�.hiIIIC1&"" It� -a"r-'··<UJ1- 11"';--':U--'-.� .. --... - - ..r Voi., �I1. No. 73. CHICAG<;>, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 190'). Price - Two c.a.._'ial or Monda:y'� Session to be Scene ofMany Lively Tilts-MonDoniSmLatest Issue. TilES 'fINAL RAP AT BEROD I IMPROVED -TEAM - READYTO DEFEAT 'BUILERMAKERSREPUBlICAI POLITICIANSON SEIATE COMMITTEESliltrtlle - CONDUCTOR O!4' THOMASORCHESTRA WIMEI WILL !EDlY MARGO"; -; PROCEEDS FOR GYMI�SIUMl1it, ifers,lt for __.Revised List Gives Democratic PartyTwo Mere Chairmanships ThanExpected. Signer -GQgli�mo- Fetr�ro -Conc:1udesSeries' c f Lectures - -with Denimcia- Varsity -Five Strengthened with Pagetion ef Emperor Augustus - Calls at Guard, and Team Work i.Him Care!ess. Better Developed. of Next Friday to be GivenBoom Athletic Ass.: dation -Fund.t.,'".... IiKelley � Play at Right ForwardI With Augustus Caesar as the last I Purdue Students Confident ofvictim of his sadly destructive conclu - their Team. Lilly inEditors andNamed. Charge-StaffReporterssions, Signor Gugliemo Ferrero, theThe Republican representation on Italian historian yesterday bade fare- With the team greatly improved bythe various committees of the Mock well to Chicago audience, whom he the energetic practice the past week. aid of the Women's gynmnsium fundI -I ft . id di '11 . - d b and h:1S offered it!' resources to theSeflate, which will meet for its second las e. gaping an lSI usioncu, ut the Varsity quintet will go into thesession Monday in the Law building, intersted, in his short but eventful game with Purdue tonight, prepared girls of the university. The editionwere announced yesterday by Robert trip. To the line of dethroned and to rnor : than take the measure of the . of next Friday has been -given- tu- ,. tl d h f unci t I' t them to edit and sell. The total re-R Mix, following a session which ursman e eroes 0 ancien 11S ory. Boilermakers. Coach Raycrofth ' - 'A .. d CI ' ceo ts from 'the circulation and extralasted until 2 o'clock in the morn- among w om are ntony an eo- been working desperately to over-patra, Julius Caesar, Nero and Hor- come the, faults of the late start of advertising obtained will be -givcn to- h - t dav "d'd -d' 'th - - = , - f Freden'ck Steck _.:ach class according to their sales.ace, eyes er ay.... e e name 0 I he season, and has succeeded in bet-the Emperor Augus-tus. tering the basket throwing a great X cwsboys will be appointed - by eachNot content 'with di�posing,' one by deal, and ;n turning up the team TO BEAR THOIlIS ORCBES'IiA; class and -keen competition will beone, of Roman celebrities, the le- work of the men. : waged to get the money for the classd f h f h f t - relay.ge n sow ose arne ave or - wen- Students at Lafayette are confident. .' d - . h th .. t their team ... ..;11 give Chicago a tJi1.iversity W_ it! ,Observe_ Mendels-; The staff of the Women's Editionpolitical rivals, the Democrats, are ty centuries remaine secure In t e .. n & ,'.1 d h f . I - sohri Anniversary- February'C 2-3 app- ointed yesterday by the -Marooii-is'given the headships of the remaining minus an earts 0 trusting peop e, hard run for the. large end of the: Jeight he concluded his series of lectures score. Onley are banking on the with Concert by Theodore' Tlibmas� ns 'follows:_yesterday afternoon with the sweep- team, because of the showing against' Orchestra and Lecture by G.D.Gunn: !\fiss Midnie Lilly, - Editor-in-chief .Important "'atters Pending Assistant Editors.11.·1 on- ins- statement" that all those whom we dote Badgers, and Coach Stewart ex-When the Senate convenes l� "I 'I' -0 ,- - K L._' - Sla htrespect as the creators of the Ro- pccts his five to playa strong game In commemoration of the centen-' � ary rtmayer,- atm::nne. ug,day, action will be taken on the Presi- . fi -h d d Ernestine Evans, Ruth Sherwood.de-nt's message, read last time, and rnan empire were gure ea s, an tonight. nial anniversary of the birth of Felbo ;AiIsOc:iate --Eaitc:irs __ .that the empire was due to the efforts New Defense Built on_ Page>· Meudclssohn-Barthcldy,_ the famous5inc� -published. in The Maroon. Thef b f h h - Caroline Dickey, Mary Louise Elle-n,, J 0 scure men, 0 w om we ave A new defense has been developed .nusican, a two_ day m__ usic al c elebra-Tillman" case will be brought up· in '- . - wn d ., -• - H 1_ .: -..;:.-never heard. since - the return' of Orvie". Page to Hoii � \vilrbe' --held- �t the· University L.:aura - I er, JessIe eCIU��" .lu'a)'-some for�:_The _U nited States presi- -Ail«( Witll hi-�-:d�st;uctive work coin- the team, in which Page wiil be de- February 2-3. As a special feature the orie Bell, Gertrude Fish, 'Mollie: 'Gar-, -deIi't wilt' have to be elected, as will a ' ·1 H I Cod ·.1 � th -'B k--pleted, like a western cyclone which ponded on to get down the field for Theodore Thomas orchestra will give rc, e en ouy anu .l...."Jro y. uc-permanent president cf the Senate.comes unannounced· and leaves ruin th.c basket from his left guard posi- an excellent program in - the afternoon Icy .. The question of injunctions may be a·- R n' -and destruction in its wake and de- tion, and to make as much basket of 'February 3 in Mandel hall.ln� epo era-Ii�e issue, while opposition to Roy • kl ·Florence- Lawson, Carrie Souter,. parts into the nowhere as qurc y' -as throwing capital as possible. Cap- eluded in the program will be num-Baldridge, the senator from Utah, - -I • ied Ethel Preston.Lina Gould, Lydia Lee,from ke eping 11I'S seat, and Mormon- it came, the swarthy cornp exrone rain_ Georgen is in better condition hers from Mendelssohn. VVagner and -. -I - d 1 . -. hi Zillah Shepherd, Bernice LeClaire,iconoc ast goes to ay, eavmg In IS than he has been in_ at any time this Beethoven. On the day preceding theism iointlv will also be started. - - C· lara. Alle-n, Edith Hemrningw 'ay",l EI-trail the minds