f ;. .. , .... __ . --._ '... -...- . ....._ .... " .... � .�- ..... -- .... -... .. �-�.�p.,_ ltt:t·+'l'g·_ .,.w" ...t ......... ,..,"� . ./ .in.c!Co��.�-for-.�� ·.S�l�'.s.�" � ¥� �tmnF.· - ��o�h t!l �� Chi�� •... - ..---'!--;st,OOKStoc:k ().ELMt.. , ._THE��DAIL-Y '¥�ROON.· FRIDAY, 'NOVEMBER t3. tgol��==���������������_. • .•• --�.- .._ r : J(oi'·uuPt,·tht .cnthuium and' cx=-:!1IB'. ·-DAIL�"':"'.WII1'·UIftII· _._-_ :. .----W� �. aanilll1. ci�'of'� c:tc&g.b�.ba4.better � __ _,. __ .�:; ;. .. �.'�-!�� ..:.\.. :.' ,/·::<f.____ � __ .;.....--...;..��- __ retire· as w to the :io�wUid'� pos- Vote today in y�r 'class electioD. "?; - � .... 0tIdaI .. tOdeD, ,..w....... fit u. sible,;: for he: is li��, tb:.be .ch an- Polls clo§'�";' t�is afternoo�,.:JM'�joar -,;;:-:.",::--_,Oa1Yenl� ..,.CJdcap. noyed :�y loud, �se ... ;> '.�: o'clock. �:': ,>, ' �<,�:.<"'\:'" ?:" . �::�.�,.!:�'.: .. ',. . ", Ex-AlderOwl' ItJdeD9Ch-�isit the IDtematiOuJ :C1gJ»" �tj.)ocJa)" � ... �:t:.Datend .. SecoIlckluallall at tbe CIaIcap point squarely wh�n be told, 'of the 10:30 a. m., in, <;()bb 9B. .. ]�portaDi ',��_;': ��� IP_toSce. Chlcqo. lWA. MaIO II. exhilention and �enewed' youth that Purity saDqUet ··TiCkets ar�"on'''Sale .�1803. 1Uldel' Act of IIarcb .. 1118. came to him from getting .out in the today at the information office. and., __ open.air under the blue. sky and, urg .. at.tbc...Commons·at meal..time'S.· --: . ','_ .»Pobllahed dall,. u.cept SwadQa. IIGDdQa ing his sons on to victory. The. root- -- .tisiien who bave��'signed ':up for'&DC! hollda,., durlDc three quart ... .., tM- er 'needs no--apologr. the maa--Who "rda.y�s. game, 'repcrt .at�·bmnaa"iliD11'eraltJ leal'. has not gotten a"' liberal charge Qf the ium gate, at .I,� :30. �o one. who, haselectri�ity' that' is' i� -the ' ai�' dOes. not signed :n�d�ppJY. i :":: " .�: ";1 .'.He had better see a doctor at once' Blackf� iaeet;in':. today,' Novem- >i IprobabJy something is wrong with ber i3;' .'�0:30 �·c'ock."�n.\�o�� 6:8 .... ·:. ..:1. .his liver. . G� Club, tooa.y/'·: 4 ·It. m., in . . ..It' is going to be a really ,gr�atl Lexington hall. - Lecture .: �y . ..Dr.· - � ; .. ..; ..game. The we_at��r" promises to' be Heinzebnan? "Nicolaus Lcnan...· ..: ',' .>. SNE-L' L HALL MEN' :perfect, the field will be crowded to . Ma��ca1 Club .. room 35. �yer:- �T'. :'-, - :it5 :capacity" and �a�shall :ield will SOl: Phy�ical �bora.t9�y. t�ay �� D. Y_'��::�p�N� !OU HAVE �,O.� ���T�ES P�D!be gay .fo� Its laS! ttme this season. • 0 c1�:ck �ss.o���t� .. ���f�.��o� .. Moul-. R' ' "'.� DON'T YOU W At:fT THEM WELL PREssEDf!Are you a rooter"? ,ton· wil] speak.c-: _',' :' . ..' ." ....Twenty-first Educational confer- T� . Go ToWOllEN ORGAtfIZE THEIR �ce o� the Academies ,-'��d , 'Hig� �BR80n CRAft'sIIA!f .SHOPFIRST LITE�RY SOCIETY Schools in relations with the Univer- 430 ssth Street·· .TeL Ii. p • .fgIgsity. E�ecutive session of deans andEngliab Twe1v�ub Something principals with ···th�-- 'B��r�{ er Uiiiv'er�New for UniVersitY-Purpose to sity Relations, Haskell assemblyStimulate'Li� ActiYity. room, today, 2;p. �." ,.;..'