, . ,,'. �r1.''"- -��'-, Price Two Cell'-',- 'II;:. r.:. ' .. _-.. J'.' , , ,urn-Ott.1.j"Vol. VII. No. 72.100,000 CIRCULARS WILL ClST OF '�lN" mUD A"-Oll.QESJC�ED.(E ,FORADVERTISE SUMMER TERM Sh ==, Clark and Gottfried Receive .'. OUTDOOR TRAClj-MEETS- Part&-B�cher Chosen for Tog- :University Authorities Make Prepa- D' . 1nino in Yesterday's Tryouts-Daily irectcr Stagg Issues Slate of Datesrations to Accomm. odate Laqest f P . ,Rehearsals Begun. or enn Tryouts" n-l &ndAttendance in History. ' ' ....Pre�ts. (Working With Team fo� Illinois-.\.Meet February 5-T� Weak­. ened by L-:ss of Stars. .. GOUIC'�:·.PICKS SHERER'TO: HEAD' SENIOR PROMf§�if1.for -Selection Made at Meeting Yesterday--St.eff� Chose.n Chairman ofFinance Committee.Revised Cast Hold Initial Meeting this Morning at10:30: to Formulate WorkingI. Announce Added Instructors forWarm Weather Quarter-Viewsto I�ustrate Campus. 11Evanston HendersonThe Baron ...•................ ,SherelThe Count ....•........ Ralph Benzie­Trespino ...•............... OrchardCoronato •. ' .. ; H. R. BaukhagcTognino, .• .. .. .. .. Paul DavhLimencino Parke.Scavezzo . . .. GottfriedMoracchio ClarkTognino :........ BocheiGeltrude ' l"liss Etter.Candida ..••........• Miss Chatt�rs�.Giamma .......•...... Miss HeckmanSuzan�e t : '.' Miss. HurdAfter the final tryouts held yester­day afternoon, the entire cast of theDramatic club has been filled. The :,. .. Plans.Outdoor Track S��du1eTryouts f�r Pennsylv'ani�' RelayRaces for Varsity and PrepScho�l Teams �.. A, P,ril 17 \Penns)ilvania Relay Racea ... April 24 .Chicago at Wisconsin � Meet.................... : ..• ::'-. ., May 6.Jlinois at Cbicago,Dual Meet� May I�Purdue at, Chicago,DUal Meet, :May 2�Ninth' Annual Coriferen�e Meet(Not official yet) L .. JJune !Interscholastic .':... June I: Lm6'iIiEN sPRiNG QDAltER Rcnslow p. Sherer was chosen tolead t},l�' Washiugtun Promenade at.the meeting of-- the Senior CollegeCo\:ncil--yes;:;day afternoon.and wst.ter Steffen was elected chairman of. the finance. committee. This was theresult .of the report of the nominatingcommittee appointed Wednesday,The -rnembership of the committeesis as follows:..... With the sending out of IOO,OOQcopies of the University illustratedcircular for the Summer quarter nextweek, the coming war.m weather ses­sion promises to reach a high watermark in popularity.These circulars will be distributedin 'every section of the country andare counted upon to produce unpre­cedented results. The Summe� quar­ter is noted for drawing out a largernumber of students than any otherthree quarters, and is becoming bet­ter attended each year. Teachers.without regard to geographic loca- Facu1ty Decides Calendar As Origi- General Chairman - Renslow P.naUy -. PI�ned. Let� Student� Off Sherer.Too . EaSily-Quarter Ends June Finance Committee - Walter P.18th. Steffen, ch •• irrnan; Edward L. Me­Bride; Herschl G. Shaw, Conrad G.A' we�k has been added to the' Borchardt.spring quarter by recent faculty ac­tio according to 'an announcement Dille, chairman; Misses Emily Frake,made yesterday by Dean Vincent. Katherine Slaught, Karl Shuart, FredThis will make the quarter end on W. Gaarde, Robert J. Hart, W. W.JUJlc 18. instead of June II, which is Georgcn ..the date scheduled in the official cal- . Reception Committee-WilliamThe dates of the sch�dule of theo�tdoo� track team for - 1909 wereyesterday made public by Directo�Stagg. The slate includes the try­outs for the team which' will be sentto the annual Pennsylvania meet atPhiladelphia, which will be held Ap­ril 24th; this year. Three dual meetshave thus far been sched�led: Wis- Arrangement Committee-Johnreturn of. Sherer, Go�tfried, and Clarktion, find it a magnet. to the field.left bitt one vacancy. This,So great is the attendance, in fact" ,the p .. rt of Tognino, one of the com­that it has been found necessary tc edy servants, was filled by �1. R.engage the services of members of Bocher.other faculties. For the coming Sum- Regular rehearsals with the full.mer' quarter, nineteen have been se cast of fourte�n began yesterday, andcured, will continue daily until the time ofe�r.�.iOu.(--·aDdleq-�.�Ii .. '"·t:;";�:.�.·iD�:oU.�.1F�Ires'·bf,ed tile :\lacCracken, J., chairman; MissesHel�n Hurd, Elizabeth Thi!!lms, xtu­drcd Scott, Howard P. B1a�kford,dil' �r; Kennedy.Decoration Committee-Miss Lulu­bel \Valker, chairman; Misses Mar­jorie Day. Edith Osgood, Jean Comp­ton, Willowdean Chattel-son, AlbertS. Long. \Vinston P. Henry. Cole Y.cndar for the' year. The quarter be­gins on -March 29, and, according to. the original arrangement would have-�;-. _. t�,,"-'-' '� .• .\ .'_ ,-- -�'conraincd' -but eleven weeks. Tile,commonly accepted period for thequarter is twelve weeks, but the ad­dition was not r�ceived with anymarked enthusiasm by the few �vhoheard the news 'last night;According to the new program, the, Rowe, Bernard K. Krag,Lightner.Printing DewitNineteen Educators Coming the production, which will take place cousin at Madison on May 8, IllinoisFollowing are the educators who about 'the first of. March. at Chicago on May 15, and Purdue at""-wnrfnsinict�lieR:'� .._� ',��,�';"':!