lIailyVII. Xo, zr. CHICAGO� SATURDAY; .NOVElIBER 7. 190M. Price Two CClltaMAKESHIFT LINEUP BEATS GOPilERS rs, BADGERS 10DAY EXPECT CROWDED GYM AT ,STEAL. 65 CORNELL UtiETs DR. BUTLER TO REPRESENTYEARLINGS IN SCRIMMAGE ';h:cago Rootera� Watch Today·s MONSTER CORIELL RALLY Seats for Contest Nabbed in UNIVERSITY II THE SOUTHBartlett Office-Holden to be Ez-Struggle !�r Elimination of Wi&-ccnsin and Minnesota from Cham- Cheerleaders Preparing on Extensivepionship Race. Scale to Draw Out Students and eluded at Gate and Duplicates Is. Nill Leave with Association of Com-Pa£e Score Touchdo�en F' Few Plays inPractice. sued. merce Delegatlcn Tomorrow asEducational Apostle.A!umni.With Chicago idle, the eyes of the .\ daring' theft of tickets for the"Cld Man" Leaves for Minneapolis western football world today are cen- Send Letters to Old Thr.e Rooters Corne ll game was perpetrated yes- Plans to Deliver a Number of Ad---Steffen !n Charge of Practice ervd in the great struggle between and Fraternities-Posters Ready .erday afternoon, when sixty-five dresses During Two Weeks' Tourthis Morning. Wisconsin and Minnesota at Minne- Today. ...·;lr(:I)(�.Hb at $3 apiece were stolen of Large Cities.apolis. The game is of great im- ir c.m the ticket office in Bartlett. TheI . '11 I' . L':nprecedented preparations for the\\'it!1 a makeshift lineup, the Var- por tance, in t rat It WI e rmmate one l.ief nccomplished his purpose by Pro ft''''slJr Xathaniel Butler will�ilY succeeded in trouncing the -f the teams from the race for the mass meeting in Bartlett next Thurs- .tic king his lingers through the cage. leave Chicngo tomorrow as rcpresvn­FH'�hlllel� yesterday in a short, fast \\'estern championship. Should Wis- day 'Ire being undergone by Cheer- ·tlging a package of tickets over rarivc .,i the Univcrsjty on the '\""cr:J:llllagc, which netted the Varsity cousin win, it will be on an equal "eadcr "Bill" MacCracken, in the �:';I(:l�alJy until they ftll on the floor. soc iat ion of Commerce de legut io nfoorine with Chicago, and '.' Linnesota :l.,pe that every available nook and .1,"11. when tile' chance I .:\\"0 n-uchdowus. 'Page scored one ' b' b ,;.\ J - � came, H' .hat will tour the South for the next. I If I corner of the gymnasium will bepi the rives and Tom Kelley crossed will be out of it entire s.: , on t re .licked up the pasteboards and made IWO week ... ,This excursion is fOl'I . d I taken by students and alumni.t lu: la-t yearling line with the ball .vther hand, the Gop rers Will, an t 1C .rway, and the act was not found out the purpose of, booming this city. Chi The first step will be to flood theIIlr t h.: other. Few plays were prac- Badgers succeed in defeatmg icagot icvd, owing to the absence of sever- .m November 21, the three teams willinal oi the regulars from the lineup. ;'e tied. until the busjness was over for the fr om :111 it" aspects, and Dr. Hut 11..'1'campus today with large posters done flay. wil] be the educational exponent. liepink. Every alumnus will be Manager Barker delivered his ulti- .vil l de liver an address on "Arts an,1doued reached by those assisting Mac- I I f I I f ht'" matum s rort yater t re t re t, w en �c.";ellccs of Chicago" 011 several 0,'Crackeu, and all nGW in the city will he stated that tile stolen tickets u'I'11" •• casious along the route. Dr. Ilut lvrhe appealed to join in the great dern-Subs in Varsity LineupThe Varsity lineup for the scrim­m;lgl' was as follows: Briggs, rightcnd ; Kdley, right tackle; Falk, rigl�t The Badgers, however, arcto- win, because of their superiorknowledge of the new game.Throughout the season they haveused the forv ... ard pass and on-sidekick to good advantage, and havesome good plays in their repertoire.Coach Harry, who is handling theWisconsin eleven for the first time,;Ia'i turned out a 'good team, and �taS... I1Own himself a ' master of the pos- not be received at the gate on the 'n all interview yesterday stated t h«onstration. Letters will be sent out- 1 f h LI d h( ay 0 t e game. I e announce. t at purpose of �he trip... ide to the fraternities.The 10w:1 and Purdue teams, whoilia)" Illinois and Northwestern, re­�pl'l,tin'ly. today, were spectators of:11\' Var su y practice, and did a littlewarminjr up for their �wn,' the numbers are all in section GG. "The idea ." · hc said. "is to show the.' Last. t imc, before the �l innesotn They are row H, scats 1-13; row M. people of the South what the advant­game. the mass meeting was not seats 1-15; row N} seats 4-15; row :wes of the city of Chicago arc. fromgh'en enough advance publicity; SS, "Scats 6-15, and row TT, seats business, educational and other stand­said Alvin Kramer, who is taking an1-15· points I shall certainly have euouuhactive part in advertising the rally. "1 don't knov ,"110 could 1n • lave �o grow enthusiastic .over, as the"Besides. the Robertson play cut stolen the tickets." he said. "I have University which I am to representdown the attendance. Next Thurs-.ibilities of the new rules. no way (Jf telling. They are thc is well liked down in the South. \\\�day night there will not be anythingAs the Gophers were 5110wn to be choice seats in the grandstands,' and have many- students from that part Cli. . to conflict, and from present appear-.. cry weak in the new, game agall1st arc: in great demand just now. But the country stUdyit1g here now, a,1111. I k h '11 b t a anccs, the biggest crowd that ever I ... ·arn all "'110 are offered them that:hicago ast wee, t ey WI ea.. .. � during .the slimmer they come 'Ul'. h B d got within Bartlett on any occasion ,'t \"1'11 sl'mply be mon'ey, ·"asted to'.u:�,;t!-.�c.1i��9Vli!!!t..a.g,� • .5�t.!!�!_�., ,:.