lui........,.·Vol. vn. No is. CHICAG9"W:�DN.ESp:\Y, J:\�UARY 2;, 1909 Price Two <; ....• Do J1t1J. .�ttrnnu,CD .-;'Me.' VARSITY FIV6 SLUMPS IN. I READY FOR BOWLING mw.s I WOMEN WILL FOUND lEW.PRACTICE WitH SCRUBS �i�":. �:r �o;�::,�n ::� IDEALS II JOUlfNALISM Scheduling of Swimming Meet withveisity�CaseY ind. Hend'eison In- Illinois for Feb. 19 Causes ConflictSecond Team Trims Stars II to 9- cllvidUal Stars for Wi�ers. Special E�tion of Ma:roon to Set -Same Date Probable- Taxicab I Commercial Club to Honor Chicaco'.Expect Hard Game with Iowa _ Original Standard-4·Scoops" and Service Cannot be Arranged. I Most Prominent Business MenTomorrow. II The University bowling champion- IllUstrations Features. I ' I Tonight.hit I'· b' S'·· N' , ,! The scheduling of a swimming" __ � -, .• S rp res etwe�n, igma u and I" ' ----,, '. :Hawkeyes Strong In _Early. Games- Delta Upsilon according to the re-' 'Meet Today ,to P,erfect �n.:angements 1l1('!<:! with lIliniois for February 19. Event Biggest of Year for Orl.Di •• -Freshmen vs. Morgan Park in suits of the semi-finals of the inter- for Benefit Issu�-Deciae on 6 has upset the plans for having the tion-Professor Star to DeliverCurtain Raiser. fraternity contest, held yesterday in Pages. Senior Prom on that date as origi- Address.the Reynolds club. Both of yester- nally planned.A slumv in the form of the Varsity .lay's contests were closely fought, "Tm sure we are going to get out It has been proposed, as a rem- With hopes that 150 Chicago busi-baskethall team in the practice yes- Sigma Nu defeated Phi Kappa Sigma a much better newspaper than The cdy. to hold the Prom, Monday .ress men will attend, the Commer­rerday, when the scrubs were able to in three straight games the total be- Daily lIarQon ever has been with its evcuiug, the z rst, and to stop the cial club reception in the Reynoldsdefeat them in the scrimmage by the ing 2292 for Sigma 'Nu and 2178 fo'r 'cgular staff writing the articles, or I ':;�ilCing �t 12, but the p�an �as. met club tonight will be the biggest eventscore of I I to 9 was apparent. Phi Kappa Sigma. Delta Upsilon de- rather, stories," said the "star" re- With so httle favor that It WII) IJ1 all ·f the year for the society.Dr. Raycroft was not over-pleased feated Beta Theta Pi in two out of porter on the special women's gym- pr-bability be rejected. Numbered among the guests of'with the showing, and declared that three games, the total of, the serie's nasium issue which will appear to the The general attitude of the' . chair- honor are some of the business lead-the team would; have to "get up on being Delta Upsilon 2406, Beta Theta student body Friday. .nen of committees is to have it on ers of the city. President B. \Vilktheir toes to take the game from the Pi 2355. "Why, for one thing, we are to get the date originally set. An attempt announced yesterday the following:strong team from Iowa, which will The stars of the day were Casey Jut six_ pages. Now, isn't that just is to be made to arrange this as soon Alexander H. Revell, j oseph Baschplay the Varsity tomorrow night. for Sigma Nu and Henderson for zrand? Isn't it a dandy idea? I us possible. )f Seigel Cooper; S. W. Earle of theCoach Catlin has a fierce aggregation Delta Upsilon. Casey bowled 232, don't say that we could do it every A meeting of the committee chair:" Northern Bank Note Co., H. A., out in the Cornhusker state, and will this being to date the high score for .lay, but we are to 'do it this time, .nen will be held this morning at \'VI eeler of the Credit Clearingmake the Varsity work. the tournament. Henderson was not and that ought to make a hit,. ought- which action will be taken on the' House, H. A. Stillwell of ButlerThe probable lineup of the Corn- . the n't it? matter. 'Brothers, A. C. Marsh of Marsh andIar in the rear, his average forhuskers will be Stewart, left forward; series being 214 "0, dear, but that's not all. When No Taxicab Service Singham Timber Co., \V. A_ GibsonRyden, right forward; Hyland, cen- Scores of the i"anies: our paper comes out, die first page The plan to reduce the expenses and H. C. 'Barlow of the Associationter: Perine, right guard; Brown, left K S· 66 Nill be graced with two cartoons, and. of those attending the prom by secur- if Commerce, F. H. 'McAdow of the, " appa Igma .. , . 2 774 742, guartl Hyland is one,. of the best S· N 708' 778 806' another picture-what do you call ilig a reduction in carriage prices by Staver Carriage Co., and a repreen-Igma 11 ••••••••centers playing in the West, and has 0 I U '1 849 833 724 them ?-half tones ?-thank you-yes, ordering a ,large number of taxicabs tative of the Sheldon School (JC Sales-eta pSI on.... •proved to be the most potent factor Beta Theta Pi .• 806 759 790 [hat's it. And talk about art! from the Coy Company, cannot be the scoring of the team. He is "And you just watch how envious arranged by Walter Steffen, the chair- Dean George E. Vincent, Dean NOl-sure and steady on free throws and MRS. EM�ONS B£AINE'S GIFT ·he downtown, papers will be of our man of the finance committee. The thanicl Butler and Professor Frede­fouls both. Perine is also a strong ASSURES HARPER MEMORIAL artides-l mean stories. I am sure liveries are too busy, and besides .ick Starr have agreed to me at finding the basket. The-�,..., .