eeOpeanag,aad�:�g P.;;II.'IIN nAtyET-I41OR�Ein a sui� if)f trousers.-find out ferllitY-A "liters.: for'.materialfer.on our tDtirtgood tailoaThat's. tMoffer.s-$30 tobreeches.JNG l1li. liar.Llle It., ..... _I11III.,sThcatlrDiD-e.Tr BOOIto :IIotd,��E1-\flEWS INATIONS � I" I.:,j "_urnon "� 0,1. Y u. No. 66. CHICAGO, tHURSDAY, JANU�RY 14. 1909. Priee . ,Two" at Ann Arbor ConsideredAmcng Best in History ofInstitution. BEwm OF CREAP CYNICISMiLONG JOHN AT BUARD IS .TOOl Y. Dean Matthews -;:;: College Man'sl LATEST BAS'KEIBALL CHAIBEWOLVERINES LOOK FOR 8 AWmS AT CUll PlitTY STARI PEIIY-RELlY RACETWO DEBATE VICTORIES 13pecial Recognition for Three Kind.Danger is in Being Afraid to Ap- _pear Earnest About An�ng- Great Center May play Out of OlaMust Settle Problem's for Himself., Position with Big Hubble atCenter.II LElIIBIOI GYMof CostUme, and Barn-dancini, atHard-tim'es Function Tomorrow Women Choose Teams for Long,Night. Six-Day Grind-AU Are "in the- PiDk." IFive more prizes have been added II "The religious life of the college \; ,Dean Small Chairman of Mandel Hall hto t e list of awards to be given at Director Stagg to Fire Real Pistol- 11.:n is liable to be one of indiffer- I Georgen and Hoffman Only Sureitieathe hard-times dance tomorrow night Alumnae IntereSted in Signal cnce ; therefore he should endeavor' in Positions-Kelly Henry orat the 'Reynolds club. The eight Event. to c;�rry into it all the enthusiasm i Halsey for Forward,First definite word from the camps prizes which will thus be distributed, - which he possesses; it is lia'ble to beof, Chicago's debating rivals was ob- will be divided into four classes- With the much-advertised real ne (,{ interrogation; therefore he'tained yesterday, when a Daily Ma- two will go to the two most "shab- pistol shot fired by Director Stagg at -hould carry a spirit of active faith After a gruelling scrimmage be­roon correspondent at Michigan in- oily dressed genteel" characters, two [:20 o'clock this afternoon, the, penny nro his theological investigations; tween the Varsity and the scrubs lastfo�meJ in bearish mood that the for the "most humorous" costumes, :day race, one of the most unique, ibove all, his religious life should be I night, Dr. Raycroft seemed wenWolverines expect to carry off double, two for the "worst Iooking ho- events in the history of University Iorninated by a spirit of unobtrusive pleased with the work of the team,honors in the argument with 'Chicago boes, II' arrd two for the couple who women will be on in Lexington gym- .elpfulness.' Such were the conclu- considering the short time in which:lnd Northwestern as a repeater to make the best exhibition of barn- nasium. .ions presented to tile students of the' the men have been practicing. Dr.the performance of last year. lancing. Just what the nature of All the fair "athletes" are in the Jniversity by Dean Shailer Mathews �aycroft expects, nevertheless, that·"Our teams this year are esteem- these prizes will be is still a mys- proverbial pink of condition, and')f the Divinity School, at the Y. M, the Hoosiers will put up a warmcd be'tter than th'e average, and the tery, It was intimated by Earl Mc- :eady for their long, gruelling six-day l J, A. meeting last night. 'crap for the game Friday in Bart-'in�'n are in hopes of repeating the Bride yesterday that the winners will grind, The contestants will have all "It is important to remember," said lett.'dn�l victory," writes the informant. at least feel highly repaid for their the accessories of Marathon run- Dean Mathews, "that a man carries "The Indianans were badly troun­.He adds, however, and cautiously, pseudo-poverty, ridiculousness or ners, including sponges and lemons, over into his religious life exactly ted by the Illini Saturday," said the� only way to determine that (the- skiljfnl and strenuous dancing, as thd �d are confident of capturing the himself. The danger of the college Doctor, "but their team should playresult) is to await the end of the case may be. The judges win be the classic event. The result of tlie .nan is that, 'however he may be be- 1 strong game against us. The Illi­weck." chaperons, Mr. and M'rs. David A� races today _in be eagerly awaited, as neath th-e 'surface, he is. apt to cloak nois team have been practicing sinc�The Ann Arborites regret that the Robertson, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon J. the women in each 'class will con- :t i7th an attitude of cheap synicism. I'hanksgivmg, and have played aChicago-Michigan debate will nave Laing and Professor and Mrs. Ed- 'sider 'the lead obtained from the re- He does not want to appear too much number of strenuous games, .whileto be postponed until Saturday ow- vard B. Krehbiel. Jay today as a great advantage in :\1 earnest about an.ything. He finds :he Indiana team has had scarcelying to a concert which is to be given The first dance will begin at 9 their favor, and a good omen fo; :1 similar attitude in many of the my more practice than we. Coachtomorrow night ;liid which could "not ,'clock,-· instead of 8:30, in order to their cluin�s. -nen he encounters on entering col- Harris has a good bunch of theIe.t another date. \ The students at .nake -it possible for the "shabbily, Director Stagg, in addition to his lege and hastens to acquire it for ::reshmen of the last year team at,14ichigan would ��tb� !t�ve both re- dressed" to attend the. Varsity bas- c�pacity as official starter will make himself, }\:t first, l'be state 01 mind Indiana, and his team will playsuits known the same DiKht. :ketbaJl. proe and .at its close ,tq 'go ..i sboi't �adt'ess to the �OJrien· in en� is 0(";1· surface cltarac'ter, biit the ba�:- classy ball:', .Dr. -sm.a:u. PI '·l1e .