)'H0Ti _aroonlNa'Tit. �A'" aM"TMAT" • ..;. ..... .;.L.l&1I·-"·_Dice0,..n.u,aDdt's::II A. II.t.gP .... CHICAGO. T�ESDAY.' JANUlARY 19. �909· Price �wo C�a�yol. VII. No. 69.STABG ARRAIBES DATES .',FOR 3 FOOTBALL GAMES PAGE IN BASIETBALL rO�D PARTIES LIME UP FORLONI, BITTER CDIFLIelAND ANQT�� WE£K GONE"ON D "" 'I. !JAN I,.Star Guard Rejoins Var,ity �v, andWill Play Against ?urdue-T�­.work Needs Improvi�� Thinks Dr.Raycroft.�IIN ITALY:ET-i.6 .OR Jli,DDClota Oct, 30.. Cornell Nov. 13,"" and Wisconsin Nov. 20 GamesSettled Upon. I McNemar's Resolution to Censuro: Tillman (Penney) Starts WarfareI in Mock Senate.-nitY-A ..sin for • J arreel into .activity by the ra w Istyle of play in the Indiana game,Orville Harlan Page, star guard ofthe American championship basket-'I'L._ .three big football dates for b II...... a. five, again donned his suit and�t • rail, announced last night by got into the Varsity basketball prac- The first meeting the mock-senateDirect�r Stagg, followed the receipt tice yesterday. The very addition of was enthusiastically attended by a. of a letter from Dr, Harry L. Wi 1- the "little whir lwind" put more zest large and boisterous crowd in theIiams of the University of Minnesota. into the practice than has been in !.. outh lecture room of the law build-. '�e decision of the Gopher, Coach is·d II ITh hi f f"II evr ence a season, Prospects for the i 'ng yesterday, e c ie purpose 0'chief!'" what has kept the dates from " IJ team will take a decided rise with the meeting was to organize the bo�>:"beiJ!i �nnounced earlier. "Orvie' in the game, and Dr. Ray- and elect permanent officers. Arnold� ��ose games set are with Minneso-'''" croft expressed himself as well sat- -- - - -- -- --- -------------- 11. Hall was unanimously eno-s,eiita C rnell and Wisconsin in the or -r""J.' (. ... 0 St.R.""� _,..,r .... Il ....... lA& ,,, '(0., .. " .., 0 ,-:- isfied with the work of the squad v"'o�,��o. "oR �A_e""o •.• ,ere! \ ... , ... , �_ 5-.. ..,t?" � presidcut ; .Reno R. Reeve, bill �I�r.k,;der stated. The Minnesota contest . ca"_.Y"L -' ........ It\ ... �. "" •. ,,,",yesterday. ,Leslil! 1\1. Burrage, reading clerk, and�11 take place on Northrop Field,.wll Me,n Improve ?�y r:�'OAy • -.)AN .� Reeve also temporary sergeant-at-Minneapolis, October 30; that with Th die pro igal wore a noseguard, to :1 rms.CorJlell at Ithaca, November 13, and protect his injured member from 'THRee � tIRc.u& The Hon, F, D. Bramhall, of thethe final contest of the season with further harm, and displayed all of his HAItO "T ... e!o p�III"TY \ Jiplomatic corps, read the preaidenr'sWisconsin on Marshall Field,Novem- ld fi d· in fh . -., \' . d bb 0. re an gmger m t, e' SCr1Dlm�ge '�\lCe�"""�L .".",..IL. \'t .nessage as It was prepare. ,y .tw�U 20. work. "Liz" Hubble is playing the .. -- '- u....... members of the Univers ity faculty,Hitch Finally Settled game of his life this season, Yester- &JII':!��:::" .. !!.".!.�_ It was approvingly received andThe hitch was caused by the diffi- \ -_ i fday he was .�ll oyer the floor at once,• (..!'..... T>tll ' ... L .... ). '1'" WILL _Y .... ,..... leferred to the next meeting or.CJlI�y in deciding whether Minnesota and he seems to be learning �0'Y to r. . srzr.: �� ... ":",=".;�.:::: further consideration.or Wisconsin should be given the . . "A'_�"S T...... ',",,-E - L.�e /.' .. h.' . use hIS great .height to adv61nt�,g� .m '...._, • .- .. ''', .. _) 'FULLEFL:._, • Mr. Bramhall then outlined t e or-coveted �. ate at the windu p of the s. ea-T getting the ball into his possession, .- ... -.-'. ganization and the policy of the�n. A Conference held Saturday Kelly is playing in fine form at for- . -." ... ,'" .... ...- ".... .., I L• ,• c' ... .' .,'. ,.• steering' committee and the president��tween Director . Stagg, Dr. C. p, ward, .and is throwing the baskets as toDICIL ·ELECIIONS T�P4' 'j'DEFIAT MICBIGAN DEBATERI.. l made a. few remarks advising ever.y-Hutchins of Wisconsin and Dr. WiI- . Iwell as any man on the squad. Cap- ..�. 1 _.' .ne -wha-.as not prepared to glye'Ij��ti�j)e.·d to ·pr.oduce a .d.e6rut .. ¥ ��� . I...,_ .t.;iUt--GaJfi�� �s ��� .bo�et:� t!�Jii Senior CclJecea 'to.. c=o.e Repraen� Bales, O-Donnell and Hoover Wm his time to th� senate to submit his.. �ge�ent. . .... . -, - .'�the after-effects of his iII�.e�s, �n� )tatives in"Silt Di�si�� at chapel-:-l C�ntest at Ann Arbor and Result is resignation, adding that there are al-�U�� the plan ..Jlo.w existing be-j g�ts .p;ett� tired �t t'jle end of forty .. :No Contest in Two Section.-Con- Triple Tie- Wolveriue Taken III ready forty men on the .waiting ,lis.t.t�n Chicago, Wisc.onsin and. ,�lin:- ,miputcs.. :, ; .. �d��l.e· in� Tabn. .' While Debating. Get �tcr' �i�De:'Ota� e�ch of th; t�ree .will hafve � ..... ,. '_.�� 9�� ,S!l�.r!1ay I Senator L. C. McNemar of IIl�oi.s,�.e ·at. orne an one away rO�'i' The 'next .p,tUe on �l_t.� V��ity T� �i4at�: I (By C. F. McElroy, Assistant Coach pro�o�ed a bill to cens�re �e�.a�Qr!:=e 'fIth c::cll of th.': othcts. I' f���e�,:d� is :�he fr�y .bi1�e� _f�r' .n.�,,' Di��.;I. i �d Member of Chicago's Cham- I Til.lm�n Of. South. Carolina, in the't.� � �.8QQ» lSaturday with ���e. r�e ,�e H. P. ·Hostet�.er. I pionship Team :)f Ig06.) persvn of �ymond D, Penney, for.,'. I,t bad been generally. ·known th, {'will be pla.yed in .l\artl�,tt a,s will �he S I- V' hi' _ participating in fraudulent land dC"�lsen Id t h f h . IS" ere:". ago wou ,mee eac 0 t.e lone following on Thursd� Janu� Divisi�n II. Chicago won the debate Saturday in his home state, The measure w�s: aevens that the scenes of the games 128. The game ater that �i;h N�;th- Albert Lon.g, night fr0m Michigan in University wildly applauded, but, as the rule of: .