�: n here in swarms. I shall .. lecture!rs. Dr. Harry Williams, how.ever� will 'be � hand,to-chqcr,·the·-team.ot1. buy th-eiri:'�W·e··!-dbPtr.rre-: t: iietty-.1tir'�th·e;·MilC:fit.,0��"":':"'h')-..f t .d"n hl's lo victo�y over Cornell.".... f tllc stolel1 tl·ck ...-ts." . ,has Ie t no stone un urne 1 have never come here; 'the other,;. f th . 1:·'1 game and Biggest of the Year-MacCrac:kr.n, fiarker reponed a great . k·· ...preparatIOn or e eru ,Ia , M<tcCracken stated that it will be pIC mg Ime,w wnat It IS.t is possible that he �as taken ad- up in student demand, and said that "This is an epoch making cvent inthe most enthusiastic rally �f the\'antage of his defeat by the Maroons over 300 of the 1,000 tickets for the this city. and we members of theyear. He' has not arranged the pro-and ,may have made an attempt to student· sec!ie n have already been party <Ire going to do our utmo::-t. gram, beyond being assured thatteach hi� men some of the plays on disposed of. He predicted . that to' bo�m the city we represent. Thl'Director Stagg and every man on thethe order of those used by Director thcre would he no necessity for keep- trip, " .. hile pl<lnned to a large �xtl'ntteam will be on hand .to have some- >St3gg'S team. ing the ticket office open next Thurs- :10 promote thc commercial; w,��far('The result 9f the game will be thing to say. day night. �s all the tickets iri th� ';)f Chicago, will by no mC:1I1S be lim_:-:lwaited with. much interest on, the· "\V c h�"e the backing of our alu�- rooters· s'ee:ion will probably be di�- itcei to that, hut we of the del'��lti(lllni as never before," he . announcedMidway, as it will give the local po�ed of bcfLre that time .. The sa� :ntencl to show how, wc excel in othl.'rrooters a good line on the team they yestcrclay .• "They are with us, just �t Spaldings continued to. assume lincs as well :IS �>tt�it1ess. The peoplt.I the Western as ml,st of the Eastern college men. '(lwing to the unavoidable circum- ,l'ill meet to sett e great propcrhons. of the' SClIth, many'?£" them. think Wt:has been in this city will yell for Cornell in.. talll"l':-; which have prevented a full .:hampiollship. Wisconsin ,re ollly bllsines� 'men up here. :\1,,1d II th the blcachers on November 14'- Now. 'T. 014'_ C. ILL"!NI CLUBqllnta ()i mcn from practicing thi� looked for.war to a season, as e oJ. "0 not reach out beyond cO�lInercial. 'I'd.od we as students, will have to keep HOLDS BANQUET. TONIGHT .,'\lprronl:lcy."I. tl. . I ·k- " f ' d' t .• Iaroo s.'· ·re.a. 'opponent, an 1. ay '-Wl·C". 1e .eam 15 00 mg onvay. 0 pace with them .. We have shown thatan \lnl:�tlall:r strenuous wee I( 'a��ad ,,",,ill' furnish the first real opportunity Lctter!'l are to hc tak�n' 'rilong 10<. )., h B·d .d we have plenty of. spirit, and, takc Organizatl'on cf Fermer Il1in.Ol·S Stu-' . ,ill IlH'l)aration fO.r the. great 'ga··me ,.Jf seemg \\'lat"t ,e a gcrs can C !>r('mmcnt merch<lllts in' 'the' South.:t . from me we are gOI'ng to' do it. t ., dents to Give F:rst I"""'__" Func- I . . I' ... 'with Corncl1 one .week from t�;ty. agamst ,a stronll. eam. � :u \'Il'ltlg t 'em the committee is nut::dl,,:l will probahly be a�I�.t.o get· .. �',aDcJ Iowa :oga;1l Saturday. The fellows have t!!ln in Commons.. :naking �he:'\'i::-it ·fc.r thc' p'urpo�� ojA, n.-.tll-r.'ga· m' 'e' 0' f' I",mportanc'" I-n til" :leen doing fine right alcng." ,. . l' .• " ...... ;;n Icitmg )\ISlIless. but merely to Cll-West 'will be' the cont�s� �et-a:een ll- Urge Grads to Attend Toe Unh'ersity of Chicago lIIini ';endcr ;1 kind feding hetween th,.linois and Iowa ;at Urba��� Io\\'a An appeal to the graduate stu- club. established last year, under t�e . f Idcnts was m3de on the bulletin TWO 'ectlOns c t Ie cColtl1try-a �"rthas strengthened considerably in the leadership of Herman James, son of f' purity" "isit. as it were. Th\.' it·d board, yesterday. They were as- p . I .last week and will put up a har reSH ent Jame's, will open its pro- ·lterar�· illch"fes all the' chief citi,'�sured that they will be eligible to at- f:"."::Iill lw (loin ... his work next week. fight, but it i!o doubtful whether they, !-rram or the year with a banquet in )f thc S_'l1llh eighteen in ntll11hcf.... tl'I1<: the rally next Thursday. Thecan stand the onslaught of the heavy the Commons tonight at 6:30. T"'en, rhl' party wil1 return two weeks irolll1111'1'11' f('r .. ··ards. The rooters at Ur- irst chl'er arousing event will be the t ti h h f I I ,. I,'... y- 1\'e or morc men, '\. 0 ave a ee - t'e (wy It st;lr:s. l11a"m� the ,Iah' IIisong practice Wednesday morning,SOCIALISTS MAKING pLANS han .. are confident of taking the ;ng of IOY:lhy fQr the State institu- hon\(,-col1lill� Sunday. No\'cmhcr "anti the gTand windup will be thegame, as they figure that Catlin's ' tkn. will attl'nd. the affair. Amonglo\'c hanquet in Hutchinson commonsPermanent Organ:ntion t� be Ef- t(';,m is not as good as Indiana.which them will be- :scv'l'ral alumni resident U. HIGH WELCOMES HYDEfee ted Next Thursday Night,; tile) b,'al last week. Friday night. The Reynolds club in Chkago or vicinity and students at PARK AT LOVE BANQUETPurd1Ie at IWanston "m •. h'r, scheduled for Saturday night. �orthwestern Law School and atNorthwestern will ha\'e its second !la� hel'n called off by Prc�ident Dille, Rt:sh. hesides thc memhers of the Rival E!evens in Successful JollificaThl" first meeting of the recently �ame of the year today when it .. nd a University night at dinner and cluh. which is composed of sttICl.'