No. '34. CHICAGO. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1908. Price VIwo E:eaM•mnily !I arDonDONALD· ROBERTSON TO IURGE M01tO SCBOWsIIIPGIVE "THE PRODIGAL"... *'!voltair's .Keen Satire will be Pre­sented in Mandel Hall Thurs-day Evening. �enicr Council Recommends Rewardfc.r W:nners of Seal. Competition­Ccnsiders Effec:tin& New Orpniaa­ticn �d Abolishing Di9ilioriSystem.MONDAV, NOV, q..'" P.O�. teA"'" TUMJtI�T. A ... ) VARSITY TUlliS UP FORCHAMPIOISHIP GAME'WHAT THE CARTOONIST SAW LAST WEEK"IJ winner of the seal-motto contest will .r--------�--.,e_....,..,-r-��-.,• '. _O-.SOAY. N."-,, .�wu :_"" .; . ,.' : be awurded ia scholarship. The Se- .�The Robertson Players wil] pres�.n� . 1 AOo\ II �DIC" � ���. '" '" nior : council at, 'its meeting yesterday TT I� � s., ..... � "tJ"Voltal'r's comedr "The Prodigal". "�no d ided h' h . Al!-'�.I afternoon eCI \."U t at sue a reeom- "·:·�:�':":··::"':.'i;';''' .. · '4' ""... .eo\",,"Mandel Thursday night, The an- rnendation be made to the Scholar- X(�it.��}:�:;;'ltj�wt" �;; � - �!;\!.nouncement that this clever French ship Committee. The duration of the �� /}M d I h s cholarship and other details will be � :- �----'eomcdv will be seen in an e as \., .TIeft to the discretion of the committee. .,)( � ".,., -, '.caused no little pleasure and 'it :s_Several mottoes have heeD. submit­"'xpected that the performance. will.. ted, but the contest will continae in-be well attended, As there will bedefinitely, until all- alumni as well asno counter artraction this time there :esidelbL graduates and under-graduis no doubt that Mr. �.obertson·s ates shall have had. opportunity to en-company will play to a full house, ter. contributions,. "The Prodigal," as the name sug- Another", important question dis- }ladison.are in surprisingly goodcussed was that. of re-organization of The mengests, is a re'-telling of the new -Tes-the cuuncil. Suggestions were made condition, after so hard a struggle astament parable and, strange as it may that hereafter �he members of the last Saturday's fray, and with theappear, from the pen of this bittercouncil be chosen at large and not by exception of a few slight bumps andsatirist is a simply told story of ' �, ,... . f ffi···· bruises are entirely unscathed. The.. divisions aDd that the ternt 0 0 ce A'NT IT "UN"" ....... T .. "' ••••• "'.. ,. '1peace, forgiveness and love •. ,a..:.tory I�e made' 'o�ger, perhaps a year,' in- T_ JUST A Fl. "'_Tn "·A.� F-UL.L-&�. practice this week wiU: .• be devoted :t,o.: ithat will find quick appeal w�th any. stead of on� quarter: The o'bjec,t, of . general tuning up of the signals '.lId ' Ia'udience.,,"� • havirig councilors appointed. at lar� ,. ". ' ... -; , , .. I .. - :'4::' . . practice on a r.u�er. of play� th�� :.!_-Ja�es �'D�nne�l:B�n��t� l���!ro:t!. is to 'avoid, the"diftic_ulty- sometim� BAVE NEW'�G5YStEM'DEFER EXTEMPOBE�OONtEST have not yet been esposed m. all), ,iID his praise for Mr. Robertson sh met with' in seciaring. able repre��- ,�_., -z.�_p.. _.... Yvn •. n- :.-.... .,.., .'. _. dr'.. .t ; � .�_m"_t· .. o.:__ ��r:", .' --� .;�.:'. ��.�?-�.. ' :'1':":":" :_.�-:..::�. �� .forts in placing this play .befo�ee �. e. rives .. from ,��b , ... ,c:gJ.1e.e.�, .di • .i. N� .���_.iD� .attn' of ��"'�Il!'IlI .... !"".1U � .� •• �._ ,_ � ,.u _ __ ---. ��...::;:_. b1i':r��: . �' -- .-.)- -, .' : ,\' Ifcii' �o'rten: -;:;� a.rid�t ,_., Dee - and � Standing: Added to Wirite�' QUarter�int o� JuDiOr Director Stagg said fast' night that: � "Dol1ald Robertson,' he wntes m.vays possess tWO cOD'l�ia.t. eandf- .Cci� Books --:- Explain Ezact �ollege Declamations to Take i� t he Wisc�nsin' game would be-'a 'har(lt�e Record Her�ld,.t·has 40� a. �ra;,. dites� "By "ih�' pr'o'�ose'd system <?f S� 'on Sc:holarsbip MatterS. Place Thursday 'Jne fonhe·Varsit-Y .. "Wisconsin bas9�.Is thing by a� great na�e.lD gt�ng .. ("lecting· counc�lors fram. clasSes, t� � - :a good· te� . this '. year, . and: w�. �Thci Prodigal b'�tk. &0 ..the boards, for � hop�d to:-' dci� out 'all tlte beSt Tbe:texact attitude 'of ·the; Uil�ver- The contest in ext�mpOre"speaking have'a hard ·time. winning. Yes; r�)he light s�� �OCUmen!Si,bed are husl'iies's::;uld-:'e81s1atlve abniiy' of the iity, �thoritieS ·;�.·-1be: .matter or: which was scheduled �or neXt Thurs- �hink -M�ll is to be fea�ed," said the�. ory and biography' assurately and ::�njoI" colle�s. whmas-�the P'ret-. tholaTsbip' and 'attendance' require-: d'" 1 b'r: ed'l h' 'Old �lari," in 'to a qUeS�on,.� • . ..' '. '-:-:- . 0:'" , -" u�, , .. ay las een postpon untl' t e ' . ,. . k;.cutely read,'"_ . _ , ent plan. the ablest men and wom�: m'ents ;s made cle3r �> the Co'lirse:', ' '"�lnd we will 'miss a' good drop· kic er;. Miss Redlich, too;�9��� ip f�r he.r ��e� li�ble td. ��'unequaiiy distribut�! '·.ooks lvhich are being. checked -up ,in: corresponc.hng time'. :i� .the wi�ter against the 'Badgers,"�,hare of the p�ise and her excellent. ':lmofig ·the.-narrower gi-oupings, ac- the, d$s' offices and will bc dis- quarter, In its place. �i1l occur the ._ -Rooters on the campus were walk­.l.ork in the pl.:�rt �ise, the .girl who �ording t�; college credit.. In ex- cribnteC!' to students' early ,in' the: preliminaries for the: J��ior coliege ing� around in. greCl't joy y�t��ay,lias been ,left. ·by her di.s�l,�te� .. I,o�er. !e�d�ng t�� ,t�n�re 6f .o�c".·e_for cou�-. week: ': Those '.already: posted. maY.'IC"ontests in declamation.