£.em t .... 4a� .Uowed 00 '. N· gmem: at�' eftom' 'to"rais� ,:t �-thought in time is almost 'cerlaitt t.meup Stin Unc�J)ea:n Albian W. Sm:rH Jras � a -similar 'occasion =a year ago. . There a Jund. for. a . gymnasium that Will :0::> �eC'ome' perman'erit, arid the inan The lineup ha9 not yet been de-.�� by thcu:imci8ls;Jn � t� mIl be 'no :preliminary game and the rival BarrJett. Miss· 'Gertrude Dud- becomes incapable <if becoming gen- cided on for the contest. Art Hoff-:preside at the N�rtiiwe�tern-Cb'ica� I'ndiana contest will be .over by 9- ley wiD also speak to the women. .iinely enthusiastic about religion or nan will .play at his old position.go d�bat� ne�t. Fr�day evening·. i� The grand march . wiH cominence Entries for the Race myt'_liing else. If is our duty as mern- 'right guard, and Captain Georgen is'liandel hall .Th,e �fll:il co��tt�� � tlromptly at 10, o'clock. when the J:0llo,,"ing arc the :Contestants a� 'bers ()f the a·s'sociation to fignt �ertain to fill the left f�rward POf:t.JU�g�, as aDn��ced. in yest�rd�y'� tramps, aatCh�s. �ews--ft'itdtrs, arm<iancea yest'erc1ay by, the variouS apiris't 'this tenClency by' carrying a� The remainder of the li�e�p �ay beMarOo'n, are Ju(h�e �!1dts. Judg� 'fJfitiii!Hs:ana ill,'the types of poverty� classes: unquencnable entnusiasm into our re� any Gn� 'of several co�bination�. An¥irentano, , a'�d Tho'inis M. :Froyi{e. ' stricken humanity will pass in sol- 'Setdar.-FlOMlce Manning. Dora:- !'i�"ous· life. A me-re intellectual iI�- iD�ovation has been t�ied by Dr.·Get FiDaI Work eDm ptoces"Sion 'through the club thy 1C1lh,· Harrie't Bieson and Kath- terest 'm spiritual matters will die if Raycroft this week, whic-h seems tQThe members of the negative and rooms. Sixteen 'nuiiibers are sched� .:rlne Siaught; Juniors: Elia Russell, :Iot nourished 'by the more e'n'iotion�l have 'Worked marvelously. Theaffirmative teams are putting in every uled for the dance-program. MusiC �Iarpret Ro'wbotharil, Flore'nee 'Law- ;hases of religion. ,great Jo�n Schommer has been play- 'moment of time, as the evening for �lI·be futniShed b-y H-arper's Orcbes- 'ion add Alice ;JohnSon; ·SOphollioreS: .laO Tim�'· a Poor ExCUse tng at guard instead of center amithe final contest approaches. Coach ira. .\Iary Phister, Margaret Bell, Virgin- "It is useless to merely b·emoan 'tbe ··I.iz" Hubble, who has been d�i�gChandler met the affirmative tea� While :die viCtiins of the hard times ia Freeman and 'Elea·nor Freund; existence of a spir:! of iridifference, remarkable work at ccnter, may playyesterday afternoon and heard the appease their h�nger and thirst at Freshmen: 'Emina 'Diclcerson, Ruth 11ather we must admit its presence at John's old stand. This pair of ath­members rehearse their speeches in the expense of their generous bene,- Dean, Lydia 'Lee. lnd consider its causes. Chid ·among tetes together will hold down theMandel. In the evenin� the coach factors, a quarfette, consisting �f The alumnae. will also be repre- these in our own University, as weft ,tatcd pair of positions, at any rate,met the negative team. I Wins Henry, Orchard, Berry and 3cnted by a team, but the makeup of IS in any other large institution df ,,'hethcr Sch(lmmer is shifted 'fromArrangement for tick�ts and ush- �t'g:er, wil� sing soothi.rig melodie�, it h:ls not yet been determined. Ac- !ea!ning, is the fact that a large num- 1 is (,td her!h or not,us are in 'the 'hands of George Owen hvely rag-time and all1rinds of son� cording to the promoters of the plan, I>er of 'the student body, if not a ma- 'ienry an'd Kelly in CompetitionF�ir\v"eather, presidenl of Delta Sig- appropriate 'to the occasion. the women in all tbe classes are en- jority, come from homes where the A keen struggle is on betweenrna Rho, the honorary debating so- President John 'Dille wishes it to tering into the plan with great zeal reli�ous interest is· far from strong. .\'ins Henry, who played a strongciety. The sale of tickets was open- be clcarly understood that no one and expectancy of ha-ving fun out of An·)ther cause is that the multiplicity �ame :It guard on the Varsity t,,·oed this week at the information office will be alloWed to participate in the ;he venture. )f interests rushes in upon a studcnt 'cars ago, and Kelly. who was uscdand many seats have already been dancing whO' (loes not cottle properly Gyuuuasium Rigged Up Ilid fhreatens to distort his perspec- n scveral games last year and whos(;ld. Tickets may also be, procured dressed. A costume that either A circular track has been formed :ivf", as he thinks of the spiritual life. las been showing up strong thison the evening 'of the debate at the shoW's signs of poverty or is in some :\found the gymnasium. The groun{J He feels that -he has not time to take 'car. The open f!>rward position'box of1ice. A large crowd of Cbiea- �'ay eccentric, ·will be e'ssential for \'\-ithin which a runner must run wiil car� of such things., Such an excu�e ic� between these two men princi­. go students are expccted to attenrl 7ldmic;sion. This will be insisted upon, be 'limited not 'by white ·track rib- makes me tired whcll 1 hear it offer- laliy. and Halsey of last year'sthe contest in Mandel hall, Friday:iS ,,:ell as the presentation of mem- bom, but by parallel bars, horses. ed. A thing that ought to be don'e Freshmen, who has put up a strongevening. and indications are that a bership cards tiy the men. chairs and other objects, station�(J can be done. ,Such a hurry is de- 'lid for the place, Fulkcr!'on is 4111-number uf students will come down around 'the gymnasium in 'as circular <;tructive to the best kind of life. ·ther of the substitutes who is morefrom Evanston to support the North- NEW PAINTING IN COMMONS a fashion as is possible. NecessarY Must Face New Questions 'h;tn likely to get into thc game. Hewestern team. - obstacles will, of course, 'oe '�ncoun- ··Moreover, in his religious life at 'las been showing a lot of speedof theEarl G. Fuller, 'oS. Member of the Gift �f . Dr., : 'Gu�saul1is. i. PlaceC! I tere�, �tit will serve as supports 't� I college, a student must realize that dTective "Pat Page style," and his..