/ .latly1Vol. VII. No. 36. ;CHICAGO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER_I9. 1908 .Price Two Ceat8STAGG EASY 011 VARSITY lt4 IN JUNiOR DECLAIIIDONS BUSIIESST1BOOSREBATES;SQUAD II PRACTICE Great Amount ·of Interest Shown in NEEDS HIGHER EDU'CATIOIContest, First Preliminaries ofLearn Polishing Up Plays and For- Which are Scheduled for Today at Franklin YacVeigh Speaking Be-mations, but No Strenuous Work 4 O'Clock in Kent. # .. '...nR. MEBIWI-wmES BOOI KElT THEATER SCEIE- OF-OYlnOI TO TEAl TODAYIn "Primary ElectioDS/' i_lied fromUruversity ·Press.Dr. Me�.m :�)'Sprim&ries Can AccompliSh NothingWith�ut public Interest.on Program. Rooters to Gather for Rousing RallyBefo�e Departure "of" VarsityEleven to Badger Camp.fore University Commercial ClubSays Business Morals ImprovedPreliminaries of the Junior College "Primary Elections," is the title ofWisconsin to be First Opponent this Dt!clamation' contest "'will be lield thisa IH:W book by Professor Charles. E.Year Lighter than Chicago-Bad- afternoon at 4 o'clock in Kent. The T�es Issue with R. '!" Crane on .Merriam, of the Department of Po-ger Line Strong. successful candidates will give their Question of Business Man's Need litical Science, just published by thewhole selections in tire semi-finals. of College University Press: After tracing in a.Director Stagg put the Varsity two weeks from today, and the finals "A few years ago all business men most comprehensive and scholarlyrhrough long drill on plays and will be held a ·week from the follow- sought rebates, John D. Rockefeller .nanuer, the development of party The final mass meeting ofthe yearsignals yesterday, and again omitted ing Tuesday. The speakers who win being a queen bee at the business, primaries from 1866 to I gOB, he sums for the crucial game with the Bad­the scrimmage from the daily pro- in the. finals will be given scholar- which was then thought right by up the general tendencies evident in gers at Madison Saturday is slatedgram. He did not" work the team ships for one quarter. In today's everybody. Today a man with a re- this 'movement, and discusses some of for 10:30 this morning in Kent thea-. h ld b contest the contestants will give two- bate in his pocket is not safe in per- .1' ed . . -1 ._.very hard, fearing t ey wou -ne- the disput points III t re pnmary ter.come over-trained. minute selections from their speeches. son in a meeting of the Illinois man .. problem, This rally I will be a departure from."The men are not over-trained The entries are as follows: ufacturers." This was one of a ser- \Vhile expressing the opinion that morning. rallies__ before other �mesnow," said the "Old Man, "but I S. Edwin Earle, "John Brown;' ies of significant statements made the direct primary system has done in tha� it \Vill�. be featured hy speech­have not pushed them very hard this by Wendell Phillips. last night by Franklin MacVeigh, a much toward wiping out bossism ao·d making, rather _than yelling andweek. I am not giving them any Harvey B. Franklin, Prcgress of prominent Chicago business man be- has been an important step in the en- songs. .A��or(lin� to th�erleaderscrimmage, because I can't afford to Society," by Wm. E. Channing. fore the University Commercial club deaver to estahiish a constitutio.�l "Bifl" MacCracken, the rooters knowhave anyone hurt. They have just Paul F. Gairn, "Against Centrali- at a banquet last night at which and democratic government with'in their songs .and cheers well enoughbeen 'sort of browsing around, walk- zation in America," by Henry W� among others President Judson was rhe party, he soundsa note of warn- now, and the chief need is to hearing through the formations, withou� Grady. present. ing to -thosc ":h� thi·nk the mere -re-; from _ Directo ... ·Stagg· -and the team onworking too strenuously.' Phillip Grossman, "The New Pat: . Mr. MacVeigh also came to the de- adjustment of the political machinery; th� g�.-ne for the title of the West.":The only complaint from the phy- riotism,' byBamucl W. Jones. fense of the ·nigher education as a can be relied upon to produce ideal "_$uckm�' _to �'�·�ed Upsical condition' of the team is the fact E. Hill Leith, "The Storming of preparation for business in reply to political conditions. :Efforts .iIl be .made to ascertainthat several of the men" are suffering Mission .Ridge.' the attack of R. T. Crape and said More· Public Spirit �eeded . h�w ·,,�aqy. rooters �lill. 'follow thefrom colds. Crowley, Page, Schorn- Leverett S. ""Lyon, "The Homes of Mr. Crane took the attitude he did "It is a common American" falla": eleve� to Madiso':'� M�ny· have samer, Kelley and Steffen, are all more the People;' by Henry \V. Grady. because he does not realize that other <;Y," declares P�ofessor �I�r�i�m� "to far held ·Dack, "because 'of the doubtor less affected by colds, but none of Harry Markheim, '�Blaine, the men are not as talented as he. "This concl�d� that wh�n· a ·c�nstitu:tlon�l as t�. �heth!er ·:the r�ad's \ViiI offer a'the team have any more serious in� Plumed Knight," or "Nominating talk of a college 'man not needing an amendment, or a statute, or .a.charter; i:at�� "b�t th'is ili�tter -is now settied ..j�ics.. . -_ � B!a,!.�l5; .• �!'. �ol.' ��be�� � .. }�gs_�2.1t�· �d.1:lc��o.� is absurd." .s:iJ.d- .. �J�.--l4ac-:-. is -seeuredexhe. victot.y:-.b��bem.." As-a. reSult-�tfte-'mass.lmeetiDg�tbisThe team will have .heir last prac- Hazel ·Martin. ..- Veigh in this connection." "Every and that -the p�����ic ci�n �Y' g+ ' it-is-eqJected-that-there will�tice· of the year on Marshail Field Edwin P. McLean. business man should have a college back to the neglected ,p�n. It i$ be .,3. considerable picking up in .the. ;thi� "afternoon and : tomorrow - morn- Reno R Reeve, ··A Message to educa+ion he needs 'It, he is' entitled easier to secur� t�D :me� to· .fight des� ·l1���r .. �f .t�,+��. +h.