• I t-,1,)��..lIricaIBHra�.,111,_Ited cat.IS nu- : 'laily II"·· �" .. .. ' ...... ' .ttru-rtH', 1"/' 4.1�"__ ,... •• � ••• �...., 9Vol. VII. No. 6J. CHICAGO •. SATURDA�, .jAN..UAR.Y. 9. 1909- .... '. Price T.�. t.a&'./ ,. �:: I-i'TRICK SQUAD BETJlIS !SClENCE BEATS LlWYERsI AIIOQICE CHAIRMEI,OF.. rJoiftOl cQUlfaL Eucrs:MAIUUCEUflllOPEI.INTO H�AVY PRACTICE, Fumerly I�vincible J�st& Go Down 1909 CLASS COMMITTEES I Owens lIad�_�dent� LeWis Vic�- FOR SETTtEIEIT PIClle_ to. De�eat f>y Score of 36 to 4 in I p�de�t, Mias, P�ter, aecntary, ,Director Stagg Gives Squad First F!rst Game of the Basketball Winston Hem"Y. --;:'.r,ed a8 Head of II \¥iDtfieid� T���-D_u.. 'Bu- Studenta Who Have.. Not RepsteredHard Work-Sprinters Given Season. I Executive Bod�-�ght Others iDeo and Hear Report. Can Find Room Amone SpecifiedStarting Practice. I 'Are Named. I -. 300.--- 1 The hitherto invincible Law college. . I The Junior ,College Council,.it itsMuch Material .for Team-Stron& I basketball team went down to def�at Pr��t. f ��Crack,�n t� Choose 1 tncetin& this . �rning, efI��ted -an Do�._Not Iadicate -JAck of Interestin Sprints and Distance Runs- f at the hands of the Science team in Full MCfDbe�p Soon-:-Meeting .rganization f�t" . the quarter and -PrOVi�e 81& �ocram andWeak 'i� Weights. Ithe first game of the season yestcr- of Nominees Monday. chose its oR:i�ers for _the .term. Rob- .. Elaborate Dinner.day. When time was called at the crts Owen was. made presideot;· Web-Director Stagg yesterday kept the end of tile second half the score Senier Class Committee Heads: .rer J.4��is� vice-president; -�iiss Mary . With. a hundred and forty placessquad of the track candidates busy stood 36 to 4 in favor of the Scien- Executive-s-Winston Henry . I. 'hi�tcr. secretary, and Alec. G. unclaimed, those who wish to attendon the floor of Bartlett. Captain Lin- rists, The game was fast, the Science Class Day-Edward McBride. l.vhit�eld, treasurer; All these. were the Winter Picnic and have failed togle and his men were out in force men 'showing remarkable team work. Gitt-Rerislow P. Sherer. I -lected on a white ballot, except the register" can still fi.�d r�om amongyesterday for the first time this week. The lawyers were unable to make a Reception-Walter P. Steffen. -ecretary, Those nominated for this the specified 300. "The fact that so�lr. Stagg for the most part devoted basket in the second session, and the Program-Dean Kennedy. .tl�ce were iliss Phister, Miss Etten, lew. have registered, however, doeshis time to the large squad of twenty defense of their opponents being per- Sung-Harry A. Hansen. .md Miss Herrick. Whitfi�ld is the riot imply lack of interest on the partmen, working hard at starts. feet at all stages. 1 Play-s-Howard Blackford. ,irst treasurer of the council, and )f. the student •. as last year only twoSprinters in Competition Xichols, who secured seven field Social-Herschel G. Shaw. i holds' his office in ,accord�!.1ce: with nundred names were received,. andIn short of competition for the fast- baskets, and Aurand, with four field' Pin-Joim F. Dille. i the recent. amendment, providi�g for l.ive ,hundred attended. As a result.,est and best start an effort was made goals and four free throws, starred I a 10 per cent tax to be paid by each all who want to be party to one ofto weed out the best of the sprinters tor Science, while l.Icilrath played a l,ieads of the nine Senior class I co�I��.. .. �. " .' the best times seen in the Universityfrom among the large squad, The I good game for the jurists. committees and the me.mbers of .the 1 . The: first business tak�n up �� th� this, .y�ar, .will be on .hand in the cor-Freshmen proved to hav� some �f C, .. nsidering that the game. was the executive committee, ,�ere announced! C9.ullcil� wa� ·die. ciue�tion of ��w it -idor of the tower buildings at 4:.10.the be�t of the bunch. Lingle, Kuh, opening one of the season, It was a yesterday by President W. P. ':Mac- �liapp�ed that �here were five instead today. .Sunderland, Buckman, Pegues, Levin. �ood exhibition of basketball The cracken with the a�suranc� that the of {oUr councit�rs re'tiriri'g. It was From the .tow.er. the whole. party� Straube, Timblin, and. Worth- .""ork �f the' Science men throughout complete makeup �f the other com- 'repo��d _ that Miss :Rabb. the newly- will. go. to 55th street" and thence byihle' .showed up well in the starting .vas char�cft,e�ized by briliiant playing, illittees will be known soon. elec't�'d fu�mber [roin. -Arts college, special cars to �he, Settlement.praCtice. as Varsity; candidates. Men- loth on offense and defense. Unless President M��Cracicen has Call�d a �a's decied :ior ·�riIY. one . ci�·rter. _To. Have ,Varied Propamaul of the Freshmen was the victor �f. he' other colleges develop te�ms of �eeti�g of members of the exec�tive [Dvestfp��ri _shc:;�e'� ,t�t M,��� .. H�- . .A._ .varied program. has l. been pre­the competition for the best start unlocked-for ability, the Scientists committee for Monday afternoon �t r��on had been elected merely to I pared. for the evening. Besides the�� .�avenport al,so �id good ,work. "\'ill h�ve the �est show for the title. 2 o'cJ�ck in Cobbi 3C. �e pu'r�se :'�f;ve ,i�t the ter.� ;�� i4i�s. Pr��de-Ilancing, .:which will. be indulged inThe .can�idate.� fo� t�� midd�e and Y�s'terd��:� de�ea�. of the. �a� team ��n:,��-: to o.u·tline t�� duties o{ tb� ":�lle, •. a_nd that �h�o��� s��e .���; I �ore, ,dqring �d after supper, there!nAg.J)iWar...e .. tu.� �e_al$Q_.mv�� . 1!�9k�.'-'"'1'. (����il:-� _.V1c:t�._!�Jr .. :�q1:,- �.�� ��'.������ticl. § ����C?t .. ���,�l t!'