�as decided upon, 'What remaine? I westerp, o� Sat�rdi;lY� ;h� '3��h, �i11 C. R. �orc�ardt, Hall at Ann Arbor by the unanimous the House required,. it was post-!� �op,�t up to ye�terday was �hethC;l" I be the first sched�led away fr.om the Fran" T�mple�on. \'ote of the j�dges, Judge Barber, poned for consideration until the �ext�in!1�so�a. or Wisconsin would ¥ home floor, ., .... . .. '�.·.--.'· ....·.;0··11·:.• �'L meeting. It is ccrtain that the Dem-f t ".,_, I J��,�e JQbn�on a�d ;Mr. Miller, all of_3vortd with the fina� ga�e of th�! W.a�ter S, Morrison. Toledo. This makes the result in the ocr.alic party intends to defend Pen-���ul�. Ihe da�es settled UPohlpADGERS LOSE T(l' ILLINOIS John F. D.iJle. I C'!ntral Debating LeaJtUe a triple tie, ney most faithfully, and as the Re-,..11, of course, have to be ratified by .. ' INDIANA 'DROPS ANOTHER Preston F. Gass, IChiCa'gO, 'l\ti('hi�an' an'd' N�rthwestern publicans will stanel by their sena-the Board of Physical Culture and ----" ., 'Dj.";_.• �' �. h .. d b d I' t th r sp ts of a warmAtbl�tics, but it is prac�ic�IIY certain'l WISConsin Five Defeated by Stro� ,,_ t:ac wmnmg one e ate an osmg or , ere are p (I cc'�at the arrangements made by Di- Orange and Blue Team and by Lester Stern. lone. In each case the visiting team, fi�ht at the next session.S • Purdue ��0J;l V. defendi.ng. the ne2'ative. was victor- Mix �ep�blican Lea�er--rtttor tagg will meet the appprovall •f h' ,.' Mamie L:illy. I io�s. After the adjournment, the ,artyo t e other members of the board.' TI d bl d f f W' - h tWhile these three dates have beenf led °lu e e e,at 0f tlhsconCsm 'f as H. L. �o,ynt.on, 1 On performance at Ann Arbor, th(' l'aucuses were held. The Republicans,. .' � prove t Ie surprise 0 . e on er- Harry 0, �tham, triumph of the Chicago debaters was after a close and exciting struggle,IDaDOIS,de,_II.tlllS also safe to say that It1hhe- ence basketball situation. The Badg- �vision VI. unqu�stio�ed and decisive. However, .. I, ected Robert R. Mix as majority" be given a place on I. SChedule. ers, who were considered ·one of the J. Sydney Sall�ey, Earle J. Fuller, third speaker for loor leaeler. The other officers were:The other contests to beatran2ed are less certain. Indiana leading contenders for the champion. - . �fjch�gan, be.came ill during his main :or president, George 1\1. Bliss, and:t1ICf Purdue have been favored on the ship, were beaten by the BoiJermak- Elections to the Senior College speech, and left the floor after speak- 1r secretary, Conrjld R. Borchard.Varsity slate for several years, and �rs Friday and Saturday Illinois t�k Coun�il will take; place this .mor.nillg ing only eight minutes. Before the Tile �ommittee on committees is; toDO" comes a new bidder in North- their measure at 28 to IQ in the game at the regular weekly chapel ser- time came for the rebuttal, he wal' ')e chosen by the floor leader. Thenstern, at Champaign. Illinois is looming '\'ic�s, in 'a�cordance . ':.nth th� plan I �ompe'led to leave the platform. 'ancus then broke up it� noisy meet-.�p as one of the str0t:tgest te,ams in a_d�pted ,�st qu���r, '';hich was used' Richard E. Simmonds, the second 'nl:. and goin� outsfUe gave three rahsD&ps' RETS the \Vest, and showed their class in with success.' man, after h.a,·ing already made two :or the Rel.ll1blicans unell'r the win-aft THE USE OF CIGA '., . . .___ ' the \Vlsconsm game when, after ap- N_omiPations �hich �howed a tend- spc�('hes. ('ame back in. Mr. Fuller's )f.ws of the room in which the Dem-"Dr. J, G. K. McClure Tells Junior parent defeat at the end of the first enc-y to 1�� last week: were almost place for the dosing rebuttal, show- )crat5 were �till ill �ession.��ege Men to Avoid pernicious b�1f with the sc�re 16 tc 13 in Wis- doubled ye5ter�ay� the last chance in,g not only pluck hut making an ex- Sharpen Knives for WarWeed. . �onsin's favor, the team braced, and given to propose named for placed in .cenent summary of the affirmath'c The Democrats. with C(,l1stant vowsTb f' -b 11 lthe brilliant work of Watson and ,'he c(luncil There are still how- case I t.h<\t they will make it warm for their.,,,e usc 0 clgarets y co ege men , ' .., , " .-. I d d d b I Popperfuss brought a victory to the e,'er two divisions namely IV and Decision OD Merits '·t".,nrl'ent... in tla·ir maJ·orit'-"" re-.. � se\'cre y enounce yester ay y .. ". . ,. JD [lhm I V1' h' h h· . . 'I F 'I k f II' 1 I I' dr. J. G. K. !lcOure in the Junior l '. ., tn w IC t ert IS no OPPOSition ., r. UI er was spo en 0 genera y .lrl'( tu t lC court room an< Imrne -coIl- 1 I I� I I d h h Indiana Saturday met another de-, 'Igain<::t the (andjdates in the field a.. :\tichigan's stronfYest dehater, on ;;1t<'l.\· .. ('t ahout the election of their.. ge C lape. �C ( ec are tat, ow- �• I' . -, . f'�\·er . . h h b· . h b t feat ",hen the �orthwestern five suc- Considerable inter-st has be<-n ",·lwm much dcpendcd. Just what cf- -tal,,·art!'