� .. _-' �__ ._" �._� :: Eleventh' AmiUaf;'CoriteSt�'itt'DecJa- . -'.. -' .'.The 'first �oma'iis"� Iiterary . �ociety �ation between: rePre,s�t�tiyes ,\)f. " Start' T '. ...' ,_ f .. , .. , ... ,' - ,.. -" ' ..in the history of the University was' ,ichools in _relati()n� .. �it� th� Y2�er- -' _. �D�g. or Thanksgiving'·organized yesterday under the name .:;ity. in_,.·.�.a.!!.d&�L �aU ... !,�d�y', _ _?:30 YOlJ'LL HAVE �O BE IN CONDITION' FoR' THAT :,of the English' Twelve' Club. The P • .f�" - ." DDDlitR: -:' �" PSED TO "EXCLUSIvE EATS" wriH "p�rpose .of the Cl�b is to _ promote Pre-ministerial Club. with Bishop I ' , . ..:' .feliow�hip a�ng' �o�e�' of iite�ry Vj�cen�;�· ���ay;···�� �J,�:3�.: - i�' ���h- �. H' R' �ed�.ta.ABT m>lTOa tastf', and to stimUlate a wider inter- cock varlor, All .ln� . ',' .. 4.0 .-, . ..' ,;-., � '.' � ��el, �mp . '£OJ' BaI� , est in literature ��ng stude�ts of �legar�CJJil):V.t�Y;'·' af':lo:30, in I' AT OUR EXCLUSIVE' SHOp-...oD'Da the. University. -. This will be' acco�- �o�� 3� •. election�· .�,Af' H .stu�:.�,�s� who 378 . . . .. ' ,B.B.Baukhap II18aEmMtlDeBnIUI phshed through study classes. and; mtend_tO,s�uQ 1IlW.lDwted.� .. ,,, • :E.;�� SSth Street·Morrta B. BrigJI the presentation. of poetry. and dra-� The --Da�ell' Lec:ture;- ·t'oozy;- in� R����p�be�!��.�����MA�J�r··4����� ••• ������._.4��"��.�IIdltadal �BelaIe • p. .. IIJIa. -_ .. ,. h, . .' f! "J'he Commercial. �nd Colonial ;..Pol-Dldnnl't7. '1W. 1IJde' Putt a&. • AftIw' a;:: tWIce a mont opel:! lD�etlDgs - re-j ':.':"''!'" !.'"Z; "':'!_�'I:; H!!O::-: '!�! "� .. ;;.-= ..... 4'14 ".1IItb sa.&. N. BIde que .. tly. .! icy��f .t,'he:i!'i��k! �g�,Wrt.������n� -".: ,"','''::'',:, ¥.1AR·S· IT·.. , Y ,C A »S".The Charter memberS of the clubj :ow"ers.During the Age of ���n,��,.: ':'?o,:-;. "�·Y;")�:·�· .. ::�l:nr·i' �:'...;��:,;" , ; � �N ... COIltrlbf&tloaa aaq be left at .....; �re all weD Imo�n �tudents, whilej ISm.• ;�J(i.t;.aa.;'-:';:'10':: :J:�.� r.���:: '.; '�''''i��d' e� '. .:wt.,� . .,.d .Ball or B'aeulq :IbdaaDp. � to � seyeral possess literary reputationsi . �� .:�.!: n\�!ilff tt��"!��I�JF .. �;�.,.,���� ...: ..... , , .. ' �- 'Wi'��III"�S es�'Dalq Maroc-. ' exteDding beyond the confines of the; an�.i.����:���jo���HB.ffa:m.¢���. . ' ,-�;.;! .... �v·Et···d'�I:G"'f:�� :' ':, . "':;_T. .: . .. ',_. . . U . - , "n . ._.: .. ' 16 p. m. ID Hutchlpson hall I. , . ,. ,�.-.. • �. . ...... �.;"., lro,, .. 'I DiversItY... ��. �:,' ��n,c� ":P .F;i.l.: � �: IU8�H .. :;H, .. i1:�Ji 1. ! .... a'�). �.i·,i,-:·, •. J .,.,1;,'.,' .' ,/.,. '.'. I!"Th\ C ' I'-I" T; .'.... : Keper, presIdent,' Ernestine. Evans>!. . ";"'-. : :C::::. �.a..l.N .......... �i 1::;".,-': '. • ······47C·,·». .·55e orne eam arnves In Chl- '. �':. . . ; .. 1.1 ...... C' -�':::r1!.' '!flIr.i",..,-...., : ;'�.:':.... , !"�' L. c..c:isgo 00 Friday the··thirteenth. Of secretary; Mary ��rtenay, treasurer� . �.