�-..@MA)1fo�(NEiceOpaaDan,and��gP.1l�IIN ITALyET-14&ORon our entiregood tailoqThat's theoffer.-$30 to:JGabr�e� "'NG l1li.�."'.Ie 'lit.. �, • � ••• .I., Theat,er)inerROOM •_arnntt.Vol. VB. No. 65. . CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY. JANUkRY 13, 1909. Price'Two £esataBASEBALL CANDIDATES HOLD rT'O BAR TAXICAB SERVICE EXCEtLEIIFORl SHOWI 'hIllOR'CODImES'NAMIDFIRST-OFFICIAL PRACTICE I C�nvenienc:e' f�r-;;;ces;JUid Tbaater .:-IlPJlICTICE 'DEBATE Fulilista Given :;; Preai4ent Mc:--- I Parties .eo - be .in Opel'ati� � Before -' • Cracken--John . DiUe Reaip. . as I'Director Stagg Meets All Aspirants Day of, Prom, with Information Of-1'BOth D'ebate Teams Gi". Promise of Chairman Qf Pin Committeo-Mor-for Varsity and Freshmen Teams I fice as a Call Station. � Milkine StroDe' Bid for Dedldol\ I rison Tabs His Place. . Commonwealth Club Sets Date atin Bartlett. . _ in Rehearsal. I I Banquet for Great Gatherin,Installation ot· a taxicab call service I__ I 'DIC full lists of the Senior class I of Legislators.Twenty-two Varsity and Only Nine i�. pow under way:at :the. University, Debate at Ann Arbor to be Held! committees have been given out by I .--Freshman' Candidates-Outlook \\ ith the Info�matl�n office as head- . Saturday-Other Contests to' � 1 President ·McCracken, the names offer Strong Nine Bright. quarters. IrwID N. Walker has been Held Friday. � the chairmen having been announced About 100 Places to be Filled-Mr.placed in charge by Manager Bow- : earlier, Hall to be the TemporaryTwenty-two men responded to Di- ers, and is at. present ',working on: a h b. ,.' "John Dille who was appointed . Chairman.rector Stagg's call for candidates for Although t e ,g Universir d '<:> scheme that will result in putting the . - • y. e- .•the Varsity baseball team yesterday. ...' bate does not occur until Frid y chairman of the Pin committe, hasnew convenience 10 operation before ... S resigned ,his position and WalterCandidates for both the Varsity and the Washington prom. : -vemng, If the Chicago debaters ar-.Freslnnan teams met at I o'clock ;ue as forcibly and logically in th.e )lorr�son has been appointed to his. "I have .no doubt 'tbarahis scheme I Thyesterday afternoon fo th fi t P final contestsvas they did-Tast nl·trht j) ace. e reason for Dille's actioroJ � e rs rae- will. be ,well receised by .imen .. at the � � �zice of the season. With a nucleus of \ in their practice debate, they are cer- ,\·a� that he will not be in schoolUniversity who: have -long . suffered .1' h S .six Varsity veterans and a bunch of lain to carry off the -West�r:n debar- �uflnl t e prmg,from the excessive' rates in· a case E .last yean's Freshmen, Director Stagg ing' championship. The practice con- - DlCutive· Committee - Winstonwhere the cabs' had to' be used," said HI· Ed ., expects to produce, with the addition fest was held in Cobb hall, and the enry, c rairman; ward McBridc.:Walker. ".Of course it will be .easy RIP SI I f.of some new matenial, a faitly strong members of both teams, -negative and' . ens _ow . Jerer, Wa ter P. Stef-to see where the great advantage of 1) K d H.nine this spring. affirmative, were present .and partlci- .ren ean . enne y, ' arry A. Han-the arrangement lies. It means that H d Bl kf d GMany "C" Men Back . pated in a real, live contest. Each sen,. owr ac. or. Herschl .the cost in this. department is less oWOl Sman had his speech l¥epared and tlie . halt� John F.• Qdle.than half what it would amount to' , . C'--- D Cway in which these .were delivered re- &aa:t. 87 o'Jllmittee-Ed�ard Me-otherwise." D_·d chai .Elivealed six .finished .orators, ,0011 e,. arrman; izabeth Thielens,\Vhile the system is intended pri H I - H d Alb T-. Henry Porter. _Chandlq. coaCh bf .e en W', .. ' ert eng, Samuelnarily to be a· convenience for the l' : 1the teams, presided at .the debate, add .�nl eo.)ig proms of the year, the service Claaa Gift Committee - Renslow, .,berth. at third; : Joe Pegues, - Varsi�y Mr. McElroy and Burt Brown Bar- .,,\.j1L .be at the disposal of students at fl:1..crer, chairman; Lulubelle. Walker.,: shOl'l!-stop; .Ehrhorn . and Cleary lin kerr .ex-University -debaters, acted as V&&III times, and will probably be used ". Louise Norton, Majorie Day, Mel-.the outfield; Hal Latham 'for ·use .in f f hea . .d I . critics. - The question for debate �. , ) ten or t eater trips an esser�., . . 'v.. Ad D W·tt L· ht:the,pltchers box, .and rStangl, t�. fill dances. ;' Resolved, t�at bank Issues secured 10' ams . e I . 19 ncr.the. vacancy »at 'b. ack-&t, oP, -posrtron, I ion . h L:'. . I by ,commercIal. r, pape,r ..are supposcid - R�ptiOD ,Committee - Walter. .' ' n connection Wit tu.s, It was an-, " ! St ff h . 'I ' C ..,left vacant by the absence' of· Fr� 'd h h 'h '. to those se�ured by �n�s,". .. ,., . ,e _en, c: alrm�n; �"ary ourtenay, ,.' nounce t at t e new t eater agen�v 'I -'E "F .... '. Eml·l L' k' M·ld ed c;: .' Col_���a�dc,.w�o,pla��d�'s,Ja5t'�ear�'wj� .. is .�d.¥nag.�.4n·the�: ne; .� .� : _ erJ(Uso� opened f�r the af.- Y, ..... ra e,' 1 r ' ",co.t" C.lthe:team .. Gaarde WIll pro,b,abty h...llp . _-. -_.;. - -, ... � . . . ,_ .. 'I ,I fiml4WVe.. "and ,Was .:follo.wed. I>v.c A.'- Row-=. Ben Newm:aa._ John Schorn-GI. 1gen�y IS recoS-lllzed by student thea:- . : -.' .. ". .: _...'. " ' .Mr. Stagg with the coaching "Of the _ . f.: . BalC$ of. the negative.. . Hebert> Boa- mer.. �er-goers.� a· .creat -,sUIng 0 tune:.. -. . : ·PID (Co--:""__D Vdiamond squad_ '.'