�����}}���:::���l��� a!1.���i';. ...., _._.stre��� workout, and �e welg�tr�be .La:�, ��l. ',Last !ear theY'�ere the ,,�lass. SC:veral S9�1 events, ar� not}�ave sel'!� fOr._ th� £aU ,quarte�: I �lDstrel ·show by --the boys or me ifmen were left pretty much to them- �e�d r,D�. :����i�fs, over Jh� �er in -pro5J)eCt, and a DUJIiber of details �� �I� �be a���Cd, �her�fore,by mak-I �ettlement. .-. . ..,_selves. . llVes.� �..the seaoa-with- in pdmjaistration will have to be ar- mg MISS Rabb s t�nn end at the ., To .Provide .. J'east_ �e 'S6Jl Inc Ii lete au� .a suUtle�. . . . ., ranged. ' clo�� pf. # _ q��ter. ,. . Elaborate. preparations for a din-. When Director Sta� has his �e ii��" �e i� .the l inter��ol,�ege .. The following me'n c;omp,ose thf! Earle <;ioOden�w". i� chair� ner . bave been made. Provisionssd1edul� of winter �e�s. CQn:il»let�d, ;cigue' will take 'place! next :Tu��ar executive committee: WiJi�ion He� man. in his reP.ort for the autuin� !nough to pro.vide for an army, and·athere will proba!»ly �e .. an. a.�ded iUl- aft�r�on, when Philosophy meets Lit- 'S��l�haiffl�fJ�h-� DilI� •. ?ean..!"� quar��r, ffc<?,�����;�t��t �he pre�- ::tock of dainti� .to tempt even the___ to the wor� of .�e enure tra,c� eratme. , ��y .. Rensl�W' P. 5,berer, H�rry ,�nt counql. ��e, an, e�ort t� es�a� tast�s of .University students. It isquad. In the meantime. only da�es . The' lin'e�p; Hatns�n' Edward. iicBride iloward lish a music departnient in the Uni- the, professed .intention of, the, com-t. have been fixed for the tra,ck Science. Law. Blackfo�d, He�schel G. .�haw and v·er�itY .. ··We ar�. the. o�ly. l�rge i�� mittee that none shall depart withoutcam are those With Illinois, whic� .Nicbons ..•. � ... R. F ..... Lightner, Walter P Steffen. '-;tituiion," .he said, "that does lipt haying had all they can eat. Thealso' subject to change., They are Fiannagan' h��e' a �usical school in c�rine'ctio� dinner. is to be ser.ved in baskets, sopresent tentatively set for March Ktih'ns .......•... S .. F .•. Raley, weber VARSITy'DEBATE TEAMS with it. Last qu�rter �e taiked t� as. to. ,retain ,the true.picnic spirit.at Chicago, and February 5 at Aurand •.......... C .•.•... Mcilrath HOLD TRIAL 'CONTEST President Judson about it. but he said .Good·. Chance. to. See Settlementampaign. Sutherland •..... R. G ••. Daughterty, t�t the tJ0'i\"ersity would ��t �ritef The. affair will affurd an excellentfor the team this Gregory )n the venture, unless . they had .pportunity to .become acquainteu��t�s:. are somf!.'!��t pn�ertain. At Hruda ,. L. G.. . .. Herman, ' ,.:nough .money in sight t� pro�erly \\·ith the Settlement and its work.pr-"ent the rooters feel that it is pos- V· M'-It Two Trios Are Pitted Against Each fi h d k· .A '. The whole place. will be opened to� . ou on Other and Show Good Form nance t e un erta IDg. t presen�sible that the Varsity Will capture thc Summary: Goals - Nicholls 6, ti�ey were not ready to do �o. �o� �he students, .and a �horough knowl-eet iiih Illinois at Bai'tlett,-if every Arnaud 4, K�hris, Hruda, McIrath, in Trial Contest. what we want to do is to arouse th� .·dge of conditions may. be gained.man on the team does his utmost, Harriman I, Sutherland 2. Free .tudent body to a realization of the"hile the latter date with the down- throws-Aurand 4, l\icIrath 2, Fouls need and try and have a departmen:t ;HESS MEN BEGIN SEASONTIle Varsity debating teams held .:r.stituted, on a small scale if neces-· BY ARRANGING SCHEDULETI·mes of ;another practice debate last night, iary. �The ·question to be �ebated with The rC:l?ort is produced in full else- �ndidates for· Team APPear for Be-·.vhere in this issue. : ginmng of Work:_Material LoobGOOd... 1'·_. ,- '--'" i---sui�.iflus�rs.�l1t .for.erial or,.'.it's the":, to $tio.ches,-, .,_-Northwestern and Mic!-igan, "Re­solved, tbat commercia!' paper fur-10 nishes a better basis for' note issues "OUNCILthan bonds," was discussed in a for- I '"mal manner. The affirmative and neg­lth-e teams upheld their .sides of theqoestion. ... -I Coach Chandler expressed himselfIii the quarter, and in the mater- The cightieth birthday of President 11'�s pleased with the way the men ar�for the one mile relay team, the Jamcs R Angell, venerable head of getting 'into shape, although heollo';ng men are the possibilities: the Unh'ersity of Michigan, was cel- realizes there is still much improve­ptain Lingle, Garrett, Whipp and ebrated at Cornell University, where nent to be made before the finalsoyer. For the half, there are Com- the annual convention of the Associa- :lext Friday night.toclc, Timblin, lrorgan, Shuart and ticn of Amcrican Ullh'crsities is he- llr. McElroy, a foqner ChicagoVbipp, Itl the mile Dolan, Simpson, ing held. In response to a congratu- ,Iehater, has been aiding Coachomstock and Timblin look promis- latory message, signed by the presi-j Chandlcr with the men the last fewng. In the t�o mile, prospects are dents of all the universities belonging I cvenings. His efforts �ave been ex­topblct, Caldwcll and Long, 'to the association, President Angell pended mostly on impro\"ing the de­The supply of high jumpers is not .. poke as follows concerning his con- livery of several of the debaters.00 large, hut ,,;th Schommer, Hub­Ie, Crowley and Rogers, the squad5 not bad, Jacobs in the pole vaultan in\'aluable asset to the team. ascarcely a vaulter in the country hasDch on the Conference champion.ogtr� also will come in among the hah-es. IS minutes.taters at their home stampingound is less likely to be carried bye 'raroons as a victory.Ibterial for Track� SquadDirector Stagg is still uncertainbout the eligibility of some of the_ .. � , . On paper, the squad looks suE­ciently strong to make the rootcr�timistic, but until the practice aea­has progressed little farther, cs- PRESIDENT ANGELL IS--Scicnce 5, Law 7.Ref�ree - Houghton.ASKS FOR LISTSHead of Michigan Celebrates PUSincof 'Four Score Mark.Preparations for the issuing of th.e:Iiv.ision lists within the next few:Iays in order that the election to thencw council may be held Tuesday..to be y_..L. Tn a meeting of the Chess club yes-Senior .