•latly fI.urnnuVol. VII. No. 35· CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 18. )908. Price Two CullSTAGG CUTS SCRIMMAGE-lpRon.JOINS S1IEET nGn BIG-IISS'IEEnIGDFTHEOFF VARSITY PROGRAM M�m:= !efO�kll-:'ca�':: 'YEAR .THURSDAY IN KENTGreenwocd Avenue-Subcommitt�Downs Univerai� Ordinance. 'em Stories.StEFFENWAtCB'UNDGBOWS TO RAISE SETILEMENTFUND BY ENTERTAINMENTHalf tJ.e Amount Needed AlreadyPaid, and Money Continues tc Pourin Daily-Date of Pl'eSf;ntation Un­decided.\ Will Take No chances in PrcparincTeam for Title Game WithBadgers Miss Lucine Finch Will Give Rccital from Her Renowned South-It. Director Stacg, Assistant Coaches,and Captain ,stdren to SpeakA" th: subcommittee of the Chi- on BadKer Game. Followers of the Varsity team con-cago city council committee on t ribut cd hcartily tc the.5teffcn watch"Old Man" Predicts Highest Point streets and alleys has decided not to RiJly Will Replace Night Practice fund. As a result $60, half the amount Large Committee to take Charge ofof Efficiency Will Be Reached allow the vaca-tion of Greenwood --To·Take Roll of Rooters Going l.e committee is attcmpring to raise. Ticket Sale-Hope for GreatBy SatUrday at Madison :�VCIlUC, between the Midway and to Madison. wa-, ;.:i\·cn at Senior chapel and Jun- Success.Sixty-first street, President Judson i:.r meetings. Moreover, 'considerableThe Ynrsjty worked long and late may appear before the committee it-'. With till' &:,ame deciding the cham- :11 addition to what was handed in A char itj: cutertuinrneut to raise\'l's.;crday on their plays for the Wis- self at its next session .. He will·tel�. piunship of the West qnly three <lays I:a .. been pledged. so that by the end unds for the University Settlement is'ClJlbill game. Director Stagg kept the committee of the University's .ff. the loyal students of Chicago will : f the week, "Bill" MaeCracken. 0 be �iven under -tlre direction of thethe men out till seven o'clock drill- purpose and plan in having thi; .ather in Kent Thursday at )0:30 to chn irman. says he; expects to have women of the University in Mandeling rhem on defense- and held no street vacated. ,:ive the team a rousing send-off. t vcr one hundred dollars in his Jail on December 2, according toregular scrimmage .. He seems to fear A subcommittee of three aldermen 'Billy" Mac Cracken has promised hands. plans which were announced yester­that the team will become too confi- decided against the University. thus that Director Stagg, the assistant The watch will be of gold. and will (lay. This method of raising moneydent of victory over the Badgers. putting a snag in the path to the pos coaches. and thc whole eleven will he cmta iu (In its face pictures of all the for the University's work among theThe "Old Man" is working out the session of this block. They w;U ree- present at the demonstration. nen (.n the eleven, and a large one people of "Fnckingtown" will takertlugh spots in the varsity attack and ommend that the thoroughfare be re- "This is the last big game 'of thc i Director Stagg' in the middle. Jus_t he place of the individual subscrip­'tlrfensc ·this week, and expects to tainerl by the city, because of the year. and every man and woman .. when it will be presented to "Wal- .ions by which the women have al­have as ncar a perfect eleven against protests of the surrounding property the University should he 011 hand to ic" 1::lS not been dC'termined.· The ways raised their fund in the past.the ltadgers .1S skill can produce. owners. The part of Greenwood show the team what we think of thc ";lptaitl plans to leave the city for a The entertainment will consist in.S:etien is practicing hard on his avenue and several alleys ,ncar· by past performances, and that we are week following the Wisconsin game, an author's reading by Miss Lucinckicking. and Schommcr is also tuning which thc University desires. have with them in the game with Wiscon- and it will probably be given upon Finch. a former member of the dra­up his iootwork to offset the star been valued by the city's real estate sin,' said Cheerleader MacCrackcn. his return. marie club, and author of stories .ofkicking of �loll, the star Badger toe expert in excess of $50,000. "Everyone be there to cheer.' Following arc the amounts collect- the Suuth, which have made a wideartist. ,Mr. Wallace Heckman said ·l;l!it No evening mass meeting wil] be ed, so far, according to figures fur- reputation for themselves and theirCardinals See Victory night that he srill has confidence that held this week, at the special request nishcd by Albert Sabath, -treasurer of author.The \Visconsill rooters think that the scheme of the University will gO of Director Stagg, who does not the committee: Before yesterday, 'The following committee has been.they have the best team the Badgers through the, main committee. want the ·team to lose any sleep the $11.25; Arts men, 80 cents; Philoso- nppointed to distribute coupons, andhave produced in years, and are "Our plan is�o�e ,for .beautifying tile night before their departure for Mad- phy men, $1 r.50; Literature men. interest -the public in general. A meet-. backing their eleven for all they are Midway 311d, the- city jp general,". he ison, 'The week's practice will be hard �8.-I5: .Scicnce men, $6.82;' .Philosophy in'g will be announced later, when..,,,.ui)rth#r: TJ�-j;}f!:t-Jhat_� de��,r#..;..