La -Ilatly !lurann ,.. 'Oft �Vol. VII. No. 41. CH�CAGO. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25, 19<:8. Price Two CentsREADY FOll �I'S �'U.' S. LAVISHES MILUOISWHILE FIlIPIIOS STARVE... '. . " 1I0�D TIlANISGIVING SPIEAD DR. FOSTER, DIPLOMATIST,IS COIVOCATION ORATORFDOTBALL ,RULES WILL.,lOT SUFFER REVISIOIpear n Costume.Sawbones and Pre-Lep1s coDide,nt Women's Union will Entertain theWomen of the University with a -Dinner Tonight _ Many to Ap- Veteran of Government Service toDeliver Address December 18-Subject Undecided.General Satisfaction Precludes Changein Laws cf the Game-North­western, Only, Dissatisfied.Schedule for 19o9 Still Uncertain­Sure to Pl:ay Minnesota, WIS­consin an� Cornell.�,IP.�[IIj":.,.r_.I:,,�·",,�'".,n·,Bus and Wisconsin, They are the best The Reynolds club will hold its an- and receive a training tht gives a de- Colorado E4t!ca�r Visits Campusof sportsmen, and next year, when nual Thanksgiving informal tbis ided advantage over tne honest and President James H, Baker of thethey fulfill the other half of our cver:-ing, With but few of the out-of� eonscientious Filipino in the struggle University of Colorado, "'00 is re-agreement by playing on Marshall town students leaving the campus, for food," .turning from a .'trip to New YorkF ..Id ception has been set for Thurs-re I am sure that even greater, the officers are expecting an unus- Science Bureau TO'.) Costl- City, was a visitor on the campusf' dli ' day night. December 17, and Con-nen mess will result, Northwestern ually large crowd on the eve of the. "Then there is tit( bureau or ,Monday, Dr, Baker is president of�'II b bl b dd vocation Sunday wil] be the Sunday ,'1 pro aye a ed to the sched- holiday, science, Let it be (H�:' nctly under- the American Association of SitateI before. on December 13. The Rever-u e next year, although no action has Two floors of the club will be used stood. that I am a love- of science Universities, and was East on busi-b k .. end Frank Crane will deliver a scr-een ta 'en as yet. Of course, we for dancing, The thil'd �ould be used and wiil do everything J c a n to: f"," ness connected with the association.mi"llt play II' th C .' f ,. '. ' I While here he met a number of the mon the Sunday after Convocationo any co ege m e on- were It not or Its ll'lCOll�lence, ther it. bat also I W.l!lt to say that :1:' nf ' , day on some aspect of Christ mas.erence." The 'music will be fu� by a man 1 will do everything possib'e officials of the University and ex-�I' J Examinations are schcduled· for• mncsota, Wisconsin and Cornell Harper, to discourage the efforts of the Un- pressed his great pleasure in learn-are certainties for rooo. Although ing about thc work being accom- �r�r(';-oy. Tuesday and Wednesday,-:r7 ited States govern m,e nt iii C:.. ontinuingt! .' ... Lcccmhcr 21, 22 and 23, the lasticrc IS no contract with the Goph- Powwow' Ht'lds Meedac its scientific researches in the W:\)' it plished here.; ers, therc is a friendly understanding T P In the evening he was entertained c':.y hcin� two days before Chr'ist-he owwow, at its weekly meet- is doing' it now in the PhIiopincs. • ..between Dr, Williams and Director ing last night, elected Benson as sec- "The science bureau IS the m.i-t hy the Colorado alumni dub at din- mas,Stagg. and a game is pretty sure rotary to fill the vacancy 'caused by elaborately equipped' in the world. ncr at the Union Hotel. Assistantnext year at Minneapolis. The Cor- thc resignation of Leonard Fox. The There invaluable investigations .. rc Professor Carr of the department of D S hn 11 r, c utze Speaks at Lit, Meetinge same is the other end of a two literary program consisted of a de- b. eing made in the physiological, psychology, and George Owen Fair- Dr. :Martin Schutzc of the Germanyears' contract, and will be played at hate on "Resolved: that the United botanical and zoolomcal.' fields. 