(_...._ ..tlarunuCHICAGO. 1�HURSJjA Y, JA�U'ARY 28, 1909. Price Two <; .... ,JI �: .OVer Two Thousand Tap Distri­buted Ani�r.g· SeUeta-Will Ap­point Seventy Ushen T�y. "THmRIN�MEETfEL1'1 VARSITY. EXPECTS HARD I WOMEN im: CHARGE TODAY \ COMMERCIAL CLUB HOLDF�!=� f:'�::� t: o!':"�:: co���Eca�H IOWA �OI1GoHTI..G�:;:;:::� �:;o'::'_';,.::�:1 SUCCESSFUL RECEPTIONVorwerts Tumverein Teams inknown' Cn anf Hawkeye s Little Realize Bie Sum for New Athletic 1 Number of Representative Businoi8Bartlett-- WreistlerS in Public Debut .U1 0 erenee but Feared u' . III __ erne, Men Attend-Rudovits Invitesas Strong Team. I'h , The busy dick of typewriter will the to Association.A tree cornered athletic carnival \ Lineup Same as in Purdue G Ih . d d k .R' I ame- be hushed and the busier slide of pen-t at IS ope to rna e, mg ing Bro- Freshmen Vs. "{pO: High Instead cil will vary the otherwise inactivethers circus look like a far away num- of Morgan Parkber has been slated by Dr. J. E. Ray-, f fWd d . The hardest that they have yet day. The reason is that the women ofcro t or e nes ay night, February •Have you been tagged? Friday will played is expected by Dr. Raycrof't tht: Univers ity will supplant the reg-10, in Bartlett gymnasium. The vs«. ...be tag day for the Settlement Dance f h V' ',' I ff f d d f The Commercial club of the Uui-sity fencing, wrestling and gymnastic or t c ar srty five when they clash u ar stu or to ay-van , 0 course,arld woe to the man who does notteams will meet teams in all those with Coach Catlin's bunch from Iowa their methods, jounralist ic ideals, and vcrsity entertained informally lastwear a tag. A big force of pretty tonight on the floor of Bartlett. Less attitude toward campus news is quite evening. A number of the facultysports from tqe Vorwerts Turnver- .girls and handsome men will scour is known of the Iowa team: than of .liffcr ent, and representative business men ofein of 'he north side.the campus for, the student who does- , any other team in the Conference. These in charge of this memorable � he city. The meeting was held inAlmost a Three Ring Circusat think that he will have a good time Captain Georgen said last night after edition are not making boasts be- the Reynolds club, through which theThe three matches or sets of mat-at the Settlement Dance. Two thou- the light practice that the Hawkeyes yond the assurance that the issue will visitors were shown.sand tags have been printed and are ches will all go O)} at once and withwere unusually strong this year in 111'S be the best ever seen on the campus. Among 'the business men who at,, . the additon of the pink lemonade andin the hands of the ticket committee opinion. "We don't know much about Suspense is Great tended weer S.W. Earle of the North-the peanuts the spectators can im-" .and many were seen on the campus their men or their style of play' and All will await its appearance with -rn Bunk Note Engraving Co., Tobyagine themselves at a real circus.yesterday, The tags will serve the so we can't plan a particular kind of utrncst eagerness. This anxiety is in- Rudovits of the €hicago Association,d'o' uble purpose of tickets and identi _ Monsieur de Bauviere's fencing teams f C J P 'I R D.. defense, but a team that can run up a creased by he disinclination of the' ommerce,. ..l ann, . S, ay,fication cards as the tags will be worn have not. yet been picked but matches8' I di C. A. Marsh N. Miller, D. E. ce­tnr both the broad sword and the foil -t to 10 score on an opponent, as I)OS5 e rtors to grvc out the faintestat the dance. Among the young wo-. Iowa did against Cole last week, hint as to the contents. deman, . E. Knobel, \V. A. Gibson',experts will be on the slate.men who will sell tickets are Miss must b 't " Many are the conjectures that will K. Matzubara and G. E. Roberts.Captain Berndt of the gymnastic ,e s rong.Caroline Dickey, Ernestine Evans,' Ha ke H F h S IJC m .... de among the students today. They were entertained by a fewteam has not yet decided upon his w ,eyes ave res tars ..Helen Hendricks, Francis Herrick, The H k h d ' \1'11 a t "'1'11 tile cartoon look Iike? exce llent selections by the Glee.incup but he and his mates will com- e aw eyes a a good learn 'V.. "Audra Knickerbocker, Majorie Day. It' d I h h f What sort of "J'OSll" stories will there club. Dr. Nathniel Butler spoke andpete in at least five events, the par- as year an , a t ug our of theirLouise Norton, Edith Osgood, Jean' 1"":",0 I' 'bl' _ I b ';) W'II th h t b d ith th )utlined the purposes of the Com-.' 111('1 bars, the hor izontal bar, the Y'JU men were e rgt e on y two of e. J e 5 ee a oun WI eRoe, Mildred Scott, Katherine Slau-' h' £ .ff h' 'nercial club. Mr. Toby Rudovits ofhorse, the rings and tumbling. The t em were considered good enough eature stu , sort stones, poems, or1;itt, Margaret Stevens and Mary Ken-: for th t thi TI straight news, and. if all, what pro- the Chicago Association of Com-, .carn will in all probability be com- e earn llS year. ley are Cap-nedr, The publicity committee will t' Perei . h . d ti f h? merce, extended a cordial invitationposed of the foU<nring men: Captain am errrne rtg t guar , and Stewart por Ion 0 eacdistribute a thousand cards : Iff Le to the m, embers to pay a visit to the,.. u 0", earn- Berndt Davis Kennedy Smith and . e t . orward. Like nearly every other Get sson in Journalismt mor 0 t .d b d . , ,,' \Vays and Means Committee of thepus.. 0 r W 0 remm every 0 y. 