)peat>an,andlIldallFrOIDA. ...to� p.li.ITALY-14&�.a suit, arousers,d out forr-A IIitfor dieiaterial Orour entill)OCI tift· on�hat's �:er.$30 to $6a.·eeches.fG IIUIcr· i:1�1[heaterine... _.... .tiEr.(or'dLJ ofe.�GE __________ ... __ ._ ..... _..--- .. .lo.- ... �. .. __ • _ . - .. _------_ ... _._ . .._ .... _------ ... - - ---.- .. - _ _._.."._, ... ----_......., I•• "., .... '-. " ;'\'0' •' .. -' ... '/' .... -,.- ". ... " .. '- .! _ "...: .<,'. "-�"'-!l'H�'�';··-··r··;I.. , I 11'1('- '0",: .. , m. -.: .. ��: .. �.��.� .. -.��:.... • � • • • - _. _... .t..� .•. ..,., ... '",",..... ','a" ""' •.... ; .... ,n-'"�-.I.f ••I'" ! .... -",.. .. , _-.! .. : • I,Vol. VII. No. 67. ,. : f � :··.r�I�� 'L�'; ,'/ :!��: � CHICAGO, FRID.A Y, JANtJ'ARY �JS�,.,l�::; " ; ... �. ., '.. .- . ' . .. ",' . ' . . . '.. : ) '" .;:, :, .... Pric.,.TJirG. ��-1 •• �. ." •EXPECT EXCITlIG 'GAM'E' . ALO_NAE"q' .PENRY na I THE AF'FIRMATIVE DEBA��N.h. ;TEAM"THAT' �MEETS . NORTH:1' CHICAGO. -I. ORTHWESTERI"":. ."", , ., WESERN IN MANDEL "!"ONIGHT .WITH INDIAIA TOIIGHTj.���� "D;'�;�. i,�' ��.,� F.�� i ";,,�,, •. ' ... : " '"I ,., , � ".... �!�; _: ," '.. :: , . ..' ..... DEBATE II MADEl·llnfI' Day cf Race-Freshmen Second. I � .. !.<.. I, •• ,!, .... ; I .. ,,' •••• '1 ,;t'l' "J' )l' 'tI " .. � . :,'��'.' .' . " .e :.. . Seniors �:;:":;'�'r.:-:: ..... , " ", . '�''''':-�'' �.: ." • :' .t :1�"'; r.:.:f{i:¢ttQlf .',Planning to Accommodate Large Last-Mr. Stagg Speaks I , .. �t.·,i.'" .,�., : II.' .�.;.,'.: «,.« .' ;":." �,'.·if.· ��,_;,- Affirmative Team ::.f Ferguscu('HoS-;'Crowd in Bartlett for First Var.;· ; •. , A�h1etes. ,;��k�t;'�"_;. �;>�,:��";�'.::; .' ::·���;f:i�.��::;' tetter and Black. Ready for Con-i ' ,........... .. ,f"A' �-<Io." . )J�����lJ.sity Basketba!! Game. I I i;t'W;,;J .'��:� �"'; . "�"-":;�"''-!f.);: test Toniiht·.---' i. A ··t:ark horse"--or,,-to be more ex- f_:�:{::'�'� .. .' ·��'t:·��:; .. )���tri�i�t�,Hoos!�to Use -Lineup of 'Lm.. Sat-l�ct;:fC1ur' �of tliehi';':up�: cA1cuialions. p�:';:.�!':'J;. :;���,,''';.:�±'.�:;:. .1�·':<{t;�,}:;�.:urday-Varsity Feels Lack of \.)f the fair dopesters among the wo- %;�I!:l:S. "I.,'1:'-ji,�� .' : :�i,:·ii:· .pa!!e and Clarke. ' I d h h"'"I me.n s c ass�s yester a�, w en t. e : i.. .. . I team: of 'alumnae' romped away with '. .. . .:)' ",�reparati(Jlls are .being made .for first honors 'for the 'first: 'Iap' of the The big University .. �e\)atc; :,-,"it,.h •..the accuIIllllodaation of .four.. or� five sjx-day' penny relay race in. Lexington � ort hwest ern occurs this ��'Clli��� athundred �ootcrs at: the �rs�.game-o�lgymnasium;'amid 'the' cries 'of ·hun.:. ';:00 o'clockjn �l.�wdcl ha,1. Clu.��s�"tI�e V�rslt:·. basketball s,chedul� t�- i dreds+of 'spectators:' . <,: :. ' .lcbarers :��\'�. �.n.i�he4 . th't;!ir:. ���(!Jl:���'��.�night In I •. irrlerr at. 8. .0 c,l?c�. Dr 1 Jt was a complete' reversal' of' form' .. r:ti.ni�lg . .fur, ��l�. C��lcst� �!l� .ar,�., �1?�� ,Raycrof� declared yesterday ����. �he.l for," while. ·the alumnae 'were' condes- 1 calmly awaiting the sound of thegame WIll undoubtedly be an interest- cendingly-recognized as being+among gong. for .. the opening of the ·fi-g1ir.-·-iog one for the spectators. . In spite the contestants '10r' the classic- event H. P � Hostetter I. E. 7����0� W� j. BI��k' �",�.r�!l.����.�·�s �r.� .,l>�i��. ,. rti����.\�.of .the fact that' the ;Hoo' isiers w' er'e .' k f a Iari .t• �hey ,were' not considered to have"a .' .. ' �a e care 0 a arge crowu at Mandelcompletely outclassed by the' Illini in look;.in, �; .. ;: .. �.:; :''', . , '1 E." Fergti'son, 'first 'spC�ker on the !;��lOQI 10 the. '0�iver�ity. of Chica'go h�11 thi�'��e�i�'g, .. wl��rc'�dl;ic�·g��.·.ar.:-their Rame last. Saturda.y :at ;Utb�� Freshmen Come Second affirm;,ttive .. Thi� i� his·fi��t ��p�ii'�n"�e '("on't� i�'� �ffii'iated schotiis in the iirmative will deba�e N'��th�·��ie;�;�·the team'from Ind�na s�ould'put:up .. A scarc'ely--Iess slattlirig·restt1t:..a� O�".�Jl� t;:�i�:���ot�·,����.· H� ��'.a �a��.:r�!l�·;,,��.� �.me��er of �he ��I� pegative team. The University will-a ,&oodi fight 'agamst the' Varsity. '.the· 'sp-�v 'shoWing �f 'the' ··FresLim·..:n'� t. f th db' . f�. osppfly col1eg� debating team, which. be represe.ntell h •• I. E. Fp.rBUsnn l-t.• .• C1::U.I' v.'" ..... , menluer 0 e e almg team 0 MlLC- . \ '. '. t ,.. . '�'"'' �"': .:. :' �c'.;-<�·' t ...Coach Hams bas several expenenc:ed who after being pemdited' :for: drop.:. . .. .. ''!<In �he Juni�r coll�ge 9.ebating P,.· Host.c:J.ter. ,an9. W.�I .. :�31 .. cJq �CJ.n<.tmen ill his squad and several_ of .the ·pin�,their.: pennies, weN! able:�to 'fin- KmleY'hlgh'schooHor tw_0 ye�r.s�·�d �h�������h\P ·�n.���:·,���t�iter �:� '�. ,�.o��hw��t��.�:_�y.!�.��ri�� k' '�at��n,":Fr�s�man: .team., .�f . .last year s�ould ish" se�ond.! .' Tile!' .juniors:" :�nded ':in .re���.s.�nt�� .. :���� s,���o� _ I� ... �b�. _��k S.c:.��� ,���,,'� 1.1;1 .. ��e. �:�s�. ye�r of tJ:te B��)�.' �P����'!:: a}��r: c:r. N.: l\�e��!.f!l�r�make .da��y. ad?I�.�ns .t� t¥� �ye .. · third.�plaee;lthe�Sophombres:in� fourUl� ,dOUl1ty a�d IllinOIS '·.Sta��. ,0��t�l'IC�� L.a�,,���hC?o�: . �e. l.�.� .���b�� .. �f. D��:- .. lhopgh :.Np�t��e���r has .�.:��t�e\"i�VaJ'Slty Line\lp Not Fixed;i � : .. md"tbe'Se'ilio·rs,<disappointed··ioo';de-· c�?��:.�.t�:_ .,.�p .... �h.e .yn�v.��sl�� ��, .. ��n ta Clll� ,,�I,t� ���r?!I, I1��� �s. hiS home. at �R�e �,�tq l\p�,�gan J)l!�.�e¥�m�.�: .��!�r�ft,do�s ·.not. an�ou�C!e·l.a 'kcted, in lastt:'�'}lJst ·adhe�Ereshme'· s�cond �lace 'In the ����or. '�raton�� ,W· r �1���,.·.!.�I,r.� ,sp'e�.��r .. c:>:� :t�e, .a� t�e:: sa�� .. time j��[; the debate indefi_nlte}l.n�.l;Ip; J.o.r. ;th� . galJle .. Sa,p�aJn ; \vere' a" J>ig' sutprise, ,th� ,�i909 women c?,�.����,!� .• ��7�. was ... � ,�e���� �!, �he .� �.s:m��IV�.. I�: In ��� .. �e_c9�n� y'e�r ,In �.Ia�:del,.,�. �,nu���r: jO��i t4.et• )�!va���<>,:,11::G�()��e� .w:d.l ���,Y at ��r�rd ,�.I!d,.�rt ;came far from expectations:;,' .... :� .. � ��b����, t.���:?f.: ������p�.�?He�� •. t.�� ,La� ... Sf,h�ol .Jle �t:��elve�,.hls �'. ���d��ts",fl�IL,�c9�l>�?�,.,J}lfir .. �e.