. The resllit was that Clar-, pernICIOUS ot er a Its mlg t e'l .' ' �. .th- u .. h H ceerled m captunng a close game tn aroused O\·er the electionct. and close fect his inability to proceed had on enee A. Rales was chos('n nresidcnt... Se 01 cigarets \VClS t e worst. e, '" I'('it�d stori('s to show that business, Evanston by the score of 16 to 12. contests are promi�ed in most of the the result no one can say. �Io:- Xatan"on s('crctary, al1(! S. Coxm�n often refused to employ yeung Position on U. of C. ".CaDne Open di,·isions. \Ve were told, in answer to inquiry, party leader on the floor.men who were addicted to cigarets. The University of Chicago Maga- �� that the rest of his main speech "·a� President Rales appointeel a C0111-lie also spoke 'against the habit 'Of zine bas created the office of circula- The Minnesota faculty is seriously to have heen an attack 011 the propo- mittcc on committees ('on�isting ofprofanity, saying that it was one of tion manaRer or the paper, and is re- considering making att.e"dance at <;it:(';n to \�se state and municipal Co:>c. Penney. F. \V. \\'hiteside. M. J.tbe 'Worst evils into which the young c::ci"ing applications for the. position. public Iccture� compulsory. One honrls as supplementary to the pre ... - Adams and C. F. Grieler. This com­DIan 'Was likely to fall. Dr. McClure Any student is eligible for the posi- method bdnJl debated is to. make it ent 'to,'crnment bonds for sec\lrin� mittce will meet tomorrow afternoonurged his hearers to become thrifty tion. Candidates will send their understood that .que�i�ns !=qnce�ning bank notes. If so, this much of his at 3 o'clock in MicleIJe n parlors toQrly in life, and to_ 'avoid extrava- names in to the fac::ulty exchange, the lectures .. ·ilI be inchld� in the speech could havc had no effect "'hat- c;el�rt the Democratic r<,prescnth·eslIDce and squanderine. •care of the mapzia.. exams. . '(Conti.ued OII',ate 4) (Cnntinll�rl on page 4)Letter from Dr. H. L. Williams De­cides Schedule-Athletic Board toRatify Soon. Reading of President's Message andElection of Leaders Featuree"ec,.,,,,ve , __ ,w ••(� "',... ... '""' ,... �- .. ) O.pening Session.r in a suit, ifof trousen..-find out fOr: material Orefer,on our entire, goOd tailonThat"! •offer.5-$30 to $6e.brtechn.uNO_'t liar. ; ·..u. -It.. lilA.........LS TheaterDiD. IIITf ROOM)0 BotdFEDJTHsIDB'ed, ·PacW ill00 Pri .....�el, fer �.:..arae ._"Trunks te:os for .....lotice.niO ()rtIII.--pan)'.tate StreetIltworth 511l'TONLee List.1C 'Car TrJi1I.attention.K .,...,1-PRESTON F. GASS, Managing Editor.ImLVIN J. ADAMS, New. Editor.paw ALD F. NELSON, nuaineea Manapr. Members of Committee.. Named Yell­�erday.. to Meet Today with Mrs.Vincent at 5 P. M. SHULTZ'S SCHOOLOF DANCINGThe Settlement dance committee,which has in charge the Settlementdance, scheduled for the 10th of thismonth, will hold its first meeting thisafternoon at 5 o'clock at the home ofMrs. George E. Vincent. The com­mittee as announced yesterday willconsist of the following: Earl De­w:« Hostetter, William Kixmiller,Helen Hendricks, Marcus AndrewHirschl, Harry Osgood Latham, Ed­ward Everett MacBride. MansfieldRalph Cleary. Hershel Gaston Shaw,Francis l\I adison Orchard, Perry Da­kin Tr:mble, Winston Patrick HenryHarvey Fuller, Earle Albert Goode-now, Walter Stuart Morrison De- FOR SALE - McMastcr's History'Witt Brewster Lightner, Way�e y People of U. S., 5 vols., $S; costDabney, Richard D. Rumsey Eliza �8.75; perfect condition. Hays, 257beth Fogg, Lulubel Walker \VilloW_I_r.:_f,_6_!._h_S_tr_('_c_t_. --------­dean Chatterson, Helen Hurd, Caro- �LOSi'-.At Christmas, a big bronline Dickey, Jess:e Heckman, Mildred tabby Angora cat male; reward.SCQtt, Clara Robinson, Adelaide Roe, The Little Book Shop, 434 E. '55thEdith Osgood, Ernestine Evans, Street.Junior Class meeting \V ednesday, Audra Winona Knickerbocker, Mary -J.-:-u-:-.1<':'77�-:-'.I:':"N:-J.-:-·'---:-l"':'I-c-a-sa-n-t--r-oo-m-s-a-nd10:30 a. m .• in Kent. Vcry important. Kenney, Alvin F. Kramer. Preston F board with private family. s64zRcport of executivc committee. Gass,Harry Winfred Harriman,Louise Madison Avenue. House.1908 Cross Country Squad meets Norton. REOP ENING of University .Dane-Thursday morning at 10:30 in Cobb This committee will take up the . CI Img ass, T iursday afternoon.3A. Lmpor tant. plans and perfect them as soon as Class 2:30 to 3 :30. Informal dane-If the mock senate's defense of Till- TO VISIT THE ANIMAL SHOW German Club meets Friday at 4 p. possible. The date set for the dance' Rrng to 5. osalie Hall, 276 Eastman rests on the fact that only a 111.) in Lexington. Lecture in English is the 30th of January. It ,,;11 be held 57th .Strcet. .'Penney is involved in the deal, it will Professor Starr to Take Anthropolo- en Hauptmann's, "The Sunken Bell," in Bartlett gymnasium, and a crowd £0 RENT-One half of double rooadeserve a vitroiic 'message from the gy Students to Edward's Exhibit. by Professor Rudolf' Tombo of Col- surpassing anything in the history of Hitchcock 12. At reduced price.president. -__ urnbia University. the University social events will Call.__ The Department of Anthropology Mathematical Club meets Friday at doubtless mark the ball. Last yearI ' FOR RENT-Ncat light room at Dr.: And Natanson is to defend the has received a special invitation from 4:30 p. m., in Ryerson 35. near y a thousand "jammed the gym,' ,senator from South Carolina, Thus tbe Edwards Animal Show, down. Junior Mathematical Club meeting, the receipts netting for the settlement Potters, eye specialist 52$ E. 6)d. .1 1 .di 1 d . town t tt d ,1' R a sum of $500. Street, near Lcxingto� . Ave. Telever uO tie ra rca s esert their cause " 0 a en en masse, free of Wednesday, 4:30 p. m., 10 yerson.. 'h Midway 212. ',fpr expediency when they at�il} c arge, Professor Starr will conduct 36. Papers by Miss Warren and Mr.p\>wer: . ., a 'party f�r this purpose tomorrow Tashiro. WILL BE A BUSY QUARTER. Lust-H.n.n. Glocker piper,: with___ afternoon, All members of the class- Y. W. C. 