lIatly _arnnn.'. CHICAGO • .sATURDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1908. Pric. Two C •• t.a •• OSE·OE_¥TORUFTER. ISOPBOMORE �CE DEc. 71tBAMPIONSBIP OF WEST AT STAKE IN"GREAT GAMEPROLOIBED DISCU$SIOllllake Arrangem_ents at Spirit�:" ::!:gonY��::�-:U:=:::: BETWEEN £8ItAGO· AND WISCONSIN AT· MADISON TODAYJ�'es pick' B8!es� BlAck, Ferguson,Hoova', Hostctterl and. Keyes for December ,.•with Difficulty. THE LINUP FOR TODAY'S GREAT BAT1'LE:--=-.:.. The Sophomore class held its first Chicago Wisconsin.- ell Alternates- meeting of the quarter at 10:30 yes- Page,!. t. . 148 Rcgers, Capt .• 1. e. . 166LeYiton and O'Donn8Wi·· T Best terday morning in Cobb lecture hall. Kelley, x; t. 197 Boyle, L t. . .................•. I 2"Outlook' for lD11IDC am'Has Ever Been. The newly elected officers took up HirschI, r, g. . 171 Messmer,! .. � :� BOTH EXPERT IN NEW' GAME.____ their duties. President Earle presid- Badenoch, c: •••••••••••••••••••• 170' Stiehm, c. "":I'After two hours of heated discus- ing. Ehrhorn, 1 g 169' Dreutyer, r, � "� ... ,n .vesterday afternoon, the judges The meeting partook largely of the Hoffman, 1. t. . '.' " . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 178'. estoff, r. t. . � .510 . • • -Dd�cidcd th;\t· t� debating teams nature of a harmony meeting, al- Schommer, 1. e. 169 Jean, T. e. lSIIh· h WI'II meet N.orthwestern and though several important matters Steffen. Capt., � b. IS7 MolJ, CL h. . 143W' IC... ..• b�ic�gall <!It Janua�y 1'5. will be com- were discussed and acted' upon. The Iddings, l h. b •................. 160 Cunmngham, r, h. .; 13Spo�ed of Bales, . Black, Ferguson, class decided to give a dance on Dec- Crowley, r. h. b. 173 Culver, l h. b. 16SHoov�r, Hostetter and Keyes, Levi- ember zth and to collect an assess- Worthwine, f. b. 167 Wilce, I. b. . � . . . . . .. 166t�n and O'Donn�l1 being. alternates. men! of 25 cents a piece to defray the Total wei,ht of teams: �hicago. 1,859; Wisconsin, 1,830.This choice between the eight men expenses. The affairs of the dance Average. weight' cf teams: Chicago,.I6g; �isconsiri, 166 4-1I.remai�ing. in: the race, after the trials wil be in the; hands of an executive Average w�ght of lineS: Chicago, 171 5-'; Wisconsin, 174 3:7 •.Thur'sday ni.2"ht" was. m.. a�e without committee consisting of the officers Average weight �f backs: Chicago. 164 1-4; Wisconsin. 152 1-4-,. . cial game of the Conference seasonnirther test at the re�uest. of. the and four members appointed by the- . in almost perfect condition and truin-ebaters. president., These will be Miss sun- OFF TO BADGER'GAME TODAY' CIlAllPIONS DECIDED TODIY ed to a high degree of sensitiveness.:The judges were Bu�i Brown Bar- man. W. H. Kuh, Reno Reeve and__ Chicago is the logical favorite for theker '97; A. B. Hall, 'oS; Mr. C. W. Roberts Owen. A large social com- Loyal Chicago Delegation of 500 Yale and Harvard t� meet in Con- :!Clme as from this it seems imposs- ,Whittier of th� Law school; Mr. C. mittee was appointed consisting of, COlmdent That Varsity Will Cap- test for East�� Titl�Minnesota �le �hat Stagg's wonderful scoringW. Gorsuch and Pro(esSor" E. C. Sulljvan, chairman; Benitez, Brijrgs, mre Title,:: to Leave on 8:30 and Carilsle Indians to play at �nachine that has sho�n such rernark-.¥erriam of the Political Economy Gottfried, Esmond, Long, Meagher; . "Special Train" Minneapolis. ible skill all season can fail to beatDepartment: Ritchie, Rogers.C, O. Smith, Taylor,: , .. '• __ �ven So strong an'. �lwega�ion as <.The sho��e·by the men halt and Misses Wilder, y()1ing;·Geraidi�e. : The "On to Madison'; Chieqedel- The championship of. both ._.the· 'COadt--�3Jry undeubtedly c.has-' this,'roused �ucli �Dthus'iasm' among Brown, Buckley,- Carey, Carroll and atior.-willieave,..on .. the thicagoanale�s.�·�nu the wC!rt'�I� b�:se�:tred,�.:Dld y�a� --_ -. - ....... . .imerested ··itf·'1fe�6fJi- work. K.a,wiD. - '."�'" .': -.- .. ::':... .v. �J�orthweste�n "rooters special" this two ofthe greatest ba'ttte� of the pre- Team.-Leavcs for, Madison�·e'·'m-:a·;�te--ri'ii"i·th1S-y-eir.·.· 1.��""the. best The class hopes in the ncar future sent season will be. fOU2h. t. 0." eastern hei fi I-In: The team went through .. t err na'ian'e �\-el:�haa:f sal4�.� B./Ho\ll. to find an insignia for use' upon it� , 'and \Ve�tern gridirons before sun- 'practice 'yesterday morning on Mar-e of the jUdges, last night, The programs. A comitce was also ap- -Iown today. While Chicago and WiS- shan Field 'and "departed' for the Bad-·terial was 50- aood that to reach a pointed to report on class colors for iconsin are struggling for the champ- :ger camp at one o'clock. arriving in�'i�� .�� ��u . 'extremely difficult early adoption so they may be used ionship of the. west Yale and Harvard ·Madison"about· 5;�'C) yesterday after-�.' I s�y:. t�. a� one who is in in decoration at the next dance. 'will meet at New Haven in their an- noon, They 'went immediately to the· iositif>�. to.. kn�w: We certainly The custom was mentioned. of pre- nual contest. 