I. 1.. � ...."-.-- .-II,,:,: ,�..;��·t,�·'R:> r-0;1100mn" '"' .l: U ,:�. ,�" . :..... '.- -.. .. '. ,',., . ,Vol. VIJ. No. 24- t1iICAGO; W£D�RSDA Y .. NOVEMBElt' 4.·,908. \ '.-NOTED ·.mDICAL DlMM: WHb A.1)DR ..... '; iIBN TONlOuT• ... .. ' a. . .. -ol'-::'..t :- .�:. .STlIS CILlS;,OOtllEll· ,PGLts_"1IIIY1 TUM It BE FElBEO TlflIS.IDOL Of ,oIEI:am oVEB'HElItIS VOTE�zcitinc Electioaa ill ,the . .FOIIE. HallaReturn Republican to WhiMHC1UIC.Impressed by Reports of, ItbacaDk'Prowess, He Will Start DaUJ 'ScrimiDaces Toaay.rs Although the genefar�c;.ll for menReturn of Schott and Ehrhom Solv" )f the Unive�ity to do �lititat wo�kVexing Problem of Dearth of for �atididat�s wa� riot� as' i::ia�e asI c.. ,heretofore, Mr. Abria'llam Bowersmanager of the Elbpio)1De'Dt Bureau.While somewhat rel.ved because) �(:;tttC·dM::altaa.et�:�:�· m�1' �the t wu cripples, Schott:and Ehrhorn,' :jilktf P9�i��,s . :,��� r -� tht"are recovered from their:i11 effects;' Jays p.�:ctlb_g' dit.�;�F�if:: as didDirector Stagg was more impressed] �two.��.rs .. �.'" '..;;.L.yesterday with the showing' that Cot�, . "�e, �'6r� 'dtftjf��t;.�l#, '�_�n , !hit'nell, the next opponent" of i.� 'has, be:eu w.�:�ut,·t�� �h'the Varsity, is making these days iri' lrelI.' aM·,t�rJi:����it,����,. .re­practice, ma�If¥" if¥. :B.�!�t�-i.!����. "A"I am hearing statements fron{ gr�� 'nF..:.����;:�����d'�fW­alumni of Cornell who are in.toue�� ever, h�t ·thr�li::t�, ���btt 1 ,. " . :_" ..• _ � •.• , ,.f.,. • � ,-' • , .' . • •with football there which, corroborate O��� ;�i ·tb��uth_''P.dl�''; torltni� cap the climax of the frantic activity,exactly with the report bro.cht bac� zat'� �q(�t p������.�p� ��y the women framed up a telegramby Leo De'Tray," said the "Old Ma�'! men ��, . ,�!if '�!.�. I �ot' DR mFmD S. H which they sent to the hero of thelast night, "The Easterners are ct tell. � �tidid�l�s want�: 'meQ of ' occasion.team to be feared by any etev�u! "ir .. �,: ;��� � . ��,:�!�'. - ,�m; Dr. Winfield· S. Hall, who will speak tonigh\ in Mandel' hall on "The_ Only one bad feature marred theThey. �re i�proving� f�st right alo�ct �I ��' ·�IWIied:·'t�·�i�! �ii$C;il,'� ',dubs Young Man's Problem." Dr. 'lbll 'is the dean- �f: the students of' th� day'� excitement, and that was .Pa;tch- -and Will be ID a posltfon a week frdof �t: , ,., , ',. Norlh\VCste� .Medicai SChOOl,: and a man we!!�DOwn as a lecturer and 'ed up.' Full particulars, whiCh. JiDnext Saturday to put up a warm fight ' "�r, ��;�}�.��.�:��� ,t��', �r,.. doctor. He' just retum�, f�'om the West ",best b� has- addressed, th� n�wspaper parlan�e, �moul1.��:��: ��eagainst us.'. i ��� .. -Q't-;'N;.�•. who l:was stude.nts of many .colleg�s. H� atttitutde.·t�� the young.man's.pr� n��s: of those Impbc:a��.�tac!.._of"I do not place much stock '11l pI;I�.e.bD;'���of:����� b�!M� .. leDI,.IS.t,hat �f'a friend and advisor, and Will bellita11 those who hear�hl� committal. of. the dark ,���. : ete., ,comparative scores in -t�is' of ai' .��3': .:(Jp.: ,�, i¥:: ��,.��re :J!� IS 'here uDder .the auspices-of the college Y. M. C. A. and the C�lC:ilg�. could not be obtained.. Bu_t:�e :c:."�­cases. The fad �t O)mtu 'lAs �otl.e��� 'ft_lf��.:�!'t"of;!CMlr �Slts: !SOciety. ot Social' Hygiene. Mr. Sta,g will introduce the . speaker : and urgesrolled up large scores in its ga�: to: :t�·",:�a�"'er�::��lfl¥�: oil re-: every 'man' 'in 'the:. University to at tend.: .with what are-diiisidered�iecond-:rAt' �"";:;W�)��e�'�:����es/.!th ". "' .. ' '•. , .te;;s-';h�';�'(iittte�'if_ anYt�i.;, , .. �,,, ";·��rtm��'!¥!-c�m��rIlO -_ ........nell i� alway's, at�it9' best in z' cridD- (SIR)'-itnflla-' My. ·St�-e�-tb'! 'Pt� .•. ,contest. . :' hibition' ��e.:'� ."S�·s .a��r- l ,.- � ... �". � '.. : . ..:Freshmen � for �.� dey. wa, "ilil1moSt'ii��, .H.� .• !It , :1tiiI: ._ �:.... �o Rbciten to Gather -= 'OI3D-�h '. f h V ;hi_ 10" _.I' a number of ·.... '- .. ··to 'db' em- . .-" , .... WI ' .. ;6 t, ,:'. ',", ',rD' r ,.��.,' �......' a.i._ t h '. 't d 10._-.1.' .. 'L.erTo t e surpnse 0 t e ars!r�! p 7� • '��JC::::"'_ ".:.� •• , r, ¥ .... � .tbdJa •• from Race ,fOr,.' � 1;' U&�. �l :to: � cas er.vo e"an was -� .... -:.�'scrimmage was not on the bill .� \·a_ngl.f��",��las . ..y�J� .. ����tty�m P. VicS�Pk�""" ' "Old' .ad·· IIiid 'the' � ·,course, by a, .Republican ,politician,athletic fare yesk,rday. M�r�. n�. �o act _., .-u:"rs-cftl .dte ..... �dae poIJ1il ", '. :'. ". ..' -: � . T� , ,.who, so the story goes,: �l ·:tier,, tric� were.' ;�ven ,the V il!'S��� +' w_ere closed� � .