�un, �l Desi�us au'!; crday .a teiltative schedule for theUp Before January 22.i'car was arranged. Games will beplayed with Northwcstern, Wiscon­;in, :\iichigan, and llinnesGta. Thedate� \\;11 be announced in the nearfuture.(Continued OD paee 4) Pro!'pects for another winning sea­';muary 22, were made at the m�H-son arc hright, and Captain Olcndorf;ng of the council yesterday. TlH't . , . h d h I .� C ll,i(Jcnt of rcpeating the perform-:nat er IS )ell1g rus e as muc a� !. • ..'hI' I h h ;&11(e 01 last ycar s champlUnslllpPOSSI c. m Of( cr t at t c new coun-·1 . d . h team, The strcngth of the teams toCl may organize an apJ>Omt t e. . .\17 h· t P cI • be met IS not as yet known, hut It IS,as II1g on romena e committeeI f I I f h· I Th· cxpcef('cJ that �Jichigan an(1 :\Jinnec;o-)C ore t Ie en( 0 t 1S mont 1. IS I'II" . I tao :It least, will have exceptionally\\'1 gl\·C t 1e commlttce a most anection with educational institutions: Although several other University tl' h· I t k h f strong teams, Charles Le\·iton. of the.. , . mon I III W IC 1 0 wor on tea -I"Teachmg IS a man s noblest pro- affairs take place next Friday even- f . team of lC)06, who has hcen workin;.:f· b·· I d II hi· . :ur.esslon. J eheve It ea s a ot er I m�, a large crowd is �xpected to at- ; with the t�am, also expressed himselfworks. My success I attribute in � I tend the debate against Northwest-I I a-; heing confident of a winning c;c:\-large extent to my associates. O�e ern in. Man�el hall. T1le other con- Dr, Charles F, Th,,·ing. prec;�dcnt of "on for the chess men,reason why we always keelS young IS test will take place at Ann Arbor. thc Wc .. tern Resen·e University, A good number of men ha\"(� rc­because we are working with youngj where the negative team will meet Cl('vcland, Ohio, will be the Univer- portee] to Captain Olendorf, amongmen. and I mysclf enjoy nothing bet- the l\ficlJiganders on their own plat- sity preacher for the two weeks of whom Beverly, Black and Vehlenter than to be with younl' men." form. January 31st and February 7th. seem to be the most promising.)in theD A I L YMAROONCLdSIFIDADVKRTISmDnIBRING RESULTSFOR SALEFOR RENTWANTEDLOSTFOUNDTHE DAILY MAROON. SATURDAY. JANUARY 9. 1909- ���=�=��=�������=��:;==���=�===��-.' ....THE THEATERS NEXT WUK WILL ARRANGE FOR IfOCE TBB DAILY BULLBTIB ._ SENATE.A'l'.BIG B�NQUET'�1Ie 0Ik1al litodeat PubllcaUOIl of theCDlnraitl of Chlcqo.'l'he Unlyen1t, of Chlcqo Weeki 1.Founded'l'he W ee�l. October I, lSD2.'l'he Danl, October 1. 1902.F&Cu1� f'�c�� 'Cobb Hall.Hall or J:.'llcultl Exchange, addressed to- The Dan, Maroon:EdItorial Odice-Betore 8 p. m .• Ellis Hall,Unl'ftt'll1�. 'rei. Midway 800. Alter 8 p,m .• Maroon Pre.a� 474 E. ::i:ith Street. Tel.H7d.e .Park 3691.!I Whatever mayor may not havebeen accomplished for the Juniorcolleges in general bythe autumn quarterJunior Council, it hasdone notable work inestablishing itself onan effiCient' and business-like basis.,Two innovations in the way of for­mal organization that the Senior• bodjt. might. do well to imitate were,.the formation of a constitution, andthe inauguration of the custom ofreceiving ,a report on the work of thequarter from the retiring president. :Specific definition of the forms andf functions of the studen't councils i�valuable, not only because it adds totheir efficiency, but because it increas­es their prestige. When the studentscan see that they are organized on adefinite and, business-like basis, they, are much Jess likely to scoff. .The submissi�n of a report by th�'retiring president is also one' that islikely to tone down some of the h05--·�:tility and sneering that originates in.�ist:nderstanding. It is due the stu­deuls to receive an authoritative andfairly complete resume of what theirrepresentatives have accomplishedduring the quarter. When they havenothing on which to base their opin-. ions, but the hearsay and more or lessfragmentary reports, which they oth­erwise receive, their judgment islikely to be considerably distorted.If the council 'has had to meet diffi­culties, the students are entitled toknow of them. . If the experience ofa quar!er in charge of a student coun-, :-.t cit has impressed a chairman witWthenecessity for cll:tnges of any sort, hisopinions are worthy of a respectfulhearing.And .. bove all, every advance to­ward g:�ater definiteness and tangi­bility in the organization of the coun­cils is good. One of the great needsof the councils at present is the se­curing of a council room where theyMake theC01lllcilTaD&ible;.I Studebaker-Elsie JanisThat clever actress, Elsie Janis,will continue to entertain the audi­ence at the Studebaker next week inthat rollicking college opera, "The .University of Chicaao Da.me. meetCommonwealth Club to Complete this afternoon at 3 o'clock in Lex­Preparations Next 'ruesday-Wall . ington 14- Mrs. Enans, hostess.G�ve 1'rainin& in PoUtics. University Settlement Wmter Pic-nic this evening. All students in­vited. �leet under the tower at 4:30.Fair Co-ed."ANNOUNCEMENTSthe- International dub. please leavenames and addresses at Faculty Ex­change. Box 162. .Cap and Gown Editon will holdoffice hours in Ellis 3 from tWQ tofive. The Business managers fromthree to four.Senior Pictures for the Cap and .1'c,dttLB.n,t ... �Io- :h\{I W,--. '_.