� ;;.b�Y; ti�k�ts-. �or::-liDg will leave for Madison in order to. Garcia," Elbert Hubbard. to it,and you can't force him off from perately for goou Iegislation .thaa the student section, and also of- those�lattend the Purity banquet, given by Albert Sabath. it. There. is no other side to the ques- :.lI1C wbo will fiCbt steatii"ly and co�L �h(J: sign up for the :Wisconsin spe-Sie -Ba�gers _tom.orrow e.ven�rig. Thet €has V.· Stewart. tioD,." :iistently ·for efficient ad�iDistiatiori. ��. . .- -. .Awill return Saturday night, although Edith M. ZaIi':'gen, UA ·Message to .Business . Growing in .public Esteem Every student· of poiitic�·.knows .. h�w-. DI�e�-tor Stagg· will be the chief-��some of ,the men may stay in Madi- Garcia,"- by ElbeJ;"t .H�bbard. . . His statement that rebates are now ever, that there is· n� autQ�atic d� s'peak�r". for· the o��asion, :a:nd toe._', son till Sunday. tabooed in business came as the c1im· \'ice that will secure sm��ly ru�'_ �t��rs·� on th� . prbgr"\iit are the a�sist-.,. , " LAST ·DAY.F'OR'aEATS ax of a sketch of the history ·of bu·si-· If -h'l h ....WiscoltSin 'Keen f�r . Chicago AT CHAMPiONsHIP GAilE mng se -government w let e peo-. ant coaches, Captain Steffen and allThe Wisconsin team is working ness during the last ISO years, in pie sleep. Perpetual �otion and au- t�e members �f the iea�. All the'with desperate -eagerness under TOW.Rale ·Amounts to .iSO of which which it has grown steadily in social tomalic democracy a�e eq�aUy vi;s-· �pe�Ches will be brief, to give eaeh. Coach Barry to perfect their defens?� Fifty Go at 5�Cent Student esteem, "Reformation in business is ionary and impQssibie. The .gover- taiker a. chance.for the game in Madison, Saturday] " Rate. :n the air," he said. ·The sentime�t nor gauges the pressure of pubJic in- . "'acb-a�ii Urge. LoyaltyThe Badgers are rather confident that !S that of the Roosevelt policies with terest and regulates his conduct ac- "We've. got to. stick by the teamthey are familiar -with most of Stagg's All loyal" maroon rooters "no ex- politics eli�inated. Those policies are cordingly. The level of politics is. ib n�w ,of an ti�es," said MacCracken,offensive formations which Chicago pect to accompany the team to l\lad- nut Roosevelt's. He had his ear to the IC'ng run the level of public ili- ye�terday. "The men have gonewas forced to �ncover in her games ison this week are warned of the the ground and with the iristinct of terest in men and affa·irs pol�ti�:L thr()ugh ,,:onde-rfuily successful thisto date. As a matter of fact, how- fact that the seat sale closes this af- a real statesman caught" the spirit of Undf":r any syst�, the largest group �e�son, and have. "5ho"'n spii-it thatever, there are still scores of tricks ternoon at 4 o'clock. The seat srue the people and put it in words and of interested and a�tive citizens wiil lias never been surpassed. It's up towhich Director Stagg has put into picked up a little yesterday, bringi� action. Business, which is so inti- determine public policies, a�d . wi'l the ro()ters to turn out and show thatthe bonnet of Captain Steffen, which up the total number of student tick- mately connected with all our life is .. dect the persons to fonriulate arid we are all behind Mr. Stagg, Wal­no one but the. team has any light on, ets sold to 45. bound to clarify itself or it will lose admillister them. The unin·ter�sted, lie,. ahd :the other player .. , and that�nd which if executed with success Eighty seats have been sold t:iown- its prominent place. . ... r the spasmodically interesteC:J, "-,the '-e .ate. going to be in the grand-·again�! the strong Badger line, will town up to date, and 'thirty more are Likes the Reynolds �ub inactive. and tl�e irregiiiarly �ctiv�, � tand ·a� Madison."have an important part in the score stitl on reserve, which will be tak�n Mr. Mac V�igh was shown through \\'i1l be the. gvverned,' not the gO"\'er�-of rhe \Visconsin pme. this morning. The grand total is he Reynolds club, of which he is· a ors.Chicago Outweighs Badgers thus about ISO. member, but which he had �ever in- La ... Alone are. I�suBicientFor the first time this year, Chica- No special hours have been set for spected before and was very favor ..go will play a team that is not sev- today, as the final day for sale of ably impressed.eral pounds heavier in weight. The tickets and all who want to be sure ,,\n invitation was received by thc:­Badgers mean 'night is 166 pounds, of a scat at the 50-cent rate ",.ill be duh from the Chicago As�ociationas compared to 170 for the Varsity obliged to fall in line promptly in ,.... f Commerce to attend their banquetavoirdupois. The back field is much the hall of Bartlett, either at 10 at the .-\uditorit1m on Friday of thisheavier than the Cardinal backs and o'clock for a two-hour stretch, or at week.the Varsity will therefore have the 2 o'clock. Norman Barker said yes­advantage of weight added to their terday that he expeeted the seats DR. WILLET PRAISESchances in this game, besides the would go rapidly today, and that Oli ..�peed and skill heretofore credited to cago rooters "'iIl make it fair show- "On to ,Madison" Delegation Willbe .$igned Up--Speec�es toFeature Snappy Program.