---5NEI-21_�ORI. ;.IIID�•�,.,.iEL�__.,.IX .,0IALLmjy lIatIy ilaroonVoC VII. N.o. 43.� CHICAGO, SATURDA Y, NOVEMBER 28, 1908. Price Two Cl'1l1.,1E8RIAIII DEFEISE OFOLYMPIC &AlE OFFICllL�Prominent Members of Faculty, Bus­iness Men and Others on Even­ing's Program. Receivers Back Recently FramedRules of Organized with Ap­proval of Deans.SPORTS ·IITETIATIDIAL CLUB TO IEITERTAII IOTED GUESTSTELL OF ANCIENt JUNIOR COLLEGE' COUNCILHAS NEW CONSTITUTIONClauses Regarding Co..,operationDance System to be Referredto Colleges Tuesday.I'hree Rare Books 2.ecently Added toNew Athletic Library in BartlettGymnasium Give History of. Ath­letics.In UniveI:Sity "'azine AthleteSays Effort was Made to be Fairto All.Several important additions haveDecember Nwubel' Also Contains been made to the athletic library inAdvice to Lawyers by Govemor- Bartlett gymnasium during the pastelect of Indiana. few weeks. Dr. Raycroft announcedthat hc has bought three books on Japanese Consul and Countess Deth­lem Amon� the Speakers of theEvening.Featuring an account of the Olymp- the history of amusements and sports The first elaborate reception of theian �ame last summer by Ned in England and five volumes of one I nternatioual club of the UniversityMerriam, captain of the 1908 Var- of t he first papers published in thewill take place tonight at the Rey­sity track team, Conference quarter interests of sports and amusements nolds club. An invitation has beenmile champion, -mernber of American in America. issued to the Olen and women of theteam at the games, the University of The three books were all published University and the members of theChicago Magazine for December :tb'out the middle of the nineteenth club have worked hard in an effort tomade its appearance on the campus century by well-known writers of theet a Iargc attendance for the af­yesterday. time. Their titles and authors are as fair The reception is given for theMerriam concludes tbat the carni- follows: "The Sports and Pastimesval of events was a distinct advance of the People of England from the The constitution of the .1ullil)rCollege Council, on which that ur­ganization has been engaged fur svv­eral weeks, was ratified by the deans,)f till' Juniur co llcg es yesterday. Oneclause. which would have gin.·ll thecouncil partial control over t he ,\,.,'­lamatiou cont est s was st rickcu 11111One clause of importance whichwill put college social aff:::rs o n allcntr cly new basis will be put tl) areferendum .it the college mcet inv­as Iol low s. This clause pr ov icle s a:.follows: Iir •over any yet held, and shdwed a re­vival of interest in the Olympics. Hedefends the English officials againstnumerous attacks that have been. made, though stating that their de­cision in the 400 meter race wasmanifestly u,n,fajr.The American athletes showedtheir superiority, without the shadow purpose of interesting the studentsin the purpose of the club, and in­Earliest Period to the Present Time,"(IRt5), by Joseph Strutt; "Festivals, tficreasing ies membership.Among the guests of honor will beGarnes and Amusements, Ancient andsome of the prominent members ofModern" by /Horatio' Smith and . f' CI'. ' .' .' the faculty and business men 0 11-"A History of Domestic Manners A II t gram has. . . Icago. n exec en proand Statements 111 England During been arranged for the evening by thethe �liddle Ages," by Thomas officers of the club. One of theWright.They deal with the May games, •. If .IIlY co llege wants to gi\'l� .1Nute-It is expected that there will dance and invite those who arc not.be several surprises sprung in the members of the cullcge, it mustpre-football !!al11e Monday, make the invitation gcm-r a! \I) themembers of the Junior colleges."The different colleges shal] �ig-.' most interesting features will be atalk by the Countess Aurelia Dethlem LEGAL' LIGHTS SEE VICTORYa doubt, according. .to Merriam. He mummies, shows, processions, page- oi Rournania, The countess is tour- nify at the beg inning of each quar-singles out certain performances, ants and pompous spectacles from ing the United States, and is on her Both Sides Anxious to Jump in- t cr whether or not they desir c tf)such as those· Qf Sbappard and their origin to their gradual disap- way 10 apan, - 'She: _ will, �\'e ,�1l ad- .. to. ...th:e. Fray c.n M�fShall. _ Field give dances that quarter. 1£_ they ,10,Hayes, and has �a)se for these .ath- p.ea��nc� or de!C;I��p.�t..- .iD.l.).....:. �tfress-ori· some topic of internationaf Monday-Pre-Medics an unknown the' intention .rnust be malic know nIetes, He sa. ys dlat Ociire' 'Jacobs w.ho modern sports. to t lre chairman (If the social c om-interest. Stren�entered for the Varsity was affected The early American SP.o� pa- Many on the Program' mittee. who shall make a schedule (Iiby the climate and that Lightbody per is entitled "!brier's Spirit of the 'Other.speakers will be Kazuo Mat- As "Doc" Goodspeed would say, the dances for thflt quarter and sub-sprained his foot; otherwise both Times," and takes up the lurf.