�. '��� 1!.:�,) &nite:madotif was rife, yesterllay. some form or other of .bri� •. .RJe-those not cali� ihto use; 'i�: ·th�; ¥ dId remahrkadblY w4��. _ � ,II' ��- iii' �die' J6i1iQi-::- dass., wheD it was :at--. ", Celebration ._ of the victorY over �lDably a ..te�. dolladr �illboTbc �Don-I me pol·shed 01% ''C'!p. fess' we a to. asaPpolnt, a, arge .'•. :• . ...' .�. " '. .ocrat accepts 'It, an IS. a ut to .YOtep ler ga were·_ �"" .u. &'"� � ; ' •• �" - 'h;,;:' ,.� _.,� " ;.' ... ' , n.O!I ,,'� the' �lnatioD: of. Minnesota on Mars�all. Field Ja!;t . •. h � fncr' number·drstbd��;" .. W1a�"�lIIe:to1(s '" -.',' , •.. ',S • ", •• -�·;·, .• "aslDsuucte�whenup.stepsa_J�I-ICW1�g t e, e�t a�YICe�.. e ��, • " .��. ,":" �� . .i:..' ' 'd h. ,.�,� for the presidencj of Saturday wdl be held this, �!DIDg :', '-:'speCial �eft:Dslve f01JDatJbDS .�r!= for election d�� wo�� .,�·IRR" w� th d, woald. ,not.'_ allow--' be-, ., ", be' _I.:. - "tl" , ous' challenger and arrests .the,·1ktD-, ,> '. • I !.tL �..:.... 2.l.iL t ,<�- PSf� . ,"" .. , r- � J ,afound- the C n�. P,l'omp, y ati . orb RbI·' bedrilled into the' Varsi'-' anU ..till � SIDIP Y _ nu� �11VU5'" 'JUVS ,0, • :. '., f;'b"- -L!_.I' - - _', -' ; b· ..' .' . .',' I. ,� ': ,;., '�r. I.' e epu leans came: curag-�I' - ; s, ' c:aase 0 IS lill ure to pay IS t1Ii� �, th�'slroke, of 10=30. ThIS wall be, thc=' , • •t into use this afternoon when tlfe' arvand." ',: .. -.� '.�' - -:_j" C':'- .."1:.·-' -._ -.- •• -- ... 11 .• ... ,'. '.• . . .:'. � i " 'ed, the Democrats more so. Bail ,ISpu. ', ••. '. _" ..l.t was. IQ1W�rt�t ..,.�._ �.�,Ig�t"Ute, occasion for ent.hassasm to manifest'. ..' .. �"Corne1liiec1" y,'earlings will be pitted and that be is el:-."ble f.or th. 0fi:1e.. f f h ., -' f' -..:., �L!� . h" . furmshed and the prlsoner:gues ,free.,I ' TO y •••, ",..,.... Itsel·, Of. t e- r.qoters. c-. u�t t ey" -' 'against the re2Ulars in sc��age. GLEE CLUB 'TRIALS DA This changes the whole poIitic:al"�t-, did ,�ot:,bave hill-�D�":'" &.n. o�er At the close of ,the day, the Deino-VanifW � � Hb '._'- L . - .. .�., =torats 'decide that the one .CoDt8ted.... �, .�' ._ " ct" w. ;, '. : ;�,� of .', . � . ati�: as '�� will � a s�g that· �Da �ri1l�pb; Ud t�t theThe return to the lineup of� . .full� FU:st,�.. �, ��� <� .c�t�der, for .. the, .,�Ief.. ��. J��n. team-bas not �D'-� balf enough vote will do them no good.'drDp'lheback Schott �·.ljDaiwa.1ihr� is AbOft fij be "1,'iabD.: MacNeis1J,. who was �r 'of :�e mdit, from,·,tbe.�: for its work. ,prosecution -of the law breaker,';and.. d ·th· tbb & x '- 'th ca 'consider' the incident- closed� "receive WI. en u�Ia::IIm on e ,�- -:-.: .' " �omore class last year, h�s w;i�h-' 'Tbe' oDly parr: � the p�o&ram ar- -.) �.. ,.. 'pus by r�ters: �!�for Stagg �� Under t�e aus�lces of :m��S :cJta*n,.his name in the race ff)r ��n- Yangeci is. the time and place. ,It bas Outsl� o��bthls unpleasant. ,�.that the addition of'Schott does iI�t, �ard. �Iety, tna�s for.... leW class treasurership._ ,heeD 'decreed' t�t' .. at the �ginnihg �ve,!!hlDg ,,·.ent .on s���hl�.,?alr-mean that Worthwine will go �cik In'the GIee,cltib �I be held thiS af- The list of;cancUda� as tbey slaDd f 'b f h' I' ,•• U· .' : ;Ul�n of electIOns and .boss of. JU.dges," •• __ •, ." I 0 tbe al - oar. ntefIDlSSIOO. S'l1- .. _. . , ••to his fonner position of gbanL It temocn 'at --4 ,0 c� In. K2nt theakr. at present a� Presidellt, � _...... : L_II'" 'Ii' ; ��d fudges Mary. Allen, put In a, ..-. Th' I ·11 be d h d· • .. ,I' dents, men ilIIU- w:_omen, s_ gat er'is certain tbat the miltter of �rlg e tna s WI un er t e Ir�n Garrett and Arthur Wilson' vice- .', --00" b" - �' ., "C' a-:....:·b. - � ... .' .t�nuous day, and made out. her r.e-: . • . ., " arou t e hlstonc u.:uC. Jme. . " .•a team is tied up into another kbbt of Gord.')n Enckson, wbo has great president Carl Excelsen and OrVille- � .'... .' m' _ '_l.a-.b, .... 'be __ ... pon for· the Cook c�unty electlOD.. !.. -'-:-1 I' '. . ' .UtiVltles WI 'prUUil OJ stan�\I .. I' .. h �"'ith five ��Wortbwi� EIIi�t�, ���-:,e,i!<"� '�n:'�� �.�: ' .' .. ' .. '-r �tai'y; E1iia�tb' Faa and by" the Thi'ee-Ouanen club; which'. ,com�sslOners ;tte last �,Ig .. t. � ..Ehrhorn Hirschi ao(f �e� avtUl� MeDibers of tbe'ciu"b .. iii be chosen Ca"rrie SoUter· treasure�' Lester :A ... ha be d' .1 ..... .1 • • off' '. the final vote had been counted. Ac-:-, . : tho f ' --...I 'U' --" _'- • • '1t S. en ecl( \:,\1. IS geulDg too d' ... h· .able for one guard positido, Then IS a tern� ...u :,!I : �m��t� ��' . th' ci "' cor mg to e�. the votmg �,car- .K-Iley b-ing a"'-_.;J of: ·ti.i, oti.� begin pra�i�g£ TIte� �nt a�ar� :frhe." .'A--I·ltCns fQr the Junior and ea:.' ese �YhS." d' .1.!1 he �ied on in entire accordance witli'the.. � ......... \:'\1 .'" .: ' .. ' -.. ' .' - .,'...a ...:�, v, '.a lie men w 0 ma e POSSlu e t. - .' Ifrom presellt, form displaJed. The aance of the club will take place the Senior classes will be held on Tburs- V" • . .