!ill. tj("n Feast c-n Eve of Big GameIIr.:'::ll'izl'II Sr.cialist club win be held mcets Purdue at Evanston. Interest : heatl'r will probably be substituted. at Chi":lgo, who ha\'c at some til" I Today.Ill'';! TI1t:rs(lrty cvening for penna- in the game is at fever heat in E,'ans- The :\(:dmonides cluh will make a :-otullied :It the University of l1linoi:, I',J' l";)I'("h-making ("'ent in hi!.!!.!lI'l1t 'r�ani7.;ltion. \Vhl'n the cluh is tOil. :IS the f\lrple supportcr!'; hl'lieve triJl to thl' \\'l'st side tomorrow af- The acth'ities of the club this (IUar· ... chool athldk.. was markc'! J:I'tjIll! • ,II a working hasis. it is pl'lI1nc(1 :t wi1l bl' the real test of the �Ietho- tcmoon. to "isit the new home of the t('r will h.: tlndcr thl' direction of Ro.,· ni�ht. Wh"11 tht' t;ni\'(�r ... ity Ilig!:1'1 ;Il"iiliatc it with the Intercollcgiate dist denn. Nothing but bear stories 'llehrew Tnstitute," which has ar- Hdm. of the school, who was School i(":�,tl'Il the lIpll' r�rk ..In'\'l1�"r:;di"tic socicty, which has chap- have bcen sent out from Evanston all ran�c(l, an intcresting program for elcc."ted last spring to sUc."cee(i Jame ... :It tl,.'� fir�t· "purit)·" h:-.n<IUl't l'\'\T:,·r· ill Illany American universities. wc('k, <lnd the Northwestern !IItl1dents 'hdr benl'fit. Se,'eral promincnt:1" pr('si(ient.\ �,)cialisti� study class wi!1 also he flo not seem to bc overconfident of spl'akers will address the club. 'lcr wa� heM in the Boys' CI\JIl. th.'i. ';'111 cd, to hold regular meetings thc result. The Boilermakers ha"e On \VedneMiay evening. NO\'emher Phi Delta Thftta "nnO\lnce�. "".. � t 1e oCc."asion hcing the eyc of th� fOil"PCII to all students. Harry S. Rich- b I"n t ·m " th b ·1I..J· , I I I' f' hcen une ergOi If a grea I prO\'e- , e mem ers WI ulSCUSS sra(' p Cf gll1g 0 : rt ur C. :\f('ses, "12 nf '('st, whkh is to he plaYl'd II11 '1;11"::,d, ;> g-r:lduatc student. is in charge 'lIent since their first game, and ex- Zang,,·jJJ's late play, "The Melting Kansas City. shall Field this afternoon. Aitcr th ..,.i ;,rrangcments and will consult with I,lect to snow under the Methodists. I Pot," ,\·hich. has.been th.e stlhJ'cct of. h Ianquet. t 'l' students an(1 team Il1Cfn·::11 illtcre�tec1 in the \\'ork in his room, ' so much dl!'!Cl1SSlOn dunng the last I :\hnnesota' puhlishes a daily. a bers sp<"nt two hours g('tting :1"12'; South Divinity. (Continued on pace ,,> few weeks. weckly and a monthly. qnainte(lHirschi,tackle;guard; Badenoch, center;k-It guard; Hoffman, leftSchommer, left end; Steffen, quarter;Rcgl"r� left half; Worthwine. full;:ll1d Page, right half.tap�=lill Stetten will ha,,� ,the s(�dill charge for about' three hours':lr:lI',i,'C' this morning, owing to the'jlll:-;clI':e of Director Stagg in Minn­"Jldi�. whcrc he journed last nightto wi,ne�s the Wiscon'sin-Minnesotabaltk on Northrop' field this after­ll(�l)l1, :\I::ny of the team will. travel1'11t tc>. E,;anston this afternoQn to"�Jll·,'!ak" at the first big Metliodis�g::llh.· 4.i the season, as the Putple'I! . .:-g-r,-,:�ati;)n meet Fred Spei�·s Boil­('rma kl'rs.Hard Week Ahead of Team:S ill: oJ t he �crill1mage. next' weel:, � andEhrh .. rn. whose condition has im­Jlrn,'�(1 grcatly, will also be in con­ditillll. Hal I tidings' cold is' much11('1" r. and the star fullhack willgiven hy ;IIlY hi�h schoooi. Tit" dill,I ..THE DAILY MAROON. S'ATURDA Y, NOVEMBER 1, 1908.:=��-=���������==��'�����m��:e�roo::t-i:T�H�I�-�AJLY B� ,• his presence IS n.� • �arol1U tion of the Chicago bleachers..� JPGUB l�g t �turdaY. The rooters section .Biahop Job H.: ViDc:ent, religiousnex. ·n the service in Man_ del hall" Sunday. II a. Idoes not mean just any.' section Ieast bleachers, it means the purc�a�e ID. Organ recital at 10�5·of a student ticket. If a rooter IS III -Clua NommatioDS for officers of. ti or he Freshmen and Sophomores areany place but the rooting sec ion,if he is in the free bleachers of now is' o�d�r. .. h k he might almost as well Woman a Umon Informal. to-Hitc coeb ' t of Cobb hall so day 8 p. m. All in the asemen ". Ob'd' t the rooting is con- 'I he �oaolou Club, today. ser-far as any as 0M W d &E t dent who has the vation trip to - ontgomery arcerned. very 5 ureal Chicago spirit will sacrifice fam- Co.ily or any other ties eoncerned., andbe present among the rooters. IycMarC!nater Mass�ting. Thursday, IELIOT DID NOT RESIGN November 12� The big time of theBECAUSE OF ILL HEALTHTheologic:al Club meets Monday at IHarvard Head DiscasaeS Recent Res- 8 p. m. with Associate Professor r __ --er ,_. WDkieipation with Students �o Scr- SmitlJ •. 5525 Woodlawn Avenue. �y gSu�rlptlon prtee, '3.00 per 1eAr; $1.00enade Him After Meeting. All class Elections, Thursday and .TAILORSfor 8 montba. Su_rlpUona receh'ed_ alFriday. 'November 12 and 13. I�����m�R�wd� P���� U� � ��U� �n R���C�bS�b� Noft�� � �����C�B� ���adiliwQ�o���a���� ==�������� _time. and did not resign because of First Tenor in Choir-There will bePurity HRill health, according to statementsavacancy in' the first tenor section ofnade by the head of the great East-i he choir. A�yone wishing to take f Th ksg-. gern university, late Thursday night. .he position apply to Lester B. Jones, Stl\ri Training or an lVIDPresident Eliot was serenaded by a lirector of music. Monday afternoon, YOU'LL HAVE TO BE IN CO�DITION FOR THATcrowd of Harvard students returning in Kent theater. DINNER. GET USED TO "EXCLUSIVE EATS" WITHfrom a mass meeting, held for the �bapel ASsembly. the Junior col-HR Co-ed Chocol.tesgame witb Carlyle today. !he cheer- leges (men), Mandel hall -. Monday, I Hot Drinksing brought Flresident Eliot to. the (0:30 a. m. Bishop Vincent will Augel Wmg. 