'Bartlett western team the Iowans-have an \10- The women on the staff were busyof 'Ta� nay. _WreStI,�' Fin.t Public Appearance I �suallY good, ce.rtter in Hyland, who I yes�erday laying plans .for their, in-C6mplete Arrangements Toda::; The third ring of the circus will be I IS expected to grve Schommer plenty vasion of today. Ameeting was heldPlans for the dance itself are tak� ., d d d IIfilled withe the men of the newest of to 0 to outplay, him. :cster ay, an a were given finaling very definite form and a. joint D. r. Raycroft has been dev'elopl'ng :nstructions. How to prepare "copy"., the Varsity athletic teams to entermedihg of 'all the committees' will b� iome clever offensive formations andheld in the. home of Mrs.- Vincen� into outside competition, the wrest-I, . , I Itrs Coach Stearns, who has beell al of the men have been imporvingtomorrow ,at 4:30 to settle the last .' their basket throwing. Joy Clarke wl'llworking with hIS squad all quarterdetails. Arrangements & .. getting peo� , , not be seen I·n the game wl'th Iowa pus to purchase a_ paper. -- those wereand promi5cs' a classy exhibit. Theple home and plans for the refresht up the as he has not yet completed the work some of the things talked over. Dr. Butler told the purpo'se of the'. . men who are slated to ";lake �ments mil be made. required of him in his studl'es, but he "\Ve are all astir 'over this, ed, iti,on,�' Commercial club. "The club" heteam are Alexander, Woods, Barron • ,Harper will furnish the orchestra may be eligible for the game "'I'th said a prominent members of the said, "ha!" two motives-first a de-and Meigs. YO • '.of ten pieces. Seventy ushers will be, ' Northwestern .Saturday at Ev' anston, ;taff. "The cause for our getting it sire of the ynung men of the Un i-This ti"iangular meet is intended'appointed tomorrow to see that e"ery' Th t d h I k :)ut is all to well known on tile cam- versity to organize with the businessto prepare the teams for other meets e earn an t e rooters are 00 -b, ,'ody in introduced. They will be uri- jng forwa d t ' d th I pas by this time. I thillk there I'S no men of the city, in order to gain their)f thc same kind especially the gym_ r owar e purp e game(fer the direction of Howard Black- "·I·th nlore pp h . th d one at, the Unl'versl'ty, subscrl'ber or respect and sympathctic advice whennastic teams which travels to Ne- • a re enslOn an towarf rd ,,·ho will take Winston Henry's the Iowa game as it will be the firs't not, who will hesitate about buying neede'd; and second, :t desire to' ,cti,l-braska this year for the anual inter-place. as he will be unable to be game of the season away from the a copy of the special, knowing that tivate an acquaintance betweencollegiate gymnastic meet some1bere. All ushers must be at the gym home floor and the enclosed floor at the money is going to sturt a new young men of the University who.ime in April. Dr. Raycroft declared .'by:;:15. They wilt be given maroon Evanston is a decidedly poor one. gymnasium." mto to go into business, and the busi�last night that possibly fensing andribbons as a sign of office at that The Chicago players in the game las't Proceeds to New GVft't ness men of our city.wrestling might be added to the card ". ••time. All those who are late will be ' '-'ear were s'everly bruI·scd oWI'ng to The Maroon of tomorrow will ap- Mr. Toby Rudovit!;, the secondof eycnts on this date but that no oJdropped and others found to take the nearness of the walls to the play- pear at the regular time, and will be �peaker of the evening, said: ·'Theredefinite action had yet been taken intheir place. ing floor in contrast to the open "old on the campus. The women who :s a mutual interest in the matter ofthat direction.No Programs sidelines of the Bartlett floor.. get it out arc to recieve the procecds '!C(IUaintance between the student.The arrangement b�ing considered The lineup for the Varsity game )f the extra advertising solicited in ::nd the business man. The businessnow to guarantee escorts for all the PROFESSOR CLARK TO tonight will be as follc,ws: proportion to rcsults and �ll of the 'lan is interested because he is sore-women is to have eveyb('dy going to INTERPRET MEREDITH Chica,� Iowa copies sold. In addition to this, the �y in need of good !'len."the same section of town gather in 'Georgen, l.f. P' �Iaronn will contribute, to the fund This speech of �lr.RttdoYits instant-errme, r.g.groups An escort will then be fur- Professor S. H. Clark ,,;11 give' Kelly, r.f. Bro".n.I.g. III the profits above the actual cost Iy started a series of informal talksnished for each group. This will ab the fourth of a series of six interpre- Schommer, c. Hyland, c. )f getting the edition out for the day. hy the other member� of the Chicagosolu.tely pro\'ide for every girl. There th'e readings from modern fiction Hoffman, r.g. Stewart, I.g. Several photographers of the Cap :\ss(',('iation of Commerce in which.t1I be no program so that a good this afternoon in Music hall of the Page, 1.�. Ryden, r.g. :md GO�"n will be on the lookout for thcy heartily joined in extending antime is �uaranteed. Fine Arts building. These readings Freshmen to PlQ "U" High :my striking scenes. :\ picture of the invitation to the mcmbers of the clubTo Serve Pretzels arc held \1nder the auspices of the Tile �ame between the Freshmen entire staff gathered in the office will to visit one of thc 'nlcetings of theThe newest thing in the line of University Lccture Association. �he and :\Iorgan Park ,Academy, slatedrefreshments is the salty pretzel. book which Professor Clark will dis- as a curtain raiser for the Varsityv,'hich will \1sed to stimulate the thir- csus is "The Ordeal of Richard Fcv- game tonight. has heen canceled andst of lhe dancers. erel" by George Meredith. This nov- instead Dr. Raycroft has carded aFifteen harrels of cider have bcen or- cl is