�•. .,.� ill;'" l'�l�'!J""_. ..' t .., ..h !'� .: a.: ltr·,nnn....._"'V�Vol. VlI •. No .. 26..TO IITEREST FRESHIlEili- EXTEMPORE" sPEii.ilG.. � � ,-. ...;. .DIRECToq ·ST1_G.�SlYSVlRSITY WORIIS POORstudents who Enter the ComPetitionMay. Not Have More Than 9M8jor.. !..!...!...!...• � ..' JWbeA • ,reviou ......... t. o�li& •• 1011''-' toUIl � .• ·ta'l'ltauU--- 'sq te til. leoN Cl.1» 4aDce-- ••• n't .YMt.e to. _eh 1:78,atb7 i-.in1nct'hat the ..... Ilt J'OIUIC Sopho_z-. is In __ IIIC" attttll4. aa \hb: .,--'-Prc.feuor W. I.. � Pla�Great. Story Writer' Abo" �Pr�d�t iri �n LeCbuO­LaudS ajwtfiO'&i and Twain."Old Man" 'c�mpJain. of �­lions Which PrcYeiii Full squadfrom Showing Up. Contest with Two ScholanbipA�d� will Start Novo 16 Un-s. 'fJ� �-t.Ja� �, .u .. �-'1 t-JI .. _ .. ·� • ...e. ..... .u44L � ..American, novelists were scored --r . eN\.'-:' � 1 - 'D- :il1l,Varliily Score Three. Touchdowns in .yesrerday and accused of placing un:'�' .-... �:. �Sc:immage with Fta.Jun�-KeL worthy stori�st' .��fore . the reading ��-�ley Makes Long Run. public by Prof�ssor William Lyor � ���_Phelps of .the Harvard University �-�di..? �..A An innovation in public speakingDirector Stagg' was rather disap- English department, in a lecture Ol� pd .. � contests for til'e' first-year students. , .. �- �"t.�?l'oillt�d last night with the showing "The Modern Novel." The lecture 1t9�� tt...,;;.. will have its tryout at the Universityof the: Varsity thus far this week in ,,�a. s gh'��n' in' t�e Fine Arts buildi�g!. J..ie;, ��..L.M. soon. according to an announcementpractice. The full." squad has not This was the first of a series planned � rt·· � tt made yesterday from public speakingheen out on the field' once all week. I�'y th�. Uni��rsty le-ctrire associa- headquarters. The new scheme, firstand as a result the work accomplish- rion, and abounded in pointed epi- preliminaries of which arc scheduled,,(I since Monday has not been en- grams, - which se�u;ed.' h'.earty re- ' ' ! . . - .' • tor Thursday,' November 19, will- be" '" For like as not be. is proltU17 �tl1.C up .apers OD t.hi. order :cuuraging. ,"ponse from the lirg� aud'ience. The a contest in extempore speaking-af-"The team has not been worKing .speaker was. introduced by DP.fl�·· ter a fashion.hard this week," said Mr. �.��gg 1!1�t 'Robert Morse' Lovett, who paid higb Details for the competition, a�; farnight after practice, '·�f.onday they �ribut,e .t.o Dr. Phelps' ability and TJ\4...�.- b\.cL � ahead as the first tryouts" �'ere po�t-were pretty sore, Tuesday was elec- keenness� ,as· � critic., .' i . a ;c..r r! . 'ed yesterday, and registration of thosetion day, We"dnesCiay- some were' a:;';�Y :: "Lt's a', pfty,: but it's a fact �t�a� � ... �,!) l�.l c;.t.ca..u, students who intend entering is nowon a trip, a�d-,Til1ir-sday-a couple are '�'e �n� �meric� h��ve .�.e�er pr?�_��e� �.:':r....l��� :n order. All names must be in atsick, Th� ��a� has :,:?t� � �.ny illS' '�f!���!1I)��'ey hh� :sa:dS':� >'l'NatLe��t,n:e!l, fl-:-." �J�.�.�. the office of the Dean of the Junioreveni(ik' talkS or, practiCe" tois year, awtnorne m IS ,.ca�.e� :. I .' te� , colleges by noon of Monday, Novem-.' ., I 0..... o�J.. 1i tl&.'.l':"�, tt �p.,,: '-�•...for the first time that I 'can' reniem- produced a great -artis�,c .. triurllP,h;a.nd ' � � ber 16. The restriction placecI OD elt"-ber, and as'· a·�tesb.1r they 'are forced �ame nearer to the gr�at' Do��l thah : -:t: ,;t-��� � , : trants in the contest is that they mustto m��e .��_e_ m��(�!�.��,�· �!nie: sP�llt ... ������ ��or� .o,r �fter. �����:i �rf :' �., � �,Jt;.�;_'. not hav'e ,plqre, than 9 majors.'on the field_ We haye a' bunch 9f ,!p�I_JY; :m�.�e �,. !lio � , �ave '. re�!r��l� ;:, . Plans' for 'Preliminarygood studeilt� ,��s .��ar, .. �c ���t. a �,i�; �!�v�l� ·t�\.t�e�� �r��!, and tIme mar: - , . ,... As to the first preliminary, that willgle one received' a notice this week. Judge s'ome - of these· ;�eat .. ,. For �n;- : -. - . )� __ helC!__in ,�,ent t_�,::�ter at 3' o'c:"i&:lc,\Vith the pr��ent size of the squad. stan'ce, there - is 'H�ci(leberrY Firin�"�'" � ." ... 1 �. '!�, •• '. <, "•• ' -4 ... ,' '., ••. ; Thursday, "No"ember 19: .Ai- "thatibis' is very .!��:..; . -. - �-. _, J. c<?!lsi��::t!if .. ���·���(io�� <:����F 'STat-; htUI.'·. ·.p_j··iO 'uu,luSiBALIAB' _lOT jm�� a subj��t. t�.:-di�c�s�· wii"',b� �5- •�';-�r-'��u ;;::_ ;���1�haJrr� -�:�, ,�.����� ;�';- ., -. ': ,- _', -�. � �'=--\":i . �'T/:'��:-': ." '.�:'�';-��: ', ... -; i'· '. � .-:', ����::�C;o:�:�:;:;�:: :!�t::In 1 e sen WI· '. S •... - .. ,.' -'. . ..•. i .1"hne-Q ....... ----tD--3�LUd �.:saedioi. ,--_ .. _-, ----.----".- ...year men yesterday,:' die' Vatsiti i� ::Wh,ti'o,!Je.n:t our write� tum �� : with WbeeIbInowa for' .: -,.to..e :�cHi: �';;;;FCJ ;tb�. �opi!= ��en . him .. At '�. o'clock:scored thr� t��c!td�WilS.'_Oh-:. �oa� ��.�.?��ls,.:ln the sense that authors I Boob IJnr;� _ s.a--to: .... k;.. . _tIT "em ._.' ... ., 't���:w� �om�te. w�lI.�galn, �sem-.Doseff's· cb�S;. bu� .. the . �!��I! .�� RU�1j\ t��1 f�� ��X� done, �Of 1 P1ayt!iiD8.; iii So�ri:L . "0;::. c�.·. . o_f: :p� �.Ie '1�,_.K.en�. 'and. deliver. th�ftS. made a strong showing with theCor-. !"�n E'n�and? W� certainly n�ed � " _ - BeiDc. iil*i. Of tlielr subjects for fiv� mInutes..nell plays, W'hich� th�'" h��� - � ... eJii:'- A.* JQr�-.y frank opinion: � i .F �.- �--.. h:"' Th fJ . ..,;-0 _ " �:., _, . '.' .;. i The two .winners in, the hals are tolearnJ' ng all wee. k. Ttir:y �fltiig':S' diil be�ieve - �t' jr �� m.ore importan, t fo. r i' earsI ! _.. pe�� aPbs.,:I t ��.. . �,- The' petitio. � presentec:.