'f'll'" 11'""U��z:J!:: • �.���� .. ��1,c:·� , -. ,-.;�...,:lid'4a,.�om I'-:1[o;a. 11) VOL. V I I. No. 74. CHICAGO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 266 1909. Price Two. c •• � __Basket _��H�soo�pmNrtl_' ����U_ft_W_E_E_K�_:'_.M_rt_TI_N_G_�_T_����lsnM:·Sn[OF·TICJUS'Wild &<citeme�ollowa. C .... ure I. FOR SETILEMENT DANCEImposed on South Carolina SeIla- =:: __ '';''"''''::':--�-�tor-Bramhall President of U. S.-CHAMPIONS RETURI TO OLDSTYLE IN' PURDUE GAMETeam W.:.rk Perfect and By several parliamentary coupswhich left the D�mocratic contingentat first dazed and later: Indignant; themajority party in' the Mock' Senatevest rday voted solidly· to censureRaymond D. Penney, the senatorfrom South Carolina.The charge against the Southern I Preliminary to Tag Day to TakeI Possession of Campus-ClimaxFriday.Varsity Five Shows Great Improve­ment· in 31 to II Contest Saturday-Return of Page Helps. . .Five Bills Are Introduced. �j\OOc QOO,�:>'I_: .: .. ; .. : .. '. '.. � <, : I'�-:;: ..... ,..E .., ..,: C -e,snit, iflSU1.out for Braced and buoyant after their re­turn of form shown in the decisivedefeat of Purdue Saturday by the senator was undignified acts in thescore of 31 to II, the Varsity bas- matter of land deals which' have' keptketball five went into the practice the newspapers and' telegraph" wires'yesterday afternoon with increased buzaing for several week's past.ginger. A hard week is before the A hurried caucus was called' at theteam. Marc Catlin and his band ofrequest of Democratic Floor LeaderIowan basketball players will appear Cox, directlyafter the stormy session,on the floor of Bartlett, Thursdayevening, and on Saturday the Var­sity will journey out to Evanston todo battle with the Northwestern r _ "" ::.., _� � ,. NIro... .. ..,._,::::'::- , � .. ,.ll'. LIN"""-" ",..... , .......•• At", ...... , L. ... �m. "..... •••••• wA, .................. __ .I .� ....... , - !Mfa., A·· •. a••• '-... c. ......]:I' ·w"'''·........... 0 w ....... .... Y ••• '" 01 ",I'" :-:-...-::. -:a�.�� ��..... " - �..c •••• 'D • ....". ... Students who are approached on.he campus this morning by a throngof Settlement dance ticket sellers maylhi�k that the campaign to make theiffair a financial success is reaching.ts climax. Not so. This is merelya hint of what will happen Friday,the officially appointed tag day. Thatevery student on the campus is to be'abeled is the intention of the com­.nittee .MOTTO Name'Many Patronesses and TicketSellers for Benefit Affair inBartlett.Throwing Accurate - FreshmenBarely Beat Northwestern.tailon:'. tIae -e ... ot'lf UTTLr. .'T AOOI!O TO """"T'4'OU ... L" OV c.or, MA.e" "Virl ... A TT.... .'Y. MORE·�A"".O"'" ..... 'I.) To Sell Tickets� ..or dieand a committee, consisting, of Sena-.tors Cox, Logan and West was ap­pointed by President Bales to get thematter. before the Senate again at thefiv"� next, session.With Orville Page again in the Democrats' Ar�Astir .. 'game, John Schommer playing at Th· D' h that·· 'th'ey_ e- emocrats c arge_his old time style, and with Captain�ria1 "u .... .,· ... o"Sl. ..Te_"" .. AOO.�_ ... �.........a\ A .......... .a......�Early in the game, Saturday, mat­ters looked as if the visiting teamwere going too fast for the 14aroon.They scored their first points whenChicago had' only managed to' securea single point. Then the great Johnseemed to get mao about it and start- "t"Y. J. S. Salkey, LJ Stern, A. Wil­Direetcr Stag1fWorking with- Meager Vniv�rsity Professor Named'· as' Re:' son, R. Baldridge; and Misses HelenMaterial 304 Few Sta.rs for Illinois; publican" Candidate from" SeVetith Hendricks, Fra�ces Herrick, CarolineMeet Febri.ia.tT st]i":""'Jacobs Making I Warci-.Lo�g- a Prcminent: LeacJei Dickey, Mildred Scott, ]c:ln Roe,Record in Pole Vault. . in Civic Life 'of' ChiCago.: Er�cstine Evans, Edith Osgood, An­dra. Knickerbocker, Mary Kenney.Prospects for a victorious indoor Among' the list of aldermanic can- Besides. these. H. F. Adams willTennessee for temporary persident of team at Chicago are not improving didates whose petitions were yester- have charge of the sale to graduatethe Senate by· a vote' of' 34' to 29� any from the appearance and condi- day presented to the city board of .,t·,ac.lents" and Marc .Hirschl to theGrills' of f�tball fame: was put in as tion of the small squad that is out. election commissioners is that of faculty.·sergeant-at-arrns over Bealer; his . .ed something which soon made a Director Stagg and the rooters are Professor Charles Edward Merriam Glee Club to Singnearest competitor; by a count of 31 .difference. While he and Georgen prepared to make the best possible for the Seventh Ward, on the repub- The Glee club will appear for theto 2&.were throwing baskets, some of the out of the meager indoor material, Ilican ticket. . second time in its history before astar team work plays of the Boiler- ImportUit:'B�-Introduced and hope for a winning aggregation Professor Merriam's petition was University audience, and will rendermakers were ruthlessly spoiled by One bill and four resolutions were for the spring outdoor season for fil�d by Wentzlaff, the Republican selections between the third and fouthChicago's pair of star guards, Orvie introduced. Senator