1 weather. president of the club, wereI I o· department addressed the men oft iaca. Wisconsin at Marshall Field States should .retain the Philippines dOll't wonde� that the Uinit� S'tatAs among those present, President L'" rtcraturc college yesterday morningnext year is also part of a signed indefinitely, Those on the affirmative is proud of what it 1'5 doine, We Baker left for Boulder, Colo., ycstcr-. (') on �foclf'rn Naturalistic Drama, Hecontr�lct. Some of the other possi- were Carpenter, Felsenthal, and, shot1ld' all. be p' roud of it,' but I say day morning,b'l' , .. sketched the movement in EuropeI HIes are Illinois, Purdue, Indiana, Billes. The negative was compose4 it�. a cn,'me against the Filipinos, -----Northwestern, Iowa and several other of K I O'N 'II nd B TIl' d and quoted examples from Zola, lh-ee er, el a, e�,son, �. an a disgrace to our country at .'\ monthly litcrary magazine will scn and Hauptmann, Hc took ·up theWestern collcgc!', besidcs some big judges gave their decision in favor 0[ I • . -b-· bt:'_ arge to mamtam t IS ureau �pon bc published hy thc Scribblcrs' So- mo"cm("nt in .'�merica and analyud.c.ast<:rn university. the neptive. (CoatiDaeci oa pap 4) ciety at Illinois, recent plays from this point of view.,�t� I:'t;.. ••'.I'SOCIALISTS TO SP�K HERJrJTHE DAILY MAROON, WE"DNESQAY .. NOV. 25, 1908.Campua.Club Ezpec:ts To BriD& many Es- Commons' Meal Hours: Tb�nJcs-_poncnta Of Socialism To giving day-Breakfast, 8:0G-9.:oo ..:�.m.; dinner: 12:00- 1:00 Po m.; supper':5 :30-6:30 p. In. � : ."'W"ed uliecoluklua J4a1l at the Chlcqo The newly organized Socialist German CI�b meets Friday at 4 ..00,.t..... Clllcqo. lWDoJa, Kuc:ll III, club has made plans for a season of p. m. in Lexington hall. Lecture bygreat activity. Permanent officers will Mr. chosen at .the neX't meeting, Fri- Cap and Gown Editon can be con­Pabllahed dalll, ucept SwadQ.. 1l000dQa day, in Cobb 3C at 10:30. The club sulted with any afternoon in Ellis 3,u. holldaJ8, duriq three. quart.,. of the will then vote on the constitution, from 3 to 4 o'clock. Communica­Ualnrall1 leu. now in the hands of the committee. tions may be left at Faculty Ex­The constitution expresses the ob- change 280.jects of the club as being, to promote Intcrnational Club, open meeting,intelligent interest in Socialism Saturday, at 8 p. m., ·in the Reynoldsamong the students, to brnig prom- club. Program of speeches and rnu­inent Socialist speakers to the Uni- sic. Reception and refreshments af­versiw, and to make a center of Soc- ter meeting. All invited.ialism here. University of Chicago Dames, Sat-The .program committee is plan- urday, 3:00 p. m., in room 15, Lexing­ning a series of lectures by such men ton hall. Topic, "Stenciling."as George Kirkpatrick, Robert Hunt- Pen Club meets Friday at 10:30 iner, John Spargo, all famous author- Cobb lOB.ities on present day Socialism. Theyare also planning a course of study 'lBB BAIL¥' BULLBTIRwhich will deal with such vital stu-.. -.sal atadeDt PablleaUOIl et *UIlITen1t7 � Chlc:qQ..I11�f.I.j,lI. jI11jI rormerQThe Ullin •• 1tl of"lo Weekll.�ft. Weekil. Oct. I, 1882.The Dalll, Oct. I, 1802..-- aUNcrlptlOIl price. ,3.00 per lear; ,1.00f� • DlOlltba. SaNcrlpUona recelTed atDe IlarOOIl ()alce. Ellla lIal1. _ at thel'acult7 Cobb BalLPRESTON r. GASS, :M.anqlq Ed.itor.MELVIN J. ADAIIS. Newa Ed.itor.ABE LEO FRIDSTEIN. Ath1eUe EcUtor.OSWALD i'. NELSON. BualDea :YaDqer. dies as Political reforms, the manage- Social Committee of the Women'sment .of the public utilities, housi� Athletic Assocition will meet thisconditions, the new charter for Chi- morning at 10:30 in Lexington 5·cago, and the municipal Settlements The meeting is· important .and play �rounds. Re�olds Club Informal this even-The members will discuss a new ing,program for the Socialist party to Freshman Class Meeting this morn­strive for, and" will co-operate with ing at 10:30, in Kent theater.the Chicago Socialists in every pos- Y. W. C. L, meets today at 10:30sible way. A quarter of the member- in Lexington hall.ship so far consists in graduate stu- Junior Mathematics Club, room. 36,dents and Fellows. Richards says that Cobb hall, today at 4:30 p. m. Pa­with the start they have made they per by Professor Moore.have every reason to