· by thd S�q- be' a warde<{ scholarships for ODe• .' Y'=.. .' . . _, I uarters c DD men t IS year w01I,Id ._ '.-. ,,':" "1.' :1\'°1 ,�:,:, ".�not have lhe1r'�be'st �in ·tb�' scn.: ;u� .. �� 'R.r����.!l .�t�,�el than it� et off too eas were. quieted est .�:. II)�: :��,�,I��� C��nc�tJba.t �� 0:���1 quarter.'mage and-'in·sp·iie of that-fa'Ct,'came .:l.�t a pre51de�t,;�nterestedas,I h�ve 1.1 I." ..J",.:. "::�-'I'" . y '1 cla.ssdicatlon be ma.de of the.SophQ- ;:'Following is the_ statement issued« , , v'" " ... �• _', • ...z, .:.;.• . � ",=tv. y�en ..... .,ed" ·�r e ' aJ;IPOUDCe� ;' ,,·tt, ; ", t �'7 " .:.. -." • .near to s�o�ill r�ev�l. tim!=!.- o� l>!�� �'llf �����Th� ,�p:ugn. ��t �;t all �ti.e'" me� -���id �,�q�ired to �:9��r •. ,���<.f�esh��n. a�_d .. t��t. ,�I�-' �eprding the co�test� yesterda�:: ,working the baD ���n". t��, fi.e��!� w�>:.! ��_c�o,_a���_�� .��.e �ea� hring their little red wheelbarrows '� no�� I�)�.�S.� c1,����s ,��, hel� �n t�? I.. �When the Umverslty .of . Cbic:agoeighty yards',before th� Varsi� stop- ,..If.gre�t_mf'� 1n..�.;.MlOrJ', :m,tli t.hF �chool hereafter. While on the ea \ ���! ;��?�r, a$ .,�.n;,{ t�e .}u,n!o� ���_ �It�drew f�om contests 10 mter-col-ped them. ,. :!xceptlon �� Washmgton and Un- �us they will be allowed to wheel 1 ����, h�s b�e�;1��t�cl �y � ,�,?�- 'eglate. o,,:,tory, .• there. arose ;-a�. gre:atRo.-- aDd Ke11e7 SbiDe cnln.. ' ' 'b'-:' :'k- . f" h' '.:- '-f �'!�d�: '. :': L'.I' 'fr;,}> I' I tere.n,ce of th.e deans of the .Um,ver- deal ot dISCUSSIOn. The .Departweat.-- • . ,: 00 sot elr nen s to auu om" f·; ", .... I' .", • r! . , I .The Varsiti.· madct: their touch- r '·�e. trouble"�h our.·.A�eri�� I .:... .. Th··':" -i. {' -".�'-<;be 1 ·.�i!y.: Ratification 'of the m.�as�re,oC- �f FUblic Speaking preserved silencedowns on sttai&tit fdotban' and' a lib. ��ov�I;.1. wh�h' R.t� f�:,�.tJite�- � asses.. .. I�:-,� "I '�� course. ap cU'rred at a mee'!ing of the' d(oa�s �f on the subject, merely r�marking.that., ' . '. . nnpv�t.�n. an� .pro�e_yery strength- 0 .. ' -_. __ • • .,'.eral use of the forward pass. Crow- -ute are by far ty mos, t, popular, IS .� .... � '. 'i..; .' '\. ':f" h'" L.l Its the Ju.n�o� collC&"e�. . In due tIme a plan would be pres�Dt-• _.., �mng.as, an·exerclse or t e lIilC of . •..•. 1 • . .-- . .• �. ,ley, Rogers and Worthwiff�, .. ��� ,.nat they are not good s�ories well the!F�1.i:��.:· .}y�r�.��a�·be�': C?n .. t�,e ���� �f � which would appeal to th.e; :s�-SDcceeded ill piling acroH"!��,.f�.�\-., ;o�,!:;:ClS ... they should �'. Many. �f "\V�'7 b��� f�it' th� 'ne�' f�r so�e' c���li��n� .��e .t:wo"'�lasse�.� � �,�. u�- ��nts and the faculty of the U�lY�r-man goal line. �Hal" Iddinp was r1tem are not trae... to, I�� ,,�� .!e�d . " ...d·'..;2'�' ::',! d .. 'f: :Iertaking, IS -bIg on�, and conslder- slty_ Although the plan. is DOt. qwte_ ,'. ( _ . f -:. .r., .... ::< , .. ' '.. ', Ime, sal .carle yester ay, 0 a Co t- .-" ." . "b' . '.. . t •sick and cUd. not come Qut and 50 much 0 l!Ien 10�1f ot�r m� s il"' -,!', .': ;.�.' h� - .. " _,Id �bo·'· :.: .; t· :tole tlrle "'III proba I>,: elapse before complete, we' are authorized ·to ,state, .. ... , :;........ ' • �. '.� , :,.,- •• � .. ', ,�.�. I' P aythtng t at woo "t t.li amuse aDd ' ." .-- Ii .Schommer was called away by the ilI- wives. but I have-' not nm across, '. :·.d.... ..._." IH .�: T tM- b�ts a�e comp!eted. '. t 'that it will deal largely -:with ext�� . '. f h- • .' 1 I nstrud, an thiS plan seems to. meet A . . . . b··.. :fin···· .fi .I'CSS of bis Diother. Consequently cases 0 t IS In my expenencel. II�!. '• - - f '_ s soo� as t IS IS ISh.ed, � de.· pc,re speaking. as distinguished fnMD"hi' L._. I' ,he requirement. Wheelbarrow par- '. . - .' .. , . . 1._" '.. . '. •Bunnv Roe .. f.S was sent in at h,1f lOOt t e nove IS UIC. Inc used for �r- " ,,' \'d:' :; .•... . f' .t. :' nlte ,time "'dl � set for the noml- 'the �ormal oratorical style. '" .ll1� a.; """ -, '. --�--. - -;----, ���. - � �t..! utes an. rac.es will be a . eature of .. ·0· ',: .', •• " •• •back and·tbe�left·end'beith was'beld poses of_ �Je\I� . .;...�.,a�d.,Ptn�r th . �� �':�� . th':" I.,. :.�,_ �'natm� �nd "t'tl!,Il,.',� . ," .. ' �eck_or-�two,_ the complete progl'am. . f 0 • T '. .or.. &or e next weeL .. II '!lrs l"r - . #" .. ' - '.d�""n by Bri�r,.in',.sc.. bom"m.t.r's �tlea_. d� .ons 0 expositions. 00 many \�e .- ." " ': ";' t' '''Ahe'action of·the deans amounts tG \"iIl be 'annOuriced. but in the mean-i'::"'l.-! 'not serioll. sO:< eia�,'r being merely "� ..� .. m.a�e .e.ye!'Y:: tw:entT " �nu�t5. an j official' :,.ec-ogn-·itio�' '�f' 'die 'exi�t- time it has: bee'n deemed advisable, toKelley, plaY'.. nlr �.gh.t tack�e, al�ost" ..... ,�'!- ,. fi F t H II t K t b f 'WI -' '.- • '. b' oJ' it . ·;."f d I'n 6cu'·on rom os er' a 0 en y way 0 -, 'f • h" F .,'" ,.tc.� "d' So -h' �-ain' WI·th,·. 'to h'" junl·or college ."�_pulled oft a "area'· play •. The FrUh- Bonte mars. ma ow can y !' . � � - .... :::. .' t • nice n ·t e res Imen an PO-fICo' -... --.rorm." ,f.� .. ; . �dICS.· �ggage .Wltt .� tile. mnre - cfa��e�:' :t . 'Point -. a��t' which test.' A full description of the regUla-·man runn��,\.��� �!, b,f� ;iJI .. ���. ipecJalty .. and a.1 the girls WIll � '.. ... '. - ... , .. .'middle of· ......... fi':..'t:;.,· ana the � Vai- I : . (:. -. -.,�,: ',. ,'. • :. r the� has been some doubt of late. Hons governing thi� . first contest, isUI'II:I CIQ UI. pnvlleged to hall the expressmen.lity tackle grabbe� }t�a�� t�e:�fr �APPY; �T- FAD .. Jp.BCTION The service on the ca�p�s �i11 be :;��j;"" .. �-, -.