�""""',;.' L-1'fpWDlV .With .. Pftnch.:'AUiance:,<"' �!li��gQ _��.M.fL 22¥"_ .... � . .:.:". "_ � _,Warner" Fite, professor of Philoso- An attempt has 'b�en made to se- May Add Ancther Dat,ephi at' Indiana State University. cure tlie co-operation of the Alliance An additional meet may be slatedCharles Read� Baskerville, English. Francais in costuming the play, and for May 1 or �Iay 29, according toCharles Cair&l1 Marden; professor Mane-ger Henderson has .!Irawn up a the statement made last night by �1r.of romance at Johns HOpkins Uni- contract for the construction of the Stagg. The date for the ninth an­,.erSity� . special scenery that "The Fan" cans nual Western Interscholastic trackTheod�re Charon' Burgess,' profes- for. meet has not been definitely an-SOl' of Greek.iat Bradley Polytechnic. Mr. Wallace, who coached one of nounced, but, 'the Conference ruleGeneva Misener, professor of Greek the performances of the Dramatic calls for the first Saturday in June asat Rockford College. club 2iven down town, has had ex- the date, and that ,,;11 place the meetAlfred Mansfield Brooks, History perience with several amateur pro- on Tune 5. Director Stagg also setof Art at the University of Indiana. ductions before, as well as work on june 12 as the date for the eighth an-Frederick Logan, professor of iHis- the professional stage, and the pro- nnal interscholastic track meet, pop-.tory at the 'University of Michigan. duction has already begun to feel his ularly called Stagg's Meet.James Thomson Shotwell, profes- influence that gives promises a No hard schedule will be slated forsor of History at Columbia Univer- smoothe performance. the indoor team this winter. becausesity. d the lack of candidates' for the teamMurray Shipley WiMman, assistant Several of Director Stagg's best menprofessor of Political Economy at SCORES COLLEGE DEBATING have not been able to come out orthe Un.iversity of Missouri. • , have been kept away by other causes.Calvin' N. Kendan,- superintendent \Valter Steffen, the star hurdler, whoof schools in Iridianapolis. MiSsouri Prdessor Calls Present was expected to compete this quar-Henrv \Valdgrave Stuart, p'rofessor System Immoral and Insincere. ter for. the last time, is not out forof Philosophy at Leland Stanford. the team; George Garrett. anotherGeorge Adam Smith, professor of, - good hurdler, and also a broad jump-Old Testament at Free Church Col- T,hat intercollegiate debating, as er of ability, has left the college tem-lege, Glasgow. cal'l'ied on at present is insincere, ar- porarily; Bill Crowley, the great a11-Coruclius Woelfkin, professor of tHidal and immoral, the opinion of around star of the 1911 Freshmen, isHomiletics at the Rochester Theob- Dr.' A. O. Lovejoy. Professor of also lo�t to the team.gical Seminary. Philosophy, at the University of Working for the Illinois MeetEcigar Young Mullins, president Missouri. (n his recent statement on 'Director St:-,gg is working withand professor of Systematic Theolo- this subject and its relations, applying the materi�l that is at hand in angy at the Southern Baptist Thcologi- espcC'ially to the local university, Dr, effort to develop a team that will atcal Seminary df Louisville. L(.vcjoy says: "Our present system least give the Itlini a run for thcFrancis Albert Christie, professor of college and intercollegiate dcbat- larR(" end of the score in the twoof Church History at the Meadville in'g is unworthy of unh'ersity men, ar· I1cets scheduled with the Orange anclThcnlcgical Seminary. tificial. insincere, and in the last ana- Blue team. The dates of the meetsFrancis Marion Burdick, professor lysis, immoral. Its aim is the win- ,\\·jth the downstate team, as an-ef Law at Columbia University. ning of compositions. rather than the nOl1nccd some time ago by �Ir. Stag�WilJiams Reynolds Vance, profes- c�tahlishment of truth; it leads young :Ire February 5th, :tt Chicago andsor of Law at George Washington o\<"n. who ought to ha\'e political and �Iarch :;th, at lTrhana.Uninfsity. soci:tl convictions, to adopt a lawyer- :\1r. Stagg is spenciing most of hisWalter Wheelet" Cooke, professor like attittHle toward such matters. tint("::t present on the sprinters andof Law at University of Wisconsin. and to express with stimulated ardor middle distance runners. In the two­Judge Lmlin McClaire of the Su- opinions which they do not' hold or, mile. the Varsity has more candidatesprcme C(lurt of Iowa. ahol1t which they are indifferent." I than ha� heen the case for years atHave Artistic Views : He recommends the �mbstitution of Chicago. Stophlet, the star of lastThe photographs, "'hich are part of � system resembling the unions of I year's Freshmen. is doing the bestthe announcement, will show the English unh'ersities where mcn speak work in practice. \Vith him are Cald­-beaufies (If the' campus. They in- because they have something to �y "'('11 of the 190i and 1()08 teams. and(CODtiDued OD'pace 4) that they care about. Gilhert� Simpson :md Carpenter. weekmain events of Convocationwiil be as fellows: Committee - \ValterSaturday, June 12-Alumni Day. :\iorrison, chairman; Misses Louise.Sunday, June 13-Convocation S"n- Norton, Gwenn Clark, 'Mary Courtc-day. nay. Daniel \V. Ferguson. Harry A.Monday, June 14-Senior Class Ex-. Hanson, John, J. Schommcr.ercises. The chairmcn will }wlcl ftn initialTuesday, june 15 _ Convocation meeting. today at J():30 in C(Jhb gB,Day. to start things going.aud'-d haftue f« Wednesday, Th�lrscJay and Friday ..june 16, 17 and IS-Examinations. PATRONAGE OF COMMONSFrid�y, June 'IS-Spring quartl'r . IS INCREASING DAILYends'.Steward Barrels Offers. Totals of Up­ward Climb-BanQuets a Regul3rFeature.WANT BETTER BATTING EYESDirector Stagg· Working to MakeTeam of Keen Hitters. Continued record smashing per­formances are reported by :\1 r. Thol11-',s narrcls. !"t�ward of the Commons.Director Stagg lectured the base- :\c�(;rdiilg to :\fr. Barn+�. yesterday,ball candidates yesterday 011 batting. ;he 111I:n's' eating hall i� �l'rYing moreHe compared the 01(1 with the new iueals no\\' than at a c')Hespondingstyle. and ga\'(!l thc men suggestions time last year. al111 :,erycd many Illilreas to how they wilt be most likely to dnring thc £;111 (l\tarter than in thetre4.' ......