latly 1IarnonThe second day of the exercisesthat wilt mark the Milton tercenten­ary will be held in Mandel hall thisafternoon at 4 o'clock. The programfor the occasion will consist of threespeeches by Dean Robert MorssLovett, Professor William D. Mac­Clintock and Professor RichardGreen Moulton. Dean George E.Vincent will preside at the session.The subjects chosen by the speak­ers arc as follows. all intended tobring out the various aspects of Mil­ton's greatness:"Milton, the Younger Artist," byDr. MacClintock,"Milton's Political Thought," byProfessor Lovett."Milton as the Greatest of Eng­lishmen," by Dr. Moulton.Judging from the popularity of therecital by Professor Clark, Sunday,the lectures will be well attended thisafternoon. The interest shown bystudents and those ,ol1tsid.e the Uni- The' membership list shows severalversity has exceeded= the - .-itepes.t'.nt...,-mndrerf. '�li�bk voters, a nJ it isthose in charge. The celebration will - 'roped by present 'officers that the'close tomorrow night with the pre majority'. of these will show. enoughsentation by Donald Robertson and interest to cast - their votes.his company of "Masque of Comus."The first of the series of celebra­tions for the terccntenial of l\fiiton'sbirth was held Sunday afternoon andwas a decided success. Mandel hallwas Iull before 3:30 o'clock and hun- President Judson and Dr. Small Del­dreds were turned away, The whole egates at American College Asso-atmosphere of the audience and the ciation January 7.large attendance showed that the op-portunity was fully appreciated bythe University community.Professor Clark ImpressesThe readings by Professor Clarkwere probably of the most interest,and fully maintained his reputation inthis line. He' recited selections fromtlie first book of Paradise l_ost,L'Allcgro, and the greatest part ofSamson Agonistes. Each of thesewas given with rare sympathy anddelicacy, After the -solemnity ofParadise Lost, the light impersona­tion ni L' Allegro was: particularlypleasing; The selection, however, inwhich Professor Clark excelled wasSamson Agonistes, Here he broughtout the grief of the blind hero withall hi" power of force, and pathos, andkept his audience spellbound.The music was likewise of unusualquality. After the prelude by Mrs.��\'----':itore.SettiDcker mtP:AHYII �'IL•• 1 .....-"'etIter.1ges,'8n4tion.0;""'.I.�"'".......�O.B�tor aII' torithinrOOIisers nell for the entertainment of the vis­iting delegates. Other Universitiesare sending representatives as fol­lows: Cornell University, JacobGould Schurman, president; WalterFrancis Wilcox, professor of Econo­mics and Statistics; University ofVirginia, Edwin A.' Alderman, presi­dent; James Morris Page, professorof Mathematics; Illinois, Edmund J.James, president; David Kinley, pro­fessor of Economics;· Harvard Uni­versity, Charles William Eliot., presi­dent; Joseph Warren. secretary tothe corporation; University of Min­nesota, Cyrus Northrup, president;University of California, BenjamineIde Wheeler, president; Irving Stringthe Lrig ht Seraphim," and the final ham. pn,fessor of Economics; Uni-,·crsity of \Visconsin, Charles R. VanHise, president; University of Penn­sylvania, Hcrman V. Ames, dean ofGraduate School; Columbia Univcr­sity, .Munroe Smith Eaton, professorof Administrative Law and Munici-pal Science; William Henry Carpen­Cornell and Harvard have both de- ter Villard. professor of Germanicfuted Yale this fall in cross-country . .philology.Vol. VII. No. 49.LECTURES ON MILTON TOMARK TERCElrEllRY TODAYProfessors Moulton .. Lovett and Mac­Clintock will Talk of EnglishPoet's Greatness.. Several Hundred Turned A"!18y fromMandel at Recital by ProfessorClark. Sunday.Holt, Mrs, Gannon sang, "Return,Return, 0 God of Hosts," the wordsof which, as in the case of the othersolos. are hy :Milton. "Honor andArm" was very well given by Mr.Borrfi. Mrs. Tewksbury gave "Let�eler'i':11 was a postlude by Mrs.Holt_ The !"illgers were all of greatprominence and ability, and thecQrnp.,�itions, in themselves some ofthe Lc-<;t work of Handel, wcre ar­:istiolly and succcssfully rendered.BEGIN ELECTIONS OF W. A.A.Seven Women Up for Three Officesin Athletic Association-Polls CloseThursday Afternoon at I O'Clockin Lexington.PresidentMargaret Bell.Mary Courtenay.Vice-PresidentEva Schultz.Irene Hastings.Secretary-TreasurerMargaret Rowbtham.Alice Lee.Elizabeth Franklin. CHICAGO. TUESDA Y. -D�CEMBER 8. 1908. Price Two CentsSENIOR COUNCIL HEADSCAMPAIGN FOR MOTTOESThe annual election of officers of.he Women's Athletic Associationbegan yesterday in Lexington gym­nasium.and will continue until Thurs- .day 3� I o'clock.The system used in the class elec­tions is being tried this year by theW. A. A., and it is thought that amore representative vote will be castthan heretofore. The polls are openall day. The candidates nominated Iby the department and advisoryooard are: For' president. MargaretBell and Mary Courtenay; for vice­president, Eva Schultz and IreneHastings; f<?r secretary-treasurer,Margaret Rowbotham. Alice Lee.and Elizabeth Franklin,ro ATTEND EDUCATIONALMEETIHG FOR UNIVERSITYPresident Judson and Dr. AlbionSmall will probably represent theUniversity at the tenth annual con­iercnce of the Association of Ameri-can Universities, to be held at Cor­nell University on Janu�ry 7 and 8.The program will consist of reportsand papers on topics of interest tothe higher educational institutions.Social features will be added by Cor- All Students to be Told Need of Oi­ficial University Phrase forSeal.Appeals Will be Made at ColleK •'MeetingS and Senior Chapel thisMorning.'