. '-' . .. '. "':'• ' tetter next defended ·'CommerciAl pCUJ' � can ·-.n.en,M D el ch' In additlOll, dliOUg!l the InformatiOn Do. .. h-I P 1 "'M '. ' nedy chairman· �Jeanne Compton. _ ust ev op a Cat. er '.' ." ..' . r..caper, W I e :au . O'Donndll ' ,'. .. ')ffice, ·the! best seats' anifable at the ·d d £ .'b d . liw� : Clark 'Carl Shar.t -E.' R'Among the other experienced ma- .. . . con ten e . or on s." W. J . .Blacsk ., , ,, . . 'be' used for 'the 'procedure, although.ime may" 'be i secured. 1 Mr.' Bowd's . . BIi Jterial. willi ",which the coaches will . . . cJ�ed the debate. for the affinnati.e IS.: r. the� body will' 'have the power to 'make.las :;the --department· nmiring' now SO So CommiUee-H Hansen.have to work arc Collings. and Sun- that students who -oidu!tJaeu- tickets aatDl.dv· eJ.: W. 'Hoover c:losed for the Ilee- Chair�� •. Mary- Alle- �OI" ence Man- !ts '�I"-n rilles. "Thc-re will' be a. {lresi-detland, outfielder. and pitcher re- �.. 'd�nt of the Seri�te,' a president· pro. in the morning �y. by calling back "'--_. n-s.:_._ p..: .... _ i:ling,·,Harve.v�Meaaher. Harry Sehott.�pectlv�ly, .on the Freshman team two ... .-v�._ .� .. • . tem. two clerks, a sergeant-at-arins,later in the d�y obtain their admi�- Th'e' be iP'- ,f Commi.�ttee-'Howard BlaGk d •.- . years ago. One of the principal three final ,debates will -, C\n maJoraty and minority'leaders' toneeds of the team 'will be the d�- sions. held .Ftid�y. evem�, . except . in the: ford .. chairman; Willowd�an' Chatter- 'be chosen. I Regular committees,' lhevelopment of a good backstop. Be- C�5e of. the Michigan.,.Chicago de- .soD, 'iMuy 'Swan, Seign or M. ·Raffie, same - as in Congress. will have' tol besides Stangl, who has had experience COURTSHIP .O�. P�HIlAN !late, which has been postponed to ftaton·Gass. dected. 'DllI"ing the quarter a treatyDA Ys LBtdlS., TO WEDDING, ' "So---=-1 �--:-- � hI Shas �ubstitute, catcher. two new ll1:en; 5a��rd.ay eveni�g. Micbigan will de'7 ! -.a ._..,�... �el'sc ' aw. \\�ill' be' submitted, appointments willPaul and C�ok. will. try for the posi- bate Northw:estern at Fisk hall in dsainuan; ;Jeanne Rowe. Dorothy he'made, and the tariff revision may·tion. Cook is a former Kansas City S'nd Bat�. Artiat . .aJId.'A�" Gives E,:ari�ton, -Friday evening. Michi-' Kuh, 'Katherine Slaught,Fred Gaarde, he taken ttp. Only heads and c;bb-player, and Paul played at Morgan . Up, Studi. to ,Marry·!"" �an has the, negative. and Northwest- Fred' Galdwell, Daniel Ferguson.. ��ads of' hills \'·m probahly be con-Park. Carl Degenhart will also try ,P1owa. �rn the affirmative. in. this contest. .Pin' Commi�\Valter Morrison. .;idercd. The spirit of the' movementfor the team, and Lyle Barnes of the - 'Chicas-o will meet Michigan Satar- hai�n; Helen Peck;Edith Osgood. will not be so serious as to kill it,1910 Freshmen will try for an out- Announcement· was :made yesterday day evening .at Ann Arbor. Chic:;lgo Robert Hart. Harold Iddings. :lnd maximum interest will be thefield position. )f the wedding of :Fred' Bate 'II, add will uphold the negative and Mic:hi- nhject.Six IgU Men in Squad Miss Sally' Plows, which took place nn the affirmative. Chicago's team ·POWWOW 'OPENS :SEASON Entirely a Student BodyAmong last year's Freshmen who last Thursday. The marriage was against Michigan is composed of C. Enrything will' be in the hands of-will be candidates for the team, Dick the culmination of a. ,love at first sigllt A. Bal.es, Paul-M. ODonnell and ]. Freabman ,Debateni -'Aqne on ·Wo- 'he Senate after its organizationRowe, captain of the 1911 yearlings romance which extended through W. Hoover. The. Northwestern team --man Sutrra2e -and,Diaaiss NGrtb- 't(,riday. l\lccting-� will probably'be,who played in the outfield, Hrude, a Bate's Freshman days •. and now is, being coached by i. N. Cochrane, 'weatenl: Contest. 'eM on :\Ionday.; at 4 o'clock and lastpilcher of ability; Charters, a former serves to. prevent ··him 'from CXJJIl- .vho was a member of last year's vic- 'or �n hour or two honrs, as the in-Beloit star, who ought to show up pleting ,liis UniveI'sity ··..course. lorious Michi23n team. The Powwow ·held its first 'debau ,'i'rcst justifies.well as a catcher; Steinbrecker, the Mr .. arid - Mrs .. : Bate 'are -on - their Chicago ,,;U meet Northwestern in of ·'Ile Jqoarter last night. The ·sub Professor :\ferriam, Dr. Han andsame position; Cohn, a pitcher of honeymoon' ttip in AsheVIlle,' North Mandel hall, Friday evening, at:8 !ect diKUssed was that of \Voman \Ir. Rr:tmhall \�'cre at the banquet.good form, and Taylor, a candidate Carolina, and ·wili retlKn-to :Chicago. )·clock. The Evanston team. which S1Jftra�e,· and"as no decision 'was ren- In speaking of the pr.1ject Mr. Br:im­for first base. 'February-t to take :up their residence takes. the negative, is composed of dered,' everyone .. ·ent away satisfied. hall said, ·'One chief objec:t will. beOther candidates may show up as :n this city. They �II liye .·at the C;. H. \Vatson and Glen Merry of the 'The �debate \\·ith the Northweste�n !() create interest in political' ques­the practice season advances, and h(lme of the bride's. 'parents, :4149· EI- Uheral Arts department, and . Ben- fl'�shmen was also considered, but dons and, give experience in legisla­even with the present material, both lis avenue, ""here'the -marriage toOk jamin Epsteii. of the Law School. as no'.