.IuilgVol. Vll. No. 37.• �. ._ � J ._ _. ;.' ,. _' •Steffen and Schommer Make LastSpeeches Before a Game atRally. Decisi�n Bet� � Eig�t,Men Not Reached-Will Re-coi1-vene to Select ijDivUa(tY Represen­tatives.To I .. eave f'o� ':M���"at 10' 1'4. To.:.day�Badter Supporters to Turn'O�t in' Force for' the Game.HON TO MAbISDI" i's lUNULE TO PIIx-\obitoRS ·s�IOr( cdu�C1L"�ANTS M?TT'O. MASS MEETING'S SLOGAII Definite 'FO� thUvERSITY SEAL SQUAD TO TAlE LASTPRACtICE FOR BADGERGAME THlS 10RIIIGAlready Submitted.._ IT I Y • loS P • _;r D & • "Director stagg Will· cave Hi. ElevenFinal Work of Scuon .cn OldMarshall Field Today.iWI 'IN Lp. cbNtinlONDirector Stagg Pays Tribute to MenWho Leave--:.WiSc:onsin BetterThan Cornell The finals of the ifiils for theUniversity debating team brought olitsuch close competition that tliejudges 'were unable to decide defi­nitely on any six of the followingLD "On to Madison" was the slogan men: Bales, Black, Ferguson, H06-enthu�iasticany voiced at the mon- ver, - Hostetter, Keyes, Leviton,ster mass meeting in Kent yesterday. O'Donnell, It was intended that an-Undoubtedly this meeting was the other test debate should be held at With a two hours practice .thismost snirited of its kind held this which the two three-men teams couid liiorriitig "on 'Marshall Field, the Var-year. The theater was jammed to the be picked, the other two candidates sity will have completed �!t�. Ja�� ... ofdoors, and the chief effort of Cheer- recovering alternates, The debaters, their preparations for the game whichleader �lacCrackel1 was to keep the however, objected so strongly to tlie is to decide the championship, of thespirit of the crowd in bounds instead plan on account of the added work West tomorrow on Ca�p' Randall,of bolstering it up, that the judges will be re-convened Director S�� .�iil not, li�ld �nyAs usual, the Three-Quarters Club as soon as possible and a deflmte practic� at M�di�on, a��i';m c��-was arranged in front of the crowd decision be made on the basis of la�t plete the year's work with this morn-and filled in between yells, Albert night's showing, ing's drill,Sabath presided at the piano and The question debated was that on I; Mr. Stagg and the team will leave"slammed" "(iff the Chicago songs in which the University will' meet . Mich: at I, o'clock 'ffii�' itt��noon on therecord style, igan and N orth�'esiern, Ji�ua�y IS,' N �rth��st���" f���'. a��j�ili '�rfiv� �tAfter a short cneer' session, and a 'Resolved, THat coffHrl�r�ial pap�r; Madison about. 5 o'clock this .. after-,"sign up for Madison" . speech, by furnishes a better basis for note i'� noon. . The following' men will be in"Biii'; MacCracken, the game began. sue than bonds," There �e�e t�1 th� p��ty: :'bi���o�' �itg, C�p.ta�.�captain Wait�r Steffen was the first groups, each composed' of" an a-,grma'"1 Steffen, Page, Schommer, Iddings,-speaker. "Wallie" was afflicted with live and a negative 1eam of thr� c�?-;i�y i<.diey - Fi(f;" WortliWinea sore throat; and said that· he was men, i �, 'H��a�"',B�d�;:�b' '���btt Elli�tt:.. 1 J •..... -�'.ua.·., ''''., . .J�,.1. ·4....,,'Lll,·;:; 1" ' , 1--thereby prevebted from saying all he The Judges were Burt Brown Ba"r-: : - 'F-UL.,-e�. ' Ehrhorn, Hirscli) Meigs Smith - �og-wished. He as'ked the suport of the ker, '97; A. "B: H:iit, '85; Mr. C. W,J N '. B ......:.'FOI" . triin-slati6ns _ �onsult �instrtictors' or dictionaries, ers, Briggs, Griils. Bohia�d"��: 'fii-rooters at Madison, and as lie si;ok� ·Whittier .�f.tlie· Law, school; Mr, C: ,�,.r-�J ':·iI;��-p:j:i:)�"!l�-.;i·f. •. n--:�...-:,i-V."J,;;I; ... ·,:;,1t t.':.; "".;'''1 , .. ,-' _: �:. �r'an�tTrainer-Johnsoll,;' They·wiltof this be�g "ruT lak . ·gari.,e�- ii� :��: w: "G�iStich -. �abd'�,PCdfessOf·-"""\:t.:' -tf '* ·'A;�.:iiiiii" ����'i�KtO<;!' :;sPiCWl r-ei���'i�:����n\nl�tr.:aleJi;--"-- - "'�:overcome"and tears Came to his eyes: !\�e�am' of the P�iitical: Keon�rJty OLIAIB. .' _ . � � 11OUl�/ IV w, N.. . after j}u:.��..�,.�J.�gpya��� " .::Wlien he too'k .his' seat oy the side 6£, Dep'atlm�ilt. Mr: ��rms'er, a'fonkt :, ,. ·":aj_;�i.;·: "',;;;_;-I_?��.I':�_'� I. ��2.� .. 'O_-�. "':"�_'_ � .·A __'· "1 ����·!����)·,'Ii)tlie "Old 'M�n;''- tWe crowd Wa� �uiet er de�a�jn�.�-s� -. -�r�ided: ,'r ,�l Do""'4 AI- __ -- '"' --... .... nUUUW�M006� AUGU VU<U4W .. - 6M'_ ,r!I4!}"r����r,�u���r the gu�aance'f.:ir a moment, �any, o� the girls' �.n_ �pea�g- 0"'tlie4coD'fest,'··C�� "'��,� ,��1��.:; ���'�w� :-:rival!!OD�:Tune;·.·aacl·,riu· P.1IrDWI 9f ������pt 1£C?�che�;JDeTray.:. . Do-'were visibly 'affected 'and 'the men H. P. Chandler said: "The triifS:'lBis �J;.�����" �ent car-BaDcl·to Ac�m:" s�!f��� �....c!e�soD�;,,:,!n leave �n-j�elOOKed' 0'0 with symi;;iHiy, Suddenly evening were realty- 'cx�e4�cltia't"in toD· ... � �at II� : r�Dy...:..studeilt· Sale CloSes Today. ��.�.�������: . .: �'i!>,ef:iJa'l . :,,��m·g�,?�a yell bro�e fortb, and the captain the furm show� ,by the contestant� 1�o!!li�� .. �b8·�.5' ;,t�Rm "ilie' �e�swas given an' OVation which showed This is well iltusftated by tbe diffi�. 'Refore an ��i�D�c; life. siz� :'o� The �di;tcrs' 'special train to M"ildi- �t��,s�tie!!, .. a��,,�i,�' arrive at �aa-that in the hearts of the Chicago cuIty experien'ced' by -the judges iT fiicb "did <nOf .