'L. rekular meeting, Wed- . Chicago "C" on bowl; val�ed' U I.:. For a small fee we will venture to es in anthropology will be entitled to nesday 10 :30 a. m., in Lexington Many Social. Events Scheduled:..c. Set. present. Please return to.Ori1f ......predict. the results of the election in complimentary tickets, which will hall. tIement Dance and Prom BiReL tion office. .. IDivisions IV and VI of the Senior also be given to those persons who Signor Guglielmo' Ferrerro gave LOS'i·-Gold watch (monogram E.colleges, and �uarante� the correct- arc unable to accompany the party to- his first lecture on "The History of \Vith the Senior Prom and the sett- T.) and chain, Wednesday after·ness of the prophecy. morrow. The show, whose special Rome," Monday afternoon at 4, lemont dance this quarter besides the noon, in Women's gym .......___ attraction fo� students in this depart- in Mandel hall. Subject: "Antony and regular schedule of dates llie social Finder return to 359 E. 58th St,· Signor Ferrero wisely refrains from ment, is two chimpanzees, is station. Cleopatra." ·The second lecture in program wi( be very full. The date. 2l1d ftat. and receive liberal mud.stating his opinions of the story of ed 'Wabash avenue, between Lyon the course, "The Development of announced so far are. yOST-Silver Belt Buckle attachedGeo'i.ge Washington and the cherry & Healy's and McClurg's book store. Gaul," Tucsday. Third and fourth Jan. 23 Score Club Dance. to brown belt, Friday, on �pas.tree. There is no knowing what he Four o'clock has been sct as the time lectures \Vednesday and Friday. !an. 30. Settlement Club Smoker. bctwecn 8:30 and II :00. Return to�ili say 'when he gets back to Italy, for the departure. Haskell Lectures-"The Religion of Feb. 5 .Reynolds Club Smoker. 13 Beecher Hall.however. Pcrsia," by Professor A. V. Williams Feb. II President's Reception._ Jackson of Columbia University, in Feb. IQ Senior Prom. BARGAINS ALL THE TDII-FENCIBLES DINNER TONIGHT Ha:;kell assembly room at 4 p. tn., Feb. 26 Reynolds Oub Dance. Reliable Rebuilt Typewriten,.Professor Starr is going tc;> conduct I. . . . Tuesday, Wcdncsday and Thursday. l- ar. 13 Reynolds Club Dance. makes; rebuilt in our own facbq;one ot IllS classes on an expedltlon Mr. H. p. Chandler to be Guest of Sphinx meets \Vednesday, 10:30 in The Blackfriars will give a dance, t-o .. tter and cheaper than otheR. ...to an, animal show. It is said to be S ifIII'sirictly in tbe interests of science. ophomore Sodety. Cobb !lB. The Dramatic Qub claims a night. for yourself. The Typewriter EoCandidates to form Freshman Track The P�n Club Authors' Reading be- change, 319 Dearborn St. A. J. C.Team arc wanted. sides another smoker on the night of Manager. Teleph9ne Harrisoa.-Sophomore Chalk Talk, Wednesday the bowling finals at the Reynoldsat 10:30, in Kent theater. Club and a number of afternoon dan-Glee Club Rehearsals. Mondays, ces are billed as well.T d d \1.7 -1'd . th .,tHE UNION HOT'"ues ays an ,veunes ays, m e SPECIAL PROPOSITION ....theater of t.he Reynolds club. AND RESTAUB.AlrlCap and Gown EditOR will hold TO STUDENTSFounded THE DAILY BULLETIN . TO COMMENCE WORK ONSETTLEMENT DANCE PLANStoday. atsome material is necessary. Themere experience of being coached bythe "Old Man" is worth trying for Botanical Club meets'I'" Oacl&1 IItudeat PubllcaUoll of the the team, if nothing' else were in- � :30 in Botany building, 13.volved. Y. W� C. L. meeting today inIn addition to any personal inter- Lexington hall at 4:30 p. m. Mission­ests in the matter, the credit of the ary meeting. Leader, Miss Geraldineclass of 1912 is concerned. If the BrownFreshman class is up to the standard Church Music Club meets todayof former first-year classes, it is up 8 p. m., in Haskell assembly room.to ,t to produce in "cry short order a Address by Mr, H. A. Smith on thelIDeered .. Sec:OIld·clua »all at the Chic::qo creditable number of candidates for "Child's Voice in Worship,"l'OItomce. Chlcqo, Illlnola. llarch 18, track team. Arts Men-Trials for debate with1003, under Act. of March 3, 1813.-· .' r today, Ellis 5·.itcrature college,FORMER LAW. STUDENT DEAD Senier College Council electionsPubllahed dall,. except Sunda,., Monda,. today in chapel in Mandel, ) I' :30 a.m.ani holidays, durlq three quartera of the C. W. Walworth. of Freshman Class Literature College Men-Trials for{;nht:rsltl lear. Dies at Home in Ohio. ' debate today �!� 3 o'clock.___ Semitic Club meets this evening at!ubecrlpt'on' price, ,:;.00 per lear; ,1.00 News is received of the recent � ,>'dock in Kent rheurer. Illustr at­for three months' 8ubacriptloD r�elved at death vf Charles W. Walworth, who: cd lecture by Professor A. V. Wil­the )laroon Omce, Bllla Hall, or at the entered the Law school at the be- Iiams Jackson on "Journeys in Per-Facultl ExchaIll;c, Cobb Hall. ginning of last quarter. Returning sia.' All invited.� to his home at Simons, Ohio, for the Student Volunteers mcet this even-�e". eoatrfbutlons ma7 be left at Ellla winter holidays, he 'was taken I'll with ing at. 7 o'clock in the League roomHall or �'acult7 Exchange, addressed to ...he Dall, Maroon. ,. typhoid Fever, .succumbing to the at- in Lexington.tack. The Freshman Law class met Basketball-Arts vs. Philosophy, to-, ' yesterday morning and drew up ap- day at 3 :20 in Bartlett.prcpriate resolutions of regret andsympathy, which will be sent the im­mediate relatives of the deceased.Walworth, who had graduated atI)c1ltorlal Omce-Before 8 p. m .• Ellla Hall, Ohio State University with the classUIliTeraltl. Tel. Mldwa7 800. After 8 p. of 1908. was a member of the Deltaa,'llaroon Presa, 474 E. 55th Street. Tel. 