� � .... !..hat they will copy some of our cannot meet so-large-a demand. Professor Starr will talk on "Mexicanin a game with Cole last week, scored 'Donation 'of' $3,000 Makes it Practi- articles. but we wilt" be the 'ories .who Issue of Tickets Delayed Railways,"and others ,,;11 probably be48 points to 10 for the visitors. citify Certain' that Fund Will be deserve the credit for we will have The tickets cannot be issued, of c:tlll:d upon. -Included+in the receiv-Freshmen vs. Morgan Park Completed. them' first .• They will be scoops of zourse, until the matter of the date ng Iine will be �11 of the active andThe Freshmen will play the strong .mrs, and we can have the laugh on .ias been settled. As soon as this is associate �embers of the Commercialfive from Morgan Park tomorrow �s The an'riou'�c��erit of a "gift of three rl.e big papers. We are getting our done, the campaign to make the prom club. The program 'will consist ofa curtain raiser to the Varsity strug- 'tlious'and d�llars'to the Harper Alem- material worked up all along." d financial success will be started. nusic, speeches and a banquet in thegle, Coach Corper of the first-year aria I Fund by Mrs. Emmons Blaine, With the additional information 3CI'ENCE "I�VINCIBLES" Commons' private 'dining, is working hard with his squad practically makes it certain that the that no auction will be held and none "We considerthis our banner affairto i 0 th t ork The Iine b hi . d f h kIf TAKE FOURTH STRAIGHT of the year," said President WI'lko impr ve e earn w. - full limit of the' $600,000 offer by Mr. ut W rte paper use or t e stoe � .. uup of the Freshmen will probably be Rockefeller will be reached.' The the special, the star reporter rang off, Smother Philosopby Five, 36 to 6, yesterday. "The reason is simply thatthe same as in the game with North- sole cause of doubt arises from un- Meanwhile, Miss Mamie Lilly has �Scoring Complete Shutout'in the it carries out the purpose of the Com-western Saturday. Goodstein and certainty as to �hether some of the called a meeting of the entire staff of Second Half. -nercial club on a much larger scaleSwanson at right forward, Seeman at subscriptions received early, in the editors and reporters for this morn- than the entertaining of individualleft forward, Sauer at center, an, d ing 'in Cobb 63, to confer with repre- The invincible Science college bas- business men can do. \Ve expect thatcampaign to raise the required fund, ketball team yesterday won its fourtl�Gerend, Paul and Edwards guards. still stand. However, the matter is sentatives of the various classes of.. traight victory by handily defeatingwill complete the array of yearlings. to be settled definitely by a con- the penny relay on the circulation ofPhil I fi 6 6The visitors from Morgan Patk he famous edition. (he I osop 1)" lve 3 to .ierence between President Judson The first half was hard fought, �nuAcademy will lineup as f(Jllows: Stev- and Mr. Rockefeller duririg: the pres- 'leforc."FRESHMEN he score of 10 to 6 at the end, seem-enson and Kenfield, forwards; Sprin- �nt vi�it of the former to New York ro PLAY ILLINI.. d to indicate a much closer score at FRIDAY THE LIJOT FORgate, centcr, and Donovan and Mills,guards. : i'; ci�:T' hcre still exists some uncer- Dr. Raycroft' Anil�unces Two More ,he finish. Aurand as uS:lal, played PICTURES IN ANNuALBasketball Dates. his stellar game at center for thetainty:' said Dr. Goodspeed yester- _ Scientists, with; 7 baskets to 'his ;ap and Gown Editors Set DeadSCIENCE CHOOSES DEBATERS -I a"", ··about some of the subscrip- f 'd - dJ Dr. Raycro t yester ay announce credit. Line--Want Snap Shots of Cam-McCullough. Kuh Fox and Wash- tiOllS. and we will not· know for two games which he has arranged for Herger and Levinson put up good 'pus Scenes.bume Successful Candidates. ,;omc time exactly how much, we the fast Freshman, five this season. games, but could do nothing againstl1a\·e. We have every confidence, fhese are with the Illinois first year he p('rfect team work of the Scienc�At the meeting of Science college however, that we have sufficient." men in Bartlett, February 12, and at men. Summary:men yc�terday morning, announce-Urhana, March 13. The remaining l-11ilosophy. S�ience�ment was made by the chairman that rICKETS ON SALE FOR IOWAth d b -;-ames of the schedule, so far carded. Difford R. F.. . .. Sutherlande eating team, chosen as a re-If' n. e with C:Jlver Military Academy at Levinson L. F...... Kuhn!'su t 0 last week's preliminary con- Hawk-e Game Tom,orrow ExpeCt_ '-, Culver on February 20, and with the \Vorthing c. , . :\:.tramltest would consist of McCullough, ed to be Drawing Card.K h I Northwestern yearlings at Evanston Berger, Lcvitan.L. G RhudaII an( Fox, with Washburne asIt In March 6. Diamond R. G... Meiba ernate. The incitation from the Tickets for the game with the IowaLiterature women to the men of all five in Bartlett tomorrow night will QUARTET APPBARS IN PUBLlCthe colleges for a dance next Mon-day afterno0n in the Reynolds club,,,"as tilcll read at the close of themeeting. The college went out infront oi Kent and posed for its Cap DATE OF SENIOR PROM UPSET 150 MERCHAIT CHIEFSGUESTS AT RECEPTIINS)ci.ringom-1rlled apart·lents' orwill rentnodatiollS'flat. nany