.\.'.". �'j�' _.�..• 1:.:> .;�.: . o.. ..\ ... ,: '"1 t .. \....;,.. ... '-.. - .. �- -�- .. ..-�-- ,. _ -" � ...�;.- " ., .. I"'C-; �:.:_ :.. •• ,- 7: _., ....,......... .....,,', - � :.z: .: �." ".• 00' 0 .! ; ; CHiD\GO/SATU-itDA Y. HOv.EliBEa' .... 19ot ." �:::. ... " -. ,... ..' . . ' . I [ . .' : .,'.) . ! W," -f ?b-"?� rq .. ' n 5-,::"5"/ "3' ! 7,,",; ·k· : 1ft ( I·�rrl �""r·�,·;;;'; .. t'h,: He! r·W .... ·?"'t4 _ .... J •.., .S�IKFOD 01rNAOVA.. ER)ERI,Y:£$5)OJ..••NBR,Oq!.1!1' 0 StodRElJ(';THE DAILY MAROoK;'{ SA7UBD.t\Y. 'MOVEMB� 14. .1908---.� Our prices' for .. ta 01' �ta nnCe from '35up. 'Come 'in aezt time �u're doWD toWll, aucJ let. " us Pft':YOU ODe of 0lIl'. co11ep, poater __ iDdd�t.all,. we1l Cd better acqaainte4.· , ... , )• • I �, � � .. .�-, -1151 ...... S' •.. �,..."l"IlE8TON 1'. GAS� IIaDactDc ScUtor. lIIinois CoUqe of CoIDID�. ' Formu17ATHENAEUMKl8s lIaale Ll1l:r Je�e N.'1'radA... C. WIllUlel4 �.B. Ow_J. 8:rdne7 8alkQ' Haqt&ft Loe8W. A... WeaTer ,A...N.Pfetrer,�JD��'"Bo:r ,Bal�.'� '.,.".�·'PlQca· -ro---� ..AIfD "SORORITIJaI .1 make • .,..., of aD ...... oI8uI._, ad, '. ,Pratellit7' 'PID8, RiDP 1ID4" ",DeIips I8IImltte4 -fne of cbarp..... ....... ... fa.J• �.�le"""'" .-:. . 1 aI80 do aD IdDda of Watch ... J� ...... iD17 Di.moDIspecial -Sunday, 'lIIaufac:tarbc at the cbeapeIt poeiiIbJe prices. I' am * ....Maroon. -," of tile 1107-1" � • __ • If ...Wtih no theater engagement to £01-.low, the plaYftS and students of Cor-'nell and Chicago will leave "Soap after,I he game for the States, Restaurantfor dinner. Director Stagg and themen on both teams have ben invitedby the management of tbe States, and,many of the students are planning:t.Q Turke,. dinners at the Maroon 011go there also. Ben �e1f1l'3n :is,,,; iD: Sanda,..charge of plate, 'resuvatia.s -.f·to . .....L Dail 1l. • aper'. -' ,• ne ,. .. arroD IS your p, 'noon today at 6o.to Elhs a�. � ,� L.I!..L-I for' . C!L.-.",,oar news, ,pauuanlll:U you. , �The place to eat oa'Sunday llipt .;o,;,r � .,. suhlcribint, Doia alae Hotel Kuoc.. it .... -.. _ UlmER NBW-IIANAGBIIBMT.. BRAIDEN, ex-"o, U. 01 C........ ANDEU.lS.Lots of peoplenefti' wo� about at:T ..... just bay ,FOWNEs,GLOVf$ 55th A.ND ELLISMIDNIGHT LUNCH'Bell �"e6ds" �Sappllecl Up'" I A. M.'. ...4 hit it rtpt. OvelWe mallI.,, EverAdmissM.G(IIIRt_'":.Wo·den�betfasIforTHE DAILY MAROON. SATUR.DAY� NOVEMBEa.I4.·lgOe.5 -.�-. ---�:-�:�-·�B�·-.�··����· �'.' .-'.�. ��: "'.'�'���������������������-= ��,t�� ��.:"'�r�:� �,��;��� ::::::::J!.�"[��_,=; 'SS"''''¥>'�''i:,�:r>�;:::�:C;�ii:��.:". ':·':'-"L i.Th ••• w �ut"";. and ciA .... fill>- PriaCetoD� A.nr.w·�&t '-wtii,�,�:r:-_' ,,' �F"'r!;;.t.,./!taJzf;r.L. ,-": .• ." > ••••••c. show �an7��ecf··eff�ts; tnt" �'P.rep�.])ecJIi_tioJJ. S ... �·� :PriDc��)i(' .. �'�.::::''ijI.�1��:-:��· ��:.,_.�q�� ,_,� ... v ••• �'�./,(r:'-{�·'�·: �":"'," :� ' ... <e colorings are not pronouncecl"::-· .q'�.. • ':�'.". � i.�Iw.:�:" ��"" .: � ..... � ._'.:: .1'JieCJii' ��F.�., •. � ::MatCbeaThe fabrics have:�a"r�u� :t:�lied -- ..; . �" '�.;, ,:' '. ., . ·Wenwi�1I:w.S� T�oNd Clothesfact-woven closety' enoUgh to Miss Alice .Goodnow of Elgin' High ; Footbaii�' e�;iiists ::; '1iiii:" , hav� . co -, , ,.- ···I-�·· . ..; ..... c.; ,_ •• , ' .•• ,.. '. ••ve service, School, and . Bert Lytle of Princeton plenty' to k�; �7ihe.b -: �xcit� 'ibciay. ' .' .HERE� THE LINEUP.:Olives and the various shades of .High School, won the Eleventh An- Aside froiD'tbe Chicq�b)meU same '" ".. .. :'. : .:.::.. .: ; ... ,-.: .Qwn are in strong favor, nual Declamation Contest, held by in. the ,Jest another' inteNeCtional 'E?'P�r �COAC&-Bo .. � � ADd adeDti&c: daiper.Grey stripes and"the greys'shading the University,. last· night in'.