expect the club, Maimonides Club meets tonight atto be a big success. All the speaches 8, in Cobb 12B.will be open to the whole University. Thanksgiving Spread-All women.... ;'" .W. A. WeaTft.L C. Whltael4lit. MamI. Ll1l7 A. N� PfefferRoberta B. OWeDHarcran Loqauo ....II. B. Bauthap IOsa BmeatlllelDTauIlorrla B. BrI£p..... COIltdltatlau\...., .. lett at .waBall _1'anlt7 �..t� to the ·Biackfriars will hold :a,: meeting- inNo More Class Social Affairs With- Cobb 9B at 10:30.Dd7 IIuoc& rdi A Football G P' Mout Money, Acco ng to n- arne - re- edics vs.nouncemenj of Miss Talbot. Pre-Legals. this afternoon, on Mar­shall F·e!d.On December 9, 1608, John Miltonwas born in London. On Wednes- The plans of the ,sophomore classreceived a set-back yesterday whenit was announced by President Earlethat Miss Talbot had written him Score Club meets today at 10:30 a.10., in the Reynolds club.University Debating Teams meetthis evening in Cobb 6A at 7:30 withCoach Chandler.The day, therefore. twoweeks from today, willMilton occur . the· tercenten-Tercentennial nial of the birth of the saying that all the money necessaryfor the Sophomore dance would havegreat English poet. to be in the treasury by the ThursdayIt was announced several weeks ago f b W' hpreceding the 7th 0 Decem er. Itthat plans were being made for an this in mind, renewed efforts are be­elaborate celebration of the event at ing made to solve the difficult prob-lem of extracting dues from the class.Chairman Sullivan, of the social com­mittee, has called a meeting.... for 10:30thi." morning, of that committee, inCobb 6A, to arrange for the dance.Any of the officers of the class ormembers of the social committee UNIVERSITY PRESS PUBUCATIONSThe Journal of Geology�Contents for October-November:-­Structural Gt;olo�'of the . MiddleYang-Tzi-Kiang Gorges, E. C. Aben­danon; Recent Studies in the Gren­ville Series of Eastern North Amer­ica, Frank D. Adams; A Study ofthe Damage to Bridges DuririgEarthquakes, Wm. Herbert Hobbs;The Development of a Carboniferousthe University, over a period cover­ing . two or three days. A facultycommittee was appointed, and theco-operation of the students wassought thorough the Dramatic chili.A most diligent search conductedby the Maroon within the last fewdays has failed to reveal the slightest will receive dues from now on.progress in the plans for this celebra-tion, Donald Robertson and his WINTER SCHEDULE IScompany' are to present Milton's"Comus" in Mandel hall on the even­ing of the poet's birthday, but allother plans for observance 'of the .day seem to have fallen through. Winter quarter announcements . r;:=E���������====It is to be regretted, if the idea of under the uovel litle. "Time Sched- \ NY BOOKS IN ON\having a fitting observance of such a ules," appeared on the campus yes-· • WE. ST. R9Sreally noteworthy occasion has been terday and will be obtainable at the INTERNATIONALabandoned. The four hundredth an- Information office. The courses of- D·I C TI ONARYl»e�bMr*,"DDUrA.� ___niversary of Columbus' discovery of Iered are by far more numerous than a= ;.:u:."t:' .� saAmerica was thought worthy of an are usually �ven. each department .... ,Iltc.' l'Jaa.,o.tat �CWIn& ....... ftIp. .... -.a.. .ambitious world's fair, and Chicago of study having many flattering in- =.�ar���was considered the proper seat for it. ducemerrts. ==��.��.Miltohn now belongs to America as Reed Lecturc PostpOned �=::: ..muc as he does to England and �t.IIa ••The unexpected absence of F. B. .....0IIrtIaaa ..America's second and most represen- � ..... " ........Reed from the city caused his lecture "*··'·-····..:l.l.l� ... N ...tative city should take the lead in -on "Trade Mark Law" to be post-doing honor to his memory. This poned .. He will deliver the same lec-of course, means the University, forture on Friday of this week at 4:10in such matters Chicago should lookp. m., in the north lecture room ofto her great seat of learning to takethe initiativf".. the Law building. This will be the,first of a series of six lectures to be :given on Tuesdays and Fridays. Stu­dents of all the colleges are urged to ChonetesBrachiopod, Grar.uliferOUT Owen. F. C. Greene; The Variationsof Glaciers, XIII, Harry FieldingMany Courses Offcrccl Next Quartcr Reid; Reviews; Recent Publica-in New "Time Schedules." tions,I� I... ::.