'veranda of Iiis house, and he said: speak, AT OUR EXCLUSIVE SHOp"This is a great surprise and I Physics Club room 32, Ryerson Igr����ci��m�m�&�� L����M�n��4��� A�·I 3�O_E S__S_�__S__�__�_t� ���QI w��ked��ku�nilie Jre���M�W.RHam�dA� I��� � �_� �reasons for my resignation, but I re- sociate Professor Millikan. , '.tn.._ Hotel MarOOIlfused. Tonight I think I should like Politic:al EConomy Club-Dinner in -� �to say a few words about this subject. Hutchinson Cafe, Monday evening, 58th and Drexel AveH. R. Gaukhage JoIlsa.Ernestine £Tansb f ons"1 have heard anum er 0 reas 6:30. P.rofe"�s�r LaUgh,l,ill will read a I UlfDER NEW MANAGEMENTMorris B. Bligasuggested as the explanation of my paper. RESTAURANT AND lUNCHresign;n�. Now I am not sick, I am Chapei ��emblies �f the Seniornot tired. and 1 am in good health so colleges. Tuesday, 10:30 a. m., in FIrst Class l\IIealsfar as I am -aware. My faculties and �landel halL "Bishop Vincent. Prompt Servicemy health are still good, I am glad Junior College Meetings, Tuesday. \ The best of elferything served at reasonable prices'. Me .. �tdbuUou � be ieft at &lUa to say. My resignation is meant to 10:30 a.' .m . .:�in the usual rooms. Music eve" evening in d;nn�r-h�1lBall 01' I'ac1IlQ lbdwIp, � to tbe precede the time when. they may Botanical .-Club, Tuesday,s p. m., The National Hotel Co." J� W: Ward Mgr.�as����, " � BM�Yi�Wi�r�m» �i� :=/=.====�"':_:_:'"=':':"===�_�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�.. When a man has reached the 'age Kildahl will. jSpeak. : .._.:.;..----------of i5 it is time to look for rest and Mandolin will hold first re- D 0 If. t TFor the first time in the memory retirement. Dr. Arnold of Rugby used hearsal on ,Monday at 5 p. m., in Has-RSt 'R' UN DOWN-TOWN LOOKING FOR LADIES' TAlLOof its present inhabitants, the {]Pi- to say that a man was no longer fit- ken. All out; old men and new. Sue-. f Ch·· .fbI' A' ND' BE DISAPPOINTED IN FIT AN·D WORKlilAHSHIP.versrty 0 IcaKO IS ted to be headmaster 0 a .pu IC cess!'�I' candidates will be _announcedgoing to' meet a great school when he .could no longer go Tuesday. . .'Eastern university on up, two steps at a time. Now I can Fencing Clut- will meet next Tues-the Marshall Field grid- still do that. day at 4�S P. m., to adopt bylawsiron. From whatever "I do not like to have my coming and attend to other important busi-angle it is viewed. the prospect is retirement spoken of with regret. It ness. There will be no intermediate,interesting but from the standpoint is touching to find dlat feeling, but I class at that hour.of the undergraduates, the the first think it is something to be looked Episcopalian Students, register at Phone Hyde Park I ••wm�is��'��W��fu�������m��m�������� L -----rooters. The Gophers have a yell set to work to find some young. able, Cap and Gown Editors can be con­that they begin to use when the and active man for the place. He can suited with any afternoon in Ellis 3,score against them begins to mount be found. We shall find him. from 3 to 4 o'clock. Commtmica­into the teens, and there is still a "We need a man who will take up lions may be left at Faculty Ex­blank after their name. It is "Min- this extremely laborious and extreme- change 280.nesota never quits." Chicago root:' :y influential position with untired Public Lecture, Tuesday and Wed-ers do not often have opportunity to energy and carry this university to nesday, November 10 and II.prove that their loyalty is as strong a higher plane than it now occupies. Haskell assembly hall" at 4:30 p. it is in victory, but they have Tt has been the foremost American 'The Expansion of Europe in thenever yet failed when the prospects university of ZlO years. lficldle 'Age, with Special Referencefor Chicago seemed darkened, they "The occupation w�ich has been to European . Movements America­have corne out more loyally and de- mine for a lifetime has been a most wards Before Columbus." Professortermincdly, when the other side �Ieasant one, and 1 regret that it is Raymond Beazley of Oxford Uninr.seemed to be winning than at any about to terminate. Forty years of shy.other time.. hservke has been given me m t e pur-The b.ehavior of the rooters after suance of a profession that has nothe IndIans WO� their game last equal in the wot:ld. This univer5ityyea�, when. �Icago men stayed in has gTown to, gTeat proportions.thel� seats .smgtng Chicago songs and It is now the task,of all of us to findyelhng Chicago yenS until all the cl man who can enlarge it still morerest of the crowd had left, and then and make it stilI gTeater."marched to Bartlett gym to pro,.e tothe team and Director Stagg the lit- Off' Prize for Essayeral truth of their s "W, . Staclent en SO 1 ...b h· h ong. e I stick � prize of $so has been offered byy 1m tough "'e lose 0 .,,'I. l' r we Win, a Harvard student Chester Pugs ey,'" as wort 1 losmg ten ga '. 1O mes to see. for the best essay on tlInternatlonan next Saturrlay th Ch' .root ·'11 b .' e Icago Arbitration:' the contest being � I e on tnal as· h h .b b e as never to undergraduates of any Amertcaneen dore. Carlisle h d f .t a ew sup- college or university. The competl-por ers except the fair h k h.r l' -Weat er bac - tion doses March I, 1909, and t emg C', • le city spect tr t '11 a ors. Cornell a".ard of the prize will be made at00 ers "'1 be there in II' kb I' apa mg num- the meeting of the Lake Mohawers. t wtll be a uniqu .. fe o<:ca!'10n in conference in May. Further 10 or·many respects..Th . mation may be obtamed from H. C.e POmt for- e"ery Ch'd . Icago stu- Phillips secretary of the confcrenc�.ent to mechtate upoa D01r is that 'N Y I '... IIIi ••••••••••••Mobawk Lab. . • .TIae 0IIc1a1 IItacleDt �".tto. ., 1MUnl.-en1t7 off CbIcap.KIlund .. Sec:ood-c: ..... llal1 at CblcqoPGetolice. Ch1cqo. lWIlola, Karcb 18.1�. UDder Act of IIardl a, 1811.Publlahed dall)". escept SundQa, Koa4a,.and hollda18o durlDc three quarten of the,.�"The Week.,. Oct. 1. 181S.The Dati)". Oct. 1, 1902.,"l·nF.sTO� .(.'. GASS, lIanaglng Editor., I! )lEL\'IN J. ADAlIS, New. Edltor.ABE LEO .