of thousands, de- !leason, and - ought to play in his old concert a lecture recital will be given:Foreign Relations - C. Leviton. len MacNeish, Mary Pliister�:' llhd. - spoiled of pet myths and fancy free. fcrm - against the Boilermakers to- by Glenri Dillard Gunn. a man ofchairman; Novak, A. Barron, Bor- Edith OsgoOd. ' --chard, Frank, Ginler, Harriman, Lev- �UCusfWj 'COlOrlCsS - niaht. great repute- in interpretative lect-The woiDe-n -will h'ave' 'fun charge; Histcxi·_ -- ·'Compared- with . Caesar,;' said Sig- Schommer Better Than Ever uririg. He will give an explanation ofinger, Price. )f the':paper arid prouhesy someEhii1g$5· cut- .Fl·n."nce-Ferguson, chairman', A. nor Ferrero, "AugUstus is modest Schommer -is n-elting' into form that the program to be given by the or-- - ., • .. .. unique. They will sell the -papers onHays, 25T B-arro-n, Karsten, Woods, Aker.;, and even colorless. He had no thought is even bettc'r 'tha!! -the usual class chestra. -- -1 h Idtite canipus - and possibly WI loaBills, Bliss, Blumenthal, McNemar. of regeneration of the empire; nor of the great center. He is again get- Special Rates to Studentspt'nny auctidn for the' first five aut&-Appropriations - Borchard, chair- had he the me-ans to do so. He ad- ting his eye on the bas�et fo_r those Music lovers of the University are graphed copies'nan; Bliss. Swain. Woods. Arvey, ded but -one minor feature"lo the ad- long high throws--that have so often enthusiastic over the coming' of thc This arrangement calls to mindBaldridge, Davis, Kerner, Levy, Ma- ministrative machinery of -the pro- taken away the breath of Chicago's ,)rchestra. The Theodore Thomas the "Ieap year edition" which ,.-as is-A \,-r WI I vI·nces. HI's government was weak ppon nt W·th· Pag- a d Hoffman It' k of tIlesr,n, . . lee ere (i e s. len ,)rc les ra IS "nown as one -\led by the women last year, withRules-Kovak, chairman; 1tlix. and little-headed in its outlying por- at left and right guard, Purdue's pair best symphony orchestras in the :\frs. Karl H. DixQn, formetly Miss_ Commercc - �ossman. chairman; tiens. It troubled itself very little of forwards, Lewis and Bo,,·man, are Jnited States. Its leader, Frederick Esther Hall, in charge. The llaroon-d S . Ak G' I ··";th the .Iistant p-ro'Vinces. The'road_s t d 'th h � k' ·d· d b 1Davis, \Voo s, wam, ers, Itt er, .. & U (;xpec e to get away WI very muc ."ltoc. IS conSl ere y scvera peo- -j. that date, February 29, appearedLe\-itoll, Price, Richardson. and other irtiprovements were solelY in the way of field goals, Charters, the pie as on par with \Valter Damrosch It the leap year dance of 'the Rey­-Agriculture-:\lacCracken, d., chair- for military -purposes, to aid in the Boilermaker center, has been playing of New Yo:-k. nolds Club, anti made a great -success-man; Wander; Richards, Frank, Blu- mobilization of troops. In every oth- a strong offensive game for his team, Sp�cial rates have been made forn the campss. In acldition, its feat-menthal, Kamcrman, Levy, McBride, er particular, the policy of both Au- and has been the principal factor in the concert to studcnts, in order t� 'lrcs were mentioned aJ length in tlteMcick!y, Simpson, Warn�. gustus and Tiberius was n·egative. lhe scoring, getting II out of the 23 attract as representative a campu� 'aily pre�s.C"I co· D' h . Little Men "'-.de Empire . t d b h' t .t d' 'bl T' k t '11 b1\'1 ;:,er\,lce - aVIS, c airman; porn s score y IS earn agalns at! Icnce as_ POSSI e. Ie e s WI e •. , -figure th:it ollr edition ought toLevinger, Rossman, Fichman, Mason, "I am always interested in these lit- Wisconsin. �old to those in rcsidence at 25 cents. ')e successful," said :\fiss Lilly yester-Meickly, Si1l1ps�n, A. W. Wheeler. tie men who helped so much to make Captain Georgen will play against 3c:lts to the public will be sold at =ay. "\Ve have a large staff, and allImmigration-Grider, d., chairman; the empire. Without them the em- \Vestover, on. whom two baskets:;o and i5 cents. Thc program for th� 'hc girls are earnest for the -gymnas-NO\"3k, \Vander, Richards, Hen.;tz. pire would have en-tered upon an era were scored in the \Visconsin game. l'oncert is as follows. tmt, and ;Ire cnthu��stic over ourKamermall, �lcBride. Richardson. of military briltandage. The merit hut who is a fast man at his position. The Program ..:hances. We shall hcgin working upDistrict of Columbia-Logan, d., of Augustus and Tiberius was that nevertheless.- Knox, the right guard :\Iid!'utllmcr �ight"s Dream........ tuff immediately."chairman; Strull, Herwitz, Fridstein, they let these forces work. It wa-s on the Purdue team, played a strong.. ' •... , McndelssohnFdserithal, Ginzburg, McCauley. not easy. THey ltad -to ·sacrifice. Nor defensive game against Wisconsin, Overture. May Unite Three State CollegesWoolf. did they understand. They feared the and will be opposed b:r Kelly at least Nocturne. A bilt providing for the substit�-Internal \Vaterways- West. d .• forces which bUilt up their empire, for the hr�t half of the game tonight. Schcrzo. lien of one bC'ard of nine regents'- toChair_; Baldridge, Marsh, McNcnrnr, and this was fortunate. Their obsti- Kclly has practical1y cinched the right .... I Sin I control the State University of Iowa,l'ltt 1 � J1l1J> lOny Ccl lOvcnFelsenthal, Ginzbur�, Woolf. nate resistance saved Europe from forward position on the Varsity for AlIcgro con brio. ' w:\ �l::te Col1e�e and the Stat�_ Interoceanic Canal-Karsten, chair- Thr. blight of the divine right of the the time. \Vhen Joy Clark, the �tar :\nflante Coil Illn!o. � orm:t1 school at Cedar Rapids, is...... m:&n; Dilk. Stern, Fridstein, Beck. Eastern type of kingdom. of last year's Frc�hmcn again be- Schcrzo. .;,,(In 10 he introduccd in the Iowa1£1 Duncan, \\"cttsman. "Thc great wcakness of the empire comes eligible for the team he will :\II egro: ICRislature. Hitherto