of our guests will have a much.ighcr opinion of this University andts stt:dents :liter the meeting than-­om at.Dr.z5 E. 6ldI\.ve. Tel \Vith the time limit for Senior andry,anizaticn pict:tres fixc.."d for Fri­lay, the Cap and Gown is issuing(n .. l warnings that it will not guar­J nte� the puhlkation of photographs'hat come in late. The response tobe placed on sale at the informationotlice this morning, and will remain, Onifti'aity Organi£ation to Make De-at the call of students up to t<:>morrow . but at Wood!awn 'theater.:It :: o·clock. It is figured that thecontest with Catlin's Ha'Wkeyes will The e\'cr famous University quar­he a fast one, and the attendance is' tet has gone into the five-cent thea-expected to be larJl:c. ter business and is now- furnishin�Bowling Statistics at Wisconsin music for special occasions. JoyPhi Kappa Sigma. leads in the in- Clark, Th('odore Baldwin, Richardterfraternity bowling contest at \Vis- :\Iyers and Frank Orchard are theconsin, ha\'ing won twenty o:tt of mcmber� of the lie'" musical organi­twenty-one games. High !'core for �ation which ,,·m appear in puhlic for!hree games. (team) is 2i'4; (indi- the first time Thursday night. whenvidual), 649. High score. one game, I it is �xi>ected they will lend tbe col­�'C-3m) 98i;. (individu'al.) ·�3. Psi Ullege atmosphere. to .the WoodlawnIS close behtnd the Phl Kaps. thf'aters UniverSity nl&ht. Field goals: Aurand i, Sutherland4, Difiord, Levinson Fouls: Phitoso-11hy 6. Science 2.Stal1diJ1� of the teams:Lost. \Von. Pet. .he requests for pictures has beenI1l1usually prompt this year, but thereare still large n'Jmbers of Seniorsand organizations that have not beC-11heard from.HER andgal and alletc. MaO'lith St.. S. Science 0 h ;>fhlition to r.alls for stories andjd;e�, the annual is in tile market for_.;tmp�l" �nap shots (,f all sorts. andC'artO(Jn�. Special attention is being'1000and Gfm'n picture. r.a\,,· . 2 .666l.iterature . .500 gin'n to the art department.TIJII­rriterl ...m facttC1iothcrI. litwriter Es­L J. c--.TiSOD 11M Pennsylvania Organizes Student ClubA students' club has been organiz­�d at I't'l1nsylvania. The club build­ing contains a reading room, bowlingall('y, pnol and billiard p�rlor, lunchroom and cO:operative book store.The melllbersllip is open to all stu­dents and professors the member­Ihip fee bein& $10 a 'year. Philosnphy .,\rts ,. 2 ..- ·333. ()()() H itcbcock to Honor Wife of Donor:\ reception in honor of 'Mrs,Miss Miner Reads to Arts Women Charles Hitchcock will be given ti;)l\liss Lovina �Iiner entertained Arts the members of Hitchcock hall �fon­clltcge (women) yesterday with in- day afternoon, February t, in Hitch­terprctative readings from nro\\"nin� cock Lihrary. A general invitation i�:-. nd Kipling. The Kipling selection. extcllclcd to the University puhlic."The Road to Mandalay." wac; espe- iTh�re will be dancing in the clubdally ,,·ell receh·ed. room.o oI"� laUg _arllIlU REGISTERED BY MAIL TlIB DAILY BULLJ:TDI'THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Z'], 1909'1''' oaclal Itndat PubUcaU_ ., &MCIllnrait7 of Cblcqo.FoUDdedThe Weekl7, October 1. 1182.The Da1l7, October I, 1801.resented.a Iternoon at 3:20 in Bartlett.Reynolds Club Bowline Tourna-JUNIOR COLLEGES IN CLASHment begins today.Junior Class meeting today at10:30 in Kent. Important.Fencing Club - Important meetingThursday at 10:30 a. m .• at Cobb saor b Derails of corning meets to' bearranged and announcements made(If the city fencing social to be held.KZITON F. liASS, Manqlq Edltor.dLTIR J. ADAl1S, Ne". EdItor.Three underclass DivisionS Seeko.WALD F. NELSON, Bualnea 1Iaupr. to Have Pictures Taken atBameTime.IIGltorlal Omce--Before 8 p.m.. Eliia Ball,G.Jnn1t7. Tel. J,Udwa7 800. After 8 p..., Mar GOD Preu, 474 &. �5th Street. Tel..,a. Part lagl. Some excitement was furnishedyesterday morning at 10:30 in frontof Kent, when three of the Jun­ior colleges attempted to have theirpictures taken for the Cap and Gownat the same time. The main fightwas between members of Literatureand Science colleges. The men ofboth colleges claimed that theyshould have the opportunity to poseand look pretty first. The discussion,which bid fair 'to become a free forall fight was decided· by the flippingof a coin. Science won the toss. T-hemen were bothered while posingby a s�onge: filled with waterthrown from above. 'but Mrs. Martynreported that her pictures were a sue- ing in the gymnasium. Tickets onsale at the information office.Esperanto - Students interested inEsperanto' hand in names and ad­dress to Faculty Exchange 304-Senior Class meets Friday at 10:30in Haskell. Important.Fencing Club meeting Thursday at10:30 in Cobb 6a. Important.Fellows Club meets Thursday even-downtown soon./I'he student who is not on Bart­lett floor next Saturday night, enjoy-ing his part or herThe Place, part in the greatestto Go Next dance that has everSaturday been held at the Uni-versity has somethingwrong in the prospective' view o�college life, unless he is kept awayby �it':'.Imstanccs over which he hasno control. To any whO! hark backto a year ago, and remember Bartlettfloor as a swirling maze of well-ap­pearing happy young people very evi-cess.deutly enjoying each minute to theutmost, thc many colored dresses of IMPORTANT JUNIOR MEETINGthe