Harriman of which the outlook' is much better. organization emissary, and while peti- and seventh- and eighth dances.Page and Art Hoffman, even in Wisconsin offered 'a bill forbidding Meet Illmois on February 5 ricns will be in order up to February The committee on arrangements is. fIt II k f Lewi .1 courts to issre injunctions, except in �tl ·t· II' I h· b ki t· s t h thosespite 0 rue scar wor 0 WIS anu With but two weeks left to pre- ' 1, I IS genera y t 10Ug t rmpro - rna 109 prepara Ion 0 ave .Bowman, forwards from Lafayette. cases of great emergency. A resolu- pare' for the meet with Illinois at :tble that any other Republican can- who attend return home en masse.Kell PI W 11 Sch Stars tion making employ'crs ·liable for in- I'" t '11 b d f h· d""l I ·11 bId I . they ays e; ommer Bartlttt on Feb. 5� Mr. Stagg has (Iua e WI e name rom t IS war . I acar< S WI e p acc a ongKelly did not score any field goals juries of their employes, even where iut few men who can be counted on Thought 'Sw:e of Honor ,\"alls hearing the names of certainthe accidents were caused by other • t' f th·t ltd t rto score points against the Orange Though ethers n�y enter the field, ec wns 0 e CI y, an( a epar u eworkers, was introduced by Se�. ator . . f I '1 . he stl�dcnts will gathcr in their re-and Blue. The men who ought to none, It IS e t, WI I receive the sup-Ferol1son. Senat.or Bales of Tennes- t· ns d tt n h me I'nn help the Jist of points for Chicago port which the republican organiza- P(·C.l\·C grOl1., an rc Ir 0;;ee, put forth two resolutions, the firsl .tgrow are Captain Lingle in the quar- ,ion will give Dr. Merriam. t p�r. y.renuiring national banks to keep 12 . A .n N· f P tr es'I ter mile, Comstock in the half and in I Professor Mcrriam has b�en active nnou ce ames 0 a onessper cent cash reserve as a corrective Ithe mile, Stophlet in the two-mile in thc political affairs of the Seventh The following is thc. list of the pat-ior careless banking· tactics. The sec-nln, Schommer, Hubbl� and Rogers ward since 19(>0. ·cness.es as announccd yestcrday:)nd called for an im'estigation of the R(cr, which hc undoubtedly is against ;n the high jump, jacobs and Rogcrs Prominent in. City AfI'airs \Iesd:unes Philip S. Allen, james .allcged corr'Jption in connection withany OIlC b�lt Schommer. Charters is :n the pole vault, and Schommer in His participation in public life, ·.nsell Charles R. Barnes, Harry A.thc Panama canal. A Nebraska reso-credited with ha"ing outplayed the t.he shot put. In thc sprints and mid- however is not limited to the Scvcnth Bigc1O\\". Perry H nnynton. Carl D.lution issued a veiled warning to for- •grcat Seihm of \Viscol1sin. 11c distance runs, Director Stagg may \;,·arrf. Foul' years ago he drcw up :luck. N:lthaniel Rutler. Frederick C.In the SC·-Oll'· halt", wl·tll the score :!ign nations which refuse to rccog- 1 I . h . I b' .'. I � t S I H CI k J h� u ; e\'c (JP some dark horse winners, t e city c u s rcport on mumclpa . arpcn er, ° omon . ar. 0 nnizc all American passports. . S .IS to 7, to begin with, the Raycroft- mc.l is working toward 'that end with rcvenucs, suggesting sevcral reforms \'. Coulter, J. E. Connselman, tarrian scoring machine bcgan to work McNar.8r in Hot Speech the candidatcs at band. ,\"hich ha"e either bcen carried out or W. Cuttinf, Charles S. Eaton. Edward,nth well-oiled precision and piled up Then came the big business of thc Stagg After Sprinters' and Hurdlers .ire still under scrious consideration. C' Eichcr, Horace S. Fisher, Nottthe count rapidly. Thc strangers got day-:·the South Carolina affair. Sena- In the hurdles, the Varsity is also Thc next year hc was appointed by F1in�, Hcnry G. Gale, ]. 'Paul Goode,a bare iour PO:l1ts in the last period tor �lcNemar's resolution introduced decidedly wcak. since the loss of r.m'ernor Deneen as a member of th" Fd�·:,� J r.ood:o;pced. C:lrl H. Grabo,of tht game. and lookcd completely :It the session of a week ago, was Stcffcn and Garrctt. Pegues, Sunder- Chicago Charter convcntion. In thl' \\'illi;lI11 G, Hale. j:lI1lCS P, Hall, \Vil­... hipped at the finish. ,'alkd from thc calendar, and Mc- i:lnd and Page, of the ba�ehalJ squad. work of the commission he was one Ham R. lJarpcr, \Vallace Heckman,The lilleup of the tcams was as Nemar immeciiatcly took the floor. arc the bcst material so far for the . ,f the most successful and influcntial Charll'� R. Henderson. Robert Her-follo\\'s TI1(� lIlinois senator citcd the cvi- .,tick running cvcnt. Tht football cap- Icafler�. ril..·J.-. William Hill, Glenn :\1. Hobbs.Chicago. Purdue. lence which he claimcd to have in tCiin and basketball star has also hccn ·H e �er\·ecl on the �uh-committel' Gecrge C. IIn",I:I1I1I, E. Flctcher Tn-Georgen , R. F Lewis ;ubstantiation of his charges against induccd to run in the half, his old which (Iraftcd thc chartcr, and after :s:.ls. J:lmes R. ,TCW(tt, Fr;·nklin John-Kelly .. " L. F Bowman the senator from South Carolina. �vent a�ainst the lIIini. thc documcnt's complction. assisted snn, Franklin W. J()hn�on. Edwin O.Schommcr C Charters Natanson Floored on Technicality Thc dcarth of men "'iIl force many Profcs"orFrcnnd in getting it through Jordan, Harry Pratt Judson. EdwardPage, L. G ........