· field J . Chi the 'field will be fast the day is going mit ;t to the proper authorit ics Iorsumara, apanese consul to ucago, eo.auld have done better work than sports. literature and-the stage. T1!e .and Thornton' Chase of the Mutual to be crisp, and the teams are tit. approval.they did. five volumes include the numbers The Uni- :\leaning, of course.that the pre-legals "No college must give a darice."Life Insurance Company.from .856-18,58. .In one of the first f 'II b d and Pre-medics will meet on Marsh- Among the other important pro-versity acuity WI .e represente oneditions two lines are devoted to an all Field MOIH_lay' afternoon at 3 to v ions that go into effect arc tJ1C Iol-the program by Professor G. B. Fos- "article on baseball. 'T-'be"iengtb of ter, who will speak on "National- settle boasts of supremacy that have lowing:the articles incre as the intc.erest in N H been bandied about between the Article II•• Purposeism;" Professor Samuel . arper,from its l>eginning, and points out the new sport grows, until: in the and Professor Merriam. Vocal se- rival camps. Section I. The purpose of thisits development tho r. o.. ugh the centurie s, numbers of 18s8 several ,;:ohimDs are.. d . I' 'It The battle nromi -=.e"_ to be hard orgnnization shall be: To act asrccnons an mstrurncnta music WI J:" JGovernor Marshall declares that the giver to the discussion of the base- 'be interspersed in the speech-making. fought all the way, with chances for Illelliator hetween thc faculty and thela""yer has a certain ideal to which ball �onvention. which was held;n Numbers - .... i11 be contributed by victory slightly in favor of the law .. tud..:nts (If thc Jllnior colleges:he must hold himself in order to \\�,in New York, and an account of the '11 I h eleven. Captain Tatarsk .. ··s men Il.ave Sec. 2. To direct the intcr-colll.'gl'Richard E. Meyer, who. WI p ay t e oJH . orousl b t th new rules. b t" f . I f II d acti\'ities of the Junior colle�es,succcss. e Vl� y com a s e poiano: Walte� Jones, who will give een prac Icmg alt 1 u y every ay -scmewhat common idea that t1�e law- The above books and periodicals. a violin soloi Miss Bessie Deggett, this week, and iast night went Article III. Composition,'. k ho k b t t . a:J of which rna. ke intereSting- read- I I tl-' d r 'd Sl'ction I The council shall heyer IS a nave w see suo Will 'in a vocal solo; Winston P. Henry. I lToug I )Clr paces un er tIe gUi -" ,cases at the expense of truth and jng, may be found at the Athletic in a vocal solo, and the "ocal tTio, ing hand of "Dan" Dougherty wh:.> �'oJ1lp(lsed (If one r..:prc�entati\'C irol1lj�stice, and that the true object of a Library at Bartlett gymnasium. The composed of \Vinston P. Henry, had St. Ignatius' team in charge all :ach oi the eight Junior c()llcg-e".b f h'b' 'b library i" npen Monday from 4 to Sec.:.!. The term oi t)llicc ni eachmem er 0 tear IS to contn ute to • . -Huntington B. Henry and Richard E. 5eaS0n.h d h f . 'I" 6 on S'lturc];lY from 3 to S and on C I D :"uncil shall be two cOIl:>ecuth'ct e onwar marc 0 CIV) IzatlOn, to· • •. ., lIeyer, which will give several num- oac 1 oughcrty kept the playersth f . . f h 'k' I 'lll .'tll"r "'cek days from 2 to 6 . I' I I ·.,tlartl'r .. , the terms beinO' sparran'yc.1e ratermzmg 0 UJlk"ln m(,' ..... • . bers. The address of welcome will gomg at a m{'rry c 1)) ant. e�pressc( � ...t I I· .f th Id 't h' If . fi d .I I khat illor cXllire ca.ch (IU:1rtcr.o t. Ie p acmg 0 e wor on I S bc ., delivered by President Muzaffor Imse as s:ms c Wit 1 tIt, wor '.only �ure basis for pennanent peace MICHIGAN WILL Bl1lJ.D Rafiie. Refreshments will be served The wurk at forward passing im- : Article Iy.-·powers,and prosperity. the equality of all DORMITORY AND COIIJIONS after the pro�am. pressed him especially, and he intro- Secticlt I.' The l)owcr:- of the JUIl-men before the law and the exact duced the men to a few new plays Ir LGllc;:'l' Council :..-;hall be:administration of iustice. To be Planned .an4 Co.tnlcted by PEN CLUB PLANS AUTHORS' th<lt were mastered to .his s�tisfaction. Pnwers of mccliation'; hdwe�'11 theProfe".sor Cald-lI Wn't- Finn Which . BIri. If., �'. READING AND DINNER :aculty and th:.: 'SltUIl'llb:� W� _ Article . _,..- Captain �Iorgan's team is an un-Professor Otis W. Caldwell. of the Commons and' Hans. -_ known qua nit)' as to strength. 011(,' The council sh:llI ·.ha\'c the po ·\\'CrSchf'ol of Educat�on, presents a pr .. ctice has heen held, at which to cnn!'icler :111,1 pTl's('nt tn tht: i:1C-f J' f h obi . h Michigan is to haTe a eoHege dor- Two Events to be Given by Society Pity c,)mmtmil";Itiuns irolll the !-ott!·care ul ana YSls 0 t e pr em, whlc. I 11' d I'n N--. Th� W-ks--Well- four Iiklies !>howcd UP. and the time .l1utory am a co ege c._C?l!1mons; an -.. -.