� ..t •. I;\ '·1\t.��t I�••tli4- .' mat�· !lurnnu,, .... tI1Vol VlI. 70. CHICAGO, WEDN ESDA Y, JANUARY 20, 1909�fler !ore �ti­�. to U.� ofby Senior class program committee has The �ft was the direct result of .devised upon a plan which will ena- the annual visit of a committee' ofble'iiim to gauge' the intere�t of the the trustees to New York. Here, asclass in the program. 'He announced :s' the custom, a statement of the' -ex­festenlay that before the end of the penditures of the previous year. aiid :R. week he wiJJ mail every student who :he budget for the year to come'walttakes a degree at the June convoca- presented to J. D. Rockefeller, Jr.,tion a postal with return attachment and F. T. Gates, the New YorkINmATiON-DINNIR T8NIGBTluIIVERSITY RECEIVES$1,000,000 GIFT FROMJOHN D. ROCKEFELLER /iPen Club to Entertain Harold Atter- IiDOSE COUNCIL MEMBERSAFTER CLOSE BALLOTlIG BASKETBALL PRACTICE DAILY APPOINT COMMITTEES. -. .FOR SETTLEMEIT 'DANCE_., idge at Banquet in Commons-Ten iLiterary Stars Added to Roll of iur. Raycroft Making Desperate Ef­fc.rts to Perfect Play of v&rSity.ar.�'�' Results cf Senior Council Election . �)ve by Increase of Work-PIlrdue MacCracken and Kramer Made Gen-Show Keen Competition in all but Has Strong Team. eral Chairmen at Meeting at HomeDivision VI. of Mrs. Vmcent. Scciety. -Dr. Raycroft had the basketball I J. D. Rockefeller, Jr., Announces Do-Harold Atteridge, ex-'07, author of II nation in Telegram to Dr."A Winning �Iiss," will be the guest Goodspeed.of Iu nor at the Pen club tonight. IAtteridge will speak on some' phase IIof Ull' playwright's problems.. $40 000At its meeting yesterday, the club 'elected a number of new members,chose the following officers for the ADDED TO INCOMEa suit. ifousen.lout for AI squad out on the floor yesterday for Membership of Seven CommitteesTwO Ties for Office. of. ternate-the most strenuous workout that theyThirty Ballots, Improperly Cast, Made Known Last Night-Workhave experienced this year. He is to Begm' at Once.A:e Thown Out. making desperate efforts to grind oft-A1IIItfor � ,Councilor-Stephen Sargent Visher.Alternate-Heber P. Hostetter.Division II. some oi the rough spots so conspic- A committee of thirty men and wo­':l0us in the team's play against In- men met at the .homc of Mrs. Vincentdiana, and fit the team for the game; yesterday afternoon and laid firstwith Purdue Saturday. The -Boiler- i .>Ians for making the dance for themakers have a strong five this year, I benefit of the University Settlement,and Captain Georgen feels that his I a week from Saturday night, theCouncilor-Aluert Stoneman Long. '1 I h I h .men. WI I lave to ust e to get t e �r'.!atest all-around success that hasAlternate-Conrad Borchardt and . hlarge end of the score agamst t em. yet been scored in Bartlett gymnas-Frank Templeton-tie. Laf d d \�The band from ayettc succee e ium. The important action was theDivision IIIIf. trimming the Badgers in the first appointment of 'V.· P. MacCracken'Councilor-Walter Morrison.game on their schedule, and reports and Alvin F. Kramer as generalAlternate-Willowdean Chatterson. indicate that their play has improved chairmen, with authority to appointDivision IV. .greatly this week In practice. and direct committees. After a ses-Scrubs in Hard Practice sion that lasted till after midnight,Page, Schommer and Kelly made they announced appointments to thethe best .sho·wing yesterday, though following seven committees:Boynton. Coach Raycroft used practically every Ticket Committee-F. M. Orchard,Latham andSenior college Councilors:Division Lnan in the squad in the; practice. chairman; Albert Henderson, RichardMany of the scrubs have been .im- Rumsey.' H.' W. Harriman. Miss Hel­proving' their play in the past few en Hendricks, Edwin Earle, Lymandays, and the style of defe�se put u� K. Gould, E. ·T. Sturgeon, W. S. Mor­against the Varsity has kept them rison, DeWitt Lightner, Miss Caro­hustling hard to make a good sho�-. line Dickey .. Miss Mild.-:cd Seou; :�i.sSin� �bble seems":ttr'be'4mPr��! Jeanwe'Roe. Mtss', Katherine <siaught,ite�diJy: Fulkerson has. been . do� Arthur Wilsou. Miss M�i'orie Day,go�d �or,k� in . sticki�g to his .�. and Miss. Loaise Norton.iigitting for the 'ba'ti, �ut he is not Publicity-Howard' Blackford.chair-strong at throwing baskets, man; George Sheldon, Aleck Whit-,ne. quarterly election to the Senior, Coach Raycroft sent in �ioor�, field, Preston' F. Gass. .Council took place yestez:day' morn- Cobb, Halsey, St\lr,eOn, Steagall, Rehesbment$-E.L.M�Bride, chair­ing.at Senior. chapel. This is the sec- Clarke and Excelson, a�ai�st an al- man; H. B.' Fuller •. Jr.,' Allen s,ayles,.• (liidJrialof. th'e new system, establish- most unchanged V�r���y lineup which Miss Elizabeth Fogg, .Miss JessieC:d last October, Qf holding' the elec- made the Varsi'ty move around plenty Heckman, Miss Ernestine Evans.tion at chapel meeting, instead of in last to show up well against the Masi'c- -Lyle Harper,' chairman;the dean·s office. Competition was Freshmen of the scrub team.; P. Sherer.leeen in .. II the divisions, e�cept VI., The team will practice every day Sirigi�g-Earle A. Goodenow, chair-in' .which J. Sydney Salkey was the I.his week in an effort to improve man; Hir�chl Shaw. Miss Margaret for ordering. trustees.only candidate. In Division I., theremore rapidly. Kinney. "1 consirler this 'necessary in view of The committee which went to tne'QS a' tie 00 the first count, Visher ArranKements _ Harry Latham, past experience," said Kennedy yes- metropolis for this purpose, was com-and Hostetter having finished even. PHILOSOPHY' WINS 'FIRST chai�man; Russell Elwell, Dean Ken- terday. ..It has always been a risk posed of Messrs. Martin A. Ryersoll,This occurred also in the case of GAME, BEATING ARTS, 26-11 nedy; ,Miss Helen 'Hurd. Miss Edith .n getting out the programs without Charles L. Hutchinson, A. C. Bart-Borchardt and Templet.on, who tied Osgood, Miss Wilma Robinson. knowing definitely how many will be :ett. H. P. Judson, Andrew MacLeisli,or alternate in Division II., and in. Committee on Patronesses-Marcus needed. 