� J5� �.�'�R : ;;ra··j,;o·l· ; ·�,!' .• �f ," -,:t; .. �.; :,.";, ', .... : ,',. .' .r:, "-�ourse no one in the audience is su- Helt:n ���k. �thenne Sla�g�lw EI�� PO¥.!:.-�����. �;� .. 4; Ill:' � : " :,:,�''''l� 1·�L3 .,._ALSi2Oc�.aad,up.';rstiti';"s. bot • , ". .. ��;:"t'���i:;:1 J(:::���:,!,,:�;'i.!;.:;;:; "" ;c.· .. " • .'.; "",;,." ;".,' ",',, . mao. Nell .Anthony,Mrs W I Thom-f �.: _ .�� ";��n�����cy,� . � "". ! ��.,.Q��ft i'������.�'�-���'�"�'�'-������-�--�����. , ,... as. . 'c.. � (t' :" .' . "oil"" ." ....,.toe ballot for W. p. MacCrackea as ...-'. '.' .,".... ," ." ,'. :.'V�' � ... < ,.; ,'::.' ',' I 0""0 B··· • iii - ,;;. . . , .. ',.. The club IS . being ,Gr1Iven the 'actlv J ' ..... ,.. ," • .&.pres,dent of the Senior �; also for -' .�. � - :". co-,:, .�. �Oo�.�,.�.,I.IGaDi.·�··e:i��·tli�g�'··�.s .. 'to��' :.t ... :�. ' ' • ,-"... " support. ,of . the deans '. 1 . ..' RUN DOWlf TOWN LOO' IIIP'9U .,I!. Orville Page as vice-'president 0' ,.. .. ," . . . . .-' . nell, SaturdaY�'2 p:. fu� 'M;l'rshall fieia.:. '. '. ". :. -. -. -..,n(J, ,I'()R LADIES TAILORS.. �e Junior class. "! J'�. �R � INITIATES � Footti8ll·BaDqU���',���;���_t�.� �es:' '. :. AND BB· DISAPPOIHTBD tR PJT AND WORDIARSBIP.'_ ' ' . _,,,' ". '.' (. ; taurant Saturday mght. BUT: -cAt...L AT ': .. •. By �pceial' request:- DramatiSts To', pi;;Smrib:r For Ol� Buster _. Bib.. �CaDaies on sale at ' , ,'. .. • • • ••,If 19G'see,any one gom& .aroaaJ 'ad NeW II�> " ': � l.eague roo.m at,I:o:J01iOd#�.:,· p :. ··.ID· . , .. Te'. 10". 'S".t I'"witb'�is �oice in a.sling this moruing� __ . General>'ComUeD� r'c(;"Related •. :�-.-' .. ·,:W V '""_ ... - ' e nY,oo c:aD �ess the cause. A dinner and the prospects of pins Academid;- and: '}H'igh Schools, in" . -LADIBS' tAlLOlt .fo� the' long-suffering initiat�s 'of last l\fandel'lUii� Satli"iday 'morning at 16 i"year are to be considered at a meet.;, o'Clock. -Address '.'bY th� p�ident. Pboae B,.· Park -ue._ing of the Blackfriars in Cobb Hali Professor COUlter. '" � ..this morning at 10:..,,: A' cc)mbi� . 'CampUs Capers,". the" official Uni�nation dinner and smoker is on the versity two-step, is on sale at theIt's really Jam�s _�eber. not Theo- boards, for which event Decembe� Press. ' ..dore. -.2 will be submitted as the date and Firat Tenor in Choir-There will be, since there is no conflicting �iver- aVacancy' in the first tenor section ofT�ddy Linn is on the prograaa ",'ity dates, that �ight. will probably the choir. Anyone wishing to takepreside at a conference of high IC� be chosen. The plan IS to give' the the position 2pply to Lester B. Jones�English teachers. beginning at ' -�� �Da' to all' members, old and new director of· music,: M'oildciy aftemoon�'o'clock tomorrow aftemooD. The sO. ,lid tlren distn"bute Blackfriar pins. in Kent theater."ciety for the preveatioD of cruelty to �Of' Which the initiates of last June . Cap mel GoWll ��ts can be con-:­faculty members should investigate'" waitiDg. sultect with ani afternoon in .Ellis 3.the case. Abbott Shaw will' also name the from 3 to .. o'cloCk. Communic:a·_ committee to judge .. the plays that tions'may be :Ieft ai' Faculty �Ex-When you have exlaausted the WI'I' be entered in the' new compe- change 280. . . .