·D. .'S . Ca" aw_ except that· the different balls. .: ' , '. • nJ .... t . f tb 'ConItU' , ....... 'q . "* ..' . ' . . . .; arslty. victory, Irec:tor tan. p. 11 d I tb' •candidates are being dn11ed at mote .• a: '. � ... ,e .:.- •. :.,_ '.":';"'�.:. :. d,�.J_ an�' FricI�, No�em�r 1.2 :l� ,13. tain Steffen Sc:hoDlI11er P.age Jd- .\"e�e a owe to regu ate elr, timethan on� position. . Reynolds dub smoker. On thiS �-. from 9 ·to J.a and .2 to 4- ." .,'b ." : L.... ior opening and, closing the polls.casion a double octit'ft 'WI'h� 5f:V- .' �:ngs, and POSSI )y. otbers, 'Wl�1 u.:- T -1 Cede Goveru ..On�e KIdt:a'� Pnori" 'I lecti ,..,.'. . .,. sought to try out their ability as -a-That Corn'�l1 int��ci� t� feature :ttle era se OIlS.••. Dr. Goo&tapeed Tells of Donatio.' �pen-air talkers. Yells will be, gone The law forbidding the �isJ�nceon.side kick is brought out from' ft- A large number of candidates IS. Dr Goodspeed recounted many of I h' 1 h" , of a saloon within Qne hundred 'feet.. '.. ,. :...:'. t lroug , and 3 I t e cheer songs a� ,ports of the practice sessiods at ItJia- hoped for by the me�rs of the his experiences in securing donations II" -f f 'li the placcs of election was, carnedT" ' H d, i .. ' . 'ddball til· .' .. , ". .' �e, al1d a number 0 eatures, \1n, . I 1 f hca. A large propoltio� of, the f:ime .Iger � ea ."' � -IS..• e froni:,Wftlthf Chicagoans dunn� tbe disclosed because un�clded, will ,gt' • � l1i r� strIct y t lan any. 0 "t e"'as taken up -sterda.J with devel- tIme IS now npe for tbe formation Univ�rsity'l history before Science . others. Challengers were statfoned� -. . . , . to round out the program. '.'oning accuracy w,ith these short puri.ts ?f a Glee'chi�; .�el?rOs�b·oHhe: cotiege for ""omen yesterday. His T'h' lb· h' h h oppr.�ih' cach booth,beside the judges•• IS ce e ration W IC as becn ' .'and it is thougHt by the 'roote1',5 that .. uccess of such an organizatio", i� klk. was a brief summary of the . ' ',. _and clerks Qf electIons, and no wo-f.a:-l _:..' C!_ 'I· ("nosldered belated by. some. finds Its h· f '1 I . f h h Itheir team_ will have this style of once ' orm�. are a�� .;;,cTera. marvelous' RTOwth of this institdtion, �. man W 0 :11 c( to !'..'\tlS Y t es� c a-first opportumty for expression this I h tid hgame down to almost a, sure a members of the faculty have offer� .' . cru�ers t a . t ley posscsse t e re-I d h" d'· ' .. Correc:ticm morning, because of t�e chapel exa- .. d Igrounci-gaininlr science as the forward to en t elr aSSistance, an a tnp to -.. . ". qUire inte ligence ""ere allowed to& ,Ea '_'_"', ·tl... • - 1:.Ld.. ._. The .. name .Mlss Dean, pnnted as cises ami college meet,ings. ye�terdaypass The phenomenal drop-kicking �'�UI CI.d is anO I"� • .J to �. . _, .". (h '. ' '. d" "ca�t· a vote. Campaign speeches'" : d a member. 0 t e Women s Athletic an '.llionday. "Bill·' MacCrackenwerc 11 d b hof halfback Mowe is another s�tce �a. e.,, __ < �fttee' fOT ,the. CaP' and Gown, said yesterday .that he expects a big a o,,·c. \1t not so near t eof encouragemetit to the �ch�s.· Miss. J'Jorlnce Kiper enterta� �� �hOClId tead Miss Dana. Mis!' ("Towci at the informal rally, as the place of hallotiag as to cause dis·. , " ,. � ,. � ttlrbancc.Sigma Nu allnotmcn. � 'p�';";"'g LiteratWe·� fdr :..,..._·7ftrer .. JL.m1te- 'Hohna ii the representative informal rally as the great achieve-.... Regular ballots, furnished by theof John SOI�- of PolO, Ill, 'a� day 1ritII ........ �of-.l." .-,.",: Of! t'- 'Sthool of Education, inStead ment of the Vanity team is still theIII�'. , election commissioners, were suppliedH3rry O. Anctenoll of' MarJriwll� reci� i� .. � �. �f .' IIIeIIIber of the Faculty comnrit- sensation of the campus .and an �st-Jlo. allO willi ori8i8d • �i&M tee, .. pri8ted ,atenta,.. em fOOlban circIeLSubstitUtes. Receives ,134 of 179 Ballots. Cut­Cue of �ribery U��ed. b�.is Patched Over.William .Howard Taft, that .340pounds of good nature and sunshine,was .rewarded yesterday by the wo-men of the University, receiving a:!udslide endorsement from the resi­dents of the four halls in an exdti'ngdectiun. 'Out of 179 votes, wi, the. amiable Republican got 134, the' ot�eriorty-five being divided: 39 for Bry­au, .4 for Debs and 2 for Chafin. TorRJ.in­andr in!J toIdeal,(ofiDer,10•(Coatined OD pace 4)I':.IlIf! UDiftnity'....... - 'mDa ... IlIaD _ sa. aa-.. swimmiDc� :=-- � IIuda 11. u.. Championship-�, , ....,.. .........._ -- u.... ...,._ Of tile U""'_,_.r-sr.. Cal.... " a.a.... • ....,.I'CIIIIIW'!'be • .-Jr. � 1. 1111..'!'be D.Ur. � 1. 