• ,-, , ;.. •. I announced on the 'bulletin board ..sixty-five yanls of loa before 6ptaln ._., . f'nt!i�iy' f.r�e: .. and' re��ori�b'e ra�� W�en· • .u�n to' 'Gift :�. Ir.,ormai : It explains itsdf,but ir there shouldR h· f th F h ht - \ i r ;.,.., , '. . .... ., ,t,e anyone ",no has any doubts con-o mson 0 e res men caua �.nity AdIIet_ .ejaice Beca .. ,will � be made for distant' points. . A�. ���rm�1 da�ce will be py.ea .byh. .. .. . '. , . , ' cerning the regulations, he should ap-nn. J---. W_ Voted In. Watcl1 the bulletin ooai;ds for an- t� i.,Women°. U:!1io�(.n�t �: �turdayV ...... I' � �- . . ply to Professor Blanchard.�-���" '<. r-Otlricements in the sen-ice." .,�n.. �ng i.� ��alton ,.;�a.lI.� .. La,stF I'· I _.... .:-a.t" ta kI • th "\Ve are certain that e\'eryene whoa � P a,7"'- � .... , c e In e The election of Judge Fred �ak� ... !'. v��r'l ,plan, .wh�1. men.: �n4 W'(')�scrimmage aad Hinchl. was employ- !o tbe�Mu��,lI·c:�.(.bai.. be, �"re- ARB READY ro.·.R: nfpORIUL,IU��,)��y.come. �Ione, an. introduction :s :t: ::11 interested in public speakingit t'l ft- 1- . .=::t. W n' h •... '.. will take part in this preliminaryt a e paN. 0 wme was ('ei�ed -itlL joy. am�na ,the Varsity __ .;-- ,'.� " . _. j "�'''; .�_� committee., ��I' �� it that,!, all be-used as fuJI in scrlulInage;and'Schott :tthlet�s. Be�i8ei'haV,i�g'�a" excelle�t !IC.omeii1�. :·P,b.�·�.�<'�� come acquainted� will be followed in ;:ont(' ••. The subjects chosen will beh ··h· ... h" . f lIb k' !. • l '\ , � • � those that come nearest to the stu-ns put t roul t e U ,ac paces In !,,�('ord as a member of the bench�;: or.u.er, N�ber·:as. this y�ar:'5 dances." These. affairs ar.eh . I d I t' Th" .' . • ' rlent life :md., therefore no t'ne needt e signa an p ay prac Ice. ere· Judge' Fake has alway. been a fri�nd : . . ,--, .-._' .' '1! in�ended. for. m�mbers �f _ all c;�sses.mainder of _.t�e :ljn�up' ... c�nsi5tinl �f )0 th� athletes, having' �secured '!A- ',�<r.�e Women:� V,nlon ��t .. yq��r-r ir�m .F'res�.me� tQ Seni�rs..:and h;\V� refrain from participating frem any. I Pa Bad ocb H ff L._ • • • �., day and arranged final details .for .IU II f b' . iear of ignorance of the �uhject mat-reg" au was. � en , 0 - J;I���r � of .them _poll.t����,dunng tll,� �.l: , . '" '.' ; , �:�... ,.·;:t..:;.ll '. p�ven an exce ent, ��n_s 0 .' nn�� ternlan, Crowley .!04,-ste&n.. " past year, eSpecl.t!ylduniiC� ncatlan; �f�rrna' tn, Lt:�lngtq� tt,�rqo/l9� .. i� th� ·students: topther �nd .. Pt:Q-. a . Men and women, mcmber� l'fIIro.S� �.�� �.� � J\,d�. ���e. �.,f .. miJ� ....to !he stude�t r���t at 8 o�loc� !he m�be,,�, �,ing,tl1e.�ial.lif. �tt"e U�iver� ny of the colleges, provided theyDirector Stan witlleaft today. af- body through addresses he has' de2 1iIi.. pt:eparati�ns al� .. for. '�I a!'��t Sf',., � ,Ul'!ion.:!l�s�r.�s,.a gnod time ha\'e not more than 9 major!', mayttr practice to Hi! t�e '. Wlic:onsin': '�ered:':'i." the CJmpa.. !i'a.nb iving �nque�, ����h.!.tas ��il few everyone who comes. take part.Minnesota pme, aDd .St •• en will �,.s( � one o�, the 'b!g afr�� th., �,_ "Th� fact that there arc two schol·, OI'JathlS• :'�iton;.. �W·��JJ:t N�� lor aO"n·dhil'p!ltacf()er. tWlh.o'lse taking fir�t and Stehc.-- �ppa � _� pigs D.elta Tj1i�..... • .. ., CU ..... 3U_'" '" Sigma 'N" annOunces' the pledging no doubt add toDelta, ia � Ifew • .-. .IS- of Arthur D. O'Neill of Chka.o. intuest of the contest."der No�el SYstem�.. ;n'�'tbSt.IIHaiL:�-;;:8--(Coatiaaed GIl NP .)r' •THE DAlLY .MAROON, ' FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1908.PUTI· BAlI' '011 HAZDlO AT', •DOWN-8rATB III�OIl DAILY"I'M 0IIdal .t.... ....kwtI_ ., tMOalnnlt:7 ., CIOap. ,, German Club .. today, at LexingtonPn8ideDt J .... W .... Studetlta at hall, at 4 o'clock. Lecture by Pro­IJJiDoia tbat all Gai1tJ ODes WiD, fessor Cutting, "The German' Studentbe Oasted. at the Beginning of the 19th Cen-I n its milder forms it is a nonsensi-cal and almost idiotic form of amuse- Mcnster Mass Meeting, Thursday,-....crlpflOll price. 13.00 per ,ear; il.lM) "11�rit, unworthy of the support or fa- November I-? The big time of thetor a mODt... Su_rlpUoo'. recelYed at "or of any sensible university stu- year!the Maroon omce. Ellis Ilall, or .t tb. dent. Bishop John H. Vincent. religious1'aeult:7 ExcbaDce. c�!. .. � H.U. "In its coarser forms, hazing is " service in Mandel hall: Sunday. II a.vulgar, brutal, always demoralizing m. Organ recital at 10:45.and sometimes dangerous form of Episcopalian, Students register atsport, which the university cannot mce, Faculty Exchange 330.countenance or tolerate. I t naturally Cap and Gown Editors can be con­leads to reprisals and may thus be- suited with any afternoon in Ellis 3.come a sourr-e of serious disorder from 3 to 4 o'clock. Communica­within and without the university. tions may 'be left at Faculty Ex­T n its worst forms, which fortunately change 280.have not prevailed here, it may, not Theological Club meets Monday atinaptly. be compared with night-rid- 8 p, m. with Associate Professor.. ing, white-capping and other similar Smith, 5525 Woodlawn Avenue.forms of outrageous interference with Women's Union, Informal, Satur-private and pub�!c rights." day, 8 p. m. All ipvited.• Sociology Club, Saturday. Obser-i vation trip to Montgomery Ward '&IOWA HOPES FOR VICTORY Co. 'PubHc Lecture, Tuesday and Wed­Return of Kirk to Squad Cheers nesday, November 10 and II, inBucke7e . Supporters.J:dltari&l �Befon 8 Po .:: JI:UIa BaD. Haskell assembly hall, at 4:30 p. m.