-ord has been receind from live' methods. The interest alreadyDirector Stagg aocl Captain Meigs place.' Mrs. Bate"is jf1terest�d in 60- Chicago's team. ·which . will uphold tile E-nnstOll·since the question was sub- .. hown indicates that we will· easilyare I ptimistic over the outlook for cia) settlement �'Work. :\ffil'mari\'e, is ma� up of I. E. Fer-- miued,. nothing definite \\'as decided. I{et a hundred who arc interested.the 1909 nine. While at the UniversitY,·''Bate :,vas ;uscn, H. P. Hostetter and W. J. rt is practicMly certain, ho,,·ever . ,·(1 j';'\'(' ;t waiting list be�ides,' so IFreshmen Candidates Scarce pro.ninent ,in student ·activities .. He Blaclc, ' that the question .to be debated will iH pe tlwt ever�ne �·ho is interestedXo great number of men have \\'as a member .of the Freshman The judges who have been selected he that of Postal-Savings Banks. Th{' 'ViII �enu in their names at once."sho\\'C'd up_ as candidates for the track team, on ·which he ·starred··as a I to' render the decision in' the North- �liminary tryouts for places on theFreshman team as yet. At the prac- h;�h jumper. He -was on . the :art 'western--Chicago debate in Mandel Freshman team will be held undertice (":til yesterday, only nine men c(\mmittee of the 1908' Cap and"Gown. :tre Jud�e Kenesaw M. Landis, of the the allspices 'of the· Pow-Wo,,· aboutm:lflC' their appearance. They are: Tn addition, he was pre.sid�l �f'the United":States district rourt; Judge Jamlary 25th. Any Freshman is eli­B. F. Di11s, O. B. Roherts, G. S. Rob- �Three;Ouarters . C1itb, -'a �member of Theodore Brentano. of the Cook ltible to try for ·the team and it i�eits. E. Allias, I. Sampson, M.· E. the:Skull :and Ctescent:aDd .. £hi ';}>si Coanty -Superior coart, and Thomas �d that· a large 'number will come'�im()nd. W. R. Carney. R. T. Teicher fraternity, M. Hovne of the' law finn' of ·Hoyne. 'OUt.and Teichs-raber. O'Conner 'arid II nrin, . who is presi-'Oae-third "of .llIe :· .... ts . .at 1Wa-. d�n� of the (Clricaa-o :Bar A�ociatiOl1.Natwic1c, the Wisconsin star hUl'd-,' �ash 'Cotle«e "He 'VOters. ·":1'hree of With this e-xceUent stt 0'- jUdges.ler, has been elected Senior' etas! tire I f3CUlty, � �er, "He" too """_ng both sides may 'carefully ! took' to; aJ)resident of his coli eKe. to exercise the pooleae. (Coatinued OD pace 3) ·WILL HOLD ,MOCK· SEIIATE�IEXlMOItDAY 'AFTERNOONThe men whom Captain "Jimmie·'Meigs has back on the nine again,are Page, the steady little pitcher and:.mainstay of the 1908 team. " Allan�oss, who will -hold down - his old Ninety-two fat and anxiousSenatorships will be distributedamong students of the University.Salary, $5,000.00 and extras.' Ap­ply, stating your preference ofstate and party, to Mr. Bramhall,care of Faculty Exchange, beforeFriday at I p. m.At an enthusiastic dinner, .. held- bythe commonwealth club in the Com-mons last night, the plans for a mock, U ." S.· Senate' were perfected. Dr. A.'R' Hall was elected' temporary presi­Jc1ent, and' 'the first meeting=was called, for':M onday afternoon at' 4 p. rn, -inthe' Law' building. Applications formembership in the . Senate will bereceived up to' 'Friday at .I p.' m .. byMr. 'Br;uilhhJI, . care of the 'Faculty'Exchange.Big �UridertakineThere ',vill-be- nineti�t�o meni}>ers,t\\·c;.thirds ''Repbblic:m arid one-'tHirdDemocrats, as actually exists in 'the. Senate. 'The 'rules of 'the-'Senate .illArts College Hears LectureArt� Cdle�e of men heard an iI-lustrated lecture nn Greece by Pro-. fessor Rohert John .. on Donner at itsweekly meeting yestenlay morning.He gave views of the scenery inhahi­t:tnts and historic remains, :tnd fol­lowed the order in which the travel­er usually visits them. He will con­tinue the talk at the n('xt meeting ofthe collcie.Columbia ha .. a fencing club. The-nen are. in hard training for their sea­son beginning second week in Feb­nlal7.THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. JANU�RY 13. 1909.PUTS BAN ON DRINKINGAND HAZING AT IIICHlGAN .' .. ,�_�.w'�'I'D DAILY B'UIaU'lQf ' ,,_"__ . - - Men at the .Unlversity of Chic::agoDnmatlc C1ub,'�Reheanal todw.� .. t _h'o have bought their college clothes4 o'clcck in.Kent theater�, All out. from us. have come right back' 'andBlackIriart meet in&, today at 10':30a. m. in Cobb lIC. ': " told us they were well pleased; thatPre-Media, meet today at 10:30 30- many others on the campus had re-m. in Kent 14. marked that our clothes are the finestBasketball--Science va. � today and best in workmanship they hadat 3 :'20 in' the gymnasium.' _ seen.T�ee QUarters ClUb .meets loday at We do not like to make too much10:30 in the Reynolds club, 'The'Maimonides CluJ) meets to- noise about our clothes, nor do weday at 8 p.m.. in Cobb I2B. make our clothes too noisy. We de-Sophomore Reception' Committee pend entirely. on those or whom weannual .Freshman-Sophomore rushes.IDIltiered .. Sec:ood·clua lla1l at the Chlcqo in hazing and in certain forms: ofP�tOmCe. Chl .. • ... o. 111'- la ... _-_.. 18_ ",0 • �U& 'conviviality. in favor among a Iarge19oa. under Act. of lIarc:h 3. 1813. number. of the students. The checkcomes in the shape of some decidedlyPubllahtd dall,. except Sunda7 .. MODdQa disciplinarian resolutions recently meets this morning; at 10:30 in make clothes to recommend us.aDd holJda,., dur� three quartm of the passed by the Michigan senate. These Cobb 6A. BUT, we DO want to let youUlllTezw1t1 lear. resolutions are. as follows'. Y. W. C. L. regular meeting :mow who we' ar e and' h we aretoda ...., in Lexington hall. at 10:30. • were"Resolved, that in the judgment of JJunior Mathematic Club located.8ubecrlpt·oll price. ,3.00 per lear; ,1.00 thc Senate, the growing practice on meetstor three months' subscription received at the part of the students in the Uni- today in Ryerson Laboratory 36. W,'a' Herson&Sonthwardthe Maroon omce, Ellis lIall, or at the versity of meeting in rooms or halls 4 :30 p. m. ,Paper by Dr. Lunn,F&c:ult7 