the affairs ofOUR _lrri�ati()l1-Pcnncy, d.. chairman; was intellectual. Romc had killed the givc Kelly somewhat of a fight for Ibccharcal from Tannhauser. \Vagner thc!'c instilution!' h:l\'(' hl'('n under th("Faust. :'.!;tr"h, Beck, Dille, Duncan, cCl1t�'rs of Icarning. The middle the po�t, but thc little fcllow has he- O\"crWrl' from Tanllhauser ... \Vagner �upervision of three !'eparale hnaTltsStern. \\";)rIlc. \Vettsman. classes overfio"'ed the aristocracy. It come a valu:tble asset for hy virtuc of re�cnt�. The proposed measurea poliS .touts. Judiciary - Harriman, chairman; was the era of vulgarity. Philvsopl1Y of his basket thro",ng ability. has alrcady heen d('f-catc(1 twice atFaust, Stroll. and culture died. This lead to thc Hubble AI! Around Sub. Offer to Pen Club Initiates previous sessions.I Na\'al-H:llcs, d., chairman; Kcr- fin:\1 dis:ister. The economic conili- ·'Liz·' Hubble is the first choice for The initiates of thc r�n club thisI Sprint' ner, Arwy, Swain, Coulson, Lidster, tions developed the governmental substitute forward or guard, and if .'"('ar will be required to "'rite :mf)Meagher, Pfcffer, L, M. Wheler. mClchinery, but neither could develop necessary to make other changcs in prec;;cnt on thc night of their first han.Instllar- Kerner1 chairman; Ar-iintelect and mornl1ty. For this was the lineup, \Vins Henry or. Fulkerson quet :1 �hort story of local cventsvey, Bills Pfeffer, Coulson, Lidster, needed ideas and doctrines. Chris-, may he s"cn �n the game. Hubble is (or c0midcration of the Cap arid held Tt1('�day evcning, January 26, at(Coati_eel OD pap 4)_ tianity furnished these." ,(CoatJDaed OD pap 4) Gown editors. • 8 o'c1cck.entire TIle Daily ·�I�roon has come to thetaiton's theto $60.ItS.mg.Eighteen committees have been de­termined upon as the number whichwill carryon the work usually as­signed. Of these, the Republicanshold chairmanships in ten, white theirrl_.' 1.'__ :big brane; rewri'134 E. 5)tk-oom atDr.525 E. �Ave. Tel., yOUenReunion for Wendtit PhillipsA rcunion of the ,908 class of \Vrn­(len Phi11ips Hi�h School ",ill beTHE DAILY MAROON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23. 1909.TO DAILY BULl.I:TIlf SPECIAL PROPOSITIONreached ".300" since 1876 in aD1 JDIoThe MARINETTE ASSEMBLIES jor organization; list of World'.will hold an Iowa Pennant Party, championship teams; no-hit. ete,Friday evening, January 22d, at Calu- records; best on record in base baD;met Hall, 63rd St. and Jackson Park previous championship winners in allAve. Everyone attending will be leagues; long games of 1908; coUqepresented with a beautiful 36-inch records; pictures of the 19o5 majO"Felt Iowa Pennant. Dacing every and minor leagues champions; wor,DFriday evening. series pictures and action pictures Itminor leaguers who have recahed thoFIFTY-FIFTH ST. DAIRY big leagues.S. EDMARK & CO.A Test Y. M. C. A. SEES SUCCESSFOR RELIGIOUS SERIES TO STUDENTSGirls' Glee Club will meet at Wa':'ters' studio, 414 Fifty-third street. to- Olr ed bKer 7 the Rebuilt Typewriterday at 12:30 o'clock, for the Capand Gown picture. ,University of Chicago Dames meetthis afternoon at 3 in Lexington IS.Miss Raymond will speak on "HouseDecora tion.". University Basketball Game-Chi­cago vs. Purdue, tonight at 8.in Bartlett gymnasium. Tickets atinformation office. 25 and So cents.Score Club Dance tonight inRosalie hall.'1''' 0a.1al Itu4at Pdl1cattaa '" &1M Wedneaday Lectures by FacultyMembers Thought Moat Signifi­cant Yet Given. Company.i'ol'lllerqT�t lilll'l'en1t, CIff 01cap WedI,. T'herc are about 200 students at theUniversity renting tyepwriters at theaverage rate of $2.S0 per month,which means about $500.00 paid outmonthly with nothing to show forthe investment. If the average ma­chine would be worth $50.00, youwould be paying about 60 per cent ayear on yuur loan, because payingrent for a typewriter is practicallythe same as paying interest on aloan,Grade-rebuilt typewriters will besold to students (In almost the sameterms as renting,If you are renting a machine, or ifyou are thinking of purchasing one,call up Central SIIS, or address Edw.J. Goldblatt, care Rebuilt TypewrrterCo., 30 Dearborn Street.Let us tell you about our proposi-Encouraged by the success of theflut lecture" series, "What can Sci­ence Contribute to Religion?" the Y.�l. C. A. is looking forward to theremaining ones with confidence thatthey will be the most significant yetgiven. These lectures are deliveredby various faculty members on theinfluence of their respective branchesof science on relisrion.The meetings are presided over byDean Shailer Mathews, who, at theconclusion of each address, seeks topoint out the lesson of the evening ..'\. question box is also on hand, andis the means for prompting furtherdiscussion.The remaining talks are as follows:January 27-Mathematics by Asso­ciate Professor H. E. Slaught.February 3-Geology by ProfessorR. D. Salisbury.February ro-e-Astr-onomy, by Asso­ciate Professor F. R. Moulton.February I7-Psychology, by Pro-,fessor J. R. Angell. .February 24.:...History, by ProfessorA. R. Mc l.aughlin.March 3-P�ilosophy, by ProfessorJ. H. Tufts. itnitJtt�it!'1&botograpb �bop.Nearest Stu�o to CampusBest Work in Chicago •397 57th Street. Phone H. P. 1666I'oudedThe Weeki,. October 1, 1882.The Dall,. October 1. 1902..... red u Becond·c1au lIa11 at the Cblc:qopc.tomc:e. Chlcqa. Illlnola. Karch 18.Ig03. under Act. of Marth 8. 18'l1.Publlahed dall,. except 8unda,.. MCIG4Qaut holiday., durlq three quartera at theUalTeraltl lear. �OUBO.MBNTSUniversity Dames meeting today at3:00 P. m., room IS, Lexington hall.�I iss Raymond will give an addresson "House Decoration."Investigations' Club meet Mon­day at rOOlU 3c, Cobb lecture hall at4 p. m.Physics Club meeting Monday atRyerson Physical laboratory at 4:30p. m. I. "A Possible Cause of Au­rora Borealis," by Mr. Nichols; II.,"A New Determi�ation of the Me­chnaical Equivalent of Heart," by�lr. E. J. Moore; III., "An Experi­mental Investigation of the Nature ofBeta Rays," by Mr. J. H. Clo.Rev, Summer R. 