·., This .. con- satisfied .that Chicago. showed .. �h'Some excel�e�� work IS.. s��n�.n� .the: 'ilOTS, the object is to give' the cou�-: be called for by students apy time, test 'is open to members. :of the Jun- �st - 'that the. 'W�st' kno�s m9.d�r'ti�omedy of Mr. Bradley 10 the part cil more time to deliberate :and wonc: A 'dedct�<!1y' more SU iet stand' is. ' ," : '0_ '.;' •• fOotb�I;I' the reai up-t6-date .. �¢: .. f·h f k' t d Mr' ..) ... .' '. - .," . . 'Ior collc!ge�, \\ ho have less than IS :, '..C· ,'1" d" h 't- �'�,0 • e. u�-ma mg. s�an .• �J1 - .tit new schemes, as well as to- se-: taken, and It IS so arranged. that stu-: .... :. . . r·. �' .. -: '. . better tha'o orne; an t a . UI�IYOwen appears to special advantage :Ure "the continned services of well-' (tents who persist it{ re�eiving low: majors (c�e(ht. and who. ar� �!I�ble tire ·:ri:ri-rcr\\",est. :of 'margins; separaria'tering father. :The two sons are well chosen cootici:lors. R�ns16� Sher� brrades will be .able to conii�ue at the: for: .pu_!llic app�.�anc�: :" � '��rections Chicago._ frcirit, .;all-,ove�whelriling. vic::".portrayed by Herman and Franciswas. appoiilted to name a. committee University, It is' stated' 'ttl�t while must, be ma(':! in. p.rose. �nd are. limit- tory. they. �te. :pr�paring .to �a�k. �hclieb. ..' '. to. discuss at ��ngtb the proposed. re- a;bsen� f"om. JO'mnasium work and ed to. 800 words�''''''''i'he ronteStant 1;,:,ea�.· �«:,a� �:. �� �I��is�< fc,i th_c. .In every waY... M_;; Ro!>e!ts.�!l';; ex: ''lrgan�ation. _ .. required public speaking may be must register his� n'a�e, the' title of .·nal game ,of the year,�ellent work �o��!��d .. �'ith ... t�� . !�r� :. The (I{lestio'n of an official U niver- made up, such is .. not th.e case witb his .selecti{)t1 and di� name �f the : 'Statistib�": �it- 'Cornell Game'tunate choice :of !;�bject make a", �a�- -5ity pin .\\�as also take� uP,'. No de- dass 'rOom conrses. In these in..! autl{or:. with the de�'� ��f. the' J�nior Coach Stagg �ve' OUt so�e' figul'd;py combination. and no doubt WIll dsion was 'reached but 'th-e . concen- stances, students are penalized to the colle·�c:�,. In the pr�li����ries,. "�e�ch 'f J(:I"otJncI' gaine1I by both 1eams Sat­meet with a�j much enthusiasm �lere. '�us 'ri cPiniQn ��s· that, soO;'e:' simpj� -!xtent of having their amount 0' speake� .has two minut�s jn which to . nlay, whIch show that Chicagoas the play has at the. Art, Institute iesign with -an oval "c" should b� �redit lessened. The exact regula, �resen�. his declamation, .One man _lio,nJd' �a\"e scored at le;ls.t: th.reewhere Fullerton haIt i$. crowded for adopted. ,\ dons concerning absences follow: and one woman from each college :-roes as often as Cornell; The sur-c"ery performance. . -I. Absences from class lower thd are chosen to speak at the semi- n';jsi'nJl thing to the �f�;�ons is theThe ras! Wall be as follows:. grade in the Course concerned or rei fipals.. �::�t 'that' although the visitors useaM. Euphemori .. Donald Robertson FRED HANDY-:TO ·.WED' JAN. 19 du� the, amount of credit, or both. The semi-finals arc held on T.hurs- nuc-h 'more of 'the old style game,'pierre Euph�n;on, his eldest �on.,.. 2. Absence from Public Speaking; day oi the ninth week of the q��rter. they g;tined �uch -tess than Chicago,....................... Herman L�eb ��Varsity Guard will 1Ift'ry 11_ Physical Culture, and other courseS when t';.ch speaker presents his·entire �\'en. on old style ·tactics. and wereFiercnfat E�phemon, his son' ... ::.:: "�I!'raze of Longtirood. required for graduation but not reck- �c'('cti(,n. Two men and two wo- cc,mpletely outclassed. and. outranked........ , .. ; •.. , Undecided oned iii maiors, must be made up in men are then chosen to speak at the ily Chicago on the new opcn styl� ·JflI, Rond()n. �'a -citizen of Cognac, .. ':. the dephrtments in ,,'hich they occur, I1nals. which OCcur on Tuesday of th,! game;O Announcement was made yest�r- I I k f ......... ".. ... ..,',. William wen .,. Fer absence from first class exer- l' e\'ent 1 wee· 0 the quarter. Each Director Stagg's record shows thatLizt' Rondon, his daughter •. , •. ; ...... day of, tl)e. marriage of Fred R. .�ise� of the quarter (each such ab- �tl1dcnt speaking in the finals :s Chicago gained a total of '5�'. ��.r�s.................... Marion Redlich Ha'ndy to Miss Mary H. Fraze of'cnce counting as four). College awanl\!d a scholarship for one quar .,, r�"'-r;ng punts, on-side kicks.�\I:trtha. maid ':0 Li!:e, .. ._ .. Alice� Long'l·ood. 01., �,�i!=q will take place meetings and Chapd assemblies. one tcr. and the man and woman win. play!'i freml c;crimmage and forwardJasmin. \':llct to Pierre El1phemon.,. 011 tile e"e�ing of January 19, extra minor is required for e,·cry IS nilt;: �hare, e(ltlally the Ferdinand pa�scs. while Cornell only made 290........" ... ',. '" R�lph - Bradley �landy was. a star member of the absences accrued in two con!'ecutl\'c Pl'ck pri!e (Jf fifty dollar!'>. yards in these ways. The same 'fig-Ra I champion�hip 1907 Varsity eleven. on ".'_ ...... ,. .dr()ncss (e Croupillac .... " ... , '.' , .. quarters of residence. ures show that Chicago rna c 1 q.............. ,., .Grace 1. Marchand which hc playcd a conslstent game The b:l5is of dismissal o"'ing to dc- yards returning punts to 69 by the:\ �cr\,:lnt, .... , ..... Virginia Brooks !'It J.:'1:anl. He was 'the heaviest man ficicncies in studies are gi\'en below: Pow-Wow Hr.!ds Meeting Tonight visitors in the same way. Fromon thc team, weighing 218 pounds butI. A student ,,·hose average is be- The Pow- \Vow. ,I he Freshman de- plays from scrimmage Chicago madehis a"cir�h�pois did not prove a hit.n- h . .low D is dismissed at the end of hi!' :1tmg- socIety. wi!l hold its regular .'