.f •i�••.•'1... - _.'" .:1';;" nt· u·-n'"--,. ...... .: "" ...,. .l ,. "I .. ' .' --: .. .. '. :: ,-- :·····11· \,R'·'···:l··:l:IJ·�.., '.' I,.;' . "•'i. ", • .. '., � .�......... J-,. Price . T.o� c-.'.-lYUYB.ODY-S #i���l!:��\";�: WILL JAM THE GYM�lrlalmR RAllY' TOllGHrn"ll LAST HEAnPRictict:FOR'siTURD1Y .0-.1,,510' BADGER, INJUIEDWiscolUliD Team to See Cbicaco-Cor­DelI Gm'e-� for Cham­piouWP Struule with MarooDSou NoftmbCr 21� I'�era1 rbouaand RoOters to Cheer; Team for Cornell Game-BOnfireArranged for.Brwsea' aDd� SPnJD. Impair• to·"Work of Team-Tackle audGuards Still UDcataia.s· Wisconsin rooters received a scare'yestd-day wb'e�' Ketchie Moll. tbemel1 Regwar Lineup Looks stroq Badg'�e'r star quarterback "";as com--Coach Larkin Wo� 'AbOut pelled to leave the' 6eicl' because ofQuarterback PositioD. an injury received in the Minnesotagame last saturday. The - injury'rector S�gg ��' the footb�1I was' not discovered until yesterday.,d through its last hard p'ractice �hen' it was' announced that Moil'terday fo�' the" Co�n�ll . game, would be kept' out of practice for; • , .• I . . .: 'b' , "Mass meeting.', ing the te�. ��' until '1 o'Clock some, time. It is thought owever,a desperate effort to whip them that he will be able to get out again And what a rally it will be. that6 best pos'�ibie: sliape t6 - with": in a fow-days. It is certain thci't he �che\)uled IorJonight.ut '1=45, in Bart-,itd the terriffic onsl�u'ght expected will be in the Chicago game, barring lett gymnasium! Everybody is goinght the easterners, :,: Several' of the further accidents. to turn out and give the "Old Mann.It are in. slightlj cnppled condition Seats Ior- the Chicago-Wisconsin and the Varsity eleven the heaTtiest',a result o� tbe.· strenuous practice game on the arst will be. put on. sale i ....., , ' ", .. , _� •th th.e _ �r���.���. _ this w�ek, and in Madison next. ��n,day, and. at- pvation ever accorded any coach and:r. Stagg will make an effort to im- tempts are, being .. , made to facilitate �eam.ove these cfi'ppliS"betore'� SalurdciY., �e halidiin-g' of the large: crowd ex- i The women,some of whom thought� scrimmag� � �held _!�,�.,·�e�:.�t peered at the.c�mtest_ Coach �utc�- J:"":' �alf sericusly of boycotting the �;u.y,her injuries but the team worked ins has' had his field covered WIth hay . iwilJ be out in all their enthusiasm,iough lonz kiJIine &riDds-� oq- sig� .tnd �il1 n� us'� it again till the game " .. �nd w:i1l be g1ve�. th�i� best oppor-,lIs and plaYi '. frl�lt_;ding\ all� the: old in' order to lia�e:' it in the 'best pos- � ;lurifty" t�' y�iL The Law' scti�f �en��s and a feV: new QJRs: Sible cond.lti�n.� .rh� Wisconsin .,.6,,',�., "will attend in a body," their arrange-.he cold weather s;���� .. t� -pu� � '�reshmen ��.,p�Cti�ing as many of ,u.�iit .be�ng- to .meet at hair�pas,i-' se.!�; of added .���� ._i��O,,��.the,,·te.,am,'. ,Y,.�s� .�.. b,',e ����:·,f�.�ti.:ons. �sth�y havel ,j�.··ih��.La\v'· court room. �t least;ay. but the cordS and, bruises been able' to learn for use agamst the ':tfiule hundred alumni will attend; 'and"t have impaired t)ie� work' �r.Il. Varsity' in pracii�'eV next .:w�ek. The I jthe sprinkling of graduates -�iii b;.� Steffen;' P;g2�� �iid!' �Uiott. B�dgeis·. are= con;�dered a bett�_l :1��,-�� ���l�.����e:.: :� "": ,:', .-mpened the ardor' of the tQDl.�.. match�·for· ChiCag4 In' the open sty, _. ....->. ... '. _30& ._ �_ > /:- >�'f_·1 l . � Boutin to Follow�·ue�t� �fiit-·�"d\1ie��-::m: .. " ���;'_:�" ---.,- - " .•. __r r�"�'-_' "'\': . :�Th�jjro;ittft�l:'\'h�c'i-r���J�1!!�'-None"()l'-tb� ���';;'e�'��y-�� �est and th� ��r�ggle b����!,"Ma�I'; .. .' . oWn as' an all-star one. Besides� .,..b�t the .�ru!�;��", an,d .sp�ins rpon 'and �ar�jn:t�, f�_r, thf.: c��lDr.ion- �.!.: •. fODB:: ... - ......... :a:nv: D�:"F1T� .:Ot,.':��i., , e 'spe ers:�c'ilicr .. featiires .. wi1rcon:-1 prove a smoiis 'handicap against sliip of th� W'es� will be �?re of a ..... ��� �,�, "". " . '. ,..... �tribate _ to make the celebtatioB �_team:- whicfl, h8-'SCS:many: fresh� men' kiltgg", ilof 'teams' usiDg'-similar style '.' ,. .,' J. _ 1'. .. '. :. .. , . :t��djo�' i�to, the eve��R-.� Af�r .h�, ·Jahle. The line. is receiving. the football. thaii'-, ady conteSt: 'on the EZ�Ves to be .� 8l Polla, Wliich� Will be- QPeia :T� ..t- � �����" a mon�ie�, b�nfi�� ;iit�!nt of the work as Director Stagg schedule oJ. either team :�his ye�r. momw for' BariottiDg of all StUdf:ilb:. �,:' .. ��('bliZirig:- 'It ",viII: ,be Ji��t�� <?:zi..."ems- to" f�r . .t�e Cornell, _ fo�rds ;. The' stude'nts �av� ��d ·a.. sum o� "lVDic�;:��d;' ma�erialSi ther�fo�' �.''. st.' The' ,.tackl�' ab"l gUants are' the 'mOney to' sendr- thi' e�ire team to Senior Jamor SOphOmore' . Ji\ ........ � -log contninlted by the over-wor'ke<V. blem. that 'the "Old Ma!l'� is. trY:-: Chic�g9.· �turday to witness thePtaident ' Three-Qu�rters club pledges. :' :g to solve in the best possible way. Cornell game. The Badgers are). If; ._ �It e�e�ents n.�eded to give the airoffman Will uqdpi1bte�ly play the coming for the double purpose of IW. F. MacCracken George Garre,tt JaDies 'F!: DYmoii�( jo:.f�: ,a ,rousing ��eer-f�st will b�;, !!,'�p�)'t t�ckJe.p�.iti9n'"'t.tlle.sta.rt of the seeing the Maroons' style of play' A� R. Wilson E. S: E.ari�- �iIRa'Btheri'c(ge plied.. The band will be stationed OD, e, a�d eith� _ Fal!c, C?