� UId .... Q. 'hi. IIJcSe Pam as. .Aft« 8 »- "The Expansion 'of Europe in th�� aL. IIU'OOD PI'-. 4'l6 .. 11th 8tIeIt. No Jbde Iowa supporters are much cheered lfit]dle Age, with Special Reference, Pam _L ! over the return of right half back to European Movements America-If ... c:ODtI'lbuU ... � lie left at mia Kirk to the squad, after a period of wards Before Columbus." Professor, :i BaiJ or I'ac1IlQ IDxc:baDp, adcm.ed to the several ,days, in, ��ich he was kept Raymond: Beazley of Oxford Univer-out of the game because of an injury ... ••. ty. ' .'.;, ·,_�C:�, '1Iuoca �10., It is diought� tliat his presence ib� thebackfield will Help Marc Catlin'steam in: the game with the Illini to-.. unci .. 8ecoIlck .... Kall at the C'bIcqoJt.t� CIaIcqo, DllD" Marda 18.-1101. 1IIlGir .Act af IIarda a, 1811l. In a recent-address on the subjectof hazing, President Edmund Jamesof Illinois, made clear to the stu­dents his hostile attitude toward the&a4 bollda780 durlD. tbree quarteN of tiM practice, which, he declared would notainraltJ ,Hr. longer be tolerated and would be... punished by dismissal from the un i-I'�Tbe UDlY�nl� of Clilc:qo Weeki,... �The Week17. oct. 1. len. versity."Hazing is a violation of goodmanners and of the right of individ­ual liberty," said President James."It is ->rovocative of public disaster.The Dall7. on. I, lOO-.!.- IIJII,YIlC, J. AD..u18. K ... �.A. I. J'aID8TSUI. .&.w.uc J:dIW."'�eLllIJ'. Jerome N. Fnult:A. o. 'W1al�d Roberta B. Ow_, .•• 8JdDe7 SalkeJ' B.qr .... e LoqW. A. W.nr. A. N. Ptetr.rART EDITORROJ' Balclrldp.. .. BaUhap .IIIa' BmeatlJa. EYaMIn dra�ng up iu constitution, inwhich work the Junior College Coun-cil is at present en­Baforcinc gaged, opportunity willthe Election' be given to. remedysome of this Ufniver- morrow.Catlin is, working his men up tothe limit in the effort to fit them forth�ir grueling contest. The goodshowing' put up against the strongNebraska eleven' last �aturday isieading the, Iowa followers to' b�lievethat they ha�e a good c;:hance to beatIllinois. The main drawback is theCodessity's own peculiarelection evils. These are neitherbribery nor corruption, but �be uni­versal absence from all iu varioust ia'. � election codes of any clauses provid- tcam's lack of speed. Catlin is spend-. iog for their enforcemen� 109 �ost of his, time with the back-. An instance was furnished during field. in the effort to teach them thethe recent efforts to determine the new pme.status of the Freshman and Sopho-more classes. The Senior College � to Sell German PublicationsCouncil, the Junior College Council The retail department of the Uni­and the president of last year's versity Press has just completed ar­Freshman class, all had their re- rangements with a local importer tosponsibility in the matter very much supply it with current German pub­on their consciences and all crossed lications on va!io�,s' subjects of par­each,other's tracks I'epeatedly in their ticular interest to members of theefforts 0 fulfill a responsibility· which 'University. Fresh consignments ofwas not fixed definitely on anyone these books will be· received everyof them. Another i1111Stration of the two or three weeks, and special book­need of definite provisions for en- cases have been instaDed' in whichforcement was brought out in the they ,will be exhibited. The first con­CaP and Gown elections last spring, signment bas recently been received.when it was demonstrated that it was The Germans always have the- lat­perfectly possible for a candidate to est worb ,On many sociological andrun for office when he did not have sc:ientific subjects, and this is an at­as many majors credit as the Cap tempt by the Pt'ess to bring such�nd Gown election code provided publications befa're those interestedfor. while they are still fresh. Sorl';�thingThe Junior College Council should of the kind has been contemplated fortake it upon itself to enforce the a long time. but has not become aprovisions of the Sophomore and possibility until recently.Freshmen election codes after thesetJave been so re\'i�ed that they areenforceable and should- either itself Professor J. P. Goode's c:1ass iror by an appointment committee actas a committee on eligibility ofnominees for office in the Cap andGown. To Stud7 Chinese ReHcsties can be studied. Thesc researche�Wanted-EftfY ItucfeDt ill the will be m:"de, for the purpose of in­�iftrJity who g Dot a nbxribu to vestigating ancient means of com-�....... _,�: l''il merce aad transportation. tury."Public Lecture "The Commercialand Colonial Policy of the EnglishDurin� the Age of Mercantilism." byProfessor Daenell in Cobb lecturer om, today, 12:00 to 1:00 p. m."Junior College Council meets to- Iclay at 10:30 in Cobb 9B.Table tlub meets today at 10:30.• Maimonides Club. today. at 10:30, Iin Cobb Izn. Important.-----AlfROUNOBMBNTS •FOWNESGLOVESmean right gloves-So buy Fownes aod A'getrouble.ROBERT P. MURPHY.Proprietor.BOTEL ALBANY, -,41st Street and BroadwayNEW YORKRemOdelled, Handsomely Fur­,nished ThroughoutABSOLUTELY FIREPROOFIn th� h�art of the City50;) RoOms_' . 300 Batll RoomsEuropean Aan. Cuisine U�excellcdG.emtlemens' Cafe, Ladies' Resta�-,rant, and 'Moorish Rooms. Pop�­lar Prices. Plenty of Life-botJlomelike.$1.00 Per Day, and. UpSEND FOR BOOKLET.Meet me at the College Inn, underIhe Albany,' New York's .leadingHathskeller, a place to eat. drinkand be merry. ,Are IMPRESSIONS that wiD cling to J�,after JOU have �ted. 