•lIatlyCHICAGO. SUNDAY, NOyEMBER 22, 1908. Price ,Two CeDtaVol. VII. No. 39.CHICAGO W'INS SECOND CHAMPIONSHIP OF WE'sT'INBARD STRUGGLE WITH WlSCON'SIN BY 18 TO 12 S·&QREIS GREATEST lAME IF'IOOERI fOOTBAll THAT, . HAS EViR, REel PLAYED sf£fft�. �l� PUllFOR·'.Hlln II'Rat IIIIIllE OF PLAY. It • Neither '!'� P!aces Mach Relianceon Line Plunging and BQth U., Forward p--..ss to Advantage� Feal Mack. Poaib1e by Perfectl,.PlanDect IDlerierence of WholeT�Nat, Score .. ade byWi�.MooERS _6A11tEmIrSfINAL _lIT: IS 18 TO' 1%Osthoff Proves Himself a Star atAccurate Passing of Ball for'Repeated Gains. Cbicqo""ToacbdowDa M�c!e b)'; Stef­fea, � W6n1nriDe: 'aDCl Iddi".lIoU Paila in Kicks.In an inte!1sely spectacular contest,chicago retained her hold ·on:.g theWestern footbali championship' i��- THE GAIlE IN DETAILt�ay, by defeating the aggressive Cal).t_ajn St�, as' . Usual was fort-.Wisconsin eleven by the score of Ih u���e:'iD wi#��rf"· fhe, t05�; �iid c1ios�'10 12 at �ladison. The game was' the. ' to !I,�f��4_ '�e -east 'gOal.' Stielup.:lPfgreatest exhibition of the grea�. �ew W�i�. ki�' �a -�. St���� .�� .style play ever witnessed on any thi�ri's. S. j� l�. W���gridiron... through �he' e�!i:re Badser··.�Wiscons�te::v;:e 1te�: equal to \ .. �t�'ll:fl.f�the hopes of her suppo�ers, b�. t1ae '��i t.£rf����ZP -.., .�.�:. '·�':iia - .r�l�!E�S::: .. ; .. ' J kL "::', ,Yi.":i"',' -- .:"_'. .rt: : -,.�� .."' . ��$"D'�"�.-��"" .. , � ���.. :��;!." .... ",•..". -I' ••.•• , ".! v , �:.I�>CIil_ c:aco l�ootba1l, .' r : .�-, _�',-:_f'.:-" •.•. ;I'.�.. ;"'�N"'. �.. 1Y'.. ' •. ':"" ��.'" , •• 'peeted th�.,eyeS 'of 'aut: 'bbche.-s. ..,. �. ,.' ... ,'_" ". : ". r >�.. " ..... �.::::, $tdh' '!"ft�' �'<�,i*of."· 15�:P.rom the -first.Jric:kojf. wh�,ISfefteD. ,With ·1a�·�=;,·:�4;·("f���.�S�;�lan� .,'11iOa \\f�in .. attempted 'o,i rAGE _ TIt tpl _: '" 5;a..... dS! r����'dae"�.:,��·1,i�tt. �ed tb� oval JlirOaah � ". �_. 'thrOwfi �.' .'. _- ....' .. - ;: gai·n.,r: thirdang',- their efforts at' -tiri�a I' '.... -'. .... _,.... I in�cib.le. ��� tn� of, ba� ',��dinal lineu�. f�r � ��down. the .' ... �.�_ .S� .� .:,;� � the ��rs�� �t �d���eD:s�cesSf�I.ill'. ',' .vARSity �m�I:1. ��,' �� .riP.'-.�.,�!_ �r��game kept �e. entire 12,� specta- Schomm�.:-. � �.,�_ .��_ .. �n��-I f)�!bb�� 'reeled_" ;O_�ff:"a ; •. ·.eat _.25 yard� ,,� .: ., .. � : ' :,: '_ ,I��:-D�.. a.�·��_., ,�ma�e .'a firsttors upon thear toes. The, little band ferenee, aDd the tanIt7 German Wls t run.r and tlh�. Card_Is ·bePn'·shoot:.: -, -_ .. : ':: ��::, . ..:. .-.;.�. 'teet ... f!pWJ!.. �d���p� aoCl. Worthwme cover-of 400 Maroon: stud�ts and atuumi all over t&e' field' at 'onee �D both at,:,' UIg,their �nttY fon:rard passes ,with! �� .jJ�����"r� -1': �;f:�·'�6f· .. �!('�·��� \V'��!emade a heroic s�cnriog against the tack, -and - ftfease..· Chicago's line' tdling efff!�("" A 10n8 throw, Moll w: . - 15 ,e1!._ c �. �..' ��;' to. ¥o�:.�· ��. '401rDeCr,�Badger hosts. definitely..pfneCt. iueH;.,_. strong �! Ust:a(.lff, ca�, the'b:ilI,to ChiQ&o's: ' ,� �'.��:, Th� �difiaf:¥ei��':aFor ·the first time this y�r C�i� ant in the W�.p:ontrary.tlO.aI�1t1Je! two yard Ii-'e:and WUce plowed over: '.' . 7' il :" 15 ,�� � ,� .• o�nhq��t 'itmet her equal at ttie new game. The ·wlY· seasQD taik- of Sta"� tiSs .. ; f«-·, -Wisc:�li&'s ,-,fiFst-- ,touchdown.: :��" S�: ���, �b1-r�. � WiSe "to ,piiDi : Sre&n' co�a . obi' �d-Badgers actually succeeded with paper defeil$��.: 'bJrinl the'��;"haJ:f,ll\foll selIC Jhe pigski� ov�r on th� ','� ... �n;;�.:����. A�. !��C;� �e,��ri. ��.:-a:q��iftr ba�kmore forward passes' than ChicagO •. Chicago· �0.:npt���17 � out�iaS;ed" t�l1cick, �.nd �S't�en on the kickeff sent� .. 'W��� .Y�erda�.... 'ri� b��. ���: _up" �t1¥ .. ,a. 30, ��dThe game appeared to be rough, but Badge,i'$., �rid the' liatte� 'st�a4ilY re-_! his gand' �tq.)he B!dBers' �fast and; : 'H�rlari' �6rvi11e Page,' for two' year$ �pri�t �. '8; f���. ·P'!�t' l(lcfaD� a�dthe frequent calls for time were oc- fused l(>. �t�ke the olfense. Moll usu�.; furious. and �n i;iliilg. up �the s.core.; end .. ' ... on th� VarsitY - : eleven, ' .. �� ��Pea���.: w_ �r�h�i��' g�t ,'��� ,for . �oc:asioned more, by the exceediDgly Iy .kicking.:oll r�eipt; of the t.al�. ! Wisco�'� ·¥.t�mpts to pin wer� elected captain of the' 1909 VarSity �rd�. The .ba�� we�t -t� .Wisco��nbad condition of the griditon dum by liedpi' S ... · H� i repe�,... ��lCed by: Chi�go's tackj t�am' 'Iast night' on .toe way' home .�? 40\1l1s. � Moll _ imme�ia'�'Ythe tactics of the players. Steffen O�thOfft Moll and· 'Roe�s were in: ling, Pag.e"'epeciaDy·; starrIng' at. nail_! from the Wisconsin game ... page kicked. I •-as laid out 'for the' 'first time,·this the limeliKht 'fot- th� : Cafdinals. a1-: ing Wilce and MuckJestone back of . ScJI9mmef... r •• · •.