---•1"£ ....reD ,.)50.,ES .t l'lUtumn of 190i.:\ t.,tal of ::;;.o�� meals "'l're dis­pensed in the autumn qU:lrter Ilf H,oi.'IS .,�ain�t 6.9<-lf) in thc qU:lrter ju"t,,:'!"t. So far this (Inarter, thc t'Jtal. : .�,.::.� meal!", ,,·hile for the same�crinl! in the "'inter la!"t year. there,n'n' I .!J�()5 nH.'a I s served.H:lnl(nets ;If(' hecoming a rl'j.!l1lar(.'\'1.: 11 t in the prh':lte dining roms. :\T1<1hardly a night pa,scs w:thnut soll1edull ""cttpvin� the ronm.g<"t sure hits in g�mcs.The squ.ul out for the nine workedfor long hits. Evcry hall pitchl,tlwas slammcd into mid-held for. as)1 r. Stagg said, it is his intention t"make a team of heavy batters out ofthe Varsity. Ratting has in the pastheen c.ne of the weak points of Var­sity teams,Xothing hut straight halls were:hrown. and the men tonk turns athatting and pitching. hein� closelywatched and coached' hy nircct�)rStagg and Fre(l Gaarde. The "l1lark�ing system" adopted reC('ntly i .. h;\\,­ing a good effect on t he men. Blackfriars Meet Again Wednesdayi Thc Hlackfriars ;Hljourtlell their\' mccting ycstc.r<i;lY with0l1t taking upany husincss, They will }wld an im-Iporf;lnt mcding next \\'(·dncsday'at10:30.Phi Alpha Delta h:ls installed' anew chapter at �Iissouri. I\,F.P.B.S.THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1909.n the evening, and from seven toeight o'clock will render a good pro-Now, then, ell together; three rah gram of chorus selections. Duringfor the faculty, No? his time the reception committee willbe active and get everybody intro­duced. Af�er the Glee club ishrcugh, a line will be formed of allhe girls, and the men will form inine and be presented to each girl. : : -Everyone will thus have a chance to Girls' Glee Club will meet at Wa-I n announcing to its readers tha meet all that are present.the date for the Chicago-Minneso There will be no programs, and thefootball game has been set, the Mi res! of the affair will be very infer-football game has actually been se al,the Mmnescta Daily says. in b The tickets will be used for a tagheadlines: "Fateful day chosen' 0 and names will be written on themwhich Marocns are to die." This and pinned on. A grand right andapplying the well proven princip left will be run in every third orthat it is well t o do your boasting b fourth dance, and other figures arefore the event !Jcc�usc you may ha being planned. An effort will beno chance to do 50 afterwards. made to get the crowd to sing, and_ whenever the orchestra starts a well- Wednesday.The UniYc::'sity cf Cincinnati known tune, the Glee club will sing University of. Chicago Dames meetmaking an experiment in industr the. words. The students ought t o Saturday at 3 p. m. in Lexington 15.education that shou take it up, and the committee hope Miss Raymond will speak on "HouseAn Experiment be of interest to a to reduce the embarrassment of hav- Decoration."Werth cclleges located ing to dance with a partner who can't Reynolds Club BowHng Touma-Watching largc cities. It h talk. meat-Entries for singles and doublesmct wi�h a dcgrec Tickets On Sa!e Monday will now be received.Sllccess that pcints to a wide and Tickets will be on sale next Mon- Third Year Law Men get your pic-yet slightly <1eyeloped field of usefu day, ::.nd the publicity c:-tmpaign hastues taken free for the Cap andncss i0r thc University of Chicag alreac!y begun. The Daily Maroon Gown at Martyn's. Hand to GordonBric·Ay stated, the scheme evolved has cffered its press to print the Stewart.Cincinnati is this:- A six-ycar coursc iposters and hand bilJs necessary, and University &sket:�all Game-Chi-I'", pro"I'dcd, of which alternate weeks thc typc\\'riting office in the base- P d S t d 8cago vs. ur ue, a ur ay, p. mooarc spcnt in the class-room and fac- ment of Cobb hall, has offered its as- in Bartlett gymnasium. Tickets attory. The students work in pairs, so sistance. The committee hopes that information office. 25 and So cents.that the �hop and schoel arc never th(.y can get the attendance above a Score Club Dance, Saturday, in,·;,cant. The young enginecrs arc thousand. This looks very probable, Rosalie hall.gi\'�n a pr�ctical apprcnticeship i.n as there wcre more than eight hun- Junior Class meeting next Wednes-the factory. and are paid for their drcd there last year, and many morc day, 10:30, in Kent. Very important.work, 'working twclve months in the ha,·e expressed their intention attend- Cap ancl GoWD BeIlton wiD .oIcIYC:lr. At the end of six years they ing this year. office hour. in Ellil J froaa hN to',dlJ ';, ,·c iccch'cd as much instruc- The reception committee will five. The Businea maDapr. fr_tion :; is usually given in technical profit by the experience they gained three to four.schne.". and arc awarded a bachelor's last year, and provide escorts for Senior Plctura for the Cap aDdc1cgrc Authentic information as to ev�ry girl that comes. The commit- Gown are due before luaary � 1-tlw smoothness "'ith "'hich the dual tee will have morc ushcrs than they Picture will be takeD frcc of charp:luthnrity oi facnlty and shop man- had last time, and they will help in for the Cap and Gowu b7 MartJII'.;:g"<'nH'nt has worked, is not at hand, getting cscort� arranged. The rc- \faroon Studio, S70S Col lap GrOTeI..l1t the university has been able to