'To create the BEST IMPREssIONS. you must, wear CLOTHES of CHARACTER-d�thes t hat ',show YOUR OWN i n�viduality--clt;'thes that aremade ft:r YOUR OWN fi:cure-dothes that the .CRAFTSMAN baa ape!lt a Hfe-time �� ! ear n toIlIAke. Your REPUTATION as a CORRECT an c! I,·'CLASSY" dresser is assured, if we make you r "c!':t�ea. ',Our prices {or suits or overcoats range {rom $�5 "up. ICome in n�:t titr.e you're down town, and letus give you one of our college posters- �n,:!dent-ally we'll get better acqUainted. IIIt35189 Dearborn St. IIC�er&WDkieTAILORS Ban" floorHR ExceUencePurityAre You Afraid'of Spooks?YOU'LL H.A� TO BE IN CONDITiON FOR THATDIN�ER. GET USED TO "EXCLUSIVE EATS" WITHI H· R Co-ed Chocol�tesHot Drinks ', Angel WingsI' AT OUR EXCLUSIVE SHOp379' E. SSth street Tel.------------------------------------------�----�-------__.r---------------------------------�------ 1II1I, I, ,IHyde Park 3: 68,, 'R ' 'WHAT'S TH� USE?of having good clothesif you don't keep th� well pressed.A good suit d�es. it and a poQr suit demancb it.We 'press all garments at regular prices. Work called for and delivered. �AImBRSOlfS C&ArrSMAN SHOP- 430�ssth Street :I (� 'Hotel\ Maroon '�\,,'. ,. $8th and�Drexel Ave" UNDER NEW ,MANAGEII£NT,,'RESTAURANT AND lUNCH ROOMFIrst clBSs �eals, Prompt� ServiCe',TIle best of eve"",ing �rved at reasonable pricesMusic every evening in dinner-halln.c Natioual Hotel Co. J. W. Ward Mgr.'1,Eo'• c . '.�O,OR,E..flORIST •• �I' ' ....,./ 272 E. 55th s� �TeL Hyde' Padt 31-'VARSITY" ceAFE .Le ren�e�':.,,(,us des�, ,Etud.lants. ; �47C E. 55MEALS 2OC. and up.THE HYDE PARK 'PRI,lrlNCi CO.S1Iccnon toOEO. w� CURRIER I: co. and MATSON a: TRENAR?PI_f... - ...,......... · E.rav .... 'WE ARB PltBPARBD TO HANDLE ANYTHING IN,THB LIMB OF PRINTING._ ... sstII S� i , rane wasIla:t intene,,,ith his r!)anlluet."w ITfgesJuctiun of 1lege curric\:while thisVron!mentfind that Icord withhigher ediL'ring mysclaging youl'�OP(;sc.-or coursstudy thattical educainnt:.g\.!s, athat collegsuch linescould, by smore rapidwould be :I"1 am, )the opiniocannot bemen in ththat it is aman whobusiness c:money tak.. It is mbetter forthe age (If 71paimfittiJlgamrevelinimdrapClotmonto aWeis 51-w�wormaJ'lcanforteVelthaiStitlintetistfroltrelAre JIcetball.sabstrilPOsted� .. (, ....THE DAlLY IlAROON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBIUt 6. 19Q8.EDUCATION' USELESS IN", .:BUSiN.ESSThe letter here published has been received by the University Commercial club, in response to an inn·ration extended to R. T. Crane, tbe miliionaire manufacturer, to a ban luet to be &iven in his" honor.' Mrrane was told'tbat he would be asked to express bis views on the value of a college educatio» to a youn8nan intending to enter business. The invitation reached Mr. Crane while be was in New York, and he sentvith his regrets, the following letter to Ben Wille. president of the club, suggesting that it be read at thebanquet.� I" ·1,IIS "IIII1j "W ITH reference: °to your sug- doing he ,,·ill be earni�g something, which a man runs his factory. If agestion regarding \ the intro- instead of being under a 'large' ex- manufacturer expects to Succeed induction of business training in a col- pense; at the same time he will be his business, he is compelled, by com­lege curriculum. 1 would say" that. acquiring information along tbe line petition ,to produce an' article thatwhile this would perhaps be an im- of work which he expects to,,!ollow, will sell at a profit, and must lookprovement upon the old methods. 1 as well as learning a hundred and one forward to see whether there is a de­find that I 'am so entirely out of ac- things that will be more or less use- mand for his product. It will not docord with everything in the line of ful to him later in life, and "Chich he for him to turn out goods for whichhigher education, that I cannot could not possibly obtain a knowl- there is no demand, or produce thatl-ring myself to the point of encour- .edge of at college. at a price which �ill not admit ofaging you in the changes which you be their being sold at a pr�fit. A man"'Should your proposition car- 'who should go to work, for instance.I'�OPC.:;C. ried out, I contend we would run into and build a hundred airships with­"Of course, anything in the way of the same mistake that is met with inout konwing that they would be instudy that is along the lines of prac- 'what are called 'trade schools; which demand .or that he' could gettical education. poss�sses some ad- P I A R 0 S-Regularpric� $350 to $150, atGREATLY REDUCED PRICES AT THIS SALE.THIS C�U.PON 'IS WORTH A TEN DOLLAR BILLCut i· ��t at once. Don't throwaway money. We not only SAV.£'u over a hbhdred dollars, but permit the smallest payments' EVER'cuown (as lo� as $1 a week); ask no money .In advance and, giveyou $10 �o boo], Can you beat it?Out-of-�wIt patrons are invited to avail themselves '!)fMOST lihqallftducementa.'300 Kenmore Piano�� rour "WD home. make �ure that it J"Uits 7011ev. particular. When· 70U are so satisfied.J'a7 uS5165iii � way 70U like. even as iow as., a�eeK.are popular with theoretical educa­ money out of them, would most cer­vant .. gcs, and it might be possible tors at the present time. As 'business tainly be considered crazy.that colleges could pick out some is now being conducted, the boys are "Should you disagree ' withsuch lines in which a young mancould, by systematic application.makemore rapid advancement than hewould be able to do in an' office. earning their living while acquiringtheir trade, and if they can do this.what necessity is there for "tradeschools?' views that I have: herein expressedI would suggest that yOU' submit yourcurriculum, with full particulars, tesome of the gentlemen who claim tchave a favorable opinion regardingthe value of college education.say MrW. F. Merrill (vice-president N. Y.