110&·u.crtPtlOD price, 1&.00 pel' ,-.r; 11.00for 3 monthL 8u_rlptloDa receh'e4 althe lIarOOll omce. Ellia Rall. or at theFacult7-EschaDce. Cobb aall.P&UTO� r. GA88, IIaDaclDc I'odIIx.KKLYIlI ,. �D� ... J:dIa... L. 1'JLID8'rIaK. �. �oaWALD r. NIiLBON • .aa.m.. .......�mITO"...... Mamle LlllJ. Jerome N. Fnuak� Q. WIlittleld Roberta B. Ow.I. 8,dDIJ> 8a1te, Harp-a •• Loac"01� Wanr.. A. N. �.t..BT lmlTOaR07 BaldrldpJ:dItorial omc.-Before 8 Po IlL. II:UIa BaD.Ual_t7. Tel. lbde Pam 428.. .Alta 8 Po.... IIAIUCIIl Pre.. fT. I:. 65th Street. Tel. Ibde, Park _LA jubilee celebration of the most: ';! brilliant and tectacular game of" .. f football that has everThe Smile been seen in the Westthat WOD-t . will be held around theCome 0Ir "C" bench this mom-ino. The rooters made. Vigorous attempts to make· their en­thusiasm known after' the game last· Saturday, but it is of a degree that.. 'never can be adequately expressed.The genius of Director Stagg 'and the.;. skill w·::h which his pupils. carried.'. 'OUt his ideas on the field have wreath­. ed the whole University in an over­. .helming smile, that will defy ·even. "the appearance of flunk notices to'. make it come off. So here's to thebest· team, which is also the maroon'1. team,' and here's to the happy littleratification of the 29 to 0 score that... 'will be held this mo.rning'.:The University is once again tohave a Glee club. Whether or not not place the reward onfootball' aDd track.this third attempt is toThe Tbird be a success will de- BISHOP VINCENT AT CHAPEL. TiiDe lIay pend to a large degree Noted CImrcbman Tells Seniors theIe. Cbarm on the number of men Pwpo. of Weekly Service.who appear at the· trials this afternoon. The members Bishop John H. Vincent, father of., of the 'filter's Head are evidently Dean Vincent, addressed the Senior· .sincere in their desire to have a large college chapel yesterday morning.and representative number of men In dealing with the question, "\Vhatas candidates ,and seem to be equally is the object of the chapel\service?"so ,in their assurances that merit will he emphasized the thought that itsbe the only consideration in the se- chief purpose is to impress upon the,Iection of members of the Glee club. minds of those present �he great. The Tiger's Head has announced truths of life, that it is everyone'sits intention to fulfill its nominal duty to serve all humanity. to be ofmission as an honorary musical or- help to fellow men. and to leadgani7.ation, and stands in thc same re- broad lives of unselfish activity.lation to the Glee club as the Black- "Why do we gat�er here at chap­friars' club does to the cast of its el?" queried Bishop Vincent. "What.comic opera. This is ·a step in the do we have in view as the aim of thisright direction, and properly carried religious service? Does religionout, would be an important factor �tancl for creed? Certainly not. Normaking for the Glee club's success. does it �tand alone for ecclesiasticalThe University needs the Glee club; loyalty and sectarian success. for !le­it i� to be hoped that the Tiger's curing the favor of Providence. forHead will be as successful in its relief from solicitude about the fu­ield as the Blackfriars have been in ture. Neither is the sole purposedaat of comic opel'&. merel, to please our parents and� witIa their wislaes." 4019C8"QUARTER'S ACTIVITJEa.. PlUNTED' IN ':PROGRAIIS_ ;:.Women of Phi!�I0� �uej; ia��N� Scheme. � �oui1cini '�"'TIieit·· Dates: . .' ._ .:.mas in the Univer­. sitY. I t �s part. ofthe broad movementto open up athletic The women of Philosophy collegecompetitions to the ordinary student have adopted the plan of announc­who has no marked ability, in ath- ir:Jg their: activities for the quarter byletics and yet enjoys a contest.· To a printed. program, which was iss�eQ'this end the plan provides for di- at the' College yestet'day morning. •vision into four classes, the qualifi-. The program contains. also . the offi- ..cations of which are possessed by al- cers for the quarter. This is the firs�most :a'ly studeu&-wh9 - bas.r.taken time ..1�at.any, program has been is­more than a q�rt�r of gymna�ium' sued by any college announcing ac­work. _ livities' for the whole quarter. TheThat the plan will accomplish it� college dates are as follows:main purpose of Increasing the' inter- Tuesday. Nov. 3, 10:30 a. m.-Col­est taken in the Varsity swimming lege Meetillg. Addresses by Deanteam and water ·polo team and in- �lacClintock. .crease the number of candidates from Thursday, Nov. 5, "" p. m.-··Sockwhom they are-recruited is. not to be :\11(1' Buskin." Reception for l\1issdoubted. Those most interested in Esther Hall, ..,the sport hope that the scheme will Tuesday, Nov. 10# 10:30 a. 111.