freshment committec wilJ meet today ,• ,avenue.il1crea�'! \"Cry ("xtensivcly this depart- at 10:JO in Cobb 33, and the ticketmcnt of its wcrk,which makes it plain committce at the timc in Cobb lob.that this !i:lS not been an insurmount- Sidney Salkey and Lester Stern have The class of '08 of the Universityable difficulty. bcen added to the ticket committee. of California has started a uniqucThat the new method has met areal dcmand, is made clear by thefact that, starting with an enrollment Patronize Maroon advertisers andof sixty, two years ago, application thereby shoW' appreciatioa...'I'" otIc1al 8ta41at PaItl'atJG. GC ua.Calnmit7 of C!aIcqo.Fonaul7'l'Il. liDlyen!t7 of ChIa&O WeeId7.Fo1lDde4'l'he Weetl7, October 1, 1882.'l'he Dal17. October 1, 1�1Ia�re<l u Second-c .... lIa1l at the Chlcqol'oatomce, Chlcqo. llllDot.. Karda 18.IP03. under Act. of Uarch I. 181'a.Pub!1ahed dallT, except SundiaJ .. lloa4Qaan .. holiday •• duriq three quartera of theUalversit)' lear.8abecrlpt'on price, ,:;.00 per "ear; ,1.00tor three months' sut.crlpUon rec:elYed a. -tll. lbroon Omce, Elila Hall. or at the.-.eult)' Excbauie. Cobb nalLMeT. eontrlbuUou maT be lett at BIllaHall or Facultr Exch.4qe, addraaed to.he l'� -:0 Maroon.PBEBTO!i F. GASS, Uanaa;iq E41tor.� TIN J. ADAMS. News Edltor.08W ALD F. N&LSO�, BualDea J4aDqer&dltorial omce-lletore 8 p. m., Ellla nalUalYeraltr. Tel. llld".r SOO. After 8 p... Maroon Preu, 4.4 E. GSth Street. Te.,&t Park 3CDl.Ld us all hc joyful. The facultyhas added a week to what are, whave it on reliable authority, the happiest clays of our lives.\ Ve regret jo report that in a popularity contest hastily organized yesterday afternoon, the faculty has ayet received no vcres.ues ; the year ja':base ball; list of the "400" hittmsince 1871; table of 'batters who s:..reached ".300" since 1876 in any .�;The MARINETTE ASSEMBLIES [or organization; list of 1VO.��will hold an Iowa - Pennant Party, championship teams; no-hit, e, �Friday evening, January 22d. at Calu- records; best on record in base �:met Hall, 63rd St. and Jackson Park previous championship winners in iI;:·Ave. Everyone attending will be leagues; long games of 19o5; colleafpresented with a beautiful 36-inch records; pictures of the 19o5 majorJFelt Iowa Pennant. Dacing every and minor leagues champions; w�.Friday evening. series pictures and action pictures 'i.,�minor leaguers who have recahed �.:FIFTY-FIFTH ST. DAIRY big leagues.S. EDMARK & CO. Price 10 Cents-Dealer in- For sale by all news dealers andPURE MILK AND CREAM A. G. SPALllING "BR"Special-E'·cry played should hafta Sp�fding Base Ball Catalogue for'909:· �Iailed frce anywhere.147 Wabash AvenueChica&o. IIIfothpritofniCapacc0twf:pwatt t�ccawatSI,1.de 0-ist-- tS tItt3n-t,ignisIee-veisialId11inasofas1-o.in SPECIAL PROPOSITIONTO STUDENTSr admission was made by twoousand last fall. This was not sur­ising, as it furnishes an opportun­y to obtain the practical educationan apprentice as' well a's the tech­cal training of an engineer. Theincinnati students earned last yearn average of $300, whieh paid a largeart (If their expenses.If the Cincinnati experiment provesreal and permanent success, theaU for a eimilar institution in Chi­ago will be obvious. The scheme ofrganization would be very similar tohe University's agricultural guild,hich &ives students employment onirms near Chicago while they areursuing their agricultural course. Itould also in some sort be a continu­ion of the system worked out byhe large corporations in their indus­rial schools. The University of Chi- Arts College (women) will havetheir picture taken for the Cap and'Gown 'this morning at 10:30 in frontof Kent theater.Pre-medic Banquet scheduled fortonight, postponed until date agree­able to majority can be arranged.Settlement Dance refreshment com­mittee meets today at 10:30 in CobblobInternational E'\()cialist Society meet­ing .today at 4 o'clock in Cobb 12C.Settlement Dance arrangementscommittee meets today at 10:30 a. m.in Ccbb 3a.Basketball today at 3 :20 in Bartlett. Oft'ered bj. the Rebuilt TypewriterCompany.Ther s are about 200 students at theUniversity renting tyepwriters at theaverage rate of $2.50 per month,which means about $500.00 paid outmonthly with nothing to show forthe investment. If the average ma­chine would be worth $50.00, youwould be paying about 60 per cent ayear on your loan, because payingrent for a typewriter is practicallythe same as paying interest on aloan,Arts vs. Law. bGrade-rebuilt typewriters will ePen Club Picture will be taken to- sold to students on almost the sameday at I o'clock at Martyn's.Class Day Committee of Senior terms as renting.If you are renting a machine, or ifyou are thinking of purchasing one,call up Central SIIS, or address Edw.J. Goldblatt. care Rebuilt TypewriterCo.. 30 Dearborn Street.Let us tell you about our propos i­tion.-Adv.class meets today at 10:30 a. rn, inCobb gB. E. L. McBride, chairman .Tiger's Head meets today at 10:30a. m. in Cobb I2B.Signor Guglielmo ..Ferrero will givehis fourth lecture on "The History ofRome," today at 4 o'clock, in MandelHall. Subject: "The Social Develop­INGING AT CHARITY DANCEment of the Roman Empire."Fellows Club meets today at j:30Glee Club to Give Short Performance in Cobb 6A.and Students to Join in with Or- Political Economy Club meetingchestra in Familiar Songs-No today at 8 p. m., in Cobb 3C. TalkPrograms to b� Issued. by Mr. Joseph T. Talbert on "Clear-ing House Examinations. IfAn added feature for the Settlement wI'11 bePhi Beta Kappa Picturetaken today at 2 o'clock, in Water'sstudio, 414, 63rd street.German Club meets today at 4 p.ago is in the logical position toarry this plan to its greatest successnd usefulness, if the scheme isorkable, Meanwhile. developmentst Cincinnati will be watched with in-crest.Get your Cap & Gown Picture atitnftJetgftpI&botograpb �bop.Nearest Studio to CampusBest Work in Chicago.397 57th Street. Phone H. P. 1666ance was announced yesterday.There wil] be an excellent orchestraf ten pieces furnished by Harper.The Glee club will be on hand early FOR FORMAL,PARTIES ORDERm., in Lexington. Lecture in Englishen Hauptmann's, "The Sunken Bell,"by Professor Rudolf Tombo of Col­umbia University.Mathematical Club meets today at4:30 p. m .