·,N. H. & H. R. R. Co.); Mr. A. C.Bartlett (vice-president HibbardSpencer, Bartlett & Co., Chicago), orMr. E.. C. Simmons (Simmons Hard­ware Co., St. Louis), and requestthem to give you an order for someof the students who will graduatefrOID your college, Piano. Sbipjed to Ai1y Part -:'i the United S�teson 'these': Ltber*l Terms. Write for, FREE Catalogues.., Jam, however, very strongly ofthe opinion that these institutionscannot be made useful to businessmen in the production of help andthat it is a great mistake for a youngman who expects to enter upon abusiness career to spend his time and "Persons in your proposed lineshould bear in mind that they oughtto produce something for which thereis a demand; and further, that it isnot sufficient when' the demand co�esfrom simply a few persons: it shouldbe such a demand as to t�'e'-'all the 1'$10 FRE;E, CRE;DIT DU� B.IL�'One of these Coupons good asFIRST PAYME NT: • . � •• I'"towards . purchase "'of one StarckPiano at this sale, at�\.\'enue Chicago, IiI....CUT �UTTHIS COUPONGOOD 'riHt',Ten Dollkrs.money taking a course in college. yc>t'ng men of t�is kind that the col-"It is my belief tha� it is infinitely leges can turn out. In 'other words.better for him to go into an office at these institutions should be conduct­the age of, say sixteen, for by so ed upon t he same princip_!e,!( - ,upon. .." ..... t ....• rJ IGOPHERS AND BADGERSWORKING HARD FOR GAME NORTH�TERN DEBATERS. SEEK FRESHMAN' CONTF.Sl. _.: ,':;. P. ;A� 'STARCK PIANO CO., - :.�If you don't know thepainstaking Bows' way of,fitting and trying" on agarment.. it WGdd' -be arevelation, to 700. Theinimitable fit. baDe anddrape of Bo'" TailoredClothes is due; �"more to this feature dianto any other ODe tJbDc. Both Teams in Good Condition for �ach CIWld1er Says Return MatchTomorrow's Important F�tbaU with Evanston Yearlings isContest. ' " . .Probability. : 'i I "·II.UrOFACTURBRSW� "A�� Near AdamsStrenuous actiVity "is'-the- :'liile -:at The hopes of the Freshmen for.both the Wisconsin and Minnesota return debate with Northwestern anfootball 'camps this week.. in prepara- about to be fulfilled. Last year thelion for -their game in ';-}6nneapolis '911 men held their first debate withtomorrow. The Gophers are work- Northwestern here at Chicago anding in grim determination to get ven- beat the men from the Methodist in­geance upon their opponents for their stitution. So not only are the Fresh,defeat at the hands of Chicago last men anxious for another clash, butSaturday, and also to s�y in the the .men at Evanston want a returnc'liampion'ship' race. Minnesota has debate. Mr. H. P. Chandler" thethe advantage of a hard game's ex- debating coach of the University.perience, and Harry Williams is ben- who helped the yearlings win las'efitting by the experience by teach- year, .said yesterday:;ng his men some' more Q{. the new "The Freshman debate with North·game. It is realized in Minneapolis western seems assured. I have talk·that if the Gophers had known two- ed with the head of the debat­thirds as much of the possibility of ing department at Evanston, aridthe new rules as the Maroons, they he is eager to have a return debate.would have come home with Stags with Chicago at Northwestern. ThisNone of them are showi�g will not take place until' the earlypart of the spring quarter." '-, -A.U'S'E .• BK� 8-�OWBBS, ...'\ GIRL AT THE HELMCECIL LEANaDd'and t:,e La Salle Theater �tM'1( Co.FLORENCE HOJ.RROOKWILLIAM' COLLIERTHE ,PATRIOT FRITZI SCHEFFin the first production, of rTHE PRIMA DONNA...I� ,.We take , coat while itis still in the plaatic stage-w� shape" mould aDdwork it to the form of theman it's made for�wecaITJ' this penoaal tIy-onfurther thaD any one baaever done before. Afterthat" thousands of patientstitches are needed to patinto IaatiDa form tile v­tistic shape which raultsfrom such • mode oftreatment. MAD .. \M NAZIMOVAHEDDA GABBLER: ' ;MASTER BUILDER ,�OOLOBIALGEO. M.�,·tOHAN• and his Ro::raJ Fa..ulyand Incomparable Co. ILLIBOl8MAUDE-ADAMS. In New Comedy, .':',WH�T EVERY, WOMAN 'KNOW;�GBARD·OPKBA BOUSBWALKER. WHITESIDETHE MELT�NG POT "The Quality Musical Play" -, .._,A STUBBORN CINDERELLA J�• 1 '. �, �..... �.', ..'lB. GAJUtIOlt/ ,.jany serious effects of the hard strug­gle, and the eleven will go on thefield in good condition. OBIOAao OPKBA BOuaRA YlfONl> HITOHCOCICAnd a hundred others inTHE MERRY-GO-ROUNDShaw. Caactidate for TreaaurenbipAt Madis0!l, the -squad has been The name of Hirschi G. Shaw asworking all week with the view: of candidate for the treasurership of thestrengthening its defense against the Senior, class was omitted from thesmashing line attacks of the Goph- list of candidates published Tuesday.ers, The Freshmen have been taughtthe Minnesota plays but have uSK Homer Rowell, a Kappa Sigmathem against the Varsity without re- pledge had his nose broken Wednes·suIt. day afternoon while practicing for anThe Badgers win go on the field interfraternity football game.tomorrow with the advantage of con-siderable ability in the plays made UlUVBB8I'1'Y DO'OIlfapossible ,by this year's rules. In their BOBOOLgames this season they have worked A 8elect daaciDc 8Cbool for UDiftr·the forward pass and on-side kick to 1it7 mea aad WOIDeD .... heeD opeaecl�oOO advantage, All their scori�g in ROSALIE HALL, .76 B. 57th St.against Marc,uette last Saturday was Leao_ TIaancIq afternoon, -=30done on the forward pass. Coach to'... Informal daaciq 4 to S. La-narry has perfected some new plays .o- .15 c:eDta each.