(ouR. . The Senior council is not yet saris­ij�<:l with the rc:sults of the motto con­test, and at its meeting yesterday af­ternoon took new steps to have thematter brought before the Universitypublic.At the council's request, the situa­tion will be laid before the studentsthis morning at each of the collegemeetings and at Senior chapel.Among those who have consentedto - appear before the colleges ands-peak - o-n the subject- are Miss Her­rick, .�iss Harrington, A. A. Smithand It: B. Owen. Members of theSe�i�-r- CoU'eges will in all probabil­ity hear- fr<>in· Renslow Sherer, chair­man '- of the Council, at chapel ser­"ice.�I."' ••SMQPPUI6" eARL,(!CA •• " •• TO - 'It_TO �'10'� � ""III!: .... :.':�THE L.AST ".ew J.�al'A"-S81!.Fott... T"� 1\' �,�.MMe, • ..,.·· ,,_ 'LL-""'_ ".""a l\\"",.. ...'" _ •• � 0" �,.,,...,.Mare Mottoes Turned InSeveral '.new mottoes have beensubmitted -withiri the last two orTO BE SUUESSFUL, 60 � IBOWERS FRAm stiUiIEirI three 'week:s� but there still seems to. .'. " .. l . - . .- - be a iack of interest in the contest,Rev. Frank' C�ells J1JJlior �en Solution cf Stu-:;:; Service UDfaU- Since' _it_ waS" �o:wn that a-econ- _ill CbaPe1tflai:l:ieDius it'olD-"'i',,'; :�...-��i.� ft� Mem� -·deta"bi��ri� 'orelltr�t5 had mis­Calls Enthusiasm of GieatDeu: 1\Tho proMise - Action' on Hew sYs- taken the - exact aim -�f the motto,Madness. tem:".' expressing . tJleir individual ideals,rather 'th�n' that - of -the University.A mild form or" insanity was given The formal �,p�lication to the some improvement has been made inas a recipe for success in li.fe 'by 'the Board of Scholarships presenting this directi�n_' . ,Rev. Frank Crane in his address at student service conditions, will be This morning the purpose of the.he Junior college chapel yesterday. made tomorrow by Mr. Abraham contest, rules' governing the competi­:'\{usic and all kinds of high art were Bowers, head of the information and tion, the proper form and characterdeclared classed as kinds of insanity employment offices. Mr. Bowers of the phrases, and the actual im­by the speaker, spent a considerable part of yes�er- portance which attaches to the' con-"To be truly successful in Iife, you day making out a careful report of test, will again be explained to themust go insane on some one topic," the situation; and appending his rem- 'student body; with a view to stimu­he said. "Concentration of mind on edy, He has received much encour­any cne subject is what is scielftifi- 'agement� he says, from members ofcally termed as insanity. You c'an be i the faculty, who agr�e with. him thata fa·rly successful business man or a the present method IS mamfestly un­politician by being sane, but you fair to many students.cannot really achieve success unless Mr. Bowers has mapped out whatyou devote yourself to one thing to he considers the best solution possi­the exclusion of others, or in other ble, and has been �ven the assur-ance of members of the committeebefore which the matter will comewords, go temporarily mad.""Paul, Elijah, Hosea and many oth­er Biblical characters, were on manyoccasion� declared insane, and per-­haps they were. But this is no re­flection on their characters. It simplyncant that they devoted themselvesto religion and neglected everythingelse. I n the same way you can canevery famous painter, every famousmusician, and every famous poet,mad .In fact, genius is no more or lessthan madness,I once heard the celebrated BlindTom play the piano and I have neversince heard a musical selection sobeautifully and soulfully given. An�it is generally known that Blind Tom that his scheme will receive fair con­sideration."1 certainly am encouraged at theenthusiasm with which my fight fora change is being received," said Mr.Bowers yesterday. "DeanProfessor Slaught and Mr. Gurney,among others, have expressed them­selves favorably toward the idea ofarranging so that more students willshare in the appointments to service­and the evil of depriving worthy stu­dents of hopes will be done awaywith. I still withhold the plan I fa- Professor Richard Green MoultonOne of this afternoon's speakers.late keener interest.'No Sc:hola�p to be A wardedvor from publication, as it is merely The scholarship which the commit­a suggestion- to the faculty. and may tee had hoped to, obtain as a prizenot be accepted." for the best motto has been refusedby the Board of Scholarships. TheSec�� Week C'f Re�stration scholarship granted for thi� wouldThe registration for this w\.'