-inning cup debate team in 1907, aoel Teinporarily'in Hutchinson. �.h(" mSlde runners as well as hand 1- 'le ,,·iIl be compelled to face a serie'" work is commendable,the star of last year's Varsity team -�aps to those on the outside. A I·:f qu('stio'ns. ,He cannot retain the S('\"er:ll othcr eligible c�nclidates for'Which won a unanimous decision ove'r ,The 'paintinR of Tom quad of prize will be awarded 'to each of the heliefs of his home and his boyhood. .l' \';::,,�ity t(,:lm ha\'(' heen "'orkingN1>rth\\-cstern at Ann Arbor. Christ Ccl1ege O:dord, which was five runners in the finals. I He must decide to the satisfaction nf ;n gOOf! style thi� wc('k.not;lbly Cobb.Arthur J. Abbott, 'oc), Business presentetl to the university a short I !lis o,,'n minU why he believes in, Lorenz ;lnd Sturgeon of the 19' 1manager of the Michigan Alumnus; I !,ime ago hy Dr, Frank A. Guns3�lus, Sullivan Has Left School ' God, why he is un\\'ilIing to do thing:- ! Freshmen and Excc1son a new rc-,as'�ociatc editor of '09 '!\Iichogantn- i "'as hung yesterday in Hutchinson I Charles Sullivan, 1911, has left his fello,,'s 00, He should not bc �ruit, Steagall. a nc"" c:lt1clicl:lte for!ian (class year book); Senior class' C<>niinom. Mr. David A. Robertson, school to take a poshion "'ith th'e afraid of this period of interrogation'l ccnte�. is playing a steady gamc intoa�trnaster, and, '3 m�mber of last seCretary to 'the president, said that Commercial Electric Company sell- Hc must rather go into it courag�- � practice.y�ar'� winnitig debate teain. the picture was put in its position ing electric signs in New Orleans, 'lusly and religiously. This is not :10 \it E. Simmons, '10, la�. Corispic- only'temporarily to see how ·it rook- He will be the head of t�e selling cmpo!-sibility. '�':tny a ma'n is at the The Puroue E;.�ponent r('ccnth' haduous in local dr�mat!cs, �ut 'n�w in ed in the C�mm.ons. The painting is forc'c'there. 'Sullivan 'will prohably rc- mest religious moment nf his life, I a tons;r editorial nn the necl for �re:lt­the','dehating ·gamc. Was 'O'n 'one 'of .from t!1e,collection ,�.f_ Dr. ,Li�de1, turn to"scltool'next'j'ear. He 'was a �hrn he s�ys t? himself. 'I ""il1.l)� er attention to Engfi .. h on the p�rt ofthe teams competin'g for the cup b;t from whom it Was !purefiased by Dr. member of the PIli 'Gam 'fraternity. Just 'as careful, Just as ,accur:\fe, Jn�t the stuJcnts, A gr("ater interest inyear. out lost out -Wifll liis fc'ifu in Gunsalllus and given to the Univer- the Score'Club, "tiger's 'Hta'd, and the as impartial in my investigatiMS inth titc�ry :\r.ll debatil1':: �ocietie<; isthe »reliminaries. sity. Glee Oub. (Co.twa" OD pa .. 4) 1 called for.Contest-Tickets Are inDemanci.TH£ DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1909. ') •SI"'-=='=I=I=tl=g�.�ar�"�lI� ..=;:C�O=:U.�E=GB=EJ)�U�CA:�T�I�O�N����T=B:':.�D�.�U='Y�B�ULLB��'�T�IN��P=R�O=F�ESS�O�R�C1J==.=_=:.T�O�GI�VE�·���!:::=====�_If � .. 4. PRAISED BY CONSUL �'THE SCARLET-LETTER·'Art Institute Gallery Tour with .Mr. .'. SHULTZ'S SCHOOLFrench, director of the Institute Meet To be Presented at lIusi( Hall thi. 01' DANCINGin the Field Memorial room today at Afternoon-Is Seconcl of4 o'clock. Free tickets for Univer- Series.sity women at the information office. _The Commercial dub received the Dramatic Club tryouts today, 4 p. Professor S. H. Clark will civem in Kent theater. H hendorsement of the Japanese consul awt orne's "The Scarlet Letter,"for college education at its first din- Skull L'1d C:-escent meets today this afternoon at Music hall in thener of the quarter, held in the pri- at 10:30 a. m., in the Reynolds club. Fine Arts building, 203 Michigan....... o� d _I __ a �_.. th Important Thi '11 be� .. �011 ........ .uu.a at e Ch1ca&0 vate dining room' of the Commons avenue. IS WI. the second ofD_.__ Chi 111'- Is .... h Tiger's Head meets today at I' • f ....... ..,....ce, �o. 1.&&0. �h 18, last night. Mr. K. Matsubara, tellS serres 0 interpretative readingslftA• d ' L _#.... h 3 10:30 a. m., in Cobb JOC. f d fieriIJV". Wl er .... e \U. �arc • 1813. �1ikado's representative in Chicago, rom mo ern cuon, and is the ex-argued that college education is the Cap and Gown Literary Committee ample selected of salvation throughmeets today at 10:30 in Cobb 8B. ff'Pub11ahe4 da1ll'. except Sundar .. Monc!Qa quickest and surest means of acquir- su ermg,Important. TI di '11ant hollc1a,.., dur!q three quarter. of the ing a good foundation for business ie next rea mg WI be VictorMile of Pennies Race becius to- H . L 't· bl hVal...eml17 l'ear. life. He held, that education is a - ugo s cs �\ isera es, t e exampleJay afternoon in the women's gym- . fIt' tl hld'lmeans of teaching the younger gen- - sa va Ion iroug ove, an WI 1nasium. I' Th8ubllc:rlpt'on price, $3.00 per 1ear; $1.00 eration the long-tried experience of .)C g1\'CJl next ursday, January 21International Club will meet to •. I dmifor three months' subscription received at former generations with the best :'lIlg e a mission tickets will cost Soelect a treasurer todav at 10'30 t d $ Cthe Maroon Omc:e, Ellis Ball, or at the methods in the shortest space of J' cen s, i5 cents an 1.00 ourse tick-Paeul17 ExchaDj;c, Cobb Ball. lime. Mr, Matsubara laid stress on a. m .