••• Knox Scnator Natanson was next rccog- :)f the athletes to compcte in scveral th� Icgislature. I4a!'t spring he h.: n. Krchbicl, Pre!'ton Kycs. GordonHoffman R. G..... \Vestover ni7.cd. Amid wild appla'Jse from his evcnts. Timblin should makc a ("arne sccr�tary of :\Iayor Busse's har· J. Laing, Frank R. Lillie. Jamcs W.Freygang supporters, he answercd thc charges point winner in the q'lartcr and half, hor commission, and in that capacity Linn, Robert :\1. Lo\"ctt, A. C. �Ic­Field ha�kets: Schommcr 6, Geor- ')f his party rival. All went well un- and Dolan and Caldwcll of the 1908 is now preparing a report which i!' La·lghlin. C. R. :\'ann. Charles A.gen 5, H0ffman; Page. Lewis, Bow- til he brokc loose with what soundcd team should run strong in the mile 'lcing looked forward to "'ith great :\farsh, Shailcr Mathews, George H.(Continued on pace 3) _(CoaU-ed OD pap 4) and half. (Continued on paae 4) (Continued on paae 3)Purdue Started, Strong· as president of the' United States, wasthe first business of the. day_Mr.Bramhall was given the honor with-:(Jut ,opposition. Senator M_cNel!!�r ofIllinois. defeated. Senator Bales of,' ...LHiStory:5; CoitYS. 2SI against his opponents. Westover andFreygang, but the new recruit to theVarsity game played a good game,and �ho\\'ed a great deal of headbronreward.E..g..n aat.E.61'Co 1i�alta .cam;.i.eturii ., work. "LclI� john" e:ntirely out­played his ncn longcr opponent.Chartel'S, \\,ho was touted as a great cen------roa1.en. ...factI't.m,-"ter Is·f. c,.iII,on AoBilonaTERID,era---­duce Oar�, S6 5th .? •THE DAILY MAROCJN. TUESDAY. JANUARY 26, 1909.lit, laUg _arollu WOMEN O� SCIElfCE TOLAUNCH DRAMATIC CLUBT .. Ollclal IitudeJlt Publ1caUaa at UaeCnlven1tl of Cblcqo.�'onDer17Tk. tinlYeraitl of CIaIoqo W.-s,.FOOIlde4The Weekll. October 1. 1811�'he Dall.r. October 1. 1802..... red u ��ond·c:lus ua.u at the ChlcapPa.toalce. ClllcalO, llIlnoJa. Karda 18.1003. under Act. of lIarch a. 18'lLPubllMued dallr. except 8undQa, IIC11MJanu. ilolldays. durlll£ three quartelW of tIMUalnnltr year..obe<:ript·o� price. $::.00 per lear; '1.00for three months' subscription rece1n4 atil. llarooD Ullicl!, Ellis Hall, or at thl'&Cult7 I::xcllange. Cobb Ball.Me.. contrlbutlona lIUly be left at EllHall or l"acultl ExchAD.£e. ad�'b. l':I:J7 Maroon.PU8T( \� F. GA!:)S. Ma.na.alll£ EI4ltor..ar.TIN J. ADAM.S. Ne .. EcUtor.OIW ALD F. NELSON. BualIlea :IIau&er.altorlal Omce-Betore 8 p. m., Ell" HalU.1Teralt7. 'rei. ll1d"'&7 800. After 8... -,Maroon I·resa. 474 Eo 55th 8treet. T. .,ese Park 3G91.If the Chicago rooters went inhibernation the middle of last Nvember and stillTime forSlumberto Cease main in that state.may be well to remthem that the alarmabout to .ro off;University has started out onwarpath for another championsand their services are needed. Atbasketball game last Saturday nigaside from the enthusiastic demstration of a little band of Pursupporters, there was one Ion"Chicago," and an occasional haclapping to break the silence.The Chicago five begins to 1like a championship team. Ifrooters deserve to celebrate anochampionship, they will begi� tonotice within a very few days.presence cf a cheer leader ormight help. \Ve understand thatwere appcinled for the entire yIf not, scme new appointmshould be made at once. Halfsatisfacti0n cf winning victories isfeeling that the students havetheir part amI dcserve some credithe result.FEBRUARY ISSUE OFUNIVERSITY MAGAZINE 0Contains Artic!es by ProfThompson, Convocation Addrand Discussion en Degrees.'---- necesriculthephilosoorin bandfrienInQueabowrittionspothethresubfollI.atet hige eral.2.ate..couto tiosu3copetorI,p. 011el. begogrofbrtoeso-arre-it asind toisthe nthe cuhip ethe niht .. eon-du sc Ael ynd- rg00 k dthe 0ther ctakeThetwo tthe y.tear.ents ,thethedonet forUTesso ress, There's twice the wear in a suit, �Will Meet This Afternoon· � Fostervou have an extra pair of tr.ousm.to Organize and Choose a Make the experiment-find out farI Play.Here's your opportunity-A"W omen of Science college will meet and extra pair of trousera for ...this afternoon in Foster 56 to further once of the suit.the organization .of a dramatic clubTrousers of the same material_in the college, and to decide on a different, just as you prefer.play to be produced this quarter or This offer holds good on our alitearly next. Tea will be served. Miss stock.Lillian Francis and Miss Anne MarieWe want to keep our good taDonWever are taking an active part. inThat'. .L.busy bet ween seasons. WIthe formation of the club. The gen- primary reason for this offer.eral idea is along the lines of theSock and Buskin of Philosophy col-sarily included witbin the cur­um, Dr. Thompson dwells uponvalue of each students' forming asophy of his own. Anotherce of power,' he continues, "liesrowling around m the library,in becoming' possessed by adahip for books.""A Symposium on the Doctor's.tionaire" are gathered togetherut a dozen extracts from lettersten by members of the assoeia­of Doctors of Pililosophy in re­nse to a questionnaire concerningbasis of a doctor's degree. Thee main questions which weremitted to the association are as DouaLE THE LIFEOF YOUR SUIT.yourself.Science Women 'Will have a ;grouppicture taken this morning at 10:30 infront of Kent.Committee on_ singing for the Set­tlement daflce meets this afternoon att o'clock in Cobb 9d.Mr. Wm. Salter will lecture onSchopenhauer today at 4 p, •. m. inwest lecture room of the Law build­ing.Young Women'. Chriatian Leacuomeeting at Lexington hall, todayat 4:30 P. m.Students Volunteer Band will'mee�tonight at 7 o'clock, in League roomLexington hall. Mr. Stagg will give Eu:dsls�ows:an address.That candidacy for the doctor-should be conditioned upon aher and broader standard of gen- Coming in today?Suit and Extra Trousers-$30. to $tillesre and the Green room of Litera-«:> Yes, we make r iding breeches,ture.'lAILOR FOR YOUNG l1li.