• 1IiRea," .a PiefcI,.·,• Goal.... was - voted ,in by acc:1ama.tioDp there <or- _season, and Page, Cr-owley, EbrhofD' though' "Keekie" failed to·. coullt; the . line for �·IOsseS. . '. '�ge .ran· �c", 12 Yaids. 'D. 'CaD of, being no other man �uggested for I" ,and Wortbwiue, �re. £0. reed to call "ith :my· of the goals from drcip I, The. ball see. -sawed up and down.' ,W. i�c, 9nl, s.. in,'. �as'"_ � �d oUt ,but res.' iuD.. ; edthe coveted posi�ion.__ ' , .,for time for Chicago. and Moll, CuI- kick�, 'whieh he � figured on for.} the-field"£Or' i'.-while,-then Wortb;'ine; Director Stagg als<? announced tc? pJ�� Id���� ��e tf yaras OIl'a(ake.ver, Stiehm. aDd, Dean o{ t:'e, �dg- His three attempts at drops were un-. �rowley �rid Iddings Ilam�ered the players who of- the squad� bad 3�4 �ieft'�� re�}lt� for 14 ��is. �ners, had �o stop t� game, after too successful; as 'Were the same D�-i�.rough t�e �ad�r line .�til Wo�h� been selected by him' �� re�e�' tht, ��_. en�. �n. �I�� cou�d � �Dsudden contact with th� turf. �. �y Schommer. Osthoff was t�e I�e .carneQ�he ball o�er for Chlca-� "C" for' football.' Fifteen men will ��d .Scbosr�r t�� � �I. from �ePage Pats Up Gnet· a.me- IDdlvldual star of, the game for _WJ�� I ; 0 s �ecopd ��uchdowD and .Schom- get tIle emblems, they being -aU ,'�: yard IlIle. The b�lI �s.� the. Page pla� � b�nt game, wo�k- c�nsin, a�d·, proved danger�uslY elu-: mer ne���ia�c�. the twelfth point with: those who go_t a chal'l��_ ,!Q . �p.��� ,�and��..,ing with Wanle In a �st efiectIV.� sive of tacklers .. The t�ckbng of t�e;!�ase. -'. -• . against the Badgers. They.� ��e�c� ra�. h.ac,k .,.��I�s pu� �1ray. He did more of t�e punting Badgers. appeared rag�ed, but tbey i! Both Teama PIa,. I!'ant .' Captain Steffen, Captain-elect � yarcJs. The Maroon received a pe�l�th:m he has ever executed m an� pre- Marly always got their .man, except,: I !he game b.ecame a !nflous whlrl-: Iddings, Schommer, Crowley, W�- that sh�ve4 _��m_ �.a�k to thelr:·.4Sviolts game, and held his own m the for -the wonderful dodgmg of Ca�. wmd after the Dext kickOff; a�d it; win: Schob:'., Kelley, Hoffman. F�, yard ,�me .. I_dd��p:.Jl� �ortbwmekicks with bath his own captain and tain Steff�� , ! -:as at this �nt that Stiehm·� (ert)- Badenoch, Rogers, Ehrhom, HirsChi, made Jt � fi�t ·�WII. Steffen p�ntedthe Badger toe artist, Moll �ge 1I0ll's punting was 'excellent, andj C10US tackle made Wallie call for and Elliott. I � Calver. Moll. kicftd. to Stdl'ea whoagain was in every play and never let the little quarter "'as a star until; time. Page An All-Around Star' � back for 7 r:ards. Wiscoasinap on his speed. taken out late in the second half.: I Tbi� Score. f�� ,��".&o Tile new captain of the Maroon r nved the _11 ... Its own 45 yardSteffen played a grand game and Cunningham went i�' for Moll and Iddinp here made 10 yards on a' eleven ·-is. with John Schommer th� :ne.ended his brilliant career, one of showed his green�ss when in tight forward pass from Page and again star all-around athlete of the 'Uni- Bad&en Tie. TIle CoatChicago's greatest captains, in a p'lacf'!'I by being nervous and fumb- on a forward pass crossed the Car- \·ers�ty. He is a whirlwind as guard 051 hoff: reeled ·off two 30' Yardblaze of glory. Wallie ran his team ling the ball too often dinal goal f�r Chicago's third and' on the basketball five, and made a gains, 6'le RCOIId on a ferward �ssmarvdously and entrenched himself Great Run the Feature last tOllchdo,,;n. Schommer again name for himself as a baseball pitch- trom MoB, bringial' the oval to .thee\'en uccp�r In the hearts of Chicago Sh(Jrtly after Wallie's ,s�nsational annexed the extra point and ended er by defeating the famou:. 'Ernie 3 yard line, Wilce was shoV�o,errooters. run of lOS yards for the first score, the.. Maroon scorina. 'Ovitz and the Illinois team last sea- for a touchdown' and MoB kickedBacks Work WeD Chicago worked the ball dangerously. Chances in Lineup son. IrQal SCore. 0l�,6 Wisconsin; 6.Iddings and Ctowley ripped close to the 'BadgeI' goal several ChicaKO start� the second half In football, Page has played a re- , Sch �U lric�cI IawMiabl)through the Badger _ong rneD for times, and ·'Long John" tried and with some cha�ges in the lineu�, markable game during the two years.; �m� hal �..J.� t� Moll whogains on nearly every attempt. Id- failed with his lint attempt' for a· The old ,shift .�n the right side �s on the Varsity team. The selection'.' dod.,ed �tia k' I � hIS goal �ddings also playinc. IUs best pme� goal from placement. There Chjcag� again made .by: "The Old �a�." of some of the critics for the AII- .' �.,.ants. MOIl .Im­never was so reli:a(,le mid' steady� and played on t�e ofFe'nse st�a'di1y (or' � �e�'e� �e�t t� �rd: (�: l!ir!.