'Not i� many years has Park hotel and then .to the "welcomeould·. L.. -.'ve ·t,w_.. o. WI.. inning teams." - senting a gavel to the class to be the result becn so much ill doubt as .I�feast" on the Cardinal campus at SIX.used from year to year and either :t is tobay. Harvard' has an .usually :J'clock.LiBRARY. TO ADD. presented to the Senior president at strong cleven, and from th:e com- No greater ovation was eyer givenB9��.-O� �GE RINGING graduation or be preserved in. the parative scores of the two teams a football team than the Badger stu---- university. A good percentage of the thus far in the season, has a little dents gave their eleven Thursday· mpanolocy V���n� �or Students class attended yesterday and the en- advantage over Yale. The mass of evening' at a monster over-flo,,' mass...on the h"a�_R.. :...Ir." a'" 'Hour thusiasm shown there promises a New Haven rooters. however, are. C Iyy, >I - � meeting .n their gymnasium. oac les,.Tunes W..nted.. �uccessful year for 1911. figuring on tl�e bulldog spirit'. of old_;_.. Eli to win, as it did against Prince-in�erest being .REPORTS OF TODAY'S' GAME ton last week. A monster crowd will0.,.-" at the University in ,cha�ge- witness the great' battle, over 4SOOO'JIIiaB, a n�Mr of books on the As r:lpi,dly as the telegraphic ser- applications havinl: been receiv�d forabject will � received at the gen- vice 'Wlll'permit, bulletins of the Wi&- &eats.. . �library' sOOn. Change-ringing consin pme will be' reCeived and. I b� 1rac� as to history and meth- passed tl) the club. the halls and var­• b�.th' in t�$: country and abroad. ions pcints abou't the campus. TJleAs'many suimbe selections as pos- state cf the game can be asc:ertaindJ'ble are want� 'by' Mr. D. A. R�b- at any ti.:ne dunng the afternoon bJ.rtson, s�r�ty �. to tlje- President, �g Midway 800, Daily Maroon.� which' :blie�tor" Stagg will .The DaDy Maroon will'have �cialbOQsc . one'" to �: 'rung every night reporters at the pme and will issuet �o o'clock, . the; ho�r when the Uni� an extra edition 'tomorrow morningttSity in ge�rll, and especially the Containing a fun and detaned aCcounttbiet�s: are epecied" to retire for the of �e pme. This wl11 be delivered at·,ht.: the � time to all repJar sub­scriberS. IhIi;·1uu.1� I� ;).\1IiII1 \.1i:it,:Maroon and Badger Teams in Condi­tion fOl" Contest of Their Lives1821']6 Neither Team has had Defeat-Many .Chicago Rooters will Attend theGame.--gMinnesota VB. CarlisleMinnesota will have its last gameof the season against Carlisle today,and will have an opportunity to re­trieve itself for i:s defeat�" of theyear. The Indian_; are not in goodshape. and the Gophers should havelittle trouble in holding them to a..�lily Hoffman. Left Tackle close !tcore. Coach 'Williams has beenmorning to be present with plenty teaching his men some new playsof cheers at the championship game with which .he xepec�s to score. on thewith the· Badgers this af:ernoon. Redmen.Michigan tra"els cast tod�y to playSyracuse in � ew York. The Maizeand Blue mcn are thoroughly dis­heartened hy their over whelmingdefeat by Pennsylvania l�st week�and 'little hope is held out for victory.Allerdice the star quarter and placekicker. ".i11 be out of the game be·cau:;e of a broken collar' sustainedlast week. This game will close theConsidering 'the fact that no rateswere given by the railroads, thecro"'d win be unprecedented for size.Up to close of the day yesterday over.zoo students had bought tickets atDEN WINS �L LOTTERYGo to lIaddon at Ezpense of� �an .II� TO HAVE CELEBRATION INMANDEL MONDAY MORNINGWatch M be Presented at Unique the �udent rate, and many moreW. A. Alden' of Snell ball, was the Ceremony-Junior lien'. Chapel 1re expected to take advantage of thecky b�nc6ci�9" of' the lottery, held Canrelecl (Continued OD page 3)tbe residen:s of the hall for aschedule of a disastrous season forMichigan. team, students. and faculty wereIllinois Plays Purple agreed in predicting certain victoryNorthwestern will wind up its sch- ior Wisconsin this afternoon.edl1le of three games at Qrbana A similar confidence is pervaclillgwhere it nJ('('ts the strong Illinois the Chica�o rooters. who, ahoutcleven. \Vhilc there is little hope for 400 stronlr. "'ilI follow their team toa victory among the Evanston Madison this morning over the Chi­c(\horts they hope to hold the Illini cago and Northwestern a close score. The Purple team Both. Team. Undefeatedurse to pay the expenses of oneip'to Madison. By the scheme em­IOY�d, a number of men each con­ibutcd 23 cents and put a slip bear­r his name in a hat. A blind-foldedn th.�!1 drew a slip from the h�Idm's name was on the slip, and asr�.s��t. h.e will 'ravel to Madison at A 11 ·;que post-season c�l.!br;;tion.which will include the presentation ofCl watch to Captain 'Vatter Stcffen bythe rooters, will be held at 10:30 Mon·day morning in Mandel hall. In or·.der to make this possible. the chapelexercises of Junior men have beencanc.eled.fortunate A. to the SpecialAll Varsity rooters who are go­ing to the game at Madison todaywill meet at the Wells streetstation, 'Veils street and Fifth ave·nue, in time to catch the 8:30Northwestern' "Special."Those ,,·hohave not yet bought tickets shouldcorne urly so that all may he sup­plied before the train leaves..c eX1>.ense of the' lessntllers.A!I.ot.