\. N. Jerrems. Mer.r'wo stores: 131 La Salle -It., ...44 Jacbo!a .....� ••• rFast TrainsDay and NightON THEBest ServiceBetweenCHICAGO, INDIANAPOLIS.DAYTON, CINCINNATIAND WEST BADEN�FRENCH LICK SPRIH�AND LOUISVILLE.F�k 1. Reed, Gen. Pass. ActE. P. Cockr� A. G. P. A.Chicago.�-G!esrna::n,n0Cor-S•D SHULTZ'S SCHOOL;':·OF DANCING.Most Popular' Place in CbiciitPrivate Lessons by APpolntiDilluarantee Course $s-oo. Fivesons with music. A guaranteeke pupil proficient in the waltz IIId two-step. Barn dance tauahte lesson.flice and Studio, 301 West Ilir. Wentworth Ave.Phone GarfieldInformal Dancing ReceptioD ItTHE FORUM43rd St. & Calumet Aft.EVERY SATURDAY' E'''YD1I.1rNm1Admiaion 50 Cellta a p.,.WHERE TO DIHITBB UNION HOT'"ABD DSTAURAlf'lIII-II, Randolph SUIIITHE POPULAR PIAUTO KATEith",r before Or aft ...Tbeater.w. make a Specialty of ...ad Fratemity Dina.rw.Phone Central JC'Ci4ALFRED PEATS li aForei� and DomesticWALL PAPERSABD DRAPE1UE8144- 46 Wabash Aye,Cbicap.rs.Other departments of the number,amely, The University Record, Dis­ssion and Comment, Correspond­nee, Undergraduate Life, the Al�m­Association, News from the class­s, and Literary Notes.Some mention is given to Dr. Slos­on's recent comparative study ofmerican Universities, especially witheference to the University .... f Chica-o, A bit of correspondence is pro­uced in which an Alumnus pointsut the need for an association oflass secretaries such as is found atHarvard and Cornell. The DivinityAlumni Association, in its news sec­ion, shows the beginning of a planof having sectional secretarieshrough.out the entire country, whovill report upon the activity of the him manuscripts containing both hisdivinity graduates in their districts. own and Professor Chamberlin's ad-- <litions, and notes for revision forThis plan is an innovation In newsd their vcbme "Gymnosperms." Moregathering methods among gra uates.sUJ)erseding the former scheme of wcr-k has been done o'n the conifersclass secretaries. A report is given of since the first edition of the bo?k inthe recent meetiri� of the RockMoun- 190i than in all the previous time,tain Alumni club ;at Denver, Colo., an and as a result the new edition wasorganizati'on of 110 members of whom tobe practically another volume.Whenonly 75 hold degrees. The officers the "Republic" was rammed, the solefor tbe ensuing year show the prom i- existing data for this work were lost.ncr.cc which the alumni are taking in Onc of the main reasons for Pro­, the cd:.tcatiollal work of tbe \Vest, fessor Coulter's trip to Italy was thatthe president being Dean Howe of he mi�l:t I:ave a chance to finish thethe University of Denver, the vice- book in quiet, in order that it mightThc University Magazine will appear president being Dean Hellems of the �ppear in a year or so. The materialon the campus today. Among the lead- University of Colorado, and the sec- for the book had been collected froming articles in the issue is one by retary being Ella R. Metsker, dean every source_Professor James Westfall Thomp- of "-(Jmen at the University of Den- ------f 1 II' D' k The University of Kansas has in-'ion, 0 � lC - Istory epartment, on vcr. A new alumni club, which rna es"Things Not in the Curricubm." Thea total of Chicago local organizations vestigated the cost of living in thelast con\'Gcation address by Dr. John number 14, has just been organized at town of Lawrence and protests that\'U [. "TI D 1 t f the students that are compelled to,y. • oster on le eve opmen 0 Rockford, 111.I . IT. ". I . d d' p,"y more for board and room thannternath.na ..... aw. IS a so reprmtc. Four illustrations are produce ,m- ..D TI d· h . at any other university.r. lOmpson 15cusses t e ques- c1udir.g John Watson Foster, a vIewtion oi c1100sing bet"'en a great uni- of Snell and Hitchcock halls at twi-vcrs . and a small college, and be- light, and a view of the west end oftweCl: a c(ll1ege near or remote. "[f Hutchinson hall, showing the largeone-I �i the cullege men born in New portraits of President Harper, JohnEngiand;' he writes, "were educated D. Rockefeller and Martin A. Ryer­in coikge west of the Alleghenies, son.and one-half the college men in themidJle-w�stern institutions were edu-cated 0:1 the Atlantic seaboard, tbis "Flirting" Not in Favor at Glasgo�"C"nsor of Morals," is the name ofcountry �"o:lld have new intimations '"C.. new officer at the University ofof dcmc,:racy and new perceptions c�• d h' .and social responsibility." In bring- Glasgow. The d".lt� asslgne. I� I!. t end to "dIsgraceful fllrtmging out the benefits to be