a. tragedy of a fatherhood and game for the Freshmen with the fivedcrecl and a few barrels are bein� Prof('ssor Clark will treat it, from from the University High School. Thecase harilened for those who don't this s:andpoint. The principal char- quintet from the high school arc onecare for pretzels with ice w:lter. Ap- 1cters to be brought out in the rcad- of the strongest prep school team ..pies and dough nub are also on the ing are Sir Austin Feveral. a in Cook county this winter ;md arebill of fare. There wlli be flat rate of fath�r with a system, Richard his son, doped to givc the first year men a5 ccnt:l for everything Six tablcs will Hippias Fe\"ercl his brother; Adrian harrl scrao.be necessary to s�rve the refresh- Harley and Austin \Ventworth, neph- Fre!.hmen and U, Hil,!'h lineup:ment� cws of Sir Austin. Mastcr Ripton Freshmen. "U" High.The six lacties chosen to preside Thompson, a boy friend of Richard, Goldstein R. F , " Kuhonr them arc Mrs. A. C. Mc Laugh- Farmc:-r Blaize, Lucy Deshorough, Sieman L. F Sellerslin, Mrs. C. E. Merriam, Mrs. David his niece� and Mrs. Berry,. Richard's : Sauer C \VhyteA Robertson, Miss Kate Kimball and ntt:'se. The reading �·m begin IGerend R. G........ EnglishMr&. Elliot Norton. promptly at four o'clock. 1 Paul L. G .. � . . .• Perryatmosphere of The Maroon office to- Starr, Butler, and Rubovits Speak­Starr Predicts Failure for Pana­ma Canal.SUPPLY OF TICKETS ISON HAID' FOR TAG DAYl-, • '" ,. '. 'Blacld�rd To Be in Charge-ArrangeFot DepartUre of StudentsEn Masse.\; I·Oilr1rl._ .:da�;:ot5',�cfvm�oditi ..ial_ .. how to construct a "story," h�w totell a "scoop" when one looms ul>'. point.how persuade everydody on the cam- Association,Professor Frederick Starr, of the-\nthr( .. pology Dep;lrtment� talk�1�",r exican Railways, and' said that theI'anama Canal would undoubtedly �ea failure from' a commercial stand--. " r1m at Dr.S E. 6li,ve. Td. Dr. Butler SPeaks , �[J1. ! (-Jduce 0Ir18, 56,�[ER -�al and aU;tc. 1I�,th Sl, �s.I.1Ii'j:co JGIrUM. I.able. ��t I)01, �.lplea-', i;;.!.Iare -.lY�i !le taken, .as welJ as several "snaps" association.of the women chasing down assign- Starr Predicts Failure for Canalments.�Iiss Rosem:1ry Quinn was yester. :tlt"r<'"tinJ! talk on "�rexican R..,il-day announced as succeeding :\tis� II '::r'" IIc showed the �reat de-Katherine Slaught on the staff. \'('lnpll1cnt. nf thc railroads durinJ:C'The staff for today is: the 1.1�t tlmt)· years. :1nd the J!rcatMiss Mamie Lilly. EditC'r-in-Chief.1 difi:cnlt ic .. encountered in attcmptin�Assistant Editors. to extend them to thc Pacific Cna .. t,�fary Ortmayer, Katherine Siaught, These rlifficulties have heen so greatErnestine £\':111S, Ruth Sherwood. that only nne railrnad has succced('dAssociate Editors in stretching from Atlantic to P.1-Professor Frederick Starr gave an,I� addreSSBUil�dO'"� TobiCCD- Carlnin'e Dickey.�fary Louise ElJen. ciflc. "That on(' railrn:HI:' he sa;rt,Laura \Vilder. Tessie Heckman :\f:lj- "will take away a nry �reat portion()rie Bell, Gertrude Fish. Mollie Car· of· freight from the Panama Canal.rol, Helen C()(ly nd Dorothy Buck- ",h('n it is finished, That canal is go­ley. in� to be a hurden pn our hand5. :\nd(Continued on paae 4)(CoIItiDaed OD pap 4)THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1909-TlIB DAILY BULI&TIII_, laUg _ulloaSlaui:ht addressed thePRO� S�UGHT TELLS OFRELIGION IN MATHEMATICS Fencing Club meeting today at10:30 in Cobb 6a. Important.Fellows Club meets this even­ing at 7:30 in Cobb 3a. Thesis re­queirements,Sociology Club meets today -at7 :30 p. m. in Cobb 2C Address byDr. Selinger.Skull and Crescent Picture will be-'1''' Olklal IiJtudeat PublSeaU_ '" UIe Says that Lack of Proof is Not Un-t;alYeralt7 of Cblcqo. scientific-True of Most ExactFormerl1Til. tillinraitl of C!al� WeM1,.FoUlldedThe Weekll. October 1. 1182-The DaU1, October I, 1802. ProfessorYoung Men's Christian Associationin Haskell lecture hall on the "Contributions of Mathematics to Re-�tIred u 8ecolld-c:laaa llall at the Chlcqo ligion." He brought out as his main taken this afternoon at 2 o'clock atl-a.todlce. Cblcaao, 11l11l0ta. March 18. point that mathematics teaches that Waters' studio,lQQ!. under Act. of Karch !. 181L even in so exact a science we must Score Club meeting this morningstart with an assumption, and that at 10:30 in the Reynolds club.therefore we should not be dismayed Pre-Ministerial Club meets thisPubUabed da1l1, except 801lda7a. MOD4Qa te find the same thing in religion. morning at 10:30 in Middle Divinity• an. bol14&1 .. durlll8 three Quarten of tile "But it is not ignorance or super- parlor. "Church Gambling."stition," said • Professor Slaught, Pen Club Dinner this evening in"that is the matter with us. It is the the Commons cafe. Mr. Harold At-8ua.erlpt·oll price, $3.00 per lear: ,1.00 I· ifi 1 . _1 '11 b h .spirit which says:' am scienti c; tcrrugc WI e t e guest of honor..lor three montbs' 8ubsc:rlpUon rec:eiYed at Baskcan not accept anything that etball Game-Chicaito vs. Iowan. .Maroon Omee, Eliia Ball. 01' at the I cannot prove. I cannot prove that this evening in the Bartlett gym.racult7 EsebnnKe, Cobb lIall. there a God or that I have a spirit. Tickets 25 and so cents at the infor-M ••• contributions may be lett at Kllia Therefore I won't believe in either.' marion office.IJalI or .·acult1 EscbaDp, ad� to "The people who talk most glibly Basketball-Science vs. Seniors thisabout proving things are very often afternoon at 3:20 in the gym.those that know the .l�ast about what Fencing Club - Important meetingit means to prove any proposition. today at 10:30 a. m., at Cobb saPUSTON F. G.