-sItakc-am�siastie;Lllt so:"> Satu'id:iy, will ·leave· over the i�qnJ �.}��o!,..;,t��orr§:'!.·,: -" ",'_students, he is the best liked man reaching a decisi��, �. consider thf for·-the University· -interest :,io ·th� Chicago and NorthweStern 'ro3d;from ._:J.:�e .��cti��i ,�es'�.r.��¥.':.;��s'· ��tethat has ever captained a Varsity outlook very bnght aDd am we� RObertst!D- 'Players, "The .. Protligal,�' t�e Wen�:strc�t station: at 8':30 a,' m" 5�t����5�.?�."j t�.�, :·<?]�.)4�n'� .��i:�,team. pleased:' ,Voltaire'S cbannine cpmedy of lif�, � n'cf is"sc"neouled' to: arrive 'at'Madison Wednesday he complained. of 1assi-"Big John" Schommer followed ,oft=ow -aDd rove ��H 'wa�· prd- ':t' ·1'1·�,· ... :s, 'TII'e No'r'thw"e'st'ern railroad ;�de o� th����rt'�f:tbe �;ii;'�'tit_'�t�t-Steffen with a snappy little speech, NEWWAYTOREACHIIADISOR :el'rted last eVeilingiD.,lIaocfel·hall, ;·¥tahr�aran�eCd that the train W11"� .��',.���t;iYi,���,1ar.,���'eu���s; I!i�.�hHe said that this was also his last Th<: play wa's':'iJtt�s�iiig . ,as a r� i,it tim�, a'n:d will ch'arge the' regular n:t.�re ��,?_i��t ��!l; t��'�'J.�l��oug� .. �e' �idSnell Hal: RunS IA� to seMI d h h d Th'game, and that he was dete�mined by '. vival, and Mr .. Robertson's, c!florts i� riii�s' of 5:20 round trip, R:etu'rning, I�t_ ,.n!�, t.. ��t .':�? ar.,. "� Pt:?-all means to close his career with a Represent�tiVeS to· Wisconsin la�ing"'such a 'prOdUetibn'bc!fore ·the tlie'!special will leave Madison at' 5:20 ,::ram was another drilfon signa's andwinning game. He emphasized the ��. ' ,p�lic de�erve.'as madl pnaise as' IJ�S 'p,! m., irTivi�g in C.hicago at 8=45, fO�.'m,",�ChiJfo.�i-.i�\'�;;'�� C" :o:�.:..:�IJen::t'benefit oi a bunch of rooters to back - : p.lea�ing and sldDful '.ttiug i�' repr�- 1he band dnd the root:ers w.iIl �- -. �-.. IIDGIthe team, and expressed the hope that The mc�ber�. of, Snell Hal,1 haVe .�ming tbe sf1Dpie,. sorrowmg olcl 'cUPy the special on the way up, and Th'� r�;;ters" a'��' co��de�t th'at t'hea large number would arrange to go devised a novel scheme tor- s�nl\t!a father of the prodipl .'he tea� �'i1l join the party for the team that ��ars: ih�\. �i'�r��� �iil: ie­to Maelison' Saturday. representative of the. house to t�e Mr, Herman 'U�b m ·tbe 'D�e- part, y:e:ttlrn Journey. On the train will be t�;n t .!�. t���f" 'A�� �ia���:': �t�' � ��eCoach Stagg was given his usual game at Ma�i�on. £very��� .. i�.,��e ve an'iml'"fessive:rettre.RDtztioo 4f 'a�sp'�iarrefre�hm�nt C<1':, from �hicll C,�.�m.Plo�.��lp',,�ft:�h.eJ:�es.�_,ne��lyenthusiastic reception, as he arose to hall who Wishes can cont'ribdte:a tbe character of th�· erT1q. �D aDd iv�601hihg to cat may be obtaine'd :!lc��d. �nd.ef.. !�,�i�':i��msJ 'l��d �().�­speak, and, if any of the Badger co- quarter of a dollar to a� general.�; ide from' a ·slipf::-tEbcleftc,.- to ... a� .:it: rn,,· ra-tc·s. h is said that t1le bill :>l�te ,on� .. ?! .��� �t;n�S�l�f�I�la�t.',ye�rshorts had been ncar Kent to bear the When enouith has beeD ga\llet- trainihg of tht! sccnd Uf crief -and te eli rarc' 'wilI" be a la carte a Ja,"Kohl- (If Chicago football history with an­crowd sing, "He's jl grand Old cd in this fashion to �etray' th� ei:- p�:'ntanee; .he';was· .qUite, satiSfac:to�. saat. This car \\�ill be �n the train other great victo��,'Stagg," they migltt well ttemble with penses of the ,trip to tlie names or-alI ,The' self .. sati�td, :eaoristic:al ··Presi·· 'i�I'bl'tll dir'cctions, The Wisconsin' rooters are backingfear and awe. The 'Old Man· said the m�n contrib�tiDg' will be' p�r: �n; . ent'· w;as well e�ecutc!d, by F, 'Lieb, . :�ranater Bar"ker will also have stu-' their el.even for: all ,they: 5a�, an.d thethat he felt almost the same as Std- a hat and one wilI" be' drawn tbere-;; 'Mr. Owen·.,..a$" 1e!8' t� decided 'ad- 'dent" tlckcts for sale Saturday on the seat sal� for the 2ame is re-fen, He paid a thriIting tribute to from, The lucky man wbose n�hle vanta((e as 'old' citizeA RondoD, ptai.: '''Rooters'' Special" train, ported as. unprec.e�e�t�_.in !!�ze, ;�I­the peerless captain, Schommer . and �s drawn will erijoy an' excursiori� to ing. tbis part with. �r. than usu�1 :FfOm the indications at the mass though they ·ackl1owledgc:. that Chi­Iddings, whl) all play for the last the 'home of tbe BaCJgers a"1' an ex- ;ftsenc, �though -at times ·there -was meeting yesterday morniilg the cago i� the logical favorite for thetime on Saturday, "These men," be pense to him of twenty':five cents� If. 13 suggestion of unciae 'emphasis on, 'Rooters' Sp�cial, as the trai� has: �nie, ��e 'Bad�er en��osiastists havesaid, "have the real Chicago spirit. a big enough fund is collected, t�o �h(' chara�er .. _. __ .:.._ .. ._ .... , . ,_ " beeri'dubbc'd, ,,:i11 carry a large' crow(i' a fond h�pe that Coach Barry's ag-The way they played last Saturday men "oj1J be sent, (C • of the students and alumni, Cheer� �-(.'�;; t i' 11 Will b� returned victorious,on �lar!,hall Field when defeat stared ��_P.!II!.J'. _-- leader MacCrackcn urges that ali' 'flle t.ardinals are expecting to seeus in the face, was marvelous, and Detail. of Nor�.eStem .--:-' • :Who ex'pe'ct to sec the ":iDle "0 up on Chicago beaten' as a maHer of poeticCouncil to Meet with President � � f'> • . 2 - - rdcmo);!