�aD�el strUggle :wiil bke place <wh�1l Pe�n- ·:.tRAbiIN�Bo�· : \\j�Gc. :��e�. ..to tht stone and state colorin .. are hall. The¥ were chosen from .the t�n �ylvania and MiChipn will meet af .. .(d;, '''': _:- .: . ,';; .�. "'cidec.lly correct. who survived th� preliminariesof the _�� Arbor. T�e Qwen have a ,1T�N.G'J'H-BoW8· .. ��dl;.:co�ctiOD.In overcoat fabrics tht, rough bas- afternoon.' The. declamations given stronge.r eleven' than ·they. have had ., .US·CLE-Bows'. elascticity � live petmita Full Play to muacles.t weaves and herringbone stripes 'last night were of a high order:, for years bait. Michipn' iJ deter- .• TAt: AGILITY�BO"� actaptabilit7 to individual requirements.e considered- very smart. M uch enthusiasm was. shown in mined to reverse the result . of . last . .'., .''. .. ,Suits for CoUege·wear .. S3o to $3$' the contest. and .the an�o�cement of ye�r, and a great �ontest; is expected. ;GOOD�.8ALANC�BC?�· perfCFt1y bal.n� �.Overcoats $35 to ,",0' .' ,.' �iss Goodrow's victoey brougbt The Pennsylvania team has been . CollAC'Ce Suits an.l'O'Co.ta sss 00 UpWe make riding breeches. many cheers from the 'shldents of Ei� re�ting at Detr<.ii � since "Wednesday, .' '. - . ,,-6. 7 " ..• , ":.� �. �.gin High who were present. and i� i�' good. - shape, • HUrry-Up THE BOWS CO MPANYThe contest rwas a. &re�t ,�uccess. \- ost has been � putting I ••Lis men . '._.. : \" .' .... , • _; .. .�. - .... -.._ ... -.. \11 the' speeches were of a superior through some stiff pacti the last I)IPORTINCf TAILORS, " .- . : ". '. CHICAtJO· 0\order and an unusually large number two weeks" and the Maize· and Blue " -. ...' , '.; .... -: ..,. ,,' '." '.-: t:»wert: entered. men are said: to have an ��tra�di':' 695-6 .MASO�IC�:TEMPLED�' Conference in Afternoon nary repertoire of' plays.111C afternoon session was taken up Yale to Meet �D��roRroUNG�� w��ro�re� hl �m � T���p����rt�«� l----�--���'�·�---·�'-'·�'--·-·'-·--------�A. N. Jerrems, Mer· principals. A report of the commit- .e fougbt in, the East, where Yale, I - ., •13:' ):.!::�::n tee, appointed lcist year to look into and Princeton meet in. their annual I:: ,'2 "3 . 'Ames: : .. Hat's '4 '5-. ,- . ., c . mdustrial -education in public schools contest, From' past . perio�rices. I ' '. . ,. .' .. '. ....• < • ,•was made. The committee stated Yale should win easily, but Princeton' B� ·'·L. AMES HAT CO.. SHU L T Z that the Educational Association is has been working· with characteristic .. 90' EAST' .1I81SON STIiEEF .eaeher of Dancing and Leader,of aiding: ill. the matter. Other eduea- Tiger grit t1!�,�t'��',�¥:1Jlai do: 'I:./�:,;.; Tribu�e . Buiiding-2:d Do�r East.of Cor'Cotillions. tional .opics were also .discussed� Dr. the unexpected. ,', . -,:. - ", �'Larg�t . Ex�1:'Si�� H�t: Stoi:e' in':OU�go· ....MemLer of the American National Stieglitz exp!ained the. qew marking PgrcIae. CpDfi4Cilt., . �ssociation of Masters of Dan<:ing, sYl'�em Qf the University,' Iq. tbe Copfer��; ,tb� '-teall1� will .ni�ed Professional Teacbers .. of Tcday. is the last day of tbe meet- !Ill be idle and will watch the i@meancing of America, also Associate jng:;. It. will open at 10 o'clock.