[LLasEWin : DiSCaa - SOcW Program forYear�M.y Give: Dance ·EarlyNext �*oiath.S()PHOirOR�· TO· ME£T FIRST1'1*E TOMClRROW I� COBB"Neither primary ·legislation nor:my other type of le81�lation carl-:hange" this situation. We may makeit easier for the people to ex�re�slheir will; we may Simplify the ,oy­ernment and rendcr it. s:nore clearlyand directly responsible, but tirisalone will not insure the desired· r�- -A meeting of the Sophomore classsnits. \Ve may remo"\'e obstrtlction!" has been called for tomorrow morn­BIBLE and hindranccs and facilitate popular :1'� h)· �'ed Earle, the newly electedcontrol, but we cannot . .do -more. Jlre�ident. Thc chief business of theSays it is Essential to a Complete "The direct primary system is, :\ssc:-mhly, which will be held at 10:30Education. therefore, to be regarded as an op- in Cobb lecture rOQm, will be toportt1nlty, not as a rcsl1lt. It sigrii- :trous� thc t'ntht1siasm ncces�ary forProfessor Herrick of thc English fi es the opening of a broad avenue bf a successful year. The plans of th(lsesecurcd by Dr. Willet addressed the Y. M hi' . " .• . :tpproac to (emocracy Ill· paTty �f- 'W>st interested in the etffairs of thethe proRTam committee of Philoso- C. A. yesterd.ay on the question, "Is f' b h··' '. JI. I •am;, ut not t e attainment of the c ass Include a ·dance in the Reynoldsphy college (women) as the speaker the nihle Worth While?" He show- �o."'l."� .. .. �Iub th� afternoon of Dccemher ith,for their meeting Tuesday in Kent. ed th:lt it was the most wonderful .- .l..___Primaries ·are Ree�ed Aaqnee and jn pre�ar.ttion "for it propose theAs the opportllhity of hearing an hook in history, has suffered more H e �ays further: "So f:\r ·as its ten- �tablishini '()f a good working sys-address by I)-ofessor Herrick is a attack .. and criticism, and has ne"\'er- 1dencies have becn made evident tbe tem· cf committtes. Next qt1arter therare one, the committee has invited I'theless had a greater effcct on the d' . h' 'fi d "'-_. lreet primary as Justl e nelt�" intentiOn is to give a ntlm�r of novelthe women of Luc:-rature collc:-ge to ht1man race than any other book in ml'lt�, among them a conple ofbe present. any lan�uagc or literature. (I'--.� .� � .. e)""-'UIIUA� - ...... .. Hstunts" at -10:30.Chicago. ,rig on the bleachers next Saturday.Wisconsin is better "crsed in the Professor Herrick to address Womenforward pnss, and the on-side kick,and the other features of the new department, has beengame t.han any team t�at the Ma-roon!' have played tht1s far. Thegame Satarday will, therefore, be amatch of the hrains of Stagg againstIh05e of Rarry. in whom the lbdg­er stl,clcnts have a great deal offaith. The rooters at Madison say(Colltiaaed oa pqe 4)1801, uder Act of Karda Ie IIT8. THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1908_.. .;1.... be attained. Perhaps then the officialw-,f 'u.s JJaar�on seal, the official ��" pin, and othertraditional emblems which the coun­,_. OIkJal IStudeDt PUlk:adoa ef u. eil ·has always -had with it, will beUlllnnltJ cd Chlcap. permanently' disposed of. Reduced Rates for ::::::. \-:.Chicago-Wisconsin game close thisafternoon at 4 o'clock.Professor W. N. Guthrie will lec­ture on "The Preacher's Novel" atthe Fine Arts building this afternoonat 4 o'clock.Pn»fessor W. N. Guthrie will Discuss Donald Robertson Players will pre-Publlahed d&U" except SWlc1aJa, KODC1an "The Preacher's Novel" at Fine sent Voltaire's "The Prodigal," inu4 hollda, .. 4urlq three quarten of t1M Arts Building. Mandel hall tonight at 8 o'clock.Ullinralt7 ,ear. Devotional Hall Hour. conductedProfessor William Norman Guth- by members of the Divinity school,rie lecturer in general literature at today, at 10:30, in Haskell assern­the University, will give the second bty room.of his series of six lectures this af- Final Trial for the University de-• . t 7 30 in theternoon at the Music hall, Fine Arts bate this evening, a :,building. Professor Guthrie's sub- north room, Law building.ject is "The Pre�cber's Novel." He Chapel Assembly of the Junior'11 di TIt"" An 1"' Karen collcccs (women) today, at 10:30 a.8 --rt tl 1 4t3 00 • 4tl 00 WI ISCUSS 0 S oy s ." I... - ... e-U..,..; p on pr ee, •. per ' r, • •'.. 1 h 11for • "'on.- But:.crlpUoDa receln4 at ina," and "The Resurrection," and rn. in Maude a.- .._d 'p' re-Ministerial Club will meet to-Ille liar om Kllia Rall or at the Zola's "Germinal," "Downfall" an"acul� :� Cobb Ball.' "La Reve." The lecture will begin day at 10:30 o'clock, in Middleat 4 o'clock. D parlors. The social work of the---------------minister '\\';'1 be discussed.PRESTON 11'. GASS, :trlaDqlD& EdItor, PRE-MEDICS HEAR BENSLEY Investigators' Club meets today ,at \MELVIN J. ADAlIS. No .. EdItor.10:30, in Cobb le. ,ABE LEO FRIDSTEIN, AthleUe EdItor. Anatomy Man Explains Position of On to Madison Mass Meeting,OSWALD 11'. NELSON, BualD .. M.aDa.cer. Doctor and His Training. today, at 10:30 a. m., in Kent thea-ter. Team and coaches will be there.Professor Robert R. Bensley, head Will you come?of the' department of anatomy in tbe PreEminary Trials in Declamation. medical school, addressed the Pre- for the Junior College contest takeMedic Club yesterday morning on the place this afternoon at 4 o'clockpast and present status of medicine; in Kent.He said that formerly it had been onlya - trade but that modern science hadaaoo.... dignified it to the rank of a profes-s. 11. Baukhap :au. Emetlt1De ETau sion. The aim of the medical schoollIonla S. BrIcIa was not.however.as many supposed toturn out men who were finished pro­II'=:' �=- � Do�'.:::_ � duct in their line but rather men who.. , � Pt-. .16 .. 11th IItnet. � Jbde will have the knowledge and powerI'uk.-J.'b £ hei dto keep a reast 0 t err times anN .... CODtributlc�u =-7 be left at au. develops after they have left college.Ball 01' I'acul� IImchalap. .ur-a to u..