women blending and contrastinglike the bits of glass in a kaleido­scope and the charm of the wholeeffect heightened by good music, itwill be hard to . conceive of a better The Junior Class will hold its firstplace to be Saturday night than at meeting of the year today at 10:30 inB rrtlctt I:Ymnasium. Kent Theater. The meeting will beThe first dance for the benefit ofvery important, social plans for thethe Settlement was held last year,andyear will be laid, and all Juniors arewas very succcssful. There seems to expected to be no reason to think that the dance President Garrett will call the meet­v" ill not be more successful this year, ing promptly at 10:30, as the businesswith the expcrience of the pioneer af-to be attended to is too pressing tofair to base the improvements upon. be neglected and the half hour isI ts financial success should be ofnone to long to complete it. There­much interest to every student. It fore it is the duty of every Junior towill rcpresent the share of the stu- be around promptly, and with ideasdent body in the importan� workto help make a successful socialwhich the University is carrymg onseason.among the people of the stock yardsdistrict. It should be a matter of TO HOLD ALUMNI EXCERCISpersonal pride with every student to ES ON CONVOCATION DAYsee that this is large enougb to rep-resent crcdirably, We Have No Branch StudioFIFTY-FIFTH ST. DAIRYS. EDMARK & CO.-Dealer in-PURE MILK AND CREAM329 E. 55th StreetW"'We are making a Special Offerfor 60 days of our $10.00 Sephie Plat­inum Photos for $5000 per dcz. to U.of C. students.ROOT STUDIOKent.Arts College (women) picture willbe taken Friday at 10:30 a. m, at� Wabash Ave. Phone Har.Settlement Dance. Saturday even-To Convene for First Time-Social ing at 7:30 in Cobb 3a. Thesis re-Program to be Discussed. queirernents.Sociology Club meets. Thursday at7:30 p. m. in Cobb 2C Address byDr. Selinger.German Club meets Friday in Lex­ington hall at 4 o'clock. Lecture byDr. von N oe.Basketball Game-Chicago vs. In­diana, Thursday at 8 p. m., in thegymnasium. Tickets 25 and 50 cen�s,Wednesday and. Thursday at the i�­formation office.Episcopalian Club-The Episcopal­ian club will hold"! business meetingin Cobb 6a this morning at 10:3Q·Several important things' will bebrought up for consideration, amongthem the dance, which will occur ina short time. All Episcopalian stu­dents arc urged to be present.Alumni Association Decides to MakeDeParture From Usual CustomNext Spring Predict Downfall of Chicago inBasketball This SprincILLINOIS SEES VICTORIESSCIENCE WGMEN CHOOSE ,PLAY FOR PRODUCTION- According to a recent decision ofOrganize and Select �'The. K1�to- the excutive committee of the Alumnimaniac"-Cast Tryouts Fndq III Association, the annual Alumni dayCobb 6A. excercises at the end of the spring- quarter will take place on Convoca-"The Kleptomaniac", a one-act tion day The members of the asso­sketch, was chosen yesterday by the elation however, felt that it would bewomen of Science college interestedmore appropriate to combine the dramatics at their organization Plans have not as yet been cornplct­meeting and tea. The play will be giv- cd for the excercises to be held at theen next month, acc�rding. to the de- end of the spring quarter. The memocision of the women, and will be pro- bers of the executive committee ofduccd in Lexington. Mr. William P. the Alumni Association wilt meetGorsuch of the public speaking de- Thursday evening to perfect arrange­p:utment will select the cast at the ments.tryouts Friday at 4 o'clock in Cobb Baseball authorities of the Univer­city of Illinois are in a boastful moodconcerning the outcome of their��ames with Chicago in 1909. As usu­al the varsity will play four gameswith Chicago which means ,of course�ollr defeats for the maroons, is thecomment of the IIIini. The scheduledzamcs are for May rath at Illinois�Iay 15th at Chicago, May arst atHlinois, and May 26th at Chicago,According to a recent' order, theIowa girls can have only one dateeach a week. Chafing-dish and fudgeparties ire also ruled GUt.lecture room. Maroon advertisers are reliable1.1 aroon advertisers are reliable aad business people and deserve yourpatroMP.deserve your patronage. Official averagesof the NationalAmerican andiiiilii.ill all minor lea"ues ; the year inbase ball; list of the ".400" hitters 43rd St. & Calumet Aft,since 1871; table of batters -who have E1ERY SATURDAY EVEHIIIAdmission SO Cenu a p.,..:rvLL DUBS S11ftS.,0 ....,T. C. SCHAFFNER78 State StreetPhone Central487SMIDWAYGarments of All DescriptionaCLEANED. DYED a: ALTERED6001 Ellia Ave.Work c:al1ecl for and delivered.SPALDING'SOFFICIALBASE BALLRECORDSecond Year 1.·AILOR FOR YOUNG l1li.. \. N. Jerrems, Mer.rwo stores: 131 La Salle .at.. ..44 JacDoa .....:-eached ".300" since 1876 in any mao[or organization; list of world'schampionship teams; no-hit, etc.,records; best on record in base ball �previous championship winners in aUleagues; 10nJ games of 1908; collegerecords; pictures of the 1908 majorand minor leagues champions; worldseries pictures and action pictures ofminor leaguers who have rccahed thebig leagues.Price 10 CentsFor sale by all news' dealers andA. Q. SPALDING" BReSSpeaal-E"ery player should havea Spalding Base Ball Catalogue for1909. Mailed free anywhere.14' Wabash A venueChicaeo. III FAST TRAINSDaY A-lID NIGHT DcHaYothou:seIdefit.ThBARGAINS ALL THB TIII.