'By havingi the word of the \Vallace Heckman and Trevor Ar-:he fifth Division, where the office of ream Work of Both Fives Raggecl, HirschI, chairman; Lulubel Walker. 5eniors that they want programs this :lett.· The donation is the first re-'Iternate is left undecided between BuJ Individul· PI87 Shows Head' Ush�Winston p. Henry :isk will no longer eXlst, and we will. ponse to suggestions made at theliss Lilly und Harry Latham. About Brilliancy. Ind \Viilowdcan Chatter-son. ')e able, consequently, to give a better 'le�ting held �t that time.e-half the members of the colleges All the committees will meet at the program than e,'er be�ore."" 'Kennedy Second Year With No Deficitokd. call of their chairman within a few 'las a sample of. the program cover The years 1907-08. and 19()s-09 areOn second count, it was found that Philosophy college basketball team Ja)s. The publicity committee has lesign submitted, and after receiving �1(' first in the hi.story of the Univer-bout thirty had voted for candidates yesterday won its first game by de- :)een called for this morning at 10:30, 5cveral more designs will: with the ·ty. 'ill which no deficit has been�m other di\'isions than those to feating ,the Arts five in a rag,ged in Cobb 3A. ;ldvice of his committee select onc . hown' on the hooks, For the fifteenhich thcy "clonged. As a result, game :Jj to II. arc! submit it for approval. 'cars previous a large annual deficiY..se ballots having been discarded. .It was only the good individual DOWNTOWN HOllE FOR I mounting sometimes to $200,000 to, her. was accorded two more bal- playing of Levinson, Herger .and Dif- 'INTERNA. �ION. AL CLUB ":300,000, has occurred.,s than HO:'otctter, who thus became ford that gave Philosophy the big end _ _Fencibles to Challenge Illinois Many F..:rmer Gifts C'f Same Sort.emate. In II and III, the contest .)f the score. Movement Bel1Dl at.Smoker to Have The Fencibles at an enthusiastic Some of the former larger gifts ofs equally spirited. In Di- Tomorrow the Literature team QuartersJdiDtly1rith Northwestern dinner last night, decided to chal- \I,r. Rockefcller for the endowmention Ii there was a difference of but. clashes with the strong Scienc� Cosmopolitans. . Ilen�e .the University of Illinois to a 'If the Unh·ersity. are as follows:o between the balloting for the Philosophy. Arts. I -- I dcbate. The debaters met in the pri- �I:\y 15, IS&) $ 600.000ndidates in the order named. squad. A I:!rlte club house somewhere in\'ate dinin�' room of the Commons Feh . .2.�. 1892 •.............. 1,000,000In III \\ d the .Iownto\\"n district embodying the t • d 'I H P tOo.. , 000000'alter Morrison an Summary: I U• • •• an( entertame .\ r. enry or er I ct. 30. IO()� ••••.••••••••••• ". ,iss Chattc;'"OIl were both strong Difford R. F,......... Long 'rue i:1ternationc;l1 spmt, thIS IS t�le Chandlcr. �Ir. Chandler spoke to the J){'('. f.. H)()() 1,000,000ntenders ;;ll1lOSt to the last. Stcrn .Lcvinson .; L F..... Fit�gibbon 'lOpe of the International Club o�.t le club on thc recent inter-collegiate de- i :�cc, q, I!)OI 1.000.000d II "ote" to his crcdit, Henley 6. Worthing C Luckinbill!l:nh.ersity and the Cosm�po I�an bates. anr uritcd more persistent work I f).('c, IT, 1!)O2 " 1.000.000nley was .;ne of the holdovers in Hcrger .. ' R. G Ullman Club cf Xorthwestern U'11I,·crslty. in dehating. "'Ve have," he said, "thl,IJ:ll1. I,), TI)06 •..• , '.100.000'ision VI in the autumn quarter. Diamond 1.. G....... Hecht The plan was announced at the �mok- most alert. active and indcpcndent Jan I. 11)07 , 2.ioo,000MPANY.. the tihh J )i\'i�ion, Boynton was in K .er of th� club in Hichcock hbrary iaculty in the country, and therc is.. no Jan. I, 1908 2.000.000....... ;lyton. . h b d:. and r!!! lead all the time. the other two Field I:cals: Levinson s. Herger 4. Saturtlay. Notillng as c.en. onercason why we should not be able to Jan. 19, 1909 T.OOO,OOO'.. inees tryil1g for alternate. D·ff d J, \Vorthing Long Fitzgib- ,n the maUcr as yet. and It .1S not procuce the best debating teams." Thc (Ionation of ):111. I. 1 90S. wa�• - I I or ,. ,h h'd '11 b re IPac .... - Ie dj�I'h;d of tics in II and V hon, Luckenbill,Ullman. Free throws: expected t at t c 1 ea WI e app 1 { in land, comprising the strip along. P�va":; I be taJ.:(,1l up by Dean Angell and Long, Luckenbill.2. Fouls: Philoso- for t.wo years or more. The searchPhi Ret a Delta :mnounces thc thc south side of the �ficlway. from11 or .. ounced at the first meeting of the for :l campus club room will probably Cott�ge Grove to :\fadison avcnue.��k���' �il, to be held this morning at phy 8, Arts I.resdt in the renting of a house or pl{'dging of Irma Crane �fartin.for � in Dean Angell's offic�. All flat near the campus. At the �eet-lice. hers. holdover or newly elected, Brown is having troub� 'Mcause of ing to be held Saturday. February 6.cr Q...... requested to be present at this the ineligibility of many of the can- definite steps ".i11 be taken on this•OD" didate$ for its buketball tam. propo»itioa.Councilor-Lester A. Stern.Alternate-Thomas Molton Henley.Division V.(Guncilor-Harold L.. Alternate-Harry O.Mamie .Lilly-Tie.. Division VI..Cqundlor:-J. Sydney Salkey.Holdovers from the Autumn QuarterDivision II., W. P. MacCracken.lDivisioo 111.. May Courtenay,���r.i���. ��., .-R.