-e ]8s-n-----8 Ints6, •g0,nrelyd ,orc-.,inallonments." Gown are due before January 29-The plans for the mock Senate Picture will be taken free of chargewere made public last Wednesday. for the' Cap and Gown by Martyn'sThe idea of giving the students ex- \faro on Studio, 5705 Cottage Groveperience in politics originated with avenue.the political science department, but Philosophicol Club meets Mondaythe Commonwealth club has pushed 7:30 p. m in the Law building, easthe scheme along. The Senate is to room, Professor Moore will speakbe .an exact model of the national Browtison -Club Reception, Tuesbody, containing the same number of day, at 4 o'clock, in Lexington IS.members organized along the same Fendng Club meets Tuesday at 4l.in.es� The membership of the Senate o'clock. Hans for the quarter wi!\,';11 be determined by :,the 'department be discussed.on . the basis 'of applications to be' Professor William Saiter will speakfiled with it at some 'future 'date. en Schopenhauer, Tuesday at 4 p. m.When once under way. it is proposed in the west room of the Law build'to hold a session every Monday. The ing,first meeting is scheduled for Janu-' . New Testament' Club meets Mon:try 18 .. As' -Yet' no place for' meeting clay at 8 p� 01., with Professor Votawha� be�n ·.trr�nged; for, ;iiiie the orlgi- 5535 W�'S11illgt�n ;aventie� !'Hss Danators of. the' plan have! Ke�t theater vidson and Mr. Lyle will speak.:n mind, . Rev. J. G. K. McClure will be 'tbUniversity preacher at the religiouFENCERS TO SET' DATES service, Sunday. at II o'elock.in ManFOR WINTER CONTESTS del hall. Organ recital at 10=45 byMrs. G .. N. Holt.Junior Mathematic Club meeWednesday, Ryerson Laboratory 34:30 p. m. Paper by Dr. Lunn.Y. W. C. L. regular meetin\Vedllcsday, in Lexington pall, 10:3Professor A. V. WllUams Jacksowill rdeliver his first'-public lectuWe(hlesday in Haskell assembroom at 4 p. m. Subject: "Persia anfnecing was new here. :mct our men' {t- Ancient Sacred Books." Professwith little experience. We have a Jackson ,,·ilI deliver his second Iegreat coa�h in M. de' Bauviere, and ture Thursday.feel sure that we can give any col-. Sociology Club meets Thursdaylege team. and even the star city Cobb 2C, i :30 P. m. Professor SInsquads. a c1oseo run:' will speak,Meeting Called for Ari'ariging SocialSchedule-Bliss Optimistic OverOutlook.The Fencing club will -begin itswinter activities at a meeting calledfor next Tuesday at 4 o'clock in thenew Bartlett gymnasium fencingroom. According to President GeorgeBliss, se\'eral matches will be placedon the schedule and social events forthe quarter will be arranged for. Thedates for the matches are now unde­cided, but the contests themselves arefairly certain of being held before theend of the Quarter.,"I am anxious for our fencers toget som� matches," said Bliss yester­day. "There is no ct(',ubL that we willbe able to give a hetrt"r �ccount of'Jurse}ves than ""C did last year whencan meet regularly, and where thevarious constitutions already in ex­istence, the minutes of meetings andother records which it is desirable Garden-"A Wiiminc iii ....The Guden Theater is one of theprettiest places in town, with its sug­gestion of a moonlight summer's 'eve.Girls, costumes and music, are thestrong point of "A \Vinning Miss,"to preserve and have ready access to, which is sho"';n� there.may be kept OD file. All students interested in theCommonwealth club and its project,Colonial-"Soul Kin" .he formation of a mock UnitedPeople who . have seen Adeline States Senate,' are urged to attend aEIltCud .. 8eeoDd-daaa Hall at the Chlcqo Genee in "The Soul Kiss," say that banquet which the club will hold next Glee Club Picture to be taken Sun-Poetom';, Chlcqo. illinois. March 18. she is the cleverest dancer on the Tuesday evening in' the cafe of the Jay at 2:30 in Root's studio. All ap-1903, under Act. of March 3. 1813. American stage. She is now playing Commons. The purpose of this meet- pear in full dress.at the' Colonial, and is well worth ing is the completion of plans for the Commonwealth Club Banquet.Publlahed dall,. except Sunda1 .. Monda)' seeing, Senate. ··We want all the club mem- Tuesday, 6 p. m .• in the Commonsand hoUd"", durlna three qnartere of the bers, as well as those interes-ted in Cafe.UDiYeralt7 lear. lllinois-Grace Van Studdiford our plans, to show up at the ban- Equal Suffrage 'Club meets Monday.Next week, Grace Van Studdiford quet," said W. P. MacCrackcn, presi- 4 P. m. Miss Lexow," secretary of theSubecrlpt'on price, $3.00 per lear; $1.00will be at the Illinois in "TIle Golden dent of the club. '''Anyone who Xational Equal Suffraie League, will%01' three months' subscription received atButterfly," with Hattie \Villiams wishes to have. a place reserved for speak,the Maroon om.ce. Elila HIlIl, or at thefinishing' out this ,,,w�ek in "Fluffy him Tuesday, should write his name Foreip Student. not members ofRuffles:' �on a slip of paper and hand it in toNewa c:ontribttl1OiiS' mal be lett at Ell.. _"'_;-__ the: faculty exchange addressed tome. \Ve want the' fellows to take aninterest in the Senate. When theplans arc completed, and the Senatefinally under way, it will be a big af­fair. Let everybody come to thebanquet and hear the final arrange-The inimitable Sam Bernard, in"Nearly a Hero," at the Garrick, is asPRESTON .'