� IIarooL BLACKFRIARIS PLAN Dll�NERKater.d .. SecOll4-clua Ka1l at the Chlcqo TO LECTURE ON TOLSTOYF_teGlc.. Ch1cqo. lWIloia. II&rda lilt AND iOLA STORIES TODAY'rbe UniTe. altt at Chlcaco WeekI,.haI1e4W. A. WeaTer A. N. PfefferA. C. WhltfteldK_ lIamle LlU, Roberta B. OWeDBuCraYe LoqAJlT IIDITOa Collegeat 10:30, in Council meetsthe Pre!'ident'sSeniortoday,office.ANKOUBCBMBNTSI'I,iI Sophomore Class Meeting, Friday.at 10:30, in' Cobb 6A. A dance is un­der 'way..Bishop Vincent at Sunday morningreligious service, I I a. m., in Mandelhall. Organ recital at 10:45·Philosophy and Literature WomenTo Decide on Place and Program at meet Tuesday, November 24. in KentThe rooters, the team and Director 'Meeting Tomorrow. theater. at 10:30. Address by Profes-Stagg will come together for the last sor Herrick.mass meeting of' the The . Blackfriars will hold a meet- "Campus Capers," the official upi­The Last' year this morning .. The ing tomorrow morning in Cobb loB. versity two-step, is on sale at theteam will . have. before to' decide where they will hold the Press,it the season's biggest smoker and dinner. scheduled for De- Instrumental Soloists will meet ingame •. a�d the only cernber rath. The cafe of the Com- teh Reyonlds club theater Mondayone not played on Marshall Field mons will be advised and will doubt- afternon at 3 for a tryout for instru­The championship of the West and less 'be chosen, although the Winde- mental solo positions in the Glee,. the success of a season that has had mere Hotel and Chicago Beach also club. All students wishing to play. in it much of promise for Chicago. have been suggested. According to piano or other instruments in thewilt hinge on the result of the g'al!le. the program which the committee Glee club turn out.Chicago must send her team. to Mad- has outlined, some vaudeville stunts Southern Club will meetison filled .with grim determination to will take place following the dinner. Lexington hall at 8:15.bring home the championship, and Another feature will be the ceremony Intercollegiate· Socialistan enthusiastic rally this morning in which pins will be presented to meets Friday at 2 p. m., inwith every student who' can crowd last year's initiates. for the purpose of permanent organiinto Kent theater to give voice to his zation,loyalty, can accomplish this. Publish Address Dy Dr. Shepardson A Special Train to Wisconsin gameThe Carriage Monthly for Novem- leaving 63rd street (I. C.) station at. .. .. bcr, just issued, contains an address 7:45 a. m .• Saturday, November 21,The Semor Councd IS consldermg b A . P f F' W "-1'11 be arranged, if 125 students sigtlY ssoclate ro essor rancIs _ ...the advisability of a longer term of SIt d d r d b f th C up at Information office or Reynold:,office for its members. . epar s�n, e Ivere. e ore. �r-. •. . nage Budders' NatIonal Assoclahon Club as willinit to go tben.Reorgaruzmg ThIS change IS needed, h' A. d' . H t 1 Th b Cap and Gown Editors can be con-at t e ."u Itonum 0 e . e su -the Senior for the constant changes. . 'Tb A . M f E lulted with any afternoon in Ellis 3,Council . . Ject IS' e mencan an 0 ner-in Its personnel· have ,. - d h" f h· lk' from 3 to 4 o'clock. Communica-.... gy. an t e JIst 0 t e ta IS sum-done much to Impair Its d . h f 11' d tl'ons may be left at Faculty Ex-. me up 10 teo owmg wor s,efficiency. Largely on thIS account h' hId d h dd chan�e 280-• • W IC cone u etc a ress: ...the body has been work1Og in CIrcles "I' Id h t f' Daenell L-'re, "Origin of thet IS a new wor t a aces you, .. " .. 06on the more important matters be- I I' Id tl t Free Trade Theory," Friday, in Has-. . . gent emen. t IS a new wor 1af�re It, and finds Itself at th� begln- demand� of you the highest type of kell assembly hall, 12' to I p. m.nmg of each quarter startmg out .. h' Th Id German Club meets in LexingtoncitIzens Ip. e ncw wor summonsfrom exac·ly the same point. lndeedd 'f f hall, Friday, 4 p. m. l.ecture by Mr.it has become a tradition that if tbe you. an I. you ar� men (tL etnerg)d·you are gomg to seIze upon ·.a wor F. 'v. Kracher.council has not definitely closed up 'adaptability:" Political Economy Club, Friday.an undertakiag beforc the end of the C Id8 p. m in Cobb 3C. Mr. H. W. a -quarter, all the work that has beenAwell will speak on "Employers sso-. Meetingdone upon it is wasted.Hands off cbeap glovesif you 1nnt well-glovedhandL Hand out ciations."Reynclds Club informall \Vcdncs­day. Xfwcmber 25.I n putting such a change into op­eration, several difficulties will prob­ably be met with, but they are not in­surmountable. It may be found. ad­visable to elect three councilors eachquarter, letting them be ·nominatedfrom the Senior colleges at large, andexcluding candidates who have morethan twenty-seven majors. But how­ever the details are worked out, themain obiect is desirable, and shc)edd FOWNESGLOVES Philosophy Women Announce DancePhilosophy College (women) ",illentertain the men of the college nextFriday ",-jth a dance in tbe Reynold�club from 4 to 6. This will be thefirst colle,:te dance of the year. Impressions YOD Make on The £lIIlp&SAre IMPRESSIONS that will clinl to you, eve nafter you have graduated.To create the BEST IMPRESSIONS you mustwear CLOTHES of CHARA.CTER-dOthes t hat Ishow YOUR OWN i ndividuaUty.......clothes that aremade for YOUR OWN figure-dothea that theCRAFTSMAN baa spent a Ufe-timeto learn tomake. Your REPUTATION as a CORRECT and"CLASSY" dresser is asaured, if we make you r 1clothes.. .Our prices for suits or overcoats range from $35up.Come in next time you're down town, and letus give you one of our college posters-incident­ally we'll get better acquainted.C�er6wnkie 185189 Dalbor. St.Ban" FloorTAILORSIllinois College of Commerce \ATHENAEUM !. 18 to 26 VAN BUREN STREET. IYoung people qualified in our Shorthand and Business depart- 1from $35 to $60 a month. Individual intsruction. DAY and NIGHT. sessions. Enter any time. Call, write or phone Harrison IIlO forcatalogue. Positions for graduates. 