�k is have to come from those set aside hras follow,S: Junior students with less the trustees in recognition of schol­than 9 majors'; �nior students' with astic attainments, and the authorities23-30 majors, and graduate students. ,therefore deemed it impr()per togrant any of these for other pur-was a blank idiot."The question can he resolved into amathematical proposition, thus: Assanity is to madness, so is enthusi­asm to so· call cd repcctability. Andthe man who becomes thc greatestinan is the one with thc most enthus-iasm. The Literat�re Wom�en will give a.., do not doubt that all of you poses.Chr;�tinas "Baby Party" in Lexing-ha,'e great ambitions. I have no USe ton next Friday at 4 p. m. AU wo- SY!'acuse will form a rooter's cl\1bfor a boy who in the depths of hismen of the college \tr","d' • d • . h .ar� c.. to I!J !>r er �� Improve Its c cerl11g at(Continued 0. pap 4) come. pmes.··I�r lailD _arnon THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1908.��������������������r�_�_������������������������t;lliTeralt1 ,�ar. same time they demonstrated the. TO DAILY B�TIlCfeasibility and desirability of a regu-lar Sunday afternoon vesper service Candidates for the Title of A�in Mandel hall. ciate .. meet today, at 10:30, withIf cone may judie by remarks made Dean Lovett in Cobb 6A, instead of ·CHOCOLA rES� �lal I:Studellt l'ublleat1oll CIf theUDITeralt, of Cblc:aco.recently by several members of the attending college meetings.·lRat.ud ... l·Wlld·c1au llall at the Cblc:qo faculty and student body, there is a The John Milton Tercentenary-.P .. t.... Cblc:l¥o. 111lllola. I4arcla I&, considerable group of people in the Addresses by Dean Lovett: Professorcommunity who are strongly desir- )'lacUilltock and Professor Moulton,ous of having a Sunday afternoon this a iter noon at 4 o'clock, in Mandel}'ubllahed duily. except SUDda, •• KOllda1. vesper service. It is not desired, of hall.aD. bollday., durlDC tbree Quartera of the course, that such a service should Chapel Assembly-The Senior col-supplant the morning service, but leges, today at 10:30 in Mandel hall.�'ormerl, that there should also be an after- Daenell Lecture today at 1.2:00-1:00'l'be Unlve aU, of CIllcllCO Weeki" noon service, which would be chiefly p, m., in Haskell assembly room.I'CNDW musical. Subject: "The Recent CommercialTil. W�ek',. Uct. 1. 1892. That such an arrangement is ell- and Colonial Policy of France."The Iiall" Oct, I, 1901. tirely practicable is proven by the Botanical Club meets today in- experience of other universities, such rovlll 13, Botany building, 4:30 P, m.IubacrlptloD price, $3.00 per year; $1.00 as Cornell, in the East. At Cornell Lecture by :\1 r, Jesse L. Smith.lor I mODtha. SubscrlpUona rece11'ed at a vesper service is given each Sun- Mr Frank P. Reed will give his�. MarOOD omce. Eilla llall, or at the day afternoon during the college fifth Iccture on "Trade Mark Law"l'acultJ EltcbaDKe, Cobb Hall. year. A volunteer student chorus of this afternoon at 4:10 o'clock in thesome eighty well-trained voices. sing north lecture room of the Law build­the masterpieces of choral music, ing,while instrumental and vocal soloists Junior College Meetings today atOSWALD F. NELSON, llualneu KaDacer.render other selections fitting for 10:30 in the usual rooms.E4itorial omce--Before (5 p. 111.. JCllla Ban. such a service. I might say, by the Powwow meeting tonight at 7:45,Valnni17. Tel llJcS. Park 42G. .Aft. 8 p........ arooa Pnu. 614. .iii.. �th S&zMt. Tel. Ibde ' .... ay, that no trouble is experienced in Cobb 9B. Last literary meeting ofPark 1CSltl- in getting sufficient material for the the quarter.I�QI. 1I1lder �ct of llarc:b I, 1619,Gunther's Confedlonery:;Z12 State Street.I'RESTON F. GASS, MaDaKln, Editor.�ew .. cUlltrlbuLluus llla, be len at KiU. chorus, for the splendid training giv­Ball or li"acultJ IIlz.cb&llCe. addr...a to th. en to the choir makes it well worth ANNOUNCEMENTSL. one's time to be . member of it. Thecongregation generally participatesactively in the. program by singing aIi the Senior College Council sue- few of the best known hymns. Inceeds in doing nothing else this quar- addition to the musical program, atcr, its efforts thisshort talk is given by the preacher,The Motto morning should makeStill An the' securing of a Uni- meeting Wednesday, 10:30 a. m, forthe purpose of organizing a class ofincornparative anatomy. Important.Y. M. C. A. meets Wednesday atPre-medic Club holds a specialIssue�.r11Are yon interested in football, bas­ketball, athletics of any kind? Thensubscribe for the Maroon and keepposted in all athletic events.COMMUNICATIONare not cheapest. butthey're least expensive.Sunday Vesper se�cesEditor Daily Maroon: FOWNESGLOVES dub.,\s a member of the Universitycommunity, I want to express my ap­preciation of the splendid programrendered in �landcl hall last Sunday:-tfternoon. 16 seems to me that thosewho participated in the program notonly gave a fitting service for theJohn Milton tercentenary, but at the lHEARROWSETS THE FASHION If\:COLLARSl5c. each-2 for 25c.Cloett,Pcabody.tCo;llakers, Troy, N. Y.A. J. SHAWBANJO VIRTUOSOHyde Park Conservatory ofMusic.276 East 57th Street. AN EARLYWINTER DRIVECome in and share with us a luckydrlve on winter woolens.mortchoice.t TAlLOR FOR YOUNG I0IlA. N. Jerrems, M&r.rwo stora: 131 La Salle St., ...44 Jacboa BoaIeftnWe have just received at a ereatbaqpin a number of classy pattmsfor business wear.About two hundred styles in aU­only enough for one suit in some ofthe patterns,$35 for any of them, tailored in the.. J errerns way,"WHERE TO DINETHE UNION HOTKLAND RESTAURANTIII-II' Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PLACETO &ATEitb",r before or after til.. Theater.We make • Specialty of CIQaD. II'raterDit:y DUm ....and fine bonbons famous. throUCh"OUt America, put up in beautifulboxes suitable for presents at 25C40C and floc per pound. I·Apleased customer is the best ad­vertisement,?OUR RECORDPRICECUT ONOVERCOATSTHIS MONTH.Save you 15 to 115.