�ith ,In Marsha]I_Fieldji ... �he �D�y ,·.Pulelember of the United Kingdom AI- a. conference in Mandel bali,. when sc:hcduled is at Vcb�lIla between 'l1ti-,ance Teachers ?f Dancing o� ,�reat addr����s, ":,i.1l be made. �Y Presiden_� nais and Purdue_. �;rb�::lli�i '�r� co�-· .ritain. I Judson, Professor Coulter and Supe� fidcnt of winning.�u,se of, the com-Private Lessons by Appointment intendent Kendall of Indianaplois.. parative showin'�:';' the :two .te�ms !Ot.Q�S;.tee Course Ss-oo. Five private ,Ll1ncht:on and an informal' recep- durin� the .seasoa . Pu�"';�; howe�er:ssons with music. A guarantee to tion to \·jsiting teachers will be given bas been steadily i",provinc, 'and �i11 ,,: .;. ,....: . :, .,-,,' '. : ; : . h • • •. . '.> •••.•••••••••.•••••••••••• ,ake pupil proficie�t in the waltz and in Hutchinson. Conferences of. the probilbly make i. fight.. - �. - -', ',; . .nd two-step. Barn:: dance taugbt in diffe.rent departments in· tbe afier- Badpn waf,Watch V�tyne lessoll. ' noon w:ill· end t� :.:,session,;" . \\'isconsin. will' be represented' onBice a .. ld Studio �oi"West ·63d St. . 'I(��;�t' .: ;, . '._�, .��arsbait Field' �tocby: bY'. the '4;ntir�o�. \Ve�t"�o�th-·iv�7:,.�:.: ,:":�:' �-- REPRESENT UNIVERSITY :.: 2:'. �5am. A coU�,���s taken·:�tip ,in'Phone Garfield:3�1 " AT'SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS t�e. student bod,: to. pay tbe'::ex-Informal D.an,.;�g: o-��tioif:�t.-.·;" .-... _;__:. -,' - '.' pense of the' trip, and.. ·th, e team will.HE FORUM, ;;i S�mnet�" PrOfessOrs 'Laughlin �. -Iod.eJ.on be on hand to ��t for Chicago .. Tbe,, Every Saturday Enning to· Leave NoY. 2X for" Confer:" Badgers will al�. take this. opportun-, � , ..Admission SO Cen�. a ·Penon. ence in· South Americ&.. , ity to get a line on the style, of plays 1.' used· by the Maz:� •.. �bo� �eyProfessor James L LaughbJ' head t � th UTest' . h • hi. • . mee. aor e ,_ em c amplons pof the Department o.f Poli��1 �on- next· Saturday •... : ,., - L.��� _ 4-'4 � 4 "� ...omy and Professor Albert. A. Mlch- Otb .- '. -'11 be be• .. er minor .pmes. WI tweenelson, -bead of the Department of N b 'Ir... .d '17_____ U··1n dPh - .' ill I .Or . , e ras� an -�, .at nco.any5ICS, WI eave New leans. I d D-1- I' 'Ci' Th• owa.an .. I'�e. � ,o�a. J1.. eNovembe� 21,: to rept'esent the Unl� b Ir ....... ;' d ·N-I.--., • • b P A - Sc' contest. ctJII:eaI � an !II;'UI'�-verslty, In 1 e an-_ �encaD ,I�n;,. 1-. .";:-. b'.· -I' .�_...... .'fi Co ... _. .:. ld - Sa - .. promlses to:�· IUer y avuaaatti c:.... nRRSs to � ,lie ·In n .'. . .'D' - � f .�.. D . be t' J as the teams are tradibonal .nvals.leKU' rom ec:em r 2S 0 annary . . .5, Tb�y will represent bQth the tim- ROOTERS TO .� HOR ..versity of Chicago and the 'Associa-' BO STJr.FlI1iIItion d American Universities. (Co.tiued froID pap;1) .The congress is called by the ani- members of tbe '190s'V� taii.·andversities �f �outb America and of tile �f Director Stagg. TIleR:' picturesWest I�d�es,1D an effort ,!O secure. tile will be arranged as tile hoars of the�o-�pe?tJOn of tb�. North Ame_ncan ordinary dial 'and Dir«tor _'sJDstltutJons of leamang. The govem- I'k s '11 t..:_. tb :.:� f AL, . _ • I enes WI � an e posauv. 0 UI�ment and many of tbe leading col- fi '.. . . .. - 'I d· ·t··· ill be ' . gure 12,.evs an . nnlVersl les WI repre- Th· 'tat' '11 .;.. babl' k_ .' e presen Ion WI ... O Y ta e�nted by delepte�.. 'place on the ueninc' 0(. October 24-Professor Laughhn WIll read a ... ( ,,' ,- .. '.' •"Gold '. d" 'Prl' ... nd the Tuesday. ,after I� � 111I�fesr on.M� -��-:- .� ... ces�j-. game. The details' u""$& tbe' end,ryO $Or n:ueguD one :pa � . :'.. .... ,.... ..' J�' '. ,h ".'a] . b- t be� :iIie'"'JL...:'=-" p1a� ucl.