< • � •question of whether the line can hold tition, the rules of whch 'were ginn Hitcbc:oCk Hoase. holds;Friday u�,Walder and are getting ready to dis- in yesterday's Maroon. The meet· ning, November 20th, a 'smoker forcuss the effect of the scratch on Wal- ing is important and every Black- the purpose of makinlt the acquaint-. lie's leg or his punting ability, you friar is expected to tum out. ance of its new piano. To this func'should remember that the officers of tion are invited 'all members' of theyour class are being cbosen today. FrankIiD lIacVeaab to Speak Unh'ersity who have been at any tinlcFranklin MacVeagh, head of the residents in Hitchcock Hall. A. :�.rhe mass meeting la.st night, the concern of that name will speak to Parker' H'cad of Hitchcock Hall.great bonfire celebration that fol- the men of the ColllJMrcial club next Wanted-A University motto, to b(lowed, the F\1rity �n- WedneSday evening. As yet it is not 1'�ed in the seat' de'sign. B�x 213.quet tonight and the known what Mr. MacVeagh will !tpeak Faculty Exchange. ..gr�at game on Marshall about. The meeting will be' held inField tomorrow after- the private dining room of the Com- . The Junior ancs: Senior poUi' �noon are all phases of the one great mons followinC the Clab dinner. open' from 9 to g, in Co��. corridor.fut that these are the most glorious .days of the most glorious season of The way they cook meas at tlH' 'You, h;av� �i�.scd ,something if yoathe whole year. The .... wIIo ... Hotel IIarooII is simpb- peat. haven t eataa at the Hotel Marooa. .'.:' - ' .., EXceiJeaceThe UD1Y�ral:,J' of Chlcqo Weeki,.rou.te4TIle W�I, Oct.. 1. l.-s.The Da11" on. I. IfI02.Sat.criptlOD price. $3,00 per lear: $1.00for a montbL "8�PU� �Ye4 attIM IiarOOD 0Ilce, ElUa naU. Or at tbei'�u1t.r �chaqe. Cobb BalLPREsTON F. GASS, � ecutor.MELVIN J, ADAMS, Ne .. EdItor.ABE LEO FIUDSTEIN, AthleUc Edltor�OSWALD F. NELSON •. BualDea IlaDqer. <: ....HR'":au.. lIamle LlIlJ' Jerome N. FrankRoberta B. OweD� C. WhlUleld, Barcrave Loa&. ' � N. PfetrerWe note that the women stood upfor Chicago ·last night; and the men. At dowD.'. SPBCIAI. PltJeBI..JfO JPRA'I'BRIIITIESAND $ORORlTIB8 . �". . I j. ': I mUe ..,� 01 aD.daip8 ofSorolit7 aDd,.' Fra� PiIIS,.� .... PokDaips � .free of cIIarp, aDd IaIIIpIe ...1pO��� .. ; :,.' .•, I:� �.aq IdacIs of Watcb ... , J� ReplliaiD&, DiaIDoDd· 8ettICami llauafac� at the chlqut poaible pricea. I" tile' maker iiid�per �f o,:'_ 1907-1" � x-oo. hI& . .FootballIs Kine ss.h AND ELLISMIDNIGHT LUNCHHall "Feeds" Supplied Up to I A. M.UNDER NEW IlAlfAOBIIEICTBRAIDEN, ex-'IG, U. of C.88th AND ELLISHave(m:I����&�����.�.����·�l�t�'�t�l�'�t�'_·�.�· ����·���o���. ������I"· L��'� ��-�:-::' �'.