\SS,-lIa.nqlJ18 E41tor. It is well sometimes that they be or b Details of coming meets to be. IlE"YIlf J. ADAl1S. New. Editor. made to realize how little of our sci- arranged and announcements madeOIIW ALD F. NELSON, Bualnss lI.au&er. ence rests on proof. Take the asser- »i the city fencing social to be heldtion that two parallel lines never meet downtown soon.-that is an axiom we say. That Masonic Banquet, tomorrow even-aIltorlal Omce-Betore 8 p. m... Elila Hall," .... ralty. Tel. Mld"&1 800. After 8 p. means that it i� a fact which some ing, at 5:45, in Hutchinson cafe. All... .Maroon Prcu, 474 E. GGth 8trftt. T-'. one has assumed. Yet no one can Masons invited. Please notify the... Park 3Sg1. prove it. Some of the facts we know secretary, L. D. Watkins, 5639 Drex-seem to disprove it. If one assumes cl avenue, so that ample reservationsthat it is untrue, he can build up a can be made, Plates, 65C. Arrange­geometry just as logical as the one ments are being made to attendWith mingled emotions of mis-we now teach. You can take your Damascus Lodge, 64th and Lexing-giving and curiosity, we lay aside our choice between them, Each is based ton avenue, immediately after the- ah - typewriter. for aon an assumption." banquet. All Masons take due no-day, and leave our pa- tice and govern yourselves accord-per to the tender mer- COSMOPOLITAN CLUBS AND ingly.cies of the University: CORDA FRERES WILL JOINwomen. We have ambitions to servein the important capacity of copy­. boy, but are not yet able to announcei that we have secured the job. Weanticipate a field of usefulness in; suoth:;;� the printer in his apathy to.. long hand, especially feminine long: hand, Lut in general we fear that wewill be reduced to a strong realiza­tion of our complete uselessness.There are some . events which arecasting their shadows before them tothe accounts o·f which we are look­ing forward with interest. The Chi­cage-Iowa basketball game as viewedthrough feminine eyes, should fur­nish interesting reading. What thewomen think of the. Settlement dancewill undoubtedly be set forth inclever styi�. We make no claims toa.,}' share in the secrets of tomor­row's staff b-it w�uld infer that cer-,tain more or less well known peopleabout the campus will learn for thefirst tim·e what the women really thinkof th·em. Some of them will be wiseto refrain for the day from talkingwith :young women; they may be en­tc�prising interviewers, and whattheir victims say may be used againstthem. In other ways also it will bewell for the masculine half of theUniversity to conduct itself withcautious decorum; it is the one op-. portunity the women have out of thewhole year; if any man doubts thatthcy are alive to it, he will not haveto wait longer than tomorrow morn­ing to set himself right.X ews cir1s will overflow the cam­pus tomcrrow. They are going tocharge five cents per copy for th irpapers, and no subscriber need ex­pect to e5C:!P�. The argument thatY<'l: will get :l paper �ny\\"ay will notbe COllnten�nccd. A largc sum forthe new gYl!l is the goal, and nothingis goint; to stop them on their marcht<.oward it.UalTel"llt1 lear.811. 1Ja111 Maroon.:Au. RevoirInternational Socicties and Europ�Organization Plan Close Affilia-tion-Held Conference. .The decision that the affiliation o�the Association of CosmopolitanClubs with the Corda Freres of Eu­rope, would be an action beneficial toboth, was reached at a conference re­cently held between representativesof the ',,"0 organizations. Mr. GeorgeFulk, the secretary of the. Interna­tional Peace Society, and the Ameri­can representative of the CordaFreres, a large continental peace or­ganization, and S. M. Raffie of thelocal international club; Louis P.Lochner of Wisconsin. and HugoYarger of Northwestern. were thosewho attended the conference. Defi­nite arrangements looking towardsthe practical application of the planwill be made in the near future. AlOtOUNCKlO1fTB We wer.t to keep our goocS tan..Try it. and if you are Dot busy between seasons. That', tilepleased, we will cheerfully refund I primary reason for this offer.the money. Coming in today?Suit and Extra Trousers-$30 to $6tI :A CLASSIC INPIPB TOBACCO-No matter what �obacco'have been using youCARLYLE MIXTUREwill prove far more enjoyable. Itis exquisite in flavor" cool, aro­matic' and leaves no unpleasantaftertaste.2 OZ--4OC 4 Oz. 75c8 0Z.-$1.,50 1 lb. $3-00We will mail to your addressupon receipt of price.NATIONAL CIGAR STORE(Inc.)First National Bank Building, •Chicago, III INot Connected with the TobaccoTrust. _I.... We are making a Special Offerfor 60 days of our $10.00 Sepbie Plat­inum Photos for 15000 per doz. to U •of C. studenta.ROOT STUDIO.343 Wabash Ave. Phone Har. �DO. 111ft.'rO ...-rT. C. S C H A F F N E R78 State StreetPhone Central4875Equal SWirage Club meets Friday II I D WAYat 4 o'clock in Cobb, �Literature College (women) willhave its picture taken Friday, at 10:30a. m .. in front of Kent.Episcopalian Club meets Friday at10:30 in Cobb 6a. Important. .Basketball Game.. Saturday even:'ing. Chicago vs. Northwestern atEvanston.Arts College (women) picture willbe taken Friday ·at 10:,30 a. m. atKent.Settlement Dance. Saturday even­ing . in the gymnasium. Tickets . onsale at the information office.Esperanto - Students interested inEsperanto hand in names and ad­dress to Facalty Exchange 304-Senior Class meets Friday at 10:30in Haskell. Important.German Club meets Friday in Lex­ington hall at 4 o'clock Lecture byCorda Freres is a strong and flour­ishing organization of 63 chapters, in­ch.ding about fifteen hundred stu­dents at our institutions. To thisend both organizations will issue bul­letins of information. It is plannedthat a membership in any