(�-ot the �ny Jlavep YSIC sa JeC , Oft\\ :�'�� not'", �, cte&Ditel,:'.mnged._'�y�go����'�.��.�·���!��,� •••••• 44�����"���� •••••• �4�cro�s th� istbmus to' the _: Pacific In t� ��Ity wm be lIVen �.nd '1 VI' f om '...,._-_ C'pportumty to contn'bule 25 C4!Dtsan sal to a paralso r �111::"'- , .. ' .ber 3 to December 230 From· tbere w_i" be put in ope�tioq at �.b - I d· tl to' San Di·-.n LIsts .111 be placed In the R8J'ftC)ldst ey LI.ve Ircc y �D�' .• . -•. ."The,. W1ll cross the Andes to! club and the mfo�tlOD oIice .andBuenos Ayres and visit tbe l�rge: quarters wiD be rec:e� ..,,; retord-: BeQ�sauniversity tbere. Thence the,. wiJl cd at both �f \Mse pa.ees. .At tbe. L·..I- B th"sail directly back. arriving in Chica- con� meetmgs �xt week envelopes .D�87 ro en Makes ·Them.··itO �ometime· in February, WIll be distribllted:�m place of the LIMDS··"· BROTHERSattendance slips and an who wish' n &can make tbeir additions to tbe fund' 1 49 AND 51 JACKSON BLVD.at tbat time. �: Third Floor •.'�"���������4H"�"�"�. A S���� ji�n.r trill be 1---."" ,--,---. -'_'-. -----------------•• rw<t at Hotel Manxm tomorroW'iMflTlON ThffUAILY MAROON.If you like good doaghllUts and '1c� • ..., to tile Hotel lIal'OOll.-, II-l, I·::.:. ..•..• �� .. � .. '��;- •. �- �LIt­IleeEITforIDC. Smart shapes' of unqaestionabl� ta.te· '.and' authority from which the. se1ec- .tion'- of' a becoming bat may be made.Tbe superb· qUality is paranteed.by .thirty ·fiVe :years' 'apecience in. aeeJ.iDC··hn� teats.: '. : .;: ,:-r" . . �:-::-: ."'·bEdieve ·.in Po,Julaf.:· Prices.· My.� ':.� .·$2�;OO· :Business ,S�ifS'�_a!if_, jJQsifiv�'y,', '�:!'; .���$3.5;:O�;�I�e-.··.;';� Y.Q'p1 (jIiJ ·sa,e'iusf$l'O�OO'·'·��. _.:'.�� Tltafs worth ·:wbile.!< lefme niake one: ". �: for '0.0 aiJ.d'PrQve ·it.· '.• I. _ �., : ," • • . '!'.::.' -.. '" . -. . . .� (... .�� .Th�trt; �i��::'!;: Welidell 75 MODroe Street� «:; .. �.:)RSlIP. MANY DESIRABLE'�;, w� J��i�::;� ;���'.:\���:� A� street.: .�:' ..:1�": -'.GOODS �UCED ARTHUR�S·'12.00n IN PRICE.:REASON: To Clear .l"p O:lr Stock Early. HATS: .... In Greens. Brownsand BlacksCan Tell: � Fratemit7 'Man, , B' His 'Clothes. "¥.. :WHV?'---- --------- :. CHICAGO, ILL.... AN ADV. IN TBBDAILY MAROON. IS AS OOf;)D AMIHVBSTJIBNT ASYOU CAR IlIAD.RAVE YOUDIVBSTBD'CLVcn. �y • co.•. an. ceuM8 - ... ...- . -- - .. .Wilen Trading With· .,OUl- Advertisers 1\'\III iI. j11.\ I. i1\ t, 1WI'\ \II·I'I,. :--rI.First Na�o� Bank. B�4i,"-� ,Chicaco. IU. ' ' ."',NQt, CODQeCteci with. the_ .Tg� ,Trust.:a OZ----4OC 4 Oz. 75C8 O�-$i:SO I lb.i3!OOA -' Revelation Hi Pipe- Toba�NATIoNAL CIGAB:STOU(In�.),'��\'I".:IPOPULARPOPULAR PRI(mSLuuchcon.Evem.nc ,Dinner.. ,: ... ""'..Sunday Dinner _" ,FRENCH CLASSES;. also private.lessons. Translating a specialty.Every Tuesday, 2 P. m. 776 E3�t57th St., Rosali'e Hall.WlIBU TO DIBBTHB UBI0R BO'RL.AlfD RBS'l'AlJUlft'THE POPULAlt PLAQTO KATEith"r' before or after t_Theata.. '';1''w. mab a 8pec1111t,r-ef·a....... I"I.� __ - Dh?5'" THE: DAILY' MAROON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1908 •, ., �GO iJID:-co"IiU;-' . ", fiB .�.Qf.l� 4Dd, �an� hJk �� �e�nc, Kobert JeunisQJl and. GREIUi RIBBON MieN GIVi·rIDI'YLE TQID.I'� .�, � T9»t bnd.t �d Tay_ -M I�;�c� com- Wi!lwn Etheridle:' ENTERTAnUI&IIT AT"JIftL ...,.., . (CC_v8t-bliL.�t), .. ,pl'_��_li�.Qf·�� ',; 1·b.�·tes.�lu-�r. th!=. O!-her ,o.flic�.o�Great _ it'. Famoaa N.m...lrec : �h :-L�" h .. :.�y':'" :.+ tv::' � .. z TIM ��qf.-:�,ma..� .. Ja,a� ��.� � ", �J·2 �!