��HoHman at �rd. Either S��om��r: It wa.! .. � grea!_!'!.�_���j!li!,_� .. race- �I_l:d ;���� �.�, �.�t .��:�be.:!����r�col�e�e B. <feKre� at Mon�o�.t� .. �,o�I��e: .H� hl���.�!.. ��� ��RP?:rt�. Jt.��:e�.?�t��.n�!.lJ.y�or. �u�ble wd� 61.1: th.. e . oth"e,r . ���,d �worth!;- in .tl.. c( bY... :.compr�soaao, a,n,y de���at.�o�. <;�t�.st: l.. a� .. ���te.�' ' ... �.. �'Y se:Vlce as a literary s�l.ty· de- .�.utf,,?ef.� :wW, �»�<l: ;�.h�� !�e��te�J ����IpO��!lon�' and.' I���" ��c�n,d... �?r� :�een o��������.11; �eld.; Th�tJ ',' ��,e��_�.�!I�..st��t��, .. s��.o�� ,���! .: oatel= 10 1904-and as. � �.m�ber. of r!f.�. ��. 5��ca��� .s.!H.��P��. s���� ��!�. ��\f:.��r.��?u�� ���r�q .. �y .��the� !I�rs, ;on� s�d.�.:� j;b����: l"JiDlre1's· :on' tfle a�rma� - �� the;; Mon�t.�·,·���'!ae_ :tt?�. �r.O!!t ' t�atnj,)l'�i '�ey . shoul�,. th� .. �1l ::�il,� .rY.:' ���I,Y o.r .r�h,e�s()n.;. ._.. ,. ilinc�1�PH1�i��.t,.thC!' ,,;a1lfo�}_!Je-hrst t�.�:.���,�tl,�� ,t�� �!-'�ulv��, �i�a_ry .�:t .to .I�! He hves at Washburn. he,!c����c:� ,.� : :-n�tt,,:., .:� :;:"}·he. h�.eup of �he. ��d�a.n��� �I�I lap can s��p�n�: no pe��i " < :.. ������ �n, •. ���� .. ,���r����t�� th�t !Il1. ���p�� .t�r9m� .. ··ttO[�.!!��s�.�,��, '�r:*pr����IY be th� .sa�� as In :.t4.�_Il�l- �� ��,Enjo��n�j:.::;� : -'. .._. : :"" _, ' I .• ""'; , �l.ifh:l�n ��J?��ss. c��den��:�!� t�f:1f,�IS -�.�:e, w�lc.h ,.�as. �!s . '���.��s:: A hUm()f.o.11S .�e��t w3�;.l�"�e'd .JULIUS GIVES·: TWO plIdS IQUIDe, l'IIILETES SCAItE resrP�ft;re l�.�a�:;,� .. -�� ��cN�;J��-�Hjpskin� •. r.f.; Barn��rd_t;:.I:l.; ��g- :hy the' aFtipg.�ut,� the·..rpltt�W.ch i • �; :.j .-,_,,;_� ,�, ..... , •, ..... '.-........;.. _.. th.u,s!as!s.,����,t?:,��� �; �,q�������-;�"c:enter';' Catlin 01' Tninble,· r: g.� 'comPdled .�. ,..:oman\\;:�i.:'ft�p. .,<. -" ....! � ". '.. t,,';' '.' tory. as they did last leC\r, The� Cap�in .Be�itdt�. t ��':. BiP:rn11ar(ft �her ,����i;�:��;en'� �'f' tj.ji.�- Tt=��;- �;,,.t Coach KnudaoD 'Has Some Gocd �i�hi�n:-q���? 9�.��.�·�·c?��·�:���:�;;!:rOd Bern. dt are the. -men who' ·sho. wej .nasium.. as .s.he reached it :,q;.h. �ol'�at\._ �.... '.' . " arty... �. "IIateiia!T for' sWimming· ,·and·, Polo t;tlf .u�t.i�·.Saturd;lY �v.el)ing, b�cau·se. �of• ,_. '. ,.... .. •• : ,:. ";1 l " . ,� ..•. � .. � nol .... C1ub--AU T7IJeS of Poven" . .1 1.' ":'.' "': H ,�.r···"'ftJte:ldt f�r� .agamst t�.e 1�!r;m�e a:� i!etc�",,�a�, e�p,��t��,. to�a:Ve.:··!.�Cir�- 'in E� . Tama;�·bm Not ;Eaoulh· of· it-· a.C!J.�t1!c:� .����. � .. f:On�e�.�.;�p!�.h� ��ISI�and wdI probably p Loy a stTo.t� 'Iar track t.o �o!"p�t� 1IJ!01!, but were . BacJenOdl N�t· Back. pr�vl.�uS�Y, s�pe.�\I'e� ,fo.,:; F���a�'.:e.r��:-Igame �or. t�eir �am t���g�t.. _ for�ed 'i���'d' 'to ron" on' a straight- . ..' .'. . infr· � ,.�9th .�i�es .. h,��e • .fl����" ��!�.. The ,Varsity will feel. the·. loss d aWQ';-'-�'. .._. _." � .' ....... _.. -- .:Al( the' aristocrac1·:c)t'the"camj·t1:- . ",. :.: -ey��, n�� tc;>. ge.U1OY�j��fo��t.l(:�� .. cr��:-,�age;. �e . ma�el.o��� 'lit�e '.gu�_f� . �I�r The four' victorious members were raggeci� . ·pe·fi·niies�. rttritited': ftbtlt the . : With -l)nt· eight 'polo 1:ar.didateS . and c�rping, t\1� .. !�r'��.e�t� . p�. ,�h� <;>,��¥.t�e NatIOnal .c�am�l�nshIP t�a�', W�t� awarded a pair of "bloomers" each by :-anks of both undet-KI'aduates'" :ud the Same' number: of aspir.ants· for ·the sid!C .. p�.e!!e��e�I..'a.�, t�� ,�it�.�.!'���,���Y.i� not practlclOg With the. team �t ,Miss Eva Sch�lti,��j�rbi�mers be- alol';rii �11·ft6c1C:"-�c;:· th� ··c'barit;'�i.! swimming:teatn, 'Coach Oscar ,Knud- qicago.��d "Nort�,,�est�t:�:-�F��!�J_l�esent. Joy Clarke's··inability·to ;'I1ay: ing a pair of white carnations. She dC;(.rs:;�f ·the�·ReYrioids 'dub tonic.th·r. son i::l having a' hard time 'trying to deb.�tes .Qf. ,t�is c�e�.i�� .. ..'���c�����will also weaken the five as the 5t:s:o also took ����:�sio� :t() 'exPl�in in de- �ol�t ,ol!.IY·:"-ill ri���uloUs cos�umt:s' arc see strength in' his aquatic squad. neg�tive. .team, cp�pose�. of aiulOf the-19lI team' was coun'ted ::>11 h� ,tail the purpose of the '<mile of pen- gtaCefuFbarit�anciDi"be aC a" prc:- '"The mcn 'Who have shown tip," said O'p(tnnell, J. W .. Hoo�·�r. �n'd C .. 'A:fill the position left vacant by iht nie:t" and l1o�'the3�1��"is"��p�cted ·to inlum';:bui"unkerilpt �hair -and beard I·JAT. 'Knudson �esterday, "are ·doing Bale;;, ,.Ie;v�·s ·.·fo�.A·n'n'· 'Arb6r . thi/lfithdtiwal of Falls from the sq III b� canied out. wm'�receiVe "special: recdgnition. 1.)r mighty 'good' work :1 ·have· ft() fault 'n�)rni�g- 'at' �0:30' �\'cr'. th�" �ii'�hig;;ri�o other forward of his' . caliber bs :jf;_ '_'i'.�' ��t\ no other person than "Jui:ilis,h the�cd- to find"wfth tbe men who' have· come ·el;t�;tI .. �[�: .C� f, �Ic�i;�)"·:�i.�··���:� y�t been de�eloped although.. "ie\·� Director Stagg wa� present to serve d>nted "'toilbarJje� down' 'stairs'" �'Ii; out, but .there are' not enough of ::()�pa�y .. �he�, t,earn "n�l . C.oa��. H" '!i�eral of thc men m the squad are mak- as official .tilrt'e� 0'£ th�: ra�e, and also ctlntnoute two' prizes ··to the . ','lIen Lhem to make strong· enough teams Chandle.r will r.em�in on the campJ.l��g iOod. gave".Csbo'rt· :address :to� tbe: assem- wh�se fadar features -show' the' m')::! for the :mects which ye' expect to with. d�� ,affirn{a��v�. �e��� '. ". '.blage in t�e gmnafi'a:ni.: He' declared n�cd�' �f tonsorial assi"tance. T!-,'': have·.with�'l1lin()is and Wisconsin." ,Th� N�rtl:L\\'este�n ���m,,' ��hi�h" �ie'-himself to be in full sympathy with first: :of these prizes, which Julius 'an- :·Badenods L�st to· Polo Team b�'tes Ch.<;ag�·. t<?t11�ht,' . is.. �p�p���dthe movement of the women. In part nounced yesterday a3 two special Ex:.Oiptain . Badenoch"s failure tc, f. men �'�10 hav�. all· see'n 'servi��'lrihe said: "surprize prizC!s" which' he would �o- return to the University this Quarter ld;ating. Ch�rles. H. ·W·�,���: i� .. �•• 111 parantc'c' 'that tne men·s· 'assO- oa.