�1 and Western la!'t year, he is the almoft �7._ ,��to_ S�eltylcldlllpCrowley was a tenor to the Badgel'l, minutes. (Co-.' II - .... 4) (Coatilllled 011 ,_ ., (CoatiaMd - ,... S)i·E---I'�NOji�l:ay"ELLA'�" f)"- ... ., "dig.' _aronn . ADOUIIOmDlftl .THE DAILY MAROON •. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1908 .UNIVERSITY CAN LEARNFROM THE'LOWER SCHOOLS_'--' . -Biabop V'mcent at Sunday morning'religious service, -II a: m., 'in Mandel'hall, Orpn . recital at 10=45.� PhilolOph,. and Literature Wo�meet Tuesday. November' 24, in Kent;.'t�:ter at 10:30: Address by Profes­sor Herrick.Inatrumental Soloists will meet in- e-.JaI .t*t�·i'ullc&uoa ef iM ProfeSsOr Aley of Indiana Sa,. Uai-tJal1''''� of Olc.p. versitY FreShmen Do Not Get... � Proper Att�tion... tend .. kOild-dua 1la1l &t the ChlcqohR..... Clalcap. 11l1lloJa. Much tlil. Of interest in connection with theefforts of the University of Chicago .... :'1';'2 �� L. ��Es H:��, ��.j5· :- :':r90 EJlST .A.,SON �TREET . "\":":'_.:.'Tribune Building=-zd Door East of Cor-LuCest Exclusive Hat Store in Chicago .....I' "'I.:."Money is an essential element in Powwow meeting Tuesday in Cobbthe care of Freshmen. If there is 9C at i' :45 p. m.not money enough to provide for re- Freshman Class Meeting. Wednes-ADB! LKO i'RIDSTElN; .A.tllleUe EdItor. search and teaching, there should be day Morning at 10:30 in Kent Thea-OSWALD i'. NELSON. Buaioea Ka.nqer. no hesitancy: in devoting the fund to ter.the 'latter cause. . Of .course. . �mple Physics Club meets Monday inmeans should be .secured for both Ryerson Laboratory, Room 32. 4:30purposes, . Mon�y should be . spent P. M. Address by Professor John F.freely for· teachers, I� the" equip- Woodhuil: ' '.ment 'of � department it is . not New ·Testament Club, Monday' inenough 'to have .a great scholar and }1imdel Divinity parlor ilIt 8 o'clock.. a supefi�� teacher at the Il�ead. All Mr. Hambleton.and Professor Clemenwho '·give�:instrtiction in the depart- wilf speak. .;A UfO� .rnent should be schola�s and inspir- Cha�l Assembly �f the Senior Col-a. Ii. Ba�' -iitUEine8t1Ae'lDtaDa ing.'tea�:'· Such men cost money. lege's in Mandel Halll'Tuesday, 10:30. . �.'. er·l:J WDkieMorna . II. . Bra. Second�hi .schools already recognize J�or CoUege 'Xeeungs, Tuesday-----------...;.._-.. -.--- theif �Value.>a�·d 'ai'e:pi�king,them up at 10:30 iri the usual rooms. . . 1:AI�O�S...... OIIoe-�" ., ..... :alia II&1L at�lariesmu�h'gieater than·.the,unt- Da····en·· e'U' Lectur' 'e' •• :'''Tr'an'sform'atl'o'��.......... � Ib"- PIa 4& AftIr 8 Po .; �. . , .... .' . •;;_-=.� .16".1ICIt � 'hi. Jbde verslbes;:have. been accustomed to in the' PolitiqJ'::c-V�lue and the�' e!h-: '.. .. p�y.: Ttle .. pleasant ·fiction that there igrcitfon of'th�--Nineteenth Centu9':.:'· ,-:-.. -... -,-. ·-"---l-.l-IiiI---.O-· -is-. -_'-C-'O-,-n-eg--�-.-o-f-·-C-·-o-m-m-e-r-c-e-.. -... -.'.' - �- .. : ... ,,. .. �.d:.·.l.• ... _tdbauoU' mq be � at BIlla is ����,)l()nor in teaching in a coi- Tues(f�y .froni it�'J:oo P. M. in Ha�'L ' I < ""-:.�':' "IIIaIl • i'Kalt7 �'..tdr..i.G to th. lege' ����in a �i.g.h.:sSho.oJis r�pidly kelCA�S�hi; Ha��. ., , A·''1'HEFoNnnerAY:EUM'. -. . .;' ;.;-'Dd,..a.&' .. ;,," '.. ... � pa,��.·,!iil1· ����be .. :��p�s_sible Mr.<FranIt.:}l�.:)teed will deliver�:a . f� :,��, :.'. .'.. ...•. .. ': '•. };:;0 '. .",'. ) .. '. Ii -.r��::��:.:; :��.t;:�;�;�:�ra:� ��c:�]� ��:�:;�\�:r!';;%·· . :S·:;� .. ::_�8.����.inF1�E�'sTl4�E�+�����;�:;\;�As a: ti�ilii� ,'c�Os�, ��o. / .brilli� firs-r..�e�:: The �7ork,.0� � �:: ���� .�_uildi�g .. !�i�.'� :��.orf. �' '. r��,,:-:�p�, qu81ified. m ?url���h��' .a�d_·��.,football season. Chlcago has agam par�_��� ��e[l��_ serles- of·-lectuFes.- .. -....[:-::-1 ;-= -=-�-: �- -' ·.1l1en�-Yl _ _.tlie �Q.��L�__!Slp�.e. time; for pOSltions �t �y},. ChicaP won her -ri�ht to the g1"ade�ess tll�;��c_hing force. ha� ��ar.aUb"�iE:._�'ri_�)�. fr� $�.:� S&!.a:�o,nth. I�vidua1 ints�ction.� ,DA� .:��. :-�l��,Apia'. title' of le'ader' of-West': con�i���a�le' _ ����maneDey:-��per�- oom u; B.Qtaoy ·blli.i�::4:3()·P: :m.' � '�D*'�:£n�. P,!l'. �!-_�._���� �I ph?�e ���,.I.. I1�.:��ChamPion ern football. The game enc� gives a pomt of vantage that the Dr. Sh�<f""'i;rltl speaK.' . catalogue. "POSitiOns for graduates. 