�.�.::.'7J..��?-.... =-=... _&MItw ...Ibcnal4 '1'_ 1'0\ Own Bach a Book!'WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY.� or OUI' abridpImts. R� and ThI .....par� In6Paca·ndK4ooJll�WlftlIIr...._.,"daUII." ..........� rna. MC'"IIUoa ,. �requnt ,,,,",./"..s�. -"" set ofColared Maps. pocket.a-. •.... ,c. .... co., ...........447 student at the University ofMinnesotOl are below in their studies. come.If their work is not up at the end of For parc foods, pure mjl� creamthe semester they will be requested and home cooking, KO to the Collegeto leave the universit..... Caf h Sv., e, w sst treet_ In 110 respect docs our pre­eminence in young men's mas­tcrful tailoring show morcstrongly than in our FallDress garments.We demonstrate that such at­tire can be made according tothe strictest edict of correctfashion. and yet have individ­uality, character, tone and ex­pressiveness.We usc only the finest fabricsknown. the most dependablelinings and trimmings.With all their attractiveness,our Full Dress clothes are noless attractively priced.Our suits for cvery day wearor Knockabout, are the limitof perfection. To own one isan assurance of aU around fit­ness-they look fit and makcone feel fit.Suits or Topcoats, $35.00 Up.THE BOWS COMPANY·YOU HAVE TO EAT.YOU WANT GOOD FOOD.Then go to theHOTEL MAROON58th and Drexel AvenueFRAT MIXTUREA eonge Md'STOBACCOt Z-3 01. 15 eentsKnight li Vroman6l Waba.h AvenueComer Randolph.THE BEST .MEALS-AT­REASONAB4E PRICESAT TH�HOTEL ·MAROON58th and Drexel AvenuePhonc· Central 1('1i4AlFRED PUTS li CO.Foreign . and DomesticWALL P APBBSAND DRAPBBIBS/"144- 46. Waba.h Aye.Chicqo.-� ----��--------------�--'AN EXCLUSIVESHOP for WOMENand $6.00 for JOurShoes. whm I .ellthc samc Styles and,2.50D�nt take my word for it,but C':ome and look at them.TBE STATES SHOE SHOPSecond Floor, 199 State StreetOver Peacock's Jewelry Store.O�ft Saturday Evcnin&1 Till 8 ..•.PA1"f.III'DBAKD_.010.DOU ItItROBERT P. MURPHY,ProprietorHOTEL ALBANY TH:Cut41st Street and BroadwayNEW YORKRemodelled" HandsOmely Fur­nished ThroughoutABSOLUTELY FIREPROOFIn the heart of the City500 Rooms. 300 Bath Rooms·European Ptan. Cuisine Utncxee1Je4Gentlemens' Cafe, Ladies' ReslJl.rant, and Moorish Rooms. Popt­lar Prices. Plenty· of Life-batHomelike.$1_00 Per Day and UpSEND FOR BOOKLET,Meet. me at the College Inn, UDderthe Albany, New York's leadiDaRathskeller, a place to eat, dri1Ikand be merry. fAutofilltFODand fine boilbons famous throOut Amcrica, put up in bca�boxes suitable for presents at I5C40C and fioc: per pound. '""eased customer � the best ...vcrtiscmcnt."Gunther's ConfectlODerr212 Statc Street. RlWlIIF IT'S SPORTFOR RECREATIONOR COMPETITION,YOU DON·T WORKQUITE RIGHTUnless your uniformor implement beanthe SpaldingTradc Mark.That Tradc Markgives youCONFIDENCE a: SATISFACTIOSpalding's handsomely illustrated (21alogue of all sports contains IIU­merous suggesiions.Mailed Free �here,A. G. SP AWING " BBO'141 Wabash AvenueCbicqo, ID.THE DAILY J.lAltO�lt, WEDNESD� Y. NOV. 25, 1908.No MoneyDown .�I"GA"'-:���TTr.sf Fro! !,::�::rY!�m�:."" I... :J Young men who are determinedTroubles of � .Editor. upon n livelihood had better look in-In these days of martyrs, it is firt- to. 'the possibilities of public account- ,that the editors should CQm� in ing, Private business firms need in­their share of commiseration. creasing the service of certified ac­FQr the benefit of some of the faculty countants,members who. wonder why those who . So likewise in municipal account­direct the destinies of nhe Daily Ma- ing. Mr. William H. Allen recent­roon are not always up in their stu- ly stated in the Journal of Account­dies, a report ill the original and un- ancy thae one thousand efficientedited condition ill which it arrives young men were wanted immediate­in the office is printed below: ly to. perform the well-paid