37 years of uninterrupted sue'cess. . .SAMJUEL B. WILLEY, LL. B., Superintendent�-----------------------------,----�· IYOU KNOW how it is a source of satisfaction to you to come\ into a tailoring establi�art of the first � order, and l:.ok aro�I at samples. without haVlDg a salesman peggtng away at you .tryUlg I1 to make you believe that you want this and that, and when you know Iyou want something else. .If you have never enjoyed such a privilege, that is, the right tocome to our estab1ishment and look around, and pick· out the cloththat you yourself know. will 'satisfy you, ,then we want you to giveus, a call, and we will treatJ you with the utmost, kindly· considerati�.Watterson 6 Southward I,Room S02 . TAILORS ..Telephone Central· 619a 153 La. Salle street II believe in Popular P;ices. My$25.00 Business Suits are positivel,$35.00 value. You can save just $10.00Thafs worth while. Let me make onefor yqu and prove it.WendellMajestic Theatre. Bldg. 7S Monroe Street�11REPEATING RIFLES FOR HUNTINGNo ma:tter what you hnnt for or where you hunt, the uswerto the question "What ritle shall I take '1 t. ls-a Win�ester.Wmchester Repeating Rifles are made for aU styles of �dge8.from .22 to .50 caUber. Whichever model you ael�t you WIn �clit an accurate ahooter, reliable in action and strollg In conStructIon.1FbacUsfu Gas a4 AIIUIIIPIlIiOll-fU Rd W Brazuf-cr • .a4, 'or ICICi ofUr.WlNCHESTK" "KPEATlNQ ARMS co.... NEW HAvaN. CON"55th AND ELLISMIDNIGHT LUNCHHall "Feeds" Supplied Up to t A. M.UNDER NEW MANAGEMENTBRAIDEN, ex-'tO, U. of C.55th AND ELl.IS rf' HE 1)ona1 will gi,·._cries of pl:l)'-., presrc:\'eJllIlg,a comeoy byVoltaire lays;tud sh:lrl' atpen :IS all 01hUlnan nature:1 pleasant, !story of thethemc is rarttury comcdy.Thc S��'ncbetween twoof the I'rOlli�tiful young'fathcr wishc�rhe Prouig:lprouo and sucd with littl<false pride.,II1THE :IHAS (The newrics show nthe coloringI'he fabrirsurface--wo'give serviceOlives anbrown are iGrey stri]into the stodecidedly CIIn overccket weavesare consideSuits for; .:.,.OvlWe maOJ11$uJO,coomenUAIUnexSpeci"TbI-UNrA selcsity melin ROSLessoto 4. ]IOn. 25Univeformatilfim apTHE DAILY .MUOOM, "rHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1908''_ ... ...•. . .....• t:ON,.�r Purlty . DR Exr,eUenf.e. T'H EJ··.P RO DIGA L sr VOL·rAIlIE ---------------�It No matter what �obacco you,have been using\tARL YLE.MIXTUREwHl prove far mere enj::yable. It iis exquisite in flavor, cool, aro­matic and leaves no unpleasantaftertaste. ITry it. and if you are notpleased, we will cheerfully refund Ithe money.; tTo be Presented by the Donald RoberitOa "1Il,... in Mandell Hall To night.,, II- r HE Donald Ruartson players M. Euphemon, .. Do::ta ·lObertson reposed marriage.will gin the second of their Pierre Euphemon, his eldett son ... � The scene then changes to the out­.;erie:' of VI<lY� in Mandel' hall this. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. 'HenIllD Lieb skirts of the to,,;n in which the origi­�\."Ill·llg, presenting "The Prodigal," ,. Ro don a citizen of C�ac" " Yl. n, '" .vau ,. ••• nal scene was laid. The Prodigal anda cornedy by Voltaire. In this play . .. . .. Williakb Owen fl'his faith u servant enter an rags.Voltaire 1:1)'5 aside his vitriolic satire Lize Rondon, his daughter •••••••...•:lud sharp abuse, and takes up his ., ......• Marioh� Rtdlich I'he Prodigal expresses penitence andpcn :IS all observer of the good in .lartha, maid to Lize, .. ' •. Allee John ;s in despair, when he hears hishuman nature. This little comedy is asmin, valet to Pierre EupbentoD,.. >rother is to marry the woman he3 pleasant, simple version of the . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. Ralph Bradley was in love with. Both become ser­story oi the Prodigal Son. Such a 3aroness de Croupillac .......•..•.•. vants in the household of the Prodi-thenle is rare in an eighteenth cen- Grace I. Marchand �ars father. There the Prodigalt\1r�' comedy. \ Servant, " .Virginia Bt-oob makes himself known to his sweet-The scene opens with a discussion ueart and declares himself reformedbelween two old men: one the father lection of the Prodigal. whom she The father enters and is reconciled,of the Prodigal; the other, of � beau- formerly loved, and who is at the and all ends happily.�iful young woman. The woman's time leading a gay and reckless life The compnay plays this comedyfather wishes his daughter to marry She is there- with simplicity and grace. Mr. Rob-a way from his home. '"rhe Prodigal's younger brother, a ertson is especially good; his pathos.1 I '1' th d fore averse to marrying the younger . f d b 1 1\11'ss Redprotlu am superci 10US you ,en ow- rs 110t orceu, ut natura. -ed with little save high position and brother. The Prodigal's father als;o lich and Miss John are also veryIalse pride. But the girl has recol- recollects his son, but assents to the good,\I A CLASSIO INPIPE TOBAOCOABSOLUTELY FIREPROOFIn the heart of the Citysoo Rooms. 300 Bath RoomsEuropean Plan. Cuisine UnexcelledGentlemens' Cafe, Ladies' Restau­rant, and Moorish Rooms. Popu­lar Prices. Plenty of Life-butHomelike.$1:.00 Per Day and UpSEND FOR BOOKLET.Meet me at the College Inn, undert he Albany, New York's leadingRathskeller, a place to eat, drinkand be merry.SEE THEM MADE370 E. 55th SuetROBERT P. MURPHY,ProprietorHOTEL ALBANY2 OZ.-40C 4 O.z. 75c8 Oz.-$1.50 I lb. $3.00 41st Street and BroadwayNEW YORKRemodelled, Handsomely Fur­nished Throughoutt1. We will mail to your address'upon receipt of price.