�,�r I�ry --will be taken thisorning •. and '��iier' man WI'I bet to the game with the proceeds. DOI1·t forget the Rooters' Specialthis morning. Train leaves Wellsstreet station at 8:30. (Continued from pace 2) at Camp Randall this Afternoon.Primed fer one of the greateststruggles in the history of footballChicago and Wisconsin will clash onCamp Randall this afternoon to de­cide the championship of the West.Both teams are going into the cru-iI, i�: t, �t �I·I.,I �, IIi; 1I:Iddings. Left Half Back(Continued OD pace 4)DAILYTHE DAIL.Y MAROON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21.1908.� ...... -=====���======���������������.�....... ;1.. .. lose. or wins. It is in for the hardestW� ''''9 JIIIaflllUt contest of its career. and while wecan not know the result we can.. o.clal altudat PubllcaUoa ., tM know that it will play a game ofUAlnralt7 of Cblcap. which every Chicago man and wo­man can be proud. And here's toKat.reM! .. Sec:oDd·clua Hall at the Cblcaao S if S h d Iddi hte en , c ommer, an mgs w 0R_tealce. Chlcaao. 11l1llola. IIardl 1 B. pl:ty their last game for the old 1\Ia-1881. aa4er �ct cat IIardl .. 1111. Morean Park Alumni arlOuai· ban­quet at the' Saratoga:" Hoi�1 thisevening at 7 o'clock.Students' Train for the band androoters, will leave· for Madison viathe Northwestern railroad (depot atWells street and Fifth avenue)this morning at 8:30. Will 5:30. arriving in Chicago at 8:45.Meals will be served a la carte.roon today. May they carry withthem into their future careers the joyPubllahe4 dal11. except BWlcla1.. KOD4an of victory and championship won.&Del hollda1a. durlDc three quarten cat tll.UAlnralt1 1ear. ANNOUNCE PREACHERS FORTHE WINTER QUARTERAlUfOUlfODDK'l'1Formerl7The UD1Te.alt1 of Chlc:qo Week11.rGaDde4Tb. Weekl7. Oct. 1. 1812.Th. Dall1. on. 1. 1102. Prominent Men to Conduct Univer­sity Religious Services in winterMonths B�shop Vincent at Sunday morningreligious service, 11 a. m., in Mandelhall. Organ recital at 10:45.Philosophy and Literature Womenmeet Tuesday, November 24, in Kenttheater at 10:30. Address by Profes­sor Herrick."Campus Capers," the official Uni-Announcment was made yesterdayof the U�;Versity preachers for theWinter quarter. The prominence ofthe men �"b"08en is an assurance tothe University public - that theSut.c:rlptloD price. $3.00 per 1ear; ,1.00for I mODtha. BubKrlpUou nc:elnl attU IlarOOD omce, KUla Ilall, or at "­"&cult;;, ExchaDce. Cobb Ball. '2 '3 Atnes.-:·Hats '4 '5B. L. AMES'. HAT CO.90�'E4St .lIaISON STREETTrib�ne .' Building-24.Door East of Cor'•- ._. ,:,i> •Largest Exclusive Hat Store in ChicagoSmart shapes of unquestionable tasteand authority from which the selec­tion of a �coming hat may· be -mad�":'The superb quality is - �t� by··:thirty-five years' experience in selling·". fine hats. . I:�GLOVES :-: :-:Impressions You Make :oli'"Ttie CamPosAre iMPRESSIONS that will cling to you, eve Dafter you have graduated. ..To create the ·BESr .. U4PRESSIONS you must 'wear CLOTHES of C.H. ARAC.. TER. ,-cl: othes t hat j:show YOUR OWN i ndivi��ty--clothes that are imade for YOUR' OWN fi�e�.othes that the .,.CRAFTSMAN has spent a:. �e:p.n.te to I ear n to •make. Your REPUTATIO� as a CORRECT and :,"CLASSY" dresser is assured, if we make you r "1'dothes. " ..' . .Our prices for suits or overcoats range from $35up.Come in next time you're down town, and letus give you one of' our college posters-incident­ally we'll get better' acquainted.customary excellence in the religious versity two-step, is on sale at theservices on the campus will be main- Press.tained. The list of preachers follows: Instrumental Soloists will meet inJanuary 3, 10 and 17: Reverend J. rhe Reynolds club theater MondayG. K. McClure, D. D., L.L.D., presi- afterJ�oon at 3 for a 1ryout for instru­dent of the McCormick Theological mental solo positions in the GleeSeminary, and author of many books, club. All students wishing to playamong them "A History of New piano. or other instruments in theScotland" and "The Man Who Glee d-,;) turn out.Wanted to Help:' Reynolds Club Informal, Wednes-January J and February 7: Presi- day, November 25.dent Charles F. Thwing, D.D., L.L.D. Cap and Gown Editors can be con­of the Western Reserve University. suited with any afternoon in Ellis 3,Besides being an associate editor of from 3 to .. o'elock, Communiea-aROlL'lSa8 .. Bibliotheca Sacra,' and a contribu- lions may be left at Faculty Ex-&. B. Baukbap IrI1aa EmeatlDe ltTau tor to many other magazines, Presi- change 280. .Korrla H. Brlaa dent Thwing is the author of "Col- Buster Brown Candies, "The Bestlege Training and the Business Man,'" on the Campus," for. sale today inJ:dltadaJ OIIce-Bercn • Po a. .. BaD. h L C�. 'r8L Jbde Puk GIL . Albr • Po ·'A History of Higher Education in t e eague room at.. 10:30. ome�-=- ...... 676 Il 1IGa. � "hi. Jbde America" and other works concern- early..' - - .. ' -- .. � ing university life. Church History Club meets ·Tues-; iNew. eoIltrlbatlCIIDII IDQ ... left at au. February 14, 21 and 28: Reverend day at 8 o'clock with Professor: H. C��.Ol' 1'acult7 � �cin..t to tile T'itswonth, D.D. of Milwaukee; Mcl.aughlin, 5609 Woodlawn avenue.