'Vlnton, of Bur­mah, will give illustrated lecture on"Pagoda Land," Monday at 8 P. m.,in Mandel hall.Students' Senate meeting Mondayat 4 p. m., in Law building. 'Mr. Wm. Salter will lecture onSchopenhauer Tuesday at 4 p. m, inwest lecture room of the Law build­in&.Young Women's Christian Leaguemeeting at Lexington hall, Tuesdayat 4:30 P. m."Farolas vi Esperanton? Si vi Students Volunteer Band will meetdeziras lerni Ia belan lingvon, irn al Tuesday at 7 p. m., in League room,la kunveno de nia klubo." Lexington hall. Mr. ,Stagg will giveIf you do not believe the abovean excellent test of the council's value an address.in accomplishing things of real per- statement, see one of the promoters Powwow Picture will be takenmanent value outside of such routine of the regenerated Esperanto Club. Monday in Water's studio, 414, 63rdIf you do, see him anyway, for he street. All out.Reynolds Club Bowling Tourna-ment begins Wednesday. Entriesmust be in by Tuesday.Settlement Dance, Saturday, Janu­ary 30, in Bartlett gymnasium.to organize an Esperanto Club. Sock and Buskin Picture-All mern-The purpose of the new club will bers will meet on Sunday atbe to arouse the interest of the stu- 12o'clock sharp. at Esmoer's.dent body in the international Ian- Pen Club Dinner postponed to nextguage, and promote the use of Es- Wednesday,peraneo on the campus. Foreign Students, both men andSometime next week a number ofenthusiasts will hold a meeting toorganize and formulate definite plans.It :s the intention to follow out thescheme of the German Club at pres-lut.crlpt'on price, $:1.00 t>er 1ear; ,1.00..tor three months' lubscrlpllon received At�. :Maroon omce, Ellis Oall, or at the.acult7 Exchan;e, Cobb OaU.�tw. contributlona 1Il31 be lett at ElilaBall or F'aeult7 Exch�e, addreued toWIlt Dall7 llAroon.tion.-Adv.PU8TON F. GASS, llAnqloJr Editor..-r,'flft J. ADAMS, New. EdItor.a.WALD 11'. NELSON. BUIlD .. UaDacer. Get vour Cap &: Gown Picture atIMltorlaJ omce--netorc 8 p. m., Ellla Oa11.Ual",ralt,. Tel. llld",a7 806. After 8 p.... lIaroon rrcu, 4i4 E. G;jth 8treeL Tel..,a. Park amn.1£ history repeats itself, how of- March 10- The Religion of theten will it do so? Each quarter the Modern Man, by Professor ShailerSenior Council starts Mathews.bravely 'Out to secure FOR FORMALPARTIES ORDERand an all official "C" pin, aOpportunity University motto, and aUniversity seal. After astruggle of twelve weeks, it wipes theslate clean, and is ready to beginafresh.This quarter the council announcesthat it will confine its attention as faras possible to these: three objects.This is wise. Incidentally it will be ESPERANTO ENTHUSIASTSAGAIN ORGANIZE CLUB FLOWERS OFNew Association will Have Conver­sation Classes-To Hear Lectureby Profess�r Rapot. ANDUW McADAMSDECORATORS3d St. and Kimbark Av.nue.Tel. Hyde Park II.We Have No Branch Studiow:ork :1S appointing comtr.ittees. If itsucceeds in making a notable advancetoward the accomplishment of anyone' of' its three objects it will be tothat degree. a triumph and a vindi-. cation. If it does not, while it willreflect on the adverse conditions un-. der which the body works ratherthan the ability and earnestness ofthe members, it wiIi prove to a fair de­gree of conclusiveness the utter fu­tility of certain lines of effort withwhIch the council has been occupyingitself.The C�uncil is in the limelight; if,at the beginning of next quarter. itfinds that it has traveled around thesame old circle and is back in thesame old place, it will be in order toask whether the body would not' bemore profitably employed on some- wants -to see you.At the last .meeting of the FacultyCommittee on Student Organizations,formal permission was granted toDudley Grant and a number of otherswomen, who are not members of theInternational club, please hand nameand address to Faculty Exchange. 'Junior Class meeting next Wednes- -Dealer in-PURE MILK AND CREAM329 E. ssth Streetday, 10:30, in Kent. Very important.there will be conver-followed by a lectureent, That is,sation classesin Esperanto.There will be a big open meetingin about ten days to which all thoseinterested arc invited. The meetingATTACKS CULTS WHICH will be addressed by Professor Ben-DENY EXISTENCE OF EVIL edict Papot, President of the Esper-_ anto Association of North Amer-Religious of "healthy-minded ness" .lca.which hold thilt all is well and ignorethe existencc of disease cvil, areagain the subject of vigorous attackhy Prof. Henry W. Wright, of theLake Forest University. in the Jan­uary number of "The American J our­nal of Theckgy," in an article on"The Problems of Natural Evil" he. reiterates the opinion that any ad­equate religion must recognize theexistence of c\·il.The problem of natural cvil is bestsolved by the Chri!ttiaD religion,according to Dr. \Vright. The cl­ements which rendcr it the best sol­uti()n arc that milD is reconciled tothe univcrsc, is inspired to a life ofservice and self- sacrifice and isbrought into personal union withGod.. �We are making a Special Offerfor 60 days of oUr $10.00 Sephie Plat­inum Pbotos for Ss-oo per doz. to U.of C. atudents.ROOT STUDIODRAWING DECIDES ORDEROF GAMES IN SEMI-FINALSthing else.Phi Kappa Sigma WiD Meet SigmaNu-Beta Theta Fi Against DeltaUpsilon. Phone Har. �.343 Wabaah Ave.In the semi-finals of the bowlingFour thousand six hUl1dred and tournament, Phi Kappa Sigma willmeet Sigma N u on Tuesday after­eighty-seven students is the total en-noon at 3 p. m. The same eveningrotlment at the University of :\linne-at 8 o'clock, Beta Theta Pi will bowl�ota this yeilr, an increase of 266 over Delta Upsilon. This was the result ofthe number registered last year. T. C. SCHAFFNER a: CO.,8 State Streetthe drawing conductedJ yesterday af­ternoon