• in Cobb 6A. ets are $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00, and may. J b Sociology Club meets today in be obtained in Cobb S A by studentsthe great demand lD apan Y every �M ••• contrlbuUoDa may be lett at Ellla 1 b d Cobb 2C, 7 :3.) p. m. Professor Small at half price,line of business for co lege- re men�I or )!'acu1tl' Exchange, addressed to will saying that business men whoft. Danl' Maroon. have a college training wield a pre-dominant influence in every phase ofthe Japanese commercial world. The.DLVIft I. ADAMS. New. Edltor. remarkable progress of Japan was at-paWALD F. NELSON. Buaineea Manqer. tributed to the college education ofthe era which has largely been madeIDdltor1al Omce-Betore 8 p. m., El1la Ball, possible through the efforts of Amer­Oldnralt,-. Tel. illdwa1 800. After 8 p. $ican professors and American citi­a. Ilaroon Preu, 474 E. 55th Street. Tel.a,. Part a&gl.more portant.German .Club .meets Friday at 4o'clock in Lexington. hall.. Lectureby Dr.' Meyer� .Chicago vs. Indiana in first basket­ball KClme of the . season. Bartlett�nasium, Friday, Jan. IS. at 8u'clock.Southern. Club meeting and infor­mal dance in Snell hall, Saturday at8 p. m.Debate-:-chicago vs. Northwestern,Friday evening, in Mandel hall.Reynolds Club _Hard Times Friday. For members only.Glee Club Rehearsab. Mondays,Tuesdays and Wednesdays, in thetheater of the Reynolds club.Cap and Gown EditoR will holdoffice hours in Ellis 3 from twe tothe five. The Businesl manasera fremthree to four.Senior Pict1lr_ for the Cap andGown are due before January �Picture will be taken free of char&e"BEST IN UNITED STATES for the Cap and Gown by Martyn'sPAR EXCELLENCE"-JULIUS \broon S�udio. 5705 Colta�e Gron�a. u.clal IItudent PubllcaUoa of the Mr. Matsubara Sa7a Foundation for'Cnlnraltl' of Chlcqo. BusineSs Life is Securecl atCol1e&e.Former1,-Tile linlnraltl' of Chlcqo Weekll'.FoundedThe Weeltll', October 1. 1892.The Da1ll'. October 1. 1902.PJUCBTON F. GASS. MIlIlqI� EdItor.zens in general. .The club is making arrangementsrelative to the giving of an informalreception on January 27th to theleading business men of the city.One of the movements that was be­&UD late last quarter and that hasDIRECTOR STAGG WANTSLARGER FRESHMAN SQUADgone into untimely hi­bernation during theTime holidays and since. is(01' Hockey the agitation for ahockey team and hock­ey games among the students. Afield on the Midway at Ellis Avenueis flooded and ready for all comers.All that is necessary is the simplestform of an organization, the appoint­ment of a captain by the SeniorCouncil and a call for candidates.Haste is the most important re­quirement in the matter. There isskating at present, but it is not like­ly to last very many weeks, . andevery day of freezing weather is pre­cious. There are enough men inter­ested in the sport to make some in­teresting games. The only thingnecessary is to get the matter start-eeL lings is at present occupying muchof the attention of Mr. Stagg and As­sistant Coach Norman Barker. Un­less a considerably larger squadcomes out this week, there is smallhope, thinks Mr. Stagg, of trimmingthe downstate team which. from re­ports, is one of the best ever at theOrange and Blue.The mile and half mile areIt isCall Issued to F'lfSt Year Men toCome Out for Track Work-Only15 Men Out.Director Stagg is afterFreshman track material and yester­day issued an appeal to the largenumber of first-year men with' orwithout athletic achievements to re­port for the squad� According to Mr.Stagg. there are at present only ISmen out for the team. and but forD .. venport and Prather, none of themhas shown exceptional ability.The meet with the Illinois year�BADENOCH QUITS COLLEGE:POLO LOS� STAR SQUAD.Ex Captain·s Failure To Return BlowTo Coach . KnudS:ln's Men-Hirshle Out.\. \ cvtns most in need of recruits, while:he pole vault. high jump and hurdlesare likewise short of material.The definite assurance yesterday ofthe failure of ex-Captain Badenoch toretu:-n to College. will prove a blowto the polo team. Badenoch wasone 'of the squad stars, and his eligi­bilty was expectc' to strength�n thisyears team. Among those who haverecently come out for practice areHlfsh!p., Taylo:-, and G;:.rdner forp(Jl0, and Smith for plunges. Hirshleis an old player, and his ret:!rn hasraised Captaio Kahn's hQpes. Taylorplayed wit1: the Freshmen last year.Be�ide these, t�lOse who have beenpracticing consistently are:- Peacock,Swain. Benitez. Beverly an� Smithis being trained by ex-Capt:un Solo- ius :ooked and recorded the fo1!owingmon The squ::d in need of a good "In my opinion as a music lover Iplunger and should Smith de ... do� . as ,�incerely hope and heartily desireh d h will be a "aluable addItion that ali st'ldents wi!l appreci:.te theope, eI wimming musical trcat that is in store for themCaptain Cary of t le has r.ot yet appeared for prac- and will show this appreciation bytice as a rest.:lt the swimmers a:-e not attending in goodly numbers."'I'th any great degree of "I have no doubt that this organiza.working ••.' Among the proDllstng tior. is par excellence, the greatestorgamzatlon. '. U' . . ,candidates are Lidster, Benttez. Be, - Glee Club of any DIversIty m t.leUnited States."erly, and Bereeson. .• �Ir. Gorden Erickson ability aloned tbu. You should insure.& hiehest musicalPatronize Maroon a vu. • .� tIter-7 .1aD.. aptred&tio& SPECIAL PROPOSITION or yourself. . The Typewriter;'�-TO STUDENTS h�&e. 319 'Dearborn St.. A. J.'�lIanager. Telephone Harnsoa .