�� ¥� .��, and .� as YearliDp Amuu at ..... ODIn 7011 have 8IDOked _' the days of th� �t, te� that Wal:- partiallY' c�� ��e� ��)[. !�� "OlClJ�I��s: .�I�h .:�o�: ��� t.�e . pu. aDd Pre8eDi Burlesque'liI Ie" "I"'d- ""Imor '''''.: c.,r �.lCCft-.l-, le<t: "'.• rt.=caao. Man" by trainlftD', his, b�t. men. to "Ice. -presideuey, and MISS Gould. -.as. 11":_1.._11 "D!eId Tic day.Y you 0 DO .. in. laO. ... • . ....,.."'-t;..- , ....- 'l� ,....... . : ". - �MUW &"1com�o�bie . �� - .: � � :'k"'- . �� �l �eDt play other . t�n �heir rep'lar posi- elected secretary. The fight for this --:-'7 pape Coach Larkin's squad are pretty tions on, the eleven, and thus make office was fierce and hotly contested. Todayvrhe thirty-one pledges ofRich, fracrant• with that...... con6clca4 but are Dot saying mucb, possible a s�oJ)dary, cqll1binatiQn of Bentoll Moyer. was chosen treasurer Three : Quarters Club, the Frdid aroma•. o�� po� to �: 1 �ei� IiD� is. m.uc�.' beavi�� tha� Ch�- InCD. wbere sub�titut6 �y be neees- of :.he class. honorary society. will appe�feet bleDClibc of the: �icat "iIi'" . eago's, .and is, doped to go righ� sary.· The: detailed results of the difierent masse at the Cornell g."me inpedieDta. t' (lugll.. Luck .• ilL, be... aD. importQn� class .. electioas, 'held yesterday,' are as querade costumes. Their SopbMild and medium • � J�tpa; i�. t��;�� •.• hich, wjlJ be a CLAD OFJlICBRS', CHOSEN foltcw.a: .directors have arranged a choi�'FiDe and COU'M. cut. �. l, �o�. e�i�iti�n ��. the sP.ort, under ,AT -ANNUAL ELBCTION� SENIOR: CLASS' of new antics for presentation .. - the new rules, and neither team (cOa&iDu� �. pace I) Presidenr.. Wiil�m P. l\IacCracken, the thousands of spectators 0(-Get It at our store, or MDt, . knows. much. �b.opt. tbe, styl,: of the 1J4: vice-president, Frederic. Gaarde, game, \. ,:i�,prepaid to, YO_ � o.tlJer" i,:;'; Edward L. McBride, 41; David This is in observance of the cos, t, Chi' ,Has �_Io.: .. _ ,.�:- en votes. Lester Stern also had no. r:" D ', S K h .llpon receipt of �.' c:aao .-;,yWA' ...... to u-au .," ,. r-, avis, 40. ecretary: at erme originated here of ha'ving the'I.. M' - ba' ". oppositjon, and was chosen treasurer �I ht 88· EI' b th Thi I' •.. e,_ . �K:�n� .' �� e¥�r"YthlDg to. ' . ._ _ aug, , lza e. Ie ens, 35· Quarters "Oub furnisn enteJ1;,aj'. . b • . od B d f unanimously,' In tile contest for '( ' • ..1 d, 5 ott T Dgam y. a vlctory.t ay •.. y e eat-. '" 'I .•. _,'; " �'Jr"re co, 27.· reasurer: ean)f a C(lmJ.c-�iDs\rel,variety ..• � C' -, �. II" Cb' �. prcsl<!ent! the tellers made a, caref�1 ....... -..I �. r.o. ",' �-' La b h" . r. ��:g� •• ,_?rne.�_ _lca�O ca� win the . ' .' , _"'l;'DnIl;UY. uu, �.. m ac, 34· amusement of the ctowd at the. . h' L h lC1_' • ("ount and double�hecke.d the tally H'. I I Sh H d BI kf drecogmtlOD w IC.r t e' rAst IS so re- ' '. usc I aw 32' owar ac or important home game of the � .I 't' ';'t' "t' .. " .' -.. - ', . ,C to insure absolute accuracy., The '5' E R •d 'BI' 7' ,uc a.1 '. 0 -gIVt' -a -western team. or- ,- I, . aymon ISS,. 5eason. It has become a featlat'neIL Oil tbe otner hand. would feel closeness of the' contest led to these JUNIOR. CLASS the student life 'at' Chic'ago and';greatly humiliated by a defeat by a e?ttra p.recautio.ns. President: George Garrett, 48',' Ar to y�.1f h h I mprovcments from year � ..wei.tern-:- colJ�ge, aDd ... h� 'her posi- The feature 0 t e S_op omore e ec- thur \Vilson., :43, Vice-president. :1anded down to, .. . .. .. - tion was th\! neck and. neck race be-tion of feigned superiority to main- Harlan 0.' Page. 9i. Secretary: Car- Freshman class.tain; . From tbe-eastern point ,of view, tweet! N ed, Ear�e. and, Cha�les. L. Sul- lie Suuter, 49; E]izabeth Fogg, 42.C. liYan, in. w�icll Earle. nosed out Sul-a orDell victory ,,:?