matly _arunnVol VII. No. 28.' Price Two c--SIX tUls EilER FoR'tROSS COUIlRY GRlU-,'"� I� T�E �'S, WC;>�Wisconsin and Nebraska Confident ofWinning Next Saturday-Cald�1Pleased at Chances.iRECTOR STAGG�POUSHES LOWER CLASSES NO_ATEUP VARSITY DEFENSE I Freahman and Sopbomores ShowGreat Interest in Class Elections­Three Candidates for Second.yearPresident-5 Girls for Secretary.The nominations of the FreshmenCcmell .Plays Simple Football and and Sophomores for the officers ofUse Many Fresh.. Speedy Substi- • heir respective classes were closedtutes in .aU Games. yesterday afternoon, so that the elec­tions may be held next Thursday andWith the "big" game of the sea- Frid;y, at the same time as those ofson only five days away, the Varsity the Juniors and Seniors. A great dealsquad settled down into a course of .nore interest has been displayed bystiff and strenuous training yester- the lower classmen in making theirday. Director Sta�� kept the team nominating than was shown by theout on the field until 7 o'clock last classes of 'og and '10, as there aretwo or more candidates for each of­fice. The choice of president for theSophomores will be hotly contested,as there have been three men nomi­them on defensive only. The year- nated for that office. Following are• i:against Cornell, Saturd.ay. The selec· Ftion as "regular" guards a�d tackle 'GATHERING OF ALUMNI TOremains as difficult as' usual. Hoff BE H�D THIS WE�Kma�' is pretty sure··of· his berth at lefttackle, and either -K�l1�y �r- Falk havefirst eaU on the right tackle post. Th�r.icking of "surething'" guards is amore difficult problem, as'. Elliott,Meigs, Ehrhorn and Hirshl are allshowing good work at .the positions.DeTray Talb OD CorDell GameLeo DeTray, �hot returned Sunday,'from Ithaca, where he saw 'the Cor­nell-Amherst p'me, dedares tflat the(ornen eleven uses only simple foot­ball and few' complicated plays."The Cornell team is very fast:' saidthe as!'istant coach last night. "amIif we heat them, it will be by out­g('ncralling �heir team. They usesimple football and send the substi- :he hanql1et:the memben "'i11 adjournto the Reynolds club. 'where a bigtute5 ill one after the other, e"idently STUDENT TICKET SALE Hitchcoc� ���ts to �ebratealumni �moker will he held. A good:ring to use up the opposition and � A4dition�of Piano.program has been arranged for thi�depending on their, own secondary .cLOS, ES THU, RSDA,Y AT 4 P. M. Hitchc(,ck House holds, on Fridayoccasion and the prese'nce of a largeteam to win the game. Only three AND THAT ("vening. Nov. 20th, a smoker. for thenumber of old ChicagO men is ex-mt.n played a full game Saturday purpose of making the acquaintance�cted.against Amherst." THE BIGGEST MASS MEETING of its new �ian�. To this functionComeO Sa�.. Stren&tb the house �ordial1y' invites all mem-(Special to the Daily Maroon) I "Junc" Chandler, '08, is �ith the bers of the' University who have been--------------1 Mun!W!y Syndiat"" as one: of.:'s t""L.! of the V ... WiD be Held iD Bartlett,I -, u \...ur at any time residents in HitchCOCK(COD .... - .... 4) caao � "I'Iw ..... r-a p. .. ....strub Lineup Used Against Yearlin,_Who Cross Varsity Goal ManyTimes in Scriinmage.MENt .• andoulnight and worked them on defensiveplay principally. The Freshmen weregiven the ball in the center of thefield, and the Varsity' played against'OTEOpenD<lily:andundajsIrcrnI A.Ilt')� P. H. lings succeeded in crossing the Var­sity goal several times with unlimiteddowns, but the scrub lineup only wasused in the scrimmage, most of theregulars being kept out. Besides thescrimmage practice, Mr. Stagg' hadthe team busy on plays, tackling thedummy, and signal drill, and woundup the work with the usual winddepart­It onceNIGHT[IIO forted sueI'ltendeDl runs.Darkness' Hinders Pra�Ce.Part of the lack of strong defenseof the. "scrub-Varsity" lineup' wasdue, t� zhe _darkness,��d.:"thc,.�·�gnbaU'''''W'a:s calied into user to .facilitatematters. In tb�:,· scrimmage lineup,the following men were employed:Schommer and Briggs, ends; Elliottand Smith tackles; �Meigs and Hir­schl '��lrds; ;Grills�" ce��err' Wofth�.wine, . Schott and Falk, defensivebacks. Grills as substitute tenter isshowing gre�t improvement. He ap­peared f� the squad two weeks late,and has been behind in getting .intoshape, but is now getting his wind,and his grea.t natural strength, cou­pled with an' improvement in formand increased speed, is .making him c\\'a'luable understudy to Badenoch.� an� Ta�es' UDcertainSchott's "Charley horse" is almostgone, and the chances are that bothhe and Worthwine will be seen",0.westor aI toithinan Idealnplofi lIer,:ago. :T.UIt .. ��v ':I .:PO��'TELEGRAM--�==:z----�.�-- I .-...... .....� 1IJU,UIIL 'Uft'.Cl11CIDATI. O.�-,!, .,. _ M ,. vnftISlft' or� __ .a.KftD IQlllUSDa'rU ,. � 1IUIImTY.�.��=tc..(� $INn.,. 