'Bjc1e Park amu; Chi law fraternity and of the JamesParker H.tU Law club.CalTeraltl of' Cblcqo. Most Popular Place in Chic:acoPrivate Lessons by AppointmIDtGuarantee Course $5.00. Five primelessons with music. A guarantee tomake pupil proficient in the waltz andand two-step. Barn dance tausbt u.one lesson. �_Office and Studio, 301 West 63d It.Cor. Wentworth Ave. .. ", Phone Garfield ty,Informal Dancing Reception at·THE FORUM43rd St. & Calumet Ave. •EVERY· SATURDAY EVENIHG�'ormel'll'l'lle {;Dh'eraltl of Cblcqo WeekI,.'l'he Week.11. October 1. 181J:l.The Da1l,. October 1. 1902.Admission So Cent. a PenoaCLASSIFIBD�DVJ:RTISBDlft., .ANNOUNCEMENTS thlse]fit.on. I, I1,,'I:j.1.jI.�-A.k for the bat and �eehow quick they'll brineyou'.• \Vi:h debating Coach Henry PorterThe. International club vaudeville Chandler as the guest 'of honor,members of the Fencibles. the hon­orary Sophomore society, will hold abanquct at the private dining roomof thc Commons at 6 o'clock thisfriars the Glee club and the occasion- cven'n I ,1d' .. b· 1, , 1 g. n au ItlO11 to elOg t lCal performances of the Donald Rob- I I' ., .., �luarter y reU1110n of the .-;oclety, thecrtson Company, the Umverslty could ban t '11 •que WI s�n'e as an lmportantdeclare her independence of the down- busI·ness meet·n PI r .I g. ans or an act1\'eprogram for the remainder of tlieyear will be discussed. and the pro!,­osition of a debate with a literary so­ciety of sOl�e other uni\'ersity will hetalked o\,er. l\Ir. Chandler will (II!'li\'er an address. Vallie O. Appell,pr('sident of the society, will ac't astoastmaster. Speeches will also bemade by other members.artists who pcrformed last Saturday,night, should organize and give pub­lic entertainments in Mandel. Then,with the Dramatic club. the Black- WHERE TO DIDTher! are about 200 students at theUnh,ersity renting tyepwriters at theaverage rate of $2.50 per month.which means about $500.00 paid out ,monthly with nothing to show for ------------- ...the investment. If the averaE;� ma­chine would be worth $50.00, youwould be paying about 60 per cent ayear on your' loan, because payingrent for a typewriter is practicallythe same as paying interest on ahan,Grade-rebuilt typewriters will besold to students (In almost the sameterms as rentin�.If you are renting a machine, or ifyou are thinking of purchasing one,call up Central 5115, or address Edw.J. Goldblatt, care Rebuilt Typewr1terCo., :�o DcarbOTn Street.I.et us tell you about oar proposi- 111-117 �do�h'�I f the Freshman class is to bejudged by its representation of trackmen, it is. more of aWhat's the nonentity than the most office h.)urs in Ellis .3 from tW'. to Offered b� the Rebuilt Typewriterfive. T!lC D�sil�e$s m;.naser. fremthree to four. CompaQ.SeniClr Pictures fOJ' the Cap andGown are due before January -­Picture will be taken free of charpfor the C:lP and Gown by Martyn'.'broon Studio. SioS Co\tace Grove THE POPULAR PLAc:aTO BATEith,-r before or after ...Theater.town theaters.II�We make a Special� .f ...and Fraternity DUm ...",venue.Matter With conceited Senior would· the Freshmen? give it credit for be­ing. It has ge�erally· been the custom of a first-year track· t�am to have mccts with the Illinoisycarlings at least, and they have us·�lallY brought credit to t\lC :\taroon.This year there have becn about fif­teen camlidates out for the Freshmantcam up to the present, scarcelyenough material from which to selecta winning team.Men do not have to make recordsto bccome candidates. Director Staggis nOled for manufacturing winningteams from the most unpromisingmaterial. Even for him, however, JANUARY SPECIALSMALL BLAZE IN COBB HALLtioa.-AdY. Will. Jerreml' Son.CJu:k aDd Adama StRIIISuit and extra trousers forprice of suit alone. Stapleblacks and blue included.Cro<:�ed electric wires in the cor-rhk,r of Cobb hall between the sec­ond :lnd third floors, started a smallhl:\7.(' ('arly Saturday morning. Smokewa� �een by the janitor shortly after";' o·clock. He turned in an alarm,but before thc arri\'al of the engines,he had extinguished the blaze withonc of the tire extinguishers placed in!hc 1':111. )Ofr. M. H. �tacLean, of thebuildings ::lnd JtT'ounds department,said ye�tcrday that the damage wouldt·'1111111 •••••••••••••• lprobably be less than $100.FOWNES A suit with extra trousers itequal to two suits for service.GLOVES:hic:acoointmctive PriYllearantee to: waltz andtaueht ill�t 634 It.;arfield 361'ption at'tIAve. •EVENIHQp.._rse,ersity . Dane.afternoon.formal dane­Ill, 276 Eastdouble room.duced pritt.t room at Dr.t, 525 E. 6Jdn 'Ave. Tel.piper •.. ·,with.; val�ed' U In to �tiforma-monognm E.lnesday after·gymnasium.;) E. sSth St.liberal r�wduckle aU�chedlY, on campus,:00. Return to�HB TIIII ..rPewritut, •. own fadICJi.an othcn.!II'ypewriter Ex·St. A. J. c-.Harrisoa .-Dr after ...5PECIALtrousers forlone. Supllincluded.:-a trousers itts for service.m" Son.lama au.- An eager and curious crowd' gath­ered in Mandel halt yesterday after­non to see if Signor Guglielmo Fer­rero realty did hold such prosaicvie \\'5 of the long-cherished Antonyand Cleopatra romance, as the NewYork dispatches credited him. Hedid, and he explained them while theaudience listened with mingled emo­tions.Cleopatra Mediocre in Appearance"The story of Antony and Cleopa­tra," said Signor Ferrero, "has beenI the delight of poets and moralists.I They have enjoyed weaving beautifulaccounts which have described theEgyptian queen as a Venus and An­tony as the hero overcome by an all­powerful love, which sweeps away allconsiderations of state-craft and evenof honor. Magnificent poetry hasbeen written about Cleopatra's com­pelling beauty. But all this poetryhas 110t served to keep a way the re­lentless hand of the critical and inves­tigating historian. The love of Antonyfor his wife for whom he desertedboth honor and fortune, has been ele­vated and idealized into almost a vir­tne by Shakespeare and his succes-. sors. To the ancients, on the other, 11fE A D DO��'- T '. hand, it was regarded with nothingRl"-.l.