�::!��r�.���r� ,_. -O� .: ,!ith.?�� ,any _extra- �!!!!.Ln,,-!!.£. w!?�e�� JH� -,.�_l��:i'��.; J:Crner.aLpb�- .nil1'·· be diseussed,>_ : claim that Moll is -:i better kicker the committee ril �-.tlte- matt��.� �aicL7es�ciay. " ,'\ ' r 'S�_8:;; and Senior chapel, .$13·�3-__ The following committee has been�"�;th;� an.y man-o� the .Chi�agc; team i� it�.I,.. P�l(��r J�hi..�hen it. �¥e�s ��e "One hundred men are want�� to T\\'o of ' the women's colleges, Arts chosen 1;001 all the student organi­�.f particular satisfaction to the B3d-1 pr�sltmll -agam. '.- T.beae .pr��y f�' ten, "Go-Chicagos" �t the game. IHI science, and the amount 'to be ations of the University: Fred Bate.; ger supporters, as the last two .de- owners are not fair· in their ;de- This, is the new figure seen for the i>tained at' the women's cbapel \::1lter Lorenz, \Villiam �lacCracken.: feats. administered to the Cardinals mands." ilrst ,ti.�e last Saturday. The idea is Thursday. are: still- to be .heard from. Albert Henderson. George G'arrett,, �ere due to -the stellat. droP kicki�g - >_, 5 0-'-- • .. for each ,qtan .to· h ... ve a large white H. �. �au�hage, Ned Ea�le, Lauder. "LIT" ,.lIEN ARB .JlBIIUII)J:I) I .. PECIAL APARTMENT-TOof Eckersall. and they are looking for OF THEIR SHQRTCOMIMQS etter _on � maroon background,which M;lc�lintock. Winston Henay, Johnre\'l!nge on ChicaJtO in 'the: same�coin. . -, .. spell the- \vords ··G«r.Chicag�/· BE GIVEN BOR WRESTLING MacNeish, Rensl�w Sher�r, EsmondCmcago.Hu Befter Record Dean Lip a�.II�tinJ ¥�Y In- All the .names of *ose, expecting port to be. S�sed by G. F. l�ong. Alec Whitfielct. Albert Smith,In the total games, played between ferm. II� of c.-.ce Th� to go t(l .Madison ,l1!u.s� lie in by Steams-University Squad II.,. Carl Lambach, John Dillc, FredChicago and Wisconsin,' the Varsity . are 'iad� �t. Thursday. They may be handed in al Be OrpiPzecL :iaarde. James Dymond, Kennethhas l:le advantage in having' won Dean Linn presented .some start- he time nf the qI�ss meeting. Lindsay. Mina Hoskins. Helen Peck,seven and lost five out of the twelve ling statistics to the men of Litcra- A wrestling room is to be opened, Alice Greenacre, �Iary Allen, Marygames the last of which was played ture �oltege ye�ten'ay morn�ng .. VARSITY DEBATING TEAMS in til(' basement of Bartlett at the bc� Courtenay, Lulu \Valker,Harriet Fur-in 1905. The Badgers have_ played "There. are 95 members in Literature TO BE CHOSEN TOllbRROW inning of the l\'inter quar(�r. Dr. niss, Edith Osgood, Helen Butler,little f')otball since the season of 1905 coliege," said .[)e�n Lilln, '�t:wo of f Raycroft annonnced yesterday that .ouise Capps, Eloisc Kellogg. Mamieand Chicago has made the marvelous whom are on probation. three are lefinite arrangements have now been ,illy. Ruth Kellogg. Jessie Heckman.['weJve ,Candidates·to Try for Places I I I fI f •• -'estern taking only two courses, and eight- :n:u e. am t lat a room 50 eet long Louise Norton. Alice Herrick, Ma, ryrecor. 0 wmnmg eV(;ry n in' Final Trials in Law Buildinggame, except the. great Minnesota een who ha\'c been reported below . ',y .10 feet wide will be built at once '>hister. Ethel Kawin ;tncl Kather'ineTomorrow Night.. � fthe standard of scholarship in on_e .� n the northwest corner 0 the base- Slaught.thre� cours\!�:' According to these ncn: extending north from the row- In order that all University peoplefigures. one-fourth of the members .� The six men, who will compose th(' .ng machines. The room will be nay be reached. coupons. good forof the college are deficient in tbeir fov0 University debating teams will 11sed for both wrestling 'and fencing I'e reserved seat, to be procured atwor�.· t chosen tomorrow night at j:.1C lms ;relieving the t usual afternoon 'he Information office. will be ob­Dean Linn ·then offered a few prac- "clock in the trials to be held in the ('on�cstion on th.e «ym floor proper. : 1inable from each member of. thisti�al suggestion� for the benefit of the; � aw building. The candidates who The wrestling wii be in charge of nmmittee. The first floor and tenwill �peak will be those selected at Mr, Tilden F. Stearns, a graduate of .�ws in the balcony will he 50 cents.the first trials, �eld two weeks ago. nrowll universi�y� who'for years 'held rhe rest will sell for .15 cents. Thc,They are: I .. �. Ferguson. C. M. I�e wrestling championship there. ")\11)On5 will be issued today and theKeyes. T_ H. Mci)Qnald, C; P. Mc- :-he chief work will be ·the teaching �ale begins immediately. Each or­Cullough, Charles',Schwartz and John ·.f elementary principles of the art. :anization will dispose of a certainH. Freeman for tl1e' affirmative. ancl lth._mgh if a regular Varsity squad number of coupons. and it is hopedClaarlel' ,Leviton� J. W. Hoover. Patti hiluM be f,)r1l1ed. �fr. Stearns' will :hat hy this method all will be sold.O'Donnell. Clarence A. Bale:,. \V. J 'Is .. st'r\'e as coach.. Dr. Raycroft is The boxes are $S.oo, and may be se­Rlack and H. p. Hostetter for the ryin� to arrange for a '\\-restling con cured through �Iiss Frances Her-MRS. SMALI."S SISTER TO SOPHO�ORE OnlCBRS DINE negatin. :ost for the championship of th� rick. The rt:scrvcd seats may hc �ro-MARRY GERIIAN SCULPTOR Di� Plana for Year. with 'Presi- One set of th� judges will hear thc l'niHr, .. ity. and is strongly in fa\'o' cured aftt:r Xovemhcr 2,5th. thc holcl-dent Earle at Del Prado. peeches and will make their decis- t: tile' formati.)Q of a squad. If st�c .. :-s • � (,'-;1Tpons being given firstions on the effectivenes sof the argtt- :\· .... (ul in this. he wiJI arrang(' if)! cilt ·i�l'. ;lilhotlgh the seats may beXed Earle. president of the Soph- m.ents presented.and the presentation C'.