0_'1) P,urdue, Grinnell and Drake are Itl­duced � Conference Committeeto Send Quintets.Re.VIseD MAP 0'" T"" u.s­(� _y, ...... , _, ... -.u)The Conference cross country raceIto be held next Saturday morning,is to be the biggest event of its. kiDd 'ever pulled off in the W est, �tn��"rom other colleges are coming infast.Director Stagg reported yesterdaythat five-Wisconsin, Nebraska, Pur:"lue, Grinnell. and J?rake-have writ­ten, saying they will send teams;' and:he expects to hear from several morebefore Saturday.A report from Wisconsin statJ·that in the tryout there the fiveniles were 'covered in :29 flat, aJdthat during the training period therunners expect to Iower even thatrime, The student body is taking a:�reat interest in the' work of theream; and' a number of students - ex­pect to conic down 't.� see: the:'race:'• ",:,._ ','._ ,f'·,'. At Nebraska. also, .the. CfP�.� C�.U�7 " ...try work -is progressing. ��'�;Coru�" '..hiisJ:� ... 2r21!l��_!9._��e# z. ·d�-:..:'�.:·· -:_ ... teaiD;'agaiil' this 'y��:�,;."':''J .... _. 'he 'oth�! tliree;..._P1lrd'Ue;; 'Gimbellmd Drake-have never sent": tiIdhi�)efore_ bilt' it' has' been' heard'-�The Senior College Council at iteo. hey intend. to make " theU: : �rs� _ .at­meeting y.esterday took a stand,· on tempt a good one. and that threethe matter <?f the Uiliversity 'se�i� first-class teams wi'lI' �e: seri{ 'J '.when a. committee consisting of. Miss When asked 'ab��t Chiago's ..Helen Peck and Albert A. Smith an- 'chances yesterday, Captain Calef.eft.nounced , that mottoes are being expressed confidence, The: teadL'sought for the seal from students. started on its week's practice ��, g�"The: motto should express in the :form, taking six laps on Marshallsmall compass of not more than Field at a stiff pace, �ithout see�i�stwenty letters the purpose of the to be very hard taxed, and it:' '�IhUn�versity in its - broadest sense," 'continue the strenuous work: toni.C?r:­is the way tile committee phrases its TOW. The program laid':out: for' therequest, Latin, or possibly French, .men .is. alternate . .IOJig, jogs: a�are the languages preferred for the sprint work for shorter d�5u.:�C�contest, and' contributions are to. bedeposited in box 213, Faculty Ex-. GLEE- CLUB TO.MAU ITS·change. The mottoes �iJ1 be submit- BQW' AT PURIT� 'B�,Q�.�ted to the board of trustees, which 'select th� one thought most avail­able to be worked up into the Uni­\'ersity seal. .Tellers appointed for the 'juniorani Sel:ior class elections, to be helelThursday and\ Friday, are the follow·:ng: Juniors, Miss Caroline DickeyRoberts Ow�n and �au(Heflin; Sen�iors: Miss Louise Nerton, John Dille:md Melvin Adams.January 221was fixed upon as tht''!ate for the -Settlement dance. The�eason for !Octting this date instead'f the lalilt Friday in December i�that under the present arrangementthe dance --:ill be placed orily t ".days before �anot�er Settlement fune\i��, a reading by :\fiss French.YE.LLOW PERU_!H�NO 'III •• TIN. O�,'T"&'. .A�'l' TO ".AO.THe "lAST NOTICS'S:he nominations:,sophomore ClassPresident. E. S. Earle.Clark Rixchie,E. T. Sturgeon.Vice-PresidentA. H. Straube,H. R. Baukhage,S�cretaryHazel Stillman.Laura Wilder .Mary Phister. WA'-L.\F youFU,-L.e«-.. �,Ger.aldiJle.....&QWA- '�l''Virginia Freeman,.Treasurer' ..E. T. Sturgeon. .:�Alec. c, Whitfiel�. JFreshman. Class 7: ..;.� .. : .' ',' -. I 'r." President � :Chester H.' Greene. -'rWill Sing from "lcony of the COm­mons at Cornell WelcollieFriday Night •.In a closely-fought: g3n:t� Wiscon­:iin proved its ng�:t as'" a contenderi�r. championship honors by. winningfrom .Minnesota sat��rday" The,., , . - .'i�ore _'wa-s' S· to o, the -_ o�ly' count be-'�ng .niad�· in the fUs.t half, .on theshoe-string trick, whic� �as cleverly·�!>.rked', by Moll, the. B�dge� quarter­back and the individual star of thepme.. �innesot� (jW�5 its defeat toUl� same weakness which was so evi­leni in the Chicago iam�it's lack of''1.., _.. , ..kno�ledge of the new style .of play.'The- Badgers fooled the Maroon and'GOld players time and' again on old'tricks, and the Minnesota team wasenable to make any consistent gains'at any time during the game.Williams' men, howev;r,. put uP. ahetter fight on the whole then they'lid al{3i!1st the Maroons. After the.i�r5t half, they solved Wisconsin's''In-side kick and forward pass forma­tiOD! . and the Ba�gers only way ofpiili�g in the second period was in.One thousand invitations are "ing kicking, in which' �on was far and..ent out by Secretary Fairweatlltr -of above any of his competitors. Thethe Alumni Association, to imni Wisconsin team in general played.::-a�d former students of the iver-- strong, fleady game. It showed It-. I" . th 't f th mnl· self to be a strong factor in th�.. ny tYing m e Cl y_ or eI b th' n xt Fn'day" Th- .championship race, and a team which(' u. ga ermg e .. ;" ;alumni are urged to be present �t th�big mass meeting to be held in thl'�ymnasium Thursday e,-ening.) Seats�re now being reserved by t�e in('harge at the Purity banquet. AfterKenneth Lindsav,V-�,;,President.Ralph . Rosenthal.Arnold Baar.Leon Wal�er.Frank Soule.SecretaryVirginia Downing,Lina Gould..TreasurerFred Kixmiller.Renton Moyer. '� ,Cameron T. La:.ter.Former Students to Have. a �kerFollowing t� Parity BanquetFridq Eveainc. President liarl Goodenow an..;nounced yesterday the schedule f�rt. .. ., : • "',' . 