by �ir. English of the RCY-l­noMs Club, in the presence of repre­sentatives of the interested fratern-'! !t"�.The teams in the semi-finals have tYou may see Opposite the Illinois Theat.rWhere to Din.FOWNES THENEWESTROOMDe WeDingtoD Hotelheen doing excellent work accordingto their present a\'erages ought tobowl some close exciting games. OnFehruary 5th thc winners of thesecontests will battle for supremacy inthe finals, the winner of which will bc'the champion of the inter-fraternity� iilconteslGLOVESTHE INDIAN ROOMon the man who doesn'tknow what's what­you're sure to see them ,•PA,TEfn'I)BAND AJOB 0 soaDOES ITABSOLUTELY NO BULGE'IF it'. G patented"MAC-HURDLE'FULL DRESS SHIRTUaitcd SlYrt & Collar (0., (Mal",) T"'7,llY • aenolabelbestfashicfor"-JASuitpriceblaclA S1equ:lcALLDcHaYothou]seldofit.Thonce\\'.1rSHULTZ'S SCHOOLOF DANCINGMost Popular Place in Cbic:qoPrivate Lessons by AppointmllltGuarantee Course $5.00. Five printc'essons with music. A guarantee tomake pupil proficient in the waltz aUand two-step. Barn dance taught iaone lesson,Office and Studio. 301 West 63d It.Cor. 'Wentworth Ave.Phone Garfield 361Informal Dancing Reception atTHE FORUM43rd St. &: Calumet Ave.EVERY SATURDAY EVEHIHOAdmisaioD 50 Cenu a P ...SPALDIN01OFFICIALBASE BALLRECORDSecond Year.Official aT�of the Natiolll1,American aDdall minor IUC'ues; the year illbase ball; list of the ".400" biu ..since 1871; table of batters who hansPrice 10 CentsFor sale by all news dealers aDdA. Q. SP.A.LDING " .....Special-Evcry player should h�tta Spalding Base Ball Catalogue for1909. Mailed free anywhere.14' Wabash AvenueChic:aco. Ill.WHERE TO DIBIW. make a Specialty .f'"and Pratemit)' DiDnIra.TJIB umON HOTKLAND· RESTAURANT111-117 �dolph �THE POPULAR PURTO &ATEitb-.r before or aft ... ttlneater.Phone Central I C' 'i4ALFRED PEATS 6 CO.Foreign and DomesticWALL PAPERSAND DRAPERIES144- 46 Wabaah An.Cbicap.-.-'L�c:aaoltma� Prillteantee toraltz 114aught iarfield 361ion at.ve.IEMlHQ» ...»INO'I:1ALBALLRDYear.aTeRiUNatiolll1,zan aDdnor lear·ie yw in)" hitt ..wbobmlaDY ma­E Wodd'i-hit, etc.,base ball;ners in all:>8; coDqe908 majO".DJ�S; wortPlctUJU lecahed thoalers and,-hould havealogue for�re.ue-ftu ...�tO.SIES !!. TJB DAlLY 1lAIlOO1I, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1909.ON BALDIiEADNESS \T�'RlFF STRUGGLE TO-_ BE LONG AN'D FIERCEWriter in CcsmPolitan .-States Reasons for Loss of Writer in "Political Economy" Dis-Hair. cUlseS Tariff Situation-Conll'eAPrepared to Co-operate. fonw Dances; Initi&tioos;· Banquets.For tbcM yoa'U DHd • Dr ... ami �I' T1IUdo"Dear Mabel:-I really want to ao to tb&t Formal Danca bat I cu',because 1 haven't a· drell suit, aDd dcia't .care to borrow oac. Hadto 'lose out' on three dances aDel a.b&Dquet thi. lcason because oftbis deficiency in my �rdrobe. 1 limply mUlt erder � dress luitand tuxedo tomorrow. Youn, 1 lID.P. S.-Ain't it awful, Mabell"You will draw bids to Pull Dna Main ri,bt alon, for the HUOIlis her.-read Jim'. IMt... 'Order your Suit Early.Our price. are within every Collei'" man'. reach.C�er 6 WilkieTAILORS Ult.D ..... Sf.._"..,Dr. \\'ouds Hutchinson, w-ho haslectured many times at the Univer­- it y, is an authority on baldheuduess.lit, has written a mast er ly article ont he subject this month in the "Cos­mopolitun." In his article, Dr. Hutch­ins; n upsets 1lI0:;t pet ideas abouthealth. tells how and why people losehair, and how little we know about, That a period uf active tariff dis­cussion is opening, not to cease untilby one ur more acts cf legislation,the present schedules have beenlargely altered, and that a 10n� andprotracted controversy on the sub- Iject is inevitable, is the opinion of \H. Parker Willis in an exhausrive ar-its cause and cure. tide appear ing in this month's Jour-The Xl aroou yesterday instituted an nal .. r Political Economy. The writ­inquiry as to whether ability caused er shows himself heartily in favor ofbaldhcadcdncss or baldheadedncss immediate and adequate measures tocaused ability. be taken with the end in view of rna-Dean AI}Jil.'11 Small of the Graduate terially reducing tariff rates. The po­School was first approached on the litical situation he considers far frommatter and delivered himself of this encouraging, and foresees a most dif­opinion. ficult situation, which the national"You can say for me that bald- legislature will hardly be fitted tohcadcdncss is a sure sign that the meet.brains arc oozing out. It is a clean "The tariff problem which' must,"indication of an out-crop of intel- he writes, "be solved by Congress and Irwin Brothers Company449 to 4S1 State Street CHICAGO S8:aS State StreetLOQIit Diit. Tel. Harrison 516-517. hong Dist. Tel. Wentworth 517PRIME BEEF, PORK, VEAL AND MUTTONWrite for Special Hotel Beef and Poultry Price List.Specially Selected far Hotel, Restaurant, Club and DininC Car Trade.Fancy Cuts of Meats for this trade given particular attention.TDE £OLLEGE MAN'S TAILORI claim, by richt of years of experience with the colleco man. tohave the only Varsi\7 Tailor-mop hereabouts.tI You will always find me with exclusively different fasmons andfuric.; never the "same," despite that they contain all the GIN­GER anel SNAP.tI I have Iearned to choose my styles with Two eyeS-.one openfor the SMART CHAP. the_ other for the MATURE MAN-andthe contrast shows how little I have let "the right eye know what theleft eye deeth."SPECIAL PRICES TO FRATERNITIESAND SORORITIESr' make a specialty of all desigru of Sorority andFraternity Pins, Rings and Fob ..Designs submitted free of cbarCe, and sample pins furnished to re­sponsible parties.