\32 yards, and Cornell 139. ChicagoB k f D K E • I' "n I'll hl'S work as a line man. He .h'at rom . • • Convention ( lC".. first 'or ser:ond quarter. me�tm� t IS cvening at qU:uter. to worked six succe.;sful forward passesHarry Latham :r'nd Paul Gardiner did not return to college after the2. A student who nas 'taken 9 ma- eight in room 9 C. Cobh hall.. The for a total gain of 65 yards andrcturn('d yesterday from New York. football season" jors (wh�ther he has reeeh'ed credit ,)rr.g:ram will consist of extempore scored a touchdo,,'n in this way. and,,'hcr(' they attended the altnna1 na- The couple will make their home for them or not) and whose honor speakinJl and a "hot debate;' which C0rnell worked hut one for 30 yards,tional convention of the Delta Kappa I in R�nton Harbor, Michigan, where i.. of an extempore na.fnre. All which scored thdr touchdown forEpsi)()n rtaterftit,., Mr, Handy will engage·in farmin.., (Co.tiDlIed a. .... 4) Freshmen :are invited, them also,,",ONOAV ..... ov. ,"Oil "" .. o".,_. "'�IMov"A.T In Remarkably Good! Condition.Squad Practices on Plays and\ Signals for Badger Contest.Chicago Gains Much More Gro�Than ComeU-Stagg Gives Ont: :.1Figures on Saturday's Match.",.Final preparations for the gamefor the championship of the Westbegan yesterday on Marshall Field.Director Stagg had his squad out for·three and a half hours, but did notr [';:1 ' i'il'll!�'j ),: },' ,I'1111' RIFitted to I f the joint recommendation of theY' eml:ers of Cast Wc:n . .Senior and Juni()r counetls meet""heir Parts, as ShoW:! by PastJ, wi-thO the Universitys approval thepcrformances. $PE'TAUM ANA.L.YS'� OF- LA.ST}It- 01' A. oou.u. �"".QC>_ .... �Wl8FOII. ... 'SoT",,", � ,,� ''''''1'( A\. T!'" ..... hold any scrimmage or ·hard pradice;­He gave the team a loqg talk on theo BO .. FI�t: Cornell game, and, beginning today,\\ ill keep busy putting the finishingtouches on "the best in all the West"to meet Wisconsin next Saturday at:)._:IDdaiel,SI•THE DAILY MAROON,:T{)ESDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1908..... I ;1.. • The comments that come from the /cheered and stood by the team whenW.,t IU!t Jlaarnon camps of the football teams that have a defeat was staring them in the face,. met Chicago are al- don't "believe I am stating it too - ._.... oaclal Student Publlc:atlOD � tM The New Game as always amusing and strongly when I say that. the magmfi-'0111nraltJ of Chlc:aco. 'Our Opponents sometimes pathetic. ccut support which the students gave.. sec it The commonest one the team helped greatly to put theJlaterttcl .. SecoD.d·clau Mall at the Chlcqo' is that it was a case light into them for that great finalP_t8lllc:e. Chlcqo. llllDoia. Karch 18, of a green team meeting a veteran rally last Saturday. Every time a1803. ueSer Ad of March I, 1818. eleven, the Chicago team being the call was given for a yell the responseveteran. As a matter of fact, the was terrific. I 'do not mean to criti­Publlahecl datil. except SWlc1al.. Kon4al. Chicago team possesses just two cise the .. Loyal Student," for it is per­&Dd hollday., duriDa: three Quartem of the men entitled to be called veterans, fcctly evident from his article thatUDlTeraltl Jear. and four other men who had been he is what he calls himself, hut thinkVarsity regulars before this year. hat he was unjust in his criticisms,The rest of the eleven was green, as and even if his article was writtengreen as any opposing team could or the purpose of arousing enthusi­boast. Four of them had never asrn, is the poorest way of attainingplayed in a Varsity game before hat proof of college loyalty.while the others had been used as The manner in which the "coeds"subs'titutes in minor contests. The Ja\'C stood by the team is outside theresult is a great tribute to the genius possibility of criticism.Subscription price, ,3.00 per :rear i ,1.00for a mODthL SubKrlptioDII rec:eh'ed at of Director Stagg, for the team plays I sincerely hope that a large num-like a veteran eleven, instead of a- her of the students will accompany&be Maroon omc:e. &lIla l1all. Or' at the"aca1� Excb.aD&e, Cobb Hall. squad that gathered for its first uay the team to Madison, and we will en-d practice on September 20. deavor to show the Badgers the same 1_The other �ain complaint against sor t uf sp�h whkh so aston�hed the ������������������.