7�he newly oragnized Glee dub. The�rst public appearance of the' singers�wiJJ .be at the Purity banquet, Friday'night, when music- will be furnishedflom the balcony of the Com��Rehearsals are carded for today,. and�omorrow from 4 to 6 in Kent. the�­ter' and, according to Goodenow_ anyman "'ho is absent both tim�s will' be(Continued on page 3).- t, �.,' from the �ub. and' one ofthC!st' who rfid not make it will be ad--- REIIEMBER-- -Jed.PLAN SIIQKER ON THE 20TH A home concert in l\IandcJ hall willhe �i\'('n in the near fu:ure. It is alsoplanned, if permission can be o�­tCline(�. to make a trip during theChric;tmas holidays. At the finaltrials yesterday, fifteen more ca��Ii­;rlates appeared, making 72 who havetried out. So promising has the �a­�eriat been. that it was decide� toenlarge the membership to betweenthiny-fi\-e and forty,instead of tbi�y,the present namber.TU ESDA Y, NOVEMBER 10, 1908.the selection of an ap- year!propriate motto, and All class Elections, Thursday andthe Universit) public Friday, November 12 and 13·has been appealed to for suggestions. Reynolds Club Smoker, NovemberWithout wi�hing to discourage in 14, called off.the slightest degree any of the origi- First Tenor in Choir-There will benal ideas that may be conceived, avacancy in the first tenor section ofeither for a mouo or a design the th� choir. Anyone wishing to takeMaroon submits that both motto and the position apply to Lester B. Jones,design are already at hand; that they director of music, Monday afternoon,ar� adequate, and need only to be in Kent' theater.combined to result in a seal Fur- Cap and Gown Editors can be con­thermore, they have the advantage suited with any afternoon in Ellis 3,over any motto or design that could from 3 to 4 o'clock. Communica­be invented now of being intimately tions may be left at Faculty Ex­associated with the University in the change 280._______________ minds of both students and alumni. Public Lecture, Tuesday and Wed-SubScription price, $3.00 per year: $1.00 The design is that of Mitchell nesday, November 10 and II, intor 3 mODtbs. Subec:r1pUona recelYe4 al T ower, enclosed in a wreath, which Haskell assembly hall. at 4:30 p. m.the liaroon Omce. Ell. nail. or at the II h Th E . f . happears on ate University's of-}' expansIOn 0 Europe m t eFacuit7 EzchaD&e. Cobb Hall. ficial catalogs and circulars. :\li'ldle Age, with Special ReferenceThe motto is a phrase from the to European Movements America­·'Alma Maler", "Truth shall make wards Before Columbus." Professormen free." Any man or woman who Raymond Beazley of Oxford Univer-has not thrilled as he has- sung this -;ity..part of the University's hymn,is dead Bronson Club, meets \Vednesday,or asleep. And its meaning grows as .J p. m., in Haskell· 28. is studied until it is as broad and Professor Forest R. Moulton willprofound as the fullest aim of a .alk to the men of the University onUniversity could possibly be. It ex- 'Science and Religion" in Haskellpresses the �ltimatct purpose of every �'ssembly room, Wednesday� at 7:15.course in the curriculum. and opens For undergraduates especially.up a vista beyond the grind of every Reduced Rates on Tickets for theday that is inspiring, Chicago-Cos:n.ell game close Thurs-ldax.COlillUNlCATION Maimonides Club, Wednesday, 7:30Why Not Soap? !). m., in Cobb 12B. ",!he Melting IEditor Daily Maroon: Pot." All invited.Some time ago the University in- Professor Robert E. Speer, M� A., JII:ditGrial CMIIce-Bcfare 8 Po IlL. J:ma BaD. stalled a new liquid soap apparatus 'on in"itation of the Student VOlun. -Uab"t7. Tel. JIJde Putt 424. .&Ita 8 Po for the first ftow showers in Bart- reers, will lecture on "God and� � 111-. ".,,, Il DGth street. Ttl. � lett gymnasium. This system was Character," in d. el .hall, Wednes- \theoretically far in advance of the day, 4 p. m. All invited.Newa coGtrlbutlona IDQ' be left at BIlla one .It displaced, for the soap was all J�or College Council meets W ed­Hall 01' Jracul� EsehaDp. addreaed to the stored in· one closed tank, whereas nesday, at 10:3° in Cobb 9B. .:,�� ����pa�����re :���·aa·c��·re��-----------�--�-----.-.-�-�·-�-·-i-·-o-.�--�easily opened and the contents tam- "The Servant in the House," Wed-THE DAILY MAROON,�uaestiODtor the SealKDtere4 .. 8e<:ODd·c1au lIa11 at the Cb1cacoPGatoGlc:e. Chlcqo. IlllDola. Karch 18.1803. 1Ulder Act of Karch a, 1819., )• '1 Former17Tbe UDh�ral:.' of Chlcqo Weeki,.I'GaDd14Th. WeekiJ, OeL 1. 1882-The DanJ, Ode 1. 1902. Monster II ... lleetinc. Thursday,November 12:' The big time of the'The Senior·· College Counc:il i. still.itruggliDg over the official sea1 prob·'em. The present lticie­ta.. AD UDori&iDal inS point leems ·to be...... omclal tltuclellt PublICUloa ofUDlYerU17 of ��,rfI Publlahed danJ, except Sunday •• UOD4anand bollda1.. dur1� tbl'4ee quartera of tbe1iniYeraltJ ,ear.• If II !, .! ';j .i1 ;��l·nF�TON F. GASS. 1lanaglng EdItor,MELVIN J. ADAMS, New. EdItor.ABE LJ::O Intll>STEIN. AthleUc: EdItor.USW:ALD F. NELSON. BuslDesa �r.)(laa Mamie Llll,.A. C. WhitfieldJ. S,.dDe,. SaIke,.W. A. Weanr Jerome N. FrankRoberta B. OwenHargrave LoneA. N. Pfeifer.