_r Kelley will ;lnd rooting for them. Clark Rii'ciiie Ch�ter : II:" G�eDe ���': '�n,n�ng' . t�ack, . above' th�" stan��y right tackle; with. the chances Toiir'H�iim-" . ��. be erected on the ground. floor fo� ..! favor of th� latter, owing to his 'FAME OF TWO-STEP SPREADS Ii<ibert' F.:'1aiids'Jn:. �e. speakers � of.. the OCcaSIOn. Mr.,·ter weight. The availa!>I�' m-a 'i. L. Suui�'n' .Keii�eili Diid;Ja-y Iloseph Badenoch, father of ,cent��-,'. I for the guards. includes EI- -CampUs . Capen� iD','�aDd at De- F�ank ' Sbuie: .Ben is expected to stir up tile:u_ HirschI. Meigs� Ehrli�.:n am! �.rm;eDt, ��?e,-__ - �UDters.. Vice-PRsident :r�ter� , ,. '. ''ith with all of these men eligible_ � _. : Ro1DiDc: s�es sdaeduled· substitutes foi- 'tacite �a� wen: rtog. "Ca_mpus Cap_ers," which carried David F. Davis' Harlan O. Paie H. R. �ukhage AI1lQ1d�·B;�� :. While" nothi�g: ra'sh is' exp�tedlis the practical utility man of the "'ith it the en'dor5ement of the SeIl- Fred W. Gaarde' Reno Reeve Ralph Rosenthal ;fl'om Director Stagg, Captain' Stef-m. being first stubstit�te for both lor' Conncil as the� O{Iicial University Edward L. Me'Bri'de A. H. Straube' Leon Walker �eq, ,or. the other men on the te�m;·s.and both halveS 'and' second sub- . -. f t/1;eyond Q�- their words will probably clear up adance. is spreadmg In am,, _ .. & ...... ". I.-._Ir.'. '\' .. . ' .'.(be confines 'Of the campus.' I�' is in :Mildred Scott • EJ����h Fog" Hazel Stilfman Vir���� Downing s:tu�_l��r of� points about the co�p�ra-demand at the down�wn department ; Katharine Slaug�f Carlie Souter .:ieraldine Brown if- Go tiv� 'me�its of the' Varsity and Cor-:-,. ,,�. " d���.1 uJd � riili te�ms. Dr. Gocdspe'ed witr Vie: Elizabeth Thielens Virginia Fr�man Eli��th·· H'urd ' 'Mary Phister with . ex;.;Aldcrma·n Badcnoch for the:J.. .' 'lId-timers' prize. -Billy". Bond will.aura Wildergiy,e tJ:te.: view· of the ,alumni. \Yh,ileFrank Templeton ",ill say some�hing�n"behai'f of 'the undergraduates.' Tel�I :.... -, , ... ,,'. c ."eg..ams frem various prominent m�nin' the countrY, expressirig opinionsCoA' tbe' outCome of the game, may bC'l"ead by Cheerleader MacCrncken.;' "Everybody should be in Bartlett�"-ly." �aid MacCracken last night.'We \\'ant to start prompt. and keepthin�� going snappy all the time,There. will not be much chance forthe men to sit down, hecause every­thing 'will be too Jive all the time."Freshmen Feature H�n&"Tht; "sing� yesterday drew a fair�ized following to Kent. I t was mere­ly a tuning up occasion, the new andold song5, and the two new prize­"inning yells being tried out, �he '.m�illg. side was furnished by. t�elTeen-nobon brigade. ,with its redwhHlbarrow5.Ii·S�� •• M�c �d.,y� �ched-'IlIed. ,�-�d. Bad�cch, BeineOrator of the Evening."Who itoes there ?'."A' rooter.""Give the watchword."te quarter. . _,Coaches to Play Two PositionsThe favorite_ p�licy. of Mr. Stagg5 b�en t� train every man on the, d· to play' at le�� two positions,in some case's,' three, in case ofergency. This has. developed'eat ve'rsatility in' ttie ends and baclesd even the linemen:Gr"�Js� 'rapid imProvement" this weeka snapPer baclc. has made him i�luable . ¥ the ander$tudy of. Bade­h. Briggs a",d Ehrhorn may beli�d on as' ends; although' 'the latters . �ot se�� to have' recovered'Jctely from his injuries in theinois game. Charley Schott is nowtirely recovered from his woundedar.d will surely bear part of theden of the fullback pes it ion ,,·ithorth\\·ine. The first choice for thatrth was not yet certain in the mind�fr. Stagg las� night.Co�n Will LQ for WallieThe Cornell team has �en work-in the ma4 and rain all week, and l�rtaDt-Spedai meetiDc of Sene regular lineup .bas bee.n consist-lior CoUege Co1lDCil tIa. morDiDc .r(Coat;..d _ ..... ) 1030. � P: ........ ClllirIllllQ.store music couDtei's�The two-step' 'by Albert. Sabath ispopular at . iraternity houses,. and af­ter having been heard at the sing.mciss' meeting� banq,iet and game, itpr�mis�s t6 becoift� � a whistling fa­vorite a'moni: the' students..Just now tlie:' band· is worki�g' tfperTecl' its rendition of the piece. Noten01:1gh time' was' given' to learn it .forthe' Minnes�ta game;ari« corisequentIy, few or the students gOt an idea of:what' the .t�o-st�p was like. TreasUrerLe�t�r' A: St�rn Alec G.' Whitfield'£� T.:Siurg�n B�nt()I' �!.loyer{'. dinier�a�:' ia�ter'FtecfrliudiletF'�kPatker:'E. R. BlissHoward BI:tckfordDean KennedyCar1'H: Lambach'H. G. Sh�\\'_. 'Yit�. \yiIl!��, �._, ��.�<;r���en,: Sen�or cla'ss p�sicJerit:· an.r QTViIlC­Page, Junior class vice-president by default. the P?lJs� Will open!:£oT elic'­dons in the four classes this. morning at 9 o'cloclC. Both� tOday' and �to­morroW' will b� al1t>tted' student vo ers t(' ca.-·t their' ballots �fOr . their fa:"vored can<l�datcs.1 the' polls closing Friday afternoon .at 4 o'c1Ocic�The !W? u.p�r cla�ss�s will vote in Cobb corridor�_ -"bile' the- Sap"bo­moreS and Freshmen will find the tellers in the office -or' the' de'ati ofthe Junior colleges. The tellers are as fOllows': �eniors' -.: Miss' . x;oiiise- .Norton, John Dlllt=- ana. �elvin Adams; 'ttn�ors-Mf5s' carOline' Dickey, :Roberts OW'en and Paul Ueflin; Soph(\mores - Karl Kerier- Ja�'lTO"'nshend and Ethel Kawin; Freshnicn'_Ate�' �iotinc�. Rooert�'Jnini;(lri .Coml-etition is keen for most of the o�c�s, .aiid � � I�� v�e: i5 ex­pected from all the classes. A gTeat d�al of campaigiiing::"'5 �en t1fe:role among the candidates, of who'f!1 more than two are r1mnint:ior tle:arly';,. - .. _, office..Yalc's musical clubs will make atc ur of the 'Vest during the Christ.mas holidays. The itinerary include�Chicago, Washington. D. c., Pitts',burg, .St. Paul and St. Louis. Thir·te�n concerts -will be given in differ·cnt cities.THE DAILY MAROON, �HURSDA Y. NOVEMBER 12, 1908.... J/Io_. -... .