\iiATIONAL CIGAR STORE(Inc.)First National Bank Building,• Chicago, Ill.. Not Connected with the 'l'obaccoTrust.the colorings are not pronounced. and magazines. "I have never seenI'he fabrics have a rougb twilled anything antiquated in the Unitedsurfac('-woven closely enough to States until I saw this football match 'reformers' are wondering why theygive service. todey." It was a comment on the favored it. The wiser ones in bothOlives and the various shades of camps are endeavoring to readjustY ale- Princeton game.thl..J themselves to new conditions. Pub·The English critic declared 11.1:lie sentiment generally favors theour colleges are playing the Rugbynew system, and there is no disposi­game, long since discarded in Eng-land and now to be found only in tion, except among a few reactionary CONFIDENCE & SATISFACTIONBourbons, to return to the old re- ---remote regions of South Wales and S II' . I d I '11 d tket weaves and herringbone stripes . .. pa ( II1g S ian some y illustrate ca-New Zealand. Weight and not grme.Will Expel the Bossesscience counts. The game is playedBut .I·f In respect to nominating systems.well for ·that sort of game. he asserts the adoption by all, statestne American 'people wish 'to keep of the method of direct choice of'up their reputation for hustling theyparty officers by the party electo-must bring their football up to'rate is only a question of brief time.date.FOOTBALL OUT OF DATE bR.. MERRIAM WRITES BOOKTHE FALL BEASONHAS OPENED (Continued from page I)(From Chicago Tribune.American football is out of date. the lamentations of its enemies norThe new autumn and winter Iab- That is the opinion of Lord North- the prophesies. It has not 'destroyedrics show many striped effects, but the party,' nor has it 'smashed thecliffe, owner of English newspapersring.' Some 'bosses' are wonderingwhy they feared the law; and somebrown are in strong favor.Grey stripes and the greys shadinginto the stone and slate colorings aredecidedly correct.In overcoat fabrics the rough bas-othWe make ridin� breeches.are considered very smart.Suits for College wear, $30 to S35• t . Overcoats ,$35,.tO S40�II:reel :�l . "It means," he says "the overthrowOnly charming company prevented . '. I hi f b'·.. t and expulsion of the party boss. IIIus ords rp rom emg angry a. . . Ik "1 • promises. to drive out oligarchy orbeingdta en sl�ty rm eSh�n da Imllser- autocracy and to introduce democracyable ay to witness sue a u pas-, ," .. R b f b II t h '.' into the party system.' He insists,time as a ug y oot a ma c . .however, that the desired results can-not be accomplished until after cer­tain political changes. Among thesehe puts reduction of the number 9fTAH.OR FOR YOUNG MENA. N. Jerrems, Mgr.i31 L& S!ille. St., ad44 Jacbon BoWenrcJ As it was, the "tiresome scrim­mage' and "tiresome delays" whichout wearied the British public manyyears ago made him tired even amid elective officers, enforcement of thethe entbusiasmof thousands of "root­merit system, and return to the origi-nal form of Australian ballot.NG crs." The uncovered stands and theprobable �uin of 5,000 costly hatsworn by the women made a like un­favorable impression upon him. Itappeared to him that "it took all theefforts of two bands and six cheerleaders to arouse interest in the gal!'eamong the mere onlookers."Our English visitor should not getdiscouraged, The record of the gamehe saw shows that Yal.e tried two for­ward passes and Princeton triedthree. Yale gained nothing by them.Princeton gained thirty yards. Yale'tried no on side kicks. Princetontried three and gained thirty yardsthereby. All the rest was rushingand punting. If Lord Northcliffewants to see the American game offootball, he should come out West,where running with the ball, forwardpasses on-side kicks, heady play, andt hustle are used in every contest andl where brains and science are esteem­,------ ..... -------- cd more highly than weight, Yale,Harvard, and Princeton play for the"champiionship." But. as the Eng­lish observer well indicates, they donot play an up to date game. A �\�O:�A��g�GAR ISOLD DI RECT TOYOU IBy the Manufacturer without the IDealer'. Profit.II. BERGER I465 E. 63rd StreetTel. Jlidway 392.�eNew WellingtonHotel THE ROMAITALIAN TABLE D'HOTE5OC-75C--$I.ooINCLUDING WINEDirectly opposite theILLINOIS THEATER$IOO,COO beine Spent in IMprove­ments. Rooms Single oren Suite. Abo a Ia Carte ServiceOpenD;ai1yandSundaysfromII A. M.togPo M.The New FamousINDIAN GRILLAND RATHSKELLARUnexcelled Cuisine and ServiceSPAGlIBftISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITALYSpecial After-Theater Suppers"The Wellincton Orchestra"McClintock a: Bayfield.Proprietors. 146-STATE STREET-146SECOND PLOORUNIVERSITY DANCINGSCHOOLA select dancing school for Univer.sity men and women has been openedin ROSALIE HALL, 276 E. 57th St.Lessons Thursday afternoon" 2:30 The Womans' Union will hold ato... Informal dancinc 4 to 50 La- candy sale in Lexington e"ery dayIOnl 2S �mts each. up to Thanksgiving, beginning withUniversity studmta invited. For in- today. University women are remind­formation caD 6503 Kimbarlt avenue, ed also of the big spread next Wed-fim .�ent. nesday. II____ -_tIF I'!"S SPORTFOR RECREATIONOR COMPETITION.YOU DON'T WORKQUITE RlGHTUnless your uniformor implement bearsthe SpaldingTrade Mark.That Trade Markgives youalogue of all sports contains nu­merous sugges-tions.Mailed Free anywhere •14:' Wabash AvenueChicago. Ill.Phone Central 1t'1i4ALfRED PEATS � £0.Forei �n and DomesticWALL PAPERSAND DRAPERIESI 4 4 - I 4 6 W -a bas h Ave.Chicago. M R. G. S. D. SHU L T ZTeacher of Dancing and Leader. orCotillions.Member of the American NationalAssociation of Masters of Dancing,United Professional Teachers ofDancing of America, also AssociateMember of the United Kingdom Al­iiance Teachers of Dancing of GreatBritain.Private Lessons by AppointmentGuarantee Course $5-00. Five private:essons with music. A guarantee tomake pupil proficient in the waltz andand two-step. Barn dance taught inone lesson.Office and Studio, 301 West 63d St.Cor. Wentworth Ave.Phone Garfield 36[Informal Dancing Reception atTHE FORUM, 43d St. 4 Calumet AyEvery Saturday EveninlAdmission 50 Cent. a PenonWHERE TO nINETHE UNION HOTELAND RESTAURA.lrl111-117 RandolPh StreetTHE POPULAR PLACETO EATEith\.r before or after theTheater.W. make a Specialty of Chaitand Fratemity Dilmera.1HEARROWSETS THE FASHION Ih:COLLARSCHOCOLATESand. fine bonbons famous through­OUt America, put up in beautifulboxes suitable for presents at 25c40C and (Joe per pound. Ie Apleased customer is the best ad­vertisement. tol.5c. cach-2 for 2.')