derived to pu an• • •from a college career. which are Dot. among the UnIversIty guls. A!f)fOUNCBIONTSculture. Reynolds Club Bowling Tourna-That candidates for the doctor- ment begins Wednesday. Entriesshould be required to pursue must be in by Tuesday.rscs in the philosophy of educa- Pen Club Dinner postponed to nextn or in the pedagogy of special Wednesday.biects. Foreign Students, both men and. That the University should dis- women, who are not members of theurage a much larger number of [nternational club,_ please hand namersohs from proceeding to the doc- and address to Faculty Exchange.ate. Junior Class meeting next Wednes-The following is an extract from Jay. 10:30, in Kent. Very important.e of the replies: "Either the num- Glee Club Rehearsab, Mondays •r of those who are encouraged to Tuesdays and Wednesdays, in theon to the .doctorate should be theater of the Reynolds club.eatly diminished, or else the basis Cap and Gown EditOR will holdthe doctorate should be greatly office hours in Em. 3 from tw. 'tooadened so as to provide the high- five. The Businesa manaaera fremthree to four.Senior Picturee for the Cap aMGown are due before January �Picture will be taken free of charae((If the Cap 'and Gowu b)' Martyn'sMaroon Studio. 5705 Cotta.,e Grovet standards and the strongest prep­ation for the noble art of teaching.well as to produce fine investiga- WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY.·l.aqrest of our abdd.:ments. Jt.qular and Thha p.,� EdIdoas. 1116 Paces aDd :1400 lllustzati_... d'.,or·'J)lCU_,.-WrlJlkJ-. ...... ��.rr.... MentlOllID�ouneq!JCSlt .. u..,.....,_ud� a useful set of CoiORd Maps. pocket size. .,.. L I C. IElRlAI co., SpriagfIeld, ....Avenue.MANUSCRIPTS LOST AT SEABY PROFESSOR COULTER Get your Cap & GownD�cuments Containing Results of Re­search W�rk Go to Bottom inWreck of "�epublic." . �nt\1tt�ttp1&botograpb : �bop.Nearest Studio to CampusBest Work in Chicago�397 57th Street. Phone H�·P.I666Manuscripts containing the resultsof eight years' research work werelost by Professor Coulter in thewreck of th�· "Republic" Sunday. Atelegram, received by ProfessorBarnes yesterday confirmed the fearsof the Botany department.Professor Coulter had taken with We Have No Branch StudioFIFTY-FIFTH ST. DAIRYS. EDMARK & CO.-Dealer in­PURE MILK AND CREAM329 E. 55th Street�We are making a S�I Offefor 60 days of our $10.00 Sephie PIatinum Photos for $�oo per de%. to Uof C. students.ROOT STUDIO.243 Wabash Ave. Phone Har. 2099DUll Buttl.,0 ....,T. C. SCHAFFNBR78 State StreetPhone Central4875MIDWAY TAILORGannents of AU DescriptionsCLEANED. DYED a: ALTERE6001 Ellis Ave.Work caned for and delivered.You can pay the price ofFOWNESGLOVES AN ADV. IN THEDAILY MAROONIS' AS GOOD ANINVESTMENT ASYOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOUIHVESTED?and not Get Fownes style,fit nor service. JSLprbl:Aeq", .. :.;�Foeestin sr.DOlmakereadyOr<yourCatalBJS�r.-Alitfor ...terial _d taao..at', �o. to $6t:chlS.!DJPOLIS,�TI" :.:;;ss.Agt.P.A.b SUIIIPLACIIaft ••:y of.1I.d.omesticRSlUIS '9 CLUETT, PEABOOY & CO. ,.IUKERS 0,. A"ROW COLLA ••JANUARY SPEOIAL ,Suit and extra trousers forprice of suit alone. Stapleblacks and blue included.A suit with extra trousers isequal to two suits for service.$ 2 5 to $.45.@IJt:.�T .... ETAILORWm. Jerrems' Sons'Clark and Adams Streets::::�:::: .. ::::. :1::': .. :1 ..Winter place to the great­Sports-Ice Skat. TR'K DAILY llAaQIO •• TUESDAY. JANUARY 26, 1909.CHAMPIOliS-' RETURN TO OLD','1' STYLE, IN PURDUE GAME(Continued from page 2) Chairman Stern of Senior CollegeCouncil Announces Appointmentsfor Winter Quarter-Plans HeaVySchedule of Work f�r Councilurday's Maroon, came as a surpriseto many girls there named as editors.The east side of the campus seemedI pleased however. and, is - diligently�.:r.�II:;r;;p-_��;::::;:::;:;iIj:lL\ studying up the question of journal-ism in politics preparatory to the Mead, Fioyd R. Mechem, Charles E.I campaign next Friday. All members Merriam, Albert A� Michelson,Frankof the staff are ready for the fray, J. Miller, .Newman Miller, Robert A.and are eager to get at their task. Millikan, E. H. Moore, Richard G.Several of the girls on the paper Moulton, Walter A. Payne, Jos. E.last year have been promoted, and Raycroft, Amos A Stagg, Benjaminthe literary talent of the University S. Terry, \Vm. Thomas, Jas. H. Tufts.is' being enlisted to render the paper Geo. E. Vincent, -Lyman A. Walton,a strong rival of the Literary Digest Biram p. Williamson, J Gordon Wil­or the Atlantic Monthly, rather than son, Jacob \V. A. Young, George B.inelegant attempts of the would-be Zug, Frances W. Shepardson, Paulnewspaper men. Shorey, Albion \V. Small, Charles P.In the absence of more important Small. Misses Susan H. Ballou, Ger­news, the girls may be forced to turn' trude Dudley, Elizabeth Faulkner,to "josh" stories.and then-mere man, Myra Reynolds, Marion Talbot, Eliz­look out! This may be the day on abeth Wallace, Elizabeth Yeomans.which revenge may be sweet. Sophomisba B. Breckinridge.:'S;arif?rd is congratulating itself onWISCONSIN BEATS ILLINOIS the success ofits rugby football team,which recently defeated the strongBadger Basketball Team Wins from team of Vancouver, Canada. in a scr-Illini by Score of 20 to 10. ies of three games, and thereby be­came the possessor of the Cooper-Illinois was given a severe set-back Keith trophy cup.Don't pay 14.00, $5000 in the basketball race by suffering de­and $6.00 for yoar feat at the hands of Wisconsin atShoes. when I eeI1 Madison Saturday night. The score The Daily :Maroon desires to an-was 20 to 10 in favor of the Badgers. nounce the opening of the third termthe same Styles and The Illini held their own in the first of the Sherwood Music School. 