•••AKROURO� -------------------�------------�1DWraatioaal ;- meets Friday at I10:30 a. m., in Col?b 9B. - Important. IDr. Robat· r.tacDonald will give a.lecture and conference this afternoonat 4 o'clock in Haskell assemblyroom, to discuss his own work inPsycho therapeutics.General Comerence of RelatedAcademics' and High Schools, inMandel Hall, Saturday morning at 10o'clock. "Address by the president,Professor Coulter.Football Game, ;- Chicago vs, Cor­nell, Saturday, 2 p. m., Marshall field.Ushers who have signed up fo'rSaturday's game, report at gymnas­ium gate, at II :30. No one who hasnot signed need apply.Blackfriar meeting, Friday. Nov�m­ber 1.J, 10:30 o'clock, in Cobb 6B.Hitchcock House holds, Friday cv r­ning, November zoth, a smoker forthe purpose of making the acquaint- Iance of its new piano. - To this func-tion are invited all members oi the I � --:'_--:� _see whether any people from their University who have been' at any time WHAT'S THE USE?own school are among the visitors. residents in Hitchcock Hall. A. ?:.!arker Head of Hitchcock Hall. of having good clothesGerman Club, Friday, 4 p. m .• ill if you don't keep them well pressed." h II L t b D A good suit deserves it and a poor suit d--"�- ,.t.'4exmgton au, ec ure y r �WIHeinzelmann. "Nicolaus Lenan." We press all garments at regular prices, Work called for and delivered. .Mathematic.al Club. room 35, Ry�r- ANJ)BRS.ON'S CRAFTSMAN SHOP'son Physical Laboratory, Friday at 430 ssth Street Tel H. P. 498g4 o'clock, Associate Professor Moul-ton will speak.'Campus Capers.'· the official uni-Iveraity two-step, is on sale at themarked by outsiders. and it would Press.seem that -something could be done Twenty-first Educatioaal CoDfcr-1:::?1: t;:�:P:OV�C��Cd::'P:� �:�O�::=;:��:::::�l�:�::£::� I..--------------- ui-day',and make people think that. Sd1tadal �: �. Po .... au..BalI. we weie'�really a bit interested in the principals with the Board of Univer-.:'�'::' � .14 .. � =-- � � game if .. � Fifty-seventh street sides sity Re��tiOi1S. Haskell assembly I''!'uk _L. ,.of HitchcoCk,· Snell. and the labora- room, Fr1 ay,· 2 p. m.. .._ �_. ...,' -tory buildings· were decorated with Eleventh Annual Contest in Decla-... Na.. COIltrun�.tI� IDQ be .�. at,; JaWa plar�D' buntil:tg?' At present the mation' between' representatives \)fi Ball or B'ac1llQ_:��.� � � � i�J��i� �oni�i. ap�arance of> ��e sc�tlols' in re1�tioits �lth the Univer-. -------------'-"\-------------- ....,DaIl7 IIaroaD. -_ t, solemn 'quadrangles are not vaned sity, in Mandel .hall; Friday, 7:3()________ ....:.. �.I in :th� , �1ighte�t �� the days of ourIt certainly looks like a bIg �ightl greatest c�ntests.i and were it .not, . . for. the n01se made on Marshall field1tonight. An hour of the most spec- an observer could not tell that therei, tacular.· demonstratio� .was such a .thing a� a f�tbal1 game;Tbe FoOtb8n '9f enthusiasm 'that has in progress.;�: .. .ever bccn ·.exhibited at It. wou�d involve little expenditure.,..... H- th Un' 't d for the athletic department to do this._.. _... e IverSI y, an . an-and would be worth much to theother hour of bonfire - . . h 1· • •Un1vers1ty 1D t e genera . ImpreSS10n. celebration on Vincent Field is the created_ .If. the athletic departm�ntprogram, and it should put the whole is unwilling to make the expendi�ure,University on edlte for the great there are no doubt enough spiritedEast-West contest on Marshall field students' on the campus who would. be willing to con�ribute a small fundto pay for the bunting.'J' � .�i:-'.·��;';·- 'SnUal hundred prosPective stu-'_.- lPCIUJJ � .. ..aaM dents of the ti';nversity. are coing toI m - _.. a _.,. r: be on the' '�us to-.' � at1ldeat Pabi�:._ lM -rt..PNpaa.,qmorror,· what sortP - CDlYendQ of CbkIIp. , . . Scbaol of a� impression are. Visiton .'. tlie,. g()u1g to take home.teNd .. Sec:OD� Ka11 at the CIaIaIp with them? The pre-IWtollce, Chleqo, 1ll1aoa.. IIarda 1" parat(lry school. students who attend1eoa. ucJer .&ct of IIarda .. 1""_ the annual educa�iorial conference,held by the University, represent thePubllabed 4all,.. euept 811DdQ8. KaGdQ. best' in tncir respective schools, andea4 �ollda,... durlDc three quartet'! of tile there are few who would not makedesirable additions to the studentbody. The fac\llty will take care ofa part of their entertainment.but theywill naturally be most interested inlearning what sort of men and wo­men attend the University of Chi­cago.oEvery student should take it uponhimself to help make the visitorswelcome, and show them whatevercourtesies of a host are in his power.From S to 6 o'clock tomorrow af­ternoon, the men will be in the Rey­nolds club and the women in Lexing­ton hall Students should be there toFonDeI'lTThe VDl"�ral�., of Cll1cqo Weeki,..1'0IIIIde4The Weft.,.. Oet. I. ItJItZ.TIle DaU,.. OcL 1. 1902.lubKrlptloD price. '3.00 per ,.ear; ,1.00for a mODtha. sw.crtptlooa recelnd attile JIarooD Oatce, £Ilia Rall; 01' at tile1'aealt,J Escllaqe. Cobb Ball.PRF..8TON F_ GASS, lIaoaglDc EdItor.MELVIN J. ADAMS. Ne .. �tOr.