- . P., .Sherer,Division V., W. F: Steffen.Division, VI., A. R. Wilson. IIt!W members elected are: B. F. Bills,V. O. Appel, Walter Foute, Elmer A gift of $1,000,000 worth of stocksBeatty, H. O. Finney, E. G. Leith, md bonds, which will increase theESD1Dlld Long. Albert Long, Barrett mnual income of, the University -byClark, T. Allan Ross, �o,ooo, was made yesterday by J ohnThe supper will be held in' the D. Rockefeller Thi .. makes the totalCommons cafe and will be the. initia- endowment of the University aboutlion banquet of the' new members. �J6,000,000. Announcement of theThe club has made plans to continue pft, which is to be added to the' per-­its dinners every week as it has done .nanent endowment of the University, .in former years. The picture will ·be was received yesterday morning, intaken at Martyn's next Friday at I the form of a telegram from G. D�o'clock for the Cap ari� Gown. Rockefeller, Jr., to Dr. T W. Good':'speed, the registrar .. 'ASK . SEN�ORS TO ORDE':i . Following the receipt of the tele-Igog- 'CLASS PROGRAMS' am._a:>meetmg-of the . trustees 'WM..., --' - held . down town,' yeste'rday aftern�D,Cbs;rn8" KeiDiedy � 'to ':SOund �t 'which the donation was' accepted!··Ili�be� 'by 'N�d 'PoStal Card ,1Od Dr. Goodspeed was instructed toSystem. thank the giver on behalf of the' Uni,-ment.Trustees Accept Present at r.I�IlCcorning year: Raymond O. Penney. All is for' Permanent End9w-aterial or president; Arthur Wheeler, treasurer,and Edward McBride, historian. Theour eMireod tailonhat's tilter,�30 to �eeches,G ... ··�111'..at., ..t • zi '.. _ ...of Chairman . Dean Kennedy . of the versity,ResUlt' of Visit of Trustees�KS.lysi-'be6rstin-'E�ss�H SIDEPurdue is havin� a vaccination cam­John Bcrn'ard 'Plausman has been paign on accotlJ1t of frtoq11ent cas� ofpled�ed Phi Kappa SiltTlla. small-pox in the vicinity .'-'" .,.THE DAILY MAROON� ,_ WEDN:ESI?�-\Y,. J�NUARY 20, 1909SHULTZ'S SCHOOL01' DANCING,.�. DAILY BULLB'lIB ."', -.ug al1'llOIl P:&RSIAN FAITH SUBJECT .l.DOUlll_cnwft'�, OP JA�KSON LECT�..fY'e .« _ C'ft BUtetball Ti� fW·· th�' � . Pre-Medica meet today in Kent 14-'I'" u.clal IiJt1l4eat PubUcatl_ af u.. CobImbia' Inveetiptor J)i8C11Ues Saturday will be on sale � Thursday,. Mr. E. D. Leftinpe11 will gwe an1:a1 ..... 17 of Cblcqo. TadIIDP u4.Beuefa of Zorou- and l'riday. The price. are 25 aDds<> illustrated lecture on his Arctic ex- lIoot Popalat Place in Chi_... .,._17 WI 1'0110..... cents. �.ricnces this evening a" 8 o'clock, Private Leuoaa b7 Appoin____ PubUd- C 'tt "f Settl t m Haskell hall, under thc_ auspices of Guarantee Course $s-oo. Five printc'Ill. 'CIllYeralt:r of Chlcqo �eeJdJ. ·3 omnu ee 0 emen - 'ess' h .'�W'll' J ,.:._ d �d ' ' . '. C bb Arts' Men. All Junior men are l'n-' ons WIt music. A zuarantee to"'0_ Prof .... or A. Y.. I I.ml ac�OD ance mee .. to ay at .0:30 mo·lt d make pupil proficient in the waltz IDdTbe WeekI:r. October I, lAft.. of Columbia University, delivered the 3A. V1 e • d_. Seni ,..,___ a� two-step. Barn dance taulht·1ITIle Da1I7. October 1. 1m £wrth of hio .�riel of lecture. y.... Fellows Club m eets Friday at 7:30 or....... Sodal Committee one lesson, .'terday, his lubjett beina "The De- in Cobb �A. . meets this morning at 10:30 in Cobb.. _ Sec d_ . • SD' OBi"", and Stuelio, 301 W.st 6s4 It... ..... • 1IaIIat .... � velopment of the. Pe�sian.FaitlL· Th. Political Econom1, . Club. meeting - . .Cor. W.ntworth Ave.a.toalce, Cbic:qo. llllDola, Karch 18, speaker emphasized the ethics and Friday at 8 p. m., in Cobb 3C. Talk Pen Club Dinner this evening at 61_ ""der Act. '" lIIueh 1,.181&' morality dev.lop.d by the teacbings by Mr. Joseph T_ Talbe�t .. on -'Clear- o'clock in Hutchinson caf •. Mr. Har- Phone Garfield F-" ,. ' ld A id Informal Dancing Reception atof. Zoroaster,and his conception of the ing House Examinations." 0 tten ge will be the guest of the'hbUahed doII7, uoept 8",,_ _ position or' man in the univers._ He Reynolds Club_ Bowling Touma- club. THE FORUMu& hol.da,.., dur ..... til ..... ..rt.ro "' .... also explained ritual and cer.moni.s mont-Entries for 'sinJies and doubles Signor Guglieme Ferrero ,,111 give 43rd St_ a Calumet Ave.Ualnroll7 7.... �.rtaining "t9 the refigion, and com- will now b. rccd�ed. '. . his third lecture on "The History of EV!!!i..;SATURDAY EVENJIIGri6r f h IF' R . Rome" todav at 4 pm' M d I on .so Centl a Penoa._ .. •. We��"tb.� to .�bos. 0 otber a�- nter _ ratermt;v epresentatiVOS . , .. In an eI!abecrlpt'on price, '3.00 per lear; ,1.00 'dent nations, as India and Babyloma. meet Thursday mol'ning in Cobb 3A, hall. Subject: "Nero." Fourth Iec- . -------... thr.. mouths' oubocrlpU01l .......... ot The speaker had great praise for instead of Wednesday. ture Friday. CLASBIFBD.... llaroou om.e, EIlIo Hall, or at the the code of morals developed by tli. Third Year Law Men get your pic- Junior Mathematical Cub meeting, ADVJ:RTISl!llIU:N'l1.... u117 Es ........ Cobb BaiL early Persians. and showed how n.res take rr free for the CaP and today at 4:30 p. m., in Ryersonthey were similar to those of India. Gown at Martyn's. Hand to Gordon 36. Papers by Miss Warren and Mr .. :Ne •• contrlbuUona ID&1 _ left at Slila Their high ideals of man's duty in Stewart. Tashiro.Ball or Facul� &xcbanae, addreued to this world, and their conception of Phi Beta Kappa, Picture will be Y. W. C. L. regular meeting to­.be. Valll Maroon. his future life, are among the most' taken Friday at 2 o'clock in Water's day at II :30. a. m., in Lexingtonadvanced in' the ancient religions. The studio, 414. 63rd street. hall.ritual, and. esp�cial1y the sacrifice, University Basketball Game-Chi- Sphinx meets today at 10:30 inwas fully. explained. Parallels be- cago vs. Purdue, Satprday, 8 p. m., Cobb 9B.tween Zoroastrian belief and the re- -n Bartlett gymnasium. Tickets at -------­Iigions of the ancient H indus and information office Thursday and Fri- SPECIAL PROPOSITIONBabylonians and early Christianity day. TO STUDENTSand Judiaism were. also drawn. Score Club Dance, Saturday, in l"OR SALE - McMaster's HistOiiPeople of U. S., 5 vols., $5; �ost'�8.7.5; perfect condition. Hays, 251E. 66th Street.LOST--At Christmas, a big brontabby Angora cat, male; rewaiel.'The Little Book Shop, 434 E. 55th'Street. .PBDTON F. GASS, Hanqln& Editor.