714inz,Don't forget that there is only onemake of Skates that will always beready to serve you well.Order Barney & Berry Skates fromyour dealer and write for our FreeCatalog, showing complete line.BARNEY & BERRY.2 7 3 B r 0 adS t r e e t,S p r i n g fie I d. Mas s.AN EX£LUSIVESHOP for WOMENLeathers at only'2 and 12.50D�JH take my word for it,but come and look at them.TBE STATES SHOE SHOPSecond Floor, 195 State StreetOver Peacock'! Jewelry. Store.Op�n �aturday Eveninas Till • NAM! CODNCIL COMMmEESFormal Dantes;· ,Initiations; Banquets •.For these you'll· need • Dress Suit 01" Tuzcdo"Dear Mabel:-I really want to KO· to that Formal Dance, but caD"because I haven't a dress, ... lwt, and dOD"!' care to borrow OIlC. Hadto "lose out' on three dances and a banquet this season because ofthis deficiency in my wardrobe.·, I simply must order � dress suitand tuxedo tomorrow.. Yo�rs, JIm.P. S.-Ain't it awful, Mabel?"I\I� C�er {:} WDkiel TAILORS,I You will draw bids to Pull Dreg Mairs ri,ht aloDa, for the aeasonis hero-read Jim's letter.Order your Suit Earl,.Our prices are within every Colle� man'. r.ach.man 2, Knox. Free throws: Schom­mer S, Charters 3.Freshmen Beat purple Yearlings1 ri the curtain raiser the initialgame for the Freshmen, the Chicagoyeartings took the measure of theNorthwestern Freshmen in a hardand close battle, which ended withthe count of 21 to 18. The play ofthe Freshman was .raw in spots, anda strong ralJy on the part of thevisitors nearly proved fatal to theleading Maroons.Sauer was the star of the hometeam, and in the latter end of thegame a:1 of the Purple defense wasaimed at him. Gerend, the monsterFreshman who played most of thegame at left guard, was good on thedefense, and proved too big for hisc pponent, Aldrioh, to guard. Gold­stein was a star at right forward forthe first year men, getting two fieldgoals.The lineup:Chicago Fresh. Northwestern Fresh.Swanson R. F , '. AldrichGoldstein. The-' following appointments weremade or renewed Friday by Pres­ident Stern of the Senior CollegeCouncil:University Pin Committee-Freder­ick Xelson,Committee on the Reorganizationand Combination of the Junior andSenior College Council-W. P. Mac­Cracken,Seal and Motto Committees=-Wal­ter Morrison, Albert Stoneman Long,Committee to Confer with Falcutyun the Establishment of a UniversityDepartment of l\!usic- Harold L.Boy ton, J. Sydney Salkey,Miss Dorothy Kuh's name wasomitted by mistake from the publish­ed list of those on the DecorationCommittee.The cornming quarter will be the'msiest and most strenous in the his­tory of the Senior College CouncilStern said yesterday, "All the oldissues held over from former' councilsSeeman R. F " Larnpke w il be disposed of at once and noSauer C Wells new business except that which is ab-]Gerend, Paul, L. G.. . . . .. Foster sc lutely necessary will be brought be-IEdwards R. G Gimmel fore the Council until the offical Un-Smith ivcrsity Seal Motto, and Pin haveField baskets: Swanson, Goldstein been decided upon. As soon as possi-2, Sauer 6, Edwards, Lampke 4. AI- ble, I intend to see President Judsondrich 2 Wells, Foster. Free throws: personally and get his opinion aboutSauer, Lampke 2. the University Seal and Motto, Theimpending reorganization of the Se­nior and Junier College C�uncils intoone body, however, will probably notbe discussed with the President, butwill be taken up in detail with DeanAngeli".At the meeting last Friday, theCouncil decided to m�et regularly on..,The announcement of. the staff of Wednesday at 3 P.M.,the corning Women's Edition in Sat­START SALE OF TICKETSFOR SETTLEMENT DANCEGIRLS EAGER TO TRYHAND AT JOURNALISMAre Planning to Make Friday's Ma­rcon a Literary Masterpiece andModel �ewspaper.(Continued from page I) 185 111B D�atbo,. Sf.BaH floorhalf" but after the ruling of the refc- Fine Arts Building, on February 1.rce, placing Poppcrfuss out of : the 1 gog. The attendance the past termgame for roughness, the Badgers in all departments has been the larg­were steadily in the lead. A bad Ica- est in (he history of the institution,ture (If the game was the wrangling The school gave a grand recital foron several occasions. Captain Swcn- its pupils and friends during the hcli­holt and \Vilt starred for Wiscon- days, and under the leadership ofI S::l, �r iss Georgia Kober, a second recital.which it is thought will eclipse allothers will be given the latter part ofThe Daily Maroon is the official next month. Here is an excellent op­student publication, contains all the portunity to study under the personalcampus news and deserves the sup- direction of the eminent pianist, Mr.port of �ery ltudent. I Sherwood.. . ----.