�w' =� � �-���;� � �., .. - 3;��r. .:.�.' .; . - J"':'-',�' .. � �..t.. -t(1"=, •• ,,,�:-:: '':�:'' ': .' -\ .j .�- ..... ;...:-� r: .:,-.' ,\.,":tJ ,- :. '�:-:-. . • •-- - •. ��'. 0··· .. ·· .:;' Atue&-· 'Hats.�·, _ '4: '5: � ;: ,J',. IJ.�;L:' AMES"'UAT . CO� , -. ' ••. BST' .1IIJ�S"".STIIEFr .. I�':.,Tribune .��ilding� Door _ �s� of COI'1Larcest �dl1!iye Hat Store in Chicaco .. _-, . , ..... ..Smart shapes of Unquestionable tate " .and authoritY, fro� Jrbida,.�, �ec-' '"-IDOD of a bec�n:iDc bat �y be made.The.:' � . quali� is paranteed bythirty-five JUn'. Upeaence in IediDcfine hat.. . IWES \aALATKAMU·�.ICAL· CO·L:LEGEEstablishecll879 by the 'world- '..,. �noWDed Hans Bal�tka "'?OSTAL CARD BRINGS CATALOGUE�_ , WRITE TODAYD � C � R. F.. B A r, A T K A, D ire e tor... ,, D;plo,nas. Rec�g,�zed All Over the WorldSpecial-Rates to Students of U of C.. . AddreSs All COIDJll�_ to . :�ALATKA MYSICAL CQLLEGEHedell Hall! .40 East Randolp�� S�' .. ' _,THE' HYDE PARK PRINililCi co.. -�o. w. �URR.IER' � co.' and _ATSON a TRENARY.PrintersTHE DAILY KAltOOH, P1UDAY.- NovEMBER. 13; 19a1.FRIDAY... TllEI3th :-: UllBREL�COA."�,-,,, CirUl& •.. �� ':... ....,.� � X ,.to" CLA�� I!L..' T ... So.rz. i.' ",-.00'" KC L A .. AToti YCIt •• " �"., __ e&� •• �T •• tC. "C'T r.eT ,.,.,,-..-.�.�............... L ....HREE-QUARTERS 'CLUBPLEDGES STILL .AllusB'; -. -t: .. � .. �'."': ".. : st.�- �H-�\\t(e���,\�,. 1J;.� �tid;:...,�H eelbarrow �rigade_ Makes: se.coudAppearance-DrIUDS .�U .. ; !l'i'adefer ·II�<.��.�.-:-�:,.Th<: wheelbar��·· :'bri�;dT :0£ �there�ua��.�����e�l-�-�------�---�-------------�rst appearance o:Q the campus' on UUi.u .' rLED&Es 4i ...... � STAGG OPTDlISTIC APTERednesday, was" 'again prominent. .....uesterday morning. when the men YBSTBRDA Y'S PRACTICE'tll the green' ·strc.,mers stood in � Ho� Society Annoanrent of Cobb Il,all to -anncnnce the cea Names of IP2 f;J... -w':"·a!ls}.n�eting., .:;rh��:be��!ie:jt.:���: ;� .. �.;�: � ��,�. � y4�red that this' was �ot enough ex- low �m both teams have been preparing allitement to keep _ th-cm :. warm' th� �';:" ;:� .�r , f:' ��. : year for their meeting and a greaterere put througJi'.·� -�.;··':�ttj�g upt. �al�,,�';'��tie;� �iio� society fo� �hibitio�.wiU 'never be seen on Mar­�ercises. St!!) this' ,vas not vigor- .Fresh�n_ �omen. yesterday. ple� shaD fidel.�s et;?ugh to' suit4il"t�j'�eni�s f?'"l!-m����:f�IIlJ.l'�.� of 19�� New., � _Co�.Camp.'. �he. club; .t��y sentt:.:tIl� p_l�d ��._���o�.g w� the clubs pl� ����.'_.�II.�ail.y.SUri lias.the fol-�und the circular .mc;; fa�1 i!�_.��.oo. yellow: ; : lOWIng to say rrom the Cornell scene�irs and �andems. ' Emma Dickerson. Lonine -�; �f activity �Idlaa, 'N'y N�v '11 .}.s the. time approached for th� �O-' M:a�(a��et Cameron. Helen Earle; Team '...... � 'Sbowh.:�n's chapel to dismfss. a lock-step Josephi.� .�q;�fYr Louise Johnson, "Bright prOlpects shows out of the'�ng was formed, and .. th� ni�li �Ik�' ;Rlizabetla-: �lfey. Elleu McNeish; sea of mud in the last scrimmage,. backward to awa�t the girls.. If Ru_tb_ - B���e!!. N��e Gillette, llarY, for tile . line showed a strength ands' -ritan.y: O .....f the," '·.IJl,;rls.