• in Ryerson 35. S3d St. and Kimbark Avenue.Tel. Hyde Park II.FLOWERS OF•ANDREW McADAMSDECORATORANNOUNCBMENTS We Have No Branch Studiotcrs' studio, 414 Fifty-third street, to­morrow at 12:30 o'clock, for the Capand Gown picture.Foreign Students, both men and Facilities for everything inPhotography,Phone Central 60gwomen, who are not members of theInternational club, please hand nameand address to Faculty ·Exchange.Sock and Buskin Picture-All mem-bers will meet on Sunday at 12o'clock sharp. at Esmoer's.Pen Club Dinner postponed to next329 E. ssth Street...-We are making a Special Offerfor 60 days of our $10.00 Sephie Plat­inum Photos for $s-oo per da. to U.of C. students.ROOT STUDIO24.1 Wabash Ave. Phone Har. 2099Dua SUITS'10 ....,T. C. SCHAFFNER ct CO.78 State StreetOppo5ite the Illinois TheaterWhere to DineTHENEWESTROOMTHE INDIAN ROOMcustom. On the cigth of c\'Cry monththc membcrs of the class asscmblc at111 informal dinner to talk over oldtimes. Tbe WeDington Botel 11PATEItTU8A.KD AJa)BOSOIIDOES ITABSOLUTELY NO BULGEIF it'. CJ IICIfcntctl"MAC-HURDmFULL DRESS SHIRTUnited Shirt & Con. (0 .• (MaUri) Tr07.H.Y.SHULTZ'S SCHOOLOF DANCINGMost Popular Place in ChicacoPrivate Lessons by AppointmaltGuarantee Course $S.oo. Five p�'essons with music. A guarantee �make pupil proficient in the waltz aM.ind two-step. Barn dance tau,ht isone lesson.Office and Studio. 301 West 63d It.Cor. Wentworth Ave.Phone Garfield 361Informal Dancing Reception atTHE FORUM43rd St. & Calumet Ave.EVERY SATURDAY EVENIHOAdmisaion 50 Cenb a P ....SPALDIN(lSOFFICIAL·BASE BALLRECORD .Second pOiANSHOID::lltbut �(IBE S'SecondOver 1Or(n SWHERE TO DINBWe make a Specialty .f auand Fratemity Dinlten.rHE UNION HOTBLAND RESTAURANTIIJ-1I7 Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PUCKTO EATEith"r before or after t.eTheater. ,Footballest of. in'!'.Don't fomake of �ready to �Order B;your dealeCatalog. 5BAR!27;S p IPhone Central I" ....ALFRED PEATS & CO •Foreictn and DomesticWALL PAPERSAND DRAPERIES144- 46 Wabalh A •••CIdcap.THJt DAlLY MAItOOlf, FRIDAY. JANUARY 22,· 1909.$6.00 for yourShoes. when I sellthe same Styles andLeathers at onlyand S2.50- Second Floor, 195 State StreetOver Peacock's Jewelry Store.Open S ... turday 'Evenings Till 8 WORKING HARD TO SHAPE • -----._--_..;._,; .... ----------.--�-VARSITY FIVE FOR PURDUE.Dr. Raycroft Giving Basketball MenExtra Practice to ·ImproveBauet Throwing.AN EXCLUSIVE CLUB TOURNEY BEGINS SOONSHOP Cor WOM' f I Yearly Bowlin, Contest Opens Wed­'1 N nesday Next-Tuesday Time Limitfor Entrie�lnter-fraternity Semi­# finals Jan. :z6-Many Prizes.TIll: annua l Reynolds club bowling'tourney will commence next Wednes­day and all entr ics Ior singles anddoubles must be in by Tuesday night.To the winner of the singles, and totIH.· winners of thc doublvs will beI ' men are workine extra hours ill the'�I wan eu �I �il\"(:r cup valued at be- ....It we cn $15 and $18, and bearing thei name (If the owner or owncr�. TheI c(�nte";l will be open to all members,01 the club and will be entirely in-l..J::nt take lilY word for it, 1 depcudent of the interfraternity tour-but come and look at them. 111:\l11cnt.THI STATES SHOE SHOP, The. winners Of. the preliminaries inthl' inter-frater-nity contest - BetaTheta Pi, Sigma Xu, Phi Kappa Sig­ma and Delta Upsilon-will playoffthe semi-finals next Tuesday after­non and evening at 3 o'clock andand 8 o'clock. The captains of these! teams will meet at the _ Reynoldsclub this afternoon at J o'clock andmake drawings to decide which teamswill be pitted against each other. TheFinish Arrives.Coach Raycroft is working hissquad of basketball men overtime thisweek to whip the Varsity five intoshape for the Purdue game Saturday.The team is practicing every after­nocn this week, and several of, thegyumasium to improve their basketthrowing, which Dr. Raycroft hascomplained of so far.\\,ith Page back in the game, thereis only one uncertain position on 'thefive. "Long John" will play at thestand where he has earned the title•• f the world's greatest basketballcenter. Hoffman will surely be athis right guard position, and Pagewill play the first game of the seasonat his old left guard position. Cap­tain Gcorgen, at left forward, \\;11complete the quartet of last year'sgreat team, who will be seen togetheragain for the first time. Kelley willprobably be. packed at the remaining\',�cancy, right forward, on the basisof his good showing against Indianalast Friday. Big Hubble may also beemployed at the berth, and' Wins'j'Henry or Fulkerson have a chanceof getting into the lineup in the sec­ond h a lf.Football gives place to 'the great­est of Winter Sports-Ice Skat.inz,Don't forget that there is only one.make of Skates that will always be customary banner commemoratingthe triumph, and in addition eachsurvivors of these two matchesmeet again in the finals, whichscheduleu for February 5. Tochampionship team will be given theready to serve you well.Order Barney & Berry Skates from member will receive a pair of bowlingshoes.your dealer and write for our FreeCatalog, showing complete line.BAR N E Y & B ERR Y,2 7 3 B r 0 adS t r e e t,S p r i n g fie I d. M a • s.IIlHaoa-G1r.