-..:Wm. Jerrems' SonsClark and Adams StreetsPurltyCANDIESSEE THEil MADB370 E. 55th Suet Here's your chance to getthan you pay for.Come in early if you want first• • •1 TH E CRES CENT�,TAILORING CO.); FOR'FRlDJAceDcHa1YOlthongseldofit.TIhw ho delivered the regular sermon in -; p. 1l1.� in Haskell assembly room.the morning. Readings, such as Equal Suffrage League will hold itsversity motto an issue I .those given by Professor Clark last Quarter y meetmg Wednesday at 4:00throughout the whole Sunday, it seems to me, would also P. rn., in Cobb 6A. Professor TalbotUniversity. At the very least it .1 P I 1\1 '11 k Teacher of Banjo, Mandolin andbe an excellent feature of such ves- anu ro essor .l: cad WI spea.should make plain the requirements Tb J h M'l Guitar,per service, though so far as I am eon 1 ton Tercentenary-a fitting motto must fulfill. TI D Id R b PI '11 SPf"·· Attention Given to Clubs.aware, such has not been the custom re ona 0 ertson ayers WIIf there is any possible means of 'TI 1\ fat other places. present' ie Iasque 0 Comus" indoing it this contest, as well as the:: The afternoon vesper service has :\landcl hall. Wednesday, 8 p. m.selection of an official "C" pin, should' J. M h Cnow become. one of the most enjoy- uruor at ematical lub meets. be closed up this quarter. If this is able and elevating features of the Wednesday, 4:30 p. rn., in Ryerson SHULTZ'S SCHOOLnot (lone, next quarter will begin pre- university life in several of our East- laboratory 36. Paper by' Mr. Bar- OF DANCmGcisely where this quarter did, some-ern schools. Would it not be well to nurn. Most Popular' Place in Chicagothing after the manner of trying to � ry it here? Very truly yours Professor Charles Heald Weller of Private Lessons hy Appointmentclimb to the top on a treadmill. John C. Kennedy. .he State University of Iowa, will de- Gua�ntee Course $s.oo. Five privateSince the memory of the Maroon's liver a lecture under the auspices of lessons with music. A guarantee tooldest inhabitant, "official seal" and the Chicago Society of the Archaeol- make pupil proficient in the waltz and"official 'C' pin" have been the stock CHRISTMAS CALENDAR ON ogical Institute of America. Subject: and two-step. Barn. dance taught instandbys of editorial moralizing when SALE TOMORROW MORNING "Excavations of the American School one lesson.all other subjects failed.. A change at Athens;' Wednesday, 4 p. m., in Office and Studio" 301 West 63d St-of diet is craved sadly. It is useless Annual Souvenir of Y. W. C. L. Haskcl! assembly room. Cor. Wentworth advocate any other changes, so More Attractive Than Ever-Ex- V. W. C. L., Wednesday, 10:30 3. Phone Garfield 361long as these matters stand in the pect Big Demand. m., in Lexington hall. Mrs. Coulter Informal Dancing Reception atW'iy. It is to be hoped earnestly will lead. THE' FORum:that the students will take seriously The 1909 Christmas Calendar, pub- Chapel Assembly-The Junior col- 43rd St. a: Calumet Ave.the suggestions that will be made to lished annually by the Y. W. C. L., Jcgcs (women) Thursday, 10:30, in EVERY SATURDAY EVENINGthem this morning, and co-operate will be placed on sale tomorrow :\Iandel hall. Admission so Cents a Personwith the Council at least to the de- morning in Cobb hall and' Lexington- Religious Education Club meetsgree of setting ab ". .... arnestly to ton Thursday with Professor Soares,think of some me, that expresses At the same time there will be of- 55 .. P Lexington avenue, at 8 o'clock.adequately the distinctive purpose of fered for sale three well-known Paper by Miss Georgia Chamberlain.this University. books: Herrick's "Master of the Vesper Service of the Y. \V. C. L.The motto chosen should be one of Inn," Schultze's "Hero and Leander," Thursday at 4:15. l\Iiss Ruth Ray­meaning, broad enough to include the and Anna Louise Strong's �'The Pal- me nd will lead.whole University, deep enough ade- ace of the King." Freshman Meeting, Friday morn-quately to express its full purpose, The calendar this year is unusually ing, at 10:30, in Kent theater.and distinctive enough to express th.e attractive, in brown tones. There is Brownson ('!'b mcc.s Wednesdaycharacter of the University of Chi- an especially good cover design by at 4:':;� ;n l!�:;kc�l ;S.cago, More than this. it must come Helen Jacoby. Inside are six new Pen Club Dinner, Wednesday, inwithin a space of twenty-five or thir- University views, better than ever :he priva tc (:inil1g-rcom of the Com­ty letters. The Maroon reiterates its used before. The first is of the mons.suggestion of the quotation from the tower group and a part of English 1. International Clubl meets everyAlma Mater, "Truth Shall Make Another is an extremely good view Thursday in Cobb 6 A at 10: 30.Men Free." In all the requirements of Hull. gate. Bartlett, the Law seems adequate. At the very building.the Botany building and Ry- Brownson Club meets Wednesday.least it will serve as a good guide in orson laboratory complete the six. at 4:30, in Haskell .26.arriving at a motto that more fully The sale, daily- from 10:15 to .1. Cap and Gown Editon can be con-expresses the University's distinc- will last eight days. .'