� .. · individually. :will· be . a . hair·,·:l:t. is a sad' brow to tbe team, as tbe- star :;enior ill th�' !J"der�;ad��.te: ',��f1:��i'ici�ti(.n v.'i;l duplicate the first 'inile'of shave, sh��pOo 'and t.he entire 11�t r ft)otball' .:enter was the mains�ay of ;Inc!. a Freshman .in .the· Law S'dlOol.penr.ies won by the women.', 'Accord- luxuries;, to . be . administered '.' tl:e I the polo team I\\st year and still has H� �s" �,m��be'r of th�ee. iit��a'ry s.o.�ing to pasf lij;toQ., ·.wo�an has al- way only Julius know� how to do. another year, of compctition, jf he \·ietics;. �on the Bragdon �ieb;;t.c prizeThe sect)nd prize to the next htramp- chooses' to pl�y. F�rgt1son and Bick· l;lst y.e� .. r; 'l'nd ·.i,s .ch��en. ·to.' .r�pr.c:�.,c.. �.�ways accoft!Pl�shed t�t ... which ,s�e set � -iest'�Qokillg" character will. be a hair- el, b()th "C' men 'of ·Iast ycar's team. his scho.ol .. ,in. t"'� Sargent dcclamation·Jut lo do, arid I do not believe thath '11 f .,. h' 1 • h t cut. and shavc, with a· smaller portion' who are' at prescnt in college. have ,:on!c_s.� �,s y�.�r. .... �s e WI.. a. , 1!1, ..t. •. �s' ........ w�s, .you 0 ,. I f of Julius' famous powd�. �"Ir. En- also' failed to show up for practicc. .llenj�m.i,n E. pstejn "'a� ;. d.eb,�. t,er. _ .i.�get a new gymnasIUm, not on y or . .�eillardfs benevolcnce is the more .re- bot the latter's lateness is probably th(' .M�diII l;Iigh Sch�ol. in Chicago.your o,,·n.��es, .but . .also .. (Qt Miss " .... - .Dudley�s wh�in'l h�ve kno�n for markahle when it. is remembered tJ:!at. due to the fact that he is on the Ulli.! � is a Sen�or in the Xorthw'�st�r�, ........ � ..... �..... as ,he· himself declared, ��s busine,ss \·er!,ity dehatin� lcam.· I La,,· .� .. choo.I .. lIe �.'a.5 o-n.e.of.th••� rc:p-ycar�, ancl whom I esteem highly:' during· the past· .week .IM� been cut Only Three Veterans for Polo' ! ,c:o>t:lltaiives in 'the Fowlc Prize dc-down �y one:-half-:-all on account of With Captain Kahn,Cary and �rark h�te in' i908.the h;trd-timcs p�rty •. "I have no- HirschI as' a nucleus of Varsity vct- Glenn N. M'crrv "'as for�e�lyticed,". bc said,. "that )here, .has. been erans for the polo tcam. Coach Knud· promine'�t �in·· dtba:ti�g' and' nationalju�t .about· .hal,f .as, m.any �f; them com- �t)n has also got Bcnitez, Taylor and circ1�s at G�nVilre' College. He' i:'i �ing.do"·n herc,I9r .. the .jut few days .. Bcverly uf the .1911 tcam, and two mf'mber of'the:'Adelphic I.it�r.iry "(�­I: r;Wi�h. they .w<>uld hav� �ome ,o�"�r �ew.· re���lit�, S�'�i� and Paul G'ar<l- defy and '3 Junior in the College or�i.,d of. an' affair. 'ihat would make �.�, in 'the' sq�l�d. Benitez pt:\y�d.a Lib�rai Arts: . . ,�h.!�:�se.:.�� .. bea�.�if�i:Il�L�r� ';or�:' �!�W: .���.(' ?n 'the Fr��hma� tea'm ia�, :\�'_I. E. 'Fer�son h:i� cntcre:d the, Then a.,bright· idea twinkled 'in his ,,·inter. and is cx'p�cted to do w'on- f:t�' sth�f ·�e(:�ritiy. "this rriakes' .·ali .eyes. "WeICsi'r;';'he 's�;i,:;�''''��:e ders this se::son as a polo play�r" the me",�:tjf'b(,tr.·:Cfil�ago�s·te·fm�(Continuect on pa� 4) (Continued on pale J) (COIItiaaect 011 p ••• 4) -.,Expec;t 'Goed" Attendance .: Despit'e"Ccunter Atti:act!on's'- Ne'gativ'c " .Trio' Oft to ·Anii'_ArbOr��· .. -,..'SraTLEMENT- DANC,E�o. � � :,,' BE G�N JAN'OARY 30j�" .�'-.;" ''!",jDaIe'of Annual Affair Set Tentatively. -Committee. Wi� Meet NextTuesday.; The anmlal Settlement da�ce� under,.. '. ... ..die'auspices of the Scttlem'e'nt League,.;., been set for Saturday, January'Jo.Bartlett gymnasium 'has' been" secured,ht as the matter ·was· not settled un�tit 'late yc�terday, tbe dance -has notiet 'be�n rcgi�tcred' �'ith �[iss 'Tal:'�ot. �acCracken' will -n!ake form�1a,rrangcmcnts . this m�rning' Unti,1itrmissiol; is granted, the �at(' canemly �e ccnsidcred a� tc;ntative. .. '+ The d:mcc cornmi�tee wilt' 'hold itmeeting I'!cxt Tuesday at 5 p. m:,It Mrs. Vincent�s 'home'. . Final ar�.ellts will tben �e :madc-. . �� The dance was a· big success la�� a!".an,d the. pla�,s .�f. ��o.se. in ��a���.. to make it even bigger this yea·�.... �,.. .. ..- -. - .. .... f! '"" ... ,"No effort will be spared to make Ite most enjoyable affair of the year. Arts' W;men' 'Gift Party'A large numl:)t"r':o{Arts women at­t�n�.<J.Jh�cbocol��p���. �yen yes­terday afternoon in the Women'stt=tgu� l"o\n -ln��bxinkton ·balt·: :bythe tOlI�.r.':Somfvtinre; ,'was !·:·sPe1ltin :·,enfAg� �� 'acqmrinml;' 'af�ter which imprdmJit1l� 'I11I1'!ria1 � 's�tions were famjs�ect' by several merit:bert of the colleae.�;;�������������;;;;�������TH�E�D�A�·l�.L�Y�M�.�A�R�O�O���.�F�R�ID�A�Y�.�J�A�N�fU���R�Y�15�.�I���.�:=���������������· . lilt � .Uaall IIIANY ASPIRE To HONOR TlII: DAILY BULLJ:'lIB .FEW NOIONATIGIrs IIf'POR � '.'�OF MEMBERSHIP IN SENATE SENIORGift Committ.;:tthe Senior class COLLEGS COUNCILmeets' this morning at 10:30 i�· cO�b· NoiB. .,'.. .. ' 'Applications for. SeDator8bi� aredue before noon today. Address toMr. Bramhall, care of the FacultyExchange.Program Committee of the Senior �ost Popular Place in' Chic:aco�vate Lessons b7 AppointmcDtNominations for the Senior CoI- Guarantee Course $s-oo. Five priYltelege Council have been rather slow as lessons with music. A guarantee toyet, no candidates having appeared in make pupil proficient in the waltz aDdDivisions i I, III, and IV. In Divi- and two-step. Barn dance taurht illsion V, the names of D. W. Fergu- one lesson. 'son, H. O. Latham and H. L. Boyn- Office and Studio. 301 West 63(1 It.ton, �lave . been :put up.' Ferguson, Cor. Wentworth Ave.however, has withdrawn. leaving Phone Garfield 361two. candidates. In Division VI, J. Informal Dancing Reception atSydney Salkey is the only aspirant. THE FORUM43rd St. & Calumet Ave.: EVERY SATURDAY EVEtUHGAdmission so Cent. a Peno.l'ormerlJ' ;� �a1Yen1t7 of Chlcqo WeeklJ'.i'o1lDdecl'l1ae WeU1J'. October 1. 1892-TIae D&1lJ'. Oetober 1. 1902.