· ·C:ABE LEO FRIDSTEiN, AtIll�tt� 0 Ecut�.OSWALD F. NELSO�. BU8lDtIIII Iiaoacer.cOllllliNICA TIONEditor Daily Maroon:Jerome N. Frank .Roberta B. OwellHarpave LoocA. N. PfeiferI(la Kamle Llll,.A. C. WIllUleldJ.S�8a1kQ'W. A. WeaTer . At the Minnesota gari}e a rooterfrom Minneapolis was heard to com­ment upon the lack of any decora­tions upon the campus. This is notthe first time that this has been re-l �f� i.� .,1 { . .&JlT I:DITO.. .Ro!, Baldrldp. , aKPOJL'l'Da:1( .8; Baakllqe Mlsa ErnStille BnDiaMorrl* H. BrlaIIp. m. ..First Tenor in Choir-There will beavacancy in the first tenor section ofthe choir. Anyone wishing to takethe position. 2.·pply to Lester B. Jones,.lirector of music,' Monday afternoon.in Kent theater.Cap and Gown Editors can be con­sulted with any afternoon in Ellis 3,from 3 to 4 o'clock. Communica­tions may be left at Faculty Ex­change 280.Pre-ministerial Club. with �ishopVincent, Friday, at 10:30, in Hitch­cock parlor. All invited.Wanted-A University' motto, to Deused ;n the seal design. Box 213,Faculty Exchan&e_Pre-legal �ub, Friday, at 10:30, inCobb 3C, election. "All students whoSaturday.The Chicago team is now· at thehigh tide of what promises to be a SEAT SALE OPENS FORbrill.iant season. The only t�i.ng LAST .PURITY BANQUETneeded for perfection is snappy. en­thusiastic yellling, and the �t�iV�rsal lIuch Interest .Displayed in Banquet intend to study Jaw invited.Which will be Novel Expe- The DaeneU Lecture, Friday:nrieDce for Easterners. Cobb lecture room. 12 to 1 p- m.that Chic�o must win on Saturday' "The CGmmercial and Colonial Pol-for the honor of the University and I The first Purity banquet to an icy of the North and East Europeanthe West. Will she? The team will Eastern team and· the last banquet Powers During the Age of Mercantil-decide that. �f the year will be held at the Com- ism."penetration of a finn determinationI.. ..1mons at 6 o·clock tomorrow night Purity Banquet, for the ChicagoThe sale of tickets for the banquet and Cornell football teams, Friday,atwill be opened at the Coml1l()ns and 6 p. m. in Hutchins0!1 hall.the information bureau this morningand . j't is expected that tickets will •go' with a rush. ·Inasmuch as this Sigma Alpha Epsilon announces;s 1he binest game of the year, and the pl�dging of Edgar M. Allen ofthis will be the first opportunity of (hi!licothe, Ohio.an Eastern team to participate in aParity banquet,' much interest is be-ing displayed in the affair. ManagerBarrels of the Commons is arrangingfor Z77 plates.The seating will be according todasses, the plan which was followedat the banquet prior to the Minne­sota game. There will also be twotables for the Alumni, SO of whomwill be present. Seniors, Juniorsand Alumni will be seated at oneend of the ball and under da�smenat tile oilier eDd.Meanwhile, the rooters have· an­other question to decide. _,.Are theygcing to get up on their toes and let�he men on the fi�ld know that t�ereis a whole gre�� university standingbehind the team that wears maroon?-There is nothing that so completelycaps a victory as to· know that therooters have been ready with theirsupport every minute, and there isnothing that softens defeat so effec­tually as the com'iction that the root­ers stuck gamely by the team theyIm'e, whatever its fortune for it isin. defeat that the rooters: real testcomes. I t is easy enough to cheerfor a winning team.Rooting does not take any l' lUsuals�iI1 ('.r strength, or even practic. Itmerely takes nnftinching loyalty andaoqueacbable euthusiasa. FOWNESGLOVESwiD Fashion'. raca'"banda down" ImpressioDs You lake Oa The £ulpos-'-,'Are IIIP_IONS that wiD � to 7011. eye 'D'after you have cradaated.To create the BEST IMPRESSIONS you must '.wear CLOTHES ,of CHARACTER-c1othes' t hat .:show YOUR OWN i Ddividuality-clothea that are, made for YOUR OWN fipro-clothea that theCRAFTSMAN baa speIlt a life-tilDe to 1 ear D tb�make. Your REPUTATION u a CORRECT and"CLASSY" dresser ia assured. if we make 7 0 U r�"clothes. . _. IOur prices for suits or overcoats ranee from S35 ';up.Come in next time you·re do� tOWD. and letus give you one of our college poatera-inddent­ally we'll act better acquainted.�er&WDkieTAILORS 1'51';' Dearbo,. Sf..8aDiFloor• Hotel Maroon.58th and Drexel AveUlfDER NEW MANAGEMENTRfSTAURIlNT AND I.UNCH ROOMFirst Class l\fIealsPrompt ServiceThe best of ev�ryfhing sewed at reasonable 'pricesMusic eve" evening in dinner-hall .'ThC National Hotel Co. I J. W. Ward_�DON'TRUN DOWN-TOWN LOOKING FOR .LADIES TAILORS"AND B�. DISAPPC?INTED ,'IN FITANQ woRKilAKsiIIP::'... .. BUT CALL AT • • •• � "-0D. '\IV einsteln'LADIBS· TAILORPhone Hyde Park I ••55th AND ELLIS.MIDNIGHT LUNCHHall "Feeds" Supplied Up to I A. M.UNDER 'NEW IlANAGEllENTBRA-IDEM, ex�'IO, U.· of C.55th AND ELLISPROFESSOR GUTH� TO FORII ARTS DRAMATICLECTURE ON THE NOVBL -Women'. CoUeae OrpniatiOD' 0. Profe�sor .William Norman Gath- prated With a lIemba8bip ofrIc. U DIversity Lecturer in GeDeral .Literatur�, will today deliver the first The charter members ofof a senes of talks he will give at 111 thethe Fine Arts building under the co ege (women) DramaticUni;ersi�y Lecture' association. His have be�n elec�ed after. t�als insubject .IS "T�e Novell a Living Art I Mrs. Flint, MISS Marjorie Day,Form: Its History and Its Possible 'Mr. Robertson were the jUdges�eveJopment," and the hour is.. The following were chosen· Mio·clock. .