�lted with any afternoon in Ellis 3.tive purpose. from J to 4 o'clock. Communica­tions may be left at Faculty Ex­chanze 280.Score Club Dance, Saturday, Dec.12. Ro�alic hall.Reynolds CluJ:. . :formal, next Fri­day cvening, December I I. at theLOOK OVER THE LATE NOVELS AND ODD TOASTBOOKSAtDR ExceDence Itt I D WAYGarments of AU DescriptioDiCLEANED. DYED a: ALT6001 Ellis Ave.Work caned for and deliven4.will use thisS;Pace for futureannouncements.87 Washington St.Suite 414-516.. Highest Classof Men·s andWomen's Tailorinc.THE LITTLE BOOK SHOPPhone Central IO�ALFRED PEATS & ttForeign and DomesticWALL PAPBRS.AND DRAPBlUBS144- 46 Wabash An,Chicqo.434 East Fifty-Fifth StreetNear Lezineton Avenue. Phone Midway II.UNlVB&SlTY STATIONERY AT LOW PRICU stllcalpoTH� l)AILY lftAItOON, TUESDAY; DECEMBER 8, 1908.vice. -May we have ill-The Nation­al Clearmg House. for Services am1Information, 2942 Newark St., Walh­ington, D. C.-Adv.�"�"''''''''''�'''���CIDRESS SUITS IN DEMAND;, CA8RIAG� INTERDICTEDa luckya greatpatterusin aU­some of:d in the.t mortnt first:r.�IItreet�CEer tJaeL\ /��ENT�,CO.};reSt.lorine.-nestic'BOOKS ATlOPidway ... respect does our ��­eminence in young men's mas., ' terful tailoring show morethan in our ' fullWe demonstrate that such at-tire can be made according tothe strictest edict of correctfashion, and yet have individ­uality, character, tone and ex-pressiveness,We use only the finest fabricsknown. the most dependablelinings and trimmings.With all their attractiveness,our Full Dress clothes are noattractively priced. 'Our suits for every day wearor kncckabout, are the limitof perfection. To own one isan assurance cf all around fit­ness-they look fit and makeone feel fit.Suits or Topcoats, $35.00 Up.THE BOWS COMPANYand Mrs. Wever gave their consent 'tages, if accepted by you at thisto officers of the International club To Discuss Sunday Closing of Sa- time. is five dollars. You may notto attend the banquet which the club loons at Meeting Tonight. desire or be in a position to availwill give December 16 in Hutchinson yourself of all of them, but they can PRIVATE INSTRUCTION in Ger-private dining rooms. One hundred The Powwow will hold its last lit- be used as occasion requires duringand twenty tickets will be issued for crary meeting of the quarter this the year. If the original report it­the affair, which will be attended by evening. A debate is scheduled on self is not worth the whole five dol­seventy-five regular members, the the subject: "Resolved, that the sa- iars, in the opinion of any qualifiedassociate and honorary members, "and loons in Cook county should be iudge, we will return your money. 1'YPEWRITERS-"VISIBLE" ANDa number of guests. closed on Sunday." The affirmative Thus we guarantee satisfaction, even "OLD STYLE'"The following committees were ap- wilt be upheld by Gavin, Baar and if you use nothing more than this The Fox demonstrated in yourpointed by President Sin ore Raffie: Karsten, while Duncan, Teichgarbcr fraction of what we offer. But you 100m or office. The best standardProgram: Winston Henry, chairman; and Kay ton will support the nega- will constantly find new uses for our machine. If 40 per cent. discount onRichard M ers and Edwin Earle; tive. service. a new typewriter looks good to you,reception: E. G. Felsenthal,chairman; Subjects for the Freshman debate \Ve never give publicity to the notifyHarvey Fuller and B. H. Krog; with Northwestern will be submit- names of our clients or the nature of G. A. Starring, 140 S. D. Lester Stern, chairman; Her- ted. No decision will be reached as the work we do for them, our rela- TO RENT- Choice room for 1 or 2;man Fclsenthal and Green. a vote on the subject will not be tions being absolutely confidential in. Next steam heat; bath; $3.00 week; boardtaken until the next meeting. every instance; but you can find ourif desired. 341 East 5Jrd St., nearSOPHOMORES ATTEND DANCE week the members will wind up their satisfied customers everywhere. firmshusincss for the quarter by the elec- AN OPEN LETTERfOST PICKS STEFFENON ALL-AMERICAN TEAMWe- know that one trial of our ser-1be Forum £igar. IA CLEAR HAVANA CIGARSOLD DIRECT TOYOU tBy the Manufacturer without the IDealer'. Profit. IltL BERGER I465 E. 6lrd StreetTel. Midway 392• • lI f 1f ' ,AN EXCLUSIVESHOP fOl WOMENDon't pay $4.00, $5.00and $6.00 for yourCleaners and' Suit Renters' Bepn to Calls "Wallie" Best Qllarter of Year vice will make you a permanentWork Overtime for Reynolds Club --Schultz at Center Only Other customer, We therefore make you atFormal. Western Man. this time the unusual offer of 'ayear's service for a five dollar bill'Dress suits are in demand around Coach Yost uf �\1ichiJ:;an, in pick- to include:the campus at the present time and in au all-American team for 19(>8, (I) An original' report of J,oou toall the tailors arc flooded with appli- gives Captain Steffen of the Varsity 5'000 words on any subject aboutcations