�"'IM J. ADAMS, Newa EdItor.OIW ALD F. NELSON, BWilDea Manqer.1. V l<.r.:.N J.' - Pleasant rooms aDdboard with' private family .. �M�adis()n Avenue. House. iREOPENING of University Dant­ing Class, _ Thursday aftem�'Class 2:30 to 3:30- Informal'dane-­ing to 5. Rosalie HaUl 276 East57th Strect .IDdltorlal Omce-Before 8 p. m. •. Elila Hall,OalTeralt:r. Tel. J41dwllJ 800. After 8 p.� Maroon Preu, 4.74 E. 55th Street. Tel.lIre1e Park 3681. Offered bJ' the Rebuilt TypewriterCompaJI7.; 4. �;,;':., Rosalie hall.�etball Game, tomorrow, _ at� � I LIT MEN SHI�E AS STUDENTS 3 :20, in Bartlett.' Science vs. Litera-Ther.! are about 200 students at theUniversity renting' tyepwriters at theaverage rate of' $2.50 per monthwhich means about $500.00 paid ou;monthly with nothing to show for.he investment. If the avera&e ma- !tOR REtU'-Neat light room at Dr:hine woald be worth $50.00, you .Pottet's, eye specialist, 525 E.. 63dRould be paying· about 60 per cent a Street, near Lexington Ave. "Td.tear on your loan, because paying Midway 212_rent for a typewriter is practically --:;--"""":":-::--::---------the same as paying interest . on a Lost-B.B.B. Glocker piper, 1rithloan.' : .' Cfticago "c" on bowl; valued u aGrade-rebuilt .. typewriters .: �il1 be present. Please return to' Inf�;old' to students (In. almost the same tion office.LlIS I'-Goldterms' as . renti�. 4 watch (mo-nogrua";£_If you are renting a machine. or if T.) and chain, Wednesday artir·you are tbinking of purchasing one, noon, in Women's �call up Central SIIS, or address Edw. Finder return to 359 E. sstia;St.'J. Goldblat� care Rebuilt Typ�wnter 211d flat, and receive liberal -re�Co., 30 Dearborn Street.' L.OST-Silver' Belt BudCle' 'atQcbedLet us tell you about our proposi- to brown belt, Friday, on':�:.ion.-Adv. between 8:30 and II :00. Relurii to13 Beecher Hall. <�'.tur,e.,With the Settlement dance but ten Dean Linn Presents Figues Showing P,hilcsopby �o!lege debate trials,. days ahead, it behooves the Univer-' SchorIarshi� c:,f the College. Thursday afternoon, in C��b 6A_sity public to come to - Junior Class meeting next Wednes-Literature college (men) was' com­plimented yesterday by its dean,James W. Linn, on the subject of thework of the coliege quarter."On the whole," . said Dean Linn,''the work you· ba,ve - done' dur'ing 'thelast quarter,.' gives me c�nsic1erab,lesatisfaction. The figures shoW.' thatthere are 84 men who completed thei,rwork in the college. Of these, 8 re­ceived an' ave�g� gTade of B orabove' '34 Teceived ail average gradeof be�ween Band' C. and, 19. of thewhole group. re,ceiyed � or joust sixhonor points'; that_ is, were e�ct1yeven with the requirements.Seventy-one p�r' cent of the stu­,Ients of this coll!!ge received suffi­cient honor points, to graduate with­out difficulty; 12 more of the menhad a �ade bet���n C and C-, gain­ing 5, 4. or 3 ��nor points; 12 mendid not get as many as 3 points, andone man broke the record by dropping 5 oints below the schedule. TO RENT-One half of doubleroomHitchcock 12. At reduced �Can.. As to a clear realization of its';' the Settlement respo�sibility in thet Dance matter. Is the dance tobe a success? That is:�:, tite question for the students to de­cide. What�ver the committees maydo in the matter, the final answerrests with the students. They can do�: what 'they please with it, and prob­ably they will.There are several very definite rea­sons why it should succeed, however.The �iversity has undertaken topnaintain a very important social ,set­tlement work among the people, ofthe stock yards district. Some of themoney necessary for its supportshould come from the students� TheSettlement dance should take its placeas the most important all-Universitysocial affair of the year. It is themost democratic of the big dances,and many hold it to be the most en­joyable. That the dance will be asuccess socially, is not to be doubtedfrom the plans that are already en­thusiastically under way. All that re­�ains is for the students to make "Jts day, 10:30, in �ent. Very important.IgoS Cross County Squad . meets'Thur�day morning at 10:30 in Cobb3A. lmport�n�.·German Club" meets Friday at 4 p.m., in L��irigton.· Lecture in English('n. Hauptmann's, "The Sunken: Bell,"by Professoi '"Jrudolf Tombo .of' Col-..•. ; " L. . 'umbia University. .Mathcmatic:a1 Club meets Friday at-':30 p.' m., 'in Ryerson 35·Signor Guglielmo Ferrerro gavehis ;irst lecture on "The History ofRome," Monday afternoon.. at 4.in Mandel hali. Subject: "Antony andCI�opatra." 'The second lecture inthe course, "The Development ofGaul/' Tuesday. Third and fourthlectures Wednesday and Friday.Haskell Lectures-"The Religion ofPersia," by Professor A. V. Willi�msJackson of Columbia University� inHa5kell assembly room at 4 p. m.,Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday.Candidates to fonn Freshman TiackTeam are wanted.Sophomore Chalk Talk, W edne�dayat 10:30, in Kent theater.,Cap aDd Gowo Editor. will laoldoffice bours in Ellis, 3 from twe tofiYeo The Businest maoacer' &eID DECO�TOR ....53d . St. and Kimbarlt Av.a:Tel. Hyd. Park II. ..We Have No Branch StudioFOR FORMALPARTIES ORDER UNIVERSITY DANCING CLASS.Rosalie Hall, 276 E_ 57th' StRd.Class 2:30 tQ 3:30. Informal:DiIc-�ng Thursday afternoon. '.� !.l· .PLOWERS OFBARGAINS ALL THE TID-'Reliable Rebuilt Typewritcrta':.�kes; rebuilt in our oWD fIdIrr."",.tter and cheaper than oth .....for yourself. The Typewriter II­ch�Ce. 319 Dearborn St. A. J.'�),faDager. Tel�pho�e Harriloa :�INITIATE PACULTY MEMBERS- ____financial outcome equally satisfact�. Gamma Alpha "Adds: Mean. Pettit,Buck � Pitcher.I·-D of three &.0 four.R. T. Pettit of the epartment SeDior Picturft for the Cap aDdPathology, T. 'Buck of the Depart­ment of Mathematics, and A. D.Pitcher of the Department of Mathe­matics; have b�' initiated into theGamma Alpha Scientific fraternity. a'YeDue.