·I1tt:.;t .. with ether colleges. hot:ghf directly at thc otllce on and"more ctass. gave a dinner to the by the- spc�ker. Each man "'iIl be al· afkr that date. Xot uni\'Crsity st\1-newly cle�ted officers last night at :oweff eight mintttes {or his lir .. t Prdeuor Willet to Lecture ,"('nt .. atone. hut the puhlic in �cn·the rhol Prado Hotel. The dinner .. pe�ch and four minutcs for rt'hut- f'rdessvr Herbert L. Willet of the �r:tl: i!' to he in:\.·rc�te(1 in the bene-was followed by :1 meeting at which tal. f)cpar!mcnl of Semitic!' will lecture fit. and with the hearty support of al�,J,lans for the coming year were talk- All the C'andiclatc� for the team W('tIn('sclay c\'cning bdore the Y. �1. cvery seat in :\randel shoulcl h(' soleicd over. It was agreed that the class have be,en "'orking hard. in pr('para- r. :\. on the !'ubject: "Is the Bihlc hefor(' tht' night of Decemh('r z.�hQuld promote more activity than lion fnr the trials the last se\'('ral "-(.rth While:" ffi!'cussing the "iew �Iiss Fr:tnces Herrick, gel1('ralhit, been customary for Sopbomore5 weeks. and a cI('se contest is ex- f th,. ,nodern' husiness man on this chairl1l:ll1. sp(';;kin� of the outlook.;n the p:tst. The ottacr officers are: pecfed. The !liuccessful men will ht'- ili.portant (Iuestion. and the relation said: "I am conti(!cnt we will h:l\'eAlfred Straube, vice-president; Miss,pn wnrk immediately with Coach pf science and religion. The 1�C't'1re littl(, trouble in disposing of all. the-Virgjnia Fr�an, secretary. anff Chandler for the dcbates with �Ii('hi- '\'iII h<-�in a: 7:15 in Haskell assem-Aleck G. Whitfield, treasurer. gan and Northwestern. hll' hall,spectatinns of the �most ardent sup­porter of Mr. Stagk's charges, and isthe logical fa\'l.rite' for a victory Sat,.urday.TI1'.: Varsity' rooters are· cerfainlycontid�nt that tb� last g:am�' 'of tbeyear is not going· to be a disaster forChicago and are' preparing to fol­low the team to the scen� of thech:mlpionship struggle in large nl1m­bcr� Saturday mornin2. unfortqnate ones. "There are twoclasses of SCholars," be continued,, ,t· ."the grind and tbe student who ta�esi;i� ;st�dies' as he Ukes bis meals."He inferred that the grind class hasthe improper attitude, but . hastenedto ad� tb;at it has produced some of.fur foremost alld ablest statesmen.�.game (If 1906. which resulted 'in thehistoric -I to 2 score. Chicago hasthis )'t'ar de\'eloped:'a marvCtous �eam-()nc that has fart exceeded the ex-(Continu�d on page 4)It..Reception Planned After WeddincCeremony that Dr. HendersonWill Perf-:rm.I'r(tie�"or and Mrs. Albion W.Small will give a reception after thewedding of :\{rs. Small's sister. MissFI(\r('ntinc Marie von Massow, toAdf_llph Jahn, � sculptor of Berlin,Germany. December 19. Dr. CharlesRichmond Henderson will officiate atI he ceremony. Professor ErnstFrt'und will be one of the ushers.5DMml.t la;I... Mullon It should be the greatest game of&f "Ufl JIa football of the year.·. As it is the__."_' _. ._' .I last contest, neither team will feel itfte omclal tstudeDt Publlca�OD � tbe necessary to conceal any accomplish-UAlnralt7 of Cbl� ments in the way of trick plays. andeach will be polisbed to its highestlI:nterw u Secoud·cluallall at the Cbl�o state of proficiency. \Visconsin has.l'_tQ1Dce. Cblcqo, romola. Karcb ttl, / d ·11a really great team this year an WImake a stubborn fight for the cham­pionship. Nothing but actual bank-Publlahed dal1l. except SllDdaJ.. Monda,.. ruptcy should keep any Chicago BULLBTDI �I.Y. W. C. L. in Lexington hall, �this morninz, at 10:30: _t-Romance Club,' this enning 'at l7 :.405 p. 01,. in Cobb. lOB. Mr. R. E.House and Mr. H. David \�i1l speak:Y. M. C. A. meets this evening at7 :45 p, m., in Haskell assembly room,Address by Assistant Professor Wil-'let, ··Is the Bible Worth While?"Junior Mathematical Club_ meets to;clay, 4 :30 p. m., in Cobb hall. Paperby :Mr. Dresden.Pre-Medic Club, today, at 10:30, ir4the Anatomy -building., Speaker, Dr.1»03. u.nder Act of March I. 1878.ANNOUNCDmKT8 Impressions You' lake on The ClmpusAre . IMPREsSIONS that will c:1iDc to ,.OU, eve nafter you have andaated.To' create the BEST IMPRESSIONS you mustwear CLOTHES of CHARACTER-clothes t hatshow YOUR OWN i ndividuality-clothes that aremade for YOUR OWN fipre-dotbea that theCRAFTSMAN baa spent a life-time to 1 ear n tomake. Your REPUTATION as a CORRECT and"CLASSYH dresaer is assured. if we make you rclothes.Our prices for auits or overcoats ranee from $35up.Come in next time you're down town, and letus give you one of our college poatera-incident�ally we'll eet better acquainted. • IItl5t.Ue ....... 51. I_---T-�_-L_O-R_S----.---- �_D_._�_�_r JI' t�(:�:;hundl'rcl ill Iand hollda,r •• durlDc three quartere of the rooter away.SHERER CLEARS MYSTERYOF CLASS DEBTS CASElI'orlDerl�'l'he 0 Unlve.sltl of Chlcaco Weeltll.I'....s.lThe Weekil. Oct. 1. 1882..Th. DaUl. Od. 1. 