----------------------�----Irwin Brothers CompanyCHICAGO449,tn 451 State Street 5825 State StreetLong Dist. Tel. Harrison 516-517. Long Dist. Tel. Wentworth 517PRIME BEEF, PORK, VEAL AND MUTTONWrite for Special Hotel Beef and Poultry Price List.Specially Selected for Hotel. Restaurant. Club and Dining Car Trade.Fancy Cuts of Meats for this trade given particular attention.I', .WHERE TO DINE,THE VVOODLA 'VVN �CAFE63rd Street and Cottage Grove AvenueTHE FINEST AND MOST ELEGANTLY APPOINTEDCAFE ON THE SOUTH SIDECUISINE UNEXCELLEDPRICEJS REASONABLEMusic-Sig, Ferrante's Orchestra of IS Pieces in IGrand Program Concert Evenings.-�----TO ANY SELF-SUPPO J.TING STUDENTWe can put you in touch with a dignified method of increasing your rey­enue=-a method that is clean and that involves. a maximum increase ..rnco�e at a minimum expenditure of time. The plan has already pro","Its efficiency in other Universities where self-respecting, self-suppor_students have taken up our method to the exclusion of others, they arepleased, and their financial burden is solved. We can do as much for ,0.­Call any time during business hours at .w Dearborn St. or telephoneCentral 511.4, and ask for Mr. Gold blatt. IHave you noticed that allthe college men are smokingf�!!s��'II' CIGARE,TrE,S '!ITo have become so popular amongcollege men without any special ef­fort to make them known showsthat Fatima Cigarettes deserve thesuccess they arc making.Smoke a few, and you'll knowwhy Fatimas have made such a hit20 for 15c1, ��22 E. 55th 8tCommutatioD Tickets, $3',,50101, $3.00·EXTRACT FROM BIJ.L, OF FARE.:.BUCKWHEAT CAKES 4: COUNl'RY SAUSAGE ......•..•.. 15c•BREAKFAST CEREALS WITH RICH C�tt��� I�EGGS, IN ANY STYLE. WITH ROLL� .' ..•... � . . . .• . . .• .. . . .. IOCFRESH :MEAT ORDERS, WITH·POTATOES AND COFFEE�ocOYSTER STEW •.•.....•....••...•.•....•................•......• seeHAMBURGER SANDWICH� wm'H ONIONS roeH.6.M AND EGG SANDWICH ............•.................•.•.... 15CHOT WIENIEWURST WITH Rct... LS ..................•......•• lOCQUICK SERVICE. BEST FOR THE. MONEY ..COURTEOUS TREA·rMENT.MELVIN H. SYKESPHOTOGRAPHE.R70 State StreetOpposite Marshall Field & Co.. Chicago.� ... -.--.�-..... -·SALA.TKAMUSICAL COLLEGEL. .Established: 1879 b� th��,world­renowned Hans BIll .. tka.POSTAL CARD BRINGS CATALOGUEWRITE TODAYDR. CHR. F. BALATKA, Dire.cto.r.Diplomas Recognized All Overthe W�rlti�·Special Rat.es to Students of· U'�f·: c.Address AU Communications toBALATKA MUSICAL COLLEGE.Settleme�t Qanc�'In Bartlett next Saturday NightTickets 50 cents; Pro�eeds to theSettlement. ,IAND STU.REVIEWS FOR\LL EXAMINATIONS INCHICAGO.40 E. RANDD'-� ... ST •• CHICACO.. To decide tie votes the membersof Division.I1 and v are requested tovote. ·a�in. for alternate members ofFinal. arrangem.ents are- being made tb'e' Sc:.qior College Council. Votesfor the .big.commer.cial�cbb .ba�uet may be left at the Senior Dean'stomorrow evening., T e comnuttee· Offic;e up to Wednesday noon, Janu­in charge of the speakers and-: pro-. '. h ary �lh. The' voters signaturegr:l.m . will meet. this;.eveslng. 11).. t eshould be attached to each vote.Reynolds club to perfect thei� plans. Candidates in Division 11 areA .. large .. number.. of; visitors. -is-ex- "ID. Conrad Borchardtpected.. siace about· ISO,: invitationlwere issued and -sent to. Cbicago ,busi­ness men, and out of this number-· itis certain that at least- 100· will .at­tend. Besides. these, . all the, actweand associate members of the·· Com- TIle name of Miss Dorothy Kuh. lIb '11 be on hand to assistmercia c u WI has been omitted from the arrange-in receiving and . entertaining.·· the.ments committee of the Washingtonguests. p .In addition to an extensive musical rom..program, addresses will be deliveredby several members of the faculty, -A,:., u� • ,B,. B !{ T a-among these being Professor Starrand Dean Butler. Altogether,· a goodtime has been planned for the down-(n George. Ade's College Comedy,town visitors, and the Reynolds club, THE FAIR CO-EDwhere the affair. takes place, will, 'becomm-c:ial. Club to Baaquet·aDd·Ea-·tertaba.,IOQ. Cbica&o. Buti-_",-1IeDTosUch PzofeuM ..stuP-�aad n.n ;Butlu.tG·Spca.·_ Pou. Open Up-to Wednesday forTwo,· DiYiaionaMr. Frank TempletonI n Division vMiss Mamie LillyMr H. O. LathamIT·UD·.·.�K ••ELSIE JANIS8.L .• BI�LF. Ziegfield Jr.'s Great MusicalProduction ..THE SOUL KISS,with the wonderful dancer,ADELINE GENEEILL·I •• I.Charles Frohman present_e theGIRLS OF GOTrENBERG SIX FlEELEcruRa-BY-REV. JAMES MI GRA Vi D. D.-AT THE-MOODY CDURCB ==Vol. VIi..YARSIlPfSecond'ExpecA slurbasketh<lterday, 'defeat rlscore ofDr. Rwith thtthe tealtheir to.strongplay theCoach (. out in tmake thThe IhuskersRyden,ter; Pelguardcentersprovedin thesure allfouls bman atin a gal48 poinFrThe:five froa curtagle. Cmen, isto imprup of tthe sailwesterrSwanscleft fo:Gerendwill coTheAcaderI OPEN UNTIL :t A. M..BEST CUP OF COFfEE IN CHICACiO ,. \������������������.�-.�_-.-.�_-_��������', to.the major�y like in�ulting re�k������������������������������� upon ilie� �tell�ence an¢ hones�.:At on ,e the Republicans we.re;stirred,THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANY and insisted that Senator. Natanson·Phone.,Hyde Park 571 • Kbnbark Ave.. all ...... It.; was out of' order. The. chairman. S�:1==;;e=�"� The Cleanest and Best Kept Smraae ".