for "rented suits." Why? The the choice for quarterback, admitting which you need information andReynolds club formal is just a week that "Wallie" "has it on" all other along any lines you may specify, the10 the future and the more fore-sight- possibilities for the position, just work to be done by experts in theed members of the club are beginning enough to make him the first selec- field covered (regular price, 6.00-to awake to the fact. Jake Famous tion. $10.00.)says that he is over rushed with the The Michi2an coach also puts (2) Twelve monthly reports onwork of pressing and cleaning up Schultz, the marvelous center of the current phases of some subjectold dress suits. Those who un- Wolverine eleven, at the center posi- that interests you, politics, forestry,fortunately are not the proud posses- tion on the honorary team, and for law. aeronautics, teaching, diplomacy,ors of a suit themselves are either all the other berths of his eleven se- f.nance, or any other live subjectseeking aid from their more fortunate leers eastern men. that you suggest (regular price. $5.)friends or placing applications with Yost says of Steffen: "When it u) 25 "efficient ratings," each onethe neighboring tailors. comes to quarterback, I think-that .f which, as used during the year.Things are moving nicely in prep- Steffen is the best in the country this ,'ill tell you whether some personaration for the formal according to year. His wonderful ground-gaining r crgunization about whom you askPresident Dille of the club. About runs have been one of the sensations nforrnation can make good in what200 couples will be provided for. One of the year, and 1 can see no one who - hey undertake (regular price $5.)of the features will be the elaborate is quite as good." (.4) Any information we have ondecorations, Palms will be placed The team picked by Coach Yost ;:c at $1 per thousand words (reg-around the two floors, Japanese Ian- and t.heir positions, are as follows: jar price $1.50.) This opportunityterns will be strung while all the Scarlett, Penn .• L. E. -:mbraces a multitude of subjects.lights will be covered with colored Pullen, West Point, L. T. costing to produce originally manypaper. Special programs of a unique Goebel, Yale, L. G. thousands of dollars.nature have been ordered and the Schultz, Michigan, C. (5) Original reports on any sub-management is arranging for twa Tobin, Dartmouth, R. G. ieet you need at $1.50 per thousandgood sized orchestras. Refreshments Fish, Harvard, R. T. words (regular price $2.) Thesewill probably be served in the room Fisher, Syracuse, R. E. are first-hand studies by universityjust off the second floor. Steffen, Chicago, Q. B. graduates, trained in investigatingFOR THE FORMAL An effort is being made to receive Tibbott, Princeton, L. H. and ill the subjects treated.FRIDAY EVENING permission to run the dance until 1 Hollenbeck, Pennsylvania, R. H. (6) Use of our service during theORDER o'clock. If this allowed, 20 dances Coy, Yale, F. B. year to obtain a temporary or per-ORCHIDS. VIOLET OR will form the program. This matter is manent position for yourself to se- THE STATES SHOE SHOPSWEET PEA CORSAGES up to the Board of Student Control CANDIDATES FOR TITLES cure orders or clients for your work,and will be decided today. CHOOSE SPEAKER TODAY or to furnish paid information aboutThe entertainment committee con- your locality or other familiar sub-tends that the "no carriage" rule will Abolition of Faclllty Addresses at [ effective and further adds that the College Exercises �o be Dis- (7) A commission of 25 per centmembers of the committee them- cussed in Cobb 6A. on all orders you obtain from othersselves have pledged 'themselves to for our service. This affords a goodadhere to' it. �o 0!le,. however, with- Candidates for the title of asso- income, limited only by the time. andout a dress suit will be allowed on the ciate at the next convocation will thought you devote to interesting A YOUNG LADIES' AND GEN.floor. meet with Dean Lovett this morn- people in our investigations, expert TLEMAN'S Select' Orchestra .._President and Mrs. Judson and ing at 10:30 in Cobb 6A. The pur- advice. efficient ratings, applied in-Dean and Mrs. Vincent will act as pose of the ,meeting is to select a formation and other special services.patrons and patronesses. speaker to represent the candidates I" (8) One year's subscription toat the college exercises.. our forthcoming magazine, "Efficien-bl H lid membership call between 10 and 12Accepta e 01 ay ISSUE 120 TICKETS FOR The opimons of those present Will cy: The Journal of Applied Informa-De you enjoy Roller Skating? INTERNATIONAL BANQUE.T also be taken in regard to prefer- tion," 0 contain studies of public a. m, and 2 to 8:30 p. m. 480 E.H d . 