cosmopoli­tan club will be transferable to the Dr. VuD Noe.Mendelssohn Tickets TomorrowTickets for the two concerts to begiven by t he Thomas orchestra in'Iandel hall next Wednesday, incommemoration of Mendelssohn, willhe placed on sale at the InformationDr. Foster Lauds Fellowship office tomorrow morning. Many re-Professor Foster of the University. quests have been made for tickets soaddressed the Maimonides· club in far, and it is thought undoubtedlyHaskell lecture hall last night. He the auditorium will he taxed to itssaid that the primary wrong in sod- capacity.ety lies in the fact that we forget ouridentity in the human race. "\Ve Maroon advertisers are reliable andshould all remember," he said, "that ,!csen·c your patronage.Cora Freres.we :\re all members of the same race,and by making ollr purpose strongcr.and our life purcr, the whole racewill be accordingly purer and stron�­er. In striving toward this ideal. nntthe aristocracy of birth or of capital.hl1t rather the aristocracy of democ· FOWNESon the c1a!;ps means qualityin theracy should dominate our efforts."He said that the goal of happinessdepends upon a feeling of fellowship,and that a manly man, no matter hbwsmall or weak he may be, is of infinitemore value than a stronger man whoi; UIIsmrpu1011J'. GLOVESAn increased number of studentshas been placed on probation at� GIl' • ..-at 'iii a.1idt!nClr in llntberllitpI&botegrapb �bop.The only publication in the world Nearest Studio to Campathat publishes a complete list of Best Work in Chicago.amateur athletic best-on-records and 397 57th Street. Phone H. p,lI&sectional records. The 1909 AthleticAlmanac contains a full staristical re­port of theOLYMPIC GAMESof 1908. Replete with photographsbefore published.Gumenta of All· �ptiona.CLEANED. DYED a ALTERED6001 Ellia Ave.Work callecI for and deliftred.SPALDING'SOfficial 1909ATHLETIC AI·MANACEdited byJAMES E. SULLIVANPresident of the Amateur AthleticUnion.IIPrice 10 CentsAt all newsdealers andA. G. SPALDING" nel147 Wabash AvenueChic:aco. m DOU.LE THE LIPEOF YOUR SUIT.There's twice the wear in a suit, ifyou have an extra pair of trODIaI.Make the experiment-find out f_yourself.Here's your opportunity-A liltand extra pair of troUMr. for ...price of the suit.Trousers of the same material_different, just as you prefer.This offer holds good on our ....stock.Yes, we mak. riding' breeches,'l:AILOR FOR YOUNG ....\. N. Jerreml. Mil'.rwo .lOra: 131 Lil Salle at., .. :44 Jacboa .....Two FOI'2Sc.It's reversible. Made with cc Easytie-sliding Sface" and "PatentedLock Front.' 4-ply, Quaner Sizes.rg,n�rsUIIID ..... CCl1.Ul�..r-, ... t. FAST TRAINSDAY A..liD NIGHTON THE./Best ServiceBetweenCHIl:AUU, l.NlJIANAPOLIS,.DAYTON, CINCINNATIAND WEST BADEN,FRENCH LICK SPRING-:AND LOUISVILL�''';�'' .BARGAINS �L THE 'l'DI-Reliable Rebuilt .Typewrit ... ' •makes; rebuilt in our oWD fadIIr;hetter and cheaper than otbert"'i!­'or yourself. The Typewriter:iI­-hange, 319 Dearborn St. A. J. r-.-.\lanager. Telephone Harriloa"Get your Cap 4 Gown Picture at/We Have No Branch StudioFIFTy -FIFTH ST. DAIlYS. EDMARK & co.-Dealer in-PUR E MIL K AND C RB-AJ3 2 9 E. 5 5 t b S t r e e t\\f HER..l: TO DINITHB UNION HOTELAND RESTAURANT111-117 Randolpb StreitTHE POPULAR PLAa.TO KATKith,-r before or aftu '"Tlaeater.w. make • Specialt)' el ..Ul. "n�� ... THTHI.15c2Cluettl(ak(-�(A.I::;�::�m�����gFootest 0inz,Don'makereadyOrdryour (Catalo,B�THE DAILY � .. OO •• THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1909.The latest number of the Bulletin parts of Europe, among them Hum­of the Brooklyn Institute' of Arts mel, Kreutzer, Rossini, Meyerbeerand Sciences, contains an article on and Cherubini.the life of Felix Mendelssohn Bar- The number of his youthful com-tholdy, whose centenary is to be position was several hundred. Hisrecognized on the campus by a spe- first mature work was written in hisci a 1 concert next Wednesday, and a seventeenth -year ; it was the famouslecture by Mr. GI�n Dillard Dunn, a .\lendelssohn Octette, and oneof his!oC'&I1 musical critic. great compositions, the Overture toFollowing is the' essay in part: "A Midsummer Night's Dream" wasIt will be difficult to select one of written at the age of eighteen a workour greatest composers and to say which haa a greater number of newgreater than those of any of the points in harmony and orchestration»thers It will, however, be generally than any work that had been writtenagreed that none exceeded in their up to that time.earlier years in natural musical abil- If Mendelssohn had written no oth­ity, Franz Schubert and Felix Mend- er works he' would still be among theelssohn. Music was the athrnosphere rireat composers of all time, but histhat they breathed; it was the life "Midsummer Night's Dream," hiswhich they led. When only four or "Songs Without Words," his over­five years of age young Mendelssohn Lures "Fingal's Cave," "A Calm Seashowed most extraordinary musical and a Happy Voyage" and "Theability. -H e would then playa compos- Beautiful Melusina," his great Con­it ion en the piano after hearing it on- certo for the violin and orchestra,Iy once. He would improvise on mu- and his innumerable chamber musicsical themes when only nine or ten compositions, his symphonies and hisyears of age, and during his twelfth hymns, make up a volume of musicalyear composed some fifty of sixty compositions of great variety and un­movements of considerable musical surpassed beauty in a field distinctvalue. from that of any other composer.But Felix Mendelssohn was born Mendelssohn is the musician ofnot only with great musical abilities, light. of love, of peace and good willbut also with large intellectual capaci- toward men. He belongs among theties At the age of fifteen Mendels- great romantic school with Schumann,sohn was playing from memory the Beethoven and Schubert; he belongs... 