�ymnasium tonight at 8 o'clock,. Debate-Chicaco va. Northwestern,this evening, in ·Mandel· hall.Reynolds Club Hard Times Party.this evening .. For members only. CompaD7.sa. 0IIdal ItGCSat PubUcaUoa cat the Applications of Prospective Senators1.1alnMt7 of Chlcqo. Reach Mr. Bramhall-President Candidates foe Divi.dona 1'#, IIIand IV Di" V ',' ,'. \'UIO,D •Leads.:" .Judson Not to Write Message.Applications for membership in themock senate are pouring in. Mr.Bramhall of the political science de-pal trnent who has charge of the pro- class meets today at 10:30 a. m. •. injcct said yesterday that if the appli- Cobb 3A.cations continue to come in as they Basketball-Literature vs. Law thishave started, there will be some dis- afternoon at .. 3 :�I � in Bartlett gym­appointed aspirants for the honor of nasium.a senatorship, Only ninety-two pos-itions are to be filled and the indi- Junior C1asa Executive Boarcl meet­cations are that many more men will ing today at 10:30 in Cobb 9C. Irn­:lpply for the places. Applications, portant.which should state preference of German Club meets today at 4 SPECIAL PROPOSITIONstate and party are to be addressed o'clock in Lexington hall. Lectureby Dr. '{eyer. TO STUDENTScare of Mr. Bramhall, Faculty Ex- Joychanze. Chicago v .. _�� in first basket- Off cd bCt er 7 the Rebuilt TypewriterAll applications are to be consider- ball game of. the season. Bartletted next Friday by a committee com­posed of the political science facultyand the president, vice-president andtwo members. of the Commonwealthclub The basis for admittance to the......... 8eeGDd-dua Ka11 at the ClUcqo�ce, Chlcqo. lllinola. 1larch 18.1101. uder Act. 0( Harc:b 3. 1813.PUlIahed daUJ'. except 8unda1... IloDda,.- hoUdQa. durlq three 'Quartera at the"alnralt7 J'e&I'.8a11Kript.0Il price. ,3.00 per ,.ear; ,1.00, _, ee . � Dlontha' aubecrlpUon received at� liluOOIl Omce. EliSa Hall, or at thehcalQ E:&chaDae. Cobb Ball.... coa.tdbuUona ma,. be lett at Ell1aIIalr or i'aclllt7 &xchange. addreaaed to.... IJaI17 Maroon. There are about 200 students at theUniversity renting tyepwriters at theaverage rate of $2.50 per monthwhich means about $500.00 paid ou:senate will be the ability and inter- monthly with nothing to show forest of' the applicant. Noone whose ADOlJllCBllBN'l, th� investment. If. the . average ma-interest in the project would lag is to . chine would be worth $50.00, yoube allowed the privilige of becoming Episcopal Club invites the Episco- would be paying about 60 per' cent aa member' of .this 'august body. The apalians of the :University to a social ye r on your loan, because payingfirst meeting which is to be held t fevening in the League room, Lexing- ren or a typewriter is practicallyMonday ill the 'Law building will be ton hall, Saturday, 8 P. m, the same as paying interest on adevoted to the organization of the International Club Smoker. Satur- loan.a b '. senate. The men' are to be given a G d buil: .... pro lem in selection that is not day evening, in the library of Hitch- ra e-re UI t typewriters will beat . all easy faces every' student in the general idea of what they are to do cock, sold to students on almost the sameand will perhaps get down to the S . term-University today. phinx meets Wednesday, 10:30 in s as renting;PQina for There' is a hard times business of electing their committees. Cobb 9B. If you are renting a machine or if• Wilftft;ncr It has been definately decided that GI Jub vou ar the ki f '_ party at the Re ee. C .u,.;, pJc,. ture, Sunda... !. 2:30 p. oJ e m mg 0 purchasing oney- the senate. will receive a presidential I 'Debate Team nolds club tonight 01., at Root's..' ' .' ca 1 up Central 5II5, or address Edw.. and there is a bas- message.' Noone has yet been picked Candidates to form Freshman Track J. Goldblatt, care Rebuilt' Typewriteri:etball 'game in 'Bartlet] gymnasium; to write the message, but it is; sup- Team are wanted, Co .• 30 Dearborn Street.· .'posed that' the author will try to imi- IEach' of these events offers certai� at- Ans Men-Trials for' debate with .et us tell you about out" proposi-tate Roosevelt in calling the' .' . . 'ion. Adtra.ctions, but there is the big annual I .itemtu. re.... c.()U,ege. Tu.. e.sday, Ellis,S." - v."Senators" down. .' ..d. ebate in Mandel hall. the' one night Se�(i� C'C?n�e �ouncil nominations -:-----.-;.h .' .- . . ASSBMBT ..... S�··A.�:;;-·ID t e whole year in which the � de- . ,. ,.' , are now 10 order. Hand in at Senw:- .I.&U:I .a.nubater should be given the limelight. . :c_ ., Dea�s··offi��> Election next Tuesday D�CING SCH()OL"J:Is the contest tonight to be held be- INTERNATIONAL CLUB in Senior cha��I. . I272 E. '63rd' Stteet .... ;. ;!SMOKER IN HITCHCOCK .' .' . .fore three lonely J'udges I'n an other- Mock S.. enate holds first' meeting Th" '.�:: ','" ;" :.":urs(la� .mghtswise em�ty haH? Every student Mor.day. 4:00' p. 'm., in the Law build_ - at' the Hal"i' ... .Cosmopolitans Accept Invitation of .ahoald realize his share of the r�- i�. ". . .now knowai': .�ponsibility in seeing that this does Dr. A. K. Parker-Affair for Maso� o·f�.the·· University Will meet as' W�(xl'�;')�i;.:'does not occur. - . Members Only. Saturday at 8 p. m. in Ellis 19- Annex. All'"Mr. Henry Porter Chandler. a busy Sophomore. :Chalk Talk, Wednesdaylawyer who has sacrificed time and At the invitation of Dr. Parker, an at 10:30, in Kent theater. ,effort to. bring_ out twC? winning teams honorary member, the International Blackfri� will have a pi�ture tak­for ChicagO,: in a letter to the. editor club smOKer tomorrow night will take en Sunday at 10:15 a. m. at Root'sfrom which we take the liberty of place in Hitchcock parlor. The Stud;o..• ' quoting.' says with regard to this, smoker is the first affair of the club Southern Club meeting and infor-"May I ask for the support of the for this quarter, and is for the inem-' mal dance in Snell hall. Sa�urday atstudent body at the home debate with bers only. The program arranged for 8 p; m.Northwestern Friday evenin'g? The the occasion is distinctly novel,· and Glee Club Reheanala, Mondays,m�n on toe 'team have done their part int(.rnational in character. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, in the�ell May they not go int� the con:- The more serious part of the even- theater of the Reynolds club.. test �th Northwestern realizing that ing will be a report from C. Benitez Cap aD4 GoWD EditoR will hold�he' .embers of the University ait- on the work of, the . connntion of office hours';; fn Ellia 3 from tw. to. prove' the work which they have done cosmopolitan' dubs, held at Ann Ar- 6ft. The Busines. manacera fremand will manifest it by their attend- bor during holiday week Following tbree to four.