1902. Explains that Harvey Meagher Should Benslez.Have "Produced." but Was aMinor at the Time,Rcnslow Sherer has cleared him­self of al1 implication in the suit saidto be threatened against the Juniorclass of last year by two of its credi­tors. Sherer was indignant when in­formed that he was under suspicionin the case. He only did his duty aUthe time, he says, in ordering themusic and ··feed" for the light-heart-Subscription price. $3.00 per Jeer: $1,00for a lDonth8. SubecrlpUoDa rec:el1'ed at.the Maroon omce, £1118 l1all. 01' at thel'acult7 Exchaqe. Cobb Ball. C�er l:J WDkie\ Illinois College of Commerce• 'Formerly\ yo�� ::������ d��.1I ments an the shortest possible time for positions that pay at once Ifrom $35 to $60 a month. Individual intsruction. DAY and NIGHTsessions. Enter any time. Call, write or phone Harrison IlIO forcatalogue. Positions for graduates. 31 yean of uninterrupted suecess. ' SAMlUEL B. WILLEY, LL. B., SuperintendentPRESTON F. GASS. Manqlq EdItor,MELVIN J. ADAMS. New. Editor.ABE LEO �'RIDSTEIN. AthleUc EdItor,OSWALD F. NELSON, BualDeu IlaDqer. ed Juniors .•. Harvey Meagher has been laugh-ing at me in .his sleeve ever since thestory appeared in the Maroon," ex­plained Sherer yesterday. "And whyshouldn't he?, He's the guilty cul-W, A.. :'\YeaTer A. N. PfeiferBoberta B, OWeDA. C.' WhlUleldlila MamIe L1ll1 Harsrave LoqABT ImITOBaKPOB'1S88B. R. Baukhage M..sa ErneeUne £-lana}lorrl. B. BrIcPA)earin�ngaGiven Point"oil.· I . .YOU KNOW how it is a source of satisfaction to you to comeI into a tailori�� estabU�ent of the first class order, and l�ok aroundat samples. WIthout havmg a salesman pegging away at you trying Ito make you believe that you want this and that. and when you knowyou want something else. ,,.1'If you have nev� enjoyed such a privilege. that is, the right tocome to our establishment :and l�ok around. and pick out the clotht�t.:_y.ou YO�� know � satisfy you. then we want you to give,us a., call, and we will tr�t :YOU with the utmost. kindly conaideratioD,.Watterson l:J Southwardi:TAILOBS I153 La Salle Street i THE]HAS (Room 502�elephone Central 61gB. , .. ]Thl' iullagaiJl:>t rhec1uJI'J ill t"T HE hyc.: g-ofootball cuttration l.i tillrest (JJI thefhl' hpJl' ,raiJ!is not \\ hoi-ver. ;I:> he :1atJlnlay, Jtin :Hhliti()J1 tWMt('-IIP ,.CCI.l{l'co;·t!-ll .. :ra�OHlIIlhor IFoutball Ca.. :\ prt·1 im itheir :-car,.; t·1I\111111er (Ii\\'ct.k'" ;l�')J1,to further a."Casual e:made it [mpmorning r e:little ana ly,.;The newries show 11the color ingfhe Iabrjsurface=-wogive serviceOlives anbrown are iGrey stritinto the studecidedly c'� t, ........ -roIn overccket weavesare consideSuits forOV4We maan official "C" pin atits meeting. on Mondayand found that the mae-tomorrow 10:30 a. m .• in Kent thea­ter, Team and coaches will be there.Will you come?GREAT MEN .HAVE SINGLE Preliminary Trials in DeclamationPURPOSE THROUGH LIFE for the J . C II kuruor 0 ege contest ta, eex�ct status that it was a year ago atth.�s time, After some discussion, thematter was left at practically thesame place for another week at least.Meanwhile the University continues -- place Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clockwithout an official pin, Dean Mathews Advises Seniors at in Kent.From the years of consideration Chapel to Beware of Shiftless. Daniel Lecture. "The Origin of theUnaiming Individual •.which the council has devoted -to the Free Trade Theory," Friday. in Has-matter, it might be inferred that the - kell. assembly hall, 12 to 1 P. m.That there is one great purpose German Club meets in Lexingtonhall, Friday. 4 p. m. Lecture by Mr.F. 'V. Kracher,Political Economy Club.. Frjday,8 p. m in Cobb 3C. :Mr. H. W. �ld­well will speak on "Employers Asso,question was a difficult and compli­cated one, but it is not. As a matterof fact, if half a dozen pins now on which governs the whole universe,and that each' individual must realizethat purpose iA his own life. was thepoint made by.Dean Shailer Mathewsat Senior chapel yesterday. He de­clared that wtaat distinguishes the elations. "Senior CollegeThursday. 10:30, in Council meetsthe President'sthe market were shuffled up and ablindfolded member of the councilpin committee decided on the firstpin that came to his hand, the choicewould be perfectly satisfactory to the great man from the merely active,energetic man 'Is the complete recog­whole University.and those who havenition of this truth.been waiting for years to see the mat- office,"The universe is not simply a sue-ter settled would heave a sigh of re- Reynolds Club informal .. Wedncs-cession of chances or jumps from d",',lief, ".1 N ovember 25.one thing to another," he said. "Any ------------�The main thing is to fix on someman who entertains such an ideashould be avoided. The cynicism.the THE ROMAone design as official.so that studentscan have something which will desig­ deadening agnosticism. the hopeless-nate them as members of the �i- ., f Ch' Th d· h ld ness which are harhored by that at-"crslty 0 Icago. _ e eSlgn s ou. .,b '.' d th f th U· tltude. arc danRerous to all withe artiStiC, an wor Y 0 e m-whom the person aSSOC1ates. Theversity, but many designs already in f.!reat man, e,:eryone who makes hiscxistence are that. existence cou!'t for the most. has a ITALIAN TABLE D'HOTE5OC-7-6C-$I.ooINCLUDING WINEA tao a ]a Carte ServiceOpenDailyandSundaysfromII A. M.toOP.M,The deep com'iction ,that there is this onegreat purpose that runs up throughal1' the ages."Envelopes for contrihutions