•Offered . b� the Rebuilt TypewriterCompaQ.ASSBMBIJBS ABDDANCING SCHOOL272 E. 63M StreetThursday nightsat the Hallno-w knownas Wood'sAnnex. Allaccommodationson the one floor.The wall� inone private lessoJ .. W. STOLL. DirectorrELLS OF PERSIAN RELIGIONANNOUNCEMENTSProfessor Jackson Opens Series 0Masons of the University will meet Haskell LectureS.Saturday at 8 p. m., in Hitchcock -library.Sophomore Chalk Talk, Wednesdayat 10:30, in Kent theater.Blackfriars will have a picture tak­en Sunday at 10:15 a. m. at Root'sStudio, Proiessor A. V. Williams Jacksonof Columbia University, yesterday�ave the first of his series of stereopticon lectures on "The Religion 0Persia." In taking up "Persia and itAncient Sacred Books," which wathe subject of the lecture. ProfessoJackson dealt with the Avesta 0Zoroastrian Bible, the Pahlavi literature, or the Patristic literature of thmiddle Persian period, the Pasma,liturical work and the' Vendidad,priestly' code.Mock Senate holds first meeting�, 4:00 p. m . .J in the Law build­ing.Senior College Council nominationsare now in order. Hand in at SeniorDeans' office. Election next Tuesdayin Senior chapel.Junior Class Executive Beard meet­ing Friday at 10:30 in. Cobb 9C. Irn- Blackfriars Hold MeetingThe Blackfriars at a meeting thimorning decided to have their. picture taken at Root's Studio promtlat ib:Jrl' iiext ..; Suii'day� .!!.Tlli 'Fiii.-also voted 'to give' another sociastunt this quarter.· Abbott Shaw wiappoint a committee to report at thmeeting a week from Thursday.".Ther.! are about 200 students at tlUniversity renting tyepwriters at thaverage rate of $2.50 per' montwhich means about $soo.oo paid 0monthly with nothing to show fthe inveslment. Jf the average mchine would be worth $50.00, yowould be paying about 60 per centyear on your' loan. because payinrent for a typewriter is practicalthe same as paying interest. �n1.)ao.Grade-rebuilt typewriters will b501d to students on almost the samterms as rentine.If you are renting a machine, oryou are thinking of purchasing oncall up Central SIIS, or address EdJ. Goldblatt. care Rebuilt TypewritCo., .10 Dearborn Street.Let us tell you about our propo�ion.-Adv... venue.Glee Club Moves His Musical Spiritand Eloquent DictionRdalta.I,I, i; I\ �) Earle �lodenow. president of theGlee Club, has won a firm adherentin the peison of Mr. Julius Engle­h:-\r,lt 'who holds fOFth in the Reyn­olds Club, Mr. Englehardt is kncwnfor his philosophy, excellent dictionand intern�tional sympathy with all,bar none.At the last rehersal of the deb, Jul-!pirit." Smdl �d5. in thebring large returns. Daily MaroonTry one.Hands off cheap glovesif you want well-glovedhands. Hand outFOWNESGLOVESWe Have No Branch StudioSaiall ads in tbe Daily brine IarpntIIrU.. !esmanon0CE-Ff $8E.r- �fSsrr r-eaa�s-y.sI11e"..:lCeh,utora·uag1yaeeife,w.ersi-n..• MOlt Popular Place in ChicacoPrivate Lessons b� AppointmcDtGuarantee Course 's-oo. Five privatesons with music. A guarantee toake pupil proficient in the waltz andd two-step. Barn dance taught ille lesson.&ice and Studio, 301 West 634 St.or. Wentworth Ave.Phone Garfield ,161Informal Dancing Reception atTHE' FORUM43rd St. & C81umet Ave_VERY SATURDAY EVENINQAdmiuion .so Cents a PenoaOR SALE - Me Master's HistoryPeople of U. S., 5 \"015., $5; cost.75; perfect condition.66th Street. Hays, 251o RENT - Pleasant rooms andboard with private family. S542Madison Avenue. House.EOPENING of University Danc­ing Class, Thursday afternoon.Class 2:30 to 3:30. Informal danc­ing to 5. Rosalie Hall. 276 EaSt51th Street.q RENT-One half of doubler�.Hitchcock 12. At. reduced price.Call.Lost-B.B.B. Glocker piper, WithChicago i·C" on bowl; valued as�ipresent. Please return to Informal'tion office.OST-Gold watch' (mono�.�T.) and chain, Wednesday :��.neon, in Women's . gymNl�. . . -, .. �(.!"�: r�t!1� -: 12" J?9;--. Et- �tJl..k.2ud flat. and receive liberal re�8�GAlNS .ALL THE -;mq�iReliable Rebuilt Typewriter./)irnakes; t'ebuilt in our own �etter and cheaper than othm. SItFOR FORMALPARTIES ORDERFLOWE�S OFDECORATOR53d St. and Kimbark Avem&Tel. Hyde Park II./WHERE TO DINK'lJIB UlfION BOTm.AIm RBSTAURAKTIII-II' �do�b SkreetTHB POPULAR PLACKTO KATEith\or kfore or after daeTbeater.We make • Specialty ., ...aDd Pntenlity DUm ...CHOCOLATESand fine bonbons famous throgpOUt America, put up in bea�bozes suitable for presents at IS'40C and fioc:. per pound. If Aplased customer is the best ..vertisement."GmItber's ConfectionerySill State street. �Foeest Iinz,DOlmakereadyOrdyourCatakB- ....=-COlDesltprivatentee toLltz lIldLl&ht in ') . mE DAILY MAROON, T�SDAY, JANUARY 14, .l�10151. DearNni St.... Flooritld 361>0 at'e.EMINQ=no.---History$5; costays, 257-ms andly, 5542y-o;;;Iftemoon.nal dane-276 EaStIbler�:ed pntt.-=, �lued u'iInfo�·.Cgraa;l. E.lay��ym.:-' .=..;(� ,�tJs�111 reWUf1IQ�!riteri/:jI:n�)th� "vrite.<.�.... J. c-.risoD ._RAvan&II.m­rrStreetLAC.alter til,---j,rfSus throuPin bea�Imts at .,lund. If Abe best ...cUonery I FENCERs. Sl-ART QU�U -A. U IBM. :. T �I . o. Wltii· JiRIQ8T PROSPECTS 0. - MCVIOKER'SNumber' of Mea Out Double that of KIaw & Erlanger's, MiihtyLut Quarter-To Get Second- Production.a17 "Ca" THE ROUND UPFootball gives place to the great­est of Winter Sports-Ice Skat.MANY BOOKS IN ONE• WEBSTER·S •INTERNATIONALDICTIONARYDoJOllb_th�'UleD't'EJUf.&.'!'IO_.u. ......:'rraa:!;'�:���U--U- ..-.raPhy.Etc.' l'1&aCfCoa&ag .. �CUn4 Plata. nap. State a..Ia. Etc. ••JIrkf Bla\0r7 ofua. EIIcUdlIoupap.8II1"WPro�0 ••••• ' •••••••ldIDIarlyVoca'lnllu7ofEllcUall-.JlkUCI1I&l"J' of ncu •.•.••..