ExcllanA:e, Cobb Hall. attached to or connected with sa- Professor A. V. Williams Jackson\\;11 deliver his first public lecture S02 Association Buildingtoday, in the Haskell assembly IS3 La Salle Streetroom at 4 p. m .. Subject: "Persia andJt� Ancient Sacred Books." ProfessorJackson will' deliver his second lee-cipate in such meetings shall becomesubject to disciplinary action. Fur-PKEST_ON F. GASS, ll.n .... In ... Edlto". ture Thursday- - .. thermore, that any students who or- .IIBLVIN J. ADAlIS, New. EdItor. ganize or take patt in what are called -----OSWALD F. NELSON, Buslnese llanqer. the 'keg parties,' no matter where .AlfBOnOBllBif'rsthey may be held, should also be lia-IDdJtorlal omce-lle!ore 8 p. m., Ellla Hall, ble to discipline by the faculties inUnlYeraltl. TeL Midway 800. After 8 p. whose departments they are enroll­a. JlarOOD Prese, 414 E. :mth Street. Tel. ed,U,de Park 3691.are now in order. Hand in at SeniorDeans' office. Election next Tuesd�yin Senior chapel. ' 'Tiger's Head. meets Thursday �t10:30 a. rn., in Cobb, 10C.Cap "and Gown Iite� C�imriitt�meets 'Thursday at 10:30 in Cobb SB.Important.' ';' .Junior 'Class Executive Board meet­ing Friday at 10:30 in Cobb ge. Im­portant,Mile of Pennies' �ce b�iPns"Thurs­day afternoon in the �onien's' gyJ!l­nasium,FELLOWSHIP IS FOUNDED German Club meets Friday at 4BY MRS.�DAVID' P. KIMBALL o'clock in Lexingto» hall. Lectureby Dr. Meyer. . IDonation of $25,000 Made for Wo- .Chicago VB. Indiana ill first basket-man's feUo�p in Honor· of ball game of the season. BartlettAlice Freeman Palmer. gymnasium, Friday, Jan� 15. at'S. _ o'clock.Announcement has been made of a International Club will meet todonation by Mrs. David P. Kimball elect � treasurer, Thursday at 10:30for the foundation of a fellowship in a. m., in Cobb 6A.MR. MATSUBARA GUEST ATCOMMERCIAL CLUB DINNERK. Matsubara, Japanese imperialconsul, will be the Commercial club'sguest tonight at its initial dinner �fthe quarter in Hutchinson privatedining room. FoJIowing the dinne!',the members wiII listen to an address ceived. Xominations for the Senior Col-by Mr. nIatsuhara on some phase of lege Council wiII be received all thisinternationalism. SCIENCE HOLDS ELECTIONS week at the Senior Dean's office andThe big event of the club for the �fiss Lillian Francis was elected the election will be held next Tues-year-a reception in honor of. many chairman of the Science CoJIege (wo- day morning at Senior chapel. Suchleading business men of the city, at men) yesterday, and Miss Claire '.\'"3� the announcement made yester- .. ' .,..;.,;.:: 'I..�;jwhich all students \\;11 be invited- Souter secretary-treasurer. An excc- day by Dean Angell, along with the .•�==:will be brought up for discussion, and utive committee, composed of ,he added information that no :lists of IIMa14YORlI_Ow1lBachaBook'something definite done in the way :\Iis�es Glerum, Pierce. Wevcr and .Iivisions ,,·m be posted for the elec- �C!���1t��j�T;..of arrangements. FuIl details wilJ be Price, was also chosen. tion. He advised students w�o nom· ,_:E4IdoM. 1116Pacn •• ch4001ll�announced. The date has been inate and those ",·ho run. to make 1MII ..... ctI.-rJ"mu.." ............... FnL Mewm-�ftqUeltll'U�""decided upon as January 27. Further Patronize Maroon advertisers. You sure that they are on the division JIIC'IM -� areU ... pllc_"l ..... I .' ·LII. ...,..........-.__ Us will be Kiven out tonicht. WIll thenb7 _ow appreciatioD. they think they helon&, to. �=:;;_!!_;; =,_;. ==::;===;;=::!I_.".. Oadal itudeat PubllcaUoa of tbe Senate Aboume.· Annual ,Rash aDdCIllyemt1 of Cblcqo. Kq Partiea-Tabooca.Animali'onnerl, Spirits of Studeitt8.The tilllYeralt7 of Cblcqo Weekl,.i"'oundedThe Weekl" October 1. 1892-The Da11" October I, 1902- Students at Michi&an hereafter willhave to curb the kind of eollegespirit which has shown itself in theirloons or drinking places is for ob­New. contributions may be left at Ell" vious reasons to be condemned, andHall or It'acult,. ExchD.Dge, addressed to that students who organize or parti-The VaU,. Maroon."Resolved. that the annual flag andpole rush and the attendant hazingbetween the first' and second-year stu­'dents are a disgrace to the Univer­sity, and that they are hereby pro­hibited; and that, if any trial ofstrength and skill between suCh" stu-The project for a mock Senatewhich .has been taken in charge bythe CommonwealthLearning the dub should succeed.the Painless Those who took partMethod in the mock conventionlast spring, remember.several hours of the keenest' enj oy­ment, and will not require much urg­in&' to become enthusiastic backers ofthe new undertakin�.It may 'perhaps be a painless meth­ed of injecting a working knowledgeof the organization and workings ofthe national legislative branch. It un­doubtedly Is, but this in itself willDot be a very strong inducement tothe students to take part. The ap­peal which the scheme will have forthem is that it will, be an opportunityfor them to gather for a purpose half. serious, half humorous. but whollyenjoyable, where nothing will be re­quired of them. but where anyonecan take ,part as often as he wishes.Horse play and socialistic plots willprobably not be so large an elementin this as in the mock convention. butthe large number of students who. take part ",·m be given an opportunityof becoming pleasantly acquaintedwith each other. It it by the partici­pation of large numbers of studentsin such undertakings as this, wherethey all take common interest in theaffair� and where they all enjoy theirpart in it that the solid foundationsfor a real college spirit