(.'ltIlJSTEIN. Athletic Edltor.OSWALD F. NELSO�. Business lIanacer.Kiss llamle Llll1 Jerome N. FrankRoberta B. OwenA. C. Wblt1leldJ. S1dne1 Salke)" Hargrave LoneA. N. PfeiferW. A. Weaver� ICDITOaRo)" BaldridgeJ:ditodal OII.ce-U... a Po ... J:IUa BaD.UldftDi�. 'hi. Jbde Park a&. After 8 p­'".,::. ... � p,__ .".. .. Mth Btnet. Ta. lIJdel"uk _LDalI� IIaroGL. , '., .-'010-ChicagoRooterson TrialmUD ri,bt ,loftS-So bay POWllea ad A"trouble.Are you "interested in football, bas·ketball, athletics of any kind? Thensubscn"be for 'the Maroon and keep"o!=ted in all athletic events.FOWNESGLOVES bIpressioDS You lake OD De "Dipus If )'01painststtintgafIDCrevelairumitdrapeCloth.moreto an.Are IMPRESSIONS that will cline to you, eve nafter you have JI*luatecl..To create the BEST IMPRESSIONS. you mustwear CLOTHES of' CHARACTER�!otbea t hatabow YOUR OWN i Ddividuality�othea that aremade fer YOUR OWN fi&ure-dothea that theCRAFTSMAN baa apCDt a life-time to ! ear 11 tomake. Your REPUTATION as a CORRECT and"CLASSY" dresser is assured. if we make you rc:lf)thca.Our prices for suita or overcoats ran&e from $�5up.Come in nest time you're- down town, and letus give you one of our collqe poaters- incident­aU)' we'Jl let better acquainted. We tis stil--weworkman1851. DuItora St.Ibai Reo, carryIurthiExcelleuce everthat,stitchintotisticfromtreanBeldoactferdivROOMonSTISBUT CALL AT •••••P. D. 'VVeinstelnLADIES' �AILORSPECIAL PRICES TO FRATERNITIESAND SORORITIESI make a �ty ,of aD desipa of Sorority andFraternity Pilla RiDp aDd Fobs.Desips aabmittecl free of cb.rce, and '_ample pius famisbecl to �'IpOnsible parties. _,•I also do all kinds of Watch aDd Jewelr7 Repairinc. Diamond Se":and .. anufac:tariDc at the cbeapat poaible prices. I am the makerdesigner of the 1907-1901 Daily lIarGon Fobs. Also ins.nd· GuiMandoliCOl!rt CStrt'et,EqindUIshegOtThe Style. Pit, Character and Qaality of the REAL CoDege ClO��tbat we make a SPECIALTY of, wiD surely AtiafJ and conVlDCInen tbe MOST PARTICULAR college man.Gift us a c:alL We don't FORCE ules. We are ALWAYS ,lad �show oar FULL LINE of SELECT STYLES. .__ Watterson l:I SouthwardTAILORSRoom S02Telephone Central 61gB. 153 La SaDe StreetMENTION The DAILY MAROOWilen Trading WitIJ Our Ad,ertisersthe arches. After the game was fin- mercial life."ish ed, green s�shes used yesterdaywere tied around the Freshies withSNELL INITIATESthe directoire gown effect. and a race,_,w ... � .... _.,.��� .. _�A . around the, circular road was held Eight Yearliap Learn Mysteries .!If'After transierring the green calicos House in Annual Ceremony.and covering the faces of the year-lings with, them, the Freshies Eight Fr'eshmen "ere received in­were allowed to go to their classes to the inner mysteries of Snell houseand enjoy a rest for a, week. Ilast night. se.veral barrel� wer.e ":duced to kindling wood m bringingSOON TO PICK IIEIIBERIS the initiates to the, proper docility,OF FRESHIIAN TEAll and a large supply of weine wieners,pickles, and buns was consumed inThe makeup of the Freshmen team -restoring good feeling after the in­is practically certain now. Most of itiation. Arnold B. nail, sometimesthe men have demonstrated their erroneously entitled Judge Hall, andability to fill a particular position. 1nce mistaken for Dean Hall by aSubstitutes have been developed �ho w�lI-meaning Freshman reporter forare capable of filling the regulars the Maroon, presided over the cere­shoes in good style. I t is certain that monies.a large proportion of the men are of The initiates were Whiteside, Bert,Varsity caliber and will: make a )1ot Kayton, Lynn .. Stapp, Uhlmann, Buchfight for Ilositions next fall. and Froelich.Rademacher at, guard,i is a hard After the initi;ation there was dane-worker and tireless. Gerend and l-; mg.Protter, the tackles, havr.,peat pos-sibilities, under proper :'. 'coaching.Sauer at guard and tackle: plays antt.reodr IIt·IIIJ-Ig)RS:liP.n If you d�n't mow thepainstakinc B� .. • way offitting and trying on aga�ent. it would be arevelation to you. "Theinimitable fit. banC anddrape of Bows' TailoredClothes is due. perbapa,more to this feature thanto any other one thine.We take a coat while itis still in the pla2ltic stage--we shape, mould andwork it to the form of theman it's made for-wecarry this personal try-onfurther than anyone basever done befcre. Afterthat, thousands of patientstitches are needed to putinto lastine form the ar­tistic shape -which resultsfrom such � mode oftreatment.Believing that clothes,>do express cha r- , TBIt DAILY'IIA.I.OON. SATURDAY. NOVEHBER 1. 190&In oa:der to meet the expressed wants of a number of:, .,our patrons. arrangements have recently beeIl concluded by, which we will receive at short intervals. conaicDmenta ofthe la�s� German ru�lic�tiona in sci,coce. IIOcioioU. pb;.u­oloU, literature, and other subjects, which will be'housed in special cases' for ezbibitiOD parpolCa. The &ratconsignment bas just been i.natalled. Our patrona are in­vited to inspect it.acter, we omit no ef­fcrt to perfect each in­dividual garment.