-This organization, installed in theUniversity last year, nOW has chap- Urges Helpfulness as Life-Mottoters at Cornell, Johns Hopkins, Chi­cago, Illinois and Dartmouth. Theannual convention of the fraternitywas held at Baltimore during theChristmas holidays. w. mOe • Specialty ....aDd "rateftai� Dbmen.GETS APPOINTMENT INWISCONSIN LEGISLATURE WHERE TO DID'�'Gown are dee before JaDuary �Picture will be taken free of char:,efor the CaP and Gow� by Mart7G'1\faroon Studio, 5705 Ccttace Gro¥e TO ,UKION HOT":, tAIO) USTAUllAlft � �" 111-117 Rudolph �;}'�fTHE POPULAR PLACi�TO KAT -,.� " ..- "'!IvT. H. Sanderson, '08; Made AsSist-ant Sergeant-at-Arms in Sadler'State Capital.- � J. '.-----Thomas H. Sanderson, 'oS, now at­tending thc U,niversity of Wisconsinlaw school has been appointed as­sistant ser�eant-at-arms of the Wis­consin Icgislature. The position' isone of considerable honor, and ofmuch advantage to the holder.Sandcrson, in his official capacity,has chargc of the messengers andothcr employccs of the lcgislature,and helps to maintain order'. Besidespaying $150 per month, the positionputs him in touch with many menwho will be of scrvice to him in hislcgal practice.While in the University Sanderson"'as on the University debating tcam,class orator,literary editor of the Ca�and Gown, winner of the publ�speaking scholarship and a member• LiDcoln House. The MA�NETTE ASSEMBLIES\\;11 hold an Iowa Pennant Party,Friday evening, Japuary 22d, at Calu­met Hal1, 63rd St. and Jackson Park:\ "e. E"cry one attending wilt bepresented with a beautiful 36-inch ,Fclt Iowa Pcnnant. D�cing every ------------ ....Friday c\'cning.That every collcge man or woman:,hould adopt and live out the motto"To Hclp," was thc ccntral thoughtin Dr �lcClurc's talk at Senior ehap·el ycs�erday. He also urgcd that onlyin this 'way can a person develop hispowers and build up a strong person­ality, ":\ny truc-mindcd man orwom:ln." said Dr. �lcClurc, "will re·!'o�h'c to bc morc of a givcr than agetter. To help thc "'orld and topreserve all that is bcst in humanitY­that IS thc highest ambition." In con­clusion, he made an appeal to all col­legc students to cnlist their scrvices,as thcy "'cre expectcd to do, in thepreservation of thrce institutions-the cl:uich, the Sabbath and theho�. Kith",: before or aft.�·Theater.ELECT OFFICERS OF MASONSA. J. SHAWBANJO VIRTUOSOHyde park Conservatory 01Music.276 East 57th Street.-I reacher of Banjo. Ma ndolin ....Guitar.Many good bargains are . offeredevery day by Maroon advertisers.Big Banquet Planned for Evening ofJanuary 29,. FIFTY-FIFTH ST. DAIRYS. EDMARK & CO.-Dealcr in-PURE MILK AND CREAM--The Free and Accepted Masons of�he University have elected J. S.Earle president, and L. D. Watkins,sccretary-treasurer.The society plans a banquet inHutc}Iinson Commons on the eveningof Friday, January 29, and severalsmokers durin. the sprias quarter. 329 E. 55th Street ----,. Footbest ofin�.Don'tmake 0ready tOrdrryour dlCatalog"'BAFT.�. "._' .... - .... ..T·lt�·'. ·PRESIDENT'S ... MESSAG.E ... ;because such laws are not in' accordwith public opinion,and ours is a sov­ernment of public opinion. It 'willnot to say that procedure by in­junction is speeder than proceedurein accordance with law. Arbitrarygoverment is .always speedier' in 'act­ion than goverment of law. but oursis a goverment of law. not of persons .Very frequently the acts prohibitedby a writ of injunction are entirelylawful. In sueh cases the injunctionwill ultimately be' dissolved, but themischief has already been done. Aninjunction forbidding a lawful strikeis none the less effective for its pur-'pcse because it is dissolved three orfour years after the strike has ended.Under the interpretation of ourcourts an injunction is ·binding uponall parties until dissolved-that is, thearbitrary. will of a' 'single judge sup­ersedes the law of the land ..To correct existing abuses, and pre­vent further encroachment, 'the issu­ance' of writs of injunctions by fed­eral courts ought to be restricted tocases where such process is expresslyauthorized by statue.. Incbrporation IOne of the greatest forward steps .in the great work of compelling ourcommon carriers to perform their ob­Iigations . to the public at reasonablerates, in an . adequate man�er' andwithout discrirPiQation . betw'ee� thelarge. shipper and liis less powerfulcompetitor, was in the passage of the:lailway Rate laws of 1905. That lawsum ultimately .. awarded fr�m one will always reflect credit on those re-fourth to. two-thirds is absorbed by sponsible for its passage; but experi­attdrneys fees. . .ence constantly �oin,ts the way to' im-'_<\n �eqt21ly .serious result of this prcvement, .' ..system of law is the appaling multi- The Interstate CQ_mmerce . commis-, pliCiftion . of· accidents. Railways. �ion is now charg�{ with .two : �ori:�I f!!lncd owners and manufacturers .find 'f functions, which: both. 'logic �.O:t cheaper to kill and maim their em- icstice, as well as expediency, demand. ployees than. to· adopt. practicable should .be tested �n separate bodies.I but: .• costly safetY-flPpliances and pre- It is- at prcsent both a prosecutingcauti\)cs. This is the sole valid ex- and an ad;t:dicating autho:ity. I be­i>lanation ()f the startling differ�nce lieve it to be impossible for menbetween the freque�cy of such ac- �vhose: duty it is to. search for viola-. Employers· Liability.To the Congress of the U. S.:It is estimated that thirty thousandadult males are killed outright andab ... ut une hundred and_ twenty-fiveth� usand injured each year by indust­rial accidents in the United States.Wh\!11 it is reflected that the victims. A such accidents are almost exclu­sively wage-earners, and that thegreat majority of them are bread win­ners fur Iamilies the social gravity':"f tilc:::c ligures will be appricated.Toa wc.rking family the temporary dis-il ability of the bread-winner meansIn willpo,sif,.,Jy ou�/£&t privution ; his death or permanent dis-tIII!II'l'rmf. three parra of . '1ImmiiiIil _bility means positive social degrad-IWIl1lll1S ordt� suapenden.