1111 ... .1:1��'� Ninth Symphony of Beethoven and the-e not by choice or education, butI many of Beethoven's Sonatas with by nature. There is probably nothe greatest delight. At the age great composer in the history of theof sixteen he visited Faris for the world whose compositions were moresecond time with his father and there distinctly a natural outgrowth of amet and captivated leading compos:- great musical nature than those ofers and musicians .gathered from all .Mendelssohn.·• AQUA�IC...;.T.EAMS. LACK-.. MEN 1909 Athletic- AlmanaC',Appears .The most '".lp-to-date and completeWater Polo and Sw'-l1lDling Teams spcrting annual ever published is thePrepare for Illinois Meet. Official Athletic Almanac just issuedThe swimming and water polo by' -the American Sports Publishingteams are feeling the handicap 'of Company. The book is edited byllaca,;.. of enough good men. Each James .E. Sullivan, president of thesquad can boast of stars. but they are Amateur Athletic Union and United,;,.... few in number. States Commissioner to the OlympicWate polo practice is progressing Games. It covers in detail recordsdaily. Elliott, the football star, is the from all parts of the world in alllatest recruit to Captain Kalin's team, branches of sport. It contains a col­and, though handicapped by not be- lege department which covers theeing a very good swimmer, should dual meets between the importantdevelop into a good player. Benitez colleges and universities in the Un-Football gives place to the great- of last year's Freshman team, is mak- ited States. It contains many illus­est of Winter Sports-Ice Skat. ing a fine 'showing. Swain is prov- traticns showing the events at theing a very aggressive player. His Olympic Games in London, also illus­strength and fighting style of play trations of various home athleticmake him a formidable opponent. .cverrts. The book will be sent toready to serve you well. Most of the work is being done �,ny address in the United States orOrder Barney & Berry Skates from'In formation work. Coach Knudson, Canada by the American Sports Pub­your dealer and write for our Free and Assistant Coach Solomon. are lishing Company, post r-aid, on re-superintending the struggles between ceipt of ten cents,the squads daily, and making thenew man familiar with. the best Phi Kappa Sigma announce thestyles or plav, pledging of Frank John Novak, Jr.,lf enough candidates appear, it is class of IgIO.it is probable that a Freshman swim-·1HEARROWSETS THE FASHION If':COLLARS� liltor till�rial .,r ....15c. each-2 for 2!jc.to $6thu....DLIS,.rr�." .e -. •_ .. ...;� ....'II1II­it4n".I,.."theri. " ..'riter .iz..J.�110 ...'ictnre atinz,Don't forget that there is only onemake of Skates that will always belmpalago.H.P .•Catalog. showing complete line.BAR N E Y &: B ERR Y.2 7 3 B r 0 adS t r e e t,SpringfieJrl. Mass.StudiobICAIOt"19 in MANY BOOKS IN ON�·WE_'STER9SINTERNATIONALDICTIONARYDo,.,. bclwU&"u..IIftEJUI.I.'fIOtr.u. .....='�r:.'L=-�.;�.....,1l7.Elc.' I'IaaclCoUCa �:--ClllDn4l1a-. n.p. Etc. ••IrWBIdor7"UM��....... .. &olr9� ••••••••••••••...... 11VOC&bll1az7.r�.JllcUnarr.f ncuc. .-..u.er ofu..W� ••••••IIIp'apJllcal DIcU...,- .••=,!:=.�.J.cUaJa ClartIuaa "rInlpWorda ••••� .. :U�!Ir'Il'PtbiDAIlYCO.CRSA.. e et-BLITSUIICLAaa.ftcr *el".. YEns1T:'R"S CuLLEGIATli D1CTlO;-:ART.tarrn' (of , .. , abrf.Isrments. R�lu and Thin ...pu Edition. 1116 Fa!:" and 1400 Illustntl_Wrt .. for "DteUoury WrtDkla,.' u4 �--"��.!i'::I��:(.:drM��t:::k��;' �a. , c. IERRIA. co., Sprfagfleld, .aa. �.. ".- ........... ·:or. Wentworth Ave.The last gnrnc in the intercollegiate Phone Garfield 361I basketball series was fcrfeited hyArt s to Literature yesterday. AfterIf' f . iti a cw nnnutcs 0 practrcc, wasi found that only three Arts men had 43rd St. It Calumet Ave.I shown UP. and the gme was declared EVERY SATURDAY EVENINGforfeited to Literature. The remaind- AdmiuioD SO Cents • P ...cr of the time was put in playing a ���-. MENTION The DAILY MAROONpractice game, which Literature won Maroon advertisers are reliable .' .from a scrub team hy a score of 19 business people and deserve your, When� rradinn With Our AdJlellisers'to s· ratror.a�e. - •fELIX IENDELSSOBN-BmBllDYA Concert 'by the 'Thomas Orchestra Celebrate the One Hundredthin Mandel Hall Next Week wiUBirthday of the Great Composer. fomat Dances; lDItfatious;' 8anQaecs.'For theM �ou'U DM4 • D ..... Suit 01' Tuze40.. Dear Mabel:-I reall,. want to '0 to that FGrmal Danc e, blil I cu'tbecause I haven't a drell awt, and don't care to borrow ose. Hadto "lose out' on three dances aDd a banquet thia .COl�on. beeeuse ofthis deficiency in my wardrobe. I limpl,. must erder a dre.. IWIand tuxedo tomorrow. Yours. 1l1li.P. S.-Ain't it awful. MabeU·• :- I �. � • •You will draw bids to Pull Draa Main ri,ht alan .. for tIM MUOIlis here-read Jim's latter.Order your Suit Ear1�.Our price. are within every Colle", man's reach.C�er l!J WDkieTAILORS ,J'�ming team will be organized. If thisis done, meets will be arranged withhigh schools and academics and nu- SHULTZ'S SCHOOLOF DABCIHG THE HYDE PARK PRINTING CO.succeson: toGEO. W. CURRIER ci co. and MATSON A: TRENARY.Printers Publishers Engrallersrnerals presented to the men.To date the only dates slated for Most Popular Place in Chicacothe Varsity aquatic teams are the Private Lesson. b7 Appointmentpair with Illinois. The Orange and 3uarantee Course '5-00. Five privat�Blue m('('t Coach Knudson's charges 'essons with music. A guaran�ee te,! February 19 in Bartlett took and on nake pupil proficient in the waltz andi �rarch 13, the IIIini ,,;11 entertain at and two-step. Barn dance taught inI urbana. me lesson.Office and Studio, 301 West 63d St. WE ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE ANYTHING INTHE LINE OF PRINTING.368 East 55th Street.IIIIi,,IFORIN. Arts Forreits to LitInformal Dancing Reception atTHE FORUM E • c. MOOREt\ let W. lard ItnetTel.. Weatworth sos&.