and a realdemocracy are laid. The ultimateformation of an entire congress withan the trimmings is an outcome tobe hoped for.1 of the academic year precedingthat for which the fellowship is ask­ed. All applications for this fellow­ship must be addressed to the presi­dent of Wellesley College, fromwhom further instructions will be re-dents is thought to be desirable, itshall be held iri the daytime and un­der such regulations as shall elimi­nate the objectionable preliminariesand accessories as well as the hazardand roughness of the previous co�­tests." . �t'J, "I·,I.PII.1LtrI memory of Alice Freeman Palmer,former dean of women, for whomthe chimes have been named. Thefellowship represents the income of$25,000. I t may be used for studyabroad, for study at any Americanuniversity or college. or for inde­pendent research.According to the announcementc .ming with the fellowship, the hold­er must be a graduate of Wellesleyor of some other American college Qfapproved standin�. a, young womanof 2000 health. not more than twen­ty-six years of age at the time ofappointment. unmarried throughoutthe whole of her tenure.Same person will not be eligible to.the fellowship more than two years.Applications for the fellowship areto be made not later than February.).-�'�....rrI.I.)..l:1',.It Skull and Crescent meets Thursdayat 10:30 a. m., in the Reynolds club.Important'Senior College Council nominations -Southern Club meeting and infor­mal dancc in Snell hall, Saturday at8 p_ m. . ",' ", .Debat�hi�go, va. Northwestem,Friday evening, in Mandel hall .Reynolds Club Hard Times Party,n�xt Friday. For members only.,Glee Club Rehearsals, Mondays,Tuesdays and Wednesdays, in thetheater of the Reynolds club. .SociololY Club meets Thursday inCobb 2C, 7 :30 p. m. Professor Smal1will speak.Cap and Gown Editora win holdoffice hours ;n Ellis 3 from twe tofive. The Bt:sines$ m�na&ers fremthree to four.Semor ,PictureS for the C� andGOwn �re due' before January �Picture will be taken free of charsefor the Cap and Go� bJ', Martyn's\f,aroon Studio, 5705 Cottap GrOftavenue.OPEN NOMINATIONS TOSENIOR COUNCIL TODAY Tel... Central 61gSFac:ilities_ forPhotoCRPhy. 'Pho�. Central logFOR' ,FORMALPARTIES ORDERPLOWERS OFDECORATOR53d St. and IGmbari AftlUle.'��., Tei.- Hyd.�·�""ia.; ,. SUBSCanrE NOWfor the D�IJ..Y MAROON, and. Ke� fuU,- r�po�s. of .all.; .. ' r: Co'l�ge : �ctivi,ties...: �uringthe :quarter: , ; :.Athietic5,Dramatics.Social Affairs., Club .i\ffairs,LectUl"es.: 'Etc., Etc.One Dollar pc," Quarter. TwoDollars to the end of the year.With the University of ChicagoMagazine, $2.50 till the end ofthe school year. Subscriptionsreceived at theInformation Office.University Book Store,Daily Marool"' Offi("(..MANY BOOKS IN ONEWEBST.R·S �INTERNATIONAL, DICTIONARY"�"""""aBDAftOIrAI. ___e:-= .... S.au. -=:.=.r--Ia....... Pc., 1IIIa"�"�.!!!�ftIp. ...............--,.,..�s.ap.p........ ,...ladatIIa .�T�., .�-:.."=t::::::: .B=5"b.:�'"... 1Aaa "...... �.�" ........AMI" linn. D A I LYMAROONBRING RESULTSFOR SALEFOR RENTWANTEDLOSTFOUND--_'25 cents for threelinea per issue.TO RENT-One half of double roomHitchcock 12. At reduced pr���CaU.Lost-B.B.B. Glocker piper, withChicago "C" on bowl; valued as apresent. Please return to Informa.. tion office.LOST-Gold watch (monogram' E.T.) and chain, Wednesday after­noon, in Women's gymnasium.Finder return to 359 E. 58th �l,- znd fiat. and receive liberal reward.�ARGAINS ALL THE TID-. Reliable Rebuilt Typewriter., aDmakes; rebcilt in our own factorr.better and cheaper than othen. s­for yourself. .The Typewriter Ex­change. 319 Dearborn St. A. J. 0Iae.)rianager. Telephone Harrisoa �WANTED--A good piano 'player,for evenillgs" and Sundays. SeeWard at the a�t�l': Maroon, s8thand Drexel:'DU. 1VlII,: . l;) � _T. Cl ICJIAlI'llNU a _::,�17. State St. Room 27. Cent.: Ii..v: ... �j.WHERE TO DIlm ;. ... ,TO umOH ROTKLABD DSTAUB..Uf'l111-117 �d.�h �THE POPULAR PLA�TO &ATEitla"F before or alter tile .�Theater.w. make • SpeciaI� ., ...aDd Pratenlity 0-....IA. J. SHAWBAHJO VIRTUOSOHyde Park Conservatory ofMusic.276 East 57th Street.reacher of Banjo. MandolinGui:ar.Speci31 Attention Given toCHOCOLATESf'and fine bonbons famous thro�OUt America, put up in beauUf4"\boxes suitable for presents at40C and floc per pound. ft�:pleased customer is the beatvertisement. ,.Gunther's Confectionery212 State Street. DcHa1YOI,thougseldoi, fit.ThaonceWeBSIprb�AeqtCraWm. Jerrem.' SonaClark and Adam8 Streets� .. ,,'�'� ":' ,'TMS'D.AJLY-'MAROON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13,1909- _---- �����������====��.�,�����==��====�==�������==����������������EXCELLE!ft, FORM SltOWN- 'A� -PRAC1'ICB DEBATE.rble roomid pri���)er, withlued as aInforma.ogram 'E.ay after­rmnasium.58th Sl,al rewird. JANUARY SPECIALTID-�iter.. aD1 faetorr,then. See'riter Ex·, J. Coat,isoa _ Suit and extra trousers forprice of suit alone. ", StaplebJa'cks and blue included., J'A suit with extra trousers isequal to two suits for ,serviCe.hs to S4So10 'plarerays. Seeroon, s8thlVIII,t.r..• •W)SO GENTLEMEN.... DIIUFDI=­.EA11I£ ....L�.wualK. .BOSTONGARTERc.ry of�.olin- THI RtCOCllZtD STUDAII.... Tbell ••• '.._ped 01 rm"Dl�,Ieop-1)'. -CUSHIONBUTTOIICLASPUtS RATTO TlUII-.m.aups, TEAlS IOItUIFUrna•.. .",ALWayS EIS'� __ SPALDING'SOFFICtAL ' :'BASE BALLRECORDSecond Yea r.Official averagesof the National,American andall minor Ieag­nents of' Chicago are also working. ues ; the year inovertime for the final contest. As base ball; list' of the "400" hitterswas the case "ith Chicago's repre- since 1871; table of batters who havesentarives, the Michipn debaters sac- reached ".300·' since 1876 in any ma­rificed their Christmas vacation in jor organization; list of world'sorder to work on the debate. Prac- championship teams; no-hit, etc.,rice debates have been held every records; best on record in base ball;night by Northwestern and Michigan,and the "Michigan Daily" says thatthese debates have been held 'even.