� IIarooL March 7 and 14: Reverend S. M. Paper by Professor Andrew C. ZenosCrothers, D.D., Litt.D., author of the of McCormick Theological Seminary."Gentle Reader" and contributor to Pre-Legal Club meets Tuesday at. - •• "a:ao::l magazines. He was formerly chap- 8 p. m, in Cobb 6B.. When the whistle blows at Camp lain of Harvard University. Powwow meeting Tuesday in CobbRandall this afternoon, !there will be- 9C at 7:45 p. m,gin the greatest game OFF TO BADGER GAME TODAY Freshman Class Meeting. Wednes-A Game of football that has day Morning at 10:30 in Kent Thea-that Marks ever been played under (COIltUauecl from paae I) ter.An Epoch .new rules. For the first Physics Club meets Monday intime Chicago will meea chance to purchase seats from Nor- Ryerson Laboratory, Room 32, 4:30=L team as well versed in the new rules man Barker on the train this morn- P. M. Address by Professor John itself, and the result should mark ing; The same number of alumni as epoch in ·revised football. It will of students will attend the contest, New Testament Club, Monday inbe the last game of the year, neither and seventy-five men comprising the !\[andel Divinity parlor at 8 o' wit! have any object in conceal- band and the freshmen team will also :\Ir. Hambleton and Professor Clemenment of plays, and the contest should go along and "help some." will speak,"be bewilderingly brilliant and spec- President Judson's party, originally Chapel Assembly of the Senior Col-tacular, of ten, has been increased in size to leges in Mandel Hall, Tuesday, 10:30.'11 d fourteen. The additional members are Ju:uor College Meetinr.rc TuesdayChicago WI sen a large delega- e..,tion of rooters to Madison this morn- Mr. and Mrs. David A. Robertson at 10:30 in the usual, filled with determination to make and Professor and Mrs. A. L. Under- Daenell Lecture: "Transformationstheir presence heard, and to come hilt. The latter two will join the in the Political Value and the em­home with the championship. Who- party at. Madison, Professor Under- igration of the Nineteenth Century."ever knows the spirit of Chicago root- hill being a member of the Univer- Tuesda-y from 12 - 1:00 P. M. in Has­ers, knows that the support will be sity of Wisconsin faculty and his kell Assembly Hall.d 1 l·f 'bl wife a sister of Mrs. Judson. Mr. Frimk 1>. Reed will deliver astronger an more oya I POSSI e,. The rooters are goi�g with confi­jf the other team is ahead. DefeatPRESTON F. GABS. v • ....,DK Edltor.MELVIN J. ADAMS. New. Edltor.ABE LEO FRIDSTEIN. Athletle Edltor.OBW ALD F. NELSON. BU8lDea Ka.D.qer.W. A. Weanr A. N. PfeiferRoberta B. OweDHaqraftLoqA. C. WhlUleldIIID Mamie LUI,ART IDDITOaROJ Baldrldplecture on "Trade Mark Law Tuesdayat 4:10 P. M. in North Lecture Room,Law Building .• This is �!W first of aseries of lectures.Botanical Club meets Tuesday inrOom T.1, Botany building. 4:30 p. m.Dr. Shelforcl will speak.Y. W. C. L. mee1s wednesday at10:30 in Lexinllton Hall.Janior Mathematics Club. room 36,Cobb Hall, 4:30 P. M., Wednesday.F�per by Professor �Ioore.,,·ill be taken as a supreme test ofloyalty, and ""hatever happens, therooters will be there every minute.That the team will fight to the very clence that Director Stagg's elevenwill defeat the Cardinal team, andalso expect to out-root their rivalcheerers in the opposite stands. Theyremember how the little band of onelast ditch, needs hardly to be said,after lhe Cornell game. It will start hundred made a better showing thallthe contest determined to rush the the thousands of rot>ters in the Minn­Badgers off :their feet and make the esota aggregation at Minneapolis, f t d f' from be- last y. ear ..struggle as an unousginning to end.Ana lien See Chimes in Tower.The members of the Arts college ofmen were shown the chimes in the:\1 itch ell tower yesterday by 1\1 r.David Allen Robertson. secretary.The mechanisms employed in chimingand change-ringing were explainedand a number of illustrations "'er�given. Considerable interest in theart of campanology was stirred upamong the members of the college byChicago has had few teams ofwhich she has had more reason to beproud. The 1\Iaroon eleven has�hown not only gamest of fighting!'pirit, but the most unusual intelli·gence and resourcefulness in takingadvantage of the opportunities afford­ed by the new game. Twentieth cen­tury football calls for brains, as ",·ellas ",·eight and strength, and Chicagohas :llmost dazed most of her oppo- FOWNESGLOVESwill be worn longer thisseason than others­that is. other gloves.the d<:monstration.nents by her marvelous proficiency inthe new style of play. Be a loyal student and send in your·'. to the te:un. .Jactber it .... CiiptiGla 10' abe Daily at ODCC. C&.rVer &_ Wn�ieTAILORS .. , I. 135119 DarfIora 51. .\8.nk floor .. IIllinois College of CommerceATHENAEUM.'18 to 26'VAN BUREN ST�T_,Young people qualified in oar Shorthand and Business depart •menta in the shortest possible time for posiiions that pay at onafrom $35 to $60 a month. Individual intsruction; DAY and NIGHTsessions. Enter any time. Call, write or phone Harrison 1110 fcircat8Iogue. Positions for graduates. 37 years -. of uninteiTupted- •cess. .SAMlUEL B. WILLEY, LL. B., SuperintendlatCorrect ClotheJ·FOR. COL�&G.