['L GENTLEMENW" DRESI fOlI:r.IUTlES', AID CO.EM _I.,aan .HUSTONGARTERTHI! R[COIIIB8 ITUDU.�The •• III.I.• tl,mped In nefJ a: .hiIOOp_ f)fV'�CUSHIONBUTTONCLASPLIES ruTTO THE L£C-IIEYERSLIPS, TURS 1I0RUllfASJElSItco. A. J. SHAW IBANJO VIRTUOSOyde Park Conservatory ofMusic.••• 2;6 East 57th Street.cher of Danjo. Mandolin andGui!ar.i�I.Jll_tcn�ion Given to Clubs. willaretheTh re e other prizes have also beenanncunced for the inter-fraternityseries. The bowler maintaining thehighest average throughout prelimi­naries. semi-finals and finals win be- Boilermakers StrongThe boilermakers have a strongquintet this year. In their game withWisconsin, in which Purdue was vic­toricus by the score of 23 to 20, thefive from Lafayette kept Wisconsin'sbest men at their utmost. Charters,who played against Stellun of incBadgers at center, showed up well,although the big Madisonian is COll­sidercd one of the best centers in theWest. Lewis at right forward playeda strong game for Purdue and threwthree field goals. Knox, left guard,Westover at right guard, and Bow­man at left forward, make up the re­mainder of the Boilermaker's regularfive. Telephone Central 6872MELVIN H. SYKESPHOTOGRAPHER70 State StreetOpposite Marshall Field & Co.Chicago.come the possessor of a bowling balland bag. High score for single gamewill he recognized by the donation ofa box of tifty cigars, while the man• �dlO scores the highest average for as ing le ser ies of three games will berewarded in the same manner. �_.-------------------,-----------------------------------------.� __ -- ---- __ -------- __ ----------_----- .. -.-----4----------Irwin Brothers Company.. ..Reads Hugo's "Les Miserables"Prcfcssor S. H. Clark, head of theI department of public speaking, gavethe third of his readings of world'sgreat novels yesterday at Music Hall,Fine Arts building. The subject was CHICAGO 5825 State StreetTO RUN ANOTHER WEEK"Les Miserables," representing the IN PENNY RELAY RACEproblem of "Salvation ThroughLove:' Professor Clark wsa cornpcll- V,;c.r.:.c:a Decide They Just Can'tcd to curtail the reading considerably Stop When the Time Set forbecause uf the extreme length of theho ... -k. He was able to give compara-tivcly few scenes, but they served to (By one of the Members of the Pen­present a guod idea of the famousny Relay Race Committee)Hugo novel.A fter a week's strenuous search forpennies, a large company of womenmet yesterday for a council of warand decided that they simply couldnot end the penny-race on Friday,January 22. The Seniors declaredi hcy knew they could raise hundredsni feet more, if they only had a fewextra days. The Juniors said theywere dying to sell more candy, andt hc Sophomores and Freshmen wept')itteriy at the idea of stopping just.IS they had begun, Of course thei Alumnae head the list anyhow-e-scI t hey were rather indifferent.The majority rules, however.and ,I:' a result the penny race willII1Pt conclude until Tuesday, February,!IHI. Ten days remain in which 'theI women must reach the end of theI ;:;.��o foot race tra.ck.. .I Iff:w to acc�l1lpltsh this almost 101-nos- iblc task IS a prohlem to haffle,I the \\"i�te�t of, wits. hut nothing candaunt the courage, tact and skill oithe Chicago women, :l11d they arc ac­complishing unheard of wonders.The alumnae are drawinit fundsfrom illustrious and generous alumniat the rate of roo feet per head, andthe S(lphomores meet today at 10:30. to arouse enthusiasm.MANY BOOKS IN ONE• WEBSTER9S •INTERNATIONALDICTIONARYDo,...bGwtb'*JlftDIf4'fIO • .u. .....��'Lt��-..n.1l7. ESc.' I'Iaa Glcoatata .. roa-.:CoIanlrla .... l'Jap ........... ESc •••BrWm.t.r7G1"'�1.upap.a.s .. tol'ro� .•••••••••••••�.,.�.r�.�of:ncu.. .•••••••••........ ., ...... edL ••••••BlIp .ldeal� •••=�.�.��"1' .AMrwt'arw •�-- .... .���� I,I""'_� ..���- n�=m::;a=Shoa14 You Not Own Such a BookfWEnsTER'S CuLLEGIATE DJCTJOSA'RY.LarKnt 01 0"" abrid�en'tS. Ilqular and Thin ....pa' EdltJoas. 1116 Pa.:n and ICO<> JIl�doas.'WIt .. r.r ·'DtdlClllUy ... �:_ ... �Pacwa,Frw. M�ti"n In y"'Jrr("'l''"tt'';� J'''I',r aDd�ehe a utdul set orColoRd }'Ia�, rocket size. ..8. , Co .ERRIA. CO" Sprintfliidy .....I - • - -'.","" .The Daily Maroon is the officialstudent publication, contains all thecampus news and desen'es the sup­p('rt of enry student. 449 tn 451 ,State StreetLong Dist, Tel. Harrison 516-517. Long Dist. Td. Wentwo�th 517PlUME BEEF, PORK, VEAL AND MUTTONWrite for Special Hotel Beef and Poultry Price List.Specially Selected for Hotel,"'Restaurant, Club and Dininc Car Trade.Fancy Cuts of Meats for this trade given particular attention.TDE £OLLEGE MAN'S TAILORI claim, by richt of years of experience with the college man_ tohave the only Varsity Tailor-shop hereabouts.tIYou will always find me with exclusively different fashions andfaarics; never the "same," despite that they contain all the GIN­GER and SNAP.fI I have learned to choose my styles With Two eyes-one openfer the SMART CHAP. the other for the MATURE MAN -andthe contrast shows how little I have let "the right eye know what theleft eye deeth,"BENHAMVARSITY CLOTHESA Delightful SmokeI Cool. refined __ the kindthat appeal� to every discriminatingsmcker-wiU always be your good fortune if you use_ �/(iJm·-Smoking Tobacco'Without a bite or a regretA perfect blend of the world's finest tobacco's, Fragrant. de­licious. natural 'flavor and absolutely pure. Made by hand, onepound at a time. I 2-3 Oz. 4°C·3 1-3 oz. 7Sc, 1-2 lb. $1.65, 1 lb. $3.30 prepaid.Write for booklet "How to Smoke a Pipe"-Free .