-Reliable Rebuilt Type"rhera, aUmakes; rebuilt in our own factory:"dter and cheaper than othen. SHfor yourself. The Typewriter Ex·change, 319 Dearborn St. A. J. CouN,Maucer. TelephoDe Harriloa � ON THEoncew.I� ServiceCHI\,;AliU, INV.!ANAPOLIS,DAYTON. CINCINNATIAND WEST BADEN. .','FRENCH LICK SPRING·AND LOUISVILLE.Frank J. Reed, Gen. Pass. ¥.:E. P. Cockrell, A. G. P. A.,Chicago.SHULTZ'S SCHOOLOF DANCINGMost Popular Place in Chi�Private Lessons by Appo�Guarantee Course 15.00. Five prinIa'essons with music. A guaraDtec IInake pupil proficient in the waltz'";.nd two-step. Barn dance taapl i-ne lesson.Office and Studio, 301 West 634'"or, Wentworth Ave.Phone Garfield '/I.Informal Dancing Reception ItTHE FORUMWHBRE TO DIBI •'II•TO UNION HOTKLAND RBSTAt11l.ANT/ 111-117 Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PLAnTO KATEitla,..r before or after *Tlleater.w. make a Specialty of CMaD. Jl'ratenait7 DiDaen.Phone Central I(,�ALFRED PEATS 6 to.Forei� and DomesticWALL PAPERS.AND DRAPBRIES TstUtcalli144- 46 Waba.b AU,Chlcap. �orlTHE DAILY MAaOOJ(, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Z'/, 1909Ito •. P·ROFESSOR·COULTER TELLS.. ...� � .. . .. - . .. .' :.HIS EXPERIENCE ON WRECK·a Sui� ij:°UStrl1 Ol1t for I, I On his return to New York on;I the Baltic, Professor Coulter, hiswife and daughter, Miss Grace Coul­. ter �i\'e the following vivid descrip­. tiuns of their adventures in theI' .. Republic.' They were met at the'ldCCk by President Judson."1 was awakened by a noise whichI sounded like a thud of some heavy! object falling. As my boy describedit afterward it sounded as if a heavybnrrr-l had fallen and rolled along thedeck above us. I did not think any-I thin� of it at first, but a short time\ afterward the engines stopped and-------------------------------then I something was the mat-ter..I ",My son �Icrie and I got up andtried to turn on the lights, and foundI we could not, and that the ship was in. darkness. We dressed as best we "1 was amused and pleased at myboy Meric when it was proposed toput him into the boats with the wo­men and children. He would nothear to it for a minute. He insistedon staying with the men and beingconsidered as one of them."Mrs. Coulter and Miss Grace Coul­ter have nothing but praise for thestewards of the Republic."Jf it had not been for them," saidXl rs. Coulter, "we should not havebeen able to secure as many clothesas' we did. One Of them stood by atour staterooms and lighted matchesuntil we had located our clothes and[Jut enough on to go on deck.""I tell you it is not the easiestthing in the world to dress with a life:preserver around you. And to thinkthat there was a five pound box of-A ..for ...odtalc.anat', ��r.'30 to $6a.:echt •.could, groping for our clothes. There candy irt the cabin that we had notwere no orders that I heard, but we even touched."<:11 went to the deck above and found "They gave us the best they had onDe you enjoy Roller Skating?Have you a good pair?You have doubtless learned that the other passengers had assern- the Italian boat, said Merle Coulter.that. bled there also. "but it was not the most temptingthough the rink provides skates, they "The captain told us that we had stuff in the worlc..l. For luncheon weseldom fed right as to action andfit.That's why you ought to write atonce for our Free Catalog.We make good skates.BARNEY & BERRY.2 7 3 B r 0 adS t r e e t,SpringfieJ�. Maa •• better put on life preservers. and they had macaroni and red wine, and laterwere handed out. While we were we hat a bit of Irish stew. We ate itthere, the stewards also came among in the dark, and I guess if it had notus and passed around boxes of crack- been dark we might not have taken iters, and told 'IS all to take a lot, for I was dreaming when the collisionit might be that we would not have happened, and the shock came in justanything else for a time. pat in the dream to make the report"Then the captain put off a boat of a gun being fired which I wasto the Florida to find out how much dreaming about."it was damaged, and the word was Professor Coulter �ut his clothesbrought back that it was apparently on over his pajamas�: He got on hisin better condition than we were. So shoes, too. He didn't stop to putit was decided to send all of our pas- on his shirt but pulled on a graysengers over to it. sweater, His overcoat and golf cap"This was done in the ship's small completed his outfit. Merle was able�POLIS,rATI�N,'RING.IE.15S. AI') ,.. P. A.._JIOOLGlChiapppoiDbDIIIFive prinII�araDtee •.he waitt.ce taoPi iNest fiJI)'·l: Garfield;':ceptioD at1Met Ave.EVEHIIIa�DIldTKL�NT)h SualPLA(!Iafter •:ty of CMlDen. ......-_-.._ ....... - .._.,j-",GEl\tTLEMIEN.80 tlUS fQl IlI\.E."11IUS..L�'P CO.ran .1ftM TK .. 'lOYD •BOSTONGARTER boat s. The women and children weresent first, and then the men. Therewas no panic at any time that I asw.The women behaved splendidly. The [0 dress full to his overcoat.}\I rs. Coulter and Miss Coulterwere able . 