duties ofThe writer was sent to. cover the analyzing the business systems ofPhilosophy colege dance. Being too crtres. Controller Metz complainedtired and too busy to. go. over to. the the other day that this city's billsReynolds club to. get the facts, he de- and salary lists were not properlycided to. draw UPQn his fertile imagi- audited: that "the system is bad, am}nation, with the aid of the experience we haven't enough men. Until wegained in English I, and on a high get enough men the city will CQn­school monthly, and produced the t inue to be cheated out of thousandsfollowing': of dollars every year." Mayor Hib­"Campus Capers," the two. step bard of Boston undertook this weekdance by Albert Sabanh was the hit a radical reform in making up the an­of the afternoon at the Philosophy nual budget for that city; his chiefWomen's dance at the Reynolds Club difficulty will lie in the dearth of ef­l esterday afternon. Again and again ficicnt accountants. The cities ofwas he encored and urged to. play Louisville Newark, New Rochelle,the popular two. step. Holyoke-s-in fact, according to. Mr.The graceful couples glided over Alen, "over half the cities in <thethe smooth floor to. the melodious United States"-are now demandingtune am} to. the music' of other pop- expert leadership in business meth-lular hits. ods so. as to. prevent extravaganceI I t was the firs" college dance of the and fraud.season and all Philosophy turned out The disposition that is manifest into. the 'une of 200 couples to. the re- all departments of public and privateIceptio.n. affairs to. analyze improper andFrappe was served as usual. and all wasteful methods and to. supplantIPartOQk of the sweet refreshment. them is not the least hopeful sign ofSabath and Lawrence officiated at our times. In this work young menthe piano. and the way they were re- of ability will take an important part,peatedly clapped showed how greanwas the approval of the gathering. NEWS OF THE COLLEGESThe reception committee intro-duced the members of Philosophycollege men to. the fair co-eds, andprovided a partner. for every one who.appeared. .Everyone complimented the way'Try Our1300 Kenmore PianoIn your own home, make sure that it J"Uits 70UIn every particular. When you are so satisfied,pa)p us$165In �DY way you like, even as low as$1 a'-weeK.raJ P I A NOS-Regular prices $350. to. $750. atGREATLY REDUCED PRICES AT THIS SALE.THIS COUPON IS WORTH A TEN DOLLAR BILLCut i' out at once. Don't throwaway money. We not only SAVEyou over a hundred dollars, but permit the smallest payments EVERknown (as lQW as $i a week); ask no money in ,advanceyou $10 �o. boot, Can you beat it?Out-of-town patrons are invited to. avail themselves ofMOST liberal inducements.DOF:y)omtexcdW ...-CUT OUTTHIS COUPONGOOD FORTen Dollars. i $10. FREE CREDIT DUE BILL,� One of these Coupons good asFIRST PAYMENTowards purchase of one StarckPiano. at this sale, at 204 .Wabasht\ venue Chicago.. Ill.p Pianos Shipped to. Any Part -.l the United Stat�on These Liberal Terms. Write Ior FREE Catalogues.�T.n, UDduleadq P. A. STARCK PIANO CO.,MANUFACTURERS2Q.i-206 Wabash Avenue. Near A�ams Street. Cbicago.I The Junior fraternities at Yale arcAlph Deb�� Phi, Delta Kappa Ep­siIQ�, ·Psi Upsilo.n. Zeta Psi and BetaTheta Pi.I now have on band, .and selling at half price:Puker Lucky Curve, JQhn Holland. Paul E. Wirt, Waterman Ideal,A. A. Waterman's, Conklin' Self-fill ers, Cro.cker, Blair, Simpl0.6l1 ...Alltofiller and all the other well-kno.wn brands ofF 0 UN T A I N P E ;N S Repairing While you wait.DAVID � PBNl4AN, 192 Clark It... Cldcqo. in which the reception was managed Indiana University faces a waterand went away with a feeling that famine. due to. prolonged drouththey had had the best time of the which has exhausted the city supply.year. Water is now hauled in andlcarried from the country in order toScience CoUeee Hears Mr. Field. serve the students and townspeople.Mr. James Alfred Field, Instructor __in Political Economy, addressed The trial, which took place recent-Science college yesterday morning on ly. was conducted on the most ap­the practical value of political econo- proved legal basis,and was placed en­Having defined tire1y in the hands of the student A CLASSIC IN·PIPE TOBACCONo matter what �obacco yo.uhave been using£ARL YLE MIXTUREwill prove far more enjoyable. Itis exquisite in flavor, cool, aro­matic and leaves no. unpleasantclftertaste.Try it. and if yo.u are notpleased, we will' cheerfully refundthe money,2 Oz.