&.RT IIDITOIlRo,. BaldrldpaROB'l'Da�. R. Bauthage lI1sa E'nuIaMorris H. BrIaBpercd with. The new system has ali- flp.i:;clay in Kent theatre, 2 p. m.The subject. of mottoes being up other advantage; all the taps are sup- Invcatigaton' ·Club Cobb lecturefor discussion, the Maroon suggests plied equally. In many ways the room; Thursday,'4 p, ·m.· Mr. s. ,M."Jam the Gym" as an new ·apparatus is planned to surpass Simons' will lecture on the "Basis ofthe old, which in itself was a vast im- the Social Evil"appropriate slogan for provement over the method of fur- J;ntercoUege· Socialist Society, Cobbthe rooters during.• the nishing cakes of soap,. or worse still, lecture room,S p. m., Thursday. few days. Accord- furnishing nothin�. A. M. Simons, Editor-in-Chief of the to the Cornell There is, however,one glaring fault Chicago0 Daily Socialist, will speak... Daily Sun, the team from Ithaca is in the new system of soap dispen- :\11 interested are urged to be pres-!f0ing to "invade the wilds of Chica- sing-namely, it never dispenses ent, .soap. There may be many good rea- Blackfriar meeting, Friday. Novem-·go" this week, and the University sons for this cardinal error-there is ber J.�, IQ:30 o'clock, in Cobb 6B.. 'should make it interesting for it while .'one important one. The tank is Hitchcock House holds, Friday ev e-chronically empty. ning, November zoth, a smoker forTo "Jam. the gym" is a good way Just why the apparatus was in- the. purpose of makin� the aC9uaint­". t?,. begin. It would not be the part stalled, if not for use. it is difficult to ance of its new piano. To this fU�I-of true hospitality to. send our friends say. Soap exists, and a little less tion are invited all members of 'hecarelessness on somebody's part University who have been at any timcfrom the far East home to report dis- w�uld make a �ood deal of differcnce residents in Hitchcock Hall. A. ;":.appointedly that the Chicago rooter ... P k H d f H' hto users of the showers in question. ar er ea 0 Itc cock tame and uninteresting, and in or- 'We do not desire to' look a gift Those singing in the Reynolds clubder to gain some faith in their own � horse in tbe mouth, bat when we try smoker son�-fest report for practicepowers the Chicago rooters must get to put in the bit and find our eques at Kent theater, 4 to 6 this afternoon,.together a few times before the final benefecius toothless,it is least worthy also \Vednesday, same hour.of comment Y. W. C. oL., Wednesday, in Lex-.test on Marshall Field. .-----A·llotto'·for theRooters)t is here.ington ball. 10:30 a. m.The gym jam is to assemble at 8=45Th d Bishop Vincent --"- Sociology Club meets Wednesday,urs ay evening. The capacity of �A number of suggestions, useful in in Cobb hall :zC. at 7 :30. Mr. G. A.the hall is sufficient to accommodate solving the problem of how to make Stephens will speak on "The Childthe entire membership of the Uni- onc's education and tnining of the and the State.". versity; its possibilities were demon- greatest possible use to others, werestrated two weeks a�o, when the first given to the men of the Junior col­mass meeting of the new :;ort was leges by Bishop Vincent in chapel.held. With the enormous crowd ofundergraduates, graduates and alum­ni th�t will be there, the meetingThursday is likely to mark a realepoch in the history of football ral­ies. No one need be turned awayas has been the case at the big massmeetings held in Mandel hall. Forthe first time in years, the whole Uni­versity "'ill have an opportunity tojoin together in a common enthus­iasm without limiting the partici­pants to those who Cot there 6I'St., 'I·I·1 Chapel Assembly. the Junior col­leges (women), in Mandel hall,Thnr!'day, 10:30 a. m. Bishop Vin­cent.'GLOVES Devotional Half Hour, conductedby members of the Divinity School.Haskel1 assembly room, Thursday,10:30 a. m.'Campus Capers;' the official Uni,versity two-step, is on sale at thePress.ID&7 be npt aDd not bePowaa, bat tbq can't beFOWNESThe Daily Maroon is tbe official�tudent publication, contains all thecampa news and deserves the sup-•. .._. • port of ne17 st1lClea IIDpressiOIlS You lake �D The t&llpusAre IMPRESSIONS that wiD diDc'�7OU' eye nafter you haye enduated. 'To create the BEST IMPRESSIONS. 70u mustwear CLOTHES of CHARACTER-dotba t batshow YOUR OWN i ndividua1it7�tbeatbataremade fer YOUR OWN ficure-dotbea that theCRAFTSMAN bas apeDt a life-time to 1 e a I' D tomake. Your REPUTATION .. a CORRECT and"CLASSY" dresser ia ..... red. if we make 70 u rclothes. .Our prices for suita or overcoats range from $35up.Come, in nCltt time you're down town.. and letus give you one of our c:oDqe posters-incident­ally we'll get better acquainted.�er6WDkieTAILORSWHA�:�viac!!�" USE?R if you don't keep them well pressed.A good suit deserves it and a poor suit demands it.We press all g�ar=m=en=t:-::s:-a:-:t:-:r--e-g-u7Ia-r-p-r-:-ic-e-s-. ---:-W:-:-o-rk:-=--ca-:l�le-d---:f�o':'r':'a::'n=d=d::e::I"':iv::e:'r-ed.