-_.(Contin�ed from page I)just decision in the Mandel hall de-bate.Chic:aco'. Opponent. Work HardReports from Ann Arbor andEvanston indicate that the" oppo-.previous championship winners in allleagues; long games of 19o5; collegerecords; pictures of the 19o5 majortwice a day the last week in Ann Ar- and minor leagues champions; world, -:- �: '�RYOUTS . _;'ARE,,' POSTPONED, Coach waUa� U� to Meet Clubthis . Afternoon.' ROBERT P. MURPHY.ProprietorBOTEl ALBANY41ft Street and ��adwayNEW YORK. R�odeUed.. Handsomely FuI'­�cd ThrouchoutABSOLUTELY �REPROOF. �n the heart of the City500 Rooms. 300 Bath RoomsEuropean P!an. Cuisine UnexcelledGenti�uiesU.' Cafe, Ladies' Restau­.." rant� �rid Moorish 'R��s.' Popa., 'Iar ' prices.' Plenty of U'fe--batHomelike.11:.-00 �er Day and UpSEND 'FOR BOOKLET.- ..., Meet JDe at the College len, under'1"':. As c,o,·,aCh WaI, �a,e will.be unable to." the Albany" NeW' Y.ork's ,I, eadin.,l1_lcct th_e Dra�ic dub this after-, . Rathskeller, a place to eat. drink'�'oon, tbe &nal' tryout tor parts will' and be merry.be postponed until Thursday.Psi Upsilon Defeats PhiKa.,pa SiplaA gO<ld sized audience witnessed. ' , "the well-earned v�ctory of Psi Up-.silon over Phi Kappa Sigma, Tues­day evening, in the. inter-fraternityI bowling tournament, which is beingheld at the Reynolds club. All thegames were closely contested, PsiUpsilon having but- slight advantage.The tally sheet showed the follow­ing scores: First game, Psi Upsilon ALfRED PEATS & '0.667; Plfi Kappa Sigma. ,642; secondgam�, Psi Upsilon, 795; Phi KappaSigma, 689; third gam�, Psi Upsilon,7.26; Phi Kappa Sigma, 649. NeitherI Beta Theta Pi nor Chi Psi were rep·! resented ,,·ith fuJI teams, and henceItheir contest was postponed. \\�cd-I n�sday afternoon Alpha Tau Omega".i11 meet Si2111a Tau and Sigma AI­I phci -Epsilon ,,·iIl oppose Sigma Chi.I In the evening, Delta Upsilon ,,·iIIdispute supremacy with Phi Kappa The Daily "aroon is the officialDelta and Phi Delta Theta will up- student publication, contains an thehold their honors against Delta Kap- campus news and dese".:. the 11IP-pa Epsilon. I port .f "ef7 .hlde.t.Special arrangement regarding thestage management will take up Mr.Wallace's time for: th�. present, but hewill meet the entire club on Thus,s­day, when the final aJlotment ofparts '!iU be; made, _Because of the size of the cast of,··The Fan," the :.play which has beenchosen for presentation, special pro­vision will have to be ,made for theproduction of the play, and it is es­pecially important that the entireclub attend' the meeting, Exact timeand place of this meeting wilt be an­nounced. PATEN't'aDBAND ANDBOSOIIDOES ITABSOLUTELY NOIF it' •• ".,..,.,'MAC-HURDLE­FULL DRFSS SHIRTu..w SIM &- c.a. Co., (Malus) T Nf. N.Y.t._ ,,.For theM �ou'l1 need • Dress Suit or Twleclo I.,bor. series pictures and action pictures of[Although the Reynolds club will minor leaguers who have rccahed thegive its dance and hard times party. big leagues.Friday evening, and several other af- . Price 10 CentsDe you enjoy Roller 'Skating? fairs are scheduled on the University For sale by all news dealers andHave you a good pair? social calendar. a large crowd ' of A. G. SPALDINC " Blt ••.You have doubtless learned that. students and outsiders is expected to Special-Every played should havethough the rink provides skates, they attend the debate in Mandel. Among a Spalding Base Ball Catalogue forseldom feel right as to action and the students of the University who 1909.' Mailed free anywhere.fit are interested in d ebating, and es-. W bash, . 14' a AvenueThat's why you ought to write at peciaJly in this one big debate of the Chica&o. IIIonce for our Free Catalog. year, there is much criticism over theWe make J:ood skates. fact- that the, Reynolds club has de-B A R N E Y a: B ERR Y. termined to carry their dance out2 7 3 B r 0 adS t r e e t.. Friday, evening. However, the socialS p r i n g fie I d. M a... committee 'of the club has decided notto postpone ' the affair.Coach . Chandler Confident"The men on, the teams are doing.excellently," said Coach Chandler,"and, 1 ' feel -confident 'of their abilityto give both llichigan and Noeth­western �-a: great, contest. AlthoughI know- 1��tJe (;f o,!r �ppo,n'e'nts, I am:expecting them to put,' up a strongcase. But jf our men retain theirnerve they, should carry QfLthe laur-e1,� -, c�" ��� ,c9n'��t�/.', ' �'� �:' -, formal 'Dances; -lnitiltions; Banqoets."Dear Mabel:-1 really want to go to that Formal Dance. but I can'"because I haven't sa dress suit, and don't care to borrow one, Hadto 'lose 01.:t' on three dances and a banquet this season, because ofthis deficiency in my wardrobe. 1 simply must order a. dress suitand tuxedo tomorrow. Yours, ] 1m. IP. S.-Ain't it awful, Mabel?"You will draw bid. to Full Dren Mairs ri,ht alonl, for the .eUODi. here--rcad Jim'. letter.Phone Central It'1i4Forei� and DomesticWALL PAPERSAND DRAPERIES144- 46 Waba.h AYe.Chicaco• Order your Suit Early.Our prices are within every Colle,," man'. reach.C�erewnkieTAILORS U5t. DUlNra Sf.Bad fIHt5Sth AND ELLIS,�tFULL MEAL 10 c and UpBraiden's Lunch CounterBRAIDEN, ex-'lO, U. of C.55th AND ELLISTO.ANY SELP-SUPPORTlNG STUDENTWe can put you in touch with a dignified method of increasing your rey­enue--a method that is clean and that involves a maximum increase _fincome at a minimum expenditure of time. The plan has already pro'"its .efficiency in other Universities where self-respecting,' self-supportiqstudent.. have taken up, our method to the exclusion of others, the� u.,pleased, and their financial burden is solved. We can do as much for yo .. 