•Anthony, Antisdale. Campbell.In his five succeeding lectures .Professor Guthrie will_ be more spe- hurg. Golds"'orthy, Gould, Hecific, :tnd will take up on the average and Miner. The judges expof two novelists eacbtime. His sub- themselvcs extremely 'well Pleasedject for November '9 is "The Preach- thc standard of work exhibiteder's Novel." On November 23 he beJieve. the new organiZationwill talk on "The Artist's Novel;" prove � valuable asset not Ollly toon December 3 "The Rustic Novel;"' Arts College but' to th�on December 10 ··The Philosophic University.Novel" and on December 17 ··The The first meeting forPs)'CholocKal Noyel" was held yesterday. 1 CAR.Qrcat ..if yOU II'lyle". yo,companieRich. �did areDfeet blellcred!entlMild ;Fipe anelGet Ipr�upon2 (8 (A RcINATI(. First 1Not COlIf JpainfittilgarrreveinimdrapClotto aWe.ormaJlcanflirte¥Clthatstit�inte-'listfroltreoBd• af�dWeFacPhc-s:That the common view of immor­tality is one-sided, including in' itsconception only the future; thatsometime the idea of atonement willbe discredited, and that there is ncscientific proof of the divinity ofJesus Christ, are some of the liberalstatements made by Professor Fores'o Ray Moulton in an address on "Sci­ence and Religion," last night. Professor Moulton reviewed, point forpoint. the attitude of the scientificman soward religion."As for immortality," he declared."there is absolutely no scientific evi­dence one way or the other; but theNATIONAL CIGAR STORB proofs of the theory of evolution arc(Inc.) simply overwhelming and indisputa­ble, In laying before us a completepanorama of all past life, and makingit clearer that. man has grown us:Not Connected with the Tobacco I from the lowest forms of animal lifeTrust. evolving through centuries, science i:-t actually achieving immortality for us..... ------------- _for. while science furnishes no evi-Members of the Baptist Congressholding their twenty-sixth annualsessjcn in this city took luncheonat the Commons private dining roomsyesterday. This conference is ofespecial interest to the University,because of the prominent part beingtaken in it by members of the facul­ty.President Judson had the honor ofmaking the response on behalf. ofLaIIII ... .,. •• 4I� ... � ..... 4I� community at the opening day of the�es$ion. Mr. Wallace Heckman,counsel and business manager of theUniversity, engaged in a discussionof "What are the Legitimate Limits()f Free Speech in a Republic?" Pro­fessor Allan Hoben discussed thequestion ·'The Doctrine of Atone­ment in Terms of Modern Thought."The ccnfcrence wilt close today,letnt-Chicago. III\�t���8:�U you have DeftI" amcked "Car-.'lyle", you do DOt mow just bowcompanionable �our pipe caD be,.et6-lelIf-� I135';Get It at our atOrel or sent.prepaid to your addressupon receipt of price.Rich. frqrant. with that splen.did aroma.. only �ssible to per­feet blendinc d the choicest in;- icredienta. . iMild and medium atrencths:' IFine and coarse cut.III1;,. ·1 I 2 OZ.-4OC 4 O.z.. 75c8 OZ.-SI.SO I lb. $3-00A Revelation in Pipe-Tobacco__I. First National Bank Building.:red.If you don9t Imow thepainstaking Bows' way ·.)ffitting and trying on agarmen� it would be arevelation to you. • Theinimitable fit. bane anddrape of Bo... TailoredClothes is due. perhaps,more to � feature thanto any other one thing.-We take a cOat while itis still in the pI: �tic stage.:;..; �:. mould- *aDd-work it to the form of theman it's made for-we,carry this personal try-onfUrther than aD)' one basever done before. Afterthat .thoUsands �f patient,stitcheS are needed to putinto Iastinc form the ar­<. listic sb8pe which resultsfrom such a mode oftreatment.Believing that clothesdo apress c b a r­acter, � omit no ef­fort to perfect each in­dividual garment.utumn Woolens in Richestssortment.Your' CaD �uld be Appreciated - .... ft't' .... ...,_ ..,.!1IB .DAlLa BU��&a '.' .�:.:.: ', ..... '•. �'.; ...• ..t';;:;�:: • .:. , .. '�t'-:�::. j' ' .: c : ": ... �.� .. :�.;- t . -." .... :_.-...J&.-":' .,"'" ., . ...-- ..�� R1itea 011 Tickets for tn� ·N·:-�:::.�- G-'�·p·R'·�!& -, � ·BO�··Chicago-Comet1 .&me, close today at '� Y9-'. .:. 'IY�� . ,,�.,�� ,: Purity Banquet Tickets are. on sale ' ,today at the information office. andat· the Commons at meal times.Cia.. EleCtions in all four classeswill be held today and tomorrow.The polls for the two upper classeswill be in the corridor .of Cobb; forthe two lower classes in the Juniordean's office.Executive Committee of Philosophycollege meets today . at 10:30 inCobb 9B. General election.Monster Mass Meeting tonight at7:45. The big time of the year!"The Novel, a Living Art Form: IIts History and Its Possible Devel- •opment" is the subject of Professor IWilliam Norman Guthrie's lecture to­day at 4 in the Fine Arts building Imusic hall.Reynolds Club Smoker, November ------------------------------ ••14. called off. •Chapel Assembly. the Junior col- lcges (women), in Mandel hall, 1•today, 10:30 a. m. Bishop Vincent, •Devotional Half Hour, . conducted'Iby members of. the Divinity School,Haskell assembly room, today 10:30a. m,Investigators· Club Cobb lectureroom, today. 4 p. m. Mr. A. M.Simons will lecture on the 'Basis of.. - SA'LA.TKA,M-usl;c.A-L:-,CO-L-LEGE·. Estalttlahed'1879 by the �orld;. -_ .- reoO\meJt �ifans BaJ..tka· 'Madam Alla Nazimova, the Russian POS�� CARD �RINGS CATALOGUEactress who is playing Ibsen at one I..' , ' ,;,:' -, WRITE TODAY .of the local theatres was free yester- DR.. C H � .. F.. B'. ,L'A T Ie A. D ire e tor..:fay with 'her .expre�sions of wonder] Diplomas itt."