Hubble' 6, peared, as usual.The statement of the financial .re­, Schommer. 3, Georgen 2, Page, Ross,Free ·throws: Schommer 4. Ross 2.IhI,rirThomas HuestonANDri . AClarence salfordState Champion'Commences at 8:15- Tlc:keta-.tabove pl&cee.�.i"ll . Formerly at corner of Lexi�&ton'and E. 55th St., has moved to426 E. 55th Street.Phone Midway 2105We Have No Branch StudioFacilities for evecytbinc. inPhotop'apby.Phone Central "609 Captain Geol'leD aDd CompaD7 Cleu'''1Jp!� ·at j aftbaton in Baa)'S17I. Saturda:r--:-Hubble Star' of EnlaI'Pd ·Oridiron ,Schedule PueedM�Da with Si.K' sUketa. .• t:.� Saturday-F.inal Con- .·ferenc._' :Approval, Nea:esary.I" "DANCE SURPASSES' RECORDS. i(Continued from paae I)turns, as given out by "Billy" 'l\fac­Cracken, were -as follows: Gross ire­ceipts, $400 "to-·$425; profits, $300 toDR. MOULTON' TO LECTURE $330. ' Last year the profits' were$290.-..------ ......... -�.....-- __ ._;,J Third of 'Y. M. C. A. Series---In �trobollly and Religion, iniKent., " telation ,of astronomy to religion,iand Trousers . for 'Price�f �t: and the 'light it may give on the.i prGblems 'of reli2ion.Owing to the larJ{e crowd' present ;: at· last week's lecture. it has been de-'; Cided to hold the future sessions ofLast week the number present was s('\large that many were unable to findaeats in the room in Haskell. and to144---'-'-'-'" _I -'_'_'_I�' .�. '� avtrt: further difficulty, the place ofmeeting has been changed. It is u-W her e to DiD. "pected tbat an e,'cn larger crowd willbe present ·next Wedne'sday nightT H It than. has. appeared at either of th('NEW EST past two lectures, on account of theROO II growing popularity of the series.CONTINUED DURINGFEBRUARY. NEWMEDIUM WEIGHTSTOCK INCLUDED !atREDUCED PRICEsSUitWm. Jerremll' SdDaClark and Adams StrtetaTHE INDIAlf;,_ BOOMYbe WeDinltoli"lIoteiOpposite the 1DiDoia-Tbealer' "tl Signor .Guglielmo Ferrero, the ltal-'. ian historian, who appeared before :theUniversity students last keek in hislectures .on Roman history, is nowlecturing at Corn elf university,The third of �the Y. ·M. C. A. seriesof ' lectures will be held 'Wednesdaynight,' when . Prof. Moulton' of 'thef' "Astronomy Departm'ent will speak.He ' will .'discuss the :possiblein Kent theater.the ' Col'lfcrence'�Eight Hindu students at the Uni:"ft�ty" of Washington� in Seattle.have formed a fraternity. They havereeted :II house and will live in realOriental fashion..: ...• R.�V .. BRAIDEN, ex-'lO,' U. of C.522 E. 55th St.; .«iOJDIDJriatioD Tickets, 53. SOlor $3.00• EXTRACT FROM lULL OF FARE:BuCKWHEAT 'CAKES" a: COUNTRY SAUSAGE ••..•••..... ISC. BREAKFAST 'CEREALS WITH RICH CREAM JOe._ EGGS, 'IN ANY . STYLE. WITH ROLLS ••••••••• " •••• " •••• ICICFRESH MEAT ORDERS, WITH POTATOES AND COFFEE_OYSTER STEW ...................................................'HAMBURGER SANDWICH, W�H ONIONS ,, 1«HAM AND EGG.SANDWICH ··· .. · .. · .. ·.· #JSC'HOT WIENIEWURST WITH ROLLS ........................•. JOCQUICK SERVICE. BEST FOR THE MONEY.'COURTEOUS TREATMENT..OPEN UNTIL :t: A. M.,BEST cup· Of COFFff IN CHICAGO :::::=Vc=LAR61THIConceJ1delSltlMr. G'tiveBdolany tithall titOrchesnoon tcompO!tholdyThis isUniverand itattentilfeaturemer Nbeautywo.ksThatat theaftern(one-huMendea resu'ticketsing th.At tall thecept aEvened, itwiU IeMidsu1fABRos.�ilLO·R8 OUR COLLEGIATELINE OF. YOUNGMEN'S TOGS AImTHE SWELL$T, ,ANDNIFI'IEST GARMENTsEVER PRODUCED.OveNocSc"'hiFifthAileAnrlSeh.AlJeBaedOvertllaE.53- 3TRUT. CHICAGO.TheDillalwhidthe eby tllectuiinterJsignitcomnDl"lSiccharaInman)themnum}orebeInllr. Illr.Thorhe sman:the 4his (':A '�Man;�s ':Face.. Matters NotJ)erS4thenTlIf His"�Clothes .are R�ghtWE BEGAN "MAKING CLOTHES MANY YEARS A'OO.,WE ARE .. MAKING MORE AND MORE EACH SEASOR.;BEc.ONE OF THE�MANY STUDENTS WHO ARE"WEJ\RIlfG:OUR ;CLOTHES. .IYOU' "WILL . 'EXPECT TO PAY MORE THAN ,WE ASK.O�EVENINGSJ. C.,LYNA5.-The College Shoplleg )tuonic Temple'A Special Line of Fraternity £nd College Leather waD ,dec­.. 0ratioDl; Arts and Craft Jewel:y, etc. We have Juat what. �ou. want for.:FOur room.:CaD &Del See U ••Illinois College of CommerceFormerlyATHENAEUM18 to 26 VAN BUREN STREETYoune peop�e qualified in our Shorthand and Businen ctepirt­menta in the shortest pouibl. time for positions that pay at 0"from S3S to S60 a month. Individual intsruction. DAY and NIGHTseUio� Enter an,. tI,ne. Call, write or phone Harrison 1110 forcatal�pe. .Positions for enduateL 3'! yean of anintern1pte4 -cea. SAMUEL B. WILLEY, LL. B., S .........�----------------------------------------------� .. -- .. -