� .MENWe appeal to your' intelligence .t 0 we arM ad e-t o-MeasureClotheS. You will find them better and cheaper in· every waf.. We make SUITS and OVERCOATS atS20.upThe .most complete assortment of woolens to select from, �cluding new colors and latest patterns. ·Materials, style andworkmanship . guarant� The CC?Uege' Man's individuality indress is recognized all .over the world. A�d;-this individuality toour expertn�1 and _th.e result � be distinetive clothes.BELL TAILORING CO.,. E. R, 'Bradley, Pres.·134 E.. Madison St., .S. W. Cor. Clark St., Chicago.. M. f. fitzgerald & Co .. ·MADRS OF GBNTLB UN'S GARMENTS. 360 Ea. 55th. Street·,u �u -.nt to see something real s�· in the newestshades and weaVes· for.. suit of clothes, an 'overcoat or apm. of trousers, for FaD and Winter, we . �e them toshow agiainat any house in the city.· Our prices are withinthe reach of all.THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANY. Phone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and iii•. : The Cleanest and Best Kept Storace .Warehouse in the City •••••F'brniture and Pianos Moved, Stored; Pa�Shipped to all parts of" the world. 300 Privateage Rooms. Large Parlor E.xc1qsively for..Rooms for Trunks �nd Wheels. Larae RoOIICalTiaces, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks tI'from all Depots. Local Transfers forFumitur.e, Packages, etc., at short notice. .8pecialatteDtieD &ina to Ulli.a� 0'" cA perm""1eorganij.ed inday at a meeischool men.iated with t'Republican (ar�angementsa permancnt.tiona I comllllR�ssmal1. GeM·aycr. OllieThe purposeto further tlcan party. as{hli\'crsity nnrnce. :\11sellOOI and :eligible to nPurity�SEE-. 370MAGO�INRE,Up"I.t: I: iV\ClarlIF IFOEORYotQUlCONFIDSpalding':alogueMA. G.THE f)�ILY .AI.OeM, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 21.1908.ROBERT P. MURPHY •-...... :. AL., _'--- ._ ...�p'�aLI.cAN ,.·CLUB FORMED UNIYERSlTY PRESS PtiBUCAiioltS PRE:-���)I�S WILJ;' MEET. \.' ----- . PR&-LEGALS ON GRIDIRON'. Students ·Organize Permanent Astrophysical journal .. - I� -Club' �o Affiliate with National .Two eoc:i.tics. will. lelde riv&:1rY in .Ora�tion. The Distribution of Eruptive Prom- . ltoOtbaU. Game Wednesctay.,inences on the Solar Disk. Philip Aft�oozL ". .A permanent Republican club was Fox; Effect of Increasing the 'sm­(,rganii.ed in the Law school yester- Width Upon the Accuracy of Radialday at a meeting of a number of Law Velocity Determinations, J. S. Plas- ha.v� an qpPo�ullity to settle theirschool men. 'The club will be affil- kcr: the Spectroscopic Binary oriorris, long and standing grudges when theyiated with the National League of J. S. Plasket ; the Orbit of Orionis, �eet each othe� on the football �rid­Republican College clubs as soon as J. S Plasket ; photographic light- Iron Wednesday afternoon. A bitterar�3ngements can be made. Prior to curve of the.. variable su cassiopeiae, rivalry exists between the lawyersOJ permanent organization, a constitu- I. A. Parkhurst; the reproduction of and the physicians, and the leadersti�nal commitcee.composed of George prismaric spectrum photographs on of both sides promise a fight to theR�5small. George R. Faust and L. 1\1. :1 uniform scale of wave-lengths, A. death. Captain and Coach Ben Mor­M·ayer. Officers will be elected later. Fowler and A. Ea�le;' corner e 1908 gall of the Pre-Medics is predictingf I I b '11 b d an overwhelming defeat over hisThe purpose 0 tne c u WI not e (:\Iorehouse), E. E. Barnar ; anf I) f I R bli opponents. Captain Tatarsky of theto urt ier t ie cause 0 t ie cpu 1- .:Icctri�, furnace for spectroscopic' l' FTc-Legals, however. is out with a(an party. as muc 1 as to rrng to 1\ ie vcs tigatioiis, with results for theUniversity men of political promi- sl'e(..i�:� of titanium 'and vanadium, similar prophecy, and anxious rootersare awaiting with breathless i�teresln('nee. All members of the Law Arthur S. King; on the probable ex-selloul and all .prc-Iegal students arc istencc of a magnetic field in sun- the terrible struggle. Both teams willibl b I' beuin to practice Monday with thedigt c to mem ers lip. spots, Geor�e E. Hale. '"following lineups:American journal of Sodology. Pre-Medics.DR The Chicago Employment AgencyExcellence and the Immigrant 'Worker, GraceAbbott ; Biblical Sociology., II, LOuisWallis.Life in the Pennsylvania CoalFields, With Particular Reference, toWomcn , Annie Marion MacLean; MorganNatural Selection in Sociology, Woods__________ j ames ,Collier; Sociology and Psy- Andersonl chology, Sociology and Geography,I AldenE., C. Hayes; Third Annual Meeting Hanumof the American Sociol<?gical So­Hokansonciety ; Reviews, John' A. Fairlie; Es-s a ys in Municipal Administration, A.,R. H at ton; T. W.' Heineman, The FREE TRADERS OPTIMISTSPhysical Basis of Civilization, Chas.\ A. Ellwood ; George Chatterton-Hill,Heredity and Selection in Sociology,i \Vm. L" Thomas; Professor Dr. AI-.. >-r,I� III II Pre-Medics and Pre-Legals'�j",to :1L d �lr 1.35CenterL. GuardL. TackleL. End HarmonBaldridgeKeller md two-step, Barn dance taught lesson.Grider .)ffice and Studio, 301 West 63d St. FRAT MIXTUREA eonge M�'sTOBACCO1 Z-3 01. 