•...IIuI&&eer oUIIe WodL ••••••a.paphlcal DlcUOII&I7 •••Icz1pCUe Prvpc __ •8rwt ADd Lat1Jl ••EII&lW& CbrUUaa ..I'CIIRIp Words ••••� ......:::J� ... �bI... '.. -" The fencing prospects are consider­ably brighter this quarter than lastand Coach DeBauviere is very con­fidem of the future of the team. Hesays that the . number of men whohave turned out has about doubledand the material is much better.The sport has now been officiallyI eccgnized on a par with the otherminor sports, so that the men on theteams will get their secondary "C's';1) the same basis as the other teams.In the triangular contests in fen­dr.::;- wrestling and gymnastics, thatare proposed, there will be a team of.1-6 men in foil fencing, 4 men in ra­piere and 2-4 men in broadsword.I t is announced that intercollegiateThe teams will, however meet someof tile Turnvereins of this. city andalso championship bouts will be heldof Chicago men.New officers have been electedto fill the places of those whoseterms expired. Frank \Valte:- Han-• rum became treasurer in the place ofC. Edward Parmenter. Karl G Kar­-tcn took the place of George M.miss who is- president, on the cxecu­.ive committee and Robert R. Millisucceeded. himself on the same body.f..... . ..r"l1�� �;E;EK$, �:: CU�c .PQVe'N_ .. �. EX:r�N:�� FOR, PROMCo��ttee D�ws Up· ResolutionDiscouraging PreSents of Flow-ers for Questa at Prom.I T-h!! committee in charge of thea)rom at Yale is making an effort tocut down the expenses to those at-'ending to a figure where it will not're prohibitive to large numbers ofhe students. In pursuance of thisrolicy, the committee drew up the'ollowing resolution with regard to·'owers:"The committee deems it neces­-ary to say a word concerning theextensive purchase of flowers for)rom guests. In view of the fact that " •• .A •• rr ... I ••VICTOR MOOREIn Cohan's greatest musical playTHE TALK OF NEW YORKTDPUlfcmllI'he record-breaking Musical ComedyA STUBBORN. CINDERELLAWHITIf.YThe Bi� Success,A BROKEN IDOLVith Otis Harlan and Beauty Chorus1.£ • .ALL.CECIL LEANandFLORENCE' the La Salle Theater Stock Co.A GIRL AT THE HELM Formal Dances; ·Initi&lions; . Banquets.o •.. Dear Mabel:-For thae 70u'11 need a Dr... Suit 01' TusedoI real1,. wallt to ItO to that Formal Dance, but 1 call','because I haven't a dress suit. and don't care to borrow OIlC. Hadto 'lose out' on three dances and a banquet this season, because ofthis deficiency in my wardrobe. I simply must order a dress suitand tuxedo tomorrow. 'Yours, Jim.P. S.-Ain't it awful, Mabel?"You will draw bid. to Full Drea Affain rieht alone. for the aeUODia here-read Jim'. letter.Ce-zver l!J WDkieTAILORSOrder your Suit Early.Our prices are within every Colle,," man'. reach.B. V. BRAIDEN, ex-'lO, U. of C.522 E. 55th St.BUCKWHEAT CAKES II: COUNrRY SAUSAGE ISCin sr. contests will be impossible for theDon't forget that there is only one quarter, owing to the fact that themake of Skates that will always be sport has not yet been developed atready to serve you well. .ither institutions. The match withOrder Barney & Berry Skates from Cornell is off,· because track meetsyour dealer and write for our Free have been arranged with that univer-Catalog. showing complete line. sity, Tournaments with the local MAJESTICBAR N E Y &: BE R R Y. e. l1. C. A.· cannot be arranged, nor CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE273 Broad Streetl .n all probability with the C. A. A., .\lABEI. HITE AND M1KES p r i n g f i el d. Mas s. :)y the Fencing club for University DONLIN. VINIE DALY 0WEItSTER'S CoLLEGIATE DlCTIO:>OART.IArJrnt "r "1Ir al>ri(l�e1Its. R�lar and Tbla Pa­per E..litlon� 1116 Pa.:n and �oo 1I1�Wd" lar"D1cU_'WItUJIa.·· ..c �,..., Frw. tolention In ,.oout'qUC'St ,leil J'tI,"..s,.m.-e a usd"ul set of Colored Nap&. pocket.ue. • •OI.l C. MERRIA. CO., Sprfacfleld,.... '0SLJ llSCRlBE NOWfor vhe DAILY MAROON31111 �et full reports of a11College Activities duringthe Cluarter:Athletics,Dramatic�,Social AfT:tirs.. Club Affairs.l.ccttlrcs,EtC'o, Etc.One Dc.lIar per Quarter. TwoDolI:l r� to the end of the year.With thc University of ChicagoMagazinc, $2050 till the end ofthe "chool year. Subscriptionsrrcciwd at theInformation Office.University Book Store,Daily Maroon Offi('e.. GARDEN100 Singers and Dancers inthe Musical Comedy Success,A WINNING MISSand ten other big acts.Prices 15-25-50-15BREAKFAST CEREALS WITH RICH CREAMEGGS, IN ANY STYLE, WITH ROLLS IOCFRESH MEAT ORDERS, WITH POTATOES AND COFFEE��·OYSTER STEW :: .....•............................. aocHAMBURGER SANDWICH.. WIXH ONIONS IOCHAM AND EGG SANDWICH ·.QUICK SERVICE BEST FOR THE MONEY. ,'. .COURTEOUS TREATMENT.OPEN UNTIL :t A. M. IOC•.BEST CUP OF COFFEE IN CHICAGO": Itimehave had the pleasure of creating� few customers at the Univer­sity: one of them a member of thefaculty, and the others, students.\Ve have the confidence in our­selves. and the hope that we shallhave a good percentage of thetrade to be harl with thesity men.Our confidence is based on thefact that those for 'whom we havemade clothes were highly satis­fied and have recommended us toOur specjalty for the Univer­sity men is a ColJege Suit for 135,that has exactly that amount inquality of doth, fit, and work.manship. We DO NOT claimt!lat our 135 suits arc worth 150;NO, our suits are worth just ex­actly S�5. no more and absolutelyo less.153 La SalleAssociation BuildingTel,. Central 61gBOLYMPIC MUSIC HALLVAUDEVILLE ANDMUSICAL COMF.DYSmokin� Permitted.TV ••• � •••ELSIE JANISTn George Ade's College Comedy,THE FAIR CO-ED..I. •• IALF. Zieifield- Jr.'s 'Grear Music:tlProduction.TliE SOUL KISS.with the wonderful dancer,ADELINE GENEE11.1.1 •• 1.GRACE VAN STUDDIFORDIn the Light Opera Success,GOLDEN BUTTERFLY., ••• A •• I.ESAM BERNARDinNEARLY A HEROGRAND OPBRA HOUSBOTIS SKINNER11 the Captivating Romantic Comedy .:"lIE HONOR OF THE FAMILY..rrcm expenses are ordinarily too CHIO.AGO OPKU BOUI.'argc.they wish to discourage the gjv- WALKER WHITESIDE.................. ,PULL I) .... 