. GASS. Managing Editor.funny as ever, and offers a delightful08W ALD F. NELSON, Business Manager.evening's entertainment.COACH KNUDSON STARTSACTIVE POLO PRACTICEActive polo practice has startedunder the tutorage of Coach Knud­son, and ex-Captain Solomon. Thesquad is divided into Freshmen andupper class teams, and the methodsand plays employed are taugh to theme II. Captain Kahn has been direct­iIw bia mea all week. Garrick-&lm Bernard'Grand-Otis SkinnerOtis Skinner has a good,. substan­tial play, "The Honor of the 'Fam­ily," in' which he is. now playing atthe Grand Opera House. .' .Powers-Fannie WardJudging from the London papers,Fannie Ward, in "The N�w'" LadyBantock," is really good. She carneto the Powers direct from Lo��O�.ChicagO--:"The Mdtitig: Pot"Walker Whiteside in "The MeltingPot" at the Chicago Opera House, -isplaying' one of the 'best run� tbat theChicago; with all its good . plaY's� "hashad. f'Jr' some' time, ana' will: cbntinuethroughout next week. i -.'. c� � I �: � �.�'��.:'..McVicke�"The . Rount\ Up"For those who like a spectacularwestern 'play, "The Rouna; Up," .atMcVickers, should please,! with itsstory of love and adventure,'-Auditorium-Victor JlC?ore"The Talk of New York," with itspretty girls and good music, givesVictor Moore an excellent chance tokeep his audience at t'he Auditoriumin abundant good humor.Princess-" A Stubborn Cinderella"There is only a little over a weekleft for those to see "A StubbornCinderalla," who have not alreadyseen it. It is a play which shouldappeal to our readers, as it is a col­lege play, modeled somewhat afterUniversity of Chica�o life.Whitney-"A Broken Idol"Otis Harlan in "A Broken Idol"still prospers at the Whitney OperaHouse.La Salle-Cecil Lean"The Girl at the Helm," with Ce:­cil Lean and Florence' Holbrook, con­tinues'to amuse welt-filted houses atthe La Salle.VaudevilleThe bill at the Majestic vaudevilletheater next week contains suchname!= as Mabel Hite, Vinie Daly,1\1 ike Donlin, ex-base batt player, andother good ones.The Olympic Musical will have achange of program next week, whicbwill be up to its asaal standard. Patronize Maroon advertisers. Youwill thereby show appreciation.Lots of peoplenever worry about style,just buyFOWNESGLOVES_d hit it richt.CLOSELY ·Y. W. C. L. meets Tuesdays iLexington hall, 4:15 P. m. Dr. Behan will speak.Botanical Club meets-Tuesday, Botany building, 13, at 4:30 p. m. Address by B. E. Livingston of the Descrt l.aboratory, Tucson ArizonaChurch History Club meets Tuesday, ill Middle Divinity parlor atp. m. Paper by Professor WilliamEdward Dodd of Randolph-l\lacoCollege.Small arls. in the Daily Marobring larJte returns. Try one.FOR FORMALPARTIES ORDERFLOWERS OFANDUW McADAMSDECORATOR534 St. and Kimbark Awaae.Tel. Ibde Pan II.BOUND 25 cents for threelines' per issue.til!; MA.KOU.N will par libercmmrssrons to three itudlntl Wvant to solicit subscribers. IIesiring' to work on this prion should apply at the Maroffice at 10:30 this morning,orirne this afternoon, and ask forbusiness manager.OST-Gold watch (monogramT.) and chain. Wednesday aftnoon, in Women's gymnasFinder return to 359 E. 58thznd flat .. and receive liberal reReliable Rebuilt Typewriters,akes; rebuilt in our own facttter and cheaper than others .r yourself, The Typewriterange, 319 Dearborn St. A. J.anager. TelephoneANTED-A goodfor evenings and Sundays.Ward at the. Hotel Maroon,and Drexel.� DUBS sum,TO,., .mrt ...T. G. SCHAFFNER I CO. IiSt;te St.' Room 27. Cent. � C1TBB UlfIOB HOftL·ABD B.BST�UltAB'l1�1-111 �o� � '.THE POPULAR PUCITO KATEith"r before or alter tillTheater.w. make • Specialty ef ..Bd Fratemit7 DiaD ...A. J. SHAWBANJO VIRTUOSOHyde Park Conservatory ofMusic.276 East 57th Street. •feacher of Banjo, MandoliD adGui:ar,Speci31 Attention Given to all� .(SUBSCRIBE NOWfor the DAILY MAROONand Ket full reports of aDCollege Activities duriDrthe quarter:Athletics,Dramatics,Social Affairs.Club Affairs,Lectures,Etc .• Etc.One Dollar ver Quarter. Tl'oDollars to the end of the y¢.With the University of Ch'Magazine, $2.50 till the end rlthe school year, SUhscriptiocSreceived at theInformation Office.University Book Store,Daily Maroon Office..rlreesum1'1 ...CR I; co.17. Cent. �PLACIlty ef"IIDIILAWruosorvatory ofStreet. •Iandolin 3lIIiven to Oalls.---NOWMAROONorts of aDes duriDJairs.irs,Juarter. T"od of theiity of Ch'in the end JSuhscriptioC'nee.)k Store,Officc.. THE DAILY MAROON, SATURDAY; JANUlARY 9, JS)09.The work of ·he Junior College Council during the Autumn Quarterwas mainly directed along three definite lines, primarily revising the con­stitution, and thus giving to tho Council for the first time its defined pow­ers, approved by the Faculty and the Deans of the, Junior Colleges.·Secondly, taking charge of the Freshmen and Sophomore class elec­tiuns and requesting that a definite plan of election and. nomination becarried out. This system should be used in all future under class elections,for it not only makes all class elections uniform in character, but gives toan entering class of classified students a definite expectancy, and with theCouncil in charge each year, following out the plan of this quarter thesystem will in time become a distinct tradition, and its use an annual one.T�irc.llY, the Council �orked ,on .Miss Talbot's dance. su���s �orthe eight colleges, and SIX colleges agreed to the followmg �t�kin�it effective in all of them, beginning with the present qu�rt�r:'1'# F:rSt, nocollege can give a dance except to all the other seven colleges; second,each' college shall decide at the first meeting of the Quarter whether ornot they wish to give �,dance during th.