�nce and interest at the final test>' this will be music from the Philip,: Senior Pict1uea for the Cap andThis, is. a fair request. Some men pine members of the organization, Gown are due before January .�ha��'.�laved for' months that Chicago. "stunts" by Chinese members,' an Picture will be taken free of charce�y acquit her�elf creditably .in her I,,:xposition of some of the magical for the Cap 'and Gcwn by Martyn'sc,�D.test tonight against Northwestern, tricks of Japan by S. Tashiro, and a Maro(';ll Stuuio. 57C,; Cottace GroveamI'. tomorrow night against Michi- long list of international novelties, in- �venue.gan. Do the students care? It is up duding music and recitations.to them to show tonight that the'" After the program has been com- We are making a special offer foroJ DECLARES ZOROASTER LIVED 00 d fd� .. Mandel hall should be packed. pleted, the club will hold a business ays 0 our $10.00 sephie plat i-The.r.e should be enough e�thusiasm session for the purpose of revising its f !1um photos for $5.00. per doz. to U.Pro essor Jackson Speaks on Great of C. students.to make the speakers feel that the constitution. Refreshments will 'then Persian Prophet. ROOwhole University is' hehind them in 'be served, and cigarettes and cigan T STUDIOthe determination that Chicago must furnished. The members of the Cos- � . .., Wabash A Ph .... n· e Har. -Proicssor A. V. Williams Jackson __, vee � �win. It.is .on occaions such as this mopolitan club of Northwcstern Uni- ------...;...---;.._----.)f Columbia University. yesterdaythat the real strength of Cht'cago spt'r vcrsit ... · have bcen invited to attend,. - oJ clcli\'cred the second of his scries ofit is put on test. \Vilt it stand it? and some have already signified their...-roM 1'. GABS. lIanqlns Edltor.IIIILnR �. ADAMS. New. EdItor.DIIWALD ". NELSON, Bualnea ·�r..a:::I.;���O� 8 p. m .• Ellla Hall.'. I 17· Tel. Mldw&J' 800 e, Attar 8 p:... Iluooll � 47f E. 65th' Sb-�t. Tel..... Pai-t 168Laccommodati��son the one' ftoo� ..The waltz inone private lessonJ. W. STOLL" Director •FOR FORMALPARTIES ORDERFLOWERS OFDECORATOR53d St. and ttimbark Avenue.Tel.. Hyde Park II.Telephone Central 68,2lecturcs on Persian religion, his sub­jcct heing "Zoroaster," He tracedthe influence of the great religiousteach, whom .he dcclared to be un­dcuhtcdly a historical character and:a man of great influence in his day.With the material at his disposal,Profcssor Jackson depicted Zoroas­ter's early environment, his inspira­tbn to become a minister, and hisgreat success in makinlt converts. Hetold also of the, wars which resultedif! the �at propbet's death. The Daily ltaroon Is the officialstudent publication, contains an thecampus lie... and due"" the sup­port .f "e17 It1Idat,intention of comin�.At a meeting ycsterday, LesterStern was elccted treasurer to takethe vlace of Sankowsky, resigned .Se\'cn ne'" mcmbers "'cre added tothe roll. MELVIN H. SYKESPhotographerI. Yale Alumni Makes ReportThe Annual report of the Yale.Alumni fund show!! that .ot the $553,64s donated to Yale by her Alumni inthe last eighteen years. nine tenths ofthe total was given by the graduatesof the academic departments. Thcdass of 1886 leads the list in amountsof contri�utions by $35,323, while thcf�ous class of 'i8,of which Taft was• � ha., .riven only $25.000. At thc University of Glasgow, inScotland. a censor of morals. has beeninstituted to control the "disgracefulflirting" of certain of the women stu­cients. 70 State Street�pposite Marshall Field & Co.Chicago.I I� .,. .�.III' ",.' SIWLTZ'S SCHOOLOF DANCING:�FOR SALE - Mdlaster's HistoryPeople of V. S., 5 vols., $5; cost$8.75; perfect condition. Hays 257� t)(;th Street. ' � rfYthosellfit.TLOST--At Christmas a big brontabby Angora cat, 'male; reward.·The Little Book Shop, 434 E. 55thStreet. oneJ.·U RENT - Pleasant rooms andbeard with private family. S542Madison Avenue. House.REOPENING of University Dane­ing Class, Thursday afternoon.Class 2:30 to 3:30 .. Infonnal Clue.'�ng to 5. Rosalie Hall, 2'j6' iEist57th Street. : .:�1'0 RENT-One half of double�Hitchcock 12.' At reduced '�p�Call.Lvst-:-B:B.B. Glocker piper'tftkChicago "C': on bowl; val��� ".� ... p._r�se".t .. Pleas'e retu'rn to ,I,�f�.'" I �on office: _ .,' .. : _..: ;��S;J.·--:�oJd ... lVatc� . (morio�. E.j 'T.) anU'� �h�l·n·. W- ·ed·. ',' _.• 1':'.' ��,_... '. ..,... . nes •�;, 'noon,"'-Til""Womeo'l"l1 .-..__,'. Fjn'ci';r. re'turn .- 'to 359 E..' SjitSt._ 2nd flat. and recei�e libernf�8AR�S ALL .. THE _._Reliable Rebuilt Typewri�' II'�es; rebuilt in Q� '9�' fIi&.r."etter and cheaper than othen., Sa ;:or yourself. The Typewrit�I'!�iz..('bange. 319 Dearborn S1. A. J •. GIii.llanager. Telephone Harria_.;�'I I':� •.TlD: UNION ROTa .:.:AND USTAUUlft'111-117 Randolph ..... -.fTHE POPULAR PLAca ;:'TO &AT .�:::Eith\.r before er aft« .. '�Theater.! .. We make a Spec:iall7 ef ..and Frat.Dity DUm ...---------------------�----CHOCOLAland fine bonbons famousOUt America, put up inboxes suitable' for presents at40C and fioc per pound -"pleased customer is the be.veJ'tisement."Glmtber's Confectio_'21:a State Street. .f'_... . • • • • • I • • .�• •A. J. SHAW':.BANJO VIRTUOSO'Hyde Park Conservatory ofMusic.I 2;6 East 57th Street.,feacher of Banjo. Mandolin ,..Gui!ar.'ISpeci31 Attention Given to CJu'", .. 