'Call any time during busines� hours at 39 Dearborn St. (The R.bai1tTypewriter Co.), and uk esp�cia.Jly for Mr. Johnson. t\I IiIjtIiSpecial Inducements for SecuringSubscriptions to The Daily MaroonThe Daily Maroon has made �angemenb with tIW1908 Cap and Gown Board by which it is enabledto give a volum� of the last annual for each'3 in subscriptions.Thi. give. an exceptional oppor�unity for securing a permanent r .. �ord of the last school year. The 19'.18 Cap and Gown i8 on. of the b..lUniversity annuals ever published, and should be in the POUeuiOIl �every .tudent in the University. tA copy will be given:I. For three one-Quarter subscriptions.2. For one sin,le quarter SUbscription and one sUblcription for •reJDBining two quarters of the year.If you have 8Ubscribed, or bring in your subscription, it will be COila";ed in the total, on. the .sam� terms .as &n¥ other..For those who for any �n do not desire a Cap and Gown,' as lUpencil, whose market price is $1, will be given on the sam. term. .. tMannualThrough arrangement with the University of Chicaco Macuine, tileDaily MArOOn i8 also able to make a desirableCOMBINATION OFFERBy which the Daily and the Monthly will be delivered for the rest of tile7ear for $2.50.The Maroon's regular subscription r: ·cs �re $1.00 per quarter by cu­rier in the territory between Cottage Gr"ve and the Illinois Central ...55th and 63rd Streets at the office at Ems Hall, or at the Faculty �­chance, or '1.25 by mail elsewhere in the city.For further information, inquire at the office, Ellis Hall. Telephonefree local exchan�e 45-HARRISON FISHER PICTURESAND OTHER COLLEGE POSTERS, 25 Cents to 11.00THE LITTLE BOOK SHOP434 Eau Fifty- Fifth StreetlIRa. EDITH SEARS. Phon. MidWQ 11_·m.Hetel�M"ooa58th aDd Drexel AveWE HAVE THREE CHOICE,'STEAM HEATED ROOKSFOR RENT. AN EXCELLENTLOCATIOH FOR,STUDENTS.THE BES� WOIlAN'S COOKING IS SERVED .. IN .OURDINING ROOM AlIID AT .oUR LUNCH . COUNTER. ATPOPULAR PRICES. THE· MOST CONVENIENT ANDTHE,BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS TO EAT.WE WANT YOU TO TRY OUR MEALS.�========================�=========:=====.=TH==E==D=A=[L�Y�YA�R=OK)N��,��=r=E�D�N=E=S�D�A�¥�'='J�AN�.=Ur�=·R�Y�_1�3'�I��'�����:====r==�::::��:=����) •JUDY .lOa "llID .. tIE$" Ir,ioo �JW) .. ,�I� i�.:;'��S :<THE ROMA,.."-� .C1\lb .)tUDeS ;:-:-a..p.oaea � Dr. �sh--"R�::Jri�! �lwlDd. .,.' ", .&'uu C DloneyParty CIl. Frida>,-,-Prina, Jor: Beat •�i>ances aad for ·Coatamea- ........The final effort of Dr. 1. W . .Good­Club· Quartette to SiDe.Firof Cuineroonfo�mWohbonoindthe J'''0ed bme'n'do�'1t , He"there�u1wedITALIAH TABLE D'H0Ta5OC-75c-Sl.ooINCLUDING WINBspud. to raise the remainiog amountne-cessary to ,make th� total. of th�Harper _ memorial fund �,o(,O, hasmet with. success. Si�een . hundreddollars have been added to what hasbee-n obtained, . so that now onlyabout $15,500 will. be needed to com­plete the sum needed to, carry tileproject through as planned .• Dr. Good­speed is. putting in a strenuous weekraising the amount,. and said he ex­pects to have all before the quest isup. A tao a 1& Carte ServiceOpeaDIP7aa4SUDdQafromII All.titg P;;l1.SPAGHETTISUCH AS ONE G�TS IN IVJ.Y146-STATE STREET-J.41SECOND FLOORThe names of the chaperoaes for'tbe Reynolds Club hard-times_;-pas:ty,next Friday, were announced. yester­day. Those who will serve in .thiseapaciry are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon JLaing, Professor and Mrs. Edward, B.Krehbiel and Mr. and Mrs. David· A. --Vol.---WOI-----------------------------� •. Robertson.The entertainmentr[ ,r,.I 'Il THE £OLLEGE MAN�S TAILORI claim, by right of years of experience with the college man. tohave the only Varsity Tailor-shop hereabouts.tIYou will always find me with exclusively different fashions andfabrics; never the "same," despite that they contain all the GIN­'GER and SNAP.til have learned to .·choose my styles with Two C)'eS-.one open'for the SMART CHAP. the other for the MATURE MAN - and. the- contrast shows little. I have let "the right eye know 'what the..left . e;ye . deeth. "BENHAMVARSITY CLOTHES.-.- -.- -.�----'No MoneyDown:r jTry OurJ300 Kenmore ,Piano� 10· your own home. make sure that it J"Uits you;': In .every particular. Whea .)'OU . are 10 latIPfied.;, '.. \ \�� ;5'·6510 .... y way you like. even as Iowa.S'" a ",eeK.JlTAB-OX PIANOS-�pricea 1350·to,'75Ot atGREATLY REDUCED 'PRica'AT THIS.&ALJr.-THIS COUPON IS WORTH A TEN DOLLAR BILLCut i' out at once. Don't throwaway money. We not only SAVE :",u· over a hundred dollars, but permit the smallest payments 'EVER..known (as low as $1 a week); ask.no money in advance ·and . gb'eyou $10 to boot. Can you beat it?'Out-of-town patrollS are' invited to aftil themaelYM ofIIOST liberal inducementa...tOUT OUTTHIS COUPONGOOD FOR .Ten Dollars. I 110 FREE CREDIT DUB BILL" IOne of these Coupons good u .FIRST PAYIIB NTtowards purchase of one Starck IPiano at thit sal�,' at ..... 'Wabuht\ venue Chicago, Ill.Piano. Shipped to Any Part -.1 the United StamOD These Libenl TenD&. Write for FREE Catalop ..·P. A. STARCK .PIANO ·CO.,, '�-d Wabash Avenue. Near Adama Street. Chicalo..E.C.MOOR·E•• FLORIST ••... w. 'ar4 ItreetTel. Wentworth 2038. 