0 dress pretty fully, andsaid they were thankful f�r their[sea was calm going to the Florida, shoes, which many women. passen­and there was no trouble in making gers had not been able to secure.the transfer. The only inconceivable They left their hats and landed to-I experience was on the Florida, be- day with veils tied over their heads,cause that boat being principally for The whole' family. started out asthe accommodation of steerage pas- soon as they had reached the St.sengers, there was no way to make Denis hotel and had luncheon, toso large a number of women comfort- shop, and buy themselves new out-�� fi�"The Italians acted nobly. They SOPHS SET DATE FOR DANCEgave 'lS the best they had and treatedus always with consideration. I Will Hold Novel Affair Afternooncould not help but notice the way of February IS.some of the Republic's men passen­gers acted on the Florida. A few The Sophomore class \\;11 give itsgr<:)\\";ed :1I1d grumbled about the fare dance for this quarter at the Rey­and the I •. ck of room ,as if they ex- nolds club the afternoon of Februarypected all the luxuries of a first-class 15. The dance will be a subscriptionGZO. ftOftco.,IIabnJIcIdoD ....... 1J. S. A.__ "ALWAYS EASY� __hotel while being rescued. affair, each member of the class be­'ng asked to buy a ticket in advance. IThe date for the opening of the salef tickets will be set in a few days.The dance given by the Sophomoresr�t :C:��I�.�N�INTERNATIONALDICTIONARYDoJ"Clll bow U'ttlleIJf'1'EllKAftO.A.L ......1I1Ua llDal ".Uaort� ALL JUlQ)8 of �_ la'fteTrada,Art.aaad8ctac:w,0e0craPIl7.J.aapap.-.eraPIlJ'. Ek.' r1aa of CoateDta .. foDftra:Col0n4 Plat.ea.I"lap. s&ate Iea1I. E&c. ..Jlrttl Hldory 0(1IuI �kIIpap.e.l4e toPro�_ .8cboWIJ'V�or�.J)tc:tlODUY of neU •.••••••••••Gaut\eer orUl. Wor14 •••••••JllAlcrapll1eal DtdIGIIaIT •••latptaro Proper __ •Greek ... 4 Latta ••EDcl1aJa CIIrtaUaa ..I'onlp Worda ....�. "Jt "·:1.S an anxious time aboard theItalian ship. for we all felt that it wasoverloaded and that its injury mightmake it unsafe, but we were reassuredby the knowledge that help was near. last quarter was a decided success."The only time that there was any- The reception committee of the classis making plans by which they hopeto make this quarter's dance eclipsethe other.thing like a panic or unseemly con­I duct was after the Republic's passen­II gcrs had started to go on board theBaltic irom the Florida. At first. thesteerage passengers on the FloridaI supposed that only the Republic'sI passengers were going to be trans­ferred. When, however, they learn­cd that they were to be sent theyseemed to be seizer! with fears that. the Florida was going to sink,I• This was after all thc women hadbeen sent over. Then. the men. Ital-La��������1�:,��;':�t;�.A11�1��;!.?s1��Y;.. ian stccracc passengers. began topetWition$. Ut61' .. ;:tU!'I.}uoollhnlrati.-, cr owd and tight to get aboard theWrite for ·'DtcUCIIlUJ WrlII'kJft," ucllptct..ahca,F""- l'ol e nli .. nlnp')I'rr"lu"tljlUl'''.t�''.Dd hoat s, and no amount of thr-rstingr== u><:ful ,.,t of Coloee-I "lal".pocket�ze. ,,'G.&C..ERRIA.CO.,Springfl .. d,..... �thcm hack or even knocking them�=�============.I 'do\\"n' on the part of the crew couldstop thcm. And so it happened thatthc men of the Republic had to waitto lea\'c thc F1�ricla for several hours'Jntil the fear-tsricken Italians hadbeen �t off. THE ROMAITALIAN TABLE D'HOT.5OC-75C-$I.OOINCLUDING WINKA tao a 18 Carte ServiceOpenDailyandSunday.fromII A.. II.tog P.II.I Il'�lomestic:RS:ttIES The Daily 1\Iaroon is the officialstudent publication, contains all thecampus news and deserves the sup­port of every .tudent. SPAGHETTISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITALY146-STATE STREET-14'IBCOND PLOOa THE COLLEGE MAN'S TAILOR. I claim, by ri,ht of years of experience with the college man, tohave the only Varsity Tailor-shop hereabouts.CIYou will always find me with -exclusively different fashions andfalllrics; never the "same," despite .that they contain aU the GIN­GER and SNAP.·tIl have learned to choose my styles with Two eyes-one openfor the SMART CHAP, the other for the MATURE MAN -andthe contrast shews how little I have let "the right eye know what theleft eye dc erh.'BENHAMVARSITY CLOTHES 519 E. 63rd Street� •I '------�-----��-:���._.._,�----Irwin Brothers Company II'1I\1-�1CHICAGO 58::5 State Street449 to 451 State Street.un� Dist. Tel. Harrison 516-517. Long Dist, Tel. Wentworth 517PRIME BEEF, PORK, VEAL AND MUTTONWrite for Special Hotel Beef and Poultry Price List.Specially Selected f�r Hotel, Restaurant, Club and Dining Car Trade.Fancy Cuts of Meats for this trade g ive n particular attention.THE HYDf PARK PRINTING CO.succeson: toGEO. W. CURRIER &: CO. and MATSON & TRENARY.Publishers EngrallersPrintersWE ARE PREPA.RED TO HANDLE ANYTHING INTHE LINE ,OF PRINTING.368 East 55th Street,E.C.M·-OORE� ;. � t:i. .. ..... ; .• fLOBIST ••r' w '1'4--Wentworth '03� 272 E. 55th Street.. Tel. Hyde Ji»ark 31..�. --.Have you noticed that allthe college men are smokingTo have become' "so popular amongcollege men without any special ef­fort to make them known showsthat Fatima Cigarettes deserve thesuccess they arc making.Smoke a few, and you'll knowwhy Fatimas have made such a hit20 for 15cMENTION The DAILY MAROONWhen__ Trading With Our AdvertisersWho 'Of tis but has had the experi­ence of "taking danCing" on'ly to find.: ourselves herddd-th'at's just the word, " ""':'with a crowd of others as ignorantTlie second of the series of lef'" terpisd�or�'n knowiedge: as we. andtures glven by the Y. M. c. 