'jI 615t Street.ave you a goo parr r ences for a member of the faculty t? questions and current affairs, reviews _You have doubtless learned that. Dr. Wever, German Consul-General, speak on the same occasion, but no of books and shorter articles, bib- BARGAINS ALL THE TIME­though the rink provides skates, they Accepts Invitations-RaBie Names definite selection will be made at liographics, outlines, briefs, andseldom feel right as to action and Committees. this meeting. courses in sociology, ecomomics andfit. political science.That's why you ought to write at Cons�l-General Walther Wever POWWOW HAS LAST DEBATE The total cost of all these advan-OFANDREW McADAMSDECORA,TOR53d St. and Kimbark Avenue.Tel. Hyde Park 1.8.once for our Free Catalog.We make 200d skates.BARNEY &: BERRY.2 7 3 B r 0 adS t r e e t.S p r i n g fie I d. Mas s.ROBERT P. MURPHY,ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOFI n the heart of the Citysoo Rooms. 300 Bath RoomsEuropean Ran. Cuisine UnexcelledGentlernens' Cafe, Ladies'Restau­rant, and Moorish Rooms. Popu­lar Prices. Plenty of Life-butHomelike.$1.00 Per Day and UpSE�D FOR BOOKLET. present. <fer has hecn issued to members of gation=-ask them for our "efficientNeat Programs were provided and the committee in charge to inform all rat inz ;' ask the comrnercial agenciesMl'f't me at the College Inn, underan occasional 1911 pennant distin- Freshmen in regard to the date of the and banks about our financial stand-111(' Albany, New York's leadingRathskeller, a place to eat, drink �ti�hed the dance as one attended by dance. A large attendance is earn- ing and reputation: ask the large li-Sophomores. Everyone present reg- estly requested, and to that cnd it is braries and educational institutionsistcrcd his or her name in an auto- necessary that notification be made why they recommend us. TI1CY willThe Daily Maroon is the official �raph book, which will be used at all in due timc. tell you that your road to increasedstudent publication, contains all the the future 1911 dances, efficiency lies thrn our organization.campus news and deserves the sup- Dr. and Mrs. Krehbiel acted as . \Vanted-Your name on the sub- We seek, by means of this offer. theport of evCI7 student. chaperones. scription list of The Daily Maroon. privilege of convincing you thru ser-' 78 State St.ProprietorHOTEL ALBANY41st Street and BroadwayNEW YORKRemodelled, Handsomely Fur­nished Throughoutand be merry. The Sophomores turned out strong tion of officers,ycsterday to the first class dance ofthe year. The affair was held on thesecond floor of the Reynolds club, and corporations, students, writers.publishers, professional and busi­ness men, schools and colleges, clubsand associations, public officials.Senators and Congressmen. TheyFreshmen Prepare for DanceThe Freshman class will hold its;1Ilc1 fully seventy-five couples were first dance on December q. An or- are under no such confidential obli- Shoes. when I sellthe same Styles andLeathers at onlyand 52.50Dont take my word for it,but come and look at them.Second Floor. 195 State StreetOver Peacock's Jewelry Store.Op�ft Saturday Evenings Till ICLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSbeing organized by Miss Ada RoC­era. Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos,and Zithers. Those who wishReliable Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes; rebuilt in our own factory;better and cheaper than others. Seefor yourself. The Typewriter Ex­change, 319 Dearborn St. A. J. Couse,Manager. Telephone Harrison, by an experienced teacher.E. M. Fischer, 6054 Monroe Ave.,Apt. 44.Woodlawn Ave.\\.� Have No Branch StudioFacilitin forP�otography.Phone Central 60g inFULL DRESS SUITSTO ROTT. G. SCHAFFNER I: CO.Room 2'1.THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1908.After twenty-five years of serviceas head of the university of Minne­sora, President Northrop will todaypresent. his resignation to the re­!�ellt5 0.f the institution, to becomeeffective at the end of the presentcollege year.President :': orthrop has been ex-'tr emcly popular with the students of.Jlinnesota, and as a tribute to hisinterest in student activities, N orth­rop Field.the scene of athletic cvent s,was named after him. lIe has beenresponsible for the expansion of theinst it ution he represents, the attend­'I ;ollH:e having grown from Icss thanne thousand to 4.500 during his, • ,. term.L.i,I'tr1·�\·1 Formal Dantes; Initi&_ Banqoets.For these you'll need a DresS S�t � Twt�do"Dear Mabclr-«1 really want to go to that Reynolds Club Formal, but I can't,be� I haven't a dress suit, and don't care to borrow one. Hadto 'lose cut' on three dances and a banquet this season, because ofthis deficiency in my wardrobe. I simply must order a dress suitand tuxedo tomorrow. Yours, JIm.P. S.-Ain't it awful, Mabel?"You will draw bids to Full Dress Affairs right along, for the seasonis here-s-read Jim's letter.Order your Suit Early.Our prices are within every College man's reach.C�ereWDkieTAILORS 1. 1" De.,""'. St.Balik Floorl----------._----------·----------------------------�IA Fountain Pen For ChristmasI David the Penmanof biggestthehas theline fountain pens ins. selling all the. adver­tised makesu.atCUT PRICESI handle none but guaranteed lines,that leavesand every penthis establishment, is abso­lutely perfect, or anew pen.192 Clark StreetGOOD ENOUGH FOR EVEN THE MOST CRITICAL.Watterson l:J SouthwardTAILORSRoom ;;02� elephone Central 61g8. 