'SwimmiDc Material MeacerThe swimming team is abo handi­capped by a lack of material, althoughseveral new men may join the squad .. • • � • D I 'r •• I1J.before Iong, as i� also the case _'�ithCaptain Kahn's part of the aquatic In Cohan's greatest musical playsport. Captain Cary of the. swim- THE TALK OF-NEW YORK!Di!!fJ' team, has not been able to prac­tice regularly with his 'team, because TO P.ma.1I Iof the. amount of work he is carrying rhe record-breaking Musical Comedy Iin his medical courses. The team A STUBBORN CINDERELLAwill be fairly strong in the 100 yard W BIT If • Yswi� with Lidster. Bergerson and The BiK Success.Parker .. Lidster will also be the A BR.OKEN mOL1';:t."W::;:;;;;:;;:;;�;:;;;�;;::;;;;_� mainstay in the 40 yard back stroke, Vith Otis Harlan and Beauty Chorusand, with Captain Cary and Benitez, ---------------will make a strong' trio for the relay J. � • � I. L •CECIL LEANteam. &AdIn the 40 yard swim,' Cary is the FLORENCE HOL�ROOKbest performer, with Lindsay, broth- and the La Salle Theater Stock Co.er of the Lindsay of last year's team,. A GIRL AT THE HELMDe you enjoy Roller Skating? and Kroste, a new addition to theHave you a good pair? •team, to help in this event. Shay hasYou have doubtless learned that. 'been practicing for the 220 yard swimthough the rink provides skates, they and may prove a strong man in thatseldom fed right as to action and event. Ex-captain Irving Solomonfit. has been developing a distance plungThat's why you ought to write at er out of Smith, the heavy substi-once for our Free Catalog. tute Ruard of the football team.We make sood skates. Learn Pclo by Chalk TalksBAR N E Y a: BE R R Y. An innovation in the method of2 7 3 B r 0 adS t r e e t, teaching the polo men the plays ofS p ring fi e I d. Mas s. the ��e has been introduced byCoach Knudson and "Solly" Solomon,who is helping him. Instead of prac­tical demonstrations in the wateralone, the men are: taught the ideasof .the plays from a blackboard dia-..)LlUCI&Out!Dente Privaterantee toW�tz aDdtauCht ia,t 63d It.lr6eld 361tion at�ve.:VEHINGPeno.----5 History, $5; costHays, 257oomsmily,e.'sity Dane.afternoon.mnal·_.·I, z;6' iEistloublet06mueed ;�pm:piper, "iaitIa'; ..•. iI; .valueci>JJ a,'� :.1!to �1Il�_". -.:. __ .0" �rm. .. ..JftG "",'.!PLAQa.::.10USliD��lruOSO:tVatory ofStreet.�andolin ,.iven to aullJ ... �(Continued from· page I) ."GENTLEMEN.. DIUI nallllJIEltIift..L.-_ .....wua .. .,..;u '.BOSTONGARTER West this corning springNEED MORE MEN OUT FORFRESHMAN TRACK SQUAD.:..,\., .Davenport and Prather are MakingGood Showing-Other MaterialSeems Mediocre.THE RlCOlIII£D STAID....Tbe •••• la• ...... ....,D��!oop-�. -�• CUSHIONBUTTO.\ CLASPurs FUTTD 111£ 1£8-lmlSUPS. nus _UlrlSrt.sGIO. fton 00.""",....... .V .•. A. 1 really want to KO to that F orm�l Dance, but I c&D',because I haven't a dress suit, and doa't care to borrow ·olle. Hdto 'lose 01:t' on three dances and a banquet thi. season, because ofthis deficiency in my wardrobe.' I simply must order a dress IUitand tuxedo tomorrow. Yours. JIm.P. S.-Ain't it awful, Mabel?". '.. �IICVIOltB.:SKIa •.. & Erlanger's Mi�tyPr�UCtiOD.THE' ROUND UP "i·.{'"VICTOR MOORE "Dear Mabel:-You will draw bid. to Full Orca Main rilht alonl. fo� the ....-omia here-read Jim'. letter. •£ ••Order your Suit Earl,. . .... :.. _',. '!: .'. ! .... '" .... : _�"IOur prices are within every Colle8'- man'. reach.. I. ' .'. . : .. , ��er&WDkieTAILORS ':�.:".:. i......... ftoorGARDBN100 Singers and Dancers inthe Musical Comedy Success,A WINNING MISSMAJESTICCONTINUOUS VAUlDEVILLE.\IABEL HITE AND MIKEDO�LlN . VINIE DALYand ten other biK acts. 1Prices 15-25-50-15 B. V. BRAIDEN, ex-'lO, U. of C. .; I522 E. 55th St.Commutation Tickets, $3. 50 for $3.00�EXTRACT FROM BILL OF FARE:BPCKWHEAT CAKEs a: COUNrRY 'SAUSAGE : 15C. \ '."BREAKFAST CEREALS WITH RICH CREAM lOCEGGS, IN ANY STYLE. WITH ROLLS _ � � . l�"".' ; . � '.": "FRESH MEAT ORDERS,. WITH POTATOES AND COFF'��'�)," .:•J •• � •OYSTER STEW .......•.......•....•..••....•......•....•... : �"H�MBURGER SANDWICH, t . WITH ONIONS .... _ .•.... � •.• -•. , IOC.: ;.\ �.(�M AND EGG SANDWICH · ·...............•..... '.·�.:·;I� ..•-". �"'At,QUICK SERVICE. BEST' FOR THE MO�Y.. -. .;t.�,,) ,.. i:;}'i �COVRTEOUS TREATMENT.OPEN uNTIL x A. M.,.BEST CUP Of COffEE IN·CHICJlqO .. "gram.No Schedule for the Aquatic TeamsDr. Raycroft has not yet madeany dates for the polo .and swimmingteams. The chief possible opponentsof the Varsity and the only Confer­ence : eclleges having teams are Illi­nois'��ryd:; \\"i&co�sin.. . ,Pr.�bably twomeet}'F�l(be:s�hedufed' �=ith each .ofthese teams. one home and one re­thrd' �atcb. Minnesota is, j�s't com­pleting' her natatorium," �.t theICb.nccs are that no team wilfb.,e' pr�duced .. by .the Gophers un�,il nextyear. Th� remainder of the Varsitysclied�le will be filled from' otherthan college teams, namely th� .c. �.A., the I. A C. and the Y. M. 'c A.There is also a possibility that aswimming meet and polo game maybe scheduled with the University pfPennsylvania swimmers. who havel--------------­long since announced their intention GB.ABD OPBBA. BOUDOTIS SKINNERof taking another trip. through then the Captivating Romantic Comedy.fHE HONOR OF THE FAMILY.OLYMPI� MUS�C HALLVAUDEVILLE ANDMUSICAL COMF.DYS;nokinK PermittedBTU ••••• · ••.. ELSIE JANISIn George Ade's College Comedy,THE FAIR CO-ED· •• LOKI. .A.LZiegfield Jr.'!·· Great MusicalProduction. .'ntiCsbul: KISS, .with the wonderful dancer,ADFi.lNE}�ENEEILLI •• IIGRAtE VAN sTUDDIFORDIn' the Light Opera Success,. GOLDEN: Btrn'ERFLYr ••• .& •• 1.&SAM BERNARDinNEARLY A HEROPOwmulDirect from London,FANNIE WARDin ....··THE NEW LADY BANTOCK" We Have No Bruch· Bt1IIIio '..a short space of time wehave had the pleasure of creating:1 few customers at the Univer­sity; one of them a member of thefaculty, and the others, students.\Ve have the confidence in our­selves, and the hope that " r e shanhave a good percentage of thetrade to be had with the Univer-5.ity men.Our confidence is based onfact that those for whom we havemade clothes were highly satis­fied and have recommended us toOur apecialty for the TJniver­sity men is a Col�ege Suit for $35.that has exactly that amount inquality of cloth, fit, and work­manship. We. DO NOT claim'!lat cur '$35 suit!'t are worth $50;NO, our suits are worth just ex­actly $35, no more and absolutelyo less.153 La Salle StreetAssociation BuildingTel.. Central 6191PVLL DU. 11Jft8.,0 ...-rT. G. ICRAPP'ND a ce.---_ .. --_ .... -........-.- ..... -."..- . ._. . : -, .' '. ." ,JANUARY SPB�:;:�� .. ',. ,�.: .. � :'''-<,: ·f'Suit and extra trousers' f6t�".� �.price of suit' alone.. St.-Ille "blacks an� blue indud� � ','... " ."