-'tratetl that ,hcy possessed the . The lifdi1h;re\llri1' "1fO(Jters� the R'ooters' Special and attend the justice f(Jr the 190" and 1909 clefeatsKreatc�t kind of spirit. And I know At the meeting of the Senior Col: Special' �i11' JI�vl _. at-· 8:30� t� game en masse. of t,he Radgers at the "foot" of Eck-lege Councit in the President's office' I II Th . W' ,th;'lt these fellows arc going to dis,:,,' morrow mom in&, at the Wells The student ticket sale will crsa, e strong Isconsm line isyesterday, Dr, Judson signified his' eon-.t el h' h h Ch'I th k' d f .t street sfaliOii,' 'I4L.'!..' fare" 1'·5". 5,20' tl'n'tle unt'I')' 4 o'clock tocl .... y, M. • ... n .... ty'e r c.'xp�c e to tear t re,ug t e lcagop ay e same m 0 courage nex intention of being' pre"sent' h"e�a'ft"r' � 11'1: " .. "eS I 'f: d' Ch' , ." '" for the' rol.n.1 I 'tr:£ , A'no' th..J. !ID�r' kc' r hO'pl'n'ty tllat' the entl're re"e'r-- fo'r,,'ards soon' enough to hreak upattire ay at .l a Ison, lcago IS go- at every meeting, to' disaiss; With' the "IV ... • Dol � "'ing tf' fight from beginning to end, ':1... • • ,,,. I' "Special," accomm�ating ISO pet� "ation' for the Chicago rooters w'iJI the wonderful' trick plays that therile:Tlners their plans and ambitions,· "Olel M "h t h h d\\' I') tIs' .t h tt sonl,·-willleave .. t6-",''''m'·'I'ng a't' h'e "'.0' °1(1 b'y' th ... t tl'm' e, The s .... le·· of an as aug t t e team, an'e (1( a east:2 per cc:n e er He said that it is his .... eSI·re to p!.t �.. • ,. n " - --_, t· ..h C II I co. ..I b ·11 I k � u Madl'''''''''''"'a�l��"..a.' OW'IDr.s�·&l.al'n wl"I' , k I . which ha� been tne 'man'cl of all thel;'In orlle ast �'lttlruay, tit I - uc them in touch with; those matters of ",'I" '"( I� "'. .a on IT II t1c ets yesterc ay "'as heavier thanPre\"ented a victory, Let tIS hope, 'nd ibo" b' .' ,1' have p.tri6tta{a�� tffnt:igHl car a�� I' tl I t f 1 k football world this year, At at', mterest In � a ut t e onlVersny ( tiring 1e car y par � . t Ie wee.v t L.-""h . f h· tthc:t this ill-luck Wil riot be with us h' . , . ';.. . ,."" ita' tachments, and tickets win be sold The ticke't sale yesterday showed e s, UUl camps 0 ent oSlas s. , .;- , -' -_ ... , - .- 'Iw Ich woulrl not reach tftm·thfoo "In" ;. that th 'II b' I' d!O!_'!_��!- ,.. ..,."e... e game WI e a lVe an(Coatiancl 011 .... 4) other sources. (Continued OD paae 4) intercstina one for the bleachers,I.,I ,�il7... of�AIEVAPRESIDENT JUDSON TO 'lD.ROOT AT BAD.GER GAME . DAILY BULLBTIBTHE DAILY MAROON,' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20# I�.IlJt laUg _arllonBishop Vincent at Sunday morningreligious service, 'II a. m., in Mandelhall. Organ recital at 10:45.Philosophy' and Literature Women- Sophomore Claaa: meCtin:gl today,at 10:30,' in Cobb 6A. A dance is un­der way.Southern Club:.will meet tonight inLexington hall at 8:15.Intercollegiate Socialist Societ�meets today at 2 p. m., in Cobb 3-C,for the purpose of permanent organi­zation,Daenell Lecture, "Origin of theFree Trade Theory," today, in Has­kell assembly hall, I2 to I p. m.German Club meets in Lexingtonhall, today at 4 p. m. Lecture by Mr.F. w. Kracher.Political Economy Club, tonight.S P. m.' in Cobb 3C. Mr. H. W. Cald­well will speak on "Employers Asso­ciations."Hitchcock Hall Smoker this even­ing in the ball parlor.Student Tickets· on sale today atthe gymnasium.Blackfriars .meet this morning at10:30 in Cobb loB. Every 0 member� OIlk:1&l tltudeDt Publlc:atloa ., Ge Will Take Part7 of Nine to Contestat Madison Tomorrow�ooAlumni Going.kterlKl .. Sec:oocl-clua :Mall at the CblcqoP_t81llce. CllIcaao, ll11D;,la, Marcil U,18Q3. uder .l.ct of MarcIa It 1818. President Judson will be amongthe rooters at the game with theBadgers tomorrow. Announcementwas made yesterday that he will en­tertain a party of eight besides him­self and Mrs. Judson. Prexy haschartered a special parlor car on theChicago and Northwestern road, andwill leave at the same time as therooters, returning to Chicago tomor­row night.Those in Dr. Judson's party areMr. and Mrs. Gordon Lang, Mr. andMrs. E. H. Moore, Mr. G. A. Bliss,Mr. and Mrs. Chas, A. Marsh. A num­ber of other faculty will also attendthe game. Alumni are also lookingforward to the game, and will be inthe Chicago section 200 strong. Theyalso will go up on the Northwcstern"Special," and will take advantage ofthe offer of a parlor and buffet car at­tachment. Philosophy College Women'sDance in the Reynolds club this af­ternoon, from 4 to 6' o'clock. AllPhilosophy men only invited.Publlahed d&1I7, except ·Sunda,... KOIlda,..and hollda,., durlD& three quartera of tMUIll'teralt7 7ear.i"ormerqThe Unln.alt7 of Chlcl&o Weekll........The Weeki7. Oct. I, 189Z.Th. DallJ'. on. I, 1802.Sub8crlptlon - price, $3.00 per lear: ,1.00for a Dlontha. Bubac:rlpUou recelTed attile KarOOll omce. Ell. (1&11. or at. the"&cul� Excha.Dae. Cobb Hall.l�RESTON i'. GASS. llaIll&l� EdItor.MELVIN J. ADAMS, New. Edltor.ABE LEO ImIDSTEIN, AthleUe EdItor.OSWALD F. NELSON. BualDeu Ka.Ilacer. come.HOLD TEA TO PERFECTPLANS FOR BENEFITw. A.. WeuerA. C. Whlt1leldMla Kamle LlllJ' A. N. Pfeifer.Roberta B. OwenBarcrave Loq , ANNOUNCDDNTSCommittees for Affair to RaiseFunds for Settlement Meet atMacClintock Home •.l.BT 1m1TOaRo7 Baldrldp Plans were perfected yesterday forthe Settlcment Benefit at a tea givenr. a.l'OlL'l'aaH. R. Baukhap M1u ErueaUD.e EYau by Mrs. MacClintock in her home, meet Tuesday; November 24, in KentMorrla B. Br1a8 5629 Lexington avenue. The com- theater at 10:30. Address by Profes-mittee announced in the Maroon of sor Herrick. ., "u=:. ��cn�p.