�L����[ade of Spilman Mixture Tobacco especially cut. They are differentand far superior to all others. Smooth, fragrant, absolutely pure, willnot dry the throat or leave any disagr-eeable odor.Box of 10, 25 cents; 50, $1.25; 100, $225 prepaid. Plain or cork tips.I For sale by all leading dealers. If yours will not supply you, tele­phone Main Ii3I, and we'll see that you get them.E. IOFFMAN COMPANY, Manofadllrers, CBlGAGOTEA C HER S' AND STU­DENT.S' REVIEWS FOR\LL EXAMINATIONS IN----CHICAGO •.40 E. RANDO ....... ST •• CHICAGO,I WHERE TO DINE.r THE WOODLAWN CAFE! 63rd Street and Cottage Grove AvenueTHE FINEST AND MOST ELEGANTLY APPOINTED• CAFE ON THE SOUTH SIDECUISINE UNEXCELLEDPRICES RE.\SOX:\BLEMusic-Sig, Ferrante's Orchestra of 15 Pieces in IGrand Program Cc ncert �"enings.------------------�TO ANY SELF-SUPPORTING STUDENTWe can put you in touch with a dig!lified method of increasini your rn­enue-a method that is clean and that invoh'es a maximum increase .fIncome at a minimum expenditure of time. The plan has already pro.,."Its efficiency in other Universities where self-respecting, self-supportiacstudents have taken up our method to the exc:lusion of others. tbey arepleased, and their financial burden is solved. \Ve can do a. much, for yO&Call any time during business hours at 39 Dearborn St. (The R.baDtTypewriter Co.). and ask especially for �fr. John.on..jTHE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1909· ,PROFESSOR JACIr80N ElCDSPERSION LECTURE sERIESFAIRWEATHER ELECTEDASSIST. BUSINESS IlANAGEll CHOCOLATESBALATKAMUSICAL ·COLLEGE, Established 1879 by the world­renowned Hans Bal .. tkaPOSTAL CARD BRINGS CATALOGUEWRITE TODAYD R. C H R. F. B A LA T K A D ire e torDiplomas Recognized All Over the W�rldSpecial Rates to Students of U of C.Address All Communications toBALATKA MUSICAL COLLEGEHandell Hall, 40 East Randolph Street Columbia Scholar in Final DiscUssion,Speaks on Later ReligiousHistory. and fine bonbons famous thro.p·OUt America. put up in beautlhlboxes suitable for presents at -.:.. and ftN 1M' pound. ...pleased custem. is. the b .. t .....wtieement. ..sistant to Mr. WallaceHe1anan.Mr. George Owen Fairweather, ac- Professor A. V. Williams Jacksoncording to informati0n made public of Columbia Uninrsity, completedlast night by Dr. Goodspeed, has his course of lectures on Persia yes­been elected Assistant Business Man- terday with a talk on "The Laterager of the University. The action Religious History of Persia." Thewas taken last Tuesday, when the speaker took up the conquest of Per­�I,COO,OOO gift was received of Mr. sia by the :\lusselmans and the con­Rockefeller. Xlr. Fairwe:lther will be sequent decay of Zoroastrianism.the personal assistant of Business He also mentioned the more modern::\J:lI1ager Heckman, and takes the sects which have sprung from theplace of :'.1 r. Springer. who has held 7.croastriani:;tn, as the Pars is of In­the place ior the last f1\'C years. He din, with whom he cumpared them.h::" already taken up his new work. The modern religion of Persia, Ba­ami is established in the offices of the bisrn, with its growth and presentUniversity in the Corn Exchange iorm, was also discussed, and thebuilding. lecture W<lS concluded by a general:\[ r. Fairweather has been the edi- summary of the Religion of Persia.tor of the University of Chicago:\l<lgazine, formerly the Alumni Mag- SETTLEMENT BOARD ELECTSaz ine, since it was started in March,Professor Mechem Chosen President(()OJ. and is also the general secretaryof the University of Chicago Alumni Vol. �IJGuntller's Confectionery212 State Spoeet.REPUBlON :D8uaLE THE LIFEOF YOUR SUIT.There's twice the wear in a suit, ifvou have an extra pair of trousers.Make' the experiment-s-find out foryourself.Here's your opportunity-A liltand extra pair of treua.r. for tMprice of the suit.Trousers of the same material ordifferent, just as you prefer.TI.is offer holds i:ood on our tDtirtstock.We wa r t to keep our good taitonbusy bet ween seasons. That's atprimary reason for this offer.Coming in today?Suit and Extra Trousers=-Sjo to $60.Yes, we make r iding breeches. Revised ITwo 11Monday'�ManyThe RIthe vari()!Sepate, Wshsidn :\were ann'It Mix,lasted unmg.Eighteeterminedwill carr)signed. Ihold chaipolitical'given theeight.Imp'Whenday, actiodent's msinc�· uubTiilman"some Ion- -dent wil.-permanenThe queslive issueBaldridgefrom kee,ism iointForeigtchairmanchard, FI. Inger, PrFinaneBarron,Bills, BliAppro:'nan; BIBaldridgsr,n, A. 1Rules­-ComnuDavis, \'Leviton,Agricuman; Wmenthat,Meick!y,CivilLevingeiMeickly,ImniigNO\dk,KamermDistri<chairmalFtlserithWoolf.IntenChair,;Fclsentl,Intero� ".lIQn; DDuncan,-Irri�aFaust.Stern. ,JudiciFaust, �}\a\'alncr, ArMcaghcInstll:'tey, Bi---for Comin� Year.Association. He has handed in hi!'At the first meeting of the newresignation to the BO<lrd of Control Board of Directors of the Universityof the magazine, which will take ef-fect <IS soon <IS the board finds his of Chicago Settlement, held at thesuccessor. Settlement House, the following of-ficers were elected for the ensuingThe board is now receiving applica-year:President-Floyd R. �Iechem.Vice-President-\Vm. Scott Bond.rions ior the position of editor. Pend-ing the election of a successor theaffairs of the magazine and the AlumOne college man afteranother has learned that TAILOR FOR YOUNG I0IlA. N. Jerrems, Mer.e. rwo .lOres: 131 La Salle It.. ...44 JackS01l .....Treasurer-George H. Mead.ni Association <Ire now being execut-ed by the office organization. Harry Secretary-Robert A. Millikan.Assistant Treasurer-NathanArthur Hansen, the undergraduate Plimpton.editor of the magazine, is now takingcharge during the day as the personalrepresentative of Fairweather. A newsecretary of the Alumni associationwill have to -bc elected in the general CLASBIFIKD.