--Col-raise it to such a high point. in the lege Meeting. "kick'· Meeting.public estimation. that the awarding Tuesday, Nov. 17, 10:30 a. m.---Col­of major ··C�' 's- for. swimming will lege lleeting. Address by Deanbe warranted, �lacClintock.This last point of awarding the 'F�iday, Nov. 20, "" p. m.-CollcgeVarsity "C" for swimming is a sore Dance at . Reynolds club.point with Chicago swimmers at the Tuesday, Nov. 24� 10:30 a. m.-Col­present time. -They feel that meeting lege �Ieeting. Address by Professoroutside universities. as they do, they H�rrick. .are entitled ro : greater recognition Tuesday, Dec. I, 10:30 a. m.-Col­than are the members of the women's lege Meeting. Address by Deanbasketball, basebal1 and hockey l\[acOintock. . 'Tuesday, Dec. 8 10:30 a. m.-Cot­-lege ·Meeting. Program Meeting.Friday. Dec. r r, 4 p. m.-··Sock andBuskin" play. . ITuesday, Dec. 15, 10:30 a. m.-Jun- Iior College "Class" Exercises, Man­del Hall. I�Barel\iD I�Offer.. . �.9..�ERT P. 1IURPHY.. 4r \:::.: ::.:.� -. . - Proprietor.... . ��'. . .� '-"-80TEL ALBANY. � . �.u� Street aDd Broad�,I.. HEW YORK.RemodeUed# Han4i80mely Fur­nished ThI-oUlhout. ..ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOFIn 'the' heart -of the City"-So:, lWoma., I 309: ... �: Roo.. 'European Plan, Cuisine U/De��elledGentlernens" Ca�e, Ladies' Restau-.rant, and .M.o�rish Rooms. Popu­lar Prices. Plenty of Life-butHomelike ..$1.00 Per Day and UpSEND FOR BOOKLET.:\l.eet me at the College Inn, under,the Albany, New York's leadingRathskeller.. a place to eat. drinkand be merry .• Hotel Maroon'. 58th aud Drexel Ave _. UNDER NEW MAJfAGEMENTRf�TAURMT liND' LUNCH ROO"., ,FIrst Class l\ffealsPrompt ServiceThe best of �re""hing �rred.at reason,d,le.pricesM�slC ere" erenmg in dinner-hall .. .The National Hotel Co. J .. �. Ward Mgr •------.----------------_.------------,E.C.·M·OORE·•• fLORIST •• ·h6 W. 631'd' StreetTel Wentworth 203L 272 E.. SStb 'S�Tel H7de Park· 31.. VARSITY CAFELe ..endez-vo .... s,des.Etudlants. . ".47� £_' 55. �EALS ZOe. and up.. . .... .GEO. w. CURRI&R • co. and MATSON � TRENARY.P.... ,.,..··_ '.�"_" _ E........WE ARE PREPARED 1'0 HANDLE. ANYTHnto IN. 'THE LINE OJ' "RllfttNo.·- .... -�. H.ave."yiju, .Subscribefor theDAILY-... ,MAROON?eIf notWhy don't YOD?•7S Centto Jan. IsIf you are. subscriberI .to the, DAIlY MAROO7�U knowwhat's doion the . .'c�mpus.IF NOTyou're Dot ·the game.Subscriptions reee;at file Ilfformatlonor at '''e Maroon officefills Hall. OreaNaDMamok,not Ipaniobe.Rich,splcnsiblbtheMildFineGet jprep;upon2 (8 (A R4NATI(FirstNot CoIfJpair:fittigar.rev4Inindra]Clomo:toWeis :-vwomathstiff1tr,LtE1Su, ,THE DAILY KAltOON .. �WEDNESDAY,NO�EMBER 4.1908\ -CAltLru TOBAOCOD Great u it'. Pamo_Nameuke. 'If "11 Dner'I smoked "Car171e'" you doI not know.. juat how com-panionable your pipe caDbe.Rich .. fracraDt. with that I.. ",.... I splendid arOma, omy po ...siblbe to perfect btCDdinc ofU the . choiceat ,�eDtLMild and medium atreqtba:Fine and Coarse cut,First National � Building,I Chicago. Ill.� 11 Not Connected with the Tobacco'1' Trust.rOD�r.I�.Te. Get it at our store� or sentprepaid to your addressupon receipt of price.2 Oz,-4OC 4 0 .. 1SC '8 OZ,-$I.5O .1 lb. $3-00A Revelation in Pipe-Tobacco ':fH Ii �_'-Difi. y�'" -jVWfili' GERIiIAN THINKERS -oW -',, ,.:'" ,�'" , .- :_ -:' 1" _KLUa 'lAYS iCilUTzs.P� cbab �ill �meet at 5':"15. im-l ., . " '-, '" . _._-, , ", ' ,mediately after class today to 'elect. Dedarea n.e., ... ' Ndt Reatricted illthe executive beard, -. Ezpreaion of 0pini0D- Ameri-Tl'7outa for the Dramatic club to cana Kote PracticaLbe formed by Science college (wo-men) will be held this morning in Dr. Martin Schutze, assistant pro-Lexington. fessor of German literature, spoke toInformal Pootball Ce1ebqtion, Science colle Ie yesterday morning onMeetina of the Womans' Athletic the value of German education to th�Association,today at 1 :30, in the Lex- American man. He said that theington gymnasium. chief advantage was not merely bet-Arts CoUeae (womeD) Debatine ter .scientific education here, but theclub will hold a business meeting at general new view of things and the'" p. m, in Lexington 2. greater freedom of thought.this morning at 10:30, around "C" "The Germans are reckless withbench. their ideas, said Dr. Schulze, "the,Investigator's Club meets today at 4 most learned professors putting forthp.' m., in Cobb 3C. Important, ana defending the most radical andY. W. C. L will meet today even absurd theories. ButAmerica, the minute you think of athing, you must put it into practice,so you naturally are timid in yourthoughts. The Germans get theirtheories and then thrash them outthoroughly in the air before putting ... _... ., ... ,.... .... :. ". � -_:': ..N· -:�"....