('. Guntber's Confectionery \212 State Street.--�---�---�'-�----�--'Cluett. P�hody .teo,.Maker'!'. Troy.!\. Y.THE D.�ILY MAROON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19, 1908LADIES' TAILORteams, and two debates will be held. light of their lives in meeting Ost- MADE SUITSBoth debates will be before the same off and Boyle. Ostoff is the greatest $35.00 up,set of judges and will be on the ques- all around athletic star in the Univer- For Correct fashions at mod-tion: "Resolved, That commercial sity of Wisconsin, being heavy, fast erate prices. for practical 'andpaper furnishes a better basis for strong and tricky as a football player. serviceable wear· that -com-note issue than bonds. This is the His mate, Boyle. is scarcely less of plies with the most exacting I Iarne question that will be debated in an asset tu the team :IIHI is six' demands of style. I 1 CALL ONthe Varsity debates with Northwest- pounds heavier. 'L.BAIM,LADIES'TAILOR : I �.E"·FEILCHENFELDern and Michigan, January 15. The Badger Line Strong I I 277 Dearborn Streetjudges tonight will be Burt Brown John Mesmer, left guard, thc 190i 525 East 63rd Street •� I Fisher BuildingBarker, '97; A. B. Hall, '05; C. B. Iladg er captain, and Drcutzer, the Our reputation is our guarantee.Whittier of the Law school. Profcs- right guard, will be as liard a propo­sor L. C. l\Jarshall of the political :ition for the Varsity. guards to han­"con orny d part t TIle presiding dle as any that they have had thisTYPEWRITING and Copying work ... c men.)fricer will be Leo. F. Wormser. vcar, with the possible exception ofwanted, at 433 E. 55th St., 1St flat. what they were up against in the' Il�Reasonable terms. Each man will be allow cd eight min­utes for his first speech and four linois gamc.minutes for ilis rebuttal. The sue- The only place where Chicago'scessful men will be selected on the ine has a chance to outplay the•• ',..44.""- •�m.lssrFllB)ADVBR'rISBMB1trSin theD A I LYMAROONBRING RESULTSPOR SALEFOR RENTWANTEDLOSTFOUND_ �5 cents for threelines per issue,CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGFRENCH CLASSES; also privatelessons. Translating a specialty.Every Tuesday, 2 P. m, 276 East57th St., Rosalie HallFOR RENT-Splendid House for a.Fraternity at $85. Phone GoodrichOakland 1701; Robert F. Schenck& Co .• 4301 Drexel Blvd...t steam; phone; give particulars andprice, at once. Address R. E. S., 474East 55th Street. BOLD LAST DEBATE TRIALS' STAGG EASY ON VARSIT¥.SQUAD IN PRACTICE(Continued from page I)Members of the Varsity Debati:DgTeams to be Selected in Last Try- that the work of Barry with the Wis-oUt Tonia:lit-·Twelve Men to Com- -onsin squad has been nothing shortof marvelous, considering thc slump •Final trials for the selection of thc that there has been for two years inrepresentatives of the University in I football activity at Madison.the debates against Michigan and Teams Well MatchedNorthwestern this year will bc held Both teams arc. in general, wellmatched, Both have strong ends.III nl�c and Schommer, who will bepitted against Captain Rogers andpete.at 7 :30 o'clock tonight in the Lawbuilding. The men who will try forthe teams are: 1. E. Ferguson, C. :\1.Keyes, T. H. �lcDonald, C. P. Mc­Cullough, Charles Schwartz and JohnH. Freeman for· the affirmative, andCharles Leviton, j. W. Hoover, PaulO'Donnell, Clarence A. Bales, W. J.Black and H. P, Hostetter for thenegative.The men will be divided into four Dean of the Cardinals. Both thesemen are fast and sure, and have re­ccivcd their training with thc for­ward pass on the basis of their bas­ketball experience, as have Page andSchommer. Rogers is especially ad.uurerous man on the forward pass.The Varsity tackles will have the . - .' � .. _ ..;,. - - .. :.:...�- -:- .. :::::- ;,-ColJeg.f� b�f�"w·£ 55th. St."Near LexinCton AvenuePOPULAB. PLACB GOODS REDUCEDIN PitCE.�SON: To ClearUp Our Stock Eariy.�4DRATPOPULAR PRIdBSLuncheon �upWm •. Jerrema' SonsClark and Adams StrettlEvening Dinner - - - �5CSunday Dinner _ - - - 3Sc•ISERVICE A L�RT:E. ALSOItII FOR NOBBY.. UP­TO-DATE N E C K­WEAR, AND STYL­ISH SHIRTS� I I� I I11IIA. WelDaD'S Cooking HON TO. MASSSteffen aneSpeec�Director S'Who L"On toenlhusiastister massUm!olibtecmost sniriyear. Thedoors, antleader �Iaspirit of tof bolsteriAs usuawas arranand filledSabath pi"slammedrecord st�After aI"sign up"Biii" M;captain'.speaker.a sore tt-thereby Ilwished. Irooters aof this b·oycrcome·Wlien hedie "Old'f\lr a m'were vislooked' 0a yell bwas givethat instudents,that ha:team."Big.SteffenHe saidgame. alall mealwinningbenefit cthe tcana largcto MadiCoadenthusi:speak. ;horts h.crowdStagg,"fear anthat hefen. 1the Pl"ldding!time 0said, ..The \\on �Iaus indemongreatc:that t1play tSatur<iing t('lWe dth:m (prC\-crth;:t tALWAYS APPEALS TO A STUDENTTHAT IS WHY WE HAV!E ENGAGED ONEWE ARE NOW' PREPARED TO SERVE THE BEST JlEALIPOSSIBLE FOR THE MONEYLUNCH ROOM OPEN AT ALL HOURSM a· .. ·o 0.'"Hote-(JsSTH ST. AND DRWUa. ·AVE.TYPEWRITERS-'CVISIBLE" AND ALL MADISON STIRRED UP"OLD STYLE" OYER GAME WITH CHICAGOMother's doughnuts and mother'spies are Maroon Hotel specialties;rn cr-ts fl' Hadgers is at center, where BenTry them once.-Adv. ... 