- �"" I t I I' . I I 1 •is now uppermost in the Association was �pent ill IHllltiIlO'.. tl is knowll ' t'll )OC Y .0 COl1�l1 cr, ant pn· .. Cll ,0tht, pr(ltractcd dreams oftbe Ann Ar- known Authors to Speak. ,." l' .of Doctors of Philosophy. and which that the 1:lhoratory sCluad an'rages the student lO,ly C(j11lnml1l�'alhlll:;h()r students are at last to be r�alized. . J' Iis being considered by all thoughtful more than its opponents. hut thi=- lrom t Ie lacu ty.The buildings will be, �rected in the The Pen duh will hold its quar- Till' council sh:llI ha\'c a rt'Jlr"�t'l1edllcators throu�hout the country. fact is 110t worrying the case handler ..llC'ar future by Deane & Deane, the lerly dinner next Tucsday e\'ening in tali,", .. , 0:1 all studl'IlI c(lml11ith·l .... «:n11It is entitled "The Relation of the Neither captain was willing to an-D Chicago lirm 'which planned and su- :he private dining room of the Com- i('rr;n'.� with the factult.\· or a C0111-octorate to Teachin�." :2 perintr:nded th� buildings of tbe Mid- 11ons, according to plans made at a nounce the lint'tlp of his team yest('r-. . I f INew University Statute d:ty. Enthusiasm cuns high in both I' :: :.T 0 : tIe aeu ty on matt\!r� per-way dormitories and commons, meeting of the club yesterday morn- . . tl I h IDe:ln James Parker Hall of the camps, and fol1owers of the team� ta1Jll11g to 1e stm ent 0, y as aThc dormitory will be a six-story ing. It is planned to invite some.... r .. pl ll111·11O' to COll1" Ollt I'n forcc t') "·h,,le.Law school, discusses the ncw Uni- "... '-struclurc, with' most elaborate and ltoted literary man as guest of honor S • ('own ... (lj 1'"n·r •• 1 "\,'1" ill,versity government statute, which rc- che('r on th{' �Iadiators in the fray. ,l'C_.I;p-tn-.latc cnveniences, and rooms ior the occasion. II ...(Jrgan;zes and re-adJ'usts the \· .... rl·ous .nO·c·al I b I I ter-C'o. cge aC1J\"1!IC- ..."h ..... aC'commodate three .hundred stu- Tentative plans for the authors' 'J 1 I. S 1:l\'<: not yet ('cn se ectc." .rlliing bodies of the University, The The JlIl1iN C .. !ll·�!c C"l�:�";1 ,killdents. The commons is to be one· rcading of the club were also made. Service Applications must be in Nov,30 ha\,{' tIll' illll(1will" p')"'cr, ,.\·,·r 1 ht'end which the new statute seeks is ..."tory high, cover about an acre of The d:lte of Tuesd�v evening, De- Owing to the fact that those dc- 111ta-clllIc'.YYl· :t\'�i\·itie .. :shown to he a specialization of legis- '"lath'e and administrative control over ground and affard a seating capac.ity ('em her IS, was set provisionally, and "en'ing Student Scrvice ha"e hith('rto Th(' (,f111trnl "f all Jllllio>r (hyof from 900 to 1,000. The system will permissinn to use Mandel hall will h('en ne�lig('nt in hancling in appl;- (,\'('nt!'.the various problems which arise inU be under student manalfement, re- he sought. Some of the hest known ('ations. it ha� been (lefinitely an- The (,(Intrnl nf intcr-cnllc,.... C' .1,'h:1t-niversity affairs. The large growth stricted at first, complete control be- literary men in the city will he in- nounce(1 that applications which arr lin .....of the University in recent ycars r-ing promised the students as they vited to take part in this, among not in on or h('fore Nonmher ,�oth. Thc l"r.nfrot oi :111 intcr·cull. �(' :'0makes it necessary to dc,\'clop smaller sho,,' thcmselves capable of assuin- them Opie Read, Emerson Rough, will not he t:tkcn into cnllsiclcr:ttinn. ciat �cti\'itic ..(Ccmtiaaed oa pace 4) ing it. S. E. Kiser and Wilbur D. Nesbit. This is final. (Continu� Oft "�� - 4"--.&.t.a.- � J.a��"An article on "Law and Lawyers"by Thomas R. Marshall, governor­elect of Indiana traces the professionBULLBTIBTHE DAILY MAR.OON, SATURDAY, NOVEl\IBER 28, 1908.• own way through college, has had a1'It, IatlD .Jaunon vastly better trai�ng in all the- , things that count than the man who.. MdaI astudeDt Publtcatloa ., U. has received better grades, and hadno duties outside his class work". International Club, open meeting,today at 8 p. m. in the Reynoldsclub. Program of speeches and mu­sic. Reception and refreshments af-lllat.rec1 ulMcood·dau Mall at the Chlcqo NOTED PSYCHOLOGISTS ter meeting. All invited.,.teal .. Clllcqo, llllAow, Yarcla 1». AT UNIVERSITY TODAY University �f Chicago Dames, to-1881, D,_ .Act or Marcia I. lana. day, 3:00 p. m., in room 15, Lexing-North-Central Psychological Auocia- ron hall. Topic. "Stenciling."tion to Hold Annual Meeting inPsychology Building.port on its work, whichWork and contains among otherScholarship things, the results ofan investigation of thecomparative standing_ in scholarshipof the self-supporting student and theone who has- no other duties but hisstudies. This is of peculiar interestat the University of Chicago, forboth institutions are situated ingreat cities, and both naturally drawa proportion of students expectingto earn their way which is muchlarger than the., ordinary university.The conclusion reached in the re­port is a gratifying one to all be­lievers in democracy that the aver­age standing of students who havesought work from the committee isappreciably above the average of therest cf the university. For p�rposesof comparison, the report summarizesthe grades of the ninety-two studentswho have sought employment and anequal number selected at random, .Several program insignias were re­finds an equal number, thirty-two in ported to be in process of design, buteach class, with a grade of "C," orwere not submitted at the