15 eentsPre- Legals.Buckman QuarterWeidIing Full BackCobb R. H. BackKuhns. I.. Half BackMcC.ullough R. End KeeferPurity KernTatarskyCANDIESSEE. THEM' MADE "Proprieto� FOR NOBBY. UP-' ,.TO-DATE N E C K­WEAR, AND STYL­ISH SHIRTS·CALL ON ..E. FBILCHBNFEL'D277 Dearborn 'sueetFisher Buildina. 801Et -mANY·.. - .. ,"41St Street and BroadwayNEW YORKRemodelled, Handsomely Fur­nished ThroughoutACSOLUTELY FIREl'ROOFIn the heart of the Citysoo Rooms. 300 Bath RoomsEuropean Plan. Cuisine UnexcelledGentlemens' Cafe, Ladies' Restau­rant, and )lourish Rooms. Popu­lar Prices. Plenty of Life-butl l omelike.$1.00 Per Day and UpSEND FOR nOOKLET.�Ieet me at the College Inn, underthe Albany, New York's leadingRathskeller, a place to eat, drinkand be merry. College Cafe\447 E 55th. St.Near Lezincton AvenuePOPULAR PLACEATPOPULAR PRICESLuncheon 20C upEvenin& Dinner 2seSunday Dinner - - - - 3Sc IISERVICE A �TE. ALSO.gCHUTZ'S SCHOOLOF DANCINGR Tackle BresnahanKrash;Kelly .essons with music. A guarantee tomake pupil proficient in the waltz' andMost Popular Place in ChicagoPrivate Lessons by Appointment,;uarantee Course $S.oo. Five private. 370 E. 55th StretR. Guard:et1t- MANY DESIRABLEGOODS REDUCED Sturgeon Cor, Wentworth Ave.Phone Garfield 361INFORMAL DANCING, I:1. IJ�I.": I. I,� I:put·onCeGmt)fOr._ncJIIIl IN PRICE.RECEPTION atREASON: To Clear position to Protection.17ofessor Daenell Ezplains His Op­ THE FORUM, 43d se, & CalumetAvEVERY SATURD�Y EVENINGAdmission so Cents a Person fil Wabaah AvenueKnight li· VromanUp' Our Stock Early. Professor Ernst Daenell of the;fred �Ianes,Die ArbeIterversicherung University of Kiel expressed himself,in Australien uod Neu-Seeland, C. R-on free-traders and protectionistsr::r I rson ; Frank· Tracy Carlton,.llem e , yesterday when be declared that theEducation and Industrial Evolution, f ti d h 1. dormer are op musts an t e alterHugo P J Selinger ; Gor on .. H' bi 0 .. . " pessrmists. 1S su ject was •.fI-Hart Woman and the Race, George. t th F T d Th "" . glon'" e ree ra e eory.Elliott Howard; Joseph Mazzarella, Ad t f f trad dvoca es 0 ree raue an pro-Les t ... .pes sociaux et le droit, J. L. f I I h- J • tection represent natural contrasts in .. ur ace-woven c ose y enougGI'III'n', Recent. Literature,' Notes and . .every sense of the word,' he Solid. zrve service."The first named stand for interna- Olives and the various shades oftional development of labor, and the I brown are in strong favor.latter look out for the development Grey stripes and the greys- shadingof natural resources. Carl Marx and into the stone and slate colorings areall Marxian socialists were strong Iecidedly correct. 'free trade advocates, because in 'it In overcoat fabrics the rough bas­they saw an advantage for the work- ket weaves and herringbone stripesing people, and the ultimate bringing ire considered very smart.about of their socialist theories." Suits for CcUege wear, $30 to $35�'THeTAILORWm. jerrems' SonsClark and Adams StreetS Abstracts.AN ADV. IN THEDAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENT ASYOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOUINVESTBD?CHAMPIONS· DECIDED TODAY(Continued from pa.t; I),IF IT'S SPORTFOR RECREATIONOR CO�PETITION.YOU DON'T WORKQUITE RIGHTThe Daily Maroon js the officialstudent publication, contains all thecampus ne\Vs and deserves the sup­port of every student.will b accompanied by' a large dele­gation' of students and alumni andwill be given enthusiastic ,support.The championship of Indiana willbe settled .. this afternoon betweenPurdue and Indiana at, 4f;iyett.e.I ndiana has carried off the palm thelast three years, but rthe Purdue menthink the opportunity has at lastcome for revenge. Speik has beenpoin'!ing his men all season for thissame and. a rattling contest is expect­t!d.Unless your uniformor implement bears,the SpaldingTrade Mark.That Trade Markgives youiD­and CONFIDENCE & SATISFACTION,illSpalding's handsomely illustrated c�t­alogue of all sports contains nu­merous suggestions,Mailed Free anywhere.'Ito,.t»res. A. G. SPALDING A.BROS.147 Wabash AvenueChicago. III[) .... .........................•...•.... ---�SOUTH SIDE STORE 411 E. 57th St.CHICAGOPILLOWSFOBS411 E. 57th St.CHICAGOPENNANTSPINS:atatolinCity Store':-3S E. Randolph StreetTHE W. £. KERN to.ManufacturersCOL T .. EGE GOODSATHLETIC GOODSSPECIALTIESMain Ollke and Factory:48-50 Wabash Avenue ., Comer Randolph.TJIE FALL SEASONHAS OPENED 1,, ;i!. !The new autumn and wititer' bb�rics show many striped effects, butrhe colorings are not pronounced.I'he fabrics have a rough twilledImitated in sbape, but tbe "Pat­ented Lock Front'" wbieb avoidscollar spreading, CAn ,be bad ..., inffk,n"rs-mmuSIIDTCCOUOce..( ..... '.bq ... Y.Overcoats $35 to $40We c-.-ke riding breeches. CHOCOLATESand fine bonbons famous through"OUt America, put up in beautifulbozes suitable for presents at 2SC40C and fioc: Per pound. ,. Apleased customer is the best ad­vertisement. ..TAl-LOR FOR YOUNG IIBNA_ N_ jerrems, Mer.l'wo stores: 131 La Salle St.. an.44Jacbon� Gunther's Confectionery212 State Street.WBBU TO DINEAN ExtLUSIVESHOP for WOMEN TO 111UOIf HOTELABD UB'l'AUllAN'l' '111:117 Rudolph Street'THE POPULAR PLACETO BATEith\.r before Of' after theneater.Dcn't pay $4.00, Ss-ooand $6.:K) for yourShces. when I sellthe same Styles am!Le3thers at only We make a Special� of Clalt�nd Fratemi�. DiaD ....