·Suits or Top Coats, $35-00 up.Autumn Woe lens in RichestAssortrr.ent.Your Call would be AppreciatedTHE BOWl:J COMPANY605-6 Masomc Temple,' ChicagoOUR FALLSTO,CItIS READY20,000 STYLESWHILETHEYLASTWm. Jerrems' Sons_ Clark and Adams S�, '(: THREE-QUARTERS PLzDCiBs A. c. BARTLETT 'CIIAIIPIOIII,.. AIIUSB LARGE ·C,ROWD THE HIGIIU'EDVCAftOM( , , ,NE.W 'GERMAN 'BOOKSGo Thr-=uab 1iaD7 ADtica at Com� Noted Cbicaco BusiMM ........maneS of' UpPer Clumlea-llan,. to Di8'er with R..1'. eraM ODWitnca the Pranb. Utili17 of lWacatioa..'The "Knights of the Green Rib-bon" ended the week yesterday witha good snappy workout. All thestunts given thus far were rehearsedby the luckless Freshmen. Antici·paring' a lively performance, a largecrowd of men and co-eds had gath­ered at 10:30 in the front of Cobb. and Haskell to witness the pranks.As an opener, the Freshmen march­ed in lockstep from Kent to the Ole"bench, singing "Chicago-go." Afterhopping around the bench, they lift­ed their feet to the skies 'and stoodon their heads with their backs tothe bench, still singing. As this wastoo tame for the Sophomore ring­leaders, a boat race was started. Asusual, the boats were over turned andthe unfortunate Yale and Harvarccrews were forced to walk north ofHaskell. All were saved.The yearlings were then com­manded to kneel in proposal beforetheir feminine friends. Several ofthe ex-high school lions' were actual­ly accepted by the co-eds.The Freshies next scrambled upthe scrub oaks on the campus anddisplayed their affection for the oldfarm home by giving the' cackle anclcrov .... s of the barnyard fowls.Probably the feature of the per­formance was a human croquet game. m "Happy Hollow." Arches wereformed by the bended forms of theFreshmen and the remaining memobers acted as balls hurrying through A. C. Bartlett of Hibbard, SPencer,Bartlett & c«, and a trustee of theUniversity of Chicago; came to thedefense of higher education as a train­ing for business men yesterday, inreply to caustic assertiC?ns of i� use­lessness made by R. T. 'Crane, themillionaire manufacturer, whichwere contained in a letter printed inyesterday's Maroon. In the letterMr. Bartlett was mentioned amongother business men in a word ofadvice whose sarcasm ,!as thinlyveiled that they be asked to agree toemploy some of the students whegraduate from a course intended tcfit for business."Mr. Crane and I have had num­erous discussions in print on thesame subject," said ·Mr. Bartlett, af-. er reading Mr. Crane's. letter. "Buttoday we are doing the very thingthat Mr. Crane asks us to do. We:are taking young men ,from all the­colleges who are willing' to begin atthe bottom and learn the hardwarebusiness, Our observation and exper­ience is that the discipline and learn­ing which they h�\"e obtained inschool makes them better and stong­er men than those who have not hadthe advantage of college education."Of course. primarily, we have totake young men who are naturallyadapted to merchandising, youngmen who have the business instinct.Unless they have that" the college ed­ucation will not help them in a com- The University of tblc:ago PressRetaD epartment'-On 6'he C�pus" \-------{ .. ARTHUR·S t$2.00HATSIn Greenl.and BlacksCan ... Tell �,Fraternity Man"By His ClothesWHY?Because,Lindsay'Brothen .Makei ·-Them.·LINDSAY BROTHERS49 AND SI JACKSON BLVD.:hird Fleo ••IIB. - L. AMES HAT CO.ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCATION- NOW AT -90 EAST .IIBISON STREET'lBIBUBB BlJILDllfGSTETSON SILK AND OP� HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EACH HAT1-... '!\" GIlANDOLIR ABD GurrnINSTRUCTION UIIBRELLAS :-: CANESGLOVES :-:Tella of Gamaa StacleDt LifeProfessor CuttinK lectured beforea large meeting of the German clubyesterday on "The German Studentin the Beginning of the 19th Cen­tury." "The civilization of any time;'he said. ··is directly reflected in itsstudent life, and in Germany in thefirst half of the nineteenth century.this was par:.icularly true,"The eighteenth century was anage of cosmopolitanism,theninet-eenth',ne of nationalism, and in 1815among the student at Jena the firs!'Burschenschaft was formed. Thiswas an organization, the members ofwhich were striving to promote Ger­man 'national life. In two years thesociety was abolished, and its shortbut important career ended, owingto the misdirected zeal of one of itsmembers. But nevertheless this clubhad struck the keynote of the 1848revolution. and Bismarck himselflater admitted that its ideals wereright, bot that its members had notknown bow to work tbelll oat.YYaggressive game.Also instrumentations for Mandolin Ka'ssulker and Nickoll make' goodand' Guitar Orchestras. Ada Rogers ends and the latter man is a fineMandolin "Virtuoso, late of "Russian kicker.Court Orchestra:' N. Y. 480 E. 61st Captain Robinson dodges elusivelyStrt'et, Tel H, P lotio and is a good field general. Baird isa capable substitute for th� place.There are two sets of backs. Theheavy ones comprise Summey. foil,and De Bore and Altmanny• halves.The lighter set includes Atlmar, fu�l,Harr'is and Yea.rer. �ClotbtlonvinclClad ..�rde Street• ' CLUETT .... .00. 6 co ••• "Clt. or .MOW cou.a .. • belielfe in Popular Prices. My$25.00 Business Suits are positllfe'r$35.00 value. You can save just $10.00Thafs worth while. Let me make onefor rou and ,rolfe if.Wendell 7S lIonroe su-tMajestic Tbeatn Bldg.UBIVmUII'1'Y DABOIRQSOBOOL 55th AND ELLISMIDNIGHT LUNCHHall "Feeds" Supplied ,Up to I A. M.UNDER NEW MANAGEIIENTBRAIDEN, ex-'IO, U. of C.55th AND ELLISA _lect dancinl 8Cbool for UDiwr­!i� men and WOIIIeD .... beeD opeaedin ROSALIE HALL, '." B. 57th It.LeI8o_ 'l1nIncIQ afteiDGOd, .:3Qto... laformal dancilll 4 to 50 1M-80 ... 5 ceIIta eacb.Unitaait, illtUdellta ihited. Por.­formation, caD ISDs KIm...........tint .... • I':ersTHE PAI_t.Y, MAROON,S-:\111RDAY, NOVEMBER '7, 1908-COMSTOCK LOWERS OWN. RBCOitU ':IN C. C: "PRACTICBI I • t • ns a revolu.. ng lam s sys em mea �:�I membership now includes forty 30PHERS VS. BADGERS TODAYtion in shower baths:' said Dr. Ray nen. The final makeup will _consis"croft yesterday. "Until his mixer f !hc thirty hest men.was perfected, we had received any Tenors are still in demand and ailb f 1 .ts from student- Speik has been practicing his menI Iinum er 0 comp am . .hose who can sing first tenor arc es-M 0 S S L B R CO. \ .. ho used the baths. One day the n Marshall Field the last few days.," :)ecial1y urged to come to the thin'SO Jackson Blvd. water was cold, th� nex� day it wa�.' �ryol1t which will he held Monday � Cornell '\"5. AmherstCl CI h I'k IbId I t Seldon Another contest of interest to Chi-ever ot es II ee y to e sea mg 10. ',p, m, in Kent. At this time there•••••••••••••••••. could the desired temperature be se- c .. go students is the Cornell-Amherstvill also he a regular club rehearsal1 cured. All this difficulty bas b�el� . Jame. The I thacans have been play-1 'It which full attendance is desired. 