37 years�i""'tmfitt��m§iPI_", of yesterday 'was thrill- new man must gai� at the expense of Y� W. C. L. meets wednesday at' cesa. BAMlUEL B. WILLEY •. LL. B." SuperintendCDting; no' other word describes it. It the stude!lts. There must be some- 10:30 in Lexillltton Hall -, 'showed the new gaine of football' at thing more tangible than 'sentiment Junior Mathematics. Club .. room 36,the fariherest. . point of' develop- or 10y�lty to produce this desired Cobb Hall. 4:30 P. M., ·Wednesday.ment which it has yet reached. and perIll�nence. Salaries must be in- Pdper hy Professor Moore.proved 'conclu'sively superiority as a creased. The distance between thePme ·for' . speCtators. . salary of the head of the departmentWisconsin proved that it had a and tbat of the teachers in the de-t 'f' h' h 't' . b; . . d It partment must be lessened. Fiveeam 0 w IC J 'can e prou .I 'd b it . ': . th d'd C : thousand dollars to the head and ap aye a' e er game an I or:- .h 'h I'n thenelJ'ag:iinst' Chicago"a week.ago, a'nd mere pittance to t e teac ers. . , , department not only produces dissat-earned tide to a place beside. isfaction, but also' results in inferior'Chicago as an exponent of modernwork."footballnle team of i908 will go down inhistory as one of Chicago's famouselevens.' Its development under thetutelage C?f. Director' Stagg has beenlittle short of marvelous.' From the � TODAY.Kame with Purdue two' weeks after SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER!the opening of practice, to the skill Try it once and youud resourcefulness' of the 'last three will come acain.carnes the strides it has faken have'justified the wildest enthusiasm.1181. u_ .A.ct of Kudl I. 1118.iI,f- to increase the' 'interest in problemsI'8UaIM4 cJa1l7. acept SWUS.,.. MOIU1a,. of undergraduate instruction is an ar- the Reynolds club theater Monday.... Ia0Uda78. 4utlq thr .. qUArt .. of th. ticle written for the New York Even- afternoon at 3 for a 1ryout for instru­l1alnnlt7 lear. ing Post by Professor Robert J. mental solo positions in the GleeAlh of the University of Indiana. club. All 'students wishing to' playIn the course of his article, Profes- piano or other instruments in thesor Aley says: Glee club turn out.. "In the treatment of Freshmen the Reynolds Club informal.. Wednes­'upper school has much to learn from day. November 25.those below it. When the university CaP and Gown Editors can be con­�ives the same careful thought to the luIted with any afternooiJ in Ellis 3,hb.crtPUOD • price. ,8.00' per leAr i ,1.00 care of its beginners as is now given from 3 to "o'clock. Comm�nica-• • __ ._ S ---I U 1 eel t by. the two schools below it to theirs. tiona may be left at Faculty Ex-... "--.-, "_up .0011 reee T • -1M � -'omee. '£1118 riall, or' &t the the lot of the Freshman will be great- change 280.I'acalQ �,Cobb Ball. ly improved, and the whole student Pre-Legal Club meets Tuesday at·life enriched. 8 'Po m, in Cobb 6B.Th. UD1Ye •• lt7 of Cb.!Cqo, Weekl,.........;. '�' Weekl7 • ..uct.: I, 1892.n. Dall7, Oct. I, 1802..PBBSTON i' .. GASS •. M.anacln& EdItor.MELVIN Jo. ADAMS, ·Neww· EdItor.W. A. We&Yer - A.' N. PfefferA.. Co Whltlel�. .' Bobert:a B. Ow�Ms...1IamIe LUI, ... - Barpave LoDe�.IIDITOaBo7 Baldrl�.I\L­-I'. JIWe Have No Branch StudioGO TO THEHOTEL MAROONGLOVESAsk (or the best &nd �cehow quick they'D briDeFOWNESNews of the CoUegesDePauw University has built a newstate library. costing $50,000. Anotherfund of the same size has been sub­scribed for the University expense ofthe library.DePauw's new presidcnt to sllcceedBishop E. H. Hughes will be Rcv. F.J. McConnell. D. D., of· Br.ooklyn,N. Y. He was the unanimous choiceof the board' of trustees, and bears astrong resemblance in personality tohis immediate predecessor.A special football edition of theDaily Nebraskan 'Will be publisher'Thanksgiving day. It will containarticles by many football experts, in­da4iq Waltel' EckusaIl .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .LADIES'TAILORMADE SUITS'35.00 up.For Correct fashions at mod­erate prices. for practical andserviceable wear that com­plies with the moat exactinldemands of style.L. BAlM, LADIES' TAILOR525 East 63rd StreetOur reputation is our parantee.Imitated in shape, but the" Pat­ented Lock Front" which avoidsconar spreading, can be had oal, in'fJfun�rs-UluttD SBIIT C COLLAI CO .. (lIabn1• TI'IJ,lt.'I.GO TO THEHOTEL MAROONToday58th and Drael AvenueTODA.Y. Smart shapes of unquestionable tasteand authority from which the selec­tion of a becoming bat may be made.The superb quality. is guaranteed by� thirty-five years' experience in sellingfine hats.��_L_O_V_E_S_ .. __:-_: ..._ ._U_M_B_R_E_L_L_AS :-_: �� .:I :.Impressions You Make on: Jb� CamposAre IMPRESSIONS that will cling t� yo�, eve nafter you have graduated.To create the 'BEST �MPRESSIONS . y�� mustw� CJ.OTHES of CHARACTER--clothes t hat' lCoatiD�bed off 'itcCllsin got thiately puntedback 8 yardscago's forwathe fi�ld. TIl(in twO at:enWort�l\\'ine 11held \\'ithoutBallThe Cardiland wcdc pcned play. �to punt whc4 yards. Twcnearer a touyards on fakto Chicago.',. possession 01ed, l\lcssmcishow YOUR OWN i ,ndividuality-clothes that aremade for YOUR OWN figure-clothes that th eCRAFTSMAN has spent a life-time to .Le a r n to. make, Your REP:UTATION as a CORRE'CT an d.. ', .... "CLASSY" dresser is assured. if we .maJte you rclothes. . ' .. Our prices for suits or over.coa� range from -�3,�:,�p. ''':_ . . . '�'.Come in next: time you're doWn town.. and JeL�-us give you one: of our college posters-inddent� :�3ally we'll get better ,�cquainted......