------------�--------------,Phone Central I(,�$2 ALFRED PEATS Ci co.Foreictn and Domestic1J:�nt take my word for it,I but (,()Il1C and look at them.; THE STATES SHOE SHOPI Second Floor 199 State StreetlOver Peacock's Jewelry Store.Optn Saturday Eveninis Till 8 WALL PAPBRSAND DRAPBIUBS1�4-146 Waba.b A ••.CbiQao.CLASSIPIBDADVBB.TIS�HTSin theD A I LYMA'It. 00 NBR�NG RESULTSFOR SALEFOR RENTWANTEDLOSTFOUND2.5 cents for threelines per issue.FRENCH CLASSES; also privatelessons. Translating a specialty.Every Tuesday, 2 p. m, 276 East57th St.. Rosalie HallFOR RENT�plendid House for aFraternity at $85. Phone GoodrichOakland 1701; Robert F. Schenck& Co .• 4301 Drexel, for one or two ladies; allconveniences; private family. Fren­kel, 6030 Washington ave., ad .flat,TYPEWRITING work wanted, byMis, Myrtle Goodfellow. 5500Greenwood, avenue.WANTED a 0 meet party owningReal Estate elsewhere worth about$12,000 who may be willing to ex- THE, DAILY MAROON; SATURDAY, NOVEMB�,�I, 19O$,CHAMPiONSHIP 011 WESTAT STAKE'tN:'OMfE TODAY sity" caliber" ,i� M �c���to��. and Bellfor' reserve" halves. . ,� .. -. '. "Worth wine may' be' outclassed incompeting against Wilce the' 'Badgerwho is "picked by many as certain tomake the all-western' as full. Oscarnevertheless was "oli the job" in theCornell J:ame where 'he was pit'te"'dagainst an even greater star in Capt-ain Walder, '.Although both, teams are strong atthe ne w game Chicago has been call­cd "the cxponers;s of all that is goodin the new game' and the Badgersart' admittedly strong as individuals,hut lacking in the extreme polish anda team that Stagg has put on hiseleven.The first college dance of thc year,Comparing the elevens more close- gi"eli by Philosophy women at' the:y Chicago docs not lose anything Reynolds club. brought oue a largeCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In speed, weight and ability they are attendance of Junior college men andpretty evenly matched although Chi- women. "Campus Capers," the newcago is a little heavier. Captain Stef- Univer-sity two-step by Albert Sa­fen, Chicago's greatest field general bath, proved the hit of the afternoon.will lead his 1eam for the last time. The affair was voted a great success"Wallie" is expected to play the hy al! who were present.greatest game of his splendid careerthis afternoon. He has, tucked awayin his head" scores of fancy plays that The Daily Maroon is your' paper,the Inzenius . "Wizard" has taught your news, published for you, Showhim and although the Badgers have your appreciation by subscribing. Dokept their hand pretty well secreted, -t now.FOR RENT - Steamheated front those mavelous tricks than havechange same for property in besta 'combination of ends as ever met onneighborhood adjacent to U. of c.,a western gridiron. Schommer is alsoAddress x, care DailY' Maroon.__ -- __ ----- ...... ---�� 'credited with being one of the best\VANTED-Woman student to assist 'place kickers in the business this yearin the care of two children during 'and incase of necessity will be calledthe day, apply in person. Mrs. Tom-on to boot the ball over the barslinson, 6222 Ellis Ave. Apt.l. from placement, although "Wallie"TYPEWRITER�I'VI,SIBLE" AND prefers touchdowns to goals. ,The"OLD STYL� forward pass ability of all four of thePrices one-third to one-half cheap- extremity players today is of ex­er than others. Try the F�z - the ceptional quality,perfect machine. Time payment, Kelley and Hoffman, playing ag­trade, or cash. Will demonstrate in ainst Boyle and Osthoff will showyour room or office. Drop a card to some interesz ing comparisons of theGeo. Starring, 140 S. D. Hal1. best tackles of the west matchedpretty evenly with a possible shade ofThe Hotel Maroon, at s&h and advantage to Kelley. for Chicago andDrexel, has just received' a new cook, Ostoff for Wisconsin againso theira' woman, and they are now putting respective opponents.At guardHirschlup the best meals possible for the and Ehrhorn have proved to Mr.prices charged. You should try them Stagg's satisfaction that they arejf a good meal appeals to you. Adv. worthy the fortes and though Falk, will surely get into the game in theMID WAY T 'A I LOR S second half Messmer and Dreutzerwill be tough propositions for theMaroons. Both are heavy and viciousbuckers and the 1r�ck of sending his'tllards against the Badger, center toprotect Badenoch at center willweaken the Chicago forwards in pro­tecting the plays of the backs. Bade­noch will be working hard to bestStiehm the star center of the Cardin­als, 'although he is said to be superioras a snapper-back.Steffen wlll certainly be a markedman and will completely outshinehis �pponent �1011 who, never theless,will be a' mighty dangerous man forChicago to handle. "Wallie's" effect­in'ness will be in his superior punt­ing ahility an<.l famous dodging skill.membership call between 10 alld 12 :\1011 is s.trong as a drop-kkker and isa. m. and 2 to 8:30 p. m .. 