-'ANDBRSON'S CRAFTSMAN SHOp·430 55th. S� Tel. H. P_ 4g8g� Hotel Maroon'58th and Drexel ·AveUIID£Jt NEW MANAG£MEffTRESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOMFirst Class �ealsPrompt ServiceThe best of ererytbill9 served at reasonable pricesMusic ereIJ erening in '11v. National Hotel Co. J� W .. Wanl_......DON'TRUN DOWN-TOWN LOOKING FOR LADIES: TAILORSAND BE DISAPPOINTED, IN FIT AND woRB;iIAHSBJP.BUT CALL AT •••••P. D. WeinsteinLADIBS' TAILORPhone Hyde Park I ••The Style,· Fit, Character and Quality of the REAL CoDege Clothesthat we make a SPECIALTY of. wiD surely satisfy. even the MOST PARTICULAR college maD.Give us a caD. We don't FORCJj: sales. We are ALWAYS Clad toshow our .FULL LINE of SELECT sTYLES.Wattenon & SouthwardRoom 502 TAILORSTelephone Central 61gB. IS! La Sane StreetM. f. Fitzgerald & Co..tUBS 01' GD'fLBDB'B QtKMCNft.., Bat sstJa StreetIf �u want to see lO�ethinc real awelI ill the DeWeItabada and weaves for a sait of clothes an 0ftr'C0&t 01' apair of trouen, for pan aDd Winter, � lane them toshow apinst any bouse in the city. Our price8 are withinthe IUch of aD.DOR'T PAY PULL PlUcmI now hue on band, and .nine at half price:Parker La� Cane, John HolIaDd, Pa111 E. Wan. Watemwa IdealA. A. Waterman'., Conklin SeU-&Ders_ Crocker Blair CN-I __ 'A---.e.n ' , VUUI'.uJIII'CI",.�er. aDd. aU the otber weD-ImOWD bnmda ofF 0 UN T A I N PEN i Repairinc wbiJe � WllitoDA.VID !'D PDIIAR, lIS CIa It-. Ctl • If ycpaiDS'StUn;garmrevel;inimidrap�Clodmoreto arWeis sti--weworkmancarl']Iurtheverthat ..stitelintotistiefrorrtreatB.:doacIo:di'ClWeFacPhc1HIT'H/Jl!ict Dame over Indiana, II to o. TheAssortment.heavy .Notre Dame eleven usedCall would be Appreciated tstraight football exclusively and weretoo aggressive for the HoosierTHE BOWS COM;PANY IIletondIlrletnt-• f.rred,rdIt Streit--o.atr atobiDIdeal,o&Der, If you d�D't. know thepainstaking ,�� ... way offitting and trying on agarment •. it would b� arevelation to you. Theinimitable . 6t• .bane aDddrape of Bows" TailoredClothes is d�!! perhaps,more to this feature thanto any other one thiDc�We take a coat while itis still in the plastic stage--we shape, mould andwork it to the form of theman it's made for-wecarry this· personal try-onfurther than any 'one hasever done before. Afterthat, thousands o� patientstitches are needed" to putinto lastin� form the ar­tistic shape which resultsfrom such a mode oftreatment.Believing. tha:�, clothesdo express e h a r-acter, we omit no ef­fort to perfect each in­dividual garment.Suits or Top. Coats, $35-00 up.Autumn Wodens in RichestMANY DESIRABLEGOODS REDUCEDIN PRICE_REASON: To ClearUp Our Stock Early.-�. "Wm.Jerrems'SoDSClark and Adams StreetsWe Have No Bran� StudioFacilities for everytbinc inPhotography_Phone Central 60g ..TJlP. DAlLY MAROON. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 10. IgoB.DEFEATvited to inspect it.GOPHERS TJIB .�!�---------.�,.--���------------------------�:: , :: -\',� ... :�. :. "�"',::.. . .. ..: .NEW' GERMAN BO.OKS-;:DAILY(Continued from paae· I) Chapel Auembly. th� Junior col­leges (men), Mandel haU, today..wtll have to be feared by Director 10:30 a. m. Bisbop V"lDCCIlt willStagg; speak.Comel1 in Hard Ficht Junior eolle&e lleetinp, today,Cornell, Chicago's opponent in thegreat inter-sectional a-ame next �at­urday, was given a hard rub by Am­hersr, winning only after a hardstruggle and with the low score of6 to 9. The plucky playing and won­derful kicking of Walder, fullb�ck,saved the Ithacans from tbe fierce on­. slaughts of the New Englanders.Cornell made a strong showing in the'. old style of play, making great gainson bucks through the line.P'lirdue Wins .In order to meet the expressed wants of a number ofour patrons. arranccments have recently .been concluded bywhich . we �� receve, at. abort intervals. coDSicnmenta ofthe latest German .x:u�licationa in science. 8Ociolocy. phyai_. 010&1, literature, and other aubjecta,' which will behoused in special c:ucs for abibition purposcs_ The &ratconaipmcnt baa just been' i.nsta11ed. Our patrons are ,in-..10:30 a. m., in the usual rooms.Botanical Club.. today, s p. m.,in Botany building, room IJ. MissKildahl will speak.Powwow mee� tonight at 8 o'clock.All come out.The Fcnc:inc Club :trill meet to­Jay at 4=45 P. m., to adopt bylawsand attend to other important busi­ness. There will be DO intermediateclass at that hour.ul�"au:'ic�. N=:� The University _ of £bltago PressIII a see-saw game, Northwestern Union Green hall, this afternoon at • RetaD Department��:k;:f�d�fSh�I�:�==:I. �_O_D_6_�_�_� �__ - \ .had been 100 ed or, an or a wm ( mercia 1 and Colonial Policy of the_it looked as if the game would end English During the Age of Mercan- ••without any score. The heavy Boil tilism," Cobb Lecture room, 12:00errnakcrs were unable to make a SCOf(' '0 1:00 p. m. today.I in the first half. After Purdue ha Professor Raymond Beazley of Ox­I made its first count in the secom' ford University, will deliver the firstI sessicn, the Furple players came back )f his lectures on "The Expansion ofa with as fierce a rush as has ever been Europe in the Middle . Ages. wittseen in Evanston, and tied the score. special reference to European. Move­After that the game was well in hand ments