�'·>�i;��d.·ed tb�. Ottgl1tod�-:·Vi.�giiia' �kins� EI. eaabr stableness not due to a -w. eak oppo-].�_. cheer_AUy,_a. ,were a�l .. ��. Winfred �ut�,LueiJe Krans, nent. .Concededl,. the scrubs are.to by the fellow,. as they kneeled Celeste Eatslake, Bess Miller, LufY nearly �uaI to any team met onn the sidewalk, they would have al- Miller,. Ruth Harrower. Marjane Gil. Percy Field this season,. and the reg­'ost filed':Baitle�l .." - lies, ·Florence,Tbomas;··Yaraaret Gil; ulan plowed through for touchdownsIt i� expecteG' fliat--tliere will be lies,. -Florence Gross.- -LiDa. GoaId� in short order. besides backing themrush 011 the elmg stores, and Gertrude �etson,. Lyd�. Lee, Helen allover the RridirOD. ..medics" in the neighborhood,' as CodY. AiJna �arriman. Ruth Sh�- Feel.SUre· of Deleaeone� of�;1�e �,n·tn.,�s ���� Wood. qara Allen. .�iia Ru�l, An apparently impregnable de-o w�-:tr gloves or JUt hiS liancls In hIS Clan Stansbury. "-Betlr Hurd Edith feuse. most of th� time, was a gladockets. As a result th�y: are :i.P- Sexto� Marguerit� Hu�ton: Alice surprise to the coaches, and even toaiing to the will.be d�tors for Herric�' Nancy Ha�. Ruth �b- the eleve#' itself. Bell,. Leventry, Cos­ares fot'. chapped;" atld half frozen enbaug�. Mary Sreuch. Winifred can- grove. and O'Rourke are booked toa_van. fill their customary positions in theclash with the Maroons, and fromP�-:..P�P_.JlU'l'JNG TODAY �pby � BIecta � the latest action the combination is. ,�-::it" ���,:�.:. .. :��.�=.�-.�:��> ".- � .. � �t a I!'e_e�g �r the �ecutift � �I to that of the steady Chicago:(�onun�e§ � "��):.��:' �Itt�, of . �h� ��OphY �D�, hoe. MacArdlur and ,Hurlburt make,,. .;; _. ,';.. . � ..•. <:. ,_,:'�. .. � '.. -In � �b' 9B, th� :foIIoWlll8' �f- a competent pair of ends against any_ . .-���sc �t�_.:;,�.��� �t1!I;e.���� �.�lwere .. '�l_ected: Vallee �� in the east or west. so it is doubtful_.: .. ��n��,.th� ,�I��� aD�.·c��. �a"1;;J�h :-Pe�,. treasaler. if Walder's pants wiD be rushed back�dec���aq�� �����_:·�{:�r,.��t;f. 11te"�IDJ!I��: a�:d�ed to � for any areat distances on Manhall: � .' p! :�c�o'Ols, In· ... latl� WI'" - the coIIeKe statiOllelY' for ofti&l· COIIIID1I- Field.: n.iv�rs.ity!:' which '1h11 be;" held ,in ��o�s� Arrangements fOr.* ha-a,ndcl ha� at 8 o'clock. A number ular college cta..ce, aDd also � ICORD CIIRISTIA)f 8ClBNCEcontestants hayeoeen enteRd 'and ments for the colleCtion Of ·-..-r1erIY __.._n interesting con:at is expected.' dues. . Declarinc that Christian ScienceTomorrow motriinc at 10 o'clock---a_ bas many faults and is a poor sub-encral conference will be held in The applica:.ioD list - for' ·lOts at stitute for the work of doctors, Dr.andc1 hall. The' address of welcom� th� Yale-Hamrd '.. PIlle Sahlnlay Robert MacDonald yes�rda,. dis­i1I be made' by President Judson, calls for OYer 40,000 ticbt.. As tbe cussed the qaestion of therapeutics innd Professor J. M. Coulter of the (f)tal capacity is only ,13.000 the Haskellni\'cr�ity and Superintendent Ken- Yale ticket department is f� to "Christian �ntists liave the idean (If Indianapolis. Ind .