� , YY short of contempt. Neither the apol-ogists nor the vilifiers correctly inter­preted the facts. Modern archeolo­gists have discovered coin portraints The play deals with amusing exper­and descriptions of the Egyptian icnces of a college girl who attemptsqueen which make anything but a 0 secure a position as lady's maidVenus, but rather a coarse fleshy- and the many laughable situations infaced woman of very mediocre ap- :he adventures of the pseudo servant,pearance. It may be .argued that An­tony had his own judgment of beauty,l'_ b!1� invest igaf.ion shows that there islittle truth in the supposition that heever burned with love for the beauti- SCORES WISCONSIN WOMENful Ezvptian queen."Antony's Real Moti"e Hutchlnson Hapg�od Criticises HatsI of .students at Madi80D-• ·'\V�en' ·A�O. ny first .met Cleopatra, in Alexandra" he does not seem to "Some of the girls at the University---------------have been' greatly impressed by her of Chicago look as if they syrupa-beauty. On the contrary, he soon thized secretly with the throwing ofleft her and proceeded to stay away bombs", is the comment whichfor three years. Nor did he sigh his Hutchinson Hapgood has to make inheart out in absence. He hastened to the current issue of Collier's Weekly.prepare for the conquest of Persia. in an article called "Hats on theHe had found this planned out in the Hill", in which he tells of the hats ofpapers of his great friend. Julius the young ladies at Wisconsin. HeCaesar.' He knew that the new trium- also deals with their characteristics,virate . stood on an insecure founda- and it is in compa�ing them with theTTJtt DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, JANUiARY 19, :1909-De you enjoy Roller Skating?Have you a good pair?You have doubtless learned that.though the rink provides skates, theyseldom feel right as . to action andfit.That's why you ought to write atonce for our Free Catalog.We make '�ood skates.BARNEY & BERRY.2 7 3 B r 0 adS t r e e t#S p ri n g Ii e I d. M a •••SETS THE FASHION 11\."COLLARS15e. each+-2 for 25c.FOR FORMALPARTIES ORDERFLOWERS OFDECORATOR53d St. and Kimbark Avenue.Tel. Hyde Park II.A. J. SHAWBANJO VIRTUOSOHyde Park Conservatory ofMusic.276 East 57th Street.reacher of Banjo. Mandolin and,Guitar.Special Attention Given to Clubs.Telephone Central 6872MELVIN H. SYKESPhotographer70 State StreetOpposite Marshall Field & Co.Chicago.We Have No Branch Stuaio You will draw bid. to Full Dr ... Affairs richt alonl. for the HUGSia here--read Jim'. letter.formal Dances; initiations; BanQuets.ANTONY AND .CLEO.PATRA .. _. "Here Antuny felt the atru""le of.: _ RQ��NC� .CA�L�I) ,� .. MYTH the East against (lie Weft�which final­ly ruined the Roman empire. UnwilljGuglielmo Ferrero Tells the ing to give up his new life, he yieldedTruth as to -the Celebrated to the persuasions of his wife andMarria&e. conceived the idea of establishing aSignorReal For these you'll need a Draa SUit 01' Tuu40.. Dear Mabel:-I really want to itO to that Form .. l Dance, but 1 cu.,because I haven't a dress suit. and don't care to borrow OIlC. Ha4to 'lose out' on three dances and .. banquet thil season, beeause efthis deficiency in my wardrobe. 1 limply must order a dress suitand tuxedo tomorrow. Yours, JlDl.P. S.-Ain't it awful. MabeU"new empire in the East and foundinga new dynasty on the throne of Ptol­emy. But he dared not avow his planfor fear of alienating his Roman sup­porters, who would have left him ifthey thought be intended to discrownItaly. Yet he was unwilling to fol­low their hopes .and abandon his lux­urious life in the East. So betweentwo fires he evaded and schemed tillthe final tragedy at Actium, where hefell an easy victim to Augustus."This is the first of Signor Ferrero'slectures here. He will give three moreduring the week on subjects connect­ed with Roman history. Order your Suit Early.Our prices are within every Colle,," man'. reach.C�er & WilkieTAILORS 1'51. DutIw. Sf.lad floorGREEN ROOM REHEARSINGCOMEDY ·'ENGAGING JANET"Dramatic Organization of LiteratureC.lle&e to Present Farce-Misa Davis Directs..• Engagingcom-edy is Janet" the clever farcebeing rehearsed by the::;reo.!l! Room, the dramatic organiza­ion of Literature college women, andit is expected that tile play will be pre Isented about the middle of the quart­er Miss Olive Davis of the Drarnat-ic Club is taking charge of the castwhich is made 11 of Miss Mary':hancey, Miss Hazel Stillman, MissRuth Ritticker, Miss Lois Kennedy,and Miss Florence Catlin. One college lD:an afteranother has learned thatIII and the ridiculous experiences thatthe encounters give plenty of trancei('r many Iaughs,are just the kind he likes; andhas told his friends about them.Thus their popularity grew un­til today "Fatimas" are verypopular among coDege meneverywhere.20 for 15ctime wehave had the pleasure of creating: few customers at the Univer­sity; one of them a member of thefaculty, and the others, students.