�t quarter; third. the decisionwill then be reported by, their councilor to, the Junior. Council, and theCouncil will make out a complete dance s�hedule and p'�esent it to MissTalbot .for ratification.Incidentally, yet very important if) the above work, the Council sub­mitted a taxation system to: the colleges for ratification, and all but twocolleges have ratified it. As soon as two agree, the Council will have adefinite financial basis, 'Which it deems is very much in demand.One essential problem which the Council endeavored to assist the Sen­ior College with, was the matter of the University seal and motto. This,of course, needs much thought and time, but it is hoped that the succeed­ing council will not fail to work hard for its final completion.Much other small matters of routine and detail occupied the Council'stime. We have not been spectacular in our efforts, but we feel that thework we have accomplished has been thorough and good. My chief recom­mendation to the incoming Council is that they work towards the es-. , ··ttablishrnent of a permanent musical department in the University, thisschool being the only one of its kind that has not such. a' department,With, the centers of music here in Chicago and centered to such a degreeamong University students, this s�ems to me to be a very disti�t want:By the establishment of a music�l department, I do not ���n the in­-tallrnent of a large department that would necessitate the expenditure ofmuch money, but the opportunity, given in the shape,' of perhaps one o�De you enjoy, Roller .Skating? two courses offered along. general musical lines, which those students,Have you a good pair? ' .' '. ", interested might take advantage of., \Ve certainly here have a large num.�.y ou have doubtless learned. that .-, ber of students. to whom music distinctly appeals,. as, is . demonstrated.though the rink provides skates, th�y , .clearly by the large num, ber of st�de.nts. who are interested �.n both theselOom-.feel,-iight as to action and 'fit. c : l' Girls(; and Mens' Glee clubs. I wou.�· 5UggeS�' therefore, t� the, Univer-, 5ity� incorporate such a department following along the lines of the re-That's why' you ought to write at recent installation' of the small department of art. I sincerely hope , that .. once for our Fre-e Catalog. the incoming Council will take this matter up for its seri�us considera-We make 200d skates. Itionj, and, present it to the student hody .at large and the different col ..BARNEY ci BERRY . '- -d • .eges for approval. ", '2 7 3 B r 0 a S t r e e t I "I h· . Co '·1 'k . 'f h U' ..' , dS . . f' I d ')1' !\ ay t e mcommg unci W10f m earnest or t e nrversity s goop r I n g 1 ea... d 11 b . b dinati • I' h h h f f• • an wei - emg, su or mating entire y t e t oug t 0 self for the good 0---- -.- . all. Respectfully submitted .,-m�RROWSETS THE FASHION II";COLLARSl!ic. each-2 for 25c.JANUARY SPECIALSuit and extra trousers forprice of suit alone. Stapleblacks and blue included.A suit with extra trousers isequal to two suits for service.$25 to $45..( Wm. Jerrems" SonsClark and Adams Streets .CHOCOLATESand fine bonbons famous throuch­OUt America, put up in beautifulboxes suitable for presents at 25C40( and fioc per pound. "Apleased customer is the best ad­vertisement. tilGunther's «:oDldoaery.212 State Street. , J'--------:, :----------, -----_.;...-1'The Daily Maroon "as made urangemenu with the. -A • US •••• T I-- ", '. .Igo8 Cap and Gown Board by which it is enabledto give a volume of the last annual for e&ch13· in subscriPti9nS.:·t c, GOODENOW, £IIAIUAN Of _01' 'OLL!G£COUNtlL, lAKES 'REPORt.Earle Albert Goodenow; President Autumn, 1908.STU ••• A •••ELSIE JANISJ n George Ade's College Comedy,THE FAIR CO-ED MCVIOKBR'SKlaw & Erlanger's Miehty"'�Production. ' •THE ROUND UP formal.Daoces; .. u.� �D�,_� •• A •• I'I •• IV­VICTOR MOOREIn Cohan's greatest, musical playTHE TALK OF NEW YORK For theae you'll need a Dr... Suit er TuzecSotlOLO.I-ALF. Ziegfield Jr.'s Great MasicalProduction, . .�THE SOUL KISS,with the wonderful dancer �,ADELINE GENEE � 'lDP:aIKouaI'he record-breaking Musical ComedyA STUBBORN CINDERELLAWBIT •• YThe BiK Success,. A BROKEN IDOLWith Otis Harlan and Beauty Chorus "Dear Mabel:-I really want to KO to that Formal Dance, but I call"because I baven't a dress suit, and don't care to borrow ODe. ·Haclto 'lose out' on three dances and a banquet thil seascn, because ofthis deficiency in my wardrobe. I simply must order a drclS suitand tuxedo tomorrow. Yours, Jun.P. S.-Ain't it awful, Mabel?"You will draw bid. to Pull Dre .. Main right alone, for the MUOIli. here--read Jim'. letter.ILLI •• IILast week.HATTIE WILLIAMSI n the musical melangeFLUFFY RUFFLES Order your Suit Early.Our prices arc within every Colle&\> man'. r .. ch.C�er6wnkie 1II1.D ..... S'...• �..,..,LA IAI.L.CECIL LEANudFLORENCE HOLBROOK :rAlLORSt ..............'I ••• A •• IIKSAM BERNARDinNEARLY A HERO , 55th AND ELLISFULL MEAL tOe and Up­Braiden's Lunch CounterBRA-IDEM, ex-'lO, U. 01 C.55th AND ELLISTO ANY SBLF-SUPPORTING STUDDTWe can put you in touch with a dig nified method of increasing your rcy­enue-c-a method that is clean and that involves a maximum . increase .fincoine at a minimum expenditure of time. The plan has already proyedItS efficiency in other Universities where self-respectlng; �elf-'suppo�students have taken up our method to the exclusion of others, they �pleased, and their 'financial burden is solved. We can do all math fer ,.OIL.Cal) any time during business hours at 39 Dearborn St. (The RdaDlTypewu\., and ask especially for- Mr. Johnson.1 ' - : ";, ,'::.:JSpecial Inducements for Set"tingSubscriptions to The Daily