-I also do alI' �nds of Watch and Jewelry Repairinc. Diamond Settin.and Manufacturiac at the cheapest possible prices. I am ·the maker an.designer of the 1907-1goB Daily Maroon Fobs.MENTION The DAILY M,AROONNEXT FRIDAY TAG DAY An incrcase of scvcn and a half perFOR SETTLEMENT DANCEGENUINE �ent over the winter quarter of 19Q8OU�"T is the talc of the registration figuresLatest Plan to Make Affair Financial.. gin"n (lut yc:"tcrday by Dcan GeorgeSUSPEND''E''DC' Success is to Label all University�� E. Vincent, According to the statis-11 willpcMlli� oull� Il Students. tic�l rcturns, a (Yain of 150 students�. litfte patrs of � co�. Ordtna'Y suspenders. c� h:l.s bcen madc. ::\Ioreovcr, every de-Webbtn,g Inimitable. c The latcst thing in thc effort ton.ual'tlv unv"'-n�. partment of the t;ni\'crsity has shown'<.!.;;, -". 3 make the Settlement Dance a markedButtonholes tndesh-uctlY.. a risc except the Senior collcgesEul1y.� ... t" .• lld"I..w(_ financial success is a Tag Day. next fwhich havc lost 3. and the College 0E,onygenutne p;ltrh.anaD\t! Frielay. The dance tickets will he-Co r..:_. • Education, which has fallen off to the.\JYTOT STAM'PEDBl:RE... printed in the form of tags. and Fri-5O�#zI"'Ir.t�ry�ahap �I I cxtent of 13._of u • .,.. _II � .,.1.. " 'day all mrn and women_ whetherOSTHEIMERBROTHERS \\ . . In the graduatc �chools the gain is'O<>,UEIITJlfVYST_ItT, .. ,II.A».L".lA. \\\\,.. ,they can attend or not, Will be glvcn TO .& vv a_T "-S�PODTING STUDBvT.u: Junior collcl.!cS 59 underc1asses. �, & �� ,u.c '" A-'______ \a chancc to aid the Settl<_.mcnt hy hc-.:!9: Divinity school,q; :\Iedical school We can put you in touch with a dig1:ilc,1 method of inareasina your rey­in� duly tagged. It has c,'cn hCt'n ru-_________________ .. to: and Law school, 29. enue-a method that is clean and that involves a maximum increase .f,lIlorl",1 that those not po�scssing this .I The mcn outnumbcr the women hy mcome at a minimum expenditure of time. The plan has already proy"� required Clualilication will not be a1-- In thc collcgcs. c,·en. the male Its efficiency in other Universities where self-respecting, self-!upportiq, lowed on the campus. The womcn JI)I.c1l'mellt i" predominant. thcre being- itudents have taken up our method to the exclusion of othen, they are: will ha,'e direct charge of the tag- I 6 TIle rC(YI's-I • iot men all( ,u womcn. ... pleased, and their financial burden is solved. \Ve can do as much for yo ..,gmg. tr�tion in the graduate .. choots dis- CaU any time during business bours at J() Dcarhorn St. (II' telephoneI :\ ticket selling competition is nowI . plays totals of 2i8 men and tJ4 Crntral 5' T4. and ask for �Ir. Go1«1 bbtt.in progress hetwct'n the WC11len s'halls. Although the tickets have not W(lnu·n.I yet appeared. the differcnt dormitor- Tht' naily �laroon is the officialliCS arc cngagcd in procuring li;;,t5 0, f student puhlication, contains a11 thefuture purchasers. At prc!I;cnt Fos- campus news and deser\,ei the sup­Special Attention Given to Clubs.ter outdistances ber competitors, .'PMt of e\'ery student.CL.UETT. PEABODY .. CO.MAKERS Of' ARROW cOLL.AR.the new Republican administration, isprobably more complex than any sim­ilar question that has been presentedfor many years past. On the oneJANUARY SPECIALSuit and extra trousers forprice of suit alone. Stapleblacks and blue included.A suit with extra trousers isequal to two suits for service.$ 25 to $ 4 5. il'ct.'-:\1 r. Horace .5. Fiske, assistant re­corder, who lost his hair some timeago, was the next to express his@l£:_ux4TMETAILOR opinion. hand the present schedules are rec-"'As for myself:' hc said, "I don't ognized as wholly out of date fromknow what the cause is. Rut some the technical and industrial stand­of the greatest minds of the country point. Even if the rates of duty were,arc bald-headed, One day 1 sat over in general, to be retained, a CGm­ncar Senator Hill of New York plete and total rearrangement of theNow, Senator Hill is one of the numbers and paragraphs in the ex­greatest politicians of the nation, and isting tariff would be absolutely in­he's bald to the cars, And then dispensable. This is a work of greatthere was Herbert Spencer. "He was technical importaace for which Con­another bald-headed cclebrity." gress has made little preparation andThen Julius was sought out. In with which it is most illy equipped.spite of his usual unwillingness to be More important than this is the factinterviewed. he was persuaded to that the present system of tariff du­give an expert opinion. ties on raw materials calls loudly for•. Y ou don't find no cases of bald- revision under penalty of exhaastionheaded insanity:' argued thc ton- of some of the most valuable mater-lserial artist. "Of all the lunatics ials of industry. in the event that noand imbeciles in the country not one he e " is paid to long-range economicof them is bald-headed, Then considerations Most important still,to be bald-headed makes a man from the standpoint of legislatioa and________________ 1 ambitious. I myself am pretty bald- politics.. is tlae fact that duties on,;._.�;:;;:;:;;:;;::;�;;p::;:::;::::;::::;Piii� headed. I have been so for ten commodities that have been advancedI years, and I always sleep well nights. in value by a process of manufactureI I ,am thirty-three years old on the are shown by experience to be whol­i third day of July and I have never ly uut of joint, either with protectiveI had a head-ache, I have been in or commercial necessities. Extor­this club for four years on the tionate prices to the consumer, tkeiourth day of April and always formation of industrial combinations,enjoy Roller Skating? gjve my patrons the best of my art. and the total maladjustment of pricesHave you a good pair? 1 never have a cold and I go out in to consumption and to wa�es and .al-You have doubtless learned that. thc coldest weather without my der- aries, are seme of the elements in tlaethough the rink provides skates, they hy. Comb it wet or dry," situation which call for notice,"seldom feel right as to action and "Yes. 1 should say there was afit. very definite reason for the hair fall- WINTER REGISTRATIONThat's why you ought to write at ing out," said Dean Lovett. "Prob- SHOWS MATERIAL GAINonce for our Free Catalog. ably mental excitement, because ofWe make �ood skates. the cfT"rt of the brain causes the Increase in Practically aU Depart-BAR N E Y &: BE R R Y. hair to fall out." ments, According to Quarter's:3 7 3 B I' 0 adS t I' e e t, Statistical Returns.S p r i n g fie I d. Mas s.Wm. Jerrems' SonsClark and Adams Streets�A. J. SHAWBANJO VIRTUOSOHyde Park Conservatory ofMusic.2;6 East 57th Street.r(';1rher of Banjo, ::\landolin andG\\i�ar. Bt::·NHAMVARSITY CLOTHES 519 E. 63rd .StreetWHERE TO DINE.THE VVOODLAVVN CAFE63rd Street and Cct�a&e Grove AvenueTHE FINEST AND MOST ELEGANTLY APPOINTED-_ CAFE ON THE SOUTH SIDECUISINE UNEXCELLEDPRICES REASONABLEMusic-$ig. Ferrante's Orchestra of 15 Pieces inGrand Procram Concert Evenings.Wilen Trading With Our Advertisers_'.' '.