������������Chicago is her proficiency in the Cornell contingent last game. The Minn-esota Alumni Sincerely,Weekly solemnly announces as the Winston P. Henry.result of careful observation of the BLACKFRIARS PLAN TO HOLD---------------- Chicago-Minnesota game that foot- SMOKER NEXT MONTH.t.aIO(]UD IZDlTOU ban changes just as style changes.Captain Walder, of Cornell, says heis not sure whether he likes the newgame as shown him by Chicago ornot. If Chicago had succeeded in get­ting another score, he would probab­ly have been more certain. Other ob­jections of the Cornell followers werethat Chicago played too fast, liningup too quickly after a down and usedplays calculated to deceive, the fa----------------- mous shoestring being especially dis­liked. Why Captain Steffen's deccp- upon and a committee composed ofKenner, Whitfield and Sullivan were Iappointed to make definite arrange-l YOU KNOW how it is • source of satisfaction to you to comements for that event. It is planned mto' a tailoring establishment of the first class order and I�k aroundto invite as a guest "Harold Atteridge, at o�plcs. wiiho�t having a salCS11l8n pegging a';'y at you tryincan alumnus and former friar, whose to make yo�, �eve that you want this and that. and when you knowplay "The Winning Miss,"· opens an ���. w;plt �methinc else.engagement next Sunday night ai : If you .have. never enjoyed such a privilece that is the right tothe new Garden Theater.. - . ., •. . come to our establiabment and look around. and pick out the cloth. The question ()f .. -making a ·loan to tbIat.' you yu1lrSC1f. know will satisfy ,ou, then we want you to giftthe' Cap: and··· Gown this: yeat _ . was. �. I1lI(.a WI .. : aJbl..:we iwill �t you. with the utmOR. kindly considCl'ation.also brought updor .. di.sC:UJ;s�p. A •.:�:n C:� :��U�!= .::.:::::: bt;:; _:Wattenon f:J- So�th��dthe friars were notiable to make .a � _ R09� so8' �1�·· TAILOU ." Idecision' yesterday regarding the. mat- Tc1�ne �tral 61gB. \. �53 La.Salle s� 1ter .. Abbot Sha.w appointed Kennedy, - -Paltzer. and Kenner a committee toin last make investigation and report to the �club next .week. - IFormer1,·.1'he Unlve.sltJ of Chicago Weekly.1'0Imde4Th. Weekil, OcL 1. 1892-The Da1ll. Oc:L 1, 1902.PRESTON F. GASS, Managing Edltor.MELVIN J. ADAMS, New. Editor.ABE LEO FRIDSTEIN, Athletic Editor.OSWALD F. NELSON, BuaIDe&8 Ka.Ilqer.llba Mamie LlllJA. C. WhitfieldAt a meeting of the BlackfriarsJerome N. FraDkRoberta B. OweD A t Conclave Yesterday Discuss Plansand Anncunce Competitionfor Next Show.Hargrave Loo.gW. A. Wea .... er A. N. PfefferART IIDITOIt held recently, a smoker for saturday,the rath of December was decidedROJ BaldrldpCompetition for the next, .show is Inow open and the Abbot has been Iempowered. to name the committee lof judges.; .,. : IaKPOlL'1'&B8B. R. Baukhage M.1aa ErnsUne ETuaHorr" H. BrlgpIII1ltorJa1 OtI1ce-Beran a p. 111... DBa BaD.uatYtalo. or.!. Jbde Puk 424. After 8 P.... IIaroc. PI-. �T� II. GWa 8tnA. 'l'IL H74e live manner of running did not come�._1.r!iI in for similar condemriation is notN ... contrlbuticDII IDQ be left at BllIa clear, for many times during last Sat­aaU or I'acultJ JDxc:b.aqe. adclreaec1 to the urday's game a. Cornell. man would� IIarooa. tackle him after the most approvedscientific Eastern metbod.onb- to findthat he had -in his arms -nothing· but.The change of date for the Junior the empty air, with Steffen repeatingdeclamation contest to the immediate the performance ten 'yafds nearer thefuture. makes timely the Cornell �oal_Reform suggestion- that the COMMUNICATIONin Judging method for judging Editor Daily Maroon:A communication appearedWednesday's Maroon, written by "ALoyal Student," in which the writermade : several criticisms in regard toour rooting at the football games.The remark was made that we hadmade a great improvement in ouryelling at the Minnesota game, but,at that, it was not what a large insti­tution like this stould do. The ideaDeclamations those contests be chang-ed at once. Accordingto the present plan, the members ofthe Junior College Faculty act asjudges. In practice, this means thatany part of a hundred or more in­structors who may happen to be pres­ent �t the finals act as judges.M ember of the American NationalI·It's·a..FOWNES. Last spring an instructor happened that we are a large institution (forto drop in to hear the finals of a dec- rooting purposes) is a false one andtamation contest, because he was par- which brings much unjust criticismticularly interested in the fortunes of tlpOn us. In round numbers, I b�­one of the contestants. When the lieve, we have about eight hundredmen enrolled as undcrgraduates. Thi�time came for the judges to cast a That's all you need to bowabout aGLOVEis the number of men upon whom wedeci:;ion, he did not vote, partly, be- � have to rely for our· college sJ,?iritcause he feared his vote might be Although some of our graduate stu­considered prejudiced. One of the dents are very loyal Chicago men,flevertheless the maiority of them M R. G. S. D. SHULTZspeakers was declared successful byhave co�e to us from other colleg\: reacher of Dancing and Leader ofa �argin of one vote, but it was dis- Cotilli· which institutions they are natur-covered a few days afterw:trd, that ally loyal. Th't tl tus I appears 1a ,lSan instructor had been present with- for numerical strength of our cheer .\ssociation of Masters of. Dancing,out voting, and he was called upon ing body we are a "ery small college Unitcd Professional Teachers offor a ballot. This addit.ional vote indeed. Dancing of America, also Associatebrought the man who had been de- I feel personally that our under- �Iember of the United Kingdom AI ..elared second to an equality with the graduate body is very loyal and have lia'1C'e Teachers of Dancing of Gt-catfirst, and the prize was divided be- proved themselves to be as entllll- 13ritain.tween the two. thusiastic a group of students :lS eyer Private Lessons by AppoinbncntSo much for history. It amply attended a college. I do not thin� Guarantee Course $s-oo. Five privateillustrates the need for a change. A that this is putting the point too !essons with music. A guarantee todefinite number of judg�s should be strongly, for a large number of Cor- make pupil proficient in the waltz andappointed by the public speaking de- nell men, and Minnesota men, anti and two-step. Barn dance taught inpartment, and should come to the our own alumni, have told me that one lesson.contest, ieeling definitely responsible they have never heard better chccr- Office and Studio, 301 West 63d St.for selccting the best speakers. The ing or wilder enthusiasm than the Cor. \Vcntworth A'·e.matter comes within the jurisdiction Chicago bleachers have put up at the Phone Garfield 361of the Junior College Council. It last two games. I am in a position Informal Dancing Reception atshould act at once and have a better where I can hear the yelling and I THE FORUM. 