-..oc 4 Oz. 75c8 OZ.-$1.50 1 lb. $3.00We will mail to. your addressupon receipt of price.NATIONAL OIGAR STORE(Inc.)First Natio.nal Bank Building.Chicago.. Ill.NQt Connected with theTrust.LADI�' TAILORMADE SUITS$35.00 up.FQr Correct fashions at mod­erate prices. for practical andserviceable wear that com­plies with the ·exactingdemands of style.L. BAlM, LADIES' TAILOR525 East 63rd Streeteconomics as a scientific application body. The prosecution was conduct- Our reputation is our guarantee.of the physical things of the world, ed by the University authorities,went on to. show of what great value while the defendant refused to. availthis+must be fQr the engineer, the himself Qf counsel.A11REPEATING RIFLES FOR HUNTING!�No matter what you hnnt for or where you hunt, the answerto the question "What rifle shall I take?" is-a Win�eater.Wmchester Repeating Rifles are made for an styles of cartndges,from .22 to .50 caliber. Whichever model you select you wiD �4it an accUrate shooter, reliable in action and strong in conaUUc:tiOD.Wbldustu a-s 41141 Aarnuuaitioll-tu R�d W Brtullf-tu •.... for'" oeur.WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS co.. - NEW HAvaN.OON •• chemist o.r �he physician. "Further­mQre," he said. "it is a subject whicho.ught to. appeal to all scientificallyinclined men, especially as it is nota fully develo.ped study, and muchremains to. be toward its moreco.mplete develQpment. StDclent Discharged for "Cribbing"Tried and fQund guilty fo.r "crib­bing" by a jury. o.f his peers, was thcmethod pursued at the University ofMichigan to. rid the schQo.I Qf a stu­dent who. had transgressed the mQr­al bClundaries at an examinatio.n heldlast spring.This is the first time that a students at IS'I. "1best III-U Diversity Girl in Opera.Elizabeth Burke, Qf the, will sing one of the principalhas been tried by his fello.w student!'at Ann Arbo.r, ,but it was thoughtthat ,,·hatever action might be taken--------r, BALATKAMUSICAL COL LEGEEstablished 1879 by the world­renowned Hans Bal .. tkaPOSTAL CARD BRINGS CATALOGUEWRITE TODAYDR. C H R. F. B A L AT K A, D ire c tor.Diplomas Recognized All Over the WorldSpecial Rates to Students of U of C.Address All Communications to,BALATKA MUSICAL COLLEGE day evening,. December 16. The per­fQrmance wilt' be given for the bene-college for the rest o.f the of the Ge�man Old Peo.ple's HorneMamselle Nito.uche, the -be presented is an We Haft No Bruch StudioonnLI'SAN ADV. IN THEDAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENT ASYOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOUJNVESTED?tains pU·ns.lue. It'. rnenlble. Made with cc Easyde-Illdial S�ce" and cc PatentedI..ock 1'IaDt.' 4-ply, Qaaner Sizes.,pm�rs..... __ CCAUl�.'- ... y·ue MENTION The DAILY MAROONWhen Trading W ilh Our AdverlijelS College CafeWE· 55th. St.Near Lexincton AvenuePOPULAR PLACBATPOPULAR PRIOES--LuncheonEvenin& DinnerSunday Dinner _ ·1Ii SERVICE A LA CARTE.FOR NOBBY. UP­TO-DATE N E C K­WEAR, AND STYL­ISH SHIRTSCALL ON.E. FEILCHENFELD277 Dearborn StreetFisher Buildingand everything neatand dean now at theHOTEL MAROON58th and Drexel A venue \: \1 .\ j':.4; I. \I Ii \I I, I! Ii I��;..Ii'f I� l' �t i1; ,t;!; .THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY� NOV. 25,.1908.COLLEGE NO BAIDIT SCIOOL u. s. LAVISHFa MILLIONSWHI�.E Fu..J���� �:r�RVEtrodden race. '"If the end of a college education Neect Food Above 'Allis to turn out more skilful bandits, "Then there is the public printingif it 'enables to be more shrewd and department. It has one of the mostadept in robbing others, and trains finely equipped buildings in the worldfor a narrow life of mean thieving, for that purpose. The etchings andthen cursed be education." These engravings that it produces arewere the words of Professor Charles among the best to be obtained. ButR. Henderson in a talk before Senior the people have no need of the print­chapel yesterday. He referred in- ing press. 