�- -·rr,._ �&HOOL OF. THE ... ABT'�OY: lfAlfCii(}IAttD ABstDhosTeacher of the famoua lIeft7 Widow Opera, Mr. RidIard -,anafield,Skinner. Ilia Ada, Reban an4 other cc1ebridea._. :DEPARTMENTs'': . 'Aesthetic �a. �Prep�t� Co��e in 'the �rt of ac'q�iring ele- �gance, poise grace ;lnd 'iithm in' 'the p'�trY of ·l�.foti�n, the delicate and .winged expression of the beautiful' a�d ;h� ·dr�atic."Swedish GylnnaatiC8� �c 'P��-:-P�'��'i� ·Education. The'-Art of Bodily Movement. Tlie 'hig'heir degree orllCa1th� Strength, Ener- �gy and Endurance.La Danae 'Claasique- The operatic art' 'of' Scholarly' , Toe Dancing."The Classic and Brilliant Intellectual art of aen�, ;"Taglioni, . ana FantyEIssler.Fancy Dancing, Historical Dancing, Dance Poems, Song and Dance,Jig and Quick-Step Dancing.This school is known for its superior physical discipline, scientificand practical instruction. culture and refined surroundings. Established1888. AU.QITORIUM BUILDING. wabaSh Av. Entrance 8th Floor."The Foremcst Sch:ol of DanCing"in the West."YOUDC people ·qualified· in oUr S�ortbaDd . and Businc.1 depart­ments in the shortest possible time for position. that pay at' once .from '35 to $60 a month. IndiYiduai 'in�ction.' DAY and NIGHT;1eUi0na. Enter any' tUne. CaU, Write or phone' Harrison ulo 'forca�OCUe. Positions for. ira�uata.. 37 yean' . of uninterrupted ftCcaL BAlI;uEL B. WILLEY, LL. B., .SUperintend_t18 to 26 VAN BUREN STREET. ,�Telephone Central 6873MELViNJ,H •. SYKESPHOTOGRAftHER-. 70 State streetOpposite Marshall. Field &:' Co.Chic;ago.-A.V •••..•• i.r�.CVICKBB'IKIaw & Erlanger's Mi&ht7Production.THE ROUND UP .'l" .... Aa ••.ELSIE- JANISIn Geore�' Ade'i Colleee Comedy.:mE FAIR' Cd�EDO •• 1i •• ·I(.t,�F. Ziekfield Jr.'s Great 'Musial'Production.THE SOUL KISS,with the wonderful dancer,ADELINE GENEE••• A •• I'�.*·I ••THE NEWLY WEDSAND THEIR BABY'60 -People- 60-rUPlWfO ...Begiiming Thursday.HONEYMOON TRAIL ILII ••• IIGRACE VAN STtiDDIFORD. In the Light Opera Success,GOLDEN BUTTERFLYWH17K.YThe Bi� Success.A BROKEN IDOLWith Otis Harlan and Beauty ChorusitA. BALL.CECIL LEANalldFLORENCE HOLBROOKand the La Salle Theater Stock Co.A GIRL AT THE HELM ., ••• A •• I ••LULU GLLASER-in-AmJ5&1UAi'4 mumo HAI·I.(Formerly the Garden)AMELIA mXGHAM, EMMACARVS A�D VAUDEVILLE GlARD OP.&A SOUSIARNOLD DALY-in-THE PICKPocKETSMAJESTIOCONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLEMABEL TtITE ANDMIKE DONLINand ten other bi& acts.Prices IS-2S-�75 POWZUROBERT EDESON�in-THE CALL OF THE_ N.ORTJ:!OHIOAGO OP.U;-BOUUWALKER WHITESIDEIn unpill'. &real Pla7.THE 1IEL11NG pO,.OLYMPIC MUSIC HALLFRENZIED FOLLIESAND VAUDEVILLES·lIOkiDa Peraitted'--- SWIIIIIIIN(tDXTES "YidH " IMP�V£D TEA. RE"AJ)Yn:LItlehs 'ANOUNCJW TO DEFEAT BO'ILERMAKERSThe preliminary program 'of theSixth General Convention' of theReligious, Education 'Association wasissued yesterday arid shows 'thatmembers . of th� university facultywill take an act�ve '�art :in-t�e meet-. We are now clo�ng out our win-mg. The convention will 'be held Feb. . ..'. h' L . . , H . 'I '0" ter patterns and getting ready for9-11 In t e exmgton ote r-'" .chestra Hall. and a number' of church'- pring.es in° the city on the th'eme '''Religio\i� . It is not the cUstom with us, toEducation and Social Duty.':' Del- make· reductions 'in order to °seDe�,tes will come from all over 'the g��s .. but jiist now we are simplycou�try and inchide many well kiiown �educing our $35 suits to $30, inedu'c�itors., order to close out our WinterTh'e laculty of the uriiversity areweli 'represented on the committees Ods. Here is an opportunity to 0that: will have charlie. Dr. Harry ve'money on a winter suit,if youPratt Judson, Dr. ShaiIer Mathews have not ordered one as yet.and Dr. Herbert Willet are members This rediiction in price is madevf the execu'tive bOard. Pres�dent to UniverSity of chicago studentsJames of the University of Illinois• only.and Preside'nt HarrIS of N orth�est-Fe� ig' 'and :lIarCh -13' PicliecsOtia ' I For '�ecb With state �uDi-' .v�tY.·un are other well lenown 'men on theboard. Dr. Judson will be the chair.,man of the first general meeting i�Orchestra Hall, ,Rabbi Hirsch willspeak at this meeting. Dr. Henderson;the unjversity chaplain and PresidentEliot of Harvard will present sub­jects at the next meeting. The thirdsession will be taken up with thediscu�sion of the fraternity problem.The fraternitie� will he put to a ri­gorous examination as a factor in thereligivns and moral life of students.REPUBLICAN POLITICIANSON SENATE COMMITTEES"-. (Continued from pa&e I):M eagher, Pieffer, L. M. Wheeler.F�nsions-Whiteside, d:, chairman:Ale.,.ander, Karsten,Hart,Earle,Gross­man, McCauley, McLaughlin.Stewart.Postofficc-]. Barron, d., chairman;Bills, Hart, Wolkow, Alexander,Chamberlin, Earle, 'Stewart. .Privileges and Elections-Fichman,chairman; Mix, Furgeson, Wolkow,Chamberlin, Grossman, Levinger,Mc­�ughlin.1'he Republican �ommittee on com­mittees consi�ted 'of- G. M. Bliss, NO­vak, Fichman,. Leviton, Levinger,M ixaad Karsten. ( CoDtiDued . from pace I) TIiE ROMA�'�ITALIAN TABLE D'lIoft \5OC-7Sc-4I.ooINCLuDING WINSAlso a 1a Carte Senfce�,"y"_"n.o,=CHAMPIST'Varsity Fment'in-RTeam VThrow]BareBracedturn of :defeat ofscore ofketball, fi'yesterda)'ginger.team. 1:Iowan b:on the 11evening,sity willdo battlfiv""With (game, J(his old 1Georgendiction tdue's mImprovegame, thcompletecrs whoWisconstheir belFEarlyters 10Q!were goThey scChicagoa singleseemed 1ed somedifferencwere th:star tea:makersChicago'Page alspite ofBowmarKellyKellyagainstFreyganVarsityand !)h(Jwork.played Iters, whIcr, whianyonecreditedgreat S�In thlIS to 7.ian seol1tith wethe COllia bareof thelthippedThe IfollowsChicalGeorge!Kclly .SchomnPage "lIoffmaFieldgen �--::...