..A suit with extra �ousen .i •. � "equal to two suits for ·K!Vi.ce. i'��,":' i'�J., I lWm. Jerrem.'. Sona ,tClark and Adarna Str�A general tryout will ibe given to- READS THE SCARLET LETTEmorrow of all the candidates for the --Freshman track squad. So far, the Second cf Professor C1ark�s Successprospects of winning team seem very ful Series is Given.'I poor. New men are expected, how- -1 ever, to report next week, and if they "The Scarlet Leter," which frodo 50 promptly,the prospects may im- the same platform two months befor. prove was declared by Professor \V. L� Oi �\-ose who seemed to be making Phelps of Yale, to be· the nearest ap..... _-.... the be_st progress, Prather in the shot proach to the great American novel---------------Pllt and Davenport in the sprints was read at Mu!\ic Hall yesterday bshowed the greatest promise. Prather Professor S. H. Oark,. head of thi hurled the shot 43 feet, and with a department of public speaking.. little more practice ought to be in The attendance, "'hich was largform for the meet ,,;th the Illinois at thc first reading of the series 0'Sil;ts �f;\rn�r," sho"'cd no falling 0Mr. a number of students and faculttter members heing among the audiencent According to Director Payne of th'ho Lecture nureau, this s('ries is provinsity a greater success than any yet underdevelop, taken.The next reading will be givenThursday, Decembe.r 21, when ffLesDaily Maroon 1\(iserable�," Victor Hugo's master-Try one. • piece. will be interpreted. MIDWAY TAILORS�Gannenta of AU DescriptionaCLEANED DYED ct ALTERED�..6001 lU'lh AY'e._Work c.u.d for UMI 4 ......_"to '.g P.II.q,.ft�"'V., ,. :. ",":.\ 1 j'''' I • .,;�" •. :/;.',,�\-:t,. ...... �. ;;AC·J.I!••.. ����:g���.,!:.�?�_:"':...�._�.�.-::_�.. "==�_:-__�_.':":. _��::_::..�=-�=-::_:::_=-���. =��fiDL�n:�DIUMl..I3a::!i'r:.::3i14lDuOlltMtR:ra.';,.::::J(']JtRIUlIDI:nA�i�,�·�)AJI_:lrtOXJta:JXJr· ICi::rg;:�··...w�r-:"':.. -."':". �__�_�_."_:--����:-:�--'-�---'''''''"i. jr-------��� ,- --�- ..JU1.tUs oNES TWO ,ms�.;T'\. �� �'i .) i'-:a C'WCAaO-�()RTidRSi�RN .:DEUTJt:·IM· 'lIANb� H�Also a la Carte ServiceOpeDnan,and ':SundayaIrom;II All.in' 'the':Law' sclio'�I, whi�h 'iricid��thasnot"occuiTed since the 'two�tea� sys­tem �'ha:s been' in' v�gue.;·':The" 'me'ri' who :will represent Chi­cago"'in "tonight's contest are fullyprepared, .: and" fe�l .confident of vic­tory> Coach thandier says' that ev-lion.,,· '. " I" I.'.' '.; ';'.'): • . '. ''. .' .. . .• , ," ., erything ' has" been dorie to' win, 'and\V:th, ten priees: .. to, be: given away, . '1 -: h 6.:' It -.. . '11' br] ..,'b nd . • .. ---- ---- lee s t a, t e teams WI rmg victoryan a un 31lC�- of-cider and dOugnnuts '. ih .'. 'AI' "'I .... , , .. . ". .. . ' ., ; to·t eu rna .I.' ater.for free d�rlbubon� 'and :-plenty ofI Cool. refincd--the kindtbat appeals to eriiydi�c mesic and .dancing;: it . is- 'expected the_ . smoker �wiU�'. alw:ys be:::...Y��U_,r�:��._��_.__f��_�,.: n�_ if.. you � poor people will turnout .. in full force;_... Harvey Fuller, organ-�ri�der, and--=..:. _. Caroline Dickey will .. e��e�vor to up-_ hold their reputation as prize-takers,Smoking Tobacco . established ,at the j;�{d�tit1)�:;. Pilr;ty a Many Out. .for Freshr,nan Basketball-, � �; -Without .. bite or a regi-et-'''' .. - - : year ago. Duke JOllC;S Reps Sherer, The. ioutlook for a good Freshman DOUBLE THE LIFE, A perfect blend of the world's finest tobacco's. Fracrantl de- Bill l\Ia�<;ra'ck��, .W�l;er ... ilp'rris��; basketballiteam 'is beginning to: look OF YOUR SUIT •... �� lfcfcfui: iiatUr� _-flavor and absolute�y pure,' Made 'by hand, one' and a host of others will be there. rosy. . Thirteen candidates were out There's twice the wear in a suit, 'ifpound at a time. �-\ number or. men; "'�11 come attired as yesterday; and, of these many seem vou have an extra pair of trousers.'3 1.-3 oz. 7SC" 1-2.10. $1.65, l_lb.,$3.39 p_r�paid._ girls .,escorted by .1h·eir '.'beaux.��"AI- promising.. Sauer, captain' of ,last Make the experiment-find out forWrite for' booklet "Ho� to Smoke a Pipe"-Free. vin Kramer will a.ppear ;n,.a'. pair. of .iear�s,·Morgan. Park Academy team; yourself.S/f_.L __ �_ checkered overalls and a',re� flannel Goldstein of-Lake High; Swanson of Here's your' opportunity-A' _.�. � shirt. Some will enter .the competi- Lewis . Institute, . Paul, a new, man and extra pair of trcusers for tile'�'__L;"��'_ rion as ··shaf>bIiY:�diessed. genteel" from -Texas ; . Edwards;. 'a beginner price of the suit, . •_ ��� persons; some will fiase' as;' hoboes, :',-:ho is a' find; Schmidt,' Martin� Jer- T!"ousers of the same material' orM�dico;:- 5pifm6n-' :M;tur� Tobacco -�spe'cTa:l1y cut: �"hey-are-diftei)ent while others 'will come in humorous rens and .sceman are doing excellent .lifferent, just as you prefer., "and far �uperior to' all' others. 'Smoot}l, fragrant, absolutely pure, 'will costumes.; : .Two prizes 'are to be :\vorkI. ,'.There ·is' no ·Freshman garile This offer holds I[ood on our eiitinnot dry the throat or leave any disagreeable odor. ·a\\rarded· for each 'of these';varieties, 'iche�uled for: next week., ' stock.Box ot 10, ;5 cents; 50, $1.25; 100, $2.25 prep&lid. Plain or cork tips. ·as well as ';for the' couple ··best ex- We war.t to ke�p our' good tailonFor sale by all leading dealers: � yours will hot' siipply you, tele- ecuting the barn-dance. Peddlers, I busy; -between . seasons: That's tile'phone "Main 1731, and we'll see that you get them. tramps� 6�gga�� _.:_ all wiil' 'j�i� the : pijmlIry.�i��o..n-:.for··tliis-offer.:',;.' '''L'IOFFIiU tOiiPANY� lIuldidilrirsj'aDGlG4 .. :·:;···· .. grand parade shed�led to helPn at io ROBERT" P." MURPHY. �o�li�g.;in:�<fuy?·., .. ',�.o'clock.' Proprietor . S�,� _and.....Extra .Trouscfs430 to .$6G.,There �I1 be si�teeit dances, the: ') ... ,! '." '.' .•• 1 _ ..... - Yes,:-:w-makendin� .breechcs.<'first one-at 9-ct�lock" iJ�une��ly af- U! 0": ·T.J E'L' j'L'B' A' N',:y>' .; .1'ter the Indiana basketball ga·in�·!It.r- : .per's orc�, eS.,tra, . w.�ll .. fur.,nis.h .t.h, _e ,mu.. 1 .' • • '.'.. 41st . 