�. ::: :a� Wednesday attended in a body and "Campus C:apers," the'. official U,ni-a. IIaroca p-. �T' .. IIUa IItn& 'I'lL Blde discussed the prospects of the com- versity two-step, .is on sale" at the'Park _L ing recital. Miss Herrick reported Press. IMe ... eoatrlbuUoaa mQ lie left at au. for the committee, consisting of her- Instrumental Soloists will meet in: ,Ball W ll'aCul� IDuhaDp. � to tbe self as chairman, and Misses Court- the Reynolds club theater Monda;'Da1l7 JIarooL . .nay, W ... lker, Kapps, Slaught and afternoon at 3,for a tryout for instru�.._ ; Hoskins. Tickets were distributed to mental, solo- positions in .the GlcJ".:l those present to be sold before N�- dub: .(\11 �S��d��'ts wishing to 'play" :"' ...... .,...c� � �ember 25, when the reservation- be- piano or other instruments in theWhen the Illini came here to meet gins at the Information office. Glee dub turn out .Chicago a few weeks ago, the root- The proceeds from this entertain- Reynolds' club .informal. Wednes-ers formed a six-dollar ment will go toward paying the coal day, N oyembei-' 2S� � - .For a club, each member of hill of the Settlement during the com- Cap and C:iwn Editors can be con':'Seven Dollar which agreed to come ing winter and will take the place of suited with any afternoon in Ellis 3:to Madison to Chicago with no more the c<tntributions usually made by the from 3 to .. o'clock. Communica�Club than six dollars in his women's organizations. All the wo- tions may be left at Faculty Ex-pocket with which to men will attend the recital in a change 280.- ,.pay all expenses. In the present very body and many men have promised Buster Brown Candies. "The Bestpainful financial stringency, which to take boxes. on the Campus," for sale today inseems to prevail on the campus a The fact that Lucine Finch, who the League room at 10:30. Comeseven-dollar "On to Madison" club will recite, was a former student in early.should be very popular. It is very the University, will help to draw the Church History Club meets Tucs­possible to go to Madison and see crowd that the women hope will at- day at 8 o'clock with Professor H. C.the game for an amount safely with- tend "Miss Finch," said Mrs. Me- �fcI .aughlin, 5609 \V"aodlawn avenue.in this figure. There should be sev- Clintock, speaking of the popularity Alper by Professor Andrew C. Zenoseral hundred students able to afford of the. entertainer, "is perfectly great. of McCormick Theological Seminary.seven dollars for the big game of the She has been at Keith's the last two Pre-Legal Club meets Tuesday atseason, where' Chicago will meet a seasons, and that speaks well for her. 8 1>. m, in Cobb 6B.team twenty-five per cent stronger �Iost of her selections are original. Powwow meeting Tuesday in Cobbthan the Cornell eleven. A much and many were obtained from her 9C at 7:45 p. m.larger number will go if they can negro mammy, who was an African Morgan Park Alumni annual ban­feel sure that they will not be called, Princess. She will give dances and quet at the Saratoga Hotel, Saturdayon for the many incidental expenses, songs that she learned fr.om the ne- evening at 7 o'clock.which often double the expense as or- groes, and never presented before. Students' Train for the band andiginally calculated. I am sure that all who come will rooters, will leave for Madison viabe amply repaid." the Northwestern railroad (depot atThe recital will not take the place Wells street and Fifth avenue) Sat­WORK OPEN POR STUDENTS of the wintf'r picnic or the Settle- urday morning at 8:30. Will returnment dance, but is a separate affair ;\t 5 :30, arriving in Chicago at 8:45.Employment Bureau ReaQ to Fill given by the women. The annual �Ieals will be served' a la cartc.Demands for Positions. pilgrimage to "Packingtown" will bemade at the end of this quarter or The team leaves at 1 o'clock today.early in January. The Settlement. If YoU can't�bC at the gam�, give thedance will be given in the gymnasium fellows a grand send-off.in January.The University Employment Bu­reau is supplied with positions forstudents at present and it is thoughtthe number of sources of employ-ment will gradually increase as "Campus Capers" at Game TomorrowChristmas draws ncar. Mr. Abra­ham Bowers and his assistant, IrwinN. Walker are at the office every dayfrom 8 oclock until 5, and can explainin greater detail the nature of thework at the call of students. FOWNES"Campus Capers," the Universitytwo-step by Albert Sabath, will beplayed by the band at the game withWisconsin tomorrow. will also be501d al the field, Wisconsin studentsare anxiously awaiting the piece. Allthe fraternity houses plan to buycopies of thc march. GLOVESwill be worn longer tid.HUOn· than othen­that .. other Cloves.Almost 400 faculty members, stu­dents and alumni are pledCed to Coto lI_ilO" lIore 1ft Deeded. Jnin the rest of the rooters on theNortbwestena "Rooter'S' SpeciaL" "2 -'3 Atttes Hats '4 '5·B-. L. AMES HAT CO.90 EAST .IIBISON STREETTribune Building-2d Door East. of Cor'Larcest Exclusive Hat Store in Chicago ....Smaz:t shapes of unquestionable tasteand authority from which the selec­tion of a becominC hat may be made.The superb quality ia:t.guaranteed bythirty-five years' experience in sellingfine hatL ICAN�\GLOVES UMBRELLAS:-: :-:Impressions You Make on The CamposAre IMPRESSIONS that will cling to you, eve nafter you have graduated.To create the BEST IMPRESSIONS you mustwear CLOTHES of CHARACTER-clothes· t hatshow YOUR OWN i ndividuality-clothes that aremade for YOUR OWN figure-c:lothes that theCRAFTSMAN has spent a life-time to I ear n tomake. Your REPUTATION as a CORRECT and"CLASSY" dresser is assured, if we make you rclothes.Our prices for suits or overcoats range from $35up.Come in next time you're down tOWDI and letus give you one of our college posters-incident­ally we'll get better acquainted.C�e.r 6 WDkieTAI,LORS 115 t19 Dur6or. St.Ia." floor. Illinois CoUege of CommerceFormerly,ATHENAEUM18 to 26· VAN BUREN STREET. Young people qualified in our Shorthand and 'B� depart!�menta in the shortest possible time ior positions that pay at once:from $35 to· $60 a month. Individual intsructiOD. DAY and NIGHT·.'sessions. Enter any time. Call, write or pbone Harrison 1110 fer, �catalogue. Positions for graduates. 31 years of. uninterrupted suc'�cess. BAMJUEL B. WILLEY, LL. B.I Superintendent;BISHOP�Rus$3and$� .tS6SnTE 5T.REPEATING RIFLES FOR HUNTINGNo matter what you bnnt for or where JOG hunt, the answerto the question "What rifle shall I take? ,. is-a Winchester.Wancheater Repeating Rifles are made for all styles of cartridges,from .u to .50 cah"ber. Whichever model you select you will fir.dit an accurate shooter, reliable in action and strong in constrUction.WiracUs1n' Gas u4 A....utiOll-fu RH W BrGlllf-ue .wi. for � otin.WINCHESTER REPEAnNQ ARMS ee., NEW HAVEN. CONN.T�E ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANY-.. Phone Hyde Park 571 Kimbarlt Ave. anel 56th ILThe Cleanat and Bat Kept Storapy?areboUie in the Cit, •••••F�mlture and Piano. Moved, Stored, Paclc.td ...Shipped to all pan. of the world. 300 Private S&If'age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for Pia8I'Rooms for Trunb &ond Wheels. Larae Room "Carria�s, Bucgiel and Sleighs. Trunks to _from all Depots. Local Transfers for BaaPI'Fanaitur.e, Pacbges, etc., at short notice.IpedaI att8atiel! p... .. Val, .. ., � . MAl'GOOIN IREAl'p I�0- Wr.ClarkIF IT}:OROR (YOUQUITuorthTITlgiCONFIDElI Spaltling-':-; II alogue ofmeMailI A. G. S:14:The Dayour newyour �PPlit now.THE DAILY MAltOOM. FRJDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1908.As � result of the Junior ecllege The Chicago and NorthwesternI declamation preliminaries, held yes- railway will run a Kohlsaat lunch carterday, four of the nine candiates on its football train to Madison to­were chosen to appear in the finals morrow morning. Lunch will benext month. The successful speakers served ill this car at regular Koblsaatwere Leverett S. Lyon, Reno R. prices, so that a large item of ex-RCl"'C, Albert Sabath and Edith M. pense will be eliminated for patrioticZahriuger. Each contestant was al- students who are going to see thelowed two minutes ill which to pre- big contest for the championship of-ent to a part of his selection. the West. On the return trip. sup­The subjects of the " .. inniag dec1a- per will be offered likewise at the. nruions were 3.S follows: same popular prices. The train willLyon, "The Homes of the People,' leave the Northwestern depot at 8:30lIy Henry \V. Grady. tomorrow morning, being the firstReeve. ,. A Message to Garcia," by train up to the Badger city. It will��Ibcrt Hubbard. also return first, leaving Madison atIF IT'S SPORT Saba t h, "A Eulogy on Benjamin H. 5:20• It will be the official studentFOR RECREATION Hill," by Prescott. train both ways, and wi!l bring theOR COMPETITION. �Iiss Zahringer, "A Message to team back to Chicago. The plans forYOU DON'T WORK Garcia," by Hubbard. a special I. C, train downtown haveQUITE RIGHT Professor Blanchard said yesterday been abandoned ,as neither that roadUnless your uniform after the contest, that he was much nor the c., M. '.& St. P. would con- .Most Popular Place in Chicagoor implement bears pleased with the character of the sent to the lunch car plan. Private Lessons by Appointmentthe Spalding work done. "While the number of Mr. Stagg hopes this plan will in- .}uarantee Course $5.0:». Five privateTrade Mark. participants was small," he remark- duce a larger number of students to .cssons with music. A guarantee toThat Trade Mark cd, 'the quality of work was excel- 'go to M�dison·. The car is leased make pupil proficient in the waltz andgives you 1\ lent....p from the Pere Marquette for the oc- .ind two-step. Barn dance taught in__ �Ir. Gorsuch, Mr. Nelson an� � ro- casion, and is now i .. Chicago being me lesson.CONFIDENCE & SATISFACTION fessor B1an�hard acted as Judges. cleaned and well stocked, 0ffice and Studio, 301 West 63d St.