43d St. 4 Calumet A."system of judging in operation in the want to cOflRl'atulat the students moc:t Every Saturday Evalinecamine contest. heartily (or the way in' which the) AdDu_oD SO Centa • PenoIa . Impressions YOD lake on·1be £ulpusArc IMPRESSIONS that wiD cliDc to you, eye naftCt' you haYe paduated.To create the BEST IMPRESSIONS 70U must I\Year CLOTHES of :CHARACTER-dothcs t hat tsho� YOUR OWN i ndividuality-<Iothcs that are Imade for YOUR' OWN ficure-dothea that theCRAFTSMAN baa apeDt a life-time to I ear n to Imake. Your REPUTATION ... CORRECT and"CLASSY" dresacr • aUured, if we make 1 0 u r�th� IOur prices for suits or overcoats range from $35up.Come in nut time you're down town .. and letus give 70U one of our college poster.-incident­ally we'll eet better acquainted.C&.rver & WDkieTAILORS JlSI.DaIbo ... Sf.lad FloorIllinois CoUege of Commerce.1 .FormerlyATHENAEUM18 to 26 VAN BUREN STREETYoung people qualificci in our Shorthand and' Business depart-I menta in the ahortcst �ssible time for positions· that pa7 at oncefrom· $35 to $60 a month. Individual mtsruction. DAY aDd NIGHTsessions. Enter any time. Call, write or phone Harrison 11I0 forcatalogue. Positions fot graduates. 37 yean of uninterrupted suecess. BAIlJUEL B; WILLEY.. LL. B., Superintendent..... ;:,' j 'belleve 'in 'opulal' Prices. My$25.00 Business SuWs are positively$35.00 value� You can save just $10.00.Thafs worth while.· let me make one:Ior yeu and prove if.' �Wendel'I• lIajestic TbeatR Bt4&.I 75 IIOnroe Street'2 "3 Atues. 1 Hats '4 '5B •. ' L. AMES HAT CO.BO DST ""'SON STIfEEl'Tribune Building-2Ci Door East of COrtLaraeat E1Ec1asift Hat Store in Cbic:a&OSmart IIbapee of 1IIIqIIeStioaable tatead aatboriV &am wbida the 8Clec-". tioD of·.· Mcominl' hat ID&7 be made. t}1"IIe ....... qaaIitJ is paraateed bytbirty-fift yeaW Gperieace in·-lliDc&De..... .GLOVES· :-:55th AND ELLISMIDNIGHT LUNCHHall "Feeds" Supplied Up to 1 A.. M.UNDER NEW IIANAGUlBNTBRAIDEN, ex-'IO, U. 01 C.88th AND ELLIS GOOIIN plREASl'p 0WmClark CII(C41Equaliin wea<iudionshop.goodv� .. "CK�ICOI�NearPOPPOPLuncheo:EveningSunday]GuntleH(and fineOUt Am •boxes S140C andpleasedvertiserr.AN,SHOJ121.J'�ntbut 4THETHE DAILY .MAltOON, TUESDAY, NOVE14aER 17, 1 goB.'._::-'- .... TJIB..r- DAILY·, ,.� FRESHMEN. ELECT, JAMES_ '....._ "; �: ':' -,E •. DYMOND PRRWENTMANY, DESIRABLE:- '\ ·PC:;�o. 'meets' ,toDlgh�. iil' Cobb 9Cat 7=45.WisconSm Students will meet to­, day at' 7 p. m. in Cobb SB.Daniel Lecture: "The German Em-pire, Austria, and Prussia During theAge of Mercantilism. Today, inCobb lecture room. 12 to I. p .. m,Political Science Club, today at 40' clock, in Cobb 4C. Mr. Samuel N.Harper will speak on "The PoliticalSituation in Russia."Junior College Meetinp this morn­.ng at 10:30, in the regular rooms.Botanical Club meets this afternoonII1II-1I:eTIreIIII, I::'1 The Freshman class chose JamesE. Dymond, president yesterday, in aspecial re-election, made necessaryby the, ineligibility of Tom Hamm inthe regular elections of last Thursdayand Friday. The contest yesterday --------------­was ordered by the Junior CollegeCouncil, and was under the supervis­ion of a special election committeeappointed by the council.�t 4:30 in room 13. Botany building. The vote for the candidates yester­Or. Shelford will speak. day was extremely light.only a fourthGermanic Club meets 'tonight with of the I91� class casting their ballots.Professor Cutting. 5423 Greenwood Of the 81 voters. 29 elected Dymond,avenue, ar 8 o'clock. Papers by. Dr. �I favored Frank Soule. � desired'-;Quid and Mr. Phillipson. Kenneth Lindsay. Jennison receivedChurch History Club meets at 8 5 votes, Greene 4 and Etheridge 2.i'clcck this evening in l·he library of The completed list of officers ofHitchcock hall. Mr. Lester B. Jones the entering class is: James E. Dy­vill speak. Members of the Univer- mond, president; Ralph Rosenthal,. ;ity cordially invited, vice-president ; Miss Lina Gould, sec-Chapel· Assemblies, the' Senior col- : etary ; and Benton Moyer; treasurer.'eges, at 10:30 this morning in Man­del hall ..Donald R�b.ertson Players will pre- Last Y car's Juniors Asked to Lift.ent Voltaire's "The Prodical," in Liability of $14· for MusicMandel hall, Thursday, 8 P .. .m, and "Feed,"Devotional Half Hour. conducted:>y members of the Divinity School. The bailiff of the Municipal Court THE umON :d.OTBLThursday at 10:30, in, HaskelI assem- of the city of Chicago called on AND USTAURAltTbty room. Renslow Sherer yesterday and sum-Final, Trial for the Ulniversity de- monsed him into court on a suitbate; Thursd�y evening, 7:30, in the started by Lawrence for six dollarsnorth room. Law building. for music ordered by him as chair­Y�,' W�. C. L. ir;'. Lexington hall. man of the social committee of theWednesday. a� 10:,3i). i -Junior class last year. The Com-Romance Club '�eets Wednesday at mons also has a bill of' eight dollarsi:4�' p:: in .