\\' e have the confidence in our­selves. and the hcpe that we shallhave a good percentage of thetrade to be had with theThe Wisconsin girls are up in armswomen at Chicago that he casts hisslur AN EXCLUSIVESHOP for WOlffNtion and ·that military success wasnec:ssary to silence its enemies. Heresolved to follow the plans of Cae-tsar .. .But he needed money as well assold-icrs. Hi§ � legibna�ies constantlymutinied for want of pay. Egyptwas wealthy; it had the treasures ofthe Ptolemies. Accordingly Antonywent to Antioch to meet Cleopatra,and there married her.The Marriage a Political Treaty"It is but natural to ask why. if hedesired to have the treasures ofEgypt,' he did not conquer the coun­try. But this wouldl have been con­trarv to t he traditional policy ofRome which decreed that the inde­pende;lce of Egypt must be respected.The. marriage was not a case of re­awakened love, hut a political treaty.Cleopatra desired the support of Ro­man legions for her precarious reign;Antony desired the treasures :ofEgypt. But Antony speedily l�e­came enamored with the luxuries andsplendor of his new country. Hecontracted an almost insane passionfor the new life. He was the descerid­ant of a poor Roman family; he wasintroduced to a city which dazzledeven the jaded men of his time. ,Ifit dazzled them, it may have blindedIai& as the article is illustrated and someof the women have recognized theirlikenesses. Since Collier's has calledthe attention of the world to the hatsof the Wisconsin young ladies, theyfear that the legislature will pass alaw barring "Merry Widow" bonnetsfrora the class room. Don't pay $.t.oo, .,..and $6.00 for yo.,Shoes when I ....�the same Styles ...at o.Our confidence is based on thefact that those for whom we havewere highly satis­recommended us toTHE ROMA Our specialty for the Univer­si�y men is a Col!ege Suit for $35.that has exactly that amount inquality of cloth, fit. and work­manship. We. DO NOT claimt�lat cur $35 suits are worth Sso;xO. our suits are worth -just ex­actly S�S. no more and absolutelyDO less. 12 12.50ITALIAN TABLE D'80"-'SOC-7Sc--tI.ooINCLUDING WIn Dont take my word for it.but come and look at them.TBE STATES SHOE SHIP��c - r.d Floor. 195 State StreetOver Peacock's Jewelry Store.ONn Saturday Evenin"s Till •Phone Central 1(\�A tao a Ia Carte Semc:e0.­DUlyandlundayafrom11 A. II.,to,P.II. Watterson Ii Southwud153 La SaneAssociation BuildingTel,. Central 61gS I ALfRED PEATS � CO.Foreign and DomesticSPAGHETTISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITALY146-STATE STREET-14'IBeOND "LOO. I'1JLL DUll surrs.,0 ....,T. G, ICHAJPPNU ace. WALL PAPERSAND DRAPERIES144- 46 Waba.h Ay ••Chicaao•_____ ,a__ __ ._THE DAILY MAROON, 'rUESDAY, jANtMRY 19, 1909-,Itf· •i:LflI\ ::. LUfIN6WELL 'WRI, HR ••• PAlmB8 .UIfJI.� .-0.. .. '.�.�' I.e- .aR11DIl COMPLICT� #"s. V. BRAIDEN, ex.'tO, U. 01 C.522 E. 55th St.Commutation Tic:kets, $3. SO for $3.00EXTRACT FROM BILL OF FARE:BUCKWHEAT CAKES &: COUNrRY SAUSAGE tSCBREAKFAST CEREALS WITH RICH CREAM' tOCEGGS, IN ANY STYLE, WITH ROLLS .....................FRESH MEAT ORDERS, WITH POTATOES AND COFFEE:zocOYSTER STEW ..................................................HAMBURGER SANDWICH, WLTH ONIONSHAM AND EGG SANDWICH ..... : ..............................QUICK SERVICE. BEST FOR THE MONEY.COURTEOUS TREA'rMENT.OPEN UNTIL I A. M.BEST. CUP Of COffEE IN CHICAGOIrwin Brothers Company449 to 4S1 State Street CHICAGO S8:zS State StreetLon" Dist, Tel. Harrison 516-517. Long Dist. Tel. Wentworth SI7PRIME BEEF. PORK, VEAL AND MUTTONW�te for Special Hotel Beef and Poultry Price List.Specially Selected far Hotel, Restaurant, Club and DininC Car Trade.Fancy Cuts of Meats for"this trade given particular attentlon.·-AIIUI.II.1fT&--MCVICKBR'SKlaw & Erlanger's MiihtyProduction.THE ROUND UP ITV •••••••ELSIE JANISIn George Ade's College Comedy,THE FAIR CO-ED•• L •• IAI.F. Ziegfie1d Jr.'s Great MusicalProduction.THE SOUL KISS,with the wonderful dancer,ADELINE GENEE••• A •• I�."IV.THE NEWLY WEDSAND THEIR BABY'TO PIUBO ••r�e record-breaking Musical ComedyA STUBBORN CINDERELLAWHI'lB.YThe Bi2 Success.A BROKEN IDOLVith Otis Harlan and Beauty ChorusitA .ALL.CJpCIL LEANudFLORENCE HOLBROOKand the La Salle Theater Stock Co.A GIRL AT THE HELM ILLI •• IIGRACE VAN STUDDIFORDln the Light Opera Success,GOLDEN BUTTERFLY· .;. pi,.l" I � ·'·IT ,I:: . � I' .. , '. . • I!:····. ,. I. _._.T •• · 8A •• I ••.LULU GLLASER-in-MLLE. MISCHIEFAlYlERlCAN MUSIC HALL(Formerly the Garden)AMELIA BINGH:\:\r, EMMACARUS A�D VAUDEVILLE G&AKD OPERA BOUSBARNOLD DALY-in-THE PICKPOCKETSMAJESTICCONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE IMABEL HITE A!'iD MIKE.'DONLIN VINIE DALYand ten other bii acts. •. Pric�s 15-25-50-75 POWKUROBERT EDESON-in-TH E CALL OF THE NORTHOHIOAGO OP.RA BOUS.WALKER WHITESIDEIn Zangwill's great Play,THE MELTING POTOLYMPIC MUSIC HALLFRENZIED FOLLlESAND VAUDEVILLES.nolcinK PermittedMENTION The DAILY MAROONWilen Trading With Our Advertisersloe (-COnWaue4 from paae I) 4HOCOLAT£S� fiDe bonbons famous ��Oat America, put up in beaatibtboxes suitable for presents It ISe4CX and 6oc: per pound. ... ... p'luaed customer is the belt .._vertisement. .. . .--Vol--. �tjc Explorer wm I..eCtuie' �Experiments in Far North OD �:tation of Arts II�Junior coUeeeMen Invited. . '.Mr. Ernest D. Leffingwell the Arc·tic explorer, has accepted ;h� invita­tion of Arts men -to 2ive a stereopti­con lecture Wednesday, at 8:15 P.· m.,in Haskell on his experiences in thefar N orth. Arts college of men basissued a i:eneral invitation to th� menof the Junior colle, es.This" is the ��t time Mr. Leffing­well has appea�d before a Universityaudience. The narrative of his experi­enccs, coupled. with the large num­ber of excellerit slides which he has,.... ,arc expected to make the lecture oneof great intere� and n�ty. M�.Leffingwell w4s for two years.an in­habitant of Flaxman Island, accom­parried by two Esquimo � families.He obtained, during this time, manyinteresting Esquirno curios. which hewill exhibit Wednesday.The lecture will commence imme­diately after the adjournment of theY. M. C. A., which occupies the roomat 7:30 .. on the Senatorial committees.To Defend . penney1ge men in � ��CUJ .e,� stirredto d,eepe�t indign,tion by the attack.leveled .at �heir .