27- It. 55th Itreet.Tel Hya Park 3LII£N1'.OI The DAILY MAROON"lien Trading :With "Our -'AdvertiseD committee ofthe dub is working hard in its prepa­rations for the big' annual event.Unique decorations specially adaptedto tilt! spirit of the gathering are be­ing planned and inducements in theshape of prizes are being offered . tothe large number of campus. poor.All the dancers will be there in theirrags and tatters to compete for thebarn-dance prize, to be awarded themost' skillful couple, and all the pov­erty-stricken students will be .candi-: the question of .cause and effect, anddates for the first and second. prem-' held that these concepts are the- near­iums on most exemplary neediness. est. possible to the. correcf idea. Thelecture was attended: by . a number ofThey are growing .more and moreexorbitant in their joy at _ tbe, pros­pects . of a "good time-a coming,"when they will dance in untrammel­ed glee, talk over the vicissitudes .ofIortune, partake of the -freely flowing'cider and the abundant ,do\1ghn�s,and listen to the special club quar,�.Indeed, the prospective entrant linthis poverty contest are gettirg"flush" and. in' their' dreams bf fastapproaching prosperity, are going ;150far as to make wagers on the out':'come of the competition. . Late yes­terday . afternoon Leo DeTray arid"Long John" Schommer were ob­served standing at 'the southwest cor­ncr' of �fa�han Field engaged in ��­cited conversation, their' faces light­ed up with a look of eager expee­tancy, It appeared they were mak­ing a .side-bet on who would get thebarn-dance prize next Friday."I'll bet you. a .dinner.iby fair: la�yand' I take the prize." These w�e.the words of "Long John" 'as 'bedrew his thread-bare coatnmore: snug:' ROOM' TeallDr. Salter Defends ScbopenhauerDeanProfessor Salter of. Cambridge Uni- DOUBLE THE LIFEversity, took' a stand in defense of 'OF YOUR SUIT.Schopenhauer yesterday, in his There's twice the wear in a suit, acourse of open lectures in the west fyou have an extra pair 0 trousers.Law ruom. Dr. Salter dealt with the Make the experiment-find out felgreat German philosopher's views onfaculty members.Chic;tobing Itomeyourself.Here's your opportunity-A-.and extra pair of trouser •. ' for .•price of the suit.Trousers of the same material«different, just as you prefer.This offer holds �ood on our-WinDr •.. Mathews to Tell ,Colleg.:. Religion stock.Dr. 'Shailer Mathews of .the Divin- Vve want to keep our good tailonbusy between seasons. That's tMprimary reason for this offer.Coming'io-,today?Suit and Extra Trousers-$30 to-.Yes, 'we' make . .ridin� breeeaes,ity .school, will speak -tonigbt .underthe auspices' o-f' the ;Y. ;M. C.: A .. at7:15 .in' Haskell assembly room,on the-subject, "�Vhat is the Religion. of theCollege Man?"; SHULTZ'S' 'SCHOOLOF·'.DAIfOINGTAlLGR.FOR YOUNG ...A.: N. Jarema. liar·T.. atores:· 131' La· Salle It.. ..,'�J�"''' cell.lr!idsuitsMo.(P9Pular ;�� 'iD'�cqo .Private. Leaoaa- ti7 Appointment.oaum�,; Coune; �1,S:oo�; Ywe- pri�telessons with -mnsie. A guarantee tomake pupil- proficienf in -the waltz and Iand twO::step. 'Barn � dance taught inone lesson.08ice:andl'Studio,,'3Q1 Wal'S3d 1(.'Cor. Went.wottJi';A'i'e,;-· r''PJlone Garfield, 36" Opposite .. the Illinois Thcatlr. W here t� D iJI:'eTRE;NB�W�:S-Tly about his meager ·frame. Informal Dancing Reeeption atAlmost instantly,"Take Y!J1P," carne . THE PORUMfrom the lips of Leo and 'the. tlfo 431'd St. '.& Calumet Ave.swung their bony hands together 1t1 EVERY "SATURDAY EVENING D.HIperfect harmony. and, partlng, each ,'Admiaaion 50 CeDta·. Penn ' �tIbe WeIDogton :�;went his own. joyous way. . As thefamed football captain walked westalong 57th street, his hands in Iris ••• _ ••••• _ • __ • -=_pockets, he constantly jingled a fe�coppers which he had picked. up near .Lexington hall and the girls' dormi- .tories •.The ladies are somewhat modest ingiving their opinions as to prize-win­ners in the dance, but frequentlywear a confident" assuring look ontheir countenances. Among the well­known characte:-s ,,-ho will put in anappearance ,is Alvin Kramer, whowas discovered the other day in theReynolds club theater, practicing afew stunts looking to barn-danc� per­fection. Excelsen is also makingstrenuous preparations, and ,will bea formidable candidate, to say noth-ing of "Bil� He�t� who won d�· .����������������������������tinction as the man to receive thefirst' bid to. the leap-year :dance: lastFebruary. Couples have already be­gun :1 s�rir.s of rehcat'sals. '1fi!B ITA!.IAN ROOI�BALATKAMU'SlCAL :COLLEGEEstablished' 1879 by the world­renowDed. Ha�s - Bal�tkaPOSTAL CARD BRINGS CATALOGUE,WRITE TODAY -. D R. ,C H R. F.· B A L A T K A, D ire c tor.:Dip/omas:Recognized'lUI Oller, the WorldISpeciai Rates to Students of U ofAddress· AU Commu�cations to'BALATKA'MUSICAL COLLEGETim ILLDfOI. WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COIIPAIIPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. aD.The Cleanest and Best Kept SlOra ..Warehouse in the City •••••Furniture and Piano. Moved, Stored. P."Shipped to an pan_ of the world. 300 Pri ..a.. Rooms. Large Parlor "Exclusively ferRooms for Trunks .. nd Wheels. Larlc�"Carria�s, Buegies and Sleighs. Trunks.1Ifrom all . Depots. Local Tnnsfers for. Furaitlll'e,: Packages, etc .• at ,hort notice.S_aI a�n· trigen to Uftivt"f'Wity· &MIllBasketball Admissions for Indiana,Game at Information Oftice.TICKETS ON SALE TOMORROW 'Tickets for the first basketballsame of the season, with Indiana,willhe placed on s,,1le at the Inform1tion"fficc tomorrow morning. They mayhe obtained also Friday, the day ofthe contest. The prices are '25 and50 cents� TEACHERS' AND.'DENTS' 'REVIEWS i\LL EXAMINATIONS�"";;;;"";;;-CHICAGO.