-- Because of the small number . of. - WI'l.)Lor. entwort 1 Ave.SpaldiJ1�':-; handsomely illustrated cat- speakers it was found possible to 'vOLTAIRE COMEpY SUCCESS Phone Garfield 361alogue of all sports contains nu-. choose' the four who' will contend forINFORMAL DANCINGmcrous suggestions. the prizes, thus eliminating the neces-Mailed Free anywhere. sity of holding separa-te semi-final'.A, G, SPALDING & BROS. The contest, therefore, consisted of . .h .Mis! Redlich, again was c arming(he 'preliminaries and the semi-finals in Li:\e, the daughter. She showedcomhined. The 'finals will be helddfine comprehension of the part, anat the last division meeting of theand_ ! :Iuarter, about the middle of De- played. the young girl sweetly--------- withoilt restraint.. I At this time two scholar-.cern lcr..' . Miss Jobn as the maid servant, was The new autumn and winter lab.ships, each good for one .quarter, willrlecidedly a-success, and Mr. Brad- rics show many striped effects,. butWHO DRESI FDa I� he :l warded those who take first and ".:.:':' "II t h h hIraTIlESS 'ID co. . '. '.. 'I" f ley's com�IY was exce en. ,t oug e""" second places. The. se ecnons 0.., '• f h . bWE.AR llill.'IDYtI.' :-, - _...; ,. . l suggested a bit 0 t e c�l1rtler e-B"OSTON . which 'portlons were delivered yest�r- h h· '..' I neat IS raes...la ... will he g" r en 111 full at the fina s.... S . did I• oJ '.I.lftss ulton 1 some very goor acive service.The plan of choosing one man and .'l·ork as the. �"pe'rannuated coquette. Olives ami the various shades ofT R �I�C 'woman from' each college was.GAR E the Baroness de Croupellac, giving an brown are in strong favor .. handoned, because of the fact that '.' I., exquisite satire, of that tYpe of for- Grey stripes and the greys shadingso few were interested, and that nottune and title hunter. into the stone and slate colorings arcevery college could furnish a suffi-On the whole, the performance decidedly correct.. b r Likewise, the formercicnt nurn e .. was pleasing and impressive, evenly In overcoat fabrics the rough bas .�ystem has been dropped whereby acted and smoothly presented, a fit- ket weaves and herringbone stripe!'�ach contestant in the finals receivedr 'd· id .I ting production 0 a ramatic mas- ue eonsi ered very smart.a scholarship, the winners being. $ Sterpiece. 8Idta- for College wear, 30 to 3Sawarded the $50 cash prizes from • h IaMilton's "Comus" IS t e nest p y(he Peck fund. The larger number that will be Itiven by the RoberbGft·of scholarships now given debating players.ll'am!'-afrirmative and negative sidesUES FUTTOTHEl£O-REYER .-has made it necessary to reduceIUPS. lUIS IORUIFlSrus the tdal allotted to declamations.The pri:tcs will go to men and wo­RO.ftOftCO........ m(,l1 alike. th\!re being no attempt at........... v..... <'ctual dh'i!"ion to both.� ;s::..III,� I••I,III I�J-.,I .-n;t . CHOOSE FOUIt TO sPsAK NO�ERN .S�· . ··1',IN D&c�TIOJ( PlNALII TO .-v.S �y LUNCHI.At p.-elimmaria Yesterda1. L70D" Oflidu Vanity Tnib to Bade-ISabath Reeve aDd Mia Zabarin- Camp Inc1wl.. Kohlaaat Diner 'ge� are iuccesaful On... with �pular Prices.MANY DESIRABLEGOODS REDUCEDIN PRICE.REASON: To Clearl'p Our Stock Early.Wm, Jerrems' �onsClark and Adams Streets�I0d •Ir I35 I�tt·II. II l Continued f� p.ae J).141 Wabash AvenueChicago. IIIGENTLEMENTHE IECOUIID STlIDUI..... Tbe •• llleisItMDped OD ewe�.'oop- .�e,CUSHIONBUTTONCLASPAre )'00 interested in toOdtan, bas·ketball, athletics of an:; tda4? ThensubsenDe for the MaroOi aacl keepPOlt�d in all athletic eriatt.One hundred and teh Penn stu­dents paid $37.50 cach to atteftd thesouri. To be eligible, the c� mustha"c received one .. ftui1it'� or t"TMichigan game on a specialtrain.:\ tlnnk�society has been formed bythe Sophomore co-eds at U� of Mis­"cons" .,in her Freshman year.The Daily Maroon is your paper,your ncws, published for you, Showyour �ppreciation by subscribing. Do Have' you tried ait now.: The Daily Maroon? classified ad in411 E. 57th St.CHICAGOPILLOWSFOBS'. 411 E. 57th St.CHICAGOENNANTSPINSCity Store-3S E, Randolph StreetTHE W. £. KERN £0.ManufacturersCOL T .. EGE GOODSATHLETIC GOODSSPECIALTIESMain Office and Factory:48-50 Wabash Avenue..... ·ROBERT P •. MV�HY •. ProprietorBOTEL ALBANY FOR NOBBY.. U·p·TO-DATE NECK.;..WEAR,· AND STYL- .ISH SHIRTSCALL ON277 Dearborn StreetFisher BuildingICollege Cafel447 E 55th. St. INear Lexin&\on Avenu •,POPULAR PLACE41St Street and BroadwayNEW YORKRemodelled .. Handsomely Fur­nished ThroughoutABSOLUTELY FiREI'ROOFIn the heart of the City500 Rooms. 300 Bath RoomsEuropean Plan. Cuisine UnexcelledGentlemens' Cafe, Ladies' Restau­rant, and Moorish Rooms. Popu­lar Prices. Plenty of Life-butl Iomelike,$1,00 Per Day and UpSEND FOR BOOKLE��Icet me at the College Inn, underthe Albany, New York's leadingRathskeller, a place t9 eat, drinkand be merry.SCHUTZ'S SCHOOLOF DANCING ATPOPULAR PRICESLuncheon 20C upEveninar Dinner 2SCSunday Dinner --=--= - - 3SC Ii SERVICE A LA CARTE. ALSOFRAT MIXTUREA CoUge MMl'STOBACCO1 Z-3 01. 15 eeatsRECEPTION 2t .THE FORUM, 43d St. & CalumetAv Knight � VromanEVERY SATURD�Y EVENINGAdmission so Cents a Person;. �.4\ �IiII', .l :,.t ..., :, .!lTD FALL SEASONBAS OPENEDthe colorings are not pronounced.The fabrics' have � rough .... twined, .-urface=-woven closely enoughOvercoats $3S to 140We make riding breeches.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENA. N. Jerrems, Mgr.Two stores: 131 La Salle St., and44 JacboD BoulevardAN EX£LUSIVESHOP for WOMEN,--Don't pay 14.00, $S.ooand $6.00 for yourShces. when I sellthe same Styles andLeathers at only,2.50lJ�nt take my word for it,but rome and look at them.TBE STATES SHOE SHOPSecond Floor, 199 State StreetOver Peacock's Jewel:-y Store.O.,.n Saturday EveninaI5 Till 8 Wabash Avenue. Corne� .RandolPh.Imitated in' shape, but the "Pat­ented Lock Front" which avoidscollar spreading, can be had olll, inrJiQn�rs-UlUT!D SIUU � COLLOCO .. (Mabn', TI'OJ'.R.Y.