� .Dates for two swimming 0meets also the premier second call for thewith lilinois have been arranged as middle post in case 'of the incapacityfo"t'o'ws: 'February '19. at Chicago ana of "Long John."Milrch 13' at Illin�is The 'fiist'date is The lineup of the teams will be ass�bjecl' 'to 'revision. °Meds 'are also follows:eii;g ,.,rranged ;for 'Wisconsin 'but 'no Chicago. Purdue.definOite 'dates 'have been' set as yet, Georgen, (Capt). L. F.. . .. .. Bowmanbut will come between 'th'e 'tlvo with Kelly R. F. . . . . . . . .. LewisIllini. A meet with 'Pennsylvania Schommer C Chartersmay wind up' the season. Hoffman R. Goo WestoverIrving Solomon, 'former Polo 'Cap- Page L. G.. .. . . . .. .. Knoxtain, has been retained to assist Maroc.n vs, Purple Freshiescoach Knudson in whipping the water The Freshman team will play thepolo men 'into shape. Northwestern yearlings in a curtainSolorncn has been heipin'g all quar- raiser before the Varsity conflict.ter, but 'his services heretofore have Coach Corper has developed a strongb f·· I lur 't" hi '. '. . team from among his first-year rna- ---.LE THE Lt-.THE ILLINOII WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANY een. 0 a pure y vo un ary c aracter. --- lrPhone Hyele Park 571 Kimbark Ave.' aad 5eds It. There 'is not much material for terial, which ought to make the game OF YGUR SUIT.oThe Cleanelt and Beat Kept Storac.. either the swimming or polo teams in an interesting one for the Purple There's twice the wear in a suit, ifWarehouse in odie Ci_' .• • • • • . ht Th P 1 't"- . hopefuls. you have an extra pair of trousers.FU_rDiture and Piano" Moved" Stored, Pa'" _ Sl� .. . e 00. men are prac rcmgShlp]\ed, to all pans of the world. 300 Private ...... formations, especially those of ar- Tlie Freshman lineup will be as fol- Make the experiment-find out for_._, •• age Rooml. Large Parlor Exclusively fer 1tlaS., ranging the players in position at 'the lows: Swanson, I, f; Goldstein, r. f.: yourself.'Roe�s for T� ud WhC7.els. Large Roam _.' bio\'" '(If the whistle 'Sauer, 'center; Edwards, 1. g.; and Here's your opportunity-A liltC&rnaaes, BUI'g1es and SleIghs. Trunks t8 _. 0... •, '. ,,0'. PI' S '11 b hi d . f f &I.:...fro�. all Depots. Local Transfers for ........ ' BIckel IS to be one of the mam ° au, r. g. or cernan WI pro a y an extra pair 0 trousers or 'Ii.FuraltUI'le, Pacbces, -ete., -at short notice. stays in the sixty yard dash. 'Captain get into the fray at forward in the price of the suit.Special .tUBtiea civ ... to UDivenitJ' Q� : Cory 'has -been out regularly 'and is second half, and Jerend, Boyle or Trousers of the same material •������������������������������' rouridi�g into h� �d-tim� ·fut�.: Schmidt will be used at guard be· .!i�ren� just as you pre&�Illinois 'College "of CommerCe I Besides these, Lidster. Benitez arid fore the 'end of the gaine to give all This offer holds �ood on our eMirt. �ormerly. ��veriy are the men' of Var'sity 'cal- the best candidates a chance to show stock. ./ .ATH'E'NA' E·-U·. MO. • iber, . their form. We want to keep our good tailonbusy bet ween seasons. That's tUFACULTY 'MEMB:ERS T' o .. , primary reason for this offer.,Wisconsin To O'bserve Feb. '12.TAKE PART' IN°'CONVENTioN The rooth anniversary of Lincoln's Coming in today?. , Suit and Extra Trousers-$30 to tit.birth will be celebrated by specialReliaioUs 'Education "A'�--'C1°·a·tio"n° to' ', 'W' Yes, we rna_ riding breech ...o· .-u exercises at isconsin "UniversityConvene in' Chlcago FebrWlly:9-' Day", usually celebrated on Washing-II-To Dis�Ss Frat'enutle&. ton's birthday, has been transferredto this date, and college exercises willbe suspended during the day. Rev:Jenkin Lloyd-J ones of Chicago, willbe the speaker of theLet us hear from you.Association BuildingTel,. Central 61gBFaSt TnlinsDay � nd NightON THE�'------�MOHHN ROUTE'---�Best ServiceBetweenCHICAGO, INDIANAPOLIS,DAYTON, CINCINNATIAND WEST BADEN,FRENCH LICK SPRINGAND LOUISVILLE.Prank J. Reed, Gen. Pass. Agt.E. P. Cockrell, A. G. P. A.Chicago. aDd:1Un4a,.�from lII "':1[SPAGHETTISUCH AS ONE GETS IN lTd146-STATE STREET-14"SECilND FLOORTAlLGR FOR YOUNG ..A.. N. Jerrema, 1111'.rw. atora: 131 La laDe �44 Jaca.. ...... -.1in thoD A. I -L'YIIAROO.BRING RESULTS:i'OR SALBFOR RENTWANTEDLOSTFOUND25 cents for threelines per iSsue •SALE - McMaster's HiStoryPeople of U. S., 5 vols., $5; Coitt8.75; perfect condition. Hays, 'ZSI�. 66th ,Street.LOST�At Christmas, a big browtabby Angora cat, male; reward.'T�e Little Book Shop, 434 E.'_Street. . .�H KE.NT-N eat light room aai.Potter's eye specialist, 525 E.-6itStreet, near Lexington Ave. tiMidway 212. "LOST-Silver Belt Buckle a�JJ4to brown belt. Friday, on campi.between 8:30 and II :00. ReturU.13 Beecher Hall.BARGAINS ALL THB 'l'IIS1.Reliable Rebuilt Typewrlten,'"makes; rebuilt ill our own factIfr.hr.tter and cheap-er' than otbUl.-"for yourself. The Typewriter Is­('hange, 319 Dearborn St. A. J. c.iII,\{ana�r. Telephone Harrison ..TAILO.SGarments of All Desc:riptioDiCLEANED. DYED a: ALTERID6001 JUIi. Aye.Work caDed for ana deIfftre4.WANTED, Students to introduce:oarChocolafe Creams. Room 18, 56 5th .A ,·C. Call from four to five.