• ;;in: Cobb '10s� 'Mr. R E.: that they hope to collect in the sameHouse and -Mr, H. David will speak.' way. as Sherer in both cases gave the.. y.,:M_ ·'C.-�A.;.meets·, W�dn�ay,'at order. The class is bankrupt and the7-=45 p�:m .• �ill'.. 'Haski!l.liassemb4r.:rOQ� account .has to be settled before hi- Try a classifi'ed ad in the t)ai17.Address by Assistant Professor Wit- day when the case comes to trial. SII1i:t1l ads bring larfie returnl .. , .l�i:?'is the BihIe:W01'th'wVhlle?" . I Treasurer thinks the joke is on � ';1.�����������ili��14����� ... 4�����._4�����._.4���day, 4:30 p. m., in Cobb haUJ. Paperi make him also a party in the suit·l can Tell � Fraternity Man·: lby Mr. Dresden. '. Efforts are now being made to raise I B His CI th. chap=! Assembly of the ''Junior the motley by subscription, Box 356 '7 . .0 esc�lieges (women); Thursday, 10:30 a. has been secured to receive the re- WHY?m.. in Mandel hall. mittances and everybody in lastSOuthern Club will meet Friday in year's Junior class is asked to con-GOO1>6 REDUCED,IN PRICE.REASON: To Clearl'p Our Stock Early.Wm. Jerrems' SonsClark and Adams StreetsANNOUNCnmBTSlCO,!����,:,ff:Near .LCldIlgton Avenue,'• .• I-.-';" -. :;. . ,'. - j' '.POPULAR ,PLAC.·. il-:{"� A':T' "� ,.• .�. h, :.POPULAR PBlC:BSLuncheon 20C upEvening Dinner ;.. -' � - . 2SCSunday Dinner - - - - 35c \LeE A LA CARTE. ALSOCHOCOLATESand fine bonbons famous througb"OUt America, put up in, beautifulboxes sui.table for presents at 25C40C and fioc per pound. "AGuntimer's Conf�onery212 State Street.---------------------------THE ROMA,and '$6.00 for yourShces. when· I sellthe same Styles andLeathers at onl,. ITALIAN '1'ABLE D'HOTE5OC-75C--$I.ooINCLUDING WINEand Also a Ia Carte ServiceOpenDaJ1�andSundaysfromII A. M.tog P. II.,2.50.Dont take my word. for it,but rome and look at : them.THE STATES SHOE SHOPSecond Floor, 199 Sta� streetOver Peacock's Jewelry Store.Open Saturday' Eveiunp Till 8 SPAGIIB'l'TISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITALY146-STATB STREET-14'SECOND .LOO. TIle forum Cigu "1A CLEAR HAVANA CIGARSOLD DIRECT TO.YOU IFRAT MIX nS' BY THE MANUFACTURERTU� WITHOUT THE DEALER'SA f,oJIge Md'. PltOFIT.TOBACCO M. BERGER465 E. 63rd Street1 Z-3 oz. 15 eeats I _T_el_. M_i_dw_aY_39_2. __ ____,Knight � Vroman \Few 1912 Clua VotfIH Tum Outto Reaflirm Choice Made LastWeek.BAILIFF AFTER SHERERFOR 1909 CLASS DEBTStribute 25 cents at once.stone, about three feet long, half aswide and four or five inches thick.which Professor James H. Breastedof the Egyptology and Oriental His­tory Department ·found during hisrecent Egyptian expedition.The tablet, which is in a numberof fragments. is divided into twoparts. On the upper part is a pictureof the Viceroy making a sacrifice tothe ram-headed god, and below thisis inscribed the prayer itself. Tracesof .the original color are still to betatives to scientific congresses andseldom picks :l Western man.The place to get' a good lunch atnoon is the Hotel Maroon. Theynow have a new cook and are servingreasonable priced meals of the bestqality. Acty. Phone Central 10S4Foreign and DomesticWALL P�BR8AND DRAPERIES1 � 4 - I 46 W a b a a b Ave.Chic:&&o.6:1 Wabaah AvenueComer Randolph.WHERE TO DINB111-117 Randolph Su.tTHE POPULAR PLAC.TO EATEither before or after theTheater.w. JDPke a Specialt7 0.1 �Iaband Fratemit7 �� 370 E. 55th Stut ;.TO FALL SBASONHAS OPENEDThe new autumn and winter fab­rics show many striped effects. butI the colorings are not pronounced ...IDe fabrics have a rough twilledsurface-woven closely enough togive service.Olives and the various shades ofbrown are in strong favor. 'Grey stripes and the greys shading'into. the stone and slate colorings aredecidedly correct.In overcoat fabrics the rough bas­ket weaves and herringbone slripeaare considered very smart.SWta for College we.:ll", $30 to 135Overcoats $35 to 140We make riding breeches.TAI-LGR FOR YOUNG·�A. N� JerrClD8, -Mil'; ,.�Two stores: 131 La'Salle St., ...."'Ja��44__ ' '" :" .. ,.. 'JBecauseLin� Brothen Makes Them.LINDSAY BROTHERS49 AND 51 JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO, ILLThe Making of a Player is LikeMaking Good Garments .The Chicago FootbaJl T� MatchesweD with Bows' Custom Tailored ClothesHERE'S THE LINEUP:EXPERT COACH-Bows' skilled and scientific desicner.TRAINING-Bows' wide experience.STRENGTH-Bows' sturdy construction.MUSCLE-Bows· e1ascticity and give permits Full Play to muscles.MENTAL AGILITY-Bows' adaptability to individual requirement ••GOOD BALANCE-Bows· perfectly balanced cutting.College Suits and O'Coats '35.00 UpTHE BOWS COMPANYCHICAGOIMPORTING TAILORSD 0.·'1Lexington hall at 8:15-Intercollegiate Socialist Societymeets Friday at 2 p. m., in Cobb 3C. EGYPTIAN TABLET ADDEDfor the purpose of permanent organi � TO HASKELL MUSEUMzation.Inwstigators· Club, Thursday. a� Professor Bl�ed, Who Excavated10:30, in Cobb 3e.. Relic, APPODted GovernmentA Special Train to Wisconsin game Representative to Congressleaving 63rd street (I. C.) station atpleased customer is the best ad- 7:45 a. m .• Saturday, November 21, The latest addition to the Egyptianwill be arranged, jf 125 students sign museum arrived yesterday. It is inup at Information office or Reynolds the form of a tablet of Nubian sand,Club as willinir to go then. .Cap and Gown Editon can be con­sulted with any afternoon in Ellis. 