( .D \V'ebhtng inimitable. '.• lion. The family is forced to takeQuah� unvary'n� cheaper quarters, the mother goes toButtonholes tndeatrudlble.£ ... it>- .. djusted..ahd._h.Ltr...t .vcrk, -the children leave school forI !=\('rygenuine patr haa name .nill and store, growing up stunted(U.GUVOT·STAMPEDUERE.... in mind and body and character.50!.�-':!"-�-rr�...� These serious social evils are di-������N����R.2�� rectly attributable to our system oflaw. which places the financial riskof Industrial accidents upon thoseleast able to bear - it themselves orshift it upon others the laborer andthese dependent upon him. Ratherless thn one-sixth of the injuries sus­tained in industrial pursuits are re­o Football gives place to the great- coverable under. our system of laws.est of Winter Sports-Ice Skat. And even in those few cases where re-in�. covery is allowed damages can onlyDon't forget that there is only one be collected after Iitigation involvingmake of Skates that will always be several years' delay, with probablyready to serve you well. a series of appeals : and reverses uponOrder Barney & Berry Skates from technical errors no wise. affecting theyour dealer and write for our Free merits of the controversy, Of -'tlurIt.lHG•stOri�ostIroq.ward· 55th'�room.piice.at Dr.� 6Jd� 'TeL• with, ..eel u anf_ Catalog. showing complete line."'BARNEY &:. BERRY..273 Broad Street'_�:_�',:�S p r i'ngfi el d. 'M .. �.- '0' ..... ..• • ': ': •. �.c ; � � .� .� i .�TJ8-ita\':.:t fIctIIr.then.· ..'liter. ,iI-.J.'�isoa .,_ drients . in Europe and America. I� tions of law, and to discover andEur,�pe, where the. laws makes the marshal evidence with the purpose of'�mployer answerable for industrial sect!ring conviction, to preserve with­':cidents effe�tive means have been out bias that attitude of impartialityfound to reduce the number of such nf"cessary to the determination of theaccidents. balance of justice inI earnestly recommend a . 'federal cases.�mployers liability act.· similar in It would be disastrous, however, top�incipl: to the �ritis� Workmen's the efficiency of the regulative pow­ComJlensati�n Acts' applicable to' all �rs of the commission to provide fortransportatic�, mining and manufac�'- ap�als to tbe courts on any ques­uring ccrpcditions engaged in inter- tiohs involving expediency. I there- ·1�t:{te -commerce. fOIe recommend the establishment· of;:n administrative court ·of interstateGENTLEMENWHO DRESS FOR STY\£IEAlliESS, AID to. FOil.• 0Il BE laPIlGYU •BOSTONGARTER Injunctions commerce, to be composed not ofThe right of trial by jury is a safe- men trained in the laws, but of ex·guard of personal lib�rty, guaranteed perts in railroad and water transpor­i>oth by the constitution .of the Unit- tation, whose decision shall be finalcd�StC!tcs and the constitutiorts' of the on atl questions of fact and expedi­sev('ral states. No one would ven- ency; leaving to the Interstate Com­tnrc to suggest its abolition. But in mc!"ce commission all its powers ofrecent years this ancient· right bas prosccution and of cxecution, but re­he en most scriously invaded, not by lie\':ng of its judicial functions.legislatures but by the supposed bul· I rccommend to your considerationwar:�s of thc constitution-the courts the expediency of providing for in­nf law. This in,·asion has taken the corporation under federal 'Iaw of allform of an cquitable process-the writ corporations carrying on an interstateof i:1junc,ion. hnsines·s. The present practice of al­i The acts forbidden by .. ,.rit of in- lowing a single state, likely to haveI jUllcti(')t1 may be-often arc-unla,,·ful. regard rathcr for its own pecuniaryo If so. ample remedy alre�dy cxists in r.rofit rather than for the rights of its: fhe ci"il and criminal law of the land. sister states to determine the condi­'Tht' injunction in such cases adds tions on which our powerful corpora­; ncthing to the la,,"-<=xcept the pO"'cr tiens shall petform their functiom1to pt:nish its infraction without in- throughout the union, seems an obso­: dicttTlcnt and without jury trial. It letc and absurd Ol1e. Already the fed-.. __ ",ALWAYS EASY � will not do to say that the injunction eral g(\\'ernment, through the consti-________ �������_•.! 'rnust be used because juries will not tutiotlal of its courts. goes far toward\ convict. The same reasoning would preventing adcquate control of such,apply to most capital crimes. \Vhen- corporations by the state.s. Is it notI evcry juries show unusual rcluctence the duty of the nation to undertaketo cOOl'iet under particulu laws it is that control in the interest of all?�WrOSO;torJ aI THE HCOOIIZtD STUDAID.... T ...... el.� .. ,��• CUSHIONBUTTON'CLASPtlIS runo TRE LEe-IlEYERSLIPS. TEARS lOR UilfAS rElls.�FULL DUll 8Vft'1'10 aD'!T. c. SCHAFFNER a: CO. lQ� -�'£OLLEGE' MAN'S TAILORI c:laim� by rieht of yeara,.of ezperience with the colle,. man. tohave tIae only V..anity. TailOr-shop hereabQJl�.t[_You.wi11 alwa;n '&Dd me .With,exclusively different fashions andf_rica; ne,,�r �.e ."�e." 'despite that they contain· all the GIN-·OER and sNAP.tI �, have lc;arned ,to . cheese my styles ,with Two eyes-�)De openfor th�' ,SMART' CHAP, the'. otDer' for the MATURE MAN � andthe con��as� show. ho� little.'�'haVe'let "the ·right eye know what theleft e7e eioeth. " .:D�,N·HAM.VARSITY CLOTHES 519 E. 63rd ,Street•••••••••• �.�_ •• _ •• � •••••• e.". " ·.:.!OlN"oM'oney-DownTry.OurS300 Keit��re PianoIn your own home, make sure that it J"Uits youIn eve!')'· particular._ Whell you' are 'so satisfied,·pay'u_s IIl.