Sophomorefair, while 59 per cent of the em- class meeting yesterday. These must, ,'ployed students are above this mark, be in before next Thursday to allow"'�pared to 49 per cent above for for the time necessary<to make thethe 'other students. The report con- electrotype. The Reynolds club hastinr.es i;�it� summary: "The compar- been secured for December 7, and ifative equality in the number of A's, the class will respond with dues, thethe exact equality in that of the C's, dance is assured. Box 319, in theand the slightly larger number of Faculty Exchange, has been securedB's, with the consequent smaJIer and dues will be received there asnumber below C among the employ- \ by the members of the, social anded students, evidently indicate that executive committees.the higher average of the employ-ment students is due more to their Fencers to Have BanquetThe Fencing club will have a ban­quet next. Thursday evening in theprivate dininar room of the Com­mons, to get the members betteracquainted with each other. Deanthem to more intense application in Vincent has consented to be presentthe preparation for their daily aca- dd I I b I therand a ress t re c uo, am 0dcmic tasks. I n other words, the .prominent University men ,,·iJJ givehigher marks may represent harder .after-dinner talks. The entertain­intellectual work, not necessarily mcnt wiII conclude with a few fcnc­stronger intellectuality.'ing matches.not devote all of his working energy Ozmun American consul-general atto his studies would be better off if Constantinople, will lecture on "Thehe devoted his time to business train- American Consular Service" Mondaying and gave up the struggle for a afternoon at 4 o'clock, in the Cobbdegree. It is hardly open to dispute hall lecture room. The lecture willthat the man whose marks have wav- be given under the auspices of theercd between Band C during his College of Commerce and Adminis­lour years, while he has earned his tration,Publlahed da1ll. u:c:ept Sundar.. MOIlc1a,.all. bollcl&7.. durlq three quartel"8 or theUaheraltl lear.JformerlzThe UDIye.sltl of Chicqo Weekll.1'0ude4n. Weet;l. Oct. 1. 1892-Th. DaUl, Oct. 1. 1902.lubac:rlpUoD price, $3.00 per lear; $1,00tw I mODu.. SubacrlpUoJl8 rec:elnd at- � MarooD OfDce, Elila Rall. ee at the'.cult)' Exchaqe. Cobb Hall.PRESTON F.,-OASS, Managln& Editor.OSWALD F. NELSON, llualneu Ma.I1qer.ICe.. cOlltrlbuUona ID&7 be lett at Jal11aBali w )'ac:ult)' Exc:haqe, ad4reue4 to theDaDl IIarooLThe committee on employment forstudents at Columbia University hasissued, a valuable re-OutsideIearnestness of purpose than to su­perior ability, Conversation with themen themselves would seem to bearout this conclusion, for they statethat the outside employment forcesIt is plca sant to be able in thisnuthor itativc way to lay the ghost ofthe argument that the man 'who can- D.AILYAlflfOUBCDmKTSThe North Central Psychological Settlement Benefit Tick� forAssociation will hold its annual recital of Miss Lucine Finch nextmeeting today in Psychology haIl. Wednesday night in Mandel hall,This is a branch of the National as- may be purchased at the inforamtionsociation and the speakers as as se- office or any member of the commit­lect a group of men of the West tee. Prices 35 and 50 cents for regu­as could be easily brought together lar scats, $1 for box seats and $5 forat one meeting. No one is eligible box.for membership in the association Cap and Gown Editors can be con­who has not obtained a degree from sulted with any afternoon in Ellis 3,a reputable institution, has not writ- from 3 to 4 o'clock.' Communica­ten several books, and is not holding lions may be left at Faculty Ex­a first-class position in a first-class change 280.university, Of tomorrow's speakers, Junior College Me'�tings Tuesdaytwo are Chicago men, two. are IlJi- at 10:30 a. rn in the usual rooms.nois men, two are from Northwest- Daenell Lecture, Tuesday, 12:00-1:ern one from Wisconsin, one from 00 p. m. Subject:- "ProtectionistMichigan, one from l\linnesota and Tendencies of Recent Times andone from Lake Forest college, Imperialism.Dean Angell, in speaking of the Mr. 'Frank P. Reed will deliver hislectures, said: "While undoubtedly third lecture on "Trade MarkProfessor Coe of Northwestern, is Tuesday, 4:10 p, m. in the norththe man of the' widest reputation, ex- lecture roomJ Law Building.cepting our men, yet everyone of the Botanical Club meets Tuesday, 4:30speakers is an authority and well- p. m. in Botany Building, room 13.known in psychological circles. \Ve �Ir. R. R. Gates will speak.do not expect a large crowd, but on Y. W. C. L. meets Wednesday, 10:30the other hand, the audience is sure a. m. in Lexington Hall. Miss Ruthto be very attentive and enthusias- \Vheeler will lead.Professor Carl Clemen will delivertic."The delegates from IJIinois are a lecture on "Colleges and Theologi­Professor Norton and Mr. Baird; cal Iuctruction in Germany."Wednes­those from Northwestern are Pro- day, 4:00 p. m., in Haskell AssemblyIessor Coe and Mr. Ewer. from the Room.other institutions are the rolJowing: Junior Mathematical Club, Wednes­Wisconsin, 'N. F. Dearborn; Michi- day, 4:30 p. m.,in Ryerson laboratory,gan, Irving King; Minnesota, Row- room 36 at 4:30 p. m. Paper by Mr.land Haynes; and Lake Forest col- Buck.lege, H. W. Wright. The University y, M. C, A., Wednesday, 7 p. m.,of Chicago speakers are Karl T. in Haskell Assembly Room at 7:00Waugh and Edward S. Ames. p. m. Address by Professor Foster.University Religious Service inSOPHOMORES WORKING ON Mandel hall, Sunday morning, 1 IDESIGNS FOR PROGRAMS o'clock. The Rev. John Balcom Shaw,D. D., Second Presbyterian Church,Chicago, The University Preacher.Organ recital at 10:45 a. m. by Mrs.George N. Holt.Chapel Assembly of the JuniorCollege, Men in Mandel hall, Monday,10:30 a. m. The University chaplain.Physics Club, meets Monday at oJ:.