to theSteffen ,,'atch fund were Riven out atAnd now it is on to Madison.big game of the year, with the cham-pionship o( the \VestThe Game at stake, will be de­cided on Saturday on astrange field. Bothteams have been work-that the services.CountsRobert J. Hart has been appointefla memher of the Faculty Committeeof -the Cap and Gown 1909,Have you tried a classified ad ;f1The nail,. lIarooa' SPAGHETTISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITALYing all year with this game in view,both teams come undefeated to thefinal contest, and neither will yieldtitle to the championship without adesperate struggle 146-STATE STREET -146• SECOND FLOOR, ',believe in Popular Pri�es. My$25�OO . Business. Suits are positively$35.00 value. You can save just $10.00fhafs worth while. let me make onefor y�u and prove .it.WendellMajestic Theatre Bldg. 75 Monroe Street\ 1kREPEATING RInES FOR HUNTING,No matter wbat JOU hunt for or where yoa hunt, the anllWel'to the question ICWhat rifte shall I take 1·· la-a WiDcheater.�lIlcheater Repeating Riftea are made foI' allatJlee or cartridges,from .22 to .50 caliber. Whichever model 70U _lect you wiD findlt an ac:c:arate ahooter, reliable in ac:tioD and atroDg in cooatruction."Udnt6r Gas a4 A ...... UOll-'fU R_ W .,.,..,,_.,. .... 'or ... 0CUr.WlN,CHESTER .. aPaATlNQ ARMS co.. ' Naw HAftN. CON.'55th AND ELLISMIDNIGHT LUNCHHall "Feeds" Supplied Up to I A. M.UNDER NEW MANAGEMENTBRAIDEN, ex-'IO, U. of C.55th AND ELLIS TAlLOA.Two store:We H;�7£FacilitiPhoto!PhA CLASSIC INPIPE TOBACCOIF .. IT'S "SPORTFOR RECREATIONO�" ·CO.ilPETIn,9f:t.YON DON'T' WO�KQUITE RIGHTUnless' your UDifopnor implemea� beai-athe Spalcii.qTrade Mark.That '!rac!e Markgives you DR Exc;eUenc;e,',arliJThe iollowiug article was prepared 'y'�.sterday. ior the Ma�oon by a member of the faculty -as a 'protest'agninst tilt.' misleading statistics of football casualties which were printed in a Chicago Sunday paper. In­cluded ill the cripples of the season, according to this account, were eight members of the University of Chi­cago �t:;tJlI. ,.--�. EB' -TH E III IIA D,E3 7 0 Eo 5 5 t h S tr e t' .ROBERT p. MURPHY.'Proprietor"T HE hysterical desire of a Chi- the list. A rapid checking of the list concussion of the brain...:;��O alderman to legislate of .290 injured � victims showed that .. A second .glance at the list show-football out of Chicago, is' an illus- fifty of them were given by name as ed that even this total of fifty wastratioll t.i the annual postseason pro- belonging tv 'the teams of fifteen col- misleading, as in five cases men hadtl:st 011 the part of the uninformed. IC';l!s and universities which played been listed more than once as beingIhe houorable gentleman in question in big games on Saturday, November crippled on different days. Again, theis not wholly representative, how- 14th. These colleges were: Yale, l�t included at least two cases ofver, as he actually saw a game last Harvard, Princeton, Brown, Wesley- men who do not belong to the squadsaturday. 1 t is altogether likely that an. \Villi:II11S, Carlisle, Cornell, Chi- of the colleges to which they wereIn addition to this, he saw an absurd cago, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Iowa, assigned and a fine array of mis­WMt('-IlP «ccupyiug n full page in the Illinois ami De Paul. prints, which mayor may not haveRl:co;'ll-II,'rahl of Sunday moruing. "A reference to the news section had reference to the actual individ­�O\'l�ll1h"r 15. This was entitled: of t his same issue of the paper devel- uals further discredited the report.Football Casualties for 1908: OPl'U some rather significant facts. Making allowance for these various"_.\ pr eliminary statement called at- Of the list of fifty cripples, thirty qualifying features, just' about twen-ention t o the Iact that of the vic- five played in the games of last Sat- ly percent of the entire list shouldrims enumerated below, exactly three· urday afternoon; the great majority by any right have been therein in­hunderd ill number, many would bear of these playing through the entire eluded.their :,car" to the grave, while a large game, no less than ten being men- "Eight of the cripples played thenumber (.i the remainder, after a tioncd as spectacular. heroes of their game of their lives on the ChicagoI\'el'k'� ;1;":()Il,Y. had finally been saved respective contests. These thirty five team; six contributed to Yale's vic­to furthe-r activity as by ,a miracle. 'men, according to the yellow list. tory over Princeton; but the scare-"Casual examination of the list were victims of broken shoulders. head article is read by the foes ofmade it impossible for one Sunday dislocated hips, sprained knees and football, and proposed legislation tomorninu reader not to indulge in a ankles. internal injuries, all sorts of put the game out of the athletic cal­little nuu ly- is uf the statement and external facial and scalp wounds, and endar is a natural result:' ·HOTEL ALBANYCONFIDENCE a: SATISFACTION 41st Street and BroadwayNEW YORKRemcdelled, Handsomely Fur­nished ThroughoutSpalding's handsomely illustrtaed cat­alogue of all sports contains nu-, merous suggestions.Mailed F�ee anywhere.A. G. SPALDING & BROil.' ABSOLUTELY nREPROOFI n the heart of the City500 Rooms. 300 Bath RoomsEuropean Ran. Cuisine UnexcelledGentlemcns' Cafe, Ladies' Restau­rant, and Moorish Rooms. Popu­lar Prices. Plenty of LiCe-butHomelike.