·,.nized JIll Over the World::�ti::m���::n o�:!:n g:�th!e�:� • Special Rat. to Students of U of c,versity which she attributed to the • . .. A�'An CommUllicatioaa toinfluence of dormitory life. She met I· BALATKA'MUSICAL COLLEGEthe students Tuesday as the guest of I I . .' .honor at a reception tendered by theWomen's .U..nion. '""Madame Nazimova," said one girlwho attended the reception, "has theheartiest grip I ever enjoyed. Shemay be Russian, but she shakeshands like an American."1'B& DAlLY MAltOON. THUIRSDA Y, NOVEMBER 12. 19o$.University Profeuor 0ePe- Lib­I fftl V:ew of ScieDce to OrthccloxReJicioua Dcemu.deuce in support of future immortal­ity.: it is unraveling the past for usand opening to our minds a less andtess limited view into the future, andenabling us to recognize the omnip­otence of an over-ruling God in thew�ote universe. Our conception ofimmortality should not be one-sided.se�ing only the future, but must takei;;'the past. We do not stop to thinkthat we: may have had a past indefi­nite existence. And immortality ofthe mind. not a physical kind, . isthe' proper conception."Professor Moulton re-iterated thetroth that God is a supreme beingmanifest in all the workings of theuniverse and not aloof from it. "Fromthis -viewpoint," he continued, "it ape'pears that every man is part of thegreat universal force, and the posi­tiOl� of Christ in the order of thingswould be much lowered. There is noscientific evidence of the divinity ofChrist. The theory that Christstands as mediator between man andGod to wipe out all sins, will in time-pass away. The attitude' of thescientific man, is that every cause pro­duces a result and whatever one does,be it- good or bad, open or secret,will be rewarded justly in a final day the Social Evil"Intercollegiate Socialist Society,C:obb lecture room, 5 p. m. to­Jay. Mr. A. M. Simmons; Editor theChicago Daily Socialist, will speak.All interested are urged to be pres­ent.MME. NAZI'MOVA LAUDSWOMEN'S DORMITORIES IFamous Russian Actress Impressedwith Good. S�irit Existing i�.Campus Hall· Life.of judgment,"IENTERTAIN �IST DIVIN�Delegates � f Down-town Conventionare Guests on Campus. PROF. CLARK GIVES READINGOF SERVANT IN THE HOUSELarge AucheDce Hean Good Por­trayal of Characters in Wellknown Drama.Before a large and appreciative au­dience in Kent yesterday, ProfessorS. 'H. Clark of .the Public SpeakingDepartment, ga\"e an interesting read­ing of the popular drama, "A Ser­vant in the House." The play is 'aps}chological production of the Ib­�en type, written by Charles RannKennedy, an English socialist. Thecharacters of Robert, the down trod­flen and debauched working man, andof his brother, the vicar, were excel­iently depicted by Mr. Clark. Thepart of Manson. Bishop of Benares.lr.d the principal character lost nostrength bccause of its unscenic rep­resentation. The gist of the plot is inthe speech by Manson: "1 am a ser­v�nt in this house, I have my workto do."We Have No Branch StudioFacilities for everytbinc inPhotocrapb�.Phone Central log----------�----------------8R Elcdenc:eSEE THEil IIADE BARGAINS ALL THE TIIIE-Reliable Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes: rebuilt in cur own factory;better and cheaper than others. See Are "ou interested in football, �s­f('r' yourself. The Typewriter Ex- ketball· athletics of any kind? Thenchange, 3'9 Dearborn St. A. 1. Couse, subscn-be for tbe Maroon and keepManaaer. Telephone Harrison .eo6s- Posted ill aD adlJelic eftIIIa. ., ." : .....iii:" to meet tile aprIS·.eeI WUlts of a DIIIDbeI- of04J._. ... .•• •our patro-. anaa.cemcnta baYe.�tly beeD collclllded �which we will receiVe at abOn interYaJ.. col1licmnena of. "the . latest German' �ublicatio_ ill .aence. iOdoloU. pb:pi_010�; literature.: �. � :aubjecta, which will bebousecl in apecial cue. 101' abibitiOD purpo... The &ratcol1licmnent baa jaat heeD iDatalleel Our patroDa are in­Yitecl to inspect it.The University. 01 Cblcago PressletaD DepartmeDt-00 S'he �pus"$2 $3 Atttes -,ats $4 ·$5B. L. AMES HAT co.90 EAST .IIDISON STliEETTribune Building-2d Door East of CorLargest Exclusive Hat Store in Chicago .. _-Smart shapes of unquestionable tasteand authority from. which the selec-, tion of a becoming hat may be made.The superb quality' is guaranteed .by.�-five years' ezpecience in seelingSile hats.GLOVES :-: UIIB�LLA8THE HYDE ';ARK PRINTING' CO.. : -aLit cn ,to '".GEO. w. cURRIBJi .• CO. aucJ 'IIATSON • TUNARy •......... -�.,-.&g�PRBPAItBI) to H�� ANYTHING INTHE Lnm OF PRINTING.aM ... sstIa Btnet.WE ARBROBERT· P. MURPHY.Proprietor .MANY DESIRABUA nSOLUTELY FIREPROOFI n the hearl "bf the City5O� Rooms.. ,-300 Bath RoomsE\�ropean Ptan. Cuisine Unexcellec(�ntlemens' Cafe, Ladies· Restau�rant, and Moorish Rooms. Popu":lar Prices. Plenty of Life-butHomelike.11.00 Per D.� and UpSEND FOR BOOKLET.: Meet me at the College Inn, underthe Albany, Ne� York9s leadingRatbsftller-, a· pia« to' eat, drinkand be DleIT7.GOODS REDUCED BOTEL ALBANY., 41. Street and BroaclWQNEW YO�·RemodeDecJ, HaDd80mely Far­ai8bed Tbr0ap01ltIN PRICE ..REASON: To ClearUp Oar Stock Ear1�.Will. lemma' So­Clark 'aDd Adams StreetsTry a classified ad in the Dail,.Small ads brinK larae retaml.J f ,_V�c:r;�H:'�,AY sEAT��S:�'CLOCK =16�' L G;RJI.IIRG" •. _. _.._. . - - '_._. _--'." _.,.'(·���_·&om ·p·a'iwi.e•J)'· . - Tbtee-.