�o in Ryerson Laboratory, room 32.Talks by Professor T. E. Doubt and:\lr. Harvey B. Lemon.Professor H, Morse Stephens of theUniversity of California will give his,first lecture on "The EnlightenedDespots of the 18th Century" Mon­day. 4 :30 p. m. in Haskell Assemblyroom. Prof. will deliver his secondlecture Tuesday.H�::o:y C!:1b and C::.1I'ch HistoryClub will hold a joint meeting in theLibrary of Hitchccck II;!)), :,Iondayevening, 8 o'clock. Professor H.�Iorse Stephens will talk.Chapel AssernlaJy 0{ the SeniorColleges Tuesday, 10:30 a. m, in Man­del Hall.Dance on December '1 to be MadeGreat Success. if Members ofClass Pay Dues.on the man who doesn'tknow what's what­you're sure to see themon the man who does know.\Vanted- Your name on the sub­scription list of The Daily Maroon.You may seeE, H, Ozmun to Lecture MondayThc Honorable Errnund Henry \ FOWNESGLOVES AN EXCLUSIVESHOP for WOMEN.Don't pay $.f.oo, $5-00 ' •In no respecr does our pre­eminence in young men's mas­terful tailoring show morestrongly than in our Fa1lDress garments.We demonstrate that such at­tire can be made according tothe strictest edict of correctfashion, and yet have individ­uality, character, tone and ex­pressiveness.. We use only the finest fabricsknown. the most dependablelinings and trimmings.With all their attractiveness,our Full Dress clothes are noless attractively priced.Our suits for every day wearor knockabout, are the limitof perfection. To own one isan assurance of all around fit­ness-they look fit and makeone feel fit.Suits or Topcoats, $35.00 Up.THE BOWS COMPANYYOU HAVE TO EAT.YOU WANT GOOD FOOD,Then go to theHOTEL' MAROON·58th and Drexel AvenueFRAT MIXTUREA College Man'sTOBACCO1 Z-3 oz. 15 eentsKnight � VromanWabash AvenueComer Randolph.Imitated in sbape, but tbe "Pat­ented Lock Front JJI wbich avoidscollar spreading, can be had oaJ, inrfk>n"rsUlQT!D SIUD CCOLLUCO"(.....,.T�,II.Y.- � ----���----------------Shoes. when I sellthe same Styles andLeathers at onlyand ,2.50Dent take my word for it,but come and look at them.THE STATES SHOE SHOPSecond Floor, 199 State StreetOver Peacock's Jewelry Store.O�!I S.ilturday Eveninas TaIl • '�PATENTUBAND AJa)B 0 5011DOES ITABSOLUTELY NO BULGEIF it'. a patent.d"MAC-HURDLE"FULL DRESS SHIRTUllited SWat & Con. Co., (MaWs) Troy, N.Y.THE ROMAITALIAN TABLE D'HOTE50c-15c-$I,00INCLUDING WINEAlso a 1a Carte ServiceOpenDailytogP.M.SPAGHETTISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITALY146-STATE. STREET-146SECOND FLOORCHOCOLATfS'f - 11-and fine bonbons famous through-OUt America, put up in beautifulboxes suitable f0i: presents at 25C40C and floc per pound, "Apleased customer is the best ad·vertisement."Gunther's Confectionery I212 State Street.SCHUTZ'S SCHOOLOF DANCINGMost Popular Place in Chicago'Private Lessons by· AppointmentGUarantee Course $5,00. Five privatelessons with music. A guarantee tomake pupil proficient in the waltz andand two-step. Barn dance taught iIone lesson.Office and Studio. 301 West 63d St.Cor. Wentworth Ave., Phone Garfield J'JI/INFORMAL DANCINGRECEPTION atTHE FORUM, 43d S1.. &: Calumet!'EVERY SATURD{\ Y EVENINGAdmission so Cents a PenoDTHE TRADE MARlThat Has MadeSport in AmericaALL ORIGINAL IMPLEMEN'ISOF SPORT- WHENINED, BEAR THE TRADEMARK OFA, G, SPALDING & BRos.Spalding's handsomely illustrated cat·alogue of all sports contains na­merous suggestions.Mailed Free anywhere,141 Wabash AvenueChica&o, IlL --DONRtAlPhone:---I YOiinto aI at samI to makyou w:Ifcome 1that ylus a cRoorrTeleph1-I ncParkerA. A.AutofiIlFOITlEXAM·--IYomentfromsess]tatalCess.territory almost with the blowing of���--������--���-.��������������_. the opening whi�l� and befure theI YOU KNOW how it is • source of .satisfaction to you, to come I crowd had gained its breath, scored I M 0 S S L E R C 0into a tailoring establishment of the firs! class order, and look around on a field goal by Mowe. Pennsyl- 50 Jackson Blvd ••I at samples, without having a salesman pegging away at you trying vania's squad then woke up andI I scored once before the end of the Clever Clothesto make you believe that you want this and that, 'and when you knowyou want something else. . half. I n the second half the fighting ., . . .was even more fierce than in the r. e e _ e _ e. e ••• _ • e e e e •• e _ e •• e.If you have never enjoyed such a privilege, that is, the right to opening session. 