&.DVKB.TISDmlftlIn a short space of time' we'have had the pleasure of creating t in theD A I LYMAROONBRING RESULTSFOR SALEItOR RENTWANTEDLOSTFOUND: few Cllstomers at the Univer­sity; one of them a member of thefaculty, and the others, students.We have the confidence in our­selves, and the hope that· we shallhave a good percentage of thetrade to be had with the Univer-sity men.Our confidence is based on thefact that those for whom we havemade clothes were highly satis­fied and have recommended us toare just the kjod he likes, andhas told his friends about them.'Thus their popularity grew un­til today "Fatimas" are verypopular among college meneverywhere. elections next June.Mr. Fairweather is well known illUniversity circles. He took an SB.degree in '06, and will receive hisJ.D in March, He 'WCiS on the Uni­versity debating team in '04, and isnow the president of the Delta SigmaRho, the honorary deb�ting frater-nity.20 for15c 2S cent. for threelinn per. issue.PICK PHILOSOPHY DEBATERSSALE - McMaster's Histcri·People of U. S., 5 vols., $5; cmt:�8.75; perfect condition. Hays, 2STE. 66th Street.APpell Earle and Loth to AppearAgainst Science. Our specialty for the U niver­s:ty men is a College Suit for $35..that has exactly that amount inquality of cloth, fit, and work­manship. We DO NOT claimthat cur $35 suits are worth $50;NO, our suits are worth just ex­actly $35, no more and absolutelyo less.V allec Appel, S. E. Earle and Lothwill compose the Philosophy college'debating team as a result of the try­cuts held yesterday. The subject forthe tr ials W<lS: "Resolved, that wo­emn should be allowed to vote in thecity (If Chicago on the same basis asmen:' The team will begin \vork irn­mediately for the debate with Sci­ence, and are ccnfident of taking themeasure of their opponents.-�.U� ••• 1fTI- LOST--At Christmas, a big brontabby Angora cat, male; rem:The Little Book Shop, 434 E. 5)tk:Street. _STU ••• � •••ELSIE JANISIn George Ade's College Comedy,THE FAIR CO-EDI4CVIOltBR'SKlaw & Erlanger's MightyProduction.THE ROUND UP OR RENT-Neat light room at DrPotter's eye specialist, 525 E. 614Street, near Lexington Ave. TeLMidway 212.Watterson 6 SouthwardWlI. � •• I-r •• I ••THE NEWLY WEDSAND THEIR BABY60 -People- 60 8.L •• I�LF. Ziegfield Jr.'s Great MusicalProduction.THE SOUL KISSwith the wonderful d�ncerADELINE GENEE ' L_PST-Silver Belt Buckle attachdto brown belt, Friday, on caJDpI!,between 8:30 and II :00, Rem13 Beecher Hall.Association BuildingTel.. Central 61gS"' -�TDPlUKO ...Beginning Thursday,HONEYMOON TRAIL 100.000 CIRCULARS WILLADVERTI3E SUMMER TERM BARGAINS ALL THE. Reliable_ Rebuilt Typewriten.'.nakes; rebuilt in our 0'"'"'--tter / and cheaper than otbm."or yourself. Tht Typewriterchange, 319 Dearborn St. A. J.\-fanager. Telephone HarrisonMIDWAY TAILOIGarments of AU Descri�CLEANED. DYED a: ALT6001 Ellis Au.Work called for and deli"ftl1lROBERT p. MURPHY,ProprietorILLI •• IIGRACE VAN STUDDIFORD111 the Light Opera Success.GOLDEN BUTTERFLY (Continued from paae 1)-WKl'J:K.YThe Bi� Success.A BROKEN IDOL\\,it1l Otis Harlan and Beauty ChorusLA 1�1aJ..CECIL LEANudFLORENCE HOLBROOK:-.ntl the La . Salle Theater Stock Co.A GIRL AT THE HELMA.I.\l�H.ICAN MUSIC HALL(Formerly the Garden)_\ \i :,� LlA BINGHAM, EMMACARUS AXD VAUDEVILLEMAJESTICcn�TINUOUS VAUDEVILLE:\L\HEL HITE ANDMIKE DONLINand ten other big acts.Prices IS-25-50-15OLYMPIC MUSIC HALLFRENZIED FOLLIESAND VAUDEVILLES nokinc Permitted elude the pictures of the Law building, the women's halls, Cobb am'Divinity group. class day exercise­ncar Ha-kcll. metal working in theCollege of Education, Yerkes Obser­vatory at Lake, Geneva, the men'.common's. Rycr:;on <111(1 Kent. f'hysiolngy building <lIHI Kent theaterHutchinson comnwns (exterior) and�Iitdl('ll tower. the College of Edncatinn from the ::\1 id\\'ay. and a doubl­page layout. showing over a doze:views oi characteristic ,spots, buildin�:, <111(1 l'\'l'nts on the campus. HOTEL ALBANY41st Street and BroadwayNEW YORKRemodelled, Handsomely Fur­nished ThroulhoutT ••• .A •• I ••LULU GLLASER-in- .MLLE. l\lISCHIEFABSOLUTELY FIREPROOFIn the heart of the Citysoo Rooms. 300 Bath RoomsEuropean Plan. Cuisine UnexcelledGentlemens' Cafe, Ladies' Restaurant, find Moorish Rooms. Popular Prices. Plenty of Life-butHomelike.11.00 Per Day and UpSEND FOR BOOKLET.�'eet me at the College Inn, underthe Alb�ny, New York's leadingRathskeller, a place to eat, drinkaacI be merf7.GRAND OPERA HOUSEARXOLD DALY-in-TIlE PICKrOCKETS I PLEISIIT JOURIS, •••• ured when JOUTra •• ' betweenChicago, IndianapolisCincinnati 1& Louis"andFrench Lick andWest Baden Sp"'"" JOU • ., by the way of"POWJ:UROBERT EDESO�-in-TIl E CALI. OF THE �ORTH Minnesota Women Agitate for 'Dorm'\Vomen at :\linnesota arc making;\'igof(,us campaign not for a ne"gym. hut a new dormitory. :\ "\Voman'� I?ormit0ry·' edition of the :\lillne!'ota Daily W:l!' recently gotten ou�hy the W0men in thc int('rcsts of thel)r4.)pCM:d buildi�CHIOAGO OP.B.A KOUa.WALKER WHITESIDEIn Zangwill's great Play.THE MELTING POT -_.- -_---MDN[]N ROUTt�--'-_,.,..