3tAN 'E X I' L US I'VE from J to 4 o'clock. Communica-'." lions may be left at Faculty Ex-SHOP for. VlOMfN.c_ha_nge :z80._seen.Professor Breasted has been ap­pointed by the Department of Stateas delegate on the part of the UnitedStates eo the second InternationalArchological Congress to be held atCairo, Egypt, in April of next year, .The government sends few represcn- 605-6 MASONIC TEMPLEPAY FULL PRICEI now have on �,and aelling at haH price:Parker Lucky Curve, John Holland, Paul E. Wirt, Waterman Ideal,A. A. Waterman'., Conklin Self-fillers, Crocker, Blair. Simplofiller,Autofiller and aD die other well-known brands ofF 0 U· NT A I. l' B • a Repairing while yeu wait.DAVID 'I'D pDJlAlt. I� Clark St., Chicap. 1I.� 1ItII Itt1; rI jI �d\ i: ,-. .. . .... �.exactly 2,200, which is 20 per cent, in Wisconsin.of the total number of students mat- The student tickets will be on salericulated in the University. In the every day this week at Bartlett gym­department there. are 231 instructors, nasium from 10 to 12 and from 2 togiving 421 courses. Four new courses t. Norman Barker said last nighthave been arranged for since the last that he expects a large delegation ofcirculars were printed. These arc Chicago students to attend the Wis­all of a practical nature, two being cousin game, judging from the greatintended for teachers and school enthusiasm over the fact that this'principles. These deal with the �ame is for the championship of theproblems of school supervision and \\' est.class management. SuperintendentChancellor, who is in charge of the DIAMOND ANNIVERSARYcourses, reports 150 teachers already 'OF PSI UPSILONenrolled.The other two courses are put out Fraternity to Celebrate Seventy-fifthfor those interested in accounting. Anniversary in New York No-One presents the subject of general vember 24-Taft a Guest.bookkeeping. and the other an ad-vanced study of the work for those The seventy-fifth anniversary of thein charge of special sets of books. Psi Upsilon fraternity is to be cele­Mr. Arnett, U,niversity auditor, has bratcd on November 24 in New Yorkcharge of these courses. with a huge banquet. Plans haveMr. Hervey Mallory, secretary of been in preparation for this eventthe Correspondence School, in speak- throughout the summer and as a re­ing of "'he growth of the school, said: suit practically the entire second"The department is getting t,iggcr floor of the Waldorf-Astoria hotelevery day,and we find ourselves com- has been engaged for the banquet,pelled continually to add new in- which is to be participated in bystructors and more courses to ac- from seven hundred to one thousand'Mother's .doughnuts and mother's commodate the demand. We have enthusiastic Psi U. men-cuudergrad­j)ies are' Maroon Hotel specialties: just closed the most successful year nates and alumni. President-ElectT' th' Ad . in our history, and the prospects for Taft, who has been an activ� Psi! U. .• ry em once.- v,.___ the coming year are even brighter ever since his college days at Yale,'rtPEWRITING work wanted, by han ever before." has been invited tb attend. Other� j.{iss Myrtle Goodfellow, SSOC) USEFULNESS AND POWER .listinguished Psi U's who Will prob-1 Greenwood avenue..TO ENJOY, COLLEGE AIM ably be present are Ex-Senator Johl')C. Spooner, Senator Chauncey M,Dean Lovett i�ress to Junior Depew, Mayor J. Benjamin DiminickMen Discusses Purposes of Ju- .if Scranton, Herbert 1.. Bridgeman,nior College Courses. George S. Coleman, John. KendrickBangs, Ira A. Place, Justice Charles? Macl..ean and Charles H. Shaw.President Elliott's ideals of a col-William H. Kingsley will be t035t-• �����!'f' ��:�being organized by Miss A� RoC­era. .• Mandolins, Guitars: Banjos,and Zithers. Those who wishmembership call between 10 and I2a. m. and 2 to 8 :30 p. m. 480 E..6ist Street.CLASSIFIEDADVERTISDiENTBin theD A I L YMAROONBRING RESULTSFOR SALEFOR RENTWANTEDLOSTFOUNDlines per issue.t '•cLAsSIFIED ADVERTISINGPRENCH CLASSES; also privatelessons. Translating a specialty.Every Tuesday, 2 P, m, 276 EastS7th St., Rosalie HallFOR RENT--Splendid H�use for aFraternity at $8S. Phone Goodrich,Oakland 170i; Robert F. Schenck� C��, 4301 Drexel Blvd.TYPEWRITING and Copying, �orkwanted, at 433 E. 55th St., 1St flat.Reasonable terms::. Things to Eat-3M E.' 55th 'Street,V . '.�here the Students get the bestfunch and other Good Things atmoderate prices. Everything Home-�. .�ade.. Give us a call... ,--------WANTED-Lady wants houskeep-Prices one-third to one-half cheap­�r than others. Try the Fox - thej.erfect machine. Time payment,ttade, or cash. \ViII demonstrate intour room or office. Drop a card toGeo. Starring, 140 S, D. Hall.____ ,------------------------� The Hotcl Maroon, at ,S8th andDrexel, has just received a new cook,"' woman, and they are now puttingtip the best meals possible for .thePrices charged, You should try themif a good meal appeals to you. Adv.'RECORD SE1IN, MAIL STUDY RESERVELj�� .BEA.Ta ,F_OR· .SlQ>PORTERS'OF, CHICAGO· ��_ o!