80ft.'10 ....,T. Q. ICHAJPJPNU a eo._-- _.-----------_. - .- .... ,. , CLUETT. "A.ODT .. co..AKE". 0 .. """OW COLLAR.Pre�chen Need Strong Personality The three-Quarters club, in councilThe Rev. ]. G. K. McClure, the yesterday, decided to give a dance toUniversity preacher, addressed the take place three "'eeks for whichDivinity chapel yesterday morning on ncitl1er the place nor the time are ar­the qualifications of a' good minister. ranged.In part, Dr. McClure said: "Effective The hall and decoration committet'goodness is an essential trait for one is as follows: Pincoff. Timmermcis·in ministerial life, for the peopic al- ter and Warrener; program. Dona­ways expect a minister to live bettcr hue, �lcL,ughlin and Northrup:than themselves. Also he must be music: Stapp. Sawyer and Christy:courageous, not only possessing the Roor: Moyer, Krell and Ethcridge:courage to speak as hc believes, but pictnre: Munger, Jennison, and Dod·also the courage of mind to be pol· son.tient. persevering and high-minded.The !l;tronger a preacher's personal-ity, the more effect he ('an have on Are you interested in footban, bas·his hearers; hence a strong personal. leetball, athletics of any lrindl Thenity is probably the most important lubscn'be for the Marooft and keepqualification of all" I poIted i. an at.letk ..... ta.'ng c-f flowers at any time during thefestivities. Flowers to be worn onthe evening of the prom are not pro­hibited but it is urgently requestedthat this item of expense be diminish­ed in so far as possible. The several.nembers of the committee intend tocarry out their recommendation tothe letter in not sending flowers onany occasion!' In Zangwill's great Play.THE MELTING POTPOwmt8Direct from London.FA�NIE WARDin"THE NEW LADY BANTOCK"Plan Three-Quarter DanceJANUARY SPECIAL .Suit and extra trousers forr r: : e of suit alone. Staple·blacks and blue included ...A suit with extra trousers i.equal to two suits for service.@L/fg4TAtt&Wm. Jerrema' Son.Clark and Adama Streeta;y •..•�--.._.__...._.- ---- .... �--.--. - ..... __ ...A ..,_.-::._'.�_�_.. _� _.---_.... _"- __._,._.. _., _. __. '_" _..._.. ,_- ._-C-_.-'_,.""'_...._'''_.'''_... _' _.. __ ._..... __.,..__,.._...:_'� __� r'. B�A8 ANI> DELTA u.. ; BEWARE O'F ��. ct'NiCisiaI--.... £!i��.�: B.�··'r"oj>i:.i�'·e/,t�n4tit}·. "��.' 'it.'at':'·h� ADD POINTS IN BOWLING � ".rwl&&. I"'(� "uua�'&&,T __ .J�n�llucd .fro� pace 1). '.'- . �' '. .. .• - ,T Chi PSi aDd Phi Gamma Deita De-44g to 451 State street CHICAGO sS�5 state Street . . my religion as I am 'In my studies.'feated in Yesterd, ay's �atches-Standing of Teams. This is faith; it is the ability to acton the greatest probability. It is notThe postponed bowling match be- belief, which is concerned almost en-. tirely with the intellect. Even if thetween Chi Psi and Beta Theta Pi re-.. . . idea of the existence of God is noth-suited in a victory for the Betas yes-. trig but a hypothesis, such a hypo-terday aiternoon. The final scoresthesis is better than the loss of re­were as follows: First game, Phi Psi, Iigion through indifference and in ac-802, Beta 750; second game: Beta,tivity, But it must be used as a basisi5 ... , Chi Psi i48; third game: Betafor action; it will not act of its own715, Phi Psi, 643. The second game.1 .1 h accord.was very close anu causeu muc ex-I Helpfulness the Testcitement, the Betas winning by on y "But above all, the college man's.ittitude should be one of helpfulness.I'his is the true test of spirituality.�\ll others have failed. If at anytime, you feel that your religion isslipping away from you, ask yourselfthis question, 'Am I helping others?!\.m I willing to help others?' The THE ROMAITALIAN TABLE D'HOn5OC-7SC-$I.ooINCLUDING WINELonK Dist. Tel. Harrison 516-517. Long Dist, Tel. Wentworth 517A tao a 1a Carte ServiceOpeeDai1,andSundaJlfromII A. ii.togPo ii.PlWtD: BEEF, PORK, VEAL AND MUTTONWrite for Special Hotel Beef and Poultry Price List.Specially Selected for Hotel, Rest:turant, Club and DiDinc Car Trade. --Vol. V----Fancy Cuts of �Ieats for this trade gil'en particular attention.EXPE(A DelightfUl SmokeSPAGHETTICool. refined-the kindthat appeals to every discrimiliati�gsmoker-will always be your good fortune if you use�/(iKMSmokifli TobaccoWithout a bite or a regretA perfect blend of the world's finest tobacco's. Fragrant, de­licious. natural flavor and absolutely pure. Made by hand, onepound at a time.3 1-3 oz. 1SC, 1-2 lb. $1.65, 1 lb. $3.30 prepaid.Write for booklet "How to Smoke a Pipe't=-Free.�f���I SUCH AS ONE GETS IN rrAiY146-tSTATE STREET-146SECOND FLOOR PlannillCrowsix pins.The game between thc Sigma Nuand Alpha Tau Omega, scheduled foryesterday aitcrnoon, was postponed.Last evening, Phi Gamma was de­feated by Delta Upsilon by the fol­lowing score: First game: Phi Gam­ma Ddta 785. Delta Upsilon 688; sec­ond �ame: Phi Gamma Delta 694,Delta Upsilon 767; third game: PhiGamma Delta 630, Delta Upsilon 849·The standing in the league in eachdivision is as follows: Hoosio.urd.DOUBLE THE LIFEOF YOUR SUIT.There's twice the wear in a suit, ;,desire to help his fellows is the true yOU have an extra pair of trousers.fruit of the spirit." Make the experiment-find out forDuring th rest of the quarter, the yourself.Y. M. C. A. will run a series of lee- Here's your opportunity-A ..tures on the common subject: "What and extra pair of trcusers for tillHas Science Contributed to Re- ?rice of the suit. prep:the acehundre.the VfJnight iRajtcrogame \1ing.on•of .thecornpletheir Rthe. tea3'&oodCoachmen irFreshnmake ,IVDr. .definittG�()!�(Hoffm:or Hupositioi>trtb: ,r);,�iiit�·.Thepi'p�a��is' -paipskie$j"ec::mia:rOd' BIthe:��agame.. The�2gt;,t�e notPresenwill alci thetill th.