·.' I H�" .. �j.��.,.: ... -,�_J.���.�.:.:;.;i, ,Tbe_n.·i .•.. aiji�.. ·;{ ariel winter fil;. i . - . �II' �,.. � . J n. LUpat .... 'fa.ct�er. JD',,::::":: "�_:" , .. --.',' '. R�, TOptllcr: �th .•. �e1r�' . '�c.·sb('�� �'�iiy� s�'�. __ C,!�S� but Wo�Id' of'ollkial; Athletic.cntly playing all around the scrubs. $1.sO'SeatS at SpaJ4iDc'.. the colonncs are not pronounced.Coach Larkin is drilling his ends to - .. - .. 'I rhe fab�cs have-'- a" rouah twilledlireil? � th� open style - formations The sale. ?f s�cent s�&.dei1t. tickets ��rfac�wo�eii closely enough toai' ,ChiC.." �aDd ·he .d' said-' to be the closes at 4 this afternoon,' if ,th� three give' serviCe; .�;.who �ta1Jght tile Indians to use hundr�d hoid o�t th�t .long. There .: Olives' and the' -various' shades oflheir ,evidently _ efficient method of ",iii, be two men .selling, all tiay,. as bf."wn are in' strong' favor: '.. breaking. up 'ChicaK�'s offense. yesterday, and ail th�' student-ti�kets ,GreY'.�ifl�'s aD.� th�'-�eis 'hadi�8'. -rnie] c6aches'- seem� to be laboring are sur! to b� sold by closing time'. into t��. st�De, anci ,iate colorin'p ar�on" their defe-nse with the object of This is the first time this' year that tlecidedly / correct. . .stoppilJg� the; ".aggiessiveness- of C3P- the. entire number of, seats' reserved ", In 'ov"ercoat fa�rics' th� . rough - bas.tain Steffen, in: the. same way that for students has been sold. .�t . w�aves '��d, �errin�ne' st�ipe!,Warner's Indians succeeded in stop- Yesterday the two snaky lines in are considered very smart. .ping Wallie last y�ar. The lineup of Bartlett got away with enough tick- SUits for 'con�� �� '30 to '35the Ith.aean,s, for Sat�rday is not cer- cts tC" bring the sale nearly up to the Overcoats $35 to, $.totain, and the' coache-s are preparing one-thousand mark. Af_ Spalding's We make ridine breecheL, �o, a:se- �f le�st two men in each posi- everything on the Chicago side hasCoil e gee a ,f e tion.' been wid, except a Iew $1.50 seatsRiiul8:t: Lineup Unchanged at the ends of the field.. CornellFew shifts are likely to be made in adherents have applied for twcthe regular lineup. Hurlburt at left thc.usand tickets, and a great man),. end,' and McArthur at right, are pret­- ty sure" to play, as both 'are consid­. ered as fast and shifty a pair as can; be de\��toped, out of �he candidatesfor the extreme positions; At tacklesZY��rk�'-': right� and Leventry leftare- bbth:,extd6rdinii'�ily fast for men_of t�ir weight. 'O'Rourke, tipping20C upEvenin& Dinner _ _ .: 25c�' the beam at 200j i� considered as fastSunday Dinner _ _ _ _ I as �ny, �an, o� �he team..35C-_ Cosgrove, at right guard, IS tall and FENCING' CLUB ELECTSSERVICE A LA CAR.'T. E W�-. ·Ihea�'. " ari�.. valuable �o the' team as a AND PLANS A BANQUE1, . '. .. punter, . being' give'n the job of kick: .',. ; ,," ,. : ing=', off, usually: Bell at the other George Bliss Made Permanent Lead-gU"ara, is':,a' new man orr the team, buter of' OigaDiz&tio�Dinner .onhis great . slt'�nttb and endurance for Next Week.'·Ih.a� made him a worthy holder of�� b�r�h. Wight at center, although Bylaws of the Fencing club were:ne� � ,�o����l, pl��_e� at De�ni�of! 4dopted yesterday ar.d permanent of·'for two years, and 15 good at passlOg fi' . t d' G BI'.. , • ' ','.. ' •. ,,' cers ".ppOIO e '. eorge ISS wasthe ball�.�n�� ,e�ect!ve on def�nse. lected president; Roy Baldridge,, \\feU at- QuarterbackCl� f'eabo.lJ � Co •• 1'roJ, NewT",close meeter that":will try neither tie,thumb nor temper15(".- 2 for 25c.447 E. 55th. St.Near Lexincton' AvenuePOPULAR PLACKATPOPULAR- PRICKS:'� ..ILuncheonCLASsIi'IBDin theD A I L YMAROO'N�RING RESULTSFOR SALEFOR RENTWANTEDLOSTFOUNl)'�R RENT-Splendid House for: aFratenity at $85. Phone GoodrjchOakland 1701; Robert F. Schenck& Co .• 4301 Drexel Blvd:� . mere are being, sold downtown. "Iti10ught that I was beyond any dan,ger of running out of student tickets TAaOR FOR YOUNG' lIEN'when I reserved thirteen hundred for A., N. Jerrerila; Mcr·rwo stores: 13r La' Sane at., .. '""'JacbOD '�this game," said Norman Barker lastnight, "but it begins to look as ifthose students who: put off theirbuying until the last minute will' beI�ft out in the cold this afternoon. •vicepresident; Rieve. secretary, andParmenter, ,treasurer_ The club thenelected M. de Beauviere,. M. de Lam­oroux Dr. Raycroft and Mr. StaggThe quarterback' problem continuesto; vex: th'e' coaches� Caldwell is thepest - of ftl\�e' mediocre. candidates.H�; is, faMi -accurate �'and heady, buti�liiied . to -be" sto>w at his position.. Gardiner is,"ihe_'be'st of the secondchoices': for' quarter. .. The otber.· backs are exceptionallystrQng. C�tain Walder at 'full is awoilCfe.r; . arid': �s gOO<t� as any in theEast- He> is' ii" hard' line plunger, ab�rd' anci' s�ift' ta�kler' and' runner. honorary members.The executive committee, has de­cided upon a supper to be given somerime next week, and at this' occasionthe membcrs will have an opportun­ity of becoming better acquainted.The details have not yet been com­pleted. ' •.... L �O&icial Imp�ta for· au Track!:'�and Field SPo_.' '.. foOt BaIt lisket "�1Ice' .Skates�' Boeker, Gcj:Ulliforma fo�' all A��'�:,GYIIHASiuli- APPAi(A:.rtJS; ,.'Spaldin&,s hands(>ui-ely iUtistr�te4 :Catalogue of ail sp�rt' �oiIbin.numerous, saggeS'lions. MailedFree anywhere. VoL VXe� York, Boston, 8uffal() Sy�:'use, Washington, Chicago. Philad�rhia, Pittsburg, Baltimo�e:' St. L�-�.)enver, Kansas City, Cincinnati, De-.roit, Montreal, CaJ,!.; San Fraud�:\iinneapclis, New Orleans,OevelaDll,';I.ondon. ED&. . � . All thpual inl-ace havp.rc:siden�ate Coii�'i"� �llifthe "5J,'believe in' Popular '�ices� M,$2���, B�si�ess .. �u� �re' posifi��!Y:$35.00 value. YoU: can save'juSt $10.00<-Thars 'worth while. let me make� onefor you and prove ·it.t:- ': PuMUt'.:)\(T�]'.A. 