&e�or (rom SouthC�olipa by the Senator from Illinois.The accused 5:010n wa& moved totears at the notoriety giveD him, and r»announced tha� hUi record is "n. open We are making a special offer .Sorbook and that he we:lcqmes any fflit 60 days of our $10.00 sephie P.bti­investigation. num photos for $S.oo per doz. to u.It was strongly objected t� the of C. students. .regular rules of unlimited debate be ROOT STUDIOdone away with. This is co�sidereda disadvantage to the palty.By an error, four states were leftout of the list of senators .printed inSaturday's Maroon. The followingare �be states and senators:New Hampshire: L.J.Levinger, ].A. There's twice the wear in a suit. if\Voolf, r, New Jersey: H.March, r. vou have an extra pair of trous� .D.Akers, r, New York: C. Borchard, Make the experiment-find out forr. C.Levinson, r, North Carolina; V. �:.ourse1f.J. West, .d, H. Hansen, d. Here's. your opportunity-A ..and extra pair of trou •• r. for �price of the suit.Trousers of the same material or'. Gunther's .Confectlo_'212 State Street.CHDIResulSheTWOThCOlAltldifferent, just as you prefer.DEFEAT MICHIGAN E This offer holds 200d on our eIItirt. D BATERS �emi-Finals Will Begin Nest Week- stock.Only Few Games Remain. COtAlt.FWe war.t to keep our good tailonbusy between seasons. That's tileever, as Chicago did not advocate. primary reason for this offer.such a supplementary security. ;Hi� The following are the teams whicb Coming in today?Power in rebuttal might have count- will compete in the semi-fina"ts of the' S . ...• " . uit and Extra Trousers-;;30 to $6t.ed for something.but in view of Mich- inter-fraternity bow.linK lea�e next Yes, we make riding' breech ...igan's attitude toward the question, �t week: Division I� Beta Theta Pi; Di­is hard to believe that be could have visi�n II. si�� N'u; 'Divisi�n IIIchanged the decision. Dclt� (Jpsil�n� Divisi�n IV, Phi·Chicago Debaters Superior Kappa Sigma,Th� Chicago debaters-C. A. Bales, O�ly � 'few straggling,Paul M. O'Donnell and J. W. Haov� games remain to �e bowled--clearly had made a deeper analysjs preliminaries, the outcome of whichof the question. .H.<!Y�.JL.tL firm� can 1,1ot materially affect th� teams A. N. Jerrems. Mar·grasp, -they .. showe�e--eettfid��. which �.1 e.nter. th���H\nal��t ;r-...atlDrea: l� La. Salle ..anrl made their points' with more week. 44 JaCbea _ ..clearness and vigor,This was the most evident, as us­ual. in the rebuttals. No team everhad a keener or more convincing ser­ies of closing speeches. Each manmade a clean sweep and drove hornethe main features of Chicago's po-JOCIOC(Continued from paae I)sition.Arguments of VarsityIn brief. Chicago's case was this:(I) Bonds as security are safe, whilecommercial paper is doubtful; (2)Panics and fall stringencies can beaverted by compelling country banksto keep their reserves at home io·stead (If loaning them to New Yorkto become the prey of 'Wall Streetspccuiation; (3) Redemption couldnot be secured by commercial paper,anti the result would be inflation. Thereiteration of these points in rebuttalundoubtedly produced an impressionthat could not be overcome .Canadian P!an Advocated!.j ichi�:tn w�jrkcd a surprise by out­lining a definite plan of issue, w�ichwas apparently an adaptation of theCanadi�ln system to American con­ditions. As it was purely theoretical,not truly analagous to any existing:,ystcm, the Chicago' speakers had lit·tie ditliculty in puncturing it frommany sides.The treatment accorded the Chica·go men could hardly have been morecnr<.lial. Professor Hollister of Mich­igan, brought his team to the hotelSaturday forenoon to make all ac­quaintcd. r After the debate ProfessorTrta.hlood arranged for a luncheon:1t the :\Iichigan Union, � club some­thin� likc the Rcynolds club.There is an Aero club at Columbiafor the di�ci15sion of problems con­nectefl wit!l the navigation of the air.Other \1niversitics are reported astaking �p the idea, and Amherst has�Ilrcady slatted a club. Z43 Wabash Ave. Phone Har. �'COlAltlCQlHold.Dj"j'I'Div/. ,---�l�DivDiw. TInCOUDIingjal• (l�JIed l.a!tion ;the dkeenin' .wlonly I1qS �and 1ThisBorch0'DOUBLE THE LIFEOF YOUR SUIT.NEAlU�G . FINISHndidInissntend IIBOWLE�SI· .NEW ·.:GERMAN BOOKS ..In order �o meet .tbe expressed wants of a number ofour Pf,ttoD&, .arrancem�ta have recently been concluded bywhich we will receive at abort intervals. consignments ofthe latest GermIID publications in science, sociology, pbysi-'olo�t litera�. and other subjects, .which will behoused � � � for ahibition purposes.. The firstcomppment � jut � iDstallect Our patrons are in.vited to inspect it.Tbe U .. ivers�ty. of �bicago PressRetaD Department-011 ohe c..uipus--TID ILLIHOII WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANY!!II!!!!II!!!!!_!1111". Pbolle Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and � IL'. The CIean"t and Bat Kept Stan ..Warebcmae in the City •••••Furniture and Piano. Moved, Stored. Pac .......Shipped to al1 pun of the world. 300 PrinS. ..ap Rooms. Large Parlor �:xc1usivel, for ....Rooms for Trunk!! �nd Wheels. Larae Roell!Carriaaes, Bu([gies and SleiJlh!'. Trunk!' .... ·&om an Depots. Local Tranders for �Fanitune, Pacbges, etc., at !'hort notice. '..... auatin ama'" Uliiftrlitr Q'"WHERE TO DINE.THE VVOODLAWN CAFE6]rd Street and Cotta&e Grove AvenueTH;E FINEST AND _'OST ELEGANTLY APPOINTEDCAFE ON T.HE SOUTH SIDEC11ISINB UNEXCELLEDPRICES REASONABLElIusic-Sig. Ferrante's Orchestra of IS Pieces inGrand Proeram Concert Evenings..