�thdtNo o�� y�teral o:ing ICDivision I. !igion?" The speakers witt be men Trousers of the same material OrWon. Lost.prominent in the various departments !ifferent, just as you prefer.Beta Theta Pi_.......... 6 3Psi Upsilon '...... 2 4 of the University. A full list of the This offer holds �ood on our entiremen and' subjects will appear before stock.Phi KaPDa Psi 2 4 ._ ..the end of the week. We want to keep our good tailorsPhi Psi e •• • •••• •••• 5 4 .busy bet ween seasons. That's thep'rimary reason for this offer.Made of Spilman Mixture Tobacco especially cut. They are differentaii� tar superior to all others. Smooth, fragrant, absolutely pure, willnot dry the throat or leave any disagreeable odor ..Box of 10, 25 cents; 50, $1.25; 100, $2.25 prepaid. Plain or cork tips.For sale by all leading dealers. 1£ yours will not supply you, tele­phone Main 1731,. and we'll see that you get them,E. BOFfMAN COMPANY, Manaladarers, tBlGAGO Division! II.Sigma Nu 6Sigma Phi 3;:)lgma Alpha Epsilon.... 0Alpha Tau Omega ..... e 0Division III.Delta Upsilon........... 7Phi Gamma Delta 2Phi Delta Theta . � . .. . . . . 0Delta Kappa Epsilon ... 3. Division IV.Kappa Sigma 2Alpha Delta Phi :.1Delta Tau Delta ., � . . . . . 3Thi Kappa Sigma 5 oROBERT P. 'II'URPHY, ,Proprietor 'Coming in today?Suit and Extra Trousers=Sjo to $6a.Ye'5, w_e make riding' breeches,36o�,' TO AHY SELJ'-SUPPORTING STUDBlfTWe can put you in touch �ith a digni'fi'ed method of Increasing your rev­eDue-a method that is clean and that involves a maximum increase .1i���nie at' a minimum expenditure of time. The plan bas already prOT"i�!!, efflciency in other Universities where self-respecting, �elf-supportiq�J." •. ". . •..tudents have taken up our method to the 'exclusion of others, they &Rp.��ed, and their financial burden is solved. We can �� u �cb f-: �can any 'time during business 'hours at 39 Dearborn St. (The Rebai1tT)1lewriter Co.), and ask especially for Mr. Johnson.��l '........................... -.' BOTEL ALBANY241St Street and Broadway .NEW YORKRemodelled 'Handsomely FIU­nis1Ied ThroulhoUt433TAILOR FOR YOUNG ..." A. N. JerrCina. Mer· s-Twe '.tOm: 131 La SaDe -It., .... �.M J�cboa .....:.i443 ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF'In the heart of the City . e,500 Rooms. 300 Bath RoomaEuropean P!an. Cuisi'ne UnexcelJedGentlemens' Cafe, Ladies' Restau­rant, and Moorish Rooms. Popu­lar Prices. Plenty of Life-e-but.Homelike.SI.:oo Per Day' aDd Up�END FOR BO·OKLET.Meet me at the College Inn, underthe, Aibany, New York's leadingRathskeller, a p'lace to eat, drinkand be merry.No MoneyDown ONE-SIDED GAME GOESTO SCIENCE BY 40 TO 3 . Opposite the Illinois TheaterWhere to DineTHE'NEWk's'TROOMTHE ITA .... IAN ROotFast Team Work and Star IndividualEfforts Co�bine to Swamp ArtsFive.Try Our Science college basketball team:won its second game yesterday by:ruthlessly slaughtering the Artsteam, 44 to 3. The game was char-.� acter izcd by remarkable team work,on the part of the Scientists and thestar individual work of Sutherlandand Kuhns and Aurand.Yesterday's game and the oneTuesday; which Literature won fromPhilosophy, IS to 2, make Scienceand Literature colleges the leadersin the race for the inter-college bas­kctball championship. Aurand, Sci­ence's big center, leads in individualbasket throwing. with 10 field goals.The lil�eL!,,:Science. Arts.Davenp.:. rt L. F.. . . . . . LongSutherland.Kuhns , R. F..... LuckenbillAurand C. Gilbert:\[ehl L. G UllmanSutl1(·rlandHruda R. G " HechtFi�IJ goals: Kuhns, Sutherland 7.Aurand 6, Mehl, Hruda, Long I.Frce throws: Luckcnbill I. Fouls:3, Arts 2. Rcicrce: Hough- The WeilingtoilltoW,..... ,1300 Kenmore Piano•. ' ID your own home. make lure that it .nUts 7'08�til every particular. WheD you are 10 satldied,'P871is ... -..... .,WHERE TO DINE.THE VVOODLAWN CAFE63rd Street and 'Cottage Grove AvenueTHE FINEST ANn MOST ELEGANTLY APPOINTED '\ CAFE ON THE SOUTH 'smiCUISINE UNEXCELLEDPRICES REA.50NABLEMusic-Sig. Ferrante's qrchestra of I S Pieces inGrand Program 'Concert E" .. enings.$165In e.ny way 70U like. evea al low al$1 a ""eeK.RAReX PIAN 0 8-Replarpric .. 1350 to '7so, atGREATLY REDUCED PRICKS AT THIS SALE.THIS COUPON IS WORTH A TBN DOLLAR BILLCut i' out at once. Don't throwaway money. We Dot only SAVEyou over a hund�d dollars, but pel1llit the Imallest pa�ents EVERkDOWD (as low as $1 a week); alk no money in advanceyou '$10 !o boot. Can you beat itl01lt-of-town patrona are invited to anil tbemMIT.. oflios'!' h"bera1 inducementa.tjt, f,r'rII:,1\ \"I .BALATKAMUSICAL COLLEGEE'stablished 1879 by the world­renowned Hans Bal�tkaPOSTAL CARD BRINGS CATALOGUEWRITE TODAYD R. C H R. F. B A L A T K A, D ire c tor.Diplomas Recognized All Over the WorldSpecial Rates to Students of U of C.Address AU Communications toBALATKA MUSICAL COLLEGE irhe! •iii' ,I ea\llias belarUc�t a�hJ'�1let ��ot......('r CUT OUTTHIS COUPONGOOD FORTen Dollars. '10 ,.REB CRlWIT DUB BILLOne. of these Coupons aood uFIRST PAY"ENTtowards purchase of one StarckPiano at this ute, at ac>4 Wabash'" venue Chicago, Ill./.Upperclassmen Discard the GreenThe Juniors at �cbra5ka recentlyfleC'i<ied to abolish the vcrdant grccnfrom their class colors, the reason�ivcn . hcing that grcen was not inkecping ,yith their advanced stage ofdignity. TIle new c010rs. blue andgold, substituted for grcen and whitc.will be (Hsplayed on attractivc "butt-clog" caps.i�rf� :I Piano. Sbipped to AD, Part -:.1 the United stat.on TheM Liberal Terma. Write for FREE Catalo ....P. A. STARCK PIANO -cO.,MANlJI' AC'rlJUUWabula Aftnue. N.. Adama StftC\ CIIlcqo. --------------------------�--------------------�����I.iThIMfNTION Th� .DAILY MAROO ;:;;When Trading 'Wit" Our Advertisers :: �,. !