• will speak. the process of elimination. hat they alone are near to the AI-l nooll the Universjty will give an mipty,'" he said. "But let me tellIlformal reception' at Hutchinson The girls of Univenity of IDinois you here that doctors are just as re-all to \'i�iting teachers. The confer- :are preparing a cook book. with a ligious as these people. and are notnccs of the different departments recipe from. each student, in connee- forced to be the laughing stock ofjIJ he held in the afternoon, and this tion witb work in _the hoasehold the communities. Then will neverill end the session of the teachers_ science department. . be a time wben· the world can getal� witb6ut physicians, but wecaD always do withoat the deceptionsof Christian Scientists." WID., Jemma' So­Clark and Adams Streets .Try a �la •• ifi<d ad in the Dail,. \SmaD ads .bring. larae reta�.WE .' .... ,_.,.� ... '. - -E... ,.IIIIfJIS�� .�REPARBD TO HNIDU :ANYTHIHG nt"THE; LINB; OF PRUfTINCl" • - _ .', •• ":"1 �'. •.... ;.�.(Continued from pace I) suc:cao�' to :-:.. :-: ! t �. ; ._�THUR�S..... ,. ,. .� .. f�S2.·O.OHAl'SIn GreeDJ.. Brownsand�Blacks... "'. ' ..., Arthur, : l'eiicheideld" s81� E. Van 'BUrea St;':'aild 183 D� StIlANY DESIRABLE-GOODS REDUCEDIN PRYCE:d REASON: To 'ClearUp Our Stock Early.If lOU want good "Oat Meal" go CJaaa eJec:tio_ ......... -­o the :\Iaroon Hotel and ask for &om" to II .ad rr- ! eo 40The MarOoD Hotel is the place toad )'0lIl'.. s-..,. ........ nOODHave 7011 � ,_, Maroon Hotel for )'OarI .. eM "lIott.I". c a C+ •• " .ROBERT P. IlURPHY •.ProprietorBOTEL ALBANY41st Street and BroadwayNEW YORKRemodeDed, Handsomely Far ...nisbecJ Tbroaabout·.ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF'" the heart of the CityS�.J Rooms.' 300 Bath RoomsEuropean Ran. Cuisine UnexcelledGentlemens' Cafe, l.adies'Restau­ra!1t. and Moorish Rooms .. Popu­lar Prices, Plenty of Lif�butHomelike.. .' 11.00 Per Day and UpSEND FOR BOOKLET.Meet me at the College Inn, underthe Albany, New York's leading. Rathskeller, a place to eat, drinkand be men'7.Get It at our store, or �tprepaid to �ur a�IIpOD "receipt of �_:I O.z.--4oc 4 c;>z. .7SCi8 0.z.41.5O 1 lb- hooA Rev��OD in �pe-T���, .�NATIONAL CIGAR STOU(Ine.)First National �ank B��Chicago. In.Not Connect� With the Tobacco. '�':-,Trust.College ·:Ca:fe" ., - . ".�w E. 55th. St. ..." _.., .. ''':''' !r-� 1�ear �� ��.---�C�,DEvening DinnerSunday � JjinDei-; _We Haft No B� Studio......Facili� 'for' ev;:.:r:.·Photo� • .) " .. '. :Pho��q..... . � , : Vol. VI)�GLASS'Aw. P. II5:��llc-Electi,! Mcnda]Teacher of Dancing, an4 �cter, ,"' J ' cotilli�nS�' - , �"- .Member of" the American NatiAssociation of Masters of Da .United -r,Professional -teacheri::��ing of America, al�o' As .;.Member of the' United Kingdom', Jiance' Teachers ot Dandn'g of" '..,'::B.ritain. .Private Lessons by Appoint:meitGuarahtee CoUrse' '500:>: Five p":ess�ns �vith �sic.