•• fLORIST••,� .,. E. 55th Itr",oa.__ Tel .H�4e Park ,...------1C H' ...• eO" J�cobseoSCHOOL OF THEA��F DANCING. AND �STBETICSDEPARTMENTSAesthetic Gymnastics-PreparatOl'Y Course in theart of acquiring elegance, poise, graceand rythm inthe Poetry of motion, the delicate and winged expres­sion of the beautiful and the dramatic"Swedish Gymnastics, Gymnastic Dancing·'­Physical Education. The Art of Bod ily Movement.The highest degree of Health, Strength, Energy andEndurance.National and Folk Dances. The Dances of History. Fashionable S0-ciety Dancing. Classes are not open to dIe public. References Required.Court and Sccial Etiquette-Beau:iful ensemble numbers arranged forOperas, Musical Pantomimes and Dramas for all occasions.This school is known for its superior physical discipline, scientificand practical instruction. culture and refined" surroundings. Established1888. AUDITORIUM BUILDING, Wabash Av. Entrance 8th Floor."The Foremost Sebco! of Dancing in the West."TEA C HER S' AND STU·DENTS' REVIEWS\LL EXAMINATIONSCHICAGO..0 E. RANC01..�'" ST .. CHICACOr';,- , -- �-'- -,-,.,..".._,..---- ... -,, . TBK-.J)An..y.mOOii, TH.wiS.liAi.-JA�'.'··"""' .. - .. ,� ... ,-- '_'--"'-'_ - ,.------------ --- ---- - -- .... ------ - -- ..... -_. 4 , ',''''-71c .A_-·"�-���·��· -.-------� TEL��:��=·OPDAS���AP�6I�w=�. Smoking Tobacco 'Witbo�t • bite or a regretA perfect blend of the world'. finest tebacco's, Fragrant; de­licious. natural flavor and absolutely pure. Made by band, onepoand at a time. 1 2-3 Oz. 4oC. •3 1-3 oz. 7SC, 1-� lb. $1.65, I lb. $3,30 prepaid.Write for booklet "How toSmoke i Pipe""':"Fri�:����\',Made of· Spilman Mixture Tobacco especially cut. They are differentand far superior to �11 others. Smooth, fragrant, absolutely' pure, willnot dry the throat or leave any disagreeable odor.Box of 10, 25 cents; 50, �1.25; 100, $2,25 prepaid. Plain or eork tips.For sale by all leading dealers. If yours will not supply y�u, tele­phone Main 1731, and we'll see that you get them.E. HOFFMAN CDMPANY, lIanollclorers, eBlGAGO---------------------------.------._------------------Telephone Central 6872MELVIN H. StKtSPHOTOGRAPHER70 State Str�etOpposite Marshall Fiefd & Co.Chicago.J. C. LYNAS. I.. c. W�N8The College Shop162g �.aonic TempleA Special Line of Fraternity and CoUqe Leather wan 4e'c:­orations; Arts and Craft Jewelry.. etc. We have Jut whatyou want for ;your room. "Call and See Us.-SALATKAMUSICAL COLL,EGEEstablished 1879 by the world­renowned HaDS Bal�tkaPOSTAL CARD BRINGS CATALOGUEWRITE TODAYD R. C H R. F. B A L A T K A, D ire c tor.Diplomas Recognized All Over the WorldSpecial Rates to Students of U of C.Address AU Communications toBALATKA MUSICAL COLLEGESettlement DanceIn Bartlett next: Saturday NightTickets SO cents; Ptoceeds to theSettlement.THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING COMPANY'SSCIENTIFIC A-lID MATBEMA'l'1CAL BOO1tS-A full line atTHE LITTLE BOOK SHOP434 Ea.t Fifty-Fifth StreetOrders filled for EngU.h and American Boob.TO ANY SBLF-SlJPPORTING STUDBR'rWe tan put you in touch with a dignified method of increasina your reY­enue-a method that is clean and that involves a maximum increu. ..income at a minimum expenditure of time. The plan has already ,r�its efficiency in other Universities where self-respectina, lelf-sup�students have taken up our method to, the exclusion of othen, they an'. pleased, and their financial burden is solved. We can do aa mach f. JOILCan any time during business hours at J9 Dearborn St. or telephoneCentral 5114, and ask for Mr. Gold blatL -.-4 • U I ••• If -r_�8''lU ••• � •••ELSIE JANISeven read." In George Ade's College Comed"THE FAIR CO-ED•• L •• I�LF. Ziegfield Jr.'s Great MUSicalProduction.THE SOUL KISS,with the wonderful dancer,ADELINE GENEEUnmitigated nerve is t��� e�s�nt'ial' Toe cmcago��orthwestern' Fr�sii�charadetistic for the succeSs'fi11 corn- niari debate�' �ilr be heldl ori F�id'ay;i� opera ,,·ritJr. The ability to �rite April' 16. Mr. R·. P. Chandler, Uni­an' opera is not so important as the versify debating c'oach received' wordability to "land" it ater ",lritten. The yesterday, fi�ni' the '1912 men atplay that is' produced i�' not' neees- Northwesterri that they had', accept­sarily the' best play it is hhibly pt(1)- ed the question, "Resolved, that Con­abie that better ar� lyini' u'rii'ead in gress should adopt a syste�' or pos­m'rin'agds' �fficeS: One of t,hi. blg tal sa:vin� Danks:" They also statedtheatrical managers iri New York re- their decision to take the affirmativecelves manuscripts of an av'erag� of side of the discussion. Mr. Chandlerten plays a day; every few days the said tbat, with the question and thejanitors come into the: offices' and' �ide's now assured. the Freshmenclear them out. These and other cold' here should hurry along their work offacts were dished out last nIght' by' preparation' for the tryouts.Harold Atte�ridge '06 1'0 the as�iii�� The trials wi'U be held on the even­literary lights of the Pen club some ing of February 16, the date finally GB.ABD OPKRA HOUSfof whose budding hopes. look irl the set by the Powwow, the Freshman ARNOLD DALY.1 bati .' . Tuesc.Ja:direction of the play house. ue atmg society, At this time, six -in-Atteridge was the guest of honor at of the' contestants