�.d be_ the nat- Treasurer: Lester Stern. 89.ural-. out�QDle, while, Chicago would, lil'an by lh,e bare plurality of two SOPHOII(ORE CLASS._ b .. - ... ,'. ... ._ . • ':' . . votes. The Sophomores w.ere out in_-------------- �,wi�niAg the pine", have claim to '. " . . .' President: Ned Earle, 62;' Charles, ' . ,, forc.e for the, el, ec�io� and. manifest�much. greater� recognition from her. L_ Sullivan, 60; Clark Ritchie, 29'-C 11 C· f ' keen interest in the results. The per-o e g e a'8 �stern�.c9Ite!1gue..shhan they are wil1� . ,; •. . .... ,. . .. - Vic�-presjdent.: Alfr;'.d H. Straube,1 - .• ' . ,,;' ing"otber�se. tQ .. c�cede. centa�e of th,elr, .r:..egls�ered !O�C p.oll- tig; Reno Reeve, 54; H. R. Baukhage,,"1-- d II h F Bring your friends and dine .:l.t�"E 55·" S.· Look' .at th' •'t' t' f ,e "IS unusua y ea.vy. or vlce- S V' .. F 6..,. .• ,u�,. M I 102-. e, 51 ua ,on rom a.. ' .. : ' . '. 29. ecretary: Irgt,ma reeman, 5 ; Hotel Maroon cafe tomorrow.Ncar �on �y�1:'�:: ' clo�er pomt �f 'view, Chicago's. ad- presl. n�,Alfred �. Straube .won With HazelStillman,30; Mary Pbister,.28; cial dinner:.- vantage, if-it- exists,is 'a 'very sight o�ej a. smjill plu��lit�,,' over- !�en? .' ��eye, Geraldine Brown, IS; Laura Wilder,, ' Team LookS � to �ers' who r�� ��, !1n�!,�ctedl� .�ttong race '4. Treasurer: Aleck Whitfield, go:i Ba' r .. '. .c'd - 't" D·..... t _. St' The vote for, sc. c;retary .. · showed a E 'r S 60. ring·' ac 1 en. s, Ir,.;c or aggl .'. '.' . .... . .' .. turgeon, .il� send,. as good ·"if not a �tt�r: laD�s�l�e. for 14}��. Vlrgtnaa Free- FRESHMAN, cLAss:' Ie� to pit api.i:t .the· Red ��dl ma,:,. ,.,,·�o' poll�d �, t?ia]. Dearly �ou- President: James E: Dymond, 74;White then.' he- eftr prod�ed before�, ble ,th�at o! her �ear�st_ competitor. Tom Hamm. 45; Ken�eth Landsay,j Seeed,'almost bey�rid belj� is.'appar-: A��ck Whl.t�el� als.o.�had a.large plur- 36; Frank Soule; 35; Chester Greene,a(K:_1I1l., �1lt.iILe!c;rY._ID�Ii�_�I!.�tf:l� .r�g!JJar,lin�-: �I_lt,�,forr tf,eas,urer,.:��ls �nIY� opponent 24; R.;bert Jenitison,23; William Eth-:a�_ up. The line is' much lighter than: g�t�I{1� but.. tw:.�th�r4s hiS vote. eridge, 16. Vice-president: Ralph_, <II Ell!.' th'a'-t of"· 'th'- --":' 't"',' -.r b--"t' •. ,. t' -' "f" An t.nfortuna.!e fact of the', Fresh- R hal 06' L' 1 .__ e VISlors. u JUS as e -. : ",", ." oSC:l1t; I ;, eon. Wa ker,' go;Ji.�nt .iIl it� .. auu'k .. ' The back fieldi �a�. elect��n ... is th��� the .co�tes� for ArnoJd B;tar,' So. Secretary: LinaSERVIC� A, LA' CARTE ' ALS� of tbe' :M,r�p�: ':i� .. C9n$idered the: ��esl�ent IS' an dou�t �n, .account of Gould, '100;' Elizal!eth, Hurd, '90; Vir-'. .. -.r .f ' , � _ '. fas' tes-" - .. , .M' . b' II Fi Id' the itieliiPbility of 'Tom Hamm. who ., D' T... ·e¥er .. seen on- ars a Ie,:,' ,," '. '. 'I:',; '. - '. ��ma. ,owmng, 5p. reasurer:. Ben--"" '. '-, a�d '. Captaitrt- Steffen- is . a far beiter' ran. second to Ja"}�s' Dfmond- .' T�e ton Moyer. 86;.. Fred Kixmiller� 75;_______________ ��tcr: .. th.aD.�:th.�·,�lt���hs 'can bOast; Ju�i�r ��I�eg:e C?u�p�; in whom t�c: :r"rank Parker, '65; -Cameron Latter,A YOUMG' LADIES' AND· GBN� of' 'and': all the "f�tbal1 "world' has, e5ponsl,bd�ty for ,W� conduct of the 23.TLEIIAN'S Select Orchestra. ic. be .... · __ ._LI·�GP tb - k of Ch' ,_' I.m'cr· 'cI�ss elc:ctio��.