MaroonThis give. an exceptional opportunity for securing a permanent rec­'lrd of the last achoolyear. The IguS Cap aDd GoWD is· ODe of the batUniversity annuals ever published, and should be in the poaaeuiOIl ofevery student in the University. •A copy will be &iven: . . ;I. For three one-quarter subacriptiona.2. For one single quarter subscription 'and one subsc:riptiop for tJseremaining two quarters of the -;year. ..If }"a. baft sabscribed, or bring in your su�on, it will.be C01IDt­� ;0 the total, on the �,terms as � o��.JI. those whn for any reason' do not deain· ... c.p aad Qcnm .. an inkpencil, whose market price is $1, will be caven OD the aame tenDa .. tiler :uutual. ,.Through arrangement with the Universit)' of Chicacn "quine, tbeDaily lluooa • alao DIe to make a desirableCOMBINATION OFFERmd the La Salle Theater Stock �o. By which the Daily and the Monthly wiD be deJiftrect for _ rest of tile:\ GIRL AT THE HELM,.ear for .... 50•The Maroon's regular subKription r2tes �re $1,00 per QaUter b,. car­rier in the territory between Cottage Gr,,�·e ar.d the DliDOia Central aDd55th and 63rd Streets at tht' office at Ellis Hall, or at the Faculty EK­change, or $1.25 by mail elsewhere in the city.For further information, inquire at the office, Em. Hall Telephonefree local excban&e 45-'RARRISOR PISBBR PIO'l'UUBAND Oi"Blilt OOLLBG!: POSTBRS, 25 Centa to '1.00.THE LITTLE BOOK SHOP434 Eat Fifty- Filth StreetII'RI. EDITH IKARS. PlIo ... IIidwQ II ...GBARD OPBRA HOUISOTIS SKINNER GARDB.100 Singers and Dancers inthe Musical Comedy Success,A WIN�ING MISSin the Captivating Romantic Comedy,THE HONOR' OF THE FAMILY. III MAlBS'lICCON'TINUOUS VAUDEVILLEHenrietta C�ossrnan &: Co.and 12 other big acts.Prices IS-25-�7SCHIOAGO OP.:u. BOUUW A l..KER WHITESIDEI. Zangwill'. areat PJa7.THE MELTING POTOLYllPIC KUSIC BALL..VAUDEVILLE AJIfDMUSICAL COMFDYSmOlrin� PermittedPO\QUDirect from London,FANNIE WARDia·'THE NEW LADY BANTOCK"'r1·i iqI J\ r, .�. ,rI·1\ I,I!� \ -_ ... --_ - --I With tiie ten added days up Mod-. . -. .'day, Dr. T. W. Goodsp�ed �est�rJiY. ' .n-, Raycroft ,�,.� ,the basketball. .- "'d f ''':'b' I,," -::. ... :.-.. �f s.4uad a strenuous wo'rkbut y' esterdayannounce a urt er extenston 0, '.I time for raising the re'niairiiiig moitey' Mter_noon� in earnest preparation forneeded for the ibrp�r li'emoiiaUiind. �be first game on the Varsity sehed-According to Dr. Goodspeed, scarce- u!e, which, will be played against In­. ,I lv allythirig has been done during 'tii'e �lana. (In next Friday night in Bart- ,���������������������������� �"w�� o��� ��� ad��� � �u Rym��u_.. the earthquake arid Y. ,it c. A �ork'_ '. In the scrimmage between the V3!­ers, but Monday will begiri. a sirenu: SIt! �nd a te�m of s�,ru�� and Fr�s�-s�" :bE effort to g': et the rie'eded men the Varsity scored hventy points.Oll • �. • . . , .,,;, •� ... . The lineup of the two teams was asm�ot co�;r\e w; could quit the quest follows: V:irsity......:.Scho�m�r, center;now, an�. with t�e. mon-.ey p��dg.e� 'Jeor�an and .Ke.IlY, f.... or�a.• rds; an.d I .,_,erect a library worth three times as �ubble�� Hoff�an, gu�!�� Fresh-_. . � .. _�:��>much as the best b'ui'idiitg on tli� mdi-�c�chulman, cen�; Henry DOUBLE THE LIFE' "-.._ ,campus," stated Dr. 'Gocjds�ed 'las{ a�d _ adtk,' forwards; �n�f_Son a1d OF YOUR SUIT. ,�!.;'.:,.-ni�ht. "'But we are rlot"gotilg '("0 do: GeN�, �rds��. T��. ba��. f?r, tl�e There's twiCe die "wear iua', suit, ifthat, We have our plans made, and Varslty: w�. made by' �er, 4; you have an i�tra i>�ir of trousers.uniess absolutely iinpossi6J�, we Kelly,. 3; Hoffman, .2; and 'Hii6blel�' Make the, experiment...:;,find out forshall carry this business through as lit· th� pi'.elim�nary p'rac�j'ce� Of- yourself.we have planned<' ,. ,'. . Ra,�cr�lt gave. t�e sq,u�d ,a: 5�ronF Here's your opportunitY...iA �tAccording to Dr. GoOds'peed, the wO,tkout on ,slgrta�s, arid �?�ked o� and Utra pair of �usen for -the�-----------------------------' I� �n������b&��:t�dHcl��hl����k '������L" �/;;:o,OOo, with t'fie aaditiori�l $fSo,- With the � �aine 'bext Friday;, tHe Trousers of the same material or000 £0 be used for making the 'iiisti- season's contests Will follow in rap- different, just as yhu prefer...tution self-supporting. An irit�res't- iii succession. Most of the prelfmi- This offer hoids �ood on our entire. I ing bit of statisiics ���n out, silb'Wi nary games of .the �i1te�-collegia�e stock.that of the 2,000' siibscrThers lo the schedule are' already slated, but t�e We war.t to keep our good tailonfund I,SO() are a:iiiiitni and former' final games; arid possibly several con- busy between seaso�s. That's 'theI' ., ",;; ';� tests with other than college teams,students, and ISO faculty members, , , primary reason for this offer."This is a result �e 'bad -ho'p�d' for, may be included. in the' list ,of cot� Ccj�ijiig _in too#y? ,..hut ,hardly exp�eded. "What �e tests... !he schedule this year. ,WI, � SUii '.lild �;Cir� TiouserH30 to t&.�, 'k'· .h I"b" '-, "b' not, however' be as long· as .... bas been y'".;� ..... I� !;k" '·:d,·l., b' .·'b·';·wanted was to ma e t e t 'rary t e '" . es, we ma e rr me- reec es,expr�s;i�n bf �ste�m jro� iiio�� ���. the case for ·several years. .jelt a personal regard for rir�-:-it.fr:-· .per. We c'ouid ilave �ised the3 mo�ey.j, . mribh �lo'r� rapidly than tliis, but 'we' .. -SBuL TZ'S SCii:OO't.............. _._ ••••• _ •••••• ; . '. '. .' 11' h'" , lft'Di D'AwrftriYQ-wanted to give a a c ance. V� � ... uu...'-'No, Mr. 'Rockefeller '��s not given�s ,permiSSion to eXtend out· t�m�liinit. H'e; s�et 'i't ,for j.iiiuirY, t; fmt �iioSt :p;;p� 'Plab(ilf��[. do not 'think he �ii. 