'What they need is food,directly to the recent Van Vlissingen not engravings of as a warning example to college Time to Call a Haltstudents and said that their constant "Everywhere we 5ee the unmis-purpose should be to make righteous- takable sign of hard-earned moneyness the supreme governing principle that could buy food for a starvingof life. people, being lavishly spent to the"1 do not believe," he declared, advantage of a few high-salaried"that there is anything in a college which should be conducive .. It is time that our American na­to the production of such unprinci- tion a waken from its disinterestedpled, demoralized characters. It attitude to the Filipinos. We mustpossesses all that should go to build either discontinue the maintenance ofup strong manhood. There is a such institutions as these or comp�lvast difference between mere intro- our congress to provide the neces­duction and education. It isn't what .. ary money for their continuation."we learn, but the spirit and purposewith which we learn, that is the im-lportant thing. If the best the col­lege can do f�r us is to bring forth--------------------------- lawyers whose chief delight is to seehow close they can graze the prisonwalls without being captured, if itdoes nothing more than to teach oneT1IIII� ttY.... ,_ •••• 11......... It..,Dl�.. -rJ·-�• CUIHtO.BUTTO •.CLASPuu ruYlI '"' LlI-lnulun.1IAII ... UlfUfUI...... J6.1ft�0eIt0a ........ _�orpdM..... nonoo ................. v .a, A.•• NTLK ... N-��-aiOSToNGARTER Dr. Hendenon tell Scaiora HieherEducation is Worse Than Uselessif it Does Not Develop MontStrength and Stifle Dishonesty.I�IfI __ .",.ALWAYI EASY� __II I PurIty DR ExooUenceCANDIESSEE THEM MADK370 E. 55th SuetUNIVERSITY DANCING CLASSholds a matinee dance and recep­tion Wednesday at 2:30. U,niver­sity students invited.2S cents. Rosalie Hall.i. � Admission how to simply look on as a spectatorof the game of life, and 'does nottrain to distinguish the difference be­rween the production and acquisitionof wealth then cursed be educa-CLASSIFIBDADVERTISEMENTST=:._ tion,in the "There is, however, every reasonwhy we should benefit by our lifehere. The temptations which con­front us are numerous and subtle,andwe have most excellent opportunityto develop our moral fibre by resist­ing those temptations. Weare ir: aposition to fit ourselves, so that wemay. not at least become . stumblingblocks to our fellowmen. When wego out into the world after college,we should be stronger, better, kinder,juster. Education e�ables us to livein the presence of the unseen, to getoutside the little sphere of the tan­gibl- arid the seen, The whole phil­osophy of the past, with the enlight­enment of its experiences, is openedup to the student to guide him in thepresent and the future. It is for usto widen our interests beyond selfand to include the community. LetD AI LYMAROONBRING RESULTSFOR SALKFOR RENTWANTED 'LOSTFOUND3S cents for threelines per issue.CLASSIFIED ADVERl'I8IN�TO RENT-Rooms to rent with useof parlors; very reasonable; if youwant a homelike place, see us. 6233 us learn to be less selfish, to considerKimbark ave.. znd flat. 'at all times the welfare of our fel-FOR RENT _ Steamheated front lows whom we meet on the walks, inroom, for one or two ladies; all the class-room and in the club."conveniences; private family. Fren- CHA�GE RING SUCCESSFULkel, 6030 Washington ave., 2d flat.TYPEWRITING work wante'" b Record of Peal Made' on Palmer� Y Chimes sent to London.Kiss Myrtle Goodfellow, 5500Greenwood avenue. The bell ringers who have beenpracticing on the Alice Freeman Pal-WANTED so meet party owning mer chimes last Saturday eveningReal Estate elsewhere worth about achieved their first successful peal.