\� ;1\rj!Iir5165In �y way you like, even as low as$1 a�eeK.I$'J'ARCX p � AN 0 8-RecUtarprices '350 to '7SO. atG�EATLY ImPUCED PRICES AT THIS SALE.THIS COUPON 18· WORTH A TEN DOLLAR BILLC�t i' out at once. DOD't throw aw�y money, We not only SAVEyo� over � !tun�r�d d�l1ars, but permit the smallest payments EVER"kno�D' (as Io� as $1 a we�k); ,a�k no ·money.· in adva'nce and Siv.'you $io !o boot, . Can you beat it?. ": 6ut�f.:.to1ni- 'pauona are iD-,i,ed. to aui1 themHlvea ofMOST"libeRl indueemeDta!', , ••.-. ,'" «; ," � .: •• I'��� '. �. '_'CUT .. OUT:THIS COUPON. ,GOOD . FORTen POlIa,ts. I· '10 FREE CREDIT DUB BILLOne of these: Coupons aood ..FIRST PAYIIK I"TtOVL'ards purchase of 9ne Starck·Piano at this sale. at1\ venue Chicago, 111.Pianoa • Shipped to Any Part ... 1 the United Stat_011 'Th� La"benl TermL- Write for FREE Catalop ... rI, \i1P. A. STARCK PIANO CO.,II.AlnJP ACTUURS.at-a WabUb Avem:ae. Nar Adams Street. Chicaeo.I�ois C�Uege of Commerce�" "�lyATHENAI;UM ;.I!!r.. : �8 to 26 VAN BUREN STREETYounc ·people qUalified in ,our Shorthand anei Busineu 4epUt-I menta in the Ihortat pouibl� time for po�tions that· par at oncefro� '35 t� $6(, a month._ In�rJdUo ��.' i�tsruction. DA Y• and NIGHTsessaons. Enter any time..· c.fft, wnte or pbone Hamson 1110 for.1 catalogUe. PositiQDS for lI1leiuate.. '37 yean of uninterrupted He,caL SAIIlUEL B. WILLEY, LL. B., Superintendent�--��---._.----_.------��----��------------,----------�MENTION The DAft Y MAROON"h��_ Trading With Our Advertisers, .�III(Ii1 I -_.", ...D!1t.D�y_·)M�QQ!i, WEDNESDAY,.]A�_UARY_�,_l909 . _. - . -- _I $i&_!IOr.� �.'� .No- .. '.I •tion that GlUt Conqueror em':' Star �Hurd1er, QiWter -lIller andII . fully Planned Out Hia Great"ca: Broad Jumper to Go Into.r� Beforehand Bua!ness.I'I 1I •IIIt-'.--J. C. LYNAS. L. . C. WlLICUfS .Another body blow at the indoortrack team comes in the form of thedecision' by George Garrett, the starhurdler, broad jumper and quarterand half miler, to leave college for thepresent and go into business..Garrett had more than a man'sshare of activities to perform thisquarter. He was, besides being amember of the track team, businessmanager of the 1909 Cap and Gown,president of the Junior class, mem­ber of the Dramatic club play cast,joint author of one of the plays inthe Blackfriar comic opera cornpeti­ticn, and was carrying full work inthe Law school.The absence of Garrett deprivesCaptain Lingle's team of practicallythe only hurdler of marked ability.Garrett will also be missed in thehalf mile indoors, and in the quartermile outdoors. He was also· one ofthe best broad jumpers possible forthe outdoor season.Director Stagg is still looking formore material for the track team, Thebunch of sprinting candid:ltes havebeen improving in the past few days,Kuh, Tartarsky, Pegues and Levin­son have been showing up well.Pegues is also working on the hur- . TAILeR FOR YOUNG M:iuIA. N. Jerrems. lIer..lles. The distance men have .been rw. stores: 131 La Salle St.. ..training hard. Phit. Comstock ran a 44 Jacboa .......mile in 4:51. yesterday and Stophlet --------....,...-,--------crossed the line in a two-mile race SPALDIN.G'Sin. 10:51. Caldwell, Gilbert, Carpen- OFFICIALter .and Simpson .have been running BASE BALLRECORD'Second Y��r.,Official av�raldof the Natioaal,American aDd.all minor leac-.' . ues; the y� �base . ball; list of the "-400" hi�tri';.since .1871; table of .batters who ��/"reached ".300" since J876 in auy:.zDi.:jor organization; list of world�.,ch�p.o��ip teams; no-hit, ,e�records; . best on record in base.�;previous championship winners in ap,I�gues; long games of 19oB; coU.rc;cords; picture� of the 1908 majOrarid. �inor leagues champions; worldse�ies pictures and action pictures.�minor leaguers who have recahed thebig leagues.Price 10 CentsBATTING. CAGE PUT IN USEpirector . Stagg's Criti� Ey� ,Watch­es Over �aily Practice.Between stiff fielding practice andjogging around the track ,the ba�eb�li:athletes are getting . do�n to form.The candidates for the Varsity teamare rather slow in COmil1g out, but,he Freshman report regularly, andMr .. Stagg thinks the prospects for astar I�H2 ! �am cxccllcn�.The batting cage has been put 'upand is the !'cenc of most of the work.The men line up at one end of thegym, and Assistant I Coac� Gaardcknocks a Ii,'cly grounder down thefloor.The head man steps out. of rankand makes a grab at;. it. t f he stopsit . Mr. Stagg, ·on the side tine, nodsand puts down a check. If he doesn'tgct it. a miss is recorded, At the endof the hour the list is read. Baird,• Degcnhart. Cary and Steinhrecherh;we heen showing up well.APPEL HEADS PHILOSOPHYVallee O. Appel was elected chair­·man of Philosophy college at themeeting held .yesterday morning. Th('question of a cotlege dance was putin the hands of the executive com­mittee. The college adjourned earlyin or.der to have their picture takenfor the Cap and Gown. but the' pho­togr.apher failed to appear. quite close to the leaders.Thank Winter Piaili: CommitteesA' vote of thanks· -was �verr;;,;.tothose men who assisted : in makingthe Winter Picnic a success, and es­pecially . to, Mark HirschI, HarveyFaller and Dean Kennedy, who wereexceptionally active. at the meeting ofthe' Settlement League, held yester­day· in the Quadrangle club. CHOCOLAtESand fine bonbons famous throup�OUt America. put up in beautifIIboxes suitable for presents at s5C40C and 60c per pound. "Apt� customer is the beat ...vertisement. ..Gunther's Confedionery212 State Street.� • .,_, .. _-.-- _- - _ -- -=.iL--��-��"""-'''.: ·4 •. 1.�·-·===-----;:'__�.- ... '''......- --·B-··'-A�- ,- AT�RA -� • 14 "'\ _f "':) - � ". . '-, : , '. 'MU SI CAL C�QLLEGtE.�b_�"� _�79 i�.7, �� �w�14�renowned Hans Bal�tkaPOSTAL CARD BRINGS CATALooUE I .<;�esar was taken down from' hisWRITE TODA.Y pe��s�l and shown as a fortunateD R. C H v�ilJl._pf circumstances, rather .. thanR. F. B ALAT K·A. Di·r ecto r. ID. I a .far.:"�i�g genius and . demi-god,IP. omas Recogniz�d Al'.pv�r th�' World :;. yesterday �y Signor Gugliemo Fer-I t SpeCIal Rates to St.,U, �,.