Americawards Before Colum­• f the Boilermakers. bus," today in Haskell assembly roomIllinois won from Iowa with a at 4:30.score of 22 to o. The Iowans wereoutclassed by the IlIini and nevera'UUOONCE"PBEP"PROGDa ..I threatened their goal. linn I\IUIJ• Correct .Clotheo-FOR COLLEGE MENWe appeal to your intelligence. tow ear Mad e-t o-MeasureClothes. You will find the� better and cheaper in every way.We make SUITS and OVERCOATS at$20 upThe moat complete . assortment, of. woo.ens to select from, in­cluding new colora and latest, patterns, Materials, style andworkmanship . guaranteed. The College Man's individuality indress is recognized: aU over the world. Add this individualitY toour expertness, and' the result will be distinctive clothes.A surprise in western football wasoccasioned by the victory of Notre University Authorities to Give Cor­dial ReceptioD to High School Stu­dents Who Will Come for Con­tests-Many Expec:ted to ·Compete. BELL TAILORING' CO.E. It, Bradley. Pres.S� . W .. Cor. Clark St., Chicago., _eleven. The campus will be overrun withan annual flock of a�bitious "Preps"on Friday, when the arst, EducationalConference, of',. Affiliated, Academiesand· High Schools will take place. In­vitations have been sent to all theaffiliated schools .f ......In the Eastthe tune of 17 to o, The result was Can Tell··� Fratemit7. Man.,, By Hii': 'Clothes�': -, . . ".'�Y?. �use-�ia4sa7 B� 'Makes' Them.LiNDSAY BROTHERS'-J-; .>entirely unexpected, as the showing states, f'nd a very large number ofof Harvard all season has been med- studen+s are expected to attend andiocre, The' Indians, however, were compete in the various contests. .Ino match for the Cambridge team The event of most general interestand were entirely outplayed in both here will be the declamation contest,halves. the eleventh to be held. The prelim-Dartmouth evened its old score inaries for this will be held in Kentwith Princeton by defeating the theater _at 2 o'clock, the finals to beTigers before an immense' crowd given in Mandel at 8. The pre­in New York. The score, 10 to 6. liminaries will be two-minute selec­showed the relative merits of the tions from speeches, which the can­two teams. Princeton did not play the didates propose to gift for the .t has of old, and was inferior The evening contest will be open toin new style football. ..11 students of the University, as wellYale and Brown tied, 10 to 10, in '5 to the visitors. The first prize willa contest full of disputes and wrang- be a $1.20 scholarship to the man' andling over decisions. Brown's support- woman ,winning.ers are still claiming that they are The prep. men will be invited to,',-r, entitled to the stame. the Cornell purity banquet in theOther results last Saturday were: evening, and the women will be serv-West ed in Lexington. Before the banquetWisconsin 5, Minnesota o. he high school men wil assemble inPurdue 16. Northwestern 10. the Reynolds club to get acqllainte<'Michigan 62, Kentucky State, o. with as many of the University menNotre Dame, II. Indiana 0. "&s possible. They will meet mem-Missouri II. Drake 8. >ers of the faculty at the President'sNebraska 23, Abes 17. -eception and luncheon to competi-Beloit 6. Knox 50 tors, in the club rooms at I o'clock,Case 10. Ohio State 8. Other features of the ConferenceSt. Louis U. 6. Sewanee 6. .,rogram will be as follows:Marquette I;, Lawrence o. Friday. 2:30 p. m.: Conference ofKansas Ag. 13, Creighton o. 'leans and principals with membersWittenberg 5, Heidelberg 4- If the Unh·er�ity, Haskell assemblyWestern Reserve 12; Oberlin 5. hall.Cornell College 40. Monmouth 6. 2:00 p. m.: Written examinationsVanderbilt 16. Tennessee 9. )f contestants for the prizes $120East scholarships) in English, Gennan.Harvard 17, Carlisle o. Physics, Latin and mathematics,Dartmouth 10. Princeton 6. "obb lecture hall. 49 AND 51 JAf;:KSON ���.Third Floor. .. CHICAGO. ,ILL.'IIB. ·L. AMES HAT CO.'ONE QUARTER CBHTURY AT OLD LOCATION- NOW·AT-90 EAST ..... 50N STREET'lBIBUlIB BUIL1)DfGSTETSON SILlt AND OPERA HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EACH HATmiBRELLAS :-:GLOVES' ':-:I believe in' Popular Price$. My$25.00 Business Suits are positivel,$35.00 value� You can save just $10.00Thafs worth while. Let me make onefor you and prove if.Wendell 7S Monroe StreetlHEARROWSETS THE FASHION II':COLLAR-Sl!ic. each­.2 for 2.1)c. lIajestic Theatn BIde.--�------.--------------------------------------------------I,55th AND ELLI�MIDNIGHT LUNCH;.' .Hall "Feeds" Supplied Up to' I A.� M.UNDER NEW MANAGEMENTBRAIDEN, ex-'IO, U. of C.85th AND ELLISYale 10. Brown 10.Cornell 6. Amherst o.Pittsburg II. West Virginia o.Navy 30, vm� Nova 6-Colgate 6, Syracuse o.Penn J4. Lafayette ...Williams 0, Vermont 0.Andover 12, Exeter e,Army' 6, SpriaPelcl T. S. s. Saturday, 10:00 a. m.: General Con­�et;en('e, Leon Mandel hall. Addressfly Pro: ;ident Judson.2:00 p. m.: Departmental confer­ences.Phi Kappa Sigma bas pled�Georp J-stice Mac .......:"It,l .','f.� .. � aTAaO�'P.OLI81JBi.:UP VAUlTY DBFENS'E __ ·:PALL· P'f'CMI'lIAS OPBDDNew Testament Critic ofi.'UniveraitYHelpS, Overpower Wo}ald-be As­suin ot Lieutenant-GOvernor of�eDga1 at Calcutta. India.