�' � -;M:'--- ',' ,;\,- . ., .. 0··' .�'. oneyDownT.,,'Our.� .In 7'our own home._make sure that it· J"Uits youIn eve." particular. When you are so, satisfied.pa�us5165In �� way you like. even as low as$1 a�eeK.STARCR P I A If 0 8-Replarprices S350 to $7SO, atGREATLY' REDUCED PRICES AT THJS S�LE.THIS COUPON ,IS WORTH A . TEN", DOLLAR BILL·Cut it out at once. Don't throwaway money. We not only SAVE,_;! U over :1 hundred dollars, but permit the- smallest, payments EVERknown (as low as $1 a week); ask 110 money .in ... advance �nd ° Irt�eyou $10 �o boot. Can you beat it? c' '" '•• ,Out-of.·tCWD patrons are ,invited to avail thetpselves ofMOST liberal inducements......CUT OUT, THIS, COUPON" 'GOOD roil' .Ten Dollars. I $10 FREE CREDIT DUE BILL'One of the�'e' Coupons good as'FIRST PAYMENTtowards. purcbase· of one StarckPiano at this" "sale, at 204Avenue Chicago, Ill.lCOll�g�· �af�1"' £. 55th. 51.Near Lezin&toD AftDaei•NATIONAL CIGAR STORE(Inc.) in Lexington hall at 10:30. Leader,Reverend Oscar C. Helming.Y. M. C. A. meets' today at7:15 in Mandel hall. Address. "TheYoung Man's Problem," by Dr. Win·field S, Hall of Northwestern University. them into actual practice.Brownson Club' Reception, to- "Thus you can learn much fromday. in Lexington' hall, from 4 h' the- Germans in the way of not being\) o'clock. . too hasty, about putting things intoWoman's Athledc Association practice, and in thinking more freely,in the Lexington while the Europeans are learninggymnasium, 1:20 p. .m. Every girl from this country the more practicalinterested in athletics, come. view of facts in their relation to eachGlee Clu�All men interested come other."to trials of Tiger's Head in Kent,today .... '" o'clock, Dr. Bretz Hypothetic President,Score Club, today at 10:30. 101- At a meeting' for the organization\Por:ant. - of the Cornell Congress,held in Gold-Powwow meeting, tonight at 8 win Smith amphitheater last night,in' Cob SB. All Freshmen interested Assistant Professor Bretz was chos­debate invited. ' en president of ,the United States,hypothetic. ,I t was decided that' theANROuBCBJIBl('fS Congress would meet every Wedr.es'_;,:__ day night at 8 p._ m. in GoldwinPublic Lecture, with stereopticon. Smith amphitheater for the re1!lain�er"Through india:" 'Mr. W. E. Hop- of ehe season.kins of Secnnderabad, India. Under At the meeting next Wednesday'�he aU5pictS of: Oilen:a_! chili, M\ln- night, the hypothetiC president, Will, .!el hall, Thursday, �'8 i».; 14. . ' -deliver the' annual address and the, Fenc:jbles meet Thursday at 7:30 party leaders will outline their poli-�:n Cobb SC.' Importanr.. cies for the term.Mandolin Club-Tryouts for new Dr. Julian Bretz was an instructormembers on Thursday afternoon lin the University of Chicago duringfrom 4 to &,tin Hask�l1 assembly. All the year 1907-8. He had been acandidates out. First rehearsal 'on graduate student here from 1904..:00·Monday.Episcopalian Students register at GREEN ROOM DRAMATIConce, I FacJl1ty Exchange 3JO. CLUB TAKES IN SEVENCap and GoR �tors can be con-sulted with any afternoon in Ellis 3, Seven women were voted in thefrom 3 to 4 o'clock. Communica- Green Room Dramatic club at trialstions may be left at Faculty Ex- yesterday. They are: Zilla Shepherd,change 280. �Iary Chaney, Ellen MacNeish, Flor­- Devotional Half Hour, conducted ence Catlin, Alice Lee, Hazel Still­by members of the Divinity School in man and Lois Kennedy. This septetHaskell assembly �m, Thursday, was selected by Miss Elizabeth Wal- ,�� shipped to 'Any Part --:1 the United states�n .These Liberal' T� Write for FREE Catalogues. ". P. A. STARtK PIANO CO.,:E�:;:·:",.;�·�"�'::j·"�, ,'�F�CTUBEB.S ....,�-206 Wabash, Avenue. ,Near ,Adams S�. �bicago. '.. .'- -.. - i .r • ..... ,�' ::.M.j:-. fitzgerald /; Co�·MAKBBS 01' G�UN'S GARMBN'lS" Po �.ssth StreetIf you don't know thepainstaking B�ws' way offitting and trying on agarment. it would be arevelation to you. The·inimitable fit. bane 'anddrape of Bows' TailoredClothes is due, perhaps,more to this feature than'to any other one thing.We take a coat while' itis still in the plastic stage, -we shape.. mould andwork it to· the f. r:n of theman it's made for-wecarry this personal try-onfurther than anyone hasever done before. Afterthat, thousands of patientstitches are needed·to patinto lastinc form the ar­tistic shape which resultsfrom such a' mode. oftreatment.Believing that clothesdo express c h a r-atter, we omit no ef­fort to perfect each in­dividual 'prment"Suits or Top Coats, $35-00 up.Autumn Woolens in RichestTHE BOWS OOMPABYPOPULAJt PLAm:ATPOPULAJt PBIOBS k -. __10:30 a. m.,Chapel