0 t rerr speeches, irrespectiveof the side of the question thcy up- ladencch is expected to prove su-TYPEWRITING work wanted. b* hold. ierior to Stiehm. The Chicago;Miss Myrtle Goodfellow, 5500 The contest .for the places on the ,,;uards will probably be coached toGreenwood avenue. teams promises to bc spirited. All lay against the Badger center on of-the men are well prepared in their fcnsc, to protect the passing of Bad­WANTED-Lady wants houskeep- subjects ,and have had their speeches enoch, as was done in the Cornelling room; 55th and Greenwood; written for some time. The candi- game, or else many of the Maroonelates are all experienced debaters plays will be snapped short befored they arc started from the center.n thc outlook for a championshipteam this year is bright. Chicago Backs SuperiorThe great advantage of the Ma-r oor-s is in the speed, skill and�r{'ater weight of the backfield quar­tet. "Kcckie" Moll, the wonderfullittle quarter of the Cardinal eleven,is thc most brilliant star on his team, Ihut h� will be opposing the greatestquarter in all the \V est, and a strongAdvices from Madison are to the candidate in the eyes of fair-minded \826 W. 63rd Streeteffect that the "Purity" welcome to critics for all American quarter, Cap- Tel Wentworth 2038•the Chicago team, an idea new to rain Steffen. .Moll's chief value is hisrhc Badgers, will be a howling sue- drop-kicking ability. He has been Ies� The students at ��consin are �nding the in�de of the post from all ����������������������������.��falling in enthusiastically, and will angles, and from distances as great asturn out to the capacity of the din- iorty yards from the goal. Steffen is --A, MUS B ltI �. R ,T B-:-ing hall to make the Chicago delega- the better man at running his team --�-O-W--BBS------ticn !cel at home. and at running back punts and all 'GRAND OPERA HOUSB HENRY :B. ·HARRISMID WAY T A I LOR S All in all. the Cardinals are more kinds of open ficId running. WALKER WHITESIDE Presents Edgar Eelwyn inGarments of All Descriptions aroused over this game than over Thc half back positions are not THE' MELTING POT i/ "PIERRE OF THE PLAIN;';CLEANED. DYED 4 ALTERED any played in years. The champion- certain to any pair of Badgers for : --------------:,hip aspect of the situation seems to thc Chicago gamc. Coach Barry has CHICAGO OPERA HOUsE I .eLORIALPrices one-third to one-half cheap-er than others. Try the 14'0:': - the Badger Rooters to Make "Purity"perfect machine. Time payment, Feast a 'Rousing Success-s-Seatstrade, or cash. Will demonstrate in in Great Demand.your room or office. Drop a card toGeo. Starring, 140 S. D. Hall.The Hotel Maroon, at 58th andDrexel, has just received a new cook,a woman, and they are now puttingup the best meals possible for .theprices charged. You should try themif 3 good meal appeals to you. Adv.6001 Ellis Ave.Work called for and delivered. have gripped all the rootcrs, andthey are a len!'oc, restless lot.BARGAINS ALL THE TIME _ Seats for the amc were snappcdup as fast as the students could beReliable Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes; rebuilt in our own factory;bctter and cheaper than others. Seefor yourself. The Typewriter Ex­change, 319 Dearbbrn St. A. J. Couse,lIana�er. Telephone Harrison 4065.We Have No Branch Studio,81... �� 1$I-1S3 rAIIASII AVICHICAGO.­Facilities for ever,thiaa inPhotography.Phone Central .. accommodated at thc box office. The ..tirst 3,000 tickets wcnt in lightningfashion. "'Ve must beat Chica�o" isthe watchword at :\Iadison, and confi­dence in the ability of Coach Barry'sEpiscopaleans to Organize:\11 Episcopal club is to be added E.C.MOORE•• FLORIST••'lBBmen to turn the trick was ncyer soA YOUNG LADIES' AND GEN- high.TLEMAN'S Select Orcheatra iabeing organized by Miss Ada Rog- HITCHCOCK TO GIVE SMOKERera. Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos, WI'11 -and Zithers. TllOse who wish Make Acquaintance of its Newmembership call between 10 and 12 Piano Tomorrow Night.a. m. and 2 to 8:30 p. m. 480 E.61st Street. becn switching his mcn at thesc rrank M'Kees Gorgeous Productionberths rccently, although Culver and HARRY BULGERCuningham are the str01�gest candi- and Great Castdates, with Wilce thc certainty as .-- - -----iu1ihack. The latter is considered as INTERNATIONAL THEATRE,Ine of the best fulls in the we5t this GRAND OPERAyear. Chicago scarcely has a man to This week 'onlycompare favorably with the big Bad- CARMENgcr. The Badgers really have a sec­,')udary pair of halves in :\Iuckleston.1nd Noyes, who are eqltal to Culver;ll1cI Cunningham, considcred regular;j 1 !hese positions.to tl;( list of denominational organi-Hitchcock hall will givc a smoker 7.ati('Il' on the c;tmpus. The purposctomorrow evcning for the purpose of r,i thi:, cluh. whose temporary chair-making the acquaintance of its new 11';111 is Clifforcl P. �lcCl1l1ough, is topiano, which was installed last wcek. promotc social acth'ities of all Uni­To this cYent the Board of Trustees \'ersit r sl udcnts helonging to h('and the Faculty have been invited, r.:pi"c('pal church.as well as all old memhers of Hitch- TIIC next meeting will hc held Xo- andcock. Schcsinger, a member of the I"cmhcr :q. :\l! those intcrestcd may FLORENCE HOLBROOK, and the La Salle Tbeatf!r StMk Cohouse. has been appointed to prc- I e;wc �heir names at the Faculty Ex-pare a program. I change Box 330. A GIRL AT THE HELMCARLE inI AM A BUSINESS MANWHITNEYTHE BIG SUCCESSA BROKEN IDOLLA BALLI:CECIL LEAN 272 Eo 55th Street.Tel Hyde Park 31-GOO. M. COHANand his Royal Familyand Incomparable Co.FRITZI SCliEFFin the first productioa ofTHE PRIMA DONNAILLIileIIMAUDE ADAMSIn New Comedy,WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNO"The Quality Musical Play"A STUBBORN CINDEREUJMADAM NAZlf.{OVAHEDDA G�BBL£RMASTER BuiLDER