• •thi!\ week with which he expects to Uaiftl'lity stadeata ImtecI.. For in­win the pme. formation, caD 6503 Kimbuk awnae.Wisconsin. h"wever, will be at a tint apartmeDt.-----------------------------105� in that they have not mct areal strong team this sea!on, Indianabeing the only eleven which has patup a really hard fiallt apm.. them.BelieviDc that clothesdo ezpreaa e b. r­ac:ter. we; omit DO ef­fort to perfect eac:b ill­divictual � .....------WBITB.YTHE BIG SUCCESS, A. BROKEN IDOL(INTBRNATIONAL THEATUGRAND OPERA·1 n I tal ian, TRAVIATAIn Enaiish, BOHEMIAN GIRLutumn Woolens in RicbeatISOrtment.Your Call would be Appreciated 'lB. AVDIt'OltIUMCARLE in, AM A BUSINESS MAN�.tV.MfNTION -The DAlt Y MAROONAre you interested in footban, bas­ketball, athletics of any ki1Id? Thensubscribe for the Mal'OOll and keepposted in all athletic eft1ItI. The Daily Maroon is the officialstudent publication, contains all thecampus news and dese"" the sap­port of "e1'7 shldn&. Wilen Trading With Our Advertisers I ""i G. sPAlDING . ..:..- .. ..;; ....... ,;..;>..;t;::'J�. ����.z:;:::}... ...... ,�, • .! .. Q2 .. - -: •• '. . •& BIOS. GREEN-RIBBON FRES�IIEN ,'; GIV� I�LUSTRATED T� ... 1 •CONTIHUS'1:'O AllUU ON EDUCATION OF INDIA__......;;. �--. The Ureat KaDufacturen in tt.e". �� &d, .. � AtJIl�� Towns and Customs ExplaiDed byWorld of official Athletic s.pPuea �oa in troit of Cobb at W. E. Hopkins. Who Keeps Dr.Cbapc1 Hour. Burton's Trip in Mind.Yesterday the training of the Three Lecturing with stereopticon views,Quarters club made a. special display Mr. W. E. Hopkins took his Mandelin the shape of a mock field day, Af· hall audience through India last nightfoot BaD, Basket Ball, ter summerset races., chicken hcp from Bombay to the Khyber Pass,I Ska B L. . �AU races and' mock tennis, golf and base- t:uough 'Which Alexander led hisce tes, GC:aey, UU ball games, the Freshmen formed a army. The grandeur' of all the his­Uniforms for aU Athletic Sporta mourning sqtrad, and walked weeping toric cities and other points alongGYMNASIUM APPARATUS to the "C" bench, There the men the way were shown to advantage on'Spalding's handsomely illustrated I took the part!' of coffin, corpse; lid the screen, and the ancient nrchitec-catalogue of all sports contlins t1owers, and earth during the' burial ture and carvings of various kindsnumerous suggestions, Mailed After a short military drill, a ring were especially noted by the speaker,Free anywhere. was formed of Freshmen standing ou Mr. Hopkins told at length of thetheir heads with their feet against the leading colleges and universitiesA. G. SPALDING" BRos. .. co: bench. All the men were then which the education commission isNew York, Boston, Buffalo, Syra- required to wrap green strips of inspecting at this time, and scenes ofcuse, Washington, Chicago. Philadel- cloth around their waists in such a student life by the way were de­phia, Pittsburg, Baltimore, St. Louis. way as' to imitate the directoire pitted.Denver. Kansas City. Cincinnati. De. �o'vns, and in this garb they awaited Social life of the people, theirtroit, Montreal, Can.; San Francisco. he girls as they passed on theii homes, dress, customs, industries,Minneapolis. New Orleans.Cleveland. return from chapel to do the usual and some of the conditions which, London, Eng; stunts of proposing, carrying their :11U5t be consic.lered by the educatorshooks .aud asking them to dances. �f India, if that landis to advance,Official Implements for all Trackand Field Sports.FASHIONABLE - LADIES'GARMENTS'College Cafe447 E. 55th. St.Near Lezin&ton AvenuePOPULAR PLACKATPOPULAR PRICBSLuncheon 2OC- upEvening Dinner 2SC:Sunday Dinner - - - - 35c IISER�CE A LA�TE.' A�GENTLEMEN... IIIII_AU1111l1li ........ -1IIM .BOSTONGARTER1111 llell pi m_UIII�.CUIHIO.aunO.CLASP vere discussed. as 'Were the marriagecustoms, games and amusements-allas it is now appearing to ProfessorB�rton in the course of his tripthrough India.I . ,- . . .. '],ooo,SEATS ON CORNELLSiD'E ARE . ALREADY TAKENThe seat sale '{or th'e Cornell gameis progressing rapidly. Three thous­and sca.l� have alte30Y been sold tcCornell students, and over half of the�Iumni section bas been taken. From, pr.�sent· Indieations.: the crowd at the Miss Esther Hall, who next Tues-great East-West contest on Marshall day will become Mrs. Karl Hale Dix­'*j�lit _next' week win be a record- on, was honored yesterday by thebreaker.. Sock and Buskin, dramatic club ofl: The' Cornell seats are being sold Philosophy college (women), whichi�dependently of the Chicago seats, entertained at a "sachet reception."and' not according to the method The affair was given by· the present:US�(r in the' d>nference by which the members' in recognition of Misslocal college sells all the tickets for Han's efforts in making the club I atioth bicachers. The alumni section force in University dramatics. Missis going in blocks of 20 and 30, and, . Hall was president of the society,with more than half the seat's sold. a.nd a leader in its productions, serv­it looks- as' tbougt..'there will be little jng as. both actress and stage man­room left- at;' the end of- next week: in ager in sketches given at vario�5the portion allotted the loyal gradu- limes. A full membership was at theCites .. The number of student tick�ts rceeptic,n, and expressed confidencewhich han �been·. purchased is sm�ll, that ctctivities �will begin soon on' thethe Chicago rooters following their same successful scale 'as in the past . Correct ClotheJfOR ��LLEGE MENWe appeal to your intelligence tow e a l' Mad e-t o-MeasureClothes. Ycu will find them better and cheaper in every way.We make SUiTS' and. OVERCOATS at$20 �pThe most complete aSsortment of Woolens to . select from, In­clucting new colora and latest patterns. Materials. style andworJanansJrip guaranteed. The College Man's individuality indress is recognized all over the world. Add this individuality toour expertness.. and the result will be distinctive clothes. .