'YJ. I_p'aqur.! .-_ Grimii�t!: cl:JJoyack."'!! .....�rslBiddlecc,�ck, '"�ore,· It. H. �'H'eg8-�i�,l!�;'� J£. D. �'L . .p�!r:WuecCHICAGO AND CORNELLWILL DINE AT STATES Majestic Theatn;· Bldg.,IIliDOis . Co�e Of Commerce. :- .... :, :"-"-���.ATHENAEUM'_,' 18 to'26 VAN BUREN ST�" -Young pec;ptC' �ed: hi·, om- SIiorth8ntl"mid S- '': !'--:..a�_'_ • ' ',.,. 1I8IDeS1I �"�ts ,� '�' ,shortest. �SSI"le time for po8iti()� that'o PIT': at ' -oee.:fro�: $35 to sc;c,' a m��' Iildividual intsructio�' DAY aDIl· HlOtr.r�0Il:L. En� ,any. tilDe.. CaU, write or _ phoDe ,HaniJIOa 010·· for .catalogue.: Positiou for, gr;IdUateS. 37�: of 1IDin_� ,-sac'cess.. . SAIOJEL' B. WILLEV, LL. B. s�teiidCDt',, -. '. - '.,., , -, : .. -. ,':" .-.:-reams to be Entertained at' Restau-rant After Game-llany Rooters·Gomg.The States Restaurant, Adams andState streets, has invited' the Univer­sity of Chicago and Cornell Univer·sity teams to dine at their place afterthe big game.For the students a special tabled'hote dinner has :been arranged, atthe price of one dollar a plate. Alltable reservations must be made fromBen Newman before Saturday noon.Many fraternities have already sig.nified their desire to be present and .pay their· respects to the Chicago andEastern men. Special decorationshave been prepared for the restau·rant, and the management is doingeverything it can to make the night apleasant one for those who attend.'25 cents for three: .. -,lines per issue._____________ ;;...;.' ancf can:,'always be relied on for aCLASSIFIED ADVERTISnl�:' piti.: Sbeat-er'is' the regular righthalf, and has been out of the gamefor several' weekS' on account of anLOST-A f t ·t· dra erDl y pm; re�ar. injured· ankle, but is expected to playLeave at Information �ffi�.. Saturday, against Chicago. TidemanFOUND-A . I ' Id·'· � ; 'at: lett',half is, a 'gt)Jgery, vicio!1s play-.• glf S �o sIgnet, nng� er on attac� and works with all hisIn Bar.lett natatOrIum. Owner may . � -J - ;' _.,. _. mIght JJl the pme. . .. ,recove� by IdentificatIon fron. �, � List; . of SutiStitittesCoach Knudson in the gymnasium. - 'Among. the best substitutes of theFOUND-' T -dl'es' - Ithacan'-cainp are the following men:.a...a pm on campus,N�vember 9. Daily Ma�Oon, Ii. M�,H9�an,�9hins?n and. Hutch,E. M. inson, as half backs; Pope as full.CYGara and Wood are the other pos­sibilities ,at quarter, and Bayer. H:,d·sey, Crosby and Harris are the al­tern'at�s"at the e�tremities of the line.In the line proper, McCullom. Cor­man, Pavek, Froesch and Goff willW�.A second-ha�d copy of substitut�. In all practically the en­Chamberlin & SalisburY's. GeOlogy, tire !qua�_ of forty-fo�r candidatesall three volumes. Send offers to for the, Cornell Varsity team wilt beE. O. H., s800 Jackson avenue. i� suit on the sidelines available foruse.TYPEWRITING and CopYing -workwantcd, at 433 E. 55th St., 1St ftat. NEW "IIEIIORY BOOK" OUTReasonable terms.WBBRB TO DINB'lBB lJRIOH BOTBLABD RBSTA11RAlft111-117 Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PLACKTO EATEith",r before or, after t .. eTheater..' W.mUe.�o;a..'aDd PraterDity DiIIaera.' SOCIALIST EDITOR SPEAKS pownS'HENRY- B:' HARRISPrcsents Edpr Eelwyn in"PIERRE OF- THE PLAINSG8LO_tALGOO. H: CoHANand his R�� Faaulyand Incomparable Co.OBARD OPBRA BOmWALKER WHITESIDE" THE· MELTING 'roT'OIIlOAOO OPDA BOUD·RA Yl\I()N»' HlTOHCOCKAnd a handred others inTHE MERRY-GO-ROUND#·C" So�, of- CoUece DaJB BeingShown 1)7 Locke .. acomber. A. M. Simons to Address Investip-Locke Macomber is handling a tcrs-Also Public Lecture. INTERNATIONAL THEATRE'Chicago "Memory Book" am�)I1g the �Ir, A. M. Simons, -editor of thestudents of the Unh'ersity, thc idea Chk��o Daily Socialist, ,,·ill delh·crbeing to have an attractive souvcnir tWf) addresses in Cobb lecture roomof the ycars· s�nt at college in the this afternoon. The first, at 4fonn of remembrances that appeal. o'clt.ck, will bc a lecturc before the In English Mon., Wed., Sun. evgs.,Students to whom Macomber has Investigators' club on the subject of and Italian on TueS., Wed., Sun. "is,shown the' book, are enthusiastic "The Basis of the Social E,·il." Fol-over it,- am many have already sign- lowing this hc will gi\'e a public lec- 'diip' for a copy. A large white "c"lturc undcr the aospices. of the Tnter- 'lB. AlfDl'rOaIU.(leContes 'the" maroon' COftT of the collegi:ltc Socialist Society. at 5. atbook, which is being sold for tw,� which an intcres'ted are urged to be . CARLE i�cloIIan. pn:seDt. GRAND OPERALOHENGRIN"-I All A BUSINESS MAN 8TUDBBA·i';.�jF'RITZI" sCliEFF'in 't�e' first prOd�Cti9�··QfTH-E piUMA DONNA"ILLI_QIIMAUDE ADAMS'-_ In New ComedJ'�'WHAT EVERY WOMAN'ltNO �,'/;�/,,'"The Quality, Musical PIaY': ;.A STUBBORN. CINDEiuiLi.A':.east t<iOUtb··big, g(m�n 'I:lrest t'CottaB��! 0on theTealAll 'temooOVer tbe inspetitic'\Viii pto guiof ret.alongIlADAltf'NAZIMOVA'HEDDA GABBLER.MASTER BU1i..DEft\WBI-rBBYTHE BIG SUOCESSA BROKEN IDOL-CECIL LEANaDdFLORENCE HOLBROOKt:l' La� SalW Tlaeater St�1t ().A GIRL AT THE HELIIand