'done away with in our gymnasium Director Gordon Erickson is much 'ng in excellent form' all week. andC 0 11 e g e C a f d d t fi 1 the sprinkler� dll give some new plays a tryoute an stu en snow n . pleased with the talcnt exhibited, anda pleasure to use." at :tgainst A. mherst. Cornell's showin,g I;tates th:lt with such material447 E. 55th. St. today wtll be taken as an indication,hantl, and the liecessary tenors, the IM D BEAUVIERE NAMES ·,f what it will do _against Olicago'l. e ll:tlm:k is very promising. FacultyFENCING TEAM OF FIVE :lext Saturday. _nemhers have: offered their encour \Harvard will meet the Carlisle I n-Pr I�ement. and ,the Tiger·s club ,hold!' dians in their annual conflict. HarvardTeam Working Overtime to epare 'tself amply rewarded for its effortsr M tches-C ell Match Not has not pI, ayed a consistent game this Ilor a orn �n behalf of the Glee club. 'Settled.. eason, and is not expected to solve \T\VO LOWER CLASSES' he complicated plays of the Red-M. de ncauvicrc ycsten!:ly an-TO ELECT NEXT WEEK me-nonounced the makeup of his fencing:zoc up'f\\ MOsSLER COMPAlf1Clothes lor Men- ... 4 Y .......Jackson SO Blvd.�' .. !_.OvercoatsatS25litt!emen.. Protector:'·'Paddocks,""Lenox:' and52-!n. RuaaianCoat�,$25. $30, $35, $.to and upward.None finer.Even if you think you're tailor­-tied, undo the knot for five minutesand drop in to-day.Wit� our laige selection and care­ful, courtecus treatment, we will soon•ferret out all defects" if any.Suits, $20, $22. $25, $28, $30, $35.. $40, and upwaro.( Salesrooms second floor)INear Lexincton Avenu.POPULAB. PLAcmATPOPULAR PBlCBSLuncheonEvening Dinner :Z5CSunday Dinner' - 35C IiSERVICEA LA CARTE. ALSOCLASSIFIBDADVERTISEMENTSin theD A I LYMAROONBRING RESULTSj' FOR SALEFOR RENTWANTEDLOSTFOUND25 cents for threelines per issue.CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGMANDOLIN CLUBS organized atRo�alic Ha11, 276 E. 57thfraternity pin:1.ean· at Informa!ion office.FOUND-A J,:irb' J,:ol(l �ignet I�ar:lctt natatoriu.m, Owner mayrc(,o\'('r hy identification fromCoach Kmulson in the gymna�ium.TYPEWRITING work "'anted, by)Iiss )Iyrtlc GooMc11ow, 5509(;r�cn\\'ood avcnue.BARGAINS-Xc,,', r�bui1t:111,1 "blind" typcwritersrent or trade.Geo, Starring, I� S. D. Hall surface-s-woven closelyAs a result �tf the Glee club trials Comstock, tile cross country star, give service.perimenting, assistant engineer of \Vedncsday afternoon twenty new took the five-mile course yesterday Olives and the various shades ithe University, Billy Ingham has men 11&I\'(.' been voted into member- afternoon in 29:57, lowering the timeperfected a system whereby, the �hip, TI�e successful candidates are: he made in the tryout by 13 seconds.shower-baths in Bartlett gymnasium Bert Bl'r�"rsl'n. Char les Wood. Main Simpson was a close second. and thewill no longer freeze or be scalded. Hadler. Russe-ll Staff, Frank Scott. I est of the team were not far behind.The new invention has been installed "olin Plasmcn, Jesse Scofield, Wm. Evidently the week's training Ins• In overcoat fabrics the roughand found to be successful. It has Hotick, JCSSl' D. Cook Harry Had- raised the standard of the team, and k d herr i , .d ' ., . . et weaves an err ingbone stnbeen approved by Dr. Raycroft an <ell, Then. Baldwin, Albert Mahon, If' Captain Caldwell s program m the I id d 'I '.. I are consi ere very smart.wilJ be used in all the baths on tIC \\,ilirl',1 H. Worth, Gco, D. Full. week before the race IS carr ied out, I �w·ta fo C 11 $ t S��f I � r 0 ege wear, 30 G ...,campus. The purpose 0 t ic new ap Earle Adams, Fred Hate, Charles the team will he in prime condition 0 $ :I h .. f vercoats 35 to $40pliancc is to rcgu ate t e rmxmg 0 Cdl.y. \Ym. Ilcvcr ly, Kart Keefer and on the day of the race.I . '11 b We make riding breeches.the water so t rat It WI e Karson t)o<1son. ,The workout today was -the firstneither too hot nor too cold. and can In nddit ion, eighteen of those who "nR jog that the team has had. Thebe' fixed at any temperature the have bCl'11 rehearsil1� under Director .ncn kept -wcll together until theb I dcsi Th fail r of t heat rer csrres. e ar u C Erickson for the Reynolds club :urn at Cottage Grove, when theywater to heat properly has been t he nukcr after the Ccr ne ll game. have couldn't resist a sprint, even after themain trouble with the baths the lasticen entered 011 the tcntat ive roll of long run.,two years. member ship :. Bcvcr ly, Lightner. Xo news of the cross country ac- TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENAn evidence that Ingham's inven- Shaw. Kenner, :\l)·ers. Goodenow tivity is yet emanating from the A. N. Jerrems, Mgr,tion is successful, is an order from I.egler. Fox. Wbcclcr, Bowman, Sul- ,ther possible competitors in the an- Two stores: 131 La Salle St .. anathe \Visconsin gymnasium for a nurn- Iivnn. Orchard, Lidster, Sribbs. Keef- nual run, but it is thought that train-. 