Assembly-The Junior col-leges (women) Thursday, 10:30 a.m, ,in Mandel hall Bishop Vincent,will address the colleges. lace: Laura Wilder, Olive Davis andMamie Lilly, who acted as judges.An important meeting is scheduledfor this morning at 10:30 in Lexing­.on, to organize and to dlsenss plansfor the year The play to be givensoon may be selected at this session,Tells of French Commerdaliam"Mercantilism i� France" was thesubject of the UniversitYr',public lec­ture, given" in. Cobb lecture ball yes­terday by FTofcssor Ernst Daenell ofthe University of Kiel. The indus­trial development of France since theMedie''':ll a&e was traced and the in­fluence of the various French kingsand their ministers in respect to thi!'development was showft. ProfessorOaenell laid special stress on thework of Voltaire and the introduc­tion of the tariff policy in France. HYDE PARKOOB8&&VATORYRosaHe HaD, ." B. 57th StreetPIANO - VOleK - VIOLINA rt Dept., Phys. Culture, Elocution,Needle Work, Sight-Singing Claises.TALENT POR ENGAGBIIBKTSThe Daily Marooa is the �ffid:lstudent' publication, contains all thecampus news and deserves the sup­port of eveey student.11NIVBIUJI'l'Y DAlfcmG. 'BOBOOL'A _Iect daDcinc KIaool for UDiftr­si� mea and WOmeD .... beea opeDedin ROSALIE HALL, l,e B. 5" St.He is on the road to recovery no'\\ Lillam T� afterDooD. 1:,0and no more serious effects are ex- to.. DIfanDal daDciac 4 to s. lAs-pect�. _ IS aat8 eacIa.UlIi,eality .... ta i1nitecL Por m­Be a loyal'hldent and send in your fonDatioa, caD ISDJ IDmIlllrk ........_bscriptioa to tlae Dally at once. .. £4 I _Ned Merriam SickNed lferriam. who is coaching atthl' Texas :\gricultural College, hasbeen confined to his bed for severalweeks by an attack of malarial fever, ,>u �u' want to 'see. IOmetbing' real ,swell � the 1lCWf:St,','shades and" weaves f�r a' sUit of clothes, an o�t or a, '.pair of tro�, for PaD: and WiD�er, 'we have �em to.&.ow apinst any ho�'� �e city. Our prices are Within "the reach of aD.I believe in Popular Pric'es. My. $25.00 ' Business � Suits. are'. positively$35.00 value. You can save just' 510.00tllafs wo"l1 ,while. Let gle ,make onefor you 'and Prov� it.lIajestic TheatR BId&. Wendell 75 Monroe Street55th AND .. El.LISMIDNIGHT LUNCHHall "Feeds" Supplied Up to 1 A. M.UNDER N�W, MANAGEMENTBRAIDEN, ex-'iO, U. of C.. 85th AND ELLISIl"��I' ._ .... �.., .. FOR -�Scbolarship, in Schoolof . Music and Acting at a, reducedfigure. Apply at the. Daily Ma·.roon office. ARTHUR'S'2.00'HATSTIl IlCOllllU IT.':'':::�l'...... -�. CUSHIO.""".CLASp·un PUTTO THllll-1OUtuPS. tuIS ...... nu was FOR .RENT -Choice sunny rooms. inprivate family; piano}. phone; allhorne comforts; breakfasts. if de­sired, or housekeeping. s829 Jack­son A venue, znd floor. Iii Greens, Browns:anel BlacksMANDOLIN CLUBS organized atRosalie Hail. 276 E. 57th "Street.Special attentionProf. Shaw.I.STAGG ADVISES ADDITIONOF' COURSE iN PHYSIOLOGY LOST-Yesterday, ,on the; campus,an Eastman No. 3 camera. Re­turn to the :\Iaroon office.- '- . .;: - Tells philOsoPhy Men to Learn LOST-A ira, ternity pin; reward._.n_oo .................. 1J ••• &. Something of Physical Makeup. Leave at Information office. ·'Corn.CorerctFOR COLLEGE MENCloilieJ" AccadingDirector StOJthe' Varsity •special fOWl.can use ttl(without repeterday wasteam a serienew ones, tclong chain umore, not y(lie.No scrimrand all thepractice. : T�d the smoc�egulars \vt:6eid trip tll��k�. Schoday, at his,again displayesterday's'rapidly fCprobablY' pi... _..,ALWAYS- EAS'� ........ The addition of a course in physi­ology as an improvement to the pres­ent curriculum of the University wasrecommended yesterday by DirectorStagg in an address to the membersof Philosophy college. The "OldMan" said that until such a coursewould be added;the curriculum wouldOfficial Implements for all Track hot be broad enough,and Field Sports. "Everyone ought to know. some-Ithing about: his physical makeup," hefoot Ball, Basket Ball, said. "A lot of trouble �hat comes te.. Ius is because of the Ignorance ofIce Skates, Hockey,' GoD what w� Sh.OUld e�t' and' drink."Uniforms for aU Athletic Sports "A great deal of knowledge thatGYMNASIUM APPARATUS \comes to us from hearsay." he con-. ,tinued "is valuable and should beSpalding's handsomely Illustrated .. 