'Vhen time was C t Cl thcome to our establishrnenj and look around, and pick out the cloth half up, a fumble of a _punt gave II .orrec 0 eJthat you 'yourself know will satisfy you, then, we �t you to give Pennsy lvania the ball on. its oppo- Ius a call, and we will treat you with the utmost, kindly consideration. nent's four-yard line, and Penn I . FOR COLLEGE MENscored. This seemed to take the I We appeal .to your intelligence tow ear Mad e-t o-Measurestarch out of Cornell, and Pennsyl- j I' Clothes. You will find them better and cheaper' in ·every way.vania made another touchdown be- I We make' SUITS and OVERCOATS atfore the end of the game. I $20 up �I The most complete uaortmeDt of woolens to select from, in­PROIt'ESSOR WILLIAMSONLAUDED AT MICHIGAN eludiDg new colon aDd latest patterns. Materials, atyle andworkm�:;hip cuUanteed. The College Man's individuality indress is recognized all over the world. Add this individuality toour expertness, and the result will be distinctive dothes.ITEpenlailymdldaysromA.MetoP. MeTALYrfSrough­�utifu1at 2SC"Aest ad·Dery-licagontmente print:rantee towaltz aDdtaught illrficld 'fJtllumetA'VENINGPersoD--�MARlMadeAmericaEMEN'1'SEXAM·RADEBRos.tratcd cal·tains na­ns,ere,ae I Convincing proof of the superiorityof Chicago's 1908 football team overthat of Michigan, was furnished inthe Cornell-Penn game Thursday, inwhich the Quakers won by the scoreI of Ij-4. The claims of Chicago's Men who never before wore readysupporters are based on the fact that service clothes are patrOnizing thisChicago two weeks ago proved be- •f offer.yond doubt that it was the equal 0Cornell, while the Penn eleven WOIl The fabrics are the best of im­from Michigan by a 29 to 0 score ported and domestic qualities. andThe Quakers crossed the Maize and they are unusual in ready serviceI .Impressions You Make on Tbe 'CamposAre IMPRESSIONS that will cling to you, eve Dafter you have graduated.To create the BEST IMPRESSIONS you mustwear CLOTHES of CHARACTER�lothes t hatshow YOUR OWN i ndividuality-clothes that aremade for YOUR OWN figure-clothes that theCRAFTSMAN has spent a life-time to 1 ear n tomake. Your REPUTATION as a CORRECT and"CLASSY" dresser is assured, if we make you rclothes.Our prices for suits or overcoats range from S35up.Come in next time you're down town, and letus give you one of our college posters-incident­ally we'll get better acquainted.CiUVer i?J WilkieTAILORS t85 189lk.,born Sf.Bank FloorDO N· TRUN DOWN-TOWN LOOKING FOR LADIES TAILORSAND BE DISAPPOINTED IN FIT AND WORKMANSHIP.BUT CALL AT •••••P. D. WeinsteinLADIES' TAILORPhone Hyde Park 1282. 433 E.. 55th Street.R�5�tterso��R�outhward I153 La Salle Street ITelephone Central 61gB.55th AND ELLISMIDNIGHT LUNCH.Hall "Feeds" Supplied Up to 1 A. M.UNDER NEW MANAGEMENTBRAIDEN, ex-'lO, U.' of C.55th AND ELLISDON'T PAYFULL PRIOEI now have on hand, and selling at half price:Parker Lucky Curve, John Holland, Paul E. Wirt, Waterman Ideal�A. A. Waterman's� Conklin Self-fill ers, Crocker, Blair. Sin:tplofiller,Autofiller, and all the other well- known brands ofF 0 U N T A I N PEN S Repairing while you wait.DAVID THE PENMAN, 192 Clark St., Chicaao.THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and 56th StThe Cleanest and Best Kept StoraceWarehouse in the City •••••Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Packed anoShipped to all parts {if the world. 300 Private StOI"age Rooms. Large Parlor 1::xclusively for Pian81Rooms for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room fg,Carriaces, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks to _Drfrom all Depots. Local Transfers for Bacp�Furniture, Packages, etc., at short notice.Special attention civen to University Orden.18 to 26 VAN BUREN STREETYoung people qualified in our Shorthand and Business depart­ments in the shortest possible time for positions that pay at oncefrom $35 to $60 a month. Individual intsruction. DA Y and NIGHTsessions. Enter any time. Call, write or phone Harrison II 10 forcatalogue. Positions for graduates. 37 years of uninterrupted suecess. SAIl,UEL B. WILLEY, LL. B., Superintendent three times, one of them being onan unlucky fumble. From a com­parison of scores, critics have figuredthat Chicago has clearly proved thatit has a better team than Michigan.Cornell and Pennsylvania battledbefore a crowd of 25,000 people onPennsylvan1a's large field. The gamewas entirely an uphill fight for themen from Ithaca, as it was almostgenerally conceded in advance thatthere was little hope for victory.Their greatest hope was to hold thestrong Quakers to a tie. For theI II The price feature, $25. $30, $35first fifteen minutes of play, Cornesurprised the enthusiasts. The Red makes this especially attractive.and White rushed the ball into PennQuakers Beat - Cornell in a FierceStruggle by OverwhelmingScore of 17 to 4. ·MOSSLER.COMPANYCiothes'lor Men--and Young MenJackson SO Blvd. CoUege cafel"' E 55th. St._ '...Ncar Lexincton AvenuePOPULAR PLACEATPOPULAR PRICESPENN-CORNELL GAtlE PUTSCHICAGO- A:80VE . MICHIGANBlue goal line five times, while they d":lthes.were able to score on Cornell only SIMPLY ASTONISHINGLuncheon 20C upEv'eninc Dinner - - 2SCSunday Dinner _- _- - - 35C \,SERVICE A LA CARTE, ALSO....Protector OvercoatsChesterfieldsPaddocksBox Dress O· ... ercoats[n suits:Fancy and Plain SacksEngli�h Walking FrocksTuxedosEvening DressCome Today! 