'obj�ct it '.e Pri:v.te' Uao- i;7 'A�tt�k� loilger. \\'e, Vcult to, d'c) otjr;. � C6ur.e S�. FiTe' prtVaiepart, and I thi�k"we can, willi fliese !e�sons,' :.with musiC. A 'lraiririiee. iodays. of 'grace.'; mak� pupil pioicierlt in ·the 1i&1ti �n�- .... -' - "" i-- ' .l�d i,,:�step. �a� ciirice-" tab'lbt iDD :·801*1 'Mllpt;o�S8� �� Drexel AveWE HAVE THREE CHOICE, STEAM HEATED ROOMSFOR RENT. AN EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR ·STUDENTS.".rHE BEST WOIIAN'S CC;OItING IS SERVED IN OURDINING ROOM AMD AT' OUR LUNCH COUNTER. "IirPOPULAR PRICES. THE MOST CONVENIENT ANDTHE BEST PLACE FOR STUDENTS TO EAT.WE WANT YOU TO TRY OUR MEALS." THE £OLLEGE MAN'S T,AILORI claim, by riaht of years of experience' with the college man. tohave the only Varsity Tailor-shop hereabouts.fIYou will always find me with exclusively different fashions andfabrics; n�er the - "same." despite that they contain aU the GIN-•,- - GER and SNAp�!'.tI I have learned, to eheese my styles with TWo eyea--:one openfor'the SMART CHAP. the other for the MATURE MAN-andthe contraSt shows little. I have let "tbe right eye know what the .left e)'e deeth."Bf:NHAMVARSITY CLOTHEsIllinois con�ge of CommerceFormerlyATHENAEUM18 to 26 VAN BUREN STREETYoung people qualified in our Shorthand and Buineaa depart..;."menta in the shortest possible time for positions that pay at oDc. ,from S3S to $60 a month. individual intsru�tio'n. DAY � NiGHT'sessions. Enter any time. Call, write or phone H�D UIO forcatalogue. Positions for p-aduateL 31 yean of uninterrupted I1IC .cess. BAMJUEL B. WILLEY" LL. B ... Superintent.t :No Mop�yDownTey Our1300 Kenmore Piano·In your own home.. mue sure that it .nats "au .til i�eey pattiUdar. W'heil 70U are 10 li.tII&.a, ·PaY-$165In � wa" "OU like, even as low al'S1 a�eeK •STARCK P I ABO B-Rqularprica '350 to ",0. at 'GREATLY REDUCED PRICES AT THIS SAL&. ;THIS COUPON IS WORTH A TmH DOLLAR BILLCut j. out at once. Don't throwaway money. We DOt only SAVEyou �ver a hundred d'ollars, but permit the smallest payments EVER.known (as low as $1 _-.: week); ask no .money in' advance anel aiTeyou ,,"0 to boot. Ca� you beat it? \ .... Out-of-town patrons an iDnted to ann themaeJTe. ofilOST liberal indllcem�..CUT OUTTHIS COUPONGOOD FORTen Dollars. '10 PREE CREDIT DUB BtLLOne of these Coupons good asFIRST PAYIIE NTto"'ards purchase of one StarckPiano at this sale, at 204 WabashA venue Chicago, III.Pianos Shipped to Any Part ... 1 the United State.OD Theae Liberal Tenna. Wri'e for FREE Catalop ..P. A. STARCK PIANO CO.,1tIAlfl1P AOTtJURS104-201 WabUh Avttia.. Near Adams Street. CblealO.MENTION The DAft Y MAROO"Wilen Trading With Our Advertisers -�Week. 'rRE 'ROMAtt� _ TABLE D'HOTi',��J.OOINCLUDING WINEA180 a la Carte ServiceO�DIIilyandsUndaY.fromII A. II.tog P. iI.. SPAGHETTI:SUCH 'AS 'ONE GETS iN iTALYi4�TATE -STREET-145SEcdMD PLOOR" �'TH�E. MI\TCHES PLAYED ._ one lesson.IN FRATE�iTY ioWi.Dia omce aDd siudio 301 91.>134 I�•.. :. - Cor.'W�n�w:oi1b A'Ve. , .Phi Kappa ��" p�. . � Psi, Phoile' Garfield j61and Beta Theta Pi are the hifoi-mal Da�cirig Reception atWiiiDiia . THE l'OKUItI - 4� St. If Calumet Ave.Phi Kappa Sigma defeated Alpha EVERY SATURDAY EVENINt;Delta Phi; Chi ·.Psi �fe'af� Psi Up- A*'t��D SO ceDt8 .:'i..,. .silon, B'eta Theta' . Pi defeat�d P�Kappa Psi. and' S�a Alpha EpsildDforfeited to Sigma: Nu, in the inter­fraternity bowliilg tournament yes­terday. The scoies by 'games' ��e �follows:Phi Kappa Sigma.... "J19 19i 736Alpha Delta Phi..... 690 689 6!J4'Chi Psi ••.•.•..••.• '.. 638 6Sr:' 71.0Psi Upsilon 709' 649 718Beta: Theta Pi ';.. 731 6ig 666Phi �ppa Psi ;-_ .. _.. 7�3 .':I!:f'- 606 �_.W_E,ST'ROOKROOM-.The' We_foil BOtelTRACK SQUAD GETrING ., INTO REA VY PRACTICE SPECIAL PRICKS TO 'FAND sORORITIES ,I mOe a �ty·�ri11'ae8iiU.Of�tY'iDdPratetmtY' Pins, �. 8nd FobL, . .Delip. nbiDitted fret' of � met .amPle�· ,pili. fuiiiiaW· ,to HespoDSIDle P8rtiis. . . -aDd Manufactarinc at .the clleaP* ji� R�. Di.mo� �I alSo'Clo ali kind. 0; Watch � poaa"ile pd* �{iiDl tbe':�.iiidesicner of the 'i907�lgoI DaD7 MarooD Fok '.(Contilriiid fioID �P i)pole "aultin2' mate·rial.The team �'iit be weak in theweight events, T'fte a�ailabie. shotputters are Schonirrie'r;H�bbl�,wohh­win'e and Cr6wiey, and fbi. tbe ham:mer the same men are the leadirigcandidates.A considerable amount of materialfor many of the events is includedin tht squad, and numerous darkhors� stars are e'xpected to de,·elopfrom the men out for the team. .......... -'. • ... ...., 'lilt, .. - - .... �j.. .' .. '. ,', ,TIm ILLIROIS WAREHOUSE AND ,nObGB COIiPAIft •. .1, '. . .. _. Pbcme HYde Pam ,571, KimbUk Aft.. ... _ a" The C' __ t aDd Bat Kept a_new '. WareboU.e in the �. • • • • .... . �Farnihire _d Piano. MOft4, Stored, PadM4 ..Shipped to aft paiu of the world. jOo Pri ........age, Rooml.. Large Parlor E'ftlusiTelj fer .....aOQ�' Jor T�n� �d� Wh�.el�. Lara:� }l� .....Carnapa, ,BuCl1es and stet.nl. Truua t. ,..from. all ae�� LocaI .. T��f� .... or .......Fa,�,!� �1=:!' lit:;. a:. I&;�i;i���,��'t, .NoticeAll Freshmen. whether experiencedor not in tTack and field athletics a�eurged to conSlJlt with Mr. Stagg orMr. Barker with reference t<1 tryingfor the freshm�n track team. T'EA-eH'ERS' AND STU.. . ... . ".... ...� ,DENTS' REVIEWS Fda -\LL, . B�'1IINATIONS iN-------CHICAGO. (--HE1asperinbe'Thmemo�eJarcor� ;.."m:firs1� rcaeresste:alwme:thepel1reprna:·Wilsfeiwitpis!squrae,ere<.. 1· or.\tlfoilchaScIJDie-Sial; -1� del'_ whitiorne�of :· s�,· as 1$8('Din"It'thedo 1halithe:theglaceendiscdes:Till tFreomeJohalurS·beeAlirtothestitlon