'A. 'w�l put through a lot of "steps" that didbe ileld toitignt. The : speaKer will not mean anything to us!be Associate Professor 'Siaught. who' By irid ,by �e began to get awill consider the contr'ibution' whicb glim'm�r &f the "hang of' l"he thin'g"the scien�e of mathew'tics m;.y tie arid th�n it gre'w' easier. .- "0'· A8ISTtDDable to 'make to religion. I ;' ,,_n�t_��:wa�s' 't�ere �as tbe feeling of, �n�TI8"'1rI •. _.As'is the i�teittion' for every orie of 'being rushed, crowded through, and FOR RENT-Ne��ly furnished a��the lecture's there will' be' an oppo�":" '�,e ';':ondered if there w�s ever anyone, ment. slli,table, � for stude�ts', �cft�nity give� to the 'audience to '�Ii '�h? 'le�rn� .to da:��e wi_thout g�ing young men's club, or will, �specific q�estions. Slips Wiil lie 'd�: 'thfQl1gn 'such a disagreeable experi- rooms ��p���t�;;'ll accommoditi�tributed h>" tne ushers, 'a-nd tnose �nc�. " ..,.. 338 E. 57th St, IS.t cor. Oat.: �who. desire may.Write out their ip!: As a: ��'ite;_ o� �ac�, �he·re. ��e �u�-; '. .; ,}'. ' ----:7'7quirics. The slips wtll be collect�d areds wlio nave, tbrou�h goOd for-: OR RE:MT�Neat light room it Dr.and P�ofessor �iathews with assist':' tune, been hrought under the better Potter's e;e spe�ialist, 525 i 4iance from the science i-�preseiltative ,r�rin of inst�c'tion, whose ability 'Street. near Lexington Ave. Td.wm endeavor to answer them. At 'the was developed in harmony with their Mid\!aY.212. , .last lecture several questions .welre s�ns" of rythm, and, whose final fin� WANTED. St',ldents to introduce �asked and �n e�en bettter re��o��e is ish. ,bol"e all the. �arks both of in- �ilOcolate C·reams. Room 18, 56.slihoped for this' eve,nin�. dividuality and professional skill Ave. Call from four to five.A �hining ,�xampl� of this com-COACH OF MASQUE AND WIG mon, sense common sense method isTO TALK TO BLACKFRIARS J?'rQfessor, Edward B. Rowden of 321- B:i�baJI Hall. whose basic idea ofF G McDonald Director "of p� .�uccessrul teching is in the develop­·Syl;.a� Comi� � 'Club, to 'm,ent.. of the ,sense of rythm alike in'be' Gu�'at Meetmc. the minds an�l_ fee� of his pupils.· ,Mr. F. G. McDonald, "coach '�f the 1:Jtat this character of instruction�fa�que and Wig club of the, U niver:- entails much greater work upon thesity of Pennsylvan.ia,' will sp�a� to teacher and ,calls for the exercise ofthe R);tckfriars tomorrow at. 10:30 ,in rare care and tact, is self-evident, butCobb 9h. Mr. McDonald WIll ��Il the �any hundreds of finished dan­t1:e Fri::rs the plans th�t he has �s.ed (:ers, both social and professional,in Pennsylvania to enlarge ,the sc�e who have been devel9ped under Pro­:iIld earning po�-er cf the comic op- iessor Rowden's careful instructionera club. Last year the Masque and form a convincing argument as to the\Vig gave the University a dormity correctness of his methods.worth $20,000,000. Every year since Another prime factor in his suc­they have gotten their new coach, cess lies in his unusual ability to, an­they have cleared from $15,000 �o alyze, not only each dance he teacheS,$2O,OC.o. Their trip last year included but as well, the Capabilities of eac�ei;::ht�en towns and a week's stand in pupil. Thus,. his cIas,s work, beingPi-ttshurg .. Mr. McDonald may be based upon the thorough training ofretained to ceach the show for this the individual, lacks that slurred andyear at the University of Chicago. 'hurried "gang method" that so fre-quently mars the training of an am­bitious pupil.While he is unsparing in bothcritici!m a�d effo'rt, his results in­variably justify his pupils in the feel­ing t�at they have received the very;;reatest hundred cents worth ofvahle for every dollar and hour oftime invested.He also holds dance assembliesevery Thursday evening at the Uni­ty Oub House. 3140 Indiana avenue._o _, __ '_ ...... _ ,..J ........ ,�'_�(i�.:'\1 \ .. ,,1""·, ... , .!" l.i: .: ·--=-TJI&.:I)A1LY "'II U()()1f, .::.WEDNESDA:Y;:lAMUMty-· ...·at........i�... ::::::::-::..-:::::::;:-.;,..:. .. -_ .. _. -No Mo.�ey�.,- c ....Down eK'���i� D6 .TIOM· - '. 'dui! �QlYii.t .. . , w_FAVORED BY COMMITI'D FOR BOWJ.RS TO ENTER\;i'. '�,�;./.,� .��,jil,- ... ' -- _' �.... F� ·Enttae. � 'Receiftd Owinc toRecommendation Not to � Made" auawned Intercat in �temityHowever, Until More Ideu Are I(�tchea.Obtained.The tim-e entries for the Reynold'sWith iti 'preference exprcisect fOf' � club bowlin.r tournament have beenclock to be placed in 'die Law library, postPoneCJ .until Tuesday, February 2.and later removed to die Harp�r This decision wal announced yester­Memorial library the gift committee day, owing .to the fact that the longof the Senior class has decided t? schedule of the fraternity league.sound the members of 1909 to learn liave turned the attention away fromthe 2:eneral opinion. i ' the "club contest. As' a result few en-Among other 'ihili,. considered tries have been made, .The club willwere the d6�atirfg of a' stone 1)rid�e 'present 'silver cups to the winners ofacross Botany pond, die tou'nding �f the singles and doubles, Thesea scholarship for some - senior who prizes' are to tie even handsomer thanhas shown merit, the endowing of the last year. Am'oog the bowling starsSenior Council, arid the contribution who have entered are Freeman Mor­of lights or a bronze statue in the gan the winner of the singles lastsunken gardens in Hitchcock court,. 