_. �- .. :�185189 Dearbo,;, s,� -:'.. .....Bank Floor' . '.�!:::._ .Correct Clothu 1nrd. line.�n���nd :ki� frornPa,�teffen'ssuffered ahoff lost. �!40n·ic"iplay.Val� bri1li:S�fIen 1FOR. COLLEGE MENWe appeal -to your intelligence l' 0' we arM ad e-t o...;Meaaur.Clothe.. You wiD find them better and cheaper in every way.We uulke SUITS and OVERCOATS at$20 upThe most complete assortment of woolens to select from, in- ..eluding new colors and latest patt�ns. Materials, style aitd,workmanship guaranteed. The College. Man's individuality � .'dress is recognized' all over the world. Add this individuality toour expertness and the result wiU be, distinctive clothes.BELL " TAILORING CO;·,E. R, Bradley, Pres.. ,134 E.. Madison St., S. W. Cor. Clark St., Chicago.M •. f. fitzgerald & Co.MADU. OF GBNTLBDR'S GAB.MBN'rS360 Bast 55th Street-----If you want to see something reaJ sweU � the newatshades and Weaves for a suit of dc-thes, an overcoat or' apair of trousers, for Fall and Winter, we have them tosho,w apinat any house in the city. Our prices are withinthe reach of aU.THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMP"_NY.:. . Phone Hyde Park' 511 Y.imbark Ave. and s6tb ...The Cleanest and Best Kept StoraceWarehouse in the City ••••• . �.Furniture and Pianos Moved. Stored, Pack.td.�Shipped to all parts of the world. 300 Printe SlIPIage Rooms. Large Parlor �xc1usively for Pi--:Rooms for Trunks .. nd Wheels. LarKe Reo. riAl Caniaces, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks t..from all Depots. Local Transfers for ..­Fumitur�, Pac:kages, etc., at short notice.Special atteDtiaa peD to UaiftniO 8rtIa�- •. -THE �AlLY .A .. OOlt. SUNDAY,· NOVE�ER 22, .1908.� &L_"4 ....�.-·l:.�.. itEPFEN RETURNS PUNT FOR on Wisconsin ryard-line:-·Wertltwine �orwa�d �.'p�ss··�����P._IaC�·i�� ...� .: ". -Baq .... Recover 'Pumb� .­TOUCHDOWN IN FIRST PLAY went ov� for _.a .�ore. �n the thir4" l�)'ard' line. --rtw(. 8a4iilU 'ir�'" _._ A;"i:cbii'n· to 'tlie SO' )'at4-'1bl'C'byattempt,. "Lone John" followed by session -on·. downs, A·· triple _pass. :St_e'ff�, . ·a rter Moll's' punt out, waslCoDtiDued from paee I) kicking a goal from a .difficult angle, made 18'. Yards, Muddestone and followed by a 4 yard gain by Crow-l -_ Score: Chicago 12, Wisconsin 6. Messmer heine responsible. The ley: The inevitable fumble was re-.-aShed off ·tackle for 8 yards, Wis- alli Pro E1.... -.. 1-- W e ves uive hall went to' dle Varsity, but a fum- covered by the Cardinals. A forwardCousin got the ball and Moll immed- p S hi , k' k k '.. age ran cmem s rc off bac to ble put it in possession of the Cardi- pass Messmer to Wilce added 15iatcly punted to Steffen who came h d I' Phd .... ;.,_ . • .1 e IS yar . me, age a to punt nals on .the :z8-yard line. yards, the ball being' carried to theI"· back 8 yards, Moll got one of Chi- h CI . ld Ki. �. w en ucago cou not progress. Nabs Onaide'cIt 35 yard line. Wisconsin was penal-. ,. : cago's. forward passes at center of '1 II t d d W II' . ted C . S....a d. . �'o pun e an a re sprm 'IC'U aptam tetten recovere an on- ized J 5 yards, a forward pass hit-the field. The Badgers could not gain back (or 18 yards. Iddings on a cross side .kick, A trick pass failed and tinir the pound. 1in two attempts and had to kick. buck, made 12 more. Steffen got 22 Page was 'forced to �unt from be- Down Moll in TracksWort!l\\'ine made 5� and Crowley was yards 011 a fake punt, and was laid hind '�the line .to Chicago's ·38 yard Page grabbed a Badger' onside �:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::�_held without gain. Steffen punted. ""U1 by the hard tackle, I' 'I II d f .t h d b k Chi ,_, u .. me. .... 0 ma e a au ca c , an kick, and dashed ac to icago sBall Changes Hands .Iddings Crosses Goal Line foozled an attempt at a drop kick 42-yard line. He 'Was laid out by aThe Cardinal backs could not gain \Vith the ball on Wisconsin's 2S for goal. Moll. returned the punt- fierce' tackle. Chicago could natl gain:lnd wede penalized 15 yards on the yard line, Page made 7 yards, and out to the 40 yard line. Culver got distance and Page punted to Moll,next play. Moll booted. Steffen had Iddings repeated -for 6. "Hal" wenn 18 yards. The next attempt, a for- who was downed. as he caught theto punt when two plays netted only Over on the next play, a forward ward pass, put the. Badgers back 15 ball. Osthoff and Witce made the re-4 yards. Two trials got Wisconsin -no pass from Schommer, who kicked yards and Moll·· punted. quired distance. A forward pass, fol-nearer a touchdown. Moll tore off 8 goal. Score ; Chicago, 18; Wiscon- �; � lowed by a buck by - Wilce, totaled. 