1lIEMROWI!1j�BELL TAILORING CO.E. R, Bradley, Pres.s. w. Cor. Clark se, Chicago.SETS THE FASHION II':COLLARS15c. each-2 for 25e.Cluett, Peabody .t;Co..Make"" Tro7, N. y,MOl1HER.'S COOKINGand everything neatand clean now at theHOTEL MAROON58th and Drexel AvenueSPECIAL PRICES TO. FRATERNITIESAND SORORITIESI make a spedalty of all designs of Sorority and}i'raternity Pins, Rings and Fobs.Designs submitted free of charge, and sample pins furnished to re­sponsible parties.I also do all kinds of Watch and Jewelry Repairing, Diamond Settingand Manufacturing at the cheapest possible prices. I am the maker anddesigner of the 1907-lgoS Daily Maroon Fobs., believe in Popular Prices. My$25.00 Business Suits are positively$35.00 value. You can save just $10.00Thars worth while. Let me make onefor you and prove it.Majestic Theatre Bldg. Wendell i5 Monroe StreetLecture to French Cerele Wins HighCommeDdation from StudentPaper."Professor \Villiamson is thorough­ly acquainted with French music, be­ing naturally gifted as a singer and aFrenchman by birth. The audiencewhich heard him two years ago wasgreatly pleased by his singing, for hecombines with a charming voice dra­matic power" as a singer. His person-al magnetism draws his audience tohim at once."His fame as a singer is widelyknown. He has been offered a posi­t io n in the Opera Corniquc of Pari •.Such an honor well illustrates hisability .. --------�-------, "Such a lecture as Professor \ViJ-Illinois College of Commerce i liamson's is of particular import-Formerly I ancc for students of French. It givesATHENAEUM t them an atmosphere which theI French class room lacks, and whichis of great benefit to students of1 French, whether they arc this year's I\��:.:::�� � �ci�i�M�E�N�TI�O�N�T�h�e�D�A�'L�Y�M�A�R�O�O�Nstudent publication contains all the I Jcampus news and'deserves the sup-I Wh T d- W· h 0 Ad rI-port of eVCr7 IludCD&" en I ra log It ur ve Isers�------------------�---- Assistant Professor Hiram P. Wil­liamson of the Romance department.· v as enthusiastically received at theUniversity of Michigan Tuesdaynight, when he opened the course ofthe Cercle Drarnatique Francais witha lecture and a number of illustrativeFrench songs.Following is the opinion expressedby the Michigan Daily of Mr. Wil­liamson:---------------'World's OrAgain foTHE DAILY MAROON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1908.._MERRIAJI IN DEFENSE OF .pENI� "INN�SOTA TROUBLE9� ¥I(�l.� �� .OF..F:I�IAJ..SCoach Warner Says Carlisle andGophers are Not Unfriendly.units �or the handling of separategroups of problems .. Under this new The report that the football rela­statute the executive heads will care- tions of the Carlisle Indians andfully inquire into matters of policy, Minnesota were strained so severelyand upon the basis of their reports, that the two institutions would notthe larger groups of the faculties will play each other any more is ernphati­take action. The new statute repre- cally denied by Coach Glenn H.seuts the work of eighteen months \Varnl"r of the Indians. DOW iu St.labor on other features of the com- Louis, It was reported that �inne­mit tee, which proposed it. sota had severed athletic relatioasThe regular. feature of the :\1aga- with the ] ndians, because of rough­ziuc, namely. The University Record, ness on the part of Wauseka in theDiscussion and Comment, Under- ga me last Saturday at :\1 inneapolis,�r"duate Life, Xcws from the various Coach Wa r ner denied the reportI Alumni Associarious, and thc classes, and stated that negotiations were al­contain the usual full information. ready under way for a Gopher-I ndianI The discussion this month is largely g-ame next year.'rl'latt'd to problems within the stu-.. lent body. such as. the use of the Yule will celebrate this month theYale Boola as a Chicago song, col- I$oth anniversary of the birth oflege credit for Uuivcrsity debaters, Noah Webster, whose dictionary wasnew distribution of women in the written at Yale.undergraduate colleges, and the so-cial activities of the Reynolds club. According to a recent rumor Pres­Letters to the editors from Alumni ident Wheeler of the University ofand students are also published con- Colifornia has been offered the Presi­cerning a variety of matters, such as dency of Michigan,the difficulties in the work of the.aNTLIt ... N441:1.&,BOSTONGARTER (Continued from pace I)ft. II-=-- "UDAll... 'bI •••• '............ "�.�-�. CUSHIONBUnOICLASP(CoDtinued from page I).... nonClO ................. V ••• A.