\E��E�� I�!'lOUt America, put up in beautifulboxes suitable for presents at 2SC40C and floc per pound. •• Apleased customer is the best ad­vertisement. ..Gunther's Confedionery212 State Street.WHERE TO DINE'1m: UlfION HOTBLAND RESTAURANTJIJ-1J7 Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PLACETO KATEith,-r before or after the Iw�::·. Specialty 01 Club-4nd Fratemity Dinnera.,-------Phone Central J(,�ALFRED PEATS � CO.Forei� and DomesticWALL PAPERSAND DRAPERIES1 � 4 - 1 4 6 W a bas h Ave.Chica,o.OI"IBIIDbADVD'rISBIblftBD A I LYMABOOBBRING RESULTSFOR SALEFOR RENTWANTEDLOST;j'·OUND':as centa for threeUnea per iaaue.CLASSIFIJmFRENCH CLASSES; also privatelessons. Translating a specialty.Every Tuesday, 2 p. m. 276 EastS7th se., Rosalie Hall ,:t'l'�:.,.JtI8HiIAN i1cAK trem�Jy . t-onlaentfous ..... o'ffir. ,'my·TO BErDliaMlDED TODAY iilg··apP'eared,A.�thIuUy·fen- �tic:enearly every day. 'From 217 poundsY���) Baa';-omn ,:Vanity at.���»�g_i�ni�t·b{"���i�i���;�-basTeam' Hard PrtCuce--"liaa Much. . trained: down <to i-'bne', 290. 'He'·PromiBiDC Material. never lets up' in his play and has i,learned a great amount of football "this - fall' . '. . .: -, - : .. '� i �After today's practice, the Fresh- 'Smith,' at' center, 'k 3 '185 pounder;'man team, one of the strongest ag- with 2. compact build that conceals,· gregations of yearlings ever assem- this 'weight. He -Is : good on 'bot1i��'· bled at Chicago, will disband. The ff" '(\ ense ' and ,·'defense. The' other'1912 team has been of the highest S. guard auer has a tall, rangy build"value to the Varsity all the season, that enables hi t df rm 0' get own' 'on· giving it the hard scrimmage neces- kicks "'I'th th d: d 'II .. '• � l. c en s, an sn retains�ry �or develop�ent. At vanous enough weight to stop line bucks.times In the year the Freshmen have He shoul d : t . ht 11 h . hpu on wcrg a t roughad to learn the different styles of, college.play of Chicago's opponents, and em- Gcrcnd at tackle has the- makingploy them against the first team. of a star' man. His weight, 217Few. yearling teams atChicago have pounds, is well distributed, and hecontained co many men IJf real Var-. t I If hIS >y no means sow. e re-sity caliber as this team, Nearly hduces is tendency to injuries, he· every man in the regular lineup must bshould e a very valuable tackle 'nextbe counted' on to make a hard fight year. At the 'other tackle berth, Pra-for his position on the first team next ther, 190 pounds has shown his .fit­year, Although it is true that someof the men would become even great­er stars under the old style rules,none of them are too slow for theFOR RENT - Stean:.h�ted front Iroom, for one or two ladies; allconveniences; private iamily.:; Fren� is largely responsible for the team'sk I 60 I strength. Part of the time Assistante, 30 Washington ave., 2d ftat1,' Coach Leo De Tray has assisted him;TYPEW�ING �orlt. "�ed •. ',b1. helping the men- learn the Cornell:Miss Myrtle Goodfellow, S� and Wisconsin plays, and teachingGreenwood avenue. the backs the' finer points <?f their.work. Harris and Andersen at differ-TYPEWRITERS---vISlBLEu AND ent times aided in coaching the Iines-"OLD STYLr '.men.FOR -RENT-Splendid House for a new..F . Lack of coaching cannot affect theratermty at $8S. Phone Goodrich .O kI d .. ". . 1912 team this year, as most of thea an 1701· Robert F -Schenck . ' .& C ' .. time they have three.. and sometimes0., 4301 Drexel Blvd. .four and five men at work. Ivan Do-seff, last year's all-Western tackle,has had chief charge of the men, andPrices one-third to one-half cheap­er than others. Try the Pas � theperfect machine. Time ��Cnt',trade, or cash. Will, demonstrate ioyour room or office. Drop a card, toGeo, Starring; 140' S. D. fi�llThe Hotel Maroon, at 58th a ••Drexel, has just received a ne� co�a woman, and they are now .puttia'up the best meals possible �F .theprices charged. You should try the ..if a good meal appeals to you. Ad�.MIDWAY TAILORSGarments of All·DaaiptionaCLEAtiED. DYED a: ALTERED600x 'Ellis Ave.Work called for and delivered.BARGAINS AJ.L THE TIME"':'"Reliable Rebuilt Type'-writers. allmakes; rebuilt in our own factory;better and cheaper than others. Seefor yourself. The Typewriter Ex­change; 319 Dearborn St; A. J .. COllS�,),fanaeer. Telephone Harrison �. t Madison. However. win or lose,I am certainly .proud .of the team for'the work it haa-done this, year.",A spirited son2' and cheer prac­tice 'Was ,the next. feature .�� the pro­gram. Everyone was impressed ��ththe necessity of going to Madison to 'help .the 'team. Cheerleader Mac�Cracken announced that on nextMonday afternoon. at 3 'o'clock, winor lose,'a big celebration will beheld. It has not been decided wheth­er the celebration will tC':ke' the 'form' .of a' meeting in Mandel or' a game'between �e-�eshmen ��m and th� .�.��������������������,�--�'�"���.