$1.00 Per Day and UpSEND FOR BOOKLET.Meet me at the College Inn, underthe Albany, New York's leadingRathskeller, a place to eat, drinkand be merry.•••1II'- 141 W�bash AvenueChicago. IIIPhone Central 1(,,,,ALfRED PEATS s £0.-I,,I,Irt· Ilee I�:I',T,forIUCent Forei�n and Dom�iticWALL 'PAPERS 'AND DRAPEBlBB1 4 4 - I 4 6 W a bas h it v e.Chicqo.THE FALL SEASONHAS OPENED SOLDSEATS. ANNOUNCE WHERE TO DIDUNIVERSITY PREACHERSFOR QUARTER ANNOUNCED SouthChicago Rooters to Sit onSide of Field at Madison.Eith\.r before or after theThe new autumn and winter 'fab­rics show many striped effects, but Prcfessor Graham Taylor of thethe colorings are not pronounced. Chicago Commonsl Secured forfhe fabrics- have a rough twilled First of Trio.surface=woven closely enough to T! hrei U'" h f., - I re tree niversrty preac ers orgive service. ' ', ithe rest of the quarter' were an-Olives an.d the various shades of \ nounccd yesterday by D. A. Robert- scarcely better success, the number ofbrown are in strong favor. .. ', . ' son, secretary to the president, seats sold not having been reportedGrey stripes and the greys shading "F' "'!t k th 'R" d P. ', �. ". 'or nex wee, e everen ro- as yet.Into the stone and slate colorings are f' "G'� I: T 1 f tl Chi• ', l'SSO'r fa laID ay or 0 le Icagodecidedly correct. ;:, " ; ". ' I: .'� ·':-'"·--"�l"'--� �."'''li·'': " .. <;l)�.!m�!1J,��vd! o�c��y �he, pu PIt.In 0\ ercoat abrlc, t ie rough ba� '1'1 k f' 11' th R "d', II! wee - 0 owmg e everenket weaves and' herringbone stripes John Balcom Shaw, D. D., of. the elude all those between the 55-yard Iare considered "ery: smarf,, '�. _ &.c:�)lld ;�Presbyterian Church, will be line and the end of the bleachers atSuits for coll�ge, wear, $30 to $35, the 'preacher, to be succeeded for the the south side of, the field. TheOvu,c:oats $35 .to $.to .. ' last three weeks of the quarter by grand stand has also been nllotted toWe make riding breech, es,' C D D'., CL. Icago. II ,No matter. what tobacco youthe Reverend Frank rane.. ;1�i Wo�c��ter. Mass. . Student tickets at the 50-Cent rate lhave been usmg Ipowwow TAKES STEPS I will continue to be S,Old, as 'already I'ARLY":� IIXTURE�FOR -EV'ANSTON DEBATE announced,up to Thursday afternoon." LL'1 " . tials, receipt for tuition fees or some is exquisite in flavor, cool. aro-Arnmge subject for Inter-Fresh- other proof that the; applicant is a matic and leaves no unpleasantman Arpment. ' I_ member of the student body. aftertaste.The Powwow in its meeting last Try it. and if you are notevening, took definite steps toward COLLEGE PIONEER SPEAKS Ipleased. we will ,cheerfully refundthe debate between the Chicago and the money. IEarly Woman Student AddressesWomen of Literature College 2 Oz.-4OC 4 Oz.. 7Sc8 OZ.-$I.5O I lb. $3-00THE UBIOR HOD!.Alm RESTAtJRABTmelringlOW The seat sale for the Wisconsin 111-117 Randolph Streetgame began yesterday, with the is­sue of twenty-four student tickets.The downtown market met with THE POPULAR,PLACKTO KATTheater.tolothgiveioD" I We make a Specialty, of au'and Fraternity �.-------------------�------.__eNorman Barker announced yester­day the location of the Maroon seatsa� ihe coming game. They will irr-dTAILOR FOR YOUNG liENA. N. Jerrems, Mgr.Two stores: 131 La Salle St., and44 Jackson Boulevard M R. G. S. D. SHU L T ZTeacher of Dancing and Leader ofCotillions.Member of the American NationalAssociation of Masters of Dancing,United Professional Teachers ofDancing of America, also AssociateMember of the United Kingdom Al­liance Teachers of Dancing of GreatBritain..Private Lessons by AppointmentGuarantee Course $5.00. Five privatelessons with music. A guarantee tomake pupil proficient in the waltz andand two-step. Barn dance taught inone lesson.Office and Studio, 301 West 63d St.Cor. \Ventworth Ave.Phone Garfield 361Infomial Dancing Reception atTHE FORUM, 43d St. a: Calumet AvEvery Saturday EvenincAdmission 50 Cents a PenonNorthwestern Freshmen.After Coach Chandler had assuredthe club that the debate will be heldand, announced the way in which the Mrs. Munger, a pioneer college wo­team i� < to be picked, he told the man from Boston University, gave amembers that although anyone in the practical talk before the women offirst y�'ar at the University is eligi- Literature College yesterday on ques­hlc, the conduct of the 'debate is en- tions of interest in the life of the stu­tirely in the hands of the Powwow. dent. She urged her hearers to re­and that they have the right to pick sent the tendency to become skcpti­the �uhj�ct, which is to be submitted cal in the matter of religious belief.to' No�thwestern early in the winter Later she gave helpful advice on howquartet. �' to accomplish the great amount ofThe club elected a committee of work falling upon college womenthree mcn=-Benson.Keeler and Holst, and still remain physically sound.to deride upon the subject.in We will mail to your addressupon receipt of price.NATIONAL.CIGAR STORE(Inc.)First National Bank Building.Chicaco, IIINot Connected with the TobaccoTrust.GItNTL�M�N ,WIG DlIII FGIl 111\1.ulUS�.D �.,..BosTONGARTER ____ -_1College Cafe"' E 55th. St.Near Lezinaton AvenueGunther's Confectionery212 State Street.The Wisconsin students at the Un.MR. MACVEAGH TO TALK versity organi7.<.'d a social cluh last,TO, COMMERCIAL CLUB night. 'THE nCOllllll ST.IUI-.