�.. D.. tt Af U of C. I rero, Ihe .noted Italian historian. Sig-� U nor Ferrero also declared that RomeI t �4dr�.�� CO����Ip_jo I would have been swallowed up 'in theI. BALATISA P!fJJ§JCAL COLLEGE -I civiliaation of the East, if it had not. _, �1.�. - - ", '. � - II turned its attention to Gaulj • ..:_ ::. _ _ ::. _ ��d� _H��_4��t_Rand�� ��t_ _ _ I t "TI�ere is an event, 'in Ro��n his-- -- tory," said Signor Ferrero, "whichstrikingly proves my, observation thatwe cannot discern the final effects ofthe efforts and forces of our own gen­eration. This is the conquest of Gaul,which proved to. be the beginningof modern European civilization butwhich was entered upon becau:e ofchance occurrences in R�man historyand in life of Julius Caesar. In mosthi.stories be is far-seeing, a demi-god,who perceived events in the distantfuture', hidden from his contempor-aries. The true history of the con­quest of Gaul is .entirely different. Itwas only because of. internal politicsthat the Romans looked to Gaul asa field for expansion, Hitherto theyhad expanded eastward .. They dream­ed the dream of Alexander the Greatand thought of the conquest of Per­sia. Even Caesar thought with hiscontemporaries.If Gaul had never been conquered,Rome would have been swallo\ved upin the older civilization of Africa andt-\sia. Gaul prevented this a'nd keptthe capital in the \Vest for thr�e cen­turies."Yet this was the result of a seriesof accidents, Herein lies th·e lessonfor us. It teaches us. ·th.a we. are toa large extent ruled . by forces overwhich we have no control. In a_______________ , sense, every generation enjoys the._.Iei •• �IA" good deeds and expiates the. �jns ofF. Ziegfield Jr.'11 Great Musical predecessors., But still �e can ac-,Produc�QJJ. complish something; we can influenceTHE- So.UL KISS, . �he course of history to a cer�in e�-with the wonderful dancer, tcnt, Th�s is onr reason 'for workA:q����: .GEN.�� and thought. The�e is no destiny on I.. earth. for the lazy." ., ,... &LLi.'eII 'Signor Ferrero will give two more�RACE VAN STUDDIFO.RD �ectures, one today and one Satur-In the LiJ{ht Qpe� Saccas, day.GOLDEN BUTTERFLYThe College ShopOpposite the Illinois TheaterWhere to DineTHENEWESTROOM DOUBLE THE LIFEOF YOUR SUIT.There's twice the wear in a nit, ifvou. have an extra pair of trousea..Make the experiment-find out for'yourself.Here's your opportunitY-A; liltand extra pair of trousers for •price of the suit.Trousers of the same matedal·"different, just as you prefer.This offer holds 1I!0od 011 our .Iinstock. ..We want to keep our good tail ..busy between seasons. That's."­primary reason for this offer.Coming in today?Suit and Extra Trousers=-Sjo to $60.Yes, we make riding' breeches.For sale by all news dealers andA.. Q. SPALDING" But.,Special-Every play� should ba�. � Spaiding Base Ball Catalogue.for1909. Mailed free anywhere,/147 Wabash AVeD1IeChicaco •. mttll,D WAY 'l.A-IL OK:'Garments of AU Descriptio.·CLEANE� DYED a ALTma»�OOI' Ellis Aye. .Work caUed for and. deJift1'ed.- .;.PATaMll.f8AJQ) ,..a 0 so.,1)0£5·,I·j· -162g Masonic :�empleA Special Line of Fraternity and Collece Leather wall dec­orations; Arts and Craft Jewelry, etc. We have JIUt whatyou want for Christmas.Call and See Us.'l'm: INDIAN ROOMROBERT P. IlURPHY.Proprietor·BOTEL ALBANY41st Street and BroadwayNEW YORKRemodelled, �an�mel� Fur­aiabecl Tbroaabout Vol. VII. 1PICIOEIUN SIMinority NPenney, LPreSident cCourt lUIDemocratmillees inday. Thewill be votof the Sento the prrallowed theE. S. Conounced thtees. five cbeen grantmajority p:placed in tlNonThe heatNaval affaiand Forestrigation, 1Columbia,fairs, C. ]mittee, F.MaMC!�benmittees WIMernbct�Ma�Crack(Finance­QUe .. ForeigDand nraunCiVll'SclHuse.CommerAllison, HInternalWest, CarPanamaFisher an(Irrigatioand Carol:PostofficHansen. ,�u)es-lJ . .Barron.AlilitaryD. Reevejudiciar�WeSt.Pension:Logan.Naval-:Williams.A�ricult�rackeD,Reeve.Districtman; HarIndianT. D. GrUndeci.chairman;Furtherfiency ofDounced 'Hall Who'«·Irwin Brothers C·Qmpany449 to 451 State Street CHICAGO s825 State StreetLong Dist, Tel. Harrison 516-517. Long Dist. Tel. Went�rth 517�RJM'E BEEF, POBX, VEAL ABJ)"�OHWrite for Special' Hotel Beef and Poultry Price List.Specially Selected far Hotel. Restaurant, Club and DiDinc Car Trade.Fancy Cuts of Meats for this trade given particular attention.__, � __ ---- __ -- __ -J-A • U •••• ,. Ir II-.. T�li: ..... � •••. ElsIE ' JANis'" ,. In: George -Ade's College Comedy,THE FAIR CO-EDKCVICXBa's�l.aw & Erlanger's Mi�htyProduction.THE ROUND UP-in-: THE CALL OF THE NORTH·OBIOAGO OP:.KA.· HOlJD"WALKER WHITESIDEIn ��a:will'. areat PlaY.THE Mti:riNG POT••• A •• II' •• I ••THE NEWLY WEDSAND THEIR BABY60 -People- 60TDPlWIO ...Beginning Thursday,HONEYMOON TRAILWBITIf.YThe Bia' Success,A BROKEN mOLWith Otis Harlan and Beauty CharusIi£. .£.1.1..CECIL LEAN ., •••. .1. •• 1 •• 'LULU GLLASER��MLLE, inSCHIEF&lidFLORENCE HOLBROOKand the La Salle Theater Stock Co.A GIRL AT THE HELMAlnElUCAlf MUSIC RAt.t.e Formerly the Ga�den)'AMELlA BINGHAM, EMMACARUS AND VAUDEVILLEMAJBSTICCONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLEMABEL HITE ANDMIKE DONLINand ten other bi� acts.Prices IS-2S-S�'S J� ;.o.u. HOUR·ARNOLD··DALY•. �qI-THE PICKPOCKETS"POWKU·ROBERT EDESONOLYMPIC MUSIC ·HALLFRENZI ED FOLL] ESAND VAUDEVILLES nokin.r PermittedE. C.IWO-ORE•• FlOR'ST�... W. is". ItnetTel. Weatwortla 1031. .,. .&. ,ssth ··atnet.Tel. H,.. Park 3L . ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOFIn the heart of the Citysoo Rooms. 300 Bath ROOrDaEuropean F1an. Cuisine UnexcelledG�ntlemens' Cafe, Ladies' Restau­rant, and Moorish Rooms. Popu·lar Prices. Plenty of Life-butHomelike .$1.00 Per Day and UpSEND FOR BOOKLET,Meet me at the College Inn, undeTthe Albany, New York's leadingRathskel1e�, a place to eat, drinkand be merJ7,