480 E. doped to score by booting the pig·61s1 Street. skin over the bar at least once.Chicago's backs are much fasterthan the Badgers and Iddings amiCro"'ley are figured to better ,theCro"'ley are figured to better thework cf Wisconsin's classy pair ofhalves. Cunningham and Culver. TheBadgers are, however, str(lng on suh·stitutes having several men of Var- I(Continued from page I)Chicago has never been beaten thisyear although the Badgers have asimilar record for the season theirscores have not been as large norhave they, 011 the whole, met teams asstreng as Chicago has played. TheVarsity has such a brilliant recordbehind it and "The Grand Old Manof the Midway" is believed in sounfailingly, that on general principlesChicago is "doped" to win.The game will start at 2 o'clock andthe team and rooters will leave im­mediately after at 5 :30 on the C. andN. W. for Chicago, Philosophy Women Give Dance.. �proved so effective all season arefigured to overwhelm Captain Rogersand his tribe.Pa&e Against RogersRogers will be pitted against"Orvie' Page, the cleverest end inthe west, and the Badger will havetime of his life holding his own. At theother end Schommer will opposeDean, an' accur�te tackler and fleetfooted runner. The four are as strong inThe Forum Cigar I tA CLEAR HAVANA CIGARSOLD DI RECT TOYOU ' IBy the Manufacturer without theM. BERGER465 ,E. 63ni StreetTel. Midway 392.Dealer's Profit.Garments of All DescriptionsCLEANE� DYED a ALTERED6�01 Ellis Ave.:Work called for and delivered. close meeter thatwill try neither tie,thumb nor temPer15('. - 2 for 25c.BARGAINS ,ALL ,THE TIME-Reliable Rebuilt Type�riters. allmakes; rebuilt in our own factory;better and cheaper than others. Seefor yourself. The Typewriter Ex­change, 319 Dearborn St. A. J. Couse,),[anaiter. Telephone Harrison 4065. Cluett. rabodJ .t Co •• TroJ. New Torti:THE ,ROMAITALIAN TABLE D'HOTE'SOC-7Sc:-$i.ooINCLUDING WINEA lao a la Carte ServiceOpenDailyandSundaysfromII A. M.togPo M.SPAGHETTISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITALY146-S:rATE STREET-146SECOND FLOOR • . .••. ��., J... ".' ,0.. .�.�_�;;::. ..• '.�"�''-''''J�I YOU KNOW how it is a source �f ..·� b),,�into a talio'rinc eatab1iahment of the Sht 'c:JUa : order 'aDd'loOk aroaa..:. JI at samples, without havinC a salesmaD' �,.�, at�� . "",1 to aiake you believe ·that you want this and that; 'aDd' Wbeti' �u bow Iyou 'want something else.,Ii you have never, enjoyed such a privileae. that is, the riabt �!' tcome to our es�ablishment and look around. and pick, out tile, �, �theat you ,yourself know will satisfy you, then we WUlt �ou to �,us a call, �d we will treat you with the utmOlt. 1tiDdl� c:oaaideratioD..:Watterson l:J Southward: :Roo� 502 , TAILORS', -:J,;'felephone Central 61gB. 1.53 .. La ,� St�+,:>1:$,'. ==Vol. VII.I believe in Popular Prices. If' ,$25.00 Business Suits are positivel"$35.00 value. You can save just $10��'Thafs worth while. Let me make on,:.:, for you and prove it.Majestic Theatr� Bldg. Wen d'e I,. 75 MQnroe stt.:.i 1 CHIIS GREA�'MODE�" HASNeither Tton Line, ForW31Osthoff FAccuralIn an inchicagoWestern jt�ar, bl',Wisconsin'to 12 at �lgreatest e5t,yle playgridiron.55th AND ELLISMIDNIGHT LUNCH'HaU "Feeds" Supplied Up to 1 'A:� M.UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT _,BRAIDEN, ex-'lO, U. of C.55th AND ELLI.SI�.: Wisconsthe hopes, specliAcl1la'�b":ee':', /i:-more Jpeeted t��th.:'�ed !lCardinalpme keltors UpCl<of 400 �made aBadger IJFor ,lb.met her IBadgersmore fo:The gamthe Ireqtcasionedbad cone:the tac1was laidCan Tell � Fraternity ManBy His Clothes '-VVHY? ) .. �.BecauseLindsay Brothers Makes' Th ...LINDSAY BROTHERS:''�' cincAaO� ��.'49 AND 51 JACKSON �LVD.ThirdI now, have OD hand, and selling at half' price:Parker Lucky Curve, John Holland, Paul E. Wart. WatenDall·!4aII,'A. A. Waterman's, Conldin Self-fill era. Crocker, Blair, �Autofiller amd all the other well- known brands ofFOUNTAIN PENS Repairing � 70� �'" ', DAvID TJD: PBlUIAH, ' 192 Clark � '�:'"-A.MUSEMENTa--'l'OWii8GRAND OPBRA BOUSEMR. MANTEL�IN SHAKESPEAREBTUD' •• AK ••FRITZI SCHEn'in the &rat proclacti_ ofTHE' PRIMA DON.A', ,.season, ;and Wofor time'Vcr, Sti4ers, hadsuddenPalPage 1ing wit!way. }than heyioas g;kicks wthe Biagain wup on ISteffetnded 1Chitag(blaze (Itnarvtlfenn u(root�rsIddil1througlgains (dings:never,Cro1fleHENRY B. HARats,Presents Edpr �,1VW' i�: ,.>"PI ERRE OF TilE PLAINS�. . . . . 't�A YOUNG LADIES' AND GEN.TLEMAN'S Select Orch�tra iabeing organized by Miss Ada RoC­ers. Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos,and Zithers. Those who wishThe Marinette Assemblies will holda Wisconsin Pennant Party, Fridayevening, N ovembcr 20th, at CalumetHall, 63rd St., and Jackson ParkAve. Evcryone attending wilt beprescntcd with a beautiful 36-inchfelt Wisconsin PeDnant. Dancingevery Friday eveaiaa. 'CHICAGO OPERA BOUSEFrank M'Kees Gorgeous ProductionHA�Ry BULGERand ,Great Cast O.LOlfIALGEo. Jl. COHANaad his Ro,.al F4JIIilTand lac:omparabie '6,. 'A YANKEE PRINCEINTERNATIONAL THEATREGRAND OPERA, ,This week onlyCARMEN .ILLI •• I.·CARLE in I MAUDE 'ADAMS 'MARY'S LAMB , Ia New �med�,., ,WHAT EVERY WOMAN ICN01p__ ' -._W B-I,-tB 'Z YTHE BIG SUCCESSA BROKEN IDOLORCHESTRA HALLBURTON HOLMES'TRA VELOOtf�'-TO PltlRcm&I"The Quality Musical PlaY' 'A STUBBORN CINDERELLA'..... ... fT ••LA BALL. DAVID WARFIELDAll rtd"��!if' ," GRAND-ARMY MANCECIL LEANandFLORENCE HOLBROOKand tbe La Salle Theater Stor.1t CoA GIRL AT THE HELM