44 Jackson Boulber of the new appliances for USl'-r. Henry. Berry and Sherer.there. PERFECTS DalIBS GLEE �CLtJB ENROLLS' .," _..11ft " .' , ... St.t��BsPut;·'; A�pntANTSCleftr UDiveni� EnciDeer and In·ventor Improves Famous Scheme I A�> T�S 'He!d' Wedn�y' -2�: arefor Replatin, Showers-Dr. Ray- Survivors-Eighteen' 'Set�cted froiDcroft Praises it Hilbly. ' ReyriJ!ds' Club SingeTs.INGDIIAfter a year of hard work and ex-Holby was chosen pianist. The to-five which, in the evcnt of a matchwit h Cornett next Friday, will repre- Fres�men and Sophomores to �hoosc:,Officers at Same' Time as�ent the Varsity. The quintet con­sists of Baldridge. Jones, Lescano. Upper Classes.Davis and Bliss. and three substitutesWith the method of the Freshmerue Parmenter, Reeve.<; and Hanna.:lIld Sophomore elections definitel}All eight fencers are working six·�:ttl\!d at last. these elections wit:days a week by M. de Beauviere amIhe put through on the double quidhis assistant, )1. Lamoroux. Thefencing instructor says that the Itha- to c.:atch up with those of the upperh h �Iassl's which have had severa!cans are a fast lot, and t at t e twcweeks' 'start.extra days a week are needed, if theAccording to the program an·Varsity fencers expect to defeat their •notllll cd yestcrday. the names of theproposed opp�nents. Dr. Raycroftthe Ea�, t- :nemhcrs of the Freshmen and Sophhas been negotiating with �>Ohlrc classes will bc' po�ted todayerners, and said yesterday that thethe time for nominations witl clost'hnal decision wi11 bc known earllnext week. �I!)nday and the elections will be�Ield 0.n Thursda)' and Frida"'. at theMeanwhile thc executivc commit· J�ame time ,as tl1o:-e of tIl t ..tee of the club is doing what it car. e wo upp ... rf f classes.�o arrange or som� amusement orthe mcmbcrs. An entertainment. ;'hanquet and a dancc arc under con'ideration by them. and will be �i"cl'in the.- ncar future. The committee i�nade up of D.wid Davis, chairman:Kerner, Bliss" Borchard. and )tixOfficers (\f the cluh and a pcrmanent("aptain of the team will he electe(! SC\'cral cancli,lates havc alrcady')ccn named and "'iih the amount ofdiscussicn the in(lefinite status of th{'�Ias ... cs has caHed forth it is probable'hat tla're will he keel� compctitiol'soon. for most of the oflices.TIH' I1lc:hod of nomination is the,,:!me as that in the upper classcs.rhe oliices to he tilled arc the prcs·Street. i ·el1cy. \·ice-pn· ... i(lcncy. s(crctary-shiplui tr�:lsurcrshiJl. X(.minations areList (\f Lnst Articles Postedreward. ;)�. pctitions which must be signcdThere has b('en postefl on the hul· hy tin' eligihtc mcmhcrs of the das!'.l('tin hoard in front of Cobh halt ;' I'll" pc; it ions an' to he scnt to the,.til'(· pC thc Junior Ilcan through thelong list of lost articl,·s. which han!le('n returned to thc Information :'aculty C"l'h:II1�C.lffic('. Thc list includes pairs (Ii�If)\:es. text books, note books. key:,poCk('fhooks an d many other articleshoth ornamental and useful. Thc')wners of this propcrty may rc�ail'thc same by applying at the officeand prm'ing their owncrship. AN ADV. IN THEDAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENT ASYOU CAN MAKE.,HAVE YOUINVESTED?"visible'·for sale, in the Dai1:Try a classified ad.'t will pay you. I TBB PALL SEASON'lIAS OPENEDThe new autumn and winterSqli .. d ImproviDc :rime in, TraiDincfo-r': U � ... _ ries show many striped cffcct s,Inter<:o eciate RUD-v�Teama� 8tiU Silent. the colorings are not pr onounced.:The fabrics have a rough t wibrown are in strong favor,Grey stripes and the gr cys shadiinto the stone and slate col()rill�s -,decidedly is steadily progressing.(Continued from page I) THEITALIAN TABLE D'HOTESOC-75c___.:sI.COINCLUDING WINEAts'!» a 13 Carte ServiceOpenDOlily'andSundarsf::-('�II A. 1.Ltl)!l P.llEPAQHETTISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITAL146-STATE STREET-I46SECOND FLOORIDinois College of Commerce :--Formerly ,t·ATHENAEUM18 to :z6 VAN BUREN, STREETYoung people qualified in our Shorthand and Business depart·ments in the shortest possible time for positions that pay at onCtfrom $35 to $60 a month. Individual iJatsruction. DA Y and NIGHTsessions. Enter any time. Call, write or phone Harrison IIlO forcatalogue. Positions for graduates. 31 years of uninterrupted suecess. SAII,U� B. WILLEY, .LL. B., SuperintendemTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and S6dlThe Cleanest and Best Kept Storage'Warehouse in the City •••••Furniture and Pianol Moved, Stored. 'Fack.ed'Shipped to ,11 pans of the world. 300 Privateap RoomS: Large Parlor l!.xclusivcly for p.Rooms for Trunks �nd Wheels. Large RoomCaniaces, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunk!> tofrom all Depots. Local Transfers for BaFunaitur.e, Packages, etc., at short notice.SpedaJ .tteDtion I[iven to Univero;itv Or��"M. f. fitzgerald (; Co'.MAnu 01' GmrrLBDlrS GARMENTS:&fio But ssth street •If :JOU want to 8ee 80methinc real swell in the newestabaete. and weaves for a ait of clothes, an overcc�t or apair of trousers, for Fan and Winter, we have them toshow .pinal any hoUR in the city. Our prices are withinthe reach of aD.DOB'if P,A Y I' U L L PRICEI now bave on band, and Hllinc at baH price:Parker Lucky ,Cane, John Holland, Paul E. Wirt, Waterman IdealA. A. WatermaD'., Conklin SeH-fiD en, Crocker, Blair, Simplofiller,Aatofiller, and aU the other well-Imown brands ofF 0 U N T A I N P B N S Repairing while you wait.DA vm .,.. PDIIAB. 192 Clark St., Chicago, TiCcmeU' PUse MatUIWith t1son onlysquad seustiff andday. Dir,out on thnight andplay primgiven thefield, andthem onlings SUC(sity goaldowns, biused in tregulars Iscrimmagthe teamdummy, ;up the \\'runs.DarlPart ojof tb\! 'due, t� tJbaU''''''W'a�matters.the foUoS.chomm(and S�ischl. gu:wine, 'Sbacks. Ishowingpeared fand hasshap,e, band hispled wiland incr"aluable�Schl')Ugone. alhe andagainsttion asrtm�insman is itackle ••first cal(.ickingmore dMeigs,showinlDeTrLeo Ifrom I·nen-AnCornellball <I"The (the as:if weg('nera'simple!lites i:ring :dcpcnf:team tmr.nagains..