'W' h '. k. f hi', ' "taiJght. at a mart nows 0 IScatalogue of all sports contains . , ". - • h' h t se.T, . - physicat-constructlon e oug t 0 u .numerous suggestions. Maded h d . t- k ofThe- man w 0 oes no rna e useFree anywhere, :. t:; "I� h t 01 of" this �hOW ecge as no con rA.. G. SPALDING· "BROS. hiiJiself; and this is· a danger to anyT ' . man, You must be master of your-New Y ork, Boston, Buffalo, Syra- self or else you will get into troublecuse, Washington. Chicago. Philadel- I �" -hi P' b -B I • S'· sooner or a -'p la, IUS urg, a trmore, 1. Louis, ._.' _Denver, Kansas City, Cincinnati. De-troit, Montreal, Can.; San Frm��co, DEFENDS STUDY OF GREEKMiimeapoIis, New Orleans.Cleveland,London. Ell ...A. G. SPALDING & BROS. �eNe·w· WeDiQgtonHotel' We appeal to your intelligence tow ear Mad e-t o-MeasureClothes. You will find them bdter and cheaper in every way.We make SUI'rS and OVERCOATS at.'20' upThe moat complete. assortment of woolens to select from. in­cluding new colors and lateSt patterns. Materials,. style andworkmanship guaranteed. Tlie College :Man's individuality indress is reco� all over the world.. Add this individuality toour ezpertnessl and the result will be : distinctive clothes.BELL TAILORING co.E. it, Bradiey, Pres., 134 E. Madison se, S. W. Cor •. ,� se, Cbi�o�The Largest M.aDufa"Cturers in theWorld of official Athletic SuppliesDirectly opposite the'ILLINOIS THEATER$100,000 being. Spent in Improve�ments. Rooms Single oren SUite. -The New FamousINDIAN GRILLAND RATHSKELLAR. THE -ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANtPhone H7de ParIi 571 Kimbark Ave. and 56thThe Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the City •••••.Fumiture 'aDd Piano. Moved, Stored. Pack,ed"Shipped to all pans of the world. 300 Privateage Rooms. ' Large. Parlor !::elusively for P' ,Rooms for. Tr11llb 6.Dd. Wheels. Large RoolD�.Carriaces, 'Bucgi�s arid Sleighs, Trunks to;,"from all �Depots. Local Transfers, for Bao Furniture, ; P.acka� ete., at short notice. ;Special attetltiiID &iftu to UaivenilJ' Orden.:':Unexcelled Cuisine' and ServiceSpecial After-Theater Suppers·'The Wellington. Or�estra"IIc�IiDtQCk a: �yfiel�Proprietors .'LANG'S. ·�Jl.!O If ' T P A \Y I':U Ii L PUCEI noW .haft: on . baD� aDd sel1iDc at. ball price,:Parker Lucky earv"-JobD Ho� Paul E.. w:-ut. W�tetmaD Ideal; ..A. A. 'Waterman's,. CoDkliD SeIf-tiUen., CroCker, Blair, sbDplofiDer;"Auto6Uer and all' the ather weB-lmoWu' braDds ofFOUHTA'IN PE·NS R�·wbileyouwait.DA VJD· '.nIB PBlOIAJI, 192' .CJ;itk St..1 Cbicap. passing the: .Sc:rimma.I; The pro1!a 'scrimma�have beenmations UIles DeTray---...;..;...._--;...;..�--..;...__.------------------ .. auguratehardest kiteam. in. 4best possilIthacans i14th.Ph?ne Ceri� 4713,No. 104 E. MadSon Street. Near DearbOrnOne 01" Our .Specials-A. U S:Z ItI BB T S--powns S'l:UD·BBAKBRWILLIAM COLLIERTHE PATRIOT FRITZI SCHEFFin the first production ofTHE PRIMA DONNA Co�.The ·Corthe fastesthe sea SOltic of botlnell teamscans seenpoint of ,balanced �Ithacansthe .on-sidChicago·sbe her v'Plays and--"-.B-.--a-A-B-B-I-a-..:-'" pass.GO'LOBIAL. - work,F�HIONABLE LADIES' ID 5pUkiug of its dHliculty, Pro-GARMENTS 'fessor Siiorey said: "Of course it isIN THE. hard and I am glad that it is not inNEWEST SHAD� AND the �nie class with those coursesCLEVEREST DESIGNS. where you sit and have a thin streamSINGBR " BOLOTIlf of Dew-found rhetorie poured overso6 Masonic TempI. yOI1. doing little work yourself.'· GEO. M. COHANand ·his Royal Familyand I ncomparable Co. ILLIBOl8MAUDE ADAMSIn New Comedy,WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOaJWm OPDA HOUsBWALKER 'WHITESIDETHE MELTING POT "The Quality Musical Play"it. STUBBORN CINDERELLA� Purlty DR�Il S!fles_ up tothe Minute, Read,to wear and toyour Measure.$15 to $35Suits and Overc:oatsOUR SPECIAL$3.00' Trousers l.ack •temp()ralVersity.bition,Ibonth ••., .: MAGAZINE CANDmATESEx� IlUST REGISTER TODAYSEE- THEil MADE Competition is OpeD to Underpadu­ate of the Uaiftnit7-Competi­tion Clo8ea Today. MADAM NAZIMOVAH�DDA GABBLERMASTER BUILDER MandolinAll th(Jlishmmtdub areouts whi4noon inan ab\1lldthe Fres'their n':,!R:.chwith hi",'�n playrea (I :'t !CHlOAGO opDA BOUaRA Yl\fOND HITCHCOCKAnd a hundred, others inTHE MERRY·GO-ROUND--r-370 Eo 55th Suet"<0 All those who wish. to. enter for'��o (\+ competition on the edItorial staff of� '9"� ,the new University Magazine, should..' .�.. ' . have their names in at the Faculty'iI, ;Ex'ch.,ilge by this e\'ening,The competition is open to the UI1-; dergr'adbates of the University. Allwho enter are expected to put a ddi­'nite amount of time each day ingathering material and putting it inshape for the publication. Residesthe exPerience gained in an editorialway certain scholarships are award·� -�cb qaarter to those who quali· Have you tried a17.__ . _ _ _ • The {>aily Maroon? WHITBBYTHE BIG SUOCESSA BROKEN IDOLINTERNATIONAL THEATREGRA.ND OPERA,T n Italian. TRA VI AT A111 English. BOHEMIAN GIRLA GIRL AT THE HELMCECIL LEANaDdand tbe La &l1e Theater StodtFLORENCE HOLBROOKCARLE inI AM A BUSINESS �IANclassified ad in