-.:\ESTHER HALL HONORED I BELL T JULORING co.;�;� .;;�;��;;; 1 ..........134........E......M•.•,._. di.·so,..n",.•St."' ••.. �s.....w•.�co...·r•• E...· Clark.'·�R,�s...�......�.hi...�.!...e.!.....t.. P..r..��'for It. THB' ILLIHOJS' WAREH'OUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhoIie Hyde PArk 571. Kimbark Ave. and 56thThe Cleanest and Best Kept StoraceWire1iouSe in. the- CitY ••••• .FUrniture and Pianos Move«J: "Stored, Paclr..td'··:S�ipPecl to all parts of the world. 300 Private ., age Rooms, Large Parlor. ·l!xclusively for P'� Rooms for'l'runks' ad Wheels. LarKe Room'-Carria�, . Buggie's' and St�ighs. Trunks to.fr��, aJI �pots. _ Local Transfers . for BagFunaiture, Packages,' ete., at short notice, -,Special atteDticm Pren to Univeraiq Orden.':}-�-.:D·OH�·.T PAY�PU:LL PRIm:-:'- .{J :.u,. . have' On:� and seDiDg at half price':P.ar�: LuckT Ca!ve;:Jobn Ho11aDd:\ Paul E� Wirt. Waterman�. A. � Wat�'s .. : Conklin; Self-fiil ers.: .. Cro�er, Blair, Simplo6ner.:A�. aDd: ·all·the o� �lmown.bran4s ofF 0 UN TlA I N P E:N·'& :. . Repairilig wliite )'OU wait.DAVID· TBB· pDllAlf, 192 Clark St. .. Chica.o.usual custom' of waiting till the lastpossible minute to secure !heir seats. lIYDE PARXCONSERVATORY'Rosalie HaIl, 2:;6 E. 57th Street?IANO - VOICE - VIOLININ THENEWEST SHADES AND I Large Cr:cwd Ezpec:ted at Game ofCLEVEREST DESIGNS. I Nov. 14-Most of Alumni SectionSINGER &; BOLOTIlf Sold.S06 Masonic TempleHITCHCOCK MEN GAVESMOKER L_AST NIGHTSection I Has SOcial Gathering- .\ rt Dept., Phy's. Cultnre, Elocution,MUSiCale !:�d 'Re&esiunents Needle Work, Sight-Singing Classes.rALENT FOR ENGAGEMENTSon Proiram;The members of Section I in Hitch-_ cock hall gave their second smokerof the quarter last night. in. the clubroom. Almost every member of thesection turned' out and joined in thegood cheer. 1\1 usic 1\'as furnished byhorne talent, with mandolins and vio­lins. After a few boxing matches andFreshman stunts, cider, sandwiches'and apples were served, the party arl­journing. at a lat� hour .AL.AYS lAS' Dr. Dlrker, head of Hitchcock.�!!�������!!��!!!!!!!!!!., was present' and told of plans beingmade by the hous.e committee for aMANDOLIN AND GUI'lO big" smoker for the whole hall to cel-IRSnUO'l'IOR ebrate the advent of the new piano.Also instrumentations for Mandolin which has been' placed in the library.and Guitar Orchestras. Ada Roaen This smoker will occllr sometime inUtI runt 111 III-lOtIsu ... 11111_ .... nn........ , CIIIIIa ....... _ .................................... L .,PATENTEDBAND .ANDBOSOIIDOES nMandolin "Virtuoso, t�te of ·'Russian the ntar futllre.Court Orchestra," N. Y. 480 E. 611t -----Street. Tel H. P. 1960 .. DIRECTOR STAGQ SAYSVARSITY WORK IS POOR 'ABSOLUTELY NO BULCEIF it' •• ".,..fetI-MAC-HURDLE"FULL DRESS SHIRTu..d SIIIIt &. c.. c .. , (tLMn) T"7.1l T.We Have No Branch St1IclioFacilities for eftI'J'tbiDa-iDPhotolRPh7.p-- Catrallat (Continaed &om psge I)BARDALL MILLIRBJtY" 5. &. 6 3 r d Str e e tEXCLUSIVE 1.1 POPULARSTYLES II PRICES• Tel. HJde Park 114h.",e· charge 'of the practice tomor­ro-. Coach Leo DeTray will starton a journey to" Ithaca this m\)rning,. . . ., ...to sett "tMr Cbtnen':Amherst tomor-'ro- to further acquaint himself wit hItbe Eastenlen 1t71e of pIq. MANDOLIN CLUBS organized. at IRosalie Hall. 276 E. 57th street'jSpecial attention given to it byProf. Shaw. ___----_,;._--II.OST-A fraternity pin: reward.!' Try a classified ad in theLeave at I nformation office. Sm:,all 'ads brina larae returns.CLAsStmD·ADVB&T1SBMBtrrSin-theDAILY.'AROONBRING RESULTSFOR SALEFOR RENT·WANTEDLOS'tPOUMD25' cents· fOr' threelineS per .....CLASSIFlBD ADVERTISDIGFOR SALB-Scholanhip in Schoolof Music and Acting at a redUc.edj'figure. Apply' at the Daily Ma-roon - office..FOR . RENT-Choice sunny rooms, inprivate family; piano: phone; anhome comforts; breakfasts. if de­!lirea. �r housekeepin·g. 5829 Jack­s_on AVf'!nue, 2nd ftOOT. ·iLOST-Yesterday, on the caman Eastman' No. 3 c�mera.turn to the :\Iaroon office.TYPEWRITING work wantec.l.·Miss' Myrtle Goodfellow,Gr�enwood avenue.BARGAINS-N ew, rebuiltand "blind" typewritersrent or trade.Geo. Starring, 140 S.�·BLICK" TYPEWRITER forprice $20.00; complete. withand two kinds of type. Drop'enote to No. 105 Middle D. .OUR PALLSTOOKIS piny• 0,000 STYLESWHILETHEY.LASTWm. Jerrema' SonaClark and Adam. Street. en Fresh:"Cld Man'--Steffel1two n-uclu"i the lin!the la-t yeIllr t l»: 0:1t icvd. owinal (Ii theThe 10\\illay IIIitH�pl'rtin'ly.: Ill' \'ar"ilwarming I:11";0.SutThe Vacnd ; Kelleguard; Dh·it guarSchommerReg-l·r..; I<and Page,Cap-aiuill charge!lr:lI·tic'p tilh�l'll':e (aW'!i..;. wto witncshattIe- onIl(�nn. :\1cltt tc'. E"'Ill'l'!atl"Hard(l\\'illg'11101 a ojweek. the:til 11I11:�tin pn:p;tlwitlt Co:;:dlr,tl \'illt" theEhrh,.rn.provccl !cl ititlll.11('1 It·r. :1;';.:;!ill h(�OCIAIPerman •feet4llnt TI!]('lll ':rlput, ·nI" ;d-iili;�<:r:;di",:n. ill\ �f wi:!j. ';111('1),1'1>('11 to;: ,d ... ;>f.i ;,rral::lJ intetI.!.; SOl