6 Cardinals Score Again I .lards on fake punt, and the ball went sm . .' I i yards for Wisconsin.to Chicago. The Badgers regained Captain Steffen,. made two more Iddings negotiated 3 yards, and on I Solve Passes of Cardinals'.. possession of a fumble and Moll kick- spectacular runs' after' Stiehm's kick- the next play' the .ca. rdma.ls took the Crowley- leaped mto the air anded, Messmer got to the Varsity 20 off, and the half ended.' hall on a fumble. On ·the first play, nabbed a Badger forward pass. The,I� ..ra. "SIX VARSITY FOOTBALL STA RS WHO HELPED MAKE CHICAGO'S GREAT V!ICT9RY OVER. THE BADGERS AT ",�DJSON YESTERDAYCrowley .. Kelley, , Scho�Second' Ha!f a forward pass by '-Ostlio'ff to Muckie- 'varsity made 18 yards on a forwardDirector Stagg sent Falk in to Kel- :sto�e •. the B�dge!�' 'reiii�t��ed th�ir pass, placing the ball on Chicago'sley's tackle, moving·· the latter to second touch�own, M�i� kicking an 3S yard line. Captain .Steffen tack­Hirschl's guard. Elliott replaced easy goal. Score: Chicago 18, Wis- led Moll in his tracks as he caughtEhrhorn a short: time after. consin 12. Page's punt. The Badgers tried twoMoll ran back Schommer's kick-off Schommer's kickoff was ru� back. forward passes without result.to the 25-yard line. Wisconsin was to the 25 yard line by Culver. Moll Schott replaced Worth wine at thispenalized 15 yards for holding. An- was compelled. �,. pu��. . �.fter. two stage. Page carried Moll's punt backother penalty for Wisconsin placed line plunges::.:�hich (ai�ed,. ��cago to the 45 yard line. Crowley carriedthe ball on Wisconsin's own 3-yard kept .possession of the pigskin on an the ball to the center of the field.line. The next play cost the Varsity onside kick. . .... .Iddings made 9 yards in the two at-:; yards on a penalty. Moll circled Varsity Threatens to Score tempts but the Cardinal defense heldend ior four yards, . and Witce added Crowley covered 7 Yards� on a and the ball went over. Moll punted5 mere on a forward pass.' Failure split interference.. buck, and Wallie to Page, who returned to Wiscon­to gain was followed by a forward deceived the Badgers on a run that sin's 40 yard line. �Cunningham wentpass to Mucklestone for 12 yard·s. brought the ball to the 10 yard line. in for Moll.Moll n hen punted to Steffen, who ran A forward pass hit tbe ground and Chicago Advances the Ballback 12 yards. the. Varsity were set back 15 yards. Crowley and Iddings made 6Near Another Touchdown I Schommer failed in an attempt at yards. Wisconsin· intercepted a for-Chicago recovered the ball on a goal from placement. ward pass. Cunningham punted 15yards to the 25-yard line. Wallie cir-���� ••• ���._.��� •• 4�� ••• ���._.���._4 a.�cl� kk �d fur 10y�dL Wd��-nade 2 yards. Chicago was taxed 15for holding.· Rogers went inCrowley, Steffen gained .2yards. Schommer tied for goal, butiailed. Steffen returned the puntout8 yards. The Varsity was penalizedJ 5 yards for holding. The game end"1ed here. Final score: Chicago 18\\'i .. consin 12. !IDormitories and commons wilt Ivoon be built at Ann Arbor, if thedesires 'of the faculty and the:' stu­c!ents C:ln secure. the nccc�sary state.. ppropri,.1tion�.The University of :\Iissouri is en­deavoring to secure a postofticc andib efforts Inay he slIccessful 'Phi Kappa Psi has grantcd a char­tcr to re-establish its chapter atUniversity of Missouri.r. yard.� line. Here Chicago's line stiff­cn� �nd Moll eben failed, at a dropki� from the 28 yard line., Page in the Limelight�teffen's puntout was returned �the' 40 yard line, where the Varsitysuffered a penalty of 10 yards. Ost­hoff lost. 2 yards, which he made up.A� onside kick landed in Schomm­er's arms. Page punted out of boundsat .the 43 yard line. Page heeled aWisconsin onside kick. WorthwincCrowley and Iddings made first down.�Orvie" made .I I yards on a fakepl�.Varsity Takes �e Lead� brilliant dodging run by CaptainS�ffen netted 40 yards more forchicago. Crowley made 3 yards,Schommer received an onside kickD- ..�d.�tores..• 411 E. 57th St •CHICAGOPENNANTSPINS· ·411 E. 57th� St.CHICAG01·"PI L.LOWSFOBSCity Store-35 E. Randolph StreetTHE W. £. KERN CO.ANY;-s6th •:lr.td �ate Sill'r Pi.­tG018 .., t. -........... ManufacturersCOL T..EGE GOODSATHLETIC GOODSSPECIALTIESMain Office and Factory:48-50 Wabash Avenue . , __ . P.W. ,,tII•• 6 •• • • __ •Wa make • Specialty of auUl. P'mtemiv DiDDera. ' . � ... • . - '\.-.TO URIOR' BO'rBi."'- .:.: .: ';.AIm BJ:STAUUlft .111-117 RaDdO�-8�'� '. .. ..