will be ch'osen to THE STRONG PEOPLE most sigrthe first banquet of the club held this take part i� the finals on March 2, ied on buuartcr. In the course of his informal when three' men are to be chosen for POWKtl sity, Fortalk; he drew liberall from his o� the regular team. The other three ROBERT EDESON d,nceded,laried theatrical experien'ces, whiCh will serve as altern�tes. -in-, with theincluded all the grades from advance The trials are open to all Fresh- THE CALL OF THE NOm,; 0' buildagent' to the "landing" of "The Win- men i� residence, and Mr. Chandler ntis, anin'ing Miss," \vhich has recently gone expressed the h9pe that a large num- OHIOA.GO OPERA. HOUi substituteon tll'e road after a successful run at ber of men will come out for the WALKER WHITESIDE It is 0the Garden Theater. "Some well team. Contestants in the preliminar- In ZadgwiU's great Play, last twoknown writers in other than the the- ies may speak on either side of the THE MELTING POT becomeutr ical field, said Atteridge. "send question. All who wish to tryout Universilmanuscripts of operas around frotp �re requested to send in their names it C VIC It B R'S plannedmanager to manager and then w�n- immediately to Mr. Chandler, care of 'Klaw & Erlanger's Miihty out by ':� �� �' duw�ili�p�y�n�pro���t�FH�yE�h�� Pro�oa �rioos, ' '. - n��The only sure way to success IS to THE ROUND UPhave a thorough acquaintance with COMMERCIAL CLUB HOLD to be hetee situation, know what is needed SUCCESSFUL RECEPTION t...&. •• I �. :all. her com:md then supply it. The best way is THE NEWLY WEDS' The spiito go past the, managers and argue (Continued frenD. page I) AND THEIR BAB¥ the c1asthe star into believing that you have. � -People- 60 in the rsomething nicely fitted to his or her will be of no commercial .value to the 1----.-:r'-.tUIi--F-&-(-M-O-.-II-----.; ,.excitingneeds. The manuscript sent in by country. His going to cost a great the gyn:deal more than has yet;b�en estimat- and themail has little chance of acceptance HONEYM· OON TRAI, f ., t ed, and it will take a longer time to L viouslyeven if it is read and 0 ten It IS no ' . . " ",;:',��ompleie it than is generally thought. I---�W=-, ......B�I�T---.--.-y- ...... ·!!!!! :IRe JThe ��iy legitimate grounds for The Bi� Success. 'ing rei,,' ' , e , '" building it is th�t it i� a naval neces- A BROKEN rnoi, track, .aBLAC�� HASTEN,. ' " siti.;' With Otis Harlan and Beauty � 400 feetNEW' PLANS FOR' QUARTER "-dotted, ' .' WOMEN TAKE CHARGE TODAY J.& •• 1.1. •., , " prints.Nam'e CouiIiU� and Ttansact Im- CECIL LEAN The shponant Business at M�tint Held (trintinued from pa&e I) &AdyeSterday. FLORENCE HOLBROO' � divulgeA farthermd the La Salle Theater St� a where__A_G_I_R_L_A_T_T_H_E_H_E_�_,_�._.:.. _' The ccAlUJ5.1UU.&..1.'4 m.U �lV JIiLII to be'(Formerly the Garden) ,MAUDE ODELL.EMMA CARUS,and other big, actsAt the m�eting of the Blackfriarsyesterday morning, a social commit­tee was app()inted, the m-emb�r� be­i�g Blackford, Stibbs a'nd St�us's.Mr. F. G_ �lcDonald. coach of theMasque �nd, Wig club of the Un�­versity of Pennsylvania; was unableto attend arid address th� . meeting,having b�en cal"�d a�'ay b; anotherengagement.Although the 10:30 hour was tohaye been given over to an addressby Mr. McDonald, the Friars imme­diately changed plans to meet theemergency and transacted consider­;Able ulOsiness of imp�rtance.In additi()n t() the naming of :icommittee to look after the social "events for the remainder of the year,the cbb decided to take up theprl"llosition to give their next show------------------�----------�ct wme downfuwn pbyho�e �en�� Nation�l, in- Englewooo,seeuis tobe in favor at present. A strong pleawas made by Abbott HirschI Shawfor a closer organization of theclub, and this end de�ignated Or­charel. Wheelcr and Kcller as a spe­cial committee to negotiate for apermanent club room.��--------------------------�� The mattcr of &aming a set of by­laws and constitution for thc organi-zation wilt also bc taken up at once.1 t is planned to havc the!'e ready atth� 'time of thc big banqtict nextspring;', Thc Blackfriar play, "'hichhas be�n in the hands of the commit­�e� of judges for about two weeks,will he· decided upon sometime next1ftek.Haroi,S: Att�ddi.: Gu�' at: Babquet: iietho&t� TAke' Affirinauve' of Quri­of Literary Club-Ten. of � tloli Submitt� bJ: Chicaco-TrialaWrltiDe J6peri� for Team', on Feb. IiReportersFlorence Lawson, Cariie Souter.Etthel Preston.Lina Gould,Lydia Lee,Ziifah shepherd, Ber�ice Lc Claire,CI�d, AUen .., Edith Hemmiilgway, El­IC;n l\IacN.eisb, Mary Phister and�,�it� , O,stood.,THE'ROMk\,ITALIAN TABLE D�di-.l'P-7S�I.oo· ,INCLUDING WINKA1.O .' Ia can. Senlce��andladQ8frollln A. iI. ILLI •• IICharles Frohman presents tlieGlRLS OF GOTTENB£RG.., .. P.II., SPA8Uftl,'SUCH AS ONB GETS IN ITALY146-STATE STREET-14'IECOND FLOO. TlIK 8ABtICIKLULU GLLASER-in-MLLE. MISCHIEFare eJIing wIdon'tput th500 feIt i!phenothusiuspectathatfromold J.':finishThisable:in thscranthis,E,'maytheTheandfactsfulfilCHOCOI.A TfStand fine bonboo. famous thr01llh·oat America, pat up in bea�bozes suitable for presenta at .,c4K and ftec ,. poan4. "A.1aued ·cust .... ia the � ....�ent." MAJESTICCONTINUOUS VAUDEVIUI12 Bi2 Acts This WeekPriees IS-25-�1S/ OLYMPIC MUSIC HALLFRENZIED FROLICSAND VAUDEVILLES nokinlr PermittedPUBLIC STENOGRAPiiik,'N otary Pablic will do le�l � ,, .., "kinds cf work, capying, etc;D.fnaber, office 338 E. 57tIi t.W. cor. M�dison Av.LEARN TO DANCE coUnivcrsity Dancing class,day afternoon, 2:30 to 5 p. tiLalie Haii, 276 E. 5;th Street. ,Phone Central 1(.\",Rom PEATS & ttFor�� and DomesticWALL PAPBRS_.AND DRAPnIII'I 44 - 4 & W. b .. h A�"ChiQP. -irhe�sagSatRhi