· res is, has made... _l.-,_t"¥ _. el wor. . • Icago:., .. . ,"..- .being organized by Miss Ada Rog- ends. . the follo�l�g _a�th?r.tattve announce- If you' try: the :Uotei Maroon lunch_ M. andolins Guit�rs-. ii �.'" .: �L.-6:""_._" _._'" , A�_._ me1)l. of th,� sil\1ation: '. .. '11 h ._"!:. _. ...., .,. ,�, �Q ...... ._.�9" ........ ._."._,....e .' - - .. ' " , . "L"· oom once, you WI. go' t ere again.and Zitbc���' Tho�e '�ho., �s� :. T� gr��t�st a<h-a�tage ;,rth� Co�- : .. �yo��� '·fo,�. p!�sid�nt' of, the Fresh�membership call between '10 and 12 nell. aggregation is the great numb�r �1�� _cla�s: _Wllt.• �r��cast_ on _Mo�da,y.a. m. and· 2 to 8:30 p. m."- 480 'R; or· subStitutes" aVailable': ''-''Cald�el1 N�\:ember 16, .lD �he ·office ,of thc61st Street. ' wiD· 'stan , tile gamt.. at quadet; and J���?r deaJ1� fr,o� ;? to '12. a. m, andGal'dine�. Wood -'ad Hurley will be 2 :t?� � .. p .. m. ��I�e James Dymol1rlrea.dy to' go. in .,at ·the position.' . The' re�clv, e. d:t�e plu(a�(!r !lfthe total v,oteBARGAINS ALL THE TDlE- h. I' b 4,' h - ,cast; t e vote cast for Tom Hamm 'Reliable Rebuilt Typewriters aU enti�e: IDe �ay' e c anged mice com- •. _;--. '. - : '. ·_'·Of. , .. :: .. ' -' : ', •, .. 1_ I '. h 1%-,' • ' . lVas large enough to cause pOSSiblemakes; rebuilt in our own factory' I'acte y. Wit out' am:ctmg the' appal:';' . ;.. '.' ,�'- -" '.. - /: I�' .�:,, 'h' . changes In the result. Tom Hamm'better and cheaper than others See eD.t ',stren� . of. the team. At end� ' .... �. '.,. .�:.' . ", ,- •H lL� '. d' )"2S declared meluoble to run for thefor yourself. The' 'Typewriter Ex- 'JI' �rt an. McArth�r may be re:-- . ,.' "'� .. ,.., ; I' . d' b D..... . ,fhee of FreshmalJ - pre�ldent at achangc 319 Dearborn St K. J Couse le:ve,. Y', �er, Crosby,· Frankie an4 .,., .. ' ';,.. .. .', .., Hal Pa k '. - . m�etmg of the Jumcr College Coun-Manaser. Telephone Harrison � sey. ve and F�rnngtoll az:,e .' .:....... t: • . .' .'th .. res. ta kl ': d t' . d M. {II yesterday motmng. ;When: hl�,"" erve c es, an a guar t.� - ... ----------------�.. Cullpm .,and Corm3ia ca� go in . Gofi' nom;,oation· w� " first. sub�tted, it:and Kelly aK:e ;.avaiJiabie as 'emergenc� was withheld': (rom. the' o�Cial list of��IED ��I�O;. t d t . I f nQ��nees, by··the dean of the Juniorcen ers.· an " wo comp ete se':S 0 r� ..serve backs ,are, rea'dy to go in for the collelJe:s, besause .the. �andidate��Ithacans. Pope, Mowe and Hutchi�:- na��, could not,� found i� tho ,reg­i�tered list' of Junior .colle.ge. stu­son making the fi..-st trio, and theother: consistiDg,of EbeliDg,.,Rob arld dents. After very. careful investigi", :ion', ,.Iasti�g u.� ntil. yeste�daYJthe, Coun·Hoffman. The Ithacans thereforeFOR RENt'" �Iendid Hou�e for � ha�e no great· ' fear of I�ck-, of �tcri�l cil foun� that;,Hamm, is anunc1assi· .�--.;)1'. fied student, ,and also registered inFraternitY"at·$8·s.; f1ton�·GOoirich· great fear\of lack 'Qf'ma,e'�' .,. - ' '; , ... -'. .. . \_ IIarooas War � the Law scnool" both of which renderOakland 1701; Robert F. Schenck .'� .-., I . ,.' • .• him ;neligible' for offiees' 'in the .Jun�& Co .