-.THE POPULAR PLACETO EATEith",r before or after theTheater •Phone Central 1t'S4nWD PEATS � CO.Foreign and . DomesticWALL PAPERSAND DRAPERIES144-146 Wabash Ava.Chica&o.AN EXCLUSI.vE <".SHOP for WOMfN"·-'1Don't pay $4.00, $�ooand $6.00 for your'Shees. when· I sellonly..J 2 and '2.50Dent take my word for: 'it,'but eome and look at them.THE SIAm SHOE SHOPSecond Floor. 199 State StreetOver Peacock's Jewelry Store.OJ)«'n Saturday Evenings . TiU 8CLUETT. " •• ODT • CO •... c •• _ ..... CO""" ••TH&'DAILY MAROON, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER.' 22, 1908 .... ....". AT 1IAD1SO�;. �� ��� �� .. o� .�QQ UAKQlc:ap 8eDcD GUlant crowd ofRoo� to Bad&er Camp-Crowdof Twelve Thousand in Bleachers-Rest of town Watches ·Outside. •.I � .:An enthusiastic delegation of fourhundred rooters, including the bandaAd Freshman team, ga1hered at the*rth�estern station yesterday morn­idg bound for Madison and the gamethat would decide the western champ­ionship, It was a gaily placarded andhe-ribboned crowd, well supplied with Ibanners and megaphones and readyto cheer on every possible occasion.Lunch was served in a convertedbaggage car and was enlivened bythe efforts _,of the Freshman football_ men Ito eat forty cents worth of food,the amount allowed them free.A second special, carrying prin­dpally alumni and faculty members,left fifteen minutes after the "studentspecial." Attached to this train wasthe private car carrying PresidentJudson and his party.The student special reached Madi-. son at noon and the rooters weremet at the station by an interestedcrowd wearing, ribbons. Wisconsin'scapitol city was filled -with excitedthrongs or men and women' carry- Big Louis". Falk got in to Kelley's - -,:"ing Chicago or Wisconsin pennants te forte 'at ri�ht' tackle. Ehrhorn unanimous choice this year. It isand mo;;ng. toward Camp Randall, ad been laid out twice and Stagg ;prae�ti�� tmpossible for opponentsAll the stores and many houses were nt Elliott in soon at left' guard. to, get:' ���d, his _end, and he oftendecorated wit'll bunting and banners ate in the half Worthwine was tak-: mix� in 'off-:-tackle plays. At carry­and the whole town watched the n out for Schott, and. Crowley's }�. � �itbe is a dashing runn�r,game either within the gates or from nocks were so, hard that Rogers had and handles the forward pass �Ith j'the surrounding hills, house-tops and 0 begin' the stellar half of his task. a»faiJing. accuracy, At punting, h� isfreight cars. The. Badgers. got in their-best work a!sO steady and effective.' "Orvie" is,M.�dQ���ga&�fum ��oo�������oo�.�t���w��I�mm� ---------------------------�hundred were hidden away in one ouchdown was the ouly seore an- tile team.'·corner of acrowd of twelve thousand, exed -by either eleven in that ses- Four Pl&yers End Careers "...;. T I 'most of whom supported the Badgers. on. A series of forward. passes ' The game 'yesterday saw' the �n e I -.. Fraternity - ManTJoe maroon adherents did their part was �rked. Osthoff shot" the ball rinish of the careers of. four Varsity By His Clothes .valiaatl7 and were behind the team od.focklestone on the play that men who will be lost' to the··'l'eam. by WHY?'with encouragement .every minute, of ounted :and Moll booted' the oval graduation rule, and the three-yearthe game. A crowd of Wisco.nsi� ver ,for the final digit or'- ��e great rule. Tbey are Ca'i;itain Steffen, I�� BecaUSerooters placed in the Chicago section dings, Scho�mer and Hoffman. All L· .1.'110. ... B th lUI_I. Th ':The �;did;.its best ·to break up the' Chicago ray.these men have played brilliantly this m� ro en JUGAe5 em. �e" fyells; but did not have much success year. sChOmmer' and+Hoffman . siding..' LINl)SA Y BROTH.ERS _'. jWaD:I, .�'After the game there was liitle to the positions of stardom -otdy. this .& 'Il.. .. :PIC inSPEClAI. . 49 AnD 51 JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO" ILL.'., .., 41_. tic'time before the. train was, scheduled 1�r, a� Captain Steffen aJ_1d Iddin_F.t 11unt Ploor. �um;to leave; and,the Chicago rooters had .win� up, three 'years 'Of �bri1liant-work .is before('JNDAY . h hto harry to the� station. The �r - for the 'Varsity 'team. DOH' T P A' Y P U L L PRICE -w en ereached Chicago at nine o'clock �d Steffen Holds Enviable Potsition .lection, ,'. DINl(ER I DOW bave· on �da � selling at half price: be baflpoded the downtown streets with Captain - Steffen has a record such Pukei' Lucq Ouvel John Ho�d, Paul E. Wart. Waterman Ideal, t resnlarOOIl banners and startled th as few Varsity· players have been ante maAT A. A. WatenDan'., .Conklin Self-fill era. Crocker, Blair, Simplo&n... ._..1natives with their happy yells. - - able to boast of. His work in open '4UU secoifield' is' Unparalleled. -He has a style Aatofiller, and aU. the other well- �own brands of ball wor1F 0 UN T A IN P B N S Repairing wbile you wait.of dodging that no other man in the D£ Y!D ''lD PDIIAlf, 192 Clark It., Cbicqo. The aicountry has, 'and -it has proven more IpeD, wh'e&ctive tlicin" the 'running of other -A It U S ,I: It B B 'l' s---:- molt valpbyerL H� �nuabhlp ahllity hasl-��������������������¥-O���B�������·.