_. ����en� Departll-meni Shows 2�OO Students Enro -eel for the Work-Authorities AddFour New Practical Courses. Tickets on Sale Toda�. Expectecl." to, ;Go with a Rush-Interest AJoua­ed is Great.The Correspondence School of theUniversity, is expanding with phc­nominal strides. Its growth as a de­partment is without precedent in theannals of Chicago's history. The reoI port of the Correspondence StudyDepartment for 1907-1908 shows anincrease of 18 per cent in the numberof students enrolled over that of lastyear, which was a banner year itself.The total enrollment at present is Twelve hundred seatsreserved for Chicago supporters at'the Wisconsin 2ame Saturday. Of'these, five hundred will be' set asidefor students until. Thursday. Thestudent tickets for this game given out at Bartlett only on pre­sentation of the receipt for the-quar­tcr 's intuition. The new ruling is onaccount of the fact that it, will be im­possible to have the students sign up Correct- .ClothtVFOR ,COLlEGE 'MENWe appeal to �ur_ �tewcen�e to wear Made-to-MeasureClothes. You � 'find � � and cheaper in every �1.We make SUITS anet OYERCOATs at$201 upThe moat complete auortm.R of .woolena to Mlect &om, in­dudiDC Dew colon del· latat �ttema. Materials, style andworlnDanabip cuaranteect. The eoDece Uan'� iDci!vidualit7 indrria is, recognized all over, the �r1cl Acid this individuality toour expertn� and the iault � be distinctive clothes.BELL TAILORING CO.E. R. Bradley. Pres.E. Madison St., s. W. �or. Clark S� ... Chicago. .r- M. ·f� fitzg�ra'd l! CO.MADRS ,OF: GBNTi:.BDN'�· GAUUnS360 East StreetI• U � want to see IOmetbin; real...... � in �� �ewest.shades 'and weaves for· a suit �f .��,�aJ?-"�v�� or a.pair of troU8elS. for Fall and Winter ... e .: have them to�ow against any house in the city. oUr prices are withinthe: reac:la of aD. Vol. VSTAGG COFI, Will TakeTeam-oia Manof EfficiBy:The Var�'(.'s.;,:nlay �CtJlbill gathe men cing themrcgul:lr scrthat the tcrlent of viTh\! "01rough spo'drfclIsc ·,11have as 11\the ltadgc.Stcricn iskicking. atup his fOIkicking ofartist.C;The \Vi.they havchave prccbacking tl-" ... u')rili;..: 1. : claim tim• "�'than any �of particu\; ger suppr: (eats adnwere dueof Eckersrevenge 0ClUesIn theChicagohas l:le aIege, man's life. honor, happiness andusefulness, and their relations to theJunior College curriculum, was thesubject of a talk by Dean Lovett be­fore Junior men's chapel yesterday, master.FACULTY ADDRESSES, in'g room; 55th and Greenwood;3 .�,te��; phone; give particulars and� price, at once. Address R. E. S,' 474:� East 55th Street.'--------.------------- "The aim in drawing up the courses?,YPEWRITERS-"VISIBLE" AND of the Junior colleges," said Dean"OLD STYLE" Lovett, "has been to include onlythose courses which tend to takeIhe student's life more useful. Andthat man who does not get enjoymentc-f his college course is practicallyrobbeJ of his brtgihri �oea ruoibcurobb,-J of his birthright. Any college ISSUENew University' Bol,klet More Com­prehensive "than Formerly.The new University address booksior 1908'9, were issued yesterday, and,,,ill be followed Thursday by thecomp:de roll of the students and in­structors from Dean Vincent's office.I nduded in the list are the names,)f the trustees of the University and�f the Divinity school, officers of ad­curriculum is a failure which docsnot make a man more capable of en­joyment."The statistical hl:mks of the Com­mittee on Immigration, which ismaking a s .cialistic study of thequestion, were distributed and filled.)ut at the chapel service. ministration and instruction, mem­bers of their fa�ilies,donors of bu.ild­ings, otncers of the Students' FundSociety, officers of the UniversitySettlement League, and residents ofthe University Settlement. One fea­lure (If the book is the placing ofnames .of new additions in small capi-Hotel tals.A WOIDan's Cooking MARKINGNEW SYSTEMI noint� are ten below the standard"I (two honor points p('r major takcn)is dismissed at the end of his third(Ir �ny suhsequent quarter, unless hehas already received credit for 27majors. I f he falls short in honorpoints after gaining 27 majors credit,I he . is required. in order to gTadaate.!o take a major of extra work beyondI: he normal 36, "'ith a grade as high,:lS C, for every shortage of 5 honorslTH ST. AND DRB.ltKL A VB. l�oints or fraction thereof, below ,/2-·--------------------------------------1ALWAYS APPEALS TO A STUDENTTHAT IS WHY WE HAYIE ENGAGED ONEWE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SERVE THE BEST MEALSPOSSIBLE FOR THE MONEYLUNCH ROOM OPEN AT ALL HOURSMaroon ;"�� ����.�� FRATERNn;ms '��( .AJQ),:SO:R9��S : ", __ .... ' '.. _. _..: I ,make· .. .apec:ialti·· of m deiiia .usoroiit7.:. ����;��:� and Fobs., �..;, "i"� ��. � �f, c:bEc." *ld·· 'iampJe }riDs -: furniIIlM. to�at9pO�ble �.'..' , ': .o�.I, alSo' do all 'kind. of Watch and J� Repairinc, Diain0n4 _ �and Manufa�',at'the � possible pric� I'am the maker -!Ideagn� of 'th� 1907-1� D�� 1Iafotiil Poi*.�------��----�-----------------,IDOH'T.. RUN DOWN.TOWN LOOItiNO FOR LADIBa, TAILORSAND BE DISAPPOINTED 1M PIT 'AND WORKJIAJISHIP.BuT CALL AT • _ •••D. Weinst:eto:LADIBS' ':rAILOt seven antgames thin 1<)05.little footand Chic:record 0game, exgame ofhistoric �this Jt'ar-one lh:pcctationporter ofthe logic,urday.TIJt.: \'cOllfid�ntyt'ar is 11Chicago10\\' thech;<01piolber. SatPhOne H:;de ,Park I".MRS. SMAR--sAl-ATKAM-USIC·AL COL LEGEEstablished 18� b7 the �ld-­leDGWDed a. 'BaJ&_POSTAL CARD muNOs �CATALOoUEWRITE'TODAYDR. eH R. . F. BAl.A T'K'� Directo!.. . DiplQmas Recogniz�d All Over fh� '''or'4Special Rates to Students of U-of C.Address AU CommumcatioDS toBALATKA MUSICAL COLLEGEHandeD Hall, 40 jgst Rand0lpb' S� ReceptioCerelPr(lic�Small ""'cdclillgFI(\r(,llti:\cI�)lphGerman,Richmolthe c«Fr('undMfNTlON The DAUYMARDOI�lJe.n Trading With "Our" ·Ailverlisers