153 La Salle StreetTypcwr itcr Co.). an-I ask especially for �rr. Johnson.I believe in Popular Prices. My$25.00 Business Suits are positively$35.00 value. You caD save just $10.00That's worth while. Let me make onefor you and prove it.Wende" 75 Monroe StreetMajestic Theatn BId,., .TO RESIGN FR9M�NESOT� : \., ''2President Northrop, Famous Organ- ..I izer. -Announces Declslon After �SYears' Connection with Gopher In­stitution--Dr. Goede Surprised.GLOVES '3 AMES HATS•Smart shapes of unquestionable taSteand authority from which the selec­tion of a becoming hat may be made.The superb quality is guaranteed bythirty-five years' experience in sellingfine hats.B. L. AMES HAT COLargest Exclusive Hat Store in Chicagogo EAST MADISON STREET:-: UMBRELLAS :-:360 East s5th Street e·Vol. VI:::::ROBE�PRESMasquesente<THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPAlftPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. anc156d1The Cleanest and Best Kept Storale .Warehouse in the City •••••Furniture a.nd Piano. Moved. Stored. PackedShipped to all parts of the world. 300 Printeage Rooms. Large Parlor �c1usively for .Rooms for Trunks and Wheels. Large ROOIIi'Carriaces, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks te�from all Depots. Local Transfers forFurniture, Packages, etc .• at short notice.Special attention given to Universitv Ortnl.I A prelyapPIas thesen-aile!on's 1writtcnnight iRob\!rtprcselllwith C'of thesimilared bySpecialPIa;If you want to see something real swell in the newestshades and weaves for a suit of clothes, an overcoat or apair of trousers, for Fall and Winter, we have them toshow against any house in the city. Our pric�. are ��Dthe reach of all.1- M. f. fitzgerald & CO.MAKERS OF GENTLEUN'S GARMENTSDO N'TRUN DOWN-TOWN LOOKING FOR LADIES TAILORSAND BE DISAPPOINTED IN FIT AND WORKJIANSHlP.BUT CALL AT •••••, .P. D. Weinstein. .' .. .. �:. "'"law degree. He was admitted to the I LADIES' TAILOB.Connecticut bar in 1860. He becameclerk of the Connecticut House of Phone Hyde Park 1282. 433 � 55th �Representatives in .1861 and of theSenate the year after.Joining the Yale faculty in 1863, recog11The:compato the.Masqt:the p:Redlicant s]takenOwentwo ttake ting :11role 4NOlthe ethe nby FThiBarr)poserArneOverEntrEntrHOLIDAY GIFTS411. £. 57th St.MOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITYSPECIAL GOODS TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICETHE W. £. KERN to. ::;a:City Store35 E. RandolphCOLLEGE GOODS co�TUnh1\cto Ideb:menernmecafiirtheTManufacturers 48-50 Wabash A-VerDBRAIDEN, ex-'tO, U. of C.55th AND ELLIS55th A.ND ELLIS:la11 reception of the year, held yes­tcrrlay afternoon in Foster. MissReynolds was as si-t cd in receiving by:\Irs judson :111(1 :\Irs. Carpenter. Int he evening .JI iss Lucinc Finch, whog'�'-e a recital of Southern stories forthe benefit of the Settlement lastweek. entertained a number ofguests who remained for dinner atthe haiL. he remained' on �t as a professor ofExpert repairs of all makes done while I rhetoric and English literature until\ 1884, when he received the call toit Not high prices t}he President's chair of wal le immediately set to work to, build up the University, which was I�-,------------------------------------�� ������ ��� � ��- then in �s �func� and succeeded in\ I· making it fifth in size among Ameri­can universities. He gives as his rea-U WILL FIND THAT THE STYLE. FIT. AND WORK- son for resigning that he needs aI · rest from his long labors.MANSHIP OF OUR COLLEGE CLOTHES. ISheart docs not aspire to become pres­ident of the United States or foremanof the grand jay en Judgment day.i The be-t advice I can give you onhow to fight, to str ivc, for your goali is to cr nccntrr �e your+elf on one·���T�O����·-S-E���--S-�-p-P�O-��T-��G�S�T-��-������� kind of activit� or � other word�go mad."\Ve can put you in touch with a dignified method of increasing your rev-cnuc=-a method that is clean and that involves a maximum increase ofincome at a minimum expenditure of time. The plan has already proved 200 AT FOSTER RECEPTIONits efficiency in other Universities where self-respecting, self-supportingstudents have taken up our method to the exclusion-of others, they are First Ha!l Affair Qf Season is Mag­net for Many.pleased. and their financial burden is solved. \Ve can do as much for you.Call any time during business hours at 39 Dearborn St. (The Rebuilt Over zoo guests attended the firstDr. Goode is Surprised"J was surprised to hear the newsoi Dr. Northrop's resignation," saidProfessor J. P. Goode, who receivedhis college training at Minnesota. "Iattended chapel at Minnesota whenXlr; Northrop was inaugurated, andheard him make his first address asprebcebci:rantin:ofthClrnaFULL MEAL tOe and UpBraiden's lunch CounlerwrfnMfNTION The DAft Y MAROOWhen Trading With Our Advertisershead of :\1 innesota,"As an after-dinner speaker, Dr.,Northrop takes rank with the fa­mous Chauncey De-pew, and as an ef­fective worker nobody excels him.Hc has been the big agency in Min­nesota's wonderful expansion. At thesame time he has found time to de­vote part of his interests to work,other than educational,"One of Oldest PresidentsPresident Northrop, who is 74years old, was born in Ridgefield,Conn. He received his early educa­tion at Yale University, taking hisbachelor degree there in 1857, andfollowing two years later with hisTO BE SUCCESSFUL, GO MAD(Coc.tinue4 from p&�e I)Try a classified ad in the Daily.Small ads brin� Iarse returns.