·u ��ewon conseant commendation from GJt.ARl) OPBBA HOUR HENRY B. HARRIS have be4critics, his open field tackling has Vb ... .,& "'-'PrELL . quality,--.. �,... Presents Edgar Eelwyu instaved off many a touchdown, and he IN' 'SHAKESPEARE "PIERRE OF THE PLAlNa ity, USef1has, held his. own in punting with all team, ardifficultmade toin favorthis rna;treme ilcertainThe Slmade 011I10st caioD.,rj ,II! IJi;LjIIlCLAIIIPIBD ADVKRTIaINOFOR - RENT - Steaniheated fronroom, for one or two ladies; aconveniences; private family. FrenhI, 6030 Washington ave., =d ftaTYPEWRITING work wanted, b:IIis. Myrtle Goodfellow, 5SODGr�wood avenue.WANTED 1-0 meet party owninReal Estate elsewhere worth abou$l2POO who may be willing to ex,dianae same for property in ben�8hborhood adjacent to U. of C.Address x. care Daily Maroon.WAMTBD-Woman student to assiiit the care of two children duringdIe.' clay, apply in person. Mn. Tom&DIOD,6222 Em. Ave. Apt.I.-rTPBWRITBRS-"VISIBLB." AND"OLD STYLE-Prices one-third to one-half cheap­er than others. Try the Fo. - thperfect machine. Time paymentrade, or cash. Will demonstrateyour room or office. Drop a cardGeo. Starring, 140 S. D. Hall.II! �he, Hotel Maroon, at 58th andDrexelr has just received a new cooa .oma... and they are now puttintip the &est meal' possible for thP�' darged; You, should try theif • &ood, meal appeal. to you. Ad G"Jahse1.ektjptnsitc0fs ,etII-t.Ygt-st,st-et,intoIt,aeIIIY. Walter' Steffen H. Orville Pagehis western opponents this year. He CIIIOAGO, OPBBA HOURis in line .for the All-American eleven'. t""ranfc M'Kees Gorgeous ProductionIddinP strone in:AD Departmelits HARRY BULGERIdwngs has' finished his best year !of tM thr�e he has" played football . .,:_ -,--�-�-He has a clear claim to a position on IIfTBlOfATIONAL THEATREthe AU-Western team. He is keen GRAND OPERA'-"­and quick at picking� holes· whilecarrying the ball on end runs andcross bucks off tackle, helps' otherrunners on the team; and is powerful 1f. • A •• 11f 0 al V.(,n defense.Pit with New GameJohn Schommer. who claims theVarsity emblems in .football, track,. b3seball and basketball, has "foundhimself' under the new rules. He isa must valuable man to have at thereceiving end of forward passes, andcan also toss the baH far and ac-curately himself.Art Hoffman, also a basketballman, has played at tackle all the waythrough at nearly e"ery game, andhas impressed the rooters by his re­liability and steadiness. He is nota ftashy player, but can hold his ownagains� any of the men on the op­posin� cle�eDS.REATEST GAME OFOF MODERN FOOTBALL(Continued fr�m pace. I)HO'l'BLMAROON58th and Drexel Ave."MOTHER'S COOKING"ROAS'!' TURKEY<?YST�.PRIME RO�ST �EEII'A Fine Dinner canbe bad for thirty cents.... :TIJE ROMAITALIAN TABLE D'HOTID5OC-75C__'I.oOINCLUDING WINEAlto a Ja Carte Service .'OpenDailyandSUDdaysfromII A. II.tog P.II.SPAGIIBftISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITALY145-STATB STItB&T-141aeORD WLOO. PAGE,CHQSEN:TO LEADVARSITY TEAM IN 1909(�ed. from ,ac. I) , ,,,.� . Woman's' CookingALWAYS APPEALS TO A STUDENTTHAT IS WHY WE HAVE ENGAGED ONEWE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SERVE THE BEST MEALSPOSSIBLE FO� THE MONEYLUNCH ROOM OPEN AT ALL HOURSHotel Maroon. VoI.:VI1.---lLL-WESSEt51TH ST. AND DREAbL AVE.'I believe in Popular Prices. My$25.00 Business Suits are positively$35.00 value. You can save just $10.00fhafs worth while. Let me make onefor you and prove it.lIajatic Tbcatr& Bldg. Wendell 75 Monroe Street sura of CcTwo Be!55th AND, ELLIS�IDN16HT LUNCHBatt "Feeds" Supplied Up to t A. M.tJN:DER NEW MANAGEMENTBRAIDEN, ex·;10, U. of C.55th AND ELLIS stefen, PaOD FirstrPale, CI:()stoff, ,Van HoSafford�MessmerWham. ]Schonim,Steffen,Iddings,Sinnock,Plankenand Great Cast 08LOBIA.LGEO. M. COHANand his Royal Familyand Incomparable Co.A YANKEE PRINCE Richard!HoffmarKelley,Badenoc.Ward, IJJoyle, ,Rogers,lIoll� �, .Crowle,Kirk, I.:.;.-��. '/This week onlyCARMEN Sl!VB •• AK ••FRITZI SCHEFFin the first production ofTHE PRIMA DONNA'\0-'tAt r;.IiCaptaindisput.c(Under I{Ir WC�skill inPage,play io!a gamelreSCerrSchorn 1ers ancstrong,ta andlIodouhpair (IftrorlcJ,--.:...CECIL LEAN ILLI •• I.I MAUDE ADAMSIn New Comedy,____________ IWHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWSCARLE inMARY'S LAMBW,.I.,�.,-. yTH� BIG. SUCCESSA BROKEN IDOLORCHESTRA' HALLBURTON HOLMES'TRAVELOGUES'TO PRIR«m81"The Quality Musical Play"A STUBBORN CINDERELLATHJ: GA.:aI.ELA BALL. DA VID WARFIELDAll This Week., GRAND ARMY MAN. andFLORBHCE HOLBROOKaM the La: Salle Theater Sloe-Ie CoIt GIRL AT THE HELM