·�aooT"" .ao�··W�!f��' 1�:30. � -E'-� �. ,'?�t\��. i". �ent ��1Tb.��r... ,4 P.:. 11!-���e_ tick­et sale in Bartlett do •Thursday, 8=45 p. m.� nstermaU mectine. Bartlett: gym-. 1u.u.\UOl. " ...F�d:v,_ 6 �. m.-Purity �nquet,Hut�ins�.n � [�Saturday. 2' P. m.-Chicaio-Cor­. neli' pme. Marshall 'eld.b_�Jl�te··-C;j�,-;..,. W. e. �_St.�! Near LeDnatoIi AftDlle'•�t•i' POPULAR 'PUO.·�•I,i,I Luncheon: Eveninc Dinner: SWlday Dinner _ 'IItSE�VICE A LA C�TE. ALSO .� .... :tUT "MlXTURE'1�_�""1TOBACCOt �i. �z.1$. 'ceDls.... ' ...."# .I The ne'. autumd and winter� sho.·, many' Striped effects,tlie colorinas are�'not prollOUnced.The fabrics ha�e a, roup tsurfac��oven closely & Vro��. ad�li::?�c:d the various Shad�161 Waba.h Avenue brown are iii stroDg favor.Comer Rand�lpb. Grey stripes and the &reys sh'i�to the. stone and slate coloringsd;ccidedly. correct.In overcoat fabrics the rough�t -weaves and herringbone stare considered very smart.Suits for CoU�e wear, $30 to SlS()yC!:"�ta 135 to $40We make ridmc' breeche..Ithaca, New York. Nov. 9th-TheCoruell-Amherst game resulted in abare 6 to 0 victory for the "Ithacans,but the sentiment here is that theteam is holding its' sttength in re­serve for the Chicago contest onMarshall Field, November 14th. Itwas the plan to show as . little as pos­sible against Amherst. and discard allthe plays used to date before theMaroon flame.' The idea of thecoaches throughout the season hasbeen tv hold as much as possible inreserve and develop a new style ofattack for each opponent.Ithacans a Well-Balanced TeamThe Cornell eleven is well balancedand un paper is as powerful as an)team that Cornell has ever produced.The chief weakness is the great num­ber of new men in the lineup who.however, are now rapidly rounding.nto veteran form.So far this fall Cornell has beatenHamilton II to 0, Oberlin 23 to 10.Colgate 9 to 0, Vermont 9 to 0, andPenn State 10 to 4. In the first four:,rames the Ithacans played poorly;ill the last their exhibition was wellnigh: perfect, and if the pace theystruck then can be maintained; as thecoaches and the undergraduate body�irmly believe, the I thacans will makea .great fight., Probable Cornell LineupCornell will lineup against Chicagolike this: Left end, Hurlburt; lefttackle, Leventry; left guard, Cos­grove; center' right guard, Bell; righttackle, O'Rourke; 'right end; McAr­thur; quarterback,' Caldwell; left half,back, Tydeman; right half back. WALL PAPERS to, "Shearer; full back; Walder. 9 p.lrOnly three men on this team arc AND l;)BA;PEJt,II:S SPAGBBftI�veterans. Captain Walder, O'Rourke SlfC;a A�. ONE GETS IN ITand Cosgrove, have played against. I 44- I 46 W a bas h Ave. ' "'." t ' ' , " .' ,"!._.Princeton, Pennsylvania and West Chicago. 146-STATE STREET-I..6%Po�t woft� iliata hlggameh�I ��� __ � !S:E���9�,!��,��_,�F���Q�P����_�?no novelty for them. Caldwell played -A .' USB II B • '.f �, .�for a' short time at quarter back " '-"!j) . ,against both Princeton and Pennsyl- POWBS 's 'l U D B B A K ...vania, but none of the others has had HENRY B. HARRISto face a big team before a big crowdand that is where the real weaknessof the Cornell team is supposed tcbe. (Continued fro'm page ,I)TO LECTUREATPOPULAR PBlQU. .. �.DI. ,IIJIt'ON' AIDS' Iff RESCUE,', • '-rCLASSIFIED ADVERT�SINOIlAHDOLIN CLUBS organized at Professor Ernest De�tt Burton,Rosalie Hall, 276 E. 57th Street. head of' the Department of NewTestament Literature and: Interpreta-LOST-A fraternity pin; reward. 60n, according to reports' from Cal­Leave at Information office.FOUND-A girls' gold ,signet ring,in Bartlett natatorium. Owner mayrecover by identification fromCoach Knudson in the gymnasium.Ernest· newitt BurtonTYPEWRITING work wanted, byMiss Myrtle Goodfellow, 5509 cutta, helped to save the life of theGreenwood avenue. I ieu�e, n.a�,t�g, overnor of -Bengal, SirBA,nhAlrN .. . . Andrew Frazer, last Saturday.n!.a.Vn.&- S-N ew,. rebuilt VISIble'"f ': I' Sir Andrew Frazer had come to theand "blind" typewriters or sale 'rent or trade. ' town hall to hear Professor BurtonGe St ', 0 speak and, while walking up to theo. arrmg, 140 S Hall ' ... . ,.' I platform as the guest �f honor, wasFOUND-Ladl'es' pin -, ".. assailed from the audience.on campus,:"'. ' .November 9. Daily Maroon, �{ ?WlDg partly to the presence ofE. M. mind of Dr. Burton, he escaped with-out injury and the would-be assasin,was captured.This is the. fourth time that theLOST-Ladies' watch. between 63rdstreet and Lexington hall, Nov. 6.Return.. to Information office andreceive 'reward. ��vernor!s �fe has' been endangeredsince he took office in 1903·Dr, B31rton left the � University forA YOUNG LADIES' AND, GBN- � trip through India ami China in theTLEMAN'S Select Orche�tr�' i� early part of the summer., being organized by Miss Ada. ROg�, :en. Ma�dolins, Guitars, Banjos, CORNELL T� SALE '.�� Zi,thers. Those who �ish REACHES THE 10,000 MARKmembership call between. 10 and ' I�a: m, and 2 to 8:30 p. m. 4& E.61st St!eet. No S� � Rates for W"IS�cionSiii 1 G8irie:.