�.,�-�����Varsity scrubs. On' this occasion the I ·gold watch will be presented by the .students to Captain Steffen as a token 'E C .'of appreciationfor his .great work on '. • 1\11 "0 "'0 'R £.the team for the last three years.:(. ... - .Men Individual StarsCaptain Robinson at quarter, al­though short, is stocky and very fast,He+runs elusively, and is a very hardman to tackle. " He generals' the team�etl and is good at handling punts,He 'got his prep school experience onlast year's championship MorganPark Academy team.Kassulker at right end, has had ex­perience on the Dartmouth squad. H�is a sure tackler, smashes up interfer­ence well and runs well from pOSt:..tion. Naturally strong and aggres­sive, he adds a knowledge of end playto his qualifications. The other end,Nicolls 'has not played football be­fore this year. but is especiallyadapted for the new game, being atrack man and a natural kicker. WithI1J()re experience, he should make agood open field runner and dropkicker, He is a Lewis Institute man.Ahlman, the fullback played atEast Side High, Cleveland. Heweighs I'So, but is surprisingly fas�.He hits the line with great force,SUmmey, who played full earlier inWe Have No Branch StUdio..,. .......CRICAGO.·Facilities for ever,thiDc IIIPbotoIftP�.Pboae c-tral lot,.' .-'... j • coming to Chicago. He is an ness. He is str ong;: fast and power­ful, and has every' qualification fora good linesman.' Abrams' and, Aur­and are good men at guard or tackle.The former played· on- the . IowaFreshman team last fall." Aurandhail!' from Lewis Institute.'ON TO' MADISON" ISMASS-MEETING'S 'SLOGAN(Continued-from -page I)ROOTERS ·TO GO, ON, SPECIAL(Continued. from page I) .-ARTHUR'S12.00HATSIn Greens. BroWDSand Blacks. Purity ExceUence'Eat 'Lots of TurkeyBUT SAVE'ROOM FORI 'H'. R"'. "&lted Almonds" I 1Chocola.te MintSIce Cream'1'370 E. '5:;';:�=;VE SHO'::� Hyde Park 3;11� .. - - . - .- ....... � - .....A 'W�IDan's . CookingALWAYS APPEALS TO A: STtJDENTTHAT 'IS, WHY' WE HAVE ENGAGED ONEWE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SERVE THE BESTPOSSIBLE FOR THE MOREYLUNCH ROOM OPEN AT"ALL' HOURSsBTH ST. AND DRR]ClU. AVE. .'�.fl08ISf:•., �;.. Eo ssth sueeiTeL R:Jde' "Pam _ Jad&es pickHoover,11I,eYiton anc'outlook . f(H·Aft.cr twosi�n yester�decided t�':'_icl.t will�ic�gall �J1p05ed. ofHoover, Het�n and 0'This choiceremai�ing . irThursday nnirther test�baters.'The judgek�r, '97; A.Whittier ofW. Gorsucl¥erriam ofDepartmentgreat improvement, well over 300 ofthe pasteboards having been .disposed .of to dat� Of ilies� ISO are "uden�.�����������������'�-�-�·_'�"'���-�"·�-�--�·��_.�tickets.I t is announced positively. that the --A MUs' B II • "'If. T' S--Illin�s Centt� spec�1 tt�n to Mad��-��������������������"�¥;O���������son will not be run. and that the only 'GUlfD OP.BBA. BOUSE II ENRY B. HAltRISway for the rooters to attend the MR. MANTELL Presents Edgar Eeiwyn iDWisconsin game in a body will he via. IN 'SHAKESPE�RE "PIERRE OF TH'E PLAt.the Northwestern ,"Rooters' SpeciC!I�"Thc I. C. offered no guarantee of be. 'omOAao OPZItA. BOUDing on time, and declined to afford Frank M'Kees Gorgeous Prod�ctionthe accommodations offered by the HARRY BULGER'Northwestern. and Great CastOn to Madison. Follow the teamto vic:t0IY. o� Wiac:onsin. .. 'TIlE ROMAIrrALIAN TABLE D�OTBsOc-75C-I • .ooINCLUDING WINEAlso a la Carte ServiceOpenDailyandSundaysfromII A.M.to9 P. II .SPAGBBftISUCH AS O�E GETS IN ITALYc,.;-'A YOUNG LADIES· AND. GK"- the season, was out' the last fewTLEIlAN.S Select 0n:heftra. ia weeks because of an injuredknee, Hisbeing organized by'" Ad&'_:Ri»C- lftight is ISS pounds and his abilityen. Mandolins. Guitars, BanjQs.. as' a ,I!ne plun�er .is' great. DeBoth.and Zithers. Those. who wiib 1he thtrd 0..ht�}S t_no of ISo pounders,membership call between 10 and 12 played at � college. He hasa. m� and 2 to 8:30. p. m. 480 E. speed and is a good line plunger. An61st Street. these men can be used either in theline or back field next' year.The Marinette Assemblies will hold The lighter back field, comprisinga Wisconsin Pennant Party .. Friday Harris, Sampson and Yeager, basevening, November 20th, at Calumet been broken lip a great deal throughHall, 63rd St., and Jackson Park InJUrlt:S. Harris is a sprinter fromAvc. Everyone attending will be Des Moines. He is a good man atpresented with a beautiful 36-inch the Dew gamc. Both Sampson andfclt Wisconsin Pennant. Dancing Yeager weigh over 170 and arc fast.C\'ery Friday evening. Sampson has been handicapped byinjuries most of the season.Line is StrongThe line possesses fivc remarkablygood men four of whom playcd onthe Morgan Park team. Rademach·er at onc guard, the cxception is anw�Iwo-r.....,,;F-t1Inr---\finnt'sota clld-of tha" ,name;- He' played at Clinton Tlcfore I'd W.: 'llI'd 'StreetTel Welitworth 2038.O.LOlfIALGEO. M. C{)HA:Nnd his Ro�1 Familyand Incomparable Co.A. YANKEE PRINCEINTERNATIONAL THEATREGRAND O�ERAThis week onlyCARMEN STUDBBAKB.,�Til SCHEFFin 'the' (t-St pr04�ctiOn ofTHE PkrMA DON'NAlLLIReI'1I MAUDE ADAMSt In" New Comedy,__________ ;...;.;.....;....;.. __·r_·_···_' 'IWHAT EVERY WOMAN RNOTO PlUlfOJ:SS"The Quality Musical PlaY'A STUBBORN CINDEREOd."tE inl\ytI\RY'S LAMBWltfTNBYTHE BIG SUCCESS- A 'BROKEN IDOLORCHESTRA HALLBURTON,. HOLMEs'TRAVELOGUES'lB.LA BALL. DAVID WMtFJELDAll This Week" Glti\ND ARMY MANCECIL LEANaDdFLORENCE HOLBROOKand tlie La San. Theater St�1t CoA' GIRL AT THE HEt..II