� Warehouse in the Citv ••••• ruled, and. by parliamentary, law;. he!Furniture and Piano •. Moved, Stored, PacMC � was forced to take .his,·seat..·Shippeti to all parts of the world. �oo PrivM ...... ·; .Resolution Goes r: Through:age Rooms. Large Parlor 1!:xcluslvely fer Biaaa,'1 .•Rooms for Trunks ;nd Wheels. Large Room tIlrj While the two. parties: were , en-Carriaces, Bucgies and Sleighs. Trunks to � deavoring to argue the matter fu(.-:"��=====B' from. all Depots. Local Transfers .for � ther the previous question, was .caned.-• Furniture. Packages, etc., at short netree, .., .hSpecial atteDtion civeD 110 UDiveniq Or.... The srtuatrcn was now acute -. · T e,. . . .Democrats as a last. resort.. put .forth����������������--.�.-�.�.-�-�.�-�.�-�-.�.�������- �n�� Pen�y.�.�uk fur hlm�����������������.-����������-�l. sclt An�h� �.: wa� he�:c�'�Telephone Cen� 687� into play, .amJ. all: Pepn�y.t.was per-mitted to do was deny the charges POWZUmade against him. Ho-weve.r,: his de- ROBERT EDESON·nials did not serve to S:W;lY _thcU).pp� -in-sition over jo him •. the previous .. q��.. THE CALL OF THE NORTHtion was passed, and: he., stood "7 ·ce�, ,·OIllO.A.OO·'OP.u, BOUS.tired, but pr�ud, a hero-jn -fhe -eyes , WA�E.R WHITESIDEof his own .party,crowded' to the limits.MOCK BODY SCORES . PENNEYif ...... � •• I.KLULU GLLASER-in-MLLE. MISCHIEF·Q� OP.RA HOUSEARNOLD 'DALY-in-THE STRONG PEOPLEIn' Z�ll'l great Play.THE' MELTING pOT Chicago and La Salle Avenu�.Saturdays at 8 p. m,THEMES OF LECTUREsJan. 3o-The Evil of Christian Sci­ence.Feb. 6-The Power Behind the Me.'di :1111.Feb. 13-The Heresies of the Mil­IeniHal Dawn.Feb. 20-15 the World GrowingBetter or Worse?Feb. 27-\Vhat is the Second Com­ing- of Christ?We are now closing out our win­ter patterns and getting ready forSpdng.I t is not the custom with us, tomake reductions in crder to sengoods, but just now we are simplyreducing our $35 suits to $30, inorder to close out our Wintergoods. Her.ns an opportunity tosave money on a winter suit,if youhave not ordered one as ye�This reduction in price is madeto University of Chicago studentsonly.Let us hear frcm you.S02 Association BuildingTel.. Central 61g8CLASSD'mDADVKRTISmDlrflin theD_A.I L_YMAROO.BRING RESULT.JlOR SALEFOR RENTWANTEDLOST'FOUND25 cents. (or threelines per ·issue.FOR RENT-Newly furnished apart­'!lent, suitable for students' oryoung men's club, or will rcDtrooms sepa rate ;all accomrnodatioar33� E. 5;th St., rst cor. flat.OR· RENT-Neat light room at.Dr.Potter's eye specialist, 525 E. 62dStreet, near Lexington A vee Tel.Midway 212.LOST-Silver Belt Buckle atta�to brown belt, Friday, on campus,behvee� 8:30 and I I :00. RetarD to13 Beecher Hall.WANTED, Students to introduce oarChocolate Creams. Room 18, 56 sOAve. Call from four to five. ensongate, Cguards.SCIEl'I(Continued Irom- page I).�� VIC) K B R'SKIaw. & :Erlanger·s MightyProduction.THE ROUND UPW •• �_£ •.• I·tt •• IV.THE NEWLY WEDSAND THEIR BAB:Y60 -People- 60HONEYMOON TRAILW B-IT-It. yThe 'Bia Success.A BROKEN IDOLWith Otis Harlan· and Beauty ChorusitA IAI.L.CIOCIL lEANadFLORENCE HOLBROOKInd the La' Salle Theater Stock Co.A GIRL AT THE HELMAl1lJ5.K1CAN mUSIC KAT.L(Formerly the Garden)MAUDE ODELL,EMMA CARUS,and other biJt actsMAJESTICCONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE12 Bj� Acts This WeekPrices 15-25-50-'5OLYMPIC MUSIC HALLFRENZIED FROLICSAND VAUDEVILLES noalll Permitted· PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER andNotary Pahlic will do leg;tl ;tnd aDkinds cf work, callying. etc. ltarrDanaher, office 338 E. sith St.. S.\V. cor. :'.t�dison Av.BARGAINS ALL THE TIIII-Reliable Rebuilt Typewriten, ..makes; rebuilt in our own fac:ttrJi""Uer and cheaper than othcn. Seeior yourself. TIle Typewriter Ex­change, .319 Dearborn St. A. J. c--.Manager. Telephone Harrisoll I/fIf McCulblAt tmen yment 1the desuit 0:test �Kuh :altern.Literathe c<day al"'as Iimcctirfrontand GPennsA s�d ating C(all('y,roomThe Jd�ntsahip jIDR. MERRIAM FOR AL�ERNAN(Continued from .page I)interest, Professor Merriam is 'alsovice-president of the City club.'92 Football:·Man a' Candidate .: Among the other candidates. whqsepetitions were·· accepted . yesterday .was George C. Sykes" a member- of. .'Chicago's first Varsity .football team,who will in' all probability representthe 35th ward on the Democraticticket. Sikes is a graduate �f Min­nescta. and while at Chicago was agradl::lte stc<!ent in pvlitical Scien�e."GRIND" METHGD IS WRONGDean Lovett Tells Juniors StudentShould Have Broad View.How to gct thc most oui .of col­lcge "'ork, was the central theme ofDean Lovctt's talk at Junior chapelycsterday. Thc college "grind," with�ll) practical purpose is, he declared,making smaller progress than the lessscrious-minded st:tdent ,,·ho has aC0Jllprl"ilcnsiyc view of his work. Hecmp!t:lsized the dcmoralizing effect of" mechanical observance of duties."T'ltcnsivc �pplication to each task inits turn; promptne�s, stick-to-itive·ness, 'With thc dcminant purpose ofJChnite :lcccmplishment-these arcthc' cardinal principles in the attain·ment of success in a college career:'V;ise discrimination in determinin�the relative importance of differ�nlactivities,. �as strongly .advised.