'S�eei . anei' .BroadwaysiC. Legle,r. Orchard.. . B,erry and: ... ., ' . 'Wins Henry will be on ha�d to keep ':' .. , .. " ..... �EW �p.�_. 7' •.the air ringing· - . w;ith .lively songs. Rcmod�� ..... ���q1e17 �-Patc:hed. overalLS .. Qld,' 3pr�ps,: dilapi- nished ':r�ugho�., .------------------------------......: dated hats, frazzte�,c��s a'nd worn-out shoes will· figure pro�inently in ABSO�UT��Y. FI:R.;EP.R.pOFthe grand panoratna of merry pov- .. In the heart of the City". . .�'��' '300 'B�tb::�� ..erty. � .,. ". . t • E�r.�.. p.�an P!.... �n.. ·.C�·is.·.ine.Vlllex.c.· .e.l,',e,d.The. affair will b.e a. decidedly ex- .j elusive one;' for�· 'no ,per�n whbse: �_�tlept.en.�� �fe, .La���:s' ��t.au·· apparancei' 'shows :.-any·, in"i�ation I of . ��n�. ��� MO���S�, R��s .. : p����· ,f!ven .�oder�te :'weaItil� .or, gQQ<i::taste' .Ia�::fr!�s.,. Ple.nty of.. Life-bu�: lin dress,iwillr-bel;permittedjto'parti- '. Hom�i�e. :.<: ': :::cipate. A' club meme�ship card alone ." '�.DO ·Per . pay. aIJ,d .Up '. '· 'will' not 2ain :admission� <. -:- : -- _.- .. �END, FOR. ,BOOKLET.The ch�p�o�es. and jud��s will be· :Mr. and Mrs .. Gordon J. Laing, Pro­fessor and �Irs. E .. B.: K,rehbiel and• Mr. and Mrs. pavid A:' Robertson:'..__' .,CHICAGO sibs State Street a hair-cu�: -a �ave. and. : ��e wholeoutfit to the man that loob-as-thoushhe nee�s ·it:.i�e 'mOst: t.1li�h�t;.1iJin60 that he'll-never Iookse much likea t.ra�p··aeain.; .This �wiLl· be ·a� 9tlt­prise prize, separate -from, the; btberlist." Julius will be on tbe-sceee-andact as judge iii 'his- '�p;�iay'competi-Lonar Dill. Tel Harrison 516-517. Long Dist. T�l. WentWorth 'Si7'I !"'t' ..... ,." .. ,. :·�.a··� 'r.", ('J ,': '1� �'·�1'" �·t��·1 .PlUMB BDF. PORK, VEAL AND MUTTON.��. ..,�. }.Vrjte.. f��, s� , ���i B�! �d ·.p�ui.tt; .��� .. �< .�. ."Spec:ia117 �ed far Hotel, Restaurant, CJub and. DiniDc Car. Trade.Fancy Cuts of Meats for this 'trade given particular attention.j., �":. ... - ........ - ........ . . -'A Delightful.. , '. \ - ', .,.N ·,--·-:�r'· M' l·· '''-',' ';-,,"'. "'J' _ ..... -."o , .... oney,DownI ;�t,.�.�t�M __ -1300- Ke-nmore' Piano '.. -. - ..', - " -.:'- '! _-> ',"'_ " ....... .".....,...,-:,:-... ....... �1iI'7oUr'own home. m�e lure that.it�;f'WIa ��.,pr particular. . Wheia ;you are 10 satisfied.Pius' . ': .. _-.._.y' �'"$1:65 Delts Win in' DiviSion IV.,. After a 'hot' fight, the ·chain�i'On.;,, :ship of Division IV. of the Bowlhig'teague waS"won by Delt; Tau -Delta.. Phi Kappa si�� �oll� the last set;with the D�lts 'yesterday afternoon,and after losing th� first �me, won: the second, but loSt the last by thes��il mar�n 'of fiftee� 'pin·s. Alpb'a.'Delta. Phi bowled .Sigma .at_tht= .sil�e.time and' won three ga�es straight.'; The �corcs (f .the two con�ests were, �as ·f�ii�ws:. ))elt� J:��"., p�1taJ ," fi��f'.game Soi; second g�me. 687; third718. Phi Kapp� .Sigma, fi�st795;, second game,. 77?;' thirdgame, i03. Alpha Delta, Phi, firstgame, 62i; se�ond game, '769; thirdg:3,rne, 699. �appa. Sigma,. fir�t game,,562; 'seco'nd game,' 712;' third g3m�.;6.18, " � " . I. . .In the eveni�g,. Sigma, N� de�eatedAlpha' Tau Om��a, three 'str�iglit'games, winning their divisi�n by �in.estraight ,games. The scores were i99to 559. iSI to 6��, iio to 635. Total;.f 2310 &0 1856.: � ..ID: U7 wa;y ;you �e. e�en a •. �o� .i•. �-aWeeK��t\;�.- -:ftDOE P I AN 0 B-RegWUpric:a ·1350 to "so. ataaRATLY 'REDUCED PRICES AT THIS SAL&.j- �Jq., COuPON. II WORTH: A TBN DOLLAR BILLCat i· oat 'at onc� DoDtt thro� away. mon�y. 'We Dol oDl;' SAVE'� 9!�!' .. a .huDdr�d, dollars, but pel1llit the smallest pa7lllenb EVER'���las: low, as $1 a ;'eek); ask no money in advance and aiYeyoa .10 to boot. Can you beat it?Oat-of-��WD p,Atrona are invited to avail themMlYU ofMOaT Iibftal indacementa.(1..CUT'OUTTHIS, COUPONGOOD I'ORTen' Dollars. .10One of these Coupons .sood ..FIRST PAYIIB NTtoward�. purchas�, .of one StUCk. . ,.... ...'.,. .. ,Piano at this sale, 'at 204 WabaibA venue Chicago, Ill.�. _!hippecl to An., Part �l the U�ted Sta_ .' •• TIl... IJbetal -T� Write 'for' PRBB' cataJopc; ,. ,�� A. STARCK PIANO CO�'''_'_'�'.''�''\ .' ... � I'.' J.: .... � .• ���, ... :. _,� ... JIUU'4u. .-ACTUUJUJ.... '. ...-.-.. Wabala 'AftD_� HeR AdUU 8� �:. A�s and Lit I:'lay 1;�yArts �nd Literature will play 'their:fir�t bask�tbatl ga�e of the .se.asqt1this afternoon. Captain Nickerson .3.t:1d"Mike" Cohn on the Lit a"r�gatio!11'\\�i'�I, play hard' to rep�'at t�e dqlbbl;:"y,Arts got Wed�esd�y from... Scienr.c;.and Lit should.b� '�bi� to 'get the bigend of the score. (Continued 'from 'Page I) . ITALlAM TABLE D�On5OC-7Sc:-4I.ooINCLUDING WINE.Dean Albi�n W.' ·Smail will pre­side at tonight's debate, and JudgeLandis, itidge' 'Brentano and Tliomas:\1. Hoyne will act as judges, . .{. SP AGHETTISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITALY146-STATE STREET -146SEC0ND FLOOR. . � � ... .� \\��.:�: .. <.: .. " ,":-"c _, :' ;"','(�.'", TAILOR FOR YGUNG;",. \f�:"7� N JClT� 'lljiC :'>. �.,.�rea: :Z3� .�.�� .. :��/\. '_', . :.' ._.._� Jac:kliell •• """':�.. : �-.- .. ,-' -:. �:',{�;�I ��1IIe- nu.i;,;j-Thc&tet ... " 'JJ 'Wlu:t'e to Din. '.. '.�..-"_--:-'.---,.,.. T�RlC� -�-.-_. .', Meet me' at' the :College Inn� underthe-.:AlbanY, ; New York's leading., Rathskeller, a· . place to 'eat, 'drink'and be merT7. " N-B-WB.S.� .. ;,....... --.- --ROUJr--;':��. �IA� iioo;:, ." "" ",-nie We5gtort Bot�." -4_"-'_4-4-����_'-'_'_'_'�.,WHERE TO DINE.THE WOODLAWN' CAFE631'd Street �d Cotta,e Gr�ve A�e��"/. ., .THE- FINEST 'AND MOST ELEGANTLY,'APPOINTED '" .'< •• ;;., c:AFE J)N: THE SOUTH SlDECUISINE UNEXCELLED.PRICES REASONABLE... ,Music�ig. Ferrante's Or�stra of .Is-·Pieces inGrand Program Conc.crt .Eveninp'-. ::,:BALATKA.MUSICAL COLLEG·E,. . I ..,...... 1 • •• �Established 1879· by the world­rell�WDecl Hans Bal�tka -POSTAL CARD BRINGS CATALOGUEWRITE TODAYD R. 'C H R. F�.: :s � L A T K A, D i rf: C tor •Diplomas Recognized All Over fhe World'Spe�ial Rates:to Students of U of C.'., Ac!drCA AU � Commu�cations toBALATKA MUSI,CAL COLLEGEHandell Han:.' '40 �t' Rand�ipb �� -v«-thin.ni15tetoWtfaalltbih\ CClthatHeihiTillIe:Whigb;t1hIef.tl$1P51�PoRn