-n ...... ' •• _ped •• """01 ,.i¥...,-'fJ"'-�e CUSHIONBUTTONCLASPUti FUTTOTMUI-ImRaun. lUIS HI llIfurns Banquet Toni�t in the Commonswill be Attended by NewestHonOl'U7 Members. The Daily :Maroon is your paper .your news, published for you. Show CHOCOLATESPOPULAR PLACEATPOPULAR PRICESThe Commcrcial cluh will banquet your �ppredation by subscribing. Do:\Ir. Franklin �lacVeagh in the p�i- it no,r.,,'ate dining rooms of the CommonstoniJ;ht. After the dinner, Mr. �Iac­V ('agh will address the members ofI he dub on a business subject. Pres­ident Judson, Mr. Trevor Arnett.auditor of the University. and Mr.David A. Rohertson, secretary to thepresident. 0111 honorary members. willattend the meetinc. and fine bt)noons famous through·OUt America, put up in beautifulboxes suitable for presents at 2SC40C ,and fioc: per pound. If Apleased customer is the best ad­vertisement. ..AN, ADV_ IN THEDAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMEN1.' ASYOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOUINVB8TBDl Luncheon, IIOC upEveninC Dinner lISCSunday Dinner - - - - ssc IlSE}lVICE A LA CARTE. ALSO... nClftoo .............. _ .• v .•. &.THE DAILY MAROON, \VEDNESDAY, NOV; 18. 1908;- . ."_ ..... --.....,;.._._A YOUNG LADIES' MID GBN�IU.IV.Jt·SITY WOMENTLEMAN'S Select OTchestra i.being organized by Mise Ada RoC�ers. �bndolins, Guitars, Banjos,and Zither". Those who wishmembership call between 10 and 12a. rn, and 2 to 8:30 p. m. 480 E.6lst Street. c_· ,., •DRAMATIC . CLUB INITIATES<InWWAllW·paQ.,daarupbefoinIIIed}utoTe:tvY.jocit:,fRDet)ah . 1k trirk vt. Rh's 0s.e,y d5dp- I; srid74 i- tD tp-hent,into!,ndk,ngheemdv.SD The T�niSgi\'ing spread,nually .. under the auspicesomen's Union, will be held nextednesday at 6 .p, 01., Lexington.University women arc invited. Tt.'11 initiates of the University Dru-atch bulletins in Lexington for malic club, a iter pas�il1g through thehonors of the final examinations bc-'given Ten New. Me!'llbers Taken Into Com�of the plete Membership After' Enact-ing Playlet •. ' .. N.oMoneyDownTry OurFRENCH CLASSES; also privatlessons. Translating a specialtyEvery Tuesday, 2 p. m, 276 Eas57th St., Rosalie Hall. Power of Police. .....CUT·OUT. THIS' COUPONccon FORTen' ·Dollars. i $10 FREE CREDIT DUE BILL•� One of th.ese Coupons. good asFIRST PAYIIK NTowards purchase of one StudPiano at this sate, at·204 WabasllAvenue Chicago,'; lit. -FOR SALEFOR RENTWANTEDLOSTFOUND orning, the Science women discuss­. plans for co-operation among thenior colleges in the college dancesbe J;tiven this year.The "Family Tea" given by Mrs.wett at her home, 5757 Lexingtonenue, yesterday afternoon, for the\V. C. L., was a thoroughly en­yable affair _. The party was givenmeeting yesterday ship,T'hv cast of the noviatcs production.\5 a part of till' pr og rnu), the mem­hc..'rs-t.;-bc produced an original play,writ tvn and acted, accor dmg to strictand »cvcre specifications, •In addition to thos� taking part inthe play. Powell appeared before thejud�c..·� and wa� taken into member- ··1300 Kenmore PianoIn' yo� own home. make sure that it .nOts 701In every particular. When ··)"ou are 10 Ja�pay us Vol. VICLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMBNTB rticulars.The social committee of the Philos- fore the assembled society, wereelected to membership 'last evening.hy college (women) will meet to­y at I o'clock in Lexington 5. torange for the Philosophy party.A]] Arts women are urged to signfor the Arts luncheon on Novem­r 24. The list to be signed will belind posted on the bulletin boardsLexington.in the STAGGD A I L'yMAROONBRING RESULTS At. a business Learn pcmatioruwas ;I� follows:Prologue Barren H. ClarkBacch ius, Daphne (Iover s ) ..... , ., .. , , Olin DavisOytemnestra. a Sorceress ......... , ..... , Mary Louise EttenPhoebus Apollo, Ariadne (Iovcr s j. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Frank Parker In &..IIy' way you like.. .even as low as$1 �"WeeK •.P I A If 0 S-Regular prices $350 to'j$750. atREDUCED PRICES AT THIS SALE.THIS COUPON:.IS WORTH A TEN DOLLAR BILLCut it out at once. Don't throwaway money. We not only SAVEyou over a hundred dollars, but pel'Jllit the smallest p'iYments EVElknown (as low as $1 a week); ask no money in advance and ai1tyou $10 �o boot. Can you beat it? \Out-of-town patrons are invited to avail themselves' of thatMOST liberal inducements. WisconsilYear L25 cents for threelines per issue. iefly .to welcome the new members Pan and Bridgett (lovcrs ) .the league. .., , Kasson DodsonBridget Elisabeth C. HurdUSSIAN GOVERNMENT IS Jupiter Barrett H. ClarkCALLED EDUCATION'S FOE Prcsident Sherer announced theplay.committee and stated that a re-r Harpu Tells Philosophy Men port would be expected at the nextof Restrictions 0 nStudents by meeting. when plans for the fall pro­duction would be taken up. The Directothroughsignals ythe scringram. l-lvery hancome on"TheCLASSIFIED ADVERTIBINOB�LATKA·M,USICAL COLLEGEEstablished .1879 b7 the world-- reaoWned:Haus"BaI�tka .POSTAL CARD·BRlR·G.S CATALOGUEWRITE TODAYD R. C H R. F. B A L A T K A, Dire c tor •Diplomas Recognized. AI, Over f"� WorldSpecial Rates to Students of U ofAddreu AD colDIllUllic:atio ... toBALATKA MUSIC4L COLLEGE now," sa!have notweek. Iscrirnmaghave an)'been 'sorting throtworkingThe onsica I con.that sevefrom cohmer, Kellor less a1'the teamju.r:ics-T.he tes-tiee of t;tbi� "afte::-liDg will I?'jatttnd tI:'-,- -." ...:�th.e BadgAwill retu.::�some of.' son till �WiseThe \\'with d,Coach Bfor theThe Badthey areoffensivewas foreto date.ever, th.which [the bomno on� t�md whagain�thave anof 'he \ChiFor tlgo willera I potnadgersas com)avoirdulheavierthe Valad"anta��ances�peed aChicagn\Visc(forwardand th.gameroon!'gamematch,rho5e (er stt,cIfaith.