$12,000 who may be willing to ex- The record of it bas been sent to thechange same for flat bId,;. in best Bell News and Ringers Record, pub­neighborhood adjacent to U. of .C., lished in London, and follows thisAddress x, care Daily Maroon. form:Chicago , Ill.: The University ofWANTED-Woman student to assist Chicago band on Saturday, Novem-in the care of two children during her 21. 1908, in twenty six minutesthe day, apply in person. 'Mrs. Tom- at the Mitchell tower on the Alicelinson, 6222 Ellis Ave. Apt.I. Freeman Pa!mer memorial bells.BARGAINS ALL THE TIME-:\ peal of plain bob minor, j20Reliable Rebuilt Typewriters, all changes; Ben Read. treble; Bertmakes; rehuilt in our own factory; Cowling, 2 treble; Norman Wake­better and cheaper than others. See field. ',1 treble; Fred Barraclough, 4for yourseJf. The Typewriter Ex- treble; F. Rumens, S treble; Georgechange, 3T9 Dearborn St. A. 1. Couse, Barraclough, tenor. don�!ucted .byManaier. Telephone Harrison 4065. George Barraclough.ilThe best meal in Hyde Park at the We serve the best lunch on theCollege Cafe, 447 55th Street, near street at 10 cents and up. CollegeLexin�on avenue. Cafc. l Continued from pace I)the taxes gathered from a down-THE ROMAiTALIAN TABLE D'HOTE5OC-7sc-$I.OOINCLUDING WINEAlso a la Carte ServiceOpenDailyandSundaysfromII A. M.togP.M.SPAGHETTISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITALY-1 .. 6-S��TE �TREET-146SECOND PLOORTIle forum £igu IA CLEAR HAVANA CIGARSOLD DIRECT TOYOU IBy the Manufacturer without theDealer's Profit. I.. BERGER46.5 E. 63ni StreetTel.. Midway 392-MANY DESIRASLEGOODS REDUCEDIN PRICE.I"�SON: To ClearUp Our Stock Early.� .Wm. Jerrem.' SonaClark and Adam. StreetsA WOMAN'S COOKINGAT THEHOTEL MAROONTRY IT.58th and Drexel Avenue AN EITIRE NEW rEAmlTnmllARS C5il­W"'t4JiTON ��� ��.-------_..._-----..:...I TO GfE.C.IWOORE ,omen Spllien,to" dtal.• flORIST .. Mill Finch,. ReceiveIhi w. IJrd StreetTel Wentworth 2038 • 372 E. SSth Street.Tel Hyde Park 31. I�I After sevvassiy�. theare bfginllicrowd"ed h;;,heq M�&!SPECIAL PRICES TO FRATERNITIES· ,-"AND SORORITIES :� .I make a specialty of all designs of Sorority and• l<'ratemity Pins, Rings and Fobs. ..D�gns submitted free of charge, and sample pins furnished to It-sponsible parties. .iI also do all kinds of Watch and Jewelry Repairing, Diamond Settiwand Manufacturing at the cheapest possible prices. I am the maker'"designer of the 1907-1908 Daily Maroon Fobs. ! ditio,oal to�����d i.Poi�ed. �S)au�t,. :. e,Wa�r, L,cay.'IId ]Mn:direc'Ji� Filteirt of dJUST OPENTHE LITTLE BOOK SHOP,'434 East Fifty- Fifth Street .and old reNear Lexington Avenue. Phone Midway 2IA' ' .,a..JSTUNNING, ARTISTIC AND UN US U A L THINGS Fal"IIJi�."UNIVERSITY MEN AND WOMEN .M. f. fitzgerald & Co.'. MAKERS OF GBNTLBDlrS GAR�SI ; 360 East ssth Street . �i�··S. '�If�'.�ir)��� read:��.�atieRs-'6inee. SI.he is th.----------------------------------------------�II���s l--AMUSEMENT8-�POWBBB �'thaFRANCIS WILSON �butiWHEN KNIGHTS WERE BO Stlt".� sWfes 51:08LORI.A.L t{R an�GEO. M. ·COR-AN combinatand his Royal Family .te� I;and Incomparable Co. thesc stoA YANKEE PRINCE taQc;jlY (---S-:-'-T-U-D-.-.;__A-K-.-.-·!�atS�:!>ELSIE JANIS as to li�.In THE FAIR CO-ED revelatio------1'--are overlight wh-hat isIf you want to see something real swell in the newestshades and weaves for a suit of clothes, an overcoat or apair of trousers. for Fall and Winter, we have them toshow against any house in the city. Our prices are withinthe reach of all.GBARD OPBRA. BOUSEMR. MANTELLIN SHAKESPEARE' /OBICAGO OPBRA BOUSEALGERIA-_._-----INTERNATIONAL THEATREGRAND OPERABOHEMIAN GIRLAND IL TROVATOREThis Week ILLIR8I1Z lEG FR I ED'S LATEST REFOLL! ES OF 1908Law]Thankday byexcept'1' H J: GAR RI .. K departrr.DA VID WARFIELD its mor(Tnt h c cwst()ftl)lUSIC MASTER least a____________ �.4oors l5 D. mCARLE in IMARY'S LAMBA TDPRIR«m88"The Quality Musical Play"STUBBORN CINDEREWHITNEYTHE BIG SUOCESSA BROKEN IDOLLA BALL. ORCHESTRA HALLBURTON �OLMES'TRA VELOGUES Proletlnn'erssermonHyde]56tb SfCECIL LEANandFLORENCE HOLBROOKan. the La Salt. Theater St�1t Co•.. It GIRL AT THE HELM OLYMPIC 'MUSIC HALL.VAUDEVILLE ANDMUSICAL COMEDY