· A guar�nlii7�a.ke pupil proficient in the wait.t�a�' tw<i�s·tep. 'Ba'rn ciante ta���ori� IJss'o� ." . ':":�:O:Ofiice'� and Studio 301coi-:' Wentworth Ave.'. Phone Garfid4.Iriform81 nancilig �()I{1irHE' 1?ORUK. :43d St.·a·Cat c..,. EVery 'SatUrday �eniDg��:AdrlJsSioD "�:; Cents' a' p�,;.. ' .. -. .:;. ,;' .. �� SenW.F. �laFred Gaa:KatherinlDean Ker_SophNed EarlAlfreu SVirginiaAlec 'Yh.. ; Th� fo�e�daJabove tothe presrfull· of i'l9.'1',��offices, tfilled witage ofturned 0sO to 80. The refurnisherMacCracly, Misslarger tlKennedyin his c"Hill"known,cheerleaimanagerber of jCouncilsroon, rnOrder 0the 'Sku:Quarterihas bee�college;. Fred Cwas ('allteam, at:Misschosen' :�.aQboard,!:pringmemberCollege·honor sof her 'Dean!1ru. w.sit, g�Glee chand 0('1In thland Ar:for pre'scallt fi,('Jl'cte'<i!'ition.alnnexp('(EIi?abe--.�;;, ,. ·:,:·�:·-··.:··�·.· .. "7'74·¥ 11. '.')'�. � Jf '.r �• �'•• '" 4 ; ... :.. �. �C::. ',1 - :. ...... '. ..••... .: .. ,.�q� ��. :.;: •... ::' .. �:EN�Y, ��':��I�; t:""Presents Edpr Eelwyn.- in "··p�·�Riu�, .. OF' :TI·J_:E PLA�N�-:BOARDERS WANTED--s60z Drex­ei:' A ve, .$J.i5 per �eek. t�r� meal,.Home cooking. distilled watet.MrS� G. Leckie. �- ._� •... . CAJU.E· m .. "I All' A .BusiNmrs 1LUf·tesy."Yon may rest assured," he con­TYPEWRITING and Copying' wode tinned, "tJJat tbe team Cornell sendswante"d, at 433 E. '55th St., 1St flat.us will ..; 'we'li drilied and watched.Reasonable terms. as an Eastern team always is. How­ever. I: r�l �ttet' about it all than ')did before the last pme."'The meeting" then adjourned to thelargest b_onfire. in years. Vincentfield wa� �-'DOne too large for thecrowd. 'Tbe absolute good fellow­ship and intense enthusiasm showedup in the final rooting and in the • Try "Mother's" 'buckwheat cakes at In Englis� • Mdn., Wed., Sun, ·evgs.,Maroon Hotel. .. ;: .; �n<t. Italian.,,()ft· T.Jt�'� W��� Sun. evgs._" ..... �... .' . ..-." !wpU '1'0 DIIUTIIB UlfIOlf BODLABD RBSTA1JJtAft111-11'1 RmdoIaJb ... , .. "GRAND .OPERA·race wilt help. the runners a. lot��'.: ..LOHENGRIN'.... .:..THE POPULAlt .�C.TO"KAT' ,'.'Eitb�r before or after tileneater. TlIrkey- dinners at the Maroon onSunday. Phi Kappa Sigma announces thepledging of, Edgar. Reed' Lang. . . '.. ..:"�,�� �.V .•J'.���ll". Todv is tile Iat � for YOtiDc for... O'C-" .... pOial�� :�� 9 toI .... �: .. f., Jj' ............. ..... !.H.n you 'YOted? Toda, i. tlR � .c� ... �_�.�_.�.:.. �'J',,. ,. ,�I" Ii • .,'FRITZI SCHEFFin the first productioD 01THE PRIMA DONNAILLIBOl8MAUDEADA�.In New Comedy.WHAT EVERY WOMAN KN,:, .... .': .'fDPBlRODI� l ' _� I' I. " ,.. ."The Quality Musical. P1a�A �TtjB�ORN CIND'ERE",J� .... MADAM NAZIMOVAHEDDA GABBLERMASTER BUILDERWBIT ••. YTHE BIG SUOC�SA BROKEN IDOJ.LA BALL.and CECIL L�NaadFLORENCE " ·HOLB�.PQ!the La Salle Tbeata' StodA GIRL AT. THE R�UI