'year, and Fred Gaarde, ex-doublesThe suggestions were 'presented champion.'following an investlgation by a sp�-cially appointed committee of Miss state UmverSity Wants New HaliMarjorie Day and Melvin Adams. Ah"eri�igetic'���tbrien't is 00'f06t atChairman Rcnslow Sherer looked iiIi�ols 'i�v(j�i-r:g &e· et��tio� of a newinto the advisability of endowing the �l��s�r�!fu bui·(d·i�g. The presentSenior Council, and reported ill'at �t ttitj'v�fsity hall �s ;�'ntirely iri�ldequatepresent he is opposed to it. The 'i&r: the -Welds 6£ tl;e :st�d��ts -, 'Statis­members of the committee discussed tics show an average of 'about '930• ." _': I. /� _.,.. • ro·( ... -, � z .-..: -, If' "all the gift possibilities, and, wIllIe students for each recitation hour,favoring the clock, decided riot to o�- '�h�reas the .n'Orina'l d;pa�ity of thefer its recommendat'ion until more h�11 is 500. Th�e ��tter will co�e be­ideas may be obtait{ed on the 'propo- 'fore' the "st:�te iegis'i�'t:;,re.Try OurS300 Kenmore Piano.:... ,. .,,, .- ..In 70ur OWD· home.,mae ,sure that it J"Uits 7011iii .Yel'7· partiCUlar. WIfeD 708 are '10 iatiiDea,.quiIn �7 wa;y ;you like, even as low as$1·aWeeK.,STARCK P I A N 0 S-ReCut&rpri�ea S3So to $750, atORICATLY REDUCED PRICES AT THIS SALE.THIS COUPON IS WORTH A TEN DOLLAR BILLCut I: out at once. Don't throwaway money. We not only SAVEY.U over a hundred. dollars. but.pel1njt .the smallest .pay�cnts E.VERbown (as low as $1 a ,'week); ask 'no money in advance and gi�eyou $10 to boot. itlOut-of-town patrons are invited to avail themaelvea ofMOaT liberal inducementa.--CUT OUTTHIS COUPON.OOD FORTen Dollars. SIO FREE CREDiT DUE BILL'_.# "One of, these Coupons good �FIR'ST PAYME'NTtowards, purchase of one StarckPiaJ:l�. at this sale, at 204·n'ue Chicago, III DR. H. E. SLAUGHT TO SPEAK ABOUT DANCING-M�ber �f MathematicS Depaitnleritwill Discuss Rerati6n of His.Subject to 'ReligionPianoa Shipped' to Any PUt -:1 tlie Uiutid State.eD Thne Liberal TenDL Write for PREB Catalo .. _·P. A. STAB£I .. ,PIANO CO�,�AC�RS804-ao& Wahab AV�.f_ ���'��, Street. Cblcqo.#I.e: •••••• - .. -: ••• -.·ii ••••• _ ...... �J. C. LYNAS, L.. c. WIt.ltINS,The (oIlege Shopl� M..onic Temple-- -- _<. "- .. �A Special, Lin�, of .F'�t�ty��d Collqe Leather waD d�orations; Arts and Craft JeWelry, etc.. We have Juat whatyou want for l'our room.Call and See Us.�BALATKAMUSICAL C()LLEGEEstablished 1879 by the w�rlci­renowned Hans Bal�tkaPOSTAL CARD BRINGS CATALOGUE-WRIT&TODAYD R. C H R. F. B A L A T K A. D ire c tor.Diplomas �ecogii;z�d All Over the WorfdSp.<:ialRates to Students of U of:C.Address All Communications toBALATKA MUSiCAL COLLEGESettlement DanceIn Bartlett next �aturda� NightTickets 50 cents; Proceeds to theSettlement. Cleary Fills Cap and Gown Y_acanc:yRalph :\1. Cleary has been ap�oint­cd chairm:!n of the Cap and �own������������������������������� committee on Frn�rniti�s �nd,�norsocieties to succeed Hurn�rd Ke�ner,whl') has withdrawn from the Univer-THE OPEN COURT .PPBLISHING. ,C.OMPANY'SSCIENTIFIC AND MATJlEMA TICAL BOOK8-A full line atTHE LITTLE 'BOOK SHOP434 Eat F'ifty- Fifth. StreetOrders filled for EacJ.i1h and Americ:aD Boob. :-;ity.Gordon L. Stuart has been ap­poi�ted to succeed W. P. l\tacCrack­cn :lS law. re'presentative, MacCrack­en havinlt resianed. - ._ .. ::�-�=:-:�_'" ..t·Blackf�)JFo-.... -_'-,:":"",",,,,,I.,_.'.lIRAIG" '''.PAlb'IIDBAND AIDB 0 S'OMDOES IT==Vol. VI::::'SUPPLABSOLUTELY NO BULCE-.. -. _IF i,·. CI pat.,.ted .::"MAC-HURDLE'FULL DRESS SHIRTUIIItcd sa... s CoD.r Co., (MaUu) TI'OJ,M.Y. ()Yer T'butedpoi:_ We are n�w closing out our �ter patterns and getting ready forspring.It is not the custom with us, tomake reductions in c rder to senoods, but just now we are simplyreducing our $35 suits to $30, inorder to close out our WiDtergoods. Here is an opportunity tosave money yn a winter suit,if youhave not ordered one as yet.This red�ction in price is �deto Umver�ty of ChlCago studenboniy.Let us hear from YOlL Havebe tag tarid wowear agirls allthe camnt thinkat the :sand tain the Iand IDayesterd.doubleficationat the'men w:Carolin.HelenAudraLouiseRoe, �l.gbt, Melned)" ..distribupus.. tOIof Tai'CorrAansing velDieetih�&eld it:tomorr'� hOIments'Harpof tenappoin1�ody il(fer th,f rd "place,1here, 'bY:;:1ribbonome . .Idroppctheir IlASsociation Building, . �.. ..Tel.. Central 61g8:: i.; ;:,- -.. '! ..... ,. � ::t..:,� �': "iPUBLIC STENOGRAPHER-asJ,iNotary Pablic ,,-ill do legal and �kinds of work, capying, etc. YairDanah'er, office 338 E. 57th St, �s."W. cor. M::.dison Av.1/ .. '�C IN'- PIPB TOBACCO ,INo matter what tobacco ,c."have � �nc��RLYLE MIXTDI,�iD ,P,r6ve far more enjoyable. � �t Iis exquiSite in flavor cool _,�tic Utd leaves no' unpl� Iaf���te. ., . IT'ry it, and if you are Dot 'I�Ieased. we will . ebeelfully �the monq.:I O%.-4oc 4 Oz. 75c8 0%.-$1.50 I lb. hooIWe will mail to your addfessupon receipt of price.NA'fiONAL CIGAR ST01l Thenow hwoinerthe sagroup�nishedSOlutel""1 btime i:'.Therefre�l.. ·hichst of 1Fiftec:deredcasecare fpies �bill oj5 Cen1be nlntent�TheO'ter 1lin, �A. Rolira.(Inc.)First National Bank Bu;)j�Cbicaco, IIINot Connected with the TobaCCOTrust.