-stolen TiCkets are��.WllBU, TO DIBB, The big game. Qf the season will bethe, Cornell contest next Saturday,according to the present indications.Already ten thousand tickets havebeen sold, and, the best seats in bothstands a�e gone to football enthns­iasts. Practically every seat ill thetw<Hlollu section is -out, the onlyones remaining being_ the few onhand, in the �nasium office. On�section of three�ollar seats, andsome dollar and a half seats are un:'sold- in the student se�tion, fourhundred seats have been taken lcav�ing on �and six hundred, which willdoubtless be sold by tomorrow night.It was announced Saturday that':he�e would be no special rates to�bdison,and that nothing lower thanthe: re�lar fare of $5-20 would beoffered. This comes as a great dis­appointment to the University, andwill doubtless limit the crowd thatwill attend the KClme.The Cornell tickets, stolen from:he gym last Friday were recoveredearly Saturday. A boy offered themior sale to Dean Linn, who reportedit at once to the office. The boy wascaught and all but fifteen tickets re­turned. During the day the re­maind�r, had been given tofri�nd!l of the lad, were traced a.ndrecovered. The original tickets willbe used, but will bear the O. K. and.. ignature of Director Stagg. to tlie European :Movements Ameri­ca-w�rd Before Columbus."TBB' mttOR HOmABD �STAUB.AB'l111-117 Randolph Street Usc �any Subs � Game.The policy of the Cornell coachesall year has been to use many substi­tutes in e,-ery game, and add fresh­ness to the spirit of the team. I rthe game with Amherst, eight sub�were used, only three men playing <'full game. In this plan it-has beenthe policy of the coaches to hold sev·eral fets of backs and ends in re:serve and work the men to the limilTHE POPULAR PLACETO EATEith",r before or after theTheater.w. make a Specialty of CIaband Fraternity DUm ...-----,------------------�--.OXFORD IIANPurlty DR ExdllCl Dr. Beazley of Ozford University.willDiscuss European Expansion.SEE THEil IIADE.370 E. 55th SUet Proiessor Charles Raymoi-.d Beaz­ley of Oxford University, will give afree public lecture in Haskel assem­hly hall, Tuesday and. Wednesday.Dixon and Miss Hall Wed TonightThe marriage of Miss Esther Hallex-'lo too Karl Dixon 'oS '11 k, ,WI ta e�lace tonight at the Byre Park 8a(1-tlst church.Both 'Were well known on the cam-pus, being u II'nusua y prominent inMudent affairs M'. . ISS Hall was active111 the dramatic I bact' ..' c u , student literary1\'lties and d'd .AI .' I actIve work on theUDlIll Magazine the Ca d 'and the D'I' p an Gown;u y Maroon 1\1 D'was especiall' .: r. Ixonmatic club . Yd Interested 10 the dra-an other 'ricals H amateur theat-. e was alsoSiarna Ch' F . a member of theI raterDity. AN EXClUSIVESHOP' for WOMfNDON'T PAY 14.001 $5-00 and$6.00 FOR YO� SHOESWH�NISELLTHESAMESTYLE.S AND, LEATHERSAT ONLY.12 and· 12.50Dont take my word for it.but come and look at them.IDE STATES SHOE SHOPSecond Floor, 199 State StreetOver Peacock's Jewelry Store.Open Saturday Evenings Till 8Phone Central 1054ALFRED PEATS 11 CO.Foreign and Domestic DirectorLittlePresents Edgar Eelwyn in"PIERRE OF THE PLAINSOO.LOBIALGEO. M. COHANand his Royal Familyand Incomparable Co.GRAND OPERA BOUSEWALKER WHITESIDE 'THE MELTI�G/P(>TCBIC400 OPBU HOUR:RAYMOND 'Hl'fOHCoCK' .And a hundred others inTHE MERRY-GO-ROUND comCnEvery• _Prac�icchief Ieayesterd;)learnedthe teamcontinuel�iciilir�y.his grea'men weiVarsi'tyagainstyearlingsVarsityoften thiFreThe slmen hasfrom IMr. Staiiaopeful,-strengththis yea'the .Vars.... ".INTERNATIONAL THEATREGRANt) OPERALOHENGRIN ITALIAN. TABLE D'HOTB5OC-75c--$J.ooINCLUDING WINE:TH.� RQM� __ ,:Also a 1a Carte Service�.DailJ., :and",Sundajs,.SehommFalk 2"(Kel1�y, .Iddings,defensiv,back W�"aha, �i':to pounkind .ofthe':fra)team ha.-stro�g l'stitutes.Chica'gohas beegr�t �1cans cal'if necesCcStudewatchin,an<i ex)ted agaField.eumpaning beeThe R�IthacaarriveThe 1with aUSes IIIDire�t�plexityattack,has de'strongand snnot' \'tpositi.:this b�tion. aran, �;nm tillFRITZI' SCHEFFin the first procluttioD ofTHE PRIMA DONNAILLI-BOIBMAUDE ADAMSIp' ,Ne�_' C�m�y,WHAT �VERY WO�� KNOtJiz' Pmcas"Th� Quality Musical Play" .:,.A STUBBORN CINDERELLA/8A·J&,aLGK• -.' 0"MADAM NAZIMOVA'HEDDA GABBLER"MASTER BUILDERWB I'''.'B-YTHE BIG SUOCESS 'A BROKEN' IDoL�(I\'ember (0, and II, at 4:30 p. m.,on "The Expansion of Europe in the In Engli�h Mon., Wed., Sun. evgs.,lliddlc Ages, with Special Reference :md Italian on Tues., Wed., Sun. evgs.Professor Beazley, who is author­ity on the period of the explorationsIn -,'merica and the age of Elizabeth, -and the La Sane Theater St�kwas graduated from Balliol ·College. FLORENCE HOLB1tOOCOxfu�, in I�� and b � ��emi-�����������������������������Oxford's University lecturer on the . .History of Geosrraphy. . MfIlT10" TL DAILY MAROOHe con:T'ibuted to "The Dawn Ofj n • I n I I.e '.De-Ita Upsilon announces the pledg- Modem Geography" and has written '�t':;il:::'M;"� Madison I·.a�:�r .of books on historical Wilen Trading ..IfII Our AdrertiselSTaB AVDlifOlllUMCARLE inI :\:\f :\ BUSINESS MAN -I,A GIRL AT THE'HEUfCECIL LEAN&lidIl\Vat.ed a 1good;thf' "tfiRUr�(-