__ ,_,-ALW1YS EASY� __OLASSIFIBDADVBBTISEMKNTSin theD AI LYMAROON Young Women's Christian League.and the Senior College Council in itsefforts in securing a University seal.The �lagazine carries six full-pageillustrations, including the footballsquad, three new deans recently ap­pointed in the Senior and Junior col­leges, and the class gifts.which adornthe entrance to Cobb hall,BRING RESULTSi'OR SALE. FOR RENTWANTEDLOSTi'OUND JUNIOR COLLEGE COUNCILH� NEW CONSTITUTION:a5 centa for threelinea per iuue. The control of the Cap and GO\�nelections.The control of matters pertainingto the general welfare of the stu-CLASSIFIED ADV£RTIBINGDANCING ASSEMBLIES next dents of the Junior colleges, subjectMonday, at 8 P. m., at little Ros- to the approval of the dean of thealie Hall. Gents 50 cents, Ladies Junior colleges.23 ccrts. Sec. 3. Powers in connection withIt, YOU�a LADIES' AND GEN- the organization of the FreshmanTLEIlAN'S Select Orchestra ia and Sophomore classes.being organized by Miss Ada RoC- The Junior College Council shallen. Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos,and Zithers. Those who wishmembership call between 10 and 12a. m. and 2 to 8:30 p. m. 4& E.615t Street. have control of the elections of theFreshman and Sophomore classes.The clause concerning the con­trol of the social activities can beadopted only on condition. A ma­jority of the colleges concur. TheTO RENT-Rooms to rent with use matter will be presented at the meet­of parlors; very reasonable; if you ings Tuesday.want a homelike place, see us. 6233 -----Kimbark ave., znd flat.. THREE QUARTERS PLEDGESRESUME PUBLIC ACTIVITYFOR RENT - Steamheated frontroom, for one or two ladies; all After Holiday They Return to the.. Round of Arduous Duties-ccnvemences; private family. Fren-kel. 6030 Washington ave., 2d flat. Freshmen Do Pranks.FOR SAL�Two suits of clothes The general exuberance in spiriton trade advertising. . See Nelson resulting from Thanksgiving cele­in Daily Maroon Office. brations was given full expression atIt" the 10:30 hour hy the unusual "cam­pus capers" of the Three-Quartersclub. After receiving their meritedweekly punishment in the "black-mark" den of Hitchcock, the "greenWANTED 1 0 meet party owning ribbon brigade" were required toReal Estate elsewhere worth about play the old school-boy game of$12,000 who may be willing to ex- "leap-frog" until Cobb was reached.change same for flat bldg. in best The "chain gang" hopping on oneneighborhood adjacent to U. of c., foot played "ring around the 'C'Address x. care Daily Maroon. bench:' while the "soldier boys"TYPEWRITING work wanted. by.Mis� Myrtle Goodfellow, 5500Greenwood avenue.i\ WANTED-\Voman student to assist �llarded the precious trca-ures en­trusted to their charge..\11 these "tortures" will come toan end Thursday night when theinitation takes place. The sufferingBARGAINS ALL TH� TIME- has been intense this year. The bash-Reliable Rebuilt Typewriters, all [ul members have had to proposein the care of two children duringthe day, apply in person. Mrs, Tom­linson, 6222 Ellis Ave. Apt.I.makes; rebuilt in our own factory;better and cheaper than others. Seefor yourself. The Typewriter Ex­change, 319 Dearborn St. A. J. Couse,llanaeer. Telephone Harrison 4065.Wanted-Every student in thetJbiversity who is not a subscriber to.ubseribe at 0IlCIe. marriage to the young ladies on thecampus; the heavy members have hadto climh trees and make sounds "likea nut:' Hut this will all be overThursday and the "freshest freshmenin college will again take on theirnatural forms plus the experience ofa good thorough education. To WALL SEASONHAS OPBlUDThe new autumn and winter fab­ric� show many striped effects, butthe colorings are not pronounced.The fabrics have a rough twilledsurface-s-woven closely enough togiv.e service.Olives and the various shades ofbrown are in strong favor.Grey stripes and the greys shadinginto the stone and slate colorings aredecidedly correct. .In overcoat fabrics the rough bas­ket weaves and herringbone stripesvre consid 0:: red very smart.SUits for College wear, 130 to 135Over�ata S3S to 140We �e riding breeches.TAILOR POR YOUNG liEN. .. A. N. Jerrems, Mer.fwo stora: 131 La Sane St., and44 Jac:boa BoulenrcJTHE UBIOH BOTKLAIm �.STAUBANT111-117 Ran�olph StreetTH;K POPULAR PLACETO :&ATEitb\.r before or after theTheater.We make a Speci31:y of Cluband Fcatemity DiDuen.MANY DESIRABLEGOODS REDUCEDIN PRICE.REASON: To ClearUp Our Stock Early.Wm. Jerrem.' Son.ciark aDd Adam. Streets This Space is reserved byBENHAM, THE TAILOR,for future use when he willhave announcements to maketo theCOLLEGE MENBENHAM, THE TAILOR,!ilgA East 63rd Street "LONG J1EliGIB!AMES HATS captain Geof prerr:Smart shapes of unquestionable tasteand authority from which the selec­tion of a becoming hat may be made.The superb quality is guaranteed bythirty-five years' experience in sellingfine hats.B. L. AMES HAT CO.Largest Exclusive Hat Store in Chicagogo EAST MADISON STREETUMBRELLASGLOVES :-: :-:THE LOWEST CLUB RATES ON�agazine SubscriptionsCATALOGUES AND INFORMATION ATTHE LITTLE BOOK SHOP434 East Fifty- Fifth StreetPhone Midway 2U1L·40 �. RAN.DOLP'''' ST •• CHICAGO'.�--------------------�------------------------------��ARTHUR'S S 2.00 HATS of Jamcornmctlle meall durpar� o£Theshort(,tseveralthat itthat T\ticallybarrin,havethe fiTTheis asChi,IndiPurlowChi,"ew Imported Green Hats$2.00 Roosevelt Strle $2.Arthur Feilchenfeld�81-83 E. Van Buren St. and 183 Dearborn St.