• 4301 Drexel Blvd. Chi�go. on.,the, otJ,er, hapd._ is not ior. college, according to the foil ow-so .fortu�ate in the. ma�ter. of.material,. , ing . rulin�. of the Junior CollegeTYPEWRITING .and Copyi�g, .work hav�tI� b�t a sc�nty reserve of sub- Council:'wanted, at 433 E. 55th St., !S't flat. �titutes. Schott will surely. be playedReasonable terms . .at fll,1 "pall of the game. although •• Any student not registered in the_________. Worth wine will start at that place. eight Junior colleges' of Arts, Liter-Rogers can be used as substitute end, atur�, Science. and, Philosophy; is not'h�f ,or quarter, with Page the first entitJe� ,�ithCf' to ,vote or to hold of­choic:'e for. q��rter in .the. event of the nec in any of the Junior College elec-tions."disabling of Captain Steffen. Falk ,ishein�. held ,as tackle ,reserve for the ,The committee in· charge of . thenc,,- election for, president of 1912secon� .h�If,. an4 Eniott, Meigs and �Smith will � called on to, reli(ve an will· be compos� ,of .Mat'y ·Phister.injured. lirte .. 3ceither .tackle. or guard, Har'P'ave Long, and Miss. Frances.if needed. while Grills is a valuable Her�r.k. ThMe c��didates who will b�man ·ill ("asc of inja.,. to Badeuoch at v�te .. U1)OD_ .�1tda� ��.e Jam�s J?y­center. Briggs may be caned on to mond.Kenneth� Lin��y, Frank .Soule... f·· - � " .I)on't. yOu relish.a004 oatnieaLaDCI A woman does ·tJ�e c�ing at theco'� f:o.. bi:eakfa,tr 'I'laen,.C9 Jo thc Hotel Maroon .. , That's' why it's so�� '�. - '8OOCL •.. - ... -- - - -_ - ...... - , EAST-WRESUC�ItlracaDSof FmThreat,(Name Omitted. CBICAGIn theprinted in ye:;terday's issue of·Daily Maroon, the name ofRuth Merrills was omitted .Outpla�in one ofever wittChicagotest yesttthreatellecind.oplythe crOSEgoalTwent). THEITALIANSOC-:7Sc-$I.ooINCLUDING WINEAlso a la Carte ServiceCpa;DailJ:aad:'-to:�:gP.'_'" SPAgHETTISUCH AS ONE GETS. IN IT MaroonsI�t. of tlwere .Iittchaugingfeet.A TriUII, AgainStagg c(Old MalfootballWest. 'should ],by an eit wouldwhich hgrandlymost' brWanted-E;ery student in. theJniver�ity �ho is �ot a subscriber to'ubscri� at o��. '. . .- _ ... 146-STATE STREET-I4i'SECOND FLOOR-Correct ClotheJ.1'01(' COLLEGE MENWe. appeal t� ;,7.01U'., intelligence. tow ear .. a d e-t o-lieasunClo�es. . You. � .find them.better and cheaper in every way: ,.. W� make SIDTS and, OVERCOATS at- ... ' '$20 up .. .The most complete assortment of woolens to select froml ill­I' dUeling ncw colOn aDd latest patterns.. Materials, style �I 'wor� cuanm.tCect' The College Man'. individuality in.�, dress· is recognized·.aIl over tbe'�rlcL Add this individuality to ".'. our ezi,ermm" and the result wiD be distinctive dothes. .'BELL TAILORlNG,CO.·. E. It, Bradley, Pr.134 It. lI�so� St.. s.. w. ,Cor •. -Clark St., Chicago. " / !aw thebelievabmen ,,11Still an<repqtt'lunevensomethioLittlelight inf\laycd 1be�n pIanf) maa�ostthe ncr'again c�ans Wttack]jn�dOlrn 1ball allStCapt:ter quadid M!but his1rondcr'hrotJglfor tonin nea:aloriotJ': THB ILLIIIOII :.WAREHOUSK AND STORAGE COiIPAWf. 'PboDe H,de Pm 571 Kimbu'k A .... aDd �'. The' CJemea aDd- Belt - Kept StDtap·Wueho_ in tile City ..... �.Fllraiture aad Pianos MOnel. Stored. P�cJc.e4, Shipped to an pam of the "oriel. 300 Pnn,te,age �ooms., Large Parlor. bclasiftly for. Rc;K)ms for. Trunks Uld Wb�l.. LarKe ROOI8'Carriaces. Buggies and ·Slelghs. Tnanks to,from aU 'Depots. Local TraDsfers .for Ba._ Fumiture. Packages, etc., 'at sbort DO�ICe.iiiiiiiiiiiiii� .Special atteDtiaa p.ea tID Uai- • .., �----------------M. f. Fitzgerald £7 Co., MADU 01' GBR'l'LBWBInJ GABJIB1f'l'8If �u .... � to __ ,80meduq real .well in the newestshades an4 wan. for a' Ait of dothea all overcoat or a�: of, irOnerS •. for .pan and w-mter; � . haft � �. abo� aP,aat, any bo1lH in the city. oar priceS are withinthe reada 01 all.