---committee is composed of Miss Har­Dr, Samuel Harper addressed Phil- rict Grimm, Barrett H. Clark, H. R.sophy college (men) yesterday on ltaukhage and a fourth member, tohe University system in Russia and be announced later .he part students have played in va-ous uprrsmgs. Dr. Harper was DR. KREHBIEL SAYS ARMYegistered in one of the Russian Uni- .�& -. OF KAI,SE1't· IS MODELersities at the time of the } apanese- Pianos Shipped: to Ally Part: -: i: the United . StateS .on Th� Li�: TermL Write. for F�. C�JoauCLP. A. stARCK PIANO :(;0."J��.OT1JRBR:8..'�. '_', r : '1.204-206. Wabash Avenue. Near Adams �tre�. �fAC�. .FOR RENT--Splendid House for'Fraternity at $85. Phone GoodricOakland rzor ; Robert F. Schenc& Co .• 4301 Drexel Blvd.TYPEWRITING and Copying worwanted. a't 433 E. 55th St., 1St flaReasonable terms, Respc .... ts Efficiency of Germans butussian war and gave an account of Charges Officers with Crueltyis experiences. In no country ofmodern Europe is education carriedn under more difficulties than in in Discipline.Mother's doughnuts and motherpies are Maroon Hotel specialtieTry them t'llcl:.-Adv. Dr. Edward B. Krehbiel,Russia." said Dr. Harper. "The gov- tor in History, spoke to the Sciencernment controls the Univcrsjries college (men) yesterday morning onvith the power of the police. Stu- i hc German Army. He toldl of theents are forced to adopt a certain strict discipline, and thetyle of dress in order to be easily cruelty of the officers, anddistinguished from others. and stu- what' the Socialistic partyent organizations, such as our Col- toward preventing this.ege Councils have been prohibited, "1 n three days over a million and aince they foster self-government, half mcn can be rushed to any fron­and in. 1905 co-education was abol- .ier equipped and rcady for battle,£hed by a decree of the governmcnt. ,.and in two morc wceks, millionsAfter the meeting a voluntary con- .nore will be on hand," he saidribution was made by the mcn of 'E"ery man knows to just what sta­he college toward the purchase of a lion oi thc Govcrnment railway hewatch ·to be presentcd to Captain :llust go, just where he is to ship\Valter Steffen by the students of thc his horse, and with what equip-TYPEWRITING work wanted. b�,liss Myr tle Goodfellow, S�.- Greenwood avenue.WANTED-Lady wants bouskeeing r�)('IIl; 55th and Greenwoc:MIst�:lIll; phone; give particulars aprice, :n once. Address R. E. S., 4East 531h Street.TYPEWRITERS-''VISIBLE'' AN"OLD STYLE-'Prices one-thinl to one-half cheat'r than ethcrs. Try the Fox-tperfect machine. Time paymetrade, or cash. \Vill demonstrateyour roem or office. Drop a cardGeo. Starring, 140 S. D, Hall Uni�ersity. ment. Evcry ,trainman knows howmany cars and how heavy an engineThe Daily Maroon is the official he must ha\'c at a certain station.student p1ib_lication, contains all the all the f�rts are stockcd with pro­campus news and deserves the sup- visions sufficient to last thrccoort of eveey student. ',\'ith a maximum garrison." SPECIAL 'PRICES TO ·12'-lU.T.ERN ITIESAND SORORITIES -I make a' specialty of all designs of Sorority andFraternity Pins, Rings and' Fobs.Designs submitted free of charce. uMt sample piDS fumishedc;ponsible parties. �.I also do all,kinds of Watch·Uld Je1(elry Repairinc, Diamondand Manufacturing at the, cheapest po�))le prices. I am the maardesigner . of the 1907-1g08 Daily M�n FobLTilc H otd Maroon, at 58th aDrcxel, has just reccived a new cooa woman. :llld they are now puuiup the hc�t meals possible for ofpricc.;. ch:-lr;":Ctl. You should try thif a golf'd llleal appeals to you. AMID,\VAY TAILOR LADIES· TAILOR MADE SUITS$35.00 Up.For Correct fashions at mod­erate priCeK. for practical andserviceable wear that com­plies with the most exacting'demands of style.L. BAlM, LADIES' TAILOR52S East 63rd Street TO RAISE SETTLEMENTFUND BY ENTERTAINMENT(Continued from page 1)......... ..Ganr.ents of All DescriptionsCLEANED, DYED & ALTERE ',100 tickcts; thc purpose of thc en ...tertainment. c(ouplcd with the far ..."prca<l intcrcst takcn in :\Iiss Finch,I'romi:-e an o\'crwhelming success,"S('r\'ing- on ·this general committe�-I -A--WOlDan's coo-Id---�nu-lll�r'�'�I)r� ...I.I�;�;�/I;���l1C�I�����:�'" Kathcr�.. amI �fin;l lI��kil1s.•iIII1 600r Ellis Ave.Work cal!ed for and delivered. Our .reputation is our guarantee.MaroonALWAYS APPEALS TO A STUDENTTHAT IS WHY WE HAY.E ENGAGED ONE Arts Favors Co-operative Danc�E.C.IWOOREThl' :\ rt s Collcge of :\1 en. in a bns-!..UNCH ROOM OPEN AT ALL HOURS il1(,"'� tlll,C'ting yc�terday morning.;t�r"('r1 to thc co-opcrath'c dance sYs­tem, which ha!' hccn f:wored by t"eJunior College